HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790925_special.. - .. 9 119179 transportation, health services for senior citizens, investigate methods of procuring health funds and as the staff representative and secretary to the Human Relations Commission. Mr. O'Connell said that he would like to see a job description developed for Ms. Smith and also urged that Mr. Sylvester cantinu&.-. to be retained for his assistance in the Affirmative Action program. Additional information will be available to the Council by September 24, 1979, from Rich- ard Maloney and also information in regard to Store Front. present to respond again to questions relative to the Public Works budget. Rosland reviewed a proposal to establish a depreciation schedule for large equipment. Chief Swanson, Mr. Rosland and Mr. Dalen discussed the possibility of adding three Community Service Officers who would relieve Police officers of some detail work. Discussion was also had regarding areas in which Senior Police Reserve Officers could assist in training for POST (Police Officers Standard Training) and also assist with Civil Defense duties. explained that he would like to see cross-training of fire fighters and inspectors and also recommended the possible addition of five fire fighters. The need to establish a replacement fund for a new pumper, aerial Ladder and ambulance was also discussed, along with the possibility of charging for ambulance calls. Bahneman responded to questions on tlie Building Inspections budget. was present to discuss requests' of-.the Dark and Recreation Department. Mr. Hoffman was Mr. Chief Buresh Mr. Mr. Kojetin The meeting was adjourned at 8:OO p.m. and continued until September 25, 1979, at 4:OO p.m. in the Conference Room. &. L,? $h&+?-#?& City Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL 4:OO P.M. Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. The Mayor called Council'a attention to a schedule of adjust- ments to the proposed 1980 Budget, advising that he had recommended an increase in building permit fees and ambulance charges which increases were reflected in the adjustment schedule. The 1980 Budget as revised would produce an increase of 1.28% of total taxes levied for 1979, or an increase in the City mill rate of .829%. ered the possibility of requiring periodic medical examinations for department heads and other City personnel. understanding that finalization of the plan will be discussed further. There was considerable discussion as to the philosphy of setting salaries. Councilman Richards asked the Mayor to add that matter to his "Think List". The concept of Community Service Officers was discussed. Councilman Richards' motion was then seconded by Councilman Bredesen for the adoption of the following Budget Resolu- tion, with the understanding that there is concern about the continuing escala- tion of employees' salaries: The revised budget reflected a mill rate of 9.875. The Council consid- The allocation was left in the budget with the RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1980, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1979 PAYABLE IN 1980 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1980 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated theref or : GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council Planning Admini st r at ion Finance Elect ion As ses sing Legal and Court Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS Admini s t rat ion En gin ee ring Highway s TOZU: PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Fire $ . 3&,,9k0 88,418 193,527. 143,498 33,101 139 , 190 90,500 $ 723,174 $ 54,021 212,766 1,526,512 $1,793,299 $1 , 672 , 399 998,598 Civilian Defense 10,191 9 125 /73 ., Public Health 173,970 Anha 1 Control 28,000 Inspec tion 116,029 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NON-DEPARTNIENTAL EXPENDI~URES Contingencies $ 80,000 Settlement of Suits 1,500 . Special Assessments on City Property 75,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 21,230 Capital Improvements 50,000 Commissions snd Special Projects . 112,738 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTIhGENCIES TOTAL GEN- FUND PARK FUND Administration Recrea tion Maintenance Capital Outlay - $ 288.675 87,300 317,158 22 , 000 Section 2. established as hereinafter set forth; Estbated receipts other than Geceral Tax Levy are here1 GENEULFUND . ZYansfer - Reserve for commitments Transfer - Unappropriated surplus Transfer - Revenue Sharing Fund Licenses and Permits Municipa 1 Court Fines 'nopzrtzent Service Chsrges 0 ther Transfer from Liquor Fund State Apportionments - Seles Tax Income on Investments kids - Other agencies Police Aid TOTAL GENEXAL FUND PAPX FUND Registration Fees 0 ther Transfer from General Fund MTAL PARK FUND PARK CGNSTRUCTION FUhQ Transfer frm General Fund TOTAL ES TIEfATED $ 29,000 4,000 230,000 RECEIPTS $ 37,600'- 559,700 225,000 192,900 124,030 242,600 70,300 . 977,875 35,000 90,000 191,885 100,000 Section 3. real and personal property in the City of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: That there be and hereby is levied upon all, taxable For General Fund Por ?ark Fuild For Fire Protection For Bonds and Xnteresi: t : -- - I. $2,999,187 S 340.468 .' $5;856,128 . $ 715,133 Y .. I $2,446 860 $ 263,000 80,000 $2,789,860 . $3,409,268 452,133 16,140 250,000 $4,12?,54i Xotion. for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards, Rollcall : Ayes: Bredcsen, Courtney, Richards, Sclimidt, Va Valkenburg p- -ia)s: 7 None Res olut ion azo p ted 9/25/79