HomeMy WebLinkAbout19791119_regularMINUTES OF TI1R REGULAR 1.1EETING OF TllE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEkBER 19, 1979 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. Also present were Nmes. Alison Fuhr of the Citizens’ Safety Council, Belen NcClelland of the Community Development and Planining Comxission and Leslie Turner of the Human Relations Coinmission. XINUTES of the Special and Regular Meetings of November 5, 1979, were approveheas presented by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Bredesen. SkE OF $1,500,000 TEPPORARY IMPROVEPIENT BONDS, SERIES 1979 APPROVED. The City; Clerk presented affidavits showing publicion in the official newspaper, in Fin-. ance and Commerce and in the Commercial West of the amended notice of sale of * p. $1,500,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1979, of the City (hereinafter ‘1 referred to as the Bonds), bids for which were to be.considered at this meeting as provided in a resolution of the City Council adopted October 1, 1979. The 1 affidavits were examined and approved and ordered placed on file. The City ager reported that two sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds had been received in his office at or before the time stated in the notice, and the bids were then opened and publicly read and cohsidered, and were all found to conform tb purchase price, coupon rates and net interest cost under the terms of each bid- were found to be as follows: Net * . Interest Interest‘ I I -the notice of sale and to be accompanied by the required security, and the Bidder Premium ’ Rate Cost First Na t iond Bsnk of Hinneap olis $225.00 6.75 6.7425 -*$ First National Bank of Chicago For the Managers 900.00 : 6 7/8 6.845 After consideration of the foregoing bids, Councilman Bredesq introduced the fol- lowing resolution and moved its adoption: * RESOLUTION RELATING TO $1,500,000 TEMPORBRY IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1979; AWRDING ’ I THE SALE THEREOF A? APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEXENT THEREFOR 3E IT FESOLVED bg tho, CLty Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the Cicgj,‘as f OllOt.7s : .. Section 1. This Council has by a resolution adopted October 7, 1973, entitled “ResolutionlRelating to $1,500,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1979, Authorizsng the Issuance and Sale Thereof” (hereinafter referred to as the Sale Resolutfon), authorized and determined to issue $1,500,000 Temporary Iqrovenent Bofids, Series 1979 (hereinafter referred to as the Bonds) to defray the expase incurred and estimated to be incurred by the City h constructing Xzarious improvements previously ordered to be constructed by the City under * 3iinnesota Statutes, Section 429. the Council has publicly received, opened and considered all sealed bids presented in confomity with the notice. to be that of First Xztional Bank of Minneapolis of Minneapolis, Ninnesota, and associates, to purchase the Bonds at a price of their principal amount and accrued interest to the date of delivery, with the Bonds bearing interest at ”. the rate of 6.75% per annum from date of issueuntil paid, and upon the further terms and conditions set forth in the Sale Resolution. The Mayor and City Manager zire hereby auth- orized acd directed to execute in dup1icate.a contract on the part of the City;,.{ for the sale of the Bonds in accordance with the proposal described in Section 2, and to deliver a duplicate to the purchaser. Thk City FZnance Director-Tqeasurer is directed to retain the purchaser’s‘ check securing the contract of sale until- the Bods are delivered and? the purchase price is paid and to return the checks+’ ’.*-‘ J. Authorization. Section 2. Sale. Notice of sale of the Bonds has been duly published and The most favorable of such bids is ascertained ‘ b Section 3. Contracc for Sale. --I- -_ securing other bids to the respective bidders. . *I I Secticn 4. OEficial Statement. The Official Statement relating to the Bonds is hereby approved, and the City Finance Director-Treasurer is authorized to certify to its correctness and complereness as provided in tlesOfficia1 State- meat. 1.. .>!otion for adoption of the foregoing resolutlicn was’ duly seconded by Councilman Courtney. 2% Rollcall : .I Ayes: Resolution pcioptcd. ” .- - .. r’ Bredesen, Courtney,! Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays :. None’ *: .. -2 I,, .; .*. 217 I Aftel;- some dfscussion, Coun movad its adoption : iyan ,B rede sen iq t RESOLUTION RSLATIKS TO $1,500,000 ucecl the follo@ng resolut /I= 1' .. .1 -. .. , c--4. TEMP OMRY IP.1PKOVEHENT BONDS, SERIES 1979, FIXIhrG THE FORM AND DETAILS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTlON AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR SE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), as f0llOT~S : Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. Acthcrization. This Council has investigated the facts necessary to ascertain and does hereby find, determine and declare that the City of Edina did heretofore duly order the construction of local improvements, which are designated Street Improvement Nos. BA-210AY BA-230B, BA-231C, BA-232, BA-233, BA-234, EA-235, BA-236, BA-237, BA-238 and BA-239, Storm Sewer Improvement Nos. 138(A), 160 (A) and 161, Sanitary Sewer Improvement Nos. 362A, 349(A), 350(A) and 351(A) , Watermain Improvement Nos. 319(A), 3268, 333(A), 334(A) , and 335(A), Traffic Signal No. TS-5, Street ImprZVSm%nt No. B-89, Sidewalk Improvement No. S-25, Parking No. P-12, Grading No. C-128(A) and Grading No. C-l29(A) (here- inafter separately referred to as an Improvement, together referred to as the Improvements), and did thereafter approve plans and specifications for the construction of the Improvements; that after public advertisement for bids, as required by law, contracts for the construction of the Improvements have been duly awarded; that the total cost to the City of the Improvements is estimated to be approximately equal to and not less than $5,500,000; that the total benefits resulting from the Improvements to the assessable lots, pieces and parcels of land affected thereby and to the City at large will be substantially in excess of the total cost of the Inprovements; that in order to finance the construction of the Improvements, it is necessary t2at the suin of $1,500,000 be borrowed at this time by the issuance of temporary improvement bonds (hereinafter referred to as the Bonds) of the City, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 429, Minnesota Statutes, as hereinafter provided; and that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed prel-iminary to the issuance and sale of the Bonds to provide morieys to pay for the Improvements have been done do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, time and manner as so required. 1.02. Sale. This Council has, by resolution adopted this date, awarded the sale of the Bonds to First National Bank of Nhneapolis, of Minneapolis, Ninnesota, on the terms and conditions set forth in this resolution and the bmended Official Notice of Sale. Section 2. Form of Bonds and Coupons. 2.01 Form of Bonds. The Bonds shall be prepared in substantially the fol- lowing form7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF EDINA TEMP 0 WRY IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES 1979 1 No. $5,000 KN0T.J ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Edina, Hennepin County, MLnnesota, (the City), acknowledges itself to be indebted, and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, upon presentation and surrender hereof , the princi- pal sum of on November 1, 1981, without option of prior paymnt, and to pzy interest thereon from the date hereof until said principal sum is paid, at the rate of percent ( X) per annum. Interest: hereon is payable on Fay I and November 1 commencing Hay 1, 1980, in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto sppurtenant. payable at the , in 'the United States of Americg which on the respective dates 'of paymsnt is legal tender for pubiic and yrivate debts. 41,500,000 (the Bonds) all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, issued to Einance ther construction of local improvements in the City (the improvenients), and is issued pursunnt to and in full conformity with the provi- s.ions of the ConstitutiGil and the lags of tlic Stazc of Minnesota t1iercuc.cn cnab- Ling, including Minnesota Statutes, Ciia?tcrs 429 and 475. This Bond is payable primarily iron the 1979 Improvement Bond Fund (the Fund) of the City, but the FIVE THOUSPJD DOLLARS Both principal and izlterest are , or its successor as paying agent, in any coin or currency of - This Bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal mount of 11/13/79 Ci-y Council is required by law -D pay rraLuring prim-pal hercoE and interest thereon out of any funds in the treasury if moneys on hand for the Fund are insuf- f icimt theref or. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVdNAYTED AND AGREED that all acts, condi- tions and things required by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minne- sota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the . issuance of this Bond in order to make it a valid and binding obligation of the City according to its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required; that any amount of the principal of or the interest on this Bond which cannot be paid at maturity out of any other municipal funds which are properly available and appropriated for such purpose shall be paid from the proceeds of definitive improvement bonds which the City Council shall, and is '* required by law to sell and issue prior to Zhe date of maturity of this Bond to provide any ddditional moneys needed for this purpose; that if definitive improve- ment bonds have not been sold and delivered prior to the maturity of the Bonds, the holders thereof shall have the right- to require the issuance of either new * temporary or definitive bonds in exchange for the Bonds, on a par for par basis, bearing interest at the maximum rate provided by law; that the City Council is required by law to pay the principal of and interest on any definitive improvement bonds issued for the purpose of refmding the Bonds or to complete payment of the cost of the Improvements, out of any fund of the City if the amourzt credited to the fund specified for the purpose is insufficient, and to levy each year a suffici- enr amount to take care of any accumulated or anticipated deficiency, which levy is not subject to any constitutional or statutory tax limitation; and that the" issuance of this Bond did not cause the indebtedness of the City to exceed'any constitutional or statutory limitation. INWITNESS StVEREOF the City of Edina, Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to be executed by the facsimile signa- ture of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Manager, and by a printed facsimile of the official seal of the City, has caused the interest coupons appurtenant, Gereto and the certificate -appearing on the reverse side hereof to': 5e Gxecuted knd authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this Bond to be dated as of November 1, 1979. ' I . ATTEST : (Facsimile Signature) . i "__ .City Nanager , Nayor 1 I* . I* (FACSIMILE SEAL) . 2.02. Form oE>Coupons. Interest on each Bond to maturity shall be repre- sented by a consecutively numbered set of interest coupons printed in substan+-.. tially the following form: , 0n.May (November) I, 19-, the City of Edina, Hennepin Comty, Minnesota, .- *': E 9 , the sum shown hereon in coin or currency of the United States, of P;nerica:which ar the time of payment is legal tender for payment of public and pr2vate debts, for interest then due OR its Temporary Improvement Bond, S.eries NO. $* will pay to bearer at the , %I?. '3 * 1979, dated.November 1, 1979, No. .- (Facsimile Signature) ('l;lacsimile Signature) I \ City Elanager ' Nayor .$.-03. * Fom of Certificate. A certificate -in substantially the foilowing * €,orrn-ghall be printed on the reverse side of each bond, follow5ng a copy of the t'ext of the legal opinion to be rendered 3y bond counsel: We certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of the legal oiinion rendered by Bond 'Counsel on the issue of Bonds of the City of Edina,.-& Ninnesota, which includes. the within bond, dated as of the date of deliiery of and payment for the BGnds . .. (Facsbile Signature) (Facsimile Signature) *'., ' City Hanager I Mayor , 3.01. Date, Amount, Denomination and lfaturity. The City shall forthwith issue ad deliver the Bonds, which shall be negotiable coupon bonds, denoninated Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1979, payable primarily from the 1979 Improw- ment Bond Fund created in Section 4.02 hereof. I?ovember 1, 1979, shall be 300 in number and numbered'serially from 1 to 300, inclusive, each in the denomination of $5,000. ember I, 1981. at the rate of % per ktnurr, payablc on May 1 and Noveniber 1, commncktg May 1, 1980. Section 3. Bond Terms, Execution and Delivery. The Bbnds shall be dated as of The Bonds shall mature on Nov-. 3.02, Interest. The Bonds shall. beae interest frorn"thcir Gate uritil paid 3.03. Paying Agetit. The purcl~aser of the Bonds has destgnated thz- -¶ in*_- 1 .s as paying ageEt. That recommendation is hereby approved. The Mayor and City 219 [ Nanager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a paying agency with the pursuant t 0 which the City will pay the usual and customary charges of said paying agent for the receipt and disbursement of principal and interest moneys. of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable at the principal corporatz trust . office of the paying agerrt designated herein, in Y , 01' in the event of its resignation, removal or incapability of acting as paying Agent, at the office of such successor paying agent as may be approved by this Council. tion, if the resulting corporation is a bank or trust company authorized by law to conduct such business, such corporation shall be authorized to act as successor paying agent. No resignation of the paying agent and no appointment of a successor paying agent shall become effective until the date specified in a daily or weekly periodical published in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropolitan area which circulates throughout the state and furnishes financial news as a part of its service;'not less than thirty (30) days before said effective date. The Bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the City Clerk and the City Finance Director-Treasurer and shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signatures of the Mayor ad the City Manager, and shall be sealed with the official corporate seal of the City, pro- vided that oae of said signatures and the corporate seal may be printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimiles thereof. printed a copy of the legal opinion rendered thereon by Bond Counsel and the certificate of the Mayor and City Clerk-Treasurer. opinion and interest coupons attached to the Bonds shall be executed and auth- enticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Manager. When the Bonds have been so executed and authenticated, they shall be delivered by the City Finance Director-Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon payment of the purchase price in accordance with the contract of sale heretofore made and executed, and said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application of the purchase price. The principal Upon merger or consolidation of the paying agent with another corpora- 3.04. Preparation and Delivery. On the reverse side of each Bond shall be The certificate as to legal Section 4. Securities Provisions. 4.91. 1979 Sever Iziprc7:cment Cczstructicr Pu~d. There is hereby creared on the books of the City a special fund to be designated as the "1979 Sewer Improve- ment Construction Fund"(hereinafter referred to as the Construction Fund), to be held and administered by the City Finance Director-Treasurer separate and apart from all other funds of the City. tion Fund (a) the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, (b) with respect to each Improvement financed with the proceeds of the Boncis (as set forth in Section 1.01 hereof), all collections of special assessments levied for the Improvenents until completion and payment of all costs of the Improvements. The Construction Fund shall be used solely to defray expenses of the Improvements, includir,g but not limited to the transfer to the 1979 Improvement Bond Fund, created pursuant to Section 4.02 hereof, of amounts sufficient for the pzyment of interest and principal, if any, due upon the Bonds prior to the completion and payment of all costs of the Improvsments. Separate accomcs shall be maintained in the Cans- tructiorr Fund to record expenditures for each Improvement, and when the total cost thereof has been paid all subsequent collections of special assessments levied for that Improvement shall be credited and paid into the 1979 Improvement Bond Fund. Upon completiozl and paymeirt of all costs of the Improvements, any balance of the proceeds of Bonds remaining in the Construction Fund may be used to pay the cost, in whole or in part, of any other improvement instituted pur- suant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, as directed by the City Council, but any balance of such Plroceeds not so used shall be credited and paid to the 1979 Improvement Bond Fund. ing and any principal of 01 interest thereon unpaid, the City Finance Director- Treasurer shall maintain OI? the books of the City a separate and special 1979 Improvement Bond Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Eond Fund) to be used for no purpose other than the Fnyinent of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and on such other bonds of the City as have been or may be directed to be paid therefrom. The City irrevocably appropriates to the Bond Fund (1) the proceeds of the defiaitivz iniprovement bonds issued for the purpose of redeeming the Bonds as provided in Section 4.03 hereof be received md aopropriated to the Bond Fund from time to time. The City appropriates to the Construc- ~ 4.02. 1979 Improvement Bond Fund. So long as any of the Bonds are outstand- and (b) till such other moneys as shall -- - 4.03. Deficitive Improvement Bonds. This Council will by resolution provide far the issuance, sale and de1ivery;not later than November 1, 1981, of _- definitive imprnvcment bonds, payable from the Bond Fuad, for the purpose of prwiding funds to pay and redeem all temporary improvement bonds payable from the Bond Fund which become due and payable on said date, so far as the same 220 cannot be paid oiit of moneys then on haid in the Bond Fund. of Xinnesota Statutes, Section 429.091, subdivision 3; thc holdc-is of t11c Bonds and the taxpayers of tlic City shall have the right to require th.? offering oft definitive improvement bonds for sole, or, in the event that definitive improve- ment bonds have not been issued and sold at the time so required, to require the issuance of either new temporary bonds or definitive improvement bonds in exchange for the Bonds, on a par for par basis, bearing interest at the niasimum rate pro- vided by law, and maturing serially at such times and in such amounts that the principal and interest can be paid when due By the collection of: special assess- ments hereinafter referred to in Section 4.05 and of any ad valorem taxes which'. this Council may determine to levy for payment of the costs of the Improvement. additional temporary bonds payable from the Bond Fund as may be required to finance costs of the Improvement not financed hereby. resolution prior to the delivery of such additional improvement bonds, covenant: to issue, at or prior to the maturity date of the additional temporary bonds, additional definitive improvement bonds on the terms and conditions set forth ii~ Section 4.03 hereof. that for payment of the cost of the Improvement it will do and perform all acts and things necessary for the full and valid levies of special assessments against all assessable lots, tracts and parcels of land benefited thereby and located within the area proposed to be assessed therefor, based upon the benefits received by each such lot, tract or parcel, in an aggregate priEcipa1 amount not. less than twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the Improvement. In the event - that any such assessment shall be at any time held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the City or this Council ar any of- the City's officers or employees, either in the making of such assessnent or ia the performance of my condition pre'cedent thereto, the City and this Council hereby coyenant and agree that they will forthwith do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as may be required by law to make such assess- . ..I?. Elder the provision I 4.04 Additional Temporary Bonds. The City reserves the right to issue The City Council shall,-by ' 4.05 Levy of Special Assessments. The City hereby covenants and agrees - ments a valid and binding lien upon such property. I Section 5. Defeasance. When all of the Bonds and all coupons appertaining thereto have been discharged as provided in this section, all pledges, covenants znd other rights grated by this resolution to the holders of the Bonds s.hall cease. The City nay discharge its obligations with respect to any Bonds and - . cnupor-s appertzkkg thereto vh5ch are .'=e on zq* dzte by depositicg vFth +-he-pay- iag agent on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in €ull; or, ff any Bond or coupon should not be paid when due, it may nevertheless be- discharged by depositing with the paying agent a sum sufficient for the payment thereofvin full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. The City . . Tnay also discharge any prepayable Bonds r.rhich are called for redemption on any date in accordkce with their teras, by depositing with the paying agent or agents OR or b'efore that date an amount equal to the principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, which are then due thereon, provided that notice of such redemption has been duly given as provided in the resolution authorizing such Bonds. The Gity may also at any time discharge its obligations with respect to any Bonds, subject EO the provisions of law now or hereafter authorizing and regulating such action, by dFpositing irrevocably in escrow, with a bank qualified by law as ana" escrow-agent ojligations of the United States or securities of United State agencies which are authorized by law to be so deposited, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rates and maturing on such dates as shall be,required, without reinyestiilent, to pay all principal and interest to becone due there to, maturity or earlier redemption date. and Arbitrage. ffle a certified copy of this resolution with the County Finance Division Manager of Hennepin County, together with such other information as he shall require, and to obtain from said County Finance Division Manager a certificat5 that the-Bonds I Section 6 Registration, CertificakLon of Proceedings, Investment of bioneys 6.01. Registration. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to :I have been entered on his bond register as,required by law. 5. 6.02. Cerrification of Proceedings! The officers of the City and the County -Finance Division Manager of Hennepin County are hereby authorized and) dir- ected. to prspare and fzrnish to the purchaser of the Bonds, an6 to the attorneys- readering an opinion as to the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies- of all proceedings and records of'the City, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as mag be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as the same appear from the books and records uilder , their custody and control or as otherwise icnown to them, and all. such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall 3e deemed representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. . , I '1 . 221 6.03. Covenant.' The City covenants and agrees with the holders from ~imc to &$gie of thq., Its-&ficers, c he ixter the bonds to becone subject to taxaticu under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (the Code) , and regulations amended regulations and proposed regulations issued thereunder, as .now existing or as hereinafter amended or proposed and in effect at the time of such action. charged with the responsibility for issuing the Bonds pursuant to this resolu- tion, are authorized and directed to execuEe and deliver to the purchaser a certificate in accordance with the provisions of Section 103(c) of the Code and Treasury Regulations, Sections 1.103-13, I. 103-14 and 1.103-15, stating that on the basis of the facts, estimates and circumstances in existence on the date of issue and delivery of the Bonds as such facts, estimates and circumstances a.re set forth in the certificate, it is not expected that the proceeds of the Bonds will be used in a manner that would cause the Bonds to be arbitrage bonds within the meaning of said Code and Treasury Regulations. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. *that it,, y ill not: tak by any*,. 6.04. Arbitrage. The Mayor and City Manager, being the officers of the City Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Vai~ Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. DANENS MEADOWS PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED IN CONCEPT. Affidavit of Publication was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. presented Danens Meadows for preliminary approval , advising that this proposed plat is generally located East of Antrim Road and West of Shannon Drive and that the proponent is requesting a 10 lot subdivision for the 6.3 acre site, with Lot I being retained for the existing dwelling and accessory buildings. llr. Hughes reviewed two alternative road plclns for the plat, with the Community Develop- and Planning Commission favoring (on a split vote) th& plan under which Shannon Drive would run thru the plat and the developer favoring a two cul-de-sac approach. ported the cul-de-sac because on the bottom of Antrim Circle, it would solve the problem of too much traffic on Shamon Drive and would be more aesthetically pleasing. Petitions were submitted EO the Council on which nieghbors objected to the extensinn of Shanma Drive to intersect with htrim Road and expressing their desire that a cul-de-sac be located at the North end of Shannon Drive. Mr. Philip F. Boelter, 7109 Shannon Drive, referred Eo a letter which he sent to the Council, ad-ilsing that the 90% corner is a concern as far as safety is concerned, and also pointirig out that the degree of the slope in the street preserits a safety hazard. also expressed cmcern that,if the street is cut thru, it might be used as a by- pass from AntrFn Road to miss the stop sign. Courtney offered the following resolution granting preliminary plat approval for the plan with the two cul-de-sacs: Mr. Hughes Mr. Trones said that he had talked with neighbors and that he sup- he believed that this plan wouid minimize the grade W. Boelter Following discussion, Councilman ' RES OL'UTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR DAhENS MEADOWS BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat known as "Danens Meadows*' platted by Rudy Trones and presented for preliminary approval at the Council Meeting of November 19, 1979, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, with the understanding that Shannon Drive shall not be extended to Antrim Road. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. CITY OF EDITJA REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR MORNINGSIDE SCHOOL PROPERTY GRANTED PRE- LININARY AiD FINAL APPROVAL. approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Land Survey for the Morningside School property recalling that this action is necessary to divide the property for the sale of the schooi. heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavit of Publication was presented by Clerk, Mr. Hughes presented a Registered No objections being RES 0 LUT i0N APPROVING MORNINGS IDE SCHOOL REG1 STERED LAND SURVEY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that * certain Registered Land Survey, presented for approval by the City of Edina cover- in& the Morningside School property and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of Noveiriber 19, 1979, be ar+ is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. ~ Rollcall: * Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Richards ? Schmidt ? Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. YEAR 6 CONMUHITY DEVELOPPENT BLOCK GRANT TENTATIVE APPROVAL GRAXTED. Affidavit of Publication in the Edina Sun was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. pGblic hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant funds and that use of the funds must fit into one of the following catagories: which directly benefit low and moderate income persons; 2) Improvement projects located in an area in which a majority of low and moderate income persons live; and 3) Projects which will contribute to the elimination of slums and blighted areas. Mr. Hughes clarified that it is hoped to receive $250,000 and that, for preliminary ?urposes he proposed the following budget , which suggestions 'are sub- ject to change: Plr. Hughes recalled that the City is required to hold a 1) Activities I Housing Land Acquisition $35,000 Housing Rehabilitation 35,000 Special Assessment Relief so , 000 Handicapped Access for City Properties 75,000 25,000 Senior Center $250,000 -- Councilman Bredesen expressed concern about the expenditure of $75,000 ,for handi- capped access to City properties, stating that the money could better serve more people in other areas and that, hopefully, the City would look more closely at efficiency in handling handicapped access. access for City properties is mandated by State law and that the proposed installation of elevators at City Hall accounts for a large part of the proposed budget. Nrs . Cindy Chamberlin, President of the Edina League of Women Voters, said that the League believes that land acquisition for moderate and low incoine housing should have the highest priority for the allocation of funds. Council- man Courtney's motion accepting the tentative bt;dget as given above was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. lir. Hughes advised that handicapped Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney? Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenbtirg . I Nays: None MDtion carried. BLOCKS 6 AND'7, FAIRFAX ADDITION, EASEHENT VACATIONS APPROVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Er. Hoffman advised that new easements have now been given to replace the ease- ments proposed to be vacated. No objections being heard, Councilnan Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING EASEPENTS FOR STORN SEVER PURPOSES I??EREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 15th day of October, 1979, fixed a date for a public hearing on a prcposed vacation of easement for storm sever purposes ; and WEREAS, two,veeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 19th day of November, 1979, at which time all per- sons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and TFHERJGAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said easement vacation be made; and 17EE€?EAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vzcation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or wat,er pipes, mains and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maictaining the same, or to enter cpon such easement areas thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remcve, or otherwise attend thereto: NOV, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the the City Couccil of the City of Edina, Henaepin. Couaty, Ninnesota, that the following described portion of the sanitary sewer easements be and are hereby vacated effective as of November 20, 1979: The West 10' of the East 20' of Lot 23, Block 7, Fairfax Addition; ad The West IO' of the East 23' of Lot 22, Block 7, Fairfa;: Addition; and A strip of land, 10' in width, the center liEe of wirich is described as follows: Fairfax Addition; said point being 15.4' West of the Eortheast corner of said Lot 22; thence Southwesteriy a distance of 14' along a line produced South- westerly from the previously described point and a pojnt on the North line of Lot 23; Block 6, Fairiax Addition; which point is 3' !&st of the North- east corner oi said Lot 23 and there terminsting; 2nd h strip of lsnc! 10' in ;~idt:h, the center line of which fs described as Comencing at a point on the North line of Lot 22, Block 6, 'I ., .* < .." 11/13/79 follows: Comencing at a point cJn tlic North li e of Lot 23, B1 cic G, Fairfax Addition; said pointr being 3' West of the NortIicast cor:Ier of -.+ --.* said Lor 23; thence Southwesterly to a point on the Soutt~ line of s+.d, Lot 23, said point being 15.4' Westerly of the Southeast comer of said Lot 23 and there terminating; and that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a Notice of Comp- leti.on of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the Register of Deeds in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg LIMERICK LAEE IN BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 5TH ADDITION CHANGED TO "LIMERICK DRIVE". Affidavits of Notice were presented&y--Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Kr. Hoffman presented a petition signed by the developer and recommended by the staff to change Limerick Lane in Brookview Heights 5th Addition to "Limerick Drive", which change would alleviate confusion in the area. objections were heard and none had been received prior thereto. Courtney then offered Street Name Change Ordinance No. 12 for First Reading, with waiver of Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, HINNESOTA, ORDAINS: No m Councilman r STREET NLW CHANGE ORDINANCE 12 r+ a 5 Section 1. Limerick Lane in Brookview Heights 5th Addition is hereby re- Sec. 2. This ordinance shzll be in Eull force and effect on November 28, 4 named "Limerick Drive". 1979. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenbur Nays: None Ordinance adopted. ATTEST : $L,, c 6- -iLLch*,- City Clerk U _- NIIilE MIT,E VILL4GE RESIDENTS PROTEST OF COLONIAL CHURCH OF EDINA LANDSCAPING NOTED. Council's attoiltion was called to a letter from residents of Nine Nile Village objzcting to the fact that there is debris on the church property, that air con- ditionhg equipment on the roof and a dumpster are unsightly 2nd that lmdscaping is inadequate to screen the church property from the adjacent town houses. Nr. Rosland advised Mr. Burt Larson, 6282 Sandpiper Court, that the church is attewpt- S.ng to correct the problems and will continue to work with the City. No actior. was taken . I SA?.JITAXY SEWER NO. SS-353, WATERMAIN NO. WM-337 AIJD STORX SEWER NO. 162 BIDS AK&WED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulstion of eight tied bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids. for Sanitary Sewer No. SS-353, Watermain No. W-337 and Storm Sewer No. ST.S-162, and advised that alternate bids had been taken in respocse to the developer's desire for construction of the-improvements this fall. Tabulation for alternate bids for fall construction showed G.L. Contracting, Lnc. , low bidder at $124,121.60, Northdale Construction at $?26,133.70, C. Wayne Erickson, Inc. , at $127,490.00, Northern Contracting at $142,255.64; Q.R.S. Construction at $145,548.95, 0 6 P Contracting at $147,083.90, Ideal Enterprises at $159,691.40 and Dawson Construction at $139,085.50. by Mr. Hoffman, Cotincilwomari Schmidt's motion for award to G. L. Contracting, Itic., at $124,121.60 for fall. an6 early wfnter construction was seconded by Councilman Richards. As -recomn2ndcd Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van VaikeDburg Nays: None Motion carried. W3!! CBLLLERS %OR LIQrJOR STOWS BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two quotations for three wipe well chillers for the liquor stores. shoved City Beer Dtstributinp, low bidder at $1,665 .OO and South-Town Rcfrigera- tion at $1,878.00, Councilman Richards' aotjon fox award to recommended low bid- der, City Beer Distributing, at $i,665.00, was seconded by Counciluoman Schmi6.t. Tabulation Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, S :imidt Van PaIkenburg * Nays: None .. Notion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COIMITTEE NINUTES OF KOVEMBER 14, 19 79, WVIEHED . Councilman Courtney's motion accepting Section C of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of November 14, 1979, and approving the following actions was seconded by Council- woman Schmidt: 1) Continuance of existing signing ("NO PARSING SUNDAYS, 7 A.11.- 1 P.M.'? along the North side of Olinger Blvd. from Tracy Ave. to 5900 Olinger I Blvd. until such time as residents request their removal; 2) Installation. of- a STOP sign at the intersection of Timber Ridge Road and NcCauley Trail; That further requests for street lighting at intersections continue to be hand- led by the Engineering Department; 4) Installation of NO PAFXING signs for *- users of the Recycling Center at 5121 Brookside Ave. ; 5) That Mr. V. P. Mag- nuson, 4909 Browndale Ave., be advised by the Engineering Department that the'. Traffic Safety Committee recommends installation of a guard rail in front of his house to keep cars from leaving the roadway and driving on the grassy right-of- way. I 3) Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. ' Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: Hone >io tion carried. SEREhiIPITY BEER LICENSES APPROVED. llr. Rosland called Council's attention to the applications of Serendipity, located in the Biltmore Motel, for an On-sale Beer License and an Off-sale Beer License. The Clerk advised that she had received a letter from Nr. and Mrs. Nerrill B. Webert , 5128 William Ave., and three telephone cails objecting to issuance of the licenses 2nd two calls from People indicating that they had no objections. had received a call from Mr. Arthur Buffington of Villa Way, opposing the issuvlce of the licenses. seconded by Councilmay Courtney. Councilman Richards said that he Councilman Bredesen's motion approving the tvo licenses was Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Van Valkenburg Nays: Richards, Schmidt: KO t ion carried. 1 HEIfi-PIN E?ERGXI\CY COIDIiiNICATIONS ORGANIZATION (HECO) 9 11 PLAN PARTICIPATION APPROVED. chat the Council x.:'ould have an oppckrunity for further study and advised that' participation ir, the plan had been recommended by Chiefs Buresh ad Swanson. .No com.onts :being heard, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and iaoved its adoption: IJIiEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 403 require that each county submit a final 911 pian to the Department of Administration by December 15, 1979, and each county shall have an operatioiial 911 telephone systein by December 15, 1982; and WHEW, the Hennepin Einergency Communications Organization (EiECO) has prepared 8 find "911 Plan for Hennepin County" that has been submitted to the Hennepin Counq Board 62 Commissioners; and IvZBREkS , the rules promulgated by the Department of Administration whlch govern tlie design 2nd operation of 911 systems in Minnesota require a certification by the Comty Board that the fbal 911 plv- meets the needs of the safety agencies vhose cervices ill be available by dialing 911; and WHEREAS, reprasentatives of the City of Edkm have participated in the dex7elop- ment of the final "911 Plan fur Hennepin County"; NOW, THEF3FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina hereby certifies that the final "911 Plan for Hennepin County" meets the needs of the safety agencies whose services are available within the City of Edina; and "DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina recommends that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners approve the final "911 Plan for Hennepin County" 2s sub- mitted by HECO. ,. $lotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. - Mr . 3osLsricT. recaI.led that action on the Hennepin Emergency Cornmica- r2 LIVlta _-- A-----Z--L< VLijrZ+LLL.LILLUv -- (:J:cc) 9:: ??lz:: IXZ 5cezl ccitiriued from ~?OY~EI?Z~ 5, 1.979, SO RESOLUTION *I Rollcall: Ayes: Nays: None .v Resolution adopted. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg ROLUND ROLL NOTICE OF CTAIM NOTED. Fir. Rosland advised Council of a claim of Rolland Roll against the City of Edina an6 that the claix has been referred to the insurance compaDies and the City Attorney. TUPPING ORDIWECE SOS. 107i-A1 AND 1222-42 GRANTED SECOND KEADZ??G. recaLled that or: July 2, 1979, Ol-ciinnncc Nos. 1071-4.1 and 122242 had received First Reading, l,ut that, since thar t-.ime, ehe CiCg has artemptcci to use live traps to catch Scavera. No action was taken. Xr. Rosland Ilc reported Lhiir only onc bcnvcr htlJ been czught and 225 that there is ncw a probicni with muskrats on Lalceview Dri.ve .a<well as with beaTiers In tiw Pamela Park area of the City. Mr. Cal R. Coivin, 5920 Halifax Avef , spokcsnxm for fialifax”h&n&e- reside&; saic! that besvers‘ have catised the area to look like “tornado alley”, that wild life is being destroyed by the flooding conditions and that there ‘have been two power outages because trees have fallen on power lines. He emphasized that the condition is dangerous for children and requested that the City clean up the fallen trees in the area. Mr. Ray Buckman, 5908 Halifax Ave., said that he has seen as many as four beavers at once and joined Nr. Colvin in urging the City to pass ordinances which would permit trapping to alleviate the nuisance. Speaking in opposition to the proposed ordinances was Mrs. Nancy Nelson, 5854 Creek Valley Road, who commended Council’s past action and urged that the ordinance amendments not be adopted. She suggested that the City continue to use live traps and that the animals either be relocated to a zoo or that they.be euthanized. Mr. James. Mulkowski, Executive Director of Dodge Nature Center, sugge$ted that only one licensed trapper be retained by the City, but that he could not do the work him- self. The Mayor advisedthat he also shared the concern for the animals but that residents must have their rights protected, and that the City Nanager should be able to use his discretion as to what type of trap to use. Mrs. Nelson suggested . that the ordinance amendment should provide that the work must be done by a licensed trapper, that only nuisance animals are to be trapped, that trapping must be done for non-commercial purposes and that the pelts should be turned over to the City or the Department of Natural Resources and not be sold. No further discussion being heard, Councilman Bredesen then offered the following ordinance . for Second Reading and mved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 1071-A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1071 TO ALLOW TRAPPING BY THE CITY OF EDINA AND OTHERS WITH PERMISSION OF THE CITY MANAGER THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. “Sec. 3. Trapping Prohibited. Trapping withirr the City of Edina is pro- Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1071 is hereby amended to read as follows : hibited, except that trapping may be done by the City of Edina, or may be done under its direction, or may be done by any other governniental agency or department with the written permission of the City Manager: or pay be done by any person with E; 7.-7i.a permission of the City Manager. Law. and publication. Notion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Richards. YU-LA-~ trZ?Fkig LiCZZSC iS3ii2d by EhC StatC! Cf MkZ22StZ Elzd 72th tbZ LTLtcZl All trapping is to be in accordance with State Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van ValkenSurg Nays: None, with all members expressing ,Ordinance adopted. ATTEST : e Lt-eA-q‘ d $&- ’ b.-$& City Clerk Councilmn Eredesen thereupon offered Ordinance No. 1222-A2 and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 1222-A2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1222 Ah3 OTHERS NIT3 PERMISSION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOW TRAPPING IN PUBLIC PARKS BY THE CITY OF EDINA, ’ Section i. The last sentence of subparagraph (b) of Sec. 8 of Ordinance No. 1222 is hereby amended to read as follows: this Sec. 8 shall not apply to trapping by any means or methods done by the City of Edina, or done under its direction, or done by any other governmental agency or department with the written permission of the City Manzger, or done by any person with a valid trapping license issued by tile State of Minnesota and with the written permission of the City Nanager. in accord- ance with State law. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Comcilman Richards. Tne prohibition of this subparagraph (b) and in subparagraph (a) of I1 All trapping is to be Sec. 2. This ordinance shall1 be in full fore and effect upon its passage Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Sciir~idt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Ordinance adopted. 11/ 19/79 { 226 h AI J ATTEST: b i City Clerk ) ORDINAXCE NO, 1432-A1 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Councilman Courtney offered Ordinance No. 1432-A1 for Second Reading and moved its adoptioe as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1432-A1 AN ORDINANCE ANENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1432 TO TERNINATE COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITY FOR I. I FIXING mu mu^ wms OF TAXICAB FARE : THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDIMA, PIINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 11 of Ordinance No. 1432 is hereby amended to read as f0llOTirS : "Sec. 11. Taxicab Cards. The operator of any taxicab shall czase to be printed in plain, legible letters displayed inside'the taxicab a card giving the number of the license, and the maximum rates of fare to be charged. No operator or taxicab driver shall charge any passenger a rate in excess of such maximum rate. Every passenger shall receive, on request, a receipt therefor when he pays his fare showing speedometer reading at starting point and end of trip and amount paid. and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Yalkenburg Nays: None Ordinance adopted. ATTEST : FRANCE AVZNUE FROE HAZELTON ROAD TO I?. 1021lD STREET SIGNAL INTERCOWECT €'TANS ;1pPROTED. As reccmnded by Mr. Boffman, Councilman Courtney offered the fox- lowing resolution acd moved ics adoption: I n n IT- ~~OLTJ LION APPRWING PLAXS SPECIFICATIONS HENhqPIN COUNTY PROJECT NO. 7546 FOR CSAH 17 FROM HAZELTON ROAD TO TJEST 102ND STREET CITY OF EDINA, IfINNESOTA WHERFAS, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 7546 shoving the proposed traffic coctrol signal interconnect on County State Aid Highway 17 (France Avenue), cogether with the Specifications and Special Provisions for the construction fhereof from Hazelton Road to West 102nd Street as a County State Aid project have been prepared and presented to the City; EGI?, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that said Plans, Specifications and Special Provisions .be 512 2x1 thbgs gpproved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. . Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Varkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET DESIGNATION REQUESTED. Councilman Bredesen offered the folloving resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the streets hereinafter described should be designated Nunicipal State -4id Streets under the provisions of lfinnesota L~JS of 1959, Chapter 500; XOV, THEREFORE, BE IT XESOLVED by the Ediza City Council that the roads described as follows , t 0-xi t : 1. W. 7735 Street from Prance Ave. to W. 77th Street (120-164-02) 2. 3. Cahill Road from I?. 78th Street to Amundson Ave. (120-156-02) As recommended by Mr. Hoffman, RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING >tUNICIPtlL STATE AID HIGM*UYS D2my Hill Road from Cahill Road to center of Sec. 8, T. 116, R. 21 (120-138-02) be and hereby are established, located and designated Nunicipal State Aid Streets of said City, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Ninnesota; and BE IT FURTIiER.RWK!LVED that the CFijr Clerk is hereby authorized an6 directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to ttie Conmissiomr of Highwzys for his consideration, sild that upon his approval of the design-ition of said - roads or portion thereof , that: the same bc constructed, improved and maintained as Municipal State Ai-d Streets of Clze City of Edina, to be nunibcrcd and known as 227. _-- Nunicipal State Aid Streets as shown ;move. Motioi~ for iIdoptic11 of the resolutios was seconded by Cotiticilwoninn ScItniidt. ~o 1 lca lis: Ayes: Bredeseti; Courtncy, Rfchcrrds , Schiriidc, Van Vallrenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. TREE SUBSIDS RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Mr. Rosland presented a resolution authorizing the submission of the 1980 Shade Tree Program Application to the llinricsota Department of Agriculture, advising that these funds were consistent with past years and were approved in the 19SO Budget. residents should be encouraged to plant their om trees in their boulevards. Coupcilman Courtney then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the following shade tree program budget for sanitation and replanting of trees for the calendar year 1980 is hereby approved and that the City share of said budget is available in the General Fund. S 7,500 00 Personnel $ 70,760 Equipment Use 8,260 Miscellaneous 56,900 5,000 TOTAL $ 143,920 $ 12,500 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute and submit the 1980 Shade Tree Program application to the Ninnesota Department of Agriculture. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Brecesen. Councilman Bredesen suggested that RES OLTJTION Sanitation Reforestation Outside Contracts 7,500 00 , Rollcall: Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. ROBERT T. SMITH COLUMN DISCUSSED. Councilman Bredesen asked that Mr. Rosland respond to the article regarding Edina in the Robert T. Smith colum and also. to clarify the City’s position in rzsponse to a letter received by the Council. No action was taken. LGW AND >IODEMTE INCOME HOUSING NOUTGRIUM LIFTED AS TO REQLGST FOR CROSSROADS DEVELOPPENT. Mayor Van Valkenburg advised that he had met with Nr. Henry Hyatt, devsloper of Crossroads Development and with Mr. Hughes regarding the right of Crossroads Development to be heard in spite of the Low and Moderate Income Hous- ing Moratorium. The Mayor recommended, in view of the fact that the developer has already started plans for his development before the mratorium was declared, the project should be allowed to proceed through the Planning Commission and come before the Council at this time. suggestion, stating that the moratorium had been declared and that if it is good for the rest of the City it should also be good for this particular development. He also said that Mr. Hyatt is only interested in making a profit and is not interested in the good of the City. Speaking in favor of lifting the mratori-xn for the hearing of Crossroads Development was Mrs. Louise Platthies of the League .of Women Voters who also congratulated the Council on its appointment of a Hous- ing Committee. that the hearing be held at this time inasmuch as Mr. Hyatt has a Federal Grant for the project and this would be the best way to achieve needed housing of this type in Edina. Councilman Bredesen concurred with Councilman Richards ’ conten- tion that if the moratorium is lifted ’for this development, it should be lifted altogether. Following considerable discussion, Councilman Courtney moved that Crossroads Development be allowed to go thru regular zoning procedures at this time as recommended by Nayor Van Valkenburg. woman Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes : Courtney, Schmidt, Vm Valkenburg Nays : Brcdeszn, Richards blotion carried. Councilman Richards objected to the Eayor’s Nrs. Donna Scudder, Chairman of the Housing Cornmittee, urged . f4otion was seconded by Council- n ” COUNCIL/STAFF !;IORK SESSION DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland recalled that a Council/Staff Work Session has been set for Saturday, Novcmbcr 24, 1979, at 8:30 and that the following concerns will be discussed: Energy Cormnission update and discussion, subdivision dedication guidelines and school life safcty. t?o nccion was taken. Proj cct Cliarlic, advisory committees, 228 ll/ 19/79 Park Fund, $6,451.23; Art Center, $9,456.62; Park Construction, $20,352.75; Park Sinking, $263,590.00; Swimming Pool, $81.94; Golf Course, $51,663.55; Areria, $2,982.06; Gun Range, $577.58; Water Fund, $64,556.07; Sewer Fund, $3,638,772 Liquor .Fund, $159,568.13; Construction, $539,147.95; IBR, $iy234.lG4.31; Total, $2,558,429.23. Ayes: Nays: None Motion carried. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg No further business appearing Councilman Courtney's motion for zdjournmenl was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Adj ouinment at 9 : 15 p .m. City Clerk 8 ..