HomeMy WebLinkAbout19791217_regular238 IfINUTES OF THE REGULAX IIEETING 01' THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL IIELD AT cm HALL EECDIBER 17, 1979 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schnid t and Nayor Van Van Valkenburg. Development and Planning Conunission and llrs. Alison Fuhr of the Citizens' Safety Council. BIINUTES of December 3, 1979, were approved as presented by motion of Council- woman Schmidt, seconded by Councj3man Bredesen. Present also was Firs. Helen f4cClelland of the Community Ayes: Eredesec, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Xays: None Notion carried. POLICE OFFICERS DAVID P. Hl9BRE Ah?) G. RONALD M"DALE RECOGNIZED. Nayor Van Valkenburg read the following Resolution of Appreciation: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past fourteen years the Edina Citizens Safety Council and the Edina Police Department have cooperated in an on-going effort toward promoting bicycle safety in the City of Edina; and TJHEREtlS, as members of the Edina 'Police Department, Officers David P. Hembre and G. Ronald Nundale have wholeheartedly participated in the Bicycle Safety Program, using their expertise as police officers to take any action which might prevent bicycle accidents; and WHEREAS, the Bicycle Safety Brochure, produced by the Citizens' Safety Council under the guidance of Officers Hembre and Xundale, has been circulated in the schools and has been available in the Police Department for all residents; NOT?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council joins the Edina Citizens Safety Council in expressing appreciation to DAVID P. HEMBRE and G. RONALD MUNDALE for giving so generously of their time and expertise in the field of bicycle safety. Following the presentation of Certificates of Commendation by Xrs. Alison Fuhr, Cnnairman of iiic Eiiiua CiLizefis' Safety ~ou~cfl, Cffkcr bdelc zxpxsecl Iris appreciation in recognition of the efforts of the many who have worked on the Bicycle Safety Progrvn over past years. I - FINDELL 3RD ADDITION AX? ORDINANCE 811-Al31 CONTINUED TO JAF!!AXY- 21 1980 s Mfidavits of Notice for Findell 3rd Addition were presented by Clerk, approved-as to form and ordered plzced on'file. for preliminary plat approval. and the petition of Findell and Clark for a zoning change €or the site from R-1 and 11-3 Residential Districts to PRD-3 Planned Residential District. of W. 70th St. and West of Cahill School and is comprised of the following three separate parcels: 1) Outlot A, Findell's Second Addition which measures approxi- mately two acres ami is the most TJeszerly parcel; 2) A two-acre unplatted parcel located immediately to the East of Outlot A; and 3) A 1.6 acre parcel having frontage on &hill Road, the most Easterly parcel; history of the site ad commended the developers, stating that the access, buiid- ing placement and architecture are highly desirable. density standpoint, the staff believes that the Easterly parcel which is pre- sently zoned R-3 should retain the existing 12 unit per acre density,that Out- lot A (the most IJesterly parcel) should be allokred 18 units which is consist- ent with prior approvals, and that the middle parcel should be allowed 13 units. The overall project, therefore, should contain apFroximately 48 units. Mr. Hughes said that the Community Development and Planning Comroission had recommended approval of the plat 2nd zoning subject to receipt of the' Developers' Agreement, final. platting, and the subdivision dedication which should be based only upon the two acre unplatted parcel located in the middle of the subject property. Devel- opers Ronald Clark and Roger Findell were present with their architect, Mr. James Cooperman. Nr. Clark urged, that approval be granted as quickly as possible. In response to a question of Councilman Richards as to a possible tie-in with the area to the South, Nr. Findell pointed out that the elevation between the two parcels is too steep for any connection. Tile resident at 7510 Cahill Road was told thar the proposed development would be market rate units. Following discus- sion, Councilman KicharSs' motion vas seconded by Councilman Courtney, continuing t5e hearing until Jacuary 21, 1980, to see what inpact the consideration of the low and inoderate hcome hoiising proposal to the South might have on the develop- ment. Nr. Hughes presented Findell 3rd Addition He advised that the property is. generally located South Nr. Hughes reviewed the He said that, from a I Ryes : Rredcscn, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt Van Vallcenburg Nays: None >lotion carricil. 239 OmJNijNCE NO. 81 I -A132 (BRfEMAR ASSOCTATW G1'LIXTT;D 1:TIXT REt1DT:iG. hf'Ki.tlavits I of Notic'e were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed OR file. from R-1 Residential District to PRD-3 Planned Residential Distrkt for property generally locatcd in the Northwest quadrant of W. 78th Street and Cahill Road. Recalling that Council had previously denied Office District: zoning for this site, Fir. Hughes presented a new petition to rezone the property to PRD-3 Planned Residential. District and showed plans calling for eisht three story condominium buildings containing 89 units. project LJoUld be totally from Delany Blvd. and that a variance would be required to permit parking within the 35 foot setback from Delany Blvd. Mr. Jack Barron, the developer, showed blueprints of the plans and pointed out that 1.S parking stalls per unit would be provided under the building along with .5 stalls per unit of exposed parking. Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for First Reading: Plr. Hughes presented the petition of Rraeinar Associates for the rezoning He explained thst access to the No objsctions were heard from the audience, whereupon ORDINANCE NO. 811-A132 AN OKDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE PLANTED RESIDEETIAL DISTRICT (PRD-3) ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDISA, NINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. enlarged by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-3) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Outlot 1, Heath Glen, and that part of tlie East one-half of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, lying South of the North 20 rods thereof and North of the center line of State Highway No. 5 as it now exists and West of the center line of County Road No. 25 as it now exists, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Yfnnesota, which is in PRD-3". and publication. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage OB-QLNANCE NO. 8 lI-Al33 (CGi\iOR COKFOUTiGN) GnlSEED FXST --_-- X%31KG. of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to forn and ordered placed on file. from R-1 Residential District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District for property generally located East of Lincoln Drive, North of Edina West Condominiums and South of FEbri-Tek. Condor Corporstion, the Froponent, is petitioning to construct three condominium buildings containing a total of 150 units with 1.25 underground parking stalls per unit aild .75 exposed parking stalls. Mr. Hughes also said that the devel- oper has agreed to pay a-cash dedication rather than donate land to the City. Present were Mr. Jim Smuda and Ms. Linda Fisher. representing-the developer. . No objectisns 3s2ng heard .. Councilman Richards offered. the following ordinance for First Reading as reconmended by the Comnunity Development and Planning Com- mission, subject to the condition that final zoning is conditioned on final platting receipt of an acceptable overall development plan, a grading permit from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, and a conservation restriction of the flood plain portion of the property. )iff t&~%tS Mr. Hughes presented the petition of Condor Corporation for the rezoning Mr. Hughes reviewed the history of the site, advising that ORDINANCE NO. 811-A133 AN ORDINANCE -0ENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY PBDTEG TO THE PLANNED RESIDEXTIAL DISTRXCT (ppa-3) THE CITY COW'CIL OF EDINA. MINNESOTA. ORDAINS: Section 1. "The extent of the '?lamed Residential District (kub-District PRD-3) is That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, described as beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 1589.04 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence East to a point 1529.21 feet North of the South line of said Section as measured along a line dratin parallel to the East line of said Southwest Quart& of Section 31 from a point on the North line of said Southwest Quart'er 990 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Southwest Qua.rtgFr tlly said South liw of said section being a straight line Setween tlie So%tlk&t corner and the South Ouarter corner of said Section 31; thence South along said paralle!. line 536.43 feet, more or less, TO a point: in said parallel line distanr 1066.1.4 frets Zorth of the South lize of said Southwest Quarter, Paragraph.4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: enlarged by addlng the following thereto : .. 12/ 17/79 said Sout-i line being a straight line between the closing corner for the 240 Northwest corner of Section 6, Township 116,' Xange 21, and the South Quarter corner of sczid Section 31; thence \Jest to a'point on the \Jest line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1059 -36 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Southwes-t Quarter; thence North along said West line 529.68 feet to the point of beginning; except that part of the above described tract lying +\Jrsterly of a line parallel with and 40 feet Easterly of the following dzscribed line: Commencing at the closing corner for the Northwest corner of Section 6, ' Township 116, Range 21; thence South 87 degrees, 24 minutes and 02 seconds East (assuming the. West line of the Nortlivcst Quzrter of said Section 6 as bearing North 4 degrees, 19 minutes and 05 seconds West) a distance of 693.43 feet; thence North 46 degrees, 21 minutes and 27 seconds West a distance of 854.85 feet to the. actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 214 degrees, 55 minutes and 42 seconds West a distance of 617.2 feet; thence along a tangential curve to the right with a radius of 1819.86 feet and a central angle of 16 degrees, 16 minutes and 40 seconds, a distance of 517.02 feet; thence Northerly, tangent to the above described curve, a distance of 200 feet and there terminating, according to the Government Sur- vey thereof, which is in PRD-3". and and publication, " Sec..2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- CABLE TV FRANCHISE HEARING CONTINUED TO JAVUARY 21, 1980. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Bredesen, continuing the hearing on the Cable TV Franchise until January 21, 1980. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Abstaining : Richards Motion carried. GEHEXAL REVENUE SHARING PRELIEENARY HEARING CONDUCTED. Mr. Rosland recalled that State Law requires municipalities to conduct hearings on all Geceral Revenue Sharing expenditures. tion only and recommended that the final hearing be conducted on January 7, 1980. Following review by the Council of the proposed expenditures, Council- woman Schmidt's motion was then seconded by Councilman Bredesen setting Janu- ary 21, 1980. as hearing date for the following croposed General Revenue Shar'ing expenditures For Entitlement ii as shown in relationship to the overall budget- for the City of EdiEa: Mr. Campbell clarified that this hearing is for informa- D Revenues Source Property Taxes Sales Taxes Service Charges/User Fees Licenses 2nd Permits Fines and Penalties Income form Other Governments Federal General Xevenue Sharing Expenditures * Amount $4,127,541 977,875 1,0i8,200 192,900 ' 124,000 191,885 . 225 , 000 $6,917,401 Activity GRS Funds Other Funds Education Police $125,000 $1,585,590 Fire 100 , 000 898,598 Roads/Transport/Public Works 1,936,549 S ewers / S ani tat i on 77,920 Libraries I Parks/Recreation 812,633 Heal- th/Ho sp i tal s 173,970 General Adrninistration 559,615 Financial Adminisrration/Debt Service 532,688 Social Services/Welf are 34,835 Total . -0- $1,7 10,590 998,598 1 , 936,549 77 , 920 -0- 812 , 633 173,970 34 , 838 559 , 615 532,688 Reserve for Contingencies so I 000 80 ; 000 TOTAL $225,000 $6,692,401 $6,917,401 Ayes : Eays: None Motion carried. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg GARBAGE COLLECTION FRO31 CITY. PROPERTIES BID AVAWED. Nr . Roslaiid presented a 12/ 17/79 I 241 tabulatim of bids showing Able Sanitation the sole bidder lor refuse pickup for City properties, said bid being $4.37 per cubic yard or $1.28 per rcccpticnl and estimating the ycar1.y cosr at $26,679.!5. over 35% over last year's bid but that the increased cost of gasoline and the doubling of dumping costs over the past year would accomt for the increase. Councilman Richards ' motion was then seconded by CounciLoitln Courtney , awarding the Contract to Able Sanitation as recommended by the City bnager.in accord- with the bid. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. bfr. Roslancl advisrd that the bid is up DUMP TRUCK WITH BOX BID AWARDED. bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Con- s truction Bulletin. $19,572.53, Superior Ford at $19,677.00, Freeway Ford at $19,874 .OO, International Harvester/Minneapolis at $20,348 .OO and International Harvester/Savzge at $20,577.00. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney €or award to recommended low bidder, Bill Boyer/LaHass. Nr. Rosland presented tabulation of five Tabulation showed Bill Boyer/LaHass low bidder at Being advised that thisreplacement truck is included in the Budget, Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. TWO HALF TON PICKUP TRUCKS RID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of five bids received for two 1/2 ton pickup trucks, received in response to adver- tisement in the Bdina Sun and Construction Bulletin. Ford low bidder at $11,016.00, Mdway at $11,552.00, Malkerson at $11,609.22, Superior Ford at $11,680 .OO and Bill Boyer at $.12,083.54. motion for award to recommended low bidder, Freeway Ford, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Tabulation showed Midway Councilman Courtney's Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE TRUCK BID AWARDED * Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of foui. Lids reL:eiq& ia respfiiisz to Advertisaaarit f~r 3ids 5ri thc Ccnstrccticn Bulletin a116 Edina Sun for a 3/4 ton 4 s 4 pickup truck for the Fire Department, Tabulation stioh7ed that the bid of Freeway Ford at $7,736 did not include the 100 AIQ Alternator or the skid package for the fuel trank protector. Other responsi5le bidders were Superior Ford at $7,884 .OO, Mideway Ford at $7,921.00, and Bill Boyer at $5,098.81. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for award to recom- mended low bidder, Superior Ford at $7,884.00, was seconded by Councilman Courtney . Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None tbtion czrried. SEWER AND WATER --- DEPARTPIEKT 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCKS BID Al&UlED. tk . Rosland pre- sented tabulation of bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Constraction Bulletin. at $12,244.00, Freeway Ford at 312,294.00, Bill Boyer Ford at $12,424,00 and Mal- kerson at $12,441.54. Counciltlromm Schmidt's motion for zward to recommended low bidder was seconded by Councilinan Courtney. Tabulation showed Superior Ford low bidder Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: Nom Notion carried. PARK DEFARTMWE 10,000 GSq? TRUCK BID AMARDED. of three bids received'for a LC,000 GW truck for thk Park Department. tion shoved Freeway Ford and Superior Ford tied Sidders at $8,349;00, with Bill Boycr Ford bidding $E , 459,L;b Col;rtney's motion wzs seconded by Councilman Bredesen for award to Freeway Ford at $8,349.90, based on proxixiity to City sliops for repair purposes. Fir. Rosland presented tabulation Tabula- As recommended by Hr . Rosland , Councilman Ayes ; Bredmen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: Kone Ibticrn carried. SNOW BLOWER BID -__--- AIJARDED. blower for the Department of Public Works, said tabulation show-ing PlcMullen Company as the sole bidder at $23,424.00. itcni, Councilman Courtney's mot ion awarding bid to recon1mended low bidder, NcMuLlcn Cmpany, at $23,424 .OO, was seconded by Council.~~:oman Schmidt. 2ir. Rosl.and presented tabulation of bids for one snow 13cing advised that this is a specialty a 242 ... . Ayes : Bredcsen, Courtney, Richards , Schntidt,- Van Valkenburg Nays: None I% tion carried. UTILITY BOXES FOR 3/4 TON WATER AND SB?ER TRUCKS BID AWARDED. PIr. Rosland pre- sented tabulation of bids in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun znd Construction bulletin showing LaHass Nanufacturing & Sales , Inc. , low bidder- at $8,038.00 and Charles Olson & Sons at $S,122.50 for two fiberglass utility boxes for 3/4 ton water and sewer trucks. As recommended by Kr. Rosland, Council- woman Schmidt's motion for award to reconmended low bidder, LaHass Nanufacturing & Sales, Inc., at $8,038 .OO was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None .. Motion carried. VISIBARS FOX EMERGENCY VEHICLES BID AbXRDXD. Mr . Rosland pressnted tabulation of three'bids received in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin for sdx Federal Signal Corporation Police Light/Sound Systems. each) , Law Enforcement Equipment Supply at $5,104.20 (at $850.70 each) , and Weber 4 Troseth Co. , at $5,700 .OO (at !$697.01 each) . Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt for award to reconmended low bidder, Uniforms Unlimited for a total of $4,182.06, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, Tabulation showed Uniforms Unlimited low bidder at $4, lS2.06 ($697.01 Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. \ STREET SWEEPER FOR PUBLIC WORKS BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids received for one street sweeper for the Department of Public Works. lation showed Itasca Equipment Company at $39,870 for a net bid, including trade- in, with MacQueen Company bidding $61,085, indluding trade-in. As recommended by the City Manager, Cowxihornan Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Court- ney, for award to recommended low bidder, Itasca Equipment Company, at $39,870. Tabu- Ayes : Bays: None 1-10 tion carried. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg TRAFFIC SAFETY COPWITTEE NINUTES OF DECEMBER 12 , 1979 , REVIEWED. Councilman Courtney's motion accepting Section B of the Traffic Safety Committee Mnutes of December 12, 1979, and approving the following actions was seconded by Councilman Richards: intersection of Southview Lane and the East frontage road of T.H. 100; 2) Removal of the current "NO PARKING ANYTINE" signs on the East side of Gleason Road from Dewey -dill Road to Schey Drive. 1) Approve painting a pedestrian crosswalk on Southview Lane at the Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Ih tion carried. T.E. 100 BRIDGE DECK REPAIR DTSCUSSED. Mr. Eosland advised Council that the repair of T.H. 100 Bridge decks which had been continued to this meeting from December 3, 1979, had been dropped by the State of Minnesota. No action was taken. lriORNINGSIDE AREA GARBAGE COLLECTION PRICE CONTINUED TO JANUARY 7, 1980. Mr. Ros- land recalled that, on December 4, 1978, Vierkant Disposal. Service had been awarded the contract for the Morningside area gar3age and refuse pickup for twice a veek service for $54 .OO, which contract was tc rcn through 1930. He advised that, because of the increase in gasoline and dumcing costs, the Vier- kmt's feel that they are uiable to abide by their contract and have requested that some action be taken so that they cail increase their fees for the coming year. Hr. Rosland enunsrated alternative procedures which the City could take as follows: 1) The contract can be enforced, which would mean that Vierkant would stop collecting in Piorningside and the City would have to find another collector under the bond; 2) The Council could authorize the Manager to work with Bizrkant ir? sending letters to Pbrningside area residents asking €or per- mission to raise rates somewhat; or 3) The Council could authorize the Nanager to 17;lork with Vierkant in sending letters to Morningside area residents asking that service be cut to mice a week pickup. It w3s suggested alsc that new bids might be tziken, since any change might be unfair to otlicrs who hac? bid for the Norniggside area picktp. The Vierkants snggested that it might be helpful also if the number of bags wodd be limited. As recommencied by blr. Erickson, Council- man Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, that the matter be 243 contiriued uritil Jnnuary 7 , 1980, so that the Vicrlcants would have an opportunity to suhnit 3 wricten proposal and so EYiat tlie City Attorney could research the ninttcr Eurthcr. Ayes : Nays: None Motion carried. Hredcsen, Courtney , Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg YEAR END SPECIAL MEETING NOTED. Council was reminded that the special year end meeting will. be held on December 27, 1979, at 5:OO p.m. No action was taken. INDIANHEAD LAKE TWVERSIOK SYSTEN PURCHASE APPROVED CONDITIOXALLY . Mr . Rosland advised Council that, because of water quality and a weed growth problem, resi- dents around lndianhead Lake have requested that the City purchase an aeration system from Free Flow Laboratories and that they will contribute the money to cover the cost of the system. He advised that other neighbors in the drainage district will be contacted by the proponents for their cooperation in using only phosphate free fertilizers and that the responsibilities of the City will be for pump maintenance and approximately $600 annually for elect'ricity . NI. Rosland pointed out that this is a City-wide problem and that considerable money is spent each year for herbicidal control for aquatic weeds. encouraging the April Newsletter. He also advised that the proponents are approaching local hardware stores about the possibility of carrying phosphate free fertilizers. Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt , that the City purchase the inversion system (which is the only system of this type on the market), with the understanding that residents provide $15,096 to cover the cost, and, further, that the system be installed this winter. He suggested that an article City-wide participation in phosphate free fertilization be printed in Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richaxds, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED. Mr. Rosland presented amendments to the Building Ordinances, advisirrg that the Twin City Metropolitan Area has no choice but to adopt the ordinances in order to conform to the 1976 Uniform Build- ing Code. Reading: Councilman Courtney then offered the-following ordinances for First ORDINANCE NO. 405 M O??DINANCE REPEALING OKnLNAiNCE NO. 402 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 402 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Sec. 2. and publicatim. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage I ' ORDINANCE NO. 406 AN OIIDIBANCE ADOPTING THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE EY REFERENCE AND REPEALING 0P;DINANCE NO. 404 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: incorporated herein by reference, as an ordinance of the City, the Ydnnesota State Building Code as promulgated by the Department of Administration of the State of Ennesota and made effective on September' 19, 1978, which code is hereinafter referred to as the MSBC. Provided, however, that no provisions of the BISBC, or documents referred to therein, which are not required by state law to be adopted by the City are adopted except the following, which are hereby adopted and incorpor- ated herein by reference: Section 1. Minnesota State Building Code Adopted. .There is adopted and (a) Chapters 13 (Existing Buildings) and 49 (Patio Covers) of the Appendix of the 1976 Edition of the Uriiform Building Code, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials (hereinafter referred to as the "UBC") ; 1376 Minnesota Plurnbing Code, Appendices k (Standards) , C (Fire Zones), D (Organization and Enforcement), and F (Abbreviations and' Addresses of Technicai Associations) ; (b) (c) MSBC, Appendix D (dl The fee schedule ever, that it is TABLE TOTAL VALU!CtON $1. .oo to $500 .oo $501.00 to $2,000.00 (Building Security) ; of Table 3-A in Section 303 of the UBC; provided, how- hereby amended to read as follows: NO. 3-A - BUILDING PERMIT FEES FEE -- $10 .oo $10.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 for each additLord $iOO.OO 01- fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 .OO. ./ ~ALUATIC~ 2,001.00 to $35,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000 .00 $50,001 .OO to $100,000.00 FEE I_ $20 .OO for tile first $2,000 ,OO plus $4 .OO for each additional $1,000 -00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 .OO $112.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof , to and including $50,000 .OO . $187.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000 .OO. or fraction thereof, to and including $180 , 000.00. I I $100,001 .OO to $500,000 .OO $287.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus 7 Si.50 for each additional .$1,CO0.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000. $887.00 for the first $500,300.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof. $500,001.00 and up In order to insure that the demolition of any building or structure in the City of Edina is done in accordance with this and all other applicable ordinances and regulations and within the time specified in the application or permit, and that the permittee kill indemnify and save the City and its officers harmless against any and all elaims, judgments or other costs arising from the demolition and other vork covered by the permit or for which the City of Edina, its City Council or any of its officers may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through fault or neglect of the permittee, the fee for a permit. to- demolish any building or structure in the City of Edina shall include, in addition to the aboae-stated amount, security in the form of a performance bond, letter of credit or cash deposit, as the City of Edina shall determine. be in an amount to be determined by the Building Official. 2s used, it shall contain terms satisfactory to the City and shall be with a corporate surety authorized to do business in Ninnesota and approved by the City Council*. If a letter of credit is used, it shall be from a national or Minnesota state bank approved by the City Council, shall be unconditional and irrevocable, and shall provide that funds up to the total amount of the letter of credit will be paid to the City, from time to time, upon written demand of the City. If a cash deposit is used, such cash shall be deposited with and held in escrow by a national or IEnnesota state bank having an office in the City, and a written ag-reement signed by the applicant and th; 3ank shall be delivered to the Suildiag Official, whereby the funds in escrow will be paid to the City, from tinie to time, upon written demand of the City. Sec. 2. Codes on File. One copy of each of the following, each marked "Official Copy", is on file in the office of the Clerk and shall remain on file for use and examinat'ion of the public: The security shall If a performance bond 1 (a) MSBC, with appendices; (b) UBC, with appendices; (c> 1978 National Electrical Code; (d) 1971 American National Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators , and Noving Walks , identified as ANSI Al7.1-1971 and Supple- ments REJSI A17.h-1972, ANSI A17.lb-1973, ANSI A17:lc-1974, ANSI 817.1D- 1975, AIS1 A17.le-1975, ANSI A17.lf-1975 and ANSI 817.1g-1376; (e> The 1976 Minnesota Plumbing Code with Appgndices A, By C, D and F; (f) Sections 100 through 1406 of the 1972 Edition of "Flood Proofing Regula- ~ tions", as pronulgated by the office of the Chief Engineers, 3. S. Army; (g) Knnesota Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code, (h) identified as the SBC 7101 through SBC 8505; "Design and Evaluation Criteria for Energy Conservation in New Buildings , Additions and Remodeled Elements of Buildings and Standards for certain existing Public Buildings," identified as 2 MCA? 81.16001 through 21ICAR §1.16006 (2 XCAR §1.16007 through 2 MCAR S1.16013 reserved for . future use.) ; Standards of Performance for Solar Energy Sys tems and Subsystems Applied to Energy Reeds of Buildings, 1977 Edition, identified as 2 IICAR §1.16101 through 2 NCPA §1.16108; and State of Ifinneso ta Nobile Home Installation Standards 1977, identified as 2 NCAR 51.90450 and related definitions in 2 MCAR §i.40103. .. I (i) (j) The Clerk shall furnish copies of said codes or regulations at cost to any person cpon request . Ordinance No. 404 is repealed in its entirety; provided, however, that no revival of Ordinance No. 403 shali occur by virtue of this Sec. 3, passage and publication. Sec. 3.- --- Repealer. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in fa1 force and effect immediately upon its I- ORDIWANCE NO, 407 AN ORDlNANCE IPfPOSINCr ADDITIONAL DUTIES AND CONFERRING ADDTTTONAL I’OWERS UPON THE BOAIW OF APPEALS CREATHD DE’ SECT198 234 o€ the 1376 EDITION OF THE UNIFOIUI BUILDING CODE (“UBC”) , AND TO CHANGE ALL REFERENCES TO PRIOR BOARDS 245 i AND COPPIISSIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS THE CITY COUECIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, l.fINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Members of the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals shall consist of five (5) public members who shall be residents of the City and are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction, and the Building Official. The Building Official shall not have a vote. appointed by the City Council. The public members of the Board of Appeals shall Sec. 2. Appointment of Public Members. The public members shall be ’ be appointed to serve for a term of three years, except that in making the initial appointments, one member shall be appointed to serve for one year and another for two years. Members shall be appointed in January of each year for terms beginning on the 1st day of February in the same year. entering upon the discharge of his duties shall take an oath that he will faith- fully discharge the duties of his office. of a public member to become vacated: death, disability or failure to serve, removal from office, removal of legal residence from the City, resignation in writing, or failure to uphold the oath of office. Vacancies shall be filled as soon as may be for the unexpired portion of the term. A public member may be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by the lfayor with the consent of a majority of the members of the City Council. shall have the right to be reimbursed for expenses incurred in performing their duties. among its public members. Board. and regulations as are necessary and proper to carry out its powers and duties. Every member before Sec. 3. Vacancies and Removals. Any of the following shall catise the office Sec . 4. Compensation. All members shall serve without compensation, but . .I Sec. 5. Organization. The Board of Appeals shall elect a chairman from The Building Official shall act as Secretary of the Sec. 6. Procedure. The Board of Appeals shall adopt such reasonable rules Sec. 7. Powers and Duties. The Board of Appeals shall: Fulfill the duties imposed upoa it by Sectioz 204 of the UBC. Consider appeals taken by any person from any order, requirement, per- mit, decision, refusal or determination made by the Building Official or ths Bureau of Fire Prevention or the Public Health Sanitarian in the application or administration of the ordinances of the City regulating construction, alteration, moving or demolition of buildings, the con- struction, instailation, alteration or removal of plumbing, gas piping or equipment, water softening or filtering equipment, or the installa- tion, alteration or removal of electrical wiring and equipment; pro- vided, however, that the Board of Appeals shall not hear any appeals from, nor have any jurisdiction over, actions taken by any official of Edina under Section 203 of the U8C, Ordinance No. 471, or any ordinance enforced by means of the procedures set forth in Ordinance No. 471; study and review new types of materials and methods of construction, and advise the Building Official and the Council as to the suita-. bility of alternate materials and types of construction to assist in progressive development of the provisions of the building, plumbing, heating, gas piping, electrical and fire abatement or prevention codes or ordinances of the City, and to make recommendations relative thereto; study and review from time to time the building, plumbing, heating, gas piping, eiectrical and fire abatement or przvention codes or ordinances of the City and similar code provisions applicable in com- munities surrounding the City and such other;codes as may come to their attention, and recommend to the Council such new legislation as the hard of Appeals may deem desirable; consider matters referred to the Board of Appeals by the Council or by the Suilding Official and make recommendations relative thereto; and report all decisions and findings made under and pursuant to Section 204 of theIJBC in writing to the Building Official with a duplicate to the applicant and to the Yiimesotla State Building Inspector within fifteen (15) days of such decision or fi.ndTng. ’ Sec. 8. Map Waive Requirements. In considering any appeal, the Board of Appeals, if not prohibited by State law9 may wa-ive any requirement of any of the ordinances does not exist the structure, therein referred to; but only if the reason for such requirement because of the 1mtlsuol use, location or type of construction of or if the person taking the appeal demonstrates to the satis- 12 f 1-7/ 79 . :action of the Board of Appeals tlint the purpose OF, such requirement is met by other means or methods. Also, the Board of Appcals, in granting any waiver of water or sewer connections required by Ordinam;?' No. 431, shall dso make the * findings of hardship and nondetriment required by Sec. 10 of said Oidinance No. 431, and shall condition its waiver on-delivery to the City of the agreement required by &aid Ordinance No. 431. 1 V6 Sec. 9. Appeals. (a) To the Board of Appeals; Hearing by the Board of Appeals. Appeals to the Board of Appeals authorized by Sec. 7 hereof shall be made by filing a written appeal with the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the date of the order, requirement, permit, decision, refusal or deter- mination being appealed. requiremect, permit, decision, reftlsal or determination appealed from, the facts of the matter, the date thereof, and the mailing address of the appellant. shall set a hearing date, give notice thereof, hold a hearing, provide for a record of its proceedings and make its order thereon, all in the same manner as provided for appeals to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments as set out in Ordinance No. 811. (b) To the City Council. Appeals from any order or decision of the Board of Appeals may be taken to the City Council and shall be'heard and decided by the City Council, in the same manner as appeals from decisions of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments as set out in Ordinance No. 811. I The appeal shall fully state the order, Upon the filing of such appeal, the Board of Appeals Sec. 10. Change of Name. All references in all ordinances of the City of Edina to the Building Construction Appeals Board or to the Building Construction Codes Commission shall mean and refer to the Board of Appeals created by Section 204 of the UB. its passage and publication. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon . ORDINANCE NO. 432-A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 432 TO CORRECT REFERENCES TO THE IIINNESOTA PLUPBING CODE AND AIR CONDITIONING AllD REFRIGERATION CODE THE IINNESOTA HEATING, VENTILATING ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF EDINA, TO ADOPT A FEE SCXEDULE TO REPEAL SECTIONS 5, 6, 7, 8, 22 AND 23 OF ORDINANCE NO. 431, AND PRESCRIBING A PENATXY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, IIINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Minnesota Plumbing Code Adopted. The IEnnesota Plunbing Code adopted by the City ordinance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code shall 'be applicable to the pertinent provisions of this ordinance .I' Sec. 2. Sec. 3. Sec. 11 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 11. Portions of the Xnnesota Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code Applicable. Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code adopted by the City ordi- ?lance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code' relating to construction, reconstruction, installation, extension, alteration, or repair of pipes for the conveyance, distribution or use of illuminating or fuel gas, or installing or cGnnecting any gas burning appliance with such gas distribution pipes, whether from a private or public source or supply, shall be applicable to the pertinent provisions of this ordinance .It Sections 2, 8 and 9 of Ordinance No. 432 are hereby deleted in their entirety. Those portions of the Minnesota Heating, .- Sec. 4. Sec. 12 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby deleted in its entirety. Sec. 5. Sec. 15 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 15. Plunbing and Gas Fitting Pernit Fees. Fees, for permits for' all work in the City for which a permit is required under this ordinance shall be as follows: FIXTURES - each $4 .oo ROUGH-IN FIXTURES - each 3 .oo SETTIXG FIXTLJRES OX PREVIOUS ROUGH-IN - each 3 .OO BEER EISPENSER (\hen connected with water supply) - each 3 .OO BLOW OFF BASIN - each 5 -00 CATCH BASIN/IRFL.QDABLE WASTE TUP - each 5 .oo ELECTRIC IJATER HEATER - each 4 .oo HYDRAULIC VALVE - each 5.00 MA3HOLES - each 5 .GO NEW GROUND RUN FOR EXISTING BUILDING 5 .oo ROOF DRAINS - each 4.00 SUMP AND RECEIVIi.!G TAIJKS - each 5 .oo WATER TREATING DZV LCE (Softener) - each 5 .oo -* . .. I 247' FOR EX1 END 'LNG XATER LINES '10 AUTOFIATTC WASHER, REFEIGEWIOII CUT INTO WATER LINE, AIR CONDXTIGXZNG, OR SPRINKLER SYSI'EX (fire or lawn) : dp to. aid including 1-l./2" diarneter pipe $4 .oo . Over I-liZ'' diameter pipe 5 .oo SEWER CONNECTION - Sanitary or Storm ' 10 .oo LATER CONNECTION 10 .oo INSTALLING WATER NETER - each ROAD REPAIR Gravel - per 2 x 4 hole Black top - per 2 x 4.hole Concrete - per 2 x 4 hole 10.00 10.00 . 30 .OO 40.00 FOR OPENIMGS ON A GAS LINE: For up to 3 openings on a line up to 2" in diameter For each additional opening on a line up to 2" in diameter For each additional opening on a line over 2" in diameter 0 .oo 1 .ob 14.00 1 .oo GAS STOVE CChWECTION - each 5 .oo HOT WATER HEATER, UP TO 99,000 BTU - each 5 .oo GAS LIGHT CONNECTION - each 5 .oo GAS B.B.Q. CONNECTION - each 5 .oo INCINERATOR COhTECTiON - each 5 .oo MINIMUM PERMIT FEE 5,5O" Sec. 6. Sec. 16 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby deleted in its entirety. Sec. 7. Sec. 18 of Ordinance No. 432 is hereby revised to read as "Sec. 18. Penalty. Any violation of this ordinance shall be punished For up to 3 openings on a line over 2" in diameter f 0 llovs : to the same extent as a violation of the Minnesota State Building Code adopted by the City of Edina." Sec. 8. A new Sec. 20 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 432 as follows: "Sec. 20. Interpretation. In the event the provisions of the Minnesota State Building Code as adopted by the City of Edina are less restrictive than the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of the Minnesota State Build- ing Code, as adopted, shall control.'! extent not previously effectively repealed, are hereby repealed in their entirety. and publication. Sec. 9. Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 22 and 23 of Ordinance No. 431, to the Sec. 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage ORDINANCE NO. 433-A2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 433 TO CORRECT REFERENCES TO THE MINNESOTA HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION CODE ADOPTED BY THE CITY, TO ADOPT k FEE SCHEDULE, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: follows : Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 433 is hereby amended to read as "Section 1. Minnesota Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrig- eration Code Applicable. The Minnesota Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code adopted by the City ordinance adopting the Minnesota Stzte Building Code shall be applicable to the pertinerit provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. See. 3. Sec. 6 of Ordinance No. 433 is hereby amended to read.as follows: "Sec. 6. Permit Fees. Fees for perrnits for all work in the City for which Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 433 is hereby deleted in its entirety. a permit is required under this ordinance shall be as follows: (a) WARM AIR, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING $7ARlI AIR WINTER HEATING: 1. FUREACE - INCLUDING DUCTS, REGISTERS, ZTC. Grczvity ) Up to and including Mechanical) . 100,000 BTU'S Input $19 .@O Each additional 50,000 BTU'S 5 .OO 2. REPLACEMENT - FURNACE ONLY Gravity ) Up to and including 100,OCO BTU'S Nechanical) Input 10 .oo Each additionai 50,000 BTU'S Input or f rac t ion thereof 5 .OO 3. ALTEIUTTON, ADDITTONS OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING SYSTEM. (SUCH AS AIR CLEANER, IIUPlIDLFIERS , DUCTS, ETC .) Up to $500.00 Cac!i addi.tiono1 $500 .OO 6, fraction thereof L'p to 1,000 CFl4 4. AIR CONDITIONING COILS ADDED TO EXISTING SYSTEM Each additional 1,000 CFN or fraction thereof 5. DIRECT GAS FIRED UXIT USED AS A WINTER AIR CONDITIONING Pee same as (a) 1. above in this Section. SYSTEM WARM AIR .T,L-YEAR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEK. 1. FURNACE - AIR CONDITIONING COIL, DZTCTS', REGISTERS, AIR CLEANER, HUIIIDIFIERS, ETC . CI 100,000 BTU input Heating and 1,000 CFM Each additional 50,000 BTU input Heating Air Conditioning and/or 1,000 CFN Air Conditioning or fraction thereof 2. DUCT SYSTEMS-HEATING-AIR CONDITIONING: (OTHER TKAN STEM1 OR HOT WATER HEATING PLANT EQUIPNEXT, CW,LING COILS OR ELECTRIC HEATING * EQUIPMENT) Up to $500.00 Each additional $500 .OO or fraction thereof U? to and including 1,000 Cnf Each Additional 1,000 CFN or fraction thereof. Up to and including 1,000 CFM Each additional 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof. Up to $500.00 Each additional $500.00 or fraction thereof SUrDER AIR CONDITIONING (Such as attic units v/fan coil or fan coil Ln basement) 3. EACH SYSTEK - HEATING AND COOZING 4. HEATING OR CQOLIXG ONLY 5. ALTERATION, ADDITIONS, OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING SYSTEN 1. EACH SYSTEM - 1XCLbX)ING DUCT WORK - REGISTERS Up to and includiag 1,000 CFM Each erlilitional 1,000 CFM OX fraction thereof 2. ALTERATIOX, ADDITIONS OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING SYSTEMS Up to $500.00 Each additional $500 .OO or fraction thereof system-attic dif'fuser or thru wall type) Up to ail6 includkg 1,200 ZFM Over 1,200 CFM 3. HI-VELOCITY SYSTEMS - (Small pipe and diffuser type VEWILATIOS 1. GENE3AI.t VENTILATION-INCLUDING FAN AND DUCT SYSTEM up to 2,000 CFM Each additional 1,000 CFM or fractidn thereof $10 .oo 5 .OG 14 .oo 5 .oo 19 .oo 5 .oo 2. NOXIOUS L7APORS AND/OR FLANIUBLE $IATERI& SPRAYING, PAINTING OR DIPPING VENTILATION. INCLUDING FAN AND DUCT SYSTEM Up to 2,000 CFM < Each additional 1,000 CETf or fraction thereof DOMESTIC TYPE KITCHEN OR SATHR@OM EXHAUST SYSTEM Nhen vented individually in single or multiple dwell- ings, the fee for one system shall be determined as D.l. above and any additional systems of; this type shall be for each Used individually or in conjunction with a ventila- tion system, the COS^ of the dwt work, exclusive of the cost of the heater, does not exceed $500.00 Each additional $500 .OO or fraction thereof ALTCMTIQNS, ADDITIONS OR REPAIRS TO DUCT SYSTEMS 1. , 2., 3., Oil 4. ABOVE When direct fited gas units arc used for heating, the fees for warm air heating winter air conditioning systems in Subparag-iaph (a) 1. of this Section shall apply. 3. 4. DIRECT GAS FIRED AIR SYSTEMS 5. 6. 10.00 .- I too iri . . . .-- 14.00 5 .OO 14 .OO 5 .oo 10 .oo 5 .oo 14.00 5 .GO 10 .oo 5 .oo 19 .oo 24 .OO 14 .OO 5 .OO 16 .OO 5 .oo 4 .OO 19 .oo 10 -00 12/17/79 I (e) ELECTRIC lIPATING SYSTEMS For first 28 Kilowatts 96,000 BTU ,Each additional 14 Kilowatrs 45,000 CTU In addition to the electric heating permit, tile usual electric permit shall be required. 1. For any permit for installing gas stoves, ranges, gas water heaters, process gas burners, or other similar gas burning devices not used in connection with a heating system, the. fee charged shall be 2s follows for each such device included in such permit. Input : Not exceeding 99,999 BTU 100,000 BTU but not exceeding 199,999 BTU 200,000 BTU but not exceeding 399,999 BTU 400,000 BTU but not exceeding 599,999 BTU 600,000 BTU but not exceeding 999,99? BTU 1,000,000 BTU but not exceeding 2,499,999 BTU 2,500,000 BTU but notTsceeding 9,999,999 BTU 10,000,000 BTU but not exceeding 49,999,999 BTU 50,000,000 BTU but not exceeding 74,000,999 BTU 75,000,000 BTU and over EQUIPPENT Each additional $100 .OO or fraction thereof Tanks - 500 Gallons or Less (E) GAS BURNERS, GAS STOVES, RANGES, GAS LOGS, ETC. 2. ALTERATION OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING BURNER OR up to $100 .oo 3. L. P. GAS INSTALLATIONS 2000 Gallons or Less Over 2000 Gallons Including piping, controls, duluter, etc: . For any oil burner or its equipment connected to a fuel oil tank not buried or enclosed For inputs not. over 2 galions per hour For inputs not over 4 gallons per hour For inputs not over 7 gallons per hour For iquts not over 18 gallons per hour For inputs not over 75 gallons per hour For inputs not over 350 gallons per hour For inputs not over 500 gallons per hour For inputs over 500 gallons per hour 2. Tanks. For any tank not buried or enclosed 560 gallons or less Over 560 gallons Yor any tank buried or to be enclosed 560 gallons or less Over 560 gallons Over 2,000 gallons equipment (g) OIL BURNERS, TANKS AND EQUIPMENT 1. 3. Aliterations or repairs to existing burner or 'Up to $100.00 Each additional $100.90 01: fraction thereof (h) GAS PIPING 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Up to 2" piping with 3 or less openings Over 3 openings - per opening Over 2" piping with 3 or less openings Over 3 openings - per opening' For each.system up to and including 36;OOO BTU 3 tons (2) REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Each addit5onal 36,000 BTU or fraction system up to $500.00 2, Alterations , additions or repairs to existing Each fidditional. $500 .OO or fractioa (j ) FACTORY BUILT-CI-IIPINEYS AND FIREPLACES 1. For the installation of a factory built chimney Up to 8" inside diameter Over 8" inside diameter For the installation of a factory built fireplace, Franklin stove , fireplace s tove, etc. , when installed with a factory built chfnlney 2. 249 , $14.00 6 .oo 6 .OO 10.00 14 .OO 26 .OO 38 .OO 67.50 89 .OO 108 .oo 132.00 189.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 15 .OO 25.00 12 .oo 24 .OO 36 -00 67.00 82 .OO 108 .OO 129..00 189 .OO 10 .oo 12.00 10 .oo 14.00 ' 29 .OO 7.50 2.50 10 .oo 1 .oo 14 .OO 1 .oc 10.00 5 .oo 10.00 5 .eo 7.50 10 .oo 12 -00 12/17/79 (k) CLEANING: COPO\lERCIAL AND TNDUSTYIAL AIR CONDITIONTNG SYS'.rEt-lS A??D/OR VENTILATION SYSTEPIS. DIVIDUAL SYSTEM FEE BASISD ON IN- up to $500.00 $14.00 Each additional $500.00 or traction thereof 8 .oo - (1) STOKERS AND I'OI\!EBED FUEL BUlUI:RS For any permit for the installation of a stoker where. the grate area of the furnace of boiler such stoker For each additional square foot in the grate area of the furnace or boiler to be served by such , stoker For any permit for the installing of a powdered fuel such permit, where the capacity of such burner does not exceed 350 pounds per hour For each additional 25 pounds, or fraction thereof, in the capacity of such burner 2. Alterations or repairs to existing stoker or equipment 1. 1 is required to serve does not exceed 14 square feet 10 .oo 1 .oo j-:. 1- .i;l,. .r burner or burners, for each such burner included in "* 8.00 1.00 up to $100.00 10 .oo Each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof 2.50 (m) STEAEi OR HOT WATER SYSTEMS 1. Boiler and Total System-Including piping, radiators, z coils, converters, etc. Up to and including 100,000 BTU/hour input 2. Boiler only in connection with an existing system 17.50 ~ 5 .oo 10.00 5 .oo Each additional 50,000 BTU input or fraction thereof Up to and including 240,000 BTU input Each additional 240,000 BTU input or fraction thereof 3. For the installation of a piping system or miscel- laneous piping, or additions, aterations or repairs to a system Up to $500.00 Cost 10 .oo Each additional $500.00 or fraction thereof 5 .oo (n) STEAM OR HOT VATER SYSTEMS FOR OTHER THAN HEATING 1. The fees shall be the same as 5n Subparagraph M. of D .\ this Section. (0) - STEB, HOT WATER OR CHILLED WATER COILS * Each system incldding coils, piping controls, valves, etc., from existing system 1. If heating (or) cooling-up to and including 100,000 BTU 14 .OO Each additional 50,000 BTU or fraction thereof 7 -00 If coil is for heating (and) cooling - up to and including 100,000 BTU 18 .OO Each additional 50,000 BTU or fraction thereof the sane as szt out in Subparagraph (m)3..of this Section. * (p] POWER PLANTS For any permit for the installation of a power plant, for each such boiler or furnace and boiler, or power plant to be installed having an input not exceeding 8 .OO For each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or 3 H.P. or fraction thereof 5 .OO existing power plant or boiler or furnace and boiler in connection with a power plant, where the cost of the proposed work does not exceed $500.00 4. For each additional $500.00 or fraction thereof, in 2. 8.00 1 3. Additions, Alterations or repairs - the fee shall be . 1. A 200,000 BTU per hour or 6 H.P. 2. 3. For any permit for alteration or repairs to any I 8 .OO 5 .OO" the cost of such proposed work Sec. 4. Sec. 7 of Ordinance No. 433 is hereby deleted in its entirety. "Sec. 11. -- Penalty. Any violation or' this ordinance shall be punished to the . Sec. 5. Sec. 11 of Ordinance No. 433 is hereby revised to read as follows: same extent as a violation of the Minnesota State Building Code adopted by the City of Edina.". - See. 6. A new Sec. 13 is hereby added to Ordinance Eo. 433 as follows: "Sec.' 13. Interpietation. In the event the provisions of the Minnesota --I__ State Building Code as adopted by the ordinances of the City are less restric- tive than the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of the Ximesofa Stztc Building Code, as adq ted, shall controL ;'I its passage and publicntion. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon .. AND CODES PiDOPTED 14s' TIE CITY OF EDINA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA~JESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. "(g) "(h) Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its Paragraphs (8) and (h) of Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 471 are hereby Any building deemed unsafe under Sec. 203 of the Uniform Building Code Any building in violation of any standard or code adopted by the amended to read as follows: as adopted by the ordinances of the City of Edina." ordinances of the City of Edina." passage and publication. . ORDINANCE NO. 409 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING SITE PLANS PLANTING SCHEDULE AND SECURITY FOR' SITE WORK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Application. (a) ing or erosion control measures are required by any ordinance of the City or as a condition to any approval granted by the City pursuant to any ordinance of the City, for any building or structure, or for land-disturbing activity as defined in Section 3 of Ordinance No. 817, other than the construction of one single or two-family residence or structure whose use is accessory thereto, to be constructed or conducted on any property within the City, the person proposing to do such work shall apply for and receive approval of a site plan and planting schedule pursuant to this ordinance. 'required approvals shall file with the City Planner, for review and approval pursuant to the applicable ordinance, a site plan of the property drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to one inch, showing in detail the landscaping, screening and erosion control work to be done on the site. Such site plan shall be prepared by a registered architect, landscape architect, professional site planner, or other person experienced in such work and acceptable to the CiXy Planner. The applicant shall also file with the City Planner a planting schedule that shall specify the Latin name, common name, caliper, and quantity of all veget2tive materials shown on the site plan, tcgether wiCh a tine schedule for the construction and completion of all such landscaping, screening and erosion control. (b) Security. The applicant shall also file with the City Planner security in the form of a performance bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit, as determined by the City Planner, to ensure that the landscaping, screening, and erosion control work is done pursuant to the site plan and within the time sched- ule therefor, all as set out in (a) of this section, and to ensure that the vege- tative materials used in any such landscaping, screening, and erosion control work that are not in a vigorous growing condition within two complete growing seasons as below set out in this paragraph (b) are replaced. be in an amount to be determined by the City Planner, but for a2 least one and one-half times the amount estinated by the City Planner as the cost of complet- ing the required landscaping, screening, and erosion control measures and not to exceed twice such amount. If a performance bond is used, it shall be with a corporate surety authorized to do business in Minnesota and approved by the City Council. If a letter of credit is used, it shall be from a national or Ninnesota state bank approved by the City Council, shall be unconditional and irrevocable, and shall provide that funds up to the total amount,of the letter of credit will be paid to the City, from time to time, upon written demand of the City. czsh deposit is used, such cash shall be deposited with and held in escrow by a national or Minnesota state bank having an office in the City, and a written agreement signed by the applicant and the bank shall be delivered to the City Planner, whereby the funds in escrow will be paid to the City, from time to time, upon written demand of the City. Where such landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures do'not inckde the use of vegetative materials, the security therefor shall be in force until such landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures have been completed and approved by the City Planner. Where such landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures do include the use of vegetative materials, the security therefor shall be in Eorce for at least two complete growing seasons subsequent to the completion and approval of such land- scaping, screening or erosion control measures by the City Planner. be issued for any building or structure to he constructed or placed on any site until the plans and schedules for that site, and the security therefor, have been approved and filed as required by this ordinance. Site Plan and Planting Schedule. In every case where landsczping, screen- %\ I\ P a a The applicant for the a The security shall If a Sec. 2. - Building Permits ; Suspension or Revocation. No building permits shall If the building permit for work -( 252 on the site is thereafter suspended or revoked,- then the site work showI1 on the ?la= approved pursuant to this ordinance shall cease until a new bu-ilding permit is issued or such suspension lifted. Sec. 3. Pennl.ty. Violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punish- able by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both and in addition, payment of all costs of prosecution shall be added. Sec. 4. its passage and publ-ication. This ordhance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon ORDIBANCE NO. 110-A1 GRANTED FIRST READING. Nr. Rosland called Council's atten- tion to Ordinance Eo. 110-A1 which amends the moratorium on.low and moderate I- income housing, reaommending that, if the ordinance is adopted, the Crossroads Development zoning hearing should be set for January 21, 19SO. Councilman Court- ney thereupon offered the following ordinance for First Reading: OF3INANCE NO. 11O-Al AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 110 TO EXPAND THE EXEMPTIONS FROM THE MORATORIUN ON CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF LOW AND NODERATE INCO>E HOUSING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: follows : of Edina to a district which will allow use for low and moderate income housing, and no building permits or other permits of the City of Edina for construction or use of low and moderate income housing in the City of Edina, ill be accepted, pro- cessed, acted on or issued, for a period ending July 31, 1980. This moratorium shall not apply to (i) low and moderate income housing projects now constructed or under construction in the City of Edina, but shall apply to any expansion there- of, (ii) Section 8 Existing programs and the Lon and Moderate Income Housing Loan 2nd Grant Program presently undertaken by the City of Edina, and (53-2.) any petitions for transfer of land to another zoning district for development of low and moderate income housing projects which were duly filed with the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 811 prior to September 17, 1979. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Section 1. Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 110 is hereby amended to read as "Sec. 2. Moratorium. No applications for transfer of any land in the City zZ.2 y&ficaticl2. CROSSROADS DEVELO34ENT ZONING HEARING DATE SET. that the hearing date for Crossroads Development zoning be set for January 21, 1980. Councilman Courtney .then moved Notion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes : Courtney , Schniidt, Van Valkenburg Nays : Bredesen, Echards Motion carried. 1980 EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN CONFIRMED. In response to a memorandum of the City Nanager, Councilman Courtney's motion ~7as seconded by Councilwoman ~ Schmidt, confirming $80.00 per month.contr2bution of the City for non-union employee/dependent health contribution as provided for in the 1980 Budget, with the understanding that the Public Works employees have not yet settled their coEtr act. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Hotion carried. Councilman Bredesen added that, while he had voted in favor of the plan at this time, he considered it inappropriate in that it is costing the City unnecessary money. people realize that there are other approaches to.health insurance. SALARY SCHEDULES DISCUSSED; 1980 SALARY ANXI WAGE SCHEDULE ACCEPTED. Mr. Rosland referred to a memorandum to the Council setting forth salaries and wages for the year 1980. across the board but clarified that the steps approved by Couric5.1 brought the overall salary and wage increase to S.2%. following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL that the following salary and wage sched- ule be accepted for the year 1980: He said that he hoped that in the future a way could be found to make I He recalled that the 1980 Budget had provided for an increase of 6X Councilmm Courtney thec offered the - 12/1'?/ 79 1980 PAY NYiXS Step 1 Pear bund -I_- Level A $3.07 2 3.40 3 3.60 4 3.82 5 4.i3 Managerial positions should not exceed $4.77. SZASONAL Level 1 jobs 1st 2nd 3rd Level 2 jobs 1st ' 2nd 3rd Level 3 jobs 1st 2nd 3rd 3.34 to 4.51 Level 4 - Range Management 111 Management I1 Management I Technical Management Technical 111 .Technical I1 Technical I General I1 General I Public Safety: PS Management I11 PS Management I1 PS Mariagement I PS Gerieral II PS General I PERSONNEL COHE'ENSATION RATES STEP 1 $29,406 21,996 18,512 16,900 14,924 13,234 11,882 10,348 9,152 24 , 934 23,348 21,216 12,974 10,296 STEP 2 $31,980 23,920 20,124 18,382 16 , 224 14,378 12,922 11,232 9,958 27,118 25,376 23,062 14,118 11,206 Motion for adoption oL the resolution was secondel- by Rollcall: f' . .. 1,evel 8 $3.45 3.71 3.9s 3.98 4.24 . 2.81 2.97 3.18 2.92 3.07 3.29 3.18 3.71 4.24 STEP 3 $34 , 554 25,844 21,762 19 , 864 17,524 15,548 13,962 12,116 10 , 764 29,302 27,430 24,934 15,262 12,116 Councilwoman STEP 4 $36,764 27,482 23,140 21,138 18,642 16,536 14,846 12 , 870 11,440 31,174 29,172 26,520 12,870 15,224 Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted METROPOLITAN WASTE COSTROL COMMISSION JOINT USE RENTAL AGREEMENT APPROVED. As recormended by l4r . fiosland, Councilman Courtnsy offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ediiia City Council does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Xanager to enter into Joint Use Rental Agreement for 1980 No. 146 with the Xetropolftan Waste Control Comndssion. Nbtion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. RESOLUTION Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Vzlkenburg Nays: None Resolution atiopted. CONNUNIT'T' HEAL'IX SEFVICES AGREEXENT WITH BENNEPIN COUNTY APPROVED. As recom- mended by Nr . Rosland, Councilman Courtney offered the folloixing resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edha CicFCouncii does hereby authorize and direct the Nayor and City Manager to enter into the 1980-81 Community Health Services Agreement No, (31044 between the City of Edina and Hennepin County. Motion for adopiion of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. RPS OLUT ION Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. PORTABLE BULITJI TESTER -- USER' S AGPZEIENT WITH STATE OF MINhTSOTA APTROVED . As recommended by Mr . Rosland, Councilman Courtney offerad the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOIAUTION I BE IT RESOLVED that thq City of 1”sdina enter into an agreement with the State of 1 Xinnesota, DcpartmcnI: of Public Safety Cor the following purposv, to-wit: To provide authority for the City to receive from the State oE Ninncsota, Depart- ment of Public Safety, ALERT J3h portable breath test unit or units on a loan basis. The unit or units are to be used by City law enforcement officers to assist them in the detection of motorists who may be in violation of Xinnesota Statutes Section 169.121; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager be and they are hereby authorized to execute such agreement. Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman =chards. I Rollcall : Ayes : Nays: None ReGolution adopted. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, SFhmidt, Van Valkenburg STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOHMENDED TRANSFERS FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1979, APPROVED. As recommended by Eir. Dalen, Councilman Bredesen’s motion ~72s seconded by Councilman -Courtney approving Statement of Estimated Ex- penditures and Recommended Transfers for the Year Ending December 31, 1979. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID. €or papent of the following claims as per Pre-List: Park Fund, $11,656.21; Art Center $1,880.09; Park Construction, $59,308.47; Swim- ming Pool, $1,068.53; Golf Course, $6,939.06; Arena, $12,061.75; Gun Range, 243.94; Water Fund, $5,470.36; Sewer Fund, $97,072.67; Liquor Fund, $650,414.32; Construction, $431,111.33; IBR #2, $J,500,315.00; Total, $2,963,667.38; and for con- firmation of payment of the following claims: General Fund, $25,577.34; Park Fund, $50.32; Water Fund, $26.00; Liquor Fund, $146,449.79; Construction, $1,628.80; Toral, $173,732.25. Motion of Councilman Bredesesl was seconded by Councilman Courtney General Fund, $186,125.65; Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Sclunidt, Van Valkenburg Nays:: None Hotion carried. P- u,o~ricil ’ s agizilda ha-ving been wvered, Couacilwoinan Sciimidt ’ s motion for adjourn- ment was seconded by Councilman Richards. Adjournment at 8:20 P.M. L-rA?-U&.L City Clerk -