HomeMy WebLinkAbout19800303_regular1. Answering rollcall were members Bredcsen, Courtney , Richards , Schmidt and thyor Van Valkenburg. Development and Planning Commissim, Leslie Turner of the Human Relations Comiuis- sion, .and Alisoil Fulir of the Traffic Safety Committee. Present also were Mines. Iielen EkClelland of the Community PUELIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON STEXET LIGHTING IMPROVEIEMTS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as herein recorded : A. CONSTRUCTION OF OFWQENTAL LIGHTING IMPlIOVE$ENT NO. P-L-17 IN THE FOLLOWING : Scriver Road from Blake Road to the West line of Hyluld Acres Addition Mr. Rosland presented total estimated -c.nstruction cost of $498.01 , proposed to be assessed against 7 assessable lots at an estimated cost of $71.14 per assessable lot, with the City of Edina paying $9.05 per lighting fixture. Fir. Hoffman explained that it is proposed to use high pressure sodium lights which will result in a 40% energy reduction, requested a delay in the hearing until April 21, 1980, inasmuch as when the residents petitioned for this improvement, they were maware of the type of lights to be installed. He mentiozled that mazly residents are out of town and should be here fok the hearing. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion continuing the hearing until April 21, 1980, was seconded by Councilmaa Richards. An unidentifiei! gentleman in the audience (u 3 IQ 0 0 Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. FOLLOWING: Golf Terrace from Wooddale Ave. to Easterly LakevTew Drive I&. Eosland presented total estimated construction cost at $2,403.81, proposed to be assessed against 22 benefitted lots at an estimated cost of $109.49 per lot, Mr. Hoffrcan explained that the petition was not 100% and said that it is only proposed to replace four exiscltng ligits. in response to a request &aL ?he proj ect be only a one year assessment , Councilman Courtney clarif'ied that that mitter odd be determined at the assessment heartng. 170 further discussion wirs heard. (See Resolution 4rdering Improvement later in Ninutes .) a 8. CONSTRUCTION OF 0RNAIVE"AL LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-L-18 IN THE C. CONSTRUCTION OF OF3iMENTAL LIGETIIJG IMPX0'5TEXENT NO. P-L-19 IN THE FOLLONING: Upper Terrace from West Shore Erive to Brittany Road Pk. Rosland presented estimated construction cost at $3,709.75, proposed to be assessed against 20 assessable Sots at en estimated cost of $185.49 per lot. Mr. Donald Denzer, 4805 Upper Terrace, said that he had been unaware that a petition had been circulated in his neighborhood. He was advised thst the wires T'IOU~~ be installed under ground. No further discussion was heayd. lution Ordering Inprovement later in L"finutes .) Iz. COMSTRUCTION OF ORNhMENTAL LIGETIBG I>PEOVEXENT NO. I?-L-20 IN TZE FOLLWING : (See Reso- On lot line between 5817 and 5821 Eastview Drive bk. Rosland presented total estinated construction cost of $655.49 propose6 to be assessed against 4 assessable loks at an estimated cost of $163.87 per assessable lot. Being advised by Kr. Iloffman that Ek. Naryellezl E. Smith, 5Si7 Eas~view Drive, had requested that the hearing be continued iaitil April 21, 1380, because three EamLlies are out of towx, Corzncilman Richards' notion continuing the liearh-g as rsques ted was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes : Bredesen, Cov.rtney Richards, Schnidt, Van Valkenbm-g Nays: Eone Notion carried. E.- COBSTRUCTION OF IISCET,LAINEOZI'S IMPROVEKEENTS OR I?. 56TH STREET were cvntiatled untd April 7 Hredesen. 1980, by motion of Councilman Courtney, secon6ed by Comcilman Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Richards , Sc'mScit , Vaq Valkenburg Eays: None PBcion carried. CounciXman Courtney thereupon ofZere9 Lh2 fol!.owing resolution and moved its adoption : liXSOLUTIO!\1 ORDER'L3G 0 pJ&NE?ITAL LIC~ITING IM?RO\ZPENTS 3'3s. Couiicil heretofore cowed nutlicc of hearing to Le duly pihlished and mailed to ownem of each parcel within the area proposed to br asacssed on t!ie iollowi,itg proposed improvements : 2. and CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING IEIPROVEHTBT NO. L-18 IN THE FOL- LOKCNG : Golf Terrace from Wooddale Ave. to Easterly Lakeview Drive LOWING : Upper Terrace from West Shore Drive to Erittany Road at the hearing held at the time and.place specified in said notice, the CONSTRUCTION OF GRLU”TAL STREET LIGBTING IEIPROVENENT NO. L-19 IN THE FOL- Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised or’ the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said improvements, including all proceedings which may be neces- sary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for constructi.cn and maintenance of such improvements; that said improvemerrts are hereby designated 2nd shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as fol- . lot7s: No. 1 Above ORNAI’ENTAL LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT L-18 No. 2 Above ORNMENTAL LIGHTING IMPROVENENT L-19 and the area to be specially assessed for Ornamental Lighting Improvement PTo. L- 18 shall include Lots 3 thru 6, Block 1, Lots 3 thru 6, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 3, Block 3, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 4, all in Hanson & Parks 1st Addition, Country Club District, Lot 4, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4, Golf Terrace Heights; and the area . to be specially assessed for Ornameental Street Lighting Improvement No. L-19 above shall include Lots 15 thru 18, Block 1, Lots 15 thru 25, Block 8, and Lots 7 thru 11, Block 9, all in TJoodhill Addition. .Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. CROSSROADS DEVELOPEEVI CORPORATION ZONING REQUEST CONTINUED TO MARCH 17, 19 80. As requested by the developer, Councilwoman Schmidt’s notion was seconded by Councilman Richards, continuing the zoning request of Crossroads Development Corporatic-n until March 17, 1980. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. LOT 12, BLOCK 1, HOWIDS 1ST ADDITION LOT DIVISION CONTINUED TO MARCK 17, 1980, FOB FINDIEGS. Mr. Hughes recalled that the petition for division of Lot 12, Block I, Holands 1st Addition had been continued from February 4, 1980, so that the CounciL would have a further opportunity to review the Community Developmeat and Planning Commission and the Council Minutes and the grade of the property in question. Mr. Frank Cardarelle, representing the proponent, presented designs and landscape plans prepared by the architect and by the landscape architect, and advised that there is a 10% grade proposed for the driveway. Mr. Hoffman ex- plained that grades of this type are not unusual in Edina, and said that an eight foot wall would be created on one side, with a four foot wall on the other side. €?e added that all 17 feet of the driveway must be used for a completed driveway of 12 feet. He also stated that care must be taken to construct the driveway so that the water drains to the East on Claredon Drive. Ek. Hoffman recalled also that the Traffic Safety Committee had reconmended that a barrier be constructed . across the street to protect that property in case a car slid down the driveway. $3~~ Jerry S. Zweigbaum, 7304 Claredon Drive, said that he lives across the street from the property Tn question and excressed concern about -installation of a barrier adjacent to his property. from the driveway damaging his property and of flooding from melting snow or heavy rains. Mr. Cardarelle said that it would take an exceptionally rare storm. to ciluse any water to go over the curb and repeated that the water would be forced to the East. Mr. Clarence Kemp, who originally lived at 7312 Claredon Drive, recalied that the basement of his home was flooded during construction and that the stom sewer on Claredon Drive was not adequate to handle ground waters. Nr. Kemp recalled that the 17 foot easement was originally dedicated to loop the watermain on Tralee Drive. Fuhr, Blr. Cardarelie exylained that it would be impossible to move the drivelqay to the West ‘because the grade would be steeper and more trees would be destroyed. Nr. Darrell Eoyd, 7204 Shannon Drive, expressed concern that the melting snow 2;;ould run into his pool and added that a 17 foot driveway is too narrow. Fk. Christopher Krueger, 7306 Clarcdon Drive, said that he feared for the safety of children who might fall off thc retain?-n;: wall. Nr. Carclarelle suggested chat a fence could be erected that would ktxy chc cliildrcn owriy from the wall. Flayor Vaa Valkenburg expressed his coiiccrn rilmtit drniaagc mcl potential erosion. . He said that, in spite of the coisacnts that wcrc made, choc the. lot division He spoke also of the possibility of snow 1 In response to a question of Iks: Alison 3 vas already approved, as lie read the minutes and the attornwy's comnients, he did not think t!int it necessarily follows that this ciivisim wn:: previously approvcd. The Mayor cnmnicnted also that the lots- in the area arc larger than the subject property and recalled that Council lias always attempted to keep lots comparable in size in a givcn area. Mayor's recommendation for denial and moved that the matter be referred back to Mr, Hughes to draft Findings and Reasons for Council's review so that specific action can be taken at the meeting of March 17, 1980. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Mr. Cardarelle advised that the owner would like to meet with the City Attorney and go over minutes of past Council Heetings. He was advised that this request could be made after a decision is reached and was told that he would be. given an opportunity to review the Findings before the next meet- ing. Councilman Richards said that 111. concurred with the Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Mot ion carried. LOT 5, BLOCK 1, SOUTHDfiLE 4TH ADDITION M7D LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SOUTHDALE 2ND ADDITION DIVISION APPROVED. the common lot line between Lot 5, Block 1, Southdale 4th Addition and Lot I, Block 1, Southdale Second Addition as recommended by the Community Development and Planning Commission. No objections being heard, Councilman Courtney offered Qhe following resolution and moved its adoption. WIEXEAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels : Mr. Hughes presented a petition to re-adjust, by seven feet, Lot 5, Block 1, Southdal'e Fourth Addition; and Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Addition; and TJHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") ; Parcel 1: Outlot 1, Southdale Fourth Addition, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said- county; Parcel 2; Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Addltion, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County, except that part lying Westerly of a line described as com- mencing at the most Northwesterly comer of said Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Additior,; thence Southwesterly along the Nortilr$esLerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Addition, a distance of 68.47 feet; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Addition, a distance of 54.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southerly, deflecting to the left 28 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, to the intersection with the South line of said Lot 1, Block Is Southdale Second Addition and said line there terminating. Subject to certain restrictions , reservations and covenants as contained in deed Doc. Eo. 450484, Files of Registrar of Titles; Subject to Reservation of Easements, Rights and Privileges with Respect to Utilities, etc. as contained in deed Doc. No. 450484, Files of Registrar of Titles; Parcel 3: 'Illat part of Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale First Addition, lying West of the following descrlbed line: said Lot 1, 40.72 feet East of the Southwest comer as measured along the South line thereof; thence running Northerly to a point in the Nesterlg line of said Lot 1 which point is 129.82 feet Northeasterly from the Southwest corner as measured along the Westerly line thereof, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County. Subject to certain restrictions, reservations and covenacts as contained in deed DGcument No. 448729, Files of Registrar of Titles. Sub- ject to Reservation of Easements, Rights and Privileges with Respect to Utilities, etc., as contained in deed Doc. No. 448729, Files of Registrar of Titles; 536076, Files of Kegistrar of Titles; Parcel. 4: .That part of Lot 5, Block 1, Southdale Fourth Addition, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the liegistrar of Titles in and for said County, lying Easterly of 2 line described as beginning at a point on the East line of said Lac 5, distant 111.66 feet: Southwesterly of the Northeast corner of said Lot 5 as measured along said East lhe of 3,or 5; thence runn€ng Northensterly to a point on the North line of said Lot 5 which point is 7.00 feet Vesterly front said Xortheast corner of Lot 5 as measured along said North line of Lot 5. Subject to drainage and utility easements as shown on plat; and Parcel 1; to the plat thereof on file or or' record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County, lying Kestcrly of a line described as'con~ienc- ing at the most Xartfiwesterly comer of said Lot: 1, llilock I, Southdale Second ' Beginning at a point in the South 3.ine or' Subject to easerc2nt and option to purchase as shown in deed Doc. No. That part: of Lot 1, Block I, Southdale Second Addirfon, according .. .. Addition; thence Southwcs tcrly along thc %ortliwcsCerly line of said -.,ot 1, Block I, Southdale Second Additian, n distance of 68.47 'frct ; thence SoutfierlY along the Westerly line of s3id Lot 1, Rlack 1, Sauthhnlr Second ildditioa, a distance of 54.00 Ecct to the point of beginning of the li~e to be described; thence Southerly, deflecting to the lcfz 2s degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, to the intersection with the South line of saic! Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale Second Addition and said line thcre terminating. Parcel 2: Lot 5, Block 1, Southdale Fourth Addition, according to the plat, thereof on file or of record in the office of the Rcgistrar of Titles in and €or said County, escept that part thercof lying Easterly of a Ene described as beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 5, distant 111.66 feet Southwesterly of the Northeast corner of said Lot 5 as measured along said East line of Lot 5; thence running Xortheasterly to a point on the Xorth line of said Lot 5 which is 7.00 feet Westerly from said Northeast corner of Lot 5 as measured along said Horth line of Lot 5. Subject to drainage and utility easements as shown on piat (as to Parcel 2). Subject to certain restrictions, reservations and covenants as contained in deed Document No. 450484, Files of Registrar of Titles (as to Parcel 1). Subject to Reservations o€ Easements, Rights and Privileges with Rsspect to Utilities, etc., ,as contained in deed Doc. 'No. 450484, Files of Registrar of Titles (as to Parcel 1); and I' WHEREAS, it has been deterninea that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the lity of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Sub- division and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 188; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the. convsyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate' tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance Ho. 801 and OrdinanceNo, 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other prosji- sion thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be pro- vided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Cquncilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayzs : Bi-edesen, CourLney, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Bays: None Resolution adopted. vote :) (Richards was absent from the meeting at the time of the LOT 3, THE PINES LOT DIVISION CONTINUED. Mr. Hughes advised Council that the peti- tion for division of Lot.3, The Pines, generally located West of France Ave. and . South of I?. 60th St. , had been denied by the Planning Commission, and recommended that the matter be conthued to March 17, 1980, so that the proponent would have an opportunity to address the Council. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded 3y Couucilmn Bredesea, continuing the matter until March 17, 1980. 6 Ayes: Nays: None Xotion carried. Bredesen , Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg A'IWCOD STATION SECOND ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT HEARING DATE SET. by Mr. Hughes , Councilman Bredesen's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney, setting March 17, 1980, as hearing date for preliminary plat for Atwood Station As recomaended . Second Addition. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. #I EDIEA NASONIC PROPERTY ACCESS DISCUSSION CONTINUED. Councilman Richards ' motion was s.econded by Councilwoman Schmidt , continuing discus- sion of the Edina 'Masonic property access untsl Narch 17, 1980. Ayes : Bredesen , Courmey, Richards , Schmidt, Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Xotion carried. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, DOUGLAS ERICICSON COHCERNS ABOUT FIRE DEPARTIEWT MANPOlJER NOTED. Mr. Rosland called Council's attention to a letter from Nr. L'auglas Erickson, 5020 IkLchn1ond Drive, I in which concern was expressed about the manpower in the Fire %Department, as well as the equipment. Mr. Erickson expressed his willingness to become involved in helping to correct the situation as he saw it and to "support the necessary in- . crease in taxes that will be required". tin Erickson was invited to attend the informal Council Meeting OG Saturday, March 29, 1980, at which Fire Department services will be discusscd. No foi-inn1 action IJ~S taken. 5 SCliOr~r, DISTRICT --I- HOiTNDARY C€IAEG@ REQUESTI<D Plrs . Ellsworth Johnson, 6304 Wcs t- wood CoUrt, pres~ntec! a petitj~n and map sliowing the addresses of petitioiicrs, requesting that n portion of the City of Ediria which is located within the Hop- kins Sc11001 District be cliar~gcd to Edina Indtlpciidcnt School District 273. Dr. C. L. Corman, a child psychologist advised Council said that children have no 11 sense of belonging" wiCh friends so far from home. PIrs. Johnson pointed out that she is concerned about the safety and welfare of children having to be bussed for such a long distance when they were actually closer to Edina schools and pointed out that the Hopkins School District will not transport children to Our Lady of Grace School. She explained that residents living on the presidential" named streets in the extreme Northwest comer of the City have not expressed any interest in the change, preferring to remain identified with the City of Hopkins and the Hopkins School District. Two unidentified ladies in the audience concurred xith remarks of Mrs. Johnson and Dr. Corman. Council- man Bredesen offered the Eollowing resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, a substantial area of Northwestern Edina is located within the existing boundaries of the Hopkins School District No. 274; and WHEREAS, a large number of students whose homes are located within the bound- aries of the City of Edina live closer to schools which are located within the Edina School District No. 273; and WHEREAS, the Hopkins schools are located farther from the area of concern than Edina schools, necessitating bus service to areas which are adjacent to areas already served by Edina School District busses; and WHEREAS, this duplication of bus service causes a needless waste of gasoline, with its accompanying high costs, as well as a waste of valuable time for s tudeiit s ; and IrJHEREAS, the distance between home and school makes it difficult for students to participate in extra-curricular activities and to socialize with their school friends; and WHEREAS, these children lose their identity as a member of their own munici- pality; and ITHEREAS , the Hopkins School District will now have the enrollment of approxi- mately 1,104 additional students from the Golden Valley School District and there is the possibility that some Hopkins schools may be overcrowded; and WHEREAS, the safety and welfare of all students is of primary importance; and WKEREAS, a totiil of 38 prqerty owli?rs livlag 03 ktkur Street, 31&e ICcz?d, Evanswood Lane, Fox Meadow Lane, West Highwood Drive, Interlachen Blvd. , Kings- berry Road, Londonderry Drive, Malibu Drive, Maloney Ave., hndelssofin Lane, Parkwood Road, Pine Grove Road, Prescott Circle, Ridge Road, Schaefer Road, Scriver Road , Telemark Trail, Tyler Court, Walnut Drive, Westwood Cc.urt and Willow Wood Road have signed petitions requesting that the School District boundaries be changed so that homes in this area are in Edina Independent School District 273; and WHEREAS, additional petitions are being received daily in support of the requested boundary change: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council endorses the request of these residents of the City of Edina for a revision of the School District boundaries ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the . Edina School District, to Representatives Mary Forsythe, Ray Pleasant and Wil- tl RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT liam Dean and to Senators Otto T. Bang and Harmon T. Ogdahl. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Roll call : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. Richards. YORKDALE LIQUOR STORE ICE MACHINE PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids for a Scotsman Ice Machine showing CMT. Refrlgeration, .Xnc. at $3,040 .OO with Carbonic Machines, Inc. , low bidder at $2 , 738.00. Councilman Courtney's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Carbonic Machines, Inc. at $2,738.00, was seconded by Councilt7oman Schmidt. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Richards , Schmidt , Vstn Val.kenburg Nays: None Mot 5on carried . YORKaALE LIQUOR STORE CHECKOUT STATIOH BID AWAPUIED. Plr . Kosland presented tabu- lation of two bids for a checkout station for the Yarlcdale Liquor Store, showing R. C. Smith Company low bidder at $4,950.00 and Environments at $5,275.00. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by kuncilwoman Schmidt foc award to reconimcnded low bidder, R. C. Smith Company at $4,950.00. 3/3/80 Ayes : Courtney, Richards, Schmidt Mot ion carried. Nays : Bredesen, Val; Valkenburg -. (t FERTILIZER FOR GOLF COURSE PURCllhSE AUTHORIZED. Wr. Rosland called Council’s attention to tabulation of two quotes for S tons of fertilizer for the golf course showing Turf Supply Company low bidder at $5,266.00 and Toro at $5,356.00, Hotion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt for purchase from recommended low bidder, Turf Supply Company at $5,266.00. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg * Nays: None &t ion carried. D 72” ROTARY MOWER PURCHASE APPROVED. Nr. Rosland presented tabulation showing two quotes for one 72” rotary mower for the Park Department, showing Ilinnesota Toro, Inc., low bidder at $6,166.00 and R. L. Gould & Co. at $6,194:70. man Bredesen’s motion for award to recommended low bidder, Minnesota Toro, Inc., was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Council- Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None liotion carried. REFORESTATION TREES PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of three quotes for purchase of 84 trees for spring planting for the City’s refor- estation program. Tabulation showed Mike FJinge Landscaping Co. low bidder at $4,996.62, Cedar Creek Fursery at $5 , 0 16.00 and Minnesota Valley at $7,560.00. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded 5y Councilwoman Schmidt for award to recommended low bidder, Eke FJinge Landscaping Co. at $4,996.62. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Mot ion carried. DETECTIVE DIVISION CKEVROLET IMPALA PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. 15.r. Rosland presented a tabulation of two bids for one full-sized 1979 Chevrolet Impala sedan for the, Detective Division showing Grossman Chevrolet at $5 , 240 and Suburban Chevrolet at $5,500.00. ---- vL--rlL2d c......-. nan &evrol&t, at $5,2.40.00. As recommended by the City Manager, Councilwoman Schmidt’s notion Grcss- by CO-EC~TEZZI 3zccksez authorizing purcbas~, f KCXI l?~ bidder, Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney , Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. 1 RECREATION FEES AND CHARGES REVISED. As continued from.the Council Heeting of February 25, 1980, the Council reviewed Statements of Income and Expense for the Swimming Pool, the Recreation Center and the Golf Course, noting that losses had been sustained by the Recreation Center and by the Pool and that the price of patron cards had been established last NovemSer with no increase in cost. ing about the increasing costs of energy, &Ire Kojetin recomiiended that methods of concerving costs of heating and refrigeration be studied. Mr. Valliere suggested that non-patrons should pay a higher percentage than patrons and that green fees were last raised three years ago. Following discussion, Councilman Bredesen moved that, with the exception of patron cards, all fees be increased by 10% md, further, that the Council have the opportunity to review the cost of patron czrds before a final decision is made each year. Notion was seconded by Councilmw- Richards. Remark- Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Xotion carried. REALLOCATIOX OF PEPB 4 AND 5 C0N”ITY DEVELOPXENT FUEDS APPROVED. As recow mezlded by Ik. Hughes, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION I BE *IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the City of Edina does hereby request the following reallocation of funds fromyears IV and V of the Conmunity Development Block Grant Pro gram : - Esisting Year IV Budget Proposed Rcallo cat ion - Land Acquisition $ 44,806 . $ 0 Handicapped Access 5,000 5,000 Housing Rehabilitation 26,000 26,000 50th and Frznce 76,000 75 , 000 Comprehensive Plan 15,000 15 , 000 Morningside School 80,500 - 125,306 $24 7,306 $247,306 t. . , .. . 3/3/80 EsistLng Year V Euclget Land Acquisition $101,494 Housing Re11 ab ili t a t io n 35,000 Special Access Relief 10,000 No rnin gs i de S ch oo 1 56 , 000 Handicapped Access 56,000 Propcwrd Rcnllacntion $146,200 35,000 10,000 0 ’ 67,194 7 Comprehensive Plan 10,OOO 10,000 $268,394 $26 8,394 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. YEAR VI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GWT APPI,ICATI(IN SUBMISSION APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Hughes, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE CITY OF EDINA COI?IMuNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TO HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR CONSIDERATION AS PART OF THE URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY IN ACCORD WITH THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT COXYIJNITY DE VEL OPMEN T B L 0 CR GRANT APPL I CAT1 ON, OF 1974, AS =COMMENDED WHEREAS, the City of Edina has executed a Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County agreeing to participate in the Urban Hennepin County Cornunity Development Block Grant Program; and TJHEREAS , a three year Community Development Program and Housing Assistance Plan has been prepared consistent with the Comprehensive Urban Hennepin County Com- munity Development .S trategy and the Community Development Program Regulations ; and WHEREAS , the three year Community Development Program and Housing Assistance Plan has been subject to citizen review pursuant to the Urban Hennepin County Citizen Participation Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina approve the proposed three year Community Development Program and Housing Assistance Plan and authorizes the exo,cuticzl of th~ qplFcstior, mat-erial 2nd Its transrz;ittal tz’ Hennepin County for consideration as part of the Year VI Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Application. JAotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . Rollcall: Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None ’ Resolutioa adopted. - DATA PRIVACY DESIGNEES INDEMNIFIED. LIABILITY INSURANCE COETINUED TO WcLi 17, 1980. Council was reminded that at its meetiilg of January 21, 1380, the Council passed a resolution indemnifying the City Clerk as the ResponsLble Authority under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and requested that the staff look into means of providing protection for Designees as well. advised that Mr. Gedelman is currently attempting to extend coverage to all emp- loyees who are involved under the Data Privacy Act but that the degree of suc- cess is uncertain at this time. Councilman Richards then moved that the matter be continued to Narch 17, 1980, so that Mr. Gedelman could furnish definite information on insurance coverage. Notion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Pk. -Rosland Ayes : Brcdesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Councilman Richards thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: XES OLUTION INDEMHIFL’ING EESIGNEES OF THE CITY OF EDINA LNDER THE MINNESOTA GOVERNFIENT DATA PRACTICES ACT BE IT RESOLVED BY T%E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: 1. appointed for the City of Edina uIider and pursuant to the Miilnesota Government Data Practices Act, Hinnesota Statutes, Sections 15.1611 to 15. i698, as amended against judgments or any amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred in connection with any tort claim or derrind arising out of an alleged act or omission by the Designees occurring within thE scope of the employment or the official duties of the Designees. 2. in any case of malfeasance in office or wfllful or wanton neglect of duty. 3. set forth in Ninncsota Statutes, W466.04,or such greater amount as may result That the City of Edina shall indexiiify and provide defense for all Designees The indemnification arid defense provided for the Designees shall not apply The indemnity granted by this resolution shall nor exceed the limitations ’ 31 3/ SQ from the City of Edina having procured liability insurnlice pursuant to PLiniiesota Statutes, S466.06. >-lotion for adoption of the rcsolution was sccondcd by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. c- HOUSING :ONPETTEE REPORT DISCUSSED. ing Committee and to comments that he had made with reference to it. to a question of >lrs. Cindy Chamberlin, President of the Edina League of b7on;e-n Voters, it was brought out that the Park Board was concerned about one 'govern- mental entity telling another branch of government what it could or could not do. Mr. Hughes explained that he anticipated that the Report will be heard by the Community Development and Planning Commission on April 9, 1980 and that it will be brought to the Council on April 26, 1980, for permission to allow transmittal to the Netropolitan Council on July 22, 1980. Councilman Bredesen questioned whether if, by accepting the Housing Report on behalf of the City, the Council is accepting some things of which :the average citizen is unaware and questioned possible endorsement of the use of closed schools for moderate and low cost hous- ing development.. The Mayor said that he would be going over the report and urged the Council to give him their input. No .formal action was taken. The $fayor referred to the report of the Hbus- ~ In response . I UNSHGVELED SIDEWALKS DISCUSSED. Councilman Courtney advised that he had received complaints that some sidewalks in the Fiomingside area have not been shoveled and inquired about means of alleviating the problem. He was told to have the complaining residents make a formal complaint to the City Hall so that the ordin- ance can be enforced. No formal action was taken. SOUTH HENNEPIN HU" SERVICES ANNUAL NEETING NOTED. Councilwoman Schmidt called- Council's attention to the Annual 3feeting of the South Hennepin Human Services which will be held on March 6, 1980 at 7:OO p.m. at Wood Lake Lctheran Church. No formal action was taken. NINE NILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT PROPOSED LEGISLATION ENDORSED. Mr. Hughes advised Council of t:zo bills that have been introduced in the Legislature concerning the Nine Yriie Creek Matershed aistrict. Councilman Courtney * s mot ion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt endorsing S.F. '1905 and H.F. 1904 which would allow the establishment of a water mainZen- ance and repsir fund with a first year levy of $30,000 and $15,000 annually thereafter-, and S.F. 1906 and H.F. 1905 which would allow an increase in the annual administrative levy from $75,000 to $125,000. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt, Valr Valkenburg Nays: None Abstaining: . Richards Notion carried. As recommencied by Nr. Hughes, . Mr. Hughes said that a letter would be sent over the Mayor's signature to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed DistriCt advising them of Edina's support €or the legislation. ' COMMISSION AID BOARD APPOINTMENTS CONFIRED. Councildmn Courtney's motion was sacondad by Councilwoman Schmidt, confirming - the following appointments : Park Board: Nrs . Virginia Shaw and lk. William. Lord (for terms of three years each) ; Willis F. Shaw, Clark Miller and Michael Lewis (for terms of one year each); Human Relations Commission: IIrs . Phyllis Wagner and the Reverend Charles Vogt as School District Representatives and Nrs. Patricia Llona and 3ir. Frederic T. Nelson as Council Representatives (for terms of three years each) ; Building Construction Appeals Board: tfessrs. Quentin A. Collins and Eugene P. Paliner (for terms of three years each) and also for continued membership on the Energy As recommended by the Mayor, Board of Appeals and Adjustments : Messrs. -- Commission; of tsfo years. 4 South Hennepin Human Services: Hr. Raymond J. Condon, €or a tern Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg t Nays: None Mot io3 carried. i'ouncilmazl Courtney s notion was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt appoint- ing the $faycr .as a meinber of the H.R.A. for a term of five years in accordance wZth a previous Council decision that the Council should serve as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as terms of office expire. - Motion carried. NAYOR'S "THINE: LIST" DISCUSSED. .b&yor Van Valkenburg referred to a. revised 3/ 3/ 80 "lliinlc Ljst" that he had givcn to the Council. He noted particularly that the Energy Comlnission will be polling people to determine the interest of citizens and will be careful to avoid duplication of other efforts, that rules should be develo?ed for grotrps uslng p~ii-k fnci1itic.s and also mtmt ionecl thc possibility of bussing groups of pcople , with the various associations or groups paying the cost. No formal action was taken. AVAILABILITY OF STATE AID FUNDS NOTED, that the City's revenue from State Aid Funds is not keeping pace with construc- tion costs and advised that the increased costs will mean that some planned projects may be delayed until ample funds are available. taken. Mr. Hoffman presented a slide indicating . No formal action was TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FFANCE AVE. AND GALLAGHER DRIVE REGUEST REFEW3D TO TPAFPIC SAFETY COPMTTI'EE. Ffr. Hoffman presented a resolution for approval of installa- tion of a traffic signal at the intersection of France Ave. at Gallagher Drive, recalling that Dayton's Home Store had previously requested the signals and that the office building on the corner is now also requesting the installation in the interest of public safety. be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee was seconded by CouncilsJoman Schmidt. Councilman Courtney's motion that the matter Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Mot ion carried. Councilman Rredesen asked MI-. Hoffman to furnish Council with a list of projects proposed to be paid from State Aid Funds so that the Council could set prior- ities as to which project should be constructed first. No formal action was .taken. HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL (HCCJCC) PARTICIPATION APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Courtney offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 (JSIA) reauthorizes and restructures the LEAA Federal Grant-In-Aid Program to state and local units of government ; and 7 I IHEXEAS, certain units of local general government are eligible individually or * ir, codinaticn to function under the JSIA as entitlepent jurisdictions and in that status enjoy significant autonomy with respect to the utilization of a predetermined allocation of federal funding; and WHEREAS, units of government within the State of Minnesota must formally advise the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board of their intentions regarding participation in the JSIA no later than Narch 10, 1980; ZWW, THEWFOPS, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina formally declares its intention to participate in the JSIA as a member of the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (HCCJCC) under a joint Henliepin County, City of Minneapolis and suburban unit of government combination entitlerrient jurisdic- tion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, in the everrt the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board proposes an alternative to entitlement jurisdiction status which main- tains the integrity of pre-determined funding allocatlons and provides for the maintenance of cooperative intergovernmental planning and coordination as embodied in the HCCJCC, such a proposal will be considered by the City of, Edina at that time. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. RESOLUTION Rollcall: Ayes : Bredesen, Cuurtrrey, Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg . Mays: None Resolution adopted. LIQUOR DISPENSARY E"D as of December 31, 1979, vas presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed, and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Eredesen, seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes : i3redesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Mtion carried. b CLAIMS PAID, - Motion of Coumcilwomsn Schmidt was secozrded by Councilman Bredesen for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General .Fund, $48,555.74; Park Fund, $1,139.42; Art Center, $427.44; Park Construction, $236.06; Golf Course, $4,811.48; Recreation, $1,188.85; Water Norks, $3,785.51; Sever hrd, $59 1.0 7 ; Liquor Fund, $81 59 4.8'1 ; Construct ion, $9 3 95 ; Tot a1 , $14 8,42 3.5 3. .- . 10 Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Vallcenburg Nays: None Hot ion carried. Eo further business appearing, Co'uncilman Bredescn's motion for adjouinment was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Adjournment at: 9:30 p.m. . -. . -. ... , $b&.h, City Cierk b .. ... . ._ ,-+- ._- . .