HomeMy WebLinkAbout19800602_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAlt MEETING OF THE EDIl?A CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 2, 1980 79 (u 0 m 3 5 5 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt and Courtney who served as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Van Valkenburg. were Mmes. Leslie Turner and Betty Carver of the Human Relations Commission and Alison Puhr of the Citizens Safety Committee. Present also MINUTES of May 19, 1980, were approved as submitted by motion of Councilman Brede- sen, seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. DEWXY HILL 111 ADDiTION ZONING HEARING CONTINUED TO JULY 7, 1980. Mr. Hughes recalled that the hearing for rezoning of Dewey Hill I11 from R-1 Residential Dis- trict to PRD-3 Planned Residential District had been continued from the meeting of May 19, 1980, and advised that an additional continuation had been requested. Councilman Richards' motion continuing the hearing to July 7, 1980, was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BONUS FUNDS APPLICATION DENIED. Mr. Hughes recalled that the public hearing on the application for Community Development Bonus Funds had been continued from the meeting of May 19, 1980, because proper notice had not been given and advised that a news article had now been placed in the Edina Sun advising of the hearing. He recalled that at the time Crossroads Development Corporation received first reading for its request for PRD-3 zoning for Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, Findell Second Addition, Council had anticipated this application for Community Development Bonus Funds as requested by the proponent. He explained that Bonus Funds are available which have been turned back to H.U.D. to be used specifically for housing projects and recommended applicai5on for $200,000 01 such funds. Council-woman Schmidt's motion approv- ing application for Community Development Bonus Funds was seconded by Council- man Bredesen. Councilman Richards then objected to the action, stating that he believes that Council is looking at approximately $335,000 without knowing what amount will apply to subsidized housing and what amount will apply to the market rate housing. He said that he objected to spending public funds until Crossroads Development Corporation furnishes the information that was requested at the Meet- ing of April 7, 1980. Mr. Steve Winnick, Chairman 05 the Lewis Park Neighborhood Association, spoke in apposition to the motion, stating that neighbors were not notified of this hearing. has considered a covered parking lot variance on two occasions and that each time the hearing has been continued. oper has not seen fit to come before the Board of Appeals to seek the variance, they have not lived up to their obligations. He asked if the City could accept the bonus funds conditioned on compliance with conditions laid out in the Minutes granting preliminary approval of the concept. this would be a time for Edina to show lead,ership in saying that it does not want Federal funds and reminded Council that economic conditions are far different now than when Crossroads Development first came was doled these funds by Congress. Mr. Winnick pointed out that there is always the possibility that the market rate units could become sale units and said that representatives of H.U.D. or the Metropolitan Council should attend a public hearing to hear Edina's concerns and explain why housing funds could not be used in Southeast Edina where there is good public transportation. Mr. Hughes said that because of the number of facits to this proposal, timing is important and that since receipt of these funds is necessary if the project is to become a reality,.and since June 7, 198U, is the deadline for application for the funds, it appeared that submission of the application should be made before the variance is considered by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. although he may have been remiss is not sending notices to the neighborhood associ- ations, all legal requirements had been met for this hearing. no notices are sent out if hearings are continued to a date certain. Turner, speaking personally, and not as a member of the Human Relations Commission, urged that the application for funds be submitted. possibility of using the funds for scattered site housing or for a housing project which Our Lady of Grace Church is considering. his second of the motion. Metropolitan Council dictates the need for subsidized housing, it does.not mean . .- He said that he understands that the Board of Appeals Mr. Winnick, emphasized that, because the devel- Mr. Winnick also suggested that up with this proposal and when H.U.D. Mr. Hughes said that, He clarified that Mrs. Leslie Discussion ensued as to the Councilman Bredesen then withdrew Mayor Pro Tem Courtney pointed out that, while the 6/ 21 80 that all of the bonus funds would necessarily go to the Crossroads Development project. Councilman Richards said that he believes that Mr. Watt is a business man who will be using public dollars for investment purposes so that he will not have to put as much of his own money into the project. Councilman Richards said that he is trying to maximize what the City can do to help people and that he does not believe that this money should be put into 64 units when the Metropolitan Council says that 3,700 units are needed in the City. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion approving application for community Development Bonus Funds having died for want of a second, Councilman Bredesen moved that application for the Funds be made for Our Lady of Grace's project, and not for the Crossroads Development project, so as to give an opportunity for two possible projects. The motion died for a second. Councilwoman Schmidt expressed her concern that further delay in apply- ing for the funds would mean that they would not be available for any purpose. She againmoved that the application for Community Development Bonus Funds be submitted. * Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Courtney. Rollcall : Ayes: Schmidt, Courtney Nays: Bredesen, Richards Motion failed. LINCOLN LOm?!@ERRYBUSINESS PARK FIRST ADDITION GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Hughes presented Lincoln Londonderry Business Park First Addition for final plat approval, recalling that this plat is generally located on the Northwest corner of Londonderry Dr./ County Rd. 18 Interchange and East of Nine Mile Creek and Lincoln Drive and had been platted to eliminate a confusing legal description. No object- ions being heard, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. RESULUIION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPKOVAL FOR LINCOLN LONDONDERRY BUSINESS PARK FIRST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled Lincoln Londonderry Business Park First- Addition, platted by Winfield Developments Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, and presented at the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council of June 2, 1980, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. I METRO PLACE GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Mr. Hughes presented Metro Place (known as Edina Place at the time preliminary plat approval was granted), generally loc-. ated South of W. 70th Street, West of T.H. 100 and East of Metro Blvd. He advised that all conditions set forth at the time preliminary approval was granted had been met and read a letter from Mr. Stensby, Vice President of United Pro- perties, which acknowledged that in the event Lot 1, block 1, Metro Place, is subdivided into separate lots for each office building, that they will be re- quired to furnish the lot containing the office building on the rear of the pro- perty access across the Westerly property of Metro. Mrs. Alison Fuhr questioned where the buildings would be placed in view of the high water table. advised by Mr. Hughes that a storm sewer will be part of the grading plan. Boyd Stofer, representing the developer, was fold that the $36,000 subdivision dedication fee recommended by Mr. Hughes t7as based on 8% of the $450,000 raw land valuation. As recommended by Mr. Hughes, Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, conditioned upon receipt of the subdivision dedication of $36,000: She was Mr. RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR METRO' PLACE BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled Metro Place, platted by North Central District Association of the Evangical Free Church of America, a Minnesota Corporation, and Edina Place, Inc., and pre- sented at the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council of June 2, 1980, be and is hereby granted final plat approval.. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. I Rollcall: : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Resolution adopted. 5 Nays: None EDINA 55343 MAIL DELIVERIES DISCUS&D. from Mrs. Eloyse Walcher, 6401 Mendelssohn Lane, recalling that when she appeared before the Council on September 11, 1978, she had been assured that Mr. Layer of the Post Office would be contacted to see is something could be done to eliminate the delay experienced by residents using the Edina 55343 zip code. said that conditions are no better than before and suggested that requesting a Council's attention was called to a letter Mrs. Walcher 6/2/10 $1 First Class Post Office for the City oE Edina might be the answer, and that Senator Durenburger had indicated that if a First Class Post Office was desired, the re- quest should be sent by the City to the Postal Service. was informally decided that the City Manager should research the possibility o'f Following discussion, it . requesting a First Class Post Office. No formal action was taken. N 0 cn -3 IQ a TRACTOR FOR PICKING UP BALLS AT DRIVING RANGE BID AWARDED. Mr. Bernhardson pre- sented tabulation of two bids received for a tractor for picking up balls at the Braemar Golf Course Driving Range. Tabulation showed R SI J Equipment, Inc., low bidder at $2,800 (including $500.00 trade-in) and Long Lake Tractor and Ford at $3,000.00 (including $500.00 trade-in). Councilman Bredesen's motion for award to recommended low bidder, R & J Equipment, Inc., for $2,800.00 was sec- onded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. ST.S-140-B STORM PIPE SEWER BID AWARDED. of three bids received for storm sewer pipe for the last link in Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S-140-B between Findell 2nd Addition and Lewis Park. Tabula- tion showed G.L. Contracting, Inc., low bidder at $7,340.00, Born Again Con- struction Co., at $7,980.00 and Hayes Contractors, Inc., at $8,800.00. Council- man Bredesen's motion for award to recommended low bidder, G. L. Contracting, Inc. , was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Mr. Bernhardson presented tabulation Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. FIREWORKS BID AWARDED. Mr. Bernhardsen presented tabulation of two bids for fireworks for the Fourth of July Celebration at Lake Cornelia Park. showed Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics low bidder at $2,650.00, with Arrowhead Fireworks Company, Inc., bidding $3,900.00. Mr. Campbell clarified that these prices include labor and that Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics had done satisfactory work in past years. bidder, Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics, at $2,650.00, was seconded by Councilman Richards. Tabulation Councilman.Bredesen's motion for award to reommended low Ayes : Bredesen , Richards , Van Valkenburg Nays: None, Abstaining : Schmidt Motion carried. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS INSURANCE POLICIES IN FORCE. as requested by the Council 'at its meeting of May 19, 1980, all athletic associ- ations had submitted their insurance policies. PLEXIGLASS FOR BRAEMAR PAVILION CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING. As recommended by Mr. Kojetin, Councilman Bredesen's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, continuing discussion of the use of plexiglass for Braemar Pavilion until the meeting of June 16, 1980. Mr. Bernhardsen advzsed that, No formal action was taken. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. PROPOSED LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES LEGISLATIVE POLICIES FOR 1981 DISCUSSED. Mr. Bernhardsen presented a priority list of League of.Minnesota Cities legisla- tive policies for 1981 and asked that Council advise him and Mr. Rosland if they had any questions about the list. to Election Day registration of voters be highly endorsed and added to the City's list of items of highest priorities. LEAGUE OF NINNESOTA CITIES PROPOSED BUILDING CONSTEUCTION OPPOSED. tion was called to a memorandum from the League of Minnesota Cities advising that the results of the Building Committee and architect's work on a proposed new League of Minnesota Cities building will be considered at the League Convention. building. No formal action was taken. The Clerk asked that the League's opposition No formal action was taken. Council's--.atten- 8 Councilmen Bredesen and Richards expressed their opposition to the proposed I MASONIC LODGE PROPERTY RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION DISCUSSED. Council that the County is asking $2.00 per square foot €or excess property taken for construction of the Crosstown Highway adjacent to the Masonic Lodge property which is located East of Vernon Avenue and North of the Crosstown High- way. He said that the developers think that the asking price is too high and Mr. Hoffman advised 82 6/2/5'0 that he will be meeting with them and the County again before preparing his feasibility report. No formal action was taken. BREDESEN PARK TJATERSHED DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET. Hughes, ting hearing date for the Bredesen Park Watershed District for July 21, 1980. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. As recommended by Mr. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards set- ORDINANCES AND PROCEDURES REVIEW GROUP NOMINATIONS REQUESTED. reminded that the Mayor had requested that Council submit names for possible members to be appointed to the Ordinances and Procedures Review Group. should be submitted to Mayor Van Valkenburg. Council was Names No formal action was taken. HUMAN RELATIONS CO$DZTSSION 1NDEM"FICATION AUTHORIZED; ACTION TO BE FINALIZED AT NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. ,Council was advised of the Attorney General's opinion that the City is able to Nr. Bernhardson recalled that at the last meeting, indemnify its commission members as officers under the Statute and that the Human Relations Commission is now looking to the Council for formal approval to proceed with the No Fault.Grievance procedure. Mrs. Leslie Turner of the Human Relations. Commission, said that the Commission would prefer the type of indemnification that would specifically apply to No Fault procedures. moved that specific instructions be given;:to the City Attorney to bring an in- demnification proposal for the Human Relations Commission to the next Council Meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. Councilman Richards then ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOLS DISCUSSED. Reference was made of the fece'ipt by the Council of a letter'from Ms. Michelle Sherry objecting that above ground swimming pools are not allowed in the City. Mayor Pro Tem Courtney said that he is wait- ing for information as to concerns of public health and safety in regard to this type of pool before responding to Ms. Sherry. Councilman Richards said that he had responded to his letter and advised Ms. Sherry to contact the City Clerk if she wished to appear before the Council. It was generally agreed that the matter be place on the June 16, 1980, agenda. The Clerk will advise Ms. Sherry that the item will be heard at that time. No formal action was taken. INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS DISCUSSED. Mr. Bemhardson advised Council that guide- lines for industrial revenue bonds will be presented to Council for review at the June 16, 1980, Council Meeting and said that the'.Mayor and Manager had recom- ' mended khat a public liearing on the request of Cheme Industrial, Inc., be set for July 6, 1980. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion setting July 6, 1980, for the Cherne Industrial, Inc., industrial revenue bonds hearing was seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt , Courtney Nays: None >lo tion carried. SPECIAL COUNCIL HEETING TO BE HELD ON JUNE 16, 1980, at 4:30 P.M. As recommended by 2ir. Bernhardson, Councilman Bredesen's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, setting June 16, 1980, at 4:30 for the Special Council Meeting which . had originally been scheduled for this afternoon. the City Hall Conference Room. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. The meeting will be held in BOARD OF REVIETJ MEETING NOTED. Mr. Bernhardson reminded Council that the Board of Review will be meeting on June 9, 1980, at 4:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. ORDINANCE NO. llll-A6 ADOPTED; SECOND READLlTG WAIVED. Mayor Pro Tem Courtney called Council's attention to Ordinance No. llll-A6 which has been proposed to enforce sprinkling bans when there is a water shortage. thereupon offered Ordinance No. 1111-A6 for First Reading, with waiver of Second Reading, and moved its adoption as follows: Councilman Richards ORDINANCE NO. 1111-A6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1111 TO AUTHORIZE THE DECLARATION OF WATER EMERGENCIES DURING T.JHICH TINE THE USE OF WATER SBALL BE REGULATED, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY 61 21 80 83 N 0 a, 3 Q: 5 THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: thereto the following section : Whenever the City Manager considers it to be necessary or desirable, he may declare a water emergency, during which time reasonable rules and regulations established by the City Nanager in connection with the use of water shall be in ef€ect. Any person violating any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 8 of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment for a'period not exceeding 90 days with cost of prosecution in either case to be added." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage Section 1. Ordinance No. 1111 of the City is hereby amended by adding ' "Sec. 8. Water Emergencies. (a) (b) . and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen , Richards , Schmidt, Co Nays: None Ordinance adopted. SUBURBAN POLICE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM JOINT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT APPROVED. Mr. Bern- hardson presented "First Amendment to the Joint and Cooperative Agreement" t6 the Joint and Cooperative Agreement which established the Suburban Police Recruit- ment System, and recommended its approval by Council. of the Council, Mr. Bernhardson said that the City can pull out of the System if it deems necessary. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: In response to questions No further discussion being heard , Councilwoman Schmidt RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT SUBURBAN POLICE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and City Manager are yereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Edina, the First Aniendnent to the Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the Suburban Police Recruitment Systems. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen , Richards , Schmidt , Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WATERS INVENTORY MEETING TO BE ATTENDED. Mr, Hoffman advised Council that he will be attending a meeting on July 9, 1980, relative to the Hennepin County Public Waters Inventory. No action was taken. NSP PROPOSED RATE INCREASE NOTED. Northern States Power Company. would be keeping in touch with developments. Note was made of the proposed rate increase of Mr. Dalen said that the Suburban Rate Authority No action was taken. SERGEANT RAY WEEGYAN COMMENDED ON REPORT. Mayor Pro Tem Courtney commendedPolice Sergeant Ray Weegman for the report which he submitted on a meetiiig which he attended. No action was taken. . CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Councilwoman Schmidt was seconded by Councilman Richards, for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $74,466.23; Park Fund, $3,708.99; Art Center, $911.68; Park Construction, $805.95; Swimming Pool, $199.15; Golf Course, $8,126.99; Recreation Center, $3,972.52; Gun Range, $165.57; Water Fund, $19,473.09; Sewer Fund, $1,453.39; Liquor Fund, $1,670.45; Construction, $1,072.28; Total, $89,026.19; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims: General Fund, $60,542.20; Art Center, $37.03; Golf Course, $2,443.48; Recreation Center, $58.47; Gun Range, $30.96; Water Fund, $290.40; Liquor Fund, $154.488.57; Sewer Fund, $27.75; Total, $217,918.86. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards , Schmidt, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. No further business appearing, Councilman Richards motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at 8:40 p .m. City Clerk 8