HomeMy WebLinkAbout19800915_regular165 nl 0 a 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 15, 1980 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Courtney, Richards and Van Valkenburg. BOY SCOUT TROOP NO. 48 WELCOMED. No. 45 to the meeting. master Don Schlaefer. MORNINGSIDE AREA GARBAGE CONTRACT TO BE DISCUSSED. garbage contract for the Morningside area will be discussed on October 6, 1980. The Mayor welcomed members of Boy Scout Troop The Troop meets at Calvary Lutheran Church with Scout-. The Mayor announced that the ASSESSMENT HEARINGS CONDUCTED FOR NUMEROUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by'Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded. A. LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT NO. LS-9 IN THE FOLLOWING: East side France Ave. at W. 77th Street Mr. Hoffman recalled that the assessment hearing for Lift Station Improvement No. LS-9 had been continued from the Council Keeting of September 8, 1980 so that the City Attorney could research the Statutes to determine if the City could assess the property and defer the payment of principal installments of the assessment and' interest until a future date and whether the City could decide not to assess the property at this time and charge a connection charge at the time the property is hooked up to the improvement. of any assessment levied upon unimproved property may be deferred until a desig-. nated future year, or until the platting of the property or the construction of improvements upon such terms and conditions and based upon such standards and crit- eria as may be provided by the Council. assess the property inasmuch as the Statute provides that the cost of any improve- ment may be assessed upon property benefited by an iinprovement, based upon the benefits received, and further that the City may pay such portion of the cost of the improvement from general ad valorem tax levies or from other revenues or funds of the City available for the purpose, such as a connection charge upon hookc:;: to the imprzveiner,t. IIe clarified that, if the Clty Were to decide mt to assess the property, it should check to irisure that at least 20% of the cost of the improvement is to be assessed against benefited property or else the City could not issue bonds to finance the cost of the improvement unless the issuance of the bonds is approved at an election. power to amend a proposed assessment as to aEy parcel following the hearing on the assessment and by resolution adopt the same as the special assessment against the parcels of property named in the assessment roll inasmuch as assessments would be increased by approximately 7.5% and that increase is not such a substantial amend- ment trom the proposed assessaent roll so as to require the City to hold a hearing. lift station would not be used no matter what type of development should be con- structed on their property which is located in the Southwest quadrant of York Ave. at W. 76th St. Mr. Fred Hedberg, Jr,,said that Winfield Development should have objecred at the time of the improvement hearing if they did not want to be included in the assessment. some way in which they might not require the lift station either. said that once the assessment is levied, the City has no power to forgive the assessment. he would -have .recommended .the same type of construction for the lift station whether or not Winfield Development had presented their plans before the improve- ment was constructed. constructed'the lift station in good faith and that it must be paid for. man Bredesen then moved that the assessment be levied as proposed. seconded by Councilman Courtney. .: * Mr. Erickson opined that the principal installment He said that the City is not required to ' I Mr. Erickson also stated that the- City :has:tIie I flew Mr. Richard-Martens,representing iJinfield Development, said that the He suggested that Hedberg & Sons may develop their property in Mr. Erickson In response to a question of the Council, Mr. Hoffman said that he Councilman Courtney said that he believed that the City had Council- Motion was Ayes : Bredesen, Courtnsy, Van Valkenburg Nays : Richards Motion carried. (See Resolution authorizing assessment later in.finutes.) E. PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P-12 IN THE FOLLOWING: Colonial Church of Edina Beigg advised by Mr. Rosland that Colonial Church of Edina has once again re- quested a continuance of the assessment hearing for Parking Lot P-12, Councilman Bredesen's motion continuing the hearing until October 6, 1980, was seconded by Councilman Richards. . Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg Nays: None . Motion carried. 9/15/80 . C. . STOP3 SEWER ItIPROVENENT NO. 140B IN THE FOLLOWING: Southwest Edina as described in the Notice of Public Hearing Mr. Rosland presented Anlysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of , construction at $696,310.66, proposed to be assessed against 15,706,612 square feet as follows: for property previously assessed for storm sewer, $20.00 per 1,000 square feet; for single family properties not previously assessed for storm sewer, $49.16 per 1,000 square feet; for multiple residential property, $73.74 per 1,000 square feet; and for commercial and industrial property, $98.32 per 1,000 square feet, said proposed assessments being slightly lower than the estimated assessaents given as follows : for properties previously assessed for storm sewer, $20.00 per'1,OOO square feet; for single family properties not pre- viously assessed for storm sewer, $50.00; for multiple residential properties, $75.00 per 1,000 square feet and for commercial and industrial properties, $100.00 per square foot. Council's attention was called to the following letters: from Mr..Keith L. Carlson, 6021 Chowen Ave. S., owner of Lot 1, Block 9, Edina Inter- change and Lot 2, Block 2, Nine Mile West First Addition, who said that the defer- ment available to age 65 is discriminatory, that the Tax Increment Financing Law should apply, that a storm sewer assessment has already been levied against his property, his property does not contribute to the run-off and that his property :. is only 1/3 developed due to the water table and that paying a rate more than residential property is unfair; from Mr. Donald J. Cusack, 6318 Claredon Drive, and Mr. Roy K. Erickson, 5724 Kemrich Drive, who said that they are stillpay- ing for another storm sewer assessment; from Mr. Allan L. Burdick, 7500 Cahill Road, and Sandra L. Anderson, Assistant Vice President of Hirsch-Newman Company, Nanagers for Windwood Condominiums, asking why the assessment rate is different for single family dwellings, multiple residential property and commercial/indus- trial property an3 what the estimate is proposed for Windwood property owners. It was pointed out that the Windwood Condominium property owners have paid their money in escrow. Mr. Hoffman explained that the previous assessment was for a lateral storm sewer and the present assessment is for a trunk storm sewer. Note was made of the request for a Senior Citizen Deferment for property described 'as the East 440 feet of the South 550 feet of the North 30 acres of the North- west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except road, Sec. 8, Township 116, Range 21, in the aimunt of $24,760.05. No further comments were heard. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) D. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 145A IN THE FOLLOWING: I . Morningside Area North of W. L4th Street as described in Notice of Assessment hearing Morningside Area, except W. 44th Street E. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-204 IN THE FOLLOWING: Improvements listed under D and E above affecting the same properties, assessment hearings were conducted concurrently. ment for Street Inprovement No. BA-204 showing total construction cost of .. $1,252,755.58, proposed to be assessed against 42,600.36 assessable feet at $29,40 per assessable foot against estimated assessment of $29.89 per foot. construction cost for Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST-S-145A was given at $104,065.25, proposed to be assessed against 5,997,982 assessable square feet at $17.35 per 1,000 square feet against estimated assessment of $20.74 per 1,000 square feet. Letters of concern were received from Mr. Jerald Johnson, 4370 Oakdale he., and from Mr. Danald E. Notvik, 4200 W. 42nd Street. Note was made of applications for Senior Citizen Deferrals for the following properties: Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assess- Total For Storin Sewer Improvement No. ST.S-145A - 1. Lot 17, Block 4, Minikahda Vista Addition $1,440.60 2. S. 38 feet of Lot 55 and North 10 feet of Lot 56, Morningside Addition 1,411.20 3. North 210' of Lot 24, Grimes Homestead 2,940 .OO 4. East 1/3 of Lots 25 and 26, except street, Block 2, Crocker & Crowells First Addition 1,959.80 5. South 4 of Lot 20, Morningside Addition 1,470 .OO For Street Improvement No. BA-204 - 1. Lot 17, Block 4, Ninikahda Vista Addition $ 113.75 2. South 38 feet of Lot 55 and the North 10 feet of Lot 59, Morningside Addition 166.56 3. North 210 feet of Lot 24, Grimes Homestead 346.35 4. East 1/3 of Lots 25 and 26, except street, Block 2, Crocker & Crowells First Addition 156.13 5. South li of Lot 20, Morningside Addition 86.75 Mr. Duane Elvin, 4140 W. 44th St., said that his property should be exempt from the assessment inasmuch as his land does not drain to the storm sewer, that his soil absorbs its own water and that he had terraced his land at some cost to accommodate his neighbors and that they have no drainage problem. He said that he has not received responses to letters which he had written to the Council and to the staEf. Mr. Hoffman said that he had talked with Mr. Elvin this mom- ing and had advised him that the front part of his lot was assessed for the pre- .I 91 15/80 161 viously ccnstructed storm sewer and that this assessment is for a portion of the lot that drains in another direction. Mr. Hoffman advised Mr. James Lushine, 4166 Monterey Ave. , that he would check the sod to see if it needed to be replaced. He advised Mr. Lushine that the storin sewer near the Susan Lindgren School was a separate project in the same district and that all residents are being assessed equally for both the past and present project. Mr. Ronald Ring- ling, 4238 Crocker Ave.? thanked the Council for the work which was done and said that the work done at the Morningside School site was also appreciated. No further comments were heard. utes.) F. STREET IWROVEMENT NO. BA-210A IN THE FOLLOWING: (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Min- Tomes Road from W. 48th Street North to the East line of Lot 13 and Auditor's Subdivision No. 319. Mor Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost at $21,544.88, proposed to be assessed against 1,418.36 assessable feet at $15.19 per foot, against estimated assessment of $11.66 per assessable foot. received no writcen objections to the proposed assessment prior to the assess- ment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were pre- sented at this hearing to the presiding officer. (See Resolution Ordering Assess- ment later in Minutes .) G. STREET IMPROVEmNT NO. BA-224 IN THE FOLLOWING: The Clerk Moccasin Valley Road from South line of Moccasin Valley Addition Southerly to cul-de-sac cu 0 a Mr. Rosland presented total construction cost at $14,295.52, proposed to be assessed against 8 lots at $1,786.94 per assessable lot, as against estimated assessment of $1,030.20 per lot. The Clerk received no written objections to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented at this hearing to the Mayor. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes .) 0 -3 a H. STREET I~PROVEMENT NO. BA-230 IN THE FOLLOWING: Sherman Circle in Blake Ridge Estates Mr. Rosland presented total construction cost at $44,819.10, proposed to be assessed against 18 assessable lots at $2,489.95 per lot, against estimated. assessment of $2,077.26 per assessable lot. Mr. Harold Posnick, developer of Blake Ridge Estates, said that he had originally been told that this improvement would cost $1,800 per lot and that it is difficult to absorb the additional cost per lot. In response to a question of the Mayor, Mr. Hoffman explained that oil prices na'd increased greatly and that all bids had come in higher than estimate. No further comments were heard. The Clerk received no written objec- tions to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented at this hearing to the Mayor. I. STFSET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-231 IN THE FOLLOWING: MaliSu Drive in interlachen Hills Third Addition Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost at $33,484.35, proposed to be assessed against 15 assessable lots at $2,232.29, again.st estimated assessment of $2,330.43 per assessable lot. received no written objections to the proposed assessment prior to the assess- ment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented at this. meeting to the presiding officer. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment Later in Ifinutes.) J. STREET IMPROVEXENT NO. BA-232 IN THE FOLLOWING: Scriver Road in Taft's Addition Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $23,362.92, proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots at $5,840.73 per assessable lot against estimated assessment of $4,067.88. In response to a question of Councilman Richards, Mr. Hoffman said that the bids came in at a higher cost than estimated and that it had never been intended for Scriver Road to go Westward again. proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no-written objections to the proposed assessment were presented to the presiding officer at this meeting. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) (See Resoiution Ordering Assessxent later in Minutes.) The Clerk -* * The Clerk received no written objections to the K. STREET IMPROVENENT NO. BA-233 IN THE FOLLOWING: St. Albans Circle from Gleason Road to cul-de-sac Hr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost at $19,383.66, proposed to be assessed against 9 assessable lots at $2,153.74 per received no written objections to the proposed assessment prior to the assess- ment hearing and no written Objections to the proposed assessment were presented at this meeting to the presiding officer. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) . lot against estimated assessment of $2,178.39 per assessable lot. The Clerk L. STREET IMPJXOVEMENT NO= I3A-234 IN THE FOLLOWING: Shaughnessy Road from W. 78th Street to cul-de-sac . Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost at $14,670.47, proposed to be assessed against 937.05 assessable feet at $15.74 per foot, against estimated assessment of $15.28. jections to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were-presented to the Mayor at this meeting. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) Ewing Circle from W. 55th Street to cu1-de-sac Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $7,632.62, proposed to be assessed against 357.5 assessable feet at $21.35 per foot, against estimated assessment'of $18.80. jections to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written' objections to the proposed assessment were presented to the Nayor at this meeting. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) The Clerk received no written ob-. M. STREET IPPROVENENT NO. BA-235 IN THE FOLLOWING: - I The Clerk received no written ob- N. STREET IIQROVEMENT NO. B.A-236 IN THE FOLLOWING: Berne Circle from Olinger Road to cul-de-sac Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $8,754.06, proposed to be assessed against 7 assessable lots at $1,250.58 per lot, against estimated assessment of $1.151.65 per assessable lot. no written objections to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented to the Mayor at this Neeting. The Clerk received (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) 0. STREET IMPROVEEIENT NO. BA-237 IN THE FOLLOWING: Limerick Drive in Brookxew Heights 5th Addition Hr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $37,238.94, proposed to be assessed against 18 assessablelots at $1,777.45 against estimated assessment of $1,777.45. ions to the- proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objectims to the proposed assessment nexe presented to the &$or &x this meeting. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Knutes.) The Clerk received no written object- P. STREET INPROVEEENT NO. BA-238 IN THE FOLLOWING: Willow Wood Road from Brinwoods Estates to West line of Lot 4, Block 3; Larada Lane from North line of Parkwood Knolls Addition to Willow Wood Road; Kelsey Road from Parkwood Road to North line of Parkwood Icnolls 20th Addition Mr. Rosland presented Analysis of Assessment showing total construction cost of $60,454.92, proposed to be assessed against 12 assessable lots at $5,037.41 per lot, against estimated assessment of $4,361.41. The Clerk received no written ob- jections to the proposed assessment prior to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented ab this hearing to the pre- siding officer. I (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) Q. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-239 IN THE FOLLOIJING: York Avenue from W. 74th Street to W. 76th Street; West 76th Street from Park- lawn Ave. to Xerxes Ave. (North side only) Mr. Rosland presented Tabulation of Assessment showing total construction cost of $29,.725.80 proposed to be assessed against 29,400.30 feet on York Avenue at $20.00 per foot as estimated hd against 555.09 feet on W. 76th Street at $10.00 per assessable foot as estimated. The Clerk received no written objections to the proposed assessment prior- to the assessment hearing and no written objections to the proposed assessment were presented at this hearing to the presiding officer. (See Resolution Ordering Assessment later in Minutes.) R. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 326 IN THE FOLLOWING: Brookside Terrace from TJ. 44th Street to South line of Lot 2, Auditor's Sub- - division No. 176 S. SANITARY SEWER IEPROVEMENT NO. 3428 IN THE FOLLOWING: Brookside Terrace from W. 44th Street to South line of Lot 2, Auditor's Sub- division No. 176 Improvements Nos. WM-326 and SS-342A listed under R and S above were heard concur- rently, inasmuch as the improvements affected the same property owners. land presented Analysis of Assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 342A showing total construction cost of $25,553.91, proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots at $6,388.48 per lot, against estimated assessment of $4,039.42. Analysis of Assessment for Watermain Improvement No. Wf-326 was presented by Mr. Rosland, showing total construction cost for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS- 342A showing total construction cost of $25,553.91, proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots at $6,388.48 per assessable lot, against estimated assessment of $6,388.48 per assessable lot. fairly-high because there are houses on only one side of the street. called Council's attention to a .request for Senior Citizens' Deferral for Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 176,for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-342A in the amount of $6,388.48 and for Watermain Improvement No. 'WM-326 in the amount of $2,708.95. these assessments over a period of ten years would increase taxes to a point where residents would be unable to keep their homes and requested that the asses~sments Mr: RoS- I Mr. Hoffman explained that these assessments are Mr. Hoffman Ms. Ann EkAllister, 4363 Brookside Terrace, said that payment of 91 15/ 80 be spread over a period of time longer than 10 years. gested that the assessment be spread over 30 years. He then offered the fo1,low- ing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT NO. LS-9, Councilman Richards sug- STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. ST .S-l40B AND ST.S-145A STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS* BA-204 , BA-2 10, BA-224 ? BA-236, BA-238 AND BA-239, WATERMAIN IIPROVEIENT NO. WM-326 BA-230, BA-231, BA-232, BA-233, BA-234, BA-235, BA-236, AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-342A . 1. The City has given notice of hearings as required by law on the proposed assessment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to; and at such hear- ings held on September 15, 1980, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such.. assessments. 2. Each of the assessments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for Lift Station Improvement No. LS-9, Storm Sewer Improvements Nos. ST.S-140B and ST.S-145AY Street Improvements Nos. A-204, BA-210, BA-239, Watermain Improvement No. WM-326 and Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS- 34214 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvements upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper assessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the benefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. . 3. installments, together with interest at a rate of 7% per annum on the entire assessmat from the date hereof to December 31, 1981, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1981. The number of such annual installments shall be 2s follows: BA-224, BA-230, BA-231, BA-232, BA-233, BA-234, BA-235, BA-236, BA-236, BA-238, The assessments shall be payable in annual installments, the first of said NAME OF. IMPROVEMENT Lift Station Improvement No. LS-9 NUMBER OF INSTALLMENTS 10 Years Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S-140B 10 Years Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S-145A 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-204 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-2 10 10 Years Street Inprcvement 373. BA-224 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-230 10 Sears Street Improvement No. BA-231 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-232 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-233 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-234 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-235 Street Improvement No. BA-236 Street Improvement No. BA-237 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-238 10 Years Street Improvement No. BA-239 10 Years Watermain Improvement No. WM-326 30 Years Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-342A - 30 Years 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 5. The City Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political sGbdivision, or by the,owner of any right-of- way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Secticn 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards? Van Valkenburg (except that Councilman Richards voted "Nay" as to Lift Station Improvement No. LS-9 and Courtney 'voted "Nay" as to Storm Sewer improvement No. ST.S-145A Richards as to Lift Station Iaprovement No. LS-9 and Courtney as to Nays: Resolution adopted. -Storm Sewer Iaprovement Eo. ST.S-1459 . EDINA LOGO USE AUTHORIZED FOR BOY SCOUT TROOP NO. 62. Council's attention.was called to a letter from Scoutmaster Michael D. Zeiler of Buy Scout Troop No. 62 from St. Stephen's Church, requesting permission to use the Edina Logo in their neckerchiefs during and at scouting activities. offered the following resolurion and moved its adoption: Councilman Courtney thereupon 91 151 80 RESOLUTION @PROVING USE OF EDINA LOGO BY BOY SCOUT TROOP NO. 62 17Q BE IT RESOLVED that the Ediiia City Council does hereby authorize and does encour- age the use of the Edina Logo by Boy .Scout Troop No. 62 on its neckerchiefs dur- ing and at its scouting activities; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fee for the use of the Edina Logo be waived, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Rollcall : Nays: None Resolution adopted. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, van Valkenburg . .- I ONE-WAY PLOW BLADES BID AI4ARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of three bids for 50 one-way plow blades. Tabulation showed Ziegler, Inc. , low bidder at $3,016.50, Paper Calmenson & .e., $3,846.50 and Minnesota Tractor Company at $4,300.00. Ziegler, Inc., at $3,016.50 was seconded by Councilman Richards.. Councilman Bredesen's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Ban Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. GRADER BLADES BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of three bids for 50 grader blades. Tabulation showed Valley Equipment low bidder at $3,760.00, Ziegler, Inc., at $3,874.80 and Minnesota Tractor Company at $4,325.00. Council- man Courtney's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Valley .Equipment , - ~ was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. .. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. TUNGSTEN/CARBIDE UNDERBODY BLADES BID AWARDED. Itasca Equipment Company is the only supplier for Tungs ten/Carbide Underbody Blades, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Bredesen for :- ward to Itasca Equipment Company for $5,290.00 for ten sets of blades. Being advised by Mr. Rosland that Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg .- I Nays: None No tion carried. TEMPERED GLASS AND ALIJkiINUlf SUPPORTS FOR HOCKEY BOARDS AT BRAEMAR PAVILION BID ARmED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids for tempered glass and aluminum supports for hockey board at Braemar Pavilion. Tabulation showed Crystaplex Plastics, Ltd., low bidder at $9,056.98 and Unistrxt Northern at $9,924.00. Plastics, Ltd. for $9,056.98 for 5/8" 1,110 square feet of tempered glass with aluminum supports was seconded by Councilman Richards. Councilman Courtney's notion for award as recommended to Crystaplex Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg - ., Nays: None Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY CONMITTEE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, REVIEWZD. 2frs. Linda Lesniac, 6516 Nordic Drive, appeared in behalf of a petition requesting traffic ' control or advisory devices at or near Gleason Road and Creek Valley Road adja- cent to Creek Valley School. and approving 1) that school crossing signs be replaced with larger standardized school crossing signs; 2) that the words "School Crossing" and/or "School" be added to the signs to enhance the current international pictoral sign, 3) that more and larger school advance signs be erected on Gleason Road, and 4) that the area should be reviewed again within the next year if brought forward by the PTA or the Creek Valley School administratorsi was seconded by Councilman * Richards. Councilman Courtney's motion accepting Section C I Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. CHENICAL ABUSE PREVENTION COORDINATOR FUNDS APPROVED. Mrs. Leslie Turner of the Human Relations Commission advised that, as reconmended by the Edina Community Task Force, the Edina School District had adopted a resolution authorizing a "pur- chase-for service agreement" with Youth Action to acquire a chemical abuse pre- vention social worker, contingent upon the City paying $6,000, with the balance It was also clarified that the School District would bear the cost of secretarial ser- vices, office space, resource personnel as needed, administration of the contract and evaluation. Councilman Bredesen's motion was then seconded by Councilm>n 'of $14.,000 being paid by the School District and reimbursed by the State. 9/15/80 171 Courtney authorizing participation by the Ciry under the conditions described in the School Board resolution. ' Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Wan Valkenburg - .- Nays: None . Motion carried. , EDEN PRAIRIE/EDINA WATERMAIN LOOP BID AUTHORIZED; BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR PUBLIC INPROVEMENTS. Mr. Hoffman advised Council that Eden Prairie has reauested the Council to take bids for the Eden Prairie/Edina watermain loop, and that the City would be reimbursed by.Eden Prairie for the total cost. As recommended by Mr. Hoffman, Councilmar Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. SS-356 AND SS-357 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WM-340 , WM-34 1 AND WM-342 GRADING, GRAVELING AND PAVING IMPROVEMENT NOS. C-132 AND C-133 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S-164 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE.CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER, CONTRACT NO. 80-8 (ENG) GRADING, GRAVELING AND PAVING IMPROVEMENT NOS. C-132, C-133, SS-356, SS-357, WM-340, WM-341, WM-342, AND ST.S-164 BIDS CLOSE OCTOBER 3, 1980 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the City Council Chambers in the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street at 11:OO a.m., Friday, October 3, 1980, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:OO p.m., Monday, October 6, 1980, to consider said bids for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Grading and Grav- eling. The following are approximate quantities of the major items: 2 , 155 L/F, 8" Sanitary. Sewer 2,240 L/F, 6" - 8" D.I.P. Watermain - 1,235 L/F, 12, 15 and 24" R.C.P. Storm Sewer 4,370 C/Y, Excavation 3,954 Tons, Class 2 Gravel 16 Each, Standard Manholes 6 Each, Standard Hydrants 164 Tons, Minn. D.O.T. 2341 Bituminous Paving Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work cov- ered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted per- sonally to the City Engineer. the mail or by personal submissions, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City. Clerk. $25.00 (by check). specifications with a bona fide bid. and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least 10 (10) percent of amount of base bid. The City Council. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through Plans and specifications are available for a deposit' of Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and No bids will be considered unless sealed Florence B . Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. 9/15/80 COFflilLJNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS APPROVED FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT WRITE-DOWN. AS recommended by Mr . liughes , Councilman Richards ' motion was seconded by Council- inan Courtney, zpproving the following guidelines for cspenditure of Conununity Developinent Grant Funds for special assessment relief as follows: 1. The special assessment against a property must be in excess of $1,000; 2. Grant recipients must own and occupy the residence for which assistance is requested . 3. A homeowner's total adjusted income must conform to a schedule ranging from $13,200 for one person per household to $23,600 for eight or more members of a family; Individual grants would be limited to 50% of the total of special assess- ments against the property or $1,000, whichever is less. However, if the budget amount of $95,000 is exhausted, individual grants will be reduced on a pro rata basis. Applications would be accepted from November 1, 1980, through November 30, 1980. homeowner recipients and Hennepin County notified. Ten percent (10%) of the project budget (9,500) should be retained to cover the City's administrative expenses. 4. I 5. Following closing of applications, grant funds would be allocated and 6. Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards , Van Valkenburg Nays: Nays: None Motion carried. . PRESTIGE REALTY SUIT RESULTS NOTED. has won the suit brought against it by Prestige Redty relative to the denial by the City for the division of Lots 7 and 8, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, Mendelssohn Addition. No action was taken. Mr. Erickson advised Council that the City . b MAYOR VAN VALKENBURG RETIREMENT AS MYOR ANNOUNCED. announced that he has decided not to seek re-election after serving on the Council for 20% years-and thanked the Council and staff for their cooperation over the vears. Mayor Van Valkenburg *. : REGIONAL kEETING OF LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES NOTED. attention to a Regional Meeting of the League of lfinnesota Cities to be held on Mr. Rosland called Council's" Monday, September-29, 1980. MANAGER'S ABSENCE NOTED. Mr. Rosland announced that he would be attending the 3Z.C;Pf.A neeting and taking a few days vacation the week of Septeziber 29, 1980. No action was taken. No action was-taken. 1980 AUDIT TO BE CONSIDERED AT BUDGET MEETING. was informally decided to continue the request of George 14. Hansen Company to do As recommended by the Mayor, it the 1980 audit for the City until the September 22, 1980 budget meeting. LOT 3, BLOCK 5, BRAEMAR HILLS 2ND ADDITION ROAD EASEMENT RELEASE APPROVED. As 2ecammended by M.r . Hughes, Councilman Courtiley offered the followincr resolution - and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the road easement over Lot 3, Block 5, Braemar Hills 2nd Addition, be released from the terms and conditions of Document No. 516678 as filed in the.0ffice of the Register of Deeds in 1967; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute said release. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg -T as of July 31, 1980, was presented by Wr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Richards, seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes: Nays: None Resolution adopted. .I Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg CLAIMS PAID. for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: Park Fund, $5,404.04; Art Center, $473.00; Park Construction, $18,642.00; . Swimming Pool, $4,756.25; Golf Course, $10,677.19; Recreation, $8,703.79; Gun Range, $76.48; Water Works, $27,065.44; Sewer Rental, $2,070.00; Liquor Fund, $67,526.65; Construction, $50,872.06; Total, $264,746.49. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Richards General Fund, $68,479.59; 9/15/80 Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment was then seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Adjournment at 8:30 p.m. .. I