HomeMy WebLinkAbout19801006_regular118 NINUTES OF THE REGULAk EEGTING OF THE EDINA CITY CO’JNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL OCTOBER 6, 1980 Answering rollcall were members Rredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Van Valkenburg . 211~~~~s of August 13, September 8 and September 15, 1980, were aPProVed as Pre- sented by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman Bredesen* Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Motion carried. . Nays: None I PARKING LOT 1MPIIOVEI.IENT NO. P-12 ASSESSMENT LEVIED. Mr. Rosland recalled that the Assessment Hearing for Parking Lot Inprovement No. P-12 had been continued from August 13, 1980, and that the Colonial Church of Edina has requested a reduction in the assessment in view of the fact that the total construction cost of $63,868.12 had exceeded the estimated construction cost of $34,734.81 and that the church had not been advised of this additional cost. Err. Rosland further recalled that a portion of the parking lot is built on City property. He explained that the unusual difference in the estimated cost and the actual cost was due to soil condi- tions and recommended that the assessment be reduced by the zmount of the engin- eering and clerical costs to 558,564.95 and also that the assessment be spread over 20 years. that the land on which the parking lot was built is immediately to the West of Countryside Park and that, at the time the parking lot was built, the church dedicated the area now known as Colonial Way and an additional area of approxi- mately 3 or 4 acres to the City for use as a parking lot for park activities. also recalled that additional parking space was necessary at the time the church added additional seating in the balcony and that the dedication of the land was made at that the. Mr. Laukka concurred with Mr. Rosland that it was unfortunate that the soil conditions caused the additional cost. Following considerable .dis- cussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adopt- ion : . Xr. Larry Laukka, representing Colonial Church of Edina, recalled He .- RCSOLUTI0:T ORDERING ASSESSLEW OF I PARKING LOT ItG’RCVEEIENT NO. P-12 33 IT XSCEVED by the City ~nmcil of the City of Eillna, EEnrrescts, 3s follcvs: i. %a Zi~y kis sivcn i:oLice :If lieariq ES rq:ireo D;‘ _r.~;-r cz tk.propose5 assessment roll for the improvenent hereinafter referred to, and at such hearing held on October 6, 1980, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of szch assessment. 2. Subject to the amendments made in paragraph 3 of this resolution, the assess- ments as set forth in the assessment roll on file in the office of the City Clerk for PARKiNG LOT IZ4PXOVEEIENT NO. P-12 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvement upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and the assessment is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper assessment on account of said improvement to be spread against the benefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. Said assessment is hereby amended as follows: The assessment shall be in the amount of $58,564.95 and shall be spread over a period of 20 years. 4. The assessment shall be payable in 20 equal annual installmeats, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 8% per annum on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1981, to be payable with the gen- eral taxes for the year 1981. 5. copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessnent with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 6. able by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right-of-way as required by Hinnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not paid in a single installment, the City Ti-easurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. Xotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. . -- . The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be pay- Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. PUBLIC IIQROVEMENTS AUTJlORIZED FOR PINDELL-CLAFX ADDITION ON 190% PETITION. Mr . Rosland reported that petitions E or improvements consisting of Grading and Grav- eling, Sanitary Sewer, Natermain and Stom Sewcr in Findell-Clark Addition had Y 179 been received it1 the office of the City Clerk, signed by owners of real property located within said subdivision, viz: Ronald E. Clark and Roger C. Findell. Said petitions also requested the Council to assess the entire cast against the property of said owners. Mr. Kosland presented total estimated construction costs as follows: A. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-357 IN THE FOLLOWING: Total estimated construction cost was given at $41,330.61, with Findell to pay an estimated cost of $1,853.97 per unit for all lots except those in Block 6 and 7 and Lot 2, Block 8, Findell Clark Addition and Clark to pay an estimated $149.82 per 16 assessable units. . Easement lines in Findell-Clark Addition B . WATERElhIN IMPEIOVEMENT NO. P-WM-341 IN THE FOLLOWING: Total estimated construction cost was given at $47,473.72, with Findell to pay an estimated cost of $1,840.17 for 21 units and Clark to pay an estimated cost of $551.88 for 16 assessable units. W. 71st Street and Easement lines in Findell-Clark Addition C. STORM SENER IMPROVEMENT NO. P-ST.S-164 IN THE FOLLOWING: Total estimated construction cost was given at $28,776.20, with Findell to pay an estimated cost of $638.47 per unit for 32 units and Clark to pay an estimated cost of $521.57 for 16 assessable units. Easement lines in Findell-Clark Addition D. GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-C-133 IN THF, FOLLOWING: W. 71st Street, Findell-Clark Addition Mr. Rosland presented estimated construction cost of $8,976.42, proposed to be assessed against 32 assessable units for Findell and against 16 assessable units for Clark, each at $187.01. No objections were heard and none had been received prior thereto. Councilman Richards thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. ss-357 , WM-341 , ST.S-164 AND C-133 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that petitions have been filed requesting the Council to cor?struct a sanitary sewer improvement, a watermain improvement, a storm sewer improvement and a grading and.graveling improvement in Findell- Clark Addition and that the Developers ROW own all property which ~Lll abut and be assessed for the improvements and that said petition has been signed by the 2.. me ~qaii~-& 0: ordered pursuant to Knnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3), Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall, be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. and GRADING AND.GRAVELING IMPROVE~ffiNT NO. C-133. The entire cost of said improvements is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting in- said Findell-Clark Addition where said improvements are to be Located. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman dredesen. -. . developers. iuproTjements xLi g~i~.i-,zd;i<t y2.z: ;;;i:i~ ixzx~~cz~; is ~ccG;: SS-357 , WATERMAIN IMPROVENENT NO. WM-341 , STORM SEWER IMPROVEIBBT NO. ST .S-164 . Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg . Nays: None Resolution adopted. '. ONE COLPORATE CENTER PHASE V, GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Affidavits of . 4 Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to forni and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented One Corporate Center, Phase V for preliminary plat approval, advising that this'plat is generally located Kest of Metro Blvd. and North of W. 74th Street and measures approximately 5.5 acres in area. land, which is presently zoned 0-2 Office District is the proposed site for a six building office complex with four of the proposed buildings to be one story in height, two of the buildings to be two stories in height and that there will be a total combined floor.area of all bdildings of 67,000 square feet. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the proposed development, when viewed in its entirety, com- plies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, but because the proponent desires to sell each of the six office buildings, a townhouse type subdivision is proposed whereby each building is located on a'separate lot. areas, walkways and amenities would be located on an outlot which would be owned and maintai3ed jointly by the owners 02 the six buildings (i.e. identical to . the ownership and maintenance status of "commoE areas" in a residentid townh house'development). He explained that, because the City does not presently have a ':Planned Office District" Zoning Ordinance, the proponents will have to pursue variances for floor area ratio, 3.ot coverage, and setbacks for each of the six lots. Mr. Hughes referred also to the fact that the City has believed it will be necessary to reduce traffic congestim at W. 74th St. Blvd.. and the 77th Street/T.H. 100 Interchange, as well. as to eliiiiinate an un- He advised that this All parking arid Metro 10/ 17/80 180 usually long cul-de-sac. He showed a graphic which indicated txo possible connec- tions between Ohms Lane and Metro Blvd., advising that a connection at one of these locations would reduce traffic at W. 74th and T.H. 100 and also at W. 73rd Street. Council's attention was called to letters from Ns. Shirley Bowers of I1 s1 S. Execu- tive Services , Inc. , from Mrs . Virginia Dodine, Executive Director of the Edina Chamber of Commerce and to a petition signed by 79 people with offices in the building at 5200 W. 73rd Street, requesting the Council to approve a connecting street between Ohms Lane and Metro Blvd. street to be constructed at W. 72nd Street, recommending the construction of this road because there is less flood plain encroachment, because it forms a more direct route to N. 70th Street, because there is a better intersection with Metro Blvd. and because there is better soil conditions for construction of the road. Mayor Van Valkenburg expressed concern that the City is getting into the "aesthetic business". special notices would have .to be sent out before the Council could consider the requested variances. should be constructed where it would not have to cross the creek. considerable discussion; Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Hughes listed advantages for the I In response to a question of the Council, lrir. Erickson said that Councilman Richards expressed concern that the proposed road Following RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT ONE CORPORATE CENTER, PHASE V BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BDINA CITS COUNCIL that that certain plat entitled One Corporate Center, Phase V, platted by Edina Place, Incorporated, and presented for preliminary plat approval at the Edina City Council Ileeting of October 6, 1980, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to the following condi- t ions : 1. Execution of a developers agreement; 2. That the existing sanitary sewer line and the proposed storm sewer extension thru the property must be located on public easements; 3. That a grading permit be granted by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and a flood plain permit be issued by the City; 4. That an agreement in recordable form between the proponent and the City regard- ing. the design and architecture of the buildings be signed; 5. That the existing road right-of-way be vacated and a new right-of-way be dedi- cated in the preferred location; and E. %.at t5e rquestc2 -:zrfzzzes be granted 5y the Eoard of Appeals. 7Ition for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. . Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg . 8 Nays : Richards Resolution adopted. - -_ - CROSSROADS DEVELOPMENT PRD-3 ZONING CONTINUED TO NOVEEBER 3, 1980. Mr. Hughes pre- sented ttie request of Crossroads Development Corporation for Second Reading of Ord- inance No. 811-A136, granting PRD-3 zoning for property generally located South of 11. 70th St., West of Cahill Road and East of Cahill School and said that some agree- nients required by the Council have not yet been prepared in final form and recom- mended that the matter be continued to a later date. He advised Council, however, thzt H.U.D. had awarded bonus funds to the City for this Droject, and recommended that Comcil approve execution and return to H.U.D. of the required 3.U.D. agree- ment which acknowledges receipt of the bonus funds and agrees that, if the money is spent, it will be spent in accordance with Federal law. a resolution for Council's consideration which would approve the project as a housing development project for people of low and moderate income and their fam- ilies and allow condemnation of a part of Amundson Ave.. the proponent has made in his origkal presentation, Mr. Hughes advised that the staff recommends approval of the overall development plans conditional upor? the following: 1) aa executed developers' agreement; 2) written agreenents with the proponents as to the financial participation of the City; as to the development of the project together with modifications to parking and other variances in the event of future conversion to a totally market rate project; and 4) written agreements as to the mix and tenant selection process and trans- portation facilities. Hyatt, Vice President of Crossroads Development Corporation, summarizing the basic features of the project and the progress to date. Mr. Hyatt was present to encourage the Council to approve the development so that his company could start construction this fall. In response to a question of the Council, Mr. Hughes ad- vised that if the funds are.not used for this particular project, they would have to be returned to H.U.D. about condemning the property and that there has not been a full airing of the Mr. Hughes also presented Reviewing changes which 3) written agreements Council's attention was called to a letter from Nr. Henry Councilman Richards objected that the Council is talking 1 181 matter. approving the project if the proposed 1I.U.D. agreement is approved and the resolution adopted. Councilman Richards suggested thst the matter should be referred back to the Community Development and Planxing Commisslon for fuither study. Mr. Steve Winnick, representing adjacent property owners , contended that, inasmuch as the total land costs are not known, the Council would be auth- * orizing a "blank check" for which taxpayers will be obligated to pay. City Attorney Ericks'on said that it did not necessarily follow that if the H.U.D. Agreement is authorized, the Council would be committed to authorize the pro- ject. would be to simply get one step out of the way in the event the development should be authorized and emphasized that. authorizing. the H .U.D. agreement would have nothing to do with the condermation which will be considered by Council on November 3, 1980. Councilman Bredesen then moved that the City acknowledge to H.U.D. that it has been given the H.U.D. award and citing that if the' money is spent, it will be spent in accordance with Federal law. by Councilwoman Schmidt. Discussion ensued as to whctiier Council was making any commitment to The Mayor said that the only purpose for authorizing the H.rj.D. agre'ement Motionwas seconded Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays : Richards'. Moticjrx .carried. Council was assured by Mr. Hughes that the zoning hearing and the condemnation hearing would both be on the November 3, 1980, agenda. As recommended by Mr. Erickson, Councilwonan Schmidt's motion continuing the Second Reading of Ord- inance No. 811-A136 to November 3, 1980, along with the cost analysis and the condemnation , was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Ayes : ldredesen , Courtney, Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None Kotion carr.ied. HANSEN AND MARTINSON ZONING REQUEST GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form ar-d ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the zoning request of Messrs. Harvey Hansen 'and Robert Martin-. son for rezoning the property generally located North of Vernon Ave. and East of Lincoiri Drive from R-1 Residential District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District as recommended by the Coimunity Development azd. Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Martinson, one of the proponents, showed a'sn?all scale model cf the site plar, and said that he would define the exact location of the proposed necessary variance. for First Reading on the condition that find zoning be conditioned on accept- able overall deve?opment plans and granting of the required setback variances :: and also that final zoning be conditioned on final platting: -- -- 3-d+1 -&,'I,.. a:.,.-" ., ?.. l.,- _--- . .,* 5 ,. Rr::nZ ?-r :k.- r.*-.a:.-2 r,+ I,'jpcaf 1 nz;! ;..-!<::~:~'~c~s :, ::q;;r;-st ?::a - - Councilnan Bredesen then offered the foll'owing Ordinance ORDIKANCE NO. 811-A140 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 811' BY ADDING TO TH9 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD-3) 'TBE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, PIINNESGTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto : "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub-District PRD-3) is enlarged by adding tht? .following thereto : That part of the South 577 feet of the West 180 feet of the East 60 rods of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying North of the State Highway, which is in Sub-District PRD-3". See. 2. This ordinaace shall be in full force md effect upon its pass- age and publication. - MXOEfC DANCE STUDIOS USE IN PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT A-P?R@W.D IN CONCEPT. - Mr. Hughes presented the request of Ms. Lonna Mosov, director of Lonna's Figure Fitness Unlimited, asking that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to allow Aerobic Dance Studios as a principal me in the Planned Indusrrial District. It was noted that proper notice had not been given prior to this meeting and that, while all parties could be heard at this time, formal action could not be tsken mtil the next meettng. Mr. Curtis Woodhouse, manager of'the property ' leased to Ms, Pfosow, urged that the mxendment be adopted, stating chat this use would provide a needed service for employees and tenants in the industrial park. Councilman Courtney said that he had received several calls from Edina residents asking that this use be approved. lhe Mayor noted that the Com- munity Development and Planning Cominissim had recornended approval on a split: vote. Councilman Courtney then moved that the use of aerobic dance studios in the Plaiincd Industrial District be approved ID, concept an3 that the formal. hear- ing be held at tho, Meeting of October 20, 1980. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, I.Uichards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Notion carried. 10/6 / 80 182 HEkRIhTG DATES SET FOR PLANNING IlATTERS . ' As recommended by Nr. Hughes, Council- woman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Richards setting October 20, 1980, as hearing date for the following Planning matters: 1. Braemar Associates - Preliminary Plat Approval and Second Reading of Zoning Ordinance (Generally located West of Cahill Road and North of W. 78th St.) 2. Lois 7th Addition - Preliminary Plat Approval (Generally located West of County Road 18 and South of Valley View Road) 3. R.L.S. for Lots 9 and 10, Dewey Hill - Preliminary Plat Approval (Generally located South of Shannon Circle) 4. Evans Meineke - Zoning Change - R-1 Residential District to R-2 Multiple Residence District (Generally located South of Grove Street and West of the %N&S Railroad Tracks) Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nayg: None Motion carried. RAY S . CLARKE CONCERNS ABOUT FIRE ALAR% MISFUNCTIONS DISCUSSED. Council's attention was called to a letter from Mr. Ray S. Clarke, 6609 Cahill Road, .asking that the Council consider some method of controlling the number of fire - alarm misfunctions. Councilman Richards' motion continuing the matter for study was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Ayes :* Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. . ART CENTER REMODELING AWARD OF BID .CONTINUED. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Councilman Bredesen's motion continuing the award of the bid for the Art Center reroodeling until October 20, 1980, was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards Schmidt , .Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR TUBLIC IMPROVEYENTS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Mr. Ros- land presented tabulation of nine bids received in response to Advertisement for . Ei& -fpr Sanitary Sever Iraprovements No3 SS-356 9-J CF-357. V~tsniiz Iqrove- amts 30s. 1&5-340, M-341 and im-342, Sconu Sever linprovement Ho . ST .S-i64 an6 Grading ad Graveling Improvements Nos. C-132 and C-133. Tabulation showed A.C.G. Hechanical, Inc., low bidder at $193,031.05, Brown & Cris, Inc., at $198,281.95; G. L. Contracting, Inc., at $202,613.55, C. Wayne Erickson, Inc., . at $206,444.84; Orfei & Sons, Inc., at $208,425.94, Northdale Construction, Inc., at $210,707.95; TJidmer Bros., Inc., at $219,410.04, Erwin Montgomery Construc- tion Co., at $224,874.45 and Barbarossa S; Sons, Inc., at $225,139.30, against Engineer's estimate of $232,452.25. Being advised that easements hzve not yet been received for Proposal C (the Masonic property) and that agreemsnts have not yet been signed with Eden Prairie, Councilman Richards' motion for award of the contract contingent on receipt of the above mentioned easements and agreements vas seconded by Comci-lwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. SCOOTER FOR GOLF COURSE BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of two bids for a scpoter for Braemar Golf Course. Company at $3,700 (including trade-in) and Industrial Supplies, Inc., at $3,850 (including trade-in) . bidder, Cushmi Motor Company at $3,700 was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Tabulation showed Cushman Motor Councilman Courtney's motion for award to recommended low Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidf, Van Valkenburg &tion carried. . Nays: None .. PARTITIONS FOR BRAEW4R AREMA BID AWARDED. two bids for building material to construct partitions separating the rink area from the upper and lower lobby area in Braemar Arena and explained that this is an energy saving proposal. In response to a question of the Council, sir. Kojetin explained that it is estimated that the cost of the improvement would be savedin two years. Tabulation showed Earl C. Sharpe low bidder at $4,550 with George Coyne, Inc., at $4,950. recommended low bidder, Earl C. Sharpe, at $4,550 was seconded by Councilman Courtney . Ayes : Nays: None ~. - Mot ion carried. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of - Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for award to Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg GOLF COURSE PALRON CARD AND COMPUTERIZED I-IANDL,ING FEE SET FOR 1980. that the handicap fees for Braemar Golf Course have not been increased for two Advising -- years and that the cost of patron cards has not been increased since 1965, Mr. Rosland presented increases which were recommended by the Park Board at its meeting of September 9, 1980. It was recommended that handicap fees should be increased to $4.00 and that patron cards be increased to reflect the following charges : Husband and Wife, $65 .OO ; Junior (18 years or younger) , $25 .OO; Indi- vidual, $35 .OO ; and Junior (when parent has card) $15 .OO. Following discussion Councilman Courtney's motion approving the recommended increases was seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. HOPKINS ZIP CODE MAIL DELIVERY DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that he had received a letter from Representative Bill Frenzel regarding the mail service of Edina r.esidents being served :by the Iiopkins Post Office, and referring to a survey of "Lhose residents inquiring about their service.: Mr. Frenzel said that he is becoming more aware of the difficulties surrounding ZIP Codes that are not based on municipal boundaries and that this problem is not unique to Edina. No action was taken. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR GRA2JDVIETJ LIQUOR STORE REMODELING. for remodeling the Grandview Liquor' Store, advising that,. since tibule, the building is very difficult to heat and that the salespeople have to wear overshoes in the winter to keep their feet warm. He advised also that it is necessary to repair the sagging floor and that additional floor space is needed. authorizing the City &nager to take bids for the project. Mr. Fbslmd showed plans there is no ves- N 0 a> 7) a Councilman Courtney's motion was then seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, V,m Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. a MORNINGSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION .DISCUSSED. .Mr . Rosland. advised Council that bids must be taken this year for garbage collection for the Morningside area and recalled that the 1978 contract with Vierkant Disposal called for $54.00 for twice a week pickup. lie recalled also that Mr. Vierkant had indicated that he ask his' customers for a voluntary increase. Mr. Rosland suggested that, because of increasing costs, Morningside residents might want to consider once a week service. their iarbage pick-up on an individual basis. kenbtirg, it wa.s informally decided that lk. Ronald Ringling be asked to contact members. of the Morningside Neighborhood Association to find'out their feelings and tell them that bids will be taken on Noizember 17, 1980. Councilman Couzt- ney's motion authorizing taking bids was seconded by Councilman 3redesen. was los2-,- -.._n--r uLu,iLy rkEi rate aEa ZsEi L'OUZC;L Lad ~~i~~~*t:i,~c~i 2,k. Y-Le~k~rtt it: He also suggested that Morningside residents might want to contract for As recommended by Mayor Van Val- Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney; Richards Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nsys: None Notion carried. .. .-- MRS. HICK1 GAPER APPOINTED TO 'HUMAN RELATIONS COMNISSION. - As recommended by Mayor Van Valkenburg , Councilman Richards': motion appointing Mrs; Eck'i Gamer as .a member' .of the Human Relations Commission to replace Mr. Arthur Rudin for a term of office which will run until Pebruary 2, 1982, was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. It was pointed out that Nrs. Gamer's name was recommended by the School District. Ayes : Nays: None Motion carried. , Bredesen, burtney , Richards , Schmidt , Van Valkenburg LEAGUE OF MIhTESOTA CITIES BR.OCHURE' QUESTIONED. Councilman- Bredesen called Council's attention to a brochure distributed by the League of Minnesota Cities entitled "Closeness Counts - Local Government Day 1980" and questioned why the City should belong to an organization that wastes its money in this manner. No formal action was taken. -- DETECTIVE BLOOD'S REPORT NOTED. - The Mayor commented that Detective David Blood had submitted a report on a conference which he att.ended. No action was taken. PSDS 'CLEARINGHOUSE BULLETIN DISCUSSED. Council's attention was called to a report from the Institute for Local Self Government... 14r. Rosland recalled that. Edina had been selected 2s one of the test sites for a national study on public safety inspection consolidation and that the Public Safety Delivery Systems Clearinghouse Bulletin dealt with the results of the study. No action was taken. 10/ G f 80 BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS NINUTES DISCUSSED. minutes of the Building Board of Appeals be made more formal and that last names of members and observers be used. No formal action was taken. GEORGE $1. HANSEN CCM?Aii APPOINTED FOR CITY'S 1980 AUDIT. motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt, for appointment of George M. Hansen Company to conduct the 1980 audit of the City for a cost of approximately $12,000. The Mayor requested that the .. Councilman Courtney's Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Rays: None Motion carried. As requested by the Nayor, Nr. Dalen said that he would obtain for the Couicil memos which were referred to by the George M. Hansen Company. WINFIELD DEVELOPHENT PROPOSAL DISCUSSED. The Mayor recounted what had trans- pired at the special Council lieeting at which the Winfield Development proposal was presented on October 3, 1980, and said that he believed that the proposal should be explored further. No action was taken. CITY CLERK'S APPOINTMENT TO SECRETARY OF STATE'S ELECTION ADVISORY BOARD NOTED. Mr. Rosland noted that the City Clerk has been appointed to the Secretary of State's Election Advisory Board and asked that Council convey any concerns to Mrs. Hallberg so that she could take them to the Board. No action was taken. COUNCIL SALARY ORDINANCE CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 20, 1980. referred to the fact that Council salaries should be increased and said that he would make recommendations at the next Council Meeting. Mayor Van Valkenburg No action was taken. ELECTION JUDGES APPOINTED FOR GENERAL/CITY ELECTIONS. Clerk, Councilman Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adop- As recommended by the t ion : RESOLUTION SE IT RESOLVED that the following Election Judges be appointed to serve on the Election Boards for the General/City Election to be held. on November 4, 1980, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as she may deem necessary: Precinct No. 1 - lfmes. Genie Williams, Chairman, Lois Hallquist, Barbara Anderson, Dorie Capetz, Doris O'Neill, Shirley DeLeo. &cover. Erperite Sester. Arlene Fri6z.i. mrsttiy Palkecborn, kr- raix Sximek; Cawi Xy1i.o aid Alternates Ceil Nightingale and 'ienny ShobBr; Precinct No. 2 - Mmes. Joyce Akason, Chairman, Naomi Johnson, Grace Gustafson, irIarge Ruedy, Ethel Benson, Joan Flumerfelt, Nary Goodness, Betty Jenson, Donna Scudder, Emily Scudder, Barbara Daly, Pauline Carroll and Patricia Carlson and Alma Scheu, Alternates; Precinct No. 3 - Mmes. Jane Hawthorne, Chairman, Sher- rill Estensen, Linda Smith, Deidre Hedrick, Patricia Lang, Jane Hanson, Shirley Dunwiddie, Ida Jean Cauble, Tamara Olson, Virginia Kimmerle, Mary Panchot, Betty Ann Flaskamp and Betty Ryan and Carol Bucklin, Alternates; Hmes. Shirley Dibble, Chairman, Alice Rose, Rachel Schoening, Jeznette Lushine, Katherine Stamp, Nina Potter, Helen Stafford, Joanne Downey, Margery Brothers, Marion Cracraft, Charlotte,Scott, Helen Lishman and Elizabeth Genovese and Pat- ricia Murphy, Alternates; Precinct No. 5 - Mmes. Henrietta Bartlett, Chairman, Phyllis Cooper, Carol McPheeters, Rosemary McGlynn, Helen Groth, Hazel Helgeson, Jill Ragatz, Betty Simons, Beth Gilboe, Marie Zivokvich, Artie Karos, Herman Markowitz and Mailand Card and Mary Gould, Alternates; Precinct No. 6 - Mmes. Jane Eains, Chairman, Catherine Swanson, Hope Eilers, Sue Zwakman, Nary Cleave- land, Wendy Klemp, Jane Flaaten, Mary Manning, Barbara Herbers, Martha Oye, Louisa Gerstenberger, Ardyce Bowen, and Joyce Sutherland and Karen Lemenger, Alt- ernates; Precinct No. 7 - hes. Bess Brudelie, Chairman, Naomi Ward, Helen Pet- erson, Zelma Gray, Maxine Yaeger, Joanne Swanson, Doris Hartshorn, Dorothy Stock- dale, Avalda Wildermuth, Clara Fossey, Patti Murphy, Mary Rolland and Madelyn Dobbelman and'Betty Birdsong, Alternates; Chairman, Maxine Sanders, Margaret Kinney, Florence Freudenthal, Constance Ryan, Rose Hines , Joanne Stephens, Eleanor Westerberg, Velma Larson , Donna Rasmussen, Mary Diessner, Phyllis Fuller and Roberta Ostrom and Barbara Raap, Alternates; Precinct No. 9 - Wnes. Yvonne Ford, Chairman, Lavonn Stoakes, Dorothy Kronlokken, Annette Horton, Margaret Wodrich, Jacqueline Lindskoog, Aileen Konhauser, Jeanne Michiner, Nancy Grimsby, Dorothy Nonnweiler, Margaret Dobbin, Marjorie Erstad and Carol Hjulberg and Claire Ellertson, Alternates; Precinct No. 10 - Eimes. Lynn Billings, Chairman, Phyllis Jenson, Claire Doyle, Joan Ochs, Mary Shoquist, Ray Bach, Virginia Bodine, Patricia Bates, Jane Bates, Muriel Peterson, Shirley Byrne, Margaret McLellan and Gladys Lidstone and Mary Ratelle, Alternates ; - 11 - hes. Geneva Smith, Chairman, Bonnie England, Elinor Thornton, Carol Eleil- char, Lorayne Beclitle , Nancy Phillips , Lucille Borchers , Mercedes Sandstrom, Charlene Knopps, Mary Ann Kubin, Jean Chapman, Lois Steinbeclc and Julie Gulli- ford and Charlotte Kolzow, Alternates; Precinct No. 12 - Mmes. Adele Olson, Chairman , 3lary McDonald , Bernadine Chapman, Virginia tlcCollister, Nathalie Person, Precinct No. 4 - Precinct No. 8 - Nrnes. Jane Moran Precinct No. FIaryann Herman, Phyllis Taylor , Diane Greensweig , Bonnie Bjerlcen , Ardus Wind- horst, Dorothy Sawyer, Edith Holman and Doris Van Campen and Rose-Mary Utne, Alternates ; Precinct No 2 - FJnies Edna Thomsen, Chairnian, Patricia Harmon, Shirley B jerken I Joyce Wes terveld , Marilyn Person, Monica Nilles , Doris Barry, Phyllis Gruzbeck, Ardus Wexler , Rosemary Gubrud , Mavis DeLambert, Barbara Stewart, and June ElcNlister and A. R. Stirrat, Alternates; Precinct No. 14 - Mmes. Mary * Jane Platt, Chairman, Jeanette Lund, Esther Olson, Helen Taylor, Audrey Anderson, Lavayne Finberg, Doris Peterson, Joyce Hanson, Karen Knutsen, Eileen Cooke, Laurie McRay, Jean Johnson and Carole Anderson and Mary Krubsack, Alternates; Precinct No. 15 - Mmes. Patricia Olander, Chairman, Linnea Erickson, Joan Van Hulzen, Mary Shoris, Sue Kirsch, Alice Parten, Sharon McNulty, Rose Dhein, Helen Rumsey, Carol Hanson, Jean Teasley, Sharon Soderlund and Anita Delegard and Dorothy Dornseif, Alternates; Precinct No. 16 - Mmes. Pat Halvorsen, Chairman,’Judith Sotebeer, Grace Councilman, Donna Hiltunen, Kathryn Harrington, Betty Cowman, Joyce Stoner, Elizabeth Johnson, Betty Carver, 3eanne Hopson, Ann Singer, Roxanne Shaughnessy and Lillian Wold and Ethel Anderson, Alternates; Precinct No. 17 - Mmes. Claire Ready, Chairman, Ebba Frykman, Betty McClellan, Cynthia Elmquist, Beverly Deeds, Mary Ann Spoodis, Margaret Handy, Ann Matula, Margaret Carlson, Margaret Delaney, Elaine Tollefsrud, Rubie Groven and Vivian Ingmundson and Ursulla Michaelis, Alternates; Precinct No. 18N - Mmes. Jean McDermid, Chairman, Narjorie Rossiter, Elinor Ballou, Mary Ryan, Seima Shelton, Jean Erdall , Joyce Wassenaar, Joyce Koetz, Charlene Atkins, Amy Casey, Peg Domback, Gerda Lyon and Joanne Merta and June Holmberg, Alternates; Precinct No. 18s - Mmes. Betty Doolittle, Chairman, Patricia Spraguer, Marion White, Myrtle Grette , Nancy Huey, Lorraine Buboltz, Gretchen Green, Joyce Andrews , Betty Benjamin , Marjorie Grinnell , Roe Ann Forbes , Sally Tang and Sue Little and Becky Hardwick, Alternates; Precinct No. 19 - Mmes. Charlotte Scanlon, Chairman, Helen McClelland, Msrion Cline, Ardy Dorsey, Audrey Nankivell, Angie Speliopolis, Mary Owsten, Marion Sallerson, Judith Mayer, Shirley Jenos, Jeari Altman, Jane Hess and Pauline Kirschbaum and Pam Allen, Alternates. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. LOTS 2 3. ~,LC)CY 1, ::I:~E MILE YORTE ~XD nrr~r~w CnwecTxo?: CEARGE LEVIED. -- _---. _____ --.. _- __. - - ~- -- -. -. - ------- As recommended by Mr. Ealen, Councilman Courtney otrei-ed the following rcsolticlori and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the assessment of the connection charge for Watermain Improvement No. WH-292-C and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Eo. SS-322-C, said watermain assessment to be levied in the amount of $1,514.53 and said sanitary sewer to be levied in the amount of $1,737.44, at Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwonian Schmidt. the rate of 6% over a period of 6 years. ;. Rollcall: . Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schridt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None ., Resolution adopted. ’ . . , MUNICIPAL STATE-AID FUNDS REQUESTED. As recommended by Mr. Hoffman, Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROPRIATION OF I”ICXPAL STATE-AID FJTNDS TO C.S.A.H. 17 AND T.H. 121 WHEREAS, participate in the cost of a construction project located on T.H. 121 and C.S.A.H 17 within the limits of said municipality; and WHEREAS, said construction project has been approved by the Department of High- ways and identified in its records as S.A.P. 120-020-08; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby appropriqte from its Municipal State-.Aid Street Funds the sum of $165,000.00 to apply toward the ‘construction of said project and does request the Commissioner of Highways to approve this’ authorization. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Bredesen. . Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenbuxg has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Edina to Rollcall : Nays: None Resolution adopted. CANCELLATION OF H.R.A. BOND LEVY AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, lO/G/ 80 Councilman Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : BONDS OF 1975 (HOUSING AND PSDEVXLOPlfNT AUTHORITY) RES OLliTION CANCELLING GENERAL OBLIGATION REDEVELOPEIISXT . AD VALORE21 TAXES COLLECTIBLE WITH 1981 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has, by resolution adopted November 3, 1975, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its General Obligation Redevelopment Bonds of 1975 (Housing and Redevelopment Authority) Fund; said ad valorem tax with the amount of $2,200,000 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1980; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issue; and-it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that those ad valorem tax levys made by resolution of this Council, adopted November 3, 1975, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said City for the year 1980 be and are hereby cancelled; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE COUfJTY AUDITOR of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be authorized and directed to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levys and to delete said levys from taxes to be spread for the year 1981. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. I Rollcall: ' Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards , Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. $1,400,000 TEMPOMRY IMPROVEMENT BOND SALE AUTHORIZED. Dalen, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. RESOLUTION RELATING TO $1,400,000 TElPORARY I IIPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1980 ; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE THEREOF BE IT PaSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. Authorization and Sale of Temporary Improvement Bonds. This Council has heretofore ordered, in accordance with the provisions of Minne- I . sota Statutes, Chapter 429, and after public hearing if so required by law, 'the -;t3:lSi-ruCtk.:l 'cc -..zricus ~alp rovemenrs xc :;:.re ZziLy c -. .~-scribz< >;:cy (t-2 >zpre-w*z- ments), and has duly ordered, received and approved plans and specifications and entered into contracts for the construction of the Improvements after proper advertisement for bids. The designation and estimated total cost to the City . of each of the Improvements are as follows: Improvement , Estimated Total Cost Street Improvements NO. BA-227-A $443,499.52 319,496.55 70,725.60 NO. BA-242 NO. BA-243 NO. BA-244 17,500 .OO NO. C-131 . 11,206.18 No. 162 $ 79,139.69 No. 163 4,928 .OO No. 161 Total Cost $430,698.05 Storm Sewer Improvements Less cost inanced by' previous bond issue 360 , 316.89 70,381.16 Sanitary Sewer Imp rovemen ts No. 352 $119 462 19 $862,427.85 $154 , 448.85 47,534.03 No. 353 No. 354 11,984 .OO No. 355 11,539.58 No. 336 $ 38,789.99 . a. Tqatermain Improvements ' No. 337 . No. 338 . 22,215.69 10,528 .OO No. 339 171763.20 . Lift Station No. LS-9 * $146,575.32 Parking No. P-12 Other Improvements Tatal Cost: $58,340.32 less cost financed by previous bond issue: 33,391.72 24,948 .GO Total $190,2 19.80 I $ 89,296.88 $171,523.92 $1.,467,917.30 187 This Council hereby determines that it is necessary for the City of Ediiia to issue and sell its Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1980, in the principal amount of $1 ,400,0?~0 (the Bonds) , to provide interim financing for the construc- tion of the Xmprovements including every item of cost of the kinds authorized ;in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65. Section 2. Sale, Publication of Notice. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Official Notice of Sale set forth in Section 3 for the purpose of receiving and.consider- ing bids for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. ized and directed to cause the Official Notice of Sale to be published in the official newspaper and in Commercial West , published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, not less than ten days prior to the date of said meeting. The City Clerk is hereby author- 11 Section 3. Form of Official Nctice of Sale. The following official Notice of Sale shall constitute the terms and conditions for the sale of the Bonds: CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE $1,400,000 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1980 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, will meet in the City Hall in the City on November 3, 1980, at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to N n receive, open and consider bids for the purchase of $1,400,000 Temporary Improve- ment Bonds, Series 1980 (hereinafter, the Bonds), to be issued on the following terms : The Bonds will be dated November 1, 1980, and will mature on November 1, 1981, without opinion of prepayment. Negotiable coupon, general obligation, in bearer form and numbered consecutively, in denominations of $5,000, or any nultiple thereof, as requested by the success- ful bidder within 48 hours after award of sale. provi-de interim financing of local improvement projects in the City under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475. Ir-terest SI? the Ec~-!.s will. be payable on May 1, 1981 and November 1, 1981. The Bonds wili be payabie on Yiy 1, 1981 and Movemer I, 1931. The Bonds*must bear interest from date of issue until paid at a single, uniform rate. rate of interest nor the net effective rate may exceed 12%. No supplemental or DATE AND MATURITIES -3 U a TYPE AND PURPOSE The Bonds are being issued to RATES, INTEREST PAYMENT DATES .Niether the I1 11 B coupons will be permitted. PAYING AGENT Principal and interest will be made payable at any suitable bank in the United States designated by the successful bidder within 48 hours after award of sale, subject to approval by the City Council, and the City will pay the reasonable and custoznary paying agency. charges. ' . An opinion as to the validity of the Bonds and the tax-exempt nature of the inter- est thereon will be furnished by .Dorsey, Windhorst, Hannaford, Whitney & Halla- day, of VLnneapolis, Minnesota. The legal opinion will be printed on the Bonds at the request of the purchaser. . The legal opinion will state that the Bonds are valid and binding obligations of the City. DELIVERY On or before November 26, i980, the City will furnish and deliver at the office of the purchaser or, at his opinion will deposit with a bank in the United States selected by him and approved by the City as its agent to permit examination by and to deiiver.to the purchaser, the printed and executed Bonds, the opinion of bond counsel, and a certificate stating that no litigation in any manner questioning their validity is then threatened or pending. The charge of the delivery agent must be paid by the purchaser, but all other costs, with the exception of the printing of CJSIP numbers as indicated, will be paid by the City. The purchase price must be paid upon delivery of the Bonds, in funds available for expenditure by the City on the date of payment. cus IP The City will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing bf CUSIP numbers on the Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but .:Jill permit such assignment and printing to be done at the expense of the purchaser, if such assignment and printing can be done prior to the delivery of the Bonds. Sealed bids marked "Bid for $1,400,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1980" must be mailed or delivered to the undersigned and must be received prior to the time,of said meeting, Each bid must be unconditional and must be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check or badc draft in the amount of $28,000, payable to the order or' the "City of Edina,. Minnesota," to be retained by the City as liqui- . LEGAL OPINION TYPE OF BID - AMOUNT I88 dated damages if the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to comply therewith. The bid stating the lowest net interest cost (total interest from date of Bonds to the stated maturity, less any cash premium), will be deemed most favora3le. In the event that two or more bids state the lowest net interest cost, the sale of the Bonds will be awarded by lot. No oral bid and no bid of less than the principal amount of the Bonds plus accrued interest on all of the Bonds will be considered, and the City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in any bid. Dated: October 6, 1980. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Edina, Minnesota Section 4. Official Statement. The City Treasurer-Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to prepare on behalf of the City an Official Statement to be distributed to potential purchasers of the Bonds. the Official Notice of Sale set forth in Section 3 hereof and such other information as shall be deemed advisable and necessary to adequately describe the City of Edina and the security, terms and conditions of the Bonds. Notion for adoption. of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Richards. Such Official Statement shall contain Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. POPPY LANE PROPERTY CONTRACT FOR DEED CANCELLED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize that the contract for property on Poppy Lane described as follows be cancelled pursuant to State Statute for default of buyer: Notion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Rollcall : Ayes : Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg adys : i...=.:=s2: Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION Lots 1 and 4, Block 1, Lake Edina Village Replat. -7.- .. LIQUOR FUND as of August 31, 1980, \$as approved and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Richard , seconded by Councilman Bredesen. Ayes : Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. CLAIMS PAID. for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: Park Fund, $9,229.60; Art Center, $2,137.94; Park Construction, $3,390.83; Swimmizlg Pool, $4,126.02;.Golf Course, $8,882.08; Recreation Center, $13,664.23; Gun Range, $418.71; Water Fund, $35,119.94; Sewer Fund, $5,765.68; Liquor Fund, $7,948.28; 'Construction Fund, $440.59; Total, $201,750.49; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims: Fund, $49,400.00; Art Center $0.10; Swimming Pool, $206.09; Golf Course, $5,155.31; Arena, $68.45; Water hnd, $537.54; Liquor Fund, $300,943.18; Total, $355,322.52. Motion of Councilman Courtney was seconded by Councilman Bredesen, General Fund, $110,626.59; General Ayes : Bredesen , Courtney, Richards, Schmidt , Van Valkenburg Nays: None - b 3iotion carried; Council's business having been covered, the Hayor declared the meeting adjourned. Adjournment at 9 :00 p .m. d City Clerk