HomeMy WebLinkAbout19810608_edina_board_of_reviewI52 MINUTES OF 11IE MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OP REVIEN MELD MONDAY, JUHE 8, 1981 AT 5 :OO P .M. , AT EDINA CITY HALL -- .. Answering rollcall were Ifembers Richards , Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney, with Member Bredesen arriving at the close of the meeting, pursuant to published "Notice of Board of Review" in the Edina Sun and notices posted on City Bulletin Boards. The Mayor announced that the purpose of this meeting wzs to give persons who considered themselves aggrieved by their property valuation, or those who wished to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, an opportunity to show cause for having the assessment corrected. Mem- bers of the audience were advised that theBoard of Review would make its decision and that they would be notified of that decision prior to July 8, 1981, so that an appeal could be made to the County Board of Review. Mr. Francis Hayes was supported by Mr. Alvyn Pope in his objection that $106,500 was too high a market value for his Dewey Hill West condominium (11312) at 5601 Dewey Hill Road. They submitted comparisons of .other condominiums in the City which they contended had a smaller per foot value than the per foot valuations assigned to the Dewey Hill West condominiums. Mr. Hayes particularly pointed out values for Point of France units. Also in attendance from Dewey Hill West condo- miniums were Messrs. Donald Bergquist (11310) and Karl Diessner (8304) , Ms. Annette Sukov (11112) and Dr. and Nrs. Karl Sandt (#212)who did not speak at the hearing- but submitted sheets questioning the market value placed on their dwelling units. The meeting was convened I Mr. R. S. Ylvisaker, 4360 Brookside Ct., (11103) objected to his assessed market valuation of $64,500, saying that the valuation had increased from $50,700 last- year, but that he had no idea of what the market value of the property should be. Mr. W. D. Bynell, representing Mr. J. I?. Nolan, owner of property located at 61.33 Kellogg Ave., valued by the Assessor at $94,000, and property at 4412 Valley View Road, valued by the Assessor at $90,000, objected to the total estimated market . value of the two properties. He said that business is not good in the area and . asked that the values be reduced to last year's values. has already reviewed the property and will recommend that the new market value for property at 4412 Valley View Road be somewhat reduced. from Mr. Ndlan requesting review of the property. Mr. Leslie H. Hughes, 4206 W. 44th Street, objected to the fact that the market value of his property had increased 72% over the past four years and suggested that a realistic market value would be $45,000, rather than $55,000 as presently- established by the Assessor. . . Mr. Johnson said that he I A letter was also received . Mr. Joseph Bard, 6400 York Ave., (11402) objected to the Assessor's market value of $92,000. of cheap building construction and that there is 6" of water in the garage when it rains. le. Bard referred to other units that sold for more, but said that expen- sive improvements had been made to those units. He cited the fact that the unit of,Dr. Perlman netted $78,500 recently after paying points and agent's fees. He sai'd that owners in his building have had expenses incurred because The following letters were received objecting to the assessed valuation as estab7 lished by the Assessor: Dr. Barbara K. Bundt, 5312 TJ. 64th St., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $114,500. market value and considerably inore than offers recently received when the house was up for sale. Nr. Ralph Bulford, 6516 Ridgeview Dr., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $117,500. $100,000, including about $9,000 of personal property, and added that the property is run down and in need of repair. She said that this is a 18.5% increase over her 1980 estimated I He said that he purchased the property in September? 1980 .for Mrs. Betty J. McCauley, 6447 McCauiey market value of $29,900 each for Lots Addition. She said that she had been that the sale had not been consumated Mr. Paul F. Keller, 6412 Indian Hills market value of $127,200, saying Lhat $90,000. Nr. R. G. Ische, 6617 Cheyenne Trail, Terr., objected to the Assessor's estimated 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, McCauley Heights 8th offered $25,000 for Lots 1 and 2 in 1980-but and that the lots remain unsold. Road, Objected to the Assessor's estimated he believes the value should be reduced to --. objected to the estimated market value of .$134,700, stating that t'he value is out of 1Snc xith othcr properties in the area. 6/8/81 153 Mrs. Ellen Schwandt, 4516 Tower St. , objected to the. Assessor's estimated market value of $100,500, advising that the house was purchased on April 15, 1980, for $95,500, and that without favorab1.e financing, the price would have been less. Mr. Sadok B. Chihi, 5516 Doncaster Way, objected to the estimated market value on his house of $lOO,lT)O, advising that he had purchased the house in May, 1980 for $87,000 and that the property is in very poor condition. Mr.j,nd Mrs. Robert Sullivan, 5908 Tamarac Lane, objected that the Assessor's esti- mated market value of commercial property at 4412 France Ave., was too high at $220,100. Mrs. Sara Taft, 5024 Scriver Road, objected to the Assessor's estimated market: value of $363,900 for her property and asked that the assessment be. reconsidered. Mr. James C. Robertson, 5913 Josephine Ave., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $84,200, in vfew of its location one-half block from T.H. 100. He said that he is trying to sell his house at this time and has had no offers to buy at $89,000. .. Mr. Orville H. Paske, 6085 Lincoln Dr., (11325) objected to the estimated market value of the Assessor of $87,700, advising that this is a 26.9% increase over the 1980 estimated market value. Ms. Caroline M. Scott, 6809 Point Dr., objected to the estimated market value of the. Assessor of $100 , 200 ,., advising that the property was purchased for $97,000. A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing Gabbert & Beck, Inc., owners of the Cinema Theater at 3455 W. 69t.h St., objected to the. Assessor's estimated market value of $1,034,000. A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing McDonald's Restaurants of mnnesota, Inc., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $379,300 for property located at 3220 Southdale Circle. ' A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing Gabbert & Beck, Xnc., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $1,416,200 for property located at 6900 and 6950 York Ave. and 3310 W. 70th St. which are occupied by Venus Waterbeds, Aspen Leaf and Board and Room. A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing Texas Instruments, Inc. , objected to the estimated market value of the assessor of 688,000 for property located at 7625 Parklawn Ave. A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing Gabbzrt & Beck, Inc., objected to the estimated market value of $1,442,100 for Gabberts Furniture ai: 3501 W. 69th Street. A letter from Mr. Robert W. Tivnan, representing Gabbert Sr Beck, Inc., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $6,523,000 for the Galleria, located at 3501 W. 69th Street. Mr. Joseph G. Ibusseau, 6616 Limerick Dr., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $151,800, advising that he had purchased the house on April 22, 1981, for $145,000. A letter from Ralph,W. Peterson of Johnson & Eastlund, representing otmers of The Durham Apartments objected to the value of the property located at 7201 York Ave. of $12,275,000. He advised that the projecthas operated at a negative cash flow in substantive amounts since completion. Mr. Charles W. Carlsen, 6700 West Shore Dr. , objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $165,500, stating that he had purchased the property in June, 1980, for $148,G00. Objection was received from Mr. Marvin Feldermsn to the Assessor's estimated market value or $117,300. amount. Bk. Felderman said that he could not sell. his house for that Mr, Johnson advised that the estimated market value of City property had gone Over $2,000,000,~00 for the first time. 6/8/81 654 Mr. Stephen H. IJestmarlc of Real Estate Plus, representing FIr. Victor Wallestad, mer of property at 6218 Braemar Circle, objected to the estimated market value of $235,800, stating that the house has been for sale at $240,000 since February 1981 and ;remains unsold. Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dahnert, 6605 fidgeview Drive, objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $112,500 forproperty at 7012 Sally Lane. that they had just purchased the house for $108,000 ($100,440 net of realtor's fees). They stated Mr. Donald D. Moore, 7000 Lanham Lane, objected to the estimated market value of $143,100 for his home. Mr. Donald Gooney, 51.77 Abercrombie Dr., objected to the Assessor's estimated mar- ket value of $87,600, stating that the property cannot be sold for that price. Ms. Joyce S. Briere, 414 Kresse Circle, objected to the Assessor's estimated market value for her house, stating that it was recently purchased for $88,900. 'I He did not give-his estimated value. Mr, Bernard LaBeau, Rc. 1, Box 73B, Becker, $IN, objected to the Assessor's esti- mated value on the following lots in West Minneapolis Heights: Lot 2, Block 1, $12,000: Lot 3, Block 1, $2,600; Lot 4, Block 1, 2:600 and Lot 5, Block 1, $1,800. Mr. LaBeau advised that these lots, located in the 300 block of Tyler Ave., are all unbuildabl e. Mr. Donald G. Stroh, 6608 Londonderry Dr. , objected to the Assessor's estimated' value of $111,200 for his property, stating that he purchased the house on January 22, 1980 for $105,000. Mr. Lawrzoce $1. Jolliffe, 5517 Warden Ave., objected to the Assessor's estimated. market value for his home and asked that the property be reviewed. Mr. St'ephen Erdall, 5704 Olinger Blvd., objected.to the Assessor's estimated market.:. value €or his property of $110,900, advising that he purchased the. property fn 1980 fcr.$101,000, which cost included personal property of approximately $1,000. requested that the value be reduced to "somewhere between $92,000 and $95,000". Xr. Robert J. Buresh, 5817 Hanssn Road, obfeceed to the $91,409 estimated value of his home and requested that the valuation be reviewed. Ms. Betty L. Taylor-?itchell, 6009 Porter Lane, objected to the estimated market value of $102,100 on her prbperty. She cited a recent esthated by Ken Lewis & Associates showing the market value at $85,000 and said that she believes that her property has been over-valued for a number of years and that a refund should be considered. He . I . ,. Xr. John $1. Zwicke, 5129 Wooddale Glen, objected that his estimated market value of $197,200 is over valued by $25,000 when compared to similar dwellings in his area. Mr. Lee Thompson objected that the $159,300 estimated market value of the Assessor is 19% too high for t.n'e building at 6322-24 France in comparison with the estf- - mated market value of other property he owns in Edina. Mr. and Mrs. William 14. Weir, 4517 Garrison Lsne objected to the $98,700 Assessor's estimated market value. wich other properties in the area. They requested that the property be reviewed and compared Nr. Leonard Leder, 3329 Decatur Lane, objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $90,400 for property located at 6533 Shemood Ave. purchased the property for $70?000 on November 3, 1980. He advised that he had Mr. Craig C. Corah, 4420 Judson Lave, objected to thc Assessor's estimated market value of $99,300 and adccd that the property be reviewed. Mr. Ruben 13. Anderegg, 5848 Creek Valley Road, objected to the Assessor's estima'ted market value of $156,300 and requested that il new evaluation be made. Mrs. Judith P. Colby, 7405 Shannon Dr.., objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $242;000 end. i;sli4 that a new icspeczion be nab. Mr. bndy T. l-fozgai?, 5508 South Drive, objected 'to the Assessor's estimated market vslue of $125,400, stating that he purchased the house in November, 1980, for $1 15,000 6/8/81 155 No further business appearing , the Mayor declared the meeting adj ournecl and announced that the next meeting of the Board of Review wou1.d be at 5:OO p.m. on Ifonday, June 22, 1981. Adjournment zt 6:OO p.m. / MINUTES OF THE CONTIMUED Nf2ETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF IJEVIEI? HELD MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1981 AT 5:OO P. M. Answering rollcall for the continued meeting of the Board of Review were members Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Mr. Maurice Lava, 4360 Brookside Court., Apt. 301, objected to the Assessor's esti- mated market value for his condominium of $95,600, and stated that he had been told by the Assessor's office that his property taxes would increase by 50%. Lava also spoke in behalf of other residents of 4360 Brookside Court, approxi- mately eighteen of whom were in attendance at the meeting. Ms. Helen Morton, Apt. 105, objected that residents of the building are senior citizens who have bought their condominiums as a place in which to live, rather than as an investment. It: was also noted that individual units do not have their om washers and dryers or central air conditioning. Mr. Sanlcey advised chat the estimated market prices are established by sales of comparable properties and cited sales made in the build- ing between September, 1979 and September 1980. Members of the audience agreed that Mr. Lava should be notified of the Board's decision and that he, in turn, would advise residents. Mr. a 0 ffl 3 a a Mr. Fred Wherland objected to the fact that the Assessor had denied his applica- he had purchased the house on &y 28 and applied for a homestead on Nay 29, and that his family has since spent "the majority of its time at 6400 Willow Wood Xd." Mr. Wherland added that they had moved.some furniture themselves and that the movers had taken the large pieces on June 12. He also advised that mail had been changed from his former residence at 416 Griffit St. on June 12 and that he had * applied for his new telephone on June 3. Mr. Wherland objected that the observa- tion of the Assessor's staff made on June 2, 1981 was made from the first floor only and that the sleeping quarters on the second floor could not be observed. tion for a homestead on his property at 5400 Willow Wood Road. He said that ._ , Mr. Arnold C. Calvert objected that the Assessor's estimated market value of $83,000 for his property at 7510 Cahill Road (Apt. 204-B) is inconsistant and excessive, particularly in relation to the condominium units located directly over and below his, and requested also the assistance of the Assessor in applying €or an abatement on his current year's taxes. Mr. Calvert was advised that thc Asses- sor had now recommended that the estimated market value be revised to $78,000 to conform more closely to the units above and below his unit. A letter from Err. H. Thomas Diehl 'c7as presented to the Board in which Hr. Diehl objected to the Assessor's estilnated market value of $199,600 for property loca- ted at 7303 Glouchester Dr. Mr. Diehl gave his estimated value at: $185,000. A letter from Marilxyn J. Peterson, President of M & M Executive Services, Inc., objected to the Assessorrs estimated market value of $672,800 for property located at 5200 $1'. 73rd St. Ms. Peterson said that because of unoccupied office space, they may be forced to close the business if their taxes increase at this time. A letter from Mr. John 14. Gendler, representing First 'Ni.sconsin l4ortgage Company, objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $278,000 for vgcant land located in the Northwest quadrant of Gleason Road and the Crosstown i3ighwa-y. Enclosed with the letter was a letter from a professional appraisQr, citing com- parable lznd sales and advising that they believe the estimated market value as of October 1, 1980, to be $220,000. No further objections being heard by the Coard, 'Member Schm:idt's motion was then seconded by Member Turner, approving reduction of the following properties as recommended by the Assessor: