HomeMy WebLinkAbout19810622_continued_meeting6/8/81 155 No further business appearing , the Mayor declared the meeting adj ournecl and announced that the next meeting of the Board of Review wou1.d be at 5:OO p.m. on Ifonday, June 22, 1981. Adjournment zt 6:OO p.m. / MINUTES OF THE CONTIMUED Nf2ETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF IJEVIEI? HELD MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1981 AT 5:OO P. M. Answering rollcall for the continued meeting of the Board of Review were members Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Mr. Maurice Lava, 4360 Brookside Court., Apt. 301, objected to the Assessor's esti- mated market value for his condominium of $95,600, and stated that he had been told by the Assessor's office that his property taxes would increase by 50%. Lava also spoke in behalf of other residents of 4360 Brookside Court, approxi- mately eighteen of whom were in attendance at the meeting. Ms. Helen Morton, Apt. 105, objected that residents of the building are senior citizens who have bought their condominiums as a place in which to live, rather than as an investment. It: was also noted that individual units do not have their own washers and dryers or central air conditioning. Mr. Sanlcey advised chat the estimated market prices are established by sales of comparable properties and cited sales made in the build- ing between September, 1979 and September 1980. Members of the audience agreed that Mr. Lava should be notified of the Board's decision and that he, in turn, would advise residents. Mr. a 0 ffl 3 a a Mr. Fred Wherland objected to the fact that the Assessor had denied his applica- he had purchased the house on &y 28 and applied for a homestead on Nay 29, and that his family has since spent "the majority of its time at 6400 Willow Wood Xd." Mr. Wherland added that they had moved.some furniture themselves and that the movers had taken the large pieces on June 12. He also advised that mail had been changed from his former residence at 416 Griffit St. on June 12 and that he had * applied for his new telephone on June 3. Mr. Wherland objected that the observa- tion of the Assessor's staff made on June 2, 1981 was made from the first floor only and that the sleeping quarters on the second floor could not be observed. tion for a homestead on his property at 5400 Willow Wood Road. He said that ._ , Mr. Arnold C. Calvert objected that the Assessor's estimated market value of $83,000 for his property at 7510 Cahill Road (Apt. 204-B) is inconsistant and excessive, particularly in relation to the condominium units located directly over and below his, and requested also the assistance of the Assessor in applying €or an abatement on his current year's taxes. Mr. Calvert was advised that thc Asses- sor had now recommended that the estimated market value be revised to $78,000 to conform more closely to the units above and below his unit. A letter from Err. H. Thomas Diehl 'c7as presented to the Board in which Hr. Diehl objected to the Assessor's estilnated market value of $199,600 for property loca- ted at 7303 Glouchester Dr. Mr. Diehl gave his estimated value at: $185,000. A letter from Marilxyn J. Peterson, President of M & M Executive Services, Inc., objected to the Assessorrs estimated market value of $672,800 for property located at 5200 $1'. 73rd St. Ms. Peterson said that because of unoccupied office space, they may be forced to close the business if their taxes increase at this time. A letter from Mr. John 14. Gendler, representing First 'Ni.sconsin l4ortgage Company, objected to the Assessor's estimated market value of $278,000 for vgcant land located in the Northwest quadrant of Gleason Road and the Crosstown i3ighwa-y. Enclosed with the letter was a letter from a professional appraisQr, citing com- parable lznd sales and advising that they believe the estimated market value as of October 1, 1980, to be $220,000. No further objections being heard by the Coard, 'Member Schm:idt's motion was then seconded by Member Turner, approving reduction of the following properties as recommended by the Assessor: 61 221 8 1 156 Name 2nd Address J. W. Nolan Ralph Bulford Victor Wallestad Michael F. and Darcy L. Dahnert Donald D. Moore -. Donald Cooney Joyce S. Briere Bernard LaBeau Bernard LaBeau Bernard LaBeau Bernard LdBeau Donald G. Stroh Lawrence M. Jolliffe Betty L. Taylor-Nitchell John $1. Zwicke Leonard Leder Judy P. Colby Ellen Schwandt Sadok B. Chihi Janet and Robert Sullivan Sara Taft Caroline M. Scott Gabbert & Beck, Inc. Gabbert & Beck, Inc. Joseph G. Rousseau Marvin Felderman C.harles IJ. Carlsen Arnold Calvert First Wisconsin Mortgage Co. -. . James C. Robertson Ayes : i.Schmidt , Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. PINS Number 19-028-24-43-00 7 7 05-116-2 1-14-0058 07-116-21-12-0031 07-116-21-22-0020 08-116-21-21-0014 09-1 16-21-22-00 13 30-117-21-11-0023 30-1 17-2 1-2 1-0008 30- 117-2 1-2 1-0009 30-117-21-21-0010 30-117-21-21-0011 3 1-1 17-2 1-32-0033 32-1 17-2 1-14-0005 33-117-21-33-0009 18-028-24-42-0078 30-028-24-23-0059 08-116-21-31-0045 19-028-24-24-0041 32-117-21-12-0042 07-028-24-44-0056 30-117-21-41-0025 33-117-21-31-0084 30-028-24-43-0080 29-028-24-34-0015 29-028-24-33-0008 05-116-21-41-0073 32-117-21-41-0082 30-028-24-31-0028 08-116-21-42-0099 06-116-21-21-0007 -_ Value $6m 100,000 220,000 108,000 130 , 000 84 , 000 88 , 900 7,400 1,500 1 , 500 1,100 105,000 84,400 85 , 000 186,000 82,000 235,500 95,500 87 , 000 200 , 000 275,000 82 , 000 97,000 1,336,500 1,429,900 I 145,000 108,000 159,600 , 78,000 250 , 000 Being advised that the Assessor's staff had been unable to make an appointment to inspect the interior of the property of William Weir at 4517 Garrison Lane (PINS No. 30-28-24-21-0020) as requested by Hr. Weir, it was moved, seconded ad mai- mously carried that a telephone poll of the Board should be made following anotfier attempted inspection, which poll should be made 2 part of these Minutes. mended by the Assessor, after review of the property, the results of the telephone poll of the Board unanimously confirmed the revised estimated market value recom- mended by the Assessor from $98,700 to $90,000. . As recom- The Yfyor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. \ City Clerk e .*- .\. . 3: , '