HomeMy WebLinkAbout19810914_specialMINUTES OF SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING
SEPTENBER 14, 1981
4:OO P.M.
Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney.
PROPOSED 1982 BUDGET PRESENTED. Mr. Rosland presented the proposed Budget for 1982
advising that although the State Legislature has imposed an eight percent maximum
expenditure limitation, the City's primary objectives for 1982 are: 1) to maintain
the current level of services, 2) to retain the excellent City staff, and 3) to
continue ongoing replacement of capital equipment and infrastructures. He noted
a proposed increase in the General Fund of $660,768 and in the Park Fund of
of fulltime employees remaining constant for 1982, and stated that the additional
inspector/firefighter provided for in this year's budget will not be hired.
ance benefit increases proposed range from $90 to $100 per month for employees
carrying both single and dependent coverage and are dictated by union contracts,
with firefighters and police contracts still to be settled, possibly by arbitration.
. Mr. Rosland pointed out that financial projections for 1982 indicate an increase
of 12.3 percent of assessed real estate value before fiscal disparities to exceed
$566 million; revenue sharing from the Federal Government and local aids from the
State will make up 15.3% of the budget; licenses/permits/fees/charges will make up
6.5%, with off-sale liquor fund providing 5.5% and other revenues will make up
7.8% of the proposed budget. Commodities eipenditure making up 5% of the budget
is expected to increase 11% and overall expenditures will increase 9.66% with the.
City attempting to retain a contingency account of under 1% in the tax supported
Mr. Rosland indicated an increase in wages of 9.5 percent with the number
Proposed budget for commissions snd special projects were reviewed by Council.
South Hennepin Human Services Council, represented by Russ Stricker, Director,
requested funding in the amount of $3,520, plus an additional $5,000 for continu-
ing operation, necessitated by the elimination of human services from the' Hennepin
County budget for 1982. Mrs. Sally Tang, Mrs. Galene Erickson, and Mrs. June
Schmidt, members of SHHSC, also spoke in support of the funding request. Budget
proposed for Recycling Commission included $22,000 for purchase of one ton truck
with special attachment for loading which would be recovered iiithin three years
froin estirnated profits. 170 provision was made for funding the Bike Szfety Program
inasmuch as community service organizations could be approached for contributions.
Hi-. Rosland advised that the City would receiye no increase in State ,&id funds if
the tax levy is below 10 mills, but that the City may be eligible for State funds
in connection with energy savings at the Arena. It is estimated revenue sharing.
will be reduced by $18,000. Public health servi'ces, contracted with Bloomington,
will be based on amount of revenue received from Hennepin County for public health.
The election budget increase is based on primary and general elections which will
be held during 1982. Further, Mr. Rosland explained that the.Assessing Department
records will be computerized resulting in an increase of $11,000 for contractual
services. Budget increases in Planning, Administration, Finance, Public Works and
Engineering result mainly from wage raises, and cost's for legal and court services
are up because of raised fees. Maintenance of City streets constitutes the great-
est portion of the Public Works budget which is not assessed against property owners.
*u .
Mr. Roslmd indicated that increases for Police Protection and Fire Protection
have been budgeted keeping in mind that union contracts have not been settled.
He commented that the 12 Community Service Officers have proved very effective in
various functions in the Police Department, and that the Volunteer Firefighters
have completed initial training and are responding to calls.
are not available now, the request for air warning sirens has been reduced.':
The Council requested that 3k. Dalen, Finance Director, prepare additional budget':
reductions for consideration at the next meeting. Mr. Rosland presented Council .
with a schedule of proposed increases in fees and charges collected by the City-
for consideration in conjunction with the 1982 Budget.
Because matching funds
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. and continued to September 17,
1981, at 4:OO p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
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Acting City Clerk