HomeMy WebLinkAbout19820118_regularPIINUTES OF THE REGULA3 MEETING OF THE , EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 18, 1982 Answering rollcall were members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney . MINUTES of December 21 and 30, 1981, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMEEFOR SR-5 SENIOR CITIZEN RESIDENCE (COPPIUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) CONTINUED. approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt, continuing the hearing until February 1, 1982. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, As recommended by Mr. Hughes, EfARTHE WOODS HILL ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Hughes presented Marthe Woods Hill addition for preliminary approval, advis- ing that this five lot single family dwelling subdivision, generally located North of W. 78th Street and East of Gleason Road, would retain Lot 1 for the existing dwelling on the site. with the subdivision is the need for right-of-way for Marth Court. that this right-of-way was deficient primarily in :he vicinity of Lots 3 and 4, where a 33 foot wide right-of-way had been dedicated previously for Marth Court. This right-of-way, he explained is separated from ths subject property by a five foot wide strip of private property, so that, not only the five foot strip, but also an additional ten foot wide strip East of the existicg right-of-way would have to be acquired in order to provide a minimum 50 foot right-of-way. Mr. Hughes said that attempts to negotiate a right-of-way acquisition over the past fet7 months have been unsuccessful and that the proponent is now requesting Chat the subdivision be referred to the Council for a decision on using the City's power of eminent domain to acquire the right-of-way. mended approval of the plat, subject to the following conditions: 1) The pro- ponent must enter into a Developer's Agreement and petition the Council for curb and gutter, permanent street surfacing, sanitary sexer, and watermain (all to be located by the City Council prior to, or concurrent with, final plat approval; 33 foot wide right-of-way for Marth Court located in the proximity of Lots 3 and 4 must be acquired prior to final plat approval and that the right-of-way must include the five foot strip presently separating the subject property from Marth Court; 3) The proponent must dedicate a two foot wide strip of right-of-way along the East line of the subject property in order to increase the Marth Court right-of-way to 50 feet, with additional right-of-way for the cul-de-sac to be provided; 4) Lot line easements for sewer and water must be dedicated as needed; A proposed grading plan must be submitted; and 6) Receipt by the City of a subdivision dedication. Mr. James Van Valkenburg, at- torney for the proponent, said that his client had been trying to work with Mr. Roger Evanson, owner of the five foot strip, but that they had been unable to arrive at an agreement on the cost of the strip. He advised that the proponent would dedicate the two foot strip, along with sewer and water easements, to the City. Mr. Evanson said that he had offered to sell the five foot strip, predi- cated on the cost of improvements that would accrue to the property, and that his price had not been out of line. He questioned the grading of the proposed road from a point of safety, and advised also that he had just spent over $3,000 on a new well. Mr. Evanson said that the improvements proposed are,not neces- sary except for the development of the property and that there has been very little negotiation on the part of the developer. Mr. Evanson recalled that, when he petitioned for the improvements about five years ago, neighbors objected and that he did not now want to pay twice the cost just for the benefic of the developer. In response to a question of Member Richards, Elr. Hughes said that abutting property owners could be assessed on a front foot basis for the street improvements and €or a connection charge for other improvements. Longtin, 5828 W. 78th St., objected to the possibility of being assessed for the cost of any improvements necessary for the development of the plat. he had already been assessed for over $8,000 for improvements and that the new improvenients would only benefit the developer. Mr , Van Vallcenburg pointed out Mr. He explained that the major problem associated He noted .. Mr. Hughes recom- I in the Marth Court right-of-way). which work must be authorized 2) The 5) >IT. Jeffrey He said that 1/18/8% this hearing is for plat approval only and that the assessment of necessary Stating.. . that he has no objection to the plat itself, Member Bredesen offered the follow- ing resolution for preliminary approval, with final plat approval to be condi- tioned on the recommendations listed by llr.. Hughes and moved its adoption: . improvements should not be a matter of consideration at this time. .. RESOLUTION GRANT I NG PKEL IPIINAIIY APPROVAL FOR MARTHEWOODS HILL ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Citycouncil that that certain plat known as Nartlie Woods Hill Addition, platted by Byron Zotaley, and presented to the Edina City Council at its meeting of January 18, 1982, be and is hereby granted prelimin-: ary plat apprcival, subject to recommendations of the Planning Commission. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes : Nays: None Resolution adopted. Bredesen, Richards , Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Member Bredesen said that he hoped that negotiations for acquisition of the road right-of-way would continue and be successful. YORK CONDO ASSOCIATION APPEAL FROM BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS DECISION HWING DATE CONFIRMED. As recommended by Mr. Hughes, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner;confirming the hearing date of February 1, 1982, for the York Condo Association appeal from the Board of Appeals and Adjustments decision which was set on August 3, 1981. . Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Xays: None Motion carried. ROGER ACHRISTGAU APPEAL FROM (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS CON- TINUED. As recommended by Nr. RoslanC:, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen, continuing the public hearing on the appeal of Dir. Roger A. Christgau, 6500 Indian Hills Pass, until February 22, 1982. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. I PARK AND RECREATION CALENDARS BID AVARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids €or printing of the 1982-83 Recreation Department Activities Calendar show- ing Carlson Printing low bidder at $7,521.00, Associated Litho at $7,683.00 and Poss Printing at $8,221.00. Member Schmidt's motion for award of bids to recom- mended low bidder, Carlson Printing, at $7,521.00, was secoEded by Member Brede- sen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney - -c Nays: None Motion carried. POINT OF FRAUCE POND DISCUSSED.. 31r. Rosland called Council's attention to a petition containing 46 names in support of keeping the ducks at the pond loczted at the rear of the Point of France building. He mentioned that another group of Point of France residents hsve objected to the ducks, stating that they are in an unnatural eovironment and should be forced to leave the area during the winter. It was informally agreed that Mr. Rosland should write to the Point of France manager and tell him that the City cannot become involved in this issue. SNOWMOBILE RECOMKENDATIONS CONTINUED.. As recornended by Mr. Rosland, Mem3er Richards' motion was seconded by Member Bredesen, continuing discussion on the use of snowmobiles in the City until February 22, 1982, to give the Park Board an opportunity €or further study. -9 I A37es: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. COUNTY ROAD 18 (INTERLACHEN COURT APARTMENTS) SOUND BARRIERS DISCUSSION CON--' * TINUED. residents asking for opir:ions on the construction of sound barriers on County Road 18 acljacent to Interlaclien Court Apartments. He advised that the. rcatter would be brought back for Council action after the cards are returned. 'formal action was taken. Mr. Rosland advisedCounci.1 that post cards have been sent out to No HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVEWE 3302rDS HEARING DATE SET. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Meniber Schmidt. setting February 22, 1982, for hearing date for Hospital System Revenue Bonds. unanimously. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, The motion carried 1/ 18/82 ... 15 ’ .WAJ,NUT RIDGE PARK TRAILS APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that the Park Board and neighbors had visited Walnut Ridge Park to loolc at trails. Mr. Jacobson showed drawings of newly proposed trails and advised that residents are satisfied with the plans, since they have been assured that there is no basis for their con- cerns that ponds in the area might lose some of their water. Discussion ensued as to the safety of pedestrians crossing Vernon Avenue. The possibility of a crossing thru the culvert under Vernon Avenue was discussed, along with the sug- gestion that the path could run from View Lane so that the crossing would not be at the curve. Council was advised that approval of the D.N.R. is still pending, but that approval has been granted by the Nine Mile’Creek Watershed District. Member Turner’s motion approving the trails, subject to approval by the D.N.R., and with the understanding that the staff and Traffic Safety Committee work out a safe crossing of Vernon Avenue, was seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None . Motion carried. I BRAEMAR PARK TRAILS DISCUSSED, Mr. Rosland advised that plans have been made to construct a path in Braemar Park which would complete a path around all of Braemar Park. developer of the newly approved office development to the South of the park to see if he would be willing to participate in the cost. that he is 1ooking.at the possibility of having fill from highway construction at Interstate Highway 494 and County Road 18 dumped in the park. No formal action was taken. Member Richards suggested that the plans be submitted to the Mr. Rosland mentioned COUNCIL MEETINGS OF JANUARY 21 AND FEBRUARY 22, 1982 NOTED. Mr. Rosland reminded Council of the special meeting called for January 21, 1982 and of the February -<22, 1982, regular meeting. EDINA PERFORMING ARTS BOARD DISCUSSED. Jan Cooper and Ms. Gail Anderson-Cywinski who explained plans for a Performing Arts Center in Edina which would serve as a resource center which would measure and reflect the performing arts desires and needs of the community and provide access to the performing arts through quality classes, seminars and perform- ,antes. Ms. Cooper explained the plans and goals of the Board. I.lr..Rosland . amended the idea of the Performing Arts Board and asked that the City be kept -apprised of plans so that there would not be duplicate programming with Com- Mr. Ralph Campbell 111 introduced Ms. ’ munity Center, the schools and the City.. No action was taken. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY HEARING ON COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT DESIGNATION NOTED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that the Minnesota Historical Society wfll be conducting a public hearing on the designation of the Councry to the National Register of Historic Places on February 25, 1982. Mr. Hughes Club District advised that notices of the hearing are being sent to all Country Club District residents. No formal action.was taken. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION COMMENDED. Member Turner said that she would like to commend and encourage the Human Relations Commission on its South Hennepin Human Services Study on behalf of the Council and herself. .- BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS TO BE APPOINTED. have been sent to board and commission meinbers whose terms are expiring and asked Council to submit recommendations for any replacements that may be needed. No action was taken. The Mayor advised that letters MANAGERS ABSENCE NOTED. Mr. Rosland advised that he will be on vacation between January 29 and February 8, 1982. No action was taken. STATE FINANCING BILL DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that, under the newly adopted State Financing Bill, the City would lose an estimated $171,152 or 2.15% of the total budget, He explained that approximately $114,764 xould be lost from Local Government Aid, $21,388 from the Homestead Credit and $35,000 from Shade Tree funds for 1982. Discussion ensued as to whether this shortage shoulcl be made up by reserves for this year and address the problems at budget time or whether cuts should be made at the present time. Member i.* Bredesen concurred with Member Richards’ request that the staff prepare a list of services that could be cut back and that the budget be reviewed in light of the reduction of funds. Mr; Rosland.said that the philosophy of cuts in services could be discussed at the special meeting to be held on January 21. Turner said that the final decision should be made at a regular Council neeting. so as to get commuiiity reaction. No formal. action was taken. I Member l/J.8/82 TAX FORFEITED LAND DESIGNATED NON-CONSERVATION AND FOR SALE. Mr. Rosland advised Council that a parcel of land between two single family lots on Indian Hills Road has appeared on Tax Forfeited Land list No. GG1-NC and tliat the City has no need for the property. resolution and moved its adoption: Member Schmidt thereupon offerec! the following WHEREAS, Hennepin State of has been F?HER?ZAS RESOLUTION the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County of a list of land in said municipality which became the property of the, lfinnesota for non-payment of 1973 real estate taxes, which said list designated as Classification List No. 661-NC; and each parcel of land described'in said list has heretofore been classi- fied by the Board of County Commissioners of Helinepin County, Mnnesota, as non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE,'BE IT RESOLVED by said City Council, acting pursuant to Minne- sota Statutes 282, that the said classification by said Board of County Cammis- sioners of each parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved, and that ehe sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted.. LIQUOR FLTND AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 1981, was reviewed and by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by llember Bredesen. ordered placed on file Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID. Notion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner for pay- zent of the following claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $243,570.88; Park Fund, $39,873.20; Art Fund, $3,373.56; Swimming Pool, $120.07; Golf Course, $3,052.00; Arena, $24,236.07; Gun Range, $1,227.73; Water Fund, $29,386.07; Sewer Fund, $149,312.39; Liquor Fund, $39,997.00; Construction, $10,788.19; IBR Fund, j8;OO; Total, $544,975.16. I Ayes: Nays: None Motion carried. Sredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney . No further business appearing, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned., Adjcurnment at 8:17 p.m. f - - / City Clerk (3 Y