HomeMy WebLinkAbout19820201_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TT!E PEERUARY 1, 1982 EDINR C'L'L'Y COUNCIL HETJI AT CITY IIALL 17 hiiswe~:liig rollcall were members Bredeseq I<lcha;-ds , Turner ant T1,;yoi- Courtmy. JAYCEE WOMEN PROCLAMATION READ. IJIIEREAS, the I\.iinnesota Jaycee Women have protnoted community service in Minnesota for 32 years; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Jaycee Women is an organization of over 5,000 young women of today in over 275 communities; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Jaycee Women shall set aside the week of February 7 thru 13 to educate the community in the areas of on-going projects in Accent on Youth, Aid to Retarded Citizens, Community Service, Medical Health, Prevent Child Abuse, Reye's Syndrome and Today's Woman; and 1HEF;EAS , the Minnesota Jaycee Women provide individual developnient to tomorrow' s leaders; and WHEREAS, their creed states, "May we leave the world a better place because we lived and served within it"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the week of February 7 through 13, 1982 be proclaimed JAYCEE WOMEN WEEK. The proclamation was accepted by Mrs. Barbara Byrne, President of Edina Jaycee Women. The Mayor issued the following proclamation: PROCLAMATION .-. ._ . ~ YORK CONDO ASSOCIATION PROOF OF PARKING AMENDMENT APPROVED CONDIT.IONALLY. Mr. Hughes recalled that the appeal of York Condo Association from a Boardof Appeals and Adjustments decision had been continued from the meeting of August 3, 1981, SL; that the AssocLatLon could bring in a aew site plan for 26 additional parking spaces whicb would have been worked out with the Traffic Safety Committee and approved by the staff. Council was advised that Association members had retained Berlnet-Ringrose-Wolsfeld-Jarvis-Gardner, Inc. , and that both the. Yorlc Condo Home- owners who feel there is a need for more parking and those who feel there is already adequate parking facilities have agreed to a plan which provides twelve additional parking - spaces. -. - - - - . . Mr. . Richard Wolsfeld of BRW explained that the major problem has been that visi*Lors vodd have to park a considerable ?istarice from where they wanted to go but that at no time were all available spaces utilized. He said that there is no safe way to provide 26 additional spaces on the site and that the twelve space plan now proposed is a reasonable conpromise. response to Member Bredesen's concern that the problem would still remain unre- sal-qed and that City ordinances are far from beicg xet, Er. .!kg!ies said that the only other location for additional spaces would be ~n the lot to the West but that lot would be so far away that it would not be useful. He said that a small ramp could also be constructed.' Mr. Roy Bates said that more thought is being given to parking spaces than to safety. Mr. Larry Everett said that, while he was very vocal at the last hearing, he now feels that the proposal answers safety issues and that for,the distant future, the proposed plan should be ade- quate. additional spaces could be created by restriping the lot. Mr. Ralph Lieberman, secretary of the York Condo Board, emphasized that there is not enough land to provide adequate parking. In response to a question of Council, Mr. Hughes said that, at the time the building was constructed, the parking restrictions were not set forth in the same manner as now required in Proof of Parking Agreements. No further discussion being heard, Member Richards' motion was seconded by Mem- ber Bredesen, to modify the Proof of Parking Agreement to allow twelve spaces to be constructed and to reserve the ability to provide another fourteen sp" aces if it should becoice necessary at a future date. In Mr. Wolsfeld said that as the trend toward smaller cars increases, Rollcall : A>7es : ' Bredesen, Richards, Tuner, Courtney Nays: Noile Motion carried. COEPKJNITY DEVELOPI4ENT CORPORATION (YORK AVENUE SZEIOR CITIZEN HOTJSING) PROJECT - APPROVED. Mr, Hughes, as stated in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes of February 1, 1982, recommended the approval of creation of a neigh- borhood based non-profit corporation, requested approval of the amendment to the Over-All Redevelopment P:l.an, and requested a hearing date be set for amend- ment of the Community Development Block Grant Funds application. Menber Turner thereupon offered the following resolution RES OLUT I OB BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve the creation of a neighborhood based non-profit corporation to facilitate use 02 Community Developinent Block Grant funds. and moved its adoption: 2/1/82 Mot.ion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Neniber Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Mays: %me Resolution adopted. Member Turner thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve the amendment' to the Over-All Development Plan for the York Avenue Senior Citizen Housing Project, to change the riuniber of housing units from 98 units tu 100 units. Motion €or adoption of the resolution was seconded by Nember Bredesen, RESOLUTION Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. Member Turner then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that February 22, 1982, be set as a hearing date for amendment of the City's Community Development Block Grant Application to allow the grant of Community Development Block Grant funds to the neighborhood based non-profit corporation which will be established for the purpose of receiving Community Dev- elopment Block Grant funds and passing them over to Eden Place, Inc. Mction fer adoptioi of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. , RESOLUTION Rollcall: Nays: 'None Resolution adopted. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney .- W. 72ND STREET LIFT STATION STAIRS REPLACEHENT BID AWARDED. sented tabulation of two bids for replacement of wet well stairs at rhe W. 72nd Nr. Bemhaxdsor, We- Street Lift Station showing Stanley Iron Works low bidder at .$8,@60.00 and Minne- sota Fence &.Iron Rorks at $10,330.00. Member Bredesen for award to recommended low bidder, Stanley Iron Vorks. Member Richards' motion was seconded by . __ - -.- - I --Ayes: Bredese6, Richards ,. Turner, -Courtney Nays: . I\rcne Resolutio= adopted. COUNTY ROAD 18 SOUND BARRIERS CONSTRUOTION APPROVED. at the Coilncil hkcting of Dzcember 21, 19S1, the matter of con'struction of sound Mr. Hoffman recalled that, barriers on County Road 18 adjacent to the Interlachen Court Apartments had been continued so that residents in the area could be polled as to whether or not the sound barrier should be constructed. He said that of the SO letters that were sent, 18 said that they wanted the sound barriers, 11 opposed the construction, 2 had no opioion and that no response had been heard from 49 residents. questioned the need to spend $50,000 for the barriers if so few bothered to respond. Hember Turner said that, since opinions had been requested, she thoJJght that the City should abide by the wishes of the majority. ing heard, Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 7227 (S.P. 27-618-31) showing pro- posed construction of Comty State Aid Highway No. 18 within ths limits of the City as a Federal Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the City; NOM, TIIEIIEFCRE; BE ZT RESOLVED that said plans be in all things approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Richards. The Mayor No further comments.be- ~ Iiollczll : Ayes: Bredcsen, Richards, Turner Nays : Courtney Resolution adopted. MICHAEL-NORTHWESTERN VARIAXCZ AGREEMENT AMENDMENT APTROVED . Mr . Hughes recalled that the Council had granted a variance for the building at 6400 France, condi- tioned upon the execution of an agreement which would allow the City to require additional parking if a future shortage develops. He explained that Honeywell now proposes to rent the building and use a large area €or computers, that there would be fewer employees, and thus reduce the need for parki.ng spaces. Mr- Eughes reconmended that the varlance agreement be modified to exclude "mechani- cal rooms including rooms used for the storage of computers" in the City's calcu- lation of net rentable space. Mr. Richards' niotion modifying the variance agree- ment as recommended by Mr, Hiighes and also tying in the number of employees who work in a particular huiiding was. seconded by Member Turner. Ayes : Bredescn, Rfchards, Turner, Courtiiep Nays: None Motion carried. 2/1/82 19 EUGENE DAVIS KEAPPOINTED WEED INSPECTOlZ. ' As recommended by the staff , 'Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner, reappointing Nr. Eugene Davis as Weed Inspector for 1982. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards , Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. BOARD AND COMMISSION PIEMBEKS @POLT\TTED. Richards' motion was seconded by Member Turner, appointing the following Board As recornmended by the Nayor, Member and Commission members: Nrs. Helen McClelland, Pfessrs. John Palmer, David Runyan; terms): Nmes. Joan Lonsbury, Marilyn Wooldridge, Mr. Mac Thayer; peals & Adjustments (I year terms): David T. Runyan and Mrs. Rosemary Utne; 0 year terms) : sion (3 year terms) : Relations Commission (3 year terms): Wright; Recycling Commission (2 year terms): and Mr. Robert Reid; Dunwiddie acd Gordon Stuart; (2 yea; term): Dr. Stephen Sinykin; Advisory Health Board (2 year terns): Kinney and LeRoy Werges; Community Development h Planning Commission (3 year terms): Park Board (3 )'ear . Board of AP- Messrs, Biichael Lewis, Clark L: $Slier, Building Construction Appeals Board Messrs. Bruce Bermel and Mr. A. Thomas Wurst; Energy Commis- Messrs. Bruce Bermel and Mr. A. Thomas Wurst; Human Hmes. Betty Carver, Miclci Gamer and Canny Mmes. Ardythe Buerosse and DeLores Paul South Hennepin Human Services (2 year term): Mrs. Galene Erickson; Heritage Preservation Board ( 2 year terms) : Plessrs. Foster Dr. Bruce Nydahl, Mrs. Barbara Kresoya, Nessrs. Homer Art Center Committee (3 year term): Mrs* Harriet Bach. m 0 m e .- Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None 0- . Motion carried. 5 FREDERECK RICHARDS APPOINTED MAYOR PRO-TEM. AS recommended by the Mayor, &mber Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner appointing Member Richards as Efayor Pro Tem for 1982. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. GEORGE M. ~~NSEN/L-I-LA--~~-.-h'A~SEN SUIT NOTED. against the City by George M. Hansen and Lila M. Hanse2. referred to the insurance company and to the City Actorney, t alcen . Council was advised of a suit brought The msttcr has been No formal action was LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING DISCUSSED. Council was reminded that the Minnesota State Legislature is attempting to change existing legislative districts. Following dis- cussion, Member Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Edina has traditionally been split principally among three st'ate representative districts; and , IJHEREAS, a multitude of State elected officials €or the same community escalates the ccsts of elections and adds to confusion in the minds of the electorate; and WkEREAS , proposals which ignore current precinct lines have been advanced which wou1.d cause an unnecessary expenditure of public funds to revise such lines; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby request that, in considering reapportionment, the Minnesota State Legislature take into account municipal bcundaries and existing precinct boundaries in the City of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RXSOLVED that, to the maximum extent possible, growth areas that have not been traditionally allied with pre-existing House and Senate Districts, be added thereto in order to follow population guidelines, Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Richards , Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. ONE CORPORATE CENTER PHASE 6 ERAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATTON HEARING DATE SET. tion and moved its adoption: As recommended by Mr. Hughes, Member Richards offered the following resolu- c_ RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON VAChTION OF EASEMfZNT ' FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, as -- - __ Eollows : for utility aad drainage purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.851 and 160.29: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the fo1lowi.n:: described casement 2/1/82 .. 20 That part of the 15.09 foot utility e:iscmctnt over, under and across Outlot A, One Corporate Center Phase 6, according to the rccorded plat thereof, Henne- pin County, Ffinnesota, dcsci-ibcd as follows : . Commending at the most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said One Corporate Center Ph~e 6; thence S.440 31' 29" kist along the Hort%costci-ly liae ~f said Lot 1, a distance of 57.87 feet; thence+South 890 31' 29" East, a dis- tance of 21.21 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 890 31' 29" East, a distance of 57.30 feet; thence North 450 28' 31" East, a distance of 21.21 feet; thence North 89O 31' 29" West, a distance of 87.30 feet; thence South 44O 31' 29" East, a distance of 21.21 feet to the point of beginning ,, This Council shall meet at.the time and place specified in the form of notice 2. included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun, being the official newspaper of the City, the first puilication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicu- ous places within the City as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) . CITY OF EDINA 4801 I?. 50TH STR??,ET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ~-. .. - .-_ - -. - .. NOTICE OF PUSLTC 'HEARING ON VACATION OF'EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, KCNNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Edina City Xiall, 4801 W, 50th Street, on March 1, 1982, at 7:OO o'clock p.m., for the purpose o€ holding a public hear- ing on the proposed vacation'of the following easement for drainage and utility purposes: . That part of the 15.00 foot utility easement over, under and across Orrtlot A, Cae Corpo-?ate Center Phase 6, according to- the recorded plat . thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as €allows: .- Cominencing at the most Eortherlp corner of Lot 1, Bloclc'l, said One Corporate Center Phase 6; thence S 44O 31' 29" East along the Northeasterly line of'said Lot 1, a distance of 37.87 feet; thence South 890 31' 29" East, a distance of 2L.21 feet to the point of be- ginning; thence continuing South 890 31' 29" East, a distance of - 57.30 feet; thence North 45O 28' 31" East, a distance of 21.21 feet; thence North 89O 31' 29" West, a distance of 87.30 feet; thence South 44O 31' 29" East, .a distance of 21.21 feet to the point of be- ginning. - _. .. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether o$ not .the above proposed easement vacation is in the public interest and- should. . be,made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed easement*vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or , controlling.electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or -water pipes, mains and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for. the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which aEy or all of any such easements, and such authority to main- tain, and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoptiin of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. "CORPORATE REPORT" MEETING DATE SET FOR FEBRUARY 22, 1952. As recommended by Plr . Bernhardson, Member Bredesen' s motion was seconded 5y Member Richards , set- ting a new hearing date for the "Corporate Report" Neeting on February 22, 1982, at 5:OO p.m. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Eays: None Motion carried. * 21 1/82 SNOW IIEPIOVAL COPMENDED. on thc outstanding job done by the Department of Public Works following the recent snow stdrms. Member Breclesen spoke OS compliments he had received 21 -- lW33NS IDERATION OF DISCIPLINARY i\T)PEAL CONTIiu'iiED TO FEBRUARY 22 , I982 . advised by Flr. Bernhardson that Mr. Holman's attorney has requested a-continu- at ion of the disciplinary appeal until February 22, 1982, Member Turner's motion continuing the matter as requested was seconded by Ember Richards. Ceing Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. YELLOW CAB COMPANY LICENSE TRANSFER CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. Mr. Bcrnhardson that the applicant for a transfer of Suburban Yellow Cab Company's license has requested a continuation, Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen, continuing the.license transfer of Suburban Yellow Cab Company indefinitely. Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. Being advised by LOCAL GOVERNMENT AIDS DISCUSSED. Following discussion of proposed programs to provide local government aids, Member Richards offered the following resolution RES OLUTI ON and moved Its adoption: _. FEREAS, the Association of Small Cities has, in their literature, illustrated several problems as to the equitable distribution of the current aid Eormula; and WHEREAS, local government aids have been legislatively determined to be an llitegral part of Lhe finansing of cities in Minnesota; snd WHEREAS, the taxpayers of Edina contribute a large share to support local govern- ment aids through their Sales and Income Tax payments; and WHEREAS, monies available for local government aids will be reduced due to limited State financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina feels that the fiscal relatio-n-ship between the state and local governments needs to be reevalriated at this time and that such a2 examination take into account those facts presented by Che Association of Small Cities. ' Hotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turcer who reiterated Council's opinion that the Council does not support existance of local financing. Rollcall : Ayes : Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. ' . . lfAI< DELIVERY DISCUSSED. Mr. Bernhardson advised that the Post Office has given notice that drivers are not to leave their vehicles when snow prevents them from reaching mnailbcxes from their vehicles, and that it is the City's responsibility to remove snow so that the mailboxes are accessible. Member Richards asked that the aetitude of the Post Office be reported to Senators Eoschwitz and Durenberger and to Representative Frenzel. No formal action was taken. JERRY DALEN'S ILLNESS NOTED. 'Mr. Bernhardson advised Council that Mr. Dalen has improved following his heart attack and that he will return to the office in approximately six weeks. . Council expressed their wishes recovery. for Mr. Dalen's early FAIKVIEN COMNUiITY HOSPITAS REVENUE BONDS EEARING DATE SET. offered the following resolution. and moved its adoption: Member Turner FXSOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT UNDER THE HUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; CALLING FOR .A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON BE IT RFSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the Munici- pali ty) , as f 0Zlows : SECTION 1 Recitals 1.1 Fairview Community Hospitals , a Minnesota non-profit corporation (Fairview) has advised this Council o€ its desire to undertake a project In the Xunicipality at a total cost (including interest during construction, costs of issuance and a reserve fund for the bonds) presently estimated at approximately $4,500,000, .said project to consist of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a 22,000 gross sclui2re foot add-ition to the second level of Pari.r-view-Southclalc Hospital located within the Municlpality at 6401 France Ave. South (the Froject) . I '1.2 The Nunicipality is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 (the Act), to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revcnuc-producing enterprise , whether or not operated for protit, engaged in providing health care services, includixg, xithaxt limitation, hcspi tals , nursing homes, and rz!,ctcb ~~dical facilities. Fairview has requested the Nunicipality issue its revenue bonds in an estimated total amount of $4,500,000 to finance a portion of all of the cost of the Project. I. SECTION 2 Public Hearing 2.1 Section 474.01, Subdivision 7b of the Act requires that prior- ,t.o submis- sion of an Application to the Minnesota Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development requesting approval of the Project as required by Section 474.01, Subdivision 7 of the Act, this Council shall conduct a public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project. Pursuant to that provision, a public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project is called and shall be held on February 22, 1982, at 7:OO o'clock Pam., at the Edina City 8all. 2.2 The City Clerk shall cause notice of the public hearing to be published in the Edina Sun, being the official newspaper of the Nunicipality and in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, being a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality, at least once not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. The notice to be publi-shed shall be irr substantially the following form: .- - - - (Official Publication) NOTICE 3F PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND . THE ISSUANCE OF HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE PIUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT , HINNES OTA STATUTES CHAPTER 474, AS AMENDED CITY OF EDINA, NIN!IESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, will meet on February 22, 1982, at 7:OO o'clock p.m., at the Edina City Hall, 4501 IJ. 50th Street, Edina, Ikhnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City issue revenue bonds, in one or more series, under the Municipal Industrikl Development Act Minnesota Statutes Chapter 474, as meccled, in order to finance the cost 01 a project. The proposed project will ccnsfst of the acquisition, construction and equipptzg of a 22,000 gross square foot addition EO the second level of FairviewSouthdale Hospital located within the City at 6401 France Ave. South (the Project). The Project 2s to 5e uadertzlccn by Fairview Community Hospitals, a Minnesota non-profit corporation. The bonds shall be limited obligations of the City and the bonds and interest thereon shall be payable solely from the revenue pledged to the payment thereof. Eo holder of any such bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the tzving power of the City to pay the bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the City, other than the revenue pledged to t3e payment thereof. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Xinnesota Commissioner of Energy, Planni~g ami Development for approval of the Project, together with all. attachments and eshibits thereto, is available for public inspectioil at the office of the City Clerk, weekdays, between the hours. of 8:OO a.m. and 4:30 p .in. All interested persons may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COTJNCIL. ~ - - - -_ - - 'I The estimated total amouat of the proposed bond'issue is $4,500,000. Florecce B . Hallberg City Clerk 2.3. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Ennesota Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, are hereby ordered placed on file -c7ith the City Clerk and shall be available for public inspection, following publication of the notice of public hearing, weekdays, bctwcen the hours of 8:OO a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 3fction for adoption of the resolution was duly seconded by Idember Richards. I Rollcall : Ayes: Srcdesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Xone Resolution adopted. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of kfember Turner was seconded by Member Bredescn, for pay- mect oi' the following claims as per Pre-Lisk: Fund, $1,869.55; Art Center, $507.40; Swim Pool, $106.82; Golf Course, $942.14; Arena, $6,365.99; Gun Range, $190.87; Water Fund, $3,627.40; Sewer Fund, General Fund, $74,824.52; Park 2/1/82 $333.77; Liquor Fund, $3&4,472.44; Total, $433,240.90. Ayes ; Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Nays: None .. STOREFRONT/YOUTH ACTION REPORT QUESTIONED. Mr. Richards noted that the Store- front Youth Action reports show a considerable number of items labled "mixed" and asked that these items be clarified before the 1982 Budget is considered. No formal action was taken. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS NOTED. Council!s attention to a brochure containing major. Minnesota Legislative . Policies and asked that Council review them for possible future action. No action was taken. No further business appearing, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Adjournment at 8:35 p.m. The Mayor called ' I City Clerk I I