HomeMy WebLinkAbout19820222_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR NEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL NOLD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 22, 1982 Answering rollcall were Members Uredesen, Iiichards, Schnlid t, Tururs aid :.lc;yox Courtney. IILNUTES of February 1, 1982, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None lfotion carried. $4,500,000 HOSPITAL SYSTEElS REVENUE BONDS (FAIRVIEW COWUNITY HOSPITALS) GMNTZD PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. The Mayor stated that this was the time and place fixed by resolution of this council, adopted on February 1, 1982, for a public hear- ing on the proposal that the City undertake and finance a Project on behalf of Fairview Community Hospitals, a Minnesota non-profit corporation (Fairview) , pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. The City Clerk presented affi- davits showing publication of the Notice of Public Hearing at least once not less than 15 or more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for the public hear- ing, in the Edina Sun, being the official newspaper of the City and in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, being a newspaper of general circulation through- out the City. ordered placed on file with the City Clerk. for the public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project on behalf of Fairview. The purpose of the hearing was explained, the nature of the Project and of :the proposed revenue bonds were discussed, the draft copy of the Application to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Develop- ment with all attachments and exhibits were available, and all persons who desired to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their vlews with res- pect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, in response to which the following persons appeared, were. recognized and made statements, sum- maries of which appear hereafter: Mr. Kirby Erickson, representing Fairview Southdale Hospital introduced Messrs. Donald Ramsey, Jay Swanson and David Lit- tle. square foot addition which will.house a completely new aad expar,ded program for coronary care. He referred to the fact that the demographics of the commun'i'ty show an aging population and that they have had an.12% annual increase in need for additional facilities. In response to a question, the Gouncil .was advised that, under State Statute 474, many types of health care facilities would bc zuthorized to seek funding by revenue bonds. view Southdale had expanded its parking facilities to over SO0 stalls and that this is, in his opinion, within normal guidelinesfor Medical District 5onTng. Erickson also recalled that the hospital is paying its share, along with S.A.C. ' . charges for a new sanitary sewer system which was constructed in the area. Attorney Erickson pointed out that approval of the bond issue does not mean ap- proval of parking and zoning issues and noted also that the agreement recites that Fairview Southdale will pay all City expenses in connection with the sale of the bonds. Mr. Kirby Erickson also assured the Council that they would follow _-- the Citizens League recornmeridations and 'will publish information in conjunction with private hospitals in Minneapolis and St. Paul and that they will continue to provide services in a cost effective way. the sale of the bonds would encourage the hospital to provide certain health care services for Edina residents which would otherwise be the responsibility of the City. costs SO that patients would have an opportunity to compare the costs of various hospitals. Mr. Krby Erickson said that it is the hospital's intent.to start pub- lishing costs of hospital care for those patients with the 25 most prevalent diag- noses and that this is being done in conjunction with the majority of private hospitals in the Twin Cities area. He added that Fairview Southdale's costs run approximazely 15% below the cost of comparable hospitals, and that they intend to continue to provide services in a cost effective manner. City Attorney Erickson asked that the record indicate that his 'law firm represents both the City and the hospital and requested that action recognizing and approving this fact be taken. After all persons who wished to do so had stated their views on the proposal, the Mayor declared the public hearing to be closed. motion for the following resolution was made.by Member Schmidt: The affidavits were examined, found to be sati'sfactory and The Mayor then opened the meeting I Mr. Erickson explained that Fairview Southdale proposes to add a 22,000 Mr. Kirby Erickson stated that Fair- Mr. City Mr. Rosland expressed his hope that Menber Turner asked Fairview Southdale's intentions of publishing their - After some discussion, RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO PROCEED WITH A PROJECT WITH FAIRVIEW COMMJNITY HOSPITALS AND ITS FINANCING UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT ; REFERRING "HE PROPOSAL TO THE CONMISSIONER OF ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL, AND AUTHORIZING PRI?,PARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS 2/22 / 82 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the Munici- pality), as follows: SECTXON 1 Recitals and Findings 1'.1. This Council has received a proposal that the Municipality finance a portion or all of the cost of a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes, Chap- ter 474 (the Act), consisting of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a 22,000 gross square foot addition to the second level of FairviewSouthdale Hospital located within the Municipality at 6401 France Avenue South (the Project) by Fairview Community Hospitals, a Minnesota non-profit corporation (Fairview). 1.2. At a public hearing, duly noticed and held on February 22, 1982, in accordance with the Act, on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal.to undertake and finance the Project. Based on the public hearing and such other facts and circumstances as this Council deems relevant, this Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows : attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chr'onic unemployment, and the State of Minnesota has encouraged local government units .to act to prevent such economic deterioration, (b) -industry and commerce within the Municipality are the need to provide quality medical care to residents of the Municipality and surrounding areas and the need for more intensive development and use of land within the Municipality. (c) described in Section 474.01 of the Act. (d) for employment for residents of the Municipality and surrounding area. (e) conventional,.commercial financing to pay the cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced and would result in higher patient and third party payor charges, but that the use of municipal borrowtng, and its resulting lower borrowing cost, will materially increase the economic feasibility of the Project, will reduce patient charges and third party payor cost, and will constitute a significant inducement to Pairview to undertake the Project. (f) The First Boston Corporation, Dain Bosworth Incorporated and Piper, ' Jaf f ray & Hopwood Incorporated (the Underwriters) , being familiar with the fi;gncial standing of Fairview, have indicated their intent to purchase Hospi- tal System Revenue Bonds of the City in the principal amount of approximately '$4,500,000 to finance the Project subject to the agreement of the Municipality, Fairview and the Underwriters on the final terms and conditions upon which said bonds will be issued and sold. The Municipality is authorized by the Act to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in con- engaged in providing health care services, including without limitation, hos- pitals, nursing homes and related medical facilities, such as Fairview, and the issuance of the bonds by the Municipality would be a substantial inducement to Fairview to acquire and construct the Project. SECTION 2 Determination to Proceed with .. the Project and its Financing 2.1. On the basis of the information given the Municipality to date, it appears that it would be desirable for the Municipality to issue its revenue bonds 'under the provisions of the Act to finance the Project in an estimated amount of $4,500,000. 2.2. this Council hereby declares its present intent to have the Municipality issue its revenue bonds under the Act to finance the Project. foregoing, however, the adoption of this resolution shall not be deemed to Council to issue or to cause the issuance of such revenue bonds. such revenue bond issue and the provisions for the payment thereof shall be subject to final approval of the Project by the Minnesota Commissioner Of Energy, Planning and Development, and may be subject to such further conditions as the Municipality may specify, The revenue bonds, if issued, shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Municipality, except the revenues pledged to the payment thereof, and (a) The welfare of the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, Other factors necessitating such active promotion and development of The Project would further the general purposes contemplated and The existence of the Project would provide increased opportunities. This Council has been advised by representatives of Fairview that L (g) -nection with a revenue producing enterprise, whether or riot operated for profit, . \ *- ' It is hereby determined to proceed with the Project and its financing and -I ' . Notwithstanding the ' 'establish a legal obligation on the part of the Municipality or its City All details of .- 21221 82 I 26 each bond, when as and if issued, shall recite in substance that the bond, in- cluding interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenues and property pledged to the payment thereof, and shall not constitute a debt of the Efunici- pality within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. 2.3. The application of th&Cominissfoizcr of Etlergy, Planning am! ~PV- elopment, with attachments, is hereby approved,’and the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute said documents in behalf of the Municipality. 2.4. In accordance with Section 474.01, Subdivision 7a of the Act, the Mayor and City llanager are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Application to be submitted to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development for approval of the Prdject. The Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney and other officers, employees and agents of the Municipality are hereby atclthorized arid directed to provide the Commissioner with any preliminary information needed for this purpose. The City Attorney is authorized to initiate and assist in the preparation of - documents asmay be appropriate to the Project, if approved by the Commissioner. I . SECTION 3 General 3.1. sale or loan agreement or similar agreement satisfying the requirements of the Act (the Revenue Agreement) with Fairview. The lease rentals, installment sale payments, loan payments or other amounts payable by Fairview to the Municipality under the Revenue Agreement shall be sufficient to pay the principal, interest and redemptfon premium, if any, on the bonds as and when the same shall become due and payable. 3.2. and indirect costs incurred by the Nunicipality in connection with the’ Project,. whether or not the Project is carried to completion, and whether or not appraved by the.Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development, and whether or not the Municipality by, resolution authorizes the issuance of the bonds, will be paid by Fairview upon request. * 3.3. The Nayor and City Manager are directed, if the bonds are issued and sold, thereafter to comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 8. 14otion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member’ Richards who said that he does not want anyone to rely on his vote at this time if, at the time Chi.s.mattel: is next considered, the City has not received the benefits that it is expectirig. from which Fairview Southdale will be benefiting; patients. and commended Fairview Southdale for taking a leadership role in the industry in pablishing their charges. If the bonds are issued and’sold, the Municipality will enter into a lease, Fairview has agreed and it .is hereby determined that any and all direct I He einphasized also that he wants to see the lower interests rates . reflected in lower rates ‘for Member Turner reiterated her concern that costs should be disclosed P . Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None ... Abstaining: Bredesen, because of a possible conflict of interest. Resolution adopted. -- Member Schmidt thereupon moved that the fact that the law firm of Dorsey IJhitney represents both the City and Fairview Hospital be noted and approved. was seconded by Member Bredesen . Motion Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney -Nays: Fone Motion carried. . OAK RIDGE OF EDINA GRANTED FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Mr. Hughes presented Oak PLdge of Edina Tor final plat approval, recalling that this I1 10.t plat is located West of T.H. 100 and South of WI 66th Street. He recalled that all conditions . stipulated at the time preliminary approval was grEzted have been met except for che execution of the Developer’s Agreement and payment of the Subdivision Dedication fee. He advised also that approval of the Department of Natural Resources has not yet been received, but that any concerns in thzt area are really City matters rather than concerns of the developer. the developer, advised that, when the purchase agreement was executed, it was dis- covered that the property is entirely landlocked for sanitary sewer and re- quested that the $4,000 he paid for the sanitary sewer easement be credited to the subdivision dedication fee. ablished is for raw land and thus a deduction for the easement would not be proper. The Mayor added that the cost of the subdivision dedication should be added to the selling price of the property. Member Eredesen thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to payment of the full Subdivision Dedication Fee of $21,760.00: Mr. Michael Halley, Mr. Halley was advised that the land value est- RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled Oak 2/22/82 I 27 Ridge of Edina, platted by Elaine S. Clay, a widow, Joanne C. Willmert and Barry PI. Willmert , husband and wife, by HFlC Edina Properties , a limited partnership, arid by First State Savings and Loan Association, a United States Corporation, and presented for final pht approval at the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council of February 22, 1982, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Eo.tion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None . Abstaining: Richards Rcsolution adopted. URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY FUND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS APPLICATIONS FOR YEARS VI AND VI1 AMENDMENT APPROVED. Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mrl. Hughes recalled that, at its Regular Meeting of February 1, 1982, the H.R.A. approved the forma- tion of a non-profit corporation to assist in the construction of the elderly housing proposed for Pork Avenue, and recommended Council action which would amend the Community Development Block Grant application in order tp fund the non-profit group and maximize the amount of CDBG funds in the land acquisition. In response to a question of Member Schmidt, Mr. Hughes said that funds will still be available to meet all demands. Member Schmidt thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: TJHEEAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has approved the establishment of the Southeast Edina Neighborhood Development Corporation to assist in the construction of housing for low and moderate income persons according to HUD regulations ; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina desires to fund,the Southeast Edina Neighborhood Development Corporation through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has found that the Southeast Edina Development Corporation fully complies with any and all rules and regulations and is eligible to receive and expend CDBG funds for the construction of lob7 and moderate income housing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina requests that its Year VI1 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application be amended to add neighborhood based non-profit housing sponsors as a project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council requests the following realloca- tion of funds in ies Year VI and Year VI1 CDBG application: PROGRAM - EXISTING PROPOSED Affidavits of Notice were presented by RESOLUTION . YEAR PROJECT VI Site Acquisiti!on/Assisted Housing BUDGET BUDGET $100,000 $110,672 - S tree t / S p e ci a1 As s es smen t 25,000 16 , 328 Architectural Barriers 113,336 113,336 Housing Rehabilitation 46,200 46,200 111,383 Removal Ar chi t ec turd 50,000 50 , 000 Rehab Private Property 50,000 35 , 000 Non-Profit/Housing 0 78,000 Administration 2 , 000 0 Clearance/Assisted Housing Site 10,000 0 Senior Citizen Center 5,000 , 5,000 VI1 Site Acquisition/Assisted Housing 164 , 383 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. DR. ROGER A CHRISTGAU APPEAL FROM (CONSTRUCTION) BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION DENIED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk. approved as to form and . -- ordered placed on file. Mr. Bernhardson recalled that, at its meeting of Octo- ber 27, 1981, the (Construction) Board of Appeals had denied the request of Dr. Roger A. Christgau to grant a waiver whereby he would not have to hook up to Christgau is now appealing the decision, based particularly on the fact that the Board granted a variance request made by Mr. Whitney Payton, 7000 Valley View Road, and that the two situations are somewhat similar. Dr. Christgau advised the Council that the two properties are similarly situated geographically and asked that Council reverse the decision of the (Construction) Board of Appeals. Dr. Christgau explained.that he lives alone, that his system has a three tank aeration and that he also lives on a wooded lot and suggested that: .sanitary sewer until such time as he sells his house. He advised that Dr. 28 2 /2 2/ 82 'criteria be developed which would determine whether or not variances should be granted for sewer connections. Council was advised that generally the only pro- perties that would be exempt from the sanitary sewer hookup rcquirenient would be those where a lift station would be required and where the ground was particu- larly rocky. Piember Wcharcis said that Che City has ii g3Gd (Coilstructicn) 3zzrd of Appeals and suggested that, perhaps, Nr.~ Payton should also be required to hook up to the sewer. He recalled that the ordinance was adcpted because of the ultimate desire to get all City residences to connect to sanitary sewer because of the pollution of public waters. Council accept the recommendation of the (Construction) Board of Appeals and c review the Payton petition for waiver. be sent to Dr. Christgau advising him of the final Council decisim. seconded by Member Bredesen. . Member Schmidt thereupon moved that the The motion also stipulated that a letter Motion vas D Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt Turner Nays: Richards, Courtney Mot ion carried . SIDEWALK ON BENTON AVENUE BETWEEN TRACY AVE. AND HANSEN ROAD REFERRED TO BNGf- hTEERING DEPARTNENT. residents living on Benton Ave., Crescent Drive, Crest Lane, Birchcrest Drive,. Johnson Drive, Jeff Place, Merold Drive, Arbour Laae, Bernard Place, Dale Ave., Highland Road, Amy Drive, Hansen Road and FJ. 56th Street requesting the con- struction of sidewalk along Benton Avenue from Tracy Ave. to Hansen Road. Note was also made of a letter from Dr. Eugene D. Davis, Principal of Country- side Elementary School, endorsing this endeavor inasmuch as a great many Countryside students would use this walk on their way to and from school. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Member Schmidt's motion referring the petition to the .Engineering Department for study was seconded by Nember Bredesen. Council's attention was called to a petition signed by Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. . 1982 GREENSMOWER PURCHASE APPROVED. Mr . Rosland presented Tabulation of Bids on a.1982 greensmower showing Minnesota Tor0 low bidder at $6,490, Tri-State Tor0 at $7,474 and Goulds (Jacobsen) high bidder at $8,685.00. motion for award to recommended low bidder, Minnesota Tor0 at $6 , 490 00 (with trade-in) was seconded by Member Turner. Member Schmidt's .- Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. BRAEMAR BASEBALL COBPLEX IRRIGATION SYSTEM BID AWARDED. Mr . Rosland preseneed tabulation of bids for completion of the automatic irrigation system-at-the Braemar Baseball Complex on fields I"3 and 14 showing Green Acres SprinEYg? Co. low bidder at $7,883.00 and Torodbrecht Landscape at $8,195.00. T-mner's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Green Acres Sprinkler Co. at $7,883.00, was seconded by Member Schmidt. Member Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney .- Nays: None Motion carried. ADMINISTMTIVE VEHICLE PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland presented a tabulation of three quotes for a four-door sedan (per Police specifications) showing Nel- son Lenzen Chevrolet & Buick low bidder at $9,393.00, Fletcher Buick at $9,484.00, and Win Stephens Buick at $10,575.00. Mr. Rosland said that an eight cylinder vehicle is being recommended inasmuch as tMs vehicle will be used by the Police Department iiz another year cr sc zmd they prefer Bhe larger motor for quick pick-up. award to recommended low bidder was seconded by Member Bredesen. In response to a question of Council,. Member Richard's motion for I Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY CONHITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 16, 1982, ACCEPTED. Member Brede- sen's.motion accepting Sections B and C of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of February 16, 1982, was seconded 5y Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. RECONSLDERATIOh7 OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION CONTINUED TO MARCH 15, 1982. Being advised by Mr. Rosland of a request to continue the reconsideration of discip- linary action, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner continuing the matter to March 15, 1982. 2/22/82 Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Mo ti.on carried. SOUTH ilENi\lEFiN H-tlN.iAi\i SERVICES EEiERGENZl ASSISTANCE PKOGPGGi NOTED. PIr . Russ Stricker of the South Hennepin Human Services described the Emergency Assistance Program, advising that food, shelter and clothing, and for transportation to obtain those three items. He advised that the Departments of Public Safety have agreed to issue vouchers on weekends and holidays. Being advised that South Hennepin has been designated as a conduit for distribution of 26,000 pounds of cheese, the Council asked Mr. Stricicer to let them know ifhen and where they could be helpful to assist in the distribution. Council was also advised that attempts are made to try to follow up on people who have long term needs. South Hennepin is now eligible to issue vouchers for No action was taken. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY HEARING ON COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES NOTED. Council was reminded that the Minne- sQta Historical Society is conducting the hearing on the Country Club District designation to the National Register of Historic Places at 7:OO p.m. on Febru- ary 25, 1982 at 690 Cedar St. No formal action was taken. - SOUTHMARK PROPERTIES SUIT NOTED. the City with Southmark Properties as Plaintiff. Mr. Rosland advised Council of a suit against The matter has been referred to the insurance company and to the City Attorney. No action was taken. TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL 320 SUIT NOTED. Mr. Rosland advised Council of a suit which has been brought against the city by Teamsters Union Local 320. ter has been referred to the City Attorney. The mat- No formal action was taken. ' ,BOARD OF REVIEW HEARING DATE.SET. ber Bredesen, setting Board of Review Meeting for Thursday, May 27, 1982, at 5:OO p.m. ' Member Richards' motion was seconded by Mem- Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE TO BE ___-I_-- CONSIDERED. Richards had expressed hls concerns to the Park Board about snowmobiles in the parks, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by MemSer Bredesen, authorizing the drafting of an ordinance prohibiting snowmobiles arid other motorized vehicles from the parks for future consideration by the Council. 'Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Being advised by Mr. Rosland that Member _____- --_- Nay-s: . None . "'Motion carried. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS APPROVED. Member Richards' motion was seconded by Member Bredesen, confirming the appoint- ment of Mr. iiobert Emerson as a member of South Hennepin Human Services and Mr. Garold Nyberg as a member of the Heritage Preservation Board, both terms of office to run until February 1, 1984. As recominended by Mayor Courtney, Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney *-Nays: None 'Motion carried. Member Schmidt advised that she continues to find her service on the South Henne- pin Human Service a real challenge but suggested that this opportunity for service be passed around the Council. 'of names that could be submitted for various commissions and boards. action was taken. Member Turner noted that she had a number NG further 911 TELEPHONE CONTRACT APPROVED. approved the 911 Telephone Contract because of the curtailment in the budget, but advised that the City is one of only two municipalities that have not entered into the agreement. 'that the project will cost approximately $26,000 initially, and will have an annual cost of $12,000 or $13,000. Mr. Rosland, Chief Swanson gnd Commissioner Kremer and Selieves that alternatives made at that meeting should be considered. Mr. Rosland pointed out that the City is not willing to go along with the County Dispatching systen?, but that he does not see any choice in this matter. Member Richards that the 911 contract be approved, but that the Council's com- ments that the project should have been held until a more favorable time be con- veyed to participating parties. Mr. Rosland recalled that the Council had not He explained that the program is mandated by the State and Member Richards said that he had met with Member Turner's motion was seconded by 2/22/82 . 38 Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. CABLE TV COIlMlSSION DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland advised Council that the Cable Com- mission is rccczmniending that They become an operating Cable Conimfssion and are drawing up a joint powers agreement which will be brought to Council for ap- proval in a few weeks. He explained that the Commission will look after vari- ous aspects of cable operations and will recommend that the five cities con- tinue to cooperate with each other. Nr. Rosland recalled that the City will - be getting 5% of the cable fees and that, by Federal law, this money must be used for c6ble coordination and access. Member Bredesen exqmessed his con- . cern as to the necessity for the Commission. No formal action was taken. . BLOOMINGTON PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE CONTRACT APPROVED. Mr. Rosland called Council's attention to a memorandum outlining the range of services set forth in the Community Health Services Plan with the City of Bloomington and pointed out that, while the community health service subsidy funds allocated to the City of Edina have been considerably reduced, the costs to provide these same services have increased by 5%. Bloomington had provided the following itemized list of costs of reduced service, with the first level being the identical dollar amount contracted by Edina last year and the second level being the amount budgeted for 1982 by the Council: 1. Eliminate monthly City Hall visits (approximately 36 hours) $ 540 2. Reduce Senior Center Screening Clinics to one every other month (approximately 108 hours) 1,620 3. Eliminate Annual Senior Health Fair (approximately 96 hoursj 1,440. 4. Reduce Health education (approximately 150 hours) 2,250 - -- I He advised that, as requested by Council,, with two levels ' First Level - $102,424 5 Reduce day care/nursery services (approximately 104 hours) 1,560 $8,910 Second Level - $92,278 All cuts Zn level one plus the total elimination of the non-public school health program in Edizla (800 students in grade school and 1,100 in day care and nursery). whichcomprise 89% of the activity of the 1981 Edina program. Xr. Zaslznd advise3 that the cuts listed above are principally in the area of prevention, rather than remedial/restorative services and recommended that the contract be awarded at the Second Level figure budgeted for 1982. Schmidt said that she believed that it would be worthwhile to retain day care/ nursery services at a cost of $1,500 and that the home visits would be helpiiig residents in an area where they are most needed. She noted specially that Edina has consistently had the heaviest load of non-payment participation of all ..L- ...- cities participating in the Bloomington Health Home Nursing Contract. Men@er Richzrds' motion was then seconded by Member Bredesen, accepting the recommenda- tion of the staff for approval of services provided in the Second Level at . . $92,278. This essentially reduces the program to the home visits I Member . Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner I- Nays : Schmidt, Courtney 'Motion carried. I .. FIRE DEPARTMENT UNION CONTRACT APPROVED. Department employees had agreed to settle their 1982 contract for one year with a 9.5% increase in-pay, a 1% increaseforlongevity, $10.00 increase in family . I- coverage for health insurance, an increase in clothing allowance to $250.00 and one additional floating holiday. Although Council agreed to ratify the settle- ment, they expressed their prospective that zt some time they would have to take Member Bredesen's motion approving the contract as outlined by the City Manager was then seconded by Member Richards. Mr. Rosland advised that City Fire . . "a stand to prevent ever escalating salaries at a time of economic recession, I= Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried I.A.P..E1275 INJUNCTION DENIED BY COURT. Mr. Rosland advised Council that the injunction request filed by the Fire Department relative to volunteer firemen had been denied by the Court. SENATE FILE 786 OPPOSED. 786 which.authorizes volunteer firefighter relief assokiations, without any City- Council spproval, to increase firefighter benefits in cases where no City contributions to Relief Associstion finances is required under the 1971 Guide- line Act- No formal action was taken. Mr. Rosland called Council's attention to Senate File Stating that it might be well to reduce the 2% funding to whatever I. 2/22/82 31 is necessary to fund the current level of benefits, Member Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the City Cou~cil of tbe City of Edipa is ultimately responsible for the financial solvency of the local Volunteer Fire Fighters' Relief Association; and FTHEREAS, the Mayor, City Clerk and Fire Chief are ex-officio members of the Relief Association and could be held personally liable for any deficits created by benefit costs exceeding assets; and WHEREAS, Senate File 786 proposes to allow Relief Associations to set their own benefit levels if the fund remains actuarily sound; and WHEREAS, that bill does not take into account the real potential for liabi- lity as there is a four year interval between required actuarial surveys; and WHEREAS, the legislative and/or economic changes can severely restrict avail- ability of 2% funding for the pension; and WHEREAS, it places a City Council in an extremely difficult political posi- tion to force a roll back in benefits for both active members and for retirees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina opposes any attempts to remove any authority from the City Council as to benefit amendments as the Council remains ultimately responsible. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member . Rollcall: RESOLUTION Richards. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. POLICE CONTRACT DISCUSSED. Mr, Rosland advised that the Police have informally agreed on a contract with a.9.75% increase plus a floating holiday, which increases would be within the confines of the 1982 Budget. taken . No formal action was PRECINCT 3 POLLING PLACE CHANGED TO WOODDALE SCHOOL BUILDING. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the polling place for Precinct 3 in the City of Edina be changed from Edina Covenant Church to the Wooddale Schooi Euilding . Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney . Nays: None . . Resolution adopted. 1899 SNOT? REMOVAL POLICY NOTED. from Edina Council Minutes of December 11, 1899, which indicated that snow removal problems at that time were solved '!under the direction of the Supervi- sion of the St. Commissioner, except in case of very bad storms and the St. Com- missioner is unable to get over the village in time to open the roads for travel, upon notice from the St. Commissioner, it shall be the duty of the members 0.f the village Council so notified to-call out the Taxpayers and open the roads for travel in their respective localities, and they be allowed 15 cents per hour for the same their time to be kept by said member of the Village Council.". Council's attention was called to an excerpt, OAK RIDGE OF EDINA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED ON 100% PETITION. ME. Haff- man reported that'petitions for improvements for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Grav- eling and Storm Sewer.in Oak Ridge of Edina.had been received, signed by the developer. Said petition also requested Ehe Council to assess the entire cost against the property of such owners. tion cost for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. P-SS-362 at $57,253.61, Watermain Improvement No. P-WM-347 at$12,834.84, Graveling Improvement No. P-C-138 at $12,577.11 and Storm Sewer Improvement No. P-ST.S-170 at $15,431.63. As recom- mended by Mr. Hoffman, Member moved its adoption: Xr. Hoffman presented estimated construc- Bredesen offered the following resolution and RESOLUTION ORDERING SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-362, WATEJMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM-347, GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C-138 AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S-170 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Graveling and Storm Sewer Improvements in Oak Ridge of Edina and that .the developer now owns a31 pro- perty which wi11,abut and be assessed for the improvement and that said peti- tion has been signed by all owners of all abutting property which is owned by the developer. M 2/22/82 32 2. ordered pursuant to Pfinnesota Statutes, Section 429.031(3), (Session Laws of . 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all suiwequGnt proceedings as The malcing of said improvements in accordance with said petition is hereby SANITARY SEWER IPlPROVEMENT NO. SS-362 WATERMAIN IEPROVEElENT NO. 11-347 GRAVELING IPPROVEMENT NO. C-138 STORM SEIJER IPPROVEMENT NO. ST. S-170. The entire cost of said improvements is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on said Oak Ridge of Edina where said improve-. ,i' ments are to be located. Motion for adop.tion of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. . Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney . Nays: None . Abstaining: Richards Resolution adopted. SIDEWALK SNOW CLEAFUNCE DISCUSSED. Member Bredesen expressed his concern about lack of adherance to the City's Sidewalk Shoveling Ordinance and asked that it be enforced more closely. Mr. Rosland explained that this has been a disasterous year for snow removal and that it is very difficult to enforce the ordinance this year. No action was taken. SOUNO BARRIER DECISION OBJECTION NOTED, Mr. Richards informed Council that he had received a letter from Elr. Burt Larson objecting to Council's decision to approve construction of a sound barrier on County Road 18 andl.that he liad responded to Nr. Larson's letter. No action was taken. BRAEMAR CLUB HOUSE STUDY DISCUSSED. ards, Mr. Rosland said that a cost estimate would be made before bringing the matter of the Braemar Club House study to Council. In response to a question of Member liich-.:i-.. - No action was taken. GALLAGIIER DRIVE/FRANCE AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNALS APPROVED. Mr. Hoffman advised that warrants justify installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Gallagher Drive and France Avenue and that State Aid funding is available. As recomnended by Mr. Hoffman, Member Bredesen offered the following resolutions and moved their adoption : I RESOLUTION APPROPRIATION OF MUNICIPAL STATE-AID "DS TO C.S.A.H. 31 AND B1.S.A.S 170 (GALLAGHER DR.) WHEREAS, it has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Edina to participate in the cost of a construction project located on C.S.A.H.-iT and M.S.A.S. 170 within the limits of said municipality; and GJHEREAS, said construction project has been approved by the Department of Highways and identified in its records as S.A.P. No. 120-020-12 and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby appro- prfate from its Kunicipal State-Aid Street Funds the sum of $38,000 to apply toward the construction of said project and does request the Commissioner of Highways to approve this authorization. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, agreement for participation in the construction and operation of traf- fic control signal system with integral street light on County State Aid Highway No. 17 at Gallagher Drive, Hennepin County Project No. 7831, Agreement No. PW 02-11-82 has been prepared and presented to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Agreement be in all things approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Elayor and Manager are authorized to sign Agree- ment No. PI? 02-11-81, Hennepin County Project No. 7831. Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolutions was seconded by Nember Turner. . 120-170-12; I Xollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolutions adopted. I CLAIMS PAID. ment of the following Claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $314,126.95; Park Fund,.$31,368.09; Art Fund, $4,299.73; Park Construction, $1,431.00; Swimming Pool, $32.66; Golf Course, $2,719.82; Arena, $14,251.81; Gun Range, $195.99; Water Fund, $21,009.82; Sewer Fund, $172,553.06; Liquor Fund, $203,054,71; Motion of 14ember Schmidt was seconded by Nember Bredesen for pay- 2/22/82 33 Construction, $150.90; IBR #2, $1,989.27; Total, $767,183.81 'Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. No further business appearing, Member Schmidt's mo'tion for adjournment was sec- onded by Member Bredesen. Adjournment at 9:35 p.m.