HomeMy WebLinkAbout19821018_regular178 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE OCTOBER 18, 1982 EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL Answering rollcall were Members Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Courtney. ART CENTER SLIDE SHOW PRESBNTED. versary of the Edina Art Center, Mr. Rosland showed slides depicting the building and various activities that take place. Advising that he had attended the Fifth Anni- I LEO EVANS PSZONING AND PLAT REFERRED BACK TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION. and ordered placed on file. Le. Ears.en presented Evans Subdivision for prelimin- ary plat approval, along with a petition for rezoning the property generally located South of Ernon Ave., East of Olinger Rd. and North of Merold Drive (part of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 32, T.117,'R. 21) from R-1 Residential District' to R-2 Multiple' Residedce District. He recalled that this matter had - been continued some time back so that the proponent could prepare a revised Sub- division with seven R-2 lots abutting Vernon Ave. and fourteen single family lots, against the earlier proposal of thirteen R-2 lots and six single family lots- He explained that the revised plan illustrates the Northerly extension of Wycliffe Road so that it iJill terminate in a cul-de-sac, rather than intersecting with Ver- non Ave. and that R-2 lots would average about 16,600 square feet and single family lots averaging about 11,800 square feet. subdivision and rezoning are acceptable to the Community Development and Planning Commission with the exception of Lots 3, 4 and 8, Block 2, which do not meet zoning requirements. and recommended that one of the lots abutting the Westerly cul-de-sac be eliminated. the history. of the request for zoning change and explained that the "neck lots" will not be built upon at this time.. Mrs. Micki Gamer, 5815 Merold Dr., objected that the site is not large enought to support a Planned Residential Development, that the plat is not being conventionally planned, that all surrounding properties are .single family dwellings and that the Land Use Plan states that this property should remain R-1. doubles in a row" and that doubles "become rental property", thus changing the character of the neighborhood. concern about further opening Wycliffe Rd. which he feared might cause traffic problems, the need €or sidewalks, the need for additional lighting and .the widen- ing of the street. would cause additional traffic from Good Samaritan Church. Concurring with Mrs. Gamer and Mr. Fischer were Mrs. Audrey Clay, 5716 Wycliffe Rd., Mr. Jack Watson, 5605 Heather Lane and Dennis Wagner, 5705 Olinger Rd. that the church and scho.01 had not been built at the time Wycliffe Rd. was plznned. envisions matters whether or not the road cuts thru. about site lines along Vernon Ave. and suggested that a traffic study might prove helpful. Mr. Michael Callas, 5621 Wycliffe Rd., expressed his fear that the pro- posed development in the area would cause more frequent and more extensive flood- ing of his lot. in the audience objected to the possibility of wider roads to accommodate traffic it? the area. Mr. James Karigan, 5704 Wycliffe Rd., expressed his concern about children walking to Countryside School: if the street should be opened to Vernon Avenue. Member Richards said that he believes that the plat contains one too many doubles and one too many single residence lots, and added that he believes that each neighborhood should bear its share of traffic. likes the idea of the doubles along Vernon Avenue as a transition from single family homes and suggested that three-way stop signs could be installed at the intersection of Wycliffe Road and Merold Drive if traffic should increase too much. Member Richards that the matter be referred back to the Community Development and Planning Commission for its recommendation as to whether Wycliffe Road should be cut thru to Vernon, as to whether three cul-de-sacs should be permitted and as to whether there should be two accesses on to Vernon Ave. Mfidavits of Ndtice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form Mr. Larsen explained that the proposed . Mr. Roger Clements, representing the developer, reviewed . She objected also to the fact that there would be "too many Mr. Larry Fischer, 5705 Wycliffe Rd., expressed I Concern'was also expressed that a thru street to Vernon Avenue Mrs. Janet Fischer added In response to a question of the Council, Mr. Hoffman said that he Wycliffe Rd. as a secondary road and that he does not believe that it Member Schmidt spoke of her concern Mr. Ben Stroh, 5700 Wycliffe Rd., and an unidentified gentleman Member Turner said that she I Following lengthy discussion, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. DEWEY HILL THIRD ADDITION EXTENSION OF PRD ZONING GRANTED. were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Larsen advised that Mr. Larry Laukka, developer of Dewey Hill Third Addition, had requested an extension of PRD zoning for Dewey Hill Third Addition as auth- orized under Ordinance No. 811-A137. Mr. Laukka explained that the financial Affidavits of Notice 10/18/82 climate is such that it is impractical to start the project at this time and added that he is now considering construction of town houses on the site but that his plans will not be ready until some time.next spring. motion granting a one year extension of the rezoning was then seconded by Member Richards. Member Turner's Rollcall : Ayes : Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt (who said that the project was too dense for the area). Motion carried. BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB HOUSE SANITARY SEWER (CONTRACT 82-10 ENG) BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for a sanitary sewer to serve Dewey Hill Road from Gleason Road to the Braemar Golf Club House. Tabulation showed Northdale Construction low bidder at $74,490.46; G. L. Contracting, $74,514.35; Orfei & Sons, Inc., $86.988.07; Lametti & Sons, Inc, $102,812.00; Orevedahl Construction, $110,053.70 and Nodland & Associates at $123,500.00, against Engineer's estimate of $71,117.95. Northdale Construction, at $74,490.46, was seconded by Member Schmidt. Member Turner's motion for award to recommended low bidder, Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. BRAEMAR PARK PICNIC SHELTER CONCRETE SLAB WITH FOOTINGS BID AWARDED. Mr. Rosland recalled that bids taken previously for the concrete slab for Braemar Park Picnic Shelter footings had been rejected and new bids taken. Advising that the new bids were no better than those preceived, Mr. Rosland presented tabulation show- ing the bid of Jones & Ottenweller, Inc., at $7,219 against the bid of Hamele Recreation Co., Inc., at $7,860. Member Schmidt's motion for award to recommended low bidder at $7,219.00 was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. , WINE LICENSES DISCUSSED; NONE TO BE ISSUED. Mr. Rosland recalled that, at the Council Meeting of September 13, 1982, the staff was instructed to study the possibility of issuing Wine Licenses and to report back at this meeting as to recommended fees, what wine licensing would cost the City, what impact it would have on the City, and further, to ask other municipalities in the area about their experience. He advised that the Administration, Health, Planning and Police Departments had been represented on the committee appointed to study the issue and referred to the report issued by this committee which included experiences of Bloomington, St. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Alexandria. A question was raised from a member of the audience as to how the sale of wine in restaurants would impact the revenue of the Edina Liquor Stores. Mr. Rosland said that khis was an unknown factor at this time. Mrs. Virginia Bodine, Executive Secretary of the Edina Chamber of Commerce, emphasized that Edina residents go out of Edina to dine when they want a glass of wine with their dinner and that this practice is hurting Edina restaurants particularly during difficult economic times. 'Speak- ing in opposition to wine licenses were Mrs. Ginger Hamer, 4709 Upper Terrace, and Mrs. Joan Findell who said that restaurants that serve liquor have also closed so that the fact that wine is not available should not be considered the reason for lack of business. Dr. Arthur A. Rouner, minister of Colonial Church of Edina, said that the sale of wine in restaurants could do irreparable damage to family life and that it is naive to think that wine is different from any. hard liquor. Urging the serving of wine in restaurants were Mrs. Eleanor Reid, 6078 Blake Ridge Road, Mr. Jim Bissoner, the owner of the French Loaf and Mr. Jack Seltz who said that the City of Alexandria has experienced no problems since it started issuing Wine Licenses. can be legislated, Member Schmidt moved that no Wine Licenses be issued at this time. cannot be judged on the monetary benefit to restaurants. that he wished he was more certain of the community's feelings in this matter and that he would favor a referendum. Mayor Courtney said that it appears that only the Edina Chamber of Commerce and restaurant owners are in favor of serving wine in restaurants and that until a great number of residents indicate more interest he would not favor the issuance of Wine Licenses. Stating that she does not believe that morality Motion was seconded by Member Turner who noted that the benefit to the City Member Richards said I Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. An unidentified gentleman in the audience suggested that if Wine Licenses are not permitted, the City should sell its liquor stores. 10/18/82 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1982 DISCUSSED. Member Rich- motion for approval of Section A and acceptance of Sections B and C of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of October 18, 1982, was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes : Richards , Schmidt , Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. , GENERAL/CITY ELECTION CANVASSING BOARD APPOINTED. Clerk, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner, appointing the following members to serve on the Canvassing Board for the General/City Election to be held on November 2, 1982: Messrs. Mark Bernhardson, Hilding Dahl, Glenn Harmon, Jerry Hines, Ralph Hines, Harry Melin, Sam Mobley, Howard Norback, Wil- lard Ott and Alvin Woods. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. As recommended by the City KINGS COURT ON-SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED. Mr. Rudolph Brom spoke from the audi- ence to protest the issuance of an On-sale Beer License for King's Court. was also made of a telephone call from Mr: Martin Kasper, 5400 W. 70th Street, who also protested the issuance of an On-sale Beer License in a sports facilities. Member Schmidt's motion for approval of the On-sale Beer License for K'ings Court was seconded by Member Turner. Note Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. SOUTH HEXWEPIN HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL COMPREHENSIVE STUDY DISCUSSED; IMPLEMENTA- TION STUDY AUTHORIZED. Mrs. Micki Gamer, 5815 Merold Dr., and Mr. Jeff Work- inger were present to speak to the recommendations of the South Hennepin Human Services Commission folloting their comprehensive study. emphasized that priorities include areas of chemical dependency, family violence, community education, personal public health service emphasis, senior citizen concerns, information and referral and coordination in order to avoid costly duplication of services and to assure that all areas of need are met or at least considered. Member Richards moved that the Human Relations Commission take up some type of schedule and recommendations as how to implement a human service element into the Citx!s Comprehensive Plan. Motion was seconded by Member Turner who complimented the Commission for its excellent work. Mr. Workinger I Ayes : Richards, Schmidt , Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. LIONSGATE CONDOMINIUM CONTRACT EXTENSION APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that Braemar Associates, developers of Lions Gate Condominiums have requested a one Member Richards' motion was seconded by Member Turner approving the extension, of one year, provided 12% interest is paid on the principle and on all accrued interest owing to date for property located on the Northwest comer of 78th St. and Cahill Road. 2 v. year extension of their contract with the City. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, XollealE. : , . .r.. , . -1. Ayes : Richards , Schmidt, Turner , Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS DISCUSSED. Council's attention was called to the constitutional amendments which will appear on the November 2, 1982, ballot. The amendments deal with the establishment of an Appeals Court, the removal of restrictions on the interest for and the amount of trunk highway bonds, approval of parimutuel betting and provision for state bonding authority for the improve- ment and rehabilitation of railroad facilities. Mr. Hoffman explained that the removal of the interest rare and the restriction on the amount of trunk highway bonds would prevent further deterioration of state highways. was taken. . NO formal action EMPTY FOOD SHELVES NOTED, to keep up with the demand for food for the needy and advised that Edina will soon be participating in the Food Shelf Program. Member Schmidt noted that area Food Shelves are unable No action was taken. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MEMBER RECOMMFNDATIONS REQUESTED. Council Members to recommend new committee and commission members by the end of the year. Mayor Courtney asked 101 181 82 ORDINANCE NO. 1353 AMENDMENT CONTINUED FOR STAFF REVIEW. Mr. Rosland recalled the history of Edina Ordinance No. 1353 which deals with licensing and regula- tion of physical culture clubs, saunas, message parlors and escort services and recommended that the ordinance be amended to more clearly protect legitimate businesses. to staff for review. Following discussion, it was informally decided to refer the matter HC-7 SANITARY SEWER HOUSE CONNECTION AUTHORIZED. Being advised by Mr. Rosland of the petition of Mrs. Thomas Collins for a sewer hook-up for her property located at 4362 Vernon Ave. (Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision 176 - PINS If 28-117-21-21-0016), Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the assessment of the connection charge for Sanitary Sewer Connection No. HC-22-7 in the amount of $2,585.00 be levied against Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision 176 (PINS #28-117-21-21-0016) over a six year period at 11% interest.(See correction as to RESOLUTION Rollcall : . . interest rate in Minutes of June 20, 1983.) Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. P bb a: m cxa EDINAMITE EBRTICIPATION BY .COUNCIL DISCUSSED.. Member Turner suggested that the Council cooperate with Edinamite by holding some type of a party which could be raffled off as a part of the Edinamite Services Silent Auction. decided that Member Turner work with Mr. Rosland to plan the event and that all Council Members would be obliged to attend. CLAIMS PAID. ment of the following Claims as per Pre-List: Park Fund, $15,536.31; Art Center, $3,215.74; Swimming Pool, $102.62; Golf Course, $10,879.32; Arena, $2,617.71; Gun Range, $81.08; Water Fund, $8,304.31; Sewer Fund, $141,252.71; Liquor Fund, $3,773.84; Construction, $207,497.50; Total, $516,890.81; and for confirmation of payment of the following Claims: General Fund, $123,313.52; Park, $440.69; Art Fund, $851.80; Swimming Pool, $1,327.89; Golf, $8,123.19; Arena, $6,093.79; Gun Range, $233.12; Water, $30,857.68; Sewer Fund, $1,708.10; Liquor, $416,596.70; Construction, $255,576.93; Total, $845,123.41. It was informally No formal action was taken. m Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Richards for pay- General Fund, $123,530.97; Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. No further business appearing, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:07 p.m. ZpL B. 7LLu&&/ City Clerk