HomeMy WebLinkAbout19830829_special66 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 29, 1983 Mayor Courtney called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. Members Bredesen, Turner and Mayor Courtney. shortly. thereafter . Answering rollcall were Member Richards entered the meeting J. HERBERT DECKER COMMENDED. Ms. Ceil Smith.commended Mr. J. Herbert Decker for his service to the City of Edina. the City in December of 1965 and that his present position is Park and Recreation Maintenance. Mr. Decker is a professional sign painter and does the sign painting for the City as well as for special events such as Edinamite, Peoplemaking and Expo '83- Ms. Smith noted that his special talent has been a valuable asset to the City and, on behalf of the City Manager, presented Mr. Decker with a silver pen bearing the Edina Logo. Members of the Council expressed their appreciation for his steadfast service. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of August 15, 1983, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Bredesen. It was pointed out that Mr. Decker began working for I . Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None . Motion carried. AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT INDOOR SOCCER ARENAS IN PID DISTRICT CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING. was seconded by Member Turner to continue the hearing on the amendment to the zoning ordinance to permit indoor soccer arenas as a principal use in the Planned Industrial District to the September 12, 1983, meeting. As recommended by Nr. Hughes, Member Bredesen's motion Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. HEARING DATE SET FOR APPEAL FROM BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION. a petition for an appeal from the decision of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments regarding the property of Kathleen Knutson, 5445 York Avenue So. had been received from Lyall Olson, 5441 York Avenue So. The petitioner for the variance as well as .. . .staff would prefer thata6eptember 12, 1983, be set as.the.hearing date; however.; P.-Olson has asked that this matter be heard on September 19, 1983. moved that September 12, 1983, be set as the hearing date, subject to confirmation that both the petitioner for the variance and the appealer can be present. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. Mr. Hughes advised that Member Richards Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. COUNTRP CLUB RESIDENTS EXPRESS CONCERN OVER CLTY'S FORESTRY PROGRAM. 4601 Drexel Avenue, appeared to express the concern of the Country Club community regarding the present City forestry program and presented a petition signed.by over 250 residents who believe the present program Eo be grossly inadequate'. requested that-a-new program be enacted aqd funds be established to provide for adequate tree trimming, regular inspection and prompt removal of diseased trees to prevent further spread of disease.- Mrs. Lewis explained that after repeated requests toethe-- City Forester to trim the boulevard trees-on Drexel-Avenue of dead branches and--to-i xemove a diseased-elm tree, she had written a letter to Mayor Courtney asking his help -in getting the work done.and had telephoned other Council Members regarding the tree situation. Mrs. Lewis then introduced Tom Prosser, Rainbow Tree Company, and noted that he was an expert in the field of forestry and Dutch Elm. disease. Mr. Prosser explained that a-group of concerned citizens-had asked him.to look ar and evaluate Edina's Dutch elm problem and the forestry program. of the-City!s;tree.program and made a number of recommendations which he felt would slow down and help control the spread of Dutch e& disease. about-the presenr City tree program-were: Jane Hamilton Chaffee, 4527 Drexel Avenue, Katherine Bradbury, 4624 Drexel Avenue, Michael Lewis, 4601Drexel Avenue and Jack Curtis, 4400 West 50th Street. Mayor Courtney explained that up to two years ago the the City's Dutch elm diseaserremoval prograniwas subsidized by the State of Minnesota. He acknowledged that at the present time the City's budget provides for only a limited forestry program and that he had suggested to Mrs. Lewis that she attend the meeting for the 1984 budget when the subject of the tree programwill be considered. In response to the concerns expressed, Robert Kojetin, Director of Parks and Recrea- tion, stated that he felt the present tree program was adequate with regard to inspeet- ion after a call is received and that the City crews try to remove diseased trees within 20 days after they are identified. trimming of boulevard trees for approximately the last 10 years due to lack of funds and that according to a tree inventory conducted in 1978, the City then had 60,000 Mrs. Gail Lewis, The petition . He then summarized his observations I Also voicing their concern . He pointed out that there has been no 8/29/83 elm trees. been delayed due to the storms this year when the crews must concentrate on clean- ing up the trees that are damaged or downed by the storms. 1984 budget request for the tree program had included a recommendation for funding for: 1) an inventory of trees on City property, and 2) tree trimming. Mr. Lewis urged the Council to take action now and pointed out that if an area such as the Country Club district loses its elm trees property values could drop by 20 to 30%. He added that he recognized the problem Council faces of how to pay for an intensi- fied program against the spread of Dutch elm disease and asked if a special assess- ment would be in order. benefitted property owners could.be made, similar to the procedure used for the millpond weeds problem in which the City participated. He suggested that'the Country Club residents meet with Mr. Kojetin and members of the Park Board to-brain- storm the problem and come up with a proposal that Council could review at the 1984 budget hearings in September. Mayor Courtney assured the residents that the Council shares their concern in wanting to preserve Edina's elms and will respond to their ideas at the budget meetings. No formal action was taken. REPORT GIVEN ON MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 1983. (Member Richards excused himself and left the Council Room.) Mrs. Turner and he had attended the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Board Meeting on August 18, 1983, and that Mrs. Margaret Francis and Mrs. Sharon Libby were also at the meeting to support the City's peti,tion for dredging in the Cascade Lane area of Minnehaha Creek. He stated that the Board had asked their staff to work with Edina's Engineer to come up with a cooperative dredging proposal. that he had met todaywith ,the.Engineer for the Watershed District and.had discussed dredging approximately one foot of material from Minnehaha Creek in the Cascade Lane area and that PD?/DOT would be asked to pay for the portion that is in their right of way at the Highway 100 bridge and also to look at the structural channel underneath the bridge to make sure that it is in compliance with their plan for construction. Berming along the back yards was discussed with the details still to be worked out. Mr. Hoffman advised that together they would prepare a document for review by Council and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Board for the proposed pro- ject that would indicate participation by the City of Edina at'a-cost ra2iocsimilar t'o'that which wasxdetermTned for the 44th Street dredging completed last winter. This should be ready for review by the middle of September and, hopefully, a contract can be signed for the work to be done this winter. (Member Richards returned to the meeting at this point.) Mr. Kojetin also explained that the removal of diseased trees has He stated that the Member Richards responded that a special assessment against Mr. Hoffman reported that Mr. Hoffman said . No formal action was taken. 50TH STREET- IlXPROVEPfENT DISCUSSED. for possible improvement of West 50th Street. City Engineer Hoffman presented three sketches' '2 The first plan would maintain the roadway at its present 40 foot width with a new bituminous overlay, which would basically be a maintenance procedure. lane street west of Wooddale to meet MN/DOT design requirements to allow use of gas tax funds with a pvking lot to be built at the.southwest quadrant of the 50th Street/Wooddale intersection. landscaping for the section west of Wooddale Avenue with two lanes of traffic each direction. the street and would tend to slow down traffic. It was informally agreed by Council that the staff should prepare.for-a public hearing to be held in October or November to allow-the community to respond. The second plan would include a-fijur A '47~1 The third plan illustrated median strips with Mr. Hoffman explained that the boulevard effect would add aesthetics SANITARY SEWER SMOKING TESTING/DISTRICT #2 DISCUSSED. the Public Works/Engineering Departments are working on the final stages of the Engineer Hoffman advised that sanitary- sewer evaluation ,of District f2. selective televising of the sewer, night monitoring to determine extraneous sources to the system and some technical re-calculation of the system flows. out that the last step would be smoke testing of the sewer lines to determine the location and quantity of infiltration/inflow sources and would also indicate to homeowners the potential for sewer gas leaking into their homes. to deliver flyers door-to-door in the district to announce and explain the testing. No action was taken. Now .completed are manhole inspections , He pointed It is proposed 1983 FIREFIGHTERS' ARBITRATION AWARD DISCUSSED. Ms. Ceil Smith reported that the contract arbitration award for the Firefighters was received and were as follows: 1) 6.5% increase in base wages for 1983, 2) 5.4% increase for paramedic supplemental 3) decrease in maximum work shifts for personnel on 24 hours from 122 shifts to 121 shifts per year, 4) increase in maximum vacation accrual by one day for persons over 20 years. Not granted were awards for increase in floating,holidays, residency restrictions and narrowing of the definition of injury on duty. During negotiation, the City and the Union had resolved some other issues, the principle one being. family health coverage which was increased from $100 to $110 per month. noted that staff is currently implementing this award by drawing up appropriate contract language, together with payment of retroactive pay to bargaining unit individuals as the contract wage portion was effective January 1, 1983. was taken. Ms. Smith . No action \ 8/29/83 -- STUDY CONMITTEE FOR ALTERNATIVE MJ3THODS OF DELIVERING SERVICES DISCUSSED. Ms. Ceil Smith recalled that Council had previously discussed the concept of forming a citizens' Study Committee for Alternative Methods of Delivering Services within the City. She stated that if the Council wished to proceed with this concept, consideration should be given as to appointees to the committee and a proposed time/work schedule in which to complete their recommendations. be given a specific charge which would convey to them what the Council is looking for and then members of the community could be approached and asked to serve if they were interested. statement to which he agreed, adding that he would get copies to the Mayor and Council. No formal action was taken. SEPTEMBER 12, 1983, SET AS HEARING DATE FOR CABLE FRANCHISE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. As recommended, Nember Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner setting the date of September 12, 1983, for a hearing on an amendment to the Cable Franchise Ordinance pertaining to subscriber rate change. Member Bsedesen submitted that the committee should Member Turner asked if Mr. Bredesen would be willing to draft such a I Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. NSP POWER OUTAGES DISCUSSED. last four years there have been frequent power outages for more than one hour and asked if Northern States Power Company (NSP) were only putting on "band-aids" when outages occurred instead of really trying to make permanent repaixs. Mr. Hoffman responded that NSP is aware of certain areas which have repeated outages and that mainly they are caused by a combination of wind and tree branches which short out the lines. NSPts'right-of-wag:abdl.object to their trimming. of tree branches. In response to Mr. Jack Curtis, 4400 West 50th Street, as to the possibility of relocating the power lines underground in the City, esp~eially'in.€fie'-CG~ntry Club District, Mr. Hoffman stated that the cost would be astronomical and not cost effective. Mayor Courtney suggested that Mr. Curtis and interested neighbors could contact NSP'regarding-the €eSsibility and costcof such a project. Member Bredesen commented that in his area during the NSP had indicated that they run into problems when people do not recogdize No formal action was taken. MANOR HOMES/LINCOLN DRIVE PARKING CONCERN NOTED. been contacted by the residents of Manor Homes on Lincoln Drive who are concerned that because of parking on the street emergencyvehicles may have difficulty in getting there. Chief Feck stated he would check into the matter of accessibility for emergency vehicles. No action was taken. Mayor Courtney advised that he had HOUSE AT 6309 WATERMAN AVENUE TO BE BURNED. Ms. Ceil Smith advised that the house at 6309 Waterman Avenue is tentatively scheduled to be burned on October 1, 1983, at the request of the owner,. and tfiat the-Fire Department will-do the burning as'a.practiCei, exercise. ORDINANCE NO. 901-All (AMENDING THE LIQUOR ORDINANCE) ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Mayor Courtney recalled that Ordinance No. 901-All had been given First Reading at the meeting of August 15, 1983. Ordinance No. 901-All.for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: No comments being heard, Member Turner offered ORDINANCE NO. 901-All AN ORDINANCE MENDING ORDINANCE NO. 901, TO ALLOT$ SALES OF NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR AND OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR ON T€E DAY OF ANY STATEWIDE ELECTION, TO CLARIFY HOURS OF SALE, AND TO REQUIRE PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY THE CITY COUXCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Hours of Sale. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Section 18 of Ordinance No. 901 are hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) No sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be made between the hours of 1:OO A.M.-and 8:OO A.M. on any weekday, Monday through Saturday,nor shall any sale be made on-any Sunday between the hours of 1:OO A.M. and 12:OO noon. nor between the hours of 1:OO A.M. and 8:OO A.M. on any weekday, Tuesday through Saturday; nor after 8:OO P.M. on December 24. on Sunday nor until 8:OO A.M. on Monday, except as allowed by this Ordinance as to -I (b) No on-sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made until 8:OO A.M. on Monday (c) No on-sale or off-sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made after 1:OO A.M. . holders of a Sunday sale license. Sec. 2. Proof of Financial Responsibility. Sections 9 and 16 of Ordinance No. 901 relating to issuance of licenses for sale of intoxicating liquor and non- intoxicating malt liquor, respectively, are hereby amended by adding to each section the following: Every person licensed, or applying for a license, under this Ordinance, in addition to other requirements imposed by this Ordinance for the obtaining or renewal of a license, shall demonstrate proof of financial responsibility with regard to liability imposed by Minnesota Statute, Section 340.95, to the City Clerk, as a - I1 8'1 8/29/83 d- o 69 condition to the issuance or renewal of such license, in the manner and to the extent required by Minnesota Statute, Section 340.11, Subdivision 21, provided, if any licensee or applicant claims exemption from the requirements of said statute, proof of such exception shall be established by affidavit given by such licensee or applicant, such affidavit to be in form and substance acceptable to the City Clerk. publication. Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Member Bredesen. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner Nays: Courtney Ordinance adopted. ATTEST : Mayor City Clerk 1982 AUDIT REPORT PRESENTED. presented by Mr. Dalen for Council's review. No formal action was taken. The 1982 Audit Report for the City of Edina was CLAIMS PAID. ment of the following Claims as per Pre-List: General Pund.$l22,317.88, Park Fund $9,382.84, Art Center $994.45, Swimming Pool $6,659.06, Golf Course $13,290.10, Arena $3,420.26, Gun Range $3,507.88, Water Fund $11,480.75, Sewer Fund $2,727.03, Liquor Fund $43,035.61, Construction $8,192.70, Total $225,008.56, and for Confirmation of the following: Art Fund $69.94, Swimming Pool $2,256.65, Golf Course' $5,307.16, Arena Fund $3.69, Gun Range $39.23, Water Fund $608.66, Liquor Fund $251,159.24, Construction $23,035.44, Total $340,688.60. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Bredesen for pay- General Fund $57,949.15, Park Fund $259.44, Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. There being no further business appearing, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. -3-7. u City Clerk