HomeMy WebLinkAbout19831114_special131 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 1983 City Council Members present: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Courtney Community.Development and Planning Commission Members present: Johnson, McClelland, McDonald, Palmer, Ring, Runyan, Skagerberg, and Sked. The meeting was held in the City Hall Council Room. ' . .. REVIEW OF REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE CONTINUED. Mr. 'Hughes recalled that 'the Council had begun the'.review of the Revised.Zoning Ordinance at the Special Meeting on October 31 ,:- 1983 , at which, time an ,executive summary was presented' which stated the objectives of the revision and pointed out the major revisions 0% the ordinance. The' Council Membe&- then agreed to meet .-with the Community Development. and Planning Commission in attendanc,e ,for-:.this session .go consider the subject of accessory. , housing. 'uses .in :the :.Ril District as well as .other proposed changes. Mr'. Hughes explained that 'the 'joint meeting. was a work "s'ession' only and .that public.'hearings. would'be caniliicted by tlie Community Development and Planning Commission and.the City Council before formal action is taken. He also indicated that notice of this meeting had been,sent.to. those persons'who had been notified when the Victor.sen request for an assessory apartment. was. heard ,.. to interesfed" persons who had appeared . . ' ' at that meeting, and to neighborhood associations. .. .. . -Mr; Hughes stated that the Accessory Dwelling Unit provisions in the Revised Zoning Ordinance are 'bas.ically 'unchanged from that which was suggested several months ago. in a proposed amendment to the Zoning 0rdinanc.e. The revised ordinance wo-uld allow accessory units in single family homes within certain...areas shown in the Compre- hensive Plan for.10~ density attached residential. Accessory Dwelling Units would be permitted only by. conditional use per&t., . and that. permit would%,,:be considered at a public hearing before the Community Development and P'lanning Commission as well as before the City Council. He then noted the special conditions which would have Discussion followed on The' concept' of accessory, .._ housing in general. and the need for ,this type housing .was Mr. Hughes ..ais0 called attention to the provisions "for conditional use permits for institutions with.in the Single' Dwelling UniC District as listed in Section 8..B of the Revised Zoning Ordinance. could be ,applied to proppsed exp.ansion of church facilities. Also identified was the prQblem of.residential based'ca.re. facil.ities .in the R-1 District. A draft of Section 1. Findings, Purpose and Objg~tfaes of.the Revised Zoning Ordinance was presented as the last section to be prepared;' Section 4.D. Variances and Appeals, Rose-Mary Utne;member of the Board of Appeals, presented concerns that she perceived regarding requ&ts for variances. Mayor Courtney adjourned'the discussion meeting at 9:15 p.m. . to. be met before-a conditional use permit could be 'issued. . . the" special condigSons .. as listed in. Section 8.G.8. of the Revised Zoning Ordinance., .. . .. . also explored. .* .' _. Discussion followed , especially as to how this ..VI In connection with a review of .. ..: . . . _. . .. , *. .. -. .. . I..,.. :._ ., ._ . .. . ...