HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-04 City Council Regular Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, June 4, 2019 7:00 PM I.Call To Order A.Appoint Councilmember Staunton as Acting Mayor II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to sta* for consideration at a future meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments V.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A.Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular Meetings of May 21, 2019 B.Approve Payment of Claims C.Resolution No. 2019-38: Approving Preliminary Plat for 6625 Mohawk Trail D.Ordinance 2019-10: Approve Second Reading of E=cient Building Benchmarking E.Approve Encroachment Agreement with Pentagon Village, LLC F.Approve Tra=c Safety Report of April 30, 2019 G.Approve License Agreement with J & J Properties Minneapolis, LLC at 7711 Computer Avenue H.Request for Purchase: Professional Services for De-Watering on Computer Avenue I.Request for Purchase: 2019 Seal Coating J.Request for Purchase: Rescue Extrication Tools K.Request for Purchase: Fire Station Electronic Premises Security & Surveillance L.Request for Purchase: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement M.Approve Planning Commission Bylaw Amendments N.Request for Purchase: One Unmarked Police Vehicle O.Request For Purchase: Two 2019 Ford F150 Pick-Up Trucks P.Resolution No. 2019-45: Approving MN Department of Employment and Economic Development Grant Agreement and Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement with France Equities, LLC VI.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Commissioner Jan Callison Update B.Arden Park Construction Update C.2019 Quality of Life Survey Results VII.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City sta* members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the e=cient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A.PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2019-43 Approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Edina Market Street VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Ordinance 2019-06: Approve Second Reading of Residential Rental Housing Licensing Program B.West 58th Street Reconstruction Public Engagement Report C.West 72nd Street Public Engagement Report D.Sketch Plan Review for 6950 France Avenue E.Sketch Plan Review for 4388 France Avenue F.Resolution No. 2019-44: Accepting Grants and Donations IX.Correspondence And Petitions A.Correspondence B.Receive Petition Requesting Permanent Infrastructure to Reduce Water Levels in Indianhead Lake C.Minutes 1.Minutes: Transportation Commission, April 18, 2019 2.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission April 11, 2019 X.Aviation Noise Update XI.Mayor And Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments XIII.City Council Upcoming Meetings and Events XIV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliIcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: I.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Appoint Councilmember Staunton as Acting Mayor Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to appoint Councilmember Staunton to preside as Acting Mayor for this meeting, June 4, 2019. INTRODUCTION: Mayor Hovland and Acting Mayor Brindle are absent from the June 4 council meeting. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Manager Neal will respond community comments from the previous week's meeting. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular Meetings of May 21, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Minutes: Work Session, May 21, 2019 Draft Minutes: Regular City Council, May 21, 2019 MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 5:30 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, and Mayor Hovland. Staff in attendance: MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator; Scott Neal, City Manager; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; Jane Timm, Deputy City Clerk; Ryan Browning, I.T. Manager; Casey Casella, City Management Fellow; Jennifer Bennerotte, Director of Communications and Technology; and Don Uram, Finance Director. CITY COUNCIL RETREAT FOLLOW UP Assistant City Manager, Lisa Schaefer reviewed the upcoming work session schedule regarding the budget. MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator, explained the “Council Connection” web page on Better Together” and asked Council if they were ready to move forward. Questions from the Council were: how to post items, how long the posts would be available, and ideas about the content. Ms. Lamon explained Executive Assistant, Jennifer Garske would receive the information from Council members and post the content on the web page. Ms. Lamon explained this would not be an interactive site, but could contain links. Council’s consensus was to start Council Connection, Monday, May 27, 2019. The next discussion topic was Virtual Town Hall meetings. Ms. Lamon explained how virtual meetings might work. Council consensus was to continue two annual Town Hall meetings and to do one Virtual Town Hall meeting in late October 2019. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION Community Health Commissioners attending: Chair, Amanda Herr; Vice Chair, Julia Selleys; Dena Soukup, Christy Zilka, Alison Pence and Steve Sarles. Staff Liaison attending: Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator. Chair Herr opened with Work Plan Initiative #1 by giving results of the Multi-Unit Housing Resident Survey. Council members asked questions about health concerns for residents, and cities vs. self-policing buildings. Initiative #2 regarding City actions to reduce access and usage of vaping was discussed. Commissioners would like to work with the schools and work to reduce access to vape juice and e-cigarettes. An update was given on Initiative #3. There is an application process and a commitment letter from City Council will be needed later in the year. Commissioners asked if Public Health questions could be added to the next Quality of Life survey and informed the Council that School District #273 now had a Licensed Therapist in each school. The Council thanked the Commissioners for their hard work. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________________ Jane Timm, Deputy City Clerk Minutes approved by the Edina City Council, June 4, 2019. ___________________________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 21, 2019 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, and Mayor Hovland. Absent: None. III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT Bill Hay, 5275 Grandview Square, thanked the Council for its work and commented about the benefits of density in his neighborhood that included walkability to locations such as the library, medical offices, and UPS, then shared comments about the benefits of the new Avidor project. IV.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to past Community Comments. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the consent agenda as revised to remove V.C. and V.I.: V.A. Approve minutes of the May 7, 2019, Work Session and Regular Meetings V.B. Approve payment claims for May 9, 2019, totaling $1,354,903.43, electronic payment register for May 9-May 16, 2019, totaling $188,996.49, and credit card transactions for February 26-March 25, 2019, totaling $48,337.82 V.C. Request for Purchase: Vegetated Stormwater Best Management Practices Program Services V.D. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-39 Awarding the Sale of $10,815,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 2019A V.E. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, CloverRide Circulator Bus Service, DARTS, $25,000.00 V.F. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Design Services for Retaining Wall Replacement, Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., $22,100.00 V.G. Approve Assent to Proceeding Subsequent for Boundaries and Legal Descriptions at 5509 and 5513 Park Place V.H. Approve Agreement for Implementation of the Adopt-A-Drain Program V.I. Resolution 2019-41; Supporting Segment A of the Canadian Pacific Rail Regional Trail Master Plan V.J. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Hydraulic Hammer, Road Machinery Supplies, $40,000.00 V.K. Approve Permanent Easement with LB 49th ½ Street, LLC Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 2 V.L. Approve Special Permit to Use City Property for Alcohol Service at the Edina Art Fair V.M. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-40; Approving Minnesota Department of Health Grant Project Agreement V.N. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Fiber Expansion to Arden Park, Helix Solutions, $27,777.24 + $6,172.61 in Materials V.O. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Liquor Store Cooler Shelving Replacement, AA Equipment, $27,664.00 V.P. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Liquor Store Display Fixtures and In-Store Shelving, AA Equipment, $102,791.00 V.Q. Approve Amended Memorandum of Lease and Solar Easement Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA V.C. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE: VEGETATED STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROGRAM SERVICES – APPROVED The Council spoke about its questions from the last Council meeting, thanked staff member Jessica Wilson for her help to learn more about best management practices for rain gardens on public land, and asked if there were enough funds for the Lake Harvey project. The Council noted staff assured consultants could develop the practices and purchase and install plant materials, asked questions regarding back-up plans for the future should this not go well, then noted funds could be shifted if needed but the work was necessary. The Council commented on the need for maintenance in this area, need for the rain garden, and suggested informational signs be installed to outline how rain gardens work. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, approving request for purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Vegetated Stormwater Best Management Practices Program Services, Minnesota Native Landscapes, not to exceed $17,000.00 annually. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V.I. RESOLUTION 2019-41; SUPPORTING SEGMENT A OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN – ADOPTED The Council clarified the action would approve Edina’s portion only and not a specific alignment in the City. The Council agreed there was still a need to plan for the Cahill area and confirmed the Park and Recreation Commission had reviewed this item and was in general support of the trail. Member Fischer introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-41 Supporting Segment A of the Canadian Pacific Rail Regional Trail Master Plan. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council commented about Resolution 2019-39 adopted earlier for sale of General Obligation Bonds and how the City’s AAA bond rating helped secure the bond sale for street and other projects at a rate of only 1.95%. Mr. Neal noted the project cost was $12.7 million but because the rate was so low, the City only had to borrow $10,815,000. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VI.A. I-494 PROJECT UPDATE: AIRPORT TO HIGHWAY 169 – RECEIVED Andrew Lataya, Minnesota Department of Transportation, shared an update on the I-494 project Airport to Highway 169. He reviewed member city goals, the project overview, purpose and need and results of public engagement. Mr. Lataya referred to the fatal flaw screening that included mainline alternatives, I- 35W/I-404 interchange, and access reconfiguration then commented on the need for additional capacity, preservation corridor assets, and other goals. He reviewed the project purpose of improving safety, mobility, travel time, and to reduce crashes, noting the project timeline that would begin construction in Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 3 2022/2023. Mr. Lataya said 7,000 members of the public commented on the project then outlined alternatives reviewed with the possible solution of eliminating ramps on the north side of 82nd Street, with full access ramps at Portland and eliminating Nicollet and 12th Avenue. The Council thanked Mr. Lataya for the great suggestions and spoke about how this would stop cut- through traffic then asked if autonomous vehicles technology was considered for the future. The Council also asked about the full turbine interchange as the best solution and best lane flexibility then noted the fixed guideway bus system was not really an option. Mr. Lataya said MnDOT intended to include future technology in all plans and shared this with the 494 Corridor Commission. The Council noted this was a top legislative priority, the flyover would bypass Richfield completely, MnPASS was the best option, and the Council favored the full turbine interchange. VI.B. 2019 NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK – PROCLAIMED Mayor Hovland read in full a proclamation for National Public Works Week 2019 that recognized Public Works staff for their hard work. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the proclamation for National Public Works Week 2019. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Public Works Director Olson accepted the Proclamation and shared comments about importance of infrastructure, growth, mobility, security, and healthy communities. He also commented on potential flooding in some areas of the City and where residents could access sand bags, if necessary, from Public Works then added staff was well prepared should any flooding occur. The Council indicated it was pleased with the work and agreed Public Works provided a great quality of life. A round of applause was offered by the audience. VI.C. PRESERVATION MONTH MAY 2019 AND 2019 EDINA HERITAGE AWARD – PROCLAIMED Mayor Hovland read in full a proclamation for Preservation Month and Edina Heritage Award 2019 that recognized Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the proclamation for Preservation Month and Edina Heritage Award 2019. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Assistant City Planner Bodecker said they were awarding the 44th and France Small Area Plan the 2019 Edina Heritage Award. She reviewed determined eligible properties of Old Fellows Hall, commercial building and conventional, then identified member volunteers and spoke about how this area had the earliest commercial hubs. Small Area Planning Team Work Group Member Sheila Berube and Jimmy Bennett accepted the award then shared comments about how 44th and France was a special place with neighborhood nodes and the area was saved from developers who would piecemeal and control the change instead. They stated the Plan preserved what people liked and enhanced other aspects such as the creation of community gathering space. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD – Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VII.A. PRELIMINARY REZONING FROM PID, PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AT 7075-79 AMUNDSON AVENUE FOR MWF PROPERTIES – ORDINANCE NO. 2019-11 – GRANTED FIRST READING; RESOLUTION NO. 2019-37 – ADOPTED Community Development Director Teague shared the proposed plan for a 52-unit, 4-story building that was one-acre in size and a former dry cleaner. He said sketch plan review was done and a number of changes occurred that included dedication of 17-foot trail easement, improved architecture, expansion of outdoor activity area, increased green space, provision of a direct connection to the regional trail, front Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 4 patios/decks, reduced parking, and increased green space on east side. He shared renderings and landscaping plans that were in excess of City requirements, noting the applicant requested flexibility for height. Peter Worthington, MWF Properties, shared background on the project and differences from sketch plan that included reduced parking north of the bump out, shift of building to the east for more green space, integrated lawn with trail and more landscaping, stepped planters over the walls, activated building side with patios, trail connection landscaped, onsite management, community room, fitness center, green features such as LED lighting, and low flow fixtures. He shared the proposed floor plans that totaled 52 units and 4 stories and shared rents and income limits which would be 60% AMI for 40 years and include a wide mix of residents. Mr. Worthington stated if approved construction would begin April 2020 with lease-up June 2021. The Council confirmed the building was no smoking then commented about roof shape and drainage and thanked the applicant for responding to its comments. The Council asked about the need for street parking, why parking on the east side was not on pervious surfaces, the possibility of including historical elements that reflected the intention of the Small Area Plan nearby, then inquired about possible age restrictions. Mr. Worthington confirmed the suggested elements would be met but energy star building elements were not allowed by the financing. He stated the project would not depend on street parking to meet parking requirements based on his experience with other projects and due to contaminated soils, the surfaces cannot infiltrate so the project addressed PCE in other ways. Ed Tarhar, Wenck, confirmed the parking was adequate based on reviewed data for apartments and the number of units in the project. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:28 p.m. Public Testimony Lonnie Skrentner, 7510 Cahill Road #208B, addressed the Council. Floyd Grabiel, 7510 Cahill Road, addressed the Council. Hope Melton, 4825 Valley View Road, addressed the Council. Jimmy Bennett, 5332 Interlachen Boulevard and Planning Commissioner, addressed the Council. Ann Swenson, 6021 Concord Avenue and Edina Housing Foundation, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council asked questions raised during public testimony about when the property could be acquired to provide a 17-foot easement and trail connection. Mr. Teague said once the Metropolitan Council approved the Comprehensive Plan and Small Area Plan, the City had nine months to reconcile the zoning conflict which would be sometime in early 2020. He noted the ordinance would change for second reading as the City cannot rezone until the Metropolitan Council approved the change, so any action was contingent upon their approval. The Council spoke about the two trail configurations and the desire for the area to be as robust as possible and a gateway then asked about building staffing. The Council suggested more village architecture that included warmer tones and noted this was a success story because of the many elements that the Small Area Plan aspects, grass space, trail, affordable project, parking, and amenities. Mr. Worthington said he would share the proposed color board at the next meeting. Member Staunton made a motion, Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 5 seconded by Member Brindle, to grant First Reading to Ordinance 2019-11, Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Establish the PUD-18, Planned Unit Development-18 Zoning District, and adopt Resolution No. 2019-37 approving Preliminary Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD-18, Planned Unit Development – 18, including Preliminary Development Plan for MWF Properties at 7057-79 Amundson Avenue, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Final Development Plan must be generally consistent with approved Preliminary Development Plans dated April 5, 2019. 2. Sustainable design. The design and construction of the entire project must be done with the Sustainable Initiatives as outlined in the applicant’s narrative within the Planning Commission staff report. 3. All buildings must be built with sprinkler systems, subject to review and approval of the fire marshal. 4. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated April 30, 2019. 5. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. Final Rezoning is subject to approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment establishing the PUD-18, Planned Unit Development-18 District on this site. 8. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit prior to issuance of a building permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 9. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 10. Compliance with the Wenck Traffic Study recommendations. 11. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one- and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of the first building permit. 12. The applicant shall re-look at color pallet and building materials. 13. The expansion of the trail easement area be addressed as part the rezoning of the property to the south, following Met Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan and grant First Reading to Ordinance 2019-11, amending the Zoning Ordinance to establish the PUD-18, Planned Unit Development-18 Zoning District. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-38, SUBDIVISION WITH FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCES FOR 6625 MOHAWK TRAIL – ADOPTED AS AMENDED Mr. Teague said the applicants were proposing to subdivide the 5-acre property at 6625 Mohawk Trail into three lots. The existing home on the lot would remain and continue to gain access off Mohawk Trail. Two new lots would be created on the east half of the property and gain access off Dakota Trail. He said to accommodate the request, a subdivision and front yard setback variances from 73.5 feet to 30 feet for each lot were required. Within this neighborhood, the minimum lot size is established by the median width, depth, and area of all lots within 500 feet of the property. He stated the minimum lot sizes were met for this proposed subdivision then shared history of subdivisions in this area and stated the primary issue was practical difficulty, steep slopes, and varied setbacks. He spoke about the tree and slope preservation easement and said recommend approval subject to conditions. The Council asked if lots created would make more than 25% disturbance of steep slopes and with this layout, was there any basis to deny the subdivision. The Council asked about delaying the vote for variances until the actual plan was received and inquired about the retaining wall along Dakota Trail and how to preserve the wall and still have a cut for two driveways. Mr. Teague said review would be included Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 6 in the final plat but was also part of a building permit application for grading plans to ensure no negative impact on drainage. The Council asked questions about storm water management and the importance of the Watershed to capture water on the property along with slope impacts. They spoke about building pad configuration and variances and asked about the difference in percentage of steep slopes disturbed and number of trees not replaced depending on the variance. Mr. Teague said the applicant would be required to meet the tree ordinance and any Watershed requirements and that the difference in steep slope disturbance may be slightly less. The Council referred to the Planning Commission’s conditions on tree and slope preservation easement and impacts. Mr. Teague said a no disturbance area document would be filed against the property and require Council approval for any amendment to the easement. He outlined options for the 60-day review and said should the Council wish to defer variance consideration to a later date that included the applicant withdrawing their request to allow for future consideration. Michelle McQuarie, applicant, said they had lived in Edina for 45 years and had many approach them about developing this property into five lots but wanted to be responsible, respectful, and reasonable and selected to subdivide into only three lots to retain the character of the neighborhood. Paul Moe, Faegre Bakers and Daniels, attorney for the applicants, recommended the project and said neighbors who were concerned about maintaining wooded lots would still have large lots but property owners had an expectation to develop their land within City guidelines. He said the proposed setback came from the City, preserved more of the trees, resulted in less disruption, and noted there would be many more steps to this process that included a building permit. He indicated the applicants were comfortable with the proposed conditions. Jim Seabold, Coldwell Banker Burnett/Bold Marketing, said these are the largest land parcels in Indian Hills and, preservation agreement would protect more than 60% of the trees, and was the least invasive development with just two 1-acre lots that would sell for approximately $500,000 each. The Council asked questions regarding comparing a code compliant plan and variance plan and differences in disturbances in steep slope and tree removal. Mr. Seabold said the compliant plan was 25% disturbed while the most recent was under 24% disturbed. He explained how the number of trees removed was close to same number and noted the retaining wall only went to one section. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 9:26 p.m. Public Testimony Michael Carey, 6625 Dakota Trail, and Kathy Nelson, 6621 Dakota Trail, addressed the Council. Greg Sole, attorney 220 South 6th Street, Jay and Betsy Cutcliffe, 6617 Mohawk Trail, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council responded to questions raised during public testimony regarding addressing tree and slope preservation prior to final plat and asked about flexibility to approve or deny the request. Mr. Knutson advised that during preliminary plat it was typical to request more detail prior to final plat and if the application met the ordinance requirements, the Council was required to approve the project which it did without the variance request. Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 7 The Council asked about the 77% area of deep woods, analysis of trees, the need for more review of character and symmetry of the neighborhood and potential water issues. Mr. Teague said a tree survey was conducted on the site that showed a wide variety of trees with a majority 45 feet from Dakota Trail with some at 35 feet. He noted essential neighborhood character was more in regard to the front yard setback and while not the closest, this site would be closer along Dakota Trail. He said grading and water drainage plans would be reviewed at final plat as well as at building permit review and the Comprehensive Plan set the general guidance for the zoning ordinance, which was LDR and compliant for the site. The Council asked about past history where a plat was denied based on items other than lot size or steep slope and suggested a two-lot plat instead of three to disturb as little of the slope as possible. Mr. Teague said only one plat was denied for a property to the south with more than 18% grade was disturbed. Mr. Knutson confirmed the basis for the zoning ordinance and subdivision code and said the setback would be 73.5 for each lot then noted if the applicants met the requirements, the City could not require them to change their application. The Council asked about consequences of one-degree difference on slope impact with and without variances and confirmed that during construction, trees removed outside the pad and buffer would be replaced. Mr. Teague explained the difference was not significant and the biggest impact was Lot 3 in some open areas as the percentage difference was less there. The Council indicated it did not want to change the character of Indian Hills but recognized property owners’ rights and that the applicant met the ordinance. The Council noted trees were lost for every building pad along this street and the difference was this property owner waited to develop instead of subdividing when the rest of the neighborhood did, and the property owner had a right to do so within the code requirements. The Council indicated the applicant had ensured they would maintain the forest- element as best as possible but the request for a variance was not necessary at this time as setbacks could be managed. The Council asked the applicants to consider building pads in another location, if possible, as with deeper lots water could be managed better. Ms. McQuarie stated she would withdraw her request for the variance at this time. The Council suggested not more than 25% steep slope disturbed no matter what final plat was presented. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-38 approving a preliminary plat as revised without front yard setback variances at 6625 Mohawk Trail subject to adoption of revised resolution at the June 4, 2019, Council meeting. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-06; RESIDENTIAL RENTAL HOUSING LICENSING PROGRAM – ADOPTED Community Health Administrator Brown reviewed the work plan item from 2018-2019 to create a residential rental licensing and inspection program. He outlined the purpose was to protect the health, safety and welfare of tenants and shift response from reactive to proactive enforcement and create crime- free rental housing provisions. He reviewed the program cost, revenue source, and annual cost of $310,000 then reviewed neighboring cities who had such an ordinance and outlined who would be licensed that included all single-family homes, apartments, and condos but not short-term rentals as they were not allowed by the zoning code. Mr. Brown outlined a proposed inspection schedule and said if approved, the program would begin in November. The Council asked if the number of housing complaints per year were primarily rental housing. Mr. Brown said their current system did not differentiate between owner-occupied and rental but estimated that 20% of complaints occurred in rental property. Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 8 The Council asked questions about start-up expenses and the difficultly to gauge if the program was truly needed as single-family homes would be difficult to identify in the beginning. The Council noted this added a layer of cost that made housing less affordable and rental housing concerns would be shared by neighbors instead. Mr. Brown spoke on how this program would help welcome new rental residents and provide a connection for information and where to go with concerns. Mr. Neal shared how Eden Prairie’s program began in 2006 after significant large-scale apartment fires and housing stock deterioration and explained how Edina would benefit from this program as it was not a new type of program, noting that outside of Minnetonka, all neighboring cities had a similar program. The Council inquired about the 1,600 new apartment units and corresponding data on the increase in the number of complaints. Mr. Brown said while they had no solid data, the more residents the City had the more maintenance issues would result and that such a program would help administer enforcement of the same code and process but provide a wider net and tool to do so. The Council expressed concerns about affordable housing enforcement and if a partial effort would be possible instead. Affordable Housing Manager Hawkinson said the current vacancy rate for affordable units was zero percent and explained how many renters would not submit housing complaints for fear of losing their homes. She stated there was no mechanism without a licensing process and a partial program would not be effective. The Council spoke about private buildings being safer already because of inspections and shared concerns about entering people’s homes. Fire Chief Schmitz said Eden Prairie had a similar program when he worked there and recommended this program as it provided many benefits that included ongoing inspections, which were different than a certificate of occupancy inspection because once built, inspections did not occur, the fire department could only enter when asked, and potential fire violations affected many people in a building such as an apartment. He explained situations such as fire load, hoarders, smoking, and grills on decks and suggested starting with multi-family residential then work towards single family to ensure proper exiting, smoke alarms, etc. The Council spoke about keeping people safe where they live and how Edina was an aging community with more rentals than ever and discussed the possibility of a point of sale program in the future. Mr. Neal referred to program benefits that would be between active and passive enforcement and how this would address people who may be concerned about landlords. Mr. Brown confirmed inspections would be scheduled with property owners and managed in other ways, if needed. Member Staunton made a motion to grant First Reading to Ordinance 2019-06, amending Chapter 10 of the Edina City Code Concerning Rental Licensing. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-10; EFFICIENCT BUILDING BENCHMARKING – ADOPTED Carolyn Jackson, Energy Environment Commission, spoke about the City’s goal of 30% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2025 and 80% by 2050 and how adoption of this ordinance would place the City in a leadership role as the second city in Minnesota to provide benchmark goals. She outlined why this ordinance was important to Edina to reduce greenhouse gases through energy, travel and waste, how education and outreach would be conducted, and how the ordinance would embolden managers to make the required investments to help save money as cities had seen 1-2% annual reduction in energy use with benchmarking, Sustainability Manager Brown spoke about how this ordinance would support building stock in Edina, how 29 other cities implemented benchmarking across the country, how staff met with BOMA, and policies implemented across Minnesota cities. Staff suggested starting with buildings over 25,000 square feet for the most impact at this time. Ms. Brown presented the policy summary that included benchmarking, Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 9 transparency, and energy-savings assessments. She stated building owners would not be asked to provide energy bills for review but would be automatically downloaded and aggregated to make it easier for the utility companies. The Council thanked the group for its great work and thanked Michelle Swanson from Xcel Energy for its commitment of clean energy by 2050. The Council spoke about concerns raised by businesses and how difficult it would be to do a similar program with the water utility. Ms. Jackson noted manufacturers or production-type businesses would not be included at this time and their hope to include water utility data as well in the future. Member Staunton made a motion to grant First Reading to Ordinance 2019-10, Amending Chapter 20 of the Edina City Code Concerning Large Building Benchmarking. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.C. RESOLUTION 2019-42 – ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS – ADOPTED Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Fischer introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-42 accepting various grants and donations. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX.A. BIRCHCREST STREET RECONSTRUCTION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEALS DISMISSED – Received IX.B. CORRESPONDENCE - Received Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council’s receipt of various correspondence. IX.C. MINUTES – Received 1. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, APRIL 9, 2019 Informational; no action required. X. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XII. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XII.A. RACIAL EQUITY WORK PLAN – Received XII.B. EDINA REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MSP NOC AT-LARGE COMMUNITY GROUP – Appointed Member Anderson made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to appoint Member Brindle to the MSP NOC At-Large Community Group. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. XII.C. PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY – Received XIII. CITY COUNCIL UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS – Received XIIV. ADJOURNMENT Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2019 Page 10 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, June 4, 2019. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the May 21, 2019, meeting available. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve Payment of Claims Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment: Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 05.23.19-05.30.19 TOTAL $2,828,974.87 Electronic Payment Register Dated 05.23.19-05.30.19 TOTAL $187,912.04 INTRODUCTION: Claim information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 05.23.19-05.30.19 TOTAL $2,828,974.87 Electronic Payment Register Dated 05.23.19-05.30.19 TOTAL $187,912.04 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:28R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 5/30/20195/23/2019 - Company Amount 281,540.4901000GENERAL FUND 4,659.2002300POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 11,585.6002500PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 217,492.2204000WORKING CAPITAL FUND 201,684.2304100PIR CONSTRUCTION FUND 6,452.5304200EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 3,596.5105100ART CENTER FUND 525.4105200GOLF DOME FUND 9,499.8905300AQUATIC CENTER FUND 82,565.9105400GOLF COURSE FUND 3,635.0005500ICE ARENA FUND 3,794.4005550SPORTS DOME FUND 13,386.8705700EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 18,244.4205750CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 287,732.9805800LIQUOR FUND 725,542.2005900UTILITY FUND 252,970.8005930STORM SEWER FUND 40,461.4805950RECYCLING FUND 368,880.5006000RISK MGMT ISF 3,267.2607400PSTF AGENCY FUND 196,635.1007500MN TASK FORCE 1 FUND 64,895.9509210HRA ADMINISTRATION 9,594.5009232CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 8,538.560924350TH AND FRANCE 2 TIF DISTRICT 11,792.8609900PAYROLL FUND Report Totals 2,828,974.87 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435374 5/23/2019 143069 PROPERTY BUYERS R US LLC 106.63 UTILITY REFUND 491396 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 106.63 435375 5/23/2019 140086 ABLE SEEDHOUSE AND BREWERY 171.00 491535 9684 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 171.00 491537 E-9686 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 342.00 435376 5/23/2019 129458 ACME TOOLS 191.95 PLANER KNIVES/JIG SAW BLADES 490900 6602312 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 70.00 LADDER NS 491205 6614229 1321.6556 TOOLS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 787.30 491216 6617517 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 149.90 491215 6618486 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,199.15 435377 5/23/2019 135346 ADVANCED FILING CONCEPTS 114.48 UNIBIND 490611 130263 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 114.48 435378 5/23/2019 144981 AERO DRAPERY & BLIND 1,756.00 CITY HALL BLIND REPAIR 488165 49039 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL Supplier 117408 RJ MARCO CONSTRUCTION INC. 1,756.00 435379 5/23/2019 130792 AIRGAS NATIONAL CARBONATION 518.77 CO2 491505 9088899087 5330.6545 CHEMICALS FLOWRIDER 518.77 435380 5/23/2019 138492 ALL STATE COMMUNICATIONS 370.00 REMOVE PULL STATIONS 490612 291098 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 370.00 435381 5/23/2019 141768 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. 112.06 490931 11172304 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 112.06 435382 5/23/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 42.95 CLOCK 491499 16N7-9KQV-D7VR 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 24.57 LAMINATED TAPE 491504 1CYW-FRCK-VWNN 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 9.95 EQUIPMENT LABELS 491515 1CYW-FRCK-Y7XK 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435382 5/23/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Continued... 8.50 KEY HOLDER 491502 1GMP-G993-46Y4 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 13.99 SPRAY BOTTLES 491501 1JFJ-JFKV-1MC9 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 76.16 EXTENSION CORD 490613 1LHW-LPFF-CRKP 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,209.65 SLING STUDIO 490933 1LHW-LPFF-LNDN 421130.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 115.83 PPE 2019 WEBBING FOR FF 491516 1NK4-DC34-34HC 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 49.31 GEL COATING 491525 1QXD-TMTV-61RP 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 49.95 KICKBALLS 490901 1XF6-XW6X-1FJ6 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 558.88 SLING STUDIO SUPPLIES 490932 1YHK-1XYR-6HGP 421130.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 20.39 BATTERIES 490902 1YT9-7KQ1-37MJ 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 19.99 491231 1YVW-979N-14D7 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 2,200.12 435383 5/23/2019 101115 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC. 152.69 491337 1004467742 5861.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS VERNON OCCUPANCY 171.80 LAUNDRY 490614 1004469839 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 242.27 491348 1004474183 1551.6201 LAUNDRY CITY HALL GENERAL 215.97 LAUNDRY 491471 1004476286 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 782.73 435384 5/23/2019 144901 AMY & THEODORE STARK 4,312.30 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491309 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 4,312.30 435385 5/23/2019 144976 ANN MAKRES 5.00 REFUND FASHION SHOW CANCELED 491448 05172019 1628.4392.09 SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR CITIZENS 5.00 435386 5/23/2019 144967 ANN STEFANSON 231.13 UTILITY REFUND 491400 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 231.13 435387 5/23/2019 144922 ANN WIESSNER 150.00 UTILITY REFUND 491144 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 150.00 435388 5/23/2019 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 333.00 490697 3343566 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,890.30 490699 3343568 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,225.40 491081 3345196 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,878.70 491404 3345197/99 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435388 5/23/2019 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Continued... 12.00-491532 457440 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,315.40 435389 5/23/2019 106304 ASPEN MILLS 159.90 SWAT SHIRTS 490903 235531 1401.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM 199.00 VEST CARRIER 490904 235732 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 141.80 UNIFORMS - WAKEFIELD 490934 236586 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 500.70 435390 5/23/2019 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 15.16 FILTER 491171 038089964 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 30.12 BRAKE CLEANER FOR CLEANING PUM 491226 038090102 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 6.85 FILTERS 491178 038090151 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1.82 WHEEL STUD 491179 038090200 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 53.95 435391 5/23/2019 144832 BAKER TILLY VIRCHOW KRAUSE, LLP 16,750.00 P&R DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT 490616 BT1405591 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 16,750.00 435392 5/23/2019 103718 BAULER, SCOTT 127.31 UNIFORM RAINGEAR, GLOVES 491473 052019SB 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 127.31 435393 5/23/2019 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 312.00 PIZZA 490905 4818893 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 234.00 CONCESSIONS FOOD 491461 4820072 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 546.00 435394 5/23/2019 125139 BERNICK'S 838.20 491086 502451 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 40.00 491411 502452 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 858.20 491410 502453 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20.00 491542 502454 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,177.10 491543 502455 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 40.00 491545 504292 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,162.92 491544 504293 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,136.42 435395 5/23/2019 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435395 5/23/2019 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Continued... 245.60 CONCESSIONS FOOD 491460 659430 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 245.60 435396 5/23/2019 101296 BERTRAND, MIKE 9.66 CORDS 491327 511 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 9.66 435397 5/23/2019 144966 BEV KUENZLI 42.96 UTILITY REFUND 491399 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 42.96 435398 5/23/2019 141961 BHE COMMUNITY SOLAR LLC 5,377.97 490935 9505865 5720.6185 LIGHT & POWER EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 5,377.97 435399 5/23/2019 144934 BISHOY GAD 34.88 UTILITY REFUND 491153 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 34.88 435400 5/23/2019 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC. 24,657.25 PAY #1 490618 ENG 19-3 INDIAN TRAILS 01452.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Indian Trails B/C 2,470.00 PAY #1 490618 ENG 19-3 INDIAN TRAILS 03514.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Indian Trails B/C 255,591.70 PAY #1 490618 ENG 19-3 INDIAN TRAILS 05582.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Indian Trails B/C 197,206.70 PAY #1 490618 ENG 19-3 INDIAN TRAILS 04440.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Indian Trails B/C 479,925.65 435401 5/23/2019 115305 BLENKER, DEAN 19.00 LICENSE UPGRADE 491261 051019DB 1280.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 19.00 435402 5/23/2019 141351 BODEKER, EMILY 62.06 MILEAGE 3-7-19 TO 5-9-19 490619 051419 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 62.06 435403 5/23/2019 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 1,213.23 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 490906 83207457 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435403 5/23/2019 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Continued... 463.53 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 490907 83207458 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,676.76 435404 5/23/2019 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 12.25 490704 160664 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 768.00 490704 160664 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.75 490706 160784 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 64.00 490706 160784 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12.25 491087 160785 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 704.00 491087 160785 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.50 491539 160786 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 170.50 491539 160786 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.00 491538 160966 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 812.48 491538 160966 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.00 491536 160968 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 584.00 491536 160968 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,153.73 435405 5/23/2019 117040 BOYER TRUCKS 74.45 TUBE 491167 858009 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 74.45 435406 5/23/2019 144935 BRADLEY LIFFORD 363.43 UTILITY REFUND 491154 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 363.43 435407 5/23/2019 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 40.25 491559 1080970751 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,590.64 491559 1080970751 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.20 491560 1080970752 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 945.00 491560 1080970752 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 70.34 491558 1080970753 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5,740.20 491558 1080970753 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24.53 491088 108097083 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,177.65 491088 108097083 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8.81 491533 1080970834 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 818.57 491533 1080970834 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.30 491089 1080970835 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 74.50 491089 1080970835 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 19.84 491412 1080970838 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435407 5/23/2019 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Continued... 2,046.35 491412 1080970838 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28.75 491092 1080970839 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,784.65 491092 1080970839 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.15 491091 1080970840 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 37.50 491091 1080970840 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.30 491090 1080970841 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 6.90 491090 1080970841 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 48.60 491090 1080970841 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 896.40 491090 1080970841 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .19 491567 1080973953 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 47.54 491567 1080973953 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 21.85 491569 1080974004 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,283.99 491569 1080974004 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.75 491566 1080974005 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 396.00 491566 1080974005 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.11 491568 1080974006 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,395.35 491568 1080974006 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 63.16-491093 R08044296 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 32.83-491094 R08044299 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 22,440.22 435408 5/23/2019 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 2,282.95 491565 1091003173 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 79.50 491561 1091003174 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,522.00 490707 1091003175 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,060.05 491095 1091003176 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,788.40 491562 1091006028 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,317.95 491564 1091006029 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 132.50 491563 1091006030 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 16,183.35 435409 5/23/2019 122250 BROWN, JEFF 272.60 MILEAGE 490620 05102019 1490.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PUBLIC HEALTH 272.60 435410 5/23/2019 141596 BUSHLAND, TIFFANY 204.97 TIFF MILES 491530 52119 1600.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 204.97 435411 5/23/2019 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435411 5/23/2019 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF Continued... 144.00 MERCHANDISE 491294 930384549 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 422.10 MERCHANDISE 491295 930384550 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 108.90 MERCHANDISE 491296 930384551 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 108.90 MERCHANDISE 491297 930384553 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 108.90 MERCHANDISE 491298 930384555 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 892.80 435412 5/23/2019 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 14.00 491097 2263431 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,894.85 491096 2263432 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,678.05 490710 2263433 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 255.00-491098 625-0366 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,331.90 435413 5/23/2019 144887 CAROL VIHOVDE 100.00 AMBULANCE REFUND 490489 273AR-18-3339 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 100.00 435414 5/23/2019 144952 CAROLYN BARRET 38.75 UTILITY REFUND 491384 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 38.75 435415 5/23/2019 144956 CAROLYN CLARKE 193.47 UTILITY REFUND 491388 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 193.47 435416 5/23/2019 129923 CAWLEY COMPANY, THE 15.05 NAME BADGE - ZELEYKA 490623 V626754 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 15.05 NAME BADGE - RUST 490623 V626754 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 30.08 PARK MAINTENANCE NAME BADGES 490623 V626754 1640.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 30.09 NAME BADGES 490623 V626754 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 90.27 435417 5/23/2019 123898 CENTURYLINK 709.21 490938 0148-4/19 7410.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF ADMINISTRATION 102.08 490936 1019-4/19 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 69.21 491249 1161-5/19 5720.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 63.06 490939 1410-4/19 1622.6188 TELEPHONE SKATING & HOCKEY 168.13 491250 2951-5/19 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 225.77 491248 6661-5/19 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435417 5/23/2019 123898 CENTURYLINK Continued... 121.05 490937 7398-4/19 7410.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF ADMINISTRATION 1,458.51 435418 5/23/2019 127227 CFA SOFTWARE INC. 2,995.00 SOFTWARE CONTRACT 491481 14106 1553.6160 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,995.00 435419 5/23/2019 144957 CHASE PETERSON 60.00 UTILITY REFUND 491389 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 60.00 435420 5/23/2019 100683 CHEMSEARCH 655.58 WATER TREATMENT SERVICE 491468 3534286 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 655.58 435421 5/23/2019 144954 CHERYL WOOD 26.45 UTILITY REFUND 491386 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 26.45 435422 5/23/2019 144951 CHRISTOPHER UGARTE 65.24 UTILITY REFUND 491383 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 65.24 435423 5/23/2019 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 44.21 MATS 491332 4020370366 5210.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 40.00 RUG LAUNDERING 490624 4021770207 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 11.69 TOWELS WITH CINTAS 491333 4021770215 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 41.06 LAUNDRY 491203 4021845391 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 34.04 UNIFORM RENTAL 491207 4021845500 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 23.41 UNIFORM RENTAL 491204 4021845503 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50.53 UNIFORM RENTAL 491202 4021845512 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 54.15 UNIFORM RENTAL 491208 4021845577 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 299.09 435424 5/23/2019 118580 CITY OF EDINA 100.00 TELEPHONES 490625 COM-1890 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 100.00 435425 5/23/2019 118580 CITY OF EDINA 135.00 CITY OF EDINA FLAG 490940 COM-1885 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435425 5/23/2019 118580 CITY OF EDINA Continued... 135.00 435426 5/23/2019 101994 CMC RESCUE INC. 172.03 MNTF-1 REIMBURSABLE SUBMITTED 491520 460822 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 172.03 435427 5/23/2019 120433 COMCAST 84.90 RAMP SERVICE 490909 8772 10 614 0540232-5/19 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 84.90 435428 5/23/2019 144027 COMMUNITY GROWTH SOLUTIONS INC. 180.00 OFFICER WELLNESS 491218 19-05 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 180.00 435429 5/23/2019 101329 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INC. 375.49 SLEDGE HAMMER/ BROOMS 491453 0181989-IN 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 375.49 435430 5/23/2019 144928 CORALYN DAHLSTROM 28.08 UTILITY REFUND 491150 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 28.08 435431 5/23/2019 140057 CRAFT HOMES LLC 32.31 UTILITY REFUND 491148 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 32.31 435432 5/23/2019 137891 CREATIVE COLOR GRAPHIC & PRINT STUDIO 6,899.90 BRAEMAR NATIVE SIGNS 490941 15823 5960.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - STORM 6,899.90 435433 5/23/2019 144880 CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY 163.00 CONTRACTED REPAIR 491165 1185 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 163.00 435434 5/23/2019 103799 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 1,210.00 SNOW REMOVAL 491524 177350 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,210.00 435435 5/23/2019 101951 CUSTOM REFRIGERATION INC 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435435 5/23/2019 101951 CUSTOM REFRIGERATION INC Continued... 729.04 REPAIR ICE MACHINE AND FREEZER 491523 0000032527 5761.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 729.04 435436 5/23/2019 144964 CYNTHIA PINKERMAN 62.60 UTILITY REFUND 491397 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 62.60 435437 5/23/2019 100706 D.C. ANNIS SEWER INC. 875.00 DRAIN MAINTENANCE - ST. 1 491495 123285 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 900.00 DRAIN MAINTENANCE - ST. 2 491494 123286 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 495.00 PUMP SUMP - ST. 2 491497 123317 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 635.00 PUMP SUMP - ST. 1 491496 123318 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,905.00 435438 5/23/2019 143018 DAJ ENTERPRISES LLC 1,551.59 FERTILIZER FOR GREENS PROGRAM 491335 5271 5422.6540 FERTILIZER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,551.59 435439 5/23/2019 144923 DANIEL TAGGART 84.60 UTILITY REFUND 491145 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 84.60 435440 5/23/2019 144905 DAVID & SUSAN GRAHAM 24,858.85 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491246 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 24,858.85 435441 5/23/2019 144961 DAVID DRONEN 31.58 UTILITY REFUND 491393 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 31.58 435442 5/23/2019 144972 DAVID FRAUENSHUH 193.66 UTILITY REFUND 491442 05-17-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 193.66 435443 5/23/2019 144921 DAVID HANSSENS 69.74 UTILITY REFUND 491143 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 69.74 435444 5/23/2019 144927 DAVID WENDEL 10.18 UTILITY REFUND 491149 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435444 5/23/2019 144927 DAVID WENDEL Continued... 10.18 435445 5/23/2019 144959 DEAN KOVACK 200.00 UTILITY REFUND 491391 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 200.00 435446 5/23/2019 133298 DELGEHAUSEN, JOSEPH 44.42 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 490910 5-13 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 44.42 435447 5/23/2019 118189 DEM-CON COMPANIES 12,426.78 491239 1717 5935.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STORM STREET CLEANING 12,426.78 435448 5/23/2019 124168 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 2,926.00 ROAD PAINT 491238 802187372 1335.6532 PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS 2,926.00 435449 5/23/2019 121103 DIRECTV 104.73 CABLE TV 491522 36269691326 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 104.73 435450 5/23/2019 142930 DMH COMPANIES 133.49 491346 18753 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 133.49 435451 5/23/2019 100730 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 21,191.50 7200 FRANCE TIF ESCROW 491220 3492427 9210.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS HRA ADMINISTRATION 18,906.00 ERP CONTRACT LEGAL 491222 3497737 4627.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ERP System 40,097.50 435452 5/23/2019 144920 DOUGLAS KINNEBERG 12.05 UTILITY REFUND 491142 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 12.05 435453 5/23/2019 129079 DRAIN KING INC. 3,800.00 CLEANING LS22 490942 WO-6780 5921.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 3,800.00 435454 5/23/2019 102259 EASY PICKER GOLF PRODUCTS 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435454 5/23/2019 102259 EASY PICKER GOLF PRODUCTS Continued... 2,522.54 MASTER PLAN ACCESSORIES 491321 0130510-IN 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 9,963.93 MASTER PLAN ACCESSORIES 491322 0130511-IN 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 4,130.20 MASTER PLAN ACCESSORIES 491323 0130512-IN 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 4,373.05 MASTER PLAN ACCESSORIES 491324 0130525-IN 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 20,989.72 435455 5/23/2019 139928 EDINA FIRE DEPARTMENT 11,808.86 MN-TF1 EFD CONSUMABLES 490627 FY2019CONS 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 11,808.86 435456 5/23/2019 143949 EDINA YOUNG LIFE 14.00 PAMELA W.H. DD REFUND 491447 051719 1000.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 186.00 PAMELA W.H. DD REFUND 491447 051719 1000.2065 DEPOSITS PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 200.00 435457 5/23/2019 103594 EDINALARM INC. 18.00 491344 41527 5821.6250 ALARM SERVICE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 18.00 491342 41559 5861.6250 ALARM SERVICE VERNON OCCUPANCY 18.00 491343 41560 5841.6250 ALARM SERVICE YORK OCCUPANCY 54.00 435458 5/23/2019 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 428.75 TIF REPORTING 491228 80051 9232.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 428.75 435459 5/23/2019 144933 ERIK ERLING 21.50 UTILITY REFUND 491152 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 21.50 435460 5/23/2019 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 80.09 BELTS 491169 158-014004 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 14.78 SWAY BAR LINK KIT 491180 158-014072 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 27.83 BELT 491170 1-5949601 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.20 SWAY BAR BUSHING KIT 491175 1-5951179 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 206.33 PLUGS, BELTS, WIRES 491160 69-349814 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 14.78 SWAY BAR LINK ASY 491166 69-349971 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 109.68 LUBRICANT 491173 69-350395 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 462.69 435461 5/23/2019 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435461 5/23/2019 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY Continued... 21.12 NUTS AND BOLTS FOR INTERCONNEC 491511 MNTC2157748 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 21.12 435462 5/23/2019 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 611.82 3/4" METERS 490629 0321340-1 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 1,314.50 HYDRANT MARKERS 491475 03243460 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 979.16 2" MACH10 METER 490628 0324348 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 828.35 REPAIR PARTS FOR IRRIGATION 70 490630 0324473 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 1,658.86 METER SUPPLIES 491479 0324882 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 3,654.22 4" METER FOR LIFETIME FITNESS 491476 0324886 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 2,791.18 3" METER FOR 3935 MARKET 491478 0325792 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 359.48 METER SUPPLIES 491212 0325798 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 27.31 METER PARTS 491214 0326095 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 12,224.88 435463 5/23/2019 141881 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 64.89 MAY AVESIS INVOICE 491255 2314951 9900.2033.27 VISION INS PAYROLL CLEARING 64.89 435464 5/23/2019 126444 FISH WINDOW CLEANING 980.00 RAMP WINDOW 490911 2315-30981 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 980.00 435465 5/23/2019 101512 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY 524.00 LEAD HOSES FOR JET TRUCKS 491213 23674 5920.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SEWER CLEANING 524.00 435466 5/23/2019 137554 FRED HOLASEK & SON INC. 2,853.95 FLOWERS AND PLANTS 490631 00020751 5761.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 2,853.95 435467 5/23/2019 144955 FREDERICK FUNDER 52.80 UTILITY REFUND 491387 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 52.80 435468 5/23/2019 144930 FRIEND OF ORPHANS 100.00 ROSLAND RENTAL DD REFUND 491182 051619 1000.2065 DEPOSITS PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 100.00 435469 5/23/2019 104716 GALE-TEC ENGINEERING INC. 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435469 5/23/2019 104716 GALE-TEC ENGINEERING INC.Continued... 7,729.50 RETAINING WALL STUDY 491252 2792 01267.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN MSA Maintenance Projects 7,729.50 435470 5/23/2019 102456 GALLS INC. 26.16 CSO BATTERY 491508 BC0838761 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 390.92 UNIFORMS 491506 BC0839369 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 47.98 UNIFORMS 491507 BC0842857 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 465.06 435471 5/23/2019 119567 GARELICK STEEL CO INC 25.00 TUBE 491174 280203 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 25.00 STEEL TUBE 491162 434498 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50.00 435472 5/23/2019 101662 GCSAA 260.00 BOBS GCSAA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 491316 820676 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 260.00 435473 5/23/2019 103185 GERTENS 1,793.71 ANNUAL PLANTINGS 491306 11374/W 5422.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,793.71 435474 5/23/2019 144925 GINA GILBERT 1,005.18 UTILITY REFUND 491158 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 1,005.18 435475 5/23/2019 101103 GRAINGER 52.11 490943 9162258322 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 125.59 FILTERS 490912 9164306079 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 172.72 491345 9168149202 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 8.88 BOLTS 491311 9170626999 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 21.90 MAGNETS FOR FOAMER 491304 9171203400 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 205.90 FILTERS FOR ICE MACHINE 491301 9171831804 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 539.22 GLOVES 490632 9174041856 1643.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES Greenhouse and horticulture 202.61 NITRILE RUBBER GLOVES 491225 9175023093 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 45.00 PAINT, LOCKS 491176 9176507300 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 103.05 PAINT, LOCKS 491176 9176507300 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 45.00 PAINT, LOCKS 491176 9176507300 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 1,521.98 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435476 5/23/2019 129922 GREATER MSP Continued... 10,000.00 GREATER MSP PARTNERSHIP 491452 2192 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 10,000.00 435477 5/23/2019 144938 GRETCHEN CEPEK 68.86 UTILITY REFUND 491157 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 68.86 435478 5/23/2019 122093 HEALTH PARTNERS 31,480.79 JUNE HP INVOICE-NONACTIVES 491241 89674115 6002.6043 COBRA INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 330,330.91 JUNE HP INVOICE-ACTIVES 491240 89702022 6002.6040 HOSPITALIZATION RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 361,811.70 435479 5/23/2019 143585 HENNEPIN HEALTHCARE 3,525.00 EMT AND EMR CLASSES 490913 61216 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,175.00 EMR AND EMT CLASS 491349 61282 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 4,700.00 435480 5/23/2019 131578 HEYMER, KATHRYN 34.60 REIMBURSEMENT FOR PURCHASE 490633 051019 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 34.60 435481 5/23/2019 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,687.50 491101 137081 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,654.50 490717 138720 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25.20 490720 138721 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,386.00 491414 138722 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25.20 491100 138723 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 180.00 491534 139666 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,958.40 435482 5/23/2019 134784 IDEA CREEK LLC, THE 135.00 PLAQUE 491493 120 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 135.00 435483 5/23/2019 144969 IH2 PROPERTY ILLINOIS LP 110.00 UTILITY REFUND 491402 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 110.00 435484 5/23/2019 139019 IHEARTMEDIA INC. 260.00 491458 3244 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435484 5/23/2019 139019 IHEARTMEDIA INC.Continued... 260.00 435485 5/23/2019 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 610.39 491102 76965 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 402.65 491105 77268 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 547.15 491103 77269 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,560.19 435486 5/23/2019 142731 INTERSTATE PARKING COMPANY LLC 22,275.00 NORTH RAMP EXPENSE VALET 491237 201809 9210.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HRA ADMINISTRATION 21,181.25 NORTH RAMP EXPENSE VALET 491236 201811 9210.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HRA ADMINISTRATION 43,456.25 435487 5/23/2019 104696 INT'L SECURITY PRODUCTS 56.70 GATE LOCK 491187 3052970 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 56.70 435488 5/23/2019 144953 JACOB KUJALA 193.92 UTILITY REFUND 491385 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 193.92 435489 5/23/2019 144958 JAMES CAMPBELL 34.32 UTILITY REFUND 491390 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 34.32 435490 5/23/2019 144968 JANE ANDERS 289.60 UTILITY REFUND 491401 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 289.60 435491 5/23/2019 144904 JANENE & JOHN AUGUSTINE 24,858.85 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491245 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 24,858.85 435492 5/23/2019 144977 JANET RESLER 5.00 REFUND FASHION SHOW CANCELED 491449 05172019 1628.4392.09 SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR CITIZENS 5.00 435493 5/23/2019 144902 JASE & SARAH WAGNER 4,312.30 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491310 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 4,312.30 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435493 5/23/2019 144902 JASE & SARAH WAGNER Continued... 435494 5/23/2019 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 85.77 IQS CUST SERVICE TRAINING FOOD 491258 00401636 1556.6106 MEETING EXPENSE EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 85.77 435495 5/23/2019 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE 21.88 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TOOLS 490914 4/19-STREETS 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 24.76 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TOOLS 490914 4/19-STREETS 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 31.41 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TOOLS 490914 4/19-STREETS 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 168.32 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TOOLS 490914 4/19-STREETS 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 71.56 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TOOLS 490914 4/19-STREETS 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 7.02 SUPPLIES 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5915.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 13.72 SUPPLIES 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 14.60 REPAIR PARTS 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 19.18 TOOLS 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5913.6556 TOOLS DISTRIBUTION 240.93 TOOLS 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5915.6556 TOOLS WATER TREATMENT 338.05 MISC SUPPLIES 490635 4/19-UTILITIES 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 951.43 435496 5/23/2019 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 153.60-491416 2934589 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,354.54 491106 2971726 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 50.90 491108 2971727 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,580.00 491107 2971728 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 108.70 491415 2971730 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,940.54 435497 5/23/2019 144974 JOHN COREY 45.51 UTILITY REFUND 491444 05-17-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 54.75 UTILITY REFUND 491445 05-17-2019#2 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 100.26 435498 5/23/2019 144900 JOHN SCHUETZLE 4,312.30 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491308 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 4,312.30 435499 5/23/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 6.90-491109 0540830 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.52 490747 1277241 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 29.75 490724 1283766 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435499 5/23/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 1,404.38 490724 1283766 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.95 490725 1283767 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 536.00 490725 1283767 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10.71 490727 1283768 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 526.45 490727 1283768 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 490742 1283769 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 24.00 490742 1283769 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 490744 1283770 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 80.00 490744 1283770 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.26 490745 1283771 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,243.28 490745 1283771 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.95 491115 1289151 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 485.85 491115 1289151 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12.40 491114 1289152 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,040.84 491114 1289152 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 491113 1289153 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 100.75 491113 1289153 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 35.94 491112 1289154 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,822.96 491112 1289154 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.76 491111 1289156 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 452.55 491111 1289156 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.52 491110 1289157 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 862.34 491110 1289157 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10.71 491417 1289159 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 508.07 491417 1289159 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491418 1289160 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 74.00 491418 1289160 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.90 491419 1289161 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,082.50 491419 1289161 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 15.47 491420 1289162 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,224.69 491420 1289162 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.95 491423 1289163 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 604.25 491423 1289163 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491424 1289164 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 207.00 491424 1289164 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 21.42 491421 1289165 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,276.53 491421 1289165 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.14 491422 1289166 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 541.67 491422 1289166 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435499 5/23/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 184.60 491425 1290527 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 119.00 491104 1326981 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 13,333.00 491104 1326981 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28,940.49 435500 5/23/2019 142504 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION LP 492.39 FIRE ALARM INSPECTION 491299 20936039 5420.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CLUB HOUSE 894.79 ALARM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CONTR 490636 20936873 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 327.95 CONTRACT 491331 20942074 5210.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 1,715.13 435501 5/23/2019 102113 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 102.44 HVAC RELAYS FOR BAS 490945 1200838 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS CITY HALL GENERAL 102.44 435502 5/23/2019 144948 JONATHAN EISELE 64.95 UTILITY REFUND 491381 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 64.95 435503 5/23/2019 144079 JULEE QUARVE-PETERSON, INC. 6,835.00 ADA STUDY 491570 19-063 6002.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 6,835.00 435504 5/23/2019 144908 KATRINA GRANHOLM 90.00 REFUND PLAYGROUND 490915 051519 1600.4390.01 PLAYGROUND PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 90.00 435505 5/23/2019 124707 KNAEBLE, PETER 2,125.66 MN-TF1 KNAEBLE CC 491451 20190520 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,125.66 435506 5/23/2019 105887 KOESSLER, JOE 314.00 AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE 491223 AQUARIUM SERVICE 2 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 314.00 435507 5/23/2019 144898 KRISTIN SKUNBERG 368.00 YOUTHTECH REFUND 490946 5.13.19 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 368.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435508 5/23/2019 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS Continued... 555.00 TOW INVOICE X 3 491474 052119 2340.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DWI FORFEITURE 555.00 435509 5/23/2019 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 1,021.44 491338 SIN7394466 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 1,021.45 491338 SIN7394466 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 1,021.45 491338 SIN7394466 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 3,064.34 435510 5/23/2019 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 371.46 SCREWS, BITS, SHACKLES 490637 9306711247 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 371.46 435511 5/23/2019 134957 LEACH LAW OFFICE LLC 20,909.20 APRIL ATTORNEY FEES 490638 0656.001-4/19 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 20,909.20 435512 5/23/2019 144906 LEAH HAYMAKER 134.00 REFUND SKYHAWKS FLAG 490916 051519 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 134.00 435513 5/23/2019 144932 LEONARD LEVIN 300.00 UTILITY REFUND 491151 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 300.00 435514 5/23/2019 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 1.50 491426 22060 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 128.00 491426 22060 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 129.50 435515 5/23/2019 144973 LISA QUIRK 98.77 UTILITY REFUND 491443 05-17-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 98.77 435516 5/23/2019 144931 LIZ VAN HEEL 135.00 SOCCER SHOTS REFUND 491186 051619 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 135.00 435517 5/23/2019 133185 LOGAN, PATRICK 10.28 CLEANERS 491328 511 5420.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 21Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435517 5/23/2019 133185 LOGAN, PATRICK Continued... 10.28 435518 5/23/2019 144978 LUKE HENDRICKS 13.53 PARTIAL REFUND FOR EP PASS 491486 51019 5700.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE EDINBOROUGH BALANCE SHEET 179.80 PARTIAL REFUND FOR EP PASS 491486 51019 5701.4532 SEASON TICKETS EDINBOROUGH PARK REVENUES 193.33 435519 5/23/2019 141916 LUPULIN BREWING 242.00 490639 19885 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 242.00 435520 5/23/2019 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 12,246.00 FUEL 491483 447667 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 3,352.20 FUEL 491482 448762 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 15,598.20 435521 5/23/2019 144979 MARA STELZER 170.00 REFUND TRAVELIN' TEENS 491450 052019 1600.4390.31 TRAVELIN TEENS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 170.00 435522 5/23/2019 144963 MARK MELANDER 39.00 UTILITY REFUND 491395 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 39.00 435523 5/23/2019 144937 MARTIN SERTICH 16.11 UTILITY REFUND 491156 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 16.11 435524 5/23/2019 122554 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. 40.60 OXYGEN - ST. 2 490917 19264219 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 40.60 435525 5/23/2019 134646 MCGRATH, PATTY 1,800.00 AC CHANGE FOR REGISTERS 490918 05132019 5300.1030 PETTY CASH AQUATIC CENTER BALANCE SHEET 1,800.00 435526 5/23/2019 144919 MICHAEL BALDWIN 50.00 REFUND REVSPORTS 491185 051619 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 50.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 22Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435527 5/23/2019 144965 MICHAEL SULLIVAN Continued... 250.00 UTILITY REFUND 491398 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 250.00 435528 5/23/2019 104650 MICRO CENTER 59.99 SWTV CD READER 490947 7603180 1132.6410 VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES CABLE COMMISSION 59.99 435529 5/23/2019 122201 MILLER TOWING INC. 300.00 CONTRACTED REPAIR 490643 264246 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 300.00 435530 5/23/2019 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 5,450.00 5844 ABBOTT UTILITY UPGRADE 490644 35831 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 1,700.00 70TH ST IRRIGAION REPAIR 490948 35832 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 6,450.00 5812 BEARD UTILITY UPGRADE 491253 35834 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 5,440.00 5204 TIFTON SR SL 491477 35835 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 19,040.00 435531 5/23/2019 144836 MINNEAPOLIS COMMERCIAL MOWER, INC. 6,076.80 ALTERNATIVE LANDSCAPE EQUIP.490645 P1600TS 1641.6556 TOOLS MOWING 1,320.00 ALTERNATIVE LANDSCAPE EQUIP.490645 P1600TS 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,320.00 ALTERNATIVE LANDSCAPE EQUIP.490645 P1600TS 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 8,716.80 435532 5/23/2019 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 11,393.40 490949 431-0005 300-5/19 5913.6601 WATER PURCHASED DISTRIBUTION 11,393.40 435533 5/23/2019 101912 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 40.00 STATE LICENSE 491459 800145 4075.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VANVALKENBURG 40.00 435534 5/23/2019 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 40.00 LICENSE 491470 800017 5520.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA CONCESSIONS 40.00 435535 5/23/2019 104179 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 125.00 PACE 2 JON CROWE 491243 051619 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 125.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 23Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435535 5/23/2019 104179 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Continued... 435536 5/23/2019 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 260.12 HAZ WASTE FEES 490950 10000077822 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 260.12 435537 5/23/2019 120604 MINT CONDITION DETAILING INC. 175.00 INTERIOR CLEAN 491163 59018 1553.6238 CAR WASH EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 175.00 435538 5/23/2019 142003 MN CLN SERVICES INC. 1,984.67 490646 0519JJ07 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 1,984.67 435539 5/23/2019 120550 MOBILE RADIO ENGINEERING INC. 3,811.76 RADIOS FOR MAINTENANCE STAFF 491315 W5011 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,811.76 435540 5/23/2019 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC 225.00 490749 4835 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 189.00 491116 4995 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 414.00 435541 5/23/2019 143339 MR CUTTING EDGE 35.00 SHARPEN ZAM BLADES 491254 1002 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 35.00 435542 5/23/2019 101696 MSP COMMUNICATIONS 3,400.00 MN GOLFER MAGAZINE 491305 2019CI-8399 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 3,400.00 435543 5/23/2019 104671 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING LLC 174.36 PAMELA LIGHTING REPAIR 491184 320773 1646.6578 LAMPS & FIXTURES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 174.36 435544 5/23/2019 136099 NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER INC. 4,417.00 2019 QUALITY OF LIFE SURVEY 491219 7227 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4,417.00 435545 5/23/2019 127547 NEAL, SCOTT H. 114.80 REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST-MEALS 490919 051409 1120.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 24Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435545 5/23/2019 127547 NEAL, SCOTT H.Continued... 114.80 435546 5/23/2019 141215 NEGOCE LLC 3.00 490761 308090 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 317.94 490761 308090 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.50 491117 310014 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 133.98 491117 310014 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.50 491118 INV310013 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 133.98 491118 INV310013 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 591.90 435547 5/23/2019 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 8.00 491119 143361 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 412.00 491119 143361 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20.00 491120 143362 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,196.00 491120 143362 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,636.00 435548 5/23/2019 100926 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 105.98 BEARINGS 491164 0032160520 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 105.98 435549 5/23/2019 136562 NORTHLAND RECREATION LLC 118.00 SWING SEAT 491188 1716 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 118.00 435550 5/23/2019 122129 NPELRA 215.00 NPELRA MEMBERSHIP 491227 SC2DB70E96 1170.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES 215.00 435551 5/23/2019 105575 NYSTROM PUBLISHING CO. INC 1,225.45 SUMMER CALENDARS 490648 41859 5760.6575 PRINTING CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 1,225.45 435552 5/23/2019 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 20.56 CLIPBOARDS 491291 312305627001 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 69.92 TOURNAMENT SUPPLIES 491320 315135872001 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 90.48 435553 5/23/2019 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE, INC. 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 25Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435553 5/23/2019 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE, INC.Continued... 30.35 D RINGS 490649 637397 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 144.26 SLINGS AND HARNESSES FOR PIPE 491510 637550 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 174.61 435554 5/23/2019 143531 OLSON, HILLARY 162.00 MODEL PAYMENT 490920 5.14.19 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 162.00 435555 5/23/2019 102265 OLSON, TIM 185.06 490651 04292019 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 262.15 UNIFORM/COTHING REIMBURSE 490650 05142019 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 447.21 435556 5/23/2019 141965 OMNI BREWING COMPANY LLC 1,070.67 490764 1529 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 78.00 490765 4574 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,148.67 435557 5/23/2019 138662 ON SITE SANITATION-TWIN CITIES 147.00 HOLDING TANK PUMPED OUT 491317 0000752870 5422.6545 CHEMICALS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 147.00 435558 5/23/2019 101659 ORKIN 30.00 PEST ATHLETIC PAMELA 491514 180514299 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 30.00 435559 5/23/2019 129214 OUVERSON SEWER AND WATER INC. 3,028.00 7005 COMANCHE UTILITY UPGRADE 490652 5222 01452.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Indian Trails B/C 3,028.00 435560 5/23/2019 144971 PATRICA MALONEY 14.09 UTILITY REFUND 491441 05-17-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 14.09 435561 5/23/2019 144899 PATRICK & HEIDI JUDGE 4,312.30 ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT 491307 20190513 4101.4020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PIR CONSTRUCTION REVENUES 4,312.30 435562 5/23/2019 144897 PATRICK BASILE 100.00 REFUND REVSPORTS 490921 051319 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 26Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435562 5/23/2019 144897 PATRICK BASILE Continued... 100.00 435563 5/23/2019 144926 PATRICK MCINTYRE 120.00 UTILITY REFUND 491147 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 120.00 435564 5/23/2019 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 22.50 491121 50688 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,303.00 491121 50688 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28.75 491122 50691 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,786.20 491122 50691 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,140.45 435565 5/23/2019 144078 PENMAN, JESSE 1,381.25 2019 TUITION REIMB J PENMAN 491488 051719 1170.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER HUMAN RESOURCES 1,381.25 435566 5/23/2019 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 750.52 SODA AND WATER 490653 05062019 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,565.12 PEPSI START-UP ORDER 491500 30539052 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS 2,315.64 435567 5/23/2019 144975 PETER FRANZ 110.00 UTILITY REFUND 491446 05-17-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 110.00 435568 5/23/2019 144907 PETER KILSTOFTE 659.00 AMBULANCE REFUND 490922 AMB REFUND 42398876 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 659.00 435570 5/23/2019 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 34.51 490766 2550035 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,753.00 490766 2550035 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.57 490767 2550036 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 423.30 490767 2550036 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.17 490768 2550045 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 555.00 490768 2550045 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 40.46 491427 2554061 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,558.53 491427 2554061 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 27Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435570 5/23/2019 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Continued... 29.75 491428 2554062 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3,095.56 491428 2554062 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 15.47 491124 2554063 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 764.25 491124 2554063 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491123 2554064 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 337.50 491123 2554064 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 491429 2554065 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 64.00 491429 2554065 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10,682.64 435571 5/23/2019 130174 PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1,512.00 LINE PAINT 490654 INV718728 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,512.00 435572 5/23/2019 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC. 2,223.86 PLANT MAINTENANCE 491498 354248 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,223.86 435573 5/23/2019 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 62.40 490951 6268460 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 48.55 490923 6269426 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 110.95 435574 5/23/2019 142004 POLLARD WATER 270.29 OUT OF SERVICE HYDRANT BAGS 490655 0137812 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 270.29 435575 5/23/2019 138292 PRECISE IRRIGATION 451.17 IRRIGATION REPAIR 491526 2972 5761.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 451.17 435576 5/23/2019 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY 220.00 490769 5775 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,060.00 491125 5852 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,791.00 491126 I-5854 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,071.00 435577 5/23/2019 135833 QUALITY FORKLIFT 588.00 DOME TAKEDOWN 490658 R25769 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 588.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 28Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435577 5/23/2019 135833 QUALITY FORKLIFT Continued... 435578 5/23/2019 133091 RANGE SERVANT AMERICA INC. 150.00 RANGE BALL TRAYS 491325 93291 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 150.00 435579 5/23/2019 132063 RAPP, CRAIG 11,483.33 FACILITIES STUDY 490659 5.04.19 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 11,483.33 435580 5/23/2019 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC. 1,059.52 491484 6998 1301.6519 ROAD OIL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,059.52 435581 5/23/2019 101698 RECREONICS 838.29 DIVING BOARD HINGE ASSEMBLY 490952 803745 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 838.29 435582 5/23/2019 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 1,728.17 MAY 1- MAY 31 490924 0894-004880509 5720.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 40,461.48 490953 0894-004888881 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 42,189.65 435583 5/23/2019 102420 RETROFIT COMPANIES INC, THE 200.00 LAMP RECYCLING 490954 0104164-IN 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 300.00 LAMP RECYCLING 490954 0104164-IN 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 539.64 LAMP RECYCLING 490954 0104164-IN 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,039.64 435584 5/23/2019 144960 ROBERT MOELLER 49.52 UTILITY REFUND 491392 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 49.52 435585 5/23/2019 127774 ROOTSTOCK WINE COMPANY 97.50 490925 19-12375 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.50 491556 19-12505 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 63.96 491556 19-12505 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 162.96 435586 5/23/2019 102614 ROTARY CLUB OF EDINA 376.66 FLAGS 491527 COM-1886 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 29Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435586 5/23/2019 102614 ROTARY CLUB OF EDINA Continued... 376.66 435587 5/23/2019 142340 RSP ARCHITECTS, LTD 2,714.04 CONSULTANT PARK SIGNS 490926 201547 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 2,714.04 435588 5/23/2019 144903 SALLY MCCARTHY 1,300.82 UTILITY REFUND FOR OVERPAYMENT 490955 05-14-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 1,300.82 435589 5/23/2019 144553 SALTCO MSP LLC 70.00 SALT TANK RENT 491463 19545 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 70.00 435590 5/23/2019 101431 SCAN AIR FILTER INC. 189.78 FILTERS 491336 145539 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 189.78 435591 5/23/2019 144918 SCHLOMKA'S PORTABLE RESTROOMS & MOBLE 180.00 MN-TF1 UQT4 491260 6094 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 180.00 435592 5/23/2019 103479 SCHULTZ, RYAN 1,210.00 2019 TUITION REIMB 491487 051719 1170.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER HUMAN RESOURCES 1,210.00 435593 5/23/2019 100995 SEH 11,585.60 TRACY PATH & CITY HALL 490956 367486 07154.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN City Hall Speed Bump Project 11,385.60 VERNON/INTERLACHEN CONST SERV 491221 367488 05578.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Vernon Interlachen WM 9,165.75 VERNON/INTERLACHEN CONST SERV 491221 367488 9232.6133 PROFESS SERVICES-ENGINEERING CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 11,037.81 490957 367489 03510.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SS Trunk Ext - York Phase 1 4,348.83 491259 367621 05564.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Water Treatment Plant #5 47,523.59 435594 5/23/2019 104689 SERIGRAPHICS SIGN SYSTEMS INC. 172.00 UB SIGN 490958 62284 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 172.00 435595 5/23/2019 134643 SHAKOPEE MDEWAKANTON SIOUX 96.30 RECYCLING 490660 SALES0000000053 1644.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL TREES & MAINTENANCE 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 30Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435595 5/23/2019 134643 SHAKOPEE MDEWAKANTON SIOUX Continued... 99 96.30 435596 5/23/2019 101556 SHRED-IT USA 83.89 SHREDDING 490661 8127148119 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 83.89 435597 5/23/2019 120784 SIGN PRO 278.38 SIGNS 491326 14041 5410.6575 PRINTING GOLF ADMINISTRATION 792.99 SIGNS 491329 14085 5410.6575 PRINTING GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,071.37 435598 5/23/2019 100999 SIGNAL SYSTEMS INC. 43.85 TIMECLOCK RENTAL 490927 13088968 5310.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POOL ADMINISTRATION 43.85 435599 5/23/2019 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 29.11 IRRIGATION FITTINGS 491303 90949519-001 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 120.26 SPRAYER 490662 91032298-001 1641.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MOWING 75.25 COUPLER 490663 91110427-001 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 86.70 IRRIGATION PARTS 490664 91183797-001 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 106.60 WEED KILLER 490928 91228180-001 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 424.09 IRRIGATION PARTS 491189 91372660-001 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 842.01 435600 5/23/2019 105903 SKATRUD, TODD 250.00 WORK BOOTS 491127 051519 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 250.00 435601 5/23/2019 133014 SOCCER SHOTS 3,640.00 SOCCER SHOTS SPRING 490974 05-13-19 1626.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS CAMP 8,118.00 SOCCER SHOTS SPRING 490960 05-13-2019 1626.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS CAMP 7,826.00 SOCCER SHOTS SPRING 490961 5/13/2019 1626.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS CAMP 8,241.00 SOCCER SHOTS SPRING 490959 5-13-2019 1626.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS CAMP 27,825.00 435602 5/23/2019 129587 SOLBERG, DAVID 69.38 UNIFORM PANTS 490975 051519DS 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 69.38 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 31Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435603 5/23/2019 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... .20 491133 1819075 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 14.40 491129 1819076 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,152.00 491129 1819076 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.68 491131 1819077 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 482.73 491131 1819077 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .80 491130 1819078 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 36.00 491130 1819078 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.20 491128 1819079 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 432.00 491128 1819079 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 100.80 491132 1819080 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 147.50 491132 1819080 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.00 491135 1819081 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 37.93 491431 1819082 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,889.32 491431 1819082 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.27 491137 1819083 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 694.00 491137 1819083 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.60 491136 1819084 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 540.00 491136 1819084 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.08 491430 1819085 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 848.23 491430 1819085 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.60 491134 1819086 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 260.91 491134 1819086 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .27 491547 1819087 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 25.60 491552 1819088 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,792.58 491552 1819088 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.40 491550 1819089 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 627.40 491550 1819089 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.20 491551 1819090 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 584.00 491551 1819090 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.60 491549 1819093 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 72.00 491549 1819093 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12.00 491555 1821782 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 954.00 491555 1821782 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .95 491553 1821783 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 105.03 491553 1821783 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.28 491554 1821784 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 921.73 491554 1821784 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 13,771.29 435604 5/23/2019 134700 SPOK INC. 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 32Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435604 5/23/2019 134700 SPOK INC.Continued... 189.40 PAGERS 491235 C0319246Q 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 189.40 435605 5/23/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 2,500.00 491455 04302019 5310.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER POOL ADMINISTRATION 2,500.00 435606 5/23/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 545.45 491456 100295934-04152 019 5710.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 545.45 435607 5/23/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 3,090.90 491457 100297426-04152 019 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 3,090.90 435608 5/23/2019 144892 STATE OF MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1,625.00 EPCRA ANNUAL FEES 490978 2706000762018 5915.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS WATER TREATMENT 25.00 DPS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FEE 490977 2706000942018 5710.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 1,650.00 435609 5/23/2019 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 43.00 490770 27602 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 585.00 491546 27643 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 628.00 435610 5/23/2019 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 747.20 TIRES 491168 10161324 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 747.20 435611 5/23/2019 135803 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 6,560.15 MAY SUNLIFE INVOICE-ACTIVES 491256 237716-001-5/19 9900.2033.05 LIFE INSURANCE - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 233.80 MAY SUNLIFE-NONACTIVES 491257 237716-901-5/19 6002.6043 COBRA INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 6,793.95 435612 5/23/2019 122511 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC. 183.00 MOVIE RENTAL E.P.491242 2654902 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 183.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 33Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435613 5/23/2019 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA Continued... 512.83 CONCESSION PRODUCT 490929 247446069 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 512.83 435614 5/23/2019 101025 TAMARACK MATERIALS INC. 365.46 CEILING TILES 491503 7141222-00 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 365.46 435615 5/23/2019 104932 TAYLOR MADE 1,418.40 MERCHANDISE 491319 033508549 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 387.36 MERCHANDISE 491293 33693077 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 153.64 MERCHANDISE 491292 33708686 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 1,959.40 435616 5/23/2019 122768 TEE TIMES PRESS 250.00 TEE TIMES AD 491528 26701 5760.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 250.00 435617 5/23/2019 144613 THE REACT CENTER 42,000.00 MN-TF1 SCT TUITION 490930 SCT2019 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 42,000.00 435618 5/23/2019 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 198.90 WELDING WIRE 490669 10298130 1553.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 198.90 435619 5/23/2019 144950 TOM CABOT 21.42 UTILITY REFUND 491382 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 21.42 435620 5/23/2019 144962 TOM WAGNER 180.00 UTILITY REFUND 491394 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 180.00 435621 5/23/2019 101403 TRUCK BODIES & EQUIP INTL INC 453.84 LOCK PLATE WELDMENTS 491232 LC00057925 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 453.84 435622 5/23/2019 141269 TSYS|CAYAN 69.90 491341 1009864 5820.6160 DATA PROCESSING 50TH STREET GENERAL 700.60 491340 1012923 5840.6160 DATA PROCESSING LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 34Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435622 5/23/2019 141269 TSYS|CAYAN Continued... 603.95 491339 1019336 5860.6160 DATA PROCESSING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,374.45 435623 5/23/2019 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE CO. 946.40 ADA UPGRADES 491229 PS10022637 7411.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PSTF OCCUPANCY 946.40 435624 5/23/2019 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO. 163.50 LAWN SEED 491230 44455 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 163.50 435625 5/23/2019 103973 ULINE 84.78 RECYCLING CONTAINERS FOR DESKS 490979 108262380 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 84.78 435626 5/23/2019 144823 UNITED RENTALS 1,906.60 TAKE DOWN LIFT 491465 168656831-001 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 929.80 TAKE DOWN LIFT 491464 168850913-001 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 2,836.40 435627 5/23/2019 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 171.00 491432 1153 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 171.00 435628 5/23/2019 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 35.01 490963 9829241867 1160.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FINANCE 40.01 490963 9829241867 1140.6188 TELEPHONE PLANNING 70.02 490963 9829241867 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 70.02 490963 9829241867 1600.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 75.02 490963 9829241867 1100.6160 DATA PROCESSING CITY COUNCIL 105.03 490963 9829241867 1130.6160 DATA PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS 140.04 490963 9829241867 1190.6188 TELEPHONE ASSESSING 140.04 490963 9829241867 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 148.04 490963 9829241867 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 245.07 490963 9829241867 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL 455.13 490963 9829241867 1495.6188 TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS 1,190.34 490963 9829241867 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,190.36 490963 9829241867 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 70.02 490963 9829241867 5422.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 35.01 490963 9829241867 5760.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 35Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435628 5/23/2019 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS Continued... 70.02 490963 9829241867 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 70.02 490963 9829241867 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 70.02 490963 9829241867 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 875.25 490963 9829241867 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 50.89 490962 9829298464 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 50.89 490962 9829298464 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 82.31 490962 9829298464 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 1,037.62 490962 9829298464 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 244.98 490962 9829298464 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 92.31 490962 9829298464 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 6,653.47 435629 5/23/2019 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 6,000.00 UTILITY VEHICLES 490670 20295 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 6,000.00 435630 5/23/2019 141927 VER-TECH LABS 1,792.03 SWIVEL, ROTOR ARM, NOZZLES 491480 INV000019611 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,792.03 435631 5/23/2019 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 122.09 LIGHTING 490965 S002570069.001 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 122.09 LED DIMMER 490964 S002570201.001 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 244.18 435632 5/23/2019 144936 VIRGINA THORPE 17.84 UTILITY REFUND 491155 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 17.84 435633 5/23/2019 101932 VOTH, BART 11.00 CLASS A AND D DIFFERENCE 491439 5132019 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS TRAINING 11.00 435634 5/23/2019 102886 WAGNERS 2,101.30 490966 30244 5761.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 2,101.30 435635 5/23/2019 144970 WALLACE ORFIELD 175.00 UTILITY REFUND 491440 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 175.00 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 36Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435635 5/23/2019 144970 WALLACE ORFIELD Continued... 435636 5/23/2019 141052 WALLIN, LYNETTE 560.00 SIT FIT SPRING SESSION 491224 SIT FIT APRIL 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 560.00 435637 5/23/2019 105238 WASTE MANAGEMENT 1,237.99 PW SPRING CLEANUP 491198 8063559-2282-4 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,237.99 435638 5/23/2019 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 68.80 PW MAINT 490970 0054528-2808-9 1301.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 68.81 PW BLDG 490970 0054528-2808-9 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 69.63 FS2 490970 0054528-2808-9 1481.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK FIRE STATION 123.89 SEN CTR 490970 0054528-2808-9 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 153.18 VV PARK 490970 0054528-2808-9 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 168.22 FS1 490970 0054528-2808-9 1470.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 363.17 CITY HALL 490970 0054528-2808-9 1551.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CITY HALL GENERAL 627.55 COURTNEY FIELD 490970 0054528-2808-9 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 1,128.80 ROSLAND 490970 0054528-2808-9 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 126.99 ART CENTER 490970 0054528-2808-9 5111.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 153.25 GOLF DOME 490970 0054528-2808-9 5210.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GOLF DOME PROGRAM 433.34 POOL 490970 0054528-2808-9 5311.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL POOL OPERATION 1,062.21 CLUB HOUSE 490970 0054528-2808-9 5420.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 1,358.58 BRAE MAINT 490970 0054528-2808-9 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 920.94 ARENA 490970 0054528-2808-9 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 76.25 YORK LIQ 490970 0054528-2808-9 5841.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK OCCUPANCY 144.36 GV LIQ 490970 0054528-2808-9 5861.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 4,489.83 CENTER RAMP TRASH 490969 8062098-2282-4 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 1,582.15 50TH TRASH 490968 8062099-2282-2 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 2,871.18 50TH TRASH 490967 8062100-2282-8 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 15,991.13 435639 5/23/2019 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 35.70 490774 7232922 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,899.19 490774 7232922 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.95 490775 7233906 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,078.00 490775 7233906 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 35.70 491140 7234951 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 4,532.00 491140 7234951 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 57.12 491435 7234952 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 37Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435639 5/23/2019 101312 WINE MERCHANTS Continued... 5,881.00 491435 7234952 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 15,524.66 435640 5/23/2019 144412 WINEBOW 1.75 491436 MN00058947 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 324.00 491436 MN00058947 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.00 491437 MN00058948 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 468.00 491437 MN00058948 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 17.50 491141 MN00058984 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,360.00 491141 MN00058984 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.00 491557 MN00059402 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 420.00 491557 MN00059402 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8.75 490776 MN0058523 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 750.00 490776 MN0058523 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,366.00 435641 5/23/2019 130471 WINFIELD SOLUTIONS LLC 3,881.65 FERTILIZER FOR FWYS 491330 63104834 5422.6540 FERTILIZER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,881.65 435642 5/23/2019 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 90.00 ENTRY LIGHTS 490971 176570 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 32.32 ICE MACHINE PARTS 491300 177115 01 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 122.32 435643 5/23/2019 142220 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY 174.00 491438 1618 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 174.00 435644 5/23/2019 144924 YOUNG CHEONG 197.05 UTILITY REFUND 491146 05-16-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 197.05 435645 5/23/2019 130618 YOUNGSTEDTS COLLISION CENTER 5,523.13 CONTRACTED REPAIR 490972 18937 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 3,752.82 CONTRACTED REPAIR 490973 19276 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9,275.95 435646 5/30/2019 144988 ABIGAIL GRAVES 70.00 REFUND SMALL WONDERS 491843 052019 1600.4390.67 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 38Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435646 5/30/2019 144988 ABIGAIL GRAVES Continued... 70.00 435647 5/30/2019 140086 ABLE SEEDHOUSE AND BREWERY 171.00 491692 E-9685 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 171.00 435648 5/30/2019 129458 ACME TOOLS 2,192.90 491908 6625776 5932.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SEWER 225.15 CONSTRUCTION TOOLS 491953 6632848 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 153.95 491987 6636561 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 2,572.00 435649 5/30/2019 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 123.88 MERCHANDISE 491623 907456622 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 49.05 MERCHANDISE 491624 907456634 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 456.76 MERCHANDISE 491625 907456875 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 122.00 MERHCANDISE 491982 907491627 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 52.64 MERCHANDISE 491981 907507597 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 804.33 435650 5/30/2019 132835 ADCOCK, MARIAN 7.11 GIFT SHOP SALES 491944 5.28.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 7.11 435651 5/30/2019 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC. 93.00 STAFF UNIFORMS 491979 6177702837 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 38.78 491978 6177721214 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 131.78 435652 5/30/2019 144986 ADSPEC MARKETING, INC 1,602.00 STAFF HATS 491974 40067 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,602.00 435653 5/30/2019 100867 ALSTAD, MARIAN 4.80 GIFT SHOP SALES 491945 5.28.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 4.80 435654 5/30/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 44.99 TENNIS SUPPLIES 492052 116T-QKYC-TPTW 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 72.52 TENNIS SUPPLIES 492051 116T-QKYC-XTPR 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 39Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435654 5/30/2019 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Continued... 54.95 TOOL MARKING TAPE 491995 11RW-CNVR-F#PW 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 199.99 WIRELESS FOR DIGITAL SIGNAGE 491965 13J7-Y3PF-DYIN 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,002.72 KVM SWITCH FOR FORENSIC COMPUT 491615 13MR-61JP-GTLK 4629.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Police Forensic Equipment 50.89 IT SUPPLIES 491629 1400-KXWP-WG41 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 56.98 POSTCARDS 491627 1400-KXWP-YJCH 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 62.39 BATTERY 491998 14XR-RWG7-F6JC 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 60.61 COFFEE CUPS 491905 164R-LKLT-C9MN 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 245.96 2XCD DRIVE, CABLES, MOUSE, DRE 491613 16N7-9KQV-6TMY 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 199.00 DREMEL TOOL 491611 16N7-9KQV-9NVJ 4629.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Police Forensic Equipment 559.55 CHIP GRINDING MACHINE 491612 19MC-P4KP-7JHL 4629.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Police Forensic Equipment 64.49 KEYBOARD 491610 1CYW-FRCK-4W76 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 7.75 AUDIO CABLES 491609 1CYW-FRCK-7P6C 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 262.61 KVM SWITCH FOR DEPT COMPUTER 491614 1GMP-G993-4W39 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 48.00 DISINFECTANT CLEANER 491626 1JTI-N9YP-GCT7 5761.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 69.59 491622 1KKH-PLLC-3LTK 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 49.98 REPLACEMENT MICE 491588 1LCT-X36F-M7QV 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 21.96 TENNIS SUPPLIES 492053 1M43-GQ3T-HRNL 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 199.00 PUMP 491984 1QDP-KWQ6-LT99 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 334.94 PC REPLACEMENT 491628 1RQD-PY7C-1CYG 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 3,668.87 435655 5/30/2019 144989 AMBER KOCH 35.00 PARTIAL REFUND BIG AND MESSY 491845 052019 1600.4390.69 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 35.00 435656 5/30/2019 101115 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC. 160.76 LAUNDRY 491602 1004478259 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 140.18 LAUNDRY 491967 1004482599 1470.6201 LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 300.94 435657 5/30/2019 144990 AMY KEIL 260.00 REFUND KIDCREATE PROGRAMS 491844 052019 1600.4390.69 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 260.00 435658 5/30/2019 135278 ANNMADE INC. 14.40 GIFT SHOP SALE 491943 5.28.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 14.40 435659 5/30/2019 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 1,960.40 491694 3345200 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 40Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435659 5/30/2019 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Continued... 1,010.70 491751 3346965 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,063.90 491752 3346966/68 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.68-491695 458800 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 280.53-491753 458886 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6,746.79 435660 5/30/2019 145003 ASHMERE COPELAND 389.00 EVENT # 2019039532 491822 05242019 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 389.00 435661 5/30/2019 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 67.14 FILTERS 492035 038090278 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 60.12 FILTERS 491617 038090355 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 127.26 435662 5/30/2019 112862 AXELSON, MARY 7.20 GIFT SHOP SALE 491935 5.28.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 7.20 435663 5/30/2019 129549 BEHLEN, NATE 23.00 CLASS C LIC. REIMBURSEMENT 491851 05222019 5913.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS DISTRIBUTION 23.00 435664 5/30/2019 100661 BENN, BRADLEY 220.00 GIFT SHOP CLAIM 491607 5.22.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 29.40 GIFT SHOP SALES 491936 5.28.19 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 249.40 435665 5/30/2019 125139 BERNICK'S 20.00 491698 504290 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 776.52 491699 504291 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 796.52 435666 5/30/2019 144991 BIENFAIT KIZINA 124.99 BIENFAIT KIZIBA SHOE REIMBURSE 491846 20190522 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 124.99 435667 5/30/2019 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC. 11,100.00 FOX PATH 491901 12663 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 11,450.00 STRACHAUER PLOT 491902 12665 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 41Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435667 5/30/2019 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC.Continued... 13,116.00 NORM BASKETBALL 491900 12666 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 86,682.08 PAY #1 491597 ENG 19-2 CHOWEN 01451.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Chowen A/B 349,512.28 PAY #1 491597 ENG 19-2 CHOWEN 05580.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Chowen Park A/B 30,758.72 PAY #1 491597 ENG 19-2 CHOWEN 04442.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Chowen Park A/B 502,619.08 435668 5/30/2019 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC. 152.00 491754 4339 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 278.00 491755 4340 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 430.00 435669 5/30/2019 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 51.90 A.C. FIRST AID SUPPLIES 492050 83219 211 5311.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 51.90 435670 5/30/2019 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 3.50 491700 160975 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 100.00 491700 160975 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.25 492003 161175 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 240.00 492003 161175 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 348.75 435671 5/30/2019 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 18.59 491701 1080973949 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,324.00 491701 1080973949 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.15 491704 1080973950 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 72.00 491704 1080973950 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.75 491703 1080973951 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 134.80 491703 1080973951 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 40.25 491702 1080973952 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 4,841.20 491702 1080973952 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7,437.74 435672 5/30/2019 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 7,884.60 491706 1091006026 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 79.50 491705 1091006027 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,599.50 492000 1091008763 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9,563.60 435673 5/30/2019 144985 BROOKLYN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 42Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435673 5/30/2019 144985 BROOKLYN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Continued... 150.00 CLP PERFORMANCE 6/2/2019 491632 6/2/2019 5760.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 150.00 435674 5/30/2019 140503 BURNSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 403.28 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491865 20190522II 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 7,714.41 MN-TF1 SCT 491848 20190522P 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 509.36 MN-TF1 SCT 491860 20190522R 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 8,627.05 435675 5/30/2019 136782 C&C COURTS INC. 450.00 SPORT COURT INSTALL 491633 2019-163 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 450.00 435676 5/30/2019 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 910.00 RENTAL BAGS 491634 930397444 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 241.50 MERCHANDISE 491636 930412552 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 513.00 MERCHANDISE 491635 930420732 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 199.80 MERCHANDISE 491976 930434213 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 1,864.30 435677 5/30/2019 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 132.00 491712 2263429 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,027.45 491713 2263430 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 51.30 491714 226670 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,409.40 491715 2266871 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28.00 491708 2266872 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,306.25 491707 2266873 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.00 491709 2266874 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 717.60 491711 2266875 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 23.30 492001 2269444 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,835.70 492002 2269445 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 62.30-491710 625-0382 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,482.70 435678 5/30/2019 143901 CASELLA, CASEY 444.63 ICMA CONFERENCE EXPENSES 492044 052819 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 444.63 435679 5/30/2019 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. 828.00 REDIE MIX CONCRETE 491892 C2024132 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 43Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435679 5/30/2019 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO.Continued... 828.00 REDIE MIX CONCRETE 491893 C2024821 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 804.00 CONCRETE REDI MIX 491960 C2025596 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 871.00 REDIE MIX CONCRETE 491961 C2027952 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 3,331.00 435680 5/30/2019 123898 CENTURYLINK 66.76 491962 6522-5/19 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 66.76 435681 5/30/2019 135835 CENTURYLINK-ACCESS BILL 1,242.00 491963 5142XLP683-2019 128 2310.6188 TELEPHONE E911 1,242.00 435682 5/30/2019 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 11.69 LAUNDRY 491637 4022226350 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 41.06 LAUNDRY 491916 4022317725 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 34.04 RENTAL UNIFORM 491914 4022317755 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 50.53 RENTAL UNIFORM 491917 4022317757 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 15.16 RENTAL UNIFORM 491915 4022317764 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 54.15 RENTAL UNIFORM 491913 4022317791 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 206.63 435683 5/30/2019 104800 CITY OF COON RAPIDS 506.01 MN-TF1 UQT4 491847 20190522J 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 506.01 435684 5/30/2019 119646 CITY OF HOPKINS 35.00 WEBSTER REGIONAL RESPONSE 491855 052219 2310.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS E911 35.00 435685 5/30/2019 105194 CITY OF RICHFIELD 2,960.96 MN-TF1 UQT4 491589 20190522K 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,143.73 MN-TF1 WAS 491590 20190522L 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 4,104.69 435686 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 10,566.81 MN-TF1 491809 IN35000 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 10,566.81 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 44Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435687 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL Continued... 1,368.68 MN-TF1 TRENCH 491814 IN34961 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,368.68 435688 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 12,103.35 MN-TF1 SCT 491831 IN34975 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 12,103.35 435689 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 13.93 MN-TF1 491861 IN34974 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 13.93 435690 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 6,908.11 MN-TF1 491862 IN34960 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 6,908.11 435691 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 5,500.65 MN-TF1 491863 IN34976 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 5,500.65 435692 5/30/2019 101850 CITY OF ST. PAUL 7,961.54 MN-TF1 491864 IN34977 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 7,961.54 435693 5/30/2019 100692 COCA-COLA DISTRIBUTION 383.84 491717 3638208720 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 373.88 491716 3641208064 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 757.72 435694 5/30/2019 135711 CONFLUENCE 6,025.33 PROF. SERVICES 491880 17002 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 6,025.33 435695 5/30/2019 144992 CONNIE SANVILLE 75.10 PARTIAL REFUND 4447 TO 4440 491858 5.20.19 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 75.10 435696 5/30/2019 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 1,270.90 UNIFORM SHIRTS 491997 67072 5761.6201 LAUNDRY CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,270.90 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 45Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435697 5/30/2019 144880 CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY Continued... 165.00 REUPHOLSTERED SEAT 492031 1212 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 165.00 435698 5/30/2019 130169 CUSTOM BUSINESS FORMS 1,201.00 JUNE NEWSLETTER 491969 318795 1628.6575 PRINTING SENIOR CITIZENS 1,201.00 435699 5/30/2019 102514 CUTTER & BUCK 1,487.95 GOLF POLOS (VOLUNTEER/PARTIC)491898 94659305 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 1,748.62 A.C. GUEST SERVICES UNIFORMS 492049 94673147 5311.6201 LAUNDRY POOL OPERATION 3,236.57 435700 5/30/2019 100130 DAKOTA COUNTY 14,137.26 MN-TF1 DCSOT CONS 491810 20190522A 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 14,137.26 435701 5/30/2019 123995 DICK'S/LAKEVILLE SANITATION INC. 2,356.39 491881 DT0002584335 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 2,356.39 435702 5/30/2019 144993 DINA GOODMAN 55.00 REFUND COACH PITCH 491877 052019 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 55.00 435703 5/30/2019 144995 DONALD CHARLES 169.99 DONALD CHARLES SHOE REIMBURSE 491849 20190522 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 169.99 435704 5/30/2019 140501 EAGAN FIRE DEPARTMENT 682.56 MN-TF1 DCSOT WAS 491866 20190522C 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 682.56 435705 5/30/2019 124749 EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT 430.22 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491871 20190522FF 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,178.26 MN-TF1 DCSOT TSS THUL 491869 20190522I 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,769.82 MN-TF1 SCT THUL 491870 20190522N 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 4,378.30 435706 5/30/2019 140431 EARTH NETWORKS INC. 2,903.18 WEATHER SERVICE CONTRACT 491638 WBB0038718 5410.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 46Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435706 5/30/2019 140431 EARTH NETWORKS INC.Continued... 2,903.18 435707 5/30/2019 122079 EDINA COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES 79.00 SOCCER SHOTS GYM SPACE 491919 1819-3967 1626.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS CAMP 108.00 BBALL GYM SPACE 492057 1819-800-2/19 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 13.50 BBALL GYM SPACE 492056 1819-800-3/19 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 295.00 HISTORY CLASSES 491906 DONNA COMER CLASSES 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 495.50 435708 5/30/2019 139928 EDINA FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,591.20 MN-TF1 EFD WAS 491835 20190517A 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 3,591.20 435709 5/30/2019 139928 EDINA FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,405.48 MN-TF1 TSS 491836 20190517B 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,405.48 435710 5/30/2019 144996 EMILY KILLEN 45.00 DECOY FOR TOBACCO COMPLIANCE 491850 TOBAC COMPL 1424.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIQUOR INSPECTION 45.00 435711 5/30/2019 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 31.91 BELT 492034 1-5963187 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 132.63 BATTERIES 492029 1-Z18356 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 624.58 ROTORS, LINING 492028 69-348670 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 109.76 CABLE 491616 69-350521 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 10.67 BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH 491620 69-350663 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 238.60 ROTOR ASSY 492027 69-350687 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 16.01 FILTER, LUBE 492038 69-350891 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 29.56 SWAY BAR LINK 492033 69-351061 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,193.72 435712 5/30/2019 141528 FARMINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 720.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT WAS 491868 20190522F 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 720.00 435713 5/30/2019 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 21.66 FENDER WASHERS 491891 MNTC2154459 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 21.66 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 47Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435713 5/30/2019 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY Continued... 435714 5/30/2019 100051 FBI-NAA NORTHWEST CHAPTER 75.00 COMBAT PISTOL COMPETITION 491856 052019 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 75.00 435715 5/30/2019 100051 FBI-NAA NORTHWEST CHAPTER 25.00 ROFIDAL FBINAA REGISTRATION 491941 052819 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 25.00 435716 5/30/2019 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 5,485.54 METERS 491904 0326096 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 735.88 METER PARTS 491925 0326872 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 1,299.20 MEXICAN HATS FOR CS IN DRIVEWA 491837 324886 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 7,520.62 435717 5/30/2019 108544 FIRENET SYSTEMS INC. 300.00 APPLICATION FEE REFUND 491829 ED170848 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 300.00 435718 5/30/2019 144632 FIRSTNET 384.70 FIRSTNET TESTING 491639 14935773 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 384.70 435719 5/30/2019 126444 FISH WINDOW CLEANING 890.00 RAMP WINDOW CLEANING 491968 2915-31236 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 890.00 435720 5/30/2019 140809 FLAGSHIP RECREATION 1,475.00 PLAYGROUND PARTS 491640 F8148 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,475.00 435721 5/30/2019 136583 FLUID INTERIORS LLC 5,661.63 FINANCE CUBICLE REMODEL 491931 65395 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 5,661.63 435722 5/30/2019 122414 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA INC. 577.98 FUEL FOR FORK LIFTS 491912 01P7092420 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 577.98 435723 5/30/2019 137554 FRED HOLASEK & SON INC. 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 48Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435723 5/30/2019 137554 FRED HOLASEK & SON INC.Continued... 332.20 FLOWERS 491986 00020627 5765.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS PROMENADE EXPENSES 332.20 435724 5/30/2019 143036 FREDERICK, NICOLE 14.24 CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 492008 052119 1 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 39.95 CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 492009 052119 2 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 43.06 CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 492012 052119 3 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 91.41 CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 492010 052119 4 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 188.66 435725 5/30/2019 102456 GALLS INC. 161.46 UNIFORMS 492041 BC0843893 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 122.37 UNIFORMS 492042 BC0845096 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 283.83 435726 5/30/2019 132389 GAZICH, KATHLEEN 91.42 SKATE SCHOOL SUPPLIES 491899 05212019.1 5510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 91.42 435727 5/30/2019 101931 GEAR FOR SPORTS 448.00 MERCHANDISE 491642 6402006 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 379.10-MERCHANDISE 491641 6402020 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 758.20 MERCHANDISE 491641 6402020 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 1,128.41 MERCHANDISE 491643 6567777 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 1,955.51 435728 5/30/2019 103185 GERTENS 1,930.00 OAK AND MAPLE 491644 45275/6 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 1,930.00 435729 5/30/2019 144909 GPO LANDSCAPE LLC 6,000.00 NEW RETAINING WALL GOLF SHOP 491645 0000 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 8,120.00 NEW WALL NEXT TO GOLF SHOP 491646 00000 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 14,120.00 435730 5/30/2019 101103 GRAINGER 193.92 GLOVES 492036 9182275041 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 389.44 PLATES, GLOVES 492037 9182461252 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 106.19 INFRARED TEMPERATURE GUN 491970 9183729129 5422.6556 TOOLS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 689.55 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 49Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435730 5/30/2019 101103 GRAINGER Continued... 435731 5/30/2019 124711 GRANDVIEW TIRE & AUTO - CAHILL 114.95 CONTRACTED REPAIR 491619 1496081 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 114.95 435732 5/30/2019 102125 GREG LESSMAN SALES 529.21 MERCHANDISE 491975 65639 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 529.21 435733 5/30/2019 140476 HARRIS 412.37 CO TESTING AND CALIBRATION 491883 507018620 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 412.37 435734 5/30/2019 130116 HARRIS CONTRACTING COMPANY 732.50 HEAT PUMP CONTROLS 491921 160004474 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 732.50 435735 5/30/2019 141531 HASTINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,020.15 MN-TF1 DCSOT WAS 491867 20190522E 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,046.52 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491605 20190522HH 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,066.67 435736 5/30/2019 100797 HAWKINS INC. 7,741.37 CHEMICALS 491903 4501067 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 7,741.37 435737 5/30/2019 100799 HEDBERG SUPPLY 1,502.53 LANNON STON( RETAINING WALL)491839 1042692 1344.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE 1,502.53 435738 5/30/2019 102460 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 1,659.25 APRIL ROOM AND BOARD 491947 1000130893 1195.6225 BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES 1,659.25 435739 5/30/2019 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG 3,214.58 CHAIRS 491992 88080364 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 3,214.58 435740 5/30/2019 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC. 116.60 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 491909 65064011 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 50Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435740 5/30/2019 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC.Continued... 116.60 435741 5/30/2019 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,902.00 491721 138724 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25.20 491722 138725 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 657.00 491720 140020 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 25.20 491719 140021 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 513.00 491718 140022 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,027.00 491723 140023 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,257.50 492006 141178 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,406.90 435742 5/30/2019 126816 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 154.80 GENERAL SUPPIES 491923 6520787 5932.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SEWER 154.80 435743 5/30/2019 100808 HORWATH, THOMAS 315.52 MILES 491833 05-24-2019 1644.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE 315.52 435744 5/30/2019 142744 HP INC. 190.55 27" MONITOR FOR JULIE NORGREN 491911 9008791598 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 190.55 435745 5/30/2019 144352 IMS ALLIANCE 41.00 PPE - PAR TAGS 491994 19-1087 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 41.00 435746 5/30/2019 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 553.50 491724 77270 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 94.50 491727 77576 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 195.90 491725 77577 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 150.50-491726 77578 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 693.40 435747 5/30/2019 121034 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING 70.00 ICSC SUBSCRIPTION 492007 B03595-2019 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 70.00 435748 5/30/2019 141530 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS FIRE DEPARTMENT 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 51Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435748 5/30/2019 141530 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS FIRE DEPARTMENT Continued... 240.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491872 20180522KK 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 975.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT TSS 491874 20190522H 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,215.00 435749 5/30/2019 143537 JIRIK SOD FARMS 1,772.00 SOD FOR BARE AREAS ON COURSE 491972 42382 5422.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,622.00 SOD BARE AREAS ON COURSE 491971 42399 5422.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 138.00 ONE PALLET OF SOD 491648 42429 5422.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,532.00 435750 5/30/2019 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 380.80-491731 2934587 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,025.00 491728 2971729 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,325.10 491729 2971731 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 570.00 491730 2971732 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,148.77 491737 2971766 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,104.00 491736 2971767 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4,760.20 491735 2971768 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,332.80 491734 2971769 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,294.20 491732 2971770 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 78.45 491733 2971771 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 20,257.72 435751 5/30/2019 100833 JOHN HENRY FOSTER MINNESOTA INC. 195.24 WTP4 AIR COMP. PARTS 491926 10428027-00 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 39.72 491927 10428027-01 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 234.96 435752 5/30/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. .30 491745 1289155 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.19 491746 1289158 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 80.00 491746 1289158 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 15.47 491739 1289171 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 745.62 491739 1289171 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.87 491740 1289172 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,057.53 491740 1289172 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 16.66 491741 1289173 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 809.51 491741 1289173 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.98 491742 1289174 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,317.18 491742 1289174 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 52Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435752 5/30/2019 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO.Continued... 28.56 491743 1289175 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,283.55 491743 1289175 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 491744 1289176 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 64.00 491744 1289176 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.16 491738 1291315 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 11.90 491772 1294436 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,270.00 491772 1294436 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10.71 491765 1294437 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 772.24 491765 1294437 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.62 491764 1294438 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,050.49 491764 1294438 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.14 491763 1294439 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 374.49 491763 1294439 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491762 1294440 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 194.00 491762 1294440 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 23.20 491759 1294441 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,585.15 491759 1294441 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491761 1294442 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 182.55 491761 1294442 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 16.96 491770 1294443 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 839.32 491770 1294443 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.19 491760 1294445 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 120.00 491760 1294445 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 38.09 491769 1294446 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,145.61 491769 1294446 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 23.80 491768 1294448 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,220.87 491768 1294448 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3.57 491767 1294449 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 340.00 491767 1294449 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24.99 491771 1294450 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,461.84 491771 1294450 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.14 491766 1294451 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 700.58 491766 1294451 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 22.52 491773 1294452 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,110.33 491773 1294452 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24,024.83 435753 5/30/2019 137597 KARTAK, STEPHEN 129.55 EXPENSE REFUND 491828 5222019 1495.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS INSPECTIONS 129.55 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 53Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435753 5/30/2019 137597 KARTAK, STEPHEN Continued... 435754 5/30/2019 136686 KIDCREATE STUDIO 613.00 KIDCREATE MESSY CLASS (EP)491897 10124 1630.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS 613.00 435755 5/30/2019 143034 KOURAJIAN, NICK 9.99 PETTY CASH REFILL 491859 5.22.19 5110.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 139.49 PETTY CASH REFILL 491859 5.22.19 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 244.25 PETTY CASH REFILL 491859 5.22.19 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 393.73 435756 5/30/2019 143544 LADY A LITERARY 3,905.00 AD SALES COMM. ACT. DIRECTORY 491895 #11 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 3,905.00 435757 5/30/2019 144997 LAKEVILLE 313.50 MN-TF1 DCSOT WAS 491873 20190522B 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 313.50 435758 5/30/2019 135226 LAMON, MJ 674.08 IAP2 CONFERENCE EXPENSES 492045 052819 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 674.08 435759 5/30/2019 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 318.78 FITTINGS, NIPPLES, CONNECTORS 491621 9306729371 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 318.78 435760 5/30/2019 136027 LINA 5,167.82 MAY LTD INVOICE 491608 0416005118-5/19 9900.2033.16 LTD - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 5,167.82 435761 5/30/2019 100558 LIND ELECTRONIC DESIGN CO INC. 113.07 AMBULANCE CAD CHARGER 491930 35717 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 113.07 435762 5/30/2019 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. 2,827.20 LOFFLER SERVICE CONTRACT 491684 3049453 2310.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT E911 2,827.20 435763 5/30/2019 144998 LUNDS FOOD HOLDINGS, INC 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 54Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435763 5/30/2019 144998 LUNDS FOOD HOLDINGS, INC Continued... 4,305.79 UTILITY REFUND 491937 05-21-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 4,305.79 435764 5/30/2019 137076 LUSTIG, DEREK 122.84 491934 05162019 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 122.84 435765 5/30/2019 102722 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY 340.60 EVIDENCE/PROPERTY SUPPLIES 491841 357486 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 106.00 EVIDENCE/PROPERTY SUPPLIES 491842 357688 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 446.60 435766 5/30/2019 144940 MEDIA MINEFIELD, INC. 1,625.00 491649 7308 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,625.00 491983 7404 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 3,250.00 435767 5/30/2019 100885 METRO SALES INC 2,244.30 METRO HP QRTLY 491651 INV1345544 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 2,244.30 435768 5/30/2019 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 202.36 TPM KIT 492026 513548 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 733.73 LAMP, MIRROR 492030 513959 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 936.09 435769 5/30/2019 144999 MICHAEL PECK 1,300.00 UTILITY REFUND 491938 05-21-2019 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 1,300.00 435770 5/30/2019 104650 MICRO CENTER 18.99 HDMI CONVERTER FOR SLINGSTUDIO 491928 7610733 1130.6410 VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 18.99 435771 5/30/2019 145000 MIKE MORE 400.00 MUSIC 491940 52219 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 400.00 435772 5/30/2019 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 8,450.00 5921 EWING UTILITY UPGRADE 491652 35836 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 55Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435772 5/30/2019 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER Continued... 8,450.00 435773 5/30/2019 116770 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT 18,922.53 MN-TF1 491603 052119 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 18,922.53 435774 5/30/2019 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 23,363.00 WATER SUPPLY CONNECTION FEE 491686 04/30/2019-06/3 0/2019 5915.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT 23,363.00 435775 5/30/2019 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 40.00 HOSPITALITY FEE 491942 800018 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 40.00 435776 5/30/2019 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 260.12 HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE 491653 10000077365 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 260.12 435777 5/30/2019 123909 MINNESOTA SODDING CO LLC 1,776.76 LEWIS APPLICATION 491654 9133 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,811.00 HIGHLAND APPLICATION 491655 9140 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,220.70 GARDEN APPLICATION 491656 9141 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,493.60 CREEK VALLEY APPLICATION 491657 9142 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,190.24 COURTNEY APPLICATION 491658 9143 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 397.69 COUNTRYSIDE APPLICATION 491659 9144 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,008.96 VV APPLICATION 491660 9145 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,273.92 PAMELA APPLICATION 491662 9146 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 554.33 WOODALE APPLICATION 491661 9147 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 10,727.20 435778 5/30/2019 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 9.50 VETTER NAMEPLATE FOR CHAMBERS 491949 27579 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 9.50 435779 5/30/2019 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC 228.25 491774 5198 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 291.25 491775 E-5203 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 519.50 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 56Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435780 5/30/2019 140948 MOHAGEN / HANSEN ARCHITECTURAL GROUP Continued... 3,116.17 NORTH RAMP SIGNAGE 491663 44677 9243.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 50TH AND FRANCE 2 TIF DISTRICT 3,116.17 435781 5/30/2019 145001 MORGAN PLOSSER 135.00 REFUND SOCCER SHOTS 491878 052019 1600.4390.22 MINI HAWKS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 135.00 435782 5/30/2019 100920 NAPA AUTO PARTS 135.49 FILTER 492032 2122-471896 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 135.49 435783 5/30/2019 121233 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT 389.00 CITY HALL SERVER ROOM 491687 IN00109003 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 389.00 435784 5/30/2019 141215 NEGOCE LLC 1.50 491747 310016 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 133.98 491747 310016 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 135.48 435785 5/30/2019 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 14.00 491748 143360 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 696.00 491748 143360 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.00 491776 143487 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 96.00 491776 143487 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8.00 491778 143629 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 464.00 491778 143629 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.00 491777 143631 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 788.00 491777 143631 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,082.00 435786 5/30/2019 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 732.95 STREET SIGN MATERIAL 491952 TRFINV011714 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 732.95 435787 5/30/2019 100926 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 424.98 JACK, CRANE 492039 0031205944 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 424.98 435788 5/30/2019 141529 NORTHFIELD HOSPITAL EMS 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 57Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435788 5/30/2019 141529 NORTHFIELD HOSPITAL EMS Continued... 1,080.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491875 20190522O 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,080.00 435789 5/30/2019 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 291.28 491964 W19040579 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 291.28 435790 5/30/2019 101659 ORKIN 151.90 GRANGE CAHILL PEST 491691 180512652 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 26.02 RAMP PEST 491690 180512736 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 26.02 RAMP PEST 491689 180513609 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 30.00 RAMP PEST 491688 180514389 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 233.94 435791 5/30/2019 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 46.25 491779 50694 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,780.00 491779 50694 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.00 491780 61438 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 325.92 491780 61438 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 10.50 491781 61441 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 763.20 491781 61441 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5,932.87 435792 5/30/2019 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 537.00 491782 25910254 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 257.40 492011 27943456 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 161.70 491783 27943457 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 956.10 435793 5/30/2019 138081 PETERSON SALT & WATER TREATMENT 88.96 SALT - ST. 1 491966 168217 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 88.96 435794 5/30/2019 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 15.47 491784 2554059 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,739.48 491784 2554059 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 38.08 491785 2554060 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,456.75 491785 2554060 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 21.42 491788 2554867 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,796.85 491788 2554867 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 58Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435794 5/30/2019 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Continued... 8.33 491787 2557868 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 898.40 491787 2557868 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.90 491786 2557869 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 804.52 491786 2557869 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 36.90 491789 2557873 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,470.25 491789 2557873 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 128.52-492005 330864 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9,169.83 435795 5/30/2019 100119 PING 320.07 MERCHANDISE 491667 14728422 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 320.07 435796 5/30/2019 123092 PLAYPOWER LT FARMINGTON INC 508.00 PLAYGROUND PARTS 491668 1400232211 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 508.00 435797 5/30/2019 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 5,127.60 E:E POSTAGE 491818 052319 1130.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 5,127.60 435798 5/30/2019 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY 1,155.00 491790 5853 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 360.00 491791 5961 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,515.00 435799 5/30/2019 105324 READY WATT ELECTRIC 4,684.00 SIREN MAINTENANCE 491910 102476 421460.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CIVIL DEFENSE EQUIPMENT 4,684.00 435800 5/30/2019 125936 REINDERS INC. 336.00 GREENHOUSE FERTILIZER 491670 3063035-00 1643.6540 FERTILIZER Greenhouse and horticulture 336.00 435801 5/30/2019 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 9,092.00 MN-TF1 491599 20190522AA 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 9,092.00 435802 5/30/2019 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 340.55 MN-TF1 491600 20190522CC 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 59Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435802 5/30/2019 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT Continued... 340.55 435803 5/30/2019 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 95.68 MN-TF1 491601 20190522DD 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 95.68 435804 5/30/2019 139927 ROCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 14,557.27 MN-TF1 491604 20190522B 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 14,557.27 435805 5/30/2019 145031 ROGER K JOHNSON 189.00 REFUND GOLF LEAGUE 492043 05282019 1628.4392.02 SENIOR GOLF LEAGUE SENIOR CITIZENS 189.00 435806 5/30/2019 127774 ROOTSTOCK WINE COMPANY 19.50 492004 19-12590 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 936.00 492004 19-12590 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 955.50 435807 5/30/2019 141532 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT 270.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491815 20190522EE 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 540.00 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491817 20190522JJ 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 810.00 435808 5/30/2019 140675 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT 498.75 MN-TF1 DCSOT 491816 20190522GG 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 5,404.87 MN-TF1 SCT 491813 20190522Q 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 5,903.62 435809 5/30/2019 134818 ROSTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 175,647.40 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT 491879 PK18-1 47102.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES BRIDGE RPLCMT 175,647.40 435810 5/30/2019 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 512.79 SOLVENT WASHER SERVICE 491671 79705372 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 512.79 435811 5/30/2019 145002 SAM WETZEL 179.99 SAM WETZEL SHOE REIMBURSEMENT 491857 20190521 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 179.99 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 60Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435811 5/30/2019 145002 SAM WETZEL Continued... 435812 5/30/2019 142215 SCHOOL SPACE MEDIA, LLC 1,974.00 SCHOOL SPACE MEDIA AD.491882 4895 1600.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 1,974.00 435813 5/30/2019 105815 SCHUMACHER, DOUGLAS A. 380.88 BLACK WALNUT 491672 INV9627 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 380.88 435814 5/30/2019 144371 SENTEXT 299.00 SENTEXT SUBSCRIPTION 491896 79350 1554.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 299.00 435815 5/30/2019 144980 SHARAB SHRUBS 87.00 491793 367369 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 87.00 491792 367377 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 174.00 435816 5/30/2019 101556 SHRED-IT USA 107.85 SHREDDING SERVICES 491946 8127340595 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107.85 435817 5/30/2019 120784 SIGN PRO 501.82 WALL LOGO 491956 14061 5510.6575 PRINTING ARENA ADMINISTRATION 113.60 NORTH RAMP EXP - WAYFINDING 491884 14076 9210.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT HRA ADMINISTRATION 134.60 NORTH RAMP EXP - WAYFINDING 491674 14112 9210.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT HRA ADMINISTRATION 69.02 PANELS FOR SIGNS 491673 14125 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 819.04 435818 5/30/2019 116501 SIMONSON, JUSTIN 97.30 CLOTHING 491825 05-24-2019 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 97.30 435819 5/30/2019 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 40.07 PARTS FOR IRRIGATION 491675 91138928-001 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 5.02 IRRIGATION FITTINGS 491676 91139719-001 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 49.46 IRRIGATION HEAD 491951 91320153-001 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 62.99 IRRIGATION HEAD 491950 91331789-001 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 157.54 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 61Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435820 5/30/2019 140502 SOUTH METRO FIRE DEPARTMENT Continued... 660.01 MN-TF1 DCSOT WAS 491876 20190522D 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 1,583.51 MN-TF1 DCSOT TSS 491811 20190522G 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 304.62 MN-TF1 UQT3 491812 20190522M 7510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MN TF 1 ADMINISTRATION 2,548.14 435821 5/30/2019 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 21.00 491794 1819091 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 6,584.20 491794 1819091 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.60 491795 1820491 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3.20 491796 1820492 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 287.80 491796 1820492 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12.00 491798 1821780 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,426.58 491798 1821780 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.20 491797 1821781 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,550.57 491797 1821781 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9,894.15 435822 5/30/2019 101016 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 3,216.36 NORTH RAMP EXP -OWNERS REP 491885 10930.00-20 9243.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 50TH AND FRANCE 2 TIF DISTRICT 3,216.36 435823 5/30/2019 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 562.50 DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE AD 491887 100306381-04252 019 1504.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS EQUITY 562.50 435824 5/30/2019 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 192.00 491799 27762 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 153.00 491800 27763 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 345.00 435825 5/30/2019 134103 STULC, NATHAN 125.28 MILEAGE 492055 052819 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 125.28 435826 5/30/2019 101756 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING LLC. 2,206.03 NORTH RAMP EXP - SURVEY 491677 53510 9243.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 50TH AND FRANCE 2 TIF DISTRICT 2,206.03 435827 5/30/2019 121253 THAYER, LARRY 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 62Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435827 5/30/2019 121253 THAYER, LARRY Continued... 98.60 MILES 491834 05-24-2019 1652.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE WEED MOWING 98.60 435828 5/30/2019 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 73.88 WELDING SUPPLIES 491678 10299802 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 73.88 435829 5/30/2019 123649 TOWMASTER 12.40 ASSEMBLY PIN CHAIN 491618 416095 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12.40 435830 5/30/2019 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE CO. 428.00 DOOR CLOSERS 491890 PS10024203 1375.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARKING RAMP 428.00 435831 5/30/2019 103973 ULINE 447.04 GLOVES 491924 108571255 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 447.04 435832 5/30/2019 140382 UNITED FARMERS COOP 208.81 VALVE, BLADES 491679 78901 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 208.81 435833 5/30/2019 131957 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC BOZEMAN 66.00 BASE PLUG 491680 150-0043752-01 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 66.00 435834 5/30/2019 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 171.00 491801 1152 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 130.50 491802 1158 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 301.50 435835 5/30/2019 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 122.09 DIMMER SWITCH 491886 S002570201.002 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS CITY HALL GENERAL 331.15 3/4" CONDUIT 491954 S002599835.001 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 39.52 ELECTRICAL PARTS 491985 S002609732.001 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 492.76 435836 5/30/2019 101067 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 1,357.76-491907 3165857 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 63Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435836 5/30/2019 101067 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER Continued... 1,357.76 491907 3165857 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 1,357.76 491907 3165857 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 1,357.76 435837 5/30/2019 144654 VINEYARD VINES LLC 90.64 MERCHANDISE 491980 1003637 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 73.64 MERCHANDISE 491977 1006041 5400.1356 INVENTORY SUPPLIES GOLF BALANCE SHEET 164.28 435838 5/30/2019 135181 WATERFORD OIL COMPANY INC. 1,479.97 DIESEL AND GAS 491682 72160 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,479.97 435839 5/30/2019 114588 WILSON, ROBERT C. 184.44 MILEAGE 492054 052819 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 184.44 435840 5/30/2019 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 58.31 491821 7234953 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5,381.00 491821 7234953 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.28 491824 7235952 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,422.00 491824 7235952 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.38 491823 7235953 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 39.50 491823 7235953 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 13.09 491826 7235954 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,240.00 491826 7235954 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.14 491827 7236176 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 520.00 491827 7236176 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,697.70 435841 5/30/2019 144412 WINEBOW 1.75 491830 MN00058982 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 258.00 491830 MN00058982 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.75 491832 MN00058983 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 84.00 491832 MN00058983 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 345.50 435842 5/30/2019 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 107.70 STREET LIGHT SPLICING 491922 177716 01 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 107.70 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:36:10R55CKR2LOGIS101 64Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 435842 5/30/2019 124503 WINSUPPLY OF EDEN PRAIRIE Continued... 435843 5/30/2019 118395 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC. 121.00 UNIFORMS - EHMILLER PROMOTION 491920 E1835147.002 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 353.98 FIRE EQUIPMENT 492048 E1839909.001 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 474.98 435844 5/30/2019 101572 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 550.00 BROOM 491683 0175358 1647.6530 REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE 550.00 435845 5/30/2019 102500 ZIMMERMAN, TIM 250.00 ISLAND PLANTINGS 491988 PERENNIALS 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 250.00 435846 5/30/2019 144058 ZINN, BOBO 92.16 JEWELRY SUPPLIES SPRING 2019 491939 5.28.19 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 92.16 2,828,974.87 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 2,828,974.87 Total Payments 2,828,974.87 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:22R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 5/30/20195/23/2019 - Company Amount 37,824.2001000GENERAL FUND 42,115.0004100PIR CONSTRUCTION FUND 389.0305100ART CENTER FUND 104.5705200GOLF DOME FUND 220.2805300AQUATIC CENTER FUND 2,496.9905400GOLF COURSE FUND 20,024.8105500ICE ARENA FUND 281.0605550SPORTS DOME FUND 347.1705700EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 4,668.3805750CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 33,861.3705800LIQUOR FUND 23,481.9905900UTILITY FUND 22,097.1905930STORM SEWER FUND Report Totals 187,912.04 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8136 5/23/2019 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 86.97 SIGHT GLASS 491177 0159874-IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 86.97 8137 5/23/2019 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 2.00 490695 2363279 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 181.21 490695 2363279 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.00 491080 2365416 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 51.87 491080 2365416 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 91.07 491403 2365496 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 328.15 8138 5/23/2019 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 471.26 COFFEE - FIRE 490615 1370038 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 471.26 8139 5/23/2019 129624 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 360.00 LEGAL ADVICE 491571 202012 1170.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES 360.00 8140 5/23/2019 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 2,104.00 490617 23271708.00-1 5925.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - SEWER 2,104.00 8141 5/23/2019 101343 BEHR, JASON 1,350.70 2019 TUITION REIMB. J. BEHR 490980 050919 1170.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER HUMAN RESOURCES 1,350.70 8142 5/23/2019 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 9.30 491540 0069711100 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 480.00 491540 0069711100 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 13.95 491541 0069749800 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,353.40 491541 0069749800 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 21.70 490701 69625400 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,880.50 490701 69625400 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.30 491409 69710900 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 480.00 491409 69710900 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.30 491083 69711000 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 480.00 491083 69711000 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.55 491407 69750300 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 160.00 491407 69750300 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8142 5/23/2019 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION Continued... 44.95 491405 69750500 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,998.86 491405 69750500 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 13.95 491084 69751200 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,525.00 491084 69751200 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.55 491408 69752500 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 96.00 491408 69752500 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.55 491085 69752600 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 128.00 491085 69752600 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.12 491082 99505500 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 25.20 491082 99505500 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.92 491406 99505600 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 196.91 491406 99505600 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 12,938.01 8143 5/23/2019 100648 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS 34.41 WIPES FOR FRONT COUNTER 490621 WO-461245-1 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 74.12 SUPPLIES 491234 WO-541622-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 108.53 8144 5/23/2019 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 16,103.83 CITY ATTORNEY-APRIL INVOICE 490622 2851G-4/19 1196.6131 PROFESSIONAL SERV - LEGAL CITY ATTORNEY 16,103.83 8145 5/23/2019 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 188.40 490908 SGX7685 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 188.40 8146 5/23/2019 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 931.67 490714 10371565 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 894.50 491099 36261637 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,907.50 491413 67711626 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,733.67 8147 5/23/2019 104020 DALCO 602.16 TRASH LIDS 490626 3447157 1645.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LITTER REMOVAL 26.88 PW SUPPLIES 491513 3451866 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 629.04 8148 5/23/2019 129157 DO-GOOD.BIZ INC 180.85 NEIGHBORHOOD POSTCARDS 491233 12387-01 1120.6575 PRINTING ADMINISTRATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8148 5/23/2019 129157 DO-GOOD.BIZ INC Continued... 180.85 8149 5/23/2019 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 35.70 MARKET ST PH 491518 693695 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 59.50 AMBULANCE BIDS 491517 693696 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 41.65 MOHAWK TRL & AMUNDSON FLATS 491519 929039 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 136.85 8150 5/23/2019 102079 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC 8,440.00 5832 ZENITH UTILITY AGREEMENT 491251 15436 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 8,290.00 5825 ZENITH UTILITY UPGRADE 490634 15437 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 8,375.00 5809 BEARD UTILITY UPGRADE 490944 15443 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 8,590.00 5833 EWING UTILITY UPGRADE 491244 15444 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 33,695.00 8151 5/23/2019 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 18.63-RETURN PLASTIC PARTS 490346 CIE006CM 5915.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 161.67 REPLACEMENT PIPE 491209 INV114467 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 500.18 REPLACEMENT PIPE WELL 13 CHL F 491512 INV115205 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 735.98 PLASTIC VALVES AND PIPE 491211 SO0124658 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 1,379.20 8152 5/23/2019 121075 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC. 68.00 CREEK VALLEY TOILET 491191 146311 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 68.00 PAMELA TOILET 491192 146312 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 68.00 ALDEN TOILET 491193 146313 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 260.00 VEHICLE DAY PORTA POTTY 491347 146314 1627.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 68.00 ROSLAND TOILET 491194 146315 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 29.14 GARDEN TOILET 491195 146316 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 68.00 HIGHLANDS TOILET 491196 146317 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 68.00 LEWIS TOILET 491197 146318 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 51.50 HIGHLANDS TOILET 491201 146652 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 141.50 HIGHLANDS TOILET 491183 146654 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 890.14 8153 5/23/2019 101483 MENARDS 39.99 TOOLS 490642 91858 1641.6556 TOOLS MOWING 17.24 ZAM BODY REPAIR 490640 92068 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 78.77 ZAM BODY REPAIR 490641 92120 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 23.46 ELEC PLUGS 491206 92276 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8153 5/23/2019 101483 MENARDS Continued... 11.16 BULKHEAD SAN PIPE EP 491210 92281 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 26.16 OFFICE DESK REPAIRS 491469 92371 5510.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 18.97 SAWZ ALL BLADES 491466 92445 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 1,945.07 SPORT COURT BOXES 491467 92478 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 258.93 4X4X8' CEDAR POST 491454 92576 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 118.59 RUST REPAIR MAIN ELEC SERVICE 491509 92590 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS CITY HALL GENERAL 2,538.34 8154 5/23/2019 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 518.68 CLEANING SUPPLIES 491472 41703 1470.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 518.68 8155 5/23/2019 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 240.95 IRRIGATION VALVE COVERS 491334 1209533-00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 186.18 2 TIRES 491314 1209744-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 208.94 SWING JOINTS 491302 1209992-00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 27.02 SPACERS FOR HIGHT OF CUT 491312 1210040-00 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 14.09 PARTS FOR HIGHT OF CUT GAUGE 491313 1210078-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 143.70 REPAIRS FOR FWY MOWER 491318 1211245-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 17.01 SEAL 490647 1211298-00 1642.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIELD MAINTENANCE 22.25 BLSDE BOLTS, CUP 491161 1211417-00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 95.83 SPINDLE 491199 1211454-00 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 955.97 8156 5/23/2019 101620 NORTH SECOND STREET STEEL SUPPLY 494.40 STEEL 491181 434787 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 494.40 8157 5/23/2019 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 73.90 TIRES 491172 210409827 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 159.50 TIRES 490656 210410318 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 159.50 TIRES 491159 210410913 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 392.90 8158 5/23/2019 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 47.93 490657 15650 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 195.18 491529 15696 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 243.11 8159 5/23/2019 101000 SOULO COMMUNICATIONS 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8159 5/23/2019 101000 SOULO COMMUNICATIONS Continued... 53.92 BUS CARDS 490665 104464 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 78.92 BUS CARDS 490666 104465 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 53.92 BUS CARDS 491489 104561 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 61.24 BUS CARDS 491490 104653 1400.6575 PRINTING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 61.24 BUS CARDS 491491 104675 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 86.24 BUS CARDS 491492 104678 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 395.48 8160 5/23/2019 122455 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING 7,500.00 SCADA PROGRAMMING AND ETHERNET 490976 2158 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 7,500.00 8161 5/23/2019 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC. 51.47 HUMID MATERIAL 490318 S3727983.001 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 887.02-FAUCET RETURN 486715 S3739829.003 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13.93 PW HIMID 487853 S3771399.001 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 286.43 PLUMBING REPAIR 489298 S3781375.001 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 183.71 PLUMBING REPAIR 490668 S3781566.001 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 483.49 HUMID MATERIALS 489723 S3784412.001 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 157.04 IRRIGATION 70TH ST ROUNDABOUT 490667 S3790875.001 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 32.50 COURTNEY WATER HEATER PARTS 491200 S3792634.001 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 321.55 8162 5/23/2019 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 233.55 BUSHINGS 491190 EI08859 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 233.55 8163 5/23/2019 144033 USS MINNESOTA ONE MT LLC 4,589.52 491247 2019000057 5511.6185 LIGHT & POWER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 4,589.52 8164 5/23/2019 119454 VINOCOPIA 681.76 491433 0232993 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 9.00 491434 0232994-IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 120.00 491434 0232994-IN 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 14.00 490772 232446 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 152.00 490772 232446 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 976.76 8165 5/23/2019 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8165 5/23/2019 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION Continued... 370.72 CONCESSIONS FOOD 491462 55048250 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 370.72 8166 5/23/2019 103219 WENDEL SGN ARCHITECTURE INC. 811.10 ARDEN/PROF. SERVICES 491531 351439 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 811.10 8167 5/23/2019 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 8.25 491548 106508 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 516.00 491548 106508 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 11.55 491139 106509 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 984.00 491139 106509 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 28.05 491138 106510 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,224.00 491138 106510 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,771.85 8168 5/30/2019 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 2.00 491693 2365415 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 113.29 491693 2365415 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 100.91 491749 2369788 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.00 491750 2370674 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 28.87 491750 2370674 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 247.07 8169 5/30/2019 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 9,471.30 491598 23271649.01-4 04438.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS Flood Risk Reduction Strategy 711.50 VEGETATED BMP 491606 23271705.00-2 04447.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS Stormwater BMP Maintenance 10,182.80 8170 5/30/2019 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC. 85.50 RIVETS 491630 1018477 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 85.50 8171 5/30/2019 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1.55 491697 0069752400 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 84.00 491697 0069752400 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 4.94 491696 0099505400 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 202.23 491696 0099505400 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 7.75 491631 69847900 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 698.96 491631 69847900 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8171 5/30/2019 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION Continued... 999.43 8172 5/30/2019 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 29.71 SUPPLIES 491217 149567 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 35.98 MOUSE FOR PUBLIC DESK USE 491521 149736 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 61.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES 491840 149770 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 65.99-COFFEE 491485 8463CM 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 61.40 8173 5/30/2019 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 5,692.50 491929 69944 03510.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION SS Trunk Ext - York Phase 1 5,692.50 8174 5/30/2019 100648 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS 121.73 SUPPLY ROOM 491894 WO-542011-1 1120.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 148.08 ADMIN SUPPLIES 491894 WO-542011-1 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 269.81 8175 5/30/2019 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 232.00 491758 22101713 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 432.00 491756 48981681 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 464.00 491757 69071715 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1,344.84 492046 74651638 5800.1354 INVENTORY BEER LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,472.84 8176 5/30/2019 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC. 11,411.20 CASTINGS 491838 ZZ2286 5932.6536 CASTINGS GENERAL STORM SEWER 11,411.20 8177 5/30/2019 100768 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG INC 108.77 EAST COIL 491591 IP002190 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 108.77 8178 5/30/2019 102079 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC 8,420.00 5800 EWING UTILITY UPGRADE 491596 15445 01451.1705.17 UTILITY COORDINATION Chowen A/B 8,420.00 8179 5/30/2019 102484 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MANUFACTURING 1,544.16 FIELD PAINT 491647 0000975-IN 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,544.16 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8179 5/30/2019 102484 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MANUFACTURING Continued... 8180 5/30/2019 129508 IMPACT 3,467.05 491587 140312 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 3,467.05 8181 5/30/2019 108618 JEFFERSON FIRE & SAFETY INC. 1,324.72 PPE 2019 FIRE BOOTS 491993 IN105787 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,324.72 8182 5/30/2019 105726 LINDMAN, DAVID 10.97 BUCKETS FOR CHIP GRINDER 491854 25598 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 61.85 WATER SYSTEM FOR CHIP GRINDER 491853 HI-TECH 8836 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 328.76 TRAINING FOOD/EQUIPMENT/BAGS 491852 MULTIPLE0510201 9 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 366.02 TRAINING VEHICLE/GAS 491852 MULTIPLE0510201 9 1400.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 767.60 8183 5/30/2019 117804 MALLOY MONTAGUE KARNOWSKI 8,504.26 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 1160.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT FINANCE 145.92 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5110.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 104.57 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5210.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 220.28 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5310.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT POOL ADMINISTRATION 430.59 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5410.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 612.32 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5510.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT ARENA ADMINISTRATION 180.13 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5552.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 347.17 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5710.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 231.63 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5760.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 431.80 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5820.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT 50TH STREET GENERAL 996.24 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5860.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,120.86 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5840.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 3,171.04 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5902.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 503.19 2018 AUDIT 491685 46331 5932.6130 PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT GENERAL STORM SEWER 17,000.00 8184 5/30/2019 101483 MENARDS 138.52 REPAIR LUMBER 491650 92888 1646.6577 LUMBER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 117.65 1X6X16' BOARD/TAPE MEASURE 491955 92940 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 8.94 MULCH 491888 92941 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 12.22 PASTE WAX/STEEL WOOL 491889 92953 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8184 5/30/2019 101483 MENARDS Continued... 48.04 SPORT COURTCRATES AND FLASHING 491918 93004 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 19.89 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 491958 93106 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 41.82 CEDAR BOARDS 491959 93124 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 13.48 WOOD STAKES 491957 93125 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 400.56 8185 5/30/2019 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 11.08 GREENS MOWER PART 491666 1211245-01 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 70.45 FUEL CAP 491664 1212208-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 610.52 GEAR ASSEMBLY FOR GREENS MOWER 491665 1212576-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 692.05 8186 5/30/2019 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 650.56 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 491592 15692 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 72.28 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 491592 15692 5553.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 544.32 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 491948 15737 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 28.65 BATHROOM/CLEANING SUPPLIES 491948 15737 5553.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 1,295.81 8187 5/30/2019 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 684.00 491996 91631 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 684.00 8188 5/30/2019 100972 R&R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN INC. 6,626.50 WEST ZAM WATER CONTROL SYSTEM 491991 0067823-IN 5521.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ARENA ICE MAINT 369.10 ZAM PARTS 491990 0067828-IN 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 190.00 ZAMBONI SCHOOL 491669 SEMINAR & OH 5510.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ARENA ADMINISTRATION 7,185.60 8189 5/30/2019 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 3,743.25 RPZ REPAIRS AND TAGS 491989 76660 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 4,436.75 TEST AND REBUILD RPZ VALVES 491999 76662 5761.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 8,180.00 8190 5/30/2019 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC. 105.19 HUMID MATERIAL 492047 S3784412.002 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 105.19 8191 5/30/2019 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 117.29 SENSOR, SEALS 492040 101286 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5/29/2019CITY OF EDINA 13:35:18R55CKR2LOGIS101 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 5/30/20195/23/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 8191 5/30/2019 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Continued... 117.29 8192 5/30/2019 102925 SUPERIOR TECH PRODUCTS 553.47 BEDKNIVES/SCREWS REEL MOWERS 491973 1021409-R 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 553.47 8193 5/30/2019 119454 VINOCOPIA 20.00 491805 0233487 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 40.00 491805 0233487 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 836.25 491805 0233487 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 1.25 491804 0233488 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 32.00 491804 0233488 5800.1355 INVENTORY MIX & MISC LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 22.50 491806 0233489 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,440.00 491806 0233489 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 5.00 491803 232982 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 334.59 491803 232982 5800.1352 LIQUOR INVENTORY LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6.25 491681 233490 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 480.00 491681 233490 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 3,217.84 8194 5/30/2019 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 9.90 491807 107279 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,200.00 491807 107279 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8.40 491820 107295 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 474.00 491820 107295 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8.25 491808 107296 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 616.00 491808 107296 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 6.30 491819 107297 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 304.00 491819 107297 5800.1353 INVENTORY WINE LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2,626.85 187,912.04 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 187,912.04A/P ACH Payment Total Payments 187,912.04 Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-38: Approving Preliminary Plat for 6625 Mohawk Trail Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2019-38 approving the Preliminary Plat for 6625 Mohawk Trail. INTRODUCTION: As directed by the City Council on May 21, 2019, staff has drafted a resolution approving the Preliminary P lat for 6625 Mohawk Trail. The applicant would have one year to submit a Final Plat subject to the condition outlined in Resolution No. 2019-38. A Development Contract would be drafted by the city attorney along with the Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-38: Approving Preliminary Plat for 6625 Mohawk Trail RESOLUTION NO. 2019-38 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR 6625 MOHAWK TRAIL BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Jim Seabold, on behalf of the Michelle and William McQuarie, is proposing to subdivide the 5 acre property at 6625 Mohawk Trail into three lots. The existing home on the lot would remain, and continue to gain access off Mohawk Trail. Two new lots would be created on the east half of the property and gain access off of Dakota Trail. 1.02 Within this neighborhood, the median lot area is 27,439 square feet, median lot width is 153, and the median lot depth is 190 feet. The proposed lots comply with all required lot sizes. 1.03 The following described tract of land is requested to be divided: Lot 6, Block 6 Indian Hills, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 1.04 The Subject Property is guided Single Family Residential under the City’s Comprehensive Plan and is zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. 1.05 On May 8, 2019 after published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota Statutes and the City Code, the Planning Commission held a public hearing, at which time all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak thereon. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and Front Yard Setback Variances to 35 feet for Lots 2 and 3. Vote: 5 Ayes and 2 Nays. 1.06 On May 21st, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed subdivision and variances. The applicant withdrew their original request for front yard setback variances for Lots 2 and 3. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed lots meet all the required standards and ordinances for a subdivision. 2. The proposed plat meets the standards outlined in Sec. 32-130. – Considerations as follows: Resolution No. 2019-38 Page 2 (1) Whether the physical characteristics of the property, including, without limitation, topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion or siltation, susceptibility to flooding, use as a natural recovery and ponding area for storm water, and potential disturbance of slopes with a grade of 18 percent or more, are such that the property is not suitable for the type of development or use proposed. (2) Whether development within the proposed plat or subdivision will cause the disturbance of more than 25 percent of the total area in such plat or subdivision containing slopes exceeding 18 percent. (3) Comply with section 10-82. 3. The proposed lots are reasonably sized and consistent with the neighborhood. 4. The proposal, with specific development conditions, would not disturb more that 25% of the steep slope areas on the Plat. 5. In meeting all city and watershed district requirements for drainage the proposed subdivision would not have a negative impact on adjacent property. Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Preliminary Plat for the proposed subdivision of 6625 Mohawk Trail. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The City must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. Final plat shall include a complete grading and drainage plan subject to review and approval of the city engineer. The grading and drainage plans must be revised to meet the conditions required herein. 2. At the time of final plat approval, the applicant shall enter into a Development Contract with the City. The Development Contract shall include the following: a. All requirements in the engineering memo dated April 24, 2019. b. Building pads that show a disturbance of no more than 25% of the slope areas on Lots 2 and 3. c. The agreement shall also include all the conditions of approval. 3. Prior to release of the final plat, the following items must be submitted: a. Park dedication fee of $10,000 must be paid prior to release of the final plat. b. A construction management plan will be required for the overall development of the site. c. Submit evidence of a Nine Mile Creek Watershed District approval. The City may require revisions to the preliminary plat to meet the district’s requirements. Resolution No. 2019-38 Page 3 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items must be submitted: a. Curb-cut permits must be obtained from the Edina engineering department. Driveway plans must be consistent with the proposed grading plan to preserve as many trees as possible. b. Individual homes must comply with the overall grading plan for the site. Building pads must show a disturbance of no more than 25% of the 18% slope areas between Lots 2 and 3. c. Each individual building permit will be reviewed for compliance with the overall grading plan and development agreement subject to review and approval of the city engineer. d. A construction management plan will be required for the construction of the new homes. e. Utility hook-ups are subject to review of the city engineer. f. There shall be no increase in peak rate or storm water volume to neighboring private property. g. Any disturbance to the roadway caused by the construction of the new homes must be repaired by replacing the asphalt pavement from curb-to-curb and from saw-cut to saw-cut. 5. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated April 24, 2019. 6. Compliance with the tree ordinance. Resolution No. 2019-38 Page 4 Adopted this 4th day of June 2019. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 4, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2019. _________________________________ City Clerk Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Tara Brown, Sustainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance 2019-10: Approve Second Reading of Efficient Building Benchmarking Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving second reading of Ordinance 2019-10 Efficient Building Benchmarking and the joint powers agreement with Hennepin County to access Overlay Consulting as a contractor for efficient building benchmarking. INTRODUCTION: Initiative #3 Energy Benchmarking was put on the Energy and Environment Commission’s (EEC) 2019 work plan to review and recommend policy that can positively impact energy efficiency amongst the heaviest energy consumption group, large buildings. At the May 21 Council Meeting, the EEC and staff presented Ordinance 2019-10 Efficiency Building Benchmarking. Council approved the first reading of the ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Description Ordinance 2019-10: Efficient Building Benchmarking Joint Powers Agreement with Hennepin County 1 201657v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING LARGE BUILDING BENCHMARKING THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding Article XI to provide as follows: ARTICLE XI EFFICIENT BUILDING BENCHMARKING 20-625 Definitions. The following words shall have the meaning ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Benchmark means to input the total energy consumed for a building and other descriptive information for such building as required by the benchmarking tool. Benchmarking information means information related to a building's energy consumption as generated by the benchmarking tool, and descriptive information about the physical building and its operational characteristics. The information shall include, but need not be limited to: (1) Building address; (2) Energy use intensity (EUI); (3) Annual greenhouse gas emissions; (4) The energy performance score that compares the energy use of the building to that of similar properties, where available. Benchmarking tool means the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Portfolio Manager Tool or an equivalent tool adopted by the Director. Property owner means an individual or entity possessing title to a building, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the property owner. City-owned building means any building, or group of buildings on the same tax lot, owned by the City of Edina containing twenty-five thousand (25,000) or more gross square feet of an occupancy use other than industrial. Covered property means any property of occupancy uses other than industrial that has one or more buildings containing in sum the gross square feet shall be classified in the following classes: 2 201657v1 Class Property Size (in square feet) 1 100,000 and greater 2 50,000-99,999 3 25,000 - 49,999 The term "covered property" shall not include any building owned by the county, state, or federal government or other recognized political subdivision as there is no jurisdiction over these buildings. Director means the individual appointed by the City Manager. Energy means electricity, natural gas, steam, heating oil, or other product sold by a utility for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities. Energy-saving assessment means a systematic process of identifying and developing modifications and improvements of the base building systems, including but not limited to alterations of such systems and the installation of new equipment, insulation or other generally recognized energy and water efficiency technologies to optimize energy and water use performance of the building and achieve energy and water savings, provided that such process shall be at least as stringent as or comparable to the Level I Energy Survey and Engineering Analysis of the most recent edition of Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers Inc. (ASHRAE) or as otherwise determined by the Director and such process for water systems shall be as determined by the Director. Energy performance score means the numeric rating generated by the Energy Star Portfolio Manager tool or equivalent tool adopted by the Director that compares the energy usage of the building to that of similar buildings. Energy Star Portfolio Manager means the tool developed and maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to track and assess the relative energy performance of buildings nationwide. Industrial means manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and assembly of products and materials. Tenant means a person or entity occupying or holding possession of a building or premises pursuant to a rental agreement. Utility means an entity that distributes and sells natural gas, electric, or thermal energy services for buildings. 3 201657v1 20-626 Benchmarking required for city-owned properties. No later than August first, 2019, and no later than every June first thereafter, each city-owned building shall be benchmarked for the previous calendar year. 20-627 Benchmarking required for covered properties. Property owners shall annually benchmark for the previous calendar year each covered property and obtain an energy performance score as available according to the following schedule: a. All Class 1 and Class 2 covered properties by June first, 2020 and by every June first thereafter; b. All Class 3 covered properties by June first, 2021 and by every June first thereafter; 20-628 Disclosure and publication of benchmarking information. The property owner shall annually provide benchmarking information to the Director, in such form as established by the Director's rule, by the date provided by the schedule in subsections 20-627. 20-629 The Director shall make readily available to the public, and update annually, benchmarking information for the previous calendar year according to the following schedule: a. Each city-owned property by August 30, 2020 and by every August 30th thereafter; b. Each Class 1 and Class 2 covered property by August 30, 2021 and by every August 30th thereafter; c. Each Class 3 covered property by August 30, 2022 and by every August 30th thereafter; 20-630 The Director shall make available to the public, and update at least annually, the following information about city-owned properties and covered properties: a. Summary statistics on energy consumption derived from aggregation of bench marking information for properties; b. Summary statistics on overall compliance with this section; c. For each property: 1. The status of compliance with the requirements of this chapter; 2. Annual summary statistics for the property, including energy use intensity, annual greenhouse gas emissions, and an energy performance score where available; 4 201657v1 20-631 Energy assessment requirement. Covered properties with energy and water efficiency improvement potential shall submit proof of an energy assessment having been performed according to the schedule (1) below. The assessment must have been performed within the last five (5) years and must include recommendations for energy and water savings opportunities. Qualifying proof that an evaluation has been performed shall be established by rules set at discretion by the Director. The Director shall also establish energy standards in the rules that define buildings requiring an assessment. Properties shall submit proof of energy assessment according to the following schedule: a. All Class 1 covered properties by June first, 2022 and by June first every fifth year thereafter; b. All Class 2 covered properties by June first, 2023 and by June first every fifth year thereafter; c. All Class 3 covered properties by June first, 2024 and by June first every fifth year thereafter; 20-633 Exemptions. The Director may exempt a property owner from the benchmarking and energy assessment requirements of subsection (c) if the property owner submits documentation establishing any of the following: a. The property is presently experiencing qualifying financial distress in that the property is the subject of a qualified tax lien sale or public auction due to property tax arrearages, the property is controlled by a court-appointed receiver based on financial distress, the property is owned by a financial institution through default by the borrower, the property has been acquired by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or the property has a senior mortgage which is subject to a notice of default; or b. The property or areas of the property subject to the requirements of this section have been less than fifty (50) percent occupied during the calendar year for which benchmarking is required; or c. The property does not have a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy for all twelve (12) months of the calendar year for benchmarking is required. 20-634 Where aggregate data is not available, tenants located in a covered property subject to this chapter shall, within thirty (30) days of a request by the property owner and in a form to be approved by the Director, provide all information that cannot otherwise be acquired by the property owner and that is needed by the property owner to comply with the requirements of this section. 20-634 Violations. It shall be unlawful for any entity or person to fail to comply with the requirements of this section or to misrepresent any material fact in a document required to be prepared or disclosed by this section. 5 201657v1 20-635 Enforcement. The Director shall enforce the provisions of this section. If it is determined that a property owner or any person subject to the provisions of this section fails to meet any requirement of this section, the Director shall mail a warning notice to the property owner or person. The notice shall specify the reasons why the property owner or person fails to meet the requirements set forth in this section. The notice shall indicate that the person has forty-five (45) business days to comply with the applicable requirement. If any property owner or person who fails, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with the provisions of this section after the period of compliance provided for in the required warning notice the City shaly have cause for the denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to issue any applicable business license held by the property owner or person. This section may also be enforced by injunction, abatement, mandamus, or any other appropriate remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: May 21, 2019 Second Reading: June 4, 2019 Published: ATTEST: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk 6 201657v1 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of ___________________, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of ____________, 2019. ________________________________________ City Clerk 1 Joint Powers Agreement for Building Energy Benchmarking Professional Services THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between County of Hennepin and governmental units as provided in Section 2 and as defined in Minnesota Statutes § 471.59, subd. 1 (the “Party” or “Parties” depending on context). WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 471.59, the Parties are authorized to enter into agreements to exercise jointly or cooperatively governmental powers common to each and to permit one governmental entity to perform services or functions for another governmental unit; and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to share their purchasing powers in order to secure the most favorable terms and conditions for the purchase of building energy benchmarking professional services; WHEREAS, the Parties agree to take part in the County of Hennepin’s Building Energy Benchmarking Collaborative; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the Parties hereto as follows: 1. This Joint Powers Agreement (“Agreement”) will become effective upon the execution of each Party and shall continue in full force and effect for all executing Parties, until a Party withdraws in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 2. Any “governmental unit”, as defined in Minnesota Statutes § 471.59, is eligible to become a Party to this Agreement and may do so by execution of this Agreement. Upon execution, the Agreement becomes effective as to the signing governmental unit and the signed Agreement shall be transmitted to the Contract Administrator. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each counterpart for all purposes being deemed an original and all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. 3. The Hennepin County Administrator, or his/her designee or successor, will be the Contract Administrator and will be responsible for maintaining the records related to the administration of this Agreement. Each Party shall designate a contact person and provide written notice to all other Parties of the name and pertinent contact information for the Party’s contact person. The Contract Administrator's responsibility may be transferred to another Party. 4. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties may make joint purchases or make purchases using any other Party's existing contracts for building energy benchmarking professional services. 2 5. This Agreement applies to all purchases made through a competitive solicitation process or by direct negotiations as allowed by Minnesota Statutes § 471.345, or as permitted by other Minnesota Statutes applicable to each Party, at the prices and terms available. 6. When making a joint purchase, the joint purchasers shall first consult with each interested purchaser to ensure that the requirements and specifications of the interested purchasers meet the needs of the joint purchasers and are included in the solicitation documents. 7. Prior to completing a purchase using another Party’s existing contract, a Party shall enter into and execute its own purchasing document with the contract vendor. 8. Each Party shall make payment directly to the contract vendor according to the established procedures of the paying Party. 9. No Party shall assume any responsibility for the accountability of funds expended by any other Party or the issuance of any purchasing document by any other Party. 10. Each Party shall be separately accountable for its own expenditures of public funds made hereunder. 11. As mutually agreed upon, the Parties may share the costs associated with any shared bidding or solicitation process. 12. Each Party shall abide by all applicable state and federal law, rules and regulations. 13. Each Party agrees that it will be responsible for the acts or omissions of its officials, agents, and employees, and the results thereof, in carrying out the terms of this Agreement, to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts/omissions of the other Parties and the results thereof. 14. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement by sending the Contract Administrator a notice to withdraw. Such withdrawal shall not void any purchases for which another Party has executed a purchasing document with the withdrawing Party's contract vendor or to any joint purchase made by the other Parties and the withdrawing Party. 15. Any amendments or modification to this Agreement, except for a withdrawal by any Party, shall be in writing and shall not be effective until executed by all Parties to this Agreement. 16. Each Party shall agree to the building energy benchmarking collaborative terms set forth in Exhibit A attached when executing a purchase document under this Agreement. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Joint Powers Purchasing Agreement to be signed and approved by the proper officers of each of the contracting Parties, and attested by the proper officer, on the dates written below. Reviewed by Counsel for Party (if needed) _________________________________ COUNTY OF HENNEPIN STATE OF MINNESOTA By: _________________________________ Its: ______________________________ Date: ________________________________ GOVERNMENTAL UNIT By: _________________________________ Its: ______________________________ Date: ________________________________ 4 Exhibit A Building Energy Benchmarking Collaborative Terms Definitions: Building energy benchmarking collaborative: As part of this agreement, Parties will agree to take part in Hennepin County’s program to promote and support the passing of building energy benchmarking ordinances by interested governmental units. Building energy benchmarking ordinance: This is the ordinance that each Party will pass to establish a building energy benchmarking program within their governmental unit. Terms: Building Energy Benchmarking Ordinance Reporting Deadline. The Parties will have an initial benchmarking deadline of June 1st every year. The Parties can choose to include a grace period, extensions, or exemptions- commonly used during the first year of implementation. Data Reporting Tool. The Parties will agree to use Energy Star Portfolio Manager to collect data from building owners to report as part of the building energy benchmarking program. Dataset. The Parties will provide an initial covered buildings list based on tax assessor data and CoStar data about each building and assist in updating that information annually. Exemptions. The Parties will agree to the building exemptions established by the Consultant as part of the building energy benchmarking collaborative. A list of those exemptions can be provided upon request. Program Manager. The Parties shall designate a Program Manager that acts as the primary person of contact for the Party. The Program Manager will be involved in the day to day activities of the building energy benchmarking collaborative. The Program Manager will need to be available for consultation and authoritative regulation. Utilities to be Reported. The Parties shall require energy and water data to be reported for all covered buildings. Energy meaning electricity, natural gas, steam, heating oil, or other product sold by a utility for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities. Water does not include the building’s sewer and wastewater consumption. Parties agree to make the building energy use intensity and Energy Star scores available to the public for each building reporting. Violations. The Parties will be responsible for issuing, enforcing and collecting any violations or fees associated with the implementation of the building energy benchmarking ordinance. Website. The Parties will provide a link to the program website with details about ordinance requirements, who is required to comply, deadlines for submissions, how-to-guides, benchmarking best practices, frequently asked questions, forms to apply for exemptions, and resources to help owners implement energy efficiency projects. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Approve Encroachment Agreement with Pentagon Village, LLC Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approving Encroachment Agreement with P entagon Village, LLC. INTRODUCTION: As part of the Pentagon Village Development, the developer will be installing colored and stamped concrete in the sidewalk. It will be installed in accordance with city approved plans and specifications. T he developer will be responsible for the cost of installing, maintaining, repairing, restoring, and reinstalling the color and stampings. ATTACHMENTS: Description Encroachment Agreement with Pentagon Village, LLC AGREEMENT FOR ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC SIDEWALK This Encroachment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made this day of , 2019, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and PENTAGON VILLAGE, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Developer"). RECITALS A. Developer is the fee owner of certain real property located in the City of Edina, Minnesota legally described on Exhibit A ("Subject Property"); and B. The Developer seeks the permission of the City to color and stamp the public sidewalk abutting or on the Subject Property at the location legally described on the attached Exhibit B. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. City hereby grants Developer, and its successors and assigns, the right to encroach over the public sidewalk described in the attached Exhibit B to install and maintain color and stampings, subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Developer may install color and stampings in the sidewalk described in Exhibit B, at its sole cost. B. The color and stampings shall be installed in accordance with City approved plans and specifications and, once installed, shall not obstruct or interfere with the public's use of the sidewalk. C. Developer shall be responsible for the cost of maintaining, repairing, restoring, and reinstalling the color and stampings on the sidewalk. D. City reserves the right under this Agreement, or under any applicable laws, to abate or remove any hazardous conditions which may occur with respect to the color and stampings in the sidewalk. If the City determines that the health or safety of persons are adversely affected by the color or stampings, Developer shall, upon receipt of written notice of such condition from the City, immediately take the necessary corrective actions to abate or remove the unsafe conditions and shall remove color and stampings if directed to do so by the City. In the event that Developer shall fail to correct the conditions as directed by the City, the City may remove the color and stampings. The City shall thereafter be entitled to collect the costs incurred 1 201693v1 in such corrective action, including any attorneys' fees incurred in the enforcement or implementation of these rights. It is agreed that these costs shall be a lien against the Subject Property and that the costs may be collected alternatively by foreclosure of this lien, by assessment of the costs against the Subject Property, by action on this Agreement against the owner of the Subject Property, or by any or all of the above, or by any other method available to the City. E. The City shall not be responsible for any damage to the color or stamped concrete areas caused by the City. 2. The respective rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall run with the Subject Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective parties, their successors and assigns, and shall continue in force until such time as the color and stampings are removed and this Agreement is terminated. Developer shall provide a certificate of title for the Subject Property and this Agreement shall be recorded against the Subject Property prior to any work by Developer within the Lighting Encroachment Area. 3. Developer shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations in the installation, repair, maintenance, operation, removal of the color and stampings. 4. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 5. The failure by any party to enforce against another party any term of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such party's right to enforce against the other party the same or any other term in the future. 6. Developer agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the City and the City's officers, employees, agents, contractors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, cost, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) for property damage or personal injury or death arising from or relating the color and stampings, its construction, repair, maintenance, use or removal, unless caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. 7. Notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be hand delivered or mailed to the respective parties at the following addresses, or to such other address as a party may direct by notice similarly given: If to the City: City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 2 201693v1 If to Developer: Pentagon Village, LLC 8560 Kelzer Drive Victoria, MN 55386 8. This Agreement may be terminated by either party to this Agreement upon sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Developer shall remove the color and stampings and restore the sidewalk prior to the termination date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this instrument to be executed as of the day and year fist above written. CITY OF EDINA BY: James B. Hovland, Mayor (SEAL) AND Scott Neal, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2019, by James B. Hovland and Scott Neal, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC 3 201693v1 ELIZABETH A MOE as NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA „t ,,,, My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2020 _ — Its Vf/CC.-- STATE OF MINNESOTA (ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this as day of t(Itt , 2019, by Su:AA 16."‘44.no4-i. , the \N.4.. pct o taw* of Pentagon Village,1LC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. NOTARY PUBLI DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, P.A. 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 [RNK] 201693v1 4 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Lot 1, Block 1 Pentagon Village, Hennepin County Minnesota 5 201693v1 311VMMIS DIrlilfld JO MOIIYDO] IIEIIHXa 42018 0441l11100d Profs/Won/0 Serylose. Ina - -r -7-7 / / .:7"` r- ._) I f t LT_ ti. Vt L. I Westwood ••••••~Athowl foam,. Pentagon Village, LLC p-f MO Mims hod Rho Vidor*, MN MAY SEE SKEET 1 OF 2 SIMMS FOR DESCRLPTION Debi V7/2019 so= r W 2 ,04 /( L r northeast corner of Lot 5. Block 7. PENTAGON VILLAGE / c") L easterly fine of Lot 5. Block F. PENTAGON VILLAGE 1 r-vr L L/ northeosterty fine of Lot 1, Block 7, PENTAGON vlUAGE • cc: \ I /1-7- 1../ CR-N8.3°' ..,... PROPOSED STAMPED\ ''''.:2;:6..fj°6;11 CONCRETE Al R7CNT 01 WAY 07 01111I i - if 40 ../ N46°72.22"le __..-Z98 - ..- if C8=6180°43'281— 'ss .6.=?5°.20.02* ,>\ -R - 77 50 j. 20.14 .'539°00.00T!.../ 6.80 %• CB-S42°06'191- d=6°12'49" R-171.98 7E65 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk Exhibit Pentagon Village litas, MN I h 'Yea ncC Prate, nr, v r.em c STAMPED CONCRETE SIDEWALK DESCRIPTION That port of the right of way of 77th Street West as shown on the plat of PENTAGON VILLAGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota described os follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of I of 5, Rlock 1, said PENTAGON VILLAGE; thence North 43 degrees 33 minutes 55 seconds Fast, assuming the the easterly line of said Lot 5 has a oeoring of North, a distance of 250.08 feet to the northeasterly line of Lot 1, said Block 1 and the point of beginning; thence northeasterly along a non—tangential curve concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 15 degrees 20 minutes 02 seconds, radius of 77.50 feet, for an arc distance of 20.74 feet, the chord of said curve bears North 60 degrees 43 minutes 28 seconds Fast; thence North 46 degrees 12 minutes 22 seconds West, not tangent to said curve, a distance of 7.98 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangential curve concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 73 degrees 56 minutes 06 seconds and o radius of 24.33 feet, for on arc distance of 31.40 feet, to said northeasterly line of Lot 1; thence southeasterly along a non- tangential curve concave to the southwest and along said northeasterly line, having c central angle 06 degrees 12 minutes 49 seconds and a radius of 171.98 feet, for an arc distance of 18.65 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 4.7 degrees 06 minutes 19 seconds East; thence South 39 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, tangent to said curve and along said northeasterly line, c distance of 6.80 feet to the point of beginning. I out 5/7/2029 era 2 or 2 7arl 1.5/ WeghedOod W... 11.61103 Pak 06,We= 161*• WO ToOrm .arrsso wirstorr 71"112.Wia WWI Paqpimod foe Pentagon Village, LLC OM Kober Tismi Deft VIM LIN SINS Stamped Concrete Sidewalk Description Pentagon Village 1IN Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Approve Traffic Safety Report of April 30, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving the Traffic Safety Report of April 30, 2019. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission reviewed the April 30, 2019 Traffic Safety Report at their May 16 meeting and moved to forward the report to City Council for approval. This report includes items submitted to Traffic Safety for the months of March and April 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report, April 30, 2019 June 4, 2019 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of April 30th, 2019 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on April 30. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Public Works Director, Transportation Planner, Traffic Safety Specialist and a police officer were in attendance for this meeting. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the May 16 Edina Transportation Commission and the June 4 City Council meeting agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request from the Police Department to move parking restriction signs on Bush Lake Road  Officer Carlson reached out mentioning signage on Bush Lake Road may confuse drivers regarding parking restrictions.  May 2018, City Council approved removing parking restrictions on Bush Lake Road south of W 74th Street due to parking demand.  “No Parking Here to Corner” sign was installed on Bush Lake Road for northbound traffic approaching W 74th Street.  Current sign is located south of the northern-most driveway for 7401 Bush Lake Road.  Officer Carlson observed that if northbound vehicles turn into the southern driveway and exit thru the northern driveway, parking along Bush Lake Road would appear to be unrestricted as they would not be able to see the current sign. 7401 Bush Lake Road Note- The hashed circle represents the current location of the sign. The star represents the new location the sign will be placed. STAFF REPORT Page 2 After review, staff recommends moving the location of the parking restriction sign to be north of the northern driveway for 7401 Bush Lake Road. Staff believes this change will help inform drivers where parking becomes restricted which will assist the Police Department with enforcement. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for a speed limit placard when approaching the intersection of Maple Road and W 48th Street  A resident wants approaching drivers to be aware of the recommended speed for vehicles when approaching the intersection.  Horizontal alignment warning signs are present, when approaching from both directions.  Horizontal alignment radius of this intersection is 35’.  AASHTO’s required design speeds;  No crashes have been reported at this location in the past five years.  “No Parking Here to Corner” signs were installed in 2018 to improve sight lines along the inner-curve at the intersection. After review, staff recommends no changes. Staff believes current horizontal alignment signs to be adequate and adding a suggested speed limit placard will not increase the level of safety at this intersection as no reported crashes have taken place in the past five years. Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A resident contacted traffic safety with a concern of Crocker Avenue being full of ice leading to vehicles sliding down the hill. Public Works was contacted to mitigate the concern and it has been resolved. D2. Four requests were received for traffic calming following the closure of the France Avenue (County Road 17) bridge over Highway 62. All residents were informed MnDOT is studying the traffic impacts since the closure and is working with Hennepin County and the City to determine appropriate mitigation strategies. D3. Two requests were made for crosswalks along France Avenue at Sunnyside Road and at W 44th Street. Residents were informed their requests were forwarded to Hennepin County to be reviewed as these intersections fall under county jurisdiction. D4. An abandoned car was reported to traffic safety within the Southdale Mall campus. The resident was informed this request was sent to the Police Department for enforcement and any similar issues in the future should be sent directly to the non-emergency police dispatch line. Design Speed Calculated Radius 10 MPH 16’ 15 MPH 42’ W 48th Street and Maple Road Left: Example of horizontal alignment sign with placard STAFF REPORT Page 3 D5. A resident reported an Edina-owned fence was down along Vernon Avenue (County Road 158) outside of Jerry’s Foods. Upon reviewing this fence, it was hit due to winter plowing events. Public Works was contacted to fix the fence. D6. Three requests were received for parking restrictions during home construction projects. All requests were analyzed and found all temporary restriction requests should be reviewed by the Police Department and the Residential Development Coordinator for signage to be placed. D7. A request was submitted to increase police enforcement for parking restrictions on the north side of Olinger Boulevard west of Tracy Avenue. Current restrictions are set from 9 am to 8 pm, May to October. The resident who submitted this request was informed the Police Department was made aware of this concern and that they should contact the Police Department directly with similar concerns in the future. D8. A concern was submitted about high school students parking along Nordic Drive during schools hours that exceed the current six-hour on-street parking restriction. The resident also requested information regarding the parking study that took place surrounding Edina High School in 2018. The resident was informed of the result of that study that no new restrictions were made on Nordic Drive. D9. A resident contacted traffic safety to request a sidewalk along Mirror Lakes Drive and Ayrshire Boulevard. The resident was informed both of these streets are planned for sidewalk construction in the future, but no definitive timeline for these projects has been established. The resident was made aware a petition could be submitted by residents for such a project to be considered by City Council and staff for earlier construction. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Approve License Agreement with J & J Properties Minneapolis, LLC at 7711 Computer Avenue Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving License Agreement with J & J Properties Minneapolis, LLC, to install a sub-slab depressurization system at 7711 Computer Avenue. INTRODUCTION: See attached Staff Report and License Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Approve License Agreement with J&J Properties Minneapolis, LLC License Agreement June 4, 2019 Mayor and City Council Chad A. Millner PE, Director of Engineering, Approve License Agreement with J & J Properties Minneapolis, LLC at 7711 Computer Avenue Information / Background: As part of the approvals for the Pentagon Park South Development Project, the developer is required to upsize a portion of the City’s sanitary sewer system. This is located on the south half of Computer Avenue between 77th Street and Viking Drive. The City also has a need to upsize the sanitary sewer system on the north half of Computer Avenue. The City has asked the developer to install the City’s portion of the work now since there is also street improvements occurring. So completing all the work now reduces future impacts to the traveling public and reduces the need to remove and replace new street pavement. Utility construction is difficult in this area due to the elevation of the water table. De-watering is needed to provide an area to work free of water. The amount of de-watering at this location requires a DNR permit. DNR permits are also reviewed by the MPCA. During the MPCA review, it was learned that 7711 Computer Avenue recently received a No Association Determination (NAD) regarding contaminated soils on the SE corner of 7711 Computer. The NAD came after soil and vapor testing procedures were completed showing the site is safe for public use. The MPCA discussed the possibility that de-watering may change the contamination and thus change the NAD. In order to approve the de-watering permit and protect the NAD, the MPCA required at a minimum soil and vapor testing to occur both during and after de-watering. If contamination was found, the project would have to stop until further mitigation was developed and implemented. Further mitigation includes installing a sub-slab depressurization system (SSD System) or vapor mitigation system similar to a residential radon system. Staff and the developer felt the prudent thing to do with the current use of the property as a day care, was to install an SSD System immediately. An SSD System will provide protection from vapors. The license agreement allows a contractor to enter the property on behalf of the city to install an SSD System. The system will be owned and maintained by the property owner after the project. All costs associated with the installation, monitoring, and documentation will be split between the City and the Developer. A separate Request for Purchase will be provided. 1801244v2 LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made as of the __ day of June, 2019, by and between J & J PROPERTIES MINNEAPOLIS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (“Owner”) and the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Licensee”). RECITALS WHEREAS, Owner is the fee owner of certain real property located in the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, and State of Minnesota, legally described as: Tract I, Registered Land Survey No. 1050, Hennepin County, Minnesota (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Licensee is undertaking a street improvement project (“Project”) on Computer Avenue, the street adjacent to the Property where dewatering is planned; and WHEREAS, due to the potential for contaminated groundwater to flow onto Owner’s property and to address potential soil vapor impacts as a result of the Project, Licensee is required at the direction of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (“MPCA”) to install a sub- slab depressurization system (“SSD System”) in the commercial building currently used as a day care located on the Property (“Building”); and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2018, the MPCA issued to Owner a No Association Determination (“NAD”) that was conditioned on Owner’s cooperation with persons acting at the direction of the MPCA to provide access to the third parties and to take response actions (such as the installation of a SSD system) at the Property to address a release of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants; and WHEREAS, Owner has agreed to permit, and Licensee has agreed to install a SSD System; and WHEREAS, Licensee has agreed to undertake actions including the monitoring of soil vapor and groundwater related to that installation on the Property to ensure that Owner’s NAD remains valid and that other appropriate liability assurances related to the SSD installation are issued; and WHEREAS, Owner has agreed to grant, and Licensee wishes to receive, on the terms and conditions set forth below, a license to conduct the work described herein to address the vapor impacts on the Property and in the Building; and WHEREAS, Licensee has agreed: 1. To prepare a Response Action Plan (“RAP”) to address potential soil vapors impacting the Building and submit to Owner for comment prior to providing to the MPCA for apporval; 2 1801244v2 2. To install the approved SSD System covered by a 5-year warranty in the Building and complete all MPCA required diagnostic testing and post-installation sampling demonstrating effective operation of the installed SSD System; 3. To develop an Operations & Maintenance Plan (“O&M Plan”) for SSD System opertions to be implemented by Owner; 4. To seek and obtain all necessary MPCA approvals prior to and after SSD System installation including but not limited to the preparation and filing of an Environmetal Covenant in accordance with MPCA requirements and with the approval of Owner; 5. To complete any additional work on the Property including groundwater or vapor sampling that may be required to ensure that the Owner’s NAD received from the MPCA remains in force or, if needed, is reissued and that additional liability assurances, including a Completion of Vapor Response Actions letter, are issued by the MPCA; and 6. To pay for the RAP, proposals to sample groundwater and soil vapor on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual agreement of the parties hereto and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby set forth and acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. Activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement shall comply with and be undertaken following approval by the MPCA pursuant to the Brownfields Program and other applicable regulatory requirements. This Agreement is intended to facilitate the parties in their mutual endeavor to address the potential for vapor mitigation in the Building and related environmental issues at the Property. 2. Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Owner hereby grants to Licensee, a temporary license (the “License”) to enter the Property through Licensee’s employees, agents, contractors and their subcontractors for the purpose of performing the “Work.” The Work shall consist of: (1) Performing sub-slab vapor site screening and diagnostic testing pursuant to an MPCA-approved RAP; (2) Designing and installing a SSD system that effectively addresses soil vapor issues that may impact the Building; and (3) Ensuring that appropriate testing and monitoring of groundwater and soil vapor occurs in the Building and on the Property that supports the issuance of existing or updated liability assurances issued by the MPCA through the Brownfields Program. 3. Cooperation. Owner and Licensee shall cooperate and assist each other with this vapor mitigation project to develop an effective SSD system and to avoid and/or minimize the project’s impact on the Property, the Building, its tenant and its tenant’s day care business operations. Implementation of the activities set forth in the spirit of this section and in this License Agreement shall not constitute interference. 4. Remedial Action Plan; Site Investigation Work Plan; Owner’s 3 1801244v2 Approval/Consent. Under this Agreement, Licensee shall prepare a RAP for performing work necessary for the development and implementation of a vapor mitigation system for the Property and the Building. The RAP and any subsequent plans or amendments shall be prepared for at least the following: performing diagnostic testing necessary for system development, designing a vapor mitigation system to serve the Building, system operation and maintenance and system decommissioning. The RAP shall comply with the MPCA’s Brownfields Program and other applicable guidance and regulatory requirements. Owner shall review and approve the RAP prior to their submission to the MPCA. Owner may, in its reasonable discretion, approve, disapprove or require modification to any RAP on the grounds that: (1) any activity in the RAP unreasonably interferes with use of the Property or Building; or (2) any activity in a RAP is objected to by the tenant in the Building. Owner agrees that it will not unreasonably withhold or delay its approval or consent to the RAP. The RAP also must be approved by the MPCA prior to SSD System installation. Following Owner and MPCA approval of the RAP, the RAP be implemented by the Licensee. Any Approved RAP and any associated RAP Amendment shall be subject to this Agreement. Licensee shall pay all costs associated with RAP development and implementation including diagnostic testing, reasonable repair of premises post-testing, the cost of the 5-year warranty provided by the SSD system installer, and installation and testing of the SSD system until the MPCA approves the installed system. Licensee shall also prepare a Site Investigation Work Plan (“Work Plan”) that documents groundwater conditions on the Property during and after completion of Licensee’s dewatering operation. The Work Plan shall comply with the MPCA’s Brownfields Program and other applicable guidance and regulatory requirements. Licensee shall consult with Owner as to the location of proposed sampling locations, implement the Work Plan, provide Owner with analytical results and any report summarizing test results. If site environmental conditions – specifically, groundwater and soil vapor impacts - have changed materially after initiation of the Project, Licensee shall undertake any actions that may be necessary and required by the MPCA and associated with updating the NAD. Licensee shall prepare an Environmental Covenant that may be required by the MPCA so that a Completion of Vapor Response Actions determination can also be issued to Owner by the MPCA. Licensee shall pay all costs associated with Work Plan development and implementation including sampling, laboratory analyses, report production, and MPCA Brownfields Program fees. 5. Term of License. The License shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue until the Licensee has completed all the installation of a SSD System, the MPCA has approved the installed system and any liaibity assurances that may be required under the terms of this Agreement have been issued by the MPCA. This License shall terminate on the date no sooner than one year after SSD System installation and any required monitoring of groundwater and soil vapor completed in connection with Licensor’s obligations related to the issuance or reissuance of the required NAD and Completion of Vapor Response Action liability assurances. 4 1801244v2 6. Ownership of SSD System. During the Term of the License, Licensee shall have full control of the SSD System and neither Owner or its tenant will remove or modify the SSD System without Licensee’s written permission. On the first anniversary of the date of this Agreement, the SSD System shall become property of the Owner without further notice or action. Thereafter, subject to the 5-year warranty, all costs of repair, maintenance, and removal of the SSD System shall be borne by Owner. Owner accepts the SSD System as-is and acknowledges that the Licensee makes no representation or warranty regarding the SSD System. 7. Completion of Licensee’s Work. Licensee and its employees, agents, contractors and the subcontractors of any such contractors shall ensure that the Work is performed in a manner that complies with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, in accordance with the requirements of the MPCA and generally-accepted professional standards. Licensee shall notify in writing and communicate with Owner, or its designated representative, and Owner’s tenant at least forty-eight (48) hours before entering the Property. The Work shall be conducted on the Property on days and during non-business hours that Owner deems appropriate, given the use of the Building by Owner and its tenant. Licensee shall ensure that all subcontractors conducting Work on the Property comply with all applicable provisions of this Agreement. Owner shall have the right to have a representative present at all times while any of the Work is being conducted. Any portion of the Property which is disturbed as a result of the Work will be restored by Licensee to as close to its original condition as is reasonably possible under the circumstances, using similar materials. During performance of the Work, Owner will take reasonable precautions to ensure that the equipment of Licensee and its contractors on the Property is not damaged, and that the Work being conducted by Licensee, and its employees, agents, contractors and any subcontractors of such contractors, is not disrupted. 8. Governmental Approvals. Licensee shall obtain all necessary permits, consents, licenses and certificates required by any governmental authority to do the Work. To the extent necessary, Owner shall cooperate with Licensee to obtain all necessary permits, consents, licenses or certificates. Licensee shall provide to Owner all final results of testing, reports and communications with, to or from the MPCA prepared with respect to the Work or the Property within three (3) days of receipt by Licensee. 9. Indemnity. Owner agrees to indemnify and save the Licensee harmless from all claims (including costs and expenses of defending against such claims) of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of any negligent act, negligent omission or intentional tort of Owner or Owner’s tenant, agents, employees, contractors, invitees or licensees occurring during the term of this License in or about the Property. Subject to the tort liability limits stated in and restricted by the tort liability limits stated in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, Licensee agrees to indemnify and save Owner harmless from all claims (including costs or expenses of defending against such claims) of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of any negligent act, negligent omission or intentional tort of Licensee or Licensee’s agents, employees, contractors, invitees or licensees occurring during the term of this License in or about the Property. The provisions of this Section 9 will survive the termination of this License. 5 1801244v2 10. No Acknowledgement or Admission. Execution of this Agreement shall not constitute an acknowledgement or agreement that Licensee and/or Owner has violated any environmental laws or regulations; nor does execution of this Agreement constitute an admission or denial by either party of any liability or responsibility for any release or discharge that may have occurred. 11. No Liens. Licensee shall prevent any lien from being filed against the Property or any improvements thereon for any labor or materials in connection with the Work performed or claimed to have been performed on the Property at the direction or sufferance of Licensee. Owner shall provide Licensee with written notice of any such lien within ten (10) days of the date of receipt of notice by Owner of the filing of any such lien. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, Licensee shall agree in writing to payment of the obligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Owner, or shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, legal proceedings which operate to prevent enforcement of the lien. Licensee and Owner shall cooperate to the extent necessary in the event that a lien is filed. Licensee shall be responsible for all costs incurred due to a claim of any such lien on the Property, including attorney’s fees. 12. Waiver of Claims. Licensee acknowledges that Owner is not providing any security or other services to Licensee in connection with the Work, that any entry onto the Property shall be at Licensee’s sole risk, and that Owner shall not be liable in any way for any injury, loss or damage which may occur to Licensee or its employees, agents, and contractors or subcontractors arising out of such entry unless such injury, loss or damage is caused by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Owner, its employees or agents. 13. Insurance. The parties shall ensure that any contractors performing work pursuant to this Agreement purchase and keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement the following insurance coverages: a. Commercial General Liability Insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and in the aggregate; b. Worker Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance in the amount required by statute. The Commercial General Liability policy shall name Licensee, Owner and Owner’s tenant in the Building as additional insureds. Licensee, prior to commencement of the use of the License, shall deposit with Owner evidence of the appropriate insurance policies, which includes evidence of the addition of Owner and its tenant as additional insureds on the Commercial General Liability policy. 14. Breach by Licensee; Licensee’s Obligations. If either party breaches any provision in this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) business days after written notice thereof, then subject to procedures set forth in section 18 below the other party may seek specific performance and damages and the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorneys fees and costs. 6 1801244v2 15. Notices. All notices and other communications given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served when delivered in person to the party to whom it is addressed; or on the third (3rd) day after deposit in the U.S. Mail as registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; or if sent by courier service, when delivered. All notices shall be addressed as follows: If to Owner: J & J Properties Minneapolis, LLC 6411 151st Street Savage, MN 55378 Attention: Lorne Symington If to Licensee: City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55437 Attention: Chad Millner, Director of Engineering 16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument. 17. Severability. In the event and to the extent that any provision hereunder may be deemed illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this Agreement shall be read and interpreted as if such provision(s) did not exist and the balance of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 18. Dispute Resolution. Owner and Licensee shall attempt to resolve any dispute arising under this Agreement within thirty (30) days from the date either party sends notice of breach to the other party per Section 14 above. If the parties are unable resolve a dispute, then any time after the 30-day resolution time period, the parties shall submit the dispute(s) to mediation, with each party paying an equal share of the mediation costs. Neither party may commence legal action against the other until mediation has been commenced and completed, and if any legal action has been commenced arising out of dispute under this Agreement, then the court action shall be stayed until mediation has been commenced and completed. If the parties are unable to agree on a mediator, then a Hennepin County District Court Judge, State of Minnesota, shall appoint a mediator. 19. Confidentiality. Licensee is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data Licensee possesses. Accordingly, Owner understands that data pertaining to, concerning, or from the Owner that is submitted to or in the possession of the Licensee becomes public data. 20. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on Owner, Licensee and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 7 1801244v2 21. Governing Law. Subject to the dispute resolution process contained within Section 21 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota without reference to conflict of laws rules, and the Hennepin County District Court, Fourth Judicial District, State of Minnesota shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of any dispute between the parties. 22. Amendments. This Agreement may be extended, modified or terminated only by a written amendment signed by Owner and Licensee. 23. Survival. Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, all of the terms of the Access Agreement survive, remain in effect and are hereby ratified and affirmed. 24. Merger. This is the complete agreement between the parties and shall be interpreted so far as possible to give validity and force to accomplish the overall purposes expressed herein. 25. Interpretation. This Agreement has been negotiated by both parties, represented by counsel, and should not be deemed to have been drafted by either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. J & J PROPERTIES MINNEAPOLIS, LLC By: Title: Date: CITY OF EDINA By _________________________________ James Hovland, Mayor And _________________________________ Scott Neal, City Manager Date: ________________________________ Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Professional Services for De- Watering on Computer Avenue Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Request for Purchase for P rofessional Services for De-Watering on Computer Avenue. INTRODUCTION: See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Professional Services for De-Watering on Computer Avenue City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Chad A. Millner, PE, Director of Engineering Subject: Request for Purchase: Professional Services for De-Watering on Computer Avenue Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☒Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Project Background: As part of the approvals for the Pentagon Park South Development Project, the developer is required to upsize a portion of the City’s sanitary sewer system. This is located on the south half of Computer Avenue between 77th Street and Viking Drive. The City also has a need to upsize the sanitary sewer system on the north half of Computer Avenue. The City has asked the developer to install the City’s portion of the work now since there is also street improvements occurring. So completing all the work now reduces future impacts to the traveling public and reduces the need to remove and replace new street pavement. Utility construction is difficult in this area due to the elevation of the water table. De-watering is needed to provide an area to work free of water. The amount of de-watering at this location requires a DNR permit. DNR permits are reviewed by the MPCA. During the MPCA review, it was learned that 7711 Computer Avenue recently received a No Association Determination (NAD) regarding contaminated soils on the SE corner of 7711 Computer. The NAD came after soil and vapor testing procedures were completed showing the site is safe for public use. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: May 28, 2019 July 28, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Braun Intertec $83,000 Recommended Quote or Bid: Braun Intertec Pentagon Park South Developer Cost City of Edina Cost $83,000 $41,500 $41,500 Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) The MPCA discussed the possibility that de-watering may change the contamination and thus change the NAD. In order to approve the de-watering permit and protect the NAD, the MPCA required at a minimum soil and vapor testing to occur both during and after de-watering. If contamination was found, the project would have to stop until further mitigation was developed and implemented. Further mitigation includes installing a sub-slab depressurization system (SSD System) or vapor mitigation system similar to a residential radon system. Staff and the developer felt the prudent thing to do with the current use of the property as a day care, was to install an SSD System immediately. An SSD System will provide protection from vapors. The Pentagon Park Developer already had an environmental consultant working on their project, Braun Intertec. This RFP continues that relationship with Braun Intertec. The project will complete the following work items. 1. Install a SSD system completed by Home Safety Solutions 2. Install 3 groundwater monitoring wells with two rounds of sampling/analytical, continuous level monitoring, and reporting to MPCA 3. Prepare a response action plane (RAP), groundwater work plan, and RAP implementation report including follow-up performance testing for the SSD per MPCA requirements 4. Process MPCA fees for the Brownfields program All costs for this work will be split 50-50 between the City of Edina and the Pentagon Park South Developer. Staff recommends approval of this RFP. Page 3 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The upsizing of existing sanitary sewer pipes and associated de-watering requirements are funded by the sanitary sewer utility fund. These costs will be split 50-50 with the Pentagon Park South Developer with each party responsible for approximately $41,500. Environmental Impact Appropriate sized sanitary sewer infrastructure reduces the risk of sanitary sewer backups and the potential for environmental clean ups. Community Impact The City’s 2018-2019 Budget Work Plan Goals 1 and 3 are; Maintain Physical Assets & Infrastructure and Plan for Connected & Sustainable Development, respectively. Properly maintained streets, water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems provide reliable and efficient operations that lessen the City’s carbon footprint and reduce energy costs. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Aaron T. Ditzler, PE, Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2019 Seal Coating Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Request for Purchase for 2019 Seal Coating. INTRODUCTION: See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 2019 Seal Coating 2019 Seal Coat Project Areas City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Aaron T. Ditzler, PE, Assistant City Engineer Subject: Request for Purchase: 2019 Seal Coating Purchase Subject to: ☒List Quote/Bid ☐State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Allied Blacktop Company $479,990.33 Background: The 2019 Seal Coating project includes ten base bid areas and four alternate areas. These streets are identified on the attached title plan sheet. Included in the scope of work are 2018 rollover areas that weren’t completed because no contractors submitted a bid for the 2018 Seal Coating project. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: May 23, 2019 July 23, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Allied Blacktop Company Pearson Bros, Inc. $479,990.33 $517,116.34 Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: _____________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact The Engineer’s Estimate for the improvements in the ten base bid areas and four alternate areas totaled $504,300.99. This project is funded from the Public Works Streets Department General Fund Budget, the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) fund, and the City of St. Louis Park. These improvements are not assessed to the residents. Environmental Impact The Proactive Pavement Management Program seeks to utilize resources efficiently by performing infrastructure renewal that will provide the greatest lifespan increase for the lowest cost. This project will not increase or reduce impervious surfaces, but merely treat existing pavement surfaces to delay further deterioration. Community Impact Seal coating operations will occur between the months of June and August with a completion date of August 30, 2019. Residents along affected streets are notified via a letter explaining the process and typical duration of work to be expected. The project involves proactive maintenance of recently reconstructed bituminous pavement surfaces through seal coating and fog sealing. These operations protect pavements from moisture damage, seal existing cracks, provide additional wearing surface thickness, and protect preceding infrastructure investments on behalf of the City and its residents. This type of maintenance is typically performed within the first 5-10 years of the pavement life. Street maintenance staff utilizes these practices (along with crack sealing and mill and overlays) to extend the service life of pavements from 20-30 years to 50-60 years. This practice is consistent with Vision Edina’s mission statement to “maintain a sound public infrastructure.” Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Tom M. Schmitz, Fire Chief Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Rescue Extrication Tools Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Request for Purchase for four sets of Rescue Extrication Tools. INTRODUCTION: This request is to replace four (4) sets of rescue extrication tools, (one for each large fire apparatus). This purchase will provide uniformity among all our rescue extrication tools and will bring our capabilities within National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for safe operations to personnel and changes in technology. Funds are allocated in the 2019 CIP and were approved by City Council December 4, 2018. Total cost is $107,575.00. I recommend this purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Rescue Extrication Tools City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Tom Schmitz, Fire Chief Subject: Request for Purchase: Rescue Extrication Tools Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget This request for purchase is for four (4) sets of rescue extrication tools, (one for each large fire apparatus). The existing tools do not meet National Fire Protection (NFPA) standards for safe operations to personnel; additionally, the existing tools have exceeded expected service life. The purchase is part of the overall fire engine replacement strategy approved December 2018. This request is not for additional funds but is for allocated funds set aside for the new fire engines. Originally, this purchase was going to be done by the fire engine manufacturer; however, an approximate 30% savings will be realized by having the Fire Department make the purchase directly instead of the fire engine manufacturer. Taking this approach will provide the City with a 10% savings from the vehicle manufacturer and approximately 20% savings by purchasing directly through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Program (HGAC) contract. The HGAC program assists local governments in reducing costs through government–to – government procurements. The service is available nationwide to federal, state and local government entities. Total cost is $107,575.00. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: August 22, 2018 July 31, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Emergency Management Company Contract: EE08-17 Code: EE17DAA $107,575.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: Emergency Management Company Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact • Funds are allocated in the 2019 CIP and were approved by city council December 4, 2018. The City can realize an approximate 30% savings by purchasing directly through the HGAC contract. • This is a scheduled replacement of equipment that has met its useful life. • The City should expect to achieve improved heavy machinery and vehicle extrication (rescue) capabilities thereby reducing operational and repair costs. Environmental Impact • By maintaining replacement schedule strategies, this equipment captures the latest technologies for energy consumption and sustainability production. • Technological advances have made possible the elimination of small fuel fired power plants required to power these tools. These tools are 100% battery operated thereby eliminating exhaust emissions and greatly reducing noise pollution associated with existing extrication tool sets. • Not only will this provide a lower carbon footprint, there will be substantially less emissions resulting in better air quality, a reduction of noise pollution, and the elimination of waste oils (hydraulic and engine) associated with current tools. Community Impact • This purchase promotes public safety. Creating streamlined and consistent equipment for emergency use will improve the operational environment for firefighter and paramedic crews reduce operational risks and promote safer emergency scenes. • The proposed rescue tools comply with NFPA 1936; national standards used by emergency services personnel to facilitate the extrication of victims from entrapment. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Tom M. Schmitz, Fire Chief Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Fire Station Electronic Premises Security & Surveillance Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Request for Purchase for Fire Station Electronic Premises Security & Surveillance equipment. INTRODUCTION: The current technology is out of date and malfunctioning, repair and maintenance costs have reached their limits, and does not integrate with other City technologies and facilities. This upgrade will move the overall maintenance to our Information Technology Team. I recommend the approval of the purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Fire Station Electronic Premises Security & Surveillance City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Tom M. Schmitz, Fire Chief Subject: Request for Purchase: Fire Station Electronic Premises Security & Surveillance. Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget This purchase will be through the Minnesota state contract number S-813(5): Electronic premises security. Funds will come from Information Technology 2019 CIP Funds. This is for the replacement of controlled access and surveillance/video monitoring systems for each fire station. The existing system(s) have exceeded expected service life. Total cost is: $46,103.91. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: May 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Pro-Tec Design Pro-Tec Design Total $30,899.90 Camera upgrades, licenses, service $15,204.01 Security access control $ 46,103.91 Pricing is for both fire stations Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact • Funds are allocated in the I.T. 2019 CIP. • This is a scheduled replacement of equipment that has met its useful life. • This replacement will bring existing equipment up to current technology and will allow for integration with other similar technology in City facilities. • The City can expect to achieve improved security, surveillance and capabilities thereby reducing operational and repair costs. Environmental Impact • The replacement of this electronic premise security will align fire station-controlled access and surveillance with that of other City of Edina departments; improving communication and capabilities for law enforcement, fire, EMS, I.T. personnel to access video surveillance remotely. Remote access should reduce the carbon footprint of the City of Edina. By maintaining replacement schedule strategies, this equipment captures the latest technologies for energy consumption and sustainability production. Community Impact • This purchase promotes public safety. It will allow key senior and management level staff the ability to administrator City policies and ensure compliance requirements. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Ryan Browning, I.T. Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving the Request for Purchase for Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. INTRODUCTION: This is a request for purchase of a three-year Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft. The agreement covers the majority of the Microsoft software licenses in use at the City. This contract allows the City the ability to upgrade server software and Office Suite software for the City’s users for the life of our three-year contract. The City benefits by achieving standardization, software upgrades for the life of the contract, priority Microsoft support and city-wide system compatibility. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and Council From: Ryan Browning, I.T. Manager Subject: Request for Purchase: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: May 3, 2019 NA Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Software House International #17085439 MN State Contract #48196 release C1046(5) $87,931.24 Recommended Quote or Bid: Software House International #17085439 MN State Contract #48196 release C1046(5) $87,931.24 Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact This is a request for purchase of a three-year Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft. The agreement covers most of the Microsoft software licenses in use at the City. This expense will recur in 2020 and 2021, will be paid for out of the General Fund and is within budget. Staff recommends the City proceed with this agreement. Environmental Impact This item should have a minimal environmental impact. Community Impact This contract allows the City the ability to upgrade server software and Office Suite software for the City’s users for the life of our three-year contract. The City benefits by achieving standardization, software upgrades for the life of the contract, priority Microsoft support and city-wide system compatibility. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Approve Planning Commission Bylaw Amendments Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving revised Planning Commission Bylaws. INTRODUCTION: Planning Commission is asking City Council for the approval of changes to their bylaws. Staff recommends this approval, provided a full review is added to the Planning Commission's 2020 work plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Planning Commission Bylaw Amendments Planning Commission Bylaws_Track Changes June 4, 2019 Mayor & City Council MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Approve Planning Commission Bylaw Amendments Information / Background: The Planning Commission conducted a bylaw review in April of 2019, and approved changes to be forwarded to City Council for consideration. In 2013, the City went through an extensive overhaul of Commission bylaws and created a standard template to create consistency across commissions. Staff compared the recommendations to the standard bylaw template and found: 1. Planning Commission bylaws were created prior to the current bylaw template. The Planning Commission was not asked to revise their bylaws when the template was created. 2. Planning Commission bylaws included a lot of guidelines/information around process, that would be more appropriately placed in an operating policy. 3. The original template has some outdated information, but the content included is still relevant. Since the creation of Board and Commission bylaws using the template, staff has made significant changes in processes and operations of the overall program. As mentioned above, a significant amount of information included in the Planning Commission bylaws are guidelines/information around process which is duplicative of guidelines/information in the new member handbook and orientation. Generally, all bylaws include duplicative information written in City Code. The attached Planning Commission bylaw document outlines the requested changes. Staff recommends approval and Council direction to conduct a full review of bylaws by staff and the commission in 2020. This review would be added to the Planning Commission’s 2020 work plan and would allow staff a chance to clean up any discrepancies. Planning Commission Bylaws 1 | P a g e SECTION 1. PURPOSE The bylaws outlined below are approved procedures for the Planning Commission. Members should review and understand City Code sections 1500 and 1505 Chapter 2, Article III included in the appendix of these bylaws. In the event of a conflict between the City Code and the Planning Commission bylaws, the City Code will prevail. In addition to the City Code and these bylaws, the Planning Commission will be guided by those policies and procedural documents applicable to the Planning Commission or City advisory boards in general. Copies of these documents together with such other orientation materials as may be applicable to the performance of each member’s duties and responsibilities will be made available to members at the beginning of their service with the Planning Commission. SECTION 2. MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Planning Commission shall consist of such voting and nonvoting members as shall be appointed, from time to time, in accordance with Section 1500.03 and 1505 Chapter 2, Article III of the Edina City Code. All members of the Planning Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The terms of Membership is regulated in City Code Section 1500.04 Chapter 2, Article III. (A) Contact Information. Planning Commission members are required to provide a mailing address and phone number or email address to the City Clerk. This contact information is available to city staff and members of the public. (B) Responsibilities Planning Commission members are expected to be present and adequately prepared for all meetings and to actively participate in meeting discussions. Members who are unable to complete assigned tasks should notify the Chairperson as soon as possible. SECTION 3. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Planning Commission shall be the first regular meeting in the month of March of each year. Such meeting shall be devoted to the election of officers for the ensuing year; consideration of any updates to the bylaws of the Planning Commission, and such other business as shall be scheduled by the Planning Commission. SECTION 4. REGULAR MEETINGS In accordance with Section 1500.07 Chapter 2, Article III. Division 6 of the City Code, two Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held each calendar month in the City Hall or other officially noticed location at 7:00 pm on the date set for each meeting. The first meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday of each calendar month. The second meeting shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of each calendar month. At such meetings, the Planning Commission may consider all matters properly brought before the Planning Commission. A regular meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled by the Planning Commission at a prior meeting, or by the Chairperson, the City Council or Mayor. Unless otherwise determined by the Chairperson, any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the following business day at the same time and place. Planning Commission Bylaws 2 | P a g e SECTION 5. SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings of the Planning Commission may be called by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, City Council or Mayor who shall designate the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Notice of special meetings must conform to the State Open Meeting Law. Written notice thereof shall be given to all members not less than 24 hours in advance of the special meeting except in the case of an emergency. SECTION 6. QUORUM In order for any meeting to be called to order, a quorum of a majority of all then existing voting members must be present. During the course of a meeting, such a quorum must be present to take action on any matter before the Planning Commission. SECTION 7. MEETINGS AND THE OPEN MEETING LAW In accordance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13D), and unless otherwise provided, authorized or permitted under the Open Meeting Law or other applicable law, all official meetings of the Planning Commission shall be open to the general public. An “official” Planning Commission meeting is any gathering, or simultaneous communication (via email, telephone or otherwise), between a quorum of Planning Commission members for the purpose of considering the public business of the Planning Commission. SECTION 8. VOTING AND RECOMMENDATIONS At all meetings of the Planning Commission, each member attending, with the exception of any high school student member, shall be entitled to cast one vote on matters before the Planning Commission. In the event that any member shall have a conflict of interest, in accordance with Section 21 of these bylaws, or as otherwise determined by the City Attorney, concerning a matter then before the Planning Commission, he/she shall disclose his/her interest, refrain from participation in any discussion of such matter, and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that such member refrained from all such participation and that no vote was cast by such member. The affirmative vote of a majority of voting members in attendance shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution or other voting matter. The results of any vote shall be recorded, listing those voting Aye and those voting Nay. All recommendations shall be sent to the City Council by means of written minutes, and shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation. SECTION 9. REGULAR PROCEEDINGS (A) At any regular meeting of the Planning Commission, the following shall be the regular order of business: 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of agenda 4. Approval of minutes 5. Community Comment Planning Commission Bylaws 3 | P a g e 6 Public hearings 7. Reports and recommendations 8. Correspondence 9. Commission comments 10. Staff comments 11. Adjournment The order of business may be varied by the presiding officer, but no public hearings shall be held at an earlier time than specified in the notice of hearing. (B) Except as otherwise determined by an affirmative vote of a majority of voting members in attendance, and except for public hearings which shall be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 13, the following procedures shall be observed for matters before the Planning Commission; provided, however, the Chairperson may, in the Chairperson’s reasonable discretion, rearrange individual items if necessary for the expeditious conduct of business: 1. Staff presents report and makes recommendation (if any). 2. The Planning Commission may ask questions regarding the staff presentation and report (if any). 3. The applicant (if any) of the agenda item make a presentation (if any). 4. The Planning Commission may ask questions of the applicant (if any). 5. Members of the public (proponents or opponents) make comments (if any). 6. The Planning Commission asks any questions it may have of the applicant, proponents, opponents or staff (if any). 7. If in the determination by the presiding officer the applicant’s responses to questions from the Planning Commission introduces materially new information or issues relevant to the matter then under consideration, proponents and opponents may make additional comments confined solely to such new information or issues. 8. The Planning Commission asks any questions it may have of the applicant, proponents, opponents or staff (if any) with respect to such new information. 9. The Planning Commission then discusses and takes a vote. (C) In order to promote meeting efficiency, the Chairperson may discourage duplicative comments and may place reasonable time limits on the amount of time that individuals have to speak. (D) Each formal action of the Planning Commission required by law, rules, regulations or policy shall be embodied in a formal vote duly entered in full upon the Minute Book after an affirmative vote as provided in Section 6 hereof and may be accompanied by written findings of fact. (E) Unless agreed to by a majority vote of the Planning Commission, no new agenda items shall be taken up after 11:00 p.m. Planning Commission Bylaws 4 | P a g e SECTION 10. AGENDA AND DEADLINE FOR AGENDA (A) Agenda. The agenda of a Planning Commission meeting shall be prepared by City Staff in cooperation with the Chairperson. (B) Submissions. Any Planning Commission member may request an item or issue to be placed on a future agenda at a regular meeting by instructing the City Staff responsible for agenda preparation; provided, however, a majority vote of the Planning Commission is required for the item or issue to become a future regular agenda item. No item shall be placed on the agenda unless the item is expressed in such a way as to clearly show the subject matter involved. (C) Agenda Additions During Regular Meetings. Additional items may be added to the agenda at a Planning Commission meeting subject to approval by a majority vote of the voting members in attendance. The additional agenda items may be discussed, but no action may be taken if any voting member objects. 1. If a new item of business proposed to be added to the agenda requires staff review (such as rezoning, ordinance amendments, preliminary subdivision plans, and subdivision review procedures and guidelines), involves quasi-judicial procedures (such as a request for a hardship variance from Subdivision or Zoning Ordinance standards), or involves substantive matters of potential public interest (such as the Comprehensive Plan, or other major policies), the Planning Commission may add the item to the agenda only for purposes of referring it to the staff or a Planning Commission committee, or scheduling it for consideration at a later meeting (as appropriate). The Planning Commission may not discuss the substance of the matter or take any final action on the item except at a meeting where the item is included on the distributed agenda. (D) Delivery of Agenda to Members. On the Friday immediately preceding the next meeting of the Planning Commission, the meeting agenda shall be delivered to each member of the Planning Commission, along with any supporting materials related to items on the agenda. (E) Order and Form of the Agenda. The agenda organization shall generally conform to Section 9 above. In addition, the agenda shall generally organize matters to be addressed at the meeting so as to best promote opportunities for effective public input and the timely and efficient performance of Planning Commission responsibilities. (F) Notice of Attendence. Commissioners shall notify staff in advance of the meeting if they are unable to attend. SECTION 11. MINUTES (A) Duties of Staff Preparing Minutes. In accordance with Section 1500.08 of the City Code, City Staff shall prepare minutes of all Planning Commission meetings. The minutes shall state: 1. Which members were present and absent, and whether absent members were excused or not excused. 2. A summary of staff and committee reports and recommendations, applicants’ presentations, public comments, and the Planning Commission’s discussion on each item. Planning Commission Bylaws 5 | P a g e 3. The content of each principal motion before the Planning Commission, the identity of the person who made and seconded the motion, and the record of the vote on the motion (identifying the vote count and, unless the vote was unanimous, the names of those voting for or against the motion). If the motion called for or recommended adoption of an ordinance or resolution, or the acceptance of a report, the minutes shall also include a copy of the ordinance, resolution or report. SECTION 12. COMMUNICATIONS (A) Ex Parte Communications. 1. Ex parte communications are contacts, whether oral or written, direct or indirect, which occur outside the public meeting forum between individuals seeking to influence the decisions of the Planning Commission and individual members of the Planning Commission in which such member discusses the merits of any matter which may or will be subject to such Commissioner’s vote. Such contacts include, without limitation, meetings with project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties separate from Planning Commission meetings, and telephone calls or letters which attempt to influence a Commissioner’s opinion on a matter which may or will be subject to the Commissioner’s vote. 2. Exclusions. Notwithstanding Section 12(A) above, ex parte communications shall not include the following: (a) Written communications delivered to City Staff for distribution to all members of the Planning Commission as part of each member’s public meeting packet and which thereby become available to all interested parties and constitute communications within the public meeting forum; or (b) The conduct of site visits by members of the Planning Commission provided that all such members are able to, and do, conduct such visits for the specific purpose of gathering physical facts and data, and without any unnecessary contact with any project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties, or any of their respective representatives. 3. Ex Parte Communications Prohibited In Connection With Quasi-Judicial Matters. In the interest of avoiding bias or undue influence, or the appearance of bias or undue influence, all Planning Commission members shall refrain from engaging in any ex parte communication related to any Quasi-Judicial Matters. In the event any Planning Commission member is contacted by any project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties, or any of their respective representatives, under circumstances where the Planning Commission member has reason to believe that an ex parte communication related to a Quasi-Judicial Matter will or may occur, such member shall promptly inform such interested party that the Planning Commission member cannot discuss the matter or have any contact with such interested party on the subject of such matter other than at a Planning Commission meeting. Members are encouraged to recommend to all such interested parties that they attend meetings of the Planning Commission to publicly express their views, or that they otherwise deliver written comments to the office of City Staff for distribution to Planning Commission members. 4. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications/Abstention. When any ex parte communication occurs, each Planning Commission member participating in such ex parte communication shall promptly notify the Chairperson and City Staff of the occurrence of such ex parte communication, and shall divulge the Planning Commission Bylaws 6 | P a g e occurrence and substance of such communication on the record at the commencement of the public hearing to which such communication pertains. In doing so, each member shall disclose, if known, the name of the party or parties participating in such communication, the substance of such communication, and whether, in the opinion of such member, such communication has caused such member to become biased in connection with any public vote on such matter. If, in the opinion of that member, an ex parte communication has caused such member to become biased in connection with any public vote on a matter, such member shall refrain from participation in any discussion of such matter, and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that such member refrained from all such participation and that no vote was cast by such member. 5. “Quasi-Judicial Matters” Defined. For purposes of this Section 12, “Quasi-Judicial Matters” shall mean such matters as to which the Planning Commission determines the legal rights, duties or privileges of specific parties in a public hearing or other contested case proceeding over which the Planning Commission has jurisdiction. By way of example only, Quasi-judicial matters do not include legislative actions recommending, adopting, amending or revising comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, other land use planning documents, or other similar matters. (B) Communication between Members Outside of Meetings. Planning Commission-related communication between members when a quorum of voting members is present constitutes a violation of open meeting laws if it takes place outside of publicly-noticed meetings. Members are prohibited from discussing Planning Commission business in such a situation. Since email communication is common outside of meetings, the following email protocol is adopted: 1. Any email communication intended for a majority of Planning Commission members should go through the City Staff Liaison so that an appropriate record can be established. 2. Members should not respond “reply all” to group messages. 3. Members should not blind copy (bcc) other members. Members must not engage in a serial discussion of Planning Commission business. A serial discussion occurs when members discuss official business with a majority of voting members through successive communications. Serial communication can occur through a combination of communication methods such as “face to face,” email, telephone or on a social media site. (C) Public Announcements and Press Releases The City’s Communications and Marketing Department will approve and coordinate any public announcements, press releases or other media contact desired by the Planning Commission. SECTION 13. RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS All meetings of the Planning Commission shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rule of Order of Standard Parliamentary Procedure 10th Edition, or such later edition as may then be in effect (“Robert’s Rules”). Planning Commission Bylaws 7 | P a g e SECTION 14. PUBLIC HEARINGS & COMMUNITY COMMENT (A) A public hearing is a noticed, official hearing, the express and limited purpose of which is to provide an equitable opportunity for the public to speak on matters before the Planning Commission. (B) For certain matters considered by the Planning Commission, a requirement that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing is prescribed by State Statute, the City’s Municipal Code of Ordinances or by City Policy. The Planning Commission, however, may elect to conduct a public hearing, although not specifically required, if the Planning Commission determines that due to the unique nature of the matter, it is advisable. (C) The Planning Commission may neither deliberate nor take a substantive vote during a public hearing, but may ask questions for the sake of clarification of speakers. (D) The Planning Commission, upon resuming their regular meeting after the close of the public hearing, may take action upon the matter discussed at the public hearing. (E) Conduct of Persons Before the Planning Commission 1. During all public hearings required by State law or ordinance, members of the public shall be given reasonable opportunity to speak. In order to promote meeting openness, fairness and efficiency, the Chairperson may discourage duplicative testimony, may place reasonable time limits on the amount of time that individuals have to speak, and may establish such other rules of procedure as shall, under the circumstances, reasonably facilitate a fair, open and orderly conduct of the public hearing. Comments should be addressed to the item before the Planning Commission. Where a comment is irrelevant, inflammatory, disruptive or prejudicial, the Chairperson may instruct the Planning Commission to “disregard” the comment, which nevertheless remains in the public record. 2. During all regular and special meetings of the Planning Commission, the public may be present but shall remain silent unless specifically invited by the Chairperson to provide comment. 3. During all proceedings, members of the public have the obligation to remain in civil order. Any conduct which interferes with reasonable rights of another to provide comment or which interferes with the proper execution of Planning Commission affairs may be ruled by the Chairperson as “out-of-order” and the offending person directed to remain silent. Once, having been so directed, if a person persists in disruptive conduct, the Chairperson may order the person to leave the Planning Commission meeting or hearing. Where the person fails to comply with an order to leave, the Chairperson may then call upon civil authority to physically remove the individual from the chamber for the duration of the hearing or deliberation on that item. 4. The Chairperson may impose additional limits or rules upon members of the public as permitted by Section 16. Applicant presentations should be limited to 20 minutes. Planning Commission Bylaws 8 | P a g e (F) Additional Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings 1. Public Hearing Format. Public hearings shall be conducted in the following manner: (a) The presiding officer calls the public hearing to order and declares the time of opening. (b) It is the intent of the Planning Commission to open all public hearings at or after the predetermined and published time. From a practical standpoint, not all hearings can be opened at their designated time. The presiding officer may delay the start of a hearing until the business at hand is acted upon, in any manner, by the Planning Commission. However, in no circumstances can a hearing be opened prior to the predetermined and published time. (c) The presiding officer shall read, from the hearing notice, the details on the hearing sufficient to provide the public a general understanding of the purpose and procedures for the hearing, and the fact that the hearing is their exclusive or primary opportunity to provide input to the city on the subject. (d) Staff and/or a consultant make a presentation or report on the subject matter for the hearing. (e) The applicant (if any) may make a presentation or report on the subject matter for the hearing. Applicants will be asked to limit their presentation to 20 minutes. (f) The presiding officer asks Planning Commission members if they have questions of the staff or consultant, if any. (g) The presiding officer requests a motion and second to open the public hearing. (h) The presiding officer announces that input will be received from the citizens, requesting that each speaker provide a name and address, noting any applicable time limits for comment from individual members of the public, any other applicable rules and explaining the procedure for enforcement of such rules. (i) After members of the public have spoken, the presiding officer requests a motion to: i. Close the public hearing, and the Planning Commission votes on the motion. Once the vote is taken, the hearing is closed for the record. ii. Continue a public hearing, and the Planning Commission votes on the motion. If the Planning Commission votes to continue the hearing, the presiding officer shall, in consultation with City Staff, select and announce a time and date certain for the continued public hearing. No additional publication or notice requirements are needed if a hearing is continued to a later date. However, no public hearing may be continued more than once without re-notice and publishing the time, date and location of the hearing. (j) The Planning Commission may request that the applicant respond to issues or questions arising from, or raised by the public during, the public hearing. In such event, and if the presiding officer determines that Planning Commission Bylaws 9 | P a g e the applicant’s response introduces materially new information or issues relevant to the matter then under consideration, the presiding officer may request a motion and second to reopen the public hearing, after which the reopened public hearing shall be conducted, and closed or continued, in accordance with Section 14(F)(1)(i) above; provided, however, the presiding officer may limit the scope of such reopened public hearing only to a discussion of such materially new information or issues. (k) The Planning Commission addresses the subject matter through deliberation, questions to citizens and staff, and reactions and statement of position on the subject. (l) If the public hearing is closed, the Planning Commission may take action on the application before them. The Planning Commission may formulate a recommendation which outlines the parameters under which an approval would be granted. The reasons and conditions shall be stated in the motion or resolution for approval or denial. Continuation of an action may occur in the event insufficient information is present to make a decision. The Planning Commission shall delineate the missing information before continuing the item. SECTION 15. OFFICERS The officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary elected by the Planning Commission at the annual meeting for a term of one year. In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect a Temporary Chairperson for that respective meeting. SECTION 16. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The Chairperson is a voting member of the Planning Commission and may make motions. In addition, the duties and powers of the officers of the Planning Commission shall be as follows: (A) Chairperson. 1. To preside at all meetings of the Planning Commission. 2. To call special meetings of the Planning Commission in accordance with these bylaws. 3. To sign documents of the Planning Commission. 4. To see that all actions of the Planning Commission are properly taken. 5. To cancel or postpone any regularly scheduled meetings. 6. To invoke a reasonable time limit for speakers during any public hearing in the interest of maintaining focus and the effective use of time. 7. To provide for the selection of one or two spokespersons to represent groups of persons with common interests during public meetings and hearings. 8. To order an end to disorderly conduct and direct law enforcement to remove disorderly persons from Planning Commission meetings or hearings. 9. To schedule a second official public hearing meeting or other continued meeting in the event that a meeting or public hearing cannot be concluded by a reasonable hour in the judgment of the Chairperson. 10. The presiding officer has the responsibility to facilitate discussion by the Planning Commission. This may occur in a variety of ways, including: Planning Commission Bylaws 10 | P a g e (a) Interpret and apply rules of procedure; (b) Decide whether motions are properly made; (c) Decide whether motions are in order; (d) Decide whether questions of special privilege ought to be granted; (e) Decide when to recognize speakers; (f) Call for motions or recommend motions; (g) Expel disorderly persons from the meeting; and/or (h) Enforce speaking procedures. (B) Vice-Chairperson. During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall exercise or perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the Chairperson. (C) Secretary. 1. To sign official documents of the Planning Commission and other duties as required. (D) Secretarial duties to be delegated to City Staff. 1. To give or serve all notices required by law or by these bylaws. 2. To prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Planning Commission. 3. To be custodian of Planning Commission records. 4. To inform the Planning Commission of correspondence relating to business of the Planning Commission and to attend to such correspondence. 5. To handle funds allocated to the Planning Commission in accordance with its directives, the law and city regulations. 6. To take the minutes of all meetings of the Planning Commission for typing and filing into the appropriate minute book by City Staff. (E) City Staff Liaison. Pursuant to City Code Section 1500.02, the Planning Commission has a City Staff Liaison appointed by the City Manager. The City Staff Liaison is expected to work cooperatively with Planning Commission members. Members may not direct city staff, but can request assistance through the City Staff Liaison to carry out the Planning Commission mission. The duties of the City Staff Liaison include but are not limited to: 1. Work with Chairperson to prepare and distribute meeting agendas. 2. Reserve meeting rooms and other needed meeting equipment. 3. Provide technical expertise and access to city resources. 4. Work with Chairperson to ensure bylaws are followed and annual work plans are submitted. 5. Relay information or directives from City Council meetings or work sessions relevant to the Planning Commission. 6. Respond to Planning Commission inquiries in a timely manner. Planning Commission Bylaws 11 | P a g e 7. Forward information to and between Planning Commission members. 8. Record meeting attendance, include the current attendance record with each packet and consult with the Chairperson and City Clerk regarding attendance issues. 9. Provide orientation materials to new members and chairperson. 10. Provide annual educational opportunities for all members including the role of a planning commissioner and an annual training session with the City Attorney. Concerns with the performance of the City Staff Liaison should be directed to the Assistant City Manager. SECTION 17. VACANCIES If a vacancy occurs among the members of this Planning Commission by reason of death, resignation, disability or otherwise, notice shall be given to the City Manager or City Clerk and Chairperson by the Secretary. City staff shall then see that a new appointment is made by the City Council. Resignations should be made in writing to the Chairperson stating the effective date of the resignation. SECTION 18. COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS (A) Introduction 1. Committees or Working Groups may be established by a majority vote of the Planning Commission to study issues in greater depth and report findings. Committees or Working Groups present their analysis to the Planning Commission for discussion and recommendations. The Planning Commission has the sole authority to make final recommendations on all matters on which a Committee or Working Group has given guidance. The Planning Commission defines the scope and the duration of the Committee or Working Group’s mission. In no case may the Committee or Working Group exceed the authority granted by the Planning Commission. 2. Committee and Working Group participants may not include enough voting Planning Commission members to constitute a quorum for the Planning Commission. Committees or Working Groups may be designated as standing (ongoing) or temporary in nature. (B) Definitions Committees and Working Groups may be comprised of two or more people, one of whom is the chair appointed by the Planning Commission. A Committee is comprised of current Planning Commission members only. A Working Group is led by a Planning Commission member, but will also include members of the public. (C) Working Group Announcement Public notice will be given of the formation of any Working Group, including a press release from the City to local media outlets. Individuals will have a minimum of 14 days after the public notice to express interest in joining before members are selected. (D) Public Access Based on the potential public interest in the topic, some Committees and Working Group meetings may be designated as public meetings by the Planning Commission or the City Council. If a Committee or Working Group’s meetings are designated as public meetings, official meeting notices, written agendas and written minutes are Planning Commission Bylaws 12 | P a g e required. In the case of such meetings as may not be designated as public meetings, such committee or working group shall endeavor to compile such unofficial notes of such meetings as shall be determined by such committee or working group to be reasonable under the circumstances. Refer to Section 4 of these bylaws for additional information on meeting notices. (E) Appointments and Chair Assignments 1. Committees: The Planning Commission Chairperson will ask for Committee volunteers from the Planning Commission membership. A majority vote may approve the Committee appointments once sufficient volunteers are established. The Committee will elect its own chair and notify the Planning Commission Chairperson. A temporary committee chair will be appointed by the Planning Commission at the time of the committees formation. 2. Working Groups: The Planning Commission Chairperson will ask for volunteers from the Planning Commission to serve as the Working Group Chair. The Working Group Chair is approved by a majority of the Planning Commission members. The Working Group Chair will recommend other Working Group members. By definition, those members will include individuals outside of the Planning Commission. The Chair may also nominate a co- chair who is not a Planning Commission member. Working Group appointments will be made by a majority vote of Planning Commission members. (F) Duties. 1. The duties of the Committee or Working Group Chair(s) include but are not limited to: (a) Set the meeting schedule and, if required, notify the City Staff Liaison for public notification. (b) Prepare and distribute a written meeting agenda, if required. (c) Lead the meeting in accordance with the agenda and facilitate discussion on agenda items. (d) Ensure that this section of the bylaws and Planning Commission directives are followed. (e) Maintain meeting decorum. (f) Recommend members and notify Planning Commission of changes in membership (Working Group only). (g) Report on the Committee or Working Groups’ activities at each regular Planning Commission meeting. (h) Communicate to the Committee or Working Group any directives, questions or input from the Planning Commission. (F) Resignation or Removal A Committee or Working Group member may voluntarily resign by submitting his or her written resignation to the Chair of the Committee or Working Group. A Committee or Working Group member may be removed by a majority vote of the Planning Commission. (G) Disbanding A Committee or Working Group may be disbanded at any regular meeting of the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the members. Committees or Working Groups will automatically be disbanded if no member of the Planning Commission is available to serve or appropriate volunteer membership cannot be established. Planning Commission Bylaws 13 | P a g e SECTION 19. AMENDMENTS Some components of these bylaws are common across all City boards and commissions. The City Staff Liaison should be consulted prior to considering bylaw amendments. Proposed bylaw amendments should be announced one meeting prior to voting on the proposed change. Bylaw amendments require the approval of a majority of the voting Planning Commission members and approval by the City Council. SECTION 20. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS All financial expenditures by the Planning Commission must relate to the Planning Commission mission and be covered under the Planning Commission budget. All expenditures must be approved in advance by a majority of the voting members. The City Staff Liaison is responsible for ensuring that all approved expenditures or reimbursements meet the criteria above as well as other city financial policies. Expenditures that do not meet the criteria above will not be reimbursed. The Planning Commission does not have the authority to execute contracts or to otherwise financially obligate the City of Edina. Any contract related to Planning Commission business will be managed by the City Staff Liaison and may be subject to City Council approval. SECTION 21. ETHICAL AND RESPECTFUL CONDUCT (A) Conflict of Interest Members may not use their position on the Planning Commission for personal benefit. The interests of the Planning Commission must be the first priority in all decisions and actions. Any member who has a financial interest in, or who may receive a financial benefit as a result of, any Planning Commission action or decision must disclose this fact as a conflict of interest. A member who has disclosed a conflict of interest should abstain from discussion and voting on the matter. (B) Gifts Planning Commission members may not receive personal gifts from any “interested person” in conjunction with their board and commission duties. An “interested person” is a person, or representative of a person or an association, who has a direct financial interest in a recommendation under the Planning Commission’s purview. This section does not apply to lawful campaign contributions. The Planning Commission may recommend acceptance of general gifts or donations through the City’s donation policy. (C) Respectful Behavior The City of Edina is committed to providing a work environment free from violence for all elected and appointed officials, employees and visitors. The City does not tolerate any form of violence in the workplace including threats or intimidating actions by or against any of the groups cited above. Violence and threats may include, but are not limited to: 1. Any act which is a physical assault; and 2. Any threat, behavior or action which is interpreted by a reasonable person to carry the potential to harm or endanger the safety of others, or result in an act of aggression, or destroy or damage city property. The Chairperson and City Staff Liaison have the right to call for the immediate removal of anyone who threatens or commits an act of violence on City property. Planning Commission Bylaws 14 | P a g e Respectful behavior also includes how Planning Commission members relate to each other, City staff and members of the public. Members share a joint responsibility in modeling, monitoring and addressing behavior within the group. During Planning Commission interactions, members should strive to: 1. Treat people with courtesy, politeness and kindness; 2. Encourage others to express their opinions and ideas; 3. Listen to what others have to say; 4. Use the ideas of others to improve decisions and outcomes; and 5. Recognize cultural differences. Members should avoid: 1. Speaking over or cutting off another individual’s comments; 2. Insulting, disparaging or putting down people or their ideas; and 3. Bullying other members by displaying a pattern of belittling, demeaning, judging or patronizing comments. How to Report Members can report cases of unethical conduct to the City Staff Liaison, Assistant City Manager, City Manager or City Attorney. SECTION 22. AMENDMENT, RESTATEMENT AND REPLACEMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws of the Planning Commission hereby amended, restate and replace in their entirety all predecessor bylaws of the Planning Commission. ADOPTED by the Edina Planning Commission this 10th day of April, 2019. Secretary APPROVED APPROVED by the Edina City Council this day of , , 2019 Mayor Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.N. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Dave Nelson, Chief of Police Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: One Unmarked Police Vehicle Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Request for Purchase for one Unmarked Police Vehicle. INTRODUCTION: See attached Request for P urchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: One Unmarked Police Vehicle City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Dave Nelson, Chief of Police Subject: Request for Purchase: One Unmarked Police Vehicle Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Request to purchase one (1) 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid for the Investigative Division. This vehicle is on the equipment replacement schedule for 2019 and will not increase the fleet. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: March 28, 2017 November 30, 2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Burnsville Toyota 14730 Buck Hill Road Burnsville, MN 55306 $29,594.00 Recommended Quote or Bid: State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract #134738 Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact • Ongoing costs are fuel and routine maintenance. This vehicle is a hybrid powertrain to increase fuel economy and reduce its carbon footprint. • The hybrid option does have a premium price of $2,373 over the standard gas engine. The Green Fleet report estimated an average savings of 585 gallons of fuel a year based on mileage, which equates to $1,200 savings and a two year return on investment for the hybrid option. This vehicle is retained for seven years. Environmental Impact • This vehicle replacement does meet the Green Fleet recommendations by utilizing a hybrid powertrain. Reduction in emissions will support our carbon footprint reduction goals and support cleaner air initiatives. • The RAV4’s rated fuel economy is substantially better than the 2012 Chevrolet Traverse that is being replacing. The RAV4 is rated at 41 city and 38 highway. The Traverse is rated only at 17 city and 24 highway. Community Impact Hybrid technology allows for the reduction of tailpipe emissions which can have a positive impact on air quality. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.O. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request For Purchase: Two 2019 Ford F150 Pick- Up Trucks Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving the Request for Purchase for two 2019 Ford F150 pick up trucks. INTRODUCTION: Our new equipment replacement scoring methodology uses six performance and cost variables including age, usage, type of service, condition, repair costs, and reliability. Replacement qualification scores are 23 for all sedans and light trucks and 28 for heavy duty vehicles and off road equipment whose gross weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,500. T he higher the score, the higher the need to replace the vehicle. In other words, we will not replace a light duty vehicle that does not have a minimum score of 23. The two trucks being replaced has a score of 27 and 28, respectively. ATTACHMENTS: Description RFP: 2 Ford F150 pickups City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Date: June 4, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gunnar Kaasa, Equipment Operation Supervisor Subject: Request for Purchase: Two 2019 Ford F150 Pick-Up Trucks Purchase Subject to: ☐List Quote/Bid ☒State Contract ☐Service Contract The Recommended Bid is: ☒Within Budget ☐Not Within Budget Midway Ford The 2019 F150 pick-up trucks are replacing a 2006 Chevy Colorado pick-up (70-290) with 100,002 miles, and a 2007 Chevy Colorado (70-291) with 136,090 miles. The new trucks will be serviced by our Fleet Maintenance Operation Division and utilized by the Utility Division in the Public Works Department. Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or expiration Date: 05/29/2019 07/02/2019 Company: Amount of Quote or Bid: Midway Ford State Contract #74464 $25,157.46 $25.157.46 $50,314.92, total Recommended Quote or Bid: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Request for Purchase Department Director Authorization: ________________________________________ City Council Authorization Date: ______________________ (for purchases over $20,000 only) Budget Impact • This funding source is allocated in our Utility Equipment Replacement Fund. Environmental Impact • The 2019 Ford F150 with 2.7L Ecoboost engine has an estimated 21 MPG with a carbon footprint of 14,192 pounds in its lifetime use of 12 years. The 2006 & 2007 pick-ups had an EPG of 15 MPG and a carbon foot print of 16,557 pounds, and they are a Tier 2, Phase 2 of Government CO2 emissions reductions whereas the 2019 Ford F150 are Tier 3 Phase 3 of government reductions for CO2. Community Impact • This new truck will be utilized in Public works Utilities Division of the Public Works Department to perform locating of water and sewer lines as well as help with cleaning and vacuuming of sanitary sewer lines. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: V.P. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-45: Approving MN Department of Employment and Economic Development Grant Agreement and Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement with France Equities, LLC Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving Resolution 2019-45 to accept the Redevelopment Grant, approve the Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement and authorize staff to implement the terms of these Agreements. INTRODUCTION: This item pertains to grant funding for the redevelopment of 7200 and 7250 France Avenue South. The City was approved for a grant award from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to support the full redevelopment of this property. This Resolution was prepared by the City Attorney to formally accept the grant. The sub-recipient grant agreement was also prepared by the City Attorney to establish the contractual relationship between the City and Developer. Staff recommends approval of the Resolution and the Sub-Recipient Grant Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-45: Approving DEED Grant Agreement DEED Grant Contract for 7200-7250 France Ave Subgrant Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 2019-45 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Edina, on behalf of France Equities, LLC, France Equities II, LLC and CPEC Exchange 39560 & 39561, LLC, has applied for and received a grant under the Redevelopment Grant Program in the amount of $500,000.00 to redevelop property located at 7200-7250 France Avenue South. The site will be the location of the 7200- 7250 France Avenue Apartment project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Edina City Council hereby accepts Grant No. RDGP- 19-0009-o-FY19 and authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Manager to sign the grant agreement on its behalf. Passed and adopted this 4th day of June, 2019. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 4, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of __________________, ________. _______________________________ City Clerk 1 of 8 STATE OF MINNESOTA SC #: _____________ GRANT CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Redevelopment Grant Contract Grant No: RDGP-19-0009-o-FY19 7200-7250 France Avenue Project This grant contract is between the State of Minnesota, acting through the Department of Employment and Economic Development, Business and Community Development Division, (State) and the City of Edina (Grantee). Recitals 1. Under Minn. Stat. § 116J.571 the State is empowered to enter into this grant. 2.The State is in need of programs to do the following: create new jobs, increase the tax base and provide other public benefits by redeveloping underused or unproductive sites.3.The Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this grant contract to the satisfaction of the State. Grant Contract 1 Term of Grant Contract 1.1 Effective date: April 2, 2019, or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16B.98, Subd. 5, whichever is later. Per Minn. Stat. § 16B.98 Subd. 7, no payments will be made to the Grantee until this grant contract is fully executed. The Grantee must not begin work under this grant contract until this contract is fully executed and the Grantee has been notified by the State’s Authorized Representative to begin the work. 1.2 Expiration date: June 30, 2022, or until all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. 1.3 Survival of Terms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this grant contract: 8. Liability; 9. Accounting; 10. Government Data Practices; 12. Publicity and Endorsement; 13.Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; 15. Grant Repayment; 16. Data Disclosure; 17. Reporting; 19. Conflict of Interest; and 20. Minnesota Business Subsidy Law. 2 Grantee’s Duties 2.1 Duties, Deliverables, and Completion Dates. The Grantee, who is not a state employee, will perform the following duties and provide the deliverables as outlined below. 156652 2 of 8 (a) Administer these grant funds in accordance with Minn. Stat. §§ 116J.551 – 559 and the application submitted on February 1, 2019 for funding for the 7200-7250 France Avenue Project, which is incorporated into this grant agreement and the provisions of this grant agreement. Any modification made to the approved application must be approved by the State. (b) Promptly notify the State of any proposed material change in the scope of the project as submitted in the grant application, budget as defined in Section 4.1(a) below, or entire project’s completion date, which must be approved by the State, prior to implementation. (c) Provide evidence to the State prior to the closeout of the grant that the Redevelopment activities have been completed. (d) It is expected that the site will be redeveloped as proposed in the grant application and upon which funding was based. Any material change in the development plans for the site must be presented to the State and approved. (e) Adhere to all other requirements of this grant agreement. 2.2 Provisions for Contracts and Sub-grants. (a) Contract Provisions. The Grantee must include in any contract and sub-grant, in addition to provisions that define a sound and complete agreement, such provisions that require contractors and sub-grantees to comply with applicable state and federal laws. Along with such provisions, the Grantee must require that contractors performing work covered by this grant be in compliance with all applicable OSHA regulations. (b) Ineligible Use of Grant Funds. The dollars awarded under this grant agreement are grant funds and shall only be used by Grantee or awarded by Grantee to third parties as grant funds and cannot take the form of a loan under any circumstance. Grantee shall not use, treat, or convert the grant funds into an interest bearing loan, a non-interest bearing loan, a deferred loan, a forgivable deferred loan or any other type of loan. Further, Grantee shall include in any contract or sub-grant awarding the grant funds to a third party all the provisions and requirements of this grant agreement, including the requirement that these dollars are grant funds only and cannot be used, treated or converted into any type of loan. (c) Job Listing Agreements. Minn. Stat. § 116L.66, subd.1, requires a business or private enterprise to list any vacant or new positions with the state workforce center if it receives $200,000 or more a year in grants from the State. If applicable, the business or private enterprise shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with MinnesotaWorks.net at www.minnesotaworks.net as soon as it occurs. (d) Payment of Contractors and Subcontractors. The Grantee must ensure that all contractors and subcontractors performing work covered by this grant are paid for their work that is satisfactorily completed. 3 Time The Grantee must comply with all the time requirements described in this grant contract. In the performance of this grant, time is of the essence. 3 of 8 4 Consideration and Payment 4.1 Consideration. State will pay the Grantee under this grant contract as follows: (a) Redevelopment Costs. The following table represents the total Redevelopment Costs. Activities Amount Asbestos Abatement $125,000.00 Demolition $825,000.00 Site Utilities $150,000.00 Sidewalks $384,300.00 TOTAL $1,484,300.00 (b) Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Grantee under this grant contract will not exceed $500,000.00. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 116J.575, subd. 1, the grant may pay for up to 50 percent of the eligible costs for a qualifying site. This requires a local match of at least 50 percent. For the purpose of this project, based on the budget above, the local match portion is $984,300.00 which may come from any other money available to the municipality. 4.2. Payment (a) Invoices. The State will disburse funds to the Grantee pursuant to this Contract, based upon payment requests submitted by the Grantee and reviewed and approved by the State. Payment requests must be accompanied by supporting invoices that relate to the activities in the approved budget. The amount of grant funds requested by the Grantee cannot exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total approved Redevelopment costs incurred by the Grantee as supported by invoices. The State will provide payment request forms. Invoices may be submitted on a monthly basis; however, at a minimum, an invoice for an award shall be submitted by the grantee for expenses incurred 25 days after the end date of the state fiscal year of June 30th. In order to ensure that all funds are drawn prior to the expiration date of the grant, all payment requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the grant-term expiration date. (b) Eligible Costs. “Redevelopment costs” or “costs” means the costs of land acquisition, stabilizing unstable soils when infill is required, infrastructure improvements, and ponding or other environmental infrastructure, demolition costs and costs necessary for adaptive reuse of buildings, including remedial activities. (c) Travel Expenses. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by the Grantee as a result of this grant contract are considered administrative in nature and not permitted. This does not include costs for contractors to complete the activities listed in Section 4.1(a), which may be considered eligible at the discretion of the State. (d) Program Income. Program income generated from grant-funded activities on hand at the end of the grant period must be returned to the State unless the State has approved a re-use of the income. 4 of 8 4.3 Contracting and Bidding Requirements. Grantees that are municipalities must comply with Minn. Stat. § 471.345 if they are contracting funds from this grant agreement for any supplies, materials, equipment or the rental thereof, or the construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of real or personal property. 5 Conditions of Payment All services provided by the Grantee under this grant contract must be performed to the State’s satisfaction, as determined at the sole discretion of the State’s Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Grantee will not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law. 6 Authorized Representative The State’s Authorized Representative is Erin Welle, Project Manager, 332 Minnesota Street, E200, St. Paul, MN 55101, 651-259-7453, erin.welle@state.mn.us, or his/her successor, and has the responsibility to monitor the Grantee’s performance and the authority to accept the services provided under this grant contract. If the services are satisfactory, the State's Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. The Grantee’s Authorized Representative is Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424, 952-826-0407, BNeuendorf@EdinaMN.gov. If the Grantee’s Authorized Representative changes at any time during this grant contract, the Grantee must immediately notify the State. 7 Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Contract Complete 7.1 Assignment. The Grantee shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant contract without the prior written consent of the State, approved by the same parties who executed and approved this grant contract, or their successors in office. 7.2 Amendments and Adjustments. (a)Amendments. Any amendments to this grant contract, with the exception of Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs), must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original grant contract, or their successors in office. (b) Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs). GANs must be approved by the State in writing, and require a written change request by the Grantee. A GAN may be used for the purposes of transferring budget amounts between line items that do not change the contract value, or other grant status activity. All other changes require a formal amendment as stated in paragraph 7.2(a). 7.3 Waiver. If the State fails to enforce any provision of this grant contract, that failure does not waive the provision or the State’s right to enforce it. 7.4 Grant Contract Complete. This grant contract contains all negotiations and agreements between the State and the Grantee. No other understanding regarding this grant contract, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 5 of 8 8 Liability Subject to the provisions and limitations of Minn. Stat. § 466, the Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold the State, its agents, and employees harmless from any claims or causes of action, including attorney’s fees incurred by the State, arising from the performance of this grant contract by the Grantee or the Grantee’s agents or employees. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies the Grantee may have for the State’s failure to fulfill its obligations under this grant contract. 9 Accounting Under Minn. Stat. § 16B.98, subd. 8, the Grantee’s books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the Grantee or other party relevant to this grant agreement or transaction are subject to examination by the State and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant agreement, receipt and approval of all final reports, or the required period of time to satisfy all state and program retention requirements, whichever is later. The Grantee shall maintain adequate financial records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The Grantee shall submit accounting system records that track the use of grant proceeds and all matching funds by eligible Redevelopment Costs for each year in which grant disbursement and expenditures were made. The records shall reflect both expenditures and revenues and shall be submitted after all grant proceeds and matching funds have been expended or at the State’s request. 10 Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property 10.1 Government Data Practices The Grantee and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this grant contract, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Grantee under this grant contract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Grantee or the State. If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause, the Grantee must immediately notify the State. The State will give the Grantee instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. The Grantee’s response to the request shall comply with applicable law. 10.2 Intellectual Property Representations. The Grantee represents and warrants that Grantee’s intellectual property used in the performance of this Contract does not and will not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of other persons or entities. Notwithstanding Clause 8, the Grantee will indemnify; defend, to the extent permitted by the Attorney General; and hold harmless the State, at the Grantee’s expense, from any action or claim brought against the State to the extent that it is based on a claim that all or part of Grantee’s intellectual property used in the performance of this Contract infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. The Grantee will be responsible for payment of any and all such claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, costs, and damages, including but not limited to, attorney fees. If such a claim or action arises, or in the Grantee’s or the State’s opinion is likely to arise, the Grantee must, at the State’s discretion, either procure for the State the right or license to use the intellectual property rights at issue or replace or modify the allegedly infringing intellectual property as necessary and appropriate to obviate the infringement claim. This remedy of the State will be in addition to and not exclusive of other remedies provided by law. 6 of 8 11 Workers’ Compensation The Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers’ compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee’s employees and agents will not be considered State employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the State’s obligation or responsibility. 12 Publicity and Endorsement 12.1 Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of this grant contract must identify the State as the sponsoring agency. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Grantee individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from this grant contract. For DEED logos and formatting, please contact Laura Winge at 651-259-7173 or laura.winge@state.mn.us. 12.2 Endorsement. The Grantee must not claim that the State endorses its products or services. 13 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this grant contract. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this grant contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 14 Termination 14.1 Termination by the State. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract with or without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice to the Grantee. Upon termination, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 14.2 Termination for Cause. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract if the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant contract, that reasonable progress has not been made or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled. If the project is not started on or before the projected start date of June 30, 2019 or such a later date requested by the Grantee and approved by the State, then the State’s obligation to fund the Grant will be terminated. The State may take action to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed. 14.3 Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract if: (a)It does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature; or, (b)If funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services coveredhere. Termination must be by written or fax notice to the Grantee. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if thecontract is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other fundingsource, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State’s receiving that notice. 7 of 8 15 Grant Repayment If a project fails to substantially provide the public benefits listed in the grant application within five years from the date of the grant award, the commissioner may require that 100 percent of the grant amount be repaid by the development authority over a term not to exceed ten years. The commissioner may exercise discretion to require repayment of only a portion of the grant amount taking into account the public benefits generated by the completed development. 16 Data Disclosure Under Minn. Stat. § 270C.65, subd. 3, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. Other Provisions 17 Reporting Grantee must submit to the State annual reports on the use of funds and the progress of the Project covering July 1st through June 30th of each year. The reports must be received by the State no later than July 25th of each year. The reports must identify specific Project goals listed in the application and quantitatively and qualitatively measure the progress of such goals. Grant payments shall not be made on grants, or subsequent grant awards made to the grantee, with past due progress reports. In addition, the Grantee shall submit a final report. The State will provide reporting forms. 18 Debarment and Suspension Certification (If applicable) The Grantee agrees to follow the President’s Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation “Non-procurement Debarment and Suspension: Notice and Final Rule and Interim Final Rule,” found at 53 FR 19189, May 26, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 33041, June 26, 1995, including Appendix B, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion — Lower Tier Covered Transactions;” unless excluded by law or regulation. 19 Conflict of Interest The State will take steps to prevent individual and organizational conflicts of interest in reference to Grantees per Minn. Stat. § 16B.98 and Department of Administration, Office of Grants Management, Policy Number 08-01 Conflict of Interest Policy for State Grant-Making. When a conflict of interest concerning State grant-making is suspected, disclosed, or discovered, transparency shall be the guiding principle in addressing it. In cases where a perceived, potential, or actual individual or organizational conflict of interest is suspected, disclosed, or discovered by the Grantee throughout the life of the grant agreement, they must immediately notify the State for appropriate action steps to be taken, as defined above. 20 Minnesota Business Subsidy Law The Grantee must comply, if appropriate, with the Minnesota Business Subsidy Law, Minn. Stat. §§ 116J.993 – 116J.995. 8 of 8 1. STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION 3. STATE AGENCYIndividual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. 16A.15 and 16C.05.By: _______________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Signed: _____________________________________________ Title: Deputy Commissioner Date: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ SWIFT Contract/PO No(s).____________________________ 2. GRANTEE The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant contract on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. By: ________________________________________________ Title: Mayor Date: _______________________________________________ By: ________________________________________________ Title: City Manager Date: _______________________________________________ By: ________________________________________________ Title: Clerk Date: _______________________________________________ Grantee: City of Edina Grant Name: 7200-7250 France Avenue Grant Number: RDGP-19-0009-o-FY19 Distribution: Agency Grantee State’s Authorized Representative - Photo Copy 156652 PR 45237 PO 3000369053 4/25/19 1 201963v1 DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REDEVELOPMENT GRANT SUB-GRANT AGREEMENT This Sub-Grant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on this ______ day of ___________, 2019, by, between and among the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Sub-Grantor”) and FRANCE EQUITIES II, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, CPEC EXCHANGE 39560 & 39561, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, and FRANCE EQUITIES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Sub-Grantee”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, acting through the Department of Employment and Economic Development, Business and Community Development Division (hereinafter referred to as the “Grantor”) and the Sub-Grantor have entered into a Redevelopment Grant Contract, Grant No. RDGP-19-0007-o-FY19 for the 7200-7250 France Avenue Project (hereinafter “Grant Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the Sub-Grantee is the fee owner of real property located at 7200 and 7250 France Avenue South, Edina, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as “Project Location”); and WHEREAS, the Sub-Grantor and Sub-Grantee are entering into this Sub-Grant Agreement to fund part of the cost of redevelopment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein, Sub-Grantor and Sub-Grantee do hereby agree as follows: 1. GRANT AGREEMENT. The Grant Agreement is incorporated herein by reference. If there are any inconsistencies or conflicts between this Sub-Grant Agreement and the Grant Agreement, the terms of the Grant Agreement shall control. 2. SUB-GRANT. The Sub-Grantor grants to the Sub-Grantee an amount not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($500,000.00) for Redevelopment Costs for asbestos abatement, demolition, site utilities and sidewalks. 3. PAYMENT. The Sub-Grantor will disburse grant funds in response to written payment requests submitted by the Sub-Grantee and reviewed and approved by the Sub- Grantor’s authorized agent. Sub-Grantor’s obligation to disburse funds to the Sub-Grantee is contingent upon receipt by the Sub-Grantor of the funds from the Grantor. Written payment requests shall be made using payment request forms, the form and content of which will be determined by the Sub-Grantor. Payment request and other reporting forms will be provided to the Sub-Grantee by the Sub-Grantor. The Sub-Grantor will disburse grant funds on a 2 201963v1 reimbursement basis or a “cost incurred” basis. The Sub-Grantee must provide with its written payment requests documentation that shows grant-funded Project activities have actually been completed. Subject to verification of each payment request form (and its documentation) and approval for consistency with this Sub-Grant Agreement, the Sub-Grantor will disburse a requested amount to the Sub-Grantee within thirty-five (35) days after receipt of a properly completed and verified payment request form. 4. MISCELLANEOUS. a. Authorized Representatives. The Sub-Grantor’s Authorized Representative is: Bill Neuendorf Economic Development Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424-1330 The Sub-Grantee’s Authorized Representative is: France Equities, LLC Attn: Blake Bonjean 10296 West 182nd Street Lakeville, MN 55044 b. Assignment. Sub-Grantee may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this Sub-Grant Agreement without the prior consent of the Sub- Grantor and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Sub-Grant Agreement, or their successors in office. c. Amendments. Any amendment to this Sub-Grant Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. d. Waiver. If the Sub-Grantor fails to enforce any provision of this Sub-Grant Agreement, that failure does not result in a waiver of the right to enforce the same or another provision of the Agreement in the future. e. Liability and Indemnification. Sub-Grantee will indemnify, save, and hold the Sub-Grantor, its agents, and employees, harmless from any claims or causes of action, including attorney’s fees incurred by the Sub-Grantor arising from the performance of this Sub-Grant Agreement by Sub-Grantee or Sub-Grantee’s agents or employees. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies Sub-Grantee may have for the Sub-Grantor’s failure to fulfill its obligations under 3 201963v1 this Agreement. Sub-Grantee shall maintain such books and records as will satisfactorily demonstrate to Federal, State, Grantor’s and Sub-Grantor’s Auditors that Sub-Grantee has used the grant funds in accordance with the Grant Agreement and this Sub-Grant Agreement. f. State Audits. Under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 5, Sub-Grantee’s books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six (6) years from the end of this Sub-Grant Agreement. g. Government Data Practices. Sub-Grantee and Sub-Grantor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by Sub-Grantee under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by Sub-Grantee under this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either Sub-Grantee or the Sub-Grantor. If Sub-Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this clause, Sub-Grantee must immediately notify the Sub-Grantor. The Sub- Grantor will give Sub-Grantee instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. h. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue. Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this Sub-Grant Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this Sub-Grant Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Hennepin County, Minnesota. i. Termination for Insufficient Funding. The Sub-Grantor may immediately terminate this Sub-Grant Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Grantor or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the cleanup costs. Termination must be by written or fax notice to Sub-Grantee. The Sub-Grantor is not obligated to pay for any costs incurred after notice and effective date of termination. However, Sub-Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for costs incurred up to the date of termination to the extent that funds are available. Dated: , 2019. CITY OF EDINA BY: James Hovland, Its Mayor AND Scott Neal, Its City Manager 4 201963v1 Dated: , 2019. FRANCE EQUITIES II, LLC BY: Its Dated: , 2019. CPEC EXCHANGE 39560 & 39561, LLC BY: Its Dated: , 2019. FRANCE EQUITIES, LLC BY: Its Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Commissioner Jan Callison Update Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: District 6 Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison will be updating the Council on Hennepin County. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Susan Faus, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Arden Park Construction Update Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. INTRODUCTION: Laura Domyancich from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District will provide a construction update on Arden Park. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Technology Services Director Item Activity: Subject:2019 Quality of Life Survey Results Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, for discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Staff has been directed to complete a quality of life, or public opinion, survey every two years to measure residents’ satisfaction with City services and facilities and to gauge interest on various topics. National Research Center (NRC) administered the mailed survey in February and March 2019, about two years after the last survey was complete. Jade Arocha from NRC will be present to share key findings and answer any questions the Council may have. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: 2019 Quality of Life Survey Results Draft 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report June 4, 2019 Mayor and City Council Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Technology Services Director 2019 Quality of Life Survey Results Information / Background: Staff has been directed to complete a Quality of Life, or public opinion, survey every two years to measure residents’ satisfaction with City services and facilities and to gauge interest on various topics. The 2019 Quality of Life Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City of Edina, as well as the quality of service delivery and overall workings of local government. The survey also permitted residents to share their priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Surveys were mailed to 1,500 randomly selected resident households in February and March. A total of 427 surveys were completed, yielding a response rate of 30 percent. Ninety-six surveys were completed online. The margin of error is plus or minus five percentage points around any given percentage point reported for the entire sample (427 completed surveys). Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own) and geographic location were represented in proportions reflective of the entire city. Because Edina has administered quality of life surveys before, some comparisons could be made between 2019 responses and those from previous survey years. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other jurisdictions around the nation and those in Minnesota, comparisons made possible through a national benchmark database created and maintained by National Research Center, Inc. (NRC). NRC’s database contains resident perspectives gathered in citizen surveys from over 600 communities across the United States. The draft report of findings is attached. Jade Arocha from NRC will be present to share key findings and answer any questions the Council may have. 2955 Valmont Rd, Suite 300 • Boulder, CO 80301 t: 303.444.7863 • nrc@n-r-c.com • www.n-r-c.com EDINA, MINNESOTA 2019 Quality of Life Survey --DRAFT-- May 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................1 Survey Background ........................................................................................................................5 Quality of Life and Community ......................................................................................................8 Quality of Life .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Sense of Community ............................................................................................................................. 10 Community Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 15 Safety in Edina ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Ease of Travel ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Issues Facing Edina .............................................................................................................................. 23 City Services ................................................................................................................................ 27 Quality of City Services ......................................................................................................................... 27 Drinking Water ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Garbage Collection ................................................................................................................................ 31 Parks and Recreation ............................................................................................................................ 32 Government Performance ........................................................................................................... 34 Value of Taxes Paid ............................................................................................................................... 34 Trust in City Government ...................................................................................................................... 36 Contact with City Departments ............................................................................................................. 41 Public Information and Communication .................................................................................... 43 Information Sources ............................................................................................................................. 43 City Website ........................................................................................................................................... 45 Planning and Priorities ................................................................................................................ 47 Municipal Liquor Stores ........................................................................................................................ 47 Redevelopment in Edina ....................................................................................................................... 48 Sustainability and Climate Change ....................................................................................................... 49 Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions ............................................................................ 52 Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions ............................................................ 90 Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics .................................................. 115 Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons ..................................................................................... 161 Appendix E: Survey Methodology ............................................................................................. 178 Appendix F: Survey Materials ................................................................................................... 183 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Figures Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life by Year .......................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community by Year ..................................... 9 Figure 3: Sense of Community by Year ........................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 4: Edina as a Welcoming Community, 2019 ..................................................................................................... 12 Figure 5: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City, 2019 .............................................................. 13 Figure 6: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community, 2019 ............................................... 14 Figure 7: Overall Community Characteristics by Year................................................................................................. 15 Figure 8: Individual Community Characteristics by Year ............................................................................................ 16 Figure 9: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year ............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 10: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2019 ............................................................................................ 18 Figure 11: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year ................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 12: Feelings of Safety by Year ........................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 13: Overall Ease of Travel by Year ..................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 14: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 15: Travel-related Characteristics by Year........................................................................................................ 22 Figure 16: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2019 ................................................................................................... 23 Figure 17: Traffic Problems by Year ............................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 18: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year ......................................................................................... 25 Figure 19: Concerns about Household Issues, 2019 ................................................................................................... 26 Figure 20: Overall Quality of City Services by Year...................................................................................................... 27 Figure 21: Quality of City Services by Year .................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 22: Quality of Drinking Water by Year ............................................................................................................... 30 Figure 23: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year ............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 24: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year ........................................................................................................ 31 Figure 25: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year ..................................................................... 31 Figure 26: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year ......................................................................................... 32 Figure 27: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year ................................................................................... 33 Figure 28: Value of City Services by Year ..................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 29: Property Tax Level by Year .......................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 30: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year ................................................................................................ 35 Figure 31: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year ...................................................................... 36 Figure 32: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track, 2019 .......................................................................... 37 Figure 33: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2019 .................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 34: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year .................................................. 38 Figure 35: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run, 2019 ...................................................... 39 Figure 36: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have a Say in How Edina is Run, 2019......................................... 39 Figure 37: Aspects of Public Trust by Year .................................................................................................................. 40 Figure 38: Impression of Employee(s) by Year ............................................................................................................ 42 Figure 39: Effectiveness of the Magazine, About Town, by Year ................................................................................ 44 Figure 40: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina, 2019 ................................................................................ 44 Figure 41: Accessed City Website by Year ................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 42: Quality of City Website by Year ................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 43: Aspects of City Website by Year ................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 44: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year .................................................................. 47 Figure 45: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year ............................................................................................... 48 Figure 46: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year ............................................................... 48 Figure 47: Level of Agreement with Statements about Climate Change, 2019 ........................................................ 49 Figure 48: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City, 2019 .................................................................. 50 Figure 49: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City, 2019 .......................................................... 51 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 1 Executive Summary Survey Background and Methods The 2019 Edina Quality of Life Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City of Edina, as well as the quality of service delivery and overall workings of local government. Residents also shared their priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Surveys were mailed to 1,500 randomly selected resident households in February and March, 2019. A total of 427 surveys were completed (96 of which were submitted online), yielding a response rate of 30%. The margin of error is plus or minus 5% around any given percentage point reported for all respondents (427). Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own) and geographic location of the respondent’s residence were represented in proportions reflective of the entire city. Because Edina has administered quality of life surveys before, comparisons could be made between 2019 responses and those from prior survey years. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other jurisdictions around the nation and in Minnesota, comparisons made possible through a national benchmark database created and maintained by National Research Center, Inc. (NRC). This database contains resident perspectives gathered in resident surveys from over 600 communities across the United States. Key Findings Edina is a highly desirable place to live. • Virtually all Edina residents (98%) rated their overall quality of life as excellent or good, which was a higher rating than seen in other communities in Minnesota and across the nation. This rating has remained stable since Edina first surveyed in 2011. • About 9 in 10 residents indicated they were very or somewhat likely to remain in Edina for the next five years and would recommend living in Edina to someone who asks; these evaluations were similar to the benchmark comparisons and to ratings given in previous years. • Residents are pleased with the sense of community in Edina, with about three-quarters of residents giving excellent or good marks and another 2 in 10 rating it as fair. Ratings of the sense of community have remained stable since 2015 and were similar to the Minnesota comparison, but higher than the national benchmark. • When evaluating the quality of several broad characteristics of community livability, overall opportunities for education and enrichment, Edina’s overall economic health, health and wellness opportunities, the quality of the overall natural environment and the overall image or reputation of Edina topped the list, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent or good marks to each. These ratings were higher than or similar to the national and Minnesota averages. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 2 Survey respondents value diversity and inclusion in Edina. • A series of new questions were included on the 2019 survey to gauge resident opinion about how important inclusivity and diversity is in Edina and how welcoming the community was toward different groups of people. About three-quarters of respondents felt it was essential, very important or somewhat important that local government focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city for the people of Edina. • About 7 in 10 residents or more said the City does an excellent or good job providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds and making all residents feel welcome and that they belong. • When evaluating how welcoming the community was toward various groups of people, at least 8 in 10 respondents felt the Edina community was very welcoming or welcoming for people who are of Jewish (82%) and Christian (91%) faith and for people who are white (92%). Respondents who had an opinion were least likely to rate Edina as welcoming toward people who have a lower income (38%) or people of Muslim faith (45%). Residents note improvements with the ease of alternative modes of travel and connectivity in Edina. • About two-thirds of survey respondents gave positive scores to the ease of walking in Edina and the ease of travel by bicycle. While ratings for the ease of walking in Edina were stable between 2017 and 2019, residents noted improvements to the ease of travel by bicycle over this two year period. • The availability of paths and walking trails and ease of travel by car were each positively rated by about three-quarters of respondents. The rating for the availability of paths and walking trails increased from 2017 to 2019 and was higher than the national average. • When evaluating various services provided by the City of Edina, ratings of the condition of trails and sidewalks and bus or transit services increased from 2017 to 2019 (from 84% excellent or good in 2017 to 91% in 2019, and from 54% to 62%, respectively). • When asked to write in their own words what they liked most about living in Edina. Of the respondents who chose to write in a response, 40% wrote comments related to the convenience, accessibility and walkability of Edina and this was the most commonly mentioned topic. Growth-related issues continue to be concerns in Edina and associated ratings have declined over time. • About 6 in 10 residents felt positively about the overall quality of residential and commercial redevelopment in Edina. However, ratings for the quality of commercial redevelopment decreased from 2017 to 2019 and ratings for the quality of residential redevelopment have been trending down since 2015. Further, when asked how well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina, only about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well. This was a decline from 2017 and 2015. • Ratings for the availability of affordable quality housing, at 32% excellent or good, was similar to the national average, but lower when compared to other communities in Minnesota. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 3 • Residents shared what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina. Of the respondents who wrote in a response, 36% wrote in comments related to housing concerns such as teardowns, overdevelopment or affordability and 17% mentioned issues related to traffic and infrastructure. • About two-thirds of respondents felt things in the City were headed in the right direction, a rating that was lower compared to 2017 and was the lowest rating to date. The one-third of respondents who indicated that things were on the wrong track could write in a reason for giving the rating they did. Of the respondents who wrote in a response, 49% wrote comments related to poor development, overbuilding and density of the city (about 17% of all respondents). About 13% wrote in comments related to affordable housing and cost of living. Residents remain pleased with the quality of services in Edina as well as their interactions with City employees. • About 9 in 10 survey participants gave positive scores to the overall quality of City services, which has remained stable since this question was first asked in 2015. Edina’s rating for overall quality of services was similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota and higher than the national comparison. • Survey respondents had the opportunity to evaluate a number of individual services provided by the City. Overall, 31 of the 33 services were rated as excellent or good by at least 60% of survey respondents. Public safety services and parks and recreation services received the highest praise by respondents, with at least 9 in 10 giving excellent or good evaluations to most of these services. • When compared to 2017, most service ratings were similar in 2019. However, improvements were seen from 2017 to 2019 for crime prevention and street lighting, as well as the condition of trails and sidewalks and bus or transit services as previously mentioned. Overall, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher than or similar to the benchmark comparisons. • Thinking about the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about three- quarters of survey respondents felt they get excellent or good value for the taxes paid. This high rating was similar to past survey years and higher than both the national and Minnesota comparison groups (#6 in the national group and #1 in the Minnesota group). • The 60% of survey respondents who reported having contacted a City department or office rated the overall customer service they received as well as their impression of the courtesy, knowledge, responsiveness and follow-up of the City employee(s). About 9 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the employee’s knowledge, courtesy, responsiveness and to the overall customer service received (this rating was higher than the national comparison). Edina residents voice some concerns about the direction of City government. • In addition to fewer respondents in 2019 compared to 2017 feeling that the City is heading in the right direction, evaluations of the overall confidence in City government and the government generally acting in the best interest of the community have been declining since 2015. However, about 6 in 10 residents still gave excellent or good Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 4 reviews to these two aspects of the Edina government performance; ratings that were on par with the national and Minnesota averages. • About two-thirds of survey participants felt that they could have a say about the way things are run in the community other than by voting, which was similar to previous years. The 32% of residents who felt that they could not have a say in the community could write in a response as to why; of those, 33% wrote general comments related to the public voice not being heard or listened to (about 11% of all respondents) and 23% said decisions are predetermined (about 7% of all respondents). Environmental sustainability and addressing climate change are priorities for Edina residents. • The overall quality of the natural environment in Edina was rated as excellent or good by 91% of respondents; a rating that was similar to prior survey years and on par with both benchmark groups. • When considering a series of new questions that measured resident perspectives on climate change in Edina, about three-quarters of survey respondents agreed that the City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency, require higher green building standards, invest in renewable energy to get to net zero emissions and invest in programs and create policies to address climate change. • Survey respondents evaluated the quality of eight sustainability services provided by the City; relatively higher quality ratings were awarded to energy conservation and efficiency programs (74% excellent or good) and fostering natural habitats in public spaces (73%), while relatively lower ratings were given to composting collection services (52%). • Residents also rated the importance of the same eight sustainability services. All services were viewed as at least somewhat important by at least 8 in 10 respondents. The most important services were water conservation programs (78% essential or very important), fostering natural habitats in public spaces (73%) and energy conservation and efficiency programs (71%). Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 5 Survey Background The City of Edina contracted with National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) to conduct a community-wide quality of life survey. The primary goal of the survey was to assess the attitudes and opinions of residents by: • evaluating City programs and services, • determining general perceptions of the quality of life in the city, • identifying issues facing the city and • benchmarking results over time. The Edina Quality of Life Survey serves as a consumer report card for Edina by providing residents with the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the city, as well as the community’s amenities, service delivery and satisfaction with local government. Residents also provide feedback on what is working well and what is not, and communicate priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Focusing on the quality of service delivery helps council, staff and the public to set priorities for budget decisions and lays the groundwork for tracking community opinions about the core responsibilities of Edina City government, helping to assure maximum service quality over time. This is the fifth iteration of the Edina Quality of Life Survey since the baseline study conducted in 2011. All surveys since 2015 were conducted by mail; the 2013 and 2011 surveys were conducted by phone. Survey Administration Each selected household was contacted three times over the course of about three weeks. First, a postcard was mailed to 1,500 Edina households, selected at random, notifying residents that they had been chosen to participate in the survey. A survey packet followed in the mail about one week after the postcard and a second survey packet was sent about one week after the first packet. Both letters contained a URL where respondents could go online to complete the survey, if preferred. There were 427 respondents to the mailed questionnaire (96 of which were completed online), yielding a response rate of 30%. Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own) and geographic location of the respondent’s residence were represented in the proportions reflective of the entire city. More information about the survey methodology can be found in Appendix E: Survey Methodology. How the Results are Reported For the most part, the full set of frequencies or the “percent positive” are presented in the body and narrative of the report. The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent and good, very safe and somewhat safe, strongly support and somewhat support, etc.). On many of the questions in the survey, respondents could give an answer of “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions and is noted in the body of this report if it is 30% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 6 or greater. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the body of the report, unless otherwise indicated. In other words, the majority of the tables and graphs in the body of the report display the results from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. For some questions, respondents were permitted to select multiple options. When the total exceeds 100% in a table for a multiple response question, it is because some respondents are counted in more than one category. When a table for a question that only permitted a single response does not total to exactly 100%, it is due to the customary practice rounding values to the nearest whole number. Precision of Estimates It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). The 95 percent confidence level for this survey is generally no greater than plus or minus 5% around any given percent reported for all respondents (427). Where estimates are given for subgroups, they are less precise. Generally the 95% confidence interval ranges from plus or minus five percentage points for samples of about 400 to plus or minus 10 percentage points for samples as small as 100. For smaller sample sizes (i.e., 50), the margin of error rises to 14%. Comparison of Results over Time and by Respondent Subgroups Because this survey was the fifth iteration of the survey, the 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 results are presented when comparisons to 2019 were available. Where differences in ratings from 2017 to 2019 are seven percentage points or greater, they can be considered significantly higher or lower. When reviewing comparisons to data prior to 2015, differences that surfaced may or may not be meaningful, as wording changes between survey versions and the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey may account, at least in part, for any shift in ratings. NRC adjusted the findings from 2013 and prior in order to maximize the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are less likely to be influenced by the decline that is attributable to the change in data collection mode from telephone to mail. Changes between the mailed and phone surveys can be regarded as significant if the difference in ratings between the survey years is greater than 10 percentage points. For more information on comparing results over time, see Appendix E: Survey Methodology. Selected survey results were compared by geographic location of each respondent’s home, respondent length of residency, age, gender, housing unit type and housing unit tenure (rent or own). These crosstabulations are summarized and presented in tabular form in Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics. Where differences between subgroups are statistically significant, they are noted in the tables. Comparing Survey Results to Other Communities NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in resident surveys from over 600 communities whose residents evaluated their services. Conducted with typically no fewer than 400 residents in each community, opinions are intended to represent over 30 million Americans. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 7 Communities to which Edina is compared can be found in Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons. National benchmark comparisons and comparisons to communities in Minnesota have been provided when similar questions on the Edina survey are included in NRC’s database and there are at least five communities in which the question was asked, though most questions are compared to more than five other communities. Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were generally noted as being “higher” than, “lower” than or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by city residents is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. More extreme differences are noted as “much higher” or “much lower.” Comparisons for a number of items on the survey were not available in the benchmark database and have been excluded from the benchmark tables that appear throughout the body of the report. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 8 Quality of Life and Community The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey measured resident perceptions about various aspects of community life in the city, how likely residents would be to recommend living in the community to others and the likelihood of retiring in Edina. Residents were also asked about Edina’s sense of community, feelings of safety and ease of travel in the city. Quality of Life Nearly all Edina residents felt the overall quality of life in Edina was excellent or good, only 2% felt it was fair and no respondents felt that the quality of life was poor. These exceptionally high marks have remained stable since this question was first asked in 2011. Resident opinions in Edina were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and in Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall quality of life was higher when compared to communities in both sets of comparisons (see Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons). Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life by Year How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent excellent or good * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 99% 99% 96% 97% 98% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 9 In addition to rating the overall quality of life, residents’ feelings about their community can be measured in their loyalty to the community. About 9 in 10 residents indicated they were very or somewhat likely to remain in Edina for the next five years and a similar proportion would recommend living in Edina to someone who asks (94%). These high ratings have remained stable over time. Edina residents gave similar reviews to their likelihood to remain and recommend living in Edina as did residents in communities in Minnesota and across the U.S. Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community by Year Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Percent very or somewhat likely 89% 92% 94% 96% 90% 94% Remain in Edina for the next five years Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 10 Sense of Community The sense of community in Edina is strong, with about three-quarters of residents giving excellent or good marks; about 2 in 10 felt that the sense of community was fair and only 4% said it was poor. Ratings of the sense of community have remained stable since 2015. Edina residents’ gave higher ratings to their sense of community than did residents in other communities across the nation. When compared to ratings given by residents in other Minnesota communities, Edina residents’ sense of community scored similarly. Figure 3: Sense of Community by Year Please rate the sense of community as it relates to Edina. Percent excellent or good * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 81% 83% 73% 74% 74% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 11 Inclusivity and Diversity Several new questions were included on the 2019 survey to gauge resident opinion about how welcoming the community was toward different groups of people and how important inclusivity and diversity is in Edina. At least 8 in 10 respondents felt the Edina community was very welcoming or welcoming for people who are of Jewish (82%) and Christian (91%) faith and for people who are white (92%, see Figure 4 on the following page). Three-quarters of respondents felt the community was very welcoming or welcoming for people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander and two-thirds gave these same favorable evaluations to people who are agnostic or atheist. About half or fewer respondents felt the Edina community was very welcoming or welcoming for the other groups of people. It is noteworthy that 31% of respondents who had an opinion felt that the community was not welcoming for people who have a lower income and 21% said that Edina was not welcoming for people of Muslim faith (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses). Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 12 Figure 4: Edina as a Welcoming Community, 2019 Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Percent very welcoming or welcoming Note: between 25% and 51% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating how welcoming the community was for all but one (people who are white) group of people (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses, including “don’t know”). 74% 49% 51% 55% 92% 52% 50% 38% 91% 82% 45% 55% 55% 69% For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander For people who are Black or African American For people who are Hispanic For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native For people who are White For people whose first language is not English For people who are not U.S. citizens For people who have a lower income For people who are of Christian faith For people who are of Jewish faith For people who are of Muslim faith For people who are of Buddhist faith For people who are of Hindu faith For people who are agnostic or atheist Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 13 The majority of residents believed that it was at least somewhat important that the local government focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city for the people of Edina; about one- quarter each rated this initiative as essential, very important or somewhat important. About one in six respondents felt it was not at all important for the City government to focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city. Figure 5: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City, 2019 How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? Essential 28% Very important 29% Somewhat important 27% Not at all important 16% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 14 Survey participants also were asked how well the City does at a creating an inclusive and diverse community. About 7 in 10 residents or more said the City does an excellent or good job providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds and making all residents feel welcome and that they belong. More than 6 in 10 respondents felt the City does good job or better at valuing residents from diverse backgrounds and helping new residents feel connected and integrated. Only half of residents awarded excellent or good scores to the job the City does attracting people from diverse backgrounds; 17% felt the City does a poor job at this. Figure 6: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community, 2019 Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: Percent excellent or good Note: at least 34% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the job the City does at helping new residents feel connected and integrated, attracting people from diverse backgrounds, and valuing residents from diverse backgrounds (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses, including “don’t know”). 51% 63% 64% 73% 79% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Helping new residents feel connected and integrated Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 15 Community Characteristics The quality of several broad characteristics of community livability were evaluated on the survey. As in prior years, at least three-quarters of residents gave excellent or good scores to each of the seven characteristics of Edina. Overall opportunities for education and enrichment, Edina’s overall economic health, health and wellness opportunities, the quality of the overall natural environment and the overall image or reputation of Edina topped the list, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent or good marks to each. About 8 in 10 survey respondents awarded favorable reviews to the overall established “built environment”. Evaluations given in 2019 were similar to past survey years. Overall, Edina residents gave ratings to the overall community characteristics that were higher than or similar to the national and Minnesota averages. Figure 7: Overall Community Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Percent excellent or good 76% 81% 86% 88% 90% 91% 94% 75% 82% 87% 88% 92% 95% 95% 76% 80% 89% 91% 93% 94% 94% Neighborliness of residents in Edina Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) Overall image or reputation of Edina Quality of overall natural environment in Edina Health and wellness opportunities in Edina Overall economic health of Edina Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 16 In addition to rating overall community characteristics, residents were given a more extensive list of individual community characteristics and asked to rate the quality of each. The cleanliness of Edina (95% excellent or good), shopping opportunities (93%), the overall quality of business and service establishments (92%) and K-12 education were awarded the most positive ratings. Survey respondents gave less favorable reviews to the variety of housing options (51%), the cost of living (51%) and the availability of affordable quality housing (32%). When compared to 2017, assessments of all individual community characteristics but one were rated similar in 2019; ratings for fitness opportunities increased from 75% excellent or good in 2017 to 84% in 2019. When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, Edina residents’ assessments of the individual community characteristics were higher or similar, except for the rating of the availability of affordable quality housing which was lower when compared to other communities in Minnesota (similar to the national average). Figure 8: Individual Community Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good 2019 2017 2015 Cleanliness of Edina 95% 91% 95% Shopping opportunities 93% 91% 90% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 92% 90% 86% K-12 education 90% 96% 94% Air quality 89% 88% 92% Adult educational opportunities 89% 89% 85% Recreational opportunities 87% 82% 76% Public places where people want to spend time 86% 82% 84% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 84% 75% 71% Opportunities to volunteer 81% 79% 70% Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 78% 73% 70% Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 80% 74% Opportunities to participate in community matters 76% 75% 62% Employment opportunities 70% 69% 63% Variety of housing options 51% 55% 59% Cost of living in Edina 51% 47% 46% Availability of affordable quality housing 32% 37% 36% Note: about 38% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the quality of employment opportunities. The responses presented in the body of the report are for those who had an opinion. The full set of responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 17 Survey participants were provided a list of eight potential reasons for choosing to live in Edina; they could select more than one response and also could write in an “other” response note included in the list. A safe community (55%), good schools (52%), an attractive community (48%) and good neighborhoods (48%) were the most frequently selected reasons for choosing to live in Edina. About 4 in 10 indicated the amenities in Edina as their reason for living in the community and about one-third said that their job was in Edina or nearby. About one-quarter said that their family lived in Edina or they were born or raised in the community (28%) and 15% said that affordable housing was the reason they chose to live in Edina. Eight percent of respondents wrote in an “other” response and 6% wrote that the location or convenience of the city as their reason for living there. The proportion of respondents selecting the various reasons for living in Edina in 2019 was similar to 2017. Figure 9: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent of respondents Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” “Other: Location/convenience” was a new category created from the “other” responses written. Responses to “other” can be found in Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions. 15% 15% 23% 28% 40% 42% 46% 52% 51% 15% 15% 25% 35% 39% 47% 52% 53% 52% 6% 8% 15% 28% 35% 41% 48% 48% 52% 55% Other: Location/convenience Other Affordable housing Family lives here/born or raised here Job was here (or nearby) Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) Good neighborhoods Attractive community Good schools Safe community 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 18 Survey respondents were given the opportunity to write in their own words what they liked most about living in Edina. The written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 351 respondents who chose to write in a response, 40% wrote comments related to the convenience, accessibility and walkability of Edina. About 1 in 10 mentioned the safety of the community and the schools as the thing they liked most about living in Edina. Fewer than 10% wrote in comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all written comments could be grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 5% of the written comments fell into “other.” Figure 10: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2019 What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent of respondents Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 351 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. 5% 2% 3% 4% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% 13% 40% Other Housing/neighborhood Raised here or close to family, job, etc. Sense of community (friendly, quiet, peaceful, etc.) Parks and trails/recreation centers/open spaces Public services Beauty/cleanliness of community Positive comments about quality of life and community Schools Safe Convenient location/ accessibility/ walkability Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 19 Safety in Edina Nearly all Edina residents said that the overall feeling of safety in Edina was excellent or good (96%), a rating that was similar to 2017 and 2015. Evaluations of the overall feeling of safety in Edina were higher when compared to communities across the country and other communities in Minnesota. Figure 11: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year Please rate the overall feeling of safety in Edina. Percent excellent or good Residents also rated how safe they felt in three different areas of the community. Almost all residents (97%) said they felt very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood and 94% felt safe in the 50th & France area (downtown area). About 8 in 10 felt safe in the Southdale area. Assessments of feelings of safety in neighborhoods and in the downtown area (50th & France) could be compared to communities across the nation and in Minnesota; both ratings were on par with the national and Minnesota averages. Figure 12: Feelings of Safety by Year Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Percent very or somewhat safe 96% 97% 96% 2015 2017 2019 80% 96% 96% 77% 96% 98% 80% 94% 97% In the Southdale area In the 50th & France area (downtown area) In your neighborhood 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 20 Ease of Travel Most respondents felt that the overall ease of travel in Edina was excellent or good, with 86% awarding favorable ratings. These evaluations have remained stable since 2015. Edina’s rating for overall ease of travel was higher when compared to communities across the country and similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota. Figure 13: Overall Ease of Travel by Year Please rate the overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit. Percent excellent or good * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 81% 88% 87% 86% 2011*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 21 In addition to assessing the overall ease of travel, residents provided feedback on the ease of travel by walking and by bicycle in Edina. Close to two-thirds of survey respondents gave positive scores to the ease of walking in Edina and the same proportion gave excellent or good ratings to the ease of travel by bicycle. While ratings for the ease of walking in Edina were stable between 2017 and 2019, residents noted improvements to the ease of travel by bicycle over this two-year period (49% in 2017 versus 65% in 2019). Compared to the national and Minnesota averages, Edina residents gave ratings that were similar for both ease of walking and biking. Figure 14: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good * Differences in ratings between the 2015 administration and newer compared to those prior to 2015 may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 81% 75% 47% 60% 49% 66% 65% 65% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina Ease of walking in Edina 2019 2017 2015 2013* Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 22 Survey respondents evaluated an additional five travel-related aspects of the community. The availability of paths and walking trails and ease of travel by car were positively rated by about three-quarters of respondents (79% excellent or good and 75%, respectively). About 6 in 10 respondents gave high marks to the ease of public parking and about half felt traffic flow on major streets was excellent or good. Ease of travel by public transportation received excellent or good evaluations from 46% or residents. Ratings for the availability of paths and walking trails increased from 2017 to 2019 while evaluations of the ease of public parking and traffic flow on major streets declined. All other ratings of travel-related characteristics remained stable over the two year period. When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of the travel-related characteristics tended to be similar, except for ratings of the availability of paths and walking trails which was higher than the national average. Figure 15: Travel-related Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good Note: about 43% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the ease of travel by public transportation in Edina (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions). 37% 58% 68% 83% 58% 40% 63% 72% 82% 60% 46% 53% 61% 75% 79% Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina Traffic flow on major streets Ease of public parking Ease of travel by car in Edina Availability of paths and walking trails 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 23 Issues Facing Edina Several questions on the survey gauged resident perceptions about potential issues, problems or concerns in the Edina community. Most Serious Issue In addition to considering what they like most about living in Edina, residents shared what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina. Respondents’ written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 353 respondents who wrote in a response, 36% wrote in comments related to housing concerns while 17% wrote comments related to traffic and transportation infrastructure. Schools and education were a concern for about 11% of those who responded to the question. Less than 1 in 10 wrote comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all written comments could be grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 11% of the written comments fell into “other.” Figure 16: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2019 What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Percent of respondents Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 353 chose to write in a response and 13 wrote in “don’t know.” The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. 11% 4% 6% 7% 7% 11% 17% 36% Other Safety City government (fiscal responsiblity, taxes, planning, etc.) Growth/overcrowding Lack of diversity and sense of community Schools/education Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment, affordability, etc.) Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 24 Traffic Concerns Survey respondents assessed a number of potential problems in Edina including traffic speeding and stop sign violations in neighborhoods. About 4 in 10 residents felt that traffic speeding in their neighborhood was at least a moderate problem and about 3 in 10 said that stop sign violations in their neighborhood were at least a moderate problem. These evaluations were stable from 2017 to 2019. Figure 17: Traffic Problems by Year Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Percent moderate, major or extreme problem In 2013 and 2011, the scale was not at all serious, not too serious, somewhat serious and very serious. For comparison purposes, the 2017 and 2015 ratings for moderate, major or extreme problem were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for somewhat or very serious. * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 37% 40% 35% 42% 41% 26% 33% 29% 27% 30% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Traffic speeding in your neighborhood Stop sign violations in your neighborhood Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 25 Other Concerns Edina residents also rated six additional potential problems related to crime. About 2 in 10 residents felt vandalism and property crimes were a moderate, major or extreme problem and slightly fewer felt identify theft (15%) and drugs were problematic (13%). Eleven percent or fewer felt each of the remaining three potential problems were of concern. When compared to 2017, most ratings in 2019 were similar; however, identity theft and domestic abuse were believed to be less of a problem in 2019 compared to 2017. Figure 18: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Percent moderate, major or extreme problem Note: more than 40% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating how much of a problem identity theft and domestic abuse were in Edina. The full set of responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions. 6% 13% 17% 13% 22% 21% 3% 16% 11% 15% 23% 19% 4% 6% 11% 13% 15% 19% Violent crime Domestic abuse Youth crimes Drugs Identity theft Vandalism and property crimes 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 26 For the first time in 2019, respondents evaluated how concerned they were about a number of potential issues their household could have experienced in the 12 months prior to the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents were not concerned with each of the five household issues. Residents were least concerned about running out of food before having money to buy more (90% said this was not a concern) and having access to health care (86%). About 3 in 10 respondents had at least minor concerns about being able to age in place. Figure 19: Concerns about Household Issues, 2019 To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? 65% 74% 77% 86% 90% 18% 15% 14% 8% 7% 11% 7% 5% 3% 3% 6% 4% 4% 4% 1% Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage Having access to health care Running out of food before you had money to buy more Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 27 City Services Edina residents evaluated a number of services provided by the City, as well as the overall quality of City services, aspects of drinking water and parks and recreation amenities. Quality of City Services Survey participants gave positive scores to the overall quality of City services, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent or good ratings, which has remained stable since this question was first asked in 2015. When compared to other communities across the nation, Edina residents gave higher marks to the overall quality of City services. Edina’s rating for overall quality of services was similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota. Figure 20: Overall Quality of City Services by Year Percent excellent or good 87% 89% 89% 2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 28 Survey respondents had the opportunity to evaluate a number of individual services provided by the City (see Figure 21 on the following page). Overall, 31 of the 33 services were rated as excellent or good by at least 60% of survey respondents. Public safety services (e.g., fire, ambulance and police) and parks and recreation services (e.g., city parks and recreation programs) received the highest praise by respondents, with at least 9 in 10 giving excellent or good evaluations to most of these services. Services felt to be of lower quality included street repair (60% excellent or good), cable television (Comcast/Xfinity, 55%) and land use, planning and zoning (53%). When compared to 2017, most service ratings were similar in 2019. However, improvements were seen from 2017 to 2019 for crime prevention, street lighting, the condition of trails and sidewalks and bus or transit services. Although the difference between 2017 and 2019 was not significant, ratings for street repair have been trending up since 2011 and received the highest ratings yet in 2019. Most City services could be compared to ratings from other communities across the nation and in Minnesota. Overall, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher than or similar to the benchmark comparisons. Police services, crime prevention, snow removal and recreation programs and centers were higher than both benchmarks, among others, while bus and transit services, land use planning and zoning, and Edina open space were similar to both comparison groups. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 29 Figure 21: Quality of City Services by Year Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Percent excellent or good 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* Fire services 98% 99% 98% 100% 99% Ambulance or emergency medical services 98% 99% 98% 99% 100% Fire prevention and education 96% 91% 85% NA NA Crime prevention 94% 86% 87% NA NA City parks 94% 91% 93% NA NA Recreation programs or classes 93% 87% 85% 87% 88% Police services 92% 89% 90% 98% 98% Park maintenance 92% 90% 90% 99% 99% Condition of trails and sidewalks 91% 84% 83% 84% 82% Sewer services 89% 88% 83% 86% 86% Recreation centers or facilities 89% 86% 84% NA NA Public health services 88% 86% 84% NA NA Snow removal 87% 92% 87% 83% 83% Recycling 84% 86% 88% 84% 85% Yard waste pickup 84% 83% 85% NA NA Utility billing 83% 79% 77% NA NA Animal control 82% 84% 77% NA NA Public information services/communication from the City 82% 78% 82% NA NA Traffic enforcement 81% 77% 75% NA NA Street cleaning 81% 80% 72% NA NA Storm drainage 81% 80% 78% NA NA Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 80% 72% NA NA Sidewalk maintenance 79% 75% 69% NA NA City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 78% 77% 77% NA NA Street lighting 77% 70% 69% 80% 84% Economic development 74% 79% 76% NA NA Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 72% 67% 63% NA NA Edina open space 70% 68% 70% NA NA Traffic signal timing 69% 70% 58% NA NA Bus or transit services 62% 54% 57% NA NA Street repair 60% 54% 49% 47% 38% Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 55% 60% 49% NA NA Land use, planning and zoning 53% 60% 57% NA NA Note: between 34% and 48% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of the following services: fire prevention, bus or transit services, code enforcement, animal control, public health services, emergency preparedness and City-sponsored special events (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a complete set of responses including “don’t know”). Prior to 2017, “public information services/communication from the City” was “public information services.” * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 30 Drinking Water About 7 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of drinking water; this rating has remained stable since 2015 and was similar to both the national and Minnesota averages. Figure 22: Quality of Drinking Water by Year Percent excellent or good * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Survey respondents also evaluated different aspects of drinking water. The appearance, reliability and safety of drinking water in Edina were rated as excellent or good by at least 8 in 10 respondents. About two-thirds of residents provided a positive evaluation to the water’s odor (67%) and 59% said the taste was good or better. Only about one-third gave favorable reviews to the water’s hardness. Assessments given in 2019 were similar to those in 2017. Figure 23: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina Percent excellent or good 2019 2017 2015 Appearance 84% 85% 77% Reliability 83% 87% 84% Safety 83% 83% 84% Odor 67% 72% 66% Taste 59% 63% 58% Hardness 35% 36% 33% 60% 55% 69% 68% 69% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 31 Garbage Collection Close to 9 in 10 respondents gave excellent or good ratings to the quality of garbage collection in Edina; a rating that was similar to 2017 and 2015. This rating also was on par with both the national and Minnesota averages. Figure 24: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year Percent excellent or good In addition to rating the overall quality of garbage collection, residents also rated their level of support for the City changing from the current multiple hauler garbage collection system to a single hauler (chosen by the City) system. As in previous years, residents were divided in 2019, with about half indicating that they somewhat or strongly supported a single hauler and the other half in opposition. Similar proportions indicated strong support for or opposition to this measure (27% and 31%, respectively, see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions). Figure 25: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent strongly or somewhat support * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 84% 86% 89% 2015 2017 2019 46% 50% 49% 50% 2011*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 32 Parks and Recreation Survey respondents reviewed a list of 13 Parks and Recreation Department amenities and indicated how frequently they used each. About 8 in 10 residents said they had used trails and Centennial Lakes Park at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey. About 7 in 10 reported visiting neighborhood parks at least once in the last 12 months. About half of survey respondents had used Edinborough Park at least once. About 40% or fewer of respondents reported having used each of the remaining amenities at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey. In general, usage of most Parks and Recreation Department amenities in 2019 was on par with 2017. However, the Braemar Arena, Edina Aquatic Center, and Edina Senior Center saw increases in use over the two-year period. Fewer respondents in 2019 compared to 2017 reported using neighborhood parks, large community athletic fields and the Braemar Golf Course. Figure 26: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities? Percent at least once 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* Trails 81% 80% 71% 79% 69% Centennial Lakes Park 81% 75% 76% 64% 69% Neighborhood parks 71% 89% 80% 83% 73% Edinborough Park 48% 48% 50% 47% 48% Large community athletic fields 40% 49% 40% 48% 45% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 40% 24% 25% 32% 30% Edina Aquatic Center 34% 28% 24% 38% 39% Edina Senior Center 29% 20% 18% 33% 35% Edina Art Center 25% 28% 24% 45% 33% Braemar Golf Dome 25% 20% 21% NA NA Dog parks/off-leash areas 21% NA NA NA NA Braemar Golf Course 20% 32% 34% 42% 36% Braemar Field (sports dome) 18% 24% 15% NA NA Prior to 2015, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.” * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 33 After indicating their use of park and recreation amenities, residents rated the quality of each amenities regardless of use. Overall, of those who had an opinion, all parks and recreation amenities were highly rated by at least three-quarters of respondents. Nearly all residents felt that Centennial Lakes Park, Braemar Field, trails and Braemar Arena were excellent or good. Dog parks and off-leash areas received the lowest quality ratings (78%). Quality ratings for most amenities remained stable from 2017 to 2019. However, the quality of trails and the Braemar Golf Course have been on the upswing since 2015. The Edina Aquatic Center also saw notable gains from 2017 to 2019. Figure 27: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year Please rate the quality of each of the following Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities, regardless of your household's use. Percent excellent or good 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* Centennial Lakes Park 99% 95% 95% 100% 99% Braemar Field (sports dome) 97% 93% 88% NA NA Trails 96% 81% 77% 84% 85% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 96% 90% 89% 78% 84% Large community athletic fields 95% 92% 92% 98% 98% Edina Aquatic Center 95% 88% 91% 95% 97% Braemar Golf Course 94% 85% 77% 88% 85% Braemar Golf Dome 94% 92% 88% NA NA Neighborhood parks 93% 88% 89% 85% 85% Edina Senior Center 89% 89% 89% 88% 81% Edinborough Park 88% 91% 87% 81% 86% Edina Art Center 88% 86% 79% 86% 88% Dog parks/off-leash areas 78% NA NA NA NA Note: between 35% and 68% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating the quality of most parks and recreation amenities (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses including “don’t know”). Prior to 2015, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.” * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 34 Government Performance The Quality of Life survey measured aspects of the City government of government performance as well as contact with and evaluations of City staff. Value of Taxes Paid When thinking about the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about three-quarters of survey respondents felt they get excellent or good value for the taxes paid. This high rating was similar to past survey years and higher than both the national and Minnesota comparison groups. Figure 28: Value of City Services by Year Percent excellent or good In 2013 and 2011 this question was worded "When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor?" * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Residents also indicated if they felt property taxes in Edina were high, about average or low. About 57% felt they were very or somewhat high. This rating was similar to 2017 and 2015. Figure 29: Property Tax Level by Year Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… Percent very or somewhat high Responses not shown include "about average," "somewhat low" and "very low." See Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for all responses. In 2017 and 2015, the question was worded 'Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do you consider property taxes in Edina to be…?'. In 2013 and 2011 this question was worded "When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor?" * When comparing to ratings prior to 2015, differences may be in part due to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey (see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time). 80% 84% 78% 81% 78% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 50% 43% 55% 58% 57% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 35 Survey respondents shared their level of support or opposition for a property tax increase to maintain City services at their current level. About 4 in 10 strongly or somewhat supported a tax increase to maintain service levels. This rating was similar compared to 2017 and 2015. Figure 30: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent strongly or somewhat support In 2013 and 2011, this question was asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes, the strongly and somewhat support ratings from surveys starting in 2015 and newer were compared to 2013 and 2011 “favor” ratings while somewhat and strongly oppose were compared to oppose. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 56% 68% 45% 44% 44% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 36 Trust in City Government Residents were asked if they thought things in Edina were generally headed in the right direction or if things are off track. About two-thirds of respondents felt things in the City were headed in the right direction; this rating was lower compared to 2017 and was the lowest rating to date. Figure 31: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent right direction * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 93% 94% 73% 75% 66% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 37 The 34% of residents who indicated that things are on the wrong track could write in a reason for giving the rating they did. Of the 126 respondents who wrote in a response, 49% wrote comments related to poor development, overbuilding and density of the city (which is 17% of all respondents: 34% x 49%). About 13% wrote in comments related to affordable housing and cost of living and another 13% said the reason for their “wrong track” rating related to schools and education. Ten percent said they felt the City was on the wrong track due to the City government operations. Due to the varied responses, an “other” category was created (see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for a set of all written responses). Figure 32: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track, 2019 All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Figure 33: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2019 All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If wrong track, Why? Percent of respondents who selected “wrong track” If a respondent selected “wrong track,” they were given an opportunity to write in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track; 126 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Right direction 66% Wrong track 34% 16% 10% 13% 13% 49% Other City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, etc.) Schools/education Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns Poor development/ overbuilding/ density of city Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 38 About two-thirds of survey participants felt that they could have a say about the way things are run in the community other than by voting. This assessment was similar to those provided in 2017 and 2015. Figure 34: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent yes * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 84% 88% 64% 69% 68% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 39 The 32% of residents who felt that they could not have a say in the community could write in a response as to why. Of the 82 respondents who opted to write in a response, 33% wrote general comments related to the public voice not being heard or listened to (which is 11% of all respondents: 32% x 33%). One-quarter said that decisions are predetermined. Slightly fewer wrote in comments related biases toward commercial and wealthy or special interest groups (17%) and less than 1 in 10 wrote comments about communication issues. Due to the varied responses, an “other” category was created (see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions.) Figure 35: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run, 2019 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Figure 36: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have a Say in How Edina is Run, 2019 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If no, Why? Percent of respondents who said “no,” they could not have a say If a respondent said “no” to being able to have a say in how things are run in the community, they were given an opportunity to write in a reason why; 82 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Yes 68% No 32% 19% 8% 17% 23% 33% Other Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, etc.) Decisions are biased towards commerical, wealthy or special interests Decisions are predetermined Public voice not heard/listened to Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 40 When rating four additional aspects of government performance, about 6 in 10 gave excellent or good reviews to each, including the City government generally acting in the best interest of the community, overall confidence in Edina government, Edina treating all residents fairly and the job the City does welcoming resident involvement. Generally, ratings have remained stable over time. However, evaluations of the overall confidence in the Edina government and the government generally acting in the best interest of the community have been declining since 2015. When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of aspects of public trust in the local government were similar to those of its peers. Figure 37: Aspects of Public Trust by Year Please rate each of the following categories of Edina government performance: Percent excellent or good 72% 72% 64% 70% 69% 69% 61% 69% 62% 64% 65% 65% Generally acting in the best interest of the community Overall confidence in Edina government The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement Treating all residents fairly 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 41 Contact with City Departments In the 12 months prior to the survey, 60% of survey respondents reported having had contact with a City department. Of those who had contact, about one-quarter contacted the Police (25%) and 2 in 10 reported contacting General Information (22%) and Parks & Recreation (21%). Between 10% and 20% of those who had contacted a City department reached out to Building Inspections, Public Works, Street Maintenance, Utility Billing and Utilities. Less than 1 in 10 had contact with the remaining departments. Overall, rates of contact in 2019 were on par with those reported in 2017 and 2015. Table 1: Contact with City Departments by Year Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person? (Please select all that apply.) 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* I have not contacted the City 40% 41% 43% 60% 68% Police 25% 23% 21% 14% 9% General information 22% 20% 15% 12% 7% Parks & Recreation 21% 25% 17% 13% 13% Public Works 14% 10% 12% 21% 27% Building Inspections 13% 12% 10% 10% 15% Street Maintenance 12% 7% 8% 0% 0% Utility Billing 12% 9% 7% 8% 0% Utilities 10% 8% 7% 0% 0% City Manager/Administration 9% 5% 3% 6% 5% City Clerk 8% 9% 7% 0% 1% Planning/Economic Development 7% 6% 5% 10% 8% Engineering 6% 6% 5% 1% 2% Assessing 5% 7% 5% 1% 6% Communications 5% 2% 2% 1% 0% Fire 5% 5% 5% 1% 1% Health 5% 4% 2% 2% 2% Human Resources 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% Finance 1% 0% 0% NA NA I.T./Technology services 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% Other 2% 3% 6% 0% 3% Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. In 2019, “Administration” was added to the “City Manager” response option. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” these verbatim responses can be found in Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 42 The 60% of survey respondents who reported having contacted a City department or office rated the overall customer service they received as well as their impression of the courtesy, knowledge, responsiveness and follow-up of the City employee(s). About 9 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the employee’s knowledge, courtesy, responsiveness and to the overall customer service received. Eighty-five percent gave favorable reviews to the follow-up provided by the City employee. Employee evaluations in 2019 were similar to 2017 and most have remained relatively stable since 2015. Where comparisons to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota were available, Edina residents’ ratings of their impressions of employee(s) were similar, except for the overall customer service which was higher when compared to the nation. Figure 38: Impression of Employee(s) by Year Please rate your impression of City employees: Percent excellent or good Asked only of those who reported having contact with a City department in the last 12 months. * In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 84% 83% 87% 83% 84% 86% 93% 91% 83% 85% 94% 94% 88% 85% 88% 92% 92% Overall customer service Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) Responsiveness Courtesy Knowledge 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 43 Public Information and Communication Respondents to the 2019 survey provided information about the sources they use to get information about the Edina government and its activities. Residents also evaluated various aspects of the City’s website. Information Sources When evaluating their use of various information sources about Edina government and its activities, the largest proportion of respondents said that word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors (85%) was a minor or major source of information. About three-quarters said that the About Town City magazine and the Parks & Recreation Activities Directory were at least a minor source of information (79% and 75%, respectively). The City website and direct mail updates were used by about two-thirds of residents as sources of information about the City. Respondents were less likely to use the City’s email subscription service, Edina TV and online web stream videos to get information about the City and its activities. Use of most sources to gain information about the City was similar in 2019 as in 2017. However, increases in use were observed for NextDoor, Edition: Edina monthly newsletter, social media, City employees, City Council members and the City’s email subscription service. Table 2: Information Sources by Year Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Percent major or minor source 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 85% 89% 90% 77% 75% About Town City magazine 79% 82% 84% 91% 86% Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 75% 71% 68% 52% 41% City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 67% 61% 63% 51% 44% Direct mail updates 66% 62% 69% 54% 57% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 63% 64% 69% 92% 82% Star-Tribune newspaper 63% 63% 68% 71% 59% NextDoor 57% 49% 35% NA NA Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 56% 48% 57% NA NA Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 47% 40% 32% 14% 5% City employees 42% 31% 32% 41% 27% City Council Members 38% 26% 19% NA NA City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 29% 21% 20% 25% 16% Edina TV 25% 21% 20% 35% 34% Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 12% 11% 9% 7% 6% Prior to 2019, "Edition: Edina monthly newsletter" was "Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper” and "City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra)" was "City Extra e-mail subscription service." Prior to 2017, “Edina TV” was “Edina Channels 16 or 813.” * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 44 Survey respondents assessed the effectiveness of About Town and Edition: Edina as communication tools for keeping informed of City activities. About 86% of residents felt About Town was at least somewhat effective, a rating that has remained stable since 2015. Figure 39: Effectiveness of the Magazine, About Town, by Year How effective, if at all, is About Town for keeping informed of City activities? Percent very or somewhat effective Prior to 2019, this was a stand-alone question, whereas in 2019 it was in a question grid along with the Edition: Edina. In 2013 and 2011, the scale was very effective, somewhat effective, not too effective and not at all effective. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. The 2019 survey was the first time residents evaluated the effectiveness of Edition: Edina. About 8 in 10 respondents felt it was a very or somewhat effective tool for keeping informed of City activities. About 1 in 10 felt it was somewhat ineffective and a similar proportion felt it was very ineffective. Figure 40: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina, 2019 How effective, if at all, is Edition: Edina for keeping informed of City activities? Note: 43% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the effectiveness of Edition: Edina (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a complete list of all responses including “don’t know”). 89% 92% 82% 80% 86% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Very effective 24% Somewhat effective 57% Somewhat ineffective 8% Very ineffective 11% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 45 City Website When asked if they had accessed the City’s website in the 12 months prior to the survey, half of survey respondents indicated they had done so; this rating was similar to 2017 and 2015. Figure 41: Accessed City Website by Year Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent yes * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. Of those who reported accessing the City’s website, three-quarters of residents felt that the overall quality of the website was excellent or good. This rating has remained stable since 2015 and was on par with the national and Minnesota benchmarks. Figure 42: Quality of City Website by Year Percent excellent or good Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 58% 63% 47% 52% 50% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 82% 86% 73% 70% 75% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 46 Those who had accessed the website in the last 12 months also assessed the quality of three specific aspects of the website. About 85% gave top marks to the appearance of the website and about another 8 in 10 felt the information and services offered were excellent or good. About half gave positive ratings to the ease of navigation and their ability to find information. Evaluations in 2019 were similar to 2017. Comparisons for these aspects of the City’s website were available to other communities across the nation but not to those in Minnesota; Edina residents’ ratings of aspects of the City’s website were similar to those of its national peers. Figure 43: Aspects of City Website by Year Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Percent excellent or good Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website. 58% 80% 86% 54% 75% 82% 56% 81% 85% Ease of navigation/ability to find information Online information and services offered Appearance 2019 2017 2015 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 47 Planning and Priorities The 2019 survey included several questions that gauged resident opinion on a number of issues facing the City, including City-run liquor stores, redevelopment and sustainability. Municipal Liquor Stores As in prior survey years, residents in 2019 rated their level of support for the City to continue to operate its municipal liquor stores. About 8 in 10 strongly or somewhat supported this proposal. Compared over time, the level of support has remained steady. Figure 44: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent strongly or somewhat support Prior to 2017, the question wording was 'The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from the liquor operations are used for capital and public improvements and to offset operating costs of some recreation facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?' In 2013 and 2011, this question was asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes, the 2015 and 2017 ratings for strongly support and somewhat support were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for favor. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. 92% 95% 86% 88% 88% 2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 48 Redevelopment in Edina About 6 in 10 residents felt positively about the overall quality of residential and commercial redevelopment in Edina. However, ratings for the quality of commercial redevelopment decreased from 2017 to 2019 and ratings for the quality of residential redevelopment have been trending down since 2015. Figure 45: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good In 2013 and 2011, survey respondents were only asked to rate the quality of redevelopment in Edina while 2017 and 2015 survey respondents were asked to consider residential and commercial redevelopment separately. * Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time. When asked how well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina, only about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well. This was a decline from 2017 and 2015. Figure 46: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent very or somewhat well 58% 63% 71% 71% 67% 72% 62% 63% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011* 67% 68% 51% 2015 2017 2019 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 49 Sustainability and Climate Change Three new questions were included on the 2019 survey to measure resident perspectives on climate change in Edina. Residents were provided four statements about actions the City could take related to climate change and rated their level of agreement with each. Overall, at least three-quarters of respondents agreed with each statement and close to half strongly agreed with each. Most survey respondents agreed that the City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency, require higher green building standards, invest in renewable energy to get to net zero emissions and invest in programs and create policies to address climate change. Figure 47: Level of Agreement with Statements about Climate Change, 2019 How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? 46% 47% 49% 47% 29% 31% 29% 33% 10% 10% 12% 9% 15% 12% 10% 11% Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 50 Survey respondents evaluated the quality of eight sustainability services provided by the City. Most received excellent or good reviews from about 6 in 10 or more respondents. The most positively rated programs or services included energy conservation and efficiency programs (74% excellent or good) and fostering natural habitats in public spaces (73%). Residents gave lower quality ratings to composting collection services (52%). Figure 48: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City, 2019 Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Note: at least 33% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of most of the sustainability services provided by Edina (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a complete list of all responses including “don’t know”). 15% 15% 16% 14% 17% 15% 20% 15% 37% 42% 43% 48% 47% 49% 53% 59% 24% 34% 32% 29% 31% 29% 23% 25% 24% 10% 9% 8% 6% 7% 3% 1% Composting collection services Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) Adapting to climate change Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Water conservation programs Increasing renewable energy programs Fostering natural habitats in public spaces Energy conservation and efficiency programs Excellent Good Fair Poor Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 51 Residents also rated the importance of the same eight sustainability services. The most important services were water conservation programs (78% essential or very important), fostering natural habitats in public spaces (73%) and energy conservation and efficiency programs (71%). Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land (62%) and transportation emission reduction (60%) were of relatively lower importance. Figure 49: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City, 2019 Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. 29% 27% 37% 36% 31% 36% 32% 37% 31% 35% 26% 31% 37% 35% 41% 41% 24% 31% 23% 24% 25% 22% 24% 19% 16% 7% 14% 9% 7% 7% 3% 4% Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Adapting to climate change Increasing renewable energy programs Composting collection services Energy conservation and efficiency programs Fostering natural habitats in public spaces Water conservation programs Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 52 Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions The full set of responses to each survey question are displayed in the tables in this appendix. Many survey questions included a “don’t know” response option. Most of the analyses in the body of the report were for respondents who had an opinion as eliminating “don’t know” responses allows for easier comparison between evaluative responses. For questions that included a don’t know response, two sets of tables are provided in this appendix; the first with the “don’t know” responses excluded, to show the proportion of respondents with an opinion giving a response; and the second with the “don’t know” responses included, to allow examination of the magnitude of unfamiliarity with certain items. Table 3: Question 1 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number Excellent 50% N=204 Good 48% N=197 Fair 2% N=7 Poor 0% N=0 Total 100% N=408 Table 4: Question 1 - Including Don't Know Responses How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number Excellent 50% N=204 Good 48% N=197 Fair 2% N=7 Poor 0% N=0 Don't know 0% N=0 Total 100% N=408 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 53 Table 5: Question 2 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall feeling of safety in Edina 60% N=253 36% N=151 4% N=19 0% N=0 100% N=423 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 41% N=172 45% N=190 12% N=52 1% N=6 100% N=420 Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 40% N=165 52% N=214 8% N=34 1% N=2 100% N=416 Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 26% N=109 54% N=224 17% N=72 3% N=13 100% N=418 Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 45% N=180 49% N=196 7% N=27 0% N=0 100% N=404 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 47% N=184 47% N=186 6% N=22 0% N=0 100% N=393 Overall economic health of Edina 46% N=181 48% N=192 5% N=21 0% N=2 100% N=396 Sense of community 32% N=130 43% N=175 21% N=88 4% N=17 100% N=410 Overall image or reputation of Edina 46% N=192 43% N=182 9% N=38 2% N=6 100% N=418 Neighborliness of residents in Edina 33% N=138 43% N=176 20% N=81 4% N=17 100% N=413 Table 6: Question 2 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Overall feeling of safety in Edina 60% N=253 36% N=151 4% N=19 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=423 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 41% N=172 45% N=190 12% N=52 1% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=420 Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 39% N=165 51% N=214 8% N=34 1% N=2 1% N=5 100% N=421 Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 26% N=109 53% N=224 17% N=72 3% N=13 1% N=3 100% N=420 Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 43% N=180 46% N=196 6% N=27 0% N=0 4% N=19 100% N=423 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 44% N=184 44% N=186 5% N=22 0% N=0 6% N=27 100% N=420 Overall economic health of Edina 43% N=181 46% N=192 5% N=21 0% N=2 5% N=22 100% N=418 Sense of community 31% N=130 42% N=175 21% N=88 4% N=17 2% N=9 100% N=419 Overall image or reputation of Edina 46% N=192 43% N=182 9% N=38 2% N=6 1% N=3 100% N=421 Neighborliness of residents in Edina 33% N=138 42% N=176 19% N=81 4% N=17 1% N=5 100% N=417 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 54 Table 7: Question 3 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 65% N=270 29% N=121 4% N=18 2% N=6 100% N=415 Remain in Edina for the next five years 64% N=254 25% N=100 6% N=23 4% N=18 100% N=394 Table 8: Question 3 - Including Don't Know Responses Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Total Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 65% N=270 29% N=121 4% N=18 2% N=6 0% N=1 100% N=416 Remain in Edina for the next five years 62% N=254 24% N=100 6% N=23 4% N=18 4% N=16 100% N=411 Table 9: Question 4 Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number Safe community 55% N=232 Good schools 52% N=220 Attractive community 48% N=204 Good neighborhoods 48% N=202 Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) 41% N=175 Job was here (or nearby) 35% N=149 Family lives here/born or raised here 28% N=118 Affordable housing 15% N=63 Other 8% N=36 Other: Location/convenience 6% N=25 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 55 Table 10: Question 5 What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent Number Convenient location/ accessibility/ walkability 40% N=144 Raised here or close to family, job, etc. 3% N=11 Housing/neighborhood 2% N=8 Schools 10% N=36 Safe 13% N=45 Parks and trails/recreation centers/open spaces 4% N=15 Sense of community (friendly, quiet, peaceful, etc.) 4% N=13 Beauty/cleanliness of community 6% N=21 Public services 5% N=17 Positive comments about quality of life and community 8% N=29 Other 5% N=18 Don't know/NA 0% N=0 Total 100% N=358 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 56 Table 11: Question 6 What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Percent Number Growth/overcrowding 7% N=24 City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) 6% N=20 Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) 16% N=58 Lack of diversity and sense of community 7% N=25 Schools/education 10% N=37 Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment, affordability, etc.) 35% N=123 Safety 4% N=14 Other 11% N=38 Don't know/unsure 5% N=17 Total 100% N=357 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 12: Question 7 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total In your neighborhood 78% N=328 19% N=81 2% N=9 1% N=3 0% N=0 100% N=420 In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 68% N=266 26% N=103 4% N=15 2% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=393 In the Southdale area 41% N=169 39% N=162 12% N=49 7% N=29 1% N=6 100% N=414 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 57 Table 13: Question 7 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Don't know Total In your neighborhood 78% N=328 19% N=81 2% N=9 1% N=3 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=420 In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 65% N=266 25% N=103 4% N=15 2% N=8 0% N=0 5% N=19 100% N=412 In the Southdale area 40% N=169 39% N=162 12% N=49 7% N=29 1% N=6 1% N=4 100% N=418 Table 14: Question 8 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Total For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 29% N=68 45% N=107 24% N=58 2% N=5 100% N=238 For people who are Black or African American 23% N=57 26% N=64 33% N=83 18% N=45 100% N=250 For people who are Hispanic 22% N=52 29% N=69 34% N=80 15% N=35 100% N=236 For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 25% N=52 30% N=61 29% N=58 17% N=34 100% N=205 For people who are White 62% N=230 30% N=111 6% N=23 2% N=6 100% N=371 For people whose first language is not English 23% N=58 29% N=70 36% N=88 12% N=30 100% N=246 For people who are not U.S. citizens 25% N=57 25% N=56 31% N=71 18% N=42 100% N=226 For people who have a lower income 18% N=49 19% N=52 31% N=85 31% N=84 100% N=270 For people who are of Christian faith 49% N=147 42% N=127 9% N=27 0% N=1 100% N=302 For people who are of Jewish faith 36% N=90 46% N=112 16% N=39 2% N=5 100% N=246 For people who are of Muslim faith 22% N=49 24% N=53 34% N=76 21% N=46 100% N=224 For people who are of Buddhist faith 24% N=47 31% N=60 34% N=66 10% N=20 100% N=193 For people who are of Hindu faith 26% N=53 28% N=57 33% N=67 12% N=25 100% N=202 For people who are agnostic or atheist 30% N=65 39% N=83 23% N=49 8% N=17 100% N=213 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 58 Table 15: Question 8 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Don't know Total For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 17% N=68 27% N=107 15% N=58 1% N=5 39% N=154 100% N=392 For people who are Black or African American 15% N=57 16% N=64 21% N=83 11% N=45 37% N=146 100% N=396 For people who are Hispanic 13% N=52 18% N=69 21% N=80 9% N=35 39% N=154 100% N=390 For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 13% N=52 16% N=61 15% N=58 9% N=34 47% N=183 100% N=388 For people who are White 57% N=230 27% N=111 6% N=23 2% N=6 9% N=35 100% N=407 For people whose first language is not English 15% N=58 18% N=70 23% N=88 8% N=30 37% N=145 100% N=391 For people who are not U.S. citizens 14% N=57 14% N=56 18% N=71 10% N=42 43% N=170 100% N=396 For people who have a lower income 12% N=49 13% N=52 21% N=85 21% N=84 32% N=126 100% N=396 For people who are of Christian faith 37% N=147 32% N=127 7% N=27 0% N=1 25% N=100 100% N=402 For people who are of Jewish faith 23% N=90 29% N=112 10% N=39 1% N=5 37% N=147 100% N=393 For people who are of Muslim faith 12% N=49 13% N=53 19% N=76 12% N=46 43% N=169 100% N=394 For people who are of Buddhist faith 12% N=47 15% N=60 17% N=66 5% N=20 51% N=199 100% N=392 For people who are of Hindu faith 14% N=53 15% N=57 17% N=67 6% N=25 48% N=189 100% N=391 For people who are agnostic or atheist 17% N=65 21% N=83 12% N=49 4% N=17 46% N=179 100% N=392 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 59 Table 16: Question 9 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Traffic flow on major streets 9% N=39 44% N=182 33% N=138 13% N=56 100% N=415 Ease of public parking 13% N=52 49% N=200 33% N=134 6% N=26 100% N=411 Ease of travel by car in Edina 25% N=102 51% N=208 19% N=78 6% N=23 100% N=411 Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 12% N=28 33% N=78 26% N=61 28% N=67 100% N=234 Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 22% N=72 43% N=139 25% N=80 11% N=35 100% N=326 Ease of walking in Edina 27% N=110 38% N=154 26% N=104 9% N=35 100% N=404 Availability of paths and walking trails 36% N=146 43% N=171 17% N=70 3% N=13 100% N=400 Air quality 38% N=151 51% N=202 9% N=36 2% N=7 100% N=396 Cleanliness of Edina 50% N=207 45% N=186 5% N=22 0% N=1 100% N=416 Public places where people want to spend time 39% N=158 47% N=188 12% N=48 2% N=7 100% N=401 Variety of housing options 17% N=63 34% N=126 36% N=135 13% N=49 100% N=373 Availability of affordable quality housing 12% N=41 20% N=67 37% N=122 31% N=104 100% N=334 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 41% N=165 43% N=174 14% N=56 2% N=8 100% N=403 Recreational opportunities 42% N=163 45% N=176 13% N=50 1% N=2 100% N=391 K-12 education 57% N=203 33% N=116 7% N=26 3% N=9 100% N=354 Adult educational opportunities 43% N=150 46% N=161 10% N=36 1% N=5 100% N=352 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 32% N=120 45% N=168 20% N=76 3% N=12 100% N=376 Employment opportunities 30% N=77 40% N=102 27% N=69 2% N=6 100% N=254 Shopping opportunities 56% N=228 37% N=153 7% N=27 0% N=2 100% N=410 Cost of living in Edina 11% N=44 40% N=161 38% N=152 12% N=47 100% N=404 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 36% N=145 57% N=229 8% N=31 0% N=0 100% N=404 Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 21% N=75 43% N=155 28% N=100 9% N=32 100% N=363 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 18% N=67 45% N=169 25% N=95 13% N=48 100% N=378 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 27% N=100 51% N=191 20% N=74 3% N=10 100% N=375 Opportunities to volunteer 34% N=115 47% N=158 16% N=55 3% N=10 100% N=339 Opportunities to participate in community matters 33% N=113 44% N=151 19% N=67 4% N=15 100% N=346 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 60 Table 17: Question 9 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Traffic flow on major streets 9% N=39 44% N=182 33% N=138 13% N=56 0% N=0 100% N=415 Ease of public parking 12% N=52 48% N=200 32% N=134 6% N=26 1% N=4 100% N=415 Ease of travel by car in Edina 25% N=102 50% N=208 19% N=78 6% N=23 1% N=2 100% N=413 Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 7% N=28 19% N=78 15% N=61 16% N=67 43% N=176 100% N=410 Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 18% N=72 34% N=139 19% N=80 8% N=35 21% N=85 100% N=411 Ease of walking in Edina 27% N=110 37% N=154 25% N=104 9% N=35 2% N=8 100% N=413 Availability of paths and walking trails 35% N=146 42% N=171 17% N=70 3% N=13 3% N=12 100% N=411 Air quality 37% N=151 49% N=202 9% N=36 2% N=7 4% N=15 100% N=411 Cleanliness of Edina 50% N=207 45% N=186 5% N=22 0% N=1 0% N=2 100% N=418 Public places where people want to spend time 38% N=158 46% N=188 12% N=48 2% N=7 2% N=9 100% N=411 Variety of housing options 15% N=63 31% N=126 33% N=135 12% N=49 10% N=40 100% N=412 Availability of affordable quality housing 10% N=41 17% N=67 30% N=122 25% N=104 18% N=73 100% N=407 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 40% N=165 42% N=174 14% N=56 2% N=8 2% N=8 100% N=410 Recreational opportunities 40% N=163 43% N=176 12% N=50 1% N=2 5% N=19 100% N=410 K-12 education 49% N=203 28% N=116 6% N=26 2% N=9 14% N=58 100% N=412 Adult educational opportunities 37% N=150 40% N=161 9% N=36 1% N=5 14% N=55 100% N=408 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 29% N=120 41% N=168 19% N=76 3% N=12 8% N=34 100% N=410 Employment opportunities 19% N=77 25% N=102 17% N=69 1% N=6 38% N=155 100% N=409 Shopping opportunities 56% N=228 37% N=153 7% N=27 0% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=410 Cost of living in Edina 11% N=44 39% N=161 37% N=152 11% N=47 2% N=9 100% N=412 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 35% N=145 56% N=229 7% N=31 0% N=0 2% N=7 100% N=411 Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 18% N=75 38% N=155 25% N=100 8% N=32 11% N=44 100% N=407 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 16% N=67 41% N=169 23% N=95 12% N=48 7% N=31 100% N=408 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 61 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 24% N=100 47% N=191 18% N=74 2% N=10 9% N=36 100% N=411 Opportunities to volunteer 28% N=115 39% N=158 13% N=55 2% N=10 18% N=73 100% N=411 Opportunities to participate in community matters 27% N=113 37% N=151 16% N=67 4% N=15 16% N=64 100% N=410 Table 18: Question 10 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Appearance 36% N=147 48% N=197 10% N=39 6% N=25 100% N=409 Taste 23% N=95 36% N=147 24% N=96 17% N=71 100% N=410 Odor 29% N=116 38% N=153 22% N=90 10% N=41 100% N=401 Hardness 13% N=51 22% N=84 24% N=92 41% N=155 100% N=381 Reliability 40% N=160 43% N=170 11% N=44 6% N=22 100% N=395 Safety 40% N=142 43% N=155 11% N=39 6% N=22 100% N=357 Table 19: Question 10 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Appearance 35% N=147 47% N=197 9% N=39 6% N=25 2% N=8 100% N=417 Taste 23% N=95 35% N=147 23% N=96 17% N=71 2% N=8 100% N=418 Odor 28% N=116 37% N=153 22% N=90 10% N=41 3% N=13 100% N=414 Hardness 12% N=51 20% N=84 22% N=92 37% N=155 8% N=34 100% N=414 Reliability 39% N=160 41% N=170 11% N=44 5% N=22 5% N=19 100% N=415 Safety 34% N=142 37% N=155 9% N=39 5% N=22 14% N=59 100% N=416 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 62 Table 20: Question 11 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a problem Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Extreme problem Total Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 27% N=110 32% N=130 27% N=113 9% N=37 5% N=21 100% N=411 Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 38% N=147 32% N=125 19% N=75 6% N=23 5% N=20 100% N=389 Violent crime 77% N=284 19% N=72 4% N=14 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=370 Drugs 65% N=193 22% N=67 11% N=33 2% N=5 0% N=1 100% N=300 Youth crimes 56% N=178 33% N=105 9% N=28 2% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=318 Vandalism and property crimes 43% N=152 38% N=135 15% N=54 3% N=12 0% N=1 100% N=353 Identity theft 54% N=128 30% N=72 13% N=31 1% N=1 2% N=4 100% N=236 Domestic abuse 66% N=128 27% N=53 6% N=12 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=193 Table 21: Question 11 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a problem Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Extreme problem Don't know Total Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 26% N=110 31% N=130 27% N=113 9% N=37 5% N=21 2% N=7 100% N=418 Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 35% N=147 30% N=125 18% N=75 5% N=23 5% N=20 6% N=26 100% N=415 Violent crime 68% N=284 17% N=72 3% N=14 0% N=0 0% N=0 11% N=46 100% N=417 Drugs 46% N=193 16% N=67 8% N=33 1% N=5 0% N=1 28% N=117 100% N=416 Youth crimes 43% N=178 25% N=105 7% N=28 1% N=6 0% N=0 23% N=97 100% N=414 Vandalism and property crimes 37% N=152 32% N=135 13% N=54 3% N=12 0% N=1 15% N=62 100% N=415 Identity theft 31% N=128 17% N=72 7% N=31 0% N=1 1% N=4 43% N=179 100% N=415 Domestic abuse 31% N=128 13% N=53 3% N=12 0% N=0 0% N=0 53% N=221 100% N=414 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 63 Table 22: Question 12 (Use) First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. Never Once or twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26 times More than 26 times Total Trails 19% N=77 15% N=59 28% N=113 13% N=52 24% N=96 100% N=398 Dog parks/off-leash areas 79% N=313 7% N=27 7% N=29 3% N=12 4% N=16 100% N=397 Neighborhood parks 29% N=116 15% N=60 28% N=110 11% N=46 17% N=68 100% N=400 Large community athletic fields 60% N=238 14% N=54 12% N=49 6% N=23 8% N=33 100% N=396 Edinborough Park 52% N=207 27% N=106 11% N=42 5% N=19 6% N=25 100% N=399 Centennial Lakes Park 19% N=76 22% N=89 25% N=101 15% N=60 18% N=72 100% N=398 Edina Aquatic Center 66% N=265 13% N=50 11% N=46 6% N=26 4% N=15 100% N=401 Edina Senior Center 71% N=285 12% N=48 12% N=47 3% N=12 2% N=8 100% N=399 Braemar Arena (ice arena) 60% N=239 17% N=67 13% N=53 4% N=17 6% N=25 100% N=401 Edina Art Center 75% N=301 16% N=63 5% N=20 2% N=9 1% N=6 100% N=399 Braemar Golf Course 80% N=319 8% N=32 7% N=28 1% N=6 4% N=14 100% N=398 Braemar Golf Dome 75% N=301 11% N=43 6% N=25 3% N=12 5% N=19 100% N=400 Braemar Field (sports dome) 82% N=331 8% N=33 4% N=18 2% N=7 3% N=13 100% N=401 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 64 Table 23: Question 12 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Trails 50% N=151 46% N=141 4% N=13 0% N=0 100% N=304 Dog parks/off-leash areas 19% N=19 59% N=59 14% N=14 8% N=8 100% N=100 Neighborhood parks 45% N=120 48% N=130 7% N=18 0% N=0 100% N=268 Large community athletic fields 46% N=81 49% N=87 5% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=175 Edinborough Park 45% N=92 43% N=89 11% N=22 1% N=2 100% N=205 Centennial Lakes Park 60% N=183 40% N=122 1% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=307 Edina Aquatic Center 45% N=76 49% N=83 5% N=9 0% N=0 100% N=169 Edina Senior Center 39% N=54 50% N=71 10% N=14 1% N=2 100% N=141 Braemar Arena (ice arena) 56% N=98 40% N=71 2% N=4 1% N=2 100% N=176 Edina Art Center 38% N=44 50% N=58 11% N=13 2% N=2 100% N=117 Braemar Golf Course 44% N=42 50% N=48 5% N=5 1% N=1 100% N=96 Braemar Golf Dome 51% N=61 42% N=50 4% N=5 3% N=3 100% N=118 Braemar Field (sports dome) 43% N=38 54% N=47 2% N=2 1% N=1 100% N=87 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 65 Table 24: Question 12 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Trails 44% N=151 41% N=141 4% N=13 0% N=0 11% N=36 100% N=340 Dog parks/off-leash areas 7% N=19 21% N=59 5% N=14 3% N=8 65% N=182 100% N=282 Neighborhood parks 36% N=120 39% N=130 5% N=18 0% N=0 20% N=66 100% N=334 Large community athletic fields 27% N=81 29% N=87 3% N=8 0% N=0 42% N=125 100% N=301 Edinborough Park 29% N=92 28% N=89 7% N=22 1% N=2 35% N=109 100% N=314 Centennial Lakes Park 54% N=183 36% N=122 1% N=2 0% N=0 10% N=34 100% N=342 Edina Aquatic Center 25% N=76 27% N=83 3% N=9 0% N=0 44% N=134 100% N=303 Edina Senior Center 18% N=54 24% N=71 5% N=14 1% N=2 53% N=158 100% N=299 Braemar Arena (ice arena) 32% N=98 23% N=71 1% N=4 1% N=2 42% N=127 100% N=303 Edina Art Center 15% N=44 20% N=58 4% N=13 1% N=2 60% N=175 100% N=292 Braemar Golf Course 15% N=42 17% N=48 2% N=5 0% N=1 66% N=191 100% N=287 Braemar Golf Dome 21% N=61 17% N=50 2% N=5 1% N=3 60% N=176 100% N=294 Braemar Field (sports dome) 14% N=38 17% N=47 1% N=2 0% N=1 68% N=190 100% N=277 Table 25: Question 13 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Police services 62% N=227 30% N=110 7% N=26 1% N=3 100% N=366 Fire services 69% N=227 29% N=95 1% N=4 0% N=1 100% N=328 Ambulance or emergency medical services 69% N=206 29% N=85 2% N=6 0% N=1 100% N=297 Crime prevention 45% N=140 49% N=154 4% N=13 2% N=5 100% N=312 Fire prevention and education 49% N=129 47% N=123 3% N=8 1% N=2 100% N=263 Traffic enforcement 34% N=124 47% N=172 14% N=52 5% N=17 100% N=364 Street repair 17% N=68 42% N=165 33% N=130 7% N=27 100% N=390 Street cleaning 34% N=131 47% N=185 18% N=70 1% N=5 100% N=391 Street lighting 30% N=118 47% N=186 18% N=70 6% N=22 100% N=396 Snow removal 57% N=230 30% N=121 10% N=41 3% N=12 100% N=404 Sidewalk maintenance 30% N=100 49% N=166 17% N=58 4% N=13 100% N=337 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 66 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Traffic signal timing 21% N=80 48% N=184 24% N=91 7% N=28 100% N=383 Bus or transit services 24% N=51 38% N=81 21% N=44 17% N=36 100% N=212 Garbage collection 44% N=164 45% N=168 9% N=32 2% N=7 100% N=372 Recycling 41% N=153 42% N=158 12% N=45 4% N=15 100% N=372 Yard waste pickup 40% N=114 45% N=129 10% N=28 6% N=17 100% N=288 Storm drainage 28% N=92 54% N=177 15% N=50 3% N=11 100% N=330 Drinking water 29% N=114 41% N=160 17% N=67 14% N=55 100% N=395 Sewer services 36% N=123 53% N=182 10% N=33 2% N=6 100% N=344 Utility billing 29% N=107 54% N=196 15% N=55 1% N=5 100% N=363 City parks 49% N=188 45% N=175 5% N=20 0% N=2 100% N=384 Park maintenance 46% N=173 46% N=172 7% N=27 1% N=2 100% N=374 Condition of trails and sidewalks 42% N=158 49% N=184 8% N=31 0% N=1 100% N=374 Recreation programs or classes 43% N=130 50% N=153 7% N=20 1% N=2 100% N=304 Recreation centers or facilities 38% N=116 51% N=154 9% N=27 2% N=5 100% N=303 Land use, planning and zoning 12% N=40 41% N=132 31% N=101 16% N=53 100% N=326 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 23% N=62 48% N=128 20% N=53 9% N=23 100% N=264 Animal control 30% N=77 52% N=133 13% N=32 5% N=13 100% N=254 Economic development 21% N=65 53% N=162 22% N=67 4% N=12 100% N=306 Public health services 32% N=74 56% N=133 11% N=26 1% N=3 100% N=235 Public information services/communication from the City 33% N=120 49% N=181 13% N=47 5% N=18 100% N=366 Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 18% N=58 37% N=121 29% N=94 17% N=55 100% N=328 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 28% N=73 53% N=136 16% N=41 3% N=8 100% N=258 Edina open space 22% N=66 48% N=147 26% N=81 4% N=12 100% N=306 City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 23% N=47 55% N=113 18% N=37 4% N=8 100% N=205 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 35% N=134 54% N=207 11% N=41 0% N=0 100% N=382 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 67 Table 26: Question 13 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Police services 56% N=227 27% N=110 6% N=26 1% N=3 10% N=39 100% N=405 Fire services 56% N=227 23% N=95 1% N=4 0% N=1 19% N=79 100% N=406 Ambulance or emergency medical services 51% N=206 21% N=85 1% N=6 0% N=1 26% N=107 100% N=404 Crime prevention 35% N=140 38% N=154 3% N=13 1% N=5 23% N=91 100% N=403 Fire prevention and education 32% N=129 31% N=123 2% N=8 1% N=2 34% N=138 100% N=401 Traffic enforcement 31% N=124 43% N=172 13% N=52 4% N=17 9% N=37 100% N=401 Street repair 17% N=68 41% N=165 32% N=130 7% N=27 3% N=13 100% N=403 Street cleaning 33% N=131 46% N=185 17% N=70 1% N=5 3% N=13 100% N=403 Street lighting 29% N=118 46% N=186 17% N=70 6% N=22 2% N=7 100% N=403 Snow removal 57% N=230 30% N=121 10% N=41 3% N=12 1% N=2 100% N=406 Sidewalk maintenance 25% N=100 42% N=166 14% N=58 3% N=13 16% N=62 100% N=399 Traffic signal timing 20% N=80 46% N=184 23% N=91 7% N=28 4% N=17 100% N=400 Bus or transit services 13% N=51 20% N=81 11% N=44 9% N=36 47% N=189 100% N=401 Garbage collection 40% N=164 41% N=168 8% N=32 2% N=7 9% N=37 100% N=409 Recycling 38% N=153 39% N=158 11% N=45 4% N=15 9% N=35 100% N=407 Yard waste pickup 29% N=114 32% N=129 7% N=28 4% N=17 28% N=112 100% N=400 Storm drainage 23% N=92 44% N=177 12% N=50 3% N=11 18% N=71 100% N=401 Drinking water 28% N=114 40% N=160 16% N=67 13% N=55 3% N=11 100% N=406 Sewer services 31% N=123 45% N=182 8% N=33 1% N=6 15% N=59 100% N=402 Utility billing 27% N=107 49% N=196 14% N=55 1% N=5 10% N=39 100% N=402 City parks 47% N=188 44% N=175 5% N=20 0% N=2 4% N=17 100% N=401 Park maintenance 43% N=173 43% N=172 7% N=27 1% N=2 7% N=28 100% N=402 Condition of trails and sidewalks 39% N=158 45% N=184 8% N=31 0% N=1 7% N=30 100% N=404 Recreation programs or classes 33% N=130 38% N=153 5% N=20 0% N=2 24% N=95 100% N=400 Recreation centers or facilities 29% N=116 39% N=154 7% N=27 1% N=5 23% N=92 100% N=395 Land use, planning and zoning 10% N=40 33% N=132 25% N=101 13% N=53 18% N=72 100% N=398 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 15% N=62 32% N=128 13% N=53 6% N=23 34% N=137 100% N=402 Animal control 19% N=77 33% N=133 8% N=32 3% N=13 38% N=153 100% N=407 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 68 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Economic development 16% N=65 41% N=162 17% N=67 3% N=12 23% N=91 100% N=397 Public health services 19% N=74 33% N=133 6% N=26 1% N=3 41% N=165 100% N=400 Public information services/communication from the City 30% N=120 46% N=181 12% N=47 5% N=18 7% N=28 100% N=394 Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 14% N=58 30% N=121 23% N=94 14% N=55 18% N=73 100% N=401 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 18% N=73 34% N=136 10% N=41 2% N=8 35% N=139 100% N=397 Edina open space 17% N=66 38% N=147 21% N=81 3% N=12 21% N=82 100% N=388 City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 12% N=47 29% N=113 9% N=37 2% N=8 48% N=189 100% N=394 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 34% N=134 52% N=207 10% N=41 0% N=0 4% N=17 100% N=399 Table 27: Question 14 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 25% N=92 53% N=191 17% N=63 5% N=17 100% N=362 The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 21% N=66 44% N=139 24% N=74 12% N=36 100% N=315 Overall confidence in Edina government 18% N=68 46% N=171 26% N=97 10% N=36 100% N=372 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 19% N=72 43% N=159 28% N=103 10% N=37 100% N=371 Treating all residents fairly 22% N=73 43% N=144 23% N=78 11% N=38 100% N=334 Table 28: Question 14 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 23% N=92 48% N=191 16% N=63 4% N=17 9% N=35 100% N=397 The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 17% N=66 35% N=139 19% N=74 9% N=36 21% N=82 100% N=398 Overall confidence in Edina government 17% N=68 43% N=171 24% N=97 9% N=36 7% N=27 100% N=399 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 18% N=72 40% N=159 26% N=103 9% N=37 7% N=28 100% N=400 Treating all residents fairly 18% N=73 36% N=144 20% N=78 9% N=38 16% N=66 100% N=399 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 69 Table 29: Question 15 Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person? Percent Number Police 41% N=96 General information 36% N=84 Parks & Recreation 36% N=83 Public Works 23% N=53 Building Inspections 22% N=51 Street Maintenance 20% N=45 Utility Billing 20% N=45 Utilities 17% N=38 City Manager/Administration 15% N=35 City Clerk 13% N=30 Planning/Economic Development 12% N=27 Engineering 10% N=23 Assessing 9% N=21 Fire 9% N=21 Health 9% N=20 Communications 8% N=18 Human Resources 3% N=7 Other 3% N=6 Finance 2% N=6 I.T./Technology services 1% N=2 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 70 Table 30: Question 16 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Knowledge 50% N=115 42% N=95 7% N=16 1% N=2 100% N=227 Courtesy 58% N=133 34% N=78 7% N=15 1% N=3 100% N=229 Responsiveness 51% N=116 38% N=86 9% N=20 3% N=7 100% N=228 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 49% N=102 36% N=75 10% N=21 5% N=10 100% N=207 Overall customer service 51% N=115 38% N=85 11% N=24 1% N=2 100% N=227 Table 31: Question 16 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Knowledge 47% N=115 39% N=95 7% N=16 1% N=2 6% N=15 100% N=242 Courtesy 55% N=133 32% N=78 6% N=15 1% N=3 6% N=14 100% N=243 Responsiveness 48% N=116 35% N=86 8% N=20 3% N=7 6% N=15 100% N=243 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 42% N=102 31% N=75 9% N=21 4% N=10 14% N=34 100% N=241 Overall customer service 48% N=115 35% N=85 10% N=24 1% N=2 6% N=14 100% N=241 Table 32: Question 17 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number Very high 16% N=54 Somewhat high 41% N=140 About average 36% N=122 Somewhat low 5% N=17 Very low 2% N=7 Total 100% N=340 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 71 Table 33: Question 17 - Including Don't Know Responses Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number Very high 13% N=54 Somewhat high 34% N=140 About average 30% N=122 Somewhat low 4% N=17 Very low 2% N=7 Don't know 17% N=68 Total 100% N=408 Table 34: Question 18 - Excluding Don't Know Responses To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number Strongly support 6% N=20 Somewhat support 39% N=136 Somewhat oppose 34% N=119 Strongly oppose 22% N=78 Total 100% N=353 Table 35: Question 18 - Including Don't Know Responses To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number Strongly support 5% N=20 Somewhat support 34% N=136 Somewhat oppose 30% N=119 Strongly oppose 20% N=78 Don't know 12% N=46 Total 100% N=399 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 72 Table 36: Question 19 - Excluding Don't Know Responses All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number Right direction 66% N=226 Wrong track 34% N=114 Total 100% N=339 Table 37: Question 19 - Including Don't Know Responses All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number Right direction 57% N=226 Wrong track 29% N=114 Don't know 15% N=59 Total 100% N=399 Table 38: Question 19 - Wrong Track, Why? All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If wrong track, Why? Percent Number City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, etc.) 10% N=12 Poor development/overbuilding/density of city 49% N=60 Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns 13% N=15 Schools/education 13% N=15 Other 16% N=19 Total 100% N=122 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 39: Question 20 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number Yes 68% N=203 No 32% N=94 Total 100% N=296 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 73 Table 40: Question 20 - Including Don't Know Responses Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number Yes 50% N=203 No 23% N=94 Don't know 27% N=108 Total 100% N=404 Table 41: Question 20 - No, Why? Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If no, Why? Percent Number Public voice not heard/listened to 33% N=27 Decisions are predetermined 23% N=19 Decisions are biased towards commercial, wealthy or special interests 17% N=14 Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, etc.) 8% N=6 Other 19% N=16 Total 100% N=82 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they responded "No" to question 20. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 42: Question 21 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? Percent Number Essential 28% N=109 Very important 30% N=117 Somewhat important 27% N=106 Not at all important 16% N=62 Total 100% N=394 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 74 Table 43: Question 21 - Including Don't Know Responses How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? Percent Number Essential 27% N=109 Very important 29% N=117 Somewhat important 26% N=106 Not at all important 15% N=62 Don't know 3% N=14 Total 100% N=407 Table 44: Question 22 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong 21% N=64 52% N=156 22% N=67 5% N=14 100% N=302 Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 20% N=53 43% N=117 27% N=73 10% N=26 100% N=270 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 17% N=44 34% N=89 31% N=81 17% N=45 100% N=258 Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds 20% N=50 44% N=110 26% N=66 10% N=26 100% N=252 Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 30% N=96 48% N=152 18% N=56 4% N=11 100% N=315 Table 45: Question 22 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong 16% N=64 39% N=156 17% N=67 4% N=14 24% N=95 100% N=397 Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 13% N=53 29% N=117 19% N=73 7% N=26 32% N=127 100% N=397 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 11% N=44 23% N=89 20% N=81 11% N=45 35% N=137 100% N=395 Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds 13% N=50 28% N=110 17% N=66 7% N=26 36% N=141 100% N=393 Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 24% N=96 39% N=152 14% N=56 3% N=11 20% N=79 100% N=394 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 75 Table 46: Question 23 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number Very well 10% N=30 Somewhat well 41% N=119 Somewhat poorly 28% N=82 Very poorly 20% N=60 Total 100% N=291 Table 47: Question 23 - Including Don't Know Responses How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number Very well 8% N=30 Somewhat well 30% N=119 Somewhat poorly 21% N=82 Very poorly 15% N=60 Don't know 27% N=108 Total 100% N=399 Table 48: Question 24 - Excluding Don't Know Responses The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number Strongly support 54% N=206 Somewhat support 34% N=129 Somewhat oppose 7% N=27 Strongly oppose 5% N=17 Total 100% N=379 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 76 Table 49: Question 24 - Including Don't Know Responses The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number Strongly support 51% N=206 Somewhat support 32% N=129 Somewhat oppose 7% N=27 Strongly oppose 4% N=17 Don't know 7% N=27 Total 100% N=406 Table 50: Question 25 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent Number Strongly support 27% N=88 Somewhat support 23% N=76 Somewhat oppose 19% N=62 Strongly oppose 31% N=104 Total 100% N=330 Table 51: Question 25 - Including Don't Know Responses Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent Number Strongly support 22% N=88 Somewhat support 19% N=76 Somewhat oppose 15% N=62 Strongly oppose 26% N=104 Don't know 18% N=74 Total 100% N=403 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 77 Table 52: Question 26 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Total Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change 46% N=180 29% N=112 10% N=39 15% N=58 100% N=389 Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency 47% N=185 33% N=130 9% N=34 11% N=42 100% N=392 Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards 49% N=187 29% N=112 12% N=45 10% N=40 100% N=384 Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions 47% N=181 31% N=119 10% N=41 12% N=48 100% N=389 Table 53: Question 26 - Including Don't Know Responses How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Total Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change 44% N=180 28% N=112 10% N=39 14% N=58 4% N=16 100% N=405 Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency 46% N=185 32% N=130 8% N=34 10% N=42 4% N=14 100% N=406 Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards 46% N=187 28% N=112 11% N=45 10% N=40 6% N=22 100% N=406 Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions 45% N=181 29% N=119 10% N=41 12% N=48 4% N=15 100% N=404 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 78 Table 54: Question 27 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 15% N=27 59% N=108 25% N=46 1% N=2 100% N=183 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 20% N=57 53% N=151 23% N=66 3% N=10 100% N=284 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 14% N=37 48% N=124 29% N=75 8% N=21 100% N=257 Increasing renewable energy programs 15% N=29 49% N=96 29% N=57 7% N=14 100% N=196 Adapting to climate change 16% N=27 43% N=74 32% N=55 9% N=16 100% N=173 Composting collection services 15% N=31 37% N=74 24% N=48 24% N=49 100% N=203 Water conservation programs 17% N=35 47% N=95 31% N=62 6% N=12 100% N=204 Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 15% N=38 42% N=106 34% N=86 10% N=24 100% N=254 Table 55: Question 27 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 7% N=27 28% N=108 12% N=46 1% N=2 52% N=198 100% N=381 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 15% N=57 39% N=151 17% N=66 3% N=10 26% N=101 100% N=385 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 10% N=37 32% N=124 20% N=75 5% N=21 33% N=126 100% N=383 Increasing renewable energy programs 8% N=29 25% N=96 15% N=57 4% N=14 49% N=185 100% N=381 Adapting to climate change 7% N=27 20% N=74 15% N=55 4% N=16 54% N=206 100% N=379 Composting collection services 8% N=31 19% N=74 13% N=48 13% N=49 47% N=179 100% N=382 Water conservation programs 9% N=35 25% N=95 16% N=62 3% N=12 46% N=176 100% N=379 Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 10% N=38 28% N=106 22% N=86 6% N=24 34% N=128 100% N=382 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 79 Table 56: Question 27 (Importance) - Excluding Don't Know Responses Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 36% N=108 35% N=108 22% N=68 7% N=20 100% N=303 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 32% N=103 41% N=132 24% N=77 3% N=9 100% N=321 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 27% N=86 35% N=111 31% N=99 7% N=22 100% N=318 Increasing renewable energy programs 36% N=114 31% N=97 24% N=75 9% N=27 100% N=313 Adapting to climate change 37% N=115 26% N=82 23% N=70 14% N=43 100% N=311 Composting collection services 31% N=93 37% N=114 25% N=75 7% N=22 100% N=304 Water conservation programs 37% N=113 41% N=127 19% N=58 4% N=12 100% N=311 Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 29% N=91 31% N=99 24% N=77 16% N=52 100% N=319 Table 57: Question 27 (Importance) - Including Don't Know Responses Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don't know Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 32% N=108 31% N=108 20% N=68 6% N=20 11% N=38 100% N=342 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 29% N=103 38% N=132 22% N=77 2% N=9 8% N=29 100% N=350 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 25% N=86 32% N=111 28% N=99 6% N=22 9% N=30 100% N=348 Increasing renewable energy programs 33% N=114 28% N=97 22% N=75 8% N=27 10% N=34 100% N=347 Adapting to climate change 33% N=115 23% N=82 20% N=70 12% N=43 11% N=37 100% N=348 Composting collection services 27% N=93 33% N=114 22% N=75 6% N=22 13% N=44 100% N=348 Water conservation programs 33% N=113 37% N=127 17% N=58 4% N=12 10% N=36 100% N=347 Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 26% N=91 28% N=99 22% N=77 15% N=52 9% N=30 100% N=349 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 80 Table 58: Question 28 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Total About Town City magazine 21% N=76 40% N=146 39% N=144 100% N=367 Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 25% N=90 42% N=151 33% N=120 100% N=361 Edina Sun-Current newspaper 37% N=135 26% N=94 37% N=132 100% N=361 Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 44% N=143 33% N=109 23% N=75 100% N=327 Star-Tribune newspaper 37% N=138 28% N=106 35% N=133 100% N=376 City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 33% N=118 47% N=166 20% N=73 100% N=356 Edina TV 75% N=257 22% N=74 3% N=10 100% N=341 City employees 58% N=195 34% N=114 8% N=27 100% N=336 City Council Members 62% N=213 31% N=108 7% N=25 100% N=346 Direct mail updates 34% N=123 41% N=151 25% N=90 100% N=364 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 53% N=186 30% N=106 16% N=58 100% N=350 NextDoor 43% N=145 27% N=90 30% N=98 100% N=333 Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 88% N=288 10% N=31 2% N=6 100% N=326 City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 71% N=229 16% N=52 13% N=40 100% N=321 Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 15% N=56 42% N=162 43% N=165 100% N=382 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 81 Table 59: Question 28 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don't know Total About Town City magazine 19% N=76 37% N=146 36% N=144 7% N=29 100% N=395 Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 23% N=90 38% N=151 30% N=120 8% N=33 100% N=395 Edina Sun-Current newspaper 34% N=135 24% N=94 33% N=132 9% N=35 100% N=395 Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 37% N=143 28% N=109 19% N=75 16% N=62 100% N=390 Star-Tribune newspaper 35% N=138 27% N=106 33% N=133 6% N=22 100% N=399 City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 30% N=118 42% N=166 19% N=73 9% N=34 100% N=390 Edina TV 66% N=257 19% N=74 3% N=10 13% N=50 100% N=391 City employees 50% N=195 29% N=114 7% N=27 13% N=52 100% N=388 City Council Members 54% N=213 28% N=108 6% N=25 12% N=46 100% N=392 Direct mail updates 31% N=123 38% N=151 23% N=90 8% N=33 100% N=396 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 47% N=186 27% N=106 15% N=58 11% N=42 100% N=392 NextDoor 37% N=145 23% N=90 25% N=98 14% N=56 100% N=389 Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 74% N=288 8% N=31 2% N=6 16% N=63 100% N=389 City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 59% N=229 13% N=52 10% N=40 17% N=66 100% N=387 Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 14% N=56 41% N=162 42% N=165 4% N=14 100% N=397 Table 60: Question 29 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping informed of City activities? Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Total The magazine About Town 31% N=103 55% N=180 5% N=18 9% N=28 100% N=329 The newsletter Edition: Edina 24% N=53 57% N=128 8% N=18 11% N=24 100% N=223 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 82 Table 61: Question 29 - Including Don't Know Responses How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping informed of City activities? Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Don't know Total The magazine About Town 26% N=103 45% N=180 4% N=18 7% N=28 18% N=70 100% N=399 The newsletter Edition: Edina 13% N=53 33% N=128 5% N=18 6% N=24 43% N=168 100% N=391 Table 62: Question 30 Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent Number No 50% N=200 Yes 50% N=199 Total 100% N=399 Table 63: Question 31 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Appearance 27% N=55 58% N=117 13% N=27 2% N=4 100% N=203 Online information and services offered 22% N=45 59% N=120 17% N=34 2% N=4 100% N=203 Ease of navigation/ability to find information 17% N=34 39% N=79 35% N=71 10% N=20 100% N=203 Overall quality of the City of Edina website 19% N=38 57% N=115 22% N=45 3% N=6 100% N=203 Table 64: Question 31 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Appearance 27% N=55 57% N=117 13% N=27 2% N=4 1% N=3 100% N=206 Online information and services offered 22% N=45 58% N=120 16% N=34 2% N=4 1% N=3 100% N=205 Ease of navigation/ability to find information 16% N=34 39% N=79 34% N=71 10% N=20 1% N=3 100% N=206 Overall quality of the City of Edina website 18% N=38 56% N=115 22% N=45 3% N=6 2% N=3 100% N=206 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 83 Table 65: Question 32 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Total Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 74% N=296 15% N=62 7% N=28 4% N=16 100% N=403 Having access to health care 86% N=347 8% N=31 3% N=10 4% N=16 100% N=404 Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 65% N=260 18% N=72 11% N=42 6% N=25 100% N=398 Running out of food before you had money to buy more 90% N=362 7% N=27 3% N=11 1% N=4 100% N=403 Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 77% N=307 14% N=56 5% N=19 4% N=17 100% N=399 Table 66: Question 32 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Don't know Total Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 73% N=296 15% N=62 7% N=28 4% N=16 1% N=3 100% N=405 Having access to health care 85% N=347 8% N=31 3% N=10 4% N=16 0% N=2 100% N=406 Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 64% N=260 18% N=72 10% N=42 6% N=25 2% N=8 100% N=406 Running out of food before you had money to buy more 89% N=362 7% N=27 3% N=11 1% N=4 0% N=2 100% N=405 Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 76% N=307 14% N=56 5% N=19 4% N=17 1% N=5 100% N=404 Table 67: Question D1 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 11% N=45 Somewhat positive 16% N=65 Neutral 57% N=230 Somewhat negative 15% N=59 Very negative 1% N=5 Total 100% N=404 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 84 Table 68: Question D2 What is your employment status? Percent Number Working full time for pay 56% N=232 Working part time for pay 11% N=45 Unemployed, looking for paid work 1% N=5 Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=12 Fully retired 28% N=117 Total 100% N=411 Table 69: Question D3 Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 25% N=97 No 51% N=201 Yes, from home 24% N=93 Total 100% N=391 Table 70: Question D4 How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number Less than 2 years 14% N=56 2-5 years 17% N=70 6-10 years 15% N=61 11-20 years 20% N=81 More than 20 years 35% N=146 Total 100% N=414 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 85 Table 71: Question D5 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 56% N=233 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 41% N=171 Other 2% N=9 Total 100% N=413 Table 72: Question D6 Is this house or apartment... Percent Number Rented 25% N=101 Owned 75% N=309 Total 100% N=410 Table 73: Question D7 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association [HOA] fees)? Percent Number Less than $600 per month 4% N=17 $600 - $999 per month 9% N=35 $1,000 - $1,499 per month 21% N=81 $1,500 - $2,499 per month 33% N=130 $2,500 or more per month 33% N=130 Total 100% N=394 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 86 Table 74: Question D8 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 5% N=20 $25,000 to $49,999 16% N=60 $50,000 to $99,999 23% N=86 $100,000 to $149,999 15% N=55 $150,000 or more 42% N=157 Total 100% N=378 Table 75: Question D9 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 62% N=257 Yes 38% N=155 Total 100% N=412 Table 76: Question D10 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 63% N=259 Yes 37% N=151 Total 100% N=410 Table 77: Question D11 Do you speak a language other than English at home? Percent Number No, English only 88% N=360 Yes 12% N=50 Total 100% N=410 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 87 Table 78: Question D11 - Yes, Which Language? Yes, which language? Percent Number Persian/Farsi 0% N=0 Vietnamese 0% N=0 Hmong 0% N=0 Spanish 24% N=12 Russian 10% N=5 Chinese 4% N=2 Korean 8% N=4 Other 53% N=26 Total 100% N=49 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 79: Question D12 Is English your first language? Percent Number No 8% N=35 Yes 92% N=377 Total 100% N=411 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 88 Table 80: Question D13 What is your religious or spiritual identity? Percent Number Christian 75% N=301 Spiritual, but no religious affiliation 9% N=35 No affiliation 7% N=26 Agnostic 4% N=17 Atheist 4% N=17 Jewish 3% N=11 Hindu 2% N=8 Muslim 1% N=3 Other (please specify) 0% N=2 Buddhist 0% N=1 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Table 81: Question D14 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 97% N=388 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 3% N=12 Total 100% N=400 Table 82: Question D15 What is your race? Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=2 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 5% N=20 Black or African American 4% N=15 White 91% N=361 Other 1% N=5 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 89 Table 83: Question D16 What other races, if any, are represented in your home? Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=2 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 10% N=28 Black or African American 4% N=11 White 86% N=229 Other 9% N=25 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Table 84: Question D17 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18-24 years 4% N=15 25-34 years 14% N=57 35-44 years 17% N=71 45-54 years 20% N=81 55-64 years 13% N=54 65-74 years 14% N=56 75 years or older 19% N=77 Total 100% N=410 Table 85: Question D18 What is your gender/gender identity? Percent Number Female 54% N=216 Male 46% N=185 Prefer to identify another way 1% N=3 Total 100% N=404 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 90 Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions Following are verbatim responses to open-ended questions on the survey. Because these responses were written by survey participants, they are presented here in verbatim form, including any typographical, grammar or other mistakes. Within each question the responses are in alphabetical order. Question 4 (other): Why did you choose to live in Edina? • 1st house. • 1st Ring. • A relief from living in downtown Minneapolis. • Ability to walk everywhere. • Apt. had amenities. • Bus services. • Condo availability. • Edina is "head & shoulders superior" over other [?]. • EHA Hockey program • Found house that met our needs. • Found house we liked. • Found house we liked. • Friend lives here. • Good services like snow plowing • Good summer sports for kids to engage in. • House available. • liked the house • Love interest lived here. • Lower tax than Mpls. & excellent snow removal. • Many friends live here. • Moved from house & apt. • Preferred condo. • Property values. • Quality to life access to all pts. city. • Recommended. • Reputation. • Retirement home/ family. • stumbled across a house I liked • The condo, in which I live, is located in Edina. • walkability and charming old houses • Walkability to 50th & France. • Walkability to grocery store, drugs store, library. • Was easy to get around car, bus; bike walk. • Youth sports. Question 5: What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? • A great place to live and raise your kids. • Access to all major roads. • Access to health care and convenience to retail. • Access to highways Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 91 • Access to Mpls. • Access to trails, bike paths, and sidewalks • Accessibility to hospitals, airport, shopping and entertainment. Not too far from downtown Mpls and St. Paul. • Accessibility. • Accessibility. • All of about in #4. • All the parks excellent shopping. • Amenities. • Amount of nearby parks. • As soon as I tell people I live in Edina, they automatically think I'm rich. (Not sure that it's always a good thing.) • Attractive community and great amenities. • Attractive community. • Attractive housing agent location with accessibility to major roads & freeways. • Beautiful closely suburb. • Beautiful neighborhood. • Being proud to live here. • Big yards, big trees, my house. • Caring neighbors convenient location. • Centennial lakes and Edinborough parks. • Central location relative to Minneapolis/St. Paul • Central location. • Centrally located in the Metro; a great happy muddle between urban & suburban setting. • City officials came about residents. • City services are very good (e.g. plowing). • City services, convenience to doctors, shopping, schools. • Clean streets. Very good snow plowing. • Clean, friendly & safe. • Clean, great walking/ parks. • Clean, quiet. • Clean. • Cleanest environment and very safest community. • Cleanliness. • Close access to services - shopping, theatre, medical • Close proximity to "everything"! • Close proximity to 494 as well as Minneapolis and good schools. It's comparable to the east coast where I'm originally from and reputable area • Close proximity to everything I like to do. • Close to bus. • Close to everything. • Close to family. • Close to medical facilities. • Close to Mpls. • Close to my family, airport, grocery shopping. • Close to relatives. • Close to shopping & doctors. • Close to work. • Comfortable. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 92 • Commitment to schools. • Connection to everything. • Convenience & Safety. • Convenience . • Convenience and number of amenities. • Convenience close to mpls., easy to get to shopping, entertainment, etc. • Convenience of all location let suburbs & downtown. • Convenience of shopping and business and entertainment resources. • Convenience of variety of activities - parks, trails, schools, shopping, dining. • Convenience to everything. • Convenience to Mpls. & St. Paul. • Convenience to Mpls., St. Paul and suburbs. • Convenience to other area i.e. uptown, downtown, lakes. • Convenience to shopping & good reputation. • Convenience to work. • Convenience, proximity to services. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenient • Convenient access to entire metro area. • Convenient for transportation shopping. • Convenient in shopping/ medical help. • Convenient location, well maintained homes, shopping areas. • Convenient location. • Convenient location. • Convenient to a lot of things/ hospitals/ shipping/ yards/ schools. • Convenient to everything I need. • Convenient to everything needed. • Convenient to freeways, shopping other amenities. • Convenient. • Diversity and affordable housing. • Ease of access to multiple stores, services and other attractions in Twin Cities • Ease of access to stores. Including good parking at stores. • Ease of getting around. • Ease of going to library, senior centers, stores. • Ease of proximity to everything. • Ease of shopping. • Ease of transportation. • Easy access to "whenever". • Easy access to other areas. • Easy access to shops/ restaurants/ recreation. • Easy access to so many great resources. • Easy to get around. • Eating establishments. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 93 • Edina residents are proud of their community and are actively involved in keeping it a place they are proud of. • Edina, traditionally, has had good schools, neighborhoods, low taxes and efficient government. This is why I chose to live in Edina. I fear that is about to change. • Edina's excellent reputation. • Education. • Established community land locked with easy access to to any highway. • Everything I need is here. • Everything is nearby. • Everything nearby. • Excellent city services • Excellent schools & the population which support them families, amenities etc. • Family have lived here. • Family nearby. • Fast snow removal. • Feel safe shopping close. • Feeling that most functions in city are organized well run. • First tier suburb - quick access to downtown Minneapolis. • Friends. • Going to the parks. • Good environment so far! • Good neighborhood great neighbors many close grocery stores Southdale & Galleria. • Good reputation as a quality suburb & great schools, good access to highways & keeps taxes down with innovative developments; like the industrial park. • Good Reputation. • Good schools • Good schools with strong school/ community spirit. • Good schools, close to everything, clean. • good schools, safe, proximity to Mpls, Close to lakes • Good schools. • Good snow plowing. • Great community. • Great location and great public services. • Great location easy access to many things (airport, health, shopping). • Great location within Twin Cities. • Great place to raise a family • great schools • Great schools & athletic teams but hearing reports of socialistic teaching. • Great schools that are proximal to downtown Minneapolis • Great schools. • Great schools. • Having grown up living in St. Paul, I regularly appreciate that my street is plowed when I wake up in the morning. • High quality community, safe, strong property values, good amenities. • Homogeneity successful family people! High value housing! • How centrally located it is? • How easy it is to get to places & shopping options. • how nice it is and how close I am to 90 % of what I need • I am close to all things I need. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 94 • I feel safe. • I grew up here and love the familiarity • I haven't ever called 911 in the 11.5 years I have lived here and the streets are plowed instantly. • I like how close we are to downtown and the airport. • I like the convince of Edina to the airport and also downtown Minneapolis. • I like the walkability of Edina. We live near 50th and France and I enjoy being able to walk to the grocery store, the movie theater, local restaurants, and the coffee shop. • I love how safe of a community it is. I can go for a run and feel very safe. • I love the excellent schools, but I fear they are starting to slip. I love the strong school and community pride. I love the historical homes near 50th and France and how walkable northeast Edina is. • If is a safe place to learn • In 1959 it was a different place. • It has been HOME for over 60 yr. • It is a very comfortable and safe suburb. • It is easy to get to every place I want. • It is my home +8yrs. • It is oriented toward high achieving families with children. • It's a close/ exit community. • Its central to our needs. • It's good opportunity for many. • It's proximity to everything • It's village atmosphere that is ideal for raising children. • Just be here. • Location • Location • Location Appreciation • Location and access and upkeep of community. • Location and beautiful outdoor spaces-parks, walking trails • Location and things to do. • Location close to everything • Location close to highways & amenities. • Location great snow removal. • Location handy to grocery, church, pharmacy, hwys. • Location in proximity to downtown, social activities. • Location in the metro area. • Location of what I need, within walking or very little driving distance. • Location to downtown Mpls • Location to Mpls. • Location to rest of MPLS./ St. Paul. • Location within the metro area • Location within the metro area. • Location, safety, maintenance of roads, parks etc. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 95 • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Many want to maintain class lines status quo. • my neighborhood • My neighbors are lovely lots of fun. • My neighbors. • My own condo. • Nearness to downtown yet very safe • neighbor and community • Neighborhoods. • Neighborliness. • Neighbors keep their houses & yards in great repair & good. • Nice city, good schools. • Nice home that was affordable when we purchased it in 1995. • No sidewalks and larger lot sizes. • Not Mpls. • Not much any more. To over built with Condos and Apartments. Hard to get around, all the traffic calming jams up traffic. Edina hockey is good! • Not much. • Opportunities for children education, community, extra curricular activities, sports. • Our location being able to walk to grocery store, Dry store, library, senior center, bank. • Outstanding city services. • Overall feeling of safe environment. • Overall safety and quietness. • Park systems. • Parks trails hiking. • Parks. • Parks. • Peaceful. • People need their yards upgrade. • People. • People. • Professional services offered. • Proximity to activities/ entertainment. • Proximity to airport and downtown • Proximity to airport, shopping, and friends • Proximity to city, airport, work • Proximity to city, lakes w/ congestion and other problems of Mpls. • Proximity to downtown, sand schools nice neighborhoods. • Proximity to everything in the twin cities • Proximity to freeways, shopping • Proximity to many cities (downtown, EP, Bloomington)/ parks in summer. • Proximity to Metro. • Proximity to Minneapolis and St. Paul without the recurring problems of living in either of those cities. • Proximity to resources. • Proximity to shopping, recreation, job opportunities. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 96 • Proximity to things of importance to us. • Proximity to work, grocery stores, shopping, etc. • Proximity to work, school. • Proximity. • Proximity. • Public parks, investment in preserving the environment & its benefits. • Public services and availability of private business. • Public transportation clean & friendly community. • Public transportation/ public parks (indoor & outdoor). • Quality of environments. • Quality of life. • Quality of neighborhoods • Quality of Public Schools. • Quality of residents. • Quality of schools. Our kids attend Highlands, attended and will attend Southview and EHS. Highlands has been an exceptional school for teaching experience and commitment our kids and the administration there is excellent as well. • Quality of schools. Location. Safety. Stability. • Respectable people and community. • Response police, school, safety. • Responsive snow plows & the trail for walking/ biking. • Safe • Safe and clean. Stay focuses on police, fire, water, streets. Keep taxes low. • Safe city. • safe community • Safe community stores good schools. • Safe community. • Safe, good reads, good schools. • Safe, low crime, clean. • Safe. • Safe. • safety • Safety • Safety • Safety & sense of community. • Safety and good police department • Safety and quality of living • Safety and security of this community. • Safety messing up the 54th/ Arden Pk. Area makes me really angry!! • Safety of/from pesticides & herbicides at local park. • Safety, snow plowing, bredesen park • Safety. • Safety. • Safety. • Safety. • Safety. • Safety. • schools • Schools Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 97 • Schools • Schools • Schools, city services. • Schools, community. • Schools. • Schools. • Se center, library, Jerry's grocery & hardware, Wells Fays because are all within a mile of my house. • Sense of community • Sense of community. • Sense of excellent community & opportunity, • Services. • Shopping. • Short commute. • Short travel to other parts of the twin cities. • Sidewalks, ease getting around. • Small community feel. • Small town feel everyone connected. • Solid residential neighborhood with good services. • Some of safety. Kids can run 6 blocks in any direction, wrongful. • Stable property values • Strong city government/civil support for schools and infrastructure • Taxes real estate. • The access to walking trails, & that plans to have more trail are moving forward. • The best things about Edina are the schools and proximity to the metro area in general. • The city is well run at responsive to residents. • The city is well taken care of, clean, well plowed in the winter, well maintained parks, etc. • The cleanliness of the communities. • The convenience of getting around, France Ave, parks, cleanliness. • The convenience of many options for different things we need (ex. doctors, schools, service stations). • The ease of getting to most places in the Twin Cities within 30 mins. • The ease of life: space, services, drive ability. • The education system. • The excellent restaurants. • The green space- minnehaha creek, big trees, partnership with the Minnehaha Creek watershed for sustainable environmental planning. • The growth of the city. • The location - close to downtown, the airport, and the lakes. • The location and attractiveness of neighborhood. Ease of access to everything. • The location. Easily access to downtown Minneapolis, shopping, and local restaurants • The neighbors on my street • The parks. • the prestige that comes with living here • The pride I feel when I tell people I live in Edina. • The proximity of everything. • The proximity to Minneapolis and the park system in the surrounding area. Ease of access to downtown, airport, St. Paul. Centrally located. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 98 • The thing I like most is it is very central in location so to get anywhere in the twin's cities it is not a far drive at all. • The up best quality. Top notch schools. Educated populace. • The upkeep of the city safety. • The variety of trees here, so diverse. • Too many high density buildings. • Unique community. • Upkeep of infrastructure. • Upscale environment • Very cleanest environmental. • Very efficient city services. • Very good first very Suburb of Minneapolis. • Very hard to choose...neighborhood • Very nice looking Love Centennial Lakes. • Waking neighborhood walk to 50th & France. • Walkability • walkability • Walkability. Lands just steps to my home. • Walking paths & centennial lakes. • Well plowed streets in winter! • Well run city efficient glowing. • Well thought out community living with great schools and excellent city services (snow plowing, for example). • When I first moved from Minneapolis I was thrilled that the streets We have an amazing streets crew! I love our neighborhood. • Wonderful community with a terrific reputation • Wonderful location close to airport, shopping, restaurants and medical facilities staffed with great doctors. • Wonderful medical care in one location (near Southdale). Question 6: What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? • ? • [?] of affordable housing & overcrowding. • 1. The building of too many apartments in one condensed area, causing France ave to be a complete mess and overcrowded. 2. Edina housing is not affordable. • A city government that wants to over develop! Density. High taxes, subsidies for housing. • A growing problem of development and traffic issues. • Activist City Government and declining schools due to weak super intended & activism. • Affordability for aging seniors & low mid income citizens. • Affordable housing (and putting small business out of business for luxury housing). • Affordable housing and tax rates--too many referenda. • Affordable housing for all. • Affordable housing for disadvantages. • Affordable housing for retires w/ pets (non rental). • Affordable housing for young families that allow for a more diverse population. • Affordable housing, • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 99 • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. People who work in Edina cannot afford to live in Edina. • Aging population resistant to change • Air Plane Noise. • Apartments going up be nice to see condos being built. • Approp. Zoning of increased housing. • Becoming overbuilt, e.g., 50/ france. • Becoming too much like Minneapolis (taxes, socialism, crime). • Being on top of role of development & keeping schools top mottos. • Bikes do not follow traffic laws! • Building & expanding within a long range plan & affordable, retaining of excellence. • Building decisions. • Building heights/ Mayor & City Manager who don't care about employees & average resident only look @ people with $$$$. • Building too may apartments. • Busy streets France & Xerxes. • Changing from the peacefulness of a village to an urban setting. • Changing neighborhoods with costly housing. • Changing the orientation to low achieving people .Over building/ over population. • City council making decisions without resident input. (Ex: Water treatment plant on 70th/Antrim area.) • City government spending and staff growth • City planning need addressing. Ex southdale area. • City planning. • Climate change. • Closing or facing Southale Mall if closes Edina goes down from excellent suburb. Losing Southdale. Need S.dale Mall. A mall makes an attractive or excellent suburb. • Condo/ apt. buildings. • Congestion during rush hour, streets being used as alternative to highway (McCauley Trail) Lack of sidewalks in SW Edina • Congestion. • Congestion. • Congestion. • Congestion. • Congestion. • Congestion. • Congestion. • Continue construction. • Cost of living rent prices have shot up astronomically. • Crime and high cost of living • Crime around Southdale area. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 100 • Crime is increasing. • Crowded roads. • Dangerous conditions for pedestrians. Cars seem to think they have right of way even through France Ave's crosswalks. Traffic police are letting us down. • Dangerous traffic at 50th and France and intersection at 65th and France (always an accident of near miss!) • Declining schools & jobs leaving Minnesota. • Degradation of public school curriculum. • Density of housing units being built. • Density overbuilt. Character change. • Developers. • Developers/ development and the indignation to give them what they want. • Development (housing) and transit. • development balance - We are not as diverse as I believe we should be • Development finding the right balance. • Development for sake of development. There has been loss of providing community opportunities as everything must pay for its self. Bigger is not always better. The mayor and city council continue to push for development to increase the tax base. Why does the tax base need to be increased when you keep cutting programs if they can't pay for themselves. The community keeps trying to vote in members of the city council that are cautious to development only to have their voices minimized and they leave council in frustration. Another frustration is if you were not raised in Edina your voice is not heard or counted. • Diversity and inclusion • Diversity need for it it's getting better. • Diversity. • Diversity. • Divided constituencies on the very issues addressed so far in this questionnaire, specifically pros and cons of density development. • Don't know. • Edina high school decline!! • Edina needs to improve its urban environments and walk-ability. Investments should be made in 50th and France and the Southdale area to make them more pedestrian friendly. We cannot compete with communities like Wayzata without improving these areas and getting some quality restaurant/retail to move in. • Edina Schools are becoming a laughing stock • Education budget for additional families of multi-housing complexes • Education sensing a decline in quality. • Education system is in decline due to liberal agendas. Also, over building of multi-family housing. • Escalation of fanciness and impact on property taxes. • Excessive density including traffic and housing. • Exclusivity. • Expansion of apartments condos etc • Expansion of undeveloped land; teardowns. • Expense. • Expensive not affordable. • Expensive to live here with high taxes, especially with all the big houses coming into make it unaffordable place to live for non wealthy folks. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 101 • Expensive. • Families/home owners keeping their homes in a good shape. • Fast paced Southdale area construction. • Fear of change, some are unwilling to learn and open their hearts to see others as equal human beings. • France Ave Traffic. • From what I have heard, the Edina school system isn't doing as well as it once was and has fallen to a lot of politics, which I don't think there should be a political agenda in schools. I did not attend Edina Public schools so I do not have first hand experience. • Further growth of apts. & multi family living quarters horrible. • Future development especially commercial. • Great neighborhoods, schools, community, police etc. • Green space is being swallowed by apartments & losing community living. • Growing petty crime in the Chowen Park neighborhood, and the weak response by police. • Growing too fast too much development. • Growth & redevelopment. • Growth of large condos and taller buildings and the traffic and congestion associated with the growth. • growth of the community- are the schools built to accommodate all of the people? • Growth/ analysis to that issue. • Growth/ declining school system. • Growth: I'm hoping the traffic does not become a problem. • Have more diversity and more unique restaurants • Heavy traffic transportation. • Heavy traffic. • High density building= increasing transportation issues. • High priced housing for seniors, too many humongous houses on small lots. • High rent prices for apartment living. • High rents option for housing animals without lease. • High taxes and traffic on streets. • Home tear downs, multiple apt. complexes, affordable housing. • Horrible city government working w/ builders to overbuild ugly building by Southdale, 50th/ France. • Horrible traffic on hwy. 62. • House/ car break ins. Schools issues close 2nd. • Housing affordability • Housing is not affordable to seniors. • housing prices are out of control east of hwy 100; people divided on mass housing and construction; • Housing too many ugly apartments being built. Too much section 8 • Housing. • How much building density and height to allow. • Hwy. 62 @ just how. • I am concerned about the future of Southdale. • I can't say any serious issue but the usual -high cost of living in a middle class neighborhood with reputable school district • I can't think of anything. • I don't know. • I don't see any serious issue. The city is well run. The property values are increasing. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 102 • I see city government straying from its traditional responsibilities: fire, police, roads, etc. and drifting toward a social agenda. It will require strong leadership to stay focused on the responsibilities of city government. I do not want to be lectured to by city officials as they pay obiesance to big city social agendas. I see Edina schools losing its focus on traditional education and drifting in the same direction. The ultimate consequence if this trend continues will be a community with all of the problems of Minneapolis. I am watching these trends closely. My goal is to stay ahead of the trend and sell my home if Edina is lead off the rails by city government. • I think Edina is very snobbish. • I think the development of the Southdale area. It's transitioning from a strip mall retail mecca into it's own little mini 'downtown' vibe. I think it has the potential to be it's own 50th and France, and I hope it achieves that goal. I don't want it to remain just a strip mall area. • I think the Edina education system is in serious trouble. The school administration, with support from the school board and the city council, appears to care more about righting perceived racial wrongs than educating our children. The English department at the high school makes white children (especially males) feel like they are bad people based on the color of their skin. This is terrible. I know there is a mass exodus of kids from Edina schools, which will make the problem worse. The city of Edina must return to a focus on educating our children. No child should know the political viewpoint of their teacher. And no child should be made to feel bad about their skin color. • i wish my neighborhood (PResidents) was part of the school district • Image of wealthy snobs. • In our sector, too many high rise buildings and the accompanying infrastructure costs • Inclusiveness. • Income inequality. • Increase in high rises, unaffordable rent. • Increased density/ traffic. • Increasing crime, doesn't feel as safe as it used to. • Increasing taxes & traffic (steadily increasing). • Infrastructure. • Keeping quality of schools up, keeping green space. • lack of affordable housing, not just for poorer people, which is a serious issue, but increasingly for upper middle income folks too. • Lack of comprehensive plannings for new developments especially on France Avenue. • Lack of condominiums in the $400,000 to $500,000 range. • Lack of consideration for others by residents and visitors in terms of personal appearance. They make themselves ugly instead of trying to improve their overall appearance. • Lack of diversity • lack of diversity • Lack of diversity. • Lack of diversity. • Lack of public transit options • Lack of public transportation. • Learning how to share this community with those who need affordable housing. • Learning to embrace increase in diversity. • Lot of development, maybe too much too fast • Low income housing. • Maintaining good schools should be top priority, quality is declining. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 103 • Maintaining High education K 12 standards. • Maintaining high standards for school district. • Maintaining retail shopping opportunities. • Managing all the rapidly growing new residential and commercial development. • Managing growth and maintaining excellence in schools • More trees please!!! More green natural spaces. • Multi-Tenant Housing development. Too much, too soon. Driving tremendous traffic congestion. • n/a • N/A. • Need for affordable housing, ethnic diversity. • Need more diversity. • No city center and general lack of vision/cohesiveness on civic planning • NONE. • Not good planning too many bldgs. • Not sure. • nothing I can think of • Nothing stands out • Nothing. • Number of apartments going up • Our greatest threat is our slipping public schools. People are starting to pick places like Orono, Wayzata, and Minnetonka over Edina because they think the schools are better. We also lack a large indoor aquatic/community center, which makes other towns more appealing. Lastly, the threat to Edina is the same threat facing all of Minnesota- well paying corporate jobs are leaving the state because of our horrendous tax burden here. • Oven building increased traffic congestion overall destruction of what made Edina so [?]. • Over building • Over building apartments. • Over building apts. 50th and France, Southdale. • Over building condos/ apartment. • Over building development. • Over building large pt. building not considering traffic & parking & roads. • Over building of apartment & transportation congesting. • Over building of cheap apartment complexes/fleeting trend for 'mixed-use' • Over building of homes/ apartments/ condos. • Over building of major travel corridors. • Over building too many buildings. • Over building!! Too many multi family units! Not enough infrastructure and road system cannot handle more traffic especially with emphasis on bikes! Roads should be for those who pay license & gas taxes. • Over building, traffic from all the new condos/ apt. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building. • Over built with apartments, condos, disruption of businesses. • Over crowding. • Over crowding. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 104 • Over developing 50th France area & LID. • Over developing multi family housing • over development • over development • Over development & loss of "small town" feel. • Over development creating traffic and density issues. • Over development! Density! • Over development, density. • Over development, too many new high rises. • Over development. • Over development. • Over development. • Over development. • over development. Particularly rentals. • Over populated!! Traffic is becoming a problem!! • Overbuilding by far, difficult commuting due to traffic. • Overbuilding for lot size, buildings with horrible parking. • Overbuilding in several key areas of the city, with resulting traffic congestion and potential other problems. • Overbuilding of apartments complexes. • Overbuilding of million dollar plus homes if we hit economic downturn, our tax base in increasingly only younger middle cass people can no longer afford to buy here • Overbuilding. • Overcrowding in schools. • Overcrowding potential from current multi unit development. • Overdevelopment • Overly construction. • Physical safety near highways. In many places there must be sauna walls, if a car hits i.e. there is little protection. • Police & residents relations could be better. Peace officers are better. • police harassing highs school kids they think are bad. They pulled my son out of school and came to our house thinking he would tell on other kids..... Give them something of value to do. Otherwise the divide at schools racial, democratic vs republican.... • Population density. • Population density/ new apartment buildings. • Potential increased density. • Potential paucity of schools given the marked expansion of multi unit housing. • Property taxes on homes, lack of enforcement of driving laws. • Property Taxes; Traffic on local roads to circumvent highways (66th street) • Proposed high density large complexes. • Providing life cycle housing that is affordable. • Quality of roads. • Race and diversity • Racial and economic equity. I'm a new resident and have been very turned off by the community attitude of thinly veiled racism. If we leave Edina, it will be in a big part to the unwelcome attitude towards racial, ethnic and economic diversity. • Racism dealing with change in Edina. • Racism. • Rants may get too high. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 105 • Rapid over growth of area. • Re building infrastructure. • Really need to decrease % of tax. • Recent crime such as Walgreens robbery and Target sexual offender arrest. • Redevelopment. • Reputation as unwelcoming due to elitism. • Rising taxes, education funding gap pushed onto residents. • Rising Taxes. • Roads after winter. • Roads can't support all the new multifamily housing units. • Runaway construction too much of it. • Safely neighborhood. • School boundaries if I live in Edina, my kids should go to Edina schools, not Hopkins, etc. • School reputation • School school board & overcrowding City Council! • School system seems to be morning away from solid basic education. • Schools are going downhill based on the liberal agenda that has allowed to permeate our community • Schools. • Shortage of affordable housing and lack of overall diversity • Should increse more security • Sidewalks on York too close to traffic lanes scary and unsafe. • Snow birds getting them to return to MN. • Snow plow only in main roads & drivers not stopping at roundabouts. • Some roads in Edina are not in good shape. • Street congestion. • Taxes too high! • Tear downs and building homes too large for lot and surrounding neighborhood - little available affordable housing • Tear downs/ overbuilding w/out concern for future traffic patterns. • The change in housing. • The city won't listen to residents and is over building. • The Council's desire to overbuild and overdevelop while linking that desire to the affordable housing fallacy. There is plenty of affordable housing in nearby suburbs. • The debacle known as the "lid". • The development of affordable housing for low-income people • The direction of Edina public schools & the activist agenda. • The Edina Council does not listen to residents. • The increase in large apartment/condo buildings. Our concern is about the strain on infrastructure and quality of life due to increase population density. • The influx of non resident students into the school system along w/ the drug use increase in schools. • The Mayor, over development, traffic, safety. • The public schools and Arden park • The road and highway need to redesign for merge. Not too shortest merge. • The transformation of southeastern Edina into a big box, strip mall paradise. • The water seems hard/ only at my place off 169 & my mains place off York. • Time to change road to adjust to traffic. • Too liberal schools. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 106 • Too many apartment buildings being built resulting in heavy traffic and congestion. • Too many apartments low income housing. • Too many apartments out of control spending York France 66th 76th!!! Need affordable condos. • Too many big tall building being built no parking at 50th & France. • too many condo/apartment high rises; Southdale? • Too many condos being built road overcrowded. • Too many 'feel good' initiatives by the City Council. Bike lanes when roads need repair, Hwy. 100 Lid initiative, emphasis on apt. and multi-family vs. single family homes. • Too many high rises, so many bike lanes there isn't room for cars (Vernon Ave). Things like the lid= bad idea! • Too many high rises. • Too many new apartment projects. • Too many projects that are focused on things other than the community and the benefit of all families in Edina. Cost of living is increasing too rapidly. • Too many rental properties. Not enough affordable (< $400K) one level housing for elderly residents that allow pets. • Too many taxes. • too much building and expansion. Stop putting housing developments everywhere! • Too much building of large house or small lots. • Too much building! I can't stand all these high rises going up. The traffic will cause us to move. I can't believe we are letting this happen. You have not asked the community. The schools are getting really sketchy too. I'm lucky to have kids that are good students but I see a lot of people leaving the school district for private schools that meet their kids' needs. Stop making the schools so fancy and start making them better within. • Too much building? Also: ultra conservatives denigrating high school. • Too much construction going on/ too many buildings going up. • Too much impact on longtime residents with talk of Dan Patch Passenger Rail Development, sidewalks being added that older residents will have to keep clean daily the winter etc. • Traffic • Traffic (cars) congestion. • Traffic call MSP, not just Edina. • Traffic congestion and excessive densification. • Traffic from overbuilding apartments/ condos. • Traffic in shaping areas Southdale, Galleria, target etc. • Traffic on 169. • Traffic on France Ave. • Traffic over building. • Traffic problems relative to over development in greater Southdale area. • Traffic where I live. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 107 • Traffic. • Traffic. • Traffic. Traffic on 50th is ridiculous and there are too many cars that cut through Country Club neighborhood to get around. 50th and France traffic needs to be dealt with. • transient crime • Transit & openness. • Ultra rich & the rest of us. • unknown • Unknown. • Unsafe walking many cars and no sidewalks on most streets. • Upgrading & repairing streets, distracted driving. • Upgrading existing infrastructure • Upscale neighborhood proximity to everything. • Urbanization along France Ave neighborhood's school. District roods can't support all the additional residents. • Very many people (mostly foreign) moving into Edina. Edina has very many apts. here. • Walkability. • Want more community feel for adults. • Water quality. • Way to much large high density living construction. Bikes lanes instead of more car lanes. Trying to spend tax payer money on sustainable green buildings. I don't think our city managers get it, it's not their money! • Wish there were curb & gutter on many streets. Question 15 (other): Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person? • Ambulance. • Early voting. • Election Judge. • Elections • Mayor is great! • Tax filing. • Voting trees. • Voting. Question 19: If you feel things are on the wrong track, why? • 1. As mentioned above, I think the Edina public schools are on the wrong track. See above for details. 2. The Edina City Council does not appear to listen to its residents about the development issues in the city. There has been extreme opposition on the 'Lid' project by the community, but the city council appears to ignore its constituents. I know this issue has been tabled for now. But with the level of opposition, I don't understand why it got so far (including the amount of funds expended on plans). 3. The traffic in east Edina is horrible. There is literally stopped traffic every day when you head down 50th street during rush hour. And yet the city council approved a HUGE development at 50th and France. I believe the building required a deviation from the city's master plan and may have needed a variance from the zoning code. And I live about 3-4 blocks away and I never heard of this development until after it was approved. This will create a material increase in traffic, which is already horrible. The city council needs to involve the affected neighborhoods when it considers these projects. The elected representatives of the city need to LISTEN to Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 108 their constituents and STOP attempting to implement their own PERSONAL agenda that is inconsistent with the will of the residents of the city. • Activist govt and school bears. • Character of neighborhoods decline with tear downs. • City government is trying to fundamentally change. Edina from prosperous families to subsidized apartment dwellers. • City has very little concern for long time residents push seems to be for you have residents before the long time loyal residents are reason to leave. • City leadership listens to residents extensively, but they don't seem to hear anything that is inconsistent with their views. Many are concerned that city leadership and staff are unresponsive to residents on broader issues, and specific issues that a resident may need addressed. Staff don't consistently seem to view the residents as a customer. • City srvcs. are great. Please no need to increase taxes! • City trying to do much. Let the housing market work. No subsidized housing! Support police not racial activists! Focus on families to high quality of life! • Condo/ Apartment development. Edina Schools • Congestion are over. Over building apts. • Continued failure to truly address resident concerns; failure to evenly enforce ordinances; racial bias continues. • Convene regarding density i.e. Hwy. 100 & Vernon France Ave 70 78th. • Declining school quality. • Density housing is wrong for Edina. Loss of set backs on new commercial & apartments developments is wrong. Reduced Parking requirements for new commercial development is wrong. • Development commercial & residential. • Don't focus on low income housing. Just build and allow market to control. • Don't increase tax % too much. • Don't like to listen to average citizen only listen to big $$$$ or golf buddies. • Don't put the new water treatment & coat on Dublin Road Not FAIR TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. • Don't want additional development on 50th/ Vernon. • Don't want to face reality of more people. Need more density but not just in form of rental property. No sense of ownership/ community. • Dropping task force that sought to address police relations; no district bus system for the Que Tal language program. Little action to improve racial equality. • Edina is too congested with far too many apartment buildings, etc. Creating heavy traffic in the Southdale area and 50th and France. • Edina residents understand that they must pay a premium for the extraordinary services offered. Residents want amazing police/fire/ems with the best equipment, so we pay a premium. We want prompt, reliable plowing, so we pay accordingly. We want the best public schools, so we pay the cost. I worked very hard so that I could afford to live in this great community. It didn't happen overnight and nobody gave it to me. The city needs to stop with the idea that everyone is equal and that everyone has the right to be an Edina resident. Everyone is not equal and being an Edina resident is not a right. The city does not need to provide access to everyone in the world, they just need to provide equal opportunity for that access. Stop manufacturing issues by obsessing over resident skin color, income, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion. Serve taxpaying residents, provide services to taxpaying residents, cater to taxpaying residents. Take the social justice issues to Minneapolis instead so that city can continue to be driven into the ground. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 109 • Edina schools are not where they should be. • Education is in decline and too much development • Excessive development. • France Ave & York/ [?] are being overbuilt. The roadways haven't been bettered to cope with 1000's more residents living in the new apts. & condos plus additional commercial areas being developed. BUILD UP WEST EDINA!! • High density is being pushed down our throats do not listen to our needs or wants • Homes torn down and huge excessive homes built. • I am concerned about S'dale. I do not know what plans the city has for S'dale's future. • I am very concerned about the development/ tear downs and adverse effects on innocent neighbor who then have their hands tied or have to spend lots of money for a fix. • I feel there is too much over building. • I think we are over building apartments: condos. Edina is starting to look like uptown. Not the town I fell in love with. • Increased cost of living. • Insatiable desire to ramp development with little apparent focus on limiting staff and spending growth in spite of the higher tax revenues from the very development the city embraces. The old line of comparing our taxes on a rate of property value basis to other cities doesn't hold, because our property values are so much higher. I'd like to see staffing and spend comparisons to other cities on a per capita basis. I'm guessing that would show a different story than the one touted by city leaders. • Issues with increased density. • It seems the Edina City Council is heading in a 'polictically correct' direction instead of 'in Edina's best interest' direction. There is too much emphasis on adding multi-family dwellings and allowing contractors to 'buy their way' out of current zoning laws. Look at the Parklawn Avenue area to see how multi family housing is failing our city. We do not have enough law enforcement personnel to continue adding these problem areas to our city. • Keep Edina as a suburb not a increasing density city. • Lack of affordable housing too much density at 50th & France. • Lid, affordable housing, bike lanes, traffic & congestion. • Little confidence in decision makers. • Losing "small town" atmosphere with big tall building no parks. • Losing green/ trees! Please replace more lost green/ trees!! • Loving to develop city to unsustainable levels. • Need affordable housing options for downsizing seniors. • Need more affordable housing too many forever • Need to expand be more welcoming to diverse cultures. • No proper planning in development, not listening to local residents. • Not enough affordable housing, over building large apt. complexes. • Over building density, style and materials allowed on new structures. • Over building in already high density areas. • Over building of apartments and condos. • Over building too many condos neighborhoods destroyed no regard for longtime residents. • Over building, creating traffic. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building/ programming/ density. • Over commercial building with no regard to residents. STREET/ TRAFFIC congestion. • Over development & building. Poor job of preserving neighborhoods. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 110 • Over development & residential zoning. • Over development an France, Constant 'rebuilds' of older homes are "pricing out" the middle class. • Over development causing traffic problems; no neighborhood traffic enforcement. • Over development of housing in Southdale and 50th and France area without adding parking/road changes. Also Valley View and Wooddale area seems to be stitched together without consistency--what is it residential/retail/single family neighborhood/office space- not a destination one goes to but passes by and might stop. • Overbuilding lack of integrity on expansion future to consider parking/ congestion problems etc. • Overbuilding of condos & apts. Increase traffic around scottsdale area. • Overbuilding with very poor parking. • Overcrowding will change Edina significantly.. • Plans for development negatively effect the current neighborhoods. Not enough input. City just plowing. • Please see my comments above. Edina government has become bore with providing traditional city services and now wants to experiment with its social agenda. • Question zoning & development process. • Race relations need to improve • Roads congestion needs work. • Schools are crowded, student to teacher ratio is high, spending on school athletic facilities, people making decisions about public education don't have kids using public ed. • Schools are going downhill. Liberal agenda is going to allow for overcrowding • Schools are in rapid decline, proposed development over Hwy 100 without including citizen feedback are just two of many examples of how City leaders are acting for themselves rather than the community. • Schools! • Some of the changes being considered negatively impact the quality of life for me. • Support of over development i.e. high rise. • Terrible communication w/ residents regarding development 50th France, Southdale. The worst City Mgr. & City Council in TC area. • The building of mass housing is out of control. That building next to Jerry's is hideous and will cause horrible traffic. Now your going to overbuild at Cahill. I can't believe the city is doing this and doing it so quickly and recklessly. • The building of more residences brings more traffic to main thorough fates... 50th St, France Ave, York. • The cty. is geared to apartment living & losing community. • The LID project is unnecessary & over development of 50th France. • The love affair with high rise apartments with "multi vsc retail" needs to be resigned in. • The more money you have the more say you have. • The way are tax money is being spent is frivolous and not well communicated until projects are already underway. The reputation of the school system has gone down drematically since we moved here. • To many cannot (residential) project's feels like you are taking away all the land. • Too many apartments being built. • Too many apartments being built. Need medium priced condos. York France 66th 76th. This area is over built & ugly (apts.) • Too many apartments going up. Poor water minerals. • Too many apartments. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 111 • Too many apts. not enough condo's allowing pets. • Too many building (apartment etc.) concentrated in Southdale/ York area. Traffic & parking unit tolerate it. Public Transportation is inadequate. • Too many condos. Intro structure not built for this. • Too many large bldgs. • Too many large condo/ apts. • Too many luxury rentals; not enough affordable housing. • Too many new apts. • Too many ugly high density apt. Bldgs. York & France 66th 76th need affordable condos. • Too much apartment building. • Too much apt., hotels. • Too much bldg., no affordable housing, more traffic. • too much building & traffic congestion. Losing our community feel. • Too much building increasing density congestion. • Too much condo & apt. building hurting small business and residential. • Too much construction with a lot of new buildings invading Edina. • Too much construction. • Too much construction. • Too much development (high density). • Too much development streets cannot handle more residents! • Too much high density development. • Too much high rise development on borders of Greater Southdale area. • Too much improving too big an impact on property taxes. • Too much increase in density for already crowded roads. • Too much new construction too high taxes. • Too much over building! • Too much push to develop. • TRAFFIC - TOO MANY BIKE LANES, lack of traffic enforcement OVER DEVELOPMENT - ruining the 'suburban feel' Lack of property ordinance enforcement - RV's commercial vehicles, and boats in driveways • Using city funds TIF for commercial development decreasing exclusivity. • Way to much high density Condo building. Too many bike lanes and not enough two lane roads. To concerned that everyone has a right to live in Edina, no one gave me a house in Edina when I moved here 18 years ago. Spending too many tax payer dollars on sustainable buildings and park developments. Growing city government at to fast a pace. • Way too many fancy housing not affordable at all. very difficult to rent or buy. Good open spaces are covered up. • We are not listened to with concerns. • While change is typically good the current level of change is changing the fell of community. We replacing middle class families with the very wealthy. This only reenforcing the cake eater stereotype. In our view things started to go wrong when the current city manager was hired. He needs to be replaced. The city is not a for profit company. • Worried our schools are slipping schools are the main reason to live in Edina. • Worried that our schools are slipping and we are losing the academic excellence we were once known for. We are also so focused on packing more and more people into Edina, and this will further hurt the schools. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 112 Question 20: If you don’t think you could have a say about the way things are run in this community, why? • All the new buildings, high rises, etc. • As mentioned above, the 'Lid' project and the huge building development at 50th and France, plus the opposition that parents with children in the Edina Public Schools have faced when trying to raise concerns about the politics in our classrooms, leads me to believe that our elected representatives are not interested in listening to the community. • Because I'm not a left-leaning liberal democrat. These days, anyone who criticizes social welfare programs is labeled as a racist. • Big money buys the votes. • Can't be heard I have tried. • City Council & City Mgr. have ruined the look of the city. The City Govt. Continually failed to apprise citizenry of upcoming developments. Citizens do not want 50th/ France/ Southdale developed. • City council doesn't listen to residents' concerns and follow their own agenda • City council members don't make efforts to get input. • City Council seems unresponsive to residents and too pro development • City government has a predetermined agenda to subsidize high density development and bring in 1200+ & units subsidized apartments. • City has not been transparent and has not listened to its residents. Do as they want. • City has not done a good job of getting answers back to me. • City leaders do what they want and citizens have no say. • decisions seem to be made without public input. Fred Richards golf course for example. And all the building of housing, way too much. • Developers are listened to. • Do not feel City Council listens to residents. • Don't think Gov./City Council listens, except to their own agenda. • Even when community surveys are taken, they are overruled by the City Council. • Forum date/times are not provided in advance to plan on attendance. • Friends go to county meetings give input no response. • Goes in one ear & out the other to often. • Ha! I don't think anyone listens to one resident • Have already been shot down by city council. • Have signed numerous petitions and city government repeatedly hides and will not face the issues head on. • Have tried & it is very hard to get the City Council & Mayor to see a point of view different than theirs. • Have tried with no success. • Have tried, deaf ears. • Have tried, voice goes unheard. • Hell bent on growth at cost of quality of life. • I am not aware of the forums for collecting community feedback and input • I am way too old. • I believe that Edina is "clique" driven, if you aren't part of the "old" or "traditional". Edina crowd, it's tough to break through. • I can speak but many at the city have an agenda, to turn Edina into Richfield cheaper, denser, busier. Keep Edina on top! • I could have a say but it would not matter it's a statistical fact. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 113 • I don't think the city really listens to its residents. They proceed with their own agenda. • I feel that in order to have a motion passed, you need to have someone who is currently part of the government. I feel that even if I had a group ready to go, it would still be very difficult to pass anything, as I feel that those in government positions have already made up their mind on most items. • I feel the home builders run this city. Homes built too large for the size of lot. It's all. • I have attended meetings where the city officials seem to have made up their minds already. Also strong resident groups who oppose services as public transportation and affordable housing. • I have tried on at least 3 occasions and have not received the courtesy of consideration. • I have witnessed residents attempting to have a say and being given "lip service" (at City forums). • I know of neighborhoods who have opposed building changes & voices were ignored. • I'm not given the chance to participate • It is clear the city does what it wants. • It seems that the City Council has pretty much made up their minds about projects before they seek input from residents. • I've tried & city staff/ council don't respond. • Mayor & city council do their own thing. • Mayor & City Council do what they want regardless of what town residents think. • Mayor has his own agenda... • Most decision are already made before reaching out for input from residents. • Most people in office (including schools) are more concerned with pushing their agenda than supporting health of whole community. • No aren't listened to planning commission does not have regard for the resident only commercial progress. • No one really listens. • Not welcomed, decisions predetermined before many city council meetings. • Only option I'm aware of is City Council & they seem to be closed to new ideas. • People say things and the city planners don't care and don't listen. We need a new city planner. This isn't Eden Prairie • People trying to make change are not heard or needed. • Processes are obscure to ordinary residents; very poor info. below from city; citizen input not taken seriously. • Read estate development are occurring rapidly. • Road construction/ re build. Projects were poorly managed. • See #19, also major start time change was opposed by most people w/ kids in public school. Favoritism shown toward Normandale & OLG. • See above. • See q 21 below, it is not city city govt job to "create". City gov't is developing an activist agenda • Staff seems to have predetermined course, rarely respond to public input, few loud residents vs. surveying most when I see cars pulled over, it seems to mostly be minority drivers, a family was pulled over and treated very disrespectfully. • The big developers (apts.) Get whatever they want in variances. The mayor & council do not represent the average person. • The city manager and the mayor really want to change Edina, they don't care what anyone says. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 114 • The city will do what is in their financial best interest, including adding more housing for property taxes. • The community has been quite vocal they do not want 'lids' over highways but we noticed that a 'lid' is being proposed again in the Southdale area plan. • The Council decides. • The major & board won't listen. • The Mayor has built all these apts. & hotels and we don't know that he does w/ all the money from the taxes he's pulling in. My property taxes up $25000 this year! • They don't listen to those who did not want so much urbanization. • Things seem geared toward development above all. Big money seems to rule. • Too inclusive a group that make decisions. • Too many cooks in the kitchen in Edina. • Tried that city doesn't listen. • Unless a large, very vocal group opposes a project, the city approves it, often in spite of zoning ordinances. • We and many others try but City Planner, Mayor & City Manager do what they want to. • We have tried and not been heard re: narrowing street. • We select ADM to make decisions. • We tried to stop our streets from getting repaved. We learned we were a 'FILLER' job to keep your employees busy. The streets didn't need done. THEY WERE DONE. • We try to state our opinions & feel that we are not heard Council has already made up their minds. • Why have zoning rules if every blg. Apt developer gets a variance. Question d11: (If respondent speaks a language(s) other than English at home) – Which language? • American Sign Language (ASL). • ASL (American Sign Language). • Dutch. • French • French & Lingala. • French german. • French. • German (sporadically). • German. • Greek. • Hindi. • Hindi. • Hindi. • Italian Turkish. • Sardinian. Question d13: What is your religious or spiritual identity? (other) • Interfaith. • Theist. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 115 Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics Understanding the Tables For most of the questions in the tables that follow, one number appears for each question. Responses have been summarized to show only the proportion of respondents giving a certain answer; for example, the percent of respondents who rated the quality of life as excellent or good. The subgroup comparison tables contain the crosstabulations of survey questions by precinct as well as various demographic characteristics. Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. As subgroups vary in size and each group (and each comparison to another group) has a unique margin of error, statistical testing is used to determine whether differences between subgroups are statistically significant. Statistical testing was not performed on multiple response questions. Each column in the following tables is labeled with a letter for each subgroup being compared. The “Overall” column, which shows the ratings for all respondents, also has a column designation of “(A)”, but no statistical tests were done for the overall rating. For each pair of subgroup ratings within a row (a single question item) that has a statistically significant difference, an upper case letter denoting significance is shown in the cell with the larger column proportion. The letter denotes the subgroup with the smaller column proportion from which it is statistically different. Subgroups that have no upper case letter denotation in their column and that are also not referred to in any other column were not statistically different. For example, in Table 87 on page 117, respondents who living in the Northwest (B) and Southwest (D) quadrants of the City gave statistically significantly higher ratings to the overall quality of the natural environment in Edina than did respondents who lived in the Northeast quadrant (A). This is denoted by the “A” listed under the rating for those who had lived in the Northeast quadrant. However, respondents living in the Northwest, Southeast and Southwest quadrants gave statistically similar ratings to the overall natural environment since there is not a “B,” “C” or “D” in any of those cells. In another example in the same table, those living in the Southwest quadrant (D) tended to give statistically higher ratings to the overall economic health of Edina compared to those living in the Northeast (A) and Southeast (C) quadrants, as indicated by the “A C” under the rating for this item in the Southwest quadrant. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 116 Survey Results by Quadrant • Residents who lived in the Southwest Quadrant tended to rate Edina as less welcoming toward people who have a lower income than residents who lived in other quadrants. • Survey respondents who lived in the Southeast Quadrant tended to give higher ratings to ease of travel by public transportation, but lower ratings to adult educational opportunities and opportunities to volunteer, than those who lived elsewhere. • Those who lived in the Northeast Quadrant were more likely to rate stop sign violations as a problem in their neighborhood than residents who lived in other quadrants. • When reporting their use of various Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities in the past 12 months, residents who lived in the Southeast Quadrant were less likely than those who lived in other quadrants to have used dog parks and off- leash areas, large community athletic fields, and the Braemar Golf Dome, while those that lived in the Southwest Quadrant were more likely to use the Edina Art Center. • Survey participants who lived in the Southwest Quadrant were less likely than others to give favorable marks to fire and ambulance/EMS services, but more likely to award high scores to drinking water. Northeast Quadrant residents tended to give lower ratings to sewer services than their counterparts. • When rating their impression of City employees, respondents who lived in the Northeast Quadrant tended to give lower ratings to the responsiveness and follow-up from City employees than residents who lived in other quadrants. • When asked how well, if at all, they felt the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina, residents in the Northeast Quadrant tended to rate this less positively than those who lived elsewhere. • Survey respondents who lived in the Northeast Quadrant were less likely than their counterparts to agree that the City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency. • Northeast Quadrant residents were less likely than others to give excellent or good ratings to the job the City does at fostering natural habitats in public spaces; however, these residents were also less likely than their counterparts to rate encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land, adapting to climate change and water conservation programs as essential or very important. • Respondents who lived in the Southeast Quadrant were more likely to rate Edina TV as a major or minor source of information about the City than those who lived in other quadrants, but less likely to utilize NextDoor or the City's e-mail subscription service than others. Southwest Quadrant respondents were more likely to use About Town City magazine as an information source than others. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 117 Table 86: Quality of Life by Quadrant Percent excellent or good Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 98% 96% 100% B 100% B 98% Table 87: General Community Characteristics by Quadrant Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Overall feeling of safety in Edina 97% 95% 93% 100% C 96% Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 84% 88% 87% 85% 86% Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 84% 95% A 91% 95% A 91% Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 79% 77% 80% 85% 80% Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 87% 96% A 95% A 94% 93% Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 88% 97% A 94% 99% A 94% Overall economic health of Edina 91% 95% 92% 100% A C 94% Sense of community 75% 77% 74% 70% 74% Overall image or reputation of Edina 84% 89% 91% 94% 89% Neighborliness of residents in Edina 74% 74% 81% 72% 76% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 118 Table 88: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Quadrant Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: (Percent very or somewhat likely) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 87% 94% 96% A 100% A 94% Remain in Edina for the next five years 92% 88% 89% 91% 90% Table 89: Feelings of Safety by Quadrant Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (Percent very or somewhat safe) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) In your neighborhood 95% 98% 98% 99% 97% In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 92% 91% 97% 97% 94% In the Southdale area 75% 73% 89% A B 79% 80% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 119 Table 90: Sense of Community Welcoming by Quadrant Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent very welcoming or welcoming) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 76% 79% D 74% 59% 74% For people who are Black or African American 52% 48% 53% 35% 49% For people who are Hispanic 56% 53% 52% 36% 51% For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 64% 54% 53% 43% 55% For people who are White 96% 93% 90% 90% 92% For people whose first language is not English 53% D 51% 62% D 31% 52% For people who are not U.S. citizens 48% 49% 59% D 38% 50% For people who have a lower income 40% D 40% D 43% D 20% 38% For people who are of Christian faith 95% 90% 89% 91% 91% For people who are of Jewish faith 79% 83% 82% 85% 82% For people who are of Muslim faith 47% 44% 47% 44% 45% For people who are of Buddhist faith 55% 61% 52% 52% 55% For people who are of Hindu faith 55% 57% 55% 50% 55% For people who are agnostic or atheist 70% 70% 69% 68% 69% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 120 Table 91: Community Characteristics by Quadrant Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Traffic flow on major streets 44% 53% 56% 61% A 53% Ease of public parking 53% 53% 66% A B 78% A B 61% Ease of travel by car in Edina 67% 77% 75% 86% A 75% Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 37% 43% 65% A B D 25% 46% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 64% 67% 67% 60% 65% Ease of walking in Edina 62% 75% A D 66% D 52% 65% Availability of paths and walking trails 73% 88% A D 80% 73% 79% Air quality 85% 93% 87% 93% 89% Cleanliness of Edina 95% 96% 93% 95% 95% Public places where people want to spend time 84% 88% 85% 88% 86% Variety of housing options 53% 52% 51% 44% 51% Availability of affordable quality housing 34% 36% 33% 23% 32% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 76% 88% A 87% A 81% 84% Recreational opportunities 85% 92% 85% 84% 87% K-12 education 83% 97% A C 88% 94% A 90% Adult educational opportunities 92% C 91% C 81% 92% C 89% Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 72% 80% 72% 87% A C 77% Employment opportunities 63% 83% A D 70% 63% 70% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 121 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Shopping opportunities 88% 94% 93% 98% A 93% Cost of living in Edina 50% 61% C D 46% 44% 51% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 89% 92% 93% 96% 92% Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 55% 65% 68% 64% 63% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 56% 62% 68% 61% 62% Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 80% 82% 75% 73% 78% Opportunities to volunteer 82% C 90% C 69% 85% C 81% Opportunities to participate in community matters 76% 81% 71% 79% 76% Table 92: Aspects of Drinking Water by Quadrant Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Appearance 78% 80% 89% A 91% A 84% Taste 46% 63% A 59% 70% A 59% Odor 58% 72% A 71% 65% 67% Hardness 23% 32% 47% A B 36% 35% Reliability 76% 85% 83% 92% A 83% Safety 76% 85% 84% 86% 83% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 122 Table 93: Problems in Edina by Quadrant Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. (Percent moderate, major or extreme problem) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 57% C D 48% C D 33% 26% 41% Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 46% B C D 34% C D 20% 20% 30% Violent crime 5% 4% 6% 0% 4% Drugs 10% 18% D 17% D 4% 13% Youth crimes 13% 10% 15% D 2% 11% Vandalism and property crimes 22% 21% 19% 11% 19% Identity theft 13% 21% D 21% D 0% 15% Domestic abuse 3% 7% 11% 2% 6% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 123 Table 94: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Trails 85% C 83% 74% 84% 81% Dog parks/off-leash areas 31% C 27% C 9% 25% C 21% Neighborhood parks 75% C 77% C 62% 74% 71% Large community athletic fields 51% C 41% C 26% 51% C 40% Edinborough Park 49% 48% 50% 46% 48% Centennial Lakes Park 77% 83% 83% 79% 81% Edina Aquatic Center 47% B C 32% 24% 39% C 34% Edina Senior Center 27% 29% 26% 35% 29% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 52% B C 36% 34% 43% 40% Edina Art Center 26% 19% 19% 42% A B C 25% Braemar Golf Course 23% 21% 14% 25% 20% Braemar Golf Dome 32% C 25% C 11% 42% B C 25% Braemar Field (sports dome) 25% C 17% 10% 22% C 18% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 124 Table 95: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Trails 93% 97% 96% 99% 96% Dog parks/off-leash areas 79% 76% 75% 85% 78% Neighborhood parks 91% 89% 96% 99% B 93% Large community athletic fields 96% 96% 89% 100% C 95% Edinborough Park 93% B 80% 87% 95% B 88% Centennial Lakes Park 100% 99% 99% 100% 99% Edina Aquatic Center 93% 92% 97% 97% 95% Edina Senior Center 87% 87% 91% 91% 89% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 92% 95% 99% 100% 96% Edina Art Center 81% 93% 84% 94% 88% Braemar Golf Course 98% 88% 92% 100% 94% Braemar Golf Dome 93% 92% 98% 94% 94% Braemar Field (sports dome) 100% 97% 91% 100% 97% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 125 Table 96: Quality of Services by Quadrant Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Police services 91% 96% 90% 91% 92% Fire services 99% D 100% D 99% D 94% 98% Ambulance or emergency medical services 100% D 100% D 98% D 93% 98% Crime prevention 91% 93% 98% 95% 94% Fire prevention and education 94% 95% 96% 100% 96% Traffic enforcement 79% 85% 81% 77% 81% Street repair 59% 58% 62% 60% 60% Street cleaning 84% 79% 78% 84% 81% Street lighting 64% 74% 82% A 88% A B 77% Snow removal 90% 88% 81% 93% C 87% Sidewalk maintenance 76% 79% 75% 91% A C 79% Traffic signal timing 74% C 68% 60% 80% C 69% Bus or transit services 56% 67% D 72% D 44% 62% Garbage collection 87% 90% 90% 91% 89% Recycling 76% 86% 87% A 83% 84% Yard waste pickup 88% 84% 81% 86% 84% Storm drainage 72% 86% A 81% 87% A 81% Drinking water 63% 67% 68% 83% A B C 69% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 126 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Sewer services 80% 91% A 89% A 97% A 89% Utility billing 81% 85% 82% 88% 83% City parks 95% 92% 94% 100% B 94% Park maintenance 89% 92% 92% 97% A 92% Condition of trails and sidewalks 84% 95% A 92% 93% 91% Recreation programs or classes 89% 93% 94% 97% 93% Recreation centers or facilities 84% 93% 88% 92% 89% Land use, planning and zoning 39% 52% 60% A 64% A 53% Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 70% 65% 79% 73% 72% Animal control 78% 77% 92% A B 83% 82% Economic development 67% 74% 80% 75% 74% Public health services 86% 89% 87% 90% 88% Public information services/communication from the City 81% 87% 77% 84% 82% Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 39% 61% A 58% A 56% 55% Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 84% 80% 84% 75% 81% Edina open space 60% 68% 73% 80% A 70% City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 74% 76% 85% 74% 78% Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 87% 91% 87% 94% 89% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 127 Table 97: Government Performance by Quadrant Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 70% 85% A 77% 80% 78% The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 52% 73% A 69% A 59% 65% Overall confidence in Edina government 51% 72% A 69% A 60% 64% Generally acting in the best interest of the community 49% 68% A 67% A 62% 62% Treating all residents fairly 55% 72% A 70% A 59% 65% Table 98: Impression of City Employees by Quadrant Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Knowledge 90% 91% 92% 100% 92% Courtesy 86% 94% 93% 100% A 92% Responsiveness 78% 91% A 93% A 94% A 88% Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 71% 89% A 90% A 98% A 85% Overall customer service 79% 91% A 94% A 91% 88% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 128 Table 99: Opinion of Property Taxes by Quadrant Percent very or somewhat high Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… 63% B 45% 64% B 56% 57% Table 100: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Quadrant Percent strongly or somewhat support Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? 33% 54% A 43% 47% 44% Table 101: Direction of Edina by Quadrant Percent right direction Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? 52% 72% A 72% A 68% 66% Table 102: Perception of Own Influence by Quadrant Percent yes Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? 55% 75% A 70% 75% A 68% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 129 Table 103: Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Quadrant Percent essential or very important Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? 47% 53% 62% A 68% A 57% Table 104: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Quadrant Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong 62% 78% A 75% 76% 73% Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 57% 67% 60% 73% 63% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 43% 44% 57% 64% A B 51% Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds 54% 65% 61% 80% A C 64% Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 72% 83% 77% 83% 79% Table 105: Managing Community Tensions by Quadrant Percent very or somewhat well Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? 33% 62% A 54% A 54% A 51% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 130 Table 106: Support for Continued Operation of Municipal Liquor Store by Quadrant Percent strongly or somewhat support Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? 87% 91% 86% 90% 88% Table 107: Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Quadrant Percent strongly or somewhat support Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? 49% 53% 43% 57% 50% Table 108: Attitudes Toward Environmental Sustainability by Quadrant How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Percent strongly or somewhat agree) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change 65% 72% 81% A 84% A 75% Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency 68% 79% A 87% A 88% A 81% Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards 67% 76% 84% A 85% A 78% Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions 65% 73% 84% A B 87% A B 77% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 131 Table 109: Quality of Environmental Services by Quadrant Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 67% 85% C 68% 77% 74% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 55% 80% A 74% A 84% A 73% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 54% 67% 57% 75% A C 63% Increasing renewable energy programs 61% 66% 58% 76% 64% Adapting to climate change 49% 56% 59% 70% 59% Composting collection services 46% 55% 45% 66% 52% Water conservation programs 60% 71% 56% 71% 64% Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 48% 59% 57% 61% 57% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 132 Table 110: Importance of Environmental Services by Quadrant Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. (Percent essential or very important) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 59% 70% 73% A 82% A 71% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 63% 66% 79% A B 87% A B 73% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 46% 62% A 63% A 78% A 62% Increasing renewable energy programs 54% 65% 72% A 77% A 67% Adapting to climate change 48% 65% A 68% A 72% A 63% Composting collection services 62% 68% 69% 75% 68% Water conservation programs 63% 81% A 76% A 92% A C 77% Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 47% 61% 59% 73% A 59% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 133 Table 111: City Information Sources by Quadrant Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent minor or major source) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) About Town City magazine 81% 77% 70% 97% A B C 79% Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 68% 77% 78% 75% 75% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 71% C 60% 57% 65% 63% Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 54% 53% 58% 61% 56% Star-Tribune newspaper 69% 64% 62% 57% 63% City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 72% B 57% 62% 86% B C 67% Edina TV 16% 21% 39% A B D 17% 25% City employees 51% C 40% 35% 47% 42% City Council Members 50% B C 32% 33% 43% 38% Direct mail updates 71% 59% 61% 80% B C 66% Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 45% 56% C 42% 42% 47% NextDoor 67% C 60% C 40% 63% C 57% Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 15% 10% 14% 6% 12% City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 39% C 31% C 14% 37% C 29% Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 92% C 85% 80% 87% 85% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 134 Table 112: Effectiveness of City Communication Tools by Quadrant How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping informed of City activities? (Percent very or somewhat effective) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) The magazine About Town 70% 90% A 88% A 95% A 86% The newsletter Edition: Edina 70% 80% 84% 95% A 81% Table 113: City Website Access by Quadrant Percent yes Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? 63% B C 44% 43% 58% C 50% Table 114: Aspects of City Website by Quadrant Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent excellent or good) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Appearance 87% 82% 81% 92% 85% Online information and services offered 81% 84% 78% 83% 81% Ease of navigation/ability to find information 62% 58% 44% 61% 56% Overall quality of the City of Edina website 72% 73% 75% 84% 75% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 135 Table 115: Concern About Household Issues by Quadrant To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent minor, moderate or major concern) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 16% 29% A 29% A 30% 26% Having access to health care 18% B 7% 18% B 15% 14% Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 41% 36% 28% 39% 35% Running out of food before you had money to buy more 9% 13% 10% 7% 10% Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 21% 25% 27% 15% 23% Table 116: Economic Impact on Family Income by Quadrant Percent very or somewhat positive Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 34% B 22% 30% 22% 27% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 136 Survey Results by Demographic Characteristics • Residents who were age 18-34 gave lower ratings to the sense of community in Edina and the neighborliness of residents in the city than those who were age 35 or older. Renters gave higher ratings than homeowners to health and wellness opportunities in Edina and overall opportunities for education and enrichment. • When asked to rate how welcoming Edina is as a community toward people of various differing characteristics, respondents who were male or younger than age 55 tended to give more positive ratings to the city than others. • Residents living in attached housing were more likely to give high scores to transportation-related aspects, such as ease of public parking, ease of travel by public transportation in Edina and ease of travel by bicycle, than those who lived in detached housing. Respondents age 18-34 tended to give more positive marks to ease of travel by car and the overall quality of commercial and residential redevelopment in Edina than older residents. • Respondents age 55 or older gave more favorable marks to the taste, odor and hardness of City drinking water than those who were younger than age 55. • Residents who had lived in Edina for 6-20 years, were age 35-54 or who lived in detached housing were more likely than their counterparts to have used various Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities in the past 12 months. • Respondents who had lived in the city for more than five years, owned their homes or lived in detached housing gave higher ratings to police, fire and ambulance/EMS services than other respondents. • Residents who were age 18-34 were more likely to give high marks to the knowledge, courtesy, responsiveness, follow-up and overall customer service of City employees than those who were age 35 or older. • Those living in Edina for less than five years, females, renters or living in attached housing thought it was more important that local government focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city than other residents. However, male residents tended to give higher ratings than women to various indicators of inclusivity, such as the job the City does at helping new residents feel connected and integrated and attracting people from diverse backgrounds. • Women, renters and residents living in attached housing were more likely to agree with a variety of statements related to improved environmental sustainability (such as the City investing in programs and create policies to address climate change or enacting ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency) than other residents. These respondents were also more likely than their counterparts to rate City services related to environmental sustainability as essential or very important. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 137 Table 117: Quality of Life by Respondent Characteristics Percent excellent or good Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 100% 98% 97% 98% 98% 100% 99% 97% 100% 98% 98% 99% 98% Table 118: General Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Overall feeling of safety in Edina 94% 96% 96% 95% 96% 97% 95% 95% 94% 96% 96% 95% 96% Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 91% C 87% 82% 92% B 81% 92% 87% 83% 89% 85% 87% 85% 86% Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 92% 92% 89% 91% 91% 89% 91% 92% 95% 90% 89% 93% 91% Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 85% 79% 75% 79% 82% 82% 77% 80% 83% 78% 76% 83% 80% Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 96% 92% 92% 95% 92% 94% 92% 94% 99% B 92% 91% 97% A 93% Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 95% 93% 96% 94% 95% 88% 96% A 95% 99% B 93% 95% 94% 94% Overall economic health of Edina 95% 94% 94% 93% 97% 95% 95% 94% 97% 94% 95% 94% 94% Sense of community 69% 73% 81% A 72% 81% A 54% 80% A 79% A 79% 74% 78% 71% 74% Overall image or reputation of Edina 92% 89% 88% 86% 94% A 91% 90% 89% 90% 89% 90% 90% 89% Neighborliness of residents in Edina 74% 79% 74% 73% 80% 63% 82% A 76% A 80% 75% 78% 72% 76% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 138 Table 119: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Respondent Characteristics Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: (Percent very or somewhat likely) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 96% 92% 94% 93% 95% 97% 92% 94% 98% B 93% 93% 95% 94% Remain in Edina for the next five years 85% 91% 93% A 92% 86% 77% 93% A 91% A 80% 93% A 90% 90% 90% Table 120: Feelings of Safety by Respondent Characteristics Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (Percent very or somewhat safe) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) In your neighborhood 96% 98% 97% 97% 98% 97% 98% 96% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 92% 97% 93% 94% 94% 97% 94% 93% 98% 93% 94% 95% 94% In the Southdale area 86% B 76% 79% 78% 84% 81% 76% 83% 88% B 78% 75% 87% A 80% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 139 Table 121: Sense of Community Welcoming by Respondent Characteristics Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent very welcoming or welcoming) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 79% 75% 68% 68% 78% 75% 77% 69% 84% B 70% 73% 73% 74% For people who are Black or African American 60% C 45% 42% 40% 54% A 58% 49% 42% 57% 45% 47% 49% 49% For people who are Hispanic 57% 45% 51% 42% 58% A 59% 51% 46% 63% B 47% 50% 52% 51% For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 58% 50% 55% 45% 61% A 55% 56% 52% 67% B 50% 54% 55% 55% For people who are White 95% B 85% 96% B 94% 92% 97% B 87% 94% B 93% 92% 91% 93% 92% For people whose first language is not English 65% B C 48% 46% 46% 56% 61% C 58% C 42% 66% B 47% 52% 51% 52% For people who are not U.S. citizens 64% C 50% 39% 41% 55% A 63% C 55% C 39% 60% 46% 48% 52% 50% For people who have a lower income 38% 45% 31% 27% 47% A 47% C 42% 30% 42% 36% 41% 32% 38% For people who are of Christian faith 92% 89% 92% 92% 91% 93% 91% 91% 92% 91% 91% 92% 91% For people who are of Jewish faith 83% 84% 81% 79% 87% 96% C 82% 78% 82% 83% 82% 83% 82% For people who are of Muslim faith 56% C 47% 35% 32% 55% A 57% C 50% 36% 56% 42% 44% 46% 45% For people who are of Buddhist faith 75% C 61% C 38% 45% 64% A 62% C 67% C 42% 60% 54% 56% 54% 55% For people who are of Hindu faith 74% C 58% C 38% 44% 63% A 60% 66% C 41% 62% 52% 54% 55% 55% For people who are agnostic or atheist 87% B C 72% C 55% 65% 76% 89% C 79% C 52% 77% 68% 70% 70% 69% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 140 Table 122: Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Traffic flow on major streets 57% 53% 51% 58% 49% 63% B 48% 55% 59% 52% 50% 59% 53% Ease of public parking 73% B C 56% 56% 61% 61% 70% B 55% 62% 66% 60% 55% 69% A 61% Ease of travel by car in Edina 84% B C 72% 71% 80% B 69% 90% B C 67% 75% 80% 74% 72% 80% 75% Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 57% C 44% 35% 40% 48% 54% 47% 38% 64% B 38% 36% 57% A 46% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 63% 67% 63% 58% 71% A 64% 69% 61% 70% 63% 60% 72% A 65% Ease of walking in Edina 71% B 59% 68% 62% 71% 69% 61% 69% 72% 65% 65% 67% 65% Availability of paths and walking trails 78% 77% 83% 78% 82% 76% 77% 83% 87% B 77% 78% 82% 79% Air quality 91% 89% 87% 88% 89% 90% 90% 87% 89% 89% 91% 86% 89% Cleanliness of Edina 96% 94% 93% 96% 92% 91% 97% 93% 93% 95% 97% B 90% 95% Public places where people want to spend time 94% B C 82% 83% 87% 86% 87% 86% 85% 87% 86% 87% 84% 86% Variety of housing options 48% 58% 46% 43% 58% A 41% 57% A 49% 41% 54% A 54% 45% 51% Availability of affordable quality housing 27% 38% 34% 27% 37% 25% 40% A 29% 27% 34% 37% B 26% 32% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 86% 83% 84% 89% B 79% 85% 80% 88% 86% 84% 84% 85% 84% Recreational opportunities 83% 86% 90% 87% 86% 78% 88% A 89% A 82% 88% 89% 83% 87% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 141 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) K-12 education 93% 86% 92% 91% 90% 84% 89% 94% A 93% 90% 90% 90% 90% Adult educational opportunities 87% 85% 92% 84% 94% A 84% 92% 87% 83% 90% 93% B 80% 89% Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 76% 74% 80% 71% 83% A 72% 75% 80% 72% 78% 79% 73% 77% Employment opportunities 78% 64% 72% 62% 79% A 71% 70% 71% 69% 72% 78% B 62% 70% Shopping opportunities 95% 92% 92% 93% 94% 95% 94% 92% 91% 94% 94% 92% 93% Cost of living in Edina 47% 51% 54% 48% 53% 38% 54% A 53% A 45% 53% 55% B 44% 51% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 92% 94% 91% 93% 92% 92% 94% 91% 95% 92% 92% 93% 92% Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 72% C 63% 56% 65% 62% 84% B C 58% 59% 71% 61% 61% 66% 63% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 72% B C 59% 57% 59% 65% 85% B C 57% 58% 65% 62% 64% 60% 62% Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 79% 76% 79% 75% 81% 74% 79% 79% 73% 79% 82% B 71% 78% Opportunities to volunteer 72% 86% A 84% A 78% 84% 70% 82% 84% A 78% 82% 86% B 74% 81% Opportunities to participate in community matters 79% 73% 79% 76% 80% 80% 75% 77% 78% 77% 78% 74% 76% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 142 Table 123: Aspects of Drinking Water by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Appearance 86% 80% 87% 84% 85% 88% 81% 85% 80% 86% 86% 82% 84% Taste 55% 59% 62% 55% 63% 63% 50% 64% B 57% 60% 60% 57% 59% Odor 64% 65% 73% 69% 66% 67% 59% 74% B 62% 69% 69% 65% 67% Hardness 41% 35% 30% 36% 36% 45% B 27% 39% B 39% 34% 29% 45% A 35% Reliability 85% 81% 84% 82% 84% 87% 79% 86% 78% 85% 84% 82% 83% Safety 86% 78% 85% 82% 84% 86% 77% 86% 84% 83% 84% 81% 83% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 143 Table 124: Problems in Edina by Respondent Characteristics Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. (Percent moderate, major or extreme problem) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 31% 52% A C 40% 49% B 32% 30% 53% A C 37% 28% 46% A 49% B 30% 41% Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 19% 37% A 34% A 31% 30% 27% 34% 29% 15% 35% A 37% B 20% 30% Violent crime 1% 4% 5% 4% 3% 0% 2% 6% A 4% 3% 3% 4% 4% Drugs 4% 14% 19% A 17% B 8% 8% 11% 19% A 11% 13% 14% 11% 13% Youth crimes 5% 15% A 11% 12% 9% 8% 10% 14% 8% 11% 12% 9% 11% Vandalism and property crimes 11% 20% 23% A 23% B 14% 8% 20% 22% A 18% 19% 20% 18% 19% Identity theft 12% 16% 18% 19% 12% 4% 12% 24% A B 17% 15% 13% 19% 15% Domestic abuse 2% 3% 13% A B 10% B 3% 0% 5% 11% A 7% 6% 5% 8% 6% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 144 Table 125: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Trails 77% 86% 78% 78% 83% 78% 91% A C 73% 76% 82% 87% B 71% 81% Dog parks/off-leash areas 17% 28% A C 17% 20% 23% 29% C 23% 16% 13% 23% A 26% B 13% 21% Neighborhood parks 65% 79% A 70% 69% 74% 61% 74% A 74% A 66% 73% 76% B 66% 71% Large community athletic fields 30% 54% A C 37% 36% 44% 29% 59% A C 29% 24% 45% A 51% B 24% 40% Edinborough Park 43% 62% A C 41% 51% 47% 50% 52% 46% 54% 46% 47% 51% 48% Centennial Lakes Park 79% 84% 81% 82% 80% 73% 91% A C 77% 84% 80% 85% B 75% 81% Edina Aquatic Center 32% 47% A C 24% 30% 37% 29% 56% A C 17% 21% 38% A 45% B 17% 34% Edina Senior Center 24% 26% 36% A 30% 27% 12% 26% A 37% A B 23% 30% 30% 26% 29% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 37% 48% C 36% 37% 44% 36% 60% A C 26% 30% 44% A 49% B 27% 40% Edina Art Center 18% 29% A 26% 28% 21% 6% 33% A 26% A 17% 27% 29% B 18% 25% Braemar Golf Course 6% 28% A 25% A 19% 21% 11% 24% A 20% 10% 23% A 24% B 13% 20% Braemar Golf Dome 13% 37% A C 23% 18% 31% A 14% 40% A C 16% 10% 29% A 33% B 12% 25% Braemar Field (sports dome) 9% 27% A C 15% 15% 21% 9% 32% A C 9% 1% 22% A 24% B 7% 18% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 145 Table 126: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Trails 96% 94% 97% 98% 93% 96% 96% 95% 100% 95% 95% 97% 96% Dog parks/off-leash areas 74% 77% 82% 76% 80% 65% 76% 87% 82% 77% 72% 93% A 78% Neighborhood parks 94% 90% 95% 94% 92% 96% 90% 95% 98% 92% 90% 99% A 93% Large community athletic fields 100% 94% 94% 96% 94% 100% 91% 99% B 100% 95% 94% 100% 95% Edinborough Park 78% 89% 95% A 88% 88% 68% 90% A 94% A 69% 93% A 88% 88% 88% Centennial Lakes Park 100% 99% 99% 99% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 99% 99% 99% 99% Edina Aquatic Center 96% 92% 97% 91% 98% 93% 92% 99% 96% 94% 94% 97% 95% Edina Senior Center 94% 87% 88% 90% 88% 90% 89% 89% 87% 90% 91% 85% 89% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 100% 93% 97% 96% 95% 93% 96% 97% 100% 95% 95% 98% 96% Edina Art Center 80% 81% 96% B 86% 87% 100% 82% 90% 85% 88% 87% 88% 88% Braemar Golf Course 100% 89% 96% 99% 90% 100% 97% 90% 100% 92% 93% 94% 94% Braemar Golf Dome 100% 90% 95% 99% 90% 100% 90% 96% 100% 92% 93% 96% 94% Braemar Field (sports dome) 94% 97% 98% 98% 96% 100% 100% C 92% 100% 96% 98% 91% 97% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 146 Table 127: Quality of Services by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Police services 85% 93% A 95% A 92% 92% 87% 89% 96% A B 84% 94% A 95% B 87% 92% Fire services 95% 100% A 100% A 100% B 97% 100% 97% 99% 95% 100% A 100% B 96% 98% Ambulance or emergency medical services 93% 100% A 99% A 99% 97% 96% 96% 100% 95% 99% A 100% B 95% 98% Crime prevention 95% 91% 96% 96% 93% 96% 92% 96% 100% B 93% 92% 99% A 94% Fire prevention and education 93% 97% 98% 97% 95% 96% 97% 96% 98% 96% 96% 97% 96% Traffic enforcement 80% 83% 82% 82% 81% 84% 80% 82% 83% 81% 84% 77% 81% Street repair 55% 63% 61% 56% 63% 49% 64% A 60% 51% 63% 64% B 53% 60% Street cleaning 78% 83% 82% 80% 82% 76% 81% 83% 74% 83% 85% B 74% 81% Street lighting 80% 72% 79% 77% 76% 82% 71% 79% 86% B 74% 74% 81% 77% Snow removal 82% 89% 89% 85% 89% 70% 91% A 90% A 80% 89% A 91% B 81% 87% Sidewalk maintenance 75% 80% 81% 80% 78% 68% 84% A 79% 77% 79% 82% 75% 79% Traffic signal timing 66% 68% 72% 72% 66% 50% 74% A 72% A 60% 71% A 70% 66% 69% Bus or transit services 83% B C 50% 59% 56% 67% 72% 62% 59% 77% B 56% 58% 67% 62% Garbage collection 95% C 88% 86% 87% 94% A 93% 88% 90% 94% 88% 89% 90% 89% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 147 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Recycling 87% 81% 84% 82% 86% 83% 77% 89% B 88% 83% 82% 86% 84% Yard waste pickup 89% 82% 83% 84% 84% 80% 81% 89% 89% 83% 84% 85% 84% Storm drainage 89% C 80% 77% 82% 82% 89% 80% 80% 89% 80% 79% 85% 81% Drinking water 65% 69% 74% 66% 74% 70% 66% 72% 63% 71% 73% 64% 69% Sewer services 93% 88% 86% 90% 89% 89% 88% 89% 90% 88% 89% 89% 89% Utility billing 85% 88% C 78% 84% 83% 81% 86% 82% 78% 85% 86% 78% 83% City parks 93% 93% 97% 93% 96% 89% 96% A 95% 90% 95% 96% 92% 94% Park maintenance 95% 89% 93% 92% 93% 88% 92% 94% 91% 92% 93% 90% 92% Condition of trails and sidewalks 96% B 85% 93% B 92% 91% 93% 90% 91% 93% 91% 91% 91% 91% Recreation programs or classes 96% 90% 93% 93% 93% 88% 96% 92% 93% 93% 94% 91% 93% Recreation centers or facilities 95% B 85% 88% 89% 91% 91% 88% 90% 88% 89% 90% 87% 89% Land use, planning and zoning 69% B C 52% 42% 54% 55% 83% B C 48% 47% 70% B 49% 47% 64% A 53% Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 82% C 72% 62% 75% 68% 75% 71% 69% 93% B 66% 65% 84% A 72% Animal control 94% B C 76% 80% 84% 81% 96% B C 80% 80% 95% B 78% 77% 92% A 82% Economic development 78% 74% 71% 77% 74% 90% B C 68% 73% 85% B 71% 71% 80% 74% Public health services 90% 89% 85% 84% 93% A 93% 91% 83% 89% 88% 90% 84% 88% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 148 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Public information services/communication from the City 83% 81% 82% 84% 81% 82% 82% 82% 79% 83% 86% B 75% 82% Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 57% 59% 49% 51% 60% 63% 49% 57% 60% 54% 50% 61% A 55% Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 93% B 70% 82% B 78% 87% 86% 77% 83% 85% 80% 83% 79% 81% Edina open space 74% 70% 67% 77% B 63% 78% 71% 65% 78% 68% 67% 74% 70% City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 85% 76% 76% 82% 76% 84% 76% 78% 82% 77% 76% 82% 78% Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 91% 85% 91% 91% 90% 85% 89% 91% 90% 89% 90% 87% 89% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 149 Table 128: Government Performance by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 74% 78% 80% 82% 76% 65% 79% A 80% A 70% 79% 79% 74% 78% The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 66% 61% 68% 66% 67% 54% 62% 72% A 70% 64% 65% 65% 65% Overall confidence in Edina government 70% 65% 60% 68% 64% 59% 60% 71% B 68% 64% 62% 68% 64% Generally acting in the best interest of the community 69% C 64% 56% 67% 61% 64% 57% 67% 63% 63% 60% 66% 62% Treating all residents fairly 67% 68% 60% 67% 65% 65% 63% 67% 70% 64% 64% 67% 65% Table 129: Impression of City Employees by Respondent Characteristics Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Knowledge 95% 92% 90% 94% 91% 100% B 88% 94% 98% 92% 91% 95% 92% Courtesy 95% 92% 90% 94% 90% 100% B 86% 95% B 94% 92% 91% 95% 92% Responsiveness 92% 86% 88% 91% 84% 100% B 84% 88% 98% 87% 86% 95% 88% Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 91% 84% 83% 90% 80% 100% B 81% 85% 94% 84% 83% 92% 85% Overall customer service 93% 87% 86% 91% 85% 100% B 83% 89% 94% 87% 86% 94% 88% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 150 Table 130: Opinion of Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics Percent very or somewhat high Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… 60% 61% 51% 59% 54% 79% B C 60% C 48% 68% 55% 58% 55% 57% Table 131: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics Percent strongly or somewhat support Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? 38% 46% 47% 48% 41% 22% 44% A 52% A 35% 46% 43% 46% 44% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 151 Table 132: Direction of Edina by Respondent Characteristics Percent right direction Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? 82% B C 63% 58% 69% 69% 80% B 60% 68% 71% 66% 63% 73% 66% Table 133: Perception of Own Influence by Respondent Characteristics Percent yes Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? 83% B C 67% 61% 68% 72% 82% B 58% 75% B 78% 67% 63% 79% A 68% Table 134: Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Respondent Characteristics Percent essential or very important Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? 68% B C 55% 50% 66% B 48% 66% B 48% 62% B 72% B 53% 49% 70% A 57% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 152 Table 135: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong 81% C 73% 65% 70% 78% 82% 74% 68% 79% 71% 73% 73% 73% Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 58% 69% 62% 56% 70% A 60% 61% 65% 60% 64% 64% 60% 63% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 57% 52% 45% 44% 57% A 62% 49% 47% 64% B 48% 46% 60% A 51% Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds 70% C 70% C 50% 55% 71% A 69% 69% C 56% 57% 65% 64% 62% 64% Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 84% 77% 76% 72% 87% A 79% 79% 78% 76% 80% 82% 73% 79% Table 136: Managing Community Tensions by Respondent Characteristics Percent very or somewhat well Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? 71% B C 44% 48% 53% 53% 65% 47% 53% 56% 51% 50% 55% 51% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 153 Table 137: Support for Continued Operation of Municipal Liquor Store by Respondent Characteristics Percent strongly or somewhat support Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? 88% 83% 93% B 93% B 85% 89% 89% 88% 89% 88% 88% 89% 88% Table 138: Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Respondent Characteristics Percent strongly or somewhat support Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? 54% 44% 52% 47% 54% 38% 60% A C 45% 52% 49% 52% 46% 50% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 154 Table 139: Attitudes Toward Environmental Sustainability by Respondent Characteristics How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Percent strongly or somewhat agree) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change 81% C 75% 69% 82% B 69% 81% B 66% 81% B 83% 72% 70% 83% A 75% Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency 90% B C 80% 73% 88% B 76% 97% B C 72% 83% B 92% B 77% 75% 89% A 81% Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards 83% C 81% C 70% 85% B 71% 84% B 71% 81% B 89% B 74% 72% 86% A 78% Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions 83% C 77% 72% 84% B 72% 87% B 67% 83% B 85% B 75% 72% 84% A 77% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 155 Table 140: Quality of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 73% 71% 77% 80% 68% 61% 77% 76% 69% 76% 81% B 64% 74% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 78% 74% 70% 76% 74% 77% 72% 74% 74% 73% 72% 75% 73% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 78% B C 60% 54% 67% 61% 64% 61% 65% 71% 60% 60% 67% 63% Increasing renewable energy programs 66% 67% 58% 63% 65% 54% 68% 66% 69% 62% 65% 62% 64% Adapting to climate change 73% B C 51% 54% 58% 59% 64% 56% 60% 69% 54% 58% 58% 59% Composting collection services 57% 51% 49% 48% 57% 61% 46% 55% 58% 50% 52% 52% 52% Water conservation programs 74% B 54% 67% 60% 67% 60% 64% 66% 65% 63% 67% 56% 64% Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 67% 54% 54% 58% 58% 56% 55% 60% 67% 54% 56% 58% 57% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 156 Table 141: Importance of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. (Percent essential or very important) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 77% 68% 69% 81% B 60% 81% B 61% 75% B 85% B 67% 66% 79% A 71% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 84% B C 70% 67% 83% B 60% 80% 76% 68% 86% B 70% 69% 80% A 73% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 74% B C 58% 56% 72% B 49% 63% 60% 64% 69% 60% 60% 66% 62% Increasing renewable energy programs 73% 66% 64% 77% B 59% 74% 59% 72% B 86% B 63% 62% 76% A 67% Adapting to climate change 70% 58% 63% 75% B 51% 61% 54% 73% B 83% B 58% 58% 73% A 63% Composting collection services 73% 67% 64% 77% B 58% 68% 66% 70% 78% 66% 67% 71% 68% Water conservation programs 79% 74% 79% 83% B 70% 78% 71% 82% B 87% B 75% 75% 82% 77% Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 67% 57% 55% 70% B 48% 70% B 53% 61% 75% B 55% 56% 65% 59% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 157 Table 142: City Information Sources by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent minor or major source) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) About Town City magazine 67% 87% A 81% A 80% 77% 54% 89% A C 79% A 64% 83% A 84% B 71% 79% Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 76% 76% 74% 80% 71% 63% 83% A 74% 80% 74% 77% 72% 75% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 38% 65% A 79% A B 64% 60% 45% 62% A 68% A 50% 66% A 67% B 55% 63% Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 45% 58% 64% A 55% 58% 33% 58% A 64% A 52% 58% 57% 55% 56% Star-Tribune newspaper 51% 64% A 73% A 64% 63% 46% 55% 75% A B 43% 68% A 63% 63% 63% City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 64% 69% 67% 66% 67% 63% 77% A C 59% 51% 71% A 72% B 57% 67% Edina TV 14% 26% A 32% A 30% B 17% 18% 16% 34% A B 28% 23% 19% 35% A 25% City employees 28% 51% A 46% A 41% 45% 20% 56% A C 39% A 23% 47% A 49% B 29% 42% City Council Members 27% 45% A 43% A 38% 39% 20% 46% A 39% A 29% 41% 42% 32% 38% Direct mail updates 61% 72% 65% 64% 71% 57% 74% A 64% 59% 68% 71% B 59% 66% Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 49% 50% 42% 53% 42% 63% C 58% C 32% 43% 47% 52% B 37% 47% NextDoor 53% 62% 54% 59% 57% 45% 68% A C 52% 22% 64% A 69% B 31% 57% Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 9% 15% 10% 12% 12% 4% 15% A 12% 5% 13% 13% 9% 12% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 158 Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent minor or major source) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 20% 33% A 31% 31% 27% 8% 43% A C 24% A 11% 33% A 37% B 13% 29% Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 82% 82% 91% 83% 88% 72% 91% A 85% A 75% 88% A 91% B 75% 85% Table 143: Effectiveness of City Communication Tools by Respondent Characteristics How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping informed of City activities? (Percent very or somewhat effective) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) The magazine About Town 92% B 82% 86% 84% 88% 92% 81% 89% 92% 84% 84% 89% 86% The newsletter Edition: Edina 88% 79% 78% 78% 84% 90% 80% 80% 94% B 78% 80% 83% 81% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 159 Table 144: City Website Access by Respondent Characteristics Percent yes Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? 43% 62% A C 45% 49% 51% 42% 69% A C 38% 30% 57% A 59% B 37% 50% Table 145: Aspects of City Website by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent excellent or good) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Appearance 77% 92% A 83% 88% 82% 83% 82% 90% 79% 86% 85% 84% 85% Online information and services offered 73% 87% A 82% 87% B 76% 70% 82% 87% A 75% 82% 84% 75% 81% Ease of navigation/ability to find information 52% 55% 60% 63% 50% 36% 54% 68% A 35% 59% A 58% 50% 56% Overall quality of the City of Edina website 73% 75% 77% 82% B 70% 64% 73% 83% A 79% 74% 73% 80% 75% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 160 Table 146: Concern About Household Issues by Respondent Characteristics To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent minor, moderate or major concern) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 44% B C 22% 14% 30% 22% 45% B C 27% 19% 40% B 22% 22% 32% A 26% Having access to health care 16% 10% 16% 12% 16% 13% 12% 17% 17% 13% 9% 21% A 14% Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 27% 30% 46% A B 39% B 28% 12% 32% A 46% A B 35% 34% 33% 37% 35% Running out of food before you had money to buy more 19% B C 6% 7% 9% 12% 13% 11% 8% 27% B 4% 6% 16% A 10% Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 33% B C 17% 20% 22% 26% 38% B C 23% 18% 45% B 16% 18% 31% A 23% Table 147: Economic Impact on Family Income by Respondent Characteristics Percent very or somewhat positive Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Housing unit type Overall Less than 5 years 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 30% 30% 22% 21% 33% A 34% 29% 23% 33% 25% 27% 28% 27% Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons Understanding the Benchmark Comparisons Communities use the comparative information provided by benchmarks to help interpret their own resident survey results, to create or revise community plans, to evaluate the success of policy or budget decisions and to measure local government or organizational performance. Taking the pulse of the community has little meaning without knowing what pulse rate is too high and what is too low. When surveys of service satisfaction turn up “good” resident evaluations, it is necessary to know how others rate their services to understand if “good” is good enough or if most other communities are “excellent.” Furthermore, in the absence of national or peer community comparisons, a community is left with comparing its police protection rating to its street maintenance rating. That comparison is unfair as street maintenance always gets lower ratings than libraries. More illuminating is how residents’ ratings of sheriff services compare to opinions about sheriff services in other communities and to resident ratings over time. A police department that provides the fastest and most efficient service – one that closes most of its cases, solves most of its crimes, and keeps the crime rate low – still has a problem to fix if the residents in the county rate police services lower than ratings given by residents in other counties with objectively “worse” departments. Benchmark data can help that police department – or any City department – to understand how well residents think it is doing. While benchmarks help set the basis for evaluation, resident opinion should be used in conjunction with other sources of data about budget, population demographics, personnel and politics to help administrators know how to respond to comparative results. Comparison Data NRC has designed a method for quantitatively integrating the results of surveys that we have conducted with those that others have conducted. These integration methods have been described thoroughly in Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and in NRC’s first book on conducting and using resident surveys, Citizen Surveys: How to Do Them, How to Use Them, What They Mean, published by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). Scholars who specialize in the analysis of resident surveys regularly have relied on NRC’s work. The method described in those publications is refined regularly and statistically tested on a growing number of resident surveys in NRC’s proprietary databases. Communities in NRC’s benchmark database are distributed geographically across the country and range from small to large in population size. Comparisons may be made to all jurisdictions in the database or to subsets of jurisdictions (within a given region or population category or that meet select criteria outlined by the community). Despite the differences in jurisdiction characteristics, all are in the business of providing local government services to residents. Though individual jurisdiction circumstances, resources, and practices vary, the objective in every community is to provide services that are so timely, Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. tailored, and effective that residents conclude the services are of the highest quality. High ratings in any jurisdiction, like SAT scores in any teen household, bring pride and a sense of accomplishment. NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in resident surveys from over 600 jurisdictions whose residents evaluated local government services and gave their opinion about the quality of community life. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey completed in each jurisdiction; most communities conduct surveys every year or in alternating years. NRC adds the latest results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. Edina’s survey results were compared to all other communities in NRC’s benchmark database as well as to a subset of all Minnesota communities in the database. Interpreting the Results Average ratings were compared when questions similar to those asked in Edina’s survey were included in NRC’s database, and there were at least five peer jurisdictions in which the question was asked. Where comparisons were available, three numbers are provided in the tables starting on the next page. The first column is Edina’s “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “very likely” and “somewhat likely,” etc.). The second column is the rank assigned to Edina’s rating among jurisdictions where a similar question was asked. The third column is the number of jurisdictions that asked a similar question. The fourth column shows the comparison of Edina’s average rating to the benchmark. Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were noted as being “higher” than, “lower” than or “similar” to the benchmark. In instances where ratings are considerably higher or lower than the benchmark, these ratings have been further demarcated by the attribute of “much,” (for example, “much lower” or “much higher”). These labels come from a statistical comparison of Edina’s rating to the benchmark where a rating is considered “similar” if it is within 10 points of the average; “higher” or “lower” if the difference between Edina’s rating and the benchmark is greater than 10 points; and “much higher” or “much lower” if the difference between Edina’s rating and the benchmark is more than 20 points. Comparisons for a number of items on the survey were not available in the benchmark database (e.g., some of the city services or aspects of government performance). These items are excluded from the benchmark tables. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. National Benchmark Comparisons Table 148: Question 1 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 98% 22 456 Higher Table 149: Question 2 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Overall feeling of safety in Edina 96% 28 351 Higher Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 86% 29 267 Higher Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 91% 53 280 Similar Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 80% 29 257 Higher Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 93% 9 258 Higher Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 94% 12 260 Higher Overall economic health of Edina 94% 5 264 Much higher Sense of community 74% 43 314 Higher Overall image or reputation of Edina 89% 43 351 Higher Neighborliness of residents in Edina 76% 11 252 Higher Table 150: Question 3 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 94% 56 290 Similar Remain in Edina for the next five years 90% 37 283 Similar Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Table 151: Question 7 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark In your neighborhood 97% 93 359 Similar In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 94% 112 320 Similar Table 152: Question 9 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Traffic flow on major streets 53% 127 343 Similar Ease of public parking 61% 78 226 Similar Ease of travel by car in Edina 75% 76 307 Similar Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 46% 15 22 Similar Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 65% 78 308 Similar Ease of walking in Edina 65% 126 308 Similar Availability of paths and walking trails 79% 67 320 Higher Air quality 89% 54 249 Similar Cleanliness of Edina 95% 19 287 Higher Public places where people want to spend time 86% 18 250 Higher Variety of housing options 51% 129 282 Similar Availability of affordable quality housing 32% 180 305 Similar Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 84% 26 248 Higher Recreational opportunities 87% 21 300 Higher K-12 education 90% 25 276 Higher Adult educational opportunities 89% 2 237 Much higher Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 42 298 Higher Employment opportunities 70% 5 313 Much higher Shopping opportunities 93% 4 299 Much higher Cost of living in Edina 51% 87 260 Similar Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 92% 1 276 Higher Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 78% 36 267 Higher Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Opportunities to volunteer 81% 39 268 Similar Opportunities to participate in community matters 76% 22 278 Higher Table 153: Question 13 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Police services 92% 12 464 Higher Fire services 98% 6 390 Higher Ambulance or emergency medical services 98% 8 350 Higher Crime prevention 94% 8 365 Higher Fire prevention and education 96% 4 287 Higher Traffic enforcement 81% 7 373 Higher Street repair 60% 71 390 Higher Street cleaning 81% 13 325 Higher Street lighting 77% 21 329 Higher Snow removal 87% 1 288 Much higher Sidewalk maintenance 79% 8 325 Higher Traffic signal timing 69% 15 267 Higher Bus or transit services 62% 66 233 Similar Garbage collection 89% 65 358 Similar Recycling 84% 91 362 Similar Yard waste pickup 84% 63 272 Similar Storm drainage 81% 24 355 Higher Drinking water 69% 170 317 Similar Sewer services 89% 24 323 Similar Utility billing 83% 15 229 Similar City parks 94% 30 328 Higher Recreation programs or classes 93% 10 329 Higher Recreation centers or facilities 89% 23 281 Higher Land use, planning and zoning 53% 108 304 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 72% 17 393 Higher Animal control 82% 16 344 Higher Economic development 74% 25 288 Higher Public health services 88% 14 223 Higher Public information services/communication from the City 82% 25 290 Higher Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 55% 79 206 Similar Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 13 281 Higher Edina open space 70% 50 237 Similar City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 78% 65 280 Similar Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 89% 29 431 Higher Table 154: Question 14 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 78% 6 406 Higher The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 65% 48 325 Similar Overall confidence in Edina government 64% 55 264 Similar Generally acting in the best interest of the community 62% 70 263 Similar Treating all residents fairly 65% 68 261 Similar Table 155: Question 16 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Knowledge 92% 7 45 Similar Courtesy 92% 3 37 Similar Responsiveness 88% 9 46 Similar Overall customer service 88% 8 382 Higher Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Table 156: Question 31 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark Appearance 85% 2 7 Similar Online information and services offered 81% 2 5 Similar Ease of navigation/ability to find information 56% 5 7 Similar Overall quality of the City of Edina website 75% 4 19 Similar Table 157: Question D1 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to national benchmark What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? 27% 193 262 Similar National Benchmark Comparison Communities The communities included in the national benchmark comparisons are listed below along with their population according to the 2010 Census. Adams County, CO ....................................................... 441,603 Airway Heights city, WA ................................................... 6,114 Albany city, OR ............................................................... 50,158 Albemarle County, VA .................................................... 98,970 Albert Lea city, MN ......................................................... 18,016 Alexandria city, VA ....................................................... 139,966 Algonquin village, IL ....................................................... 30,046 Aliso Viejo city, CA ......................................................... 47,823 American Canyon city, CA ............................................. 19,454 Ames city, IA ................................................................... 58,965 Ankeny city, IA ................................................................ 45,582 Ann Arbor city, MI ......................................................... 113,934 Apache Junction city, AZ ............................................... 35,840 Arapahoe County, CO ................................................... 572,003 Arkansas City city, AR ......................................................... 366 Arlington city, TX .......................................................... 365,438 Arvada city, CO ............................................................. 106,433 Asheville city, NC ............................................................ 83,393 Ashland city, OR ............................................................. 20,078 Ashland town, MA .......................................................... 16,593 Ashland town, VA ............................................................. 7,225 Aspen city, CO .................................................................. 6,658 Athens-Clarke County, GA ............................................ 115,452 Auburn city, AL ............................................................... 53,380 Augusta CCD, GA .......................................................... 134,777 Aurora city, CO.............................................................. 325,078 Austin city, TX .............................................................. 790,390 Avon town, CO ................................................................. 6,447 Avon town, IN................................................................. 12,446 Avondale city, AZ ........................................................... 76,238 Azusa city, CA ................................................................ 46,361 Bainbridge Island city, WA ............................................ 23,025 Baltimore city, MD ....................................................... 620,961 Baltimore County, MD ................................................. 805,029 Bartonville town, TX ........................................................ 1,469 Battle Creek city, MI ...................................................... 52,347 Bay City city, MI ............................................................. 34,932 Bay Village city, OH ....................................................... 15,651 Baytown city, TX ............................................................ 71,802 Bedford city, TX ............................................................. 46,979 Bedford town, MA .......................................................... 13,320 Bellevue city, WA ......................................................... 122,363 Bellingham city, WA....................................................... 80,885 Benbrook city, TX .......................................................... 21,234 Bend city, OR ................................................................. 76,639 Bethlehem township, PA ............................................... 23,730 Bettendorf city, IA .......................................................... 33,217 Billings city, MT ........................................................... 104,170 Bloomington city, IN ...................................................... 80,405 Bloomington city, MN .................................................... 82,893 Blue Springs city, MO .................................................... 52,575 Boise City city, ID ......................................................... 205,671 Bonner Springs city, KS ................................................... 7,314 Boone County, KY ........................................................ 118,811 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Boulder city, CO .............................................................. 97,385 Bowling Green city, KY ................................................... 58,067 Bozeman city, MT .......................................................... 37,280 Brentwood city, MO .......................................................... 8,055 Brentwood city, TN ......................................................... 37,060 Brighton city, CO ............................................................ 33,352 Brighton city, MI ............................................................... 7,444 Bristol city, TN ................................................................ 26,702 Broken Arrow city, OK .................................................... 98,850 Brookline CDP, MA ......................................................... 58,732 Brooklyn Center city, MN ............................................... 30,104 Brooklyn city, OH ............................................................ 11,169 Broomfield city, CO ........................................................ 55,889 Brownsburg town, IN ..................................................... 21,285 Buffalo Grove village, IL ................................................. 41,496 Burlingame city, CA ........................................................ 28,806 Cabarrus County, NC .................................................... 178,011 Cambridge city, MA ...................................................... 105,162 Canandaigua city, NY ..................................................... 10,545 Cannon Beach city, OR .................................................... 1,690 Cañon City city, CO ......................................................... 16,400 Canton city, SD ................................................................. 3,057 Cape Coral city, FL ....................................................... 154,305 Carlisle borough, PA ....................................................... 18,682 Carlsbad city, CA .......................................................... 105,328 Carroll city, IA ................................................................. 10,103 Cartersville city, GA ........................................................ 19,731 Cary town, NC ............................................................... 135,234 Castine town, ME ............................................................. 1,366 Castle Rock town, CO ..................................................... 48,231 Cedar Hill city, TX ........................................................... 45,028 Cedar Rapids city, IA .................................................... 126,326 Celina city, TX ................................................................... 6,028 Centennial city, CO ....................................................... 100,377 Chandler city, AZ .......................................................... 236,123 Chandler city, TX .............................................................. 2,734 Chanhassen city, MN ..................................................... 22,952 Chapel Hill town, NC ...................................................... 57,233 Chardon city, OH .............................................................. 5,148 Charles County, MD...................................................... 146,551 Charlotte city, NC ......................................................... 731,424 Charlotte County, FL .................................................... 159,978 Charlottesville city, VA ................................................... 43,475 Chattanooga city, TN ................................................... 167,674 Chautauqua town, NY ...................................................... 4,464 Chesterfield County, VA ............................................... 316,236 Clackamas County, OR ................................................ 375,992 Clarendon Hills village, IL................................................. 8,427 Clayton city, MO ............................................................. 15,939 Clearwater city, FL........................................................ 107,685 Cleveland Heights city, OH ............................................ 46,121 Clinton city, SC ................................................................. 8,490 Clive city, IA .................................................................... 15,447 Clovis city, CA ................................................................. 95,631 College Park city, MD ..................................................... 30,413 College Station city, TX .................................................. 93,857 Colleyville city, TX .......................................................... 22,807 Collinsville city, IL ........................................................... 25,579 Columbia city, MO ........................................................ 108,500 Columbia city, SC ......................................................... 129,272 Columbia Falls city, MT ................................................... 4,688 Commerce City city, CO ................................................. 45,913 Concord city, CA ........................................................... 122,067 Concord town, MA .......................................................... 17,668 Conshohocken borough, PA ........................................... 7,833 Coolidge city, AZ ............................................................ 11,825 Coon Rapids city, MN .................................................... 61,476 Copperas Cove city, TX ................................................. 32,032 Coral Springs city, FL .................................................. 121,096 Coronado city, CA .......................................................... 18,912 Corvallis city, OR ............................................................ 54,462 Cottonwood Heights city, UT ........................................ 33,433 Coventry Lake CDP, CT .................................................... 2,990 Creve Coeur city, MO ..................................................... 17,833 Cupertino city, CA .......................................................... 58,302 Dacono city, CO ............................................................... 4,152 Dakota County, MN ..................................................... 398,552 Dallas city, OR ................................................................ 14,583 Dallas city, TX ........................................................... 1,197,816 Danville city, KY ............................................................. 16,218 Dardenne Prairie city, MO ............................................. 11,494 Darien city, IL ................................................................. 22,086 Davenport city, FL ............................................................ 2,888 Davidson town, NC ........................................................ 10,944 Dayton city, OH ............................................................ 141,527 Dayton town, WY ................................................................ 757 Dearborn city, MI ........................................................... 98,153 Decatur city, GA ............................................................. 19,335 Del Mar city, CA ............................................................... 4,161 DeLand city, FL .............................................................. 27,031 Delaware city, OH .......................................................... 34,753 Denison city, TX ............................................................. 22,682 Denton city, TX ............................................................ 113,383 Denver city, CO ............................................................ 600,158 Des Moines city, IA ...................................................... 203,433 Des Peres city, MO .......................................................... 8,373 Destin city, FL ................................................................ 12,305 Dover city, NH ................................................................ 29,987 Dublin city, CA................................................................ 46,036 Dublin city, OH ............................................................... 41,751 Duluth city, MN .............................................................. 86,265 Durham city, NC ........................................................... 228,330 Durham County, NC ..................................................... 267,587 Dyer town, IN ................................................................. 16,390 Eagan city, MN ............................................................... 64,206 Eagle Mountain city, UT ................................................ 21,415 Eagle town, CO ................................................................. 6,508 Eau Claire city, WI .......................................................... 65,883 Eden Prairie city, MN ..................................................... 60,797 Eden town, VT .................................................................. 1,323 Edgerton city, KS ............................................................. 1,671 Edgewater city, CO .......................................................... 5,170 Edina city, MN ................................................................ 47,941 Edmond city, OK ............................................................ 81,405 Edmonds city, WA ......................................................... 39,709 El Cerrito city, CA ........................................................... 23,549 El Dorado County, CA .................................................. 181,058 El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) city, CA .................... 29,793 Elk Grove city, CA......................................................... 153,015 Elko New Market city, MN ............................................... 4,110 Elmhurst city, IL ............................................................. 44,121 Englewood city, CO ........................................................ 30,255 Erie town, CO ................................................................. 18,135 Escambia County, FL ................................................... 297,619 Estes Park town, CO ........................................................ 5,858 Euclid city, OH................................................................ 48,920 Fairview town, TX ............................................................ 7,248 Farmers Branch city, TX ................................................ 28,616 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Farmersville city, TX ......................................................... 3,301 Farmington Hills city, MI ................................................ 79,740 Farmington town, CT ..................................................... 25,340 Fayetteville city, GA........................................................ 15,945 Fayetteville city, NC ..................................................... 200,564 Fernandina Beach city, FL ............................................. 11,487 Flagstaff city, AZ ............................................................ 65,870 Flower Mound town, TX ................................................. 64,669 Forest Grove city, OR ..................................................... 21,083 Fort Collins city, CO ...................................................... 143,986 Franklin city, TN ............................................................. 62,487 Frederick town, CO ........................................................... 8,679 Fremont city, CA ........................................................... 214,089 Friendswood city, TX ..................................................... 35,805 Fruita city, CO ................................................................. 12,646 Gahanna city, OH ........................................................... 33,248 Gaithersburg city, MD .................................................... 59,933 Galveston city, TX .......................................................... 47,743 Gardner city, KS .............................................................. 19,123 Georgetown city, TX ....................................................... 47,400 Germantown city, TN ..................................................... 38,844 Gilbert town, AZ ............................................................ 208,453 Gillette city, WY .............................................................. 29,087 Glen Ellyn village, IL ....................................................... 27,450 Glendora city, CA ............................................................ 50,073 Glenview village, IL ......................................................... 44,692 Golden city, CO ............................................................... 18,867 Golden Valley city, MN ................................................... 20,371 Goodyear city, AZ ........................................................... 65,275 Grafton village, WI .......................................................... 11,459 Grand Blanc city, MI ......................................................... 8,276 Grants Pass city, OR ...................................................... 34,533 Grass Valley city, CA ...................................................... 12,860 Greeley city, CO .............................................................. 92,889 Greenville city, NC .......................................................... 84,554 Greenwich town, CT ....................................................... 61,171 Greenwood Village city, CO ............................................ 13,925 Greer city, SC .................................................................. 25,515 Gunnison County, CO ..................................................... 15,324 Haltom City city, TX ....................................................... 42,409 Hamilton city, OH ........................................................... 62,477 Hamilton town, MA .......................................................... 7,764 Hampton city, VA ......................................................... 137,436 Hanover County, VA ....................................................... 99,863 Harrisburg city, SD ........................................................... 4,089 Harrisonburg city, VA ..................................................... 48,914 Harrisonville city, MO ..................................................... 10,019 Hastings city, MN ........................................................... 22,172 Hayward city, CA .......................................................... 144,186 Henderson city, NV ...................................................... 257,729 Herndon town, VA .......................................................... 23,292 High Point city, NC ....................................................... 104,371 Highland Park city, IL ..................................................... 29,763 Highlands Ranch CDP, CO ............................................. 96,713 Homer Glen village, IL .................................................... 24,220 Honolulu County, HI ..................................................... 953,207 Hooksett town, NH ......................................................... 13,451 Hopkins city, MN ............................................................ 17,591 Hopkinton town, MA ...................................................... 14,925 Hoquiam city, WA ............................................................. 8,726 Horry County, SC .......................................................... 269,291 Howard village, WI .......................................................... 17,399 Hudson town, CO ............................................................. 2,356 Huntley village, IL ........................................................... 24,291 Huntsville city, TX .......................................................... 38,548 Hurst city, TX ................................................................. 37,337 Hutchinson city, MN ...................................................... 14,178 Hutto city, TX ................................................................. 14,698 Independence city, MO ................................................ 116,830 Indianola city, IA ............................................................ 14,782 Indio city, CA .................................................................. 76,036 Iowa City city, IA ............................................................ 67,862 Irving city, TX ............................................................... 216,290 Issaquah city, WA .......................................................... 30,434 Jackson city, MO ........................................................... 13,758 Jackson County, MI ..................................................... 160,248 James City County, VA .................................................. 67,009 Jefferson County, NY .................................................. 116,229 Jefferson Parish, LA .................................................... 432,552 Johnson City city, TN .................................................... 63,152 Johnston city, IA ............................................................ 17,278 Jupiter town, FL ............................................................. 55,156 Kalamazoo city, MI ........................................................ 74,262 Kansas City city, KS .................................................... 145,786 Kansas City city, MO ................................................... 459,787 Keizer city, OR ................................................................ 36,478 Kenmore city, WA .......................................................... 20,460 Kennedale city, TX ........................................................... 6,763 Kent city, WA.................................................................. 92,411 Kerrville city, TX ............................................................. 22,347 Kettering city, OH .......................................................... 56,163 Key West city, FL ........................................................... 24,649 King City city, CA ........................................................... 12,874 Kingman city, AZ ........................................................... 28,068 Kirkland city, WA ............................................................ 48,787 Kirkwood city, MO.......................................................... 27,540 Knoxville city, IA .............................................................. 7,313 La Plata town, MD ........................................................... 8,753 La Vista city, NE ............................................................. 15,758 Laguna Niguel city, CA .................................................. 62,979 Lake Forest city, IL ........................................................ 19,375 Lake in the Hills village, IL ............................................. 28,965 Lake Stevens city, WA ................................................... 28,069 Lake Worth city, FL ........................................................ 34,910 Lake Zurich village, IL .................................................... 19,631 Lakeville city, MN........................................................... 55,954 Lakewood city, CO ....................................................... 142,980 Lakewood city, WA ........................................................ 58,163 Lancaster County, SC .................................................... 76,652 Lane County, OR .......................................................... 351,715 Lansing city, MI ........................................................... 114,297 Laramie city, WY ............................................................ 30,816 Larimer County, CO ...................................................... 299,630 Las Cruces city, NM....................................................... 97,618 Las Vegas city, NM ........................................................ 13,753 Lawrence city, KS .......................................................... 87,643 Lawrenceville city, GA ................................................... 28,546 Lee's Summit city, MO ................................................... 91,364 Lehi city, UT ................................................................... 47,407 Lenexa city, KS .............................................................. 48,190 Lewisville city, TX .......................................................... 95,290 Lewisville town, NC ....................................................... 12,639 Libertyville village, IL ..................................................... 20,315 Lincolnwood village, IL .................................................. 12,590 Lindsborg city, KS ............................................................ 3,458 Little Chute village, WI ................................................... 10,449 Littleton city, CO ............................................................ 41,737 Livermore city, CA .......................................................... 80,968 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Lombard village, IL ......................................................... 43,165 Lone Tree city, CO .......................................................... 10,218 Long Grove village, IL ....................................................... 8,043 Longmont city, CO .......................................................... 86,270 Longview city, TX ........................................................... 80,455 Lonsdale city, MN............................................................. 3,674 Los Alamos County, NM ................................................ 17,950 Los Altos Hills town, CA ................................................... 7,922 Loudoun County, VA .................................................... 312,311 Louisville city, CO ........................................................... 18,376 Lower Merion township, PA ........................................... 57,825 Lynchburg city, VA ......................................................... 75,568 Lynnwood city, WA ......................................................... 35,836 Macomb County, MI ..................................................... 840,978 Manassas city, VA .......................................................... 37,821 Manhattan Beach city, CA ............................................. 35,135 Manhattan city, KS ......................................................... 52,281 Mankato city, MN ........................................................... 39,309 Maple Grove city, MN ..................................................... 61,567 Maplewood city, MN ...................................................... 38,018 Maricopa County, AZ ................................................ 3,817,117 Marin County, CA ......................................................... 252,409 Marion city, IA ................................................................ 34,768 Mariposa County, CA ..................................................... 18,251 Marshfield city, WI ......................................................... 19,118 Martinez city, CA ............................................................ 35,824 Marysville city, WA ......................................................... 60,020 Matthews town, NC ........................................................ 27,198 Maui County, HI ............................................................ 154,834 McAllen city, TX............................................................ 129,877 McKinney city, TX......................................................... 131,117 McMinnville city, OR ...................................................... 32,187 Mecklenburg County, NC ............................................. 919,628 Menlo Park city, CA ........................................................ 32,026 Menomonee Falls village, WI ......................................... 35,626 Mercer Island city, WA ................................................... 22,699 Meridian charter township, MI....................................... 39,688 Meridian city, ID ............................................................. 75,092 Merriam city, KS ............................................................. 11,003 Mesa city, AZ ................................................................ 439,041 Mesa County, CO .......................................................... 146,723 Miami Beach city, FL ...................................................... 87,779 Miami city, FL ............................................................... 399,457 Middleton city, WI .......................................................... 17,442 Midland city, MI .............................................................. 41,863 Milford city, DE ................................................................. 9,559 Milton city, GA ................................................................ 32,661 Minneapolis city, MN ................................................... 382,578 Minnetrista city, MN ......................................................... 6,384 Missouri City city, TX ..................................................... 67,358 Modesto city, CA .......................................................... 201,165 Moline city, IL ................................................................. 43,483 Monroe city, MI .............................................................. 20,733 Monterey city, CA ........................................................... 27,810 Montgomery city, MN ...................................................... 2,956 Montgomery County, MD ............................................. 971,777 Monticello city, UT ........................................................... 1,972 Montrose city, CO ........................................................... 19,132 Monument town, CO ........................................................ 5,530 Moraga town, CA ............................................................ 16,016 Morristown city, TN ........................................................ 29,137 Morrisville town, NC ....................................................... 18,576 Morro Bay city, CA .......................................................... 10,234 Mountain Village town, CO .............................................. 1,320 Mountlake Terrace city, WA .......................................... 19,909 Murphy city, TX .............................................................. 17,708 Naperville city, IL ......................................................... 141,853 Napoleon city, OH ............................................................ 8,749 Nederland city, TX ......................................................... 17,547 Needham CDP, MA ........................................................ 28,886 Nevada City city, CA ........................................................ 3,068 Nevada County, CA ........................................................ 98,764 New Braunfels city, TX .................................................. 57,740 New Brighton city, MN .................................................. 21,456 New Concord village, OH ................................................. 2,491 New Hope city, MN ........................................................ 20,339 New Orleans city, LA ................................................... 343,829 New Smyrna Beach city, FL .......................................... 22,464 New Ulm city, MN .......................................................... 13,522 Newberg city, OR ........................................................... 22,068 Newport city, RI ............................................................. 24,672 Newport News city, VA ................................................ 180,719 Newton city, IA ............................................................... 15,254 Noblesville city, IN ......................................................... 51,969 Norcross city, GA ............................................................. 9,116 Norfolk city, NE .............................................................. 24,210 Norfolk city, VA ............................................................ 242,803 North Mankato city, MN ................................................ 13,394 North Port city, FL ......................................................... 57,357 North Richland Hills city, TX ......................................... 63,343 North Yarmouth town, ME............................................... 3,565 Novato city, CA .............................................................. 51,904 Novi city, MI ................................................................... 55,224 O'Fallon city, IL .............................................................. 28,281 O'Fallon city, MO ............................................................ 79,329 Oak Park village, IL ........................................................ 51,878 Oakland city, CA........................................................... 390,724 Oakley city, CA ............................................................... 35,432 Oklahoma City city, OK ................................................ 579,999 Olathe city, KS ............................................................. 125,872 Old Town city, ME ............................................................ 7,840 Olmsted County, MN ................................................... 144,248 Olympia city, WA ............................................................ 46,478 Orange village, OH ........................................................... 3,323 Orland Park village, IL .................................................... 56,767 Orleans Parish, LA ....................................................... 343,829 Oshkosh city, WI ............................................................ 66,083 Oshtemo charter township, MI ..................................... 21,705 Oswego village, IL .......................................................... 30,355 Ottawa County, MI ....................................................... 263,801 Overland Park city, KS ................................................. 173,372 Paducah city, KY............................................................ 25,024 Palm Beach Gardens city, FL ........................................ 48,452 Palm Coast city, FL........................................................ 75,180 Palo Alto city, CA ........................................................... 64,403 Palos Verdes Estates city, CA ....................................... 13,438 Papillion city, NE ............................................................ 18,894 Paradise Valley town, AZ .............................................. 12,820 Park City city, UT ............................................................. 7,558 Parker town, CO ............................................................. 45,297 Parkland city, FL ............................................................ 23,962 Pasco city, WA ............................................................... 59,781 Pasco County, FL ......................................................... 464,697 Payette city, ID ................................................................. 7,433 Pearland city, TX ............................................................ 91,252 Peoria city, AZ .............................................................. 154,065 Peoria city, IL ............................................................... 115,007 Pflugerville city, TX ........................................................ 46,936 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Pinehurst village, NC ...................................................... 13,124 Piqua city, OH ................................................................. 20,522 Pitkin County, CO ........................................................... 17,148 Plano city, TX................................................................ 259,841 Platte City city, MO ........................................................... 4,691 Pleasant Hill city, IA ......................................................... 8,785 Pleasanton city, CA ........................................................ 70,285 Polk County, IA ............................................................. 430,640 Pompano Beach city, FL ................................................ 99,845 Port Orange city, FL ....................................................... 56,048 Port St. Lucie city, FL ................................................... 164,603 Portland city, OR .......................................................... 583,776 Powell city, OH ............................................................... 11,500 Powhatan County, VA .................................................... 28,046 Prince William County, VA ........................................... 402,002 Prior Lake city, MN ......................................................... 22,796 Pueblo city, CO ............................................................. 106,595 Purcellville town, VA ........................................................ 7,727 Queen Creek town, AZ .................................................... 26,361 Raleigh city, NC ............................................................ 403,892 Ramsey city, MN ............................................................ 23,668 Raymond town, ME .......................................................... 4,436 Raymore city, MO ........................................................... 19,206 Redmond city, OR........................................................... 26,215 Redmond city, WA .......................................................... 54,144 Redwood City city, CA .................................................... 76,815 Reno city, NV ................................................................ 225,221 Reston CDP, VA .............................................................. 58,404 Richland city, WA ........................................................... 48,058 Richmond city, CA ........................................................ 103,701 Richmond Heights city, MO ............................................. 8,603 Rio Rancho city, NM ...................................................... 87,521 River Falls city, WI .......................................................... 15,000 Riverside city, CA ......................................................... 303,871 Roanoke city, VA ............................................................ 97,032 Roanoke County, VA ...................................................... 92,376 Rochester city, NY ........................................................ 210,565 Rochester Hills city, MI .................................................. 70,995 Rock Hill city, SC ............................................................ 66,154 Rockville city, MD ........................................................... 61,209 Roeland Park city, KS ....................................................... 6,731 Rogers city, MN ................................................................ 8,597 Rohnert Park city, CA ..................................................... 40,971 Rolla city, MO ................................................................. 19,559 Roselle village, IL............................................................ 22,763 Rosemount city, MN ...................................................... 21,874 Rosenberg city, TX ......................................................... 30,618 Roseville city, MN ........................................................... 33,660 Round Rock city, TX ....................................................... 99,887 Royal Oak city, MI........................................................... 57,236 Royal Palm Beach village, FL ........................................ 34,140 Sacramento city, CA..................................................... 466,488 Sahuarita town, AZ ......................................................... 25,259 Sammamish city, WA ..................................................... 45,780 San Anselmo town, CA................................................... 12,336 San Diego city, CA ..................................................... 1,307,402 San Francisco city, CA ................................................. 805,235 San Jose city, CA ......................................................... 945,942 San Marcos city, CA ....................................................... 83,781 San Marcos city, TX ....................................................... 44,894 San Rafael city, CA ......................................................... 57,713 Sangamon County, IL ................................................... 197,465 Santa Fe city, NM ........................................................... 67,947 Santa Fe County, NM ................................................... 144,170 Santa Monica city, CA ................................................... 89,736 Sarasota County, FL .................................................... 379,448 Savage city, MN ............................................................. 26,911 Schaumburg village, IL .................................................. 74,227 Schertz city, TX .............................................................. 31,465 Scott County, MN ........................................................ 129,928 Scottsdale city, AZ ...................................................... 217,385 Sedona city, AZ .............................................................. 10,031 Sevierville city, TN ......................................................... 14,807 Shakopee city, MN......................................................... 37,076 Sharonville city, OH ....................................................... 13,560 Shawnee city, KS ........................................................... 62,209 Shawnee city, OK ........................................................... 29,857 Sherborn town, MA .......................................................... 4,119 Shoreline city, WA .......................................................... 53,007 Shoreview city, MN ........................................................ 25,043 Shorewood village, IL .................................................... 15,615 Shorewood village, WI ................................................... 13,162 Sierra Vista city, AZ ....................................................... 43,888 Silverton city, OR ............................................................. 9,222 Sioux Center city, IA ........................................................ 7,048 Sioux Falls city, SD ...................................................... 153,888 Skokie village, IL ............................................................ 64,784 Snoqualmie city, WA ..................................................... 10,670 Snowmass Village town, CO ........................................... 2,826 Somerset town, MA ....................................................... 18,165 South Jordan city, UT .................................................... 50,418 South Lake Tahoe city, CA ............................................ 21,403 Southlake city, TX .......................................................... 26,575 Spearfish city, SD .......................................................... 10,494 Spring Hill city, KS ........................................................... 5,437 Springfield city, MO ..................................................... 159,498 Springville city, UT ......................................................... 29,466 St. Augustine city, FL .................................................... 12,975 St. Charles city, IL .......................................................... 32,974 St. Cloud city, FL ............................................................ 35,183 St. Joseph city, MO ....................................................... 76,780 St. Joseph town, WI ......................................................... 3,842 St. Louis County, MN ................................................... 200,226 State College borough, PA ............................................ 42,034 Steamboat Springs city, CO .......................................... 12,088 Sugar Grove village, IL ..................................................... 8,997 Sugar Land city, TX ....................................................... 78,817 Suisun City city, CA ....................................................... 28,111 Summit County, UT ....................................................... 36,324 Summit village, IL .......................................................... 11,054 Sunnyvale city, CA ....................................................... 140,081 Surprise city, AZ .......................................................... 117,517 Suwanee city, GA ........................................................... 15,355 Tacoma city, WA .......................................................... 198,397 Takoma Park city, MD ................................................... 16,715 Tamarac city, FL ............................................................ 60,427 Temecula city, CA ........................................................ 100,097 Tempe city, AZ ............................................................. 161,719 Temple city, TX .............................................................. 66,102 Texarkana city, TX ......................................................... 36,411 The Woodlands CDP, TX ............................................... 93,847 Thousand Oaks city, CA .............................................. 126,683 Tigard city, OR ............................................................... 48,035 Tracy city, CA ................................................................. 82,922 Trinidad CCD, CO ........................................................... 12,017 Tualatin city, OR ............................................................ 26,054 Tulsa city, OK ............................................................... 391,906 Tustin city, CA ................................................................ 75,540 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Twin Falls city, ID ........................................................... 44,125 Unalaska city, AK ............................................................. 4,376 University Heights city, OH ............................................ 13,539 University Park city, TX .................................................. 23,068 Upper Arlington city, OH ................................................ 33,771 Urbandale city, IA ........................................................... 39,463 Vail town, CO .................................................................... 5,305 Ventura CCD, CA ........................................................... 111,889 Vernon Hills village, IL .................................................... 25,113 Vestavia Hills city, AL .................................................... 34,033 Victoria city, MN ............................................................... 7,345 Vienna town, VA ............................................................. 15,687 Virginia Beach city, VA ................................................. 437,994 Walnut Creek city, CA ..................................................... 64,173 Warrensburg city, MO .................................................... 18,838 Washington County, MN .............................................. 238,136 Washington town, NH ...................................................... 1,123 Washoe County, NV ..................................................... 421,407 Washougal city, WA ....................................................... 14,095 Wauwatosa city, WI ........................................................ 46,396 Waverly city, IA ................................................................. 9,874 Wentzville city, MO ......................................................... 29,070 West Carrollton city, OH ................................................. 13,143 Western Springs village, IL ............................................ 12,975 Westerville city, OH ........................................................ 36,120 Westlake town, TX............................................................... 992 Westminster city, CO.................................................... 106,114 Weston town, MA ........................................................... 11,261 Wheat Ridge city, CO ...................................................... 30,166 White House city, TN...................................................... 10,255 Wichita city, KS ............................................................ 382,368 Williamsburg city, VA ..................................................... 14,068 Willowbrook village, IL ..................................................... 8,540 Wilmington city, NC ...................................................... 106,476 Wilsonville city, OR ......................................................... 19,509 Windsor town, CO ........................................................... 18,644 Windsor town, CT ........................................................... 29,044 Winnetka village, IL ........................................................ 12,187 Winter Garden city, FL .................................................... 34,568 Woodbury city, MN ......................................................... 61,961 Woodinville city, WA ....................................................... 10,938 Woodland city, CA .......................................................... 55,468 Wyandotte County, KS ................................................. 157,505 Yakima city, WA.............................................................. 91,067 York County, VA.............................................................. 65,464 Yorktown town, IN ............................................................ 9,405 Yorkville city, IL .............................................................. 16,921 Yountville city, CA ............................................................ 2,933 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 173 Minnesota Benchmark Comparisons Table 158: Question 1 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 98% 3 34 Higher Table 159: Question 2 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Overall feeling of safety in Edina 96% 5 26 Higher Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 86% 5 21 Similar Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 91% 7 21 Similar Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 80% 4 19 Similar Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 93% 3 20 Higher Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 94% 1 20 Higher Overall economic health of Edina 94% 1 20 Higher Sense of community 74% 2 24 Similar Overall image or reputation of Edina 89% 5 25 Higher Neighborliness of residents in Edina 76% 2 17 Higher Table 160: Question 3 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 94% 7 20 Similar Remain in Edina for the next five years 90% 8 20 Similar Table 161: Question 7 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark In your neighborhood 97% 8 20 Similar In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 94% 12 21 Similar Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 174 Table 162: Question 9 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Traffic flow on major streets 53% 19 20 Similar Ease of public parking 61% 9 12 Similar Ease of travel by car in Edina 75% 15 22 Similar Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 46% NA NA NA Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 65% 12 20 Similar Ease of walking in Edina 65% 16 21 Similar Availability of paths and walking trails 79% 11 21 Similar Air quality 89% 7 17 Similar Cleanliness of Edina 95% 4 21 Higher Public places where people want to spend time 86% 2 18 Higher Variety of housing options 51% 18 22 Similar Availability of affordable quality housing 32% 23 26 Lower Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 84% 5 20 Similar Recreational opportunities 87% 2 24 Higher K-12 education 90% 3 20 Higher Adult educational opportunities 89% 1 18 Much higher Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 1 19 Higher Employment opportunities 70% 1 25 Higher Shopping opportunities 93% 1 21 Much higher Cost of living in Edina 51% 9 19 Similar Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 92% 1 21 Higher Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 78% 1 17 Higher Opportunities to volunteer 81% 1 19 Higher Opportunities to participate in community matters 76% 1 18 Higher Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 175 Table 163: Question 13 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Police services 92% 2 33 Higher Fire services 98% 1 27 Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services 98% 1 19 Higher Crime prevention 94% 1 21 Higher Fire prevention and education 96% 1 21 Similar Traffic enforcement 81% 1 20 Similar Street repair 60% 8 28 Similar Street cleaning 81% 2 21 Higher Street lighting 77% 2 24 Similar Snow removal 87% 1 35 Higher Sidewalk maintenance 79% 1 21 Higher Traffic signal timing 69% 2 20 Similar Bus or transit services 62% 6 17 Similar Garbage collection 89% 2 16 Similar Recycling 84% 9 23 Similar Yard waste pickup 84% 1 12 Similar Storm drainage 81% 5 25 Similar Drinking water 69% 18 25 Similar Sewer services 89% 6 24 Similar Utility billing 83% 3 18 Similar City parks 94% 5 24 Similar Recreation programs or classes 93% 1 21 Higher Recreation centers or facilities 89% 2 20 Higher Land use, planning and zoning 53% 18 24 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 72% 3 25 Similar Animal control 82% 2 27 Similar Economic development 74% 6 22 Similar Public health services 88% 2 15 Higher Public information services/communication from the City 82% 2 18 Similar Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 55% 3 16 Similar Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 3 21 Similar Edina open space 70% 6 18 Similar City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's Eve Party, etc.) 78% 3 16 Similar Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 89% 2 32 Similar Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 176 Table 164: Question 14 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 78% 1 33 Higher The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 65% 5 21 Similar Overall confidence in Edina government 64% 7 20 Similar Generally acting in the best interest of the community 62% 10 20 Similar Treating all residents fairly 65% 7 19 Similar Table 165: Question 16 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Knowledge 92% 4 11 Similar Courtesy 92% 2 5 Similar Responsiveness 88% 5 11 Similar Overall customer service 88% 2 31 Similar Table 166: Question 31 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark Appearance 85% NA NA NA Online information and services offered 81% NA NA NA Ease of navigation/ability to find information 56% NA NA NA Overall quality of the City of Edina website 75% 2 7 Similar Table 167: Question D1 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to Minnesota benchmark What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? 27% 15 18 Similar Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 177 Minnesota Benchmark Comparison Communities The communities included in the Minnesota comparisons are listed below along with their population according to the 2010 Census. Albert Lea city, MN ........................................................ 18,016 Bloomington city, MN .................................................... 82,893 Brooklyn Center city, MN............................................... 30,104 Chanhassen city, MN .................................................... 22,952 Coon Rapids city, MN .................................................... 61,476 Dakota County, MN ..................................................... 398,552 Duluth city, MN .............................................................. 86,265 Eagan city, MN ............................................................... 64,206 Eden Prairie city, MN ..................................................... 60,797 Edina city, MN ................................................................ 47,941 Elko New Market city, MN ............................................... 4,110 Golden Valley city, MN .................................................. 20,371 Hastings city, MN .......................................................... 22,172 Hopkins city, MN ........................................................... 17,591 Hutchinson city, MN ...................................................... 14,178 Lakeville city, MN........................................................... 55,954 Lonsdale city, MN ............................................................ 3,674 Mankato city, MN .......................................................... 39,309 Maple Grove city, MN .................................................... 61,567 Maplewood city, MN ...................................................... 38,018 Minneapolis city, MN ................................................... 382,578 Minnetrista city, MN ........................................................ 6,384 Montgomery city, MN ...................................................... 2,956 New Brighton city, MN .................................................. 21,456 New Hope city, MN ........................................................ 20,339 New Ulm city, MN .......................................................... 13,522 North Mankato city, MN ................................................ 13,394 Olmsted County, MN ................................................... 144,248 Prior Lake city, MN ........................................................ 22,796 Ramsey city, MN............................................................ 23,668 Rogers city, MN ............................................................... 8,597 Rosemount city, MN ...................................................... 21,874 Roseville city, MN .......................................................... 33,660 Savage city, MN ............................................................. 26,911 Scott County, MN ........................................................ 129,928 Shakopee city, MN......................................................... 37,076 Shoreview city, MN ........................................................ 25,043 St. Louis County, MN ................................................... 200,226 Victoria city, MN .............................................................. 7,345 Washington County, MN ............................................. 238,136 Woodbury city, MN ........................................................ 61,961 Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 178 Appendix E: Survey Methodology Developing the Questionnaire The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey was first administered in 2011. General resident surveys, such as this one, ask recipients their perspectives about the quality of life in the city, use of city amenities, opinions on policy issues facing the city and assessments of city service delivery. The 2019 survey instrument was developed by starting with the version from the previous implementation in 2017. A list of topics was generated for new questions; topics and questions were modified to find those that were the best fit for the 2019 questionnaire. The City elected to add a page of questions to the 2019 survey so, through an iterative process between City staff and NRC staff, a final six-page questionnaire was created. The City of Edina funded this research. Please contact Jennifer Bennerotte of the City of Edina at JBennerotte@EdinaMN.gov if you have any questions about the survey. Selecting Survey Recipients “Sampling” refers to the method by which households were chosen to receive the survey. All households within the City of Edina were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving Edina was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since some of the zip codes that serve the City of Edina households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the community, the exact geographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using the most current municipal boundary file (updated on a quarterly basis) and addresses located outside of the City of Edina boundaries were removed from consideration. Each address identified as being within City boundaries was further identified as being within the northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest quadrant of the city. To choose the 1,500 survey recipients, a systematic sampling method was applied to the list of households previously screened for geographic location. Systematic sampling is a procedure whereby a complete list of all possible households is culled, selecting every Nth one, giving each eligible household a known probability of selection, until the appropriate number of households is selected. Multi-family housing units were selected at a higher rate as residents of this type of housing typically respond at lower rates to surveys than do those in single-family housing units. An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the cover letter accompanying the questionnaire. Survey Administration and Response Rate Each selected household was contacted three times starting on February 15, 2019. First, a prenotification announcement was sent, informing the household members that they had been selected to participate in the City of Edina Quality of Life Survey. Approximately one week after mailing the prenotification, each household was mailed a survey containing a cover letter signed by the City Manager enlisting participation. The packet also contained a postage-paid return envelope in which the survey recipients could return the completed questionnaire Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 179 directly to NRC. A reminder letter and survey, scheduled to arrive one to two weeks after the first survey, was the final contact. The second cover letter asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those who had already done so to refrain from turning in another survey. Each wave of the cover letter accompanying the survey included a web link for residents to visit if they preferred to take the survey online. The survey was available only in English. The mailings were sent in February and March of 2019. Completed surveys were collected over the following six weeks. About 7% of the 1,500 surveys mailed were returned because the housing unit was vacant or the postal service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the 1,401 households presumed to have received a survey, 427 completed the survey (96 of which were completed online), providing a response rate of 30%. Response rates by geographic quadrant ranged from a low of 25% in the southeast quadrant to a high of 41% in the northwest quadrant of the city. The response rates were calculated using AAPOR’s response rate #21 for mailed surveys of unnamed persons. Table 168: Response Rate by Quadrant Quadrant Number Mailed Number Undeliverable Number Received Number Returned Response Rate Northeast 267 13 254 105 41% Northwest 406 25 381 118 31% Southeast 616 50 566 143 25% Southwest 211 11 200 61 31% Overall 1,500 99 1,401 427 30% Confidence Intervals and Margin of Error The 95% confidence interval (or “margin of error”) quantifies the “sampling error” or precision of the estimates made from the survey results. A 95% confidence interval can be calculated for any sample size, and indicates that in 95 of 100 surveys conducted like this one, for a particular item, a result would be found that is within 5% of the result that would be found if everyone in the population of interest was surveyed. The practical difficulties of conducting any resident survey may introduce other sources of error in addition to sampling error. Despite best efforts to boost participation and ensure potential inclusion of all households, some selected households will decline participation in the survey (referred to as non-response error) and some eligible households may be unintentionally excluded from the listed sources for the sample (referred to as coverage error). While the margin of error for the survey is generally no greater than plus or minus 5% around any given percent reported for all respondents, results for subgroups will have wider confidence intervals. Where estimates are given for subgroups, they are less precise. For each subgroup from the survey, the margin of error rises to as much as plus or minus 10% for a sample size of 100 completed surveys. 1See AAPOR’s Standard Definitions here: http://www.aapor.org/Standards-Ethics/Standard-Definitions-(1).aspx for more information Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 180 Survey Processing (Data Entry) Mailed surveys were returned via postage-paid business reply envelopes. Once received, staff assigned a unique identification number to each questionnaire. Additionally, each survey was reviewed and “cleaned” as necessary. For example, a question may have asked a respondent to pick two items out of a list of five, but the respondent checked three; staff would choose randomly two of the three selected items to be coded in the dataset. Once all surveys were assigned a unique identification number, they were entered into an electronic dataset. This dataset is subject to a data entry protocol of “key and verify,” in which survey data were entered twice into an electronic dataset and then compared. Discrepancies were evaluated against the original survey form and corrected. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. NRC used SurveyGizmo, a web-based survey and analytics platform, to collect the online survey data. Use of an online system means all collected data are entered into the dataset when the respondents submit the surveys. Skip patterns are programmed into system so respondents are automatically “skipped” to the appropriate question based on the individual responses being given. Online programming also allows for more rigid control of the data format, making extensive data cleaning unnecessary. A series of quality control checks were also performed in order to ensure the integrity of the web data. Steps may include and not be limited to reviewing the data for clusters of repeat IP addresses and time stamps (indicating duplicate responses) and removing empty submissions (questionnaires submitted with no questions answered). Weighting the Data The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey respondents reflective of the larger population of the community. This is done by: 1) reviewing the respondent demographics and comparing them to the population norms from the most recent Census or other sources and 2) comparing the responses to different questions for demographic subgroups. The demographic characteristics that are least similar to the Census and yield the most different results are the best candidates for data weighting. Several different weighting “schemes” are tested to ensure the best fit for the data. The variables used for weighting were respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own) and geographic location of the respondent’s residence. No adjustments were made for design effects. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the table on the following page. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 181 Table 169: 2019 City of Edina Weighting Table Characteristic Population Norm1 Unweighted Data Weighted Data Housing Rent home 25% 16% 25% Own home 75% 84% 75% Detached unit 58% 61% 59% Attached unit 42% 39% 41% Race and Ethnicity White 90% 93% 89% Not white 10% 7% 11% Not Hispanic 98% 99% 97% Hispanic 2% 1% 3% Sex and Age Female 54% 59% 54% Male 46% 41% 46% 18-34 years of age 18% 8% 17% 35-54 years of age 37% 22% 37% 55+ years of age 45% 70% 46% Females 18-34 9% 4% 9% Females 35-54 19% 11% 18% Females 55+ 26% 43% 26% Males 18-34 9% 3% 8% Males 35-54 18% 9% 18% Males 55+ 19% 28% 19% Geographic Quadrant* Northeast 22% 25% 22% Northwest 28% 28% 28% Southeast 34% 33% 34% Southwest 16% 14% 16% 1Source: 5-year estimates from the 2015 American Community Survey *Source: Sample list purchased from Go-Dog Direct Analyzing The Data The electronic dataset was analyzed by NRC staff using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). For the most part, frequency distribution ratings are presented in the body of the report. A complete set of frequencies for each survey question is presented in Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions. Also included are results by respondent characteristics (Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics). Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of selected survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 182 words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. Where differences between subgroups are statistically significant, they have been marked in the appendices. Comparing to Prior Survey Results For reporting comparability, the “don’t know” responses from past years data were removed in order to match the reporting of the 2015 and later survey data which shows the percentages without “don’t know” to focus on the results from those who had an opinion about a particular service or activity. Edina’s survey data were collected by phone in 2013 and prior. In 2015, the City switched data collection from phone to mail. Research is clear that a change in the method of survey data collection, by itself, will result in a change in results if the shift is from telephone administration to self-administration or vice versa. The change occurs even without change in resident perspectives and is attributed to the different environment that a survey respondent confronts when providing answers to a person on the telephone compared to offering private anonymous opinions. Questions by phone elicit more positive, optimistic, socially-desirable responses than do the same questions asked on a written self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire brings out more candid responses. As a consequence of the switch in methodology, a general decline in ratings was both expected and observed; an average of about 12 percentage points (after the removal of “don’t know” responses). Thus, NRC adjusted down the findings from 2013 and prior by this average difference for the most extreme differences in order to maximize the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are not influenced by the decline that is attributable to the change in data collection mode from phone to mail. While the adjusted findings for data prior to 2015 reasonably control for the expected change from phone to mail data collection, the comparability of data over time does have some limitations. Not only is there sampling error in each survey administration, but also, the methods change occurred after a two-year gap in survey administrations and some question wording was inconsistent among survey years. Because of the overall shift in the methodology and related survey changes, NRC recommends that any change in ratings or reported behaviors be viewed with caution and that Edina consider differences of more than 10 percentage points from previous years to be large enough to signal a genuine change in opinion from 2013 and 2011. Differences that do not reach this threshold should not be considered changes worthy of further interpretation. Edina, MN 2019 Quality of Life Survey Report May 2019 Prepared by National Research Center, Inc. Page 183 Appendix F: Survey Materials The following pages contain copies of the survey materials sent to randomly selected households within the City of Edina. Dear Edina Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better community! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager Dear Edina Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better community! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager Dear Edina Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better community! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager Dear Edina Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better community! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 February 2019 Dear Edina Resident: Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2019 Quality of Life Survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make decisions that affect our community. A few things to remember:  Your responses are completely anonymous.  In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most recently had a birthday should complete this survey.  You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the survey online at: Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications & Technology Services Department at 952-826-0359. Thank you for your time and participation! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager ENC www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 March 2019 Dear Edina Resident: Here’s a second chance if you haven’t already responded to the 2019 Quality of Life Survey! (If you completed it and sent it back, we thank you for your time and ask you to recycle this survey. Please do not respond twice.) Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2019 Quality of Life Survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make decisions that affect our community. A few things to remember:  Your responses are completely anonymous.  In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most recently had a birthday should complete this survey.  You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the survey online at: Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications & Technology Services Department at 952-826-0359. Thank you for your time and participation! Sincerely, Scott H. Neal City Manager ENC The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Please complete this questionnaire if you are the adult (age 18 or older) in the household who most recently had a birthday. The adult’s year of birth does not matter. Your responses are anonymous and will be reported in group form only. 1. How would you rate the quality of life in Edina?  Excellent  Good  Fair  Poor  Don’t know 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Overall feeling of safety in Edina ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 Quality of overall natural environment in Edina ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Health and wellness opportunities in Edina ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall economic health of Edina ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sense of community ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall image or reputation of Edina ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborliness of residents in Edina .................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t likely likely unlikely unlikely know Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks ................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Remain in Edina for the next five years.................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Why did you choose to live in Edina? (Please check all that apply.)  Family lives here/born or raised here  Affordable housing  Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.)  Job was here (or nearby)  Attractive community  Good neighborhoods  Good schools  Safe community  Other: ___________________________ 5. What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don’t safe safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know In your neighborhood ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 In the 50th & France area (downtown area) .......................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 In the Southdale area ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very Somewhat Not Don't welcoming Welcoming welcoming welcoming know For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are Black or African American .............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are Hispanic ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native ................................ 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are White ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 For people whose first language is not English ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are not U.S. citizens ............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 For people who have a lower income .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are of Christian faith .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are of Jewish faith ................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are of Muslim faith ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are of Buddhist faith ............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are of Hindu faith .................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 For people who are agnostic or atheist ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Page 2 of 6 9. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Traffic flow on major streets .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of public parking .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by car in Edina ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of walking in Edina ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of paths and walking trails .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Air quality ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness of Edina ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public places where people want to spend time ............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Variety of housing options ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality housing ...................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) ...................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreational opportunities ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 K-12 education .............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Adult educational opportunities ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Employment opportunities ............................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Shopping opportunities .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Cost of living in Edina ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina .................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to volunteer ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in community matters ...................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 10. Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Appearance ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Taste .................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Odor .................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Hardness ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Reliability ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Safety ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a Minor Moderate Major Extreme Don’t problem problem problem problem problem know Traffic speeding in your neighborhood ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stop sign violations in your neighborhood .................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Violent crime ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drugs ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Youth crimes .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vandalism and property crimes ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Identity theft .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Domestic abuse .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 12. First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. Once or 3 to 12 13 to 26 More than Don’t Never twice times times 26 times Excellent Good Fair Poor know Trails ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Dog parks/off-leash areas ................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborhood parks ........................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Large community athletic fields ....... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Edinborough Park ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Centennial Lakes Park ..................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Aquatic Center ...................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Senior Center ........................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Arena (ice arena) ............... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Art Center ............................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Golf Course ....................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Golf Dome ........................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Field (sports dome) ............ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Page 3 of 6 13. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Police services .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire services ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ambulance or emergency medical services ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Crime prevention ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire prevention and education ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic enforcement ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street repair ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street cleaning ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street lighting ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Snow removal .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sidewalk maintenance ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic signal timing ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Bus or transit services ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Garbage collection ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Recycling ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Yard waste pickup .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Storm drainage .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Drinking water ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sewer services .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Utility billing ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 City parks ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Park maintenance .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Condition of trails and sidewalks ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation programs or classes .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation centers or facilities ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Land use, planning and zoning .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Animal control ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Economic development ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public health services ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public information services/communication from the City ............................... 1 2 3 4 5 Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) .................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) ............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Edina open space ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year’s Eve Party, etc.) ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina .................................. 1 2 3 4 5 14. Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement ............... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall confidence in Edina government .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Generally acting in the best interest of the community...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Treating all residents fairly ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 15. Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person? (Please select all that apply.)  I have not contacted the City  go to question 17  Engineering  Planning/Economic Development  General information  Finance  Police  Assessing  Fire  Public Works  Building Inspections  Health  Street Maintenance  City Clerk  Human Resources  Utilities  City Manager/Administration  I.T./Technology services  Utility Billing  Communications  Parks & Recreation  Other: ________________ 16. Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Knowledge ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Courtesy ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Responsiveness ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall customer service .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Page 4 of 6 17. Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are…  Very high  Somewhat high  About average  Somewhat low  Very low  Don’t know 18. To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level?  Strongly support  Somewhat support  Somewhat oppose  Strongly oppose  Don’t know 19. All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track?  Right direction  Wrong track  Why? _______________________________________________________________________________  Don’t know 20. Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community?  Yes  No  Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________  Don’t know 21. How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city?  Essential  Very important  Somewhat important  Not at all important  Don’t know 22. Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong .................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Helping new residents feel connected and integrated ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds ........ 1 2 3 4 5 23. How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina?  Very well  Somewhat well  Somewhat poorly  Very poorly  Don’t know 24. The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?  Strongly support  Somewhat support  Somewhat oppose  Strongly oppose  Don’t know 25. Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community?  Strongly support  Somewhat support  Somewhat oppose  Strongly oppose  Don’t know 26. How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t agree agree disagree disagree know Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate change .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy efficiency and climate resiliency .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green building and development standards ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net zero emissions ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Page 5 of 6 27. First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Don’t Very Somewhat Not at all Don’t Excellent Good Fair Poor know Essential important important important know Energy conservation and efficiency programs ..... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces ........ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land .................................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Increasing renewable energy programs ............. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Adapting to climate change ............................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Composting collection services .......................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Water conservation programs ........................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) .................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 28. Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don’t know About Town City magazine .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Parks & Recreation Activities Directory .................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Edina Sun-Current newspaper ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Edition: Edina monthly newsletter ................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Star-Tribune newspaper ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 City’s website (www.EdinaMN.gov)............................................................... 1 2 3 4 Edina TV ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 City employees ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 City Council Members .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Direct mail updates ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 NextDoor ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus .................................... 1 2 3 4 City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) ................................................. 1 2 3 4 Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors ......................................... 1 2 3 4 29. How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping informed of City activities? Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Don’t know The magazine About Town .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The newsletter Edition: Edina .............................. 1 2 3 4 5 30. Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months?  No  go to question 32  Yes  go to question 31 31. Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Appearance ................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Online information and services offered ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of navigation/ability to find information ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of the City of Edina website ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Edina 2019 Quality of Life Survey Page 6 of 6 Our last questions are about you and your household. Again, all of your responses to this survey are completely anonymous and will be reported in group form only. 32. To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? Not a Minor Moderate Major Don't concern concern concern concern know Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Having access to health care .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) ............ 1 2 3 4 5 Running out of food before you had money to buy more ................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage ....................................... 1 2 3 4 5 D1. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:  Very positive  Somewhat positive  Neutral  Somewhat negative  Very negative D2. What is your employment status?  Working full time for pay  Working part time for pay  Unemployed, looking for paid work  Unemployed, not looking for paid work  Fully retired D3. Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina?  Yes, outside the home  Yes, from home  No D4. How many years have you lived in Edina?  Less than 2 years  11-20 years  2-5 years  More than 20 years  6-10 years D5. Which best describes the building you live in?  One-family house detached from any other houses  Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium)  Other D6. Is this house or apartment...  Rented  Owned D7. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners’ association [HOA] fees)?  Less than $600 per month  $1,500 - $2,499 per month  $600 - $999 per month  $2,500 or more per month  $1,000 - $1,499 per month D8. How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all sources for all persons living in your household.)  Less than $25,000  $100,000 to $149,999  $25,000 to $49,999  $150,000 or more  $50,000 to $99,999 D9. Do any children 17 or under live in your household?  No  Yes D10. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?  No  Yes D11. Do you speak a language(s) other than English at home?  No, English only  go to question D12  Yes  which language?  Persian/Farsi  Spanish  Chinese  Korean  Vietnamese  Russian  Other: ____________  Hmong D12. Is English your first language?  No  Yes D13. What is your religious or spiritual identity? (Check all that apply.)  Agnostic  Jewish  Atheist  Muslim  Buddhist  Spiritual, but no religious affiliation  Christian  No affiliation  Hindu  Other (please specify)______________ Please respond to both questions D14 and D15: D14. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?  No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino  Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino D15. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.)  American Indian or Alaskan Native  Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander  Black or African American  White  Other D16. What other races, if any, are represented in your home? (Check all that apply).  American Indian or Alaskan Native  Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander  Black or African American  White  Other D17. In which category is your age?  18-24 years  45-54 years  65-74 years  25-34 years  55-64 years  75 years or older  35-44 years D18. What is your gender/gender identity?  Female  Male  Prefer to identify another way Thank you for completing this survey. Please return the completed survey in the postage-paid envelope to: National Research Center, Inc., PO Box 549, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2019-43 Approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Edina Market Street Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion adopting Resolution No. 2019-43 approving the P reliminary & Final Plat. INTRODUCTION: On May 22, 2019, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-43: Approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Edina Market Street Staff Report: Planning Commission, May 22, 2019 Plat/Registered Land Survey Approved Plans RESOLUTION NO. 2019-43 APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR EDINA MARKET STREET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 The City of Edina and Edina Market Street LLC are requesting Preliminary & Final Plat (RLS) to create lots consistent with the constructed Edina Market Street project on the north side of Market Street. The purpose of the request is simply to create tracts for the uses and elevations within the project for the Edina HRA to sell Tracts B & C to the developer, and retain ownership of Tract A. 1.02 The owner of the described land desires to Plat said tract into the following described new parcel described as follows: See attached Exhibit A. 1.03 On May 22, 2019 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Plat on a Vote of 8-0. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed subdivision meets the required standards and ordinance for a subdivision. 2. The resulting uses meet all zoning ordinance requirements. Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Final Plat as proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-43 Page Two Adopted this 4th day of June 2019. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 4, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2019. _________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk May 22, 2019 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Preliminary & Final Plat for Edina Market Street Information / Background: The City of Edina and Edina Market Street LLC are requesting a subdivision to create lots consistent with the constructed Market Street project on the north side of Market Street. The purpose of the request is simply to create tracts for the uses and elevations within the project for the Edina HRA to sell Tracts B & C to the developer, and retain ownership of Tract A. (See the proposed RLS Plat.) There are no changes proposed to the approved development plan. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Duplexes, and apartments; zoned R-2 Double Dwelling District and PRD-4, Planned Residential District, and guided HDR, High Density Residential, and Low Density Attached. Easterly: Retail uses; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Southerly: Retail uses on 50th; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Westerly: Offices and the US Post Office; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Existing Site Features The subject property contains the north parking ramp with two retail buildings. Planning Guide Plan designation: MXC, Mixed Use Center. Zoning: PCD-2, Planned Commercial District STAFF REPORT Page 2 Park Dedication No park dedication is required. This property was originally platted as 4 lots. The proposed division is to three lots. Therefore, park dedication has already been paid. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the proposed Preliminary and Final Plat of the lots on Market Street that creates tracts for the retail space within the parking ramp to be sold. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed subdivision meets the required standards and ordinance for a subdivision. 2. The resulting uses of the project meet all zoning ordinance requirements. Deadline for a City Decision: July 16, 2019 Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance 2019-06: Approve Second Reading of Residential Rental Housing Licensing Program Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve second reading of Ordinance 2019-06 Amending City Code Chapter 10 Concerning Rental Licensing. INTRODUCTION: The first reading of Ordinance 2019-06 was conducted on May 21, 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Residential Rental Housing Licensing Program Ordinance No. 2019-06: Residential Rental Housing Licensing Program June 4, 2019 Mayor and Council Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator Ordinance 2019-06: Approve Second Reading of Residential Rental Housing Licensing Program Information / Background: The 2018 Police Department- Public Health Division Work Plan included an item to: ‘research and develop a rental housing inspection and licensing program for implementation in Q1 of 2019.’ City staff from multiple departments contributed to the development of a program framework and met with City Council at a work session in December 18, 2018 to give an update on progress and receive feedback. This item continued on the 2019 Work Plan, to: ‘Create and implement Residential Rental Housing Licensing and Inspection Program, including ordinance development, staffing, office space, vehicles, and equipment. On-board three new full-time staff members.’ After additional discussion and development in 2019, the staff recommendation is as follows: To implement a residential rental housing licensing and inspection program for the following reasons: • Help ensure the health, safety and welfare of Edina residents in rental housing • To move from reactive to proactive enforcement • Create a connection point between City and residents in rental housing • To create an inventory of rental housing in the City • To adopt crime-free rental housing provisions • To provide an affordable housing and tenant protection enforcement mechanism This new program will be operated within the Public Health Division of the Police Department. Code enforcement is currently done on a complaint basis by Public Health staff and the rental housing program will use the same codes. The program will require the addition of two field inspectors and one administrative staff person. Annual license fees will be collected from residential rental property owners to fund the program. Staff anticipate initial fees will be $180 for a single family unit, and $180 plus an additional $17 per unit for apartment buildings. Licensing will apply to property leased for 30 days or longer, as short- term residential rental is not a permitted use in the City. Second reading and Council vote on adoption of the ordinance is planned for June 4th, 2019. 1 200377v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING RENTAL LICENSING THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 10 of the City Code is amended by adding Article XVIII to read as follows: Article XVIII - Rental Licensing 10-220. Purpose: The purpose of this Article is to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of rental dwellings in the City of Edina and to ensure that rental housing in the city is safe, sanitary and operated and maintained not to become a nuisance to the neighborhood and community. 10-221. Intent: The intent of this Article is that a permanent mode of protecting and regulating the living conditions of citizens of the city be established; and that uniform standards be established and applicable for all rental dwellings in the city; and to provide a means for imposing license fees to help the City defray the costs necessary for housing inspections and enforcement of this section. This section does not supersede or limit any other applicable ordinance or law. This section applies to all rental dwellings whether or not a valid license is in effect. 10-222. Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. APARTMENT BUILDING. Apartment building means a residential building having not less than three dwelling units in a single building with at least one dwelling unit occupying a different story than other dwelling units in the same building. (Edina zoning code definition) CITY MANAGER. The City Manager or the City Manager's designated agent DWELLING UNIT. Dwelling unit means one or more rooms connected together, but which is or are separated from all other rooms in the same building, which room constitutes, or rooms constitute, a separate, independent unit with facilities for cooking, sleeping and eating, and used for residential occupancy. A room or rooms shall be deemed to be a dwelling unit if it contains or they contain facilities for cooking, sleeping and eating, if it or they can be separated from all other rooms in the same building, if access can be gained without entering or passing through any living space of another dwelling unit, and if it is or they are used for residential occupancy. If a dwelling unit has 2 200377v1 an attached garage, then the attached garage is deemed a part of the dwelling unit. (Edina zoning code definition) LET FOR OCCUPANCY or TO LET. To permit possession or occupancy of a dwelling or living unit by a person who is not the legal owner of record thereof, pursuant to a written or unwritten lease, or pursuant to a recorded or unrecorded agreement whether or not a fee is required by the agreement. OCCUPANT. Any person living or sleeping in a dwelling; or having possession of a space within a dwelling. OPERATE. To let for occupancy or to let. OPERATOR/MANAGER. Any person who has charge, care or control of a structure or premises which is let or offered for occupancy. OWNER/LICENSEE. Any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded in the official records of the state, county or municipality as holding title to the property; or otherwise having control of the property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person, and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court, or any person representing the actual owner. PERSON. An individual, corporation, firm, association, company, partnership, organization or any other group acting as a unit. RENT. To let for occupancy or to let. RENTAL DWELLING. Any apartment building or dwelling unit let for occupancy. Rental Dwelling does not include hotels, motels, hospitals and homes for aged. STRUCTURE. Structure means anything built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, and including, without limitation, towers, poles and fences except parking lots and driveways. 10-223. License Required: It is unlawful to operate a rental dwelling in the city without first having obtained a license from the City Manager. Licenses are renewed on an annual basis and are valid from May 1 to April 30. 10-224. Fees: License fees are in the amount set in City Code Section 2-724. 10-225. Application: 3 200377v1 (A) Applications for licenses must be made in writing to the City Manager by the owner or operator. Failure to complete a license application may result in delay or suspension of the application process and civil and criminal penalties. In cases where the owner of a rental dwelling lives outside a 50-mile radius of the rental dwelling, the owner must name an operator living within the 50-mile radius of the rental dwelling. (B) All applications must include: (1) Owner's name, address and telephone number. In cases where the owner is an individual, one of the following is required: driver's license number, state identification number, or date of birth. (2) Operator's name, address, phone number and driver's license number or state identification number or date of birth. (3) Signature of owner or operator. (4) Name, address and phone number of Management Company, manager or managing officer. (5) Legal address of the rental dwelling. (6) Number and type of living units within the rental dwelling. (7) Date of the most recent certificate of compliance. (8) Owner or Operator E-mail address. 10-226. Rental History: The City may consider the applicant’s rental property management history when making the determination to issue or renew a rental license. An applicant that has a majority ownership interest or management role in other rental properties that are, or have been in the preceding five years, suspended, or revoked, will be ineligible for new or additional rental licenses for a period of five years from the suspension, or revocation. At the end of that five-year period of license ineligibility, upon re-application the applicant must demonstrate to the issuing authority and the Housing Inspector that the applicant is willing and able to manage the property in a manner that is consistent with the public health, safety and welfare and in compliance with all applicable laws. An applicant who is denied a rental license will receive written notice of the denial, the reasons therefore and the procedure by which the applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. 10-227. License Transfer: No licensee has the right to transfer a license to any other person or property. 4 200377v1 10-228. Display of License: Rental licenses must be posted in every rental dwelling. The license for each apartment building must be conspicuously posted at or near the front entrance, a public corridor, hallway or lobby of the apartment building for which it is issued. 10-229. Tenant Register: Licensees must, as a continuing obligation of a license, maintain a current register of tenants and other persons who have a lawful right to occupancy of rental dwellings within an apartment. In its application, the licensee must designate the person or persons who will have possession of the register and must promptly notify the City Manager of any change of the identity, address or telephone numbers of such persons. The register must be available for inspection by the City Manager at all times. 10-223. Point of Conversion Inspection: Whenever a dwelling is converted to a rental unit, the dwelling shall be licensed and inspected for compliance with the minimum standards set forth in this code. The fee for the conversion required by this section shall be in the amount set in City Code Section 2-724. This fee shall be in addition to the annual rental license fee. This provision shall not apply to buildings containing more than two dwelling units. 10-224. Conduct on Rental Property: (A) It is the responsibility of the owner/licensee to see that persons occupying a rental dwelling conduct themselves in such a manner as not to cause the premises to be disorderly. For purposes of this section, a rental dwelling is disorderly when any of the following types of conduct occur under any of the following provisions: (1) Sec. 8-241 and Chapter 23, Article II of this code (animal noise and public nuisances). (2) Sec. 22-123 of this code (noisy parties). (3) Sec. 22-164 of this code (unlawful possession, delivery or purchase) or violation of laws relating to the possession of controlled substances as defined in M.S. §§ 152.01 et seq. (4) Sec.22-49 – 22-52 of this code (disorderly conduct) or laws relating to disorderly conduct as defined in M.S. § 609.72. (5) Sec. 22-49 – 22.52 of this code (unlawful sale of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 malt liquor) or laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor as defined in M.S. §§ 340A.701, 340A.702 or 340A.703. (6) Laws relating to prostitution or acts relating to prostitution as defined in M.S. § 609.321, Subdivision 9 and 609.324, housing individuals engaged in prostitution. 5 200377v1 (7) Sec.22-78 – 22-80 of this code (weapons) or laws relating to unlawful use or possession of a firearm as defined in M.S. §§ 609.66 et seq., on the licensed premises. (8) Laws relating to assault as defined in M.S. § 609.221, et seq. (9) Laws relating to contributing to the need for protection or services or delinquency of a minor as defined in M.S. § 260C, et seq. (10) M.S. § 609.33, relating to owning, leasing, operating, managing, maintaining or conducting a disorderly house or inviting or attempting to invite others to visit or remain in a disorderly house. (11) M.S. § 609.50 which prohibits interference with a police officer. (12) M.S. § 609.713 which prohibits terroristic threats. (13) M.S. § 609.715 which prohibits presence of unlawful assembly. (14) M.S. § 609.71 which prohibits riot. (15) M.S. §§ 609.226 and 347.56, relating to dangerous dogs. (16) M.S. § 609.78 which prohibits interfering with "911" phone calls. (17) M.S. §§ 609.75 through 609.76, which prohibits gambling. (18) M.S. § 243.166 (Predatory Offender Registration). (19) M.S. § 609.229 (Crime committed for benefit of a gang). (20) M.S. § 609.26, subdivision 1(8) (causing or contributing to a child being a runaway). (21) M.S. § 609.903 (Racketeering). (B) Conduct enforcement. The City Manager is responsible for enforcement and administration of this article. (C) Upon determination by the City Manager that a rental dwelling was used in a disorderly manner, as described in paragraph (A) of this section, the City Manager must give notice to the owner/licensee of the violation and direct that steps be taken to prevent further violations. 6 200377v1 (D) If a second instance of disorderly use of a rental dwelling occurs within the 12- month period following an incident for which a notice in paragraph (C) of this section was given, the City Manager must notify the owner/licensee of the violation and must also require the owner/licensee to submit a written report of the actions taken, and proposed to be taken to prevent further disorderly use. This written report must be submitted to the City Manager within ten business days of receipt of the notice of disorderly use and must detail all actions taken by the owner/licensee in response to all notices of disorderly use within the preceding 12 months. (E) If a third instance of disorderly use of a rental dwelling occurs within the 12- month period following any two previous instances of disorderly use for which notices were given, the City Manager must notify the owner/licensee of the violation and must also require the owner/licensee to submit a written report of the actions taken, and proposed to be taken, to prevent further disorderly use. The 12-month period begins on the date of the police report generated in response to the first instance of disorderly use. The written report must be submitted to the City Manager within ten business days of receipt of the notice of disorderly use and must detail all actions taken in response to all notices of disorderly use within the preceding 12 months. (F) After the third instance of disorderly use, the City Manager may deny, revoke, suspend or not renew the license for the premises. Before such an action, the City Manager must give to the owner/licensee written notice of a hearing before the City Manager to consider such denial, revocation, suspension or non-renewal. Such written notice must specify all violations of this section, and must state the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing. The hearing must be held no less than ten days and no more than 30 days after giving such notice. (G) Following the hearing, the City Manager may deny, revoke, suspend or decline to renew the license for all or any part or parts of the rental dwelling or may grant a license upon such terms and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section. (H) The decision made by the City Manager to deny, revoke, suspend, decline to renew a license or the terms and conditions of approval may be appealed to the City Council by filling a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within 10 days after the Manager’s decision. (I) No adverse license action shall be imposed where the instance of disorderly use occurred during the pendency of eviction proceedings (unlawful detainer) or within 30 days of notice given to a tenant to vacate the premises where the disorderly use was related to conduct by that tenant or by other occupants or guests of the tenant's unit. Eviction proceedings are not a bar to adverse license action, however, unless they are diligently pursued by the licensee. 7 200377v1 (J) A determination that a rental dwelling has been used in a disorderly manner as described in paragraph (A) of this section shall be made upon a fair preponderance of the evidence to support such a determination. It is not necessary that criminal charges be brought in order to support a determination of disorderly use nor does the fact of dismissal or acquittal of such a criminal charge operate as a bar to adverse license action under this section. (K) All notices given by the city under this section must be personally served on the owner/licensee, sent by certified mail to the owner/licensee's last known address or, if neither method of service effects notice, by posting on a conspicuous place on the rental dwelling. (L) Enforcement actions provided in this section are not exclusive, and the City Manager may take any action with respect to a licensee, a tenant, or a rental dwelling as is authorized by the city code, state or federal law. The City Manager may postpone or discontinue any enforcement action, including an action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license, if it appears that the owner/licensee has taken appropriate measures to prevent further instances of disorderly use. 10-225. Enforcement: (A) Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the owner and operator/manager to be in compliance with this section, other city ordinances and state laws. (B) Maintenance standards. Every rental dwelling must maintain the standards in the City Property Maintenance Code, Chapter 20, Article VI of this code, in addition to any other requirement of the ordinances of the city or special permits issued by the city, or the laws of the State of Minnesota. (C) Inspections and investigations. (1) The City Manager is authorized to make inspections to enforce this subchapter. (2) All designated agents authorized to inspect have the authority to enter, at all reasonable times, any rental dwelling. Prior to entering a rental dwelling, the designated agent must first present proper credentials and request entry. (3) Compliance orders must be written in accordance with Section 107 of the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code. (4) There is no fee charged for an initial inspection to determine the existence of a housing maintenance code violation, nor any fee for the first re- inspection to determine compliance with an order to correct a housing maintenance code violation. 8 200377v1 (a) A fee will be charged for each subsequent re-inspection occurring after the due date for compliance with an order, as determined by the City Manager. The amount of the re-inspection fee is set in City Code Section 2-724. (b) The re-inspection fees prescribed above are to be billed directly to the owner or operator/manager for the property upon completion of any re-inspection for which a fee is required. Failure to pay such fees is grounds for denial, revocation, suspension, or non-issuance of a rental dwelling license. This subdivision is not to be considered the exclusive method of collecting re-inspection fees and does not preclude collection by other lawful means. (c) Every notice of violation and order to correct housing code violations must contain a clear and conspicuous explanation of the policy in this section requiring re-inspection fees for subsequent re-inspection. (d) The City Manager may waive a re-inspection fee in case of error, mistake, injustice, or other good cause. (D) Revocation, suspension, denial or non-renewal of license. (1) The City Manager may revoke, suspend, deny or decline to renew any license issued under this subchapter for part or all of a rental dwelling upon any of the following grounds: (a) False statements on any application or other information or report required by this subchapter to be given by the applicant or licensee; (b) Failure to pay any application, penalty, re-inspection or reinstatement fee required either by this section or City Council resolution; (c) Failure to correct deficiencies in the time specified in a compliance order; (d) Failure to allow an authorized inspection of a rental dwelling; (e) Violation of an owner's duties under M.S. §§ 299C.66 to 299C.71 ("Kari Koskinen Manager Background Check Act"); (f) Any other violation of this subchapter. 9 200377v1 (2) Before the City Manager may revoke or suspend a license, written notice must be sent to the applicant or owner/licensee setting forth the alleged grounds for the potential action. The notice must also specify a date for a hearing before the City Council. The notice will be mailed by regular mail to the licensee at the most recent address listed on the license application. At the hearing, the owner/licensee may present witnesses in their defense. The City Council will make the final decision to revoke or suspend the license based upon the entire record. (3) A decision to revoke, suspend, deny or not renew a license or application will specify the part or parts of the rental dwelling to which it applies. Until a license is reissued or reinstated, no rental units becoming vacant in such part or parts of the rental dwelling may be re-let or occupied. Revocation, suspension or non-renewal of a license will not excuse the owner/licensee from compliance with all terms of this section for as long as any units in the rental dwelling are occupied. (4) Failure to comply with all terms of this section during the term of revocation, suspension or non-renewal is a misdemeanor and grounds for extension of the term of revocation, suspension or continuation of non- renewal of the license. (5) Appeals of any decision made by the City Manager must be made to the City Council. (E) Posting of Unlicensed Properties. Any dwelling found in violation of this subchapter may be posted with a placard near or upon the main entrance of the dwelling indicating violation of Edina City Ordinance. Section 2. This ordinance is effective after November 4, 2019 following passage and publication. First Reading: May 21, 2019 Second Reading: June 4, 2019 Published: ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor 10 200377v1 Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:West 58th Street Reconstruction Public Engagement Report Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, for discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Staff will report on the public participation pilot to date, provide a summary about the feedback and detail next steps. ATTACHMENTS: Description Public Engagement Report: West 58th Street Reconstruction Typical Section Exhibit Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 1 CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT REPORT PROJECT: WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION ENGAGEMENT PLAN DECISION TO BE MADE - Decide on final concept of West 58th Street reconstruction from Wooddale Avenue to Xerxes Avenue - Project Decision: Staff will make a recommendation to City Council PROJECT TIMELINE - December 2018 through June 2019 - Council decision June 4, 2019 - Construction tentatively scheduled for 2020 PARTICIPATON LEVEL CONSULT - Goal: We will work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure that public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered. - Promise: We will work to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. PROCESS 1. Information Gathering 2. Initial Design Concept 3. Final Design/Concept 4. Approval 5. Close the Loop STAKEHOLDERS - Adjacent Property Owners - Pamela Park Neighborhood Association - Chowen Neighborhood Association - Parks and Recreation Commission - Running Community - Cycling Community - Hennepin County - School District - City of Minneapolis - Transportation Commission ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 2 ENGAGEMENT REPORT The West 58th Street Reconstruction project has served as the official pilot for using public participation protocol developed by the International Association for Public Participation. West 58th Street was also a catalyst for the City pursuing a more robust on-line engagement platform, now known as Better Together Edina. This engagement website was soft launched using West 58th Street project as the focus project. PROJECT BACKGROUND In 2018, the City of Edina tentatively scheduled the reconstruction of West 58th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Xerxes Avenue for 2020. The main goal of the City’s public engagement efforts was to develop a road design reflecting the needs and interests of residents. The project development and public engagement timeline included 3 stages: 1) identify resident needs, 2) initial design alternative, 3) final design/concept. The engagement plan was bolstered by using the Better Together Edina website. The website allowed residents to participate in the process online the same way individuals participate at in-person meetings. Online questions and activities allowed the City to reach more residents and develop deeper understanding of the community interests. The website allowed residents to join forum discussions, provide design/ideas feedback, ask questions and stay up- to-date on West 58th Street progress. The following public engagement report includes in-person and online feedback together to show all input was equally valuable. The input received through Better Together Edina, the Open House and the Small Group Discussions influenced the final concept of the West 58th Street Reconstruction project. BETTER TOGETHER EDINA PROJECT PAGE - Site Visits: 2.1K - Aware Visitors: 1.3K - Informed Visitors: 627 - Engaged Visitors: 87 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SUMMARY Stage Techniques Measures 1 Identify Resident Needs - Open House (Feb. 25) - 45 attendees - On-line Mapping - 30 contributors - 319 pins 2 Initial Design - Small Group Discussions (April 4,8,15,18) - 32 participants - On-line Forums - 34 contributors - 255 contributions 3 Final Design/Concept - On-line survey - TBD ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 3 DESIRED INPUT The public input process was designed around answering these the following questions: 1. Should the bike facilities be on street or off street? 2. Should on-street parking be provided, if so 1 or 2 sides? 3. Should there be more than 1 off street pedestrian facility? 4. Should we go above normal practice with storm sewer options? Scope of Project – During this process, the public can influence decisions related to the street design including: - Bike Facilities - Parking - Lighting - Pedestrian Facilities - Storm Sewer Opportunities (tree trenches, infiltration basins, rain gardens, etc.) Outside of Project - Sanitary sewer and watermain Decisions Already Made - Bike facility will be included, although could be combined with a pedestrian facility - At least one sidewalk will be included and could be combined with a bike facility STAGES OF PARTICIPATION STAGE 1: IDENTIFICATION OF RESIDENT IDEAS, USE PATTERNS AND INTERESTS IN THE CORRIDOR SUMMARY Public engagement for the project began in February 2019. Residents were invited to attend the Open House on Feb. 25 or provide feedback using the Better Together Edina website. The project team mailed 3,038 postcards inviting residents to attend the Open House. The Open House was held from 6-8 p.m. at our Public Works Facility (7450 Metro Boulevard). The goal of the Open House was to focus on listening to ideas, use patterns and interests. Residents were given the opportunity to document comments and discuss issues with the project team. Several activity boards were utilized to solicit feedback on the corridor. “Interest stickers” were provided to point out areas of interest on corridor maps. Stickers provided were meant to reflect common interests during a construction project. All participants were encouraged to provide more detailed comments in comment cards. Open house attendees were recruited to participate in Small Group Discussions to review initial corridor design concepts. Participants also had the opportunity to sign up for Small Group Discussions online. 51 residents signified interest in participating in Small Group Discussions. All Open House comments collected were summarized into the nine interest topics below. Comments were then used to develop an initial design concept layout for deeper focus group discussions. FINDINGS FROM STAGE 1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Residents generally feel West 58th is a dangerous corridor for pedestrians. The lack of current pedestrian facilities was a clear theme. Many noted the need to provide safe pedestrian access to Pamela Park. Several mentioned concerns for children’s safety walking to the park and school. Some residents that live in the area are compelled to drive to the park, rather than walk a close distance. Residents suggested a combined bike and pedestrian facility at the Open House. It was suggested that a facility be separated from the roadway to improve safety. Many ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 4 residents felt that the current bike lane is unsafe. Residents mentioned witnessing several bike related crashes. Motor Vehicle Facilities Residents were clear that they are mostly interested in pedestrian safety and bicycle safety. Residents feel that drivers travel too fast throughout the corridor. Residents noted that the hills in the corridor also create a variety of sightline issues. Residents mentioned existing challenges in backing out of the driveway with speeding vehicles and dangerous sight lines. Property Impacts Communications regarding property impacts was suggested to be a priority. Concerns about driveway impacts were the most common comment. Residents are interested in how they might be impacted specifically. Residents commented on the potential loss of parking and landscaping impacts. Landscaping Residents felt that the addition of landscaping could be used as a traffic calming measure. Several residents had concerns about construction impacts to mature trees. There is an interest to protect and preserve mature trees as much as possible. Lighting Several areas of lighting needs were identified on activity boards at the open house. Comments regarding lighting were focused on dark areas around Pamela Park. Stormwater Pamela Park stormwater was the most pressing noted concern at the Open House. Residents would like to protect Pamela Park from pollution and invasive species. Residents feel that stormwater systems are inadequate for heavy rain. Transit Facilities A few residents commented on bus transit or access. Some comments suggested the importance of pedestrian facilities to allow residents to walk to the bus stops. Wildlife Safety Other comments included the concern for turtle and wildlife safety. Several requests for turtle crossing signs or other strategies. STAGE 2: INITIAL DESIGN CONCEPT SUMMARY After the Open House and website comments were gathered, an initial design concept was developed. This concept helped facilitate deeper dialogues with residents during Small Group Discussions and online forums. The concept allowed residents to react to an option and potential alternatives. Reactions to the initial concept helped staff understand if the design was headed in a productive direction. Below is a high-level reflection of the interests gathered in Stage 1 and how they were incorporated into the initial design concept. CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Topic AreaTopic AreaTopic AreaTopic Area what we heard in Stage what we heard in Stage what we heard in Stage what we heard in Stage 1111 how we used the inpuhow we used the inpuhow we used the inpuhow we used the inputttt Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities - Lack of pedestrian facilities - Lack of crossing at Pamela Park - Separate bikes from vehicles - Added crosswalk at Pamela Park - Added lighting at Pamela Park - Path separated from automobiles for bicycles and pedestrians on north side of 58th - Added a bike and pedestrian facility on the northern side of West 58th Motor Vehicle Facilities - Vehicles travel too fast - Sightline Issues - Narrowed lane width - Added boulevard with trees - Suggested mini-roundabout ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 5 Property Impacts - Keep us informed - Driveways, retaining walls, fences - Will hold one-on-one meetings - Lannon stone retaining walls if less than 4-ft in height - Tree replacements will be provided if trees are removed Landscaping - Use landscaping for traffic calming - Save mature trees - Added boulevard with trees - One-for-one tree replacement - Consider weaving path Lighting - Lighting focused on dark areas and around Pamela Park - Attractive lighting - Added lighting near Pamela Park Stormwater - Protect Pamela Park - Fixing pooling stormwater - Added curb and gutter - Suggested tree trenches, and other stormwater filtration systems Transit Facilities - Lack of Bus Transit access - Benches and Trash receptacles - Opposition to bus routes along 58th - A need to walk to the bus stops - Communicated with Metro Transit - Added a bike and pedestrian facility on the northern side of West 58th Wildlife Safety - Many turtles are hit by cars - Turtle crossing signs or underground tunnel suggested Other - Unsafe for pedestrian and bike - Busy Events - Roundabout or crosswalk suggested - Parking bay added FINDINGS FROM STAGE 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Residents who participated in the Small Group Discussions agreed that traffic needs to be calmed along West 58th Street and that narrowing the street is a reasonable option. Residents noted that the main contributors to unsafe conditions surround the hills in the corridor. West 58th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Brookview Avenue was noted for poor sight lines and high vehicle speeds. Residents also have common interests in a reduction of slope on hills along the corridor. Online respondents had mixed feelings regarding the idea of narrowing the street. Several residents felt it would be acceptable if a separated bike and pedestrian path is part of the design. Others were concerned about narrowing of the lanes causing backups, particularly for drivers attempting to turn off West 58th Street onto side streets and driveways. A dynamic crosswalk and flashing pedestrian signs were requested over the mini- roundabout option at West 58th Street and the entrance to Pamela Park. Residents had negative opinions about the increased safety and effectiveness of the mini-roundabout. Some residents suggested adding a vertical element in the middle of the roundabout, such as a tree or artwork, that could help people better understand how to navigate through it. There was also concern that children are less familiar with roundabouts and would not know how to safely cross the street. Other residents expressed concerns that headlights will be shining into the adjacent properties. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 6 Residents would like to see improved pedestrian facilities at West 58th Street and Xerxes Avenue. Residents requested marked crosswalks specifically for the adjacent bus stop. Residents are unsure that providing a turn lane here would help as suggested in the initial design. Residents who addressed this question online were supportive of the addition of turn lanes. Concerns were also expressed about the steep hill at this intersection and the possibility of it being regraded. One resident suggested the possibility of a sign that alerts drivers to the blind hill. Poor sightlines were noted at the intersection of West 58th Street and Kellogg Avenue. Residents followed the theme of feeling the intersection is dangerous for both cars and pedestrians. Some suggested a southern sidewalk, as well as a marked crosswalk to access the northern pedestrian facilities. To alleviate the blind spot, residents suggested adding a “Blind Approach” sign at the bottom of the hill. Residents also expressed similar crosswalk concerns at West 58th Street and Halifax Avenue. Residents are concerned about children crossing at West 58th Street and Oaklawn Avenue. A sidewalk will help alleviate this concern. Residents also agreed that narrowed lanes and reduced vehicle speeds would also help. Some residents feel that adding a stop sign for eastbound traffic could alleviate safety concerns and make turning left onto Oaklawn Avenue easier. A stop sign for westbound traffic at this intersection would cause more safety concerns during icy conditions. One resident mentioned that stop signs have been on West 58th Street before; residents had the stop signs removed due to traffic backups. Other comments included the continued support of calming the vehicle traffic and pointed out there are no speed limit signs from Concord Avenue to France Avenue. A few residents voiced support for the corridor section to be consistent with the design between Concord Avenue and Wooddale Avenue. A combined path for bicycles and pedestrians was not popular among residents during focus groups. Many residents felt strongly that for pedestrian safety is the critical issue. Many felt that bike and pedestrian facilities should be separated from each other. Concerns about bicycle speed and potential conflicts with pedestrians (children) was common. Many felt as though a combined path would be dangerous and that bicycles belong on the street in a separated bike lane. Online participants wanted a clearer understanding of what separated bike and pedestrian facilities may look like. Most online participants were also against the bike and pedestrian facilities being combined into a facility that is separated from vehicles in the road. Residents asked whether a narrower pedestrian path could leave room for a bike lane on the southern side of the street. Residents noted that bicycle commuters typically default to riding in the road regardless. Residents were most concerned about children bicycle users who are going to and from school. Residents appeared to agree that those children would use the narrower sidewalk, and this would be a reasonable outcome. A few residents were worried about the safety of bikers on the street without any bike facility. Residents felt that buffered bike lanes or shared bike lanes made sense on the southern side of the street. Residents also questioned whether the community needed a full bike path that is not connected to other regional paths and destinations. Several residents mentioned that bikers often use Philbrook Lane to avoid the large hill and suggested considering adding bicycle facilities on this street could help avoid pedestrian interaction. Small Group Discussion participants appeared to be near consensus that a smaller, concrete sidewalk on the north side of West 58th Street would be preferable. Some residents felt that the north side would be the preferred location because it receives more sunlight in the winter. Residents feel that concrete sidewalks better fit the look and feel of the rest of the neighborhood and are easier to maintain. Many of the online respondents ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 7 also advocated for a concrete sidewalk and bike lane on the southern side of the road. Many did not like the idea of a bituminous path. Some online participants seemed to disagree on the placement of the pedestrian facilities. Some see the south side of the street as the best option. There may be a perception that southern facilities have less driveway impacts and could limit vehicular interaction. Further study of impacts to properties may be warranted as the project design is refined. There was a noted request for a sidewalk on both sides of the street near Pamela Park. For example, residents requested that the southern sidewalk be extended east to Halifax Avenue from Pamela Park. This would reduce the number of roadway crossings for residents coming from the neighborhood south of West 58th Street and west of France Avenue; residents would prefer not to cross the street twice to enter the park. Residents generally requested more frequent marked crosswalks. Adding crosswalk signs and other pedestrian awareness strategies are of interest. Appropriate pedestrian curb ramps were also suggested as needed. Several residents requested a flashing crosswalk sign near Pamela Park, dynamic speed display signs or other strategies to pedestrian safety. Accidents between cars and bicyclists were also noted as frequent. Motor Vehicle Facilities Many Small Group Discussion participants would like the parking bay to be removed from consideration. Existing parking was noted, as well as the creation of more sightline issues. Alternative ideas included expanding existing parking lots near the Pamela Park tennis court. There was also a concern that parking bays would make the street appear wide and consequently drivers will speed through the area. One Small Group suggested that the parking bay is moved to the west to accommodate those residents that will lose on-street parking and do not have adjacent side streets. There was some agreement that on-street parking is needed west of France Avenue. Concern about a parking shortage was most expressed by residents impacted by the proposed northern path or sidewalk through their driveways. Residents along the corridor, in general, are concerned about losing driveway parking spots. Online comments regarding parking were mixed. Some thought it could be an interesting solution, others thought that a marked crosswalk at Philbrook Lane would eliminate the need for a parking bay. Others opposed removing on-street parking along West 58thStreet, especially near Pamela Park. Property Impacts Residents want the opportunity to work one-on-one with the City on major impacts to properties. Residents prefer design options that have the least impact to their properties. Some residents requested a deeper cost/benefit analysis of installing a sidewalk on the north versus south side of West 58th Street. Residents want to be informed of potential impacts before final decisions are made. Residents expressed the interest for a single point of contact for questions throughout the decision-making process. Residents requested that the City mail notices to residents who will be impacted before major decisions are made. There was also the interest in mailers and other communication to be very brightly colored or branded in a recognizable way. Residents felt they did not fully understand the impacts to their property yet and would appreciate ongoing communications from the City. Most residents liked the Lannon stone walls proposed at focus groups. One commenter noted a preference for the same material (Lannon stone) that was used along Xerxes Avenue between W 60th Street and West 56th Street. Landscaping A loss of the existing tree canopy is a concern. Residents feel it may take too long to regrow after tree removal. Residents feel that mature trees are an essential part of the neighborhood character. Residents understand that a trade-off may be needed to accommodate sidewalks. Residents asked the City to carefully weigh the trade-offs ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 8 between designing a sidewalk to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and preserving existing trees. Residents would particularly appreciate the preservation of mature trees. Residents suggested “weaving” the sidewalk when necessary to avoid mature tree damage. One commenter cited West 58th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue as an example of sidewalk meandering. Residents suggested that trees are chosen that minimize the impact to sightlines when backing out of driveways. Residents requested trees that grow “upwards” and not “outwards”. Residents also asked that trees are used to slow traffic. There were a mix of ideas about another boulevard landscaping. Residents suggested having a grass boulevard or salt-tolerant plantings along the boulevard. Residents also suggested being careful to assess the viability of the plantings during harsh weather conditions. Residents are interested in using native plants in the landscaping plan. Lighting Residents felt that additional lighting is a good idea. Lighting is seen to increase safety and visibility near Pamela Park and at intersections along West 58th Street. Residents noted that lighting should be balanced along the corridor and added in areas that are currently particularly dark. Particularly dark areas identified include Halifax Avenue to Wooddale Avenue, the Oaklawn Avenue intersection and along Pamela Park. Residents are interested in more pedestrian-oriented lighting along the corridor. Residents suggested shorter lighting that is directed downwards at pedestrian facilities. One resident suggested a 3-4-foot-tall bollard style lights be installed mid-block to illuminate the sidewalk. Unnecessary artificial light shedding into residents’ windows or into the adjacent natural area should be avoided. Several residents noted that light pollution can be mitigated through use “Dark Sky” technology and suggested that the City explore this strategy. Residents also do not want to disturb Edina’s character. Residents suggested the use of light fixtures would create a sense of character for the corridor. One commenter noted the pedestrian lighting on West 58th Street between Concord Avenue and Wooddale Avenue as a good example of the preferred type of lighting. Stormwater Residents remarked that many intersections experience localized flooding. The intersection of West 58th Street and Beard Avenue, in particular, was noted as a bad area. Residents questioned why West 58th Street seems to collect stormwater so heavily. Residents agreed with the City’s recommendation to have curb and gutter installed throughout the corridor. Residents would like the City to explore channeling stormwater into adjacent park ponds and other natural areas. Residents also suggested the City communicate how the final concept augments water conservation efforts. Residents were also concerned about water quality and are interested in solutions that allow stormwater to infiltrate back into the local soil. A resident asked if a system that filters stormwater before it enters the storm sewer system could be used. Residents are interested in proposed rain gardens, tree trenches and any other options that effectively manage stormwater. The City noted that the maintenance of raingardens would typically fall upon residents. Residents felt that the maintenance of storm sewer systems (including rain gardens) should fall upon the City. A resident responded that not all residents would be able to maintain rain gardens and that the City inquire if a resident is able to maintain a rain garden prior to installation. One resident had a concern about whether children could fall into tree trenches or other stormwater treatment systems. Other residents hoped that the installation of tree trenches and other stormwater systems would not damage the roots of existing trees. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 9 Transit Facilities Residents noted interest in heated bus shelters at West 58th Street and Xerxes Avenue, and West 58th Street and France Avenue. A bus shelter with a bench was also requested at Wooddale Avenue and West 58th Street for children and faculty traveling to school. A few comments were made regarding bus operators and pedestrian safety. Residents noted the need for bus drivers to exercise more caution when crossing at France Avenue and Xerxes Avenue. Some noted no interest in transit routes along West 58th Street. Animal Safety Residents advocated for animal safety and the importance of wildlife. Residents were interested in both a “turtle tunnel” and a sign to make drivers aware of wildlife crossing the road. Residents noted that a turtle crossing sign should be balanced with other traffic calming measures. Some thought the addition of too many signs will result in non- compliance. Residents suggested that a turtle expert be consulted to ensure that efforts would be effective. Other One resident expressed a desire for the project to be used as an educational opportunity. This may include using sidewalks as canvasses to teach children and adults about community history and other subject areas. The City could consider additional components like sidewalk art, wayfinding and educational markers. Other residents would like the City to consider installing additional trash receptacles to accommodate more pedestrians in the area. STAGE 3: FINAL DESIGN After the Small Group Discussions and website forums closed, the plan developed a final design concept. This concept would reflect comments from the public received in Stage 2. Engineering staff and the consultant reviewed the comments prior to starting a design. STAFF COMMENT REVIEW 1. “Final design” was not the best term to use as part of this process. The result of this public participation will not be the final design, but rather a final concept to begin more detailed design. 2. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan recommended greater use of shared-use paths, based on resident guidance toward connecting schools, parks and neighborhoods with safe and comfortable facilities. The majority of the recommended shared-use paths form Edina’s Twin Loops, which serve as the backbone of the City’s pedestrian and bicycle networks. 3. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan noted a portion of West 58th Street as part of the Twin Loops network (Pamela Park entrance to Wooddale Avenue). 4. Define the users of the shared-use path as all ages and abilities such as kids, families, casual cyclists and the “interested but concerned” user group that would prefer a facility separated from motor vehicles. 5. The existing street is not centered within the right-of-way. Alternatives try to better balance impacts within the right-of-way. 6. Staff has concerns related to the tone of comments which refer to a specific side of the street. Typically, that means a resident who lives on one side of the street requests a feature be constructed on the opposite side. 7. Comments provided at the May 7 City Council Meeting were already received as part of Stage 2 of the defined participation process. All comments provided during the Stage 2 were considered to ensure fair and balanced participation. Comments at all stages should be considered equally. 8. Staff decided to continue the public participation process to answer the following questions: - Feedback about Alternates A, B, and C layouts i. Participation will stipulate that West 58th Street between Wooddale Avenue and France Avenue could have a different street section than France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 10 - Extent of street lighting improvements (noting that street lighting is an assessable project cost and already exists at all intersections) 9. Additional graphics were created to provide better visuals of potential impacts when separating bikes and pedestrians. 10. Structural changes to make the street feel narrower to drivers has been successful in slowing vehicles in other areas. These techniques include narrower lane widths and planting trees close to the edge of the road to make the driver feel more confined. FINAL CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Topic AreaTopic AreaTopic AreaTopic Area what we heard in Stage 2what we heard in Stage 2what we heard in Stage 2what we heard in Stage 2 what we what we what we what we ddddid id id id Bikes and Pedestrian Facilities - Add bike lane on southern side of West 58th Street - Separate pedestrians from bikes - Concrete sidewalk on the north side of West 58th Street - More frequent crosswalks - Add flashing crosswalk signs at Pamela Park - Cost/benefit of south vs. north sidewalk - Southern sidewalk along Pamela Park - Consider southern sidewalk in other areas - Do not use bituminous pavement on shared-use path - Route bikes thru Pamela Park or Philbrook Lane - Recommend extending public engagement to gather feedback on Alternates A, B and C - Alt. C provides on-street bike facilities - Alt. B & C provide a concrete sidewalk - All options provide crosswalk markings with activated flashers at Pamela Park - All options provide a pedestrian facility on the south side from Halifax Avenue to Pamela Park - Crosswalks at other intersections will be considered based on the City’s Pedestrian Crossing Policy, which stipulates how crossing treatments should be installed based on use and context. Pedestrian counts can be collected prior to construction or after construction. Additional marked crosswalks can be installed after construction with minimal impacts. - Alt. A has a narrower overall width that reduces overall impacts but requires a shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists - Bike routes on other streets will not be considered as part of this project based on guidance from the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Staff recommends the shared-use path be bituminous pavement for the following reasons: • It is less likely to heave and displace than concrete sidewalk panels • It can be repaired quicker and more easily than concrete • It melts snow and ice more rapidly than concrete • The material is less expensive and easier to recycle • Industry standard for shared-use paths ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 11 Vehicle Safety & Speeding - Narrow lanes to slow traffic - Improve sightline issues - Add speed radar sign - Add sightline signage - Prefer dynamic crosswalk at Pamela Park - No mini-roundabout - All options provide narrow auto lanes to slow traffic but Alt. C feels wider with the additional of on-street bike lanes - Final design will attempt to improve sightlines in vertical / horizontal directions considering property impacts - There may be trade-offs in traffic calming interests and sightline issues that will need to be discussed during one-on-one resident meetings - Speed limit signs will be added. Driver feedback signs will be considered based on industry standards and guidance from the Traffic Safety Committee. - Signage for blind driveways ahead will be added where grade changes are not possible - All options provide a marked crosswalk with activated flashers at Pamela Park - Mini-roundabout removed from consideration Parking - Remove Pamela Park parking bay - Consider parking bay west of park - Consider expanding existing parking lot at park - Consider on-street from France to Wooddale - Parking bay along Pamela Park removed from consideration - Parking bay west of Pamela Park on City property not considered due to topography and sightlines concerns - Parking expansion at Pamela Park outside of the project scope - On-street parking from France Avenue to Wooddale Avenue not considered due to comments about greater impacts to property, trees and availability of parking on adjacent side streets Driveway Impacts - One-on-one meetings with residents - Mail colorful/branded notices to residents - Discuss impacts before final decisions - Have single point of contact for questions - Individual meetings to discuss impacts before bidding is a standard practice for the street reconstruction program for issues such as trees, driveway changes outside the right-of-way, landscaping, etc. - Each driveway is unique and may have different solutions - A variety of communication techniques are used for street reconstruction projects, including letters, project web pages, door hangers, etc. - Standard street reconstruction practice is for 2 points of contact: the project manager for questions related to design and process and an engineering technician for construction questions. - Alt. A has the narrowest width that reduces impacts to driveways Retaining Walls - Lannon Stone is acceptable - Use consistently in corridor - Lannon stone retaining walls under 4-ft in height is a City standard - Retaining walls greater than 4-ft in height require different materials to ensure safety of the public - Depending on height required, there may be different style retaining walls ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 12 - Edina will also be working with individual property owners whose retaining walls and fences on City property will be affected by construction. There will likely be a need for construction of new retaining walls Tree Impacts and Replacement - Use trees for traffic calming on Blvd. - Preserve mature trees by “weaving” sidewalk - Plant trees that will not cause sightline issues - Grass boulevard or salt-tolerant plantings - Use native plants and trees - Assess plantings for harsh winter conditions - Intend to plant City Forester-approved trees within the boulevard based on individual resident input on type and whether or not they want trees - Mature trees will be protected as much as possible while maintaining the minimum width requirements and working with individual property owners - Boulevard will be a combination of grass and trees or other landscaping based on input from individual residents and the City Forester - Alt. A has the narrowest width that reduces impacts to trees Lighting - Lighting focused on dark areas - Pedestrian-oriented lighting along corridor - Lighting should match neighborhood character - Mitigate light pollution with Dark Sky technology - Lighting will be provided at Pamela Park entrance - Input requested from residents to determine if the project should replace cobra head light fixtures with a more decorative acorn lighting style at intersections from Wooddale Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. Acorn style currently exists between Concord Avenue and Wooddale Avenue - New lights will be Dark Sky-approved - If lighting is requested by residents, staff feels the lighting should be located on the north side of intersections with Alternative A and the south side of intersections with Alternative B and C Stormwater - Fixing flooding areas along corridor - Install curb and gutter along corridor - Channel water into natural pond - Filter water with native soils - Communicate water conservation applications - Evaluate drain tiles, tree trenches, rain gardens - Efforts will be made to improve drainage. Due to the elevation of the street in relation to the stormwater ponds and Minnehaha Creek, flooding will not be completely solved - Concrete curb and gutter will be installed. - Water currently enters stormwater treatment ponds adjacent to 58th Street near Pamela Park - Invisible tree trenches to route and use the water will be investigated with input from residents Animal Safety - Add turtle crossing sign or passage - Consult turtle expert for solution - Will consult with studies and/or experts on this concern during final design - Concerned with sign pollution based on other signage needs Bus Transit - Heated bus shelters and benches - Trash receptacles for trash/or cigarettes. - Pedestrian facilities needed to walk to bus stops - Shelters, benches and trash receptacles are a Metro Transit consideration; comments will be forwarded for their consideration - Pedestrian facilities will be provided Other - Incorporate educational elements into the design such as sidewalk art, wayfinding, and educational markers - City does not have policy to address these types of design comments ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 13 NEXT STEPS CITY COUNCIL - No action CITY STAFF City staff will provide one more engagement opportunity. The goal of the last point of engagement is to gather feedback about alternate design concepts and lighting. LESSONS LEARNED To continue to improve strategies around public participation, City staff want to continue to gain knowledge from past projects and use these experiences for future projects. Evaluating and documenting the process will provide us with guidance as to which aspects of the process worked well and which may require some improvement. 1. Titles & Definitions Selecting more descriptive titles to reflect where we are in the process would have been beneficial. For example, using the phrase “final design” versus “final design concept” has a different connotation to the residents, and may have inaccurately relayed a message that no additional public input would be considered. Also, providing more detailed definitions of the project components from the beginning would have allowed residents and the City to engage in conversations from a more level playing field. For example, the City could have better defined the potential impacts that section widths have on the various design components (on-street bike lanes, parking lanes, concrete sidewalk, shared-use path, etc.). 2. Graphics Visually communicating the impacts and trade-offs for these types of projects in an effective manner has long been a challenge for the Engineering Department. West 58th Street brought this challenge to another level due to the number of different design components and options residents could consider. Improved graphics could have helped explain potential property impacts, specifically related to the options for pedestrian and bike facilities. 3. Updates Better Together Edina was effective in informing residents about key steps in the process (Open House, online surveys, Small Group Discussions). However, equally necessary were updates in between these key steps. For example, after the Small Group Discussions concluded and the online forums were closed (effectively ending Stage 2), a number of residents were unclear what the next step in the process would be and whether they would be permitted to provide additional feedback on a revised concept. Additionally, the City could have better explained at the onset of this project that there would be less-active stages in the process to allow the City time to synthesize all of the input received. 4. Topic Creation Areas Dividing this large project into smaller topic areas for input was beneficial for the City in understanding the specific concerns of the residents. However, this became challenging as certain topic areas are inextricably linked. For example, the desire to minimize property impacts is at direct odds with the desire for separated facilities for pedestrians, bikes and vehicles. A suggestion for future projects would be to use early stage engagement to ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 58TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I CITY OF EDINA 14 establish the priorities and desires of the residents, followed by another stage of engagement to discuss any areas of competing interests. 5. Stage 1 – Gathering Information The tools utilized in Stage 1 to gather information from residents (the Open House “interest sticker” exercise and the online mapping tool) were particularly worthwhile. Because these tools both featured a geographic element as opposed to traditional questionnaires, staff could literally visualize and better understand the topics of interest among the residents and put them in context of the entire project area. K:\013448-000\Cad\Exhibits\013448-000_typical exhibit FINAL.dgn 5/29/2019Date Printed: WSB Filename: 15' LANE 15' LANE West 58th Street Improvements City of Edina, Minnesota Typical Sections A C 12' LANE 12' LANE CLW 58th Street Lane Existing 58th Street from Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave 22' Lane Varies 15' - 18'Varies 15' - 18' EXISTING 8' 8'4'12'12' Lane LaneBlvd Proposed 58th Street from Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave CLW 58th Street6' ALTERNATIVE A 8'16' CLW 58th Street Lane Proposed 58th Street from Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave 8'4' BlvdLane 5'4' Blvd ALTERNATIVE B 7'8' 10' CLW 58th Street Lane Proposed 58th Street from Wooddale Ave to Xerxes Ave 6' Lane Bike 10' Lane 6' Lane Bike 5'4' Blvd ALTERNATIVE C 8' R/W North R/W South 12'12' B NStreet EdgeWB Existing Street EdgeEB Existing 12' LANE 12' LANE 10' LANE 10' LANE Legend Driveway - Concrete Roadway Curb Power Pole Boulevard Existing - R/W Ex-Ex A-A B-B C-C Ex Ex A A B B C C 10' PathWalk PathWalk Path Path Walk 1' R/W North R/W South R/W North R/W North R/W South 21' 15' SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 FRANCE AVE SKELLOGG AVEOAKLAWN AVEEWING AVE SBEARD AVE SABBOTT AVE SZENITH AVE SYORK AVE SDREW AVE SBROOKVIEW AVEPHILBROOK LANE H ALIFA X A VE S CHOWEN AVE SXERXES AVE SWOODDALE AVEPAMELA PARK LegendDISCLAIMER No Responsibility Is Assumed For Plans Developed Based On This Layout Adjacent To The Roadway Should Be Confirmed By Contacting: This Plan Will Change Prior To Construction. Any Plans For Development Disclaimer: Driveway - Bituminous Driveway - Concrete Roadway Curb Boulevard / Tree Trench Area Existing R/W Proposed Lighting 12' LANE 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' RTL 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE 12' LANE Path Walk 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE City of Edina, Minnesota West 58th Street Improvements May 28, 2019 ALTERNATIVE A SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 FRANCE AVE SKELLOGG AVEOAKLAWN AVEEWING AVE SBEARD AVE SABBOTT AVE SZENITH AVE SYORK AVE SDREW AVE SBROOKVIEW AVEPHILBROOK LANE H ALIFA X A VE S CHOWEN AVE SXERXES AVE SWOODDALE AVEPAMELA PARK LegendDISCLAIMER No Responsibility Is Assumed For Plans Developed Based On This Layout Adjacent To The Roadway Should Be Confirmed By Contacting: This Plan Will Change Prior To Construction. Any Plans For Development Disclaimer: Driveway - Bituminous Driveway - Concrete Roadway Curb Boulevard / Tree Trench Area Existing R/W Proposed Lighting 12' LANE 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' RTL 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE 12' LANE Path Walk 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE City of Edina, Minnesota West 58th Street Improvements May 28, 2019 ALTERNATIVE B SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 FRANCE AVE SKELLOGG AVEOAKLAWN AVEEWING AVE SBEARD AVE SABBOTT AVE SZENITH AVE SYORK AVE SDREW AVE SBROOKVIEW AVEPHILBROOK LANE H ALIFA X A VE S CHOWEN AVE SXERXES AVE SWOODDALE AVEPAMELA PARK LegendDISCLAIMER No Responsibility Is Assumed For Plans Developed Based On This Layout Adjacent To The Roadway Should Be Confirmed By Contacting: This Plan Will Change Prior To Construction. Any Plans For Development Disclaimer: Driveway - Bituminous Driveway - Concrete Roadway Curb Boulevard / Tree Trench Area Existing R/W Proposed Lighting 12' LANE 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 12' RTL 12' LANE 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE 12' LANE Path Walk 10' THRU/LEFT 12' RTL 12' LANE City of Edina, Minnesota West 58th Street Improvements May 28, 2019 ALTERNATIVE C Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:West 72nd Street Public Engagement Report Action, Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Affirm the design concept for West 72nd Street Roadway Reconfiguration and approve the public participation proposal for the West 72nd Street Pedestrian Safety Assessment. INTRODUCTION: Staff will report on the roadway reconfiguration design of West 72nd Street from France Avenue to Lynmar Lane as part of the adjacent development project, and the proposed trial of pedestrian safety improvements at the intersections of Cornelia Drive and Oaklawn Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: Description Public Engagement Report: West 72nd Street Roadway Reconfiguration Public Participation Proposal: West 72nd Street Pedestrian Safety Assessment ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION I CITY OF EDINA 1 CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT REPORT PROJECT 1 OF 2: WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION ENGAGEMENT PLAN DECISION TO BE MADE - Approve design concept for West 72nd Street between France Avenue and Lynmar Lane PROJECT TIMELINE - Council decision June 4, 2019 - Roadway reconstruction tentatively scheduled for 2021-2022 PARTICIPATON LEVEL CONSULT - Goal: We will work directly with the public to ensure that public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered. - Promise: We will work to ensure concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. STAKEHOLDERS - Residents in South Cornelia neighborhood - 7200/7250 developer (the Developer) ENGAGEMENT REPORT There are two projects under the West 72nd Street Living Streets Demonstration Project. This engagement report will focus on the Roadway Reconfiguration project. In conjunction with the Roadway Reconfiguration public input process, a second forum was launched to address pedestrian safety concerns at two intersections on West 72nd Street. The information gathered for safety concerns will be used to develop a new engagement plan for testing at the intersections. PROJECT BACKGROUND City Council directed Civil Site Group, the developer of 7200/7250 France Avenue, to include reconstruction of West 72nd Street from France Avenue to Lynmar Lane as part of their preliminary approval of the development project. This direction was given in response to concerns among residents in the adjacent South Cornelia neighborhood about the traffic impacts of the development. Staff worked with the Developer to formulate a roadway design that proactively addressed specific concerns voiced by residents. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION I CITY OF EDINA 2 STAGES OF PARTICIPATION STAGE 1: INITIAL DESIGN CONCEPT SUMMARY In crafting the design for this section of West 72nd Street, staff looked to incorporate as many design elements from the Living Streets Plan as feasible given the size of the project and the neighborhood context. The desired outcome of this project is to have an exemplar Living Streets roadway section, one that balances the needs of motorists, bicycles, pedestrians and transit riders in ways that promote safety and convenience, enhance community identity, create economic vitality, improve environmental sustainability and provide meaningful opportunities for active living and better health. The table below elaborates on each proposed design element and how they relate to the Living Streets guidance. PROPOSED LIVING STREETS DESIGN ELEMENTS Narrow Street West 72nd Street is classified as a Local Connector street, which means it serves as a connection between neighborhood, destinations and higher- level roadways. The recommended width of Local Connectors is 24-30’. Based on the neighborhood context and inclusion of other facilities (see On-Street Parking and Shared-Use Path), a 24’-width was determined to be appropriate. Horizontal Curve The primary goal of traffic calming is to slow motorists to a desired speed by using physical measures that alter driver behavior. The introduction of a slight curve along this section, combined with on- street parking (see below), may result is lower vehicle speeds (particularly for westbound vehicles entering the neighborhood from France Avenue). On-Street Parking Local Connectors are recommended to have one-sided or two-sided on- street parking, with the understanding that two-sided parking requires a wider roadway section. While on-street parking is currently prohibited along this roadway, Sunrise Senior Living (7128 France Avenue) expressed a desire for on-street parking adjacent to their property. Staff felt the allowance of parking on the north side of West 72nd Street would address this request and aid in traffic calming along the corridor. Shared-Use Path West 72nd Street currently has a 5’ sidewalk as is recommended by the Living Streets Plan. Although this roadway is not designated as an approved bicycle route by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, staff recommends upgrading the current sidewalk to a shared-use path in an effort to create a safe and convenient facility for all modes (pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles). Boulevard/Landscaping A standard 5’ boulevard shall be provided whenever possible to increase pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as provide space for snow storage. Boulevard also provide opportunities for trees, which improve the aesthetics of the streetscape and create a sense of enclosure that discourages drivers from speeding. Another opportunity created is that for treatment of stormwater runoff through biofiltration/retention practices. These can provide clean water, flood protection and increased wildlife habitat. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION I CITY OF EDINA 3 At the April 16 meeting, Council directed staff to gather public input on the current design being proposed by the developer. Staff created a forum to gather public input, hosted on Better Together Edina. BETTER TOGETHER EDINA PROJECT PAGE - Site Visits: 122 - Aware Visitors: 86 - Informed Visitors: 50 - Engaged Visitors: 7 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SUMMARY Stage Technique Measures 1 Initial Design Concept - Forum - 19 visitors - 22 contributions DESIRED INPUT The public input process was designed around answering the following question: 1. Tell us what you think about the proposed concept for the street between Lynmar Lane and France Avenue. Scope of Project – During this process, the public was able to influence decisions related to the street design including: - Street width - Horizontal alignment - Boulevard/landscaping - Shared-use path - Parking Outside Scope of Project - Street lighting - Access to/from 7200/7250 France Avenue STAGE 2: ALTERNATE DESIGN CONCEPT SUMMARY Feedback on the initial design helped staff understand which concerns of the residents were of higher priority and which proposed design elements were felt to have addressed those concerns. Based on this feedback, the initial design concept was adjusted. Below is a high-level reflection of the feedback gathered in Stage 1 and how it was incorporated into the alternate design concept. Initial Design Elements What we heard What we did Narrow Street Comments were mixed between those who supported the intended traffic calming strategy and those who felt it would not reduce non-local traffic volumes or speeds and may lead to more accidents. Concerns were also made about the impact to snowplowing operations. One resident expressed a concern about whether large vehicles would be able to Staff requested the Developer verify large vehicle turning movements through the initial design concept. No other change was made to the design concept. The City has constructed similarly narrow streets and received no indication from Public Works of negative impacts to snowplowing operations. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION I CITY OF EDINA 4 turn safely from France Avenue to West 72nd Street. Horizontal Curve Some residents did not feel that the curve by itself would have any effect on vehicle speeds entering the neighborhood; some were supportive. No change was made to the design concept. Staff feels the curve and boulevard trees will have a cumulative effect on vehicle speeds along West 72nd Street. On-Street Parking Many residents were unsupportive of allowing on-street parking on the north side of West 72nd Street. Staff has removed the on-street parking from the design concept. The proposed 24’ street width does allow for one-side parking to be permitted if necessary in the future. Shared-Use Path Residents were generally favorable to the proposed shared-use path, though some questioned whether such a facility could be extended further west into the South Cornelia neighborhood and potentially to Cornelia Elementary School. There may also be future opportunities to extend this shared-use path to the west and connect to proposed facilities on West 70th Street and Cornelia Drive. Boulevard/Landscaping Few comments were made specifically related to the proposed boulevard and landscaping, but all comments were supportive. No change was made to the design concept. STAFF COMMENT REVIEW A number of comments were directed towards elements that were determined to be outside the scope of this public participation process. While some of these elements were clarified using the Frequently Asked Questions tool on Better Together Edina, staff felt it valuable to address them in this report, as well: 1. Access to/from 7200/7250 France Avenue: Vehicle access will be allowed to the development site from West 72nd Street, France Avenue and Gallagher Avenue; however, the City and Hennepin County have placed certain restrictions on movements into and out of the site. From West 72nd Street, eastbound and westbound vehicles will be able to enter the site. Vehicles exiting 7200/7250 France Avenue onto West 72nd Street will only be allowed to make a right turn and travel eastbound towards France Avenue. This restriction was placed to minimize the amount of additional vehicles traveling through the adjacent residential neighborhood. From France Avenue, vehicles will only be permitted to make a southbound right turn in or a southbound right turn out. Access from Gallagher Avenue will be unrestricted. 2. Street lighting: Several comments were made regarding the current lack of street lighting at the intersection of West 72nd Street and France Avenue. The lack of existing City electrical service in the area makes this installation difficult. Staff has asked Xcel Energy, who owns the nearest adjacent street light, for an estimate on installing a new light at this intersection. Also, staff has asked the Developer if there may be an opportunity to install additional lighting at this intersection as part of the redevelopment project. NEXT STEPS CITY COUNCIL Staff recommends approval of the alternative design concept for West 72nd Street between France Avenue and Lynmar Lane. ENGAGEMENT REPORT I WEST 72ND STREET ROADWAY RECONFIGURATION I CITY OF EDINA 5 CITY STAFF Staff will continue to work with Developer and Xcel Energy to answer the questions about vehicles turning movements and street lighting mentioned earlier. The answers to these questions and the resulting staff decisions will be posted on Better Together Edina. LESSONS LEARNED To improve strategies around public participation, City staff want to continue to gain knowledge from past projects and use these experiences moving forward. Evaluating and documenting the process can provide us a framework for what things went well and other things we could improve. 1. Topic Creation Areas Asking the public for feedback on each specific design element separately (horizontal curve, shared-use path, etc.) would have been more beneficial than asking for generic feedback on the entire proposed concept. It also may have helped separate the feedback that was outside the scope of the project. 2. Frequently-Asked Questions Staff found this tool on Better Together Edina to be useful for answering repeated questions from multiple commenters. A suggestion for future projects is to consider what questions may be asked and proactively post responses on the Frequently-Asked Questions as soon as the public forums are opened. This may result in more constructive rather than inquisitive feedback. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN I WEST 72ND STREET PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ASSESSMENT I CITY OF EDINA 1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROPOSAL PROJECT: WEST 72ND STREET PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ASSESSMENT DATE: June 4, 2019 PREPARED BY: Andrew Scipioni, Chad Millner, MJ Lamon PROJECT TIMELINE: May – November 1. DECISION TO BE MADE - Determine if intersection improvements are warranted on West 72nd Street - Project Decision: Staff will make a recommendation to Council 2. PARTICIPATON LEVEL: INVOLVE Participation Goal - Work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure the public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered. Public Promise - Work with you to ensure concerns and aspirations are directly reflected and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. 3. STAKEHOLDERS - Residents in South Cornelia neighborhood - Edina Public Schools 4. PROJECT BACKGROUND Staff has received many concerns over the years about pedestrian safety along West 72nd Street, particularly at the intersections of Cornelia Drive and Oaklawn Avenue. In order to better understand these concerns, staff would like to work with residents in the South Cornelia neighborhood to develop a trial assessment of safety improvements that could be implemented at these intersections. CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Staff began by soliciting feedback from residents in the neighborhood about these two intersections through Better Together Edina. The goal was to determine if the City could perform a short-term test of a temporary improvement and study its efficacy. The questions asked were: 1. Tell us about your experiences using West 72nd Street as a pedestrian or bicyclist. 2. What improvements do you think could be made to enhance pedestrian safety at the intersections of Cornelia Drive and/or Oaklawn Avenue? The table below provides a high-level summary of the most common topics of concern or improvements suggested by the residents, as well as staff’s response to the feasibility of the suggestions. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN I WEST 72ND STREET PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ASSESSMENT I CITY OF EDINA 2 Topic Topic Topic Topic of Concern/ of Concern/ of Concern/ of Concern/ Suggested ImprovementSuggested ImprovementSuggested ImprovementSuggested Improvement Resident CommentsResident CommentsResident CommentsResident Comments Staff ResponseStaff ResponseStaff ResponseStaff Response Stop sign non- compliance Vehicles disobeying the existing stop signs was cited as a contributing factor to feeling unsafe at these intersections. There are additional treatments that can increase stop sign compliance, such as installing curb extensions. Increased enforcement/ police presence Some suggested asking the Edina Police Department to monitor these intersections more frequently to improve driver behavior. While this is undoubtedly effective for a short period of time, it is not a practical long- term solution. Increased signage/ pavement markings A few suggestions included adding more signs (including activated flashers) or pavement markings alerting drivers to the pedestrian crossings and/or stop signs. The City’s Pedestrian Crossing Policy provides guidance on when treatments like activated flashers are warranted based on traffic volumes and roadway characteristics. In staff’s experience, increased signage and/or pavement markings are only temporarily effective unless they correspond to a physical change in the roadway geometrics. Additional pedestrian/ bicycle facilities Some suggested constructing an additional sidewalk on the south side of West 72nd St, or installing a separate facility for bicycles along this corridor. While these improvements may improve safety for pedestrian and bicyclists traveling along West 72nd Street, it would likely have little-to-no effect on safety of pedestrians crossing at the intersections. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan does not recommend additional facilities on West 72nd Street. Adding 4-way stop east of Cornelia Drive Installing an additional 4-stay stop on West 72nd Street at one of the four intersections between Cornelia Drive and France Avenue was suggested to slow down vehicles. Stop signs are not effective for calming traffic. There are industry-standards for when stop signs should be installed based on traffic volumes and physical obstructions to sightlines. Unwarranted stop signs tend to have a high rate of non-compliance. After reviewing the resident suggestions and concerns, staff determined that installing curb extensions at the intersections of Cornelia Drive and Oaklawn Avenue could be a way to improve pedestrian safety. Curb extensions (see Figure 1) physically narrow the roadway, creating shorter crossing distances for pedestrians and compelling drivers to slow down as they drive by them or turn around them. Curb extensions have previously been installed at various locations in Edina, including along Wooddale Avenue (with pavement markings) and on Sunnyside Road (with physical curb installation). 5. DECISION CRITERIA In-Scope Elements During this process, the public can influence the final decision around design concepts which will increase pedestrian safety. Questions to be Answered Do curb extensions (striped or physical) improve pedestrian safety at the intersections of Cornelia Drive and/or Oaklawn Avenue? Figure 1: Curb Extension Example (NACTO) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN I WEST 72ND STREET PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ASSESSMENT I CITY OF EDINA 3 Legal or Technical Requirements The project must meet Watershed District, City of Edina and other regulatory minimum design standards. Other Considerations In addition to public input, the staff recommendation will also consider: - Collected traffic data - Pedestrian Crossing Policy - Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan - Living Streets Plan Out of Scope Elements - Increased enforcement/police presence - Increased signage - Additional pedestrian/bicycle facilities - Additional stop signs 6. PROCESS STAGES Stage 1 (May) Learning Stage - Gather information on Better Together Edina (project page launched April 26) Stage 2 (June) Building Stage - Identify concern areas - Determine testing solutions Stage 3 (Aug-Oct) Testing Stage - Install temporary curb extensions with striping (Aug 27) o Allow ~2 weeks for traffic patterns to normalize (school begins Sept 3) o Monitor for 2 weeks (Sept 9 - Sept 20) o Public input on Test 1 via Better Together Edina - Install temporary curb extensions with barrels (Sept 23) o Monitor for 2 weeks (Sept 23 – Oct 4) o Public input on Test 2 via Better Together Edina - Remove temporary curb extensions (Oct 4) Stage 4 (Oct) Analysis Stage - Information gathered in Testing Stage will inform the recommendation Stage 5 (Nov) Decision Stage - Staff recommendation to Council Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Sketch Plan Review for 6950 France Avenue Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; for discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Provide the applicant non-binding comments on a potential future development proposal. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Memo Site Location & Southdale District Plan Pages Sketch Plans Applicant Narrative City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: May 22, 2019 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 6950 France Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop the site at 6950 France Avenue. The applicant would tear down the existing 28,000 square foot office building on the site and build a new 10,000 square-foot retail building with surface parking in the rear. The building would have entrances that face both France Avenue and the other facing the parking lot to the west. The building would be set 50 feet back from the paved portion of France Avenue per the Southdale District Experience Guidelines. The applicant has demonstrated several examples of how the 50-foot area could be designed, including a boulevard style sidewalk. The site is relatively small at 1 acre. The site plan demonstrates 62 parking stalls, 11 of which would be proof-of-parking. The future west promenade (suggested in the Southdale District Plan) could be provided for in the future along the west lot line. The request would require the following: 1. Site Plan Review; and 2. Side Setback Variance (See compliance table on the following page). The Planning Commission is asked to provide informal review comments on this potential future development application. The City does not have as much discretion with this proposal compared to recent Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment requests. This is a near code compliant project with a request for a minor setback variance. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Below is a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would comply with the existing PCD-3 Standards on the lot. Compliance Table City Standard (PCD-3) Proposed Lot line Street Building Setbacks Front – France Avenue Rear – West Side – North Side – South 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 40 feet 50 feet 50+ feet 16 feet* 35 feet Building Height 4 stories & 48 feet 1-2 stories & 30 feet Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .75 .23 Parking 62 62 spaces *Variances required Highlights/Issues: The proposed site plan has been designed using the Greater Southdale Area Framework. The plans provide a pedestrian entrance to the building facing France Avenue; there would be 50 feet of green space, landscaping, boulevard style sidewalk between the building and the paved portion of France Avenue. The proposed building height meets City Code requirement. A traffic study would be required; although the size of the proposed building is much smaller than the existing office on the site. Sustainability. The applicant has been asked to respond to the city’s Sustainability Questionnaire within their formally submitted plans. The future west promenade (suggested in the Southdale District Plan) could be provided for in the future along the west lot line. 6950 France Avenue Redevelopment 05/08/2019 Retail Building CLIENTPROJECTARCHITECTDATE SHEET NO. A 1 6950 France Avenue Redevelopment 05/08/2019 Retail Building CLIENTPROJECTARCHITECTDATE SHEET NO. A 2 N 6950 France Avenue Redevelopment 05/08/2019 Retail Building CLIENTPROJECTARCHITECTDATE SHEET NO. A 3 0 40'80' N 6950 France Avenue Redevelopment 05/08/2019 Retail Building CLIENTPROJECTARCHITECTDATE SHEET NO. A 4 France Avenue 69th-1/2 AvenueStormwater Feature Signage Pergola Seat Walls Bike Racks Specialty Paving Multi Tenant Retail Building 9,600 SF APRIL 12, 2019 France Avenue 69th-1/2 AvenueStormwater Feature Signage Steps Bollard Lighting Bike Racks Specialty Paving Fire Pit & Display Multi Tenant Retail Building 9,600 SF APRIL 12, 2019 France Avenue 69th-1/2 AvenueStormwater Feature SignageBridge Bollard Lighting Specialty Paving Seat Walls Multi Tenant Retail Building 9,600 SF APRIL 12, 2019 1 6950 France Av. So. Redevelopment New Retail Building May 7, 2019 Overview: The existing multi-story office building at 6950 France Av So. is at the end of its useful life. Our team is proposing redevelopment of this highly visible property with a new retail building that fits the city’s vision for an energized France Avenue experience. No rezoning is needed. Development Team: Developer/Owner: Luigi Bernardi, dba Arcadia on France, LLC Architect: Edward Farr Architects Civil / Landscape: Loucks At A Glance: Site Area: 43,594 sq ft / 1.0 acre Zoning: PCD-3 Proposed Redevelopment: New 10,000 sq ft single story retail building, 30 ft high. Proposed Parking: 51 Stalls plus 11 Proof-of-Parking stalls. Street Rooms and the Enhanced Pedestrian-Oriented Public Realm: Our small site fronts the France Av. spine on the east; and on the west it backs up to a future ‘West Promenade’, a north- south woonerf style Living Street conceived in the draft edition of the city’s Design Experience Guidelines. Those guidelines call for buildings along France Av. to be setback from the curb 50 ft to allow for an engaging pedestrian-oriented experience. We will provide a variety of urban landscape strategies in this active zone to promote pedestrian engagement; refer to our Site Concepts A, B & C along with the Site Example sheets showing pictures of different types of products and design solutions that we are choosing from. A selection of these elements will be presented during Site Plan Review. We are encouraging our tenant prospects to participate in this front yard engagement as well, by possibly providing outdoor furniture display items that could integrate with our plaza space. A future ‘West Promenade’ could offer an interesting shared circulation experience when enough adjacent redevelopment occurs to create such a public way. We have provided a voluntary rear yard parking setback to allow for such future improvement. Building Design: The building design is purposefully Modern Classic style, featuring extra-large showroom windows for the tenants on all four sides. We have followed the guidelines to have ‘four- sided’ architecture, with a suggested 75% transparent façade and 20 ft tall ceilings. The façade materials have not yet been selected; but we intend to comply with the PCD-3 district requirements for exterior materials; or substantially similar quality materials in keeping with the France Av cachet. The parapet wall of the building has been extended up vertically to screen the rooftop HVAC units. 2 Setbacks: The redevelopment complies with all but one setback requirement. Our variance request is for the north building setback from W. 69 ½ St. ROW; where we are approx 16 ft to the building. Note that we are improving the south building setback significantly (35 ft vs 14 ft now). We are also converting the northerly row of 11 parking stalls that are partially within the W. 69 ½ St ROW, to green space with landscaping; and designating those stalls as proof-of-parking. Vehicular Access: This property is mid-block between W. 69th St and W. 70th St. The primary access and egress are from a short public way named W. 69 ½ St, which only serves southbound traffic along France Av. Northbound traffic is prohibited from turning into W. 69 ½ St due to the median separator. The property has been granted ingress and egress easements through the Kinderberry Hill Child Development Center, 3950 W. 70th St., located southwest of the subject property. Further, as part of this redevelopment project, we will establish a small ingress and egress easement through the BMO Harris Bank property, 3905 W. 69th St., located northwest of the subject property. This new ingress and egress easement will connect our parking lot entrance to the end of the W. 69 ½ St. ROW. Parking: 51 parking stalls are proposed, plus another 11 proof-of-parking stalls, to meet the 62 stall total required for Retail buildings <25,000 sq ft. A bike rack will be provided to encourage ridership. One small format loading berth is provided for deliveries as required. Site and Building Signage: We will have one freestanding monument sign along France Av, meeting the 100 sq ft size limit. Tenant wall signs will be mounted on the building with individual letters, likely backlit with LED illumination. Directional signage for internal circulation will be ground mounted signs on posts. Traffic Study: A traffic study will be conducted for the new development. By comparison, the existing use is a 28,000 sq ft office building vs the new use of 10,000 sq ft retail space. Utilities: The property is already served by water, sewer, gas and electric. Storm water management will be significantly improved by the addition of an underground storm water treatment system for water quality and rate control, in compliance with Nine Mile Creek watershed requirements. Community Benefits from the New Project 1. Re-energize this tired site with greater pedestrian participation and building transparency. 2. The old office building is outdated / obsolete. The site is ready for a fresh, new development. 3. Embraces the Street Room concepts of transitional building scale on the west side of France Av. towards the Cornelia and building mass / height appropriate for the neighborhood adjacency. 4. Promote sustainable design strategies, such as visible / creative storm water collection, energy efficient construction and lighting, possible use of solar or a green roof on top. 5. New rear yard parking setback allows for future implementation of the West Promenade woonerf-type living street, per the draft Design Experience Guidelines. 6. Brings high-end retailers with engaging storefronts to the France Av. corridor. 7. Significant improvements to storm water management. 8. The redevelopment uses existing utilities and roads in the community. Urban planning considers this good stewardship to reuse existing sites with current infrastructure. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Sketch Plan Review for 4388 France Avenue Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; for discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Provide the applicant non-binding comments on a potential future development proposal. The applicant revised their original plans to address staff concerns. Those revised plans were presented to the Planning Commission (see attached). ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Memo Revised Plans Presented at Planning Commission (Now requested plan) Applicant Narrative Site Location & 44th SAP Original Plans Neighborhood Feedback City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: May 22, 2019 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 4388 France Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to build a two-story 11,800 square foot addition, with 31 underground parking stalls to the existing two-story 9,350 square foot building at 4388 France Avenue. The proposed uses in the new building would be a childcare and pre-school; there would be seven staff members and 136 students. Existing uses include a children’s clothing store, a salon and a co-working space. The total square footage of the building with the addition would be 21,182 square feet. The small area plan for this site calls for a maximum height to be 2-3 stories on the west side of the site. The proposal is for 2 stories and 28 feet. The site is currently zoned PCD-1, Planned Commercial District. Day Cares are a permitted use. The request would require the following: Site plan review A parking stall variance from 70 to 58 stalls; and Building setback variances (See table on page 2). The following page provides a compliance table that demonstrates how the proposal would comply with the existing PCD-1 Standards on the lot. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PCD-1) Proposed Lot line Building Setbacks Front – 44th Street Front – France Side – North Side – West Drive Aisle/Parking - West Drive Aisle/Parking - North 28 feet 28 feet 28 feet 28 feet 10 feet 20 feet 0 feet* 100+ feet 6 feet* 5 feet* 3 foot** 3 feet** Building Height 2-stories & 30 feet 2 stories & 28 feet Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.0 .85 Parking Retail/Office – 56 stalls Day Care – 14 stalls 70 stalls total Required 58 spaces proposed* *Variances required **Existing condition Highlights/Issues: Staff has concern over the configuration of the north parking lot. Without access to 44th, it would be difficult to turn around to get back out to France Avenue, especially for the first eight stalls that are diagonal parking. Give to Get. The applicant has indicated in their narrative that the “give to get” items would be underground parking, enhance landscaping and sidewalk features. The applicant should further address the give to get to include providing a more graceful transition to adjacent properties. A parking and traffic study would be required. The proposal is short parked. Staff would be concerned about parking spilling out into the adjacent neighborhood. The proposal does eliminate the western surface parking lot, and creates underground parking. Sustainability. The applicant will be required to respond to the city’s Sustainability Questionnaire within their submitted plans. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 The proposal preserves the existing building on the site. © 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Cover Sheet4388 France Ave014388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410PROJECT INFO.4388 FRANCE AVE4388 FRANCE AVE. S EDINA, MN 55410 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYADDRESS:4388 FRANCE AVE. S / 3916 44TH STREET W. / 3918 44TH STREET W., EDINA, MNSITE REGULATION:ZONING DISTRICT:PCD-1ZONING DEFINITION:PLANNED COMMERCIALSITE LOCATION:SITE INFORMATION:SITE AREA:24,915 SQ.FT.EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT:4,675 SQ.FT.HEIGHT ALLOWED:BUILDING HEIGHTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY REQUIRED SETBACKS BUT SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 STORIES OR 24 FEET, WHICHEVER IS LESSHEIGHT EXISTING BUILDING:36.2 FEETFRONT YARD SETBACK:35 FEET*SIDE YARD SETBACK:25 FEET*REAR YARD SETBACK:25 FEET**OR THE BUILDING HEIGHT, IF GREATERDEVELOPER:44th At France LLC.408 N 1st st #110 Minneapolis, MN 55401Andrew John Commers andrew@commerspd.comJohn D. Gross broker@johndgross.comARCHITECT:TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS7645 LYNDALE AVE SOUTH, #100612.861.9636MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55423DAN PELLINEN, ARCHITECTCIVIL ENGINEER:CIVIL SITE GROUP4931 W. 35TH ST., #200612.615.0060ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416PATRICK SARVER psarver@civilsitegroup.comEXISTING SURFACE PARKING:40 PARKING STALLS (33 STALLS REMOVED, 7 TO REMAIN)TOTAL SF23,037 SFGARAGE 12,870 SFLEVEL ONE 4,197 SFLEVEL TWO 5,970 SFTOTAL PARKING 55 STALLSSURFACE26 STALLSGARAGE29 STALLS51 TO 75 PARKING STALLS = 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED WEST 44TH STREETFRANCE AVENUEEXISTING 2 STORYCOMMERCIAL BUILDING1009PROPOSED PARKING26 STALLSPROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING2 STORYPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLEXISTING 2 STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGPROPERTY LINEPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF207107108208GARAGE VENTINGTRASH/ RECYCLE SCREENING GATES07 EXISTING STALLS NOT TO BE MODIFIEDDRIVE LANE COVERED BY GREEN ROOF12' - 0"ENTRY TO GARAGE BELOWONE-WAY 24' - 0"© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Option 2- Site Plan4388 France Ave024388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 5541004020TOTAL SF23,037 SFGARAGE 12,870 SFLEVEL ONE 4,197 SFLEVEL TWO 5,970 SFTOTAL PARKING 55 STALLSSURFACE26 STALLSGARAGE29 STALLS51 TO 75 PARKING STALLS = 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIREDOPTION 2 SUMMARY UPEXISTINGSLOPED FLOOR >1:20ELEVATORELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOMMECHANICAL ROOMFURNACE ROOMMECHANICALRELOCATEDMECH CLOSETEXISTING RESTROOM(ADA COMPLIANT -TILED)EXISTING ELEC. CLOSETEXISTING RESTROOM(ADA COMPLIANT -TILED)790 SFTENANT A2023 SFTENANT C476 SFTENANT BDNDN29 STALLSBUILDING ABOVE09090603STAIR 2AREA = 12,870 SFPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE16% SPEED RAMP DNAREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING BASEMENTSTAIR 1ELEV.PROPOSED GARAGE02UNEXCAVATED8' - 6"24' - 0"24' - 0"45' - 4"25' - 1 1/2"-7'-3"-10'-0"24' - 0"12' - 0"© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Option 2- Level -14388 France Ave034388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0"FLOOR LINE ABOVE 8'-2" CLEARANCE MAINTAINED FOR ACCESSIBLE ACCESS TO GARAGETOTAL SF23,037 SFGARAGE 12,870 SFLEVEL ONE 4,197 SFLEVEL TWO 5,970 SFTOTAL PARKING 55 STALLSSURFACE26 STALLSGARAGE29 STALLS51 TO 75 PARKING STALLS = 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED UPELEVATORDN1240 SFTENANT D773 SFTENANT E1741 SFTENANT BDNSTAIR 2TRASH COVERED RAMP TO UNDERGROUND PARKING1008AREA = 4,197 SFPROPOSED FIRST FLOORAREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING FIRST FLOORSTAIR 1ELEV.64' - 0"66' - 4"95' - 0 1/2"11 3/4"STRUCTURE OVERHEAD20710710820811' - 0"GARAGE VENTALATION SHAFTRETAINING WALLPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF12' - 0"24' - 0"DRIVE LANE COVERED BY GREEN ROOFONE-WAY 07 EXISTING STALLS NOT TO BE MODIFIED© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Level 14388 France Ave044388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0"TOTAL SF23,037 SFGARAGE 12,870 SFLEVEL ONE 4,197 SFLEVEL TWO 5,970 SFTOTAL PARKING 55 STALLSSURFACE26 STALLSGARAGE29 STALLS51 TO 75 PARKING STALLS = 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED 4396 SFELEVATOREXISTING KITCHENETTEEXISTINGSKYLIGHTSEXISTING SKYLIGHTTENANT FEXISTING SKYLIGHTEXISTING FIREPLACE1E.3AREA = 5,970 SFPROPOSED SECOND FLOORSTAIR 2AREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING SECOND FLOORELEV.STAIR 1GREEN ROOF OUTDOOR SPACEAREA = 6,893 SF207107208© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Level 24388 France Ave054388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0"TOTAL SF23,037 SFGARAGE 12,870 SFLEVEL ONE 4,197 SFLEVEL TWO 5,970 SFTOTAL PARKING 55 STALLSSURFACE26 STALLSGARAGE29 STALLS51 TO 75 PARKING STALLS = 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED 1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'PROPOSED ROOFEXISTING ROOFROOF HATCHGREEN ROOF OUTDOOR SPACEPROPOSED MECHANICAL LOCATION WITH SCREENING4'-0" FENCETOP OF WALL 928'© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Roof4388 France Ave064388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0" 1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"Level 1 (EXISTING)897' -6"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGRETAINING WALL THIS WALL TO BE A PLANTED GREEN WALL1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGOPEN PARKING AT GRADE LEVELPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOFWOOD FENCERETAINING WALL© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Elevations4388 France Ave074388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE1/16" = 1'-0"1North ElevationSCALE1/16" = 1'-0"2East Elevation 1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGGARAGE ENTRYPASS THROUGH GREEN ROOF1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGTHIS WALL TO BE A PLANTED GREEN WALL© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Elevations4388 France Ave084388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE1/16" = 1'-0"1South ElevationSCALE1/16" = 1'-0"2West Elevation 207107108208WEST 44TH STREETFRANCE AVENUEEXISTING 2 STORYCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGTRASH 1009PROPOSED PARKING19 STALLS22' - 0"PROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING2 STORYPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLEXISTING 2 STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGPROPERTY LINEGARAGE VENTING(1) SKH(5) AFD(4) FRG(6) PMDRELOCATE CURB CUTINFILL EXISTING CURB CUTBIKE RACKSPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF07 EXISTING STALLS NOT TO BE MODIFIED© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Landscape Plan4388 France Ave094388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410Planting ScheduleCount ID Common Name Botanical Name Size1 BOK Bur Oak Quercusmacrocarpa3" Caliper Balland Burlap1 SKH StreetkeeperHoneylocustGleditsia triacanthosvar. inermis 'Draves'3" Caliper Balland Burlap1. Deciduous Tree: 25 AFD Arctic Fire Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow'#5 Container3. Shrub: 54 FRG Karl Foerster FeatherReed GrassCalamagrostis xacutiflora 'KarlFoerster'#5 Container6 PMD Pardon Me Daylily Hemerocallis 'PardonMe'#1 Container4. Perennial: 100'SCALE = 10'20'1" =20'-0" © 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/22/19Context Aerial4388 France Ave104388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE1View From Southwest City of Edina Sketch Plan Review Building Addition Narrative 4388 France Avenue South May 1, 2019 44th at France, LLC John Gross, Andrew Commers 4388 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55410 (612) 333-1560 Dear Commissioners and Council Members, In 2017, we purchased the 4388 France building from Ken and Donna Durr and have been so grateful to have the opportunity to carry it forward into a new era. Currently the site is a 24,915 square foot lot, on which sits a two-story building with a footprint of 4,675 square feet. The majority of the remaining space is currently an asphalt surface parking lot with 40 parking spaces. Our intended addition to this existing structure would add a two-story addition of 11,800 square feet and would have an underground parking ramp plus a covered parking ramp above which would be a green roof patio. Our finished project would have 58 parking spaces, of which 45 would be covered. The total areas above ground would be 9,811 square feet on the Main Floor, 11,371 square feet on the Second Floor, for a total of 21,182 square feet. In addition to underground parking, the basement will include the existing 4,675 square feet of storage and utility space. Current uses in the existing building are a boutique children's clothing shop, a new luxury salon, and a female-focused co-working space based out of Seattle that will open in June. The new building would be mostly occupied by a childcare and preschool Spanish Immersion Academy. It would be our intent to begin construction in the Fall of 2019, and we would offer valet parking for all tenants and their guests at existing surface parking sites in Edina and Minneapolis with which we have connections. In terms of the give to get request, please note on the plans the sidewalk landscaping, building greenery at roofs and walls. We have mostly eliminated an open surface parking lot, replacing it with a functioning new building and bringing parking underground and under covered structure. Furthermore, we are committed to the installation of sidewalk furniture and pedestrian-scale building lighting. Please see enclosed our very early, initial design including floorplans and block renderings. We look forward to discussing with you! © 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/01/19Cover Sheet4388 France Ave014388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410PROJECT INFO.4388 FRANCE AVE4388 FRANCE AVE. S EDINA, MN 55410 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYADDRESS:4388 FRANCE AVE. S / 3916 44TH STREET W. / 3918 44TH STREET W., EDINA, MNSITE REGULATION:ZONING DISTRICT:PCD-1ZONING DEFINITION:PLANNED COMMERCIALSITE LOCATION:SITE INFORMATION:SITE AREA:24,915 SQ.FT.EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT:4,675 SQ.FT.HEIGHT ALLOWED:BUILDING HEIGHTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY REQUIRED SETBACKS BUT SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 STORIES OR 24 FEET, WHICHEVER IS LESSHEIGHT EXISTING BUILDING:36.2 FEETFRONT YARD SETBACK:35 FEET*SIDE YARD SETBACK:25 FEET*REAR YARD SETBACK:25 FEET**OR THE BUILDING HEIGHT, IF GREATERPARKING SUMMARYGARAGE PARKING: 31 PARKING STALLSON-SITE PARKING: 27 PARKING STALLSTOTAL PARKING: 58 PARKING STALLSBASEMENT 4,675 SF 13,915 SF 18,590 SF EXISTING NEW TOTAL 1ST FLOOR 4,675 SF 5,136 SF 9,811 SF2ND FLOOR 4,675 SF 6,696 SF 11,371 SFTOTAL SF 14,025 SF 25,747 SF 39,772 SFDEVELOPER:44th At France LLC.408 N 1st st #110 Minneapolis, MN 55401Andrew John Commers andrew@commerspd.comJohn D. Gross broker@johndgross.comARCHITECT:TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS7645 LYNDALE AVE SOUTH, #100612.861.9636MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55423DAN PELLINEN, ARCHITECTCIVIL ENGINEER:CIVIL SITE GROUP4931 W. 35TH ST., #200612.615.0060ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416PATRICK SARVER psarver@civilsitegroup.comEXISTING SURFACE PARKING:40 PARKING STALLS (33 STALLS REMOVED, 7 TO REMAIN) WEST 44TH STREETFRANCE AVENUEEXISTING 2 STORYCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGTRASH/ RECYCLE1009EXISTING PARKING08 STALLSPROPOSED PARKING19 STALLS24' - 0"PROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING2 STORYPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLEXISTING 2 STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGPROPERTY LINEPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF207107108208GARAGE VENTINGTRASH/ RECYCLE SCREENING GATES24' - 0"© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Site Plan4388 France Ave024388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 5541004020 UPEXISTINGSLOPED FLOOR >1:20ELEVATORELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOMMECHANICAL ROOMFURNACE ROOMMECHANICALRELOCATEDMECH CLOSETEXISTING RESTROOM(ADA COMPLIANT -TILED)EXISTING ELEC. CLOSETEXISTING RESTROOM(ADA COMPLIANT -TILED)790 SFTENANT A2023 SFTENANT C476 SFTENANT BDNDN31 STALLS25' - 6"25' - 6"BUILDING ABOVE0910040424' - 1"STAIR 2AREA = 13,915 SF24' - 0"PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERAMPAREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING BASEMENTSTAIR 1ELEV.04PROPOSED GARAGE8' - 6"© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Level -14388 France Ave034388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0" UPELEVATORDN1240 SFTENANT D773 SFTENANT E1741 SFTENANT BDNSTAIR 2TRASH COVERED RAMP TO UNDERGROUND PARKING24' - 0"1009EXISTING PARKING08 STALLSAREA = 4,493 SFPROPOSED FIRST FLOORAREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING FIRST FLOORSTAIR 1ELEV.64' - 4"66' - 0"63' - 0"33' - 0"STRUCTURE OVERHEAD207107108208108' - 0"11' - 0"GARAGE VENTALATION SHAFTRETAINING WALLPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Level 14388 France Ave044388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0" 4396 SFELEVATOREXISTING KITCHENETTEEXISTINGSKYLIGHTSEXISTING SKYLIGHTTENANT FEXISTING SKYLIGHTEXISTING FIREPLACE1E.3AREA = 6,189 SFPROPOSED SECOND FLOORSTAIR 2AREA = 4,675 SFEXISTING SECOND FLOORELEV.STAIR 1GREEN ROOF OUTDOOR SPACEAREA = 3,950 SF207107208© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Level 24388 France Ave054388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0" 1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'1/4" : 1'PROPOSED ROOFEXISTING ROOFROOF HATCHGREEN ROOF OUTDOOR SPACEPROPOSED MECHANICAL LOCATION WITH SCREENING4'-0" FENCETOP OF WALL 928'© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Roof4388 France Ave064388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 554101/16" = 1'-0" 1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"Level 1 (EXISTING)897' -6"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGRETAINING WALL THIS WALL TO BE A PLANTED GREEN WALL1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGOPEN PARKING AT GRADE LEVELPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOFWOOD FENCERETAINING WALL© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/01/19Elevations4388 France Ave074388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE1/16" = 1'-0"1North ElevationSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"2East Elevation 1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSING1st Floor900' -6"Roof922' -2 1/4"2nd Floor911' -4 1/8"PARAPET924' -2 1/4"PROPOSED BUILDING MASSINGTHIS WALL TO BE A PLANTED GREEN WALL© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Elevations4388 France Ave084388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"1South ElevationSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"2West Elevation 207107108208WEST 44TH STREETFRANCE AVENUEEXISTING 2 STORYCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGTRASH 1009EXISTING PARKING08 STALLSPROPOSED PARKING19 STALLS24' - 0"PROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING2 STORYPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLRETAINING WALLEXISTING 2 STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGPROPERTY LINEGARAGE VENTING(1) SKH(5) AFD(4) FRG(6) PMDRELOCATE CURB CUTINFILL EXISTING CURB CUTBIKE RACKSPARKING COVERED BY GREEN ROOF© 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Landscape Plan4388 France Ave094388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410Planting ScheduleCount ID Common Name Botanical Name Size1 BOK Bur Oak Quercusmacrocarpa3" Caliper Balland Burlap1 SKH StreetkeeperHoneylocustGleditsia triacanthosvar. inermis 'Draves'3" Caliper Balland Burlap1. Deciduous Tree: 29 AFD Arctic Fire Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow'#5 Container3. Shrub: 98 FRG Karl Foerster FeatherReed GrassCalamagrostis xacutiflora 'KarlFoerster'#5 Container6 PMD Pardon Me Daylily Hemerocallis 'PardonMe'#1 Container4. Perennial: 140'SCALE = 10'20'1" =20'-0" © 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/02/19Context Aerial4388 France Ave104388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SCALE1View From Southwest © 2017 TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC.05/01/19Context Photo4388 France Ave124388 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410SITE LOCATION Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2019-44: Accepting Grants and Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion adopting Resolution No. 2019-44 accepting grants and donations. INTRODUCTION: To comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by two-thirds majority of the Council accepting the donation. See attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2019-45: Accepting Grants and Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2019-44 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Park & Recreation Department Andy Warczak $1,540.00 Two Swamp White Oaks and two Matador Maple trees for Wooddale Park Jeff Huggett and Diane Lindquist $10,700.00 New diving board at the Aquatic Center Dated: June 4, 2019 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 4, 2019, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Correspondence Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: There has been no correspondence since the last meeting. Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: IX.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Receive Petition Requesting Permanent Infrastructure to Reduce Water Levels in Indianhead Lake Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to receive the petition and refer it to the Engineering Department for consideration. INTRODUCTION: The attached petition was signed by all property owners surrounding Indianhead Lake. ATTACHMENTS: Description Petition Requesting Permanent Infrastructure to Reduce Water Levels in Indianhead Lake Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: C.1. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Transportation Commission, April 18, 2019 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Receive the minutes of the Transportation Commission from April 18, 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Transportation Commission, Apr 18, 2019 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/16/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room April 18, 2019 I. Call To Order Chair Richman called the meeting to order II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Johnson, Kane, Olson, Richman, Ruthruff Absent: Commissioner Ahler, Ayelomi, McCarthy, Scherer, Zimbwa III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Olson and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Ruthruff and seconded by Commissioner Johnson approving the March 21, 2019 meeting minutes as amended. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations Three Rivers Park District presented the Canadian Pacific Regional Trail Draft Master Plan. • Comments were as follows: • Show where the segment fits into the Edina master plan when presenting to Council. • Objection to the current name because of Canadian Pacific being a large corporation. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. CloverRide Task Force Recommendation Task Force provided recommendation to Council to continue CloverRide and commissioners suggested options such as adding more stops to the current route, making it longer, and possibly adding a route on a different day of the week. Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Kane to approve the recommendation to Council for the continuation of the CloverRide. All voted aye. Motion Carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/16/2019 B. Traffic Impact Study Educational Seminar Update Planner Scipioni provided an update. The seminar is scheduled to be held on June 20th and will be subsequently recorded for use in training future commission members. C. 2019 Work Plan Updates • #1 Brainstorming session was held and Commissioner McCarthy will identify next steps. • #3 Guest column will be in the Sun Current. o Suggested edits to column are to update the title and move 4th paragraph up. Also, relate the nicer weather to more people on the road. • #4 CloverRide has a May 2nd Task Force meeting scheduled and will get a better understanding of expansion before going to Council. • #6 Bocar Kane will represent the ETC. • #7 Erik Ruthruff will be lead on this item. • There is a May 7th joint commission Council work session coming up and 2 topics were identified as the most important. o CloverRide expansion feedback o Traffic Demand Management next steps ETC will do a brief intro and review on work plan but mostly focus in CloverRide and TDM. Members were asked to send updates to be included on the work plan for the work session by April 30th. VIII. Chair And Member Comments Commissioner Scherer (via conference call) said we should prioritize improving pedestrian safety and add more pedestrian facilities around schools since the school district updated their busing requirements. Commissioner Olson said that Courtney, former ETC member, submitted a correspondence to the ETC and it should go to Traffic Safety and the Boards and Commissions Dinner is on April 30th. Commissioner Kane said Three Rivers Park District should follow the City’s Living Streets and Ped/Bike Master Plans. Commissioner Johnson said that if there are communications the day of meetings we should postpone them to the next meeting to allow for review time. There should be an onboarding portal for new ETC members where reference material can be housed and easily accessible. Commissioner Richman said the traffic in the Chowen Park neighborhood is getting worse since the bridge closure and reconstruction. The stop lights need to be recalibrated for the increased traffic, especially on Xerxes Ave and Valley View Rd. People are frantic on W 58th St and W 60th St due to the bridge closure and there is too much traffic right now. Bike to Work Day is May 17th and volunteers are needed to run the table and provide refreshments to bikers. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/16/2019 IX. Staff Comments • The public comment period for the comprehensive plan update has closed. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on April 24th and City Council will hold a public hearing on May 7th. • The France Ave bridge closure over Highway 62 began last Friday and will be in effect until mid-July. MnDOT, Hennepin County, and Edina have taken some proactive steps to manage the additional neighborhood traffic, are continuing to monitoring traffic and may implement additional mitigation strategies as needed. • The 2019 roadway reconstruction projects has begun. Project updates will be posted on the Better Together Edina website, and residents can also sign up for text message notifications for unexpected construction impacts. • The W 72nd St Living Streets Demonstration Project has 24 comments as on Monday on the Better Together Edina website. The public forum is open until April 23rd; Council will review final design concepts on June 4th. • 4 small group meetings have been held for the W 58th St Reconstruction Project to solicit public input. Initial design review process on Better Together Edina will close April 26th. Final design approval will go to Council June 4th. • Metro Transit is studying a bus rapid transit (BRT) route from University Ave in Minneapolis to Southdale Center. The majority of the route has been determined, but 3 alternatives between Uptown and Southdale are being reviewed for further consideration. These alternatives would run along either France Ave or Xerxes Ave. X. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of April 11, 2019 For information purposes only, no discussion. XI. Adjournment at 7:56 p.m. Motion was made by Commissioner Olson and seconded by Commissioner Ruthruff to adjourn the April 18, 2019 meeting. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/16/2019 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 4 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 25% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 4 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 3 75% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 2 50% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 3 75% Plumb-Smith, Jill 0 Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 4 100% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 4 100% Scherer, Matthew 1 1 2 50% Veluvali, Shankar 1 RESIGNED 1 N/A Emmanual Ayelomi (s) 1 1 25% Yeukai Zimbwa (s) 0 0% Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: C.2. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Casey Casella, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission April 11, 2019 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Receive the Energy and Environment Commission minutes of April 11, 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: EEC April 11, 2019 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/9/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, April 11, 2019, 7:00 PM I. Call To Order Chair Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call were Chair Jackson, Commissioners Horan, Hussian, Manser, Seeley, Lanzas, Satterlee, Hoffman, Glahn and Fernands Late: Maynor Absent: Staff Present: Liaison Brown III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Glahn made a motion to approve the April 11, 2019 meeting agenda. Seeley seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Glahn to approve the March 14, 2019 minutes with amendments. Motion seconded by Hoffman. Discussion led to request for an amendment to minutes. Motion made by Chair Jackson to amend the March 14, 2019 minutes to read “May of 2020” under item VII. Initiative 2. Motion seconded by Manser. Motion made by Manser to approve the March 14, 2019 minutes with amendments. Motion seconded by Hussian. All voted aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Maynor arrived 7:05 PM V. Special Recognitions and Presentations None. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendation A. Joint Work Session with City Council a. Chair Jackson gave an overview of the plan for the joint work session with City Council on April 16, 2019 at 6:15pm. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/9/2019 Chair Jackson asked to add an item to the work plan parking lot. Working with congregations was added to the parking lot. B. Initiative 3: Large Building Benchmarking Chair Jackson presented a summary of the benchmarking workshops. The themes that emerged were: 1. How complicated is this going to be? 2. General dislike of regulation. 3. Why not benchmark residents? 4. Fear and misinformation. 5. Punitive. The Commission discussed the draft benchmarking ordinance. Topics covered were: • “Political subdivision” language • Propane inclusion in energy • Definition of tenant and lease holder • Timeline of implementation of ordinance • Level of effort example • Water utility o Wait until automation collection of water data • Evaluation point of requiring an assessment o Leave assessment portion as is in the draft • Overall goal of benchmarking program • Enforcement Motion made by Manser to approve the draft ordinance and sent it on to the Attorney to clean up and then to City Council. Motion seconded by Horan. Motion carried. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions A. Received Resident Correspondence Commission discussed banning plastics straws, the topic of the correspondence received. The Commission planned to respond to the resident. Item was added to the Commission’s work plan parking lot. IX. Chair And Member Comments A. Chair Jackson thanked the people involved in the energy benchmarking initiative. B. Chair Jackson notified the Commission students will present at the next commission meeting. C. Commissioner Manser suggested to watch the Governor’s bills on the environment. D. Commissioner Horan gave an update from Conservation Minnesota. E. Commissioner Horan gave an update on the BRP initiative. X. Staff Comments A. Tree Ordinance Update Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/9/2019 a. Forester will make a recommendation to add Ash tree to the list of trees residents don’t have to replace with the tree ordinance. B. Quality of Life Survey a. The quality of life survey includes sustainability related questions and will help inform where the community is on the spectrum of tackling sustainability related issues. C. Builder Training a. A contractor training will take place this April. The sustainability manager will present actions builders can take to builder more sustainable homes. Sustainability manager will share presentation and discussion to inform. XI. Calendar of Events A. Group discussed having the Commission’s August meeting offsite at Braemar Golf Course. XII. Adjournment Motion made by Hoffman to adjourn the April 11, 2019 meeting at 8:37 p.m. Motion seconded by Hussian. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Tara Brown Sustainability Manager Date: June 4, 2019 Agenda Item #: XIII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:City Council Upcoming Meetings and Events Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Summary of upcoming meetings and events for City Council. Date Time Meeting/Event Location Tues, June 4 5:30 p.m.Work Session: Quality of Life Survey Community Room 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Council Chambers T hurs, June 13 7:30 a.m.HRA Regular Meeting Council Chambers Tues, June 18 5:30 p.m.Work Session: Water Treatment Plant Community Room 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Council Chambers T hurs, June 27 7:30 a.m.HRA Regular Meeting Council Chambers T hurs, July 4 Legal Holiday – City Hall Closed T hurs, July 11 HRA Meeting CANCELLED Tues, July 16 5:30 p.m.Work Session: Community Engagement Strategy; Human Rights & Relations Commission Community Room 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Council Chambers T hurs, July 25 7:30 a.m.HRA Regular Meeting Council Chambers