HomeMy WebLinkAbout4-10-18 MinutesDraft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: May 8, 2018 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Edina City Hall Tuesday, May 8, 2018 I. Call To Order Vice Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call was Chair Birdman and members Aderhold, Schilling, Davis, Kelly, Nymo, Mondry, and student member Sipes. Staff Liaison, Emily Bodeker, and Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel were also in attendance. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Nymo and seconded by Schilling to approve the meeting agenda. All voted aye. The Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Kelly and seconded by Davies to approve the minutes from the March 13, 2018 Heritage Preservation Commission meeting. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Certificate of Appropriateness: 4610 Drexel Avenue Staff Liaison Bodeker explained that the Certificate of Appropriateness request for the Tudor Revival style home built in 1936 entailed removing and replacing the existing attached garage (and adding on 6 feet to the west) and a small addition to the rear of the home. Ms. Bodeker concluded that she agreed with Consultant Vogel’s positive evaluation of the request and recommended approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness conditioned on the plans presented. Applicant Present- Kevin Becker and Susan Jalics Becker Motion was made by Kelly and seconded by Aderhold to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness request for the new attached garage subject to the plans presented. All voted aye. The motion carried. Draft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: May 8, 2018 B. Heritage Preservation Award As of the meeting date, the City received one nomination for the 2018 Preservation Award. Nominations were due Wednesday, April 11th. The Commission decided to review the one application received. If another nomination is submitted, the Board will review all applications at the May 8th HPC meeting. Motion was made by Birdman and seconded by Kelly to accept the Heritage Award nomination as submitted with the condition that no other nominations are submitted by the deadline. All voted aye. The motion carried. C. Preservation Basics Preservation Consultant Vogel told the Commission he plans to go over some preservation basics over the next few meetings. He discussed how the State Preservation Office is now housed in the Office of Administration. VII. Correspondence And Petitions: None VIII. Chair And Member Comments: IX. Staff Comments: A. Staff informed the Commission that the State Preservation Office requested a picture to use for the National Alliance of Preservation Commission’s FORUM 2018 in Des Moines this summer. Staff will send out an email to the Commission with dates and times for the picture. X. Adjournment: 9:00 p.m. Motion made by Nymo to adjourn the April 10, 2018 meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion seconded by Davis. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker