HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-8-16 Minutes/ Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Board Regular Meeting Edina City Hall - Community Room 4801 West 50th Street Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Call To Order Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Birdman, Vice Chair Weber, and Members Christiaansen, Sussman, McLellan, Pearson, Nymo, and Student Member Puerzer. Absent were Members Moore, Kelly, and Student Member Otness. Staff Liaison, Senior Planner Joyce Repya, and Heritage Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel were also in attendance. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Sussman and seconded by McLellan to approve the meeting agenda. All voted aye. The motion carried. Approval Of Meeting Minutes - February 9, 2016 Motion was made by Christiaansen and seconded by McLellan to approve the Minutes from the February 9, 2016, Annual Meeting of the Heritage Preservation Board. All voted aye. The motion carried. Community Comment - None Reports/Recommendations Certificate of Appropriateness: Process for Evaluating Projects Planner Repya explained that last November the plans for an addition to a home in the Country Club District were reviewed by staff, and it was determined that a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) was not required because the project did not meet the threshold established in the district’s plan of treatment. Construction of the addition commenced in February precipitating a call from a neighbor wondering why he didn’t know about the project since he believed a COA should have been pursued. The neighbor discussed with staff and Chair Birdman his concerns that he believed the plan of treatment was not being interpreted correctly. Chair Birdman agreed to add the topic of how staff evaluates the need for a COA to the meeting agenda. Ms. Repya pointed out that the subject project included shed dormer additions to the north and south sides of the home. The aggregate size of the additions was 43.5% of the roof area of the home. The plan of treatment requires a COA for projects where “50% or more of the principal roof structure is removed, changing its shape, pitch, or height.” Dan Dulas, 4609 Bruce Avenue addressed the board presenting his interpretation of the plan of treatment. Some points he made included: He disagreed with staff’s determination of the overall roof area of the home, believing that the porch and attached garage should not be included, and The shed dormer addition on the north side replaced a small window dormer which should have required a COA. Board members discussed the COA requirements in the plan of treatment, pointing out that it is important that the provisions are clearly understood. Planner Repya agreed to provide the board with an explanation of how staff interprets the COA requirements, and have it available for the April meeting. She also suggested that if the board wishes to provide for more clarity in the plan of treatment, they could include that as a proposed initiative in their 2017 Work Plan. National Historic Preservation Act - 50th Anniversary Heritage Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel explained that 2016 marks the 50th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Pointing out that in 1966, the Act not only identified historic preservation as significant to the Nation’s heritage, but also provided for communities such as Edina to establish heritage preservation commissions. Mr. Vogel delved into the history of the act, as well as the national, state and local impact it has had on the country. He concluded that recognizing the 50th anniversary could be a good theme for Preservation Month this May. 2016 Work Plan Calendar Planner Repya provided the board with a Work Plan calendar to assist with keeping track of the 2016 accomplishments, as well as planning for the 2017 Work Plan. Board members agreed the calendar will be a handy tool. 2016 Heritage Award Nominations Planner Repya reminded the board that the call to receive nominations for the 2016 Heritage Award has been announced, and nominations will be received until Friday, April 8th. At the April HPB meeting, the board will review the nominations received and decide upon a recipient. She concluded that board members are encouraged to spread the word about the award program, and consider submitting their own nomination. Correspondence And Petitions Communications Between City Council & Boards and Commissions Announcement - 2nd Annual Country Club District Walking Tour - May 7, 2016 Confirmation Letter from MNSHPO - Wooddale Bridge added to National Register Chair And Member Comments Chair Birdman introduced new member Sarah Nymo to the board. Staff Comments Next Meeting Date - April 12, 2016 Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. was made by Sussman and seconded by McLellan. All voted aye. The motion Carried. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya