HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-09-16 Minutes .docDraft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: 3/8/2016 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Board Annual Meeting 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Weber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Weber, Vice Chair Christiaansen, and Members, McLellan, Birdman, Kelly, Pearson, O’Brien and Student Members Otness and Puerzer. Absent were Members Moore and Sussman. HPB Staff Liaison - Senior Planner, Joyce Repya was also in attendance. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Member O’Brien to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Member McLellan. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2016 Motion was made by Member Birdman to approve the January 12, 2016 HPB meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Member Kelly. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comment - None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 4610 Browndale Avenue - New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the applicant is requesting to add an addition to the street facing attached garage. The proposed plans for the garage addition will allow space for a secondary entry (service door) to the home, more in line with the existing scale of the structure as well as complimenting the home’s details and finishings. Furthermore, the garage addition will provide for additional storage and parking for three vehicles. Ms. Repya also pointed out that the hip roof on the garage addition will replicate the hip roof on the home, however with a lower slope to minimize bulk. Ms. Repya pointed out that plans for additions to the rear of the home, (not subject to a COA) were provided for the HPB’s information. Ms. Repya also reported Preservation Consultant had reviewed the proposed plans and found the design in keeping with the subject home, surrounding neighborhood, and consistent with the provisions of the district’s plan of treatment. She then concluded that staff recommended approval of the subject COA subject to the plans presented. Applicant Present: Jean Rehkamp Larson and Anders Matney, Rehkamp Larson Architects, Inc. Architect Rehkamp Larson addressed the low pitch of the hip roof on the garage addition, explaining that they initially pursued a higher pitched roof on the addition to replicate the pitch of the gables on the home, and found that the lower pitch would be much more unobtrusive and appropriate for an attached garage. Draft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: 3/8/2016 Motion made by Member Kelly to approve the COA for changes to the street facing façade for an attached garage addition subject to the plans presented. Motion was seconded by Member Christiaansen All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Educational Opportunities Subcommittee - Update Chair of the subcommittee, Member Christiaansen provided the board with a summary of the committee’s activities since the last meeting. She pointed out that the goal to work with the high school to gain student participation in creating a heritage preservation app ran into a snag with the high school contact reporting that they have discovered the app creation to be too complex for students. She suggested the committee check with the teacher responsible for scheduling the 2017 May term projects to garner interest from the participating students. Planner Repya offered to check with the city’s communication’s department to see if there is an existing or planned Edina app that would be able to include a heritage preservation component. C. 2016 Nominations for Edina Heritage Award Planner Repya reported that the month of February is typically when the call for Heritage Award nominations goes out to the community. She pointed out that the current description of the award states that “The Edina Heritage Award showcases local preservation activities”; and pointed out that some of the past recipients have showcased local preservation activities, but have also highlighted sites that have enriched the fabric of the community - harkened to the city’s past, so to speak, ex. Convention Grill, Edina Theater Sign, Southdale. The board agreed with Ms. Repya’s observation and thought to expand the description to include “highlighting sites in Edina that have enriched the historic fabric of the community” would be a good idea. Board members brainstormed ideas for potential award recipients. Ms. Repya concluded that the deadline for 2016 Edina Heritage Award nominations will be Friday, April 8th, to enable the board to decide upon an award recipient at the April 12th HPB meeting. D. Annual Elections Nominations for the office of HPB Chairman for 2016 were requested. Motion was made by Member Christiaansen to nominate Member Birdman to the office of HPB Chair. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Member Birdman accepted the nomination. All voted aye. The motion carried. Nominations for the office of HPB Vice Chairman for 2016 were requested. Motion was made by Member Birdman to nominate Member Weber to the office of HPB Vice Chair. Motion was seconded by Member McLellan. Member Weber accepted the nomination. All voted aye. The motion carried. E. Affirm 2016 HPB Meeting Schedule Planner Repya provided the board with the 2016 meeting schedule and explained the reasons for the following Monday (rather than Tuesday) meeting dates: August 9th - Primary Election October 11th - Yom Kippur November 8th - Election Day Draft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: 3/8/2016 Ms. Repya also reported that the board’s annual work session with the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, from 6:15 - 6:55 p.m. F. Correspondence And Petitions - None G. Chair And Member Comments - None H. Staff Comments Next meeting date - March 8, 2016 I. Adjournment - 7:40 p.m.