HomeMy WebLinkAbout19860714_specialMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD 'AT CITY HALL JULY 14, 1986 179 I: m a The Edina City Council held a Special Meeting on July 14, 1986, at 7:OO p.m. for the purpose of Strategic Planning and interviewing and making an appoint- ment to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Members Bredesen, Kelly, Turner and Mayor Courtney were present. attendance were: Kenneth Rosland, Gordon Hughes, Ceil Smith, Marcella Daehn, Robert Buresh, Ted Paulfranz, John Wallin, Bill Walsh. Sandy Sherman, 19 Circle West and Evie Hartman, 23 Circle West were also present for part of the meeting. Staff in FLOODING PROBLEM ON CIRCLE WEST DISCUSSED. Sandy Sherman, 19 Circle West and Evie Hartman, 23 Circle West, asked to address the Council regarding the flooding problem in their back yards. today is pumping water out of the area and that the City is sending manpower to check on the operation of the pumps. They said they were concerned as to whether the repaired dike would hold and asked how they should proceed. Mr. Rosland said he had talked to the Minneapolis Park Board last Thursday and strongly urged them to inspect the dtke repair. Watershed District staff who indicated they are looking at it to try to determine the reason why it broke after 50 years of service. push hard on the Watershed District staff and the Minneapolis Park Board staff to get a commitment as to when their report will be ready. Member Bredesen made a motion which was seconded by Member Kelly directing the Manager to report back to the Council at its Regular Meeting on July 21 as to a timetable when the report would be completed. They reported that the Opus Corporation Mr. Hoffman also met with the Minnehaha Creek Mr. Rosland said he would Motion carried. STRATEGIC PLANNING DISCUSSED; RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Rosland presented the following recommendations with regard to the Strategic Planning Process for the Council: 1) Ad0pt.a Strategic Planning Calendar. 2) Appoint Council/Staff Strategic Planning representatives. 3) Adopt a Consent Agenda to be implemented 10/1/86. 4) Refer the Management Audit Committee Report to staff for comment to return to Council on 8/18/86. 5) Adopt new Budget format 6) Budget prepared with staff perception of previous studies and reports - Council reflective at budget time. Following the presentation and discussion, the Council Members informally agreed as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To adopt a Strategic Planning Calendar. That Member Turner and Gordon Hughes would be the Strategic Planning represen- tatives, respectively, through 1987. To implement a Consent Agenda by 10/1/86 with a revised agenda order and to close public hearings by motion. To refer the Management Audit Committee Report to staff for comment; that Council would discuss the Report after the staff input. To approve the new Budget format with an added explanation of increase or decrease percentages. Before the formal budget is presented staff would presentbudget scenarios €or Council: consideration. LEONARD OLSON APPOINTED TO BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS. Following earlier interview of Leonard J. Olson and consideration of three other applicants for the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Kelly for appointment of Leonard J. Olson to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to fill an unexpired term to February 1, 1988. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. No other business was discussed by the Council and the meeting adjourned at 9:OO p.m. City Clerk