HomeMy WebLinkAbout19861215_joint303 MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY/CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 15, 1986 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently the Grandview Redevelopment Project consisting of a public parking ramp and public works garage. by the HRA and the Council individually as required. Action was taken Answering rollcall were Commissioners/Members Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Courtney . MINTJTES of the H.R.A. Meetings of November 17 and December 1, 1986 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (JERRY'S ENTERPRISES, INC.) APPROVED AND EXECUTION AUTHORIZED: RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AUTHORIZING SALE OF LAND TO HRA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS AND THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY BY THE HRA, AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT DESIGNATED AS PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. Executive Director Gordon Hughes recalled that the HRA and the City Council GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (JERRY'S ENTERPRISES, INC.) APPROVED AND EXECUTION AUTHORIZED: RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AUTHORIZING SALE OF LAND TO HRA AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS AND THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY B THE HRA, AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT DESIGNATED AS PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. Executive Director Gordon Hughes recalled that the HRA and the City Council have considered the Grandview Parking Ramp/Public Works Garage project on several occasions diiring 1986. four resolutions which 1) approved final zoning plans for Jerry's Shopping Center improvements, 2) authorized drafting of a redevelopment contract with Jerry's , 3) authorized final plans and bids for the parking ramp and public works garage, and 4) authorized the sale of $2,000,000 of tax increment bonds to finance the project. and has prepared final plans and specifications for the ramp/garage. Bids are scheduled for opening on December 23. Enterprises has also been negotiated which follows the terms outlined on July 21. Mr. Hughes presented the specifics for the project as follows: 1) a public parking facility containing 270 parking spaces, and 2) a public works garage underneath containing 27,200 square feet of fIoor area. $1,521,650 for the ramp and $515,350 for the garage for a total cost of $2,037,000. Financing for the ramp portion would be paid exclusively-by tax increment bonds that have been issued. The garage portion would be paid for through 1) a special assessment against various properties in the amount of 20% of the estimated cost of the ramp (approximately $300,005) and 2) the balance of the cost of the garage would come from the capital improvement budget which at present has $300,000 budget for the garage. Action also proposed is that the City convey the property that the Danens building presently sits on to the HRA for a price of $100,000. It is anticipated that the HRA would then be the development entity of the ramp and the garage. following major elements: 1) Jerry's Enterprises, Inc. will undertake a 43,000 square foot expansion to their existing facility, 2) the HRA will agree to con- struct the ramp and the garage contingent upon receipt of construction bids for the estimated price and evidence of construction financing by Jerry's, 3) Jerry's will pay a special assessment equal to 20% of the parking ramp cost proposed to be a 15 year assessment at 8.3% interest. assessment levied for the 50th and France Commercial District for their parking facilities.) Jerry's will provide day to day maintenance, i.e. snow removal, etc., and-can be assessed the cost of such maintenance and repairs if it fails to perform. Jerry's and the HRA will enter into an Assessment Agreement, to be placed of record, whereby Jerry's agrees that, for tax purposes, the Jerry's parcel will have a specified minimum assessed market value in order to guarantee a minimum tax increment of $80,000 annually. On July 21, 1986, the HRA and Council adopted Since that meeting the City has undertaken the $2,000,000 bond sale A redevelopment contract with Jerry's Estimated cost of the project is As. to the redevelopment contract, Mr. Hughes pointed out the (These terms are the same as the Mr. Hughes concluded that the following : . of the Redevelopment Contract, 2) The HRA should authorize purchase of the action by the HRA/City is recommended: 1) The HRA should authorize execution . parking ramp/public.works garage land from the City, 3) the City Council should authorize the sale of,the land to the HRA, and 4) The City Council should formally order the public works garage as an improvement as a portion of its costs will be financed through special assessments. Commissioner Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: . No comments or objections being heard, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS I DOCUMENTS AND THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Conuhissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA") , as follows: 1. Recitals. amended, a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, designated as the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (which plan, as amended, is herein called the "Plan"). ment of the Plan the HRA proposes to enter into a Contract for Private Redevelop- ment (the "Contract") with Jerry's Enterprises, Inc., a Minnesota corporation for the development of certain land described and located within the Grandview Area. The HRA and the Edina City Council have previously approved and Acting pursuant to and in fullfill- 304 12/15/87 Also, pursuant to and in fulfillment of the Plan and the Contract the HRA proposes tb construct a public parking ramp and a buildinglgarage on certain property ("City Property") to be acquired from the City of Edina ("City") for the price of $100,000, and described as follows: Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 3, "Grandview Heights" according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 2. Authorization for Execution and Delivery of Documents and Acquisition of City Property. therein or made a part thereof, are hereby approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the attorney for the HRA and the Executive Director of the HRA, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of such documents by the Chairman and Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the HRA. is also approved. The Chairman and Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the HRA are authorized and directed to execute the Contract, all such other agreements, and to acquire the City Property for the.purchase price of $100,000.00, and to execute all documents necessary therefor. Assistant Secretary of the HRA are also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to accomplish the transaction contemplated by the Contract and such other agreements including, but not limited to, any amendments or supplements to the Contract and such other agreements as may be The terms and provisions of the Contract and all agreements contained The purchase of the City Property for the price of $100,000 The Chairman and Secretary or necessary to accomplish the transactions contemplated by the Contract, as amended, and to accomplish purchase of the City Property. I ! The execution of such documents and of any such amendments, supplements or agreements by the Chairman and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the HRA shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents by the HRA in accordance with this Resolution. Datea the 15th day of December, 1986. 9- oregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Kelly, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney . . and the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted and was signed by the Chairman and his signature attested by the Executive Director. Council Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF LAND TO BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota ("City): WHEREAS, City owns land ("City Land") in the Grandview Redevelopment Area described as follows: Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 3, "Grand View Heights" according to the plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable, in the best interest of the City, to sell the City Land to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA") to allow it to fulfill the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan, as amended, (the "Plan") and to fulfill a Contract for Private Development (the Yontract") between the HRA and Jerry's Enterprises, Inc., the. fulfillment of which is for the benefit of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City, that the Mayor and the Manager or Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed to take such action and to execute and deliver all documents as may be necessary or desirable to sell and convey the City Land to the HRA for the price of $100,000.00 and to carry out the intent and purpose of this resolution; and that the execution and delivery by the Mayor and the Manager or Clerk of any such documents shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents by the City Council in accordance with this resolution. Dated the 15th day of December, 1986. Attest: V City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member Turner, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof : and the following voted against the same: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney None whereupon said resolution was declared passed 305 and adopted and was signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. It was reported that a petition has been made by Jerry Enterprises, Inc., for an improvement consisting of a Public Works Garage in the Grandview Redevelop- ment Area. Said petition also requested the Council to assess twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the Public Parking Facility, adjoining said Public Works Garage and constructed with said Public Works Garage, against property owned by Jerry's Enterprises, Inc. resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT UPON PETITION THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been made by Jerry's Enterprises, Inc. requesting the Council to construct a Public Works Garage in * the Grandview Redevelopment Area and to assess twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the Public Parking Facility against a portion of the property owned by Jerry's Enterprises, Inc. 2. ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as the PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. Twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the Public Parking Facility is hereby ordered to be assessed against a portion of the property of Jerry's Enterprises, Inc. in the Grandview Redevelopment Area, described as - follows : Council Member Kelly then introduced the following The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is hereby "Lots 11 through 22 inclusive, Block 3; Lots 17 through 20 inclusive, Block 4; that part of Lots 13 through 15 inclusive, Block 4 and that part of adjacent portion of West one-half of vacated Summit Avenue, adjoining Lots 13 to 15 invlusive, lying between the Easterly extention across said Avenue of the North line of said Lot 13 and South line of said Lot 15 all of which lies easterly of a line parallel with and 90 feet easterly of the centerline of State Highway No. 5; that part of Lot 16 lying East of a line drawn from a point on the South line thereof distant 28' East of Southwest corner of said Lot 16 to a point on the North line of said Lot distant 47' East of the Northwest corner thereof, Block 4, and that part of the West one-half of the adjoining vacated Summit Avenue lying between extensions across it of the North and South lines of said Lot 16; all in GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County.'' Rollcall : Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. = BID AWARDED FOR PHASE V COURTYARD DMINS/EDINBOROUGH. Mr. Rosland.presented the bid of Wenzel Mechanical at $11,400.00 for courtyard drains for Edinborough Phase V Condominiums as sole bidder and installer of the courtyard drains for the other phases. Motion of Commissioner Turner was seconded by Commissioner Bredesen for award of bid to Wenzel Mechanical at $11,400.00 for courtyard drains - Edinborough Phase V Condominiums. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards; Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR PIANO FOR EDINBOROUGH PARK. Mr. Rosland presented the bid of Bodine's Music Center at $7,800.00 for a Yamaha Grand Piano for Edinborough Park. He explained that after researching several types of pianos the purchase of a Yamaha piano was recommended because of its good.tone quality in a public facility and its ability to stay tuned. The sole bidder is the only supplier in the metro area. Motion of Commissioner Richards was seconded by Commissioner Kelly for award of bid to Bodine's Music Center at $7,800.00 for a Yamaha Grand Piano for Edinborough Park. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. RESOLUTION DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. Commission& Kelly mouedJ.adoption of :. the: following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE IMPROVEMENT AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE .HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the Executive Director are hereby approved. 2. The Executive Director shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for the improvement: The plans and specifications for the proposed improvement set forth in the . 12/15/86 306 (Official Publication) 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, ltiINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR NEW PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE/PARKING FACILITY TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS 7, 8, 9, AND 10 BLOCK 3, GRANDVIEW HEXGHTS AND SPANNING BROOKSIDE AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota will receive bids for the Public Works Garage/Parking Facility (including material, labor, installation, ets.) until 2:OO P.M., local time, on the 23rd day.of December, 1986, at the Council Chambers, City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424. The bids will be ppblicly opened. Bidding Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, will be avail- able on December 3, 1986, at the City of Edina, City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424; and at WALKER Parking Consultants, 410 Thresher Square, 700 Third Street South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415. Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained by depositing $200.00 with WALKER Parking Consultant2 for each set of documents so obtained. refunded if the Drawings and Bidding Documents are returned in good condition within 10 days after Bid opening. if requested, upon receipt of deposit plus a non-refundable postage fee of $15.00. A certified or cashier check, cash deposit or bid bond payable to the order of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, in an amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total Bid, shall be submitted with each Bid. Notice of award for this contract will be within thirty (30) days from the bid opening with construction scheduled to start April 1, 1987. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or to waive any informal- ities in the Bidding. Bids may be held by the Owner for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the opeining of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, prior to awarding the contract. The facility shall be ready for occupancy and accepted by the Owner for use by November 1, 1987. BY ORDER OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. Each deposit will be Contract Do6uments will be Expressed Mailed, - - Gordon Hughes Executive Director, Edina HRA ~ Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Turner. ‘Rollcall : Resolution adopted. ,Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney There being no further business to be conducted by the HRA, motion of Commissioner Kelly was seconded by Commissioner Turner for adjournment.