HomeMy WebLinkAbout19871221_regularMINUTES EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 21, 1987 OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE 83 I CU Ln Ln 1 m a I I Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA MASONIC LODGE PRESENTS $1,500 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY. John Martin and Scott nipple presented a check in the amount of $1,500 to the City from the Edina Masonic Lodge for use by the Fire Department for the acquisition of equipment for the Edina Rescue Squad. Lodge for this gift and presented the following resolution which was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, for the past ten years the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money for the Edina Fire Departmen,$ for its rescue equipment; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Edina Flapjack Festival; and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $1,500 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of rescue equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that most sincere appreciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well-being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be entered into the pages of the Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy be presented to the as a token of gratitude of the Edina City Council. ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1987. On behalf of the Council, Mayor Courtney thanked the RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION EDINA MASONIC LODGE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Member Turner to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1987 APPROVED. Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 7, 1987 as submitted. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion was made by FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR KNOB HILL. Planner Craig Larsen presented the request for Final Plat Approval for Knob Hill, generally located south of West 66th Street and west of Highway 100. the Council on October 19, 1987. The subdivision would create five new buildable lots; Lots 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 would be new lots and Lots 1, 5 and 6 would be retained for existing dwellings. Several conditions were imposed at preliminary approval and those have been met to staff's satisfaction. out that the two most affected properties are immediately to the south of the subject property and that the roadway, Nob Hill Drive, will be extended between those homes to serve the new lots. those properties. property owners and has discussed the construction techniques of the retaining walls and also the landscaping that will be installed as part of the development process. dedication fee based on a land value of $225,000. Engineer Hoffman explained that he had talked with the Christiansons, 5008 Nob Hill Drive, and they have indicated the type of boulder retaining wall and landscaping they would prefer. He added that he had met with Eva May, 5023 Nob Hill Drive, and her landscape architect about the downhill side and possible changes they would like to see made in the landscaping and the retaining wall design in terms of height which can be accommodated. do not intend to start construction until the end of the winter season and that will give ample time to work out the fine details of the plan with both property owners. are trying to achieve regarding proper landscaping, retaining walls, etc. He noted that Peter Marnie, Marnie Development, Inc., and Mr. Bishop of James R. Hill, Inc., engineers for the project, were present to answer questions. No public comment was heard. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $18,000: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "KNOB HI=", platted by (names to be supplied by developer) and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 21, 1987 be and is hereby granted final approval. He recalled that preliminary plat approval was granted by Planner Larsen pointed Retaining walls will be required adjacent to He advised that the City Engineer had met with the two affected Staff would recommend final plat approval, subject to a subdivision Engineer Hoffman said that the developers have indicated that they He concluded that he believed that everyone was in concert with what they RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR KNOB HILL Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. (See Council Minutes of 7/11/88 for Revised Resolution.) ' 12/21/87 ._ 84 *BID AWARDED FOR 1988 RECREATION ACTIVITIES CALENDAR. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for the 1988 Recreation Activities Calendar to recommended low bidder, Chippewa Graphics, Inc., at $5,740.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE TON 1988 PICKUP TRUCK. seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for a One Ton 1988 Pickup Truck to recommended low bidder, Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet, at $13,204.00. Motion was made by Member Smith and Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15. 1987 APPROVED. The Traffic Safety Committee recommendations regarding pedestrian/vehicle safety concerns in the business district of West 50th Street/France Avenue were briefly discussed. Member Kelly asked who would pay the estimated $5,000 cost for the amber flashers at the pedestrian crossings on West 50th Street. Engineer Hoffman explained that the cost could be part of the 51st Street ramp expansion project or could be. included in the maintenance assessment to the 50th/France Business District. regard to the recommendations,.he said the committee believes that mid-block crosswalks are not very good because there is not compliance by vehicle drivers and it was the consensus of the committee that the action recommended would enhance the existing pedestrian crosswalks. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner to approve the following recommended action listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of December 15, 1987: 1) Installation of a sign on northbound Shannon Drive stating "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP", 2) Installation of "YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWAIX" signs in the spring, along with flashing amber lights and highlighting of the crosswalk pavement, 3) Installation of appropriate cautionary signs along West 51st Street, and to acknowledge Sections B and C of the minutes. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. I With SOUTH SUBURBAN ADAPTIVE RECREATION JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT CONTINUED. Rosland advised that the attorneys for the City of Richfield have not yet given final approval to the draft contract for the South Suburban Adaptive Recreation Joint Powers Agreement and recommended the matter be continued and placed back on the agenda when Richfield has approved the agreement. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner to continue matter of the South Suburban Adaptive Recreation Joint Powers Agreement and to place it back on the Council Agenda when approved by Richfield. Manager I' Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 1980 COUNCIL ACTION RESCINDED REGARDING ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION LIABILITY INSURANCE. Manager Rosland recalled that at its meeting of May 19, 1980 the Council had taken action to require that all athletic associations using City facilities must carry liability insurance. difficulty in securing the liability portion of their total insurance. associations have not been able to get it and other associations can get it at an extreilzly high cost with only a minimum of coverage. In 1987 the Legislature. passed a law pertaining to insurance coverage for athletic associations. City's attorney has reviewed the present status of the law and has opined that under Minnesota Statutes 604.08(1) and 466.02 non-profit athletic associations and the City would not be liable for injuries sustained by a sports participant. Further, both statutes are relatively new and are untested; whether or not they would hold up in a court action is not yet known. recommendation of the Park Board in their Minutes of December 8, 1987 that the Council reconsider the mandate that athletic associations must carry liability insurance. and not workers compensation insurance which all the associations understand they are mandated by the State of Minnesota to carry. Turner made a motion to rescind the 1980 mandate of the Council requiring athletic association to carry liability insurance in order to participate on City facilities. In the last two years the athletic associations have had Some The Manager Rosland referred to the He explained that the recommendation covers only the liability portion Following discussion, Member Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. FUNDING OF SHARED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM APPROVED. Manager Rosland directed the Council's attention to a recommendation of the Edina Human Relations Commission that the Council approve an expenditure of $450.00, which is the residual in the HRC's current budget, to help offset a 1987 budget deficit for the Shared Transportation Program sponsored by the South Hennepin Human Services Council. The Program provides rides to seniors in Edina to medical related appointments outside the City. the expenditure of $450.00 from the Human Relations Commission's 1987 budget to the Shared Transportation Program of SHHSC. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner to approve Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. i2/21/87 85 ON-SALE WINE LICENSE APPROVED FOR VIE DE FRANCE RESTAURANT. advised that the on-sale wine license application for Vie de France Restaurant has been investlgated by the Police, Health and Planning Departments and that issuance of an on-sale wine license is recommended conditioned upon approval by the State of Minnesota. No comment being heard, Member Kelly moved approval of the issuance of an On-sale Wine License to Vie de France Restaurant, subject to approval of the State of Minnesota. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Manager Rosland Motion was seconded by Member Turner. APPOINTMENTS MADE TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING COMMISSION AND HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. was seconded by Member Turner approving the following appointments: Development & Planninp Commission - Geoffrey Workinger to fill unexpired term (Sked) to 2-1-89; Human Relations Commission - Betsy Platen to fill unexpired term (Maley) to 2-1-88 and Shirley Hunt to fill unexpired term (Workinger) to 2-1-90. As recommended by Mayor Courtney, motion of Member Kelly Communitv Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION DISCUSSED. that the appointment to the East Edina Housing Foundation to fill the vacancy left Manager Rosland recalled by the resignation of Jack Rice had been delayed pending Council's review of- the appointment process. processes the money for the second mortgage housing pool. suggested that the Council be.furnished with a list of current members, their background, occupation and interests and that the Council Members then forward their nominations to the Mayor for his appointment recommendation to be approved by the Council. It was informally agreed to follow the suggested procedure so that this could be placed on an upcoming agenda. The Foundation works with the Edinborough housing and Member Richards HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSED. Council's attention to a list of Hennepin Committee Appointments whose terms will be expiring during 1988. approximately 30 days prior to end of the committee terms. that her appointment to the Community Action for Suburban Hennepin Board (CASH) expires in August, 1988. she felt the Council should think about appointing someone else to the CASH Board as an elected official. Member Kelly as to who they could suggest to serve. TENTATIVE DATE OF APRIL 9 SET FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT. The Council considered possible dates for their annual Strategic Planning Retreat. agreed to set April 9, 1988 as the tentative date. be working on the details with Assistant Manager Hughes and would have information for discussion at the next Council Meeting. Manager Rosland directed the He said this will be placed back on the Council Agenda Member Kelly commented She said the appointment is very time consuming and that Member Turner said she would be willing to talk with No formal action was taken. It was Member Turner said she would DRAFT LETTERS FOR BOARD/COMMISSION CANDIDATES DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland said that as requested by the Council draft letters had been prepared for: 1) Unsuccessful candidates for boards and commissions, and 2) Past applicants. Member Turner advised that she had called other suburban cities to ask how long they kept applications on file. Eden Prairie and Bloomington keep applications for one year; Golden Valley, St. Louis Park and Richfield keep applications on file indefinitely. Also, Bloomington limits terms of service to a total of six years maximum. Following discussion, motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner that the draft letters advise candidates that applications will be kept on file for three years unless the applicant advises that they do not wish to be reconsidered. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CITY MANAGER EVALUATION PROCESS DISCUSSED. regarding the City Manager evaluation which had been included in the Council packets and asked for discussion on the process and documents as proposed. said following the Council's rating of the Manager the Personnel Committee would meet with the Manager privately prior to the public evaluation and report proposed for January 4, 1988. Member Smith said he would like to get the Manager's view of his own accomplishments with regard to the 1987 Managerial Objectives, which maybe would include some items that the Council are unaware of. Manager Rosland said he could get that information to the Council by the Year-End Meeting on January 30. Member Kelly said she would like the Manager's report to include comments on how well he feels the department heads are performing. was agreed that the Council Members should turn in their evaluations to the Personnel Committee by the end of the week of January 4 so that they could summarize them and that the matter be placed on the Council Agenda for January 25, 1988. Member Kelly referred to the material She Following some discussion, it *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY, adoption of the following resolution: Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner for 12/21/87 86 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND dLTERNBTE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and James L. Knutson is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1988 and until their successors are appointed. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: Y RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND t - ALTERNBTP. DIRECTOR TO MGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota-as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated as a Director of MGIS and Kenneth E. Rosland is hereby designated as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the Year 1988 and until their successors are appointed. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Edina Sun-Current be and is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 1988. *- RESOLUTION Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *REVISED RESOLUTION ADOPTED SETTING AMBULANCE FEES FOR 1988. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following revised resolution setting Ambulance Fees for 1988: BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following ambulance service fees: Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment and/or transportation to a medical facility: Level I - On Scene Treatment $ 50.00 RESOLUTION SETTING AMBULANCE PEES AMBULANCE PEES Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved. Vital signs Bandaging, etc. I.V. setups oxygen EKG monitoring Spine immobilization Level I11 plus any: Medications Level I1 - Minor Care (BIS) 235.00 Splinting Level I11 - Moderate Care (AIS) 285.00 Leves! ii - Maior Care MAST (inflated) Additional manpower Mechanical extrication Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Defibrillation Level V - Cardiac Arrest Level IV plus any: Additional Charge for Transportation to Downtown Hospitals Abbottflorthwestern. Minneapolis Children's Medical Center, Mt. Sinai, Fairview (Lutheran) Deaconess, Fairview Ridges Medical Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Metropolitan Medical Center, Fairview/ St. Mary's, University of Minnesota, North Memorial Medical Center, Veteran's Administration Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. 335.00 385.00 50.00 REVIEW OF CITY'S FEES AND CHARGES IN PROCESS. Member Smith commented that he would still like to have the Council review the City's fees and charges schedule. Manager Rosland replied that this in process, that the various departments are preparing data and that a report will be upcoming in a few weeks. KICKOFF FOR 1988 CENTENNIAL SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 1. Council that January 1, 1988 is the kickoff date for the City's Centennial celebration and that Centennial signs as displayed in the Council Room will be at the major entrances to the City. Department for their efforts in making the attractive signs. CITY EMPLOYEES THANKED FOR UNITED WAY EFFORT. Member Turner expressed her thanks and appreciation for the City employees' response to the 1987 United Way Campaign Member Kelly reminded the She expressed her thanks to the Public Works 87 and especially to Diane Julien who directed the employee campaign. the United Way Board she said she wanted the City staff who were involved to know that their efforts are appreciated. AMM LEGISLATIVE CONTACT PROGRAM DISCUSSED. As a member of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM), Member Turner said that she had received a memorandum regarding the AMM Legislative Contact Program asking for an individual from each AMM member city to be a legislative contact person. She said she felt it was a good idea and asked for comment. that although he is following proposed legislation through the LCM, he cautioned that legislation is being proposed that would adversely affect the City of Edina. Member Richards commented that if an issue is important enough to be dealt with by elected officials that it should be considered by all five members of the Council and that he felt it was unfair to put one individual on the spot to be a spokesman as to what the pulse of the community is regarding any proposed legislation. suggested that after arriving at a consensus on a particular issue the Council could then decide which Member should contact our legislators. He added that proposed legislation usually does not move so fast that the Council could not respond. individual would be sure the Council is informed on particular legislation. Member Turner commented that the City Manager could be designated as the contact person who would then bring the proposed legislation to the Council for their consideration and action if they deemed it necessary. of the session there could be a need for a quick response which might not fit the. Council's public meeting schedule and that having one individual who could react quickly would be helpful. AMM's Legislative Policies which the Council did review at an earlier meeting, which were consistent with LMC's Legislative Policies and which the Council seemed to be comfortable with. with those principles reviewed earlier, she said she was not as concerned with getting a vote of the Council on each piece of legislation but that she would like to be informed as to what is going on. Manager Rosland said he would keep the Council informed as to proposed legislation and was willing to have his name submitted as the contact person. He added that our legislators ask frequently for input from the City. their legislative dinner at the Decathlon on January 20 and that the Council could use that meeting as a get together with our legislators and that maybe another meeting could be scheduled later on. Member Kelly said that she was concerned that this would add to the Manager's job. Administrative Assistant would be following some of the legislation. Member Smith commented that he agreed with Member Richards' comments and that if an issue comes up that the Council should discuss it together. No formal action was taken. MANAGER WISHES COUNCIL A MERRY CHRISTMAS. the Council Members a safe and very Merry Christmas and that he would see them on December 30 at the Year-End Meeting. As a member of Manager Rosland said he agreed, and He Mayor Courtney said that the contact person is proposed so that that She said that near the end Further, she said the AMM is asking for support of the If the lobbying of the AMM member cities is consistent Manager Rosland advised the Council that the MLC will have Manager Rosland said the new Manager Rosland said he wished all of *CLAIMS PAID. payment of the following claims per pre-list dated 12/21/87: General Fund $272,476.78, Working Capital Fund $372,502.74, Art Center $9,570.03, Swimming Pool Fund $1,835.00, Golf Course Fund $105,968.09, Recreation Center Fund $35,375.49, Gun Range Fund $219.00, Edinborough Park $11,485.97, Utility Fund $180,108.87, Liquor Dispensary Fund $113,090.49, Construction Fund $272,127.31, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $94,897.73, Total $1,329,657.50; and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 11/30/87: General Fund $499,390.64, Art Center $746.40, Swimming Pool Fund $162.61, Golf Course Fund $6,131.87, Recreation Center Fund $4,476.31, Fun Range Fund $445.76, Edinborough Park $6,760.85, Utility Fund $22,040.00, Liquor Dispensary Fund $399,795.93, Total $935,950.37. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner to approve There being no further business on the Council Agenda, motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Kelly for adjournment. Motion carried. Adjournment at 8:25 p.m. City Clerk