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MARCH 7, 1988
cu Ln Ln I: m Q:
A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City
Council was convened to consider concurrently amendments to the Southeast
Edina Redevelopment Plan, approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan and
Redevelopment Contract and Condemnation of DeCourcy Property. Action was
taken by the HRA and the Counci1,individually as required.
Answering rollcall were Commissioners/Members Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner
and Courtney.
M[NuTEs of the BRA Meeting of February 22, 1988 were approved as submitted by
motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Kelly.
Ayes.: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney
Motion carried.
introduced Mr. Peter Jarvis of the development team to update the
Commissioners on the Hedberg Project. Mr. Jarvis reported that he had first
appeared before the HRA approximately six months ago and at that time went
through the Master Plan.
this Plan with regard to the park and the 494 Corridor Study. Fundamental
questions have been asked about the overall tax increment project.
Jarvis presented the exhibits which highlighted the overall Master Plan with
changes that have taken place since September--specifically, 110 acres with
high quality regional accessibility characteristics.
a mixed-use project with all but three acres in Edina.
linear orientation, picking up where the Yorktown trail system ends at the
north, winding through the project and then cutting through to the west, tying
directly into the turnaround that has been created on the west entry to
Edinborough Park.
and where the traffic characteristics of the immediate site area are the
greatest, a series of non-residential uses are arranged, starting with premier
office buildings in the southwest corner and at the corner of 76th and France.
Included in this area are a major retail center, health and recreation
athletic club, a small office statement and a multi-screen movie theater.
Across the lake, there is predominately housing all the way from north to
the low scale, and there will also be high-rise rental housing. A hotel is
planned for the Bloomington side. There will be a 26-acre open space going
through the development which will allow for jogging, walking, ice skating,
cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing.
also the linkage between the residential and non-residential. The major
changes are in the park area--specifically, the central park. Both a winter
park and summer park site plan were shown. Criticism has been made regarding
the park structure location with regard to parking. It was suggested that the
park be re-oriented, bringing it to the west side, closer to France Avenue to
give it a focal point entry off of France Avenue. Whatever the configuration,
the retail uses are the most public part of the project, where people are free
to come and go.
course could be developed in central park, with central park being enlarged
and the amphitheater expanded.
area separated from the lake in a convenient way for parents or seniors.
Jarvis introduced Warren Beck, the developer of the retail portion of the
Hedberg project as well as the owner/manager of the Galleria.
explained that the master plan is looking at the expansion of the Galleria and
the issue of traffic linkage.
transit service is going to happen with a minimum of physical conflicts
relative to the original design concept.
at the present time, as are the draft EIS hearing period and public hearings.
Mr. Beck commented on where the plans were a few months ago and how the retail
and athletic facilities have evolved. Initially, a two-level enclosed mall
with an athletic facility was proposed,. The concept today is the single store
visibility and single store access, allowing the customers to drive to and
park near the store itself. A 75,000 square foot softgoods store, Mainstreet,
is a concept developed by the Federated Stores.
category of those at Southdale are being considered.
larger store users that may not be 75,000 square feet in size but are more
than 15,000 square feet in size that have been seeking the Southdale area
locations for some time, and they are being approached.
does not have a high level of occupancy generates traffic and ends up being a
Manager Rosland
Three subsequent meetings have been held discussing
What has been created is
It has a north/south
Along France Avenue, where the noise level is the highest
A minimum of two or three types of housing is contemplated for sale in
This area would create the buffer and
Mr. Jarvis explained that the environmental putting golf
There will be a major tot lot and wading beach
Mr. Beck
It appears that the juxtaposition of that
The transit analysis is continuing
Other stores fitting the
There are a number of
An enclosed mall that
real problem for everybody involved.
refiguring of the retail area in that it was the same time there was a push to
Phase I becomes a window to France Avenue with a theater, office building with
a medical office specialty, retail and health club.
which put an overall park budget together with a contingency in the 9.5 to
10.5 million range and Phase I in the 4.5 to 5.5 million dollar range,
depending on final programs which are clearly not developed at this point.
There will be a drainage retention area to accommodate the Southeast Edina
Plan. Hennepin County is handling the final engineering design on the upgrade
of France Avenue. Mr. Jarvis commented that the headquarters building and the
little building housing the marina's uses have shifted to a slightly different
focal point from winter to summer.
east side came about because questions were raised about the fundamental
structure of the park, both in terms of programmed activities and dimensional
concerns, specifically whether the amphitheater was a good idea and as well
the lack of proximity to parking in the previous orientation.
staff collectively have agreed to take a fresh look at the main features,
especially the major tot lot, the environmen-tal putting surface and the
consolidation of games.
good things that could be said about the strong visual relationship of the
structure being directly back of France Avenue as well as proximity of public
parking below the structure.
configuration increases the accessibility to the park structure for the whole
City rather than decreases it.
instead of one with a larger parking area, and it is more visible to the
surrounding area.
whole City. Commissioner Turner questioned parking adequacy during retail
hours, and Mr. Jarvis explained that the required parking of 500 to 1,000
spaces for retail and 500 to 1,000 for the recreation facility would be
adequate 95% of the time.
the year. A major event in the amphitheater could generate 1,000 people.
Jarvis reminded the Commissioners that this mixed-use development concept
gives the project a sense of vitality and life, making it unique.
that one of the things he did not want to do was to screen the parking ramp
10 to 12-year schedule until total completion.
necessary, some short term and some long term; the longest period for them
would be 25 years from the date of the first receipt of tax increment.
Executive Director Hughes commented that if it were not for tax increment
financing, the costs would be amortized through special assessments against
the property rather than the version of the real estate tax dollar in tax
increment financing.
special assessments, it would be a general obligation to the City.
that the dedication at the time of development involves land rather than
City budget or the park dedication contribution by all the developers is
through tax increments rather than the contribution.
if the Hedberg project were to be sold piecemeal, what kind of ability would
there be to negotiate and control the ultimate footprints.
stated that we would have to rely on the normal zoning ordinance and that
control would be lot by lot.
to commend the development team and the staff who have worked so hard on this
limit we imposed on Homart and whether we should apply our standards to this
believes development along this corridor has a major impact on our whole
transportation system.
was about Edinborough, he is even more so for Hedberg.
resolution approving the 1988 amendments to the Southeast Edina Plan, approv-
ing the establishment of a tax increment financing plan, establishment of the
district and authorization to execute and implement the redevelopment agree-
ment with the understanding that what is in that redevelopment agreement are .
the contingencies of subsequent approval of a housing plan, subsequent ap-
proval of the Council as to the EIS and the feasibility of the tax increment
financing and the ability for the capture to serve as the proposed bonded
indebtedness of $19.5 million.
source permit will enable us to impose and make part of the body of that
permit any TDM that the Council feels appropriate and to be consistent with
our trip generation program in what we are trying to do to control traffic in
that whole Southeast Edina area. Commissioner Kelly commented that she could
not vote for this tax increment district at this time.
too many unknowns; the housing component is identified in the existing tax
The timing was fortunate in the
. bring a larger focus to the park. Mr. Jarvis said that final staging for
Estimates have been made
The possible changing of the park to the
Consultants and
A strong consensus emerged that there were a lot of
Commissioner Turner stated that the new
This way the public has two access streets
She felt this is a much more accessible location for the
Parking should not be a concern 11 months out of
He stated
from the park architecturally. If the project goes as planned, it would be a
Bonds will be sold as
Director Hughes explained that if we did not collect the
He sta$ed
In order to develop the land once received, either the general
Director Hughes commented that the acquisition price is financed back
Commissioner Smith asked ,
Director Hughes
Commissioner Turner remarked that she would like
She cclrmmented on the traffic, the issue of peak hour trips, the trip
Having spent one and one-half years working on the 494 study, she
Commissioner Richards commented that as enthused as he
He would support the
It is further understood that the indirect
She felt there were
cu Ln Lo 72
a m
increment district, and the storm water problem is totally in need of cor-
rection. She questioned the building of the whole park, maintenance and
security, and indicated she had unknowns regarding the shortfall agreement.
Commissioner Smith commented that the shortfall agreement allows us to tax at
the higher rate so we can cover the debt service that is tied to the $19
million. Commissioner Kelly explained that two parcels of this project are
already in a tax increment district--Parcel C and Parcel A within Southeast
Edina. Her concern was that the City is having trouble maintaining the parks
already existing. Commissioner Turner commented that she intended to support
the project, contingent upon the EIS and the 494 study.
introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Commissioner Richards
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota
(the "HRA'~), as fillows:
Edina City Council have previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined
in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, designated as the
Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan, and have approved various amendments
thereto (as so amended, the "Redevelopment Plan").
the HRA approve additional amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, designated as
the 1988 Amendments to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "1988
Amendments"), which among other things, authorizes the development and admin-
istration of an interest reduction program under Minnesota Statutes, Section
469.012, subdivision 7, to pay all or a portion of the construction period
interest for housing units to be constructed in connection with a redevelop-
ment project to be undertaken by the HRA in accordance with the Plan (the
"Interest Reduction Program").
velopment costs to be incurred by the €IRA in connection with the Plan and a
redevelopment project to be undertaken by the HRA pursuant thereto, it has
been further proposed that the HRA approve a tax increment financing plan,
pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, to be
designated as Tax Increment Financing Plan 88-1 (the "Financing Plan"), which
establishes a tax increment financing district, as defined in Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 9, to be designated as Tax Increment
Financing District 88-1 (the "District") .
3. It has been
proposed that the HRA and the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation")
enter into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment (the
'%RA Redevelopment Agreement"), covering a portion of the property subject to
the Redevelopment Plan.
velopment Agreement has been presented to this Board.
described in the document entitled "1988 Amendments to Southeast Edina Rede-
velopment Plan'' which has been presented to this Board, and the 1988 Amend-
ments and the Interest Reduction Program as so described are hereby approved.
The Financing Plan and the District are described in the document entitled
"Tax Increment Financing Plan 88-1 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of Edina, Minnesota" which has been presented to this Board, and the Financing
Plan and the District as so described are hereby approved, subject to the
execution and delivery by the HRA and the Foundation of the HRA Redevelopment
Agreement presented to this Board is hereby approved, subject to such changes
and additions thereto as are approved by the Chairman and Executive Director
of the HRA, such approval to be evidenced by the execution and delivery of the
HRA Redevelopment Agreement by the HRA.
content of the HRA Redevelopment Agreement by the Chairman and Executive
Director, any two officers of the HRA are hereby authorized and directed to
execute and deliver the HRA Redevelopment Agreement on behalf of the HRA,
together with such other documents, agreements and instruments to be executed
and delivered by the HRA pursuant to the HRA Redevelopment Agreement.
Executive Director of the HRA and the attorney for the HRA are hereby
authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the
Redevelopment Plan as amended by the 1988 Amendments, the Interest Reduction
Program, the Financing Plan and the District.
1988 Amendments to Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan. The HRA and the
It has been proposed that
Tax Increment Financing Plan 88-1. In order to finance the public rede-
Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment.
An outline of the proposed terms of the HRA Rede-
The 1988 Amendments and the Interest Reduction Program are Approvals.
The provisions in the outline of the proposed HRA Redevelopment
Upon the approval of the form and
The Executive Director is
further authorized and directed to request the appropriate authorities of
Hemepin Countyto certify the original assessed value of the District
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177 following (i) approval of the
Financing Plan and District by the Edina City Council in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, subdivision 3, and (ii) the execution and
delivery by the HRA and the Foundation of the HRA Redevelopment Agreement.
5. Interest Reduction Program. This Board acknowledges that in developing
and approving the ljnterest Reduction Program it has considered (i) the
availability and affordability of other government housing programs, (ii) the
availability and affordability of private market financing; and (iii) the need
for additional affordable mortgage credit to encourage the construction and
enable the purchase of housing units within the jurisdiction of the HRA. This
Board further acknowledges that the approval hereby given to the 1988
Amendments and the Interest Reduction Program authorizes all of the interest
reduction assistance payments thereunder whether made prior to or after
January 1, 1989.
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Smith.
Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney
Nays: Kelly
Resolution adopted.
Member Richards then introduced the following resolution and moved its
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows:
the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA") have
1988 Amendment to Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan. This Council and
previously approved a redevelopment plan and redevelopment project under
Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047, designated as the Southeast
Edina Redevelopment Plan, and have approved various amendments thereto (the
"Redevelopment Plan").
hearing on amendments to the Redevelopment Plan in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.029, subdivision 6. The amendments are designated as
the 1988 Brnendments to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "1988
development and administration by the HRA of an interest reduction program
under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.0J2, subdivision 7, to pay all or a
portion of the construction period interest for housing units to be
constructed in connection with a redevelopment project to be undertaken by the
ERA in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan (the "Interest Reduction
2. At the request of the ERA, this Council has
held a public hearing on a tax increment financing plan of the ERA, as defined
in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, designated as Tax Increment Financing
Plan 88-1 (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan"), covering a portion of the
property included in the area covered by the Redevelopment Plan. The Tax
Increment Financing Plan establishes a tax increment financing district, as
defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 9, designated as
Tax Increment Financing District 88-1 (the "District").
3. Approvals. The 1988 Amendments are hereby approved.. The Tax Increment
Financing Plan is hereby approved, subject to the'execution and delivery by
the HRA and the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation") of the Land
Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment (the II~ Redevelopment
Agreement") by and between the HRA and the Foundation. Upon the execution and
delivery by the ERA and the Foundation of the HRA Redevelopment Agreement, the
Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute and
deliver on behalf of the City the Consent of the City attached to the BRA
Redevelopment Agreement, together with such other documents, agreements and
instruments to be executed and delivered by the City pursuant to-the HRA
Redevelopment Agreement.
This Council finds that the District is a redevelopment district within the
scope of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, for the
following reasons: (i) less than 70 percent of the parcels in the District
are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements, (ii) as
shown by the Real Estate Consulting Analysis dated September 15, 1987,
prepared for the HRA by Robert Boblett Associates, Inc., due to unusual
terrain or soil deficiencies requiring substantial filling, grading or other
physical preparation for use at lease 80% of the total acreage of land in the
District has a fair market value upon inclusion in the District, which when
At the request of the HRA, this Council held a public
The 1988 Amendments, among other things, authorize the
Program'#) .
Tax Increment Financing Plan.
Findings With Respect to District Constituting Redevelopment District.
added to the cost of preparing that land for development, excluding costs
directly relating to roads as defined in Section 160.01 and local improvements
as described in Section 429.021, subdivision 1, clauses 1 to 7, 11 and 12 and
430.01, exceeds its anticipated fair market value after completion of the
preparation; and (iii) upon the execution and delivery by the HRA and the
Foundation of the HRA Redevelopment Agreement, the BRA will have-concluded an
agreement for the development of at least 504: of the acreage in the District
having the unusual soil or terrain deficiencies, which agreement provides
recourse to the ERA should the development not be completed.
5. Findings With Respect to Redevelopment Plan. Pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.028, subdivision 2, it is hereby found that:
(A) The land located within the area to be subject to the Interest Reduction
Program would not be made available for redevelopment without financial aid
sought; (B) The Redevelopment Plan as amended by the 1988 Amendments will
afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a
whole, for the redevelopment of the areas covered thereby by private
enterprise; and (C) The Redevelopment Plan as amended by the 1988 Amendments
conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole.
6. Findings Under Tax Increment Financing Act. Pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.175, subdivision 3, it is hereby found that:
(A) The District is a redevelopment District as defined in Minnesota Statutes,
Section 469.174, subdivision 10, for the reasons set forth in Section 4
hereof; (B) The proposed development to be undertaken in accordance with the
Redevelopment Plan as amended by the 1988 Amendment in the opinion of this
Council would not occur solely through private investment within the
reasonably foreseeable future and therefor the use of tax increment financing
is deemed necessary; (C) The Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the
general plan for the development of the City as a whole; (D) The Tax Increment
Financing Plan will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs
of the City as a whole for the development of the District by private
enterprise; and (E) The City elects the method of tax increment computation
set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, subdivision 3, clause (a).
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Smith.
CL] a
Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney
Nays: Kelly
Resolution adopted. I
Commissioner Richards introduced the following resolution and moved its
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "ERA"), as follows:
1. The ERA has previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined in
Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001, subdivision 16, designated as the
Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "Original Plan"), and has approved
various amendments to the Original Plan, including, but not limited to, an
amendment designated as the 1987 Amendment to the Southeast Edina
Redevelopment Plan (the "1987 Plan Amendment"), approved by a resolution
adopted by this Board on June 15, 1987 (the Original Plan as so amended by the
1987 Plan Amendments and 'the other amendments to the Plan is herein referred
to as the "Plan").
2. It is hereby determined that the acquisition by the BRA of the following
described property which is included in the area subject to the Plan is
necessary to carry out the 1987 Project, as defined in the 1987 Plan
Amendment, which 1987 Project was approved by the HRA in the 1987 Plan
Amendment and constitutes a redevelopment project, as defined in Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.001, subdivision 14:
That part of the East 1/2 of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, Section 32, Township 28, Range 24 lying West of a line drawn
North parallel to the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section
32 from a point on the south line thereof 1659.625 feet West of the
Southeast comer of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32, according
to the government survey thereof.
and directed on behalf of the ERA to acquire the property described in
paragraph 2 above by the exercise of the power of eminent domain pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117, and is specifically authorized to notify the
owners of intent to take possession pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
The Executive Director of' the ERA and attorney for the ERA are authorized
The Executive Director of the ERA and attorney for the HRA are
further authorized to take all actions necessary or desirable to carry out the
purposes of this resolution.
Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Turner.
Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney
Resolution adopted.
There being no further business on the agenda of the joint meeting of the HRA
and City Council, Commissioner/Me.mber Kelly moved adjournment.
seconded by Commissioner/Member Turner and carried.
Motion was
Acting City Clerk-'