HomeMy WebLinkAbout19881205_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 5, 1988 349 Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. CENTENNIAL UPDATE PRESENTED. Betty Hemstad, Co-Chair of the 1988 Centennial, commented that the Centennial Year was coming to a close and expressed thanks on behalf of herself and Kay Bach, Co-Chair, for the opportunity to serve the City. She said that a lot of citizens had worked on the Centennial and that there is a stronger feeling of community now than before the Centennial Year. for November was the Edina Centennial Interfaith Celebration of Thanksgiving and Community on November 20 held at the Edina Community Center. of the churches held Centennial celebrations of their own. the Founders' Day program to be held on December 12 at City Hall. service will hand cancel mail using a Centennial cancellation from noon to 5 p.m. and the evening program is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. District will be celebrating by serving Centennial birthday cake to all school children. at the evening program. Edinborough Park in appreciation for all the volunteers who worked on the Centennial events. She said that Centennial memorabilia will be sold at The Galleria the weekend of December 10-11 and suggested memorabilia items for Christmas gifts. 1989. With donations still coming in, together with the donation from the Rotary of $25,000, it is hoped that over $200,000 will be collected for the lasting memorial. Following the Centennial report, the Council Members thanked Co-Chairs Hemstad and Bach for their extraordinary efforts for the Centennial. The main event On November 13 some Kay Bach elaborated on The postal During the day the School Also, the Centennial tree that was planted last May will be dedicated On December 30 a grand finale party is planned at A financial report is expected to be completed during March, JIM SINGLETON COMMENDED ON RECEIVING AWARD OF MERIT. Jim Singleton, Edina Paramedic/Firefighter, was appointed to the Fire Department on December 6, 1976 and was promoted to Paramedic on December 5, 1980. During this past month he received an "Award of Merit" at the Fifth Annual Public Safety Awards Dinner. This award was presented for his dedication and initiative in the development and implementation of the first State of Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Peer Counseling Program to deal with critical stress, debriefing, training and guidance. emergency medical service personnel to help themselves recognize and resolve their personal or work related problems. his dedicated service to the City and presented him with a silver pen bearing the Edina logo. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented, with the exception of the removal of item VII1.D. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith,. Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Manager Rosland advised that The existence of a peer counseling program encourages Manager Rosland commended Mr. Singleton for Members of the Council also expressed their appreciation to him. *MINUTES OF JOINT COUNCIL/HRA MEETING AND REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12. 1988 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Joint Council/HRA Meeting and Regular Meeting of September 12, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. ACTION ON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR IRWIN FIRST ADDITION DELAYED UNTIL AFTER ITEM 1II.D ON AGENDA. ordered placed on file. Planner Craig Larsen recalled that the request for preliminary plat approval for Irwin First Addition was continued at the Council Meeting of November 21, 1988 to allow the proponent time to provide further information on questions that had been raised at the public hearing. property is located on the east side of Valley View Road between Moccasin Valley Road and Bror Road. He advised that the proponent has submitted a site plan for Council's review showing the proposed location of driveways, pads for the proposed homes, and drainage. At the last meeting there was some discussion about sharing a common driveway. have been moved to the south side of the lots to create the maximum distance from the interesection of Valley View Road and Dakota Trail. The plan also illustrates the proposed ultimate drainage pattern for the development which has been reviewed by and is acceptable to the City Engineer. asked the staff to review the sizes of the lots in the surrounding vicinity that were used for comparision purposes. Valley View Road were somewhat over 20,000 square feet in area; the average size for all the lots surveyed is somewhat over 22,000 square feet. The proposed new lots would be in excess of 13,000 square feet. staff's opinion, and reinforced by the recommendation of the Community Development and Planning Commission, these lots compare very favorably on lot width and that the size of many of the unusually shaped lots in the vicinity is gained by the extra depth that many of them possess. reason for staff's recommending approval for lots that are significantly smaller Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and The subject At staff's suggestion the driveways have been separated and At the last meeting the Council had The average size of the lots used along Planner Larsen said that in Planner Larsen concluded that that was the 12/5/88 350 than lots in the general neighborhood. Wally Irwin, proponent, then presented a colored graphic showing elevations of the houses he proposed to develop on the two lots. the front to preserve the existing look and that the structures now on the property would be removed. The proposed driveways have been moved to the southern most point on each lot so that they are located away from the curve on Valley View Road. Some of the existing trees would be relocated on the site. Mr. Irwin said that he had called on the surrounding neighbors and had showed the site plan to . them. Their reaction was 100% approval as indicated by their signatures on the plot at the locations where they live. He concluded by stating that he felt it would be a big improvement to the neighborhood and that the residents in the neighborhood all felt the same way. topography in the back of the lots. any of the topography in the wooded area in the rear; that there is an existing swale for drainage north to Valley View that will not be disturbed. stated that he was still bothered by the proposed lot sizes but that he appreciated the effort by the proponent in presenting the proposed footprint of the houses and showing the plan to the neighbors. driveways are better from the standpoint of street traffic. Member Kelly, Planner Larsen reviewed the sizes of the lots in the area which were used for comparison and that were directly related to the proposed subdivision. Member Turner commented that lot sizes were also a concern to her and that one thing the Council looks at in trying to make decisions on this kind of request is character and symmetry of the neighborhood. compared to others in the area. 13,700 square feet and either 20,300 or 22,000+ is significant and greater than she could accept. Member Kelly made a motion that action on the request for preliminary plat approval for Irwin First Addition be taken following item 1II.D (Final Rezoning and Final Plat Approval - Erhardt Addition) on the agenda. Member Smith. He explained that he planned to keep the existing rock retaining wall in I Member Smith asked Mr. Irwin to speak to the Mr. Irwin said that he did not plan to change Member Smith Also, that the divided At the request of . One measure of that is the lot size She said she felt that the difference between Therefore, she said that she could not support the request. Motion was seconded by I Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. RESOLUTION ADOPTED REGARDING MORATORIUM ON SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISIONS: ORDINANCE NO. 119 ADOPTED IMPOSING MORATORIUM: SECOND READING WAIVED. Planner Larsen recalled that at the last meeting the Council had asked staff and the City Attorney to do research and come back with suggestions relative to the way the City processes and hears proposals to subdivide lots in the Single Family District. impose a temporary moratorium on proposals to divide single family lots. would only apply to subdivisions within the Single Family District. The moratorium would be designed to last for one year, subject to earlier termination or extension by the Council, to allow the Council to review the plans and ordinances of the City to determine if any changes should be made to procedures and criteria for approving single family subdivisions. Member Smith asked when such ordinance would be effective if passed. waived it would be effective upon publication in the Edina Sun-Current on Wednesday of next week. meeting would not be subject to the moratorium. following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the City of Edina is essentially fully developed; and WHEREAS, Edina is a city of many and varied residential housing units and neighborhoods which are enhanced by their variety, quality and significance, and in order to provide continuity and a complete community of the highest standards as set out is the Mission Statement of the City, it is desirable to adopt this resolution; and WEEREAS, lots in the City are valuable and new lots will be developed in the City mainly by subdividing existing lots; and WEEREAS, the City Council believes that the ordinances and Comprehensive Plan of the City are adequate to guide future subdivisions of existing lots without detriment to the City or its citizens, but nevertheless, it is recognized that planning is an ongoing process and it is desirable to continually review the plans and ordinances of the CZty to determine if any changes or amendments should be made to the procedures and criteria for approving subdivisions in the City, especially as they relate to existing single family lots; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City staff is hereby directed to conduct studies of the applicable plans and ordinances of the City, and to give information to and make recommendations to the City Council relative to the need, if any, for changing or clarifying the procedures and criteria for approving plats, replats, subdivisions or divisions of lots or other property in the City, and especiallywithin the Single Dwelling Unit District (R-1) of the City as designated by the City Zoning Ordinance. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Mayor Courtney asked for public comment on the resolution and hearing none called for rollcall vote. I He presented for the Council's consideration an ordinance that would This Planner Larsen said that if Second Reading were Attorney Erickson clarified that any action taken at this Member Smith introduced the RESOLUTION . I Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney 12/5/88 351 Ln 72 m U Resolution adopted. Member Smith then introduced Ordinance No. 119 and moved its adoption with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 119 AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON TEIE PLATTING, REPLATTING, SUBDIVISION AND DIVISION OF LOTS AND OTHER PROPERTY WITHIN ANY SINGLE DWETLING UNIT DISTRICT (R-1) IN THE CITY OF EDINA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Purpose. Pursuant to applicable Minnesota statutes, Edina is now conducting studies for the purpose of considering adoption and/or amendment of official controls, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.352, Subdivision 15, including amendment of Ordinance No. 801 (the "Platting Ordinance") and Ordinance No. 825 (the "Zoning Ordinance"). The official controls and amendments being studied will consider, among other things, the desirability and suitability of, and the requirements and conditions for, the processing and approval of plats, replats, subdivisions and divisions of lots and other property within any Single Family Dwelling District (R-l), as established by the Zoning Ordinance, in the City. However, while the new official controls and amendments are being considered, proposals for, and applications for such plats, replats, subdivisions and divisions continue to be made. Therefore, in order to protect the planning process and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Edina, it is necessary and desirable to impose the following moratorium pursuant to the authority granted by Minesota Statutes, Section 462.355, Subd. 4. Sec. 2. Moratorium. From the effective date of this ordinance to and including the first anniversary of such effective date, subject to earlier termination or extension by the Edina City Council, the Edina City Council, the Edina Community Development and Planning Commission, and the Edina City staff shall not accept any applications for, or continue to process or act on, any applications or requests for, any plats, replats, subdivisions or divisions of lots or other property within any Single Dwelling Unit District (R-l), as established by the Zoning Ordinance, in the City; provided, however, that the City Council may disapprove any application for any such plat, replat, subdivision or division solely to prevent approval thereof by operation of law pursuant to Minnesota Staututes, Seciton 462.358, Subd. 3b. upon its passage and publication. Sec. 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Mayor c. 2&z2-&' ATTEST: -7U'-ap). a City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Mayor Courtney asked for public comment and hearing none called for rollcall vote on the ordinance. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. FINAL REZONING FROM R-2 DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO R-1 SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT APPROVED FOR LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION: ORDINANCE NO. 825-A29 ADOPTED. Double Dwelling Unit District for Lots 1, 2, and 3, Indian Hills 3rd Addition, located on McCauley Trail. vacant double bungalow lots presently zoned R-2 that are the most easterly three lots in the Indina Hills 3rd Addition plat. On November 21, 1988 the Council granted preliminary rezoning for the three lots for the purpose of constructing three new single family homes on the subject property. Staff would recommend granting Second Reading for the rezoning. Member Smith commented that at the public hearing for rezoning he had expressed concern for building high value single family homes on the subject lots from the standpoint of highway noise and asked if the City had any obligation with regard to sound barriers. Planner Larsen responded that the City does not have such obligation and that the developer is doing some things at his own cost to try to mitigate the impact of highway noise. Engineer Fran Hoffman commented that for the last two years the developer has proposed an 8-foot high visual barrier for the west four double lots of the subdivision and has installed the posts. west has objected to the barrier because it would obstruct the view of the church from the freeway. He said that he has been working with the church on this issue and that staff's attitude is that this is similar to the Nine Mile Village activity next to Colonial Church where there is a fence to break the sight lines. Theyproponent has agreed to construct at his expense an 8-foot barrier, approved by City staff, to break the visual sight of the freeway along the whole length of his property; however, the property owner in one of the doubles has objected. Engineer Hoffman said he has encouraged the proponent to construct the visual barrier along the property. Turner moved Second Reading and adoption Ordinance No. 825-A29 as follows: Planner Larsen presented the request for final rezoning to R-1 He recalled that the subject property comprises three The church immediately to the No further comments or objections being heard, Hember ORDINANCE NO. 825-A29 12/5/88 352 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) BY REZONING PROPERTY FROM R-2 DOUBTX DUETLING UNIT DISTRICT TO R-1 SINGLE DWEUING UNIT DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 6 of Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1. "The extent of the Single Dwelling Unit District (R-1) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lots 1, 2 and 3, INDIAN HII;Ls 3RD ADDITION. The extent of the Double Dwelling Unit District (R-2) is reduced by removing the property described above from the R-2 District." Sec. 2. I This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. ATTEST : * 5%. &i!.A- City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. FINAL REZONING TO R-2 DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT AND FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR ERHARDT ADDITION. Double Dwelling Unit District for Lot 2 and final plat approval for the Erhardt Addition, generally located in the southeast quadrant of the Brookview preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat approval for the subject property at its meeting of October 17, 1988. Dwelling Unit District for Lot 2 and final plat approval, subject to a subdivision dedication fee based on a value for the new lot of $45,000. objections being heard, Member Kelly made a motion for Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 825428 and adoption of the resolution for final plat approval as follows, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $3,600.00: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) Planner Larsen presented the request for final rezoning to R-2 Avenueflalley View Road intersection. He recalled that the Council had granted ! i Staff would recommend final rezoning to R-2 Double No comment or I ORDINANCE NO. 825-828 BY ADDING TO THE DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT (R-2) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MNNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 6 of Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1. "The extent of the Double Dwelling Unit District (Sub-District R-2) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Sec. 2. Lot 2, Block I, Erhardt Addition." This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. RESOLUTION BPPROVING FINAL PIAT FOR ERBBRDT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "ZRBBRDT ADDITION", platted by Ronnie Phillips Erhardt and Robert Erhardt as personal representatives of The Estate of Peggy Chalmers Erhardt, also horn as Peggy C. Erhardt, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 5, 1988, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the ordinance and resolution was seconded by Member Turner. 1 Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Ordinance and resolution adopted. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR IRWIN FIRST ADDITION. discussion on the request for preliminary plat approval for Irwin First Addition and motion of the Council to take action thereon following item 1II.D on the agenda, the Council again reviewed the square footage of the lots in the surrounding neighborhood of the proposed subdivision. Wally Irwin, proponent argued that the proposed new lots visually would look the same from the street as other lots along Valley View Road and that the new lots are within 3,000 square feet of the most recent lots that were subdivided in the area. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: Following presentation and I - BESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMNBRY AJTROVAL FOR IRWIN FIRST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota that that certain plat entitled "IRWIN FIRST ADDITION", platted by Wally Irwin Construction, Inc., and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 5, 1988, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Member Kelly said that she had made the motion for discussion purposes and added that she felt Mr. Irwin could construct one really nice home on the subject property. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mayor Courtney. . 12/5/88 353 cu Ln m I Q: m Following further discussion on the proposed subdivision, Mayor Courtney called for rollcall vote on the motion. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Courtney Nays: Turner Resolution adopted. Member Smith made the comment to Mr. Irwin that the vote included a couple of reluctant ayes, that he wanted Mr. Irwin to understand the significance of the discussion prior to this action, and that the Council feels that the subdivision of lots in the City has been of concern to the Council for some time. HEARING DATE OF 12/19/88 SET FOR EDINA HIGHLANDS 2ND ADDITION. Planner Larsen explained that the request for preliminary plat approval for Edina Highlands 2nd Addition is a proposal to subdivide a single family lot and as such it will be affected by the moratorium and that the proponent will be notified of that fact. Member Turner made a motion setting December 19, 1988 as hearing date for preliminary plat approval for Edina Highlands 2nd Addition. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET OF 12/19/88 SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Tuirner setting December 19, 1988 as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Conditional Use Permit - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church - 5730 Grove Street - Construct New Sanctury and Fellowship Room 2) Re-Program CDBG Funds for Handicap Accessibility Improvements - Edina Community Center. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS/RECONSTRUCT RESTROOMS. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for reconstructing restrooms at park shelter buildings (Arneson Acres Historical/Garden Center and Pamela Park) to handicap accessibility to recommended low bidder, Peak Construction, at $25,936.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote,' four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR DRILLING/CONSTRUCTION OF WELL #19. Smith and was seconded by Member Turner for dr2lling and construction of municipal well #19 to recommended low bidder, E.H. Tenner & Sons, at $128,281.00. Motion was made by Member Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED WAIVING GREENSFEES FOR SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT AND FOR DEMOLITION OF PADDLE TENNIS COURTS: PROPOSAL FOR DEKHOCKEY AT LEWIS PARK TABLED. Manager Rosland presented the following recommendations from the Edina Park Board meeting of November 15, 1988: 1) that greensfees for the Silver Anniversary Tournwent on July 9, 1989 be waived, 2) that dekhockey for the 1989 season at Lewis Park' be approved on a one-time basis, and 3) that the Park & Recreation Department proceed to demolish the paddle tennis courts. Member Smith asked what the financial impact would be of waiving the greensfees and whether or not this has been done in the past with the exception of the Centennial tournament. Park Director Kojetin said that attendance probably would be similar to Saturdays, i.e. 144 people, at $10/12 each. However, we would take in other fees by having people out there for the tournament. He explained that greensfees were waived for the Junior Womens National about eight years ago; however, that was on a tournament basis and the course was closed for four days. dekhockey at Lewis Park, Member Turner asked if they will be using the hockey or bandy rink; also if that would allow time for the City to flood the rinks for the winter skating, and if this would displace other park programs. Director Kojetin said that they would just be using the hockey rink during the summer time, March through November, and then would be removing their equipment and that there is no programmed activity there during the summer months. Member Kelly questioned the advisability of leasing to an outside organization and said she wanted the City's facilities to be available to the citizens. Also, that she was concerned about wear and tear on park property that is leased. Member Smith brought up the issue of a renting/leasing policy and asked if the Park Board had discussed this. Director Kojetin said that at their November meeting the Board had discussed proposed guidelines on renting/leasing Park and Recreation Department facilities that had been prepared by staff. the chairman had asked that the members review those and be prepared to act on a policy in January. questions contained in the guidelines to the Dekhockey proposal. Director Kojetin said that staff had evaluated the request before bringing the proposal to the Park Board and had felt that it fit into Catagory #2 of the guidelines; also that staff had felt this would be a good recreational activity for Edina. Member Turner suggested that for future proposals the Council should see the answers to the questions posed in the guidelines. dekhockey proposal, it was informally agreed that the Council would consider the proposal following adoption of a rent/lease policy to be drafted and approved by Regarding No action was taken on the draft guidelines and Member Turner asked if the Park Board had applied the Following considerable discussion on the 354 12/5/88 the Park -Jar Member nith suggested that the Council Members get their comments regarding the draft renting/leasing policy to the Park Board prior to their meeting in January. Silver Anniversary Tournament at Braemar Golf Course on July 9, 1989 be waived. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Member Turner made a motion that the greensfees for the Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Kelly made a motion approving the demolition of the paddle tennis courts. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. RELOCATION OF SENIOR CENTER TO EDINA COMMUNITY CENTER APPROVED. Manager Rosland advised that the Senior Center Research Committee has been meeting since July to consider alternative locations for the Senior Center which must vacate their present space at 7151 York Avenue South. After many meetings and much research, the Committee would recommend relocating the Senior Center to the West Community Room on the third floor of the Edina Community Center. drafted for the City to lease from the School District the West Community Room space from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for a five-year period with all rental and use fees waived by the District. In return, the City would agree to the following: 1) To install an elevator to serve floors one, two and three, 2) To remodel third floor restrooms to handicapped standards, 3) To pay up to $20,000 for air conditioning of the third floor north wing if the District determines it is feasible, 4) To open the south side of Southview Lane to street parking and sign it for two hour parking from 7 AM to 10 PM and no parking from 10 PM to 7 AM. 5) Contract with the School District for janitorial services based on need. Committee also would recommend that the City contract for one year with the Volunteers of America (V0A)to provide the congregate dining program. cost for this program is estimated to be $4,000 (VOA would pay $2.00 per meal with the City contributing S.50 per meal) based on estimate of 50 meals daily. If this number reaches 90-100 meals per day, VOA would resume 100% operation of congregate dining and would pay the full cost of the program. said the cost of the relocation would be as follows: Facility Improvements $25,000, Congregate Dining $4,000 and Handicapped Accessibility $115,000, totaling $144,000. Funds $115,000 (Handicapped Accessibility). He recalled that the 1989 Budget provided $50,000 in contingency for the Senior Center. that she felt this was a very good solution and asked if the CDBG moneys were excess funds or would the City be giving up any other project. Planner Craig Larsen said that the reprogramming would be from the existing CDBG allocation that the City would lose at the end of the year because the moneys would not have been spent. It would not take away from any moneys that have already been committed. Member Smith commended the members of the Committee who had worked on the relocation of the Center and said this was a good example of the City and School District working together. He cautioned that we be cognizant of the cost of the janitorial services for cleaning as this would be provided by individuals in the District's bargaining unit. He also said that the congregate dining program has basically been self supporting and that the $4,000 cost should be viewed as start-up costs for the program at the new location. Member Smith made a motion to authorize the Manager to negotiate a suitable lease for the Senior Center facility based on the recommendations of the Senior Center Research Committee as presented and to bring it back for Council approval as soon as possible. seconded by Member Turner. An agreement has been I The The City In summary, Manager Rosland This cost would be covered by City Operating Budget $29,000 and CDBG Member Turner commented Motion was Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Kelly commented that she did not think the location at the Edina Community Center was the best place for the Senior Center and that she hoped staff would continue to search for a place that would be more suitable and convenient for the senior population. BENEFITS AUDIT REVIEWED.. completed during the past year and which had been sent to the Council Members recently for review. He explained that the audit had compared the current benefits to the City's stated benefit objectives and competitive practice. Benefit objectives were established with a City task force in March, 1988. competitive comparison, the City's benefits were compared to "select" Group Five cities which are suburban cities that have been used for salary surveys in the past. In addition, the benefits were compared to all Group Five cities and midwest employees in the private sector. objectives in providing benefits to employees: 1) to protect employees and their families from financial hardship, 2) to promote the image of the City as a "good place to work", and 3) to enhance recruitment and retention of employees. He observed that while the City wishes to be perceived as a "premier community", the Council had indicated in the past that the targeted range for salary and benefit package is the middle top quartile. to tie the audit in with the personnel ordinance which is now being reviewed by the City's attorneys and the employee's handbook which is being reviewed by staff along with a benefit increase to be proposed when the documents are brought to the Manager Rosland referred to the Benefits Audit D 'J For The task force identified three primary Manager Rosland said that the intent would be 12/5/88 355 m a Council sometime after the first of the year. would be for an additional $lO/month into the insurance package. 1989 a "menu" approach to benefits will be brought to the Council. be done prior to the budget process for 1990. No formal action was taken. The benefit increase recommendation Also, during This will all RESOLUTION ADOPTED SETTING PAEX & RECREATION FEES/CHARGES FOR 1989: RESOLUTION OR DECREASE CERTAIN FEES. Manager Rosland presented draft resolutions setting Park and Recreation fees and charges for 1989 as recommended by the Park Board and ambulance service fees for 1989 as recommended by the Fire Department together with an amendment to the Fees and Charges Ordinance No. 171 for those fees/charges established by ordinance. He explained that the proposed fees and charges were included in the revenues as adopted in the 1989 Budget and recommended adoption. He further called to the Council's attention the comprehensive Fees and Charges Study which had been requested by the Council and which provides a summary of fees established by the City's ordinances. Member Smith expressed his appreciation for the information contained in the Study. resolutions and moved adoption: ADOPTED SETTING AMBULANCE.SERVICE FEES: ORDINANCE NO. 171-A28 ADOPTED (TO INCREASE Member Smith introduced the following RESOLUTION SETTING PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES AND CHARGES FOR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following Fees and Charges for Park and Recreation the year 1989, as submitted by the Park Board, be approved: Playground !$ 8.00 T-Ball $22.00 Aquatic Instruction 22.00 Tennis Instruction 22.00 Memberships : Class Fees: (8 weeks) Art Center Family 35.00 Adult Member 65.00 Individual 25.00 Adult Non-Member 72.00 Child Member 40.00 Art Center Rental 75.00/group Child Non-Member 44.00 Single Hour Rate (As of September) 85.00 Late Night (midnight or later) 70.00 Open Skating (Youth & Adult) 2.50 Skate Rental 1.06 Skate Sharpening 1.50 Summer Rental Pavilion 5OO.OO/day Season Tickets (Effective 10/1/88) Arena Resident Family 55.00 Resident Individual 35 .OO Non-Resident Family 70.00 Non-Resident Individual 50.00 Classes (as of January 1, 1989) 45.00 Gun Range Pistol - 1/2 hour 25 Rounds Trap Building - per hour Season Tickets: Daily Admission: Pool Resident Family $46.00 Adult and Youth Resident Individual 30.00 Non-Resident Family 54.00 Non-Resident Individual 36.00 Braemar Golf Course Patron Cards: Lockers : Individual 50.00 Men's 72" Additional Family Men's 42" Computerized Handicaps: Club Rental Resident 11.00 Pull Carts Non-Resident 15.00 18 Holes 18.00 18 Holes 9 Holes 9.50 9 Holes Member 45.00 Ladies' 72" Golf Cars: Golf Cars - Seniors: Group Golf Lessons: Golf Range: Adult 45.00 Large Bucket Junior 23.00 Small Bucket Warm Up Bucket Braemar Green Fees 18 Hole Non-Patron 13.50 Seniors : 18 Hole Patron 10.00 18 Hole Non-Patron 9 Hole Non-Patron 8.50 18 Hole Patron 9 Hole Patron 7.00 9 Hole Non-Patron 9 Hole Patron Group Fees 17.00 Group Fees 9 Hole 10.00 Group Car Fees 2 2.00 Executive Course Green Fees 4.00 4.50 45.00 2.50 33.00 22.00 14.00 5.00 1.75 15.50 8.50 3.75 2.50 1.00 12.50 9.00 8.00 6.50 12/5/88 Adult Non-Patron Adult Patron Golf Car - everyone Pull Carts Group Fee Braemar Room: Night Rate Resident Night Rate Non-Res. 6.25 Sr. & Jr. Non-Patron 5.25 5.25 Sr. & Jr. Patron 4.25 7.00 1.75 7.00 Braemar Clubhouse 450.00 500.00 Day Rate Resident 225.00 Day Rate Non-Res. 275.00 Edinborourth Park Pool/Track/Skating: Daily Pass - Youth and Adult Annual Pass - Individual Annual Pass - Family Lockers Towels Skate Rental Building Rental - Category #l City of Edina - Boards and Associations Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (per hour) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (exclusive use) Great Hall Arena Theatre Grotto Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residenZs/business (exclusive use) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #4 Non-Ed- residents/business (per hour) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #4 Non-Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Domestic Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto Great Hall mixed use Ice Rink & Great Hall Commercial Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto Theatre Great Hall Ice Rink Hjxed Use Box Lunch Program: 6 Catering Kitchen: (assessed for use of kitchen) Groups size Over 200 Groups size over 300 Groups size over 500 2.50 150.00 200.00 .25 -50 1.25 $150.00 day + $12/man hour for set-up and tear down 125.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 75.00 125.00 125.00 60.00 1,000.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 60.00 350.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 85.00 1,200.00 225.00 225.00 250.00 15.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 .oo-10.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 12/5 /88 357 Commercial Use: (trade shows, etc.) Miscellaneous Charges: Exclusive all day use 2,000.00 Table Rental to Edina Park Plaza 5.00/table and Corporate Center East Children's Birthday Parties (limit 2 tables) 15.00/table Dance Floor set-up 50.00 Mirror Ball 20.00 Park Department Rentals Arneson Acres Terrace Room: $lOO/day ($50/lst hour, $25/hr after) Braemar Ballfields: $35/hr - no lights, $55/hr - with lights General Park Areas: $50/hr - commercial use (i.e. TV Commercials) Picnic Shelters: Showmobile : $600/day Rental of Athletic Field: $3O/game, $50/game with lights Portable Bleachers: Recreational Picnic Equipment: Free usage Tupa Park: $125/day Park and Recreation Activity Registration Refund Fee: $5.00 $35 up to 50 people, $70 over 50 people (Lake Cornelia Park) $l5O/day or $50/hr + delivery charge RESOLUTION SETTING AMBULANCE FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following ambulance service fees: Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment and/or transportation to a medical facility: Level I - On Scene Treatment $ 60.00 AMBULANCE FEES Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved Vital Signs Bandaging, etc. I.V. Setups EXG Monitoring Spine immobilization Level I11 plus any: Medications 245.00 Level I1 - Minor Care (BLS) Splinting Level I11 - Moderate Care (ALS) 295.00 Level IV - Maior Care 345.00 MAST (inflated) Additional manpower Mechanical extrication Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Defibrillation Level V - Cardiac Arrest Level IV plus any: Additional Charge for Transportation to Downtown Hospitals Abbott/Northwestern, Minneapolis Children's Medical Center, Mt. Sinai, Fairview (Lutheran) Deaconess, Fairview Ridges Medical Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Metropolitan Medical Center, Fairview/ St. ?!¶ary's, University of Minnesota, North Memorial Medical Center, Veterans' Administration Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolutions adopted. Member Smith introduced Ordinance No. 171-A28 and moved adoption, with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 171-A28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO INCREASE OR DECREASE CERTAIN FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF !CHE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: to Ordinance No. 171 are amended to read as follows: ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 201 5 Public Dance Permit $35.00 202 Bowling alley license Business enterprise - $35.00 2a per annum plus $10.00 per lane Bona fide club - $5.00 per 2b annum per lane Section 1. The amounts of the following described fee numbers of Schedule A FEE NO. 1 -- $35.00 per annum 4 204 4 Bingo occasion, gambling device, raffle license device license 211 5 Machine or amusement 395.00 60.00 $35.00 annually per establishment, 5a plus $5.00' per machine/device 5b for all machines/devices 12/5/88 355 408 434 434 643 644 645 645 645 661 731 761 1 Building Code compliance inspection 27(f) Public or semi-public swimming pool license 28(F) Public or semi-public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool license 5 License to refill fire extinguishers 3(d) Permit fee for cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation system 4 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of Heads 1- 5 6- 10 11 - 25 26 - 50 4 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of Heads 51 - 100 101 - 200 201 plus 4 Fire pump installation and associated hardware Standpipe installation Each additional standpipe response fee 1 False fire alarm 5 Food establishment license Take out facility license Packaged food sales license Food warehouse license Catering food establishment license Itinerant food est- tablishment license Retail candy shop license Readily perishable food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more readily perishable food vehicles license Bakery food vehicle license Catering food vehicle license Perishable food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more perishable food vehicles license Ice vending machine license 3 License to operate a described in Section 1. of $75.00 $250.00 per annum for each pool enclosed part or all of the year $135.00 per annum for each outdoor pool $55.00 per annum for each bath or pool $75.00 per hour with a minimum 10 17a 17b 18 $15.00 per annum per person 22 to be licensed $35.00 for each permit 50 $40.00 (minimum fee) 22. la $60.00 22. lb $60.00 for first ten plus 22. IC $22.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof $104.00 for first twenty-five plus $17.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof 22. Id $155.00 for first fifty, plus 22. le $11.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof $210.00 for first one hundred plus $9.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof $300.00 for first 200 plus $6.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof $75.00 22. laa 22. lbb 22. If $75.00 22. lg $5.00 22.lh $175.00 for third and each subsequent response within one calendar year $345.00 per annum ($295 certified) 25a plus $85.00 per annum for each additional facility $230.00 per annum ($180 certified) 25al 22a $110.00 per annum 25a2 $50.00 per annum 25a3 $345.00 per annum ($295 certified) 25a4 plus $85.00 per annum for each additional facility $50.00 per event 25b $35.00 per annum $55.00 per annum 25c 25d $275.00 per annum 25e $50.00 per annum 25f $130.00 per annum, plus $15.00 per 25g annum for each additional vehicle $55.00 per annum 25h $275.00 per annum 25i $10.00 per annum for each machine dispensing packaged ice $20.00 per annum for all other ice machines Hotels - $150.00 for 1-50 rooms 27a 25k I Il I 12/5/88 359 m 5 902 10 1101 l(a) 1111 3(a) 1111 3(b) 1301 6 1303 5 1331 3 1361 1 1432 4 Sec. 2. hotel, lodging or and $1.00 per each room over 50 boarding house Lodging and boarding houses - 27b Sunday intoxicating liquor $200.00 per annum 36a sale license (Clubs only) Sewer Rental Charge: $55.00 per location Single family dwellings, Based upon watee usage during 37a townhouses, two-family winter quarter. (Three-month dwellings, apartment period falling between Nov. 1 buildings containing and March 1.) units : four or less dwelling -- To and including 1800 cubic feet From 1801 cubic feet and over $20.50 per quarter $1.15 per 100 cubic feet Apartment buildings with $88.50 plus $16.50 for each 37b more than four dwelling unit over four, or $1.15 per units hundred cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater industrial buildings, approved sewage metering device including schools and on premises, or $1.15 per hundred churches cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater Commercial and $23.00 per water meter or 37c Water service 1. 40 cents per 100 cubic feet 39a for areas of City except areas described in 2 and 3 Minimum charge of $6.00 per quarter will be made where vater consumption amounts to less than 1800 cubic feet $30.00 for each additional vehicle 39d Garbage hauler license $75.00 per annum first vehicle, 41 Solicitor's permit $35.00 per annum 43 Taxicab drivers license $35.00 per annum 46 False alarm response fee 48 Taxicab license $35.00 per annum for each vehicle 49 $75.00 for the third and each subsequent response Following publication, the effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 1989. ATTEST : Mayor 74d -2% Q-LL City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Ro 11 c a1 1 : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney ROBERT SHERMAN APPOINTED TO TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. the Council that two applications had been received for the seat vacated by Lois Coon on the Traffic Safety Committee. appointment of Robert J. Sherman to the Traffic Safety Committee. seconded by Member Kelly. Manager Rosland informed Motion was made by Member Smith to approve Motion was Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 1989 CALENDAR AND STRATEGIC WORK PROGRAM APPROVED. Calendar and Strategic Work Program which had been drafted by Member Turner and Manager presented the 1989 Assistant Manager Hughes with the recommendation that the work program calendar be adopted and that the discussion of regular Council meeting dates be continued to the December 19, 1989 agenda when Member Richards would be present. that the Council may wish to postpone discussion on the Council meeting dates until the new Council Members take office in January. that, in terms of the work program dates, the Council had identified the issues and set objectives at their spring retreat and had also agreed that following the budget process specific dates would be proposed for the various elements of the work program. Following some discussion, Member Kelly made a motion to approve the 1988-1989 Work Program Dates as presented with the exception that the Recycling presentation to the Council be changed from December 19, 1988 to January 9, 1989. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. He suggested Member Turner explained I Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. DRAFT AGENDA FOR COUNCIL/PARK BOARD MEETING ON 12/13/88 APPROVED. presented the following draft agenda for the joint Council/Park Board Meeting scheduled for December 13, 1988: Manager Rosland 12/5/88 360 1) 2) 3) 4) It was informally agreed to approve the draft agenda as presented. Introduction of Council and Park Board Members Overview of Park and Recreation Task Force Report Discuss Elements of Assignment as Contained in Work Program Review Timetale Including Advisability of Progress Meeting during 1989. RESOLUTION ADOPTED FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF DOTTIE RIETOW TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL. Manager Rosland advised that Dottie Rietow has asked for Council support for her reappointment to the Metropolitan Council as representative of District 11. stated that he felt she has represented Edina's interest on the Council. Courtney and Member Turner commented in support of her reappointment. discussion, Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : VBEREBS, the term of Dottie Rietow on the Metropolitan Council will expire in January, 1989, and WHEREAS, Dottie Rietow has been a dedicated representative of the City of Edina and the other municipalities in District 11; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Dottie Rietow for reappointment; BE IT FUaTHw RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Honorable Rudy Perpich to approve the reappointment of Dottie Rietow as the District 11 representative on the Metropolitan Council. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. He Mayor Following RESOLUTION Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted . I i I I *YEAR END COUNCIL MEETING DATE SET FOR 12/29/88. and was seconded by Member Turner setting December 29, 1988 at 5:OO p.m. as the Year-End Council Meeting date. Motion was made by Member Smith' I Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *COUNCIL MINUTES OF 8/1/88 AMENDED REGARDING LOT DIVISION FOR 6315-6319 TIMBER TRAIL. the Council Minutes of August 1, 1988 with regard to the resolution for Lot Division for 6315-6319 Timber Trail to correct the legal description as follows: RESOLUTION HEREBS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels : Motion vas made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner to amend Lot 10, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION and Lot 11, Block 1, INDIAN HII;Ls 3RD ADDITION WEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels"): VBEREBS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Lot 10, and that part of Lot 11 lying North of a line drawn easterly from a point on the Uest line of said Lot 11 as measured along said Uest line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest comer thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. Indian Hills 3rd Addition and Lot 11, Block I, Indian Hills 3rd Addition, except that part thereof lying North of a line drawn easterly from a point on the West line of said Lot 11 as measured along said West line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest corner thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. All in Block 1, WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOU, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion caried on rollcall vote, four ayes. - PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP/CONTROL OF CABLE FRANCHISE GRANTEE: RESOLUTION ADOPTED GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO ACQUISITION OF ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS BY KBL CABLE, INC. Pursuant to due notice being given, a public hearing was held to consider transfer of ownership and control of the City's cable franchise. Manager Rosland recalled that Rogers Cablesystems, Inc. proposes to sell all of its U.S. holdings and has asked that the five City Councils give final approval to the acquisition of Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc., by KBL -. 12/5/88 361 N Ln UI) 1 5 m Cable, Inc. Attorney Erickson advised that the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (SWSCC) conducted a joint public hearing on behalf of the Member Cities on November 30 and had adopted a resolution recommending approval of the transfer of ownership. Council action required on the transfer would be l)*adoption of a resolution giving final approval to the acquisition of Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc., by KBL Cable, Inc., and 2) approval of the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance. He explained that the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance has as its predecessor the guarantee agreement that the City received from the parent companies of the existing franchisee. replaced by the guarantee from KBL Cable, Inc. and it in turn is having its obligations guaranteed by KBLCOM; both guarantees are part of the Consent Agreement document. In addition, the resolution also establishes as a condition to final approval of the change of ownership the performance of the Stipulation of Settlement, which was reviewed at the November 21 Council Meeting. Stipulation of Settlement includes among other things the obligation to pay the $3.5 million and agreement to pay the Member Cities through the SWSCC their reasonable costs and expenses incurred during the transfer process. Attorney Erickson advised that all of this becomes effective only upon a change in the ownership of the Rogers stock which is being purchased by KBL Cable, Inc. expected to happen on or about February 28, 1989. There is a 10-day delay period built into the documents which would extend the closing to March 10 at the latest when we would expect the $3.5 million to be paid, the Consent Agreement and Guarantee of Performance to be given and the other documents to be executed and delivered. He advised that he has reviewed the documents and that the most recent changes he had suggested have been made over the weekend and therefore would recommend that the documents be approved and the resolution be adopted. Smith asked what would be the effect of the transfer of ownership and if there would be a change in cable programming. would change for the better. money could be put back in to provide better public access and governmental programing channels. organizations control programing. Warren Mobley, Vice President of KBLCOM, said he concurred with Manager Rosland's comments. decentralization; they have a small corporate staff which has a lot of expertize to be able to assist the local managers to read the community, find out what they want and then execute a good operating plan over the course of the year. He elaborated on the expertize of the corporate staff and explained the studies they conduct to get the opinion of the community to translate those into operations. Member Smith also expressed concern about the adult programming currently on cable television. Mr. Mobley responded, that representing KBLCOM, that type of program will be viewed with discretion and that they will make them conform to the mores of the community through public opinion surveys and through feedback from elected officials. He pointed out that there is new programing on cable television such as the Discovery channel and other quality family programming on some of the other channels. That type of programming will continue to grow with the cable industry and KBLCOM will be proponents far encouraging that type material from other programming vendors. No further comment being heard, Mayor Courtney introduced the following resolutions and moved their adoption: That guarantee is being The That is Member Manager Rosland said that he felt it With the money the Member Cities will be receiving Also, KBLCOM is more decentralized and lets the local Their philosophy is one of RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSENT AGREEXfXNT AND GUARAN!CY OF PERFORMANCE BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the Consent Agreement and Guarantee of Performance between the City of Edina and KBL Cable, Inc., as presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 5, 1988; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance on behalf of the City. RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO THE ACQUISITION OF ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS OF THE SOU'I%WEST. INC.. BY KBL CABLE, INC 'REIEREBS, the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City"), granted a cable television franchise to Rogers Cablesystems of Minnesota Limited Partnership ("RCMLJ?") pursuant to the City's cable communications ordinance (the ordinance and the grant of the franchise are referred to collectively as the "Franchise"); and WHEREXS, RCMU subsequently decided to dissolve and pursuant to Amending Ordinance No. 1121-81, the City approved the transfer of the Franchise to Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. ("RCTSI"), which, upon the dissolution of RCMLP, will be the grantee under the Franchise; and WHEXEAS, RCTSI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Cablesystems, Inc. ("RUSCI"), which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rogers Cablesystems of America, Inc. ("RCA"). RCA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of RCA Cablesystems Holding Co. ("RCACH"), which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Holdings, Limited ("RUSHL"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rogers Communications, Inc. ("RCI"); and WHEREAS, KBL Cable, Inc. ("KBLC"), a Texas corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of KBLCOM Incorporated ("KBLCOM"), has agreed to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common stock and all of the issued and outstanding preferred stock of RCACH; and 12/5/88 362 WHIZEASY under the Franchise, the acquisition by KBLC of all of RCACH's issued and outstanding common and preferred stock constitutes a transfer by means of a fundamental corporate change with respect to RCACH and its subsidiaries, including RCTSI; and RHEREAS, under the Franchise, any transfer of the Franchise requires the approval of the City; and QHEREAS, KBLC as the parent company of RCTSI, desires to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI and, to the extent not inconsistent with state or federal law, including the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, to guarantee, unconditionally, the full performance of all the obligations and commitments of RCTSI under the Franchise and all other ordinances and agreements between the City and RCTSI relating to the Franchise; and QHEREAS, RCI desires the City to release it and RUSHL from any and all obligations and responsibilities relating to the Franchise or to RCTSI's performance thereunder ; and 'FJHEREBS, the Operating Committee of the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (the "SWSCC"), with the assistance of the Herbst Law Firm, Ltd., and Don,Richards Associates, has reviewed the proposed acquisition by KBLC of the common and preferred stock of RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI) and the legal, technical, financial and character qualifications of KBLC and its parent company, KBLCOH; and WEEREAS, reports and information regarding the qualifications of KBLC and KBLCOH were prepared and the Operating Committee presented these reports to the SWSCC so that a recommendation could be made as to the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI; and QHEREAS, on November 30, 1988, the SWSCC conducted a joint public hearing on behalf of its member cities regarding KBLC's acquisition of control over RCTSI and KBLC's request that the Franchise remain in the name of RCTSI; and QHEREAS, based on the reports and information of the Operating Committee and the results of the joint public hearing, the SWSCC found no reason to disapprove the acquisition by KBLC of control over RCTSI or of KBIS's request to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI, and the SWSCC recommended to the City that it approve said acquisition and request; and WHEREAS, the City, after considering KBLC's technical ability, financial condition, character and legal qualifications, and based on the recommendation of common and preferred stock of RCACH (or the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI), or of KBIS's request to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI. NOW, THEBEFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina: 1. That the City hereby approves the acquisition by KBLC of the common and preferred stock of RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI), and the maintenance of the Franchise in the name of RCTSI, subject to the following conditions: common stock of RCACH, KBLC and KBLCOM shall file with the City an executed coyy of a Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance substantially in the form and substance of Wibit 1 attached hereto, along with an executed copy of each document required by the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance (including, vithout limitation, an opinion of legal counsel, certified articles of incorporation of RCTSI, KBLC and KBLCOM, evidence of insurance coverage as required by the Franchise, RCTSI's letter of credit, and RCTSI's bond); and Settlement and Release dated November 22, 1988, including, without limitation, the payment to SWSCC of $3.5 million; and Subject to the terms of the letter agreement dated October 17, 1988, between KBLC and the SWSCC, KBLC shall reimburse its Member Cities, pro rata) for all resonable costs, expenses and professional fees incurred as a result of the approval of KBLC's acquisition of the common and preferred stock of RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI). 2. Effective only upon the performance by RCTSI and KBLC of the conditions set forth in paragraph lhereof, the City forever releases and discharges RCI and RUSHL from any and all responsibilities, liabilities, claims and disputes, known or unknown, related to or arising from the Franchise or RCTSI's performance hereunder, or the approval of KBIS's acquisition of control over RCTSI. 3. The City hereby waives its right of first refusal to purchase the Franchise or related system, but only as such right-of-first-refusal applies to the request by KBLC for approval of the acquisition of control by KBLC over KCTSI. 4. the time specified, unless the time is extended by the City, this Resolution and any and all approvals, releases, discharges and waivers by the City set forth herein shall be null and void. 5. Prairie, HopMns, Hinnetonka, and Richfield adopt a substantially similar resolution within sixty (60) days after the adoption of this resolution. This Resolution is passed and adopted the 5th day of December, 1988. the SUSCC, has found no reason to disapprove oFthe acquisition by KBLC of the <4 I a) Within ten days of the date KBLC acquires all of the issued and outstanding b) RCTSI shall have performed its obligations under the Stipulation of c) In the event KBLC fails to comply with any of the above requirements within This Resolution shall become effective only if all of the cities of Eden 12/5/88 363 ATTEST : %4 %,UL Citv Clerk cu Lo Lo I m 5 Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolutions adopted. ALISON FUHR NOMINATED FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO REGIONAL TRANSIT BOARD. Rosland advised that Alison Fuhr's term on the Regional Transit Board will expire on January 1, 1989 and that she would like to continue on the Board. Member Kelly said she wanted to be sure that Edina's views are represented. Mayor Courtney and Member Turner commented that she has worked hard on the Regional Transit Board and also on the 1-494 Corridor Study. Member Turner added that it is important that the Council keeps in good communication with these people who represent us on governmental agencies. adoption: Manager Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved RESOLUTION WHERJWS, the term of Alison Fuhr on the Regional Transit Board expires on January - - 1, 1989, and WHEREAS, Alison Fuhr has been a dedicated representative of the City of Edina; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Alison Fuhr for reappointment. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Metropolitan Council to approve the reappointment of Alison Fuhr to the Regional Transit Board. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR OF SRA. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and James L. Knutson is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1989 and until their successors are appointed. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR OF LOGIS. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: I RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO MGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated as a Director of MGIS and Kenneth E. Rosland is hereby designated as Alternate Director of MGIS for the year 1989 and until their successors are appointed. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER DISCUSSED: ACTION POSTPONED TO DECEMBER 19. Member Kelly commented that the delivery service of the Edina Sun-Current, the City's official newspaper, has not been what is expected. She said that she had received many phone calls from residents who were also concerned about this. Until the Edina Sun-Current presents information as to how they will improve delivery of their newspaper, Member Kelly said she was not willing to designate it as the official newspaper for 1989. Manager Rosland referred to the letter of response from Jim Raffey, Circulation Director, to the letter sent him on November 10 which had indicated the concerns of the Council regarding delivery of the newspaper. Following discussion it was agreed to delay action on designating the official newspaper for 1989 until the meeting of December 19, 1988 so that additional information could be obtained, e.g. statutory requirement, rates for legal notices in the Star Tribune, etc. FOUNDER'S DAY ON DECEMBER 12 NOTED. Member Turner thanked the Council Members for their involvement for the Centennial Founder's Day Program to be held on December 12. She said she would be sending them the final script so that they would be informed of the order of events for the evening program. COUNCIL VACANCY APPOINTMENT PROCESS DISCUSSED. Council's attention to the memorandum from Mayor-Elect Richards regarding the City Council vacancy appointment process that he had drafted following meetings with each of the Council Members. An announcement will be made in the December 5 issue of the Edina Sun-Current that anyone interested in being considered for appointment should submit their application to City Hall no later than 4:30 p.m. Manager Rosland called the . 12/5/88 364 on December 16, 1988. Council Member would be one who exhibits leadership characteristics and has a background of commitment and understanding of the Edina community. should further be willing to remain active in Edina and in the broader metro-area community. The recommended selection process would be as follows: 1) Anyone interested in being considered for appointment should submit application to City Hall by December 16; 2) request that individuals submit an application by the same date; 3) candidates would be announced at the Council Meeting on December 19 and depending on the number of candidates, one-half hour interviews would be scheduled on Friday, December 30 and Saturday, December 31; 4) At the first regular Council meeting in January, Mayor Richards would make the recommendation and nomination to fill the vacancy. vacancy. Mayor-Elect Richards had asked that the Council Members contact him upon his return from the NLC Conference if they had any differences with the process as outlined. Otherwise staff would proceed to schedule interviews for the candidates. Attorney Erickson pointed out that as part of the process Member Richards should submit a statement of resignation effective on taking oath of office as Mayor at the first regular Council meeting in January. *CLAIMS PAID. to approve papent of following claims as per pre-list dated 12/5/89: Fund $89,350.26, Art Center $1,912.68, Capital Fund $5,212.03, Golf Course Fund $23,791.87, Recreation Center Fund $6,989.49, Gun Range Fund $1,352.62, Edinborough Park $5,882.90, Utility Fund $204,064.22, Liquor Dispensary Fund $2,672.12, Construction Fund $7,685.58, Total $348,913.77. The memorandum indicated that the profile of the new That person i i Council Members likewise should submit names and/or All I Voting would proceed and the Mayor and Council would fill the Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner General Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. City Clerk a