HomeMy WebLinkAbout19881229_special314 MINUTES EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 29, 1988 OF THE SPECIAL YEAR-END MEETING OF THE Mayor Courtney called the meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. Members Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' TENNIS AND SWIMMING TEAMS COMMENDED. presented resolutions of commendation to the Edina High School Girls' Tennis and Swimming Teams for recent accomplishments in winning state championships. The resolution were unanimously adopted. Answering rollcall were i Mayor Courtney I LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM MEMBER RICHARDS ACKNOWLEDGED. following letter of resignation dated December 29, 1988 from Member Richards: Mayor Courtney read the "Dear Mayor & Council Members: Effective 6:30 PM, January 9, 1989, I resign my position as Council Member of the City of Edina. Sincerely, Frederick S . Richards Council Member" CONTRACT APPROVED BETWEEN CITY AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 FOR SENIOR CENTER. Senior Center had been approved by the Board of Education of Independent School District 273 on December 23, 1988. CDBG requirements and regulations are followed by the School District and its contractor. required for the Senior Center. The awarded contract was $129,533 or approximately $14,533 over the cost estimate. available in Year XIV to cover the extra cost without affecting other projects. The extra funding will come from uncommitted funds in the Year XIV Assistance to Low and Moderate Income Housing Project. Staff would recommend that the Council approve the contract. adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the contract presented at the special meeting of December 29, 1988, between the City and Independent School District No. 273 for the Edina Senior Center be and is hereby approved; BE IT rmRTHEB RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby directed and authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the City. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Assistant Manager Hughes explained that the contract concerning the Edina The purpose of the agreement is to assure that At the same time a contract had been awarded for the improvements There is adequate CDBG funding Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR EDINA SENIOR CENTER C' Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. MEMBER TURNER EXPRESSES APPRECIATION FOR HAVING SERVED ON COUNCIL. Member Turner expressed her thanks and appreciation for having had the privilege and pleasure of working with the Council Members and Mayor. to the City, the hard work, and objectivity of the Council Members and that she was proud to have worked with them. of the Council in the future and knows that the tough decisions will be made with thoughtfulness and care about the City. team for their patient support as well as commitment to the citizens of Edina. She commented that staff is fantastic and highly skilled at running an efficient City, but are also responsive to change and to the concerns of the citizens. extended her best wishes to all and said she would miss everyone. She said she admired the commitment She added that she will be watching actions Member Turner also thanked the management She INTERVIEWS FOR COUNCIL CANDIDATES SCHEDULED FOR 12/30/88. Mayor-Elect Richards reminded the Council that interviews for Council candidates will begin at 8:30 a.m. on December 30, in the Council Room with the meeting open to the public. Council Members, including Mayor Courtney and Member Turner, and Member Elect-Paulus were sent a packet of materials including a letter to prospective Council Members and a list of questions to be asked of each candidate. Mayor-Elect Richards explained that the questions are to help with the interviewing process but should not preclude any further questions of individual Council Members. special meeting prior to January 9 to discuss the Council appointment. informally agreed that this would be determined following the close of the interviews and public notice could be given by posting. The Some discussion ensued regarding whether or not to hold a It was MAYOR COURTNEY AND MEMBER TURNER COMMENDED FOR YEARS OF SERVICE. Richards commented that it is difficult to see people go that you have known and worked with for a long period of time. Member Turner for the extraordinary dedicated public service they have exhibited to the City. in and that they will be missed dearly. best. Mayor-Elect _- He commended both Mayor Courtney and He added that this is something we all can feel very proud to share He said he wished them both the very 12/29 188 375 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS APPROVED. Assistant Manager Hughes presented the State of Estimated Revenues, Expenditures and Recommended Transfer prepared by the Finance Department and recommended approval. approve the recommended transfers as presented in the "Statement of Estimated Revenues, Expenditures and Recommended Transfers for the Year Ended December 31, 1988. Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Richards to Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID. for confirmation of payment of claims dated 11/30/88: Art Center $814.42, Swimming Pool Fund $316.78, Golf Course Fund $6,971.47, Recreation Center Fund $6,912.71, Gun Range Fund $475.81, Edinborough Park $7,510.33, Utility Fund $25,921.82, Liquor Dispensary Fund $345,031.27, Total $644,418.34, and for approval of payment of claims per Pre-List dated 12/29/88: General Fund $206,434.89, Art Center $1,033.88, Capital Fund $114.50, Golf Course Fund $5,334.96, Recreation Center Fund $15,097.05, Fun Range Fund $109.82, Edinborough Park $5,769.96, Utility Fund $17,135.52, Liquor Dispensary Fund $1,881.15, Construction Fund $5,979.80, Total $258,891.53. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Turner General Fund $250,463.73, Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, C,ourtney Motion carried. REPORT FROM RECYCLING COMMISSION ON RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1989 PROGRAM PRESENTED FOR STUDY. Mayor Courtney directed the Council Members' attention to the report in the Council packet from the Recycling Commission and staff with recommendations for the 1989 program and asked the Council members to review and study it in preparation for the January 9, 1989 Council Meeting when recycling program issues will be on the agenda. There being no further business on the Council agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. c\I Ln I: Q: uI) m Acting City Clerk .