HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890117_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITP COUNCIL HELD AT CITP HAIL JANUARY 17, 1989 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richards at 7:OO p.m. R0UCAT.X Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. APPOINTMEm OF MAYOR PRO-TEM Peggy Kelly as Mayor Pro-Tem. Mayor Richards made a motion to appoint Member Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA I!CEMS ADOPTED Member Kelly to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR 1/2 TON TRUCK FOR PARK DEPARTMENT Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for 1/2 ton truck for the Park Department at $11,623.00 through Hennepin County Bid. Motion was made byelfember Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING WORK PROGRAM ASSIGNMENT DISCUSSED Director Bob Kojetin presented the Park Board recommendations regarding the City's Work Program assignment that the Board undertake and complete the Year 2000 Park and Recreation Plan. The Board had discussed the assignment at their meeting of January 10 and had decided to begin their focus in three areas: 1) Park and Open Space Acreage, 2) Park Development, and 3) Recreation Programming Future Needs. The Board has established committees as follows: Park and Open Space Acreage - Itti Furlong, Chair, Bill Jenkins, Bob Christianson; Park Development - Bill Lord, Chair, Jim Fee, Don Wineberg, Mac Thayer; Recreation Pronramminq - Andy Montgomery, Chair, Jean Rydell, Scott Johnson. The Board has set a goal of April 1, 1989 to report on this phase of the assignment. The Council Members discussed a timeline for the Park Board Work Program Assignment and whether or not the study would impact the 1990 Budget. Richards asked that the Council be given periodical updates on the progress of the assignment keeping in mind that, hopefully, completion would be accomplished in 1989. Park Mayor Member Rice referred to item 1. Identify future population and demographic predictions under Recreation Programming Future Needs and suggested that the Futures Commission proposed by the Mayor will be looking at that issue also and that it would be important for both to be speaking from the same numbers. Member Paulus asked if the Park Board would be asking for input from the community. they probably will be contacting the athletic associations for their viewpoints. No formal action was taken. Director Kojetin said the sub-committees have not met as yet but that PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATION ON PARK FACILITY LEASING POLICY NOT APPROVED Director Kojetin said that throughout the year the Park Department has been contacted regarding the possibility of leasing park facilities over a period of time. These have included requests from the private sector and churches. explained that the subject of a park facility leasing policy was brought up in the October 3, 1988 Council Meeting in connection with a dekhockey proposal for Lewis Park. Board for their recommendation. Park He Staff was asked to draft a leasing policy and to present it to the Park The Park Board discussed the proposed policy at 13 14 1/17/89 their November and January meetings in connection with the dekhockey proposal and recommended approval of the policy as presented. The Council identified and discussed the following concerns regarding the proposed leasing policy: - Liability exposure for City - Should also cover short term leasing, e.g. one day - Possible future need for tenants - Facilities should be available to citizens whenever they wish to use them - Under-use by citizens should be one of the criteria - Length of period for leasing - Rent should cover cost for the facility - Council decision on a case by case basis - Capital costs of facility should be taken into account - Guidelines versus set "policy" Member Smith made a motion not to accept the recommendation of the Park Board on the park facility leasing policy and that decision be made on leasing proposals on a case by case basis. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. commented that we need some type of policy or guidelines so that we are not accused of acting without standards when a proposal to lease park facilities is considered and suggested this be referred back to staff for further input in light of the discussion of the Council. Member Smith said that, until something comes up that cannot be handled on a case by case basis, he felt we would be wasting staff time on this given the other things they need to do. that a commitment was made when the property for the park facilities was acquired and that it should be used for the purposes for which it was established. However, the requests for rental may increase and we should not be in the position of re-acting; we should be pro-active and have a policy set forth. Mayor Richards then called the question. . Mayor Richards Member Kelly commented Ayes: Smith, Rice Nays: Kelly, Paulus, Richards Motion failed. Member Smith thenmade a motion to refer the park facility leasing policy back to staff for revision based on the Council's discussion. Member Paulus. Motion was seconded by Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PARK BOD RECOMMENDATION ON DEKHOCKEY PROPOSBL TO LEBSE LEFJIS PARK TURNED DOWN Assistant Director John Keprios presented the following recommendation of the Park Board: To endorse and accept the proposal as presented by Breakaway Dekhockey, Inc. and also encourage them to work with the Park Department.personne1 in setting up and establishing programming at Lewis Park for one year at $500 per month with an option on a second year. that originated in Pittsburg as an off shoot of ball hockey in Canada. They have national rules that govern the sport; they play on a plastic surface with a rubber baxl; players wear hockey gear but use tennis shoes as the sport is played during warm weather. The program would start the third week in March and would go to the second week in November. with a ninety day notice exit clause. Staff considered this proposal to meet Category #2 in the proposed leasing policy. facility that is not used during the summer months and being the only outdoor hockey facility with an asphalt surface it would be conducive to dekhockey. He explained that dekhockey is a six year old sport The proposal calls for a rental fee of $500 per month He pointed out that Lewis Park is a Member Smith recalled that the asphalt surface was installed for two reasons, to get better ice for hockey and for roller blade activities during the summer. He asked about the status of the roller blade program. Assistant Director Keprios 1/17/89 15 said that to run a total roller blade program would mean getting coaches/officials and promoting the program and it was determined that it was not feasible considering the staff time involved. It is available for those who want to use it for roller blade on an unorganized basis. Member Kelly asked if staff would be involved in programming dekhockey, if it would be open to anyone and what traffic it may generate. Assistant Director Keprios said there would be no involvement by staff in the programming, that the contract provides that lights must be out by 10 p.m. and they must vacate the premises by 11 p.m. the months of the lease.' They would have exclusive access to the park structure during Mayor Richards asked if staff and the Park Board had applied the criteria in the proposed leasing policy to this proposal. they had. Assistant Director Keprios said that Member Paulus commented that she felt that Lewis Park is under utilized as the demographics in that part of the City is more towards multi-housing and empty nesters. She added that because it is City property there could be a problem if someone was unhappy with the way the program was going. Edina activity but there could be bad publicity for the City because the Park and Recreation Department would have no control over the program. They would consider it an Member Rice said that he had a number of concerns with the proposal, 1) the fact that this is a commercial venture, 2) insurance liability, 3) clean-up of the facility to our standards, 4) signage, 5) electronic scoreboard, and 6) terms of lease as proposed. Assistant Director Keprios responded that staff would equate this proposal to the way the Edina Golf Dome was handled; rent or leasing of the facility on a long term basis, option to do signage, and to sell concessions and equipment for profit. There were further questions as to the solvency of the company, the success of the programs they have initiated and whether this sport would grow into other communities. the company representative as to his background and what type of business he would run together with the details of the dekhockey program. The Board had then discussed the impact on the facility, how it would affect ongoing programs, whether this would be a fiscally wise move for the facility, depreciation expenses, etc. that restroom facilities are not open to the public during the summer months, that part of their charge is to try to recoup some of costs of park facilities, together with the other factors, the Board thought it was a good idea. Member Kelly commented that she was bothered by turning down a recommendation from an advisory board. and that perhaps the Council may have given the Board the wrong direction by saying go recoup some of this cost when that is not the main concern here. Assistant Director Keprios said that the Park Board had questioned Given that the facility is not used on a program basis otherwise, Further, that this is really a policy decision for the Council Member Kelly made a motion to turn down the proposal submitted by Breakaway Dekhockey, Inc. to lease Lewis Park for a dekhockey program as recommended by the Park Board. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Member Paulus said that the Park Board. should be commended for the excellent job they did in evaluating the proposal, and that her real concern was that the City would not have control over the dekhockey program. COUNCIL MEMBERS' ASSIGNMENTS CONPIRMED TO SWSCC. SHEISC. 1-494 COMMITTEE AND MLC Mayor Richards recalled that at the last meeting he had recommended assignments for the Council Members as representatives to four major areas of responsibility to try to utilize each member's talents. He also suggested that this be reviewed 1/17/89 16 yearly with the thought that the City is better served if these assignments are passed around, He confirmed the appointments as follows: Southwest Suburban Cable Commission - Member Smith South Hennepin Human Services Council - Member Kelly 1-494 Transportation Committee - Member Paulus (Pro j ect Management Team and Joint Powers Organization) Municipal Legislative Commission - Member Rice and Mayor Richards ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE TO BE DRAFTED Mayor Richards I advised that with regard to the advisory board/commission appointment procedure , he would try to get something drafted to bring to the Council in the near future and that he would be glad to get their input as to how this process can best be done. commission member terms that are expiring, vacancies and attendance records. Appointments and reappointments would be on an upcoming Council Agenda. respect to attendance, Mayor Richards said there is an ordinance in effect (Ordinance No. 162) that provides for automatic removal of any board or commission I member who fails to attend three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings or any four meetings within 12 months. Assistant Manager Hughes advised that Ordinance No. 102 limits terms of service on boards and commissions for 12 years. ordinance will take effect in January 1990 and says that the Council may not reappoint a member if at the time of the reappointment he/she has served 12 or more years. Member Kelly mentioned that Lee Heikens has resigned from the Art Center Committee. He also referred to data in the Council packets indicating board and I I With That COUNCIL MEETINGS SCHEDULE APPROVED seconded by Member Rice to approve the following Council Meeting dates for 1989 as revised: February 6 June 5 October 2 February 21 (Tuesday) June 19 October 16 March 6 JUlY 10 (2nd Monday) November 6 March 20 JUlY 23 (4th Monday) November 20 April 3 August 7 December 4 April 17 August 21 December 18 MaY 15 September 18 Motion was made by Member Smith and was I 1 September 5 (Tuesday) Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. TRI-CITY HIV COALITION FORUM SCHEDTJLT3D FOR 2/11/89 Tri-City HIV Coalition Forum will be held on February 11, 1989 at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicollet Avenue South, for Bloomington, Edina and Richfield. This forum will be used to discuss the HIV infection and AIDS disease epidemic and how it effects the community at the local level.. Staff will attend and would recommend that elected officials also attend the forum. Mayor Richards stated that he will attend and asked the Council Members to consider attending and to reserve through the Manager's office. *HEARING DATE RE-SET TO 2/6/89 FOR SCRIVER ROAD VACATION Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to re-set the hearing date for the Scriver Road vacation to February 6, 1989. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Manager Rosland advised that a Motion was made by HENNEPIN COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM TO BE DISCUSSED NEXT MEETING Member Smith reported that at the mayor's request he had attend a meeting on Tuesday, January 10 regarding the Hennepin County Economic Development Consortium and had picked up material relating thereto which he planned to distribute to the Council. for discussion. He asked that this matter be placed on the Council Agenda for February 6 The City is being asked to consider joining the Consortium. , 1/17/89 17 WC CONFERENCE FOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS SCHEDULED FOR 1/28/89 reminded the Council Members that the League of Minnesota Cities is holding a conference for newly elected officials on Saturday, January 28 and that those planning to attend should get their reservations to Manager Rosland. Mayor Richards BID AWARDED: CONNECTION CHARGES TO BE LEVIED FOR SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION HC-11 (4540 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH) Manager Rosland advised that the property at 4540 France Avenue South has a failing on-site septic system. No. 431 the owners were notified on December 7, 1988 to connect to the public sanitary sewer system by December 30, 1988 (the Minneapolis system in this case). To date the owners have not connected and their septic system is being maintained by pumping. have the cost assessed against their property. the past for similar cases. would recommend award to low bidder, Backdahl & Olson, at $6,200.00. Pursuant to Ordinance The homeowners have agreed to have the sewer connection made and to Three bids have been received by the City and staff This procedure has been used in Motion was made by Member Smith for award of bid for connecting 4540 France Avenue South to the Minneapolis public sanitary sewer system to low bidder, Backdahl & Olson, at $6,200.00. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Member Smith then introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct sanitary sewer improvement connection at 4540 France Avenue and to assess the entire cost of the improvement against the property of the petitioner, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property where said improvement is to be located. 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said peition is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031(3), (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: The entire cost of said improvement is hereby ordered to be assessed against the property (PIN 07-028-24-44-0140) described as follows: SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION NO. HC-11 N 42 ft of E 30 ft of Lot 8 and N 42 ft of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, incl adj 18 ft of Harriet Ave vac ex part taken for France Av, Block 26, WAVELAND ADDITION, where said improvement is to be located. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. MEMBER PAULUS REQUESTS LIST OF STAFF NAMES TO CONTACT REGARDING CITIZEN CONCERNS Member Paulus asked for a list of staff names and phone extensions that she could contact when she has been called by a citizen regarding a problem. Rosland said that would be available and would be given to the new Council Members at the upcoming staff orientation meeting. Manager MLC ANNUAL MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS SCHEDULED FOR 2/2/89 the Council of the MLC's Annual Meeting at 6:OO p.m. at the Decathalon. that the legislators have been invited and this would be an opportunity to meet with them. Mayor Richards urged the Council Members to attend. Mayor Rosland reminded He said RESERVATIONS REQUESTED FOR C. WAYNE COURTNEY RETIREMENT PARTY Manager Rosland requested that the Council make their reservations for the C. Wayne Courtney Retirement Party promptly so that final plans can be made. 1/17/89 18 NBWING OF BRAEXAR BASEBAI;L COMPLEX TO C. WAYNE COURTNEY FIELDS APPROVED Rosland reported that the Park Board had recommended that the Braemar baseball complex be renamed the "C. Wayne Courtney Fields" in honor and recognition of Mayor Courtney's years of service to the community. recommended that Mayor Courtney be given a lifetime pass to Park and Recreation facilities. Manager The Board has also Motion was made by Member Kelly that the Braemar baseball complex be renamed the "C. Wayne Courtney Fields" in honor and recognition of Mayor Courtney's years of service to the comnmnity and that he be given a lifetime pass to the Park and Recreation facilities. I Motion was seconded by Member Smith. I I Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CLAMS PAID for approval of payment of the following claims dated 1/17/89: $72,138.46, Art Center $256.32, Capital Fund $116.92, Golf Course Fund $63,860.36, Recreation Center Fund $4,806.21, Edinborough Park $9,281.72, Utility Fund $9,452.01, Liquor Dispensary Fund $82,520.56, Construction Fund $40,857.09, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $731.25, Total $284,020.90. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to General Fund I There being no furtherbusiness on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adj ourned at 8 : 45 p . m. City Clerk