HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890306_regular63 MINUTES OF TBE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALT., MARCH 6, 1989 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richards at 7:OO p.m. ROLLCAIL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CITP RECEIVES M.R.P.A. AWARD FOR EDINBOROUGH PARK Bruce Anderson, representing the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA), explained that in 1987 the MPRA established the citation awards program. projects that exemplified excellence in recreation, parks and leisure services throughout the State of Minnesota. and were formally recognized by Ehe MRPA at their fall conference. presented the MEtPA Award to the City of Edina for its Edinborough Park project. He congratulated the City Council, staff and residents for an outstanding project. Mayor Richards introduced Bill Bach, Edinborough Park Manager, and commended him for the excellent job he has been doing in directing the Edinborough Park activities and in maintaining it for the people in the community. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Member Smith to .approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Its intent was to recognize Six projects were chosen in the state in 1988 Mr. Anderson Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 3 AND 17. NOVEMBER 7. 1988 APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of October 3, 17 and November.7, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Mayor Richards asked Mayor Pro-Tem Kelly to assume the chair and excused himself from the meeting during consideration of the preliminary plat - Edina Highlands 2nd Addition.) . PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR EDINA HIGHLANDS 2ND ADDITION DENIED Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Craig Larsen presented the request for preliminary plat approval for Edina Highlands 2nd Addition (Lot 6, Block 1, Edina Highlands). He explained that this subdivision was submitted in November of 1988. The proposal was not heard by the Council prior to the adoption of the ordinance imposing a moratorium on platting, replatting and subdivision of lots within the R-1 District. Planner Larsen said the reason it is being presented to the Council is that Minnesota Statutes require action on subdivision proposals within 120 days of application. not act the subdivision is considered approved. provision would take precedence over the moratorium. the request for preliminary plat approval be denied due to the moratorium. proponent would be free to re-apply following the lifting of the moratorium. Member Smith made a motion to deny the request for preliminary plat approval for Lot 6, Block 1, Edina Highlands because of the moratorium on subdivision of single family property. proponent understood the reasons for the recommended action. the attorney for the proponent was present. Affidavits- of Planner If the City does It is uncertain whether this Staff would proposed that The Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Member Rice asked if the Planner Larsen said Peter Beck, 7900 Xerxes Avenue South, stated that he represented the owner of the subject property, Steven Utne. He said that he had read the staff report and was aware that the recommendation was for denial because of the moratorium. Mr. Beck requested that the Council consider the subdivision proposal on its merits. proposal was first submitted to the City in August, 1988, was subsequently revised at staff's suggestion and resubmitted in November. It has been reviewed by the The 64 3/6/89 I Community Development and Planning Commission twice and the plat was well along when the moratorium took effect. Mr. Beck stated that the subdivision complies with zoning ordinance requirements and staff had recommended approval subject to some conditions that the proponent had agreed to. To defer the plat for a year would work a substantial hardship on Mr. Utne and is unfair. He asked that, in the event it is denied solely because of the moratorium, the Council direct staff to proceed as expeditiously as possible on the studies contemplated by the moratorium so that the proponent could re-apply during the summer building season. For the benefit of the new Council Members, Mayor Pro-Tem Kelly asked for a review of the Planning Commission's action on the proposed subdivision. stated that it was considered by the Planning Commission on two occasions and both times denial was recommended. .He said staff was working diligently on some proposals concerning subdivisions for the Council's consideration that would lead to ending the moratorium as soon as possible. I Planner Larsen ~ Mike Bolen, 5207 Doncaster Way, stated his objections to the proposed subdivision and pointed out the fact that 50% of the property owners in the neighborhood had appeared at the Planning Commission hearings to object. Mayor Pro-Tem Kelly then called the motion on the floor. Rollcall : Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. (Mayor Richards returned and assumed the chair at this point.) RESOLUTION ADOPTED REGARDING RECORDING SUBDIVISIONS AT HENNEPIN COUMTY Planner Larsen explained that when a subdivision or any division of property for tax purposes is approved it must be recorded at Hennepin County to be officially of record. County could make without the City's approval. Currently, the County has advised the City when a tax parcel was being divided and sought information from the City as to compliance with its subdivision laws. resolution, according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.162, to be filed to insure that the County contacts the City regarding compliance. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: It appears that there are some divisions for tax purposes that Hennepin Staff would recommend adoption of a RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDd, MINNESOTA Marcella H. Daehn does hereby certify as follows: "hat she is the City Clerk of the City of Edina and that following is a true and correct excerpt of a Resolution adopted by the City Council on March 6, 1989: RESOLVED, that all property within the boundaries of the City of Edina shall be subject to the restrictions on transfers and divisions contained in Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 272.162 and any amendment thereto. Dated this 6th day of March, 1989. _. y14%U City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON VACATION OF MAVELLE DRIVE: VACATION GRBNTED Affidavits of Notice were presented.by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. 65 3T66/89 65 Engineer Fran Hoffman presented the following information concerning the request for vacation of Mavelle Drive, which had been initiated by the City and Hennepin County and is related to the issue of land taking on France Avenue for street reconstruction. During review of the 22 parcels that would be affected by the France Avenue reconstruction from West 70th Street to Minnesota Drive, it was evident that one parcel (Collins Interiors/Room & Board) would lose all of its parking on the France Avenue side of the site. taking of additional right of way to construct France Avenue to a six lane facility from the existing four lanes. This would result because of the Hennepin County and City staff have met with the property owners on several. occasions to determine how the site might be reconstructed to serve all purposes. The County and City need the France Avenue right of way for the project; the property owners need parking spaces for the site. parking shortage according to City ordinances. the need to eliminate as many curb cuts as possible from France Avenue for traffic safety, and to restore the site to an equal or better position than before the reconstruction. The site has a significant All parties involved understand . Engineer Hoffman said that staff has reviewed Mavelle Drive between France Avenue and Sandell as a possible way to restructure the site to accommodate all needs. Traffic counts conducted for one day indicated that very few vehicles use the existing Mavelle Drive. After an eleven hour manual count, only 74 vehicles drove the entire length of Mavelle Drive (one short block). Of those, only a very few were from the neighborhood. Engineer Hoffman then presented graphics illustrating the site as it exists today and the proposed reconfiguration that would move the parking from France Avenue to the proposed vacated Mavelle Drive right of way. The plan showed a 24-foot wide roadway located on the southern portion of the existing right of way. This would retain the ability for vehicles to move to and from France Avenue on Mavelle as currently exists. Mavelle Drive right of way would be to negotiate a Final Development Plan for the site that would allow traffic through the site. An alternative to vacating the Engineer Hoffman said staff has concluded that the proposed plan would address the needs of the City and County with regard to the France Avenue right of way and would leave the subject private property in equal or better condition than it is presently. The public benefits would include: 1) Elimination of three curb cuts on France Avenue, 2) Landscaped area adjacent to France Avenue, and 3) Ingress/egress through the site. vacation acceptable. All the utilities companies find the proposed Staff would recommend that Mavelle Drive be vacated, subject to agreement by Hennepin County, City of Edina and private property owners of the following: A. Private property owners would give necessary right of way for France Avenue expansion and agree to close three of the four curb cuts onto France Avenue. County would agree to pay for cost of re-doing the portions of the property fronting on France Avenue including landscaping, and costs of relocating the parking from France Avenue to the vacated Mavelle Drive area. City would vacate Mavelle Drive to accommodate new parking area. Parking lot arrangement would not require any new variances. Parking lot layout would not be altered without City approval. B. C. D. E. Engineer Hoffman reported that he had received two phone calls regarding the issue. to use it in the future. be closed. Two callers had said they currently use Mavelle Drive and want to be able The third person suggested that the curb cuts on Sandell He also noted receipt of a letter from Margaret Strickland, 7000 66 3/6/89 .. . ..I. .. Iu . ~-. , . Sandell Avenue - Unit 15, dated March 6, 1989 concerning vehicle and pedestrian traffic issues. Mayor Richards then called for public comment on the proposed vacation of Mavelle Drive. I Tim Keane, Larkin & Hoffman, stated that he represented Martha and John Gabbert, the owners of the private property adjacent to Mavelle Drive. support for the vacation of Mavelle Drive as recommended by City staff. Member Paulus asked questions about the building to the right, 7100 France Avenue, as to its use and the parking demand for both sites. said that they had purchased the Calhoun Building to the right, that it was an office building and continues to be an office building. She stated that their professional design service now occupies that building. The building to the left, 7010 France Avenue, is under remodeling and that is where the Room & Board store will be moving. greater demand for parking than the current use because the former tenants were mostly one office tenants but also included two realty offices with many employees. Ms. Gabbert added that the need for parking on the site for Room & Board will also be decreased and that the proposed plan will provide more than enough parking. He expressed their Martha Gabbert, proponent, She explained that the former use of the building created a Margaret Strickland, 7000 Sandell Avenue, stated her concerns regarding access to France Avenue from Mavelle Drive and the problems residents in her building have with parking and in getting out on W. 70th Street because traffic blocks off Sandell Avenue. Traffic Safety Committee. Mayor Richards suggested that the latter issue be referred to the Russell Johnson, 4000 Hazelton Road, said he concurred with Mrs. Stickland's concerns about getting out on W. 70th Street because of the traffic. Angus Strand, 7000 Sandell Avenue, expressed his concerns about traffic problems that would be created for the neighborhood by the operation of the Room & Board store. Lois Thornton, previous owner of Edina Business Service and former tenant at 7100 France Avenue, commented on the hardship imposed on the former tenants of the building during the past months when rezoning was proposed for the building. She stated that she questioned the current use of the building in that it seemingly is is a retail operation. Marston Pearson, co-owner with parents of 4000 Mavelle Drive, said they were concerned about the traffic and urged that Mavelle be kept open as a public street. Mayor Richards asked for clarification of the existing Mavelle Drive and the staff recommendation. wide and that the public street is 30 feet wide. The proposal is that a 24 foot right of way be retained as a public roadway by the street vacation process, or by the site plan approval procedure. that any change to the site in the future by the property owner would require approval by the Council. Engineer Hoffman said that the existing right of way is 60 feet The site plan approval procedure would mean Member Rice asked what the zoning was for the two subject buildings and if the proposed uses were allowed. building is zoned Planned Office District 1 (POD-1) and that the building at 7010 France Avenue is zoned Planned Commercial District 2 (PCD-2). POD-1 zoning would permit the operation of the Room & Board store. He stated that his understanding of the professional design service, with some showrooms but no direct sales of Planner Craig Larsen stated that the 7100 France 3/6/89 67 products in/out of the building, would be an allowed use. Member Rice commented that he sympathized with the neighbors concerning access onto West 70th Street from Sandell, but that as pointed out it was a question for the Traffic Safety Committee. trips per day. using Mavelle Drive. However, he suggested that sight distance for egress onto Sandell could be improved. he could support the proposal. He commented that he felt Room & Board would generate a lot of vehicle He said he had observed the site and had noted very little traffic Assuming the properties were properly zoned, he said Member Rice then moved approval of staff's recommendation that Mavelle Drive be vacated subject to conditions listed in the letter of intent signed by property owners and introduced the following resolution: WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 6th day of February, 1989, fixed a date for a public hearing on a proposed vacation of a portion of Mavelle Drive; WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 6th day of March, 1989, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and m, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said street vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, cable television or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such street or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of Mavelle Drive be and is hereby vacated effective as of March 6, 1989: Commencing at the Northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 3, Rearrangement of Blocks - 1, 9 and Lot 1, Block 2, Stow's Edgemoor Addition, a recorded plat of Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence Northerly on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds West 60 feet; thence West 200.00 feet; thence Southwest along a curve concave to the Northwest with a chord bearing of South 18 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West, central angle of 36 degrees 32 minutes 40 seconds, a radius of 179.26 feet 114.34 feet; thence Southwesterly bearing 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 29.03 feet; thence Northeasterly on a tangential curve concave to the Southeast with a central angle of 55 degrees, a radius of 54.21 feet 52.04 feet; thence East along the North line of said Lot 1 173.96 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating; except, however, that the City of Edina reserves in favor of itself a public right of way easement over the southerly 24 feet of Mavelle Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus who commented that she felt this would facilitate final negotiations between Hennepin County and the property owner on the France Avenue reconstruction. RESOLUTION VACATING MAVEKLE DRIVE Member Smith moved that the main motion be amended to state that Mavelle Drive be vacated, except for a 24 foot right of way, to be determined by the City Engineer, to be retained for public roadway. Member Paulus. Discussion on the amendment included setback variances that may be required, whether to use the street vacation process versus site plan approval process and maintenance of the public roadway by the City. Motion for the amendment was seconded by 68 3/6/89 Mayor Richards then called for rollcall vote on the amendment to the main motion. Ayes: Paulus, Smith, Richards Nays: Kelly, Rice Amendment carried. Member Smith moved that the main motion be amended to state that Mavelle Drive be vacated, subject to the condition that the public benefit be the trade-off of France Avenue right of way for additional parking on the vacated 36 feet of Mavelle Drive. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes; Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Amendment carried. Mayor Richards moved that the main motion be amended to state that Mavelle Drive be vacated, subject to submission of a landscape plan, acceptable to the City, for the westerly portion of the site by the property owner. Member Smith. Motion was seconded by Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Amendment carried. Mayor Richards moved that the main motion be amended to state that Mavelle Drive be vacated, subject to the condition that required variances be granted to the site specific. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Mayor Richards then called for rollcall vote on the main motion to adopt the resolution vacating Mavelle Drive, as amended. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Nays: Rice Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mayor I Richards stated that the public hearing was called to-solicit comments on the single hauler system for collection of recyclables from R-1 and R-2 Districts of the City. haulers and recycling contractors. Council resolution of February 6 directed that: Notification of the hearing was mailed to the residential garbage In addition to calling for public hearing, the 1) The City begin the process to contract with a single hauler for city-wide 2) Recyclables shall be placed for collection in accordance with Ordinance recycling collection. No. 711 regarding garbage - at the rear of the premises out of view from the street or in a garage. fund. 3) No cost shall be passed on to the residents, except through the general 4) No rebate program to the resident would be instituted. 5) Funding should be obtained from Hennepin County for all eligible costs. Mayor Richards called for public comment from residents. Hearing none, he called for comment from haulers. Lynn Morgan, Waste Management, stated she was present to respond to any questions. Levering Wood, Recycling Commission Member, said he had nothing new to add. In response to Mayor Richards, Janet Chandler, Recycling Coordinator, said she hoped to have the Request for Proposals completed within a week so that it could be sent to haulers and recycling contractors. Member Kelly commented that at the Council Meeting of February 6 the subject of a mandatory recycling program was brought up and that she had voted against it. Subsequently, Member Smith had made available material on mandatory programs and after some thinking on the issue she said she would be open to reconsideration. 3/6/89 Member'Smith commented that, after reading some materials on the mandatory program of the City of Minneapolis, he felt Edina would have a premier recycling program as proposed and that the Council should worry about mandating down the road. There being no further comment, Mayor Richards declared the public hearing closed. No formal action was taken. *BID AWARDED FOR PUMP & WELL RENOVATION #13 AND #16 Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for pump and well renovation #13 and #16 to recommended low bidder, Layne Minnesota Company, at $22,530.00. Motion was made by Member Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR REPAIR TO WELL #6 seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for repair to Well #6 to recommended low bidder, Layne Minnesota Company, at $10,990.00. Motion was made by Member Kelly and was Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR CUSEMAN REPLACEMENT seconded by Member Smith for.award of bid for Cushman replacement to recommended low bidder, Cushman Motors, at $7,185.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion was made by Member Kelly and was *BID AWARDED FOR FIVE GOLF CARTS Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for replacement of five golf carts to recommended low bidder, Versatile Vehicles, at $10,594.00 less trade-in. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR MULTI-CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS RECORDING SYSTEM Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for multi-channel communications recording system to recommended low bidder, Pitney Bowes Company/Dictaphone, at $22,227.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote,. five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR GROUNDSMASTER 327 SIDE MOWEX was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a Groundsmaster 327 side mower to recommended low bidder, MTI Distributing Company, at $6,532.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion was made by Member Kelly and *BID AWARDED FOR REELMASTER 216 5-BLADE MOWER Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a Reelmaster 216 5-blade mower to recommended low bidder, HTI Distributing Company, at $6,590.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. ' *BID AWARDED FOR GREENS MOWER Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a greens mower to recommended low bidder, MTI Distributing Company, at $6,705.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR JULY 4TH FIREWORKS seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for July 4th fireworks to sole bidder, Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics, at $5,900.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. RIGHT OF WAY PLAN APPROVED FOR FRANCE AVENCTP. FROM WEST 70TH STREET TO MINNESOTA DRIVE improvement from West 70th Street to Minnesota Drive (south City limits). explained that on March 21, 1988 the Council had conducted a public hearing on the proposed reconstruction of France Avenue. Motion was made by Member Kelly and was Engineer Hoffman presented the right of way plan for the France Avenue He The project would widen France Avenue 70 3/6/89 from four to six lanes. No Parking Resolution for both sides of France Avenue. Engineer Hoffman stated that Hennepin County has now submitted plans for right of way acquisition for portions of 22 parcels along France Avenue. The County is asking for approval of the right of way plan for the project. Staff has reviewed the plan and would recommend approval. estimated at $932,000.00. through County state aid, municipal state aid and special assessment. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS. Plans for Hennepin County Project No. 8110A showing proposed alignment, profiles and right of vay for the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway No. 17, within the limits of the City, as a State Aid Project, have been prepared and presented to the City. NOW, THEREFORE. IT IS RESOLVED: that the City agrees to provide the enforcement for the prohibition of on-street parking on those portions of said Project No. 17 within its corporate limits. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. The Council had approved a preliminary plan and passed a Cost of right of way acquisition is The costs will be split with Hennepin County and funded That said plans be in all things approved and Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REPORT ON TRIN CITIES AIR TRAVEL DISCUSSED referred to background information provided by Planner Craig Larsen. Legislature ordered two adequacy studies of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) was directed to do a ten year study. The Metropolitan Council study recommended a dual track approach to planning for future airport needs. Mayor Richards In 1987 the The Metropolitan Council was directed to do a study for the year 2020. MAC has endorsed the dual track approach, as follows: 1. 2. Planning for a new airport would begin immediately, including site selection and land banking. Make capacity improvements to existing airport during the interim period. The new site would be selected by 1995. Mayor Richards informed the Council that he had attended a meeting of mayors of the Southwest sector. Prairie, Burnsville, Minnetonka, Mendota Heights. Richfield are proposing to hire a consultant to analyze the data that has been compiled by the Metropolitan Council and MAC. whether or not they’feel that data was adequate or was properly discussed concerning the economic impact of the dual track approach. In attendance were mayors from Bloomington, Richfield, Eden The cities of Bloomington and They then propose to discuss The cities of Bloomington and Richfield are asking for the support of other municipalities, including the City of Edina, from a standpoint of dealing with the issue of whether or not the airport should be located where it presently is and not go forward with the dual tract approach which they feel will have a negative impact on present land values in the Southwest sector as well as incurring costs for acquiring land for the future. They will summarize the specific action that they are asking other cities to take, including possible financial participation. Mayor Richards said he had told the mayors that he would bring this to the Council for discussion as to participation. r Following some discussion by the Council on the issue, Mayor Richards directed that the subject be placed on the March 20 Council Agenda for discussion and action when further information would be available as to the specific proposal of Richfield and Bloomington. PERPICH-JOHNSON CHILDREN’S AGENDA PROPOSAL REFERRED TO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION P 3/6/89 71 Mayor Richards directed the Council's attention to a letter from Lieutenant Governor Marlene Johnson regarding the Children's Agenda proposal which reflects a $65.7 million commitment to child care programs and services, to physical and mental health for children, to drop-out prevention and to family support and parenting education. Children's Agenda by resolution of the Council. Following discussion of the proposal, Mayor Richards commented that there are a number of issues that are important to the Edina community and suggested that this be referred to the Human Relations Commission for review and recommendation as to what could be done on the local level. Also, that a letter be sent to Lieutenant Governor Johnson that we are concerned about the issues in the proposal and that we are considering what can be done at the local level. Lieutenant Governor Johnson had asked for support of the Motion was made by Member Kelly that the Children's Agenda proposal be referred to the Human Relations Commission for reviev and recommendation as to response at the local level. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY HFXLTH SERVICES COMMITTEE CONFIRMED: HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSED last meeting the Council had consented to the appointment of Mary G. Strazz and Robert J. Wilkins to the Community Health Services Committee. recommended that one of the appointments be a provider. Mrs. Strazz is a registered nurse and does qualify as a provider. confirmed the appointment of Mary G. Strazz and Robert J. Wilkins and added Matthew C. Peterson as the third appointee to the Committee. Motion was made by Member Smith for consent of the Mayor's add2tional appointment to the Community Health Services Committee of Matthew C. Peterson for a term to 2-1-91. Mayor Richards recalled that at the Staff had It has been verified that Mayor Richards Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Mayor Richards asked for input on appointments to the Heritage Preservation Board. Member Smith suggested that the Edina Historical Society be contacted to see if anyone from that group would be interested and volunteered to make the inquiry. COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITIES/LIAISON TO BOARD AND COMMISSIONS DISCUSSED Mayor Richards asked the Council to think about the pros and cons of continuing the practice of having the Council Members serve as liaison to the various advisory board and commissions. Agenda for discussion and action. He said that this would be placed on the March 20 Council Member Kelly suggested that the issue be discussed at the Council's Strategic Planning Session on March 11. that of the "job description". included for discussi.on at the Strategic Planning Session. Member Smith commented that another question is It was informally agreed that the issue be REPORT GIVEN ON PURCHASE OF WHITE OAKS LOTS informed the Council that on February 15, 1989 an offer was extended to Kenneth J. and Barbara Monroe for the purchase of Lot 1, White Oaks Third Addition and Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition at a proposed price of $26,600.00. purchase agreement contained an acceptance deadline of March 3, 1989; to date there has been no response. On March 1, 1989, staff contacted John Koneck, an attorney who previously represented the Monroes for the purpose of obtaining a telephone number for the Monroes at their Chicago address. Mr. Koneck advised staff that the property in Assistant Manager Gordon Hughes The proposed 3/6/89 72 question had been sold by the Monroes to Richard Andron approximately two months ago. He advised that the property had been sold via a contract for deed. Apparently this contract for deed has never been recorded with Hennepin County. Staff would recommend that the same offer presented to the Monroes should now be presented to Mr. Andron. Although Mr. Andron may have paid considerably more that the present estimated market value for the lots, staff feels that the offer should remain at $26,600.00. Member Kelly made a motion directing staff to extend the offer to the property owner for purchase of Lot 1, White Oaks Third Addition and Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition for a price of $26,600.00. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATES SET FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolutions: Motion vas made by Member Kelly and RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEBRING ON SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P-S-46 (XERXES AVENUE) 1. the feasibility of the proposed sidewalk described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, March 20, 1989, at 7:OO p-m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a veek for tvo successive veeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in,substantially the folloving form: The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MNNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING XERIIES AVENUE T?ROM WEST 60TH STREET TO WEST 62ND STREET The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, March 20, 1989 at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by the City as set forth belov: SIDEWAIK IMPROVEMEN!T NO. P-S-46 ESTIMATED COST XERXES Am FROM 'IJEST 60TH STREET TO WEST 62ND STREET SIDEW' IHPRO- NO. P-S-46 $24,378.48 The project is proposed to be funded by State Aid gas tax funds. Marcella H. Daehn City Clerk RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-283 AND STORM SEUER IMPROVEMENT NO. P-STS-190 1. the feasibility of the proposed street and storm sever improvements described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to 3/6/89 73 2. This Council shallmee on Monday, April 3, 1989, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) CITY OF EDINA 4801W. 50TH STREET EDINA, KCNNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BLAKE ROAD - VERNON AVENUE TO PINE GROVE ROAD PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P-BA-283 S.A.P. 120-144-10 STORM SEGTER IMPROVEMENT NO. STS-190 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, April 3, 1989, at 7:OO P.M. to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improvements are estimated by Hennepin County and the City as set forth below : The approximate BLBKe ROAD - VERNON AVENUE TO PINE GROVE ROAD Permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb Estimated' Cost and Gutter and Sidewalk Improvement No. P-BA-283 Storm Sewer Improvement No. P-STS-190 Total $835,833.86 The area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost of the proposed improvements includes: Lot 8, Blks 1 & 2, Parkwood Knoll's 3rd; Lots 1 & 2 and 12 & 13, Blk 1, Parkwood Knolls 5th; Lot 9, Blk 1, Parkwood Knoll's 6th; Lot 9, Blks 1 & 2 Parkwood Knoll's 7th; Lots 10-12, Blk 1, Parkwood Knoll's 8th; Lot 1, Blks 1 & 2, Idlywood; Lots 1-5, Blk 1, Idlywood 5th; Lot 4, Blk 2, Luce Highwood; Lot 5, Blk 3, Luce Highwood; Lots 16 & 17, Blk 1, Les Anderson's Highwood 2nd; Lot 1 & 8, Blk 1, Valley Park; Lot 1, Blk 1, Jones Knolls; Part of Lot A, RLS 194; RIS 1081; and Lot A & B, RTS 1286. These properties are proposed to be assessed at $20.00 per lineal foot of property abutting Blake Road. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. EDINA TRANSIT LEGISLATION UPDATE GIVEN Manager Hughes and he had appeared before the House and Senate committees on the legislation for the Edina transit system in the Southeast corridor of the City. The bill is reported favorably out of the committees and will be going to the tax committee on the House side and the appropriations committee on the Senate side. Mayor Richards reported that Assistant TRAFFIC BACKUP AT VALLEY VIEW ROAD/169 NOTED Member Rice observed that there is a backup of morning southbound traffic exiting Highway 169 at Valley View for vehicles going to Braemar or Washington Avenue. He said it was a dangerous situation and something needs to be done. referred to MNDOT. Engineer Hoffman said this should be FIRE DEPARTMENT COVERAGE ON TV NOTED Member Rice said that he had seen the Edina Fire Chief on television in connection with a recent residential fire. Chief Paulfranz said that they had some problems with the hydrant which had been damaged by a vehicle and had not been reported. This temporarily delayed attacking the 3/6/89 fire with full water power. second hydrant was hooked up. Water carried on the pumper truck was used while the HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY TEAM COMMENDED Member Rice stated that commendations were due the High School Hockey Team who won the consolation title in the state hockey tournament recently. Mayor Richards said that a resolution would be ready at the next meeting. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED FOR STAFF Member Paulus said she appreciated the assistance she has received from the staff in response to her questions on various subjects as she becomes oriented to serving on the Council. CONCERN VOICED REGARDING PRIVATE SNOW PLOWERS COVERING HYDRANTS Member Smith said he was concerned about the private snow plowers who clear driveways but in doing so move the snow and cover up hydrants. concerning this would be included in future communications with the residents. He said he hoped the regulations METROPOLITAN COUNCIL'S INVOLVEMENT IN ISSUES OUESTIONED Member Kelly referred to to a recent meeting of SHHSC at which she received a copy of a booklet put out by -the Future's Task Force of the Metropolitan Council which identified five issues for study: -1) Strengthening Early Childhood Development, 2) Re-thinking Education, .3) Dealing with a Broad Range of Drug Problems, 4) Renewing Civic Activism, and 5) Monitoring the Region's Liveability, e.g. affordable housing, traffic congestion, etc. She said this means the Council is moving in an entirely . different direction than what they have been involved in before. whether the Council should be involved in some of these issues. suggested that the Council discuss this at the upcoming Council Strategic Planning Session. She questioned Member Kelly INFORMATION SHEET ON EDINA'S SANITARY SEWER & WATER RATES AND STORM SEWER UTILITY APPRECIATED information sheet included with sewer and water billings concerning Edina's sewer and water rates and the storm sewer utility. and good public relations for the community. COMPLAINT ABOUT FULL DUMPSTERS AT JERRY'S NOTED do something about the full dumpsters behind Jerry's that apparently are disfunctional. falling all over. REPORT ON HALIFAX AVENUE TRAFFIC MONITORING REOUESTED Member Kelly asked for a report on traffic monitoring on Halifax Avenue from W. 51st Street south which was of major concern to residents last year. PROPERTY TAX REFORM BOOKLET FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY NOTED Mayor Richards referred to a booklet from Hennepin County regarding property tax reform. staff do an analysis on the data for the Council. Member Kelly said that she has received a lot of compliments on the She said it was a fine communication Member Kelly asked that the staff She said that it was an unhealthy situation and that trash is He suggested that COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT TO BE HELD AT ARNESON ACRES advised the Council that the Strategic Planning Retreat scheduled for Saturday morning, March 11 will be held at the Arneson Acres Park building beginning at 8:30 a.m. instead of the Braemar Clubhouse as previously indicated. Manager Rosland *CLAIMS PAID approval of payment of claims as per pre-list dated 3/6/89: General Fund $112,597.97, Art Center $10,161.47, Capital Fund $2,389.98, Swimming Pool Fund $1,046.00, Golf Course Fund $51,266.33, Recreation Center Fund $3,716.38, Edinborough Park $9,056.78, Utility Fund $242,537.60, Liquor Dispensary Fund $6,085.96, Construction Fund $14,719.50, Total $453,577.97. Motion vas made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. 3/6/89 75 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 7a4% &.dL City Clerk ,.