HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890905_regularHINUTES OF THE REGULAR WEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HAU SEP'I'EIBEB 5, 1989 ROLLCAKL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. YMCA YOUTJI FITNESS WEEK BRocCIABWB Emion of Member Paulus was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of ehe'follovlzng proclamation: WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Minneapolis YMCA (Southdale Branch) recognizes the need for youth to develop a healthy life style and positive esteem: and QHEREAS, There is a need for promoting youth fitness in a challenging yet non-competitive environment; and QHEREAS, The YMCA has identified a need for a special place that is safe and fun for children and thefr parents to enhance their fitness level; and WEEREAS, On September 9, 1989 the Minneapolis YMCA will open its Kid's Gym at the Southdale, Northwest, and Ridgedale branches to meet these needs; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the second week of September, 1989 to be in the City of Edina. PROCLAIMED this 5th day of September, 1989. PROCUMATION - YMCA YOUTJI FITNESS WEEK YMCA YOUTH FITNESS WEEK Receiving the proclamation on behalf of the YMCA Southdale Branch was Marji Miller, Membership/Marketing Director, who extended an invitation to attend their open house on Saturday, September 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Member Kelly to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF .JULY 24 AND AUGUST 7. 1989 APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Council Minutes of the Regular Meetings of July 14 and August 7, 1989. Motion carried on rollcall vote, .five ayes. DECISION OF BOARD OF APPEALS AFFIRMED: FENCE HEIGHT VARIANCE DENIED FOR 4114 MORNINGSIDE ROAD Planner Phil Dommer presented the appeal of John Kalachnik, 4114 Morningside Road, for a fence height variance. property is a corner lot at the intersection of Morningside Road and Grimes Avenue. adjacent to the sidewalk. to four feet. He stated that the subject The homeowner has constructed a six foot fence in the front yard area The height of fences permitted in this area is limited Planner Dommer explained that the subject property is situated such that there is very limited area on the lot which can be considered as private outdoor space. The fence is intended to provide privacy and security for the family. The lots to the north face Grimes Avenue and the area fenced in is adjacent to the front yards of these homes. preserve the streetscape of the homes to the north. On August 17, 1989 the Board of Appeals reviewed the situation after reviewing materials submitted and hearing testimony from the proponent, staff and the neighbors. variance. Member Paulus noted that the fence has been partially completed and asked how the project got this far without the question of height being raised. Planner Dommer The ordinance limiting fence height to four feet is designed to The Board unanimously voted to deny the request'for the two foot fence \ 3 '7 9/5/89 38 said that Mr. Kalachnik has contacted the Building height but did not apply for a permit for the work City became aware of the project from neighborhood able to stop the construction of the fence. John Kalachnik. 4114 Morningside Road. said he had Department to check on fence on the deck and porch. calls and complaints and was The decided to appeal the decision of the Board because he felt several factors were not considered: 1) The Board was concerned that the character of the neighborhood would be effected. that all but one area neighbor had signed a statement that they had no objection to the six foot fence. Also, a number of houses in the immediate area have six foot fences which are clearly visible from the street. about the affect on the immediate neighbors. neighbors and both said they had no concerns. He explained 2) The Board was concerned He said he had checked with both - Mr. Kalachnik said he had started the project in April and his objective was to try to improve the property. survey made. build a six foot fence, showing a sketch for the location of the proposed fence. He said he was assured that he was doing the right thing and that there was no problem. A complaint was then made to the City which he assumed concerned the clear view area. that in working with Mr. Dommer he immediately took the fence down until the issue could be resolved. In the revised plan he said there will be a 30 foot clear view setback according to ordinance requirements. meet ordinance requirements the converting of the fence from six feet to four feet will cost an additional $1,000 which will impose an additional hardship. John Peterson, 4239 Grimes Avenue, said his only concern about the fence was the Grimes Avenue side and the fact that there would be no place for snow storage because the fence is up against the sidewalk. Member Smith made a motion to affirm the decision of the Board of Appeals and to deny the request for a two foot fence height variance to permit a six foot fence in the front setback area. He had first approached his neighbors and then had a After that he came to City Hall and explained that he wanted to He then proceeded to start the work on the fence at the six foot level. Mr. Kalachnik said that he did not want to have any safety concerns and Mr. Kalachnik said that in order to I Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Member Paulus said she had a problem in denying the variance request because the homeowner did talk to the Building Department and built the fence with the understanding that it met ordinance requirements. Further, the homeowner has tried to remedy the situation by moving the fence back to provide for a clear view area. Member Smith commented that he could share that concern but that he could not agree with granting variances in the community based on how well our staff did or did not do in communicating. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith Nays: Paulus, Richards Variance denied. *HEARING DATE OF 10/2/89 SET FOR AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION AND ZONING 0RDI”CES Motion vas made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly setting October 2, 1989 as hearing date for amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTRYSIDE PARK BASKETBAU COURTS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for reconstruction of Countryside Park basketball courts to recommended low bidder, Finley Brothers Enterprises, at $6,640.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. rr 9/5/89 REPORT GIVEPJ ON STATUS OF WEITE OAKS LOTS Assistant Manger Gordon Hughes made reference to a letter dated August 30, 1989 that was sent to Richard J. Andron concerning Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition and Lot 1, White Oaks Third Addition. As directed by'the Council, the letter contained an cash offer of $32,000 for the subject lots, subject to: 1) The City must receive prior to closing $16,000 from the White Oaks Improvement Association, and 2) The City would accept and acknowledge receipt of a gift of approximately $120,000 in recognition of the market value of the subject lots. to have a response from Mr. Andron but had not been contacted by Mr. Andron prior to this meeting. Assistant Manager Hughes said that he had hoped 39 Mayor Richards asked if staff has communicated the terms of the offer to the White Oaks Improvement Association so that they understand the Council's position and what is expected of the Association. Connor Schmid, representing the Association, said that that has been made clear and that the response the Association makes would meet the requirements of the City if this goes forward. REPORT PRESENTED ON OVIEW CEMETERY Manager Rosland referred to a memorandum dated September 5, 1989 from David Velde, Sanitarian, concerning the nuisance created by Grandview Cemetery for adjacent homeowners. The operator of the cemetery, Harry Lindberry, has been excavating materials from the property, hauling in fill, and operating a commercial trucking firm and handling various materials on the site. have been allowed to accumulate. In addition, unused or discarded equipment and material Staff has met with the neighbors and discussed the problem and actions the City could take to, hopefully, resolve the nuisance. The neighbors agree that the operation of a cemetery on the property would be acceptable; the trucking enterprise and excavating operations are not acceptable to them. that some earth moving activities will be occurring to grade the remaining land for cemetery use. The City can issue orders to Mr. Lindberry to abate the following nuisances: 1) Tall and noxious weeds, 2) Accumulation of discarded tires, 3) Accumulation of discarded or unused machinery and equipment, and 4) Failure to control fugitive dust. excavating operation or at least require such things as fencing and a grading plan, and may be able to stop the truck storage and excavating operations. If successful, these actions would relieve some of the nuisances and would stop the commercial trucking and excavating which has been occurring on the site. They understand The City also, based on the Zoning Ordinance, may be able to stop the Staff would recommend that the following action be taken to bring about a long term solution to the Grandview Cemetery problem: Initiate action to attempt to stop the commercial trucking and mining operations on the site. Issue orders to attempt to abate the existing nuisances on the site. At a minimum, attempt to require a site grading plan for development of the property for cemetery use and set a date certain for completion of the site grading and finishing. Member Smith asked if staff had issued orders before concerning weeds, discarded equipment and dust and also where the grading plan would fit. said that the City has not but that those are routine kinds of things that could be done; however, the problem is deeper than the nuisance issues. Concerning the grading plan, he explained that the way the vacant land is now Mr. Lindberry would be unable to use it as a cemetery and that some grading would be required. proposed grading plan would set a specific date whereby the grading must be completed. Lindberry. Sanitarian Velde The Member Smith asked if the City has ever taken prior action against Mr. Sanitarian Velde said he was involved in the 1970's when a greenhouse 9/5/89 on the property was deemed an unsafe structure. that removed but it was finally done. It Mayor Richards mentioned that litigation to attempt trucking and mining operations on the site would be to whether or not the City would be successful. He litigation against Mr. Lindberry was unsuccessful. took several months to have to stop the commercial costly and it is uncertain as recalled that previous Mayor Richards asked if the affected neighbors would be willing to participate in defraying part of the cost if legal action were taken against Mr. Lindberry. Robert Eaton, 419 Monroe Avenue, commented that no one is trying to force Mr. Lindberry out of his legitimate cemetery business. Speaking for himself, he said he would not want to spend a lot of time on lengthy litigation; that he felt the nuisances should be stopped but that he did not know how to accomplish that. He said that other means should be tried first before we jump into a lawsuit. ' Mayor Richards asked if it would make sense for he and the City Manager to sit down with Mr. Lindberry in a non-confrontation type*of setting and discuss some of the concerns that have been raised, if the other Council Members concurred with that action. Mr. Eaton responded that he thought that would probably be the best way to approach Mr. Lindberry. Following more discussion, it was informally agreed by the Council that the Mayor and Manager try to meet with Mr. Lindberry to discuss these issues and then report back to the neighbors and the Council as to the outcome. APPOlX!XENT TO COMMUNI'l'Y DEVELOPMENT AND PLA"G COMMISSION DISCUSSED Richards said that he was not prepared to submit a name for appointment to the Community Development and Planning Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Del Johnson. individuals to be considered for the position so that the appointment could be made by the first meeting in October. Mayor He asked the Council Members to submit names of Mayor Richards said that several suggestions have been made: 1) That, in order to have balance on the Commission, the individual be someone who is not proactive in the development sense but one with interestfiackground and experience in the fields of real estate or development, and 2) That 11 members on the Commission tends to be an unwieldy number. Following discussion on the issue of how many members should be on the Commission, Mayor Richards suggested that information on terms and number of years served for current Commission members be placed in the next Council packets and that the Council debate this issue to determine if the number of commissioners should be reduced before considering filling the position vacated by Mr. Johnson. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING SOT..ID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGREEHEN!I! FOR 1989 WITH -PIN CODWJ!Y Motion vas made by Member Smith and vas seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Ciw Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the Solid Uaste Management Agreement with Hennepin County (Contract No. A07839) to provide partial funding (80%) for Edina's recycling program and $5.00 per container; BE IT FlTRTHEB RESOLVED that the Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING STORM SEWER PROJECTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS: BIDS TO BE TAKEN Engineer Fran Hoffman stated that staff has reviewed all areas of the City 9/5/89 -r- 41 and the following projects have been determined to need additional stormwater drainage upgrading: Estimated Cost A) STS-195 - Woodcrest Drive - from 56th & Woodcrest to $ 9,348.00 backyard of 5528 Woodcrest (pipe installation) B) STS-196 - Grove Street - from easement west side of 27,656.00 5717 Grove Street to 145' east (enlarge pipe and create overflow pipe) C) STS-199 - 76th Street and Parklawn Avenue - West to the pond (pipe upgrade) D) STS-200 - South of West 58th Street - at Grimes and Halifax area (pipe upgrade) 5,375 .OO $54,784.00 Staff has evaluated each area as a result of petitions of residents following the July 1987 flooding. upgrading of the storm sewer system. The funds for the projects will be from the stormwater utility fund. date in early spring of 1990. Member Smith moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISIWE" FOR BIDS FOR These projects are recommended and are part of the ongoing Bids for the projects would be taken with a completion STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NOS. STS-195, STS-196, STS-199 AND STS-200 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: . The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun-Current and I (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA ' 4801 VEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STORM Sl?XERS CONTRACT NO. 89-14 (ENG) IMPROVEMENT NOS. STS-195, STS-196, STS-199 & STS-200 BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBW 21, 1989 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801West 50th Street at 11:OO A.M., Thursday, September 21, 1989. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., Monday, October 2, 1989 to consider said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: 1,102 LF RCP 12"-27" 279 LF 12" PVC C1. 40 9 EA Manholes, Catch Basins 112 TONS HN/DOT 2341 Bituminous 413 TONS C1. SA Gravel 1,700 SY Sod 20 LF 72" C.H.P. 15 ER 2 CY Backhoe Time Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 42 9/5/89 personally to th city Engin er. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. (by check). specifications vith a bona fide bid. accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amozmt of at least ten (10) percent of all bids. separate check for $5.00 payable to the City of Edina for postage and handling. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITP COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. I Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 No bids will be considered unless sealed and Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and All plans mailed, enclose Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *HEARING DBTE OF 10/2/89 SET FOR ON-SALE WINE LICENSE FEES Motion was made by Member Smith and vas seconded by Member Kelly setting October 2, 1989 as hearing date to consider on-sale vine license fees. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. RESOLUTION ADOPTED IN SUPPORT OF GLENN C.G. OLSON'S NOMINATION TO REGIONAL TRANSIT COMMISSION Mayor Richards advised that he had been contacted by Glenn C.G. Olson who is seeking support for his reappointment to the Regional Transit Commission as at-large representative of the suburban communities in the metropolitan area. His resume indicated that he has been a long time member of the Metropolitan Transit Commission and has held various positions in local government. Member Rice commented that he knows Mr. Olson personally, having served on several committees with him, and that he is conscientious, well informed and does his job. Mayor Richards said that Mr. Olson had been told to seek support for his reappointment and that he also was responding to what had happened when there was no representation from the western suburbs appointed to the Regional Transit Board. Member Kelly moved adoption of the following resolution to be sent to the Regional Transit Board: RESOLUTION MEEREAS, the term of Glenn G. C. Olson on the Metropolitan Transit Commission is expiring, and MEEREAS, he has demonstrated his ability to vork in a public affairs environment and has served as Vice Chair of the Metropolitan Transit Commission and as Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee, and MEEREAS, he has been a dedicated at-large representative of the suburban communities in the metropolitan area; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Glenn 6. C. Olson for reappointment; BE IT FlTaTHEB RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Regional Transit Board to approve the reappointment of Glenn G. C. Olson to the Metropolitan Transit Commission. ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 1989. For those reasons, Mayor Richards said he would support his nomination. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. I SHHSG REQUEST FOR FUNDING BEING REVIEWED Manager Rosland reported that he has been meeting with Larry Oppold, Executive Director, South Hennepin Human Services council (sHHSC), concerning SHHSC'S request for funding from the four cities for 9/5/89 P, -. 1 r -- 43 1990 and had also had spent some time with the REM Corporation. its budget request and will be getting back to the four cities on this. Member Kelly said she appreciated Manager Rosland's efforts in this and pointed out that he had taken a leadership role for the four cities involved. SHHSC has reduced REPORT TO BE MADE ON MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION'S ACTIVITIES suggested that Manager Rosland give a report to the Council on the activities of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) at an upcoming Council meeting, with the possibility of hearing also from Bob Renner, Jr., lobbyist for the MLC. This would enable the Council to evaluate how effective the MLC has been in consideration of the membership fee paid. WATER BILT., INCREASE OUESTIONED Member Rice commented that the water bills have increased and asked if there was any special reason for this. Hoffman said the current billings were for the summer quarter when water usage is at its highest. Mayor Richards Engineer Fran REPORT TO BE GIVEN ON RACCOONS situation in the City. near future. Member Rice asked for information on the raccoon Manager Rosland said a report would be upcoming in the COMMENTS MADE ON FENCE VARIANCE AND CEHETWY PROBLEM Member Rice commented that in connection with the fence variance request heard earlier in the meeting, he felt that if incorrect information had been given by staff we should have some means with which to rectify that. Cemetery, Member Rice said that if ordinances were being violated, e.g. noxious weeds, tires, etc., that the City should either prosecute or change the ordinances regardless of who commits the violation. Concerning the discussion on Grandview CONCERN OF RESIDENT ON RED FOX LANE NOTED received a call from a resident on Red Fox Lane concerning construction on their street which had occurred while they were out of town. She suggested that staff should advise residents of the date when such work is to be done so that they would not be surprised. in the field and that normally such notice is given. Member Kelly reported that she had Engineer Hoffman said that staff does work with residents BORDONARO LETTER CONCERNING RECYCLING NOTED Member Paulus asked that the Council Members be provided with copies of a letter dated August 31, 1989 that she had received from Jan Bordonaro, 6009 Birchcrest Drive, concerning the City's recycling program in which the suggestion was made that that recyclables should be picked up at the curb in order to reduce the cost of the program. DORNBLASER LET= REGARDING TReE PLANTING PROGRAM DISCUSSED Member Paulus referred to a letter dated August 23, 1989 from Bright Dornblaser, 4630 Drexel Avenue, asking the City Council to authorize a plan to replace missing boulevard trees in the Country Club District. developing a tree planting program. contacted some nurseries but that nothing definite has been developed. Paulus suggested that a target date of February, 1990 be set for staff to bring a recommendation to the Council. She asked what progress had been made on Manager Rosland responded that staff has Member METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REGIONAL BREAKFAST MEETING DISCUSSED Member Paulus asked if the Metropolitan Council Regional Breakfast Meeting scheduled for September 22, 1989 for Hennepin County (South) would be worthwhile. Member Kelly said she felt attending would be helpful and that she usually gained from hearing about the issues that the Metropolitan Council is dealing with. Mayor Richards said it is helpful to hear how they view some of those issues which is usually different from how local officials view them. 44 9/5/89 EDINA SCHOOL BOARD'S LONG RANGE PIAN NOTED School Board together with 15 different representatives from the community has formed a committee to develop a 20-year long range plan. part of that and their first meeting is scheduled for September 20. She asked that the Council Members contact her if they had anything to interject. Member Paulus reported that the Edina I She said that she is a GIVENS LETTER REQUESTING SATEI;LITE ON EXECUTIVE GOLF COURSE DISTRIBUTED Mayor Richards circulated a letter addressed to the Director Parks & Recreation dated August 25, 1989 from Mary E. Givens, 6566 France Avenue So., about the possibility of placing a satellite on the Executive Course. addressing that request. - Director Bob Kojetin said they are COUNCIL SESSION SCHEDULED FOR 9/16/89 CANCEI;LED Mayor Richards said that only one subject has been suggested for the Council Study Session scheduled for September 16 - Procedure for proponents/developers to communicate with neighbors before a project is begun. He suggested that the Study Session be cancelled but that the Council consider this issue in the near future. would work with staff to develop a process that they feel could be enforced and bring that back to the Council for discussion. RESPONSE REQUESTED FOR OUESTION ON 1990 TBXES been asked by residents what to expect in 1990 concerning real estate taxes. asked Assessor Johnson for a response to the question that could be relayed to the citizens. Manager Rosland said he Mayor Richards said that he has He PROPOSAL OF SOUTHDBLE MANAGEMENT FOR FULLTIMI POLICE OFFICER PRESENTED Rosland reported that he had met with the Southdale Center management who are concerned about the great amount of shrinkage they are experiencing. willing to pay the total cost for a fulltime police officer that would be stationed at Southdale Center. proposal, with a condition that it could be phased out if not necessary. Manager Rosland recalled that in the early 1970's Southdale had a similar concern and that the City then did have a Commercial Area Patrol for that part of the City. He said the proposal would also benefit the Police Department in that it would provide an opportunity to rotate officers and assign them to non-patrol car duty. also release the patrol officers from some of the responses they now make to Southdale. recommendation at that time would probably be to fund an additional police officer through the trust fund established by the Centennial Lakes development. Rosland said that he did not want to pursue this until he had the Council's reaction. the City' s tax problems. Following some discussion and questions concerning the proposal, Mayor Richards said that this would be a major policy issue and that the Council would need to be provided with information as to the pros and cons on the issue and then think about the ramifications City-wide before making a decision. agreed that staff be directed to develop data on the proposal and bring that back for consideration by the Council. Manager They are He suggested that an agreement be drafted for this Subsequently, because of budget restraints this was discontinued. It would When the south portion of Centennial Lakes is fully developed, the Manager He said he felt that in this way the private sector is responding to It was informally MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ON ENTERPRISE FUNDS REVIERED executive summary of the City's enterprise funds for year to date - July, showing an increase/decrease comparison between years 1988 and 1989. The figures include revenues, expenditures, depreciation expense and bond payments. He noted that there is an increase in the net loss over last year for the Arena which was anticipated because of the bond payments. Those payments are being made from the proceeds of the golf dome and golf course which are shown as one entity. Edinborough Park has reduced its net loss by some $144,201 over last year at this Manager Rosland presented an Also, 9/5/89 -.- 45 time. net income over 1988. He pointed out that the liquor stores have made a substantial increase in General discussion was held on how depreciation is determined, the impact on the formula for raising general revenue, how enterprise fund losses are funded and the overall increase in income on the various funds. It was informally agreed 'that this format for the executive summary on the enterprise funds was good. sufficient and asked that the report include a percentage figure for increase or decrease for each fund, together with a written explanation on the variances. *HEARING DATES OF 10/2/89 AND 10/16/89 SET FOR 1990 BUDGET Motion was made by Hember Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly setting hearing date on the 1990 Budget and taxes payable in 1990 for October 2, 1989 and reconvening the hearing on October 16, 1989 if necessary. The Council concluded that a quarterly report would be Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *HEARING DATE OF OCTOBW 2. 1989 SET FOR ADVANCE REFUNDING OF 1985 TAX INCREME" BONDS October 2, 1989 as hearing date for advance refunding of 1985 Tax Increment Bonds. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Hember Kelly setting Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *CLAIMS PAID approve payment of the following claims as per pre-list dated 9/5/89: General Fund $172,493.29, C.D.B.G. $485.00, Communications $837.69, Art Center $7,801.60, Swimming Pool Fund $1,067.63, Golf Course Fund $17,550.76, Recreation Center Fund $1,117.15, Gun Range Fund $616.29, Edinborough Park $9,868.05, Utility Fund $254,553.23, Storm Sewer Utility $8,421.69, Liquor Dispensary Fund $5,188.71, Construction Fund $77,114.60, Total $557,115.69 Moticm was made by Hember Smith and was seconded by Hember Kelly to Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. . .- City Clerk