HomeMy WebLinkAbout19891016_joint79 MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINB HOUSING AND REDEV'ELOPHEIW AUTHORITP/CITY COlX?CIL HELD AT ED= CITY HAIL OCTOBER 16, 1989 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: 1) Edinborough - Hawthorn Hotel Development, 2) 50th and France Improvements, and 3) Acceptance of Outlot A - Village Homes of Centennial Lakes. Action was taken by the HRA and Council as recorded. ROUCAKL Answering rollcall were Commissioners/Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. K@lTES of the J3RA of October 2, 1989 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON EDINBOROlJ~/HAUTHOW HOTEL DEVEU)I?MENT: AMENDMENT TO FINAL AILOW HOTELS AS PRINCIPAL USE IN MDD DISTRICT): AMEND= TO REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTIEDINBOROUGH APPROVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Suites Hotel to construct an extended stay hotel at Edinborough. located in the southwest quadrant of the Edinborough development and is vacant land approximately 3.5 acres in area. eight story, 160,000 square foot office building. DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVED: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 825-431 ADOPTED <TO Planner Craig Larsen presented the proposal of Hawthorn The site is The approved development plan calls for an The proposal calls for amending the final development plan to allow a seven story, 142 unit hotel. The plans now under consideration are the same as those presented in May, 1989 when the matter was continued indefinitely. required would be amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to permit suites hotels in the Mixed Development .District. and 8 handicapped units. Units range from 408 to approximately 500 square feet. The building is approximately 65 feet in height and has a gross area of 90,000 square feet. This compares to the office building previously approved for the site of 160,000 square feet and 104 feet in height. parking spaces; 157 spaces would be required for a hotel. of-those sp-aces would be reserved for park users. 36-foot setback from the westerly property. 50~foot setback minimum; therefore a 14 foot setback variance is requested. is an improvement over the approved plan that showed the taller office building with a setback of 27 feet from the westerly property line. the site includes signage on the westerly and southerly walls, with free standing signs at the southerly entry at Minnesota Drive and the main entrance at Minnesota Drive and Edinborough Way. that the signage package does comply with the requirements suggested in the amendment to the sign ordinance which will deal with both Edinborough and Centennial Lakes. HRA Executive Director Gordon Hughes stated that the hotel proposal is part of the Edinborough project and as such an amendment to the redevelopment contract for Edinborough is required. unchanged at $1,127,903. dedication fees and special assessments, and also provides at completion of the hotel a $50,000 contribution to the City. easement over 86 parking spaces in the hotel lot. for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of all parking spaces. Additional action The proposed hotel would contain 136 two-room suites I The site plan illustrates 186 It is proposed that 86 The Mixed Development District has a This The plan also illustrates a Proposed signage for Planner Larsen concluded the presentation by noting The proposed purchase price of the property remains This price includes reimbursements to the HRA, park The City would receive a non-exclusive The hotel would be responsible As'to the parking ramp, staff would propose that the HRA withdraw the requirement that the HRA be given a reservation to construct a future parking ramp on the 10/16/89 hotel site. Staff present and future believes that the non-exclusive parking needs. parking easement would satisfy I A monthly park maintenance fee of $15/room would be paid to the City. would be increased annually by the lesser of the consumer price index or the percentage increase in the hotel's gross room revenues. The HRA would agree that if the City ever levied a special tax on hotel rooms, the annual increase in park maintenance fees would cease and the monthly fee would return to $15/room. This fee - Hawthorn Suites Hotel is prepared to submit a payment and performance bond which would guarantee that the hotel will, in fact, be constructed. In exchange, they request that the HRA's rights of reversion and rights to re-purchase the property be eliminated from the agreement. Staff would propose that the HRA undertake several improvements in connection with the project: 1) Tramway service drive located partly on park property on the north side of the hotel, and 2) Sidewalk that would cross the hotel lot to Edinborough Park. Both improvements were proposed to be constructed by the HRA last spring. Also proposed is that the HRA contribute $2,000 per stall for the 29 stalls that are over and above Zoning Ordinance requirements. Director Hughes concluded by stating that the following actions would be required if the HRA/Council wished to proceed with the project: 1) Amendment to the Final Development Plan 2) Amendment to the Zoning Ordnance to allow hotels as a principal use 3) Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement for Edinborough and execution 4) Amendment of the Sign Ordinance to address commercial building signage (Council) in the Mixed Development District of related documents (HRA) in the Mixed Development District (Council) I (Council) Gommissioner/Member Smith asked if the covenant to maintain the parking lot would run with the land. of all parking spaces would run with the land. asked if the purchase price of $1,127,903 would be net of the HRA parking contribution. hotel for the 29 parking spaces out of the purchase price. Codssioner/Member Rice asked if the monthly $15/room park maintenance fee is equivalent to what other Edinborough entities pay. condominium units and the rental apartment units pay $l5/month per unit. Commissioner/Member Rice asked if hotel guests could use the park facilities. Director Hughes explained that the room park maintenance fee would entitle hotel guests to use the pool and track at no extra charge. Chairman/Mayor Richards asked if the hotel would have to pay the monthly $15/room fee regardless of occupancy rates. fee. Attorney Erickson affirmed that the covenant for maintenance Commissioner/Member Smith then Director Hughes explained that the HRA would be reimbursing the Director Hughes said that the . Director Hughes said that occupancy would have'no bearing on the Chairman/Mayor Richards then asked for comments by representatives of Hawthorn Suite Hotel. No comments were heard. objecting to the project were on file from the following: Susan Britzius, 7606 York Avenue #7109; Margaret Graff, 7622 York Avenue #1209; Theresa McCormick, 7635 Edinborough Way #5302; G. Phillips, 7350 York Avenue; Bernie and Jim Prokop, 7631 Edinborough Way #5111; and Catherine Hoffman, 7609 Edinborough Way #4118. A letter in support of the project was received from Leonard Neuman, 7605 Edinborough Way. Public comment was heard as follows: Joyce Claybourn, 7615 Edinborough Way #4110, spoke in favor of the hotel proposal and said many other Edinborough residents are for the project. Tom Niederer, 7606 York Avenue #7205, stated that a lot of the Edinborough as well as community residents are concerned Chairman/Mayor Richards noted that letters 10/16/89 s 8' 1 about a hotel overcrowding, inconsistency developments. being adjacent to Edinborough Park. lack of concern by the hotel transients for the park facilities, and of hotel with the.overal1 Edinborough and Centennial Lakes He said his concerns wouldbe Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PIAN BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for Edinborough - Hawthorn Suites Hotel, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of October 16, 1989, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. FOR EDINBOROUGH - HAWTHORN SUITES HOTEL Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Smith introduced Ordinance No. 825-831 as follows and moved adoption, with waiver of Second Reading: ORDINANCE NO. 825-A31 AN ORDINANCE AMINDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) TO ADD SUITES HOTEL TO MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND TO ADD A DEFINITION OF SUITES HOTEIS THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF EDINB, KCNNESOTA, ORDAINS: following principal use: Section 1. Section 14.B. of Ordinance No. 825 is hereby amended by adding the "8. Suites Hotels" Sec. 2. Section 3.D. of Ordinance No. 825 is hereby amended by adding the "Suites Hotel: A hotel in which at least eighty percent (80%) of the guest following definition: rooms are two-room suites containing at least 400 square feet of gross floor area." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. ATTEST : %&"/21.6L.fL - City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. .- Commissioner Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION REJATING TO THE SOUTHEAST EDINA REDEVELOPMENT PIAN; RATIFYING AIUD BPFIRMING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS AG-S AND AUTHORIZING TBE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS OTHER DOCUMENTS BE.IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Hausing and Redevelopment Authority of Ed-, Minnesota (the "ERA"), as follows: redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 16, designated as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan"). pursuant to the Plan the ERA entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment (the "Contract") with the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation") dated on or as of August 1, 1985. The Contract was subsequently amended by Amendment No. 1 dated as of October 1, 1985, by Amendment No. 2 dated as of April 1, 1986, by Amendment No. 3 dated as of July 10, 1986, by Amendment No. 4 dated as of October 6, 1986, by Amendment No. 5 dated as of February 19, 1987 and by Amendment No. 6 dated as of Harch 31, 1989 (together herein called the 1. Recitals. The HRB and the Edina City Council have previously approved a Acting 10/ 16/89 82 "Prior Amendments"). the Hotel Redevelopment Agreement dated as of Hay 15, 1989 (the "Current Amendment") and the Current Amendment has been presented to and reviewed by the ERA. 2. Ratification. Execution and Delivery. The execution and delivery of the Contract and Prior Amendments by the officers executing the same on behalf of the ERA is hereby ratified and affirmed. 3. Authorization for Execution and Delivew of Further Documents. The form of the Current Amendment is hereby approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the attorney for the HRA and the Executive Director of the HRA, wMch approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the Current Amendment by any two officers of the HRA. Any two officers of the ERA are directed to execute and deliver the Current Amendment as it may be so modified. Any two officers of the HRA are also authorized and directed to execute and deliver such other instruments, and take such other action, as may be required to accomplish the transactions contemplated herein and by the Current Amendment, including but not limited to any amendments or supplements to the Contract, as amended, and other agreements, as may be necessary to accomplish the transactions contemplated by the Current Amendment. execution of any such amendments, supplements or agreements by any two officers of the ERA shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents by the ERA in accordance with this Resolution. It is now proposed that the Contract be further Wended by The - Motion for adoptionuf the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Kelly. Commissioner Smith recalled that at the presentation in April there was some concern regarding hotel trash hauling impacting the residential area. Hughes recalled that the discussion had to do with the orientation of the hotel's service drive. plans include generous landscaping along the service drive area and along the commuter strip. Kevin Poorman, representing Hawthorn Suites Hotel, said it was his understanding that the service area would be bermed and screened by a wall. Commissioner Paulus asked if the building would have provisions for recycling in the future. that in all commercial buildings an adequate area be set aside that could accommodate recycling. Director He said the trash would be stored indoors and that the landscaping Director Hughes said the State Uniform Building Code now requires Chairman Richards then called for vote on the resolution. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. UPDBTE GIVEN ON 50TH AND FRANCE BUSINESS DISTRICT IMI?ROVEMEN!W Hoffman recalled that the HRA had directed the staff and the 50th and France Business Association to reach a consensus on what material to use to replace the brick pavers. The Association's Board of Directors has submitted a letter dated October 13, 1989 stating that they are unanimously in favor of red exposed aggregate like that being used for the Southdale renovation. Engineer Hoffman said staff would propose that sample panels of red exposed aggregate be installed this fall behind the theatre for final review of the 50th and France merchants and tenants. A final survey would then be sent to everyone saying that this type of finish would be used unless they would prefer the concrete paver brick which staff has recommended. Engineer Fran I 1 lo/ 16 /89 -* '83 Regarding timetable for the project, Engineer Hoffman said following the suwey staff would prepare contract documents for a winter bid letting followed by start of construction in early spring. He said no action is required at this time. CONVEYANCE OF OUTLOT A. VILLAGE HOMES OF CE"IAL LAKES. APPROVED Director Hughes explained that the subject outlot is an extremely small parcel located in the southwestern comer of the Centennial Lakes condominiums plat. the only portion of the entire plat that is registered property. Examiner of Titles, if any portion of a plat is registered, then the entire plat must likewise be registered. In that this outlot adjoins W. 76th Street, as well as Centennial Lakes Park, the condominium developer has asked that it be transferred to the HRA in order to avoid,the title registration action on the balance of the property. Staff would recommend acceptance of Outlot A. This outlot is According to the I Coxinnissioner Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Ed-, Minnesota, that it hereby accepts conveyance of Outlot A, Village Homes of Centennial Lakes, as platted and of record with the Register of Titles, Hexmepin County, Minnesota. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Smith. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Commissioner Kelly and wa adjournment of the HRA. Motion carried unanimous1 -7% u City Clerk