HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910701_regular141 MINUTES OF TEE REGULAR MEETING OF THE JULY 1, 1991 EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY ROILCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Rice, Smith, and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGEJWIA ITEMS APPROVED Motion vas made by Member Rice and vas seconded by Member Kelly to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented except for removal of Item IV.1. - Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractor. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HlXUTES OF REGULAR mTING OF JllNE 17. 1991 APPROVED Hotion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Council Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 17, 1991. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. PUBLIC EEAJXING ON PRELIMINARY PIAT APPROVAL FOR WHITNEY ADDITION CONTINUED TO 8/5/91 Presentation bv Planner Planner Larsen recalled that Council had continued the hearing on the proposed preliminary plat for the Jyland Whitney Addition, (Lot 2, Block 1, Muir Woods) at its meeting of June 17, 1991. loss, retaining walls and street grades. alternate to the five lot proposal. Council had requested further information on tree The Council also asked to see a four lot A draft development agreement and a draft conservation easement have been prepared and are recommended by staff. natural condition of a 40 foot wide strip of land along Valley View Road. development agreement has four main points: Outlot A would be subject to an easement for street purposes, so as not to land lock the adjacent Peper property. It would specify a maximum street grade of seven percent and would require City Engineer approval of all retaining walls. It would require approval by the City Planner for all trees removed to develop individual lots. It would require an erosion control plan approved by the City. The conservation easement would protect the existing The 1. 2. 3. 4. The Community Development and Planning Commission and staff have recommended preliminary plat approval subject to: 1) Development agreement, 2) Conservation easement, 3) Developers agreement for public improvements, 4) Final plat approval, and 5) Subdivision dedication and utility connection charges. Presentation bv DeveloDers Rick Carlson, Jyland Development, told the Council they are still requesting a five lot subdivision for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. Meets the requirements of Ordinance No. 804 as to lot size, width and depth. 4. Would fit with the character and aesthetics of the neighborhood, with less visual disturbance. A four lot subdivision would greatly exceed neighborhood market values and would be difficult to market. Conservation easement would preserve the area along Valley View Road. With regard to an eight percent grade rather than the seven percent grade recommended by the Planning Commission, Mr. Carlson pointed out that it would mean four foot less cut into the top of the hill, would require one less retaining wall, would maintain the elevation for the Peyton home, would provide better access to the Peper property, and would provide a flat cul-de-sac. I --” 14 3 7/1/91 L Daniel Spiegel, 7104 Valley View Road, voiced concern that the public might have a tax burden because of the construction of the road servicing the proposed subdivision and, in the future, the Peper property. Mayor Richards answered that the benefitted properties would bear the cost of any public improvements including the construction of retaining walls, sewers, roads, etc. Council Comment/Action In response to Member Rice, Engineer Hoffman said the Public Works Department would consider the difference in maintaining a seven percent or eight percent grade to be minimal. there would be less site impact. He reminded Council that the original plan was at a 10 percent grade and that following the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Council, the grade was reduced to a recommended seven percent. Planner Larsen added that an eight percent grade would be acceptable and Member Kelly commented that she would like to see the proposals for the whole area, including the Peper parcel, before making a decision on subject subdivision. Sydney Rebers, 6919 Dakota Trail, stated his understanding was that Outlot A was a piece of property that was not going to be used for anything. Council should consider the whole package before making their decision. Richards said his understanding was that Outlot A would be deeded to the Pepers or deeded to the public for future access. He concurred that the Mayor Member Rice made a motion to approve the preliminary plat for Jyland Uhitney Addition, subject to the conditions recommended by staff. second. Motion failed for lack of Member Kellymade a motion to approve the prelimhazy plat for Jyland Uhitney Addition, subject to a maximma road grade of eight percent, and the conditions recommended by staff. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Member Rice commented this is a unique and difficult site and no one could envision how this will all fit together. subdivision meets the ordinance requirements, and he would support the proposal. The public has been adequately protected, the Member Smith said he had understood at the close of the previous hearing, that the developers would be back with a proposal for a four lot subdivision as requested by the Council. Since the developers did not do so, he could not support the five lot proposal. Mayor Richards suggested that the matter be continued to August 5, 1991 when all Council Members would be present. Member Kelly then withdrew the motion; Member Rice withdrew the second. ' Mayor Richards made a motion to continue the proposed subdivision hearing to August 5, 1991, so that a four-lot subdivision proposal could be submitted, and to insure a full Council for a f-lvote. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Whitney Peyton, property owner, said their goal was to have a road in before the fall Parade of Homes. the proposal, the result probably would be a two-two tie, and the five lot subdivision would fail. to be initiated again. Mayor Richards then called for vote on the motion. In response, Attorney Erickson said if a vote were taken on To resurrect the five lot proposal, the process would need I' Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. 7/1/91 143 ~ BOARD OF APPEBLS BND ADJUSTMEJTl! DECISION UPHELD ON SIGN VARIANCE - ARROW SIGN COMPANY- FOR 7101 FRANCE AVENUE Planner Larsen explained that on June 6, 1991, the Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments heard and voted to deny the following sign variance requests of Arrow Sign Company for property at 7101 France Avenue: 1. 2. Appeal of an administrative decision with respect to the calculation of sign area. Variance to allow an unshielded light source (exposed white neon tube). The property is zoned PC-3 (Planned Commercial District), located at the comer of Hazelton Avenue and France Avenue in Leisure Lane. In the PC-3 District, the limit is one free-standing sign for each street frontage. The first sign can be no larger than 100 square feet, the second sign can be no larger than half the area of the first sign. The first sign erected (Ethan Allen), was 81 square feet; therefore the second sign (Leisure Lane) could be no larger than 40.5 square feet in area. The Board agreed with staff's decision that the triangular element of the Leisure Lane sign should be included in the total calculation of sign area as defined by the City's Sign Ordinance No. 451, ("That area within the marginal lines of the surface which bears the advertisement, or in the case of messages, figures, or symbols attached directly to any part of a building, that area which is included in the smallest rectangle which can be made to circumscribe the message, figure or symbol displayed thereon. to a single fact.") Planner Larsen said the Board also felt that the ordinance definition of "sign area" should be clarified to alleviate confusion in the future. He noted that staff is currently in the process of codifying the sign ordinance. All definitions are being The stipulated maximum sign area for a freestanding sign refers ,- reviewed to ensure that they clearly represent the intent of Staff believes the intent of Edina's sign ordinance includes sign when calculating sign area. The "architectural amenity by the proponent is part of the sign and not "architectural" Staff would recommend upholding the decision of the Board of to deny the variance requests. the ordinance. the entire Leisure Lane (triangle) ref erred to in nature. Appeals and Adjustments A1 Kempf, owner of Leisure Lane, explained that the neon is secondary, and the triangle form on the sign top is of architectural design. He suggested establishment of measurement uniformity. monument type of sign with a triangle at the top, the only portion measured would have been the actual sign panel. Instead, he chose to build an open type of sign. He argued that if he had erected a Member Rice made a motion to uphold the decision of the Board of Appeals to deny the variance'requests with respect to calculation of sign area and unshielded light source. Member Kelly seconded the motion. John Reiter, Arrow Sign Company, mentioned that letters had been solicited from architectural companies verifying the architectural element of the subject signage. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR 7600. 7604 AND 7606 DELANEY BOUTXVARD <LOTS 1. 2. AND 3, BLOCK 2. SMSEK ADDITION1 Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WERJIAS, the following described properties are at present separate tracts of land: Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member -;I Lot 1, Block 2, SHISEK ADDITION Lot 2, Block 2, mSEK ADDITION Lot 3, Block 2, SMSEK ADDITION, City of Edina, Henneph County, Minnesota, 144 7/1/91 and reserving easements of record, together with Outlot B, SMSEK ADDITION, except that part lying westerly of a line rurming from the northwest corner of Lot 3 to a point on the south line of said Outlot B distant 66.5 feet west of the southvest comer thereof. Subject to an easement over that part of said Lot 3 lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of Lot 2 in said SMSER ADDITION; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Lot 2 a distance of 57.54 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the vest, radius 220.00 feet the south line of SMSEK ADDITION, and there terminating, VHEBEBS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tracts into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: PARCEL A: That part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, SMSEK ADDITION, lying northwesterly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the northeasterly line of said Ut 1 distant 30.73 feet northwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Ut 1 to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 2 distant 31.72 feet southeasterly from the mostvesterly corner of said Lot 2. PARCEL B: That part of SMSEK ADDITION described as follows: Part of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2; That part of Outlot B, lying easterly of a line running from the most vesterly corner of said Lot 3, Block 2 to a point on the south line of said Outlot B distant 66.50 feet westerly from the most easterly corner of said Outlot B, hereinafter referred to as Line "Aw; which lies between a line dram southwesterly from a point on the northeasterly llne of said Lot 1 distant 30.73 feetnorthwesterly from the most easterly comer of said Lot 1 to a point on the southvesterly line of said Lot 2 distant 31.72 feet southeasterly frathe most westerly corner of said Lot 2 a line drawn southvesterly from a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 2, distant 16.00 feet northwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on said Line "Aw distant 16.00 feet southerly from said most westerly corner of Lot 3. PARCEL C: That part of SMISEKADDITION described as follovs: Part of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2; That part of Outlot B, lying easterly of a line running from the most vesterly corner of said Lot 3, Block 2 to a point on the south line of said Outlot B distant 66.50 feet westerly from the most easterly corner of said Outlot B, hereinafter referred to as line "A"; lying southwesterly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 2, distant 16.00 feet northwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on said Line "A" distant 16.00 feet southerly from said most westerly corner of Lot 3. easement over that part of said Lot 3 lying easterly of the folloving described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 2; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 57.54 feet to the point of beginning of line to be described; thence along a tangential curve concave to the vest, radius 220.00 feet to the south line of SMSEK ADDITION, and there terminating. VHEBEBS, it has been determined that compliance vith the Subd€vis€on and Zoning Regulations of the City of Ed- will create art unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 804 and 825; NOU, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the Ciw Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 804 and Ordinance No. tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, hmever, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance vith the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Subject to an --a25 are hereby waived to allov said division and conveyance thereof as separate 7/1/91 145 Resolution adopted on rollcall vote - four ayes. *€IEARING DATE OF 7/15/91 SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly setting July 15, 1991, as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Plat Approval - Ratelle Hill Addition - Lot 5, Block 1, Indian 2) Preliminary Plat Approval - Sever Addition - Part of Tract By B.I.S. 1278 3) Amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 825. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. Hills *BID AWARDED FOR 50TH & FRANCE CUSTOM LIGHTING FIXTURES Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for 50th & France Custom Lighting Fixtures, to sole bidder, Appleton Lamplighter, at $12,600.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR CITY HBI;L WINDOW REPLACEMEKC Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of b%d for City Hall window replacement, to recommended low bidder, George F. Cook Construction Company, at $99,800.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *SERVICE C0"RACT APPROVED FOR VOTE TABULATORS was seconded by Member Kelly to approve a two-year on-site preventative maintenance service contract for vote tabulators from Business Records Corporation at $9,430.00. Motion was made by Member Rice and Motion carried on rdllcall vote - four ayes. INSURANCE RENEWAIS APPROVED FOR WORKERS8 COMPENSATION. GENERAL LIBBILITY AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Ceil Smith, Assistant to the City Manager, presented quotations for workers' compensation, general liability and automobile liability insurance renewals. Staff would recommend Home Insurance Companies' quotation of $565,928.00, based on the fact that the actual premium costs, when based on incurred losses, would be the lowest. The insurance program proposed by Home Insurance is a continuation of the retrospective rated program the City is currently using. substantial return of deposit premium in the past four years using this type of insurance plan. Member Smith made a motion to approve renewal of workers8 compensation, general liability and automobile liability insurance with recommended bidder, Home Insurance Company, in the amount of $565,928.00. The City has had Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *INSU"CE.REJ!iEK. APPROVED FOR CITY PROPERTY was seconded by Member Kelly to approve renewal of property insurance with recommended bidder, Hartford Insurance Company, in the,amount of $38,614.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. Motion was made by Member Rice and *INSURANCE RENEWAL APPROVED FOR BOILER AND MACHINERY Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve renewal of boiler and machinery insurance with recommended bidder, Travelers Insurance, at $7,359.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. --- *BID AWARDED FOR AGENCY SERVICES - SUMMER ISSUE OF ABOUT TOWN Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for agency services for summer issue of About Town magazine to Irmsbury-Mills, Ltd., at $15,915.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR CONTRACT BODIZVARD TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL MotioIi was made by 14 71 1f 91 6 Member Rice and vas seconded by Member Kelly for award of contract for boulevard tree and stump removal to recommended low bidder, Precision Landscape & Wee, as follows: Wee Removal (1 to 30 inch) - $9.OO/inch, (aver 30 inch) - $13.00/inch, Stump Grinding - $1.9l/inch, with total work not to exceed $12,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. BID FOR FOUB-VHEEL DRIVE UTILITY TRBCTOR COlZWNOJD TO 7/15/91 Robert Kojetin, Park and Recreation Director, explained that a bid was awarded on February 19, 1991, to Long Lake Ford Tractor, Inc., for a four-wheel drive utility tractor with cab, wing and rear motor, at $34,983.00. within 120 days as stated in the contract. of bid to Scharber & Sons., second low bidder, at $35,459.00. Long Lake Ford Tractor has been unable to deliver Therefore, staff would recommend award Manager Rosland recommended that this matter be held to the next meeting for further discussion with the bidder. Member Kelly made a motion to continue award of bid for a four-wheel drive utility tractor to July 15, 1991. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. REPORT ON CROW!l VETCH AT 4404 U. 58TH STREET CONTINUED FROM 6/17/91 recalled that at the June 17, 1991, Council meeting, the issue of crown vetch at 4404 W. 58th Street, was continued to allow the property owner, Diane Lindgren, to obtain costs of eradication. verbal offer to remove the crown vetch and re-sod the area at a cost of approximately $600.00 to be assessed to the property owner. by Ms. Lindgren. vegetation, declared a nuisance and should be removed. Diane Lindgren stated that this is a garden and that crown vetch is sold at Bachman's and is recommended for large areas. of June 17, 1991, she: Manager Rosland Manager Rosland reported that the City had made a That offer was rejected Staff would recommend that the crown vetch be considered rank She explained that since the meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. Has enlarged and rehabilitated the day lily border between her property and that of her neighbors, Is having a fence installed, Has watered the crown vetch to promote its growth to cover the entire slope, Has contacted the City of Apple Valley, regarding their policy on the crown vetch. Guidelines used by AppJe Valley include: 1) Is the growth environmentally appropriate?, .and 2) Is the growth kept manicured? 5. Has had property surveyed, 6. Hired Attorney Donald Willeke, a lawyer specializing in horticultural issues. Ms. Lindgren reiterated that this is a matter of aesthetics. Further, she mentioned the letter from Dr. Eugene Davis, City staff, dated June 30, 1990, stating that she does have the right to grow crown vetch. She pointed out that Attorney Willeke has informed her that anything maliciously done to her yard could be considered 'treble damage' and a suit could be brought. In conclusion, she stated tha$ no one dictates to her neighbors what they can grow or do; e.g., wooden staked tomatoes in front yards, untrimmed shrubbery, unpainted houses, and the use of chemical sprays on lawns. problem on her property. years and if she has to hire a lawn service to cut the hill the cost could total $8,000 - $12,000. Ms. Lindgren concluded that she could spend the money now for legal fees, or spend it in the future for a lawn service. Mayor Richards noted that correspondence was received in opposition to the crown vetch from June and Donald M. Swanson, 4408 W. 58th Street; Marge Buss, 4400 Philbrook Lane; Michael Sitek, 4400 W. 58th Street; and Robert E. and Suzanne F. Hanson, 4404 Philbrook. She questioned why the planting of a garden of crown vetch should be a She stated that she plans to live in her home for 20-30 I --- 7/1/91 147 Speaking in opposition to the crown vetch were Michael Sitek, 4400 W. 58th Street, and Donald Swanson, 4408 W. 58th Street. Council Comment/Action Member Rice said he was sorry the issue had.gotten to this point and that he felt the offer made by the City Manager was reasonable. vetch is appropriate, but this is not one of them. He said he considered it rank vegetation and a nuisance. There are places where crown Member Kelly said she did not believe the crown vetch growth was appropriate and still believed it to be a safety and health issue. Member Smith commented that the ordinance states how high it can be and that it has to be cut. However, he would not decide what she could plant in her yard. Mayor Richards concurred that he believed it to be a nuisance and had no place in an urban setting. generous offer of removal/resodding/assessing. allow the crown vetch to stay. Further, that the City had attempted to resolve the issue with the He said a case has not been made to Member Rice made a motion to consider the crown vetch at 4404 W. 58th Street as rank vegetation, to declare it a nuisance, and to enforce the ordinance. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice,-Richards Nays: Smith Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON SOLID WASTE C0I;LECTION Recycling Coordinator Janet Chandler introduced Nancy Grimsby of The League of Women Voters of Edina. Ms. Grimsby reported that the League had completed a comprehensive study on recycling and supports an open hauling garbage system, which is currently in place in Edina. Coordinator Chandler reported that the Recycling Commission considered the following options for solid waste collection: 1. Organized collection; City would contract with hauler(s) to provide garbage service for entire city or section(s) of City. 2. Open hauling system; licensed haulers could serve any area of City, residents contract with hauler of their choice. 3. Districting system; within the open hauling system City designates collection day districts. The majority of the commissioners voted to keep the present open hauling system. There also was support for the district system, whereby the City would designate collection days to assure that all residents have recycling and garbage service on the same day. choice from an environmental standpoint. system. Two commissioners recommended organized collection as the better Staff would recommend keeping the present Following discussion, the consensus of the Council was to keep the present open hauling system. ' BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE IWROVEMENTS APPROVED - BIDS TO BE TAKEN Park and Recreation Director Robert Kojetin recalled that at the June 17, 1991 meeting two proposals for Braemar Golf Course improvements had been recommended by the Park Board: --.. 1. 2. That up to $15,000 be allocated for an architectural feasibility study on a possible expansion of the Braemar Clubhouse. Replacement of the old maintenance building at a cost of $86,200.00. 7/1/91 148 The Council had continued the matter and had asked for a comprehensive financial report on Braemar Golf Course before making a decision. an operating and expense report for 1990 and projections for 1991 through 1993. report also indicated repairs and improvements for each year from the operating budget and major capital improvements to be funded from net income. Director Kojetin presented The After a brief discussion, Member Smith made a motion to approve allocation of up to $15,000.00 for an architectural feasibility study on possible expansion of the Braemar Clubhouse. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. MeBiber Kelly made a motion to approve replacement of the maintenance building at Braemar Golf Course at a cost of $86,200.00. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CO- SERVICES BOARD APPOINTBENTS DISCUSSED. CONTINUED TO 7/15/91 Mayor Richards reported that Sally Mays is unable to accept reappointment to the Community Seroices Board. interested in serving on the Community Services Board. would accept reappointment. Mayor Richards made a motion to reappoint Glenn Smith to the Community Services Board as Council representative for a one year term to 6/30/92. by Member Kelly. Mayor Richards asked the Council to submit names of anyone Member Smith announced he Motion was seconded Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards. Motion carried. NORMANDALE COUEGE ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTEES SOUGHT had received correspondence from Alison Fuhr requesting names of possible appointees to the Normandale College Advisory Board. month of July. Mayor Richards advised that he Names should be submitted during the BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR SIDEUAIX IMPROWEMENL'S AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS. lHPROvE"T NOS. S-40. S-50. S-51. S-52. S-53 & S-54 CON"RACT 91-12, Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: BESOLUTION APPROVING PIARS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED REROVEKEKl'S AND DIRECTING ADVERTIS- FOR BIDS FOB SIDEWAX IHPRO- NOS. S-40, S-50, S-51, S-52, S-53, S-54 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ED=, HIllNESO!lX: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for impravements: (Official Publication) CITP OF ED= 4801U. 50TH STREET EDIRA, Ki"ESO!I!A 55424 HmNEPII? COmTY, KImEsoTIL ADVERTISE?!ERI! FOE BIDS SIDEWS VARIOUS IX)CATIONS IN CITY CO"MCT 91-12 (EHG) lHPROVEMENT NOS. S-40, S-50, S-51, S-52, S-53, & S-54 --- BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 1, 1991 7/1/91 149 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the 4801 West 50th Street at 11:OO A.M., Thursday, Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., Monday, August following are approximate major quantities. Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, August 1, 1991. The Edina City 5, 1991 to consider said bids. The ~~ 2,600 CY Common Ekcavation 460 CY Select Top Soil 575 LF B6-18 Curb & Gutter .960 MNS C1. 5A Gravel 33,360 SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk 2,940 SY Sod 2,200 SF Lannon Stone Retaining Wall Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Ed-, 4801West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them, may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check). with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of all bids. payable to the City of Edina for postage and handling. BY ORDER OF TBE EDII?A CITP COUNCIL. Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications All plans mailed, enclose seDarate check for $5.00 Marcella H. Daehn City Clerk Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *PETITION FOR CURB C GUTTER FOR BIRCHCREST DRIVE REPERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly to refer the petition from property owners for curb and gutter for Birchcrest Drive to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. WLAIEIS PAID Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated July 1, 1991, and consisting of 38 pages: General Fund $345,039.65, Communications $11,334.55, Art Center $3,776.12, Capital Fund $5,578.56, Swimming Pool Fund $2,539.45, Golf Course Fund $26,603.88, Recreation Center Fund $4,367.26, Gun Range Fund $44.70, Edinborough Park $21,044.42, Utility Fund $261,528.06, Storm Sewer Utility $6,510.44, Liquor Dispensary Fund $61,512.02, Construction Fund $132.00, TOTAL $750,011.11. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M. City Clerk