HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-20 Wk Session MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 5:37 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Energy and Environment Commissioners attending included: Bob Gubrud, Surya lyer, Keith Kostuch, Dianne Plunkett Latham, Chair; Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson, Susan Sheridan Tucker and Sarah Zarrin. Staff attending the meeting included: Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director; Karen Kurt, Assistant City Manager; Debra Mangen, City Clerk; Ceil Smith, Assistant to the City Manager; and Jesse Struve, Utility Engineer. Mayor Hovland stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues of mutual interest. He turned the meeting over to the Chair Latham. ULI MINNESOTA BENCHMARK REPORT—MN GREENSTEP CITIES& REGIONAL INDICATORS PROJECT Rick Carter, LBH & Michael Orange, gave a presentation of the data gathered from the City of Edina relative to energy used, water used and waste generated. He explained how the data could be used to extrapolate a CO2 equivalency. Mr. Carter explained it was possible to measure the data community wide and that the data can be normalized by job and population. He said there was a correlation to the GreenStep BMP's and noted that energy was the largest metric with commercial/industrial consumption greater than residential consumption. Mr. Carter explained that following gathering of the data, targets for each unit should be established. The City's comprehensive plan should include the targets. Mr. Carter said that every city within the Regional Conference of Mayors should collect the data, since cities may be the best scale with which to deal with the issue. He demonstrated the B3 data base which has been collecting data on City of Edina buildings and noted data were missing. Once all of the data has been entered into the data base, it can be used to analyze usage. He urged asking the School District to enter the data for their operations as well as Hennepin County. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT — SECTION 1300 COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE AND RECYCLABLES Chair Latham briefly reviewed the proposed revisions to Code Section 1300. Following discussion, Council directed staff to request the City Manager to place the proposed ordinance on a future Council agenda for consideration. CITY PARK RECYCLING BINS RECOMMENDATION Chair Latham presented the results of a survey of the recycling bins in City parks and the Energy and Environment Commission's (EEC) recommendation for the phased replacement of trash bins in City parks. Council directed that staff begin researching the transition to the tri-sort containers. It was noted that the Park Board was currently researching a donation policy that would help purchase new recycling bins. RESOLUTION ON BOTTLED WATERS AND MUNICIPAL ORGANICS RECYCLING Chair Latham presented the EEC Resolution to establish a City-Wide Facility Recycling Policy stating that only compostable tableware be used, that bottled water use be reduced, and that organic composting be implemented. She noted that the 2012 City Facility Solid Waste And Recycling RFP will take this into consideration in order to accomplish GreenStep #22 Minutes/Edina City Council Work Session/September 20, 2011 Sub Step la (Overall Waste Reduction In City Operations). Council directed staff to bring the recommendation forward on a future Council agenda. TURF MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE REPORT Chair Latham presented the Task Force Report. Discussion included the need for public education, the balance between function and aesthetics, the use of informational signs and the role of neighborhood preference. Council directed staff to survey the cost of using organic methods of turf management. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO EDINA CODE SECTION 850.07 DRIVE-THROUGHS Commissioner Risser presented the EEC's recommendation for an amendment to Edina Code Section 850.07 regarding drive- through windows in the PCD-1 District. Following discussion, the Council directed that the proposed amendment be sent to the Planning Commission. NO ENGINE IDLING SIGN PROPOSAL Commissioner Risser presented the EEC's recommendation for a public awareness campaign to decrease vehicle idling by posting signage at specific municipal locations. The suggestion was that vehicle idling was particularly problematic at municipal parks, where vehicles idling in parking lots adjacent to athletic fields, result in compromised air for the athletes and spectators. It was noted vehicle idling was also a problem during drop-off and pick-up of students at local schools. Council directed staff to develop a pilot project for implementation in 2012. CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK CENTRUM FIREPLACE CONVERSION Commissioner Risser presented the EEC's recommendation that the Centennials Lakes Centrum's three wood-burning fireplaces be converted to gas. The City Manager will place this matter on a future agenda for consideration after staff has researched what would be involved in such a conversion. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING COAL TAR Chair Latham explained the EEC's recommendation to the City adopt an ordinance banning the use of coal tar-based sealants within the City. Coal tar-based sealants contain Polycystic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which will be released by surface wear and washed by storm water run-off into ponds. When applied to surfaces, these PAHs find their way into storm water run-off. The City of Edina does not use coal tar-based sealants on any public roadway and has not for the past few years. Following discussion, staff was directed to place the proposed ordinance on a future Council agenda. PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY (PACE) PROGRAM Commissioner Sierks updated the Council on the status of the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program. The Council thanked the Commissioners for their work on behalf of the Edina community. Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, t ' u�./� /A.i .■ Debra A.Mang_©City Clerk ....didoi , Minutes approved by Edina City Council, September 20, 2011 i ill ....... James B. Hovland, Mayor — 2