HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930719_special7/19/93 c 257 18. SHeRPA - The Human Relations Commission and the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency recommend an increase of $2,100 to cover operations costs. COMMISSION DINNER - $1,000 will fund the previously unfunded Council dinner to recognize appointed board and commission members. 19. 20. FLEX PLAN INCREASE - To reduce disparities with programs offered by other metro cities, a $40 per month per employee increase in the City’s contribution is proposed. Total cost would be $93,120. 21. CONTINGENCIES - Currently 0.4 percent of the general fund budget is reserved for contingencies. percent. $25,000 would provide a more prudent 0.6 22. 1-494 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT - The joint powers agreement between Edina, Richfield, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Bloomington governing the study of options to improve 1-494 requires the City to pay $4,600 ($.lo per resident) in 1994. Budget Scenarios: Three budget scenarios were presentea for proposed 1994 budget adjustments as follows : Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Total Revenues* $15,734,409 $15,632,549 $15,523,952 Total Expenditures 15,509,409 15,407,549 15,298,952 Tax Dollars 12,262,327 12,160,467 12,051,871 980 , 000 980 , 000 980 , 000 HACA. Dollars HACA Adjusted Levy 10,922,327 10,820,467 10,711,871 Tax Dollar Increase 937 , 212 835 , 352 726 , 756 Percent Increase Tax Dollar 8.25% 7.50% 6.43% Expenditure Increase 6.41% 5.71% 4.96% * Assumes Loss Due to Abatements of $225,000 Proposed Expenditures: Salaries* 7 , 920 , 555 Contractual Services (3.5% increase) 1 , 864,780 Commodities (3.5% increase) 757 , 884 Central Services** 3 , 156 , 321 Equipment (3.75% increase) 1 , 118 , 589 Budget Adjustments 691,280 Total Proposed Expenditures 15,509,409 * Scenarios #1 and #2 assumes 2.0% increase, Scenario **Scenarios #1 and #2 assumes 2.0% increase, Scenario Proposed Revenues: Taxes Fees, Licenses, Permits, etc. Enterprise/Court Intergovernmental Aid Total Proposed Revenues Proposed Adjustments : Revenue Decreases: Income on Investments Court Fines 1994 Additional Abatement 7 , 920 , 555 1 , 864,780 757 , 884 3,156 , 321 1,118 , 589 589,420 15,407,549 #3 assumes 1. #3 assumes 1. 7 , 842,903 1 , 864,780 757 , 884 3 , 125 , 376 1 , 118 , 589 589,420 15,298.420 0% increase 0% increase 12,287,327 12,185,467 12,076,871 1,706,481 1,706,481 1,706.481 1,237,500 1,237,500 1,237,500 503 , 100 503,100 503 , 100 15,734,409 15,632,549 15,523,952 5 , 000 5,000 5 , 000 5 , 000 5 , 000 5 , 000’’’- 100 , 000 100 , 000 100 , 000 7/19/93 258 Expenditure Adjustments : Elections Insurance Comparable Worth Increase Re-authorize Officer Administrative Assistant Crime Prevention Specialist Overtime S ever ance New Equipment Fire Department: Overtime Focus Group Projects Medic Staffing Inspection Bureau Re-authorize Position (1 of 2) Re-authorize Position (1 of 2) ADA Upgrades Human Relations Commission SHeRPA Commission Dinner Flex Plan Increase Contingencies Police Department: Public Works : Parks : 0 ther : 1-494 JPO Total Budget Adjustments Public Comment 45,000 35,000 90,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 32,160 22,700 15,000 22,000 12,000 8,000 40,000 40,000 25,000 2,600 2,100 1,000 93,120 25,000 4,600 $691,280 45,000 35,000 90,000 40,000 -0- -0- 6,000 -0- 20,000 15 000 15,000 12,000 8,000 40,000 -0- 25,000 2,600 2,100 1,000 93,120 25,000 4,600 $589,420 45,000 90,000 35,000 40,000 -0- -0- 6,000 -0 - 20,000 15,000 15,000 12 000 8,000 40,000 -0- 25,000 2,600 * 1,200 1,000 93,120 25,000 4,600 $589,420 Eldon Miller, 5820 Long Brake Trail; Alison Fuhr, 6609 Br-ttany RoaL; Marjorie Ruedy, 5048 Edinbrook Lane; all members of the Fire Department Citizen Advisory Committee, were in attendance. Mr. Miller commented that the proposed budgets for the Fire Department and Police Department are modest. He observed that the departments are an efficient and effective operation and are applauded by the committee. He said that with Edina's aging population there is a critical need for additional personnel. Mrs. Fuhr asked where the fees for emergency medical runs go. Mayor Richards answered that the money goes to the general fund which is then disbursed for the operation of the Fire Department and for equipment. Council Comment/Action Council briefly discussed issues of: percent of salary increase, tax abatements, commercial property values, and tax capacity. following at the July 26, 1993, meeting: 1) results of using a 5% factor rather than 10% to figure the valuation of commercial property, and 2) wage comparisons between Edina and other cities within the local area. Staff was asked to present the The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M. with no formal action taken. rul a City Clerk MlouTES OF TBE SPECIAL HWTING OF THE EDIIUA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALT., JULY19, 1993 - 5:OO P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. 1994 PROPOSED BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS AND ADJUS"TS PRESENTED Manager Rosland said that the purpose of this special meeting was to consider the proposed 1994 Budget for the City of Edina which must be certified to Hennepin County by September 15, 1993. For 1994, staff has proposed the following budget adjustments: REVENUE DECREASES: 1. INCOME ON INVESTMENT - The City expects to receive $5,000 less interest on investments due to lower interest rates. 2. COURT FINES - The City expects to receive approximately $5,000 less in court fines. Currently, court fines are in a slight downward trend. 1994 ADDITIONAL ABATEMENT - $100,000 may be added to the current $225,000 in taxes 1,evied (and budgeted) for 1994 that will not actually be collected due to property appraisal abatements and consequences of the recession. Fines are an unpredictable revenue source and vary widely. 3. EXPENDITURES ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ELECTIONS - Local and federal elections in 1994 are expected to cost approximately $45,000. 2. INSURANCE - The City's liability and workers' compensation insurance includes the $35,000 increase approved July 6, 1993, by the Council. 3. COMPARABLE WORTH INCREASE - Employees who have not reached their maximum salary levels as determined by the City's Comparable Worth Plan will receive step increases. POLICE DEPARTMENT: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. RE-AUTHORIZE OFFICER - In 1992, Council approved temporary staff reductions including one police officer position. balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. These reductions were made to $40,000 would restore this position. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - $10,000 would bring to full-time a part-time administrative position needed to assume clerical tasks currently performed by officers and detectives. CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST - $10,000, expected to be reimbursed by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, would bring to full-time a 3/4 time crime prevention specialist. (Scenarios #1 and #3 assume this reimbursement) OVERTIME - Increases in time spent by officers in court and maintenance of minimum enforcement staffing levels will likely consume about $6,000 in additional overtime in 1994. SEVERANCE - $32,160 will fund unused vacation and severance packages for two 1994 retirements. 256 . 7/19/33 9. NEW EQUIPMENT - $22,700 would fund: 1) OPTICOM emitters which permit squads to control STOP lights reducing collision risk; 2) investigative equipment - will protect data processing equipment and data; 4) transcribers - needed when statements are taken simultaneously from many people, which is becoming more common. video equipment to document interviews; 3) uninterruptible power source - FIRE DEPARTMENT : 10. OVERTIME - Overtime costs consistently exceed,expectations due to an annual increase in medical runs by 5-7% between actual and anticipated costs. $15,000 would reduce the difference , 11. 12. 13. FOCUS GROUP PROJECT - Focus group interviews with fire department personnel identified fitness and health, stress management, recall/callback procedures, fire suppression pre-planning and safety committee activities as areas to pursue in 1994. all identified areas. $22,000 would fully fund specific action in $15,000 would address those listed as most critical. MEDIC STAFFING - $12,000 would set up a system to reallocate existing personnel and equipment to reduce response times to the City's southeast quadrant, reduce the need to call in off-duty personnel, and increase availability of firefighting and paramedic services to this quadrant while maintaining service levels elsewhere. INSPECTIONS BUREAU - To increase the department's commitment to fire prevention through inspections and education, the following is proposed: eliminate two firefighter positions, create two inspector positions and upgrade on inspector to lieutenant. Estimated cost is $8,000. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: 14. RE-AUTHORIZE POSITION (1 of 2) - In 1992, Council approved temporary staff reductions including one street maintenance position, one engineering position, and a number of part-time street department positions. These were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. of Street Department and Park & Recreation Department employees and the effects of combined staff reductions are beginning to be seen. system is aging, more and more maintenance will be required. restore one of the full-time positions. Street maintenance is done by a team Because the $40,000 would PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: 15. RE-AUTHORIZE POSITION (1 of 2) - In 1992, Council approved temporary staff These reductions were made to balance the reductions including two park maintenance positions and a number of part- time park department positions. 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. $40,000 would restore one of the full-time positions. OTHER : 16. ADA UPGRADES - City will pay approximately $25,000 in 1994 to accomplish Phase I of requirements for Americans with Disabilities Act. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - $2,600 has been requested to fund social services received from community agencies. the Council later to review specific agency performance and spending. I 17. The Commission will meet with