HomeMy WebLinkAbout19941017_regular97 HlNUTES OF THE REGWAR MEETING OF THE OCTOBER 17, 1994 ROTJXAIL Answering rollcall were Members Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 7:04 P.M. after adoption of the Consent Agenda. ED= CITP COUl!?CIL HELD AT CITY I CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda as presented vith the exception of removal of Item 1II.D. - Snow Plow De-Icing System. Rollcall : Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. UNITED I!?ATIONS DAY PROCLAIMED and carried unanimously for adoption of a Proclamation proclaiming October 24, 1994, as United Nations Day in the City of Ed-. Motion of Member Smith vas seconded by Member Rice Connie Hondl and Carol Frisch, co-presidents, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Edina League of Women Voters. * *MINUTES OF REGULAR IIEETING OF OCTOBER 3. 1994, APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 3, 1994. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR TBE COVENTRY AT CE"IAL LAKES 2ND ADDITION (OUTLOT A% TEE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES Presentation bv Planner Planner Larsen recalled that on October 4, 1993, the Council granted preliminary plat approval for a 98 unit townhouse project at Centennial Lakes (Outlot A, South Edina Development Addition), with final plat approval to be granted on a building by building basis. construction. building of 11 units. Thirteen units are now complete or under Staff would recommend final plat approval be granted. The proposed final plat would allow construction of another - Developer Peter Jarvis, Laukka Jarvis, Inc., stated he was available to answer questions. Mayor Richards called for public comment on the proposed final plat. or objection was heard. No comment Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING FIJUL PLAT FOR THE COVENTRY AT CERCENNIAL LdgES 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "The Coventry at Centennial Iakes 2nd Addition", platted by Centennial Land Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, an undivided 91.43% interest, and John U. and Jean M. Hedberg, husband and vife, an undivided 8.57% interest, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, a public body corporate and politic under the lavs of the State of Minnesota, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of October 17, 1994, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. 10/ 17/94 9 8 PROPOSAL FOR BEVIEV OF COMPREHENSIVE PLbR FOR NORTEUEST EDINA APPROVED Presentation bv Planner Planner Larsen indicated that at its meeting of October 3, 1994, the Council directed staff to interview private consultants and get proposals relative to a review of the Comprehensive Plan for the northwest section of Edina concerning impacts attributable to Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition. Proposals were received from two consultants, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. and BRW, Inc. Staff would recommend hiring the Hoisington Koegler Group for the following reasons: I 1) 2) The proposal is generally more comprehensive in scope and includes meetings with all parties interested in the proposed development. Strgar Roscoe Fausch (SRF) will do the traffic analysis for Hoisington Koegler. prior experience in the development of Parkwood Knolls. BRW worked on Parkwood Knolls traffic issues in the 1970's. SRF is a well-respected traffic engineering firm which has no Member Paulus asked if the proposed fee of $11,000 from Hoisington Koegler is considered normal for a review of a comprehensive plan and if meetings with the neighborhood prior to presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council was typical. fee is about the going rate. representatives on a comprehensive plan review would not be unusual. Planner Larsen responded that, based on other studies, the proposed Further, that meetings with neighborhood Public Comment Harvey Hansen, President of Parkwood Knolls Construction, said he was present to clear up a misunderstanding which occurred at the last meeting which he did not attend because the development of Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition was not on the agenda. He said that approximately three months ago he received a call asking that he meet with Dale Renner, Ken Durr and Lisa Fish to discuss the development. At that time he made it clear that he would not discuss having the collector road run through the middle of the property. The misunderstanding occurred when immediately prior to the Council meeting of October 3, 1994, he was faxed a picture from Jim Ronning and shortly thereafter received a call from Mr. Renner to which he had responded that it looked okay to him. Mr. Hansen said the problem was he assumed that they remembered what he had said previously about not wanting the road (i.e. Interlachen Boulevard) to run through the middle of the development and assuming there was a cul-de-sac in the west and in the east. I - Mr. Hansen stated he was not interested in the Ronning proposal and that from the beginning he had presented a development proposal which was in conformity with the City's 1978 Comprehensive Plan for this area. who have objected to extending Interlachen Boulevard through would be in the minority when people from Parkwood Road and other adjacent areas come forth in support of putting Interlachen through. Comprehensive Plan and thereby creating a delay does not make sense. He asked that the property which has received preliminary plat approval be placed on the Council's agenda for final plat approval at the earliest convenience. He commented that the people He added that spending $11,000 on a new Patrick Mantyh, 6413 Interlachen Boulevard, suggested the Comprehensive Plan be reviewed for the same reasons Mr. Hansen did not want it reviewed, i.e. did not want the collector road running through his subdivision because it would devalue the houses to be constructed on his property. Likewise, the neighbors in the area are concerned about the through traffic this road would bring and its dramatic impact on the area. Mr. Mantyh said the only way to allay the fears of the residents in the neighborhood is to do a comprehensive study and get a firm idea from experts as to the impact of this development and the road on the area. He urged the Council to go ahead with the study. Also speaking in support of the Comprehensive Plan review were: Lisa Fish, 5408 I lo/ 17 /94 99 Larada Lane, Tom Seitz, Road, Ed Glickman, 5217 Boulevard. 6320 Interlachen Boulevard, Betsy Robinson, 5021 Ridge Schaefer Road, and Mary Seitz, 6320 Interlachen Rog rec Han Pro has man inc inc sta - cou Mem dev fel Mern Gro nor SUP Mem Mem com tha tim fin det the R A M wou In Ho i Whe Nov 199 aPP It Wil adj - *HE see f 01 1 2 M - *AU WXS er Anderson, stated that he was the engineer for the proposed development, and alled that when the preliminary plat was approved the Council ordered Mr. sen to complete a traffic study for this area to evaluate the impact that the ject would have on the neighboring streets. been completed by an independent, competent firm, was done in a professional ner and has been submitted and reviewed by City staff. luded when the final plat is presented for approval on November 7, 1994. luded will be a thorough review of the engineering plans by City engineering ff. He told Council that the study The study will be Also ncil Comment/Action ber Kelly said she was concerned about the City's involvement in the proposed elopment, e.g. need to widen Interlachen Boulevard, sewer system, etc., and t the Council should have all the facts before them. her Kelly made a motion to approve the proposal of the Hoisington Koegler up, as presented, to complete a review of the Comprehensive Plan for the thvest Edina area, relative to land use and infrastructure necessary to port the proposed Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition. Motion was seconded by ber Smith. ber Rice suggested that Mr. Hansen make certain that a representative of his pany be present whenever the Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition is discussed so t comments can be verified. Member Rice then asked how this would affect the ing for the Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition. Planner Larsen pointed out that a1 engineering data has been submitted and is under review. When a ermination is made that all information is complete, then the developer has The Council Id then have 60 days in which to act. ollcall : yes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards otion carried. response to questions of Ms. Robinson, Mayor Richards clarified that the sington Koegler Group would be the one to schedule neighborhood meetings. n the report is finished, it would be presented to the Planning Commission on ember 16, 1994, and could be before the Council at the meeting of December 5, 4. He added that Mr. Hansen may have everything ready to request final plat roval by the Council at its meeting of November 7, 1994. right to come before Council and request final plat approval. was noted that a letter dated October 13, 1994, from Carole H. McMorrow, 6504 low Wood Road, was received expressing concern that the residents on the other acent streets never have been heard on the traffic issue. ARING DA!I!E SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion was made by Member Smith and vas onded by Member Rice setting November 7, 1994, as hearing date for the lowing planning matters: ) Appeal of Board of Appeals Decision - 35 foot antenna height variance - generally located in northvest quadrant of Highways 169 and 62. ) Appeal of Board of Appeals Decision - 4223 Grimes, one and one-half foot sideyard setback variance. otion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. aaD OF BID CON"DD TO NOVEMBER 7. 1994 Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Rice to continue the award of bid for 8 traffic signal to 10/17/94 1 0 0 the meeting of November 7, 1994. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *AIUY IMPROVEMENT BO. E-34 TO BE RE-BID Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to re-bid the Alley Improvement No. E-34 project as no bids vere received. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TREES FOR NORMANDAIX AND BRAEMAR GOLF COURSES Motion vas made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for trees for Normandale and Braemar Golf Courses to recommended lov bidder, Hargolis Brothers, at $10,225.87 tax included. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. BID AWARDED FOR SNOW PMU DE-ICING SYSTEX Member Paulus said she had asked this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for more explanation. explained that the snow plow de-icing system is a new product that has been developed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation along with the manufacturer. would provide a pre-wetted material to the street resulting in much less sand/salt mixture ending up on the boulevards during the snow plowing operation. Engineer Hoffman It would be used as the initial applicator on the main streets and Member Smith made a motion for award of bid for a snov plov de-icing system to sole source, Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc., at $11,195.28. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR PAPER FOR ABOUT TORN - AUTUMN ISSUE Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for paper for About Town autumn issue to Unisaurce at $5,905.69. I Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. -IC SAFETY STAFF REPORT OF OCTOBER 3. 1994. APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve the following actions as recommended in Section A of the Traffic Safety Staff Report of October 3, 1994: To upgrade "YIETB" signs to "STOP" signs at Hillside Lane at Brook Drive; To install a "STOP" sign for westbound U. 64th Street at York Avenue; To install an bformational sign identifying access to 5024-5108 Vest 70th Street; To relocate the "YIELD" sign from northhand Uooddale Avenue to a location at northbound Country Club Road at Uooddale Avenue; and to acIolorledge Sections B and C of the report as presented. 1) 2) 3) 4) Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. REPORT ON DAMAGE TO VEHICLES TO BE PRESENTED ON NOVEMBER 7. 1994 Assistant to the City Manager Smith recalled that at the last Council meeting staff was directed to have an independent study done in order to determine what type of substance was on the cars that had been parked in various locations within the Pentagon Park area on September 7, 1994. She reported that the City has hired Braun-Intertech to test the residue that appeared on cars. Results from Braun are not expected until October 19 or 20. The reason for the delay is that testing of this type is done in Portland, Oregon and staff was not aware that testing was not done locally. matter until its meeting of November 7, 1994. Mayor Richards directed that this matter be placed on the Council Agenda for November 7, 1994. Staff would recommend that the Council delay this 10/17/94 101 1995 RECYCUNG CONTRACT TO BE NEGOTIATED Council that on September 19, 1994, several recycling contract options were presented. contains a scheduled payment increase of $.11 per household per month for 1995. Proposals submitted from Woodlake would allow the 1995 rate to remain at the 1994 level or be reduced further if a contract extension is approved. Another option would be to change to curbside pickup to lower the cost. Recycling Coordinator Chandler reminded The current contract with Woodlake Sanitary extends through 1995 and At its meeting of September 19, 1994, Council reaffirmed its previous decision to continue recycling pickup at the garage rather than curbside. for Option #2 as presented, but further information on the proposed rate schedule was requested. The staff report for September 19 also contained information on the recently adopted Hennepin County recycling funding policy which will reduce funding from $1.75 per household per month to $.80 per household per month in 1995. Support was shown Staff would recommend extension of contract Option #2, based on the favorable rate offered for 1995, and the opportunity for annual review and adjustment of rates for the following years if warranted by market conditions. Mayor Richards asked if anything better could be done for the 1997 rate if the City were to extend the contract. Tom Moline, Operations Manager for Woodlake Sanitary Service, spoke to his letter expanding on the idea of a annual materials return/review and efforts to become more efficient now and in the future. Mayor Richards said he felt the Council would like to see a figure for 1997 that would be below the proposed rate of $3.01 ($.16 higher than 1994). Further, that the City would like to stay non-curbside but would be willing to extend the contract beyond 1994 with the opportunity to review the contract on a yearly basis. However, to accept a contract now for 1997 at a $.16 higher rate would lessen the desire to extend the contract. the issue of the 1997 rate and report back. Mr. Moline responded that Woodlake could look at Member Smith commented that he was pleased that progress was being made and that Woodlake was continuing to give good service. October 12, 1994, was received from William B. Horn, 4511 Browndale Avenue, supporting pickup of recyclables at the garage or house side. It was noted that a letter dated EDm FIBE DEPARTMENT 1992-94 STUDY PRESENTED - DATJI OF DECEMBW 10. 1994 SET FOR WORK SESSION TO REVIEW Manager Rosland reported that the Edina Fire Department 1992-94 Study has been completed by Chief Paulfranz and staff members and would suggest setting a Saturday morning work session to review the study. Following discussion as to possible dates, Member Paulus made a motion setting December 10, 1994, from 8:30 A.M. to 12:OO Noon for a work/study session of the Edina Fire Department 1992-94 Study. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON ODOR REDUCTION AT GOLDEN VAIJXY MICROWAVE FOODS Manager Rosland informed Council that, following some complaints of offensive odors during the summer, staff has been working with Golden Valley Microwave Foods, 7450 Metro Boulevard, to come up with an interim fix and a permanent fix. Golden Valley Foods has hired Rust Environmental and Infrastructure to determine appropriate methods of odor control. For the interim, Golden Valley Foods installed carbon filters on October 14 in an effort to control odors from the processing area of their fat-free product. By letter dated October 12, 1994, Mike Wallis of Golden Valley Microwave Foods had indicated that approximately 4 to 6 weeks would be needed to complete 101 17 194 102 information gathering and to determine what will work best - the carbon system or the scrubbing system. Then it will take 10 to 12 weeks for delivery of necessary equipment and 4 to 6 weeks for installation. Building Coordinator Kehoe told Gouncil that the mechanical inspector is following this project closely. Staff was instructed to have Golden Valley Microwave Foods submit a specific timetable for correcting the odor problem. *FEASIBILI!LT REPORT PRESENTED: EIEARJXG DATE OF 11/21/94 SET FOR TREE TRIMMING PROJECT - SOUTIBAST QUADRANT Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: Motion was made by Mender Smith and vas seconded by RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBIZC HEARING ON TBeE TBIIIKING/BELOVAL PROJECT 1. preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Wee Tr-fgfiemaval Project described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such project, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, November 21, 1994, at 7:OO P.M. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said project. 3. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days fromthe date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF ED- 4801 WEST 50TH STREET ED=, MM 55424 NOTICE OF PWLIC J3EARING TBEE TIUMIIAG PROJECT NO. 'IT-95 The Park and Recreation Director, having submitted to the Council a The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, Iacation: bn area bounded by Highway 100 on the West, Golf Terrace and 54th Street on the North, eastern Ciey boundary line on the East, and the southern City boundary line on the South. The Edina City Council will meet at the Ed- City Hall on Monday, November 21, 1994, at 7:OO P.M. to consider the proposed tree trimming project under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. Approximately 1600 boulevard trees are being considered for pruning and trimming to rebe dead md, raise branches to at least 13 feet above street and ground surfaces. The project voald be ftmded by special assessment. boulevard trees tr-ed vould be assessed. BY ORDER OF THE EDIHh CITY COUNCIL. Marcella If. Daehn City Clerk Only properties that have Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. 1995 dMT POUCIES DISCUSSED: PRIOKITY ISSUES APPROVED Manager Rosland advised that on November 3, 1994, the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) will conduct its legislative policy adoption meeting. member City to list its top five priorities for action. policies and legislative proposals and would suggest the following as the five top concerns of the City: The AMM has requested each Staff has reviewed the l-B Mandated State and Federal Programs - The AMM urges the legislature to recognize that mandated increased expenditures in one program without a corresponding infusion of funds mandates a new property tax 10/ 17/94 103 A- 3 E-2 1-1 V-G or a decreased expenditure in the other service areas such as public safety, etc. Therefore, when new programs or increases to existing programs are mandated, the legislature should provide substantial state funding assistance. Mandatorv Land Use Standards - The legislature should not pass legislation which mandates uniform zoning and subdivision standards or which removes additional land use regulation authority from local units of government. Cities should retain the authority to regulate the location, size, amount and type of housing within their boundaries. No legislative initiative needed. Cities do have a responsibility, however, to provide a choice of affordable housing opportunities. Mandated Programs - Funding; Shifts - Statistics compiled by the House Research Department show that the majority of the state revenue is raised in the metro area while only a minority of the state aids and credits are allocated to the metro Area. The AMM requests the legislature to continue to reduce the imbalance and to consider how this distribution of resources effects the economic growth and vitality of the metro area and thus the entire state. Fiscal Disparitv Fund Distribution - The AMM opposes use of fiscal disparities to fund social or physical metropolitan,programs since it results in a metropolitan-wide property tax increase hidden from the public with an excessive impact on communities with lower property wealth. TransDortation Utilitv - The AMM requests the legislature to establish a transportation utility authority for cities to use for street maintenance and reconstruction similar to the existing storm sewer utility. Discussion followed on the policies concerning fiscal disparity fund distribution and the transportation utility. Member Smith made a motion to approve the five AMH policies for 1995 as presented as the top concerns of the City of Edina and to communicate those to the bMI for action at the membership meeting scheduled for November 3, 1994. seconded by Member Kelly. Motion was Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. ON-SALE Ul3E AND 3.2 BEER LICENSES APPROVED FOR WAS RESTAURA" Manager Rosland informed Council that applications have been received for an On-sale Wine License and a 3.2 Beer License from Cuisine Concepts, DBA:Tejas Restaurant which will open soon at 3910 West 50th Street. Police, Health and Planning Departments and the necessary investigations conducted. Staff would support issuance of the requested licenses. Applications have been reviewed by the Member Rice made a motion to approve an on-sale wine license and 3.2 beer license for Cuisine Concepts, DBA:Tejas Restaurant at 3910 West 50th Street. seconded by Member Paulus. Motion was Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. REOUEST RECEIVED FROM RESIDENTS TO INSTAIJa.STOP SIGN ON ST. JOHNS AVEJWE AT VEST WOODLAND ROAD Manager Rosland informed Council that residents have requested installation of a "Stop" sign on St. Johns Avenue at West Woodland Road as indicated by several letters supporting the sign. Traffic Safety Coordinator Swanson by memorandum dated October 13, 1994, has stated that installation of such a sign would create an attractive through street 10/ 17/94 1 0 40n West Woodland Road and few of the 20 residents on West Woodland are aware of the suggested action. hearing on the issue and direct notification of the neighborhood, especially West Woodland Road residents. Staff would recommend that Council schedule a public I Mayor Richards asked if residents were present to speak to the request. public comment was heard. Mayor Richards suggested that staff contact Lisa Finsness, who had originally raised this issue, to confirm whether she would like the matter placed on the Council Agenda for November 7, 1994. No CONCEBN NOTED ABOUT VALLEY LBNE SIDEI7AI.K PROJECT received a call from Pam Johnson, 5505 Valley Lane, who was concerned that the sidewalk project on Valley Lane would not be completed this fall and had.asked to be on the agenda. indicated the project would begin on October 24, weather permitting, must have alleviated neighborhood concerns. Manager Rosland said he had . He said subsequent conversations with the contractor who had No public comment was heard. SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING ScHEDuLEI) FOR NOVEMBER 3. 1994 Mayor Richards told Council that staff from The Office of Social Justice (Catholic Charities), is leading a discussion on the growing disparity between the cities and suburbs. The problem involves issues on housing, economic development, race and other interrelated issues. The session "Metro Future - Cities and Suburbs - Creating Common Ground" will be held on November 3, 1994 at 7:OO P.M. at Saint Olaf Catholic Church, 215 South 8th Street, Minneapolis, and Council Members are invited to participate. mYOR TO BE ABSENT FROM REGULAR COUNCILMEETING OF NOVEHBEB 7, 1994 Mayor Richards announced that he would not be in attendance at the regular Council Meeting of November 7, 1994. WTATWS PAID claims as shorn in detail on the Check Register dated October 12, 1994, and consisting of 27 pages: General Fund $186,422.19; Communication $9,798.95; Working Capital $12,431.11; Art Center $4,846.87; Svimming Pool $2,104.69; Golf Course $41,301.77; Ice Arena $21,377.64; Gun Range $898.87; Edinborough/ Centennial Iakes $20,003.91; Utiliq Fund $31,688.64; Storm Sever $4,447.84; Recycling $39,779.77; Liwr FLmd $55,005.55; Construction Fund $203,902.45; TOTAL $634,010.25; and for confirmation of payment and the folloving claims as Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following shown in detail on the Check Register dated October 5, 1994, pages: General Fund $105,735.83; Art Center $150.00: Liquor TOTAL $327,568.71. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall : Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. and consisting of Fund $221,682.88; Richards declared 7 2& -2k u City Clerk