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30 January 2019 - 23 June 2019
Survey for Map - 353
PROJECT: West 58th Street Reconstruction
Better Together Edina
2/04/2019 03:59 AM
Need lights and a side walk for safety and signs posting the speed limit. Cars
are traveling too fast.
2/04/2019 04:14 PM
Water collects at this spot and cracks the pavement.
Liz Moore
2/08/2019 10:47 AM
Can the project accommodate signage to “Watch for turtles on roadway”
between Halifax and Philbrook during their reproductive cycle? Multiple
species of turtle lay eggs in surrounding neighborhoods and mating turtles
and babies get squished by cars in astonishing numbers each year on W.
58th in that region. -Submitted by Liz Moore on behalf of a resident
Liz Moore
2/08/2019 10:48 AM
Keep the street as wide as possible for emergency vehicles and walking. -
Submitted by Liz Moore on behalf of a resident
2/13/2019 09:31 AM
Currently inadequate storm sewers for heavy rains.
2/15/2019 05:17 PM
Need sidewalk to allow walkers and kids to easily get to Pamela Park from
the eastern side of the park.
2/16/2019 04:08 PM
There needs to be a crosswalk to enable people to cross over from Philbrook
to Pamela Park. Sidewalks and speedbumps would also make this street
2/16/2019 05:33 PM
Not safe to walk in the direction of car traffic because there is no sidewalk
and edges are potholed and slanted too much.
2/16/2019 05:33 PM
Pooling of water and formation of ice.
2/16/2019 05:34 PM
Bus transit is not available.
2/16/2019 05:36 PM
Needs attractive lighting that points downward (as does 60th)
2/17/2019 06:08 AM
This is a dangerous intersection as traffic comes at high speed over a hill
from the south on Xerxes. Please create safe crossing for pedestrians and
cars at that point. Unpopular, but making it a 4 way stop could help
2/19/2019 01:30 PM
Steep incline here makes winter driving and walking up/down this small hill
treacherous. In particular, cars trying to stop at this intersection when black
ice is at the bottom sometimes stray into oncoming traffic.
2/20/2019 07:51 AM
Many kids that attend Concord, Normandale and Southview live E of France
and have to bike across France to get to school. Please put extra signage /
blinking crossing lights to make it very safe. Thank you!
2/20/2019 07:54 AM
If the sidewalk will be on the N side of 58th, please make a pronounced and
well-signed cross walk to Pamela Park. Many kids walking and biking to the
Q1 Your Comment
Survey for Map - 353 : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 23 June 2019
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park will need a safe place to cross, especially given the large hill and cars
traveling at higher speeds on 58th St.
2/20/2019 07:21 PM
Please address speed at the crest of the hill. It's dangerous pulling out of our
driveways and many people drive too fast on 58th Street.
2/20/2019 07:22 PM
Add parking on 58th Street
2/21/2019 08:24 AM
Lots of runoff coming down the hill.
2/21/2019 08:29 AM
Need a safe way to bike 58th. This street leads to school.
2/21/2019 08:29 AM
Need a safe and inviting way to walk 58th Street.
2/21/2019 08:30 AM
What is the impact on our front yards?
2/24/2019 01:29 PM
Lots of kids and parents biking to the park. A bike path would be nice.
2/24/2019 01:32 PM
Crossing the street from the park is dangerous since cars are coming so fast
down the hills.
2/25/2019 09:53 AM
Cars going east on 58th as they pass Kellogg cannot see cars or pedestrians
over the hill. A stop sign at southwest corner of 58th and Oaklawn would
improve safely.
2/25/2019 09:30 AM
Many children and dog walkers use 58th between France & Xerxes.
Sidewalks would increase safety.
MJ Lamon
2/25/2019 10:07 AM
To reiterate what many people have already said, my wife and I believe a
sidewalk is needed along with room for bikes. Additionally, as others have
stated cars generally have a habit of going too fast on 58th. I know the city is
limited with what they can do due to 58th being an MSA, but if there any
options to slow the traffic they should be considered. Additionally, some type
of pedestrian crossing to the park would be ideal. Thanks, George -
Submitted by MJ on behalf of George
2/25/2019 06:35 PM
I would very much like a sidewalk, but with that I am concerned may lose the
ability to park 2 cars deep on our driveway and/or our street parking.
3/08/2019 01:46 PM
Cars come barreling up and down the hill at well over the speed limit. Please
consider speed mitigation into the plans. It will also be important to maintain
a separation (ie curb and/or boulevard) between foot and bicycle paths,
otherwise pedestrians and cyclists alike will be endangered by the high
speeds bikes will likely achieve going down the large hill between Oaklawn
and Brookview.
3/08/2019 01:55 PM
I support a concrete sidewalk on either the south or north side of the street.
Kids and families need a safe way to get to the early learning center,
elementary and middle schools on the other side of Wooddale.
Survey for Map - 353 : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 23 June 2019
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2/25/2019 08:01 PM
Strongly feel there should be a sidewalk on at least one side between France
and Xerxes. It can be dangerous to walk on 58th now.
2/25/2019 08:02 PM
Recommend bike lanes on both sides of 58th between France and Xerxes,
2/26/2019 04:07 PM
Please extend the north-side sidewalk all the way from Wooddale to France.
It is not safe for pedestrials, including little kids, to have to walk in the street.
2/26/2019 04:11 PM
accidental double pin due to computer error
2/25/2019 09:28 PM
If any boulevard trees or flowers will be planted during the project, please
choose native species that won't outgrow the space they're planted in. Native
tree species, especially fruiting or nut-bearing species like choke-cherry,
hawthorn, or nanny berry, would help native birds. Pamela Park is already
sadly very choked by invasive trees and weeds, and doesn't need another
invader introduced by street plantings. In particular please don't introduce
blue Siberian spurge. It's a terrible invasive weed that can't be eradicated
once it infests a park, but Pamela Park isn't infested with it yet.
2/25/2019 09:03 PM
Please prevent street-parking in the driving lanes. 58th is only 2 lanes, and
when somebody parks on the street the only way to get past them is to drive
into oncoming traffic. It's especially dangerous near the hill which creates a
blind spot.
2/25/2019 09:04 PM
Please put a crosswalk for people to cross the street at the Pamela Park
2/25/2019 09:17 PM
Please put "Turtle Crossing" signs where the road crosses Pamela Park, one
facing each direction of traffic. During the spring the Park ponds are full of
baby turtles, and I always see many turtles crushed by cars on the road.
Please alert drivers that the turtles are present and discourage people from
killing them.
2/25/2019 09:15 PM
Please try to protect the bodies of water in Pamela from road runoff, which is
heavily polluted. Putting rain gardens between the road and the park, on
either side of the road, would be a good move.
2/26/2019 04:05 PM
At this intersection, there is nowhere good for people to sit or stand while
waiting for the bus. They can kind of stand on the sidewalks, but there isn't
much room and nothing to sit on. A bench at each bus stop would help. Also
please put ashrays at the bus-stops here and at Wooddale, and discourage
bus-riders from throwing piles of cigarette buts into residents' yards. The piles
of butts are disgusting.
2/26/2019 06:41 AM
So many accessing the park, unsafe to walk on road
2/26/2019 10:16 AM
Sidewalk needed for pedestrians
2/26/2019 10:17 AM
Add designated bike path
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2/26/2019 10:18 AM
Sidewalk needed all along 58th Street to encourage walking and safety of
2/26/2019 01:50 PM
I would greatly appreciate if the sidewalk were limited to one side of the
street, and specifically that it continue to exist only on the North side of the
street which is in line with the existing route in place from Southview Middle
School to Wooddale Ave. The North frontage could accommodate this
because many of those homes face 58th, whereas many of the homes along
the South side of the street are oriented towards their respective side street.
This difference in orientation results in the Southerly homes having less of a
setback from the road, which doesn't allow for the addition of a sidewalk.
2/26/2019 01:52 PM
There should be a clearly marked stop sign at the intersection of the park
and 58th with crosswalks, which would slow down traffic on 58th, and provide
a safe access point for Pamela Park.
2/26/2019 02:08 PM
Need a sidewalk for kids to bike to Pamela Park and school at Concord and
2/26/2019 02:09 PM
Sidewalk needed for pedestrians to get to Pamela Park, Concord Elementary
and Southview Middle School safely.
2/26/2019 02:09 PM
Stormwater and Ice build up at the corner.
2/26/2019 02:10 PM
This is a very busy road and unsafe for children and adults to use. Need a
sidewalk the entire length desperately.
2/26/2019 04:03 PM
Would it be possible to make the sidewalk out of permeable pavers? This
would reduce stormwater runoff. Please consider it.
2/27/2019 04:05 AM
We're avid walkers and 58th between France and Xerxes is one of our
typical routes. While the bike lane provides some safety, sidewalks in
addition to the bike lane would be far safer. It would be nice if the sidewalks
went the whole length of the project & would encourage us to walk to the
Pamela Park area more often, as it is currently, that's just not all that safe
given traffic speeds & volume, so we avoid it.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 08:37 AM
Some type of pedestrian crossing to the park would be ideal. -George
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 08:36 AM
To reiterate what many people have already said, my wife and I believe a
sidewalk is needed along with room for bikes. -George
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 08:36 AM
To reiterate what many people have already said, my wife and I believe a
sidewalk is needed along with room for bikes. -George
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 08:36 AM
I know the city is limited with what they can do due to 58th being an MSA,
but if there any options to slow the traffic they should be considered -George
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 10:25 AM
58th Street should include a bike lane 8’ - 10’ wide and a sidewalk or a
combined pedestrian/bikeway. - Submitted on behalf of a resident.
Edina Admin 58th Street should include sidewalk or a combined pedestrian/bikeway. -
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2/27/2019 10:25 AM Submitted on behalf of a resident.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 10:25 AM
Use tools to slow down auto traffic to provide for better safety for bikes and
pedestrians. - Submitted on behalf of a resident.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:24 PM
58th St between France & Wooddale is one of the most dangerous stretches
of road in the city (the mayors words) The amount of traffic and the speeds
cars drive on a residential road is obscene.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:25 PM
speed, traffic volume
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:28 PM
Cars are going too fast. Need posted speed signs & road design to reduce
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:29 PM
Vary concerned for safety while walking from Halifax to Park or Philbrook.
Need sidewalk for safety to walkers and cross walk at Philbrook to Park.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:30 PM
Need bike lane.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:30 PM
Need better lighting.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:36 PM
The traffic and excess speed issues have reached a breaking point. We have
become a cut-thru street and its use as a "runway" for speeders has
worsened and it was bad before. A small roundabout at the Park entrance or
signs or more unmarked policing of speed needs to happen. At the minimum,
put a crosswalk at the Park entrance - with flashers. Place unmarked police
cars at Philbrook or the tennis courts to ticket speeders. These are not
neighbors who are causing the issues. Just let's do something to hard fix
these longtime issues - no more band aids.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:40 PM
City spent a ton of money upgrading/fixing Pamela Park and kids from
Xerxes to Wooddale can safely access it via 58th St. Traffic has gotten
significantly more dangerous due to the amount of cars, speed, and lack of
sidewalks. The overall feeling as a parent and citizen is to avoid 58th St for
concern of safety. This road is in dire need of both bike lanes and sidewalks
for kids and adults to access the park, schools, and other activities. I will not
allow my children to bike to school ( major initiative for the city right now)
until I feel this road is safe for them.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:44 PM
Enforcement of stopping at stop signs is imperative! Enforcement of speed
limits is imperative! The speed limit of 25 near Ewing & 58th seems to hardly
be a suggestion.
Edina Admin
2/27/2019 12:44 PM
Minimum of sidewalk on one side for pedestrian safety.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:49 AM
4 way stop @ 58th and Beard is routinely dismissed; some drivers don't even
slow down and pause. I am terrified to allow my 3 & 5 year old to play in the
yard. Multiple cars have also illegally passed the school bus (about to slow
and stop and pick up kids) and almost hit children waiting for the bus. 58th
can no longer be a detour for 62. We live here! We need to slow down traffic.
Survey for Map - 353 : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 23 June 2019
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Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:51 AM
As of now my children can not safely walk to school at Concord or Chowen
Park. (I also don't feel safe escorting my children on 58th). A sidewalk on
58th would be incredible for the neighborhood! It would allow children to walk
& bike safely! Pedestrian safety is of utmost concern for the Chowen
neighborhood, in my opinion.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:53 AM
Would all 4 way stops or speed bumps @ every block slow traffic? Somehow
we need to slow traffic and keep Edina families safe.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:54 AM
Would like to see sidewalk go along 58th Street from Wooddale to Xerxes.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:55 AM
58th & Beard always floods in heavy rain.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:55 AM
Lighting should be provided.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:56 AM
Proper bus bench with cover and hear on 58th and France.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 05:56 AM
Proper bus bench with cover and hear on 58th and Xerxes.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:02 AM
It is very concerning that people are speeding 58th from France to Kellogg.
People really speed up as they descent the hills, with the bottom of the hill
being by Philbrook Lane. Speed enforcement, walking and biking paths, and
speeding limit signs are needed. I am not comfortable having my children
walk or bike to Pamela Park due to the high speeds of cars. I'd like this
project to address these issues.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:02 AM
Please put in a sidewalk.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:03 AM
Please do not make this road more narrow!
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:04 AM
I live at 58th and Drew. Cars often travel above the speed limit on 58th. It
seems to increasingly be the cut over from Xerxes to France.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:04 AM
People who wish to walk to Pamela Park must walk on the street since there
is no sidewalk.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:05 AM
I am concerned with loss of privacy if they put a sidewalk on my side of the
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:10 AM
York to Xerxes: Safety for Peds and Bikes both sides of the street with autos
turning onto W 58th Street and coming east on it.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:11 AM
Zenith to Beard: Storm water, need drains along street, storm water collects
at corners and runs onto neighboring yards.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:12 AM
Halifax to Wooddale: Dangerous for children to bike or walk to school on this
stretch. Poor lighting, road grade makes it difficult to see, fast speed down
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Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:13 AM
Communication and working with homeowners to plan for property impacts
and understand them.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:16 AM
We live top of hill on 58th at times getting out of our driveway is a challenge
due to speeding cars.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:17 AM
Sidewalk very important, not in favor of asphalt sidewalk.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:17 AM
Amount of garbage trucks on 58th Street.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:18 AM
We live near 58th and Drew. We walk and ride bikes down 58th, there are
bus stops too on 58th. People drive too fast down 58th.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:26 AM
58th needs a sidewalk on one side. It is currently a safety concern for
neighbors who walk in the evenings, as well as children all day.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:27 AM
We need a dedicated bike lane as well. The current painted lane is quite
narrow - just painted on part of the car lane. Dangerous.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:32 AM
Walking on and along 58th is horrible. Whether our for a run, bike ride or
walking the dog. We have no option but to use 58th for part of the journey.
Please make it safer.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:33 AM
Please add sidewalk or trail from France to Pamela Park. We live so close
but resort to driving there because the walking route does not feel safe.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:34 AM
Protect & preserve existing mature trees, especially the big one at NW corner
of 58th & France.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:35 AM
Access to tennis courts at Pamela Park
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:37 AM
I am most concerned about the safety of the pedestrians and cyclist trying to
access Pamela Park. 58th Street traffic is so busy and there is no safe way
for people to the east of Pamela Park to access the park, or the schools west
of Wooddale safely on foot or bicycle.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:49 AM
Speed - people coming from both directions so fast its risky to back out,
especially with this snow. West bound traffic flies over hill. East bound too,
even after the 4-way stop.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:49 AM
Pedstrians/Bikes - want it friendly, we are a route to school.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:53 AM
Parking - Our guests need to park across the street on side streets and walk
across traffic to reach our home. For elderly, inclement weather, its
worrisome. 58th is used by many drives as a shortcut. Little awareness of
things going on there. Snow Storage - More impervious surface, where to put
snow? Sightlines? Run off? Managing Traffic - We get multiple garbage,
recycling trucks Mon and Tuesday each week and school buses and people
trying to fly through to work.
Survey for Map - 353 : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 23 June 2019
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Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:54 AM
Street gets too much traffic at too high speeds. Slow Traffic.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:55 AM
Need sidewalks for kids walking to Southview!!
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:55 AM
Do not add bike lanes, route those to less busy streets that are parallel.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:56 AM
Thank you for asking for input! Really would like to see the kids going to the
park out of the street.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:57 AM
3X Bike Accidents I saw last summer, 1X Bike Accidents I saw in 2017, 1X
Accident Bike Summer 2016.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:58 AM
Pamela Park is so amazing some many people enjoy its use. Please keep
them safe, off the street.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 06:59 AM
2 gas leaks in last 5 years. After 2nd repair, permanent brown stain on grass.
Would be nice to have this remedied.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:00 AM
It would be nice to see lampposts with sidewalks like on west side by
Concordia and schools.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:01 AM
Biking up or down the hill between Pamela Park and Oaklawn, up especially
difficult. Walking this stretch never feels safe because east bound cars don't
see you until almost on you.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:02 AM
Use pollinator & butterfly friendly plantings, more native plants.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:03 AM
Be aware of storm drainage and filtration tank (underground tank) drainage at
north end of Pamela Park.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:04 AM
Extra taffic on 62nd during construction will make turning onto France to go
north, almost impossible at heavier traffic times. Temporary stop sign on
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:05 AM
Need streets safe for bikes without going overboard with extra width.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:06 AM
Except for Pamela Park, storm is piped directly to the creek
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:07 AM
Excessive slope last 200' on East Side (Xerxes)
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:07 AM
58th gets heavy traffic.
Edina Admin
2/28/2019 07:08 AM
Minimize light pollution.
Edina Admin My driveway is an easement that has an entrance/exit of 58th (between
Survey for Map - 353 : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 23 June 2019
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2/28/2019 01:24 PM France and Ewing Ave S)
3/02/2019 11:35 AM
Dangerous crossing the street into Pamela Park from Philbrook. Crosswalk
needed with proper signage so people actually stop.
3/03/2019 06:07 PM
Need a sidewalk on the southside of 58th. Due to the hill, children can not
safely cross 58th at Kellogg
3/04/2019 11:58 AM
Desperately need a sidewalk from France to Wooddale.
Jeff Nowak
3/04/2019 06:12 PM
Another vote for both biking and walking paths, and if they are on the north
side of the street, then a lot of thought for how to make the crossing over to
Pamela Park safe for kids.
Jeff Nowak
3/04/2019 06:13 PM
Another vote for both biking and walking paths, and if they are on the north
side of the street, then a lot of thought for how to make the crossing over to
Pamela Park safe for kids.
Jeff Nowak
3/04/2019 06:13 PM
Another vote for both biking and walking paths, and if they are on the north
side of the street, then a lot of thought for how to make the crossing over to
Pamela Park safe for kids.
3/08/2019 09:44 AM
Good luck crossing at this intersection if you are on foot. Horrible sightlines,
high traffic speeds = danger. How about a roundabout? Or a traffic circle like
at 58th/Upton?
3/08/2019 09:47 AM
Why do cars choose to use 58th St? First, the hill is so treacherous during the
winter. All year long continuous traffic flow on Xerxes causes lengthy
backups west on 58th so that at times it can take 10 minutes for me to be
able to back out of my driveway on 58th. And did I mention horrible sightlines
and high speeds on 58th as cars fly over the top of the hill contribute to more
danger for me when exiting my driveway?
3/08/2019 11:42 AM
Most bikes and too many cars do not stop at the 4 way stop at beard and
3/08/2019 01:32 PM
As a homeowner on 58th Street, I am very much opposed to widening the
road between France and Xerxes to accommodate anything other than
adding curbs and a single sidewalk. The houses in this area are already quite
close to the road, and moving the road closer would place an unfair and
disproportionate burden on the adjacent properties. Although the city may
have the right to increase the width of this road, I would hope that the
negative property impact of doing so would far outweigh the marginal
benefits of additional amenities and traffic through this neighborhood. It is my
opinion that all improvements to this road must pass the "my yard" test.
Would I want these improvements to take place in "my yard"? Would I want
the road to come closer to my house? Would I embrace the extra noise and
vibrations that come from additional traffic? Would I be willing to put the
value of my property at risk because of these improvements? Unless your
answer is yes, you are asking your fellow neighbors on 58th Street to bear a
burden that you yourself would be unwilling to accept. Pam Mossey 5801
Ewing Ave S.
Pmossey I have concerns about how the roadwork will affect the slope of my driveway.
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3/09/2019 09:04 AM It's is already a challenge to keep from sliding down it while shoveling. Pam
Mossey 5801 Ewing Ave S.
(129 responses, -129 skipped)
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