5:OO P.M. I ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Smith, Maetzold, and Mayor Richards.
Mayor stated that the purpose of this special meeting was to consider proposed 1996 Budget Assumptions.
1996 PROPOSED BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS PRESENTED Manager Rosland presented a memorandum outlining proposed budget assumptions and adjustments for 1996. Using the overhead projector, Mr. Rosland described two budget scenarios based upon the assumptions and adjustments recommended by staff. He noted that Scenario I indicated all new programs and expenditures recommended by department heads. He went on to explain that Scenario 2 summarized his budget recommendations. Mr. Rosland noted that Scenario 2 provided for a 5.54 percent increase in expenditures which would result in the increase in tax revenues of
8.10 percent. He noted that this recommendation represented a 1.05 percent impact on the total property tax bill.
COUNCIL COMMENTSlACTlON Member Maetzold inquired as to the present status of the reserve balance. Finance Director Wallin provided a summary of the reserve balance, noting that the undesignated balance now approximated $994,000.00. Mayor Richards asked that staff prepare a breakdown of this reserve balance. Mayor Richards inquired as to the budget implications associated with each percentage point increase in staff salaries. Assistant Finance Director Anderson advised that each percentage point increase represented an $85,000.00 increase net of employee benefits. Mayor Richards directed the attention of the Council to the City's membership in the League of Minnesota Cities, and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. He requested Mr. Rosland to prepare a memo which identified staff and City Council activities with respect to these organizations. ,
The Council discussed preparing alternative budget scenarios based upon other assumptions. In particular, Mayor Richards asked that a scenario be prepared which, I) provided for a zero percent increase compared to 1995 and, 2) that provided a 4 percent increase compared to 1995. Member Smith emphasized that budget scenarios should examine potential reallocation of resources to address current problems and needs. Member Kelly questioned amounts paid for contractual services. Mr. Rosland provided a breakdown of contractual services for 1994. After reviewing this breakdown, the Council requested further information with respect to engineering consultants, legal counsel, and insurance costs. Member Maetzold inquired if additional speed enforcement activities would be cost effective in terms of fine revenues that would be generated. Mr. Rosland and Police Chief Bernhjelm provided information concerning the speed control program that was implemented by the Council several years earlier.
After further discussion, the Council directed that the information that was requested be prepared for the July 5,1995, Special Meeting.
JUNE 13,1995
500 P.M.
ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Smith, Maetzold, and Mayor Richards. I
Mayor stated that the purpose of this special meeting was to consider proposed 1996 Budget Assumptions.
a memorandum outlining proposed budget assumptions and adjustments for 1996. Using the overhead
projector, Mr. Rosland described two budget scenarios based upon the assumptions and adjustments
recommended by staff. He noted that Scenario 1 indicated- all new programs and expenditures
recommended by department heads. He went on to explain that Scenario 2 summarized his budget
recommendations. Mr. Rosland noted that Scenario 2 provided for a 5.54 percent increase in expenditures
which would result in the increase in tax revenues of 8.10 percent. He noted that this recommendation
represented a 1.05 percent impact on the total property tax bill.
COUNCIL COMMENTSlACTlON Member Maetzold inquired as to the present status of the reserve balance.
Finance Director Wallin provided a summary of the reserve balance, noting that the undesignated balance
now approximated $994,000.00. Mayor Richards asked that staff prepare a breakdown of this reserve
balance. Mayor Richards inquired as to the budget implications associated with each percentage point
increase in staff salaries. Assistant Finance Director Anderson advised that each percentage point increase
represented an $85,000.00 increase net of employee benefits. Mayor Richards directed the attention of the
Council to the City's membership in the League of Minnesota Cities, and the Association of Metropolitan
Municipalities. He requested Mr. Rosland to prepare a memo which identified staff and City Council
activities with respect to these organizations.
The Council discussed preparing alternative budget scenarios based upon other assumptions. In
particular, Mayor Richards asked that a scenario be prepared which, 1) provided for a zero percent increase
compared to 1995 and, 2) that provided a 4 percent increase compared to 1995. Member Smith emphasized
that budget scenarios should examine potential reallocation of resources to address current problems and
needs. Member Kelly questioned amounts paid for contractual services. Mr. Rosland provided a
breakdown of contractual services for 1994. After reviewing this breakdown, the Council requested further
information with respect to engineering consultants, legal counsel, and insurance costs. Member Maetzold
inquired if additional speed enforcement activities would be cost effective in terms of fine revenues that
would be generated. Mr. Rosland and Police Chief Bernhjelm provided information concerning the speed
control program that was implemented by the Council several years earlier.
After further discussion, the Council directed that the information that was requested be prepared for the
July 5,1995, Special Meeting.