HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951219_jointMINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 19,1995 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: I) Grandview Area Planning Study by the Hoisington, Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi), 2) Preliminary Plat for KunzlLewis Addition (5200 Eden Circle and 5220 Eden Avenue), 3) Preliminary Rezoning - PID Planned Industrial District to POD-I Planned Office District (5229 Eden Avenue), Laurent/Park Development, Office Park Redevelopment and 4) Final Development Plan for Kunz Parts Plus Warehouse ( 5200 Eden Circle). Action was taken by the HRA and Council as recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners/Members Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Richards. JOINT HWCOUNCIL GRANDVIEW AREA PLANNING STUDY PRESENTED PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD: PRELIMINARY PLAT KUNZlLEWlS ADDITION, 5200 EDEN CIRCLE AND 5220 EDEN AVENUE; DISTRICT; AND FINAL DMLOPMENT PLAN. KUNZ PARTS PLUS WAREHOUSE. 5200 EDEN CIRCLE; VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS CONTINUED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Following due notice given, a public hearing was conducted. Assistant Manager Hughes reminded the HRA and Council that the subject property is generally located south of Eden Avenue and west of the railroad tracks. After the October 16, 1995, meeting, staff retained a planning consultant to review plans for the Lewis/Kunz Oil property. On December 4, 1995, Michael Schroeder, Vice President of Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGi), and Chief Designer of the project, presented concept plans for the area. Assistant Manager Hughes explained that Fred Hoisington, of HKGi was present tonight to present more detailed plans. PRELIMINARY REZONING - PID, PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE Assistant Manager Hughes noted that after the HRA reviewed the HKGi plans, the Council will consider proposals for the private redevelopment of a portion of the area including: the replat of the Kunz OiVLewis Engineering properties; the redevelopment of the Lewis Engineering property with offices; and; the renovation and expansion of the Kunz Oil warehouse. 1) 2) 3) Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan Assistant Manager Hughes briefed the HWCouncil concerning the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan which was adopted in 1984. The Plan was preceded by the Grandview Area Traffic Study which was incorporated into the Redevelopment Plan. Since its adoption, several elements of the public portion of the Plan have been completed: a a e e Vacate Summit Avenue a a Grandview Area Streetscape Project Link Road Reconstruction and Signalization Closure of Vernon Eden/Shewood Intersection Consolidate Jerry‘s/Nowest Ban WUnion Oil Access Demolish Public Works Garage and Reconstruct Public Parking Ramp/Public Works Facility Additionally, several private redevelopments have occurred: a SuperAmerica Reconstruction a e Vemon Terrace Apartments a Summit Place Apartment 0 Washbum McReavy Renovation e Grandview Tire Redevelopment e Biltmore Bowl Redevelopment Jerry’s Shopping Center and Office Expansion Assistant Manager Hughes explained the Redevelopment Plan identified the area south of Eden Avenue as Characterized by “non-conforming uses, obsolete buildings and incompatible land uses.” Goals promoted MinutesEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 by the Redevelopment Plan included 'Yo undertake land acquisition, parcel assembly and parcel disposition necessary to eliminate certain substandard and non-conforming uses and buildings, to assemble logical, conforming and more efficient building sites." The Plan also noted that public acquisition of property would be kept to a minimum, but in some cases public acquisition may be necessary. Policies Concerninq Tax Increment Financina (T.I.F.1 Assistant Manager Hughes explained that the City and HRA have been involved as a public partner in several T.I.F. programs in addition to the Grandview Area. Although no formal written policies concerning T.I.F. have been adopted, limits have been placed on the use of T.I.F. to: Providing a public asset such as a park, parking ramp or public amenities; Providing affordable housing; and Acquiring properties which are unsafe or grossly inappropriate for their surroundings. 1) 2) 3) Alternatives for Study Area Assistant Manager Hughes explained that after reviewing the study area in light of our T.t.F. policies, neither a public asset would be provided nor an unsafe or grossly inappropriate land use would be eliminated by virtue of the public assuming an aggressive role in this redevelopment. However, he noted the City could further the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the Grandview Redevelopment Plan by pursuing the redevelopment of these properties for housing. Upon this basis, HKGi has been directed to refine two illustrative development plans for the study area. The first plan illustrates the private redevelopment proposed by KunzlParts Plus and LaurentlPark Development. The modified plans by HKGi reflect their recommendations as to access and building arrangement. The last illustrative plan depicts a variation of the LaurentlPark plan for the Lewis Engineering property and a portion of the Kunz Oil propew with the balance of the Kunz Oil property as well as other properties south of Eden Avenue redeveloped for attached housing. The housing plan furthers the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and Redevelopment Plan and provides better separation of commercial and residential traffic. Significant public involvement would be necessary in the form of financial assistance for the housing component and acquisition of private property (in some cases this may require condemnation). Approximately $3+million of T.I.F. assistance may be required to complete the housing alternative. Required Actions Assistant Manager Hughes explained that the Council must take certain actions at the December 19 meeting due to requirements of State law which concern the Preliminary Plat for the KunzlLewis Addition and the Final Development Plan for Kunz Parts Plus. The Council may decide to continue the LaurentlPark Rezoning for an additional 60+ days if it so desires. As to the Preliminary Plat and Final Development Plan, Assistant Manager Hughes explained the City Council must either I) approve or deny the plat, 2) approve or deny the final development plan or 3) receive consent from the parties at interest to continue the matter to a future date. Alternatives If recommendations of HKGi are pursued with respect to the private plans of LaurentlPark and Kunz Parts Plus, Assistant Manager Hughes suggested a continuance should be considered until January 16, 1996, allowing the developers opportunity to respond to revisions of the plans. Staff would recommend denial of the plat and final development plan if a continuance were not approved. Assistant Manager Hughes explained that if Council were to pursue the housing plan, staff would recommend denial of the plat and final development plan. Council should then direct staff to prepare financial analyses and a feasibility report concerning such a project. Public Comments ChairmaidMayor Richards opened the hearing for public comments. I I I Page 2 MinuteslEdina City CouncillDecember 19, 1995 John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, representing the Richmond Hills Neighborhood Association, stated the private redevelopment plan has been reviewed by the neighborhood association in several versions. They have some concerns regarding traffic and height, but the basic proposal is livable to the Association. The housing plan is another matter. Mr. Menke expressed concern that the number of living units more than doubled, that the neighborhood association has not had the opportunity to review the housing alternative and would need more time than 30 days to review. He thought the neighborhood association could support the private development plan, but would like to see a CUI de sac at Eden Circle instead of a through street. Chris Moran, Laurent Parks Development Team, stated Monday was his first opportunity to review the Hoisington plan. This is about the ninth different plan seen for the site. Mr. Moran agrees with almost every plan seen so far. Their team is more than happy to work with the City and neighborhood to develop a mutually agreeable plan. Their only problem with the revised private development plan is that the City would be taking land away and Laurent could not meet parking requirements. Ted Giannobile, 5244 Eden Circle, TSE office building south of the KundLewis site expressed concern regarding parking with any of the proposed alternatives. He asked that the developers and Council consider their parking needs. If the housing plan is pursued what is to become of TSEs building. Walter Kunz, 5200 Eden Circle, stated that where the Laurent people generally approved of all the plan variations, this last variation offers him some concern. The partial removal of the Kunz building is an issue because of the way the building was constructed. Mr. Kunz could remodel their building as previously proposed and still have exterior walls existing, however, moving the walls back twenty feet requires replacing the entire north face of the building. Mr. Kunz also questioned the loading dock design with semi’s backing in at an angle. Sealing off Eden Avenue is a concem because this would require semis to make loops within parking lot. Mr. Kunz indicated his desire to participate in discussions regarding the revised development proposal, but felt the necessity of stating his concerns. Council Comments ChairmarVMayor Richards asked Mr. Hoisington for clarification of whether or not a CUI de sac would work if the private development plan is pursued, where the proposed CUI de sac would be located, and if the housing plan were pursued would condemnation by the City be necessary? Mr. Hoisington replied that three scenarios are possible for street access in this area: 1) a total CUI de sac; 2) providing some access to the TAGS building off the CUI de sac; or 3) keeping Eden Avenue as a through street. Further, Mr. Hoisington stated the housing plan would use the Lewis and Tags sites. I Commissioner/Member Maetzold asked for more information regarding the public participation if the housing plan were chosen. Assistant Manager Hughes responded that the housing plan at the proposed density would not support the current land value of the properties and that public participation would be twofold. First, using the City’s or HRA’s power of eminent domain, if necessary, the properties would be acquired. Secondly, the land cost would probably need to be written down through a tax increment financing process to make the land affordable for residential use. A very preliminary review of the land shows the value at approximately $25,000 - $30,000 per residential unit, but to be offered as “affordable housing” the value needs to be approximately $7,000 per residential unit. Commissioner/Member Smith expressed his opinion that this is not the time or place for the City to invest taxpayers’ funds in the residential plan. The burden of providing “affordable housing” falls too heavily on the taxpayers, therefore he recommended focussing on the private redevelopment with the current owners working with both the neighborhood association and the planning consultant to achieve a workable plan. Commissioner/Member Kelly stated that while she is committed to providing more lower income housing she agrees with Commissioner/Member Smith’s rationale supporting the private redevelopment plan instead of the housing plan. Commissioner/Member Kelly asked Fire Chief Paulfranz about the safety issue if a CUI de sac is developed at Eden Circle. Chief Paulfranz replied that the department always favors multiple accesses, however, he indicated he had not reviewed the proposed CUI de sac design. Chief Paulfranz Page 3 '> :::- ! L ' MinutesIEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 indicated that in other similar circumstances safety concerns have been satisfied with proper street sizing -. I and alignment. Commissionerhlember Maetzold indicated his preference for the housing plan which he felt upheld the spirit of the Grandview Redevelopment Plan developed in 1984. CommisSonerlMember Maetzold favoredthe combination of office and housing over the office/warehouse development because it offers good transition to the existing residential neighborhood. The housing plan also offers an opportunity to further our livable communities housing goals. Commissioner/Member Paulus commented that this site is very difficult to work with since developers are unable to work with raw land. Commissioner/Member Paulus advised any redevelopment will not be perfect due to the prohibitively high land cost and the road encumbrance on the site, therefore she indicated her preference for the private development plan. ChainnardMayor Richards reiterated his support of the private development plan over the housing plan for all of the previously stated reasons also observing that the Council has a number of times turned down residential plans for the property south of Eden. ChairmanlMayor Richards added it makes sense to utilize the land similarly to what currently exists with modifications to the zoning from Industrial to and Offtce on the north portion of the southerly site. ChairmanlMayor Richards commented that many issues need to be addressed as indicated by Mr. Hoisington's report. He expressed hope that the developer would be sensitive to all the issues in view of the magnitude of the rezoning request. ChairmanlMayor Richards concluded Council consensus appears to focus on the private plan for the KunzlLewis property ChairmadMayor Richards asked Mr. Kunz whether he would consent to continuing action on his final development plan proposal and the preliminary plat of the KunzlLewis Property until January 16, 1996. Mr. Kunz stated that he understands that the Council is focusing on the private development plan for the property. In light of this focus then Mr. Kunz agreed to extending the date for action until January 16, 1996. ChairmanlMayor Richards asked Mr. Moran if he agreed with the direction Council is taking regarding the property understanding that Council will act at its January 16, 1996 meeting. Mr. Moran replied that Gordon Lewis is technically still the owner of the property, however, Mr. Mom had been given authority by Mr. Lewis to agree to continuing action until January 16, 1996. Mr. Kunz stated he also had a letter from Gordon Lewis extending Council's time for action fifteen days. Mr. Kunz said when he amved at the Council meeting and saw the January 16,1996 date for action he phoned Mr. Lewis who gave him verbal authority to use his best judgement regarding the continuance. Mr. Kunz indicated his acceptance of the January 16, 1996 action date. Member Maetzold moved to continue until January 16,1996 action on the Preliminary Plat request of the KunzlLewis property, 5200 Eden Circle and 5220 Eden Avenue and the Final Development Plan, Kunz Park Plus Warehouse, 5200 Eden Circle as consented to by Mr. Walter Kunz and Mr. Gordon Lewis. Ted Giannobile asked that he be included in redevelopment discussions relative to his parking issues. ChairmanlMayor Richards replied that Mr. Giannobile's parking issue is a private matter and not one that the City can be involved in. Member Kelly seconded the motion Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. I Member Kelly moved to continue until January 16,1996 action on the Preliminary Rezoning Request from planned Industrial District-PID to Planned Office District, POD-I, 5220 Eden Avenue. Page 4 MinuteslEdina City CouncilDecember 19.1995 Member Smith seconded the motion Member Smith asked Attorney Gilligan if any extension was necessary on the rezoning request. Attorney I Gilligan stated that the rezoning request did not need an extension. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Kelly to adopt the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 4,1995, APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4, d 995. Motion carried on a rollcall vote - five ayes. APPEAL OF VARIANCE DENIAL - NICK & ATHENA KAROS. 15 CIRCLE WEST. ______~ Presentation by Associate Planner Associate Planner Kris Aaker informed the Council the subject property, 15 Circle West is located on the - . . -- west side of the street. The owners Nick and Athena Karos are proposing constructing a new two story home after removing the existing two story home from the site. The new home would be constructed in roughly the same location as the existing house, however the new house will create a slightly larger building foot print. The position of the new house was proposed to preserve existing rear yard landscaping including, a waterfall fountain and exist-ing bonsai trees. The proposed plan includes a partially enclosed two story front entrance area encroaching six feet into the established frontyard setback. Frontyard setbacks along the block vary between 21 feet to in excess of 100 feet. Associate Planner Aaker stated the house’s footprint conforms to all other zoning ordinance requirements in terms of side and rear yard setback, lot coverage and building height. On December 7, 1995 the Zoning Board of Appeals heard and denied the property owners request for a variance. The property owners Nick and Athena Karos then appealed the decision to the City Council. Proponent Comment Dean Dovolis, Dovolis, Johnson & Ruggieri, Inc., architect for the Karos elaborated upon the location of an existing grotto stream and bonsai tregs-which were part of the original construction in approximately 1940. He stated that although this property has been neglected the Karos desire to preserve the landscaping, however, because of standing vacant for over two years the house was not economically feasible for repair. Mr. Dovolis stated the new house was designed to fit in with the neighborhood, however, the front entrance which is open air be would project over the setback line. Nick Karos, owner of 15 Circle West, presented to the City Council additional diagrams of the subject property and pictures of the existing house and garden staked to show the location of the proposed new house related to the existing rearyard landscaping. In addition, Mr. Karos presented a memorandum from Mr. Bob Rinek of 6 Circle West supporting the variance, a letter written by Mr. Karos, reporting his discussion with Mrs. Read, 9 Circle West, a memorandum from Charles Blomquist regarding the position of the proposed new house in relationship to the existing rear landscaping, and a portion of a market evaluation of the property. Mr. Karos stated that the new house as planned would be eight feet from the existing bonsai trees and that moving the house back six feet would only allow two feet of clearance between the house and garden. Mr. Karos pointed out that a house on Coopers Circle was granted a front yard setback variance. He also addressed concerns expressed by Kent Banks and Tony Navarro in letters both dated December 19,1995. Mr. Karos voiced concern that since his variance request opened up his Page 5 MinuteslEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 house plans to the City and he feels it has turned into a debate about the size of the house rather than just the six foot variance. He urged that attention be focused on the setback variance not other issues. Member Kelly stated she lives at 2 Circle West which is outside the 200 foot area notified by the City for variance proceedings. Member Kelly was made aware of the variance request by neighbors and had considered not entering into the discussion because of her closeness. However, Member Kelly continued that she does not reside in the Hilldale area, her home is in Meadowbrook Oaks, therefore she intends to participate in the discussion and does not see a conflict. Member Kelly attended the Board of Appeals to view the process. I Public Comment Mayor Richards opened the hearing for public comment. Tony Navam, 17 Circle West, a twenty-five year Edina resident, who has lived at his present address about eight years said he felt these were unfortunate circumstances to meet a new neighbor. Mr. Navarro stated that the six feet the entrance would encroach into the setback area creating an image factor. If the house were moved back six feet Mr. Navarro believed that the repositioning would make the house less demonstrative. He stated the larger homes built in the area have had deep setbacks and while the proposed home is beautiful it is not conducive to the homes on the rest of the street. If that is not the discussion he still wants his opinion expressed. Kent Bank, 7 Circle East, reiterated Mr. Navarro's concern for new neighbor, and stated that he authored his letter for himself and three neighbors. Mr. Bank feels that Mr. Karos comments regarding the backyard were not significantly different from his letter. Mr. Bank's real concern is the aesthetics and this house will protrude towards the street. He and his neighbors intent is to minimize the impact of the proposed house. Athena Karos, owner 15 Circle West, expressed concern about the variance and their efforts to preserve the rear landscaping. Unfortunately they have been used as a platform to express concerns about what is happening in the neighborhood. Their Intent was not to build a monstrosity. According to City Planning Staff they thought the variance request was not out of the ordinary so Mrs. Karos felt caught off guard with the denial. Mrs. Karos requested that they be allowed to add the six foot open air balcony as proposed on their house plans. I Nick Karos stated that he realizes many of the residents expressing concern are long time residents. Wlr. Karos noted his family is trying to build a home they can live in for fifty years and urged approval of the variance as requested. Council Comment Member Kellv asked Associate Planner Aaker whether or not the Cooper Circle variance had to do with a hardship bicause of proximity to the water. Associate Planner Aaker responded that the Cooper Circle variance was for a home at the end of the street. It was for a front overhang with posts similar to the Karos request, however, the Cooper Circle house was not a two story post, pillar and overhang. Associate Planner Aaker stated she could not recollect the degree of the variance. Mayor Richards stated that the home is not the issue, aesthetics will not be reviewed. Mayor Richards explained that the Council spent over one and a half years studying massing and could not amve at a consensus among the various bodies reviewing the issue. Mayor Richards stated it is not the City's position to talk about aesthetics. Variance request reviews need to be based on the physical charaderistics of the site. Specifically, this lot is approximately 350 feet deep, with the proposed house located on the front third of the lot. An approximate 40 foot differential exists from one end of the lot to the other. There is a reason to preserve the physical characteristics in existence on the lot. Mayor Richards indicated his support of the variance based only upon the physical characteristics of the lot. I Member Smith agreed that Council should not review aesthetics or massing. However, Member Smith does Page 6 MinuteslEdina Citv CouncillDecember 19,1995 not see sufficient reason to grant the six foot front yard variance relative to the design in this case. Member Paulus expressed her intent to support the variance based upon previous statement by Edina Planning staff regarding the need to create more drama to some of Edina’s ramblers, therefore, staff was encouraging approval of some front yard variances. In view of this position and the fact that there is not living space encroaching into the setback Member Paulus believes the variance should be approved to be consistent with a previously stated position. I Member Maetzold advised of his intent to not support the variance request because he believes the reasons for requesting the variance are not sufficient to grant a variance. Member Kelly voiced concern being the deciding member in this variance request. However, she stated she has difficulty granting a six foot variance on a property that is 350 feet deep. Variances are granted only when a hardship condition exists. Member Kelly pointed out that the Zoning Board of Appeals decision was unanimous and she supports that decision. Member Smith moved to affirm the denial of the Zoning Board of Appeals December 7,1995 of the variance request of Nick and Athena Karos, 15 Circle West. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Nays: Paulus, Richards Motion carried. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR TAMBORNINO ADDITION (6608 DAKOTA TRAIL1 Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen reviewed the proposed plat which is a 2.9 acre R-1 lot with an existing home accessing Dakota Trail. The new lot on the westerly side of the property would access Mohawk Trail. Planner Larsen noted that the only change from the preliminary plat is the name change from Tambomino Addition to Mohawk Woods. Planner Larsen recommended final plat approval based upon a subdivision dedication value of $175,000 and a forty (40) foot conservation restriction adjacent to Mohawk Trail. Mayor Richards invited comment from the proponent or public. No comment was heard. Member Smith introduced the following resolution granting approval of the Mohawk Woods Final Plat conditioned upon subdivision dedication of eight percent based on a land value of $175,000 and execution of a forty foot front yard conservation restriction and moved its approval RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT MOHAWK WOODS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, that that certain plat entitled “MOHAWK WOODS” platted by Joseph Tambornino and presented at the regular City Council meeting of December 19,1995, be and is hereby granted final plat approval with the following two conditions: Payment of subdivision dedication fees in the amount of eight percent based upon a land value of $175,000; and The execution of a conservation easement. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. I. 2. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1995-11 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING - AMENDING CODE SECTION 900.18, SUBD. I ELIMINATING THE RESTRICTION OF ORDERING A MEAL FOR SERVlCE OF WINE Assistant Manager Hughes noted that Council conducted a public hearing on December 4, 1995 and granted First Page 7 MinuteslEdina City Council 12/19/95 Reading to an ordinance amendment eliminating the requirement that a meal be served with wine; requiring that not less than 60 percent of the gross sales of the liqensed premises be attributable to the sale of food; and requiring that not more than 15 percent of the seating capacity of the restaurant be located at a bar or service counter. The City Council directed that following two additional provisions be included in the amendment: Requiring an affidavit be filed at the time of license renewal that documents the actual percentage of gross receipts attributable to the sale food during the preceding twelve months; and Inclusion of a stronger training requirement for restaurant personnel. 1. 2. Assistant Manager Hughes explained that Section 1 of the proposed amendment includes language requiring documentation of actual gross receipts attributable to food sales. In addition, Section 2 provides the training requirement. The training provision requires attendance at an alcohol awareness program by 75 percent of the individuals authorized to serve alcoholic beverages and all licensed managers. The Council briefly discussed whether or not 75 percent was adequate for the training requirement. Consensus was that at license renewal time 75 percent was adequate since the ordinance requires all managers to be trained in order to be licensed. Public Comment Suzanne Wolf, representing Gabbert & Beck, the Galleria’s management company stated that perhaps 25 percent of licensees employees do not serve wine such as kitchen staff. Susan Agrawal, 7438 Xerxes Avenue urged the Council to remain strict regarding the sale and service of liquor in Edina. I Member Maetzold moved Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1995-1 I , motion seconded by Member Paulus. - Member Kelly asked staff to respond to Ms. Wolf‘s comments regarding the 25 percent. Assistant Manager Hughes explained the ordinance requires 75 percent of employees authorized to serve wine or liquor, therefore, kitchen staff or hostesses would not be required to be trained. Member Smith moved to amend the motion adding to Paragraph A, of Section 2 of Ordinance 4995-1 1 after the words Police Chief the following: “notwithstanding the above all employees authorized to serve or sell wine or liquor on the licensed premises have completed an alcohol awareness program approved by the Police Chief within thirty days.” Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Member Paulus stated of her intention to vote against the amendment to the original motion because of the logistical problems it would cause. Member Kelly indicated her agreement with Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Members Maetzold, Smith Nays: Members Kelly, Paulus, Richards Amended motion failed. Mayor Richards called for the vote of the following ordinance as originally moved: ORDINANCE NO. 1995-1 1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section I. Subdivision I of Subsection 900.18 of Section 900 of the City Code is amended as Page 8 MinuteslEdina City CouncillDecember 19,1995 follows:, “Subd. I. Percentage of Food Sold. No person, directiy or‘indirectly, upon any pretense or by any device, shall sell any wine unless at least 60 percent of the gross receipts of the licensed premises on an annual basis are attributable to the sale of food. This requirement shall be established by an affidavit of the licensee on a form provided by the Clerk. The affidavit shall be given with each application for issuance or renewal of an on-sale wine license, or at other times as the clerk may request. If the application is for the renewal of an on-sale wine license, the affidavit shall also include the actual percentage of gross receipts attributable to the sale of food during the immediately preceding 12 month period. The Clerk, at any time and from time to time, may require that any such affidavit be verified and confirmed, on a form provided by the Clerk, by a Certified Public Accountant who is a member of the Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. Failure or refusal of a licensee to give such affidavit with such application, or on request of the Clerk, or any false statement in any such affidavit, shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of all licenses held by such licensee for the on-sale of wine.” I Section 2. Subsection 900.17 of Section 900 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subd. 7 as follows: “Subd. 7. Training Requirement. No on-sale wine license or a manager‘s license shall be issued unless the applicant therefore shall have complied with the training requirements imposed by this Subd. 7. A. On-sale wine license. Within 30 days following the issuance of a new on-sale wine license, the licensee shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Clerk that not less than 75% of the employees authorized to serve or sell wine or liquor on the licensed premises have completed an alcohol awareness program approved by the Police Chief. An applicant for the renewal of an on-sale wine license shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Clerk that not less than 75% of the employees authorized to serve or sell wine or liquor on the licensed premises have, not more than 90 days prior to the date of the application, completed an alcohol awareness program approved by the Police Chief. 6. Manager‘s License. An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a manager‘s license shall submit evidence satisfactory to the clerk that the manager has, not more than 90 days prior to the date of application, completed an alcohol awareness program approved by the Police Chief.” Section 3. Subsection 900.20 of Section 900 of the City Code is amended as follows: “900.20 Conditions of Sale. No person, directly or indirectly, upon any pretense or by any device, shall sell any intoxicating malt liquor unless in full compliance with the requirements imposed by Subsection 900.07 and Subsection 900.18 of this Code.” Section 4. Subd. I of Subsection 900.17 of the City Code is amended by adding a new paragraph G as follows: “G. The premises shall have not more than 15% of its seating capacity located at a bar or service counter during the license period.” Section 5. Subsection 900.21 of Section 900 of the City Code is deleted. Section 6. Subsection 900.01 of Section 900 of the City Code is amended by providing a new definition of “Bar”. Page 9 MinuteslEdina City Council 12/19/95 “Bar. A counter or similar kind of place or structure at which wine or liquor is served.” Section 7. Subd. 3 of Subsection 900.18 of Section 900 is amended as follows: “Subd.3. Denied Sales or Consumption. No sales or consumption of wine shall be permitted beyond the licensed premises.” Section 8. Subsections 900.23, 900.24, and 900.25 of Section 900 of the City Code are hereby renumbered Subsections 900.21, 900.22, and 900.23 respectively. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage. Frederick Richards, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Mangen, City Clerk Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1995-8 ADOPTED UPON SECOND READING AMENDING SECTION 1215 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OT UNDERTAKE CERTAIN MAINTENANCE ACTMTIES IN THE GRANDVIEW COMMERCIAL AREA AND ASSESS THE COST Assistant Manager Hughes stated that at its December 4,1996 meeting Council granted first reading to Ordinance 1995-8 authorizing the City to undertake certain maintenance activities in the Grandview Commercial Area and assess the cost against the benefitted properties. Member Smith moved Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1995-8 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1995-8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1215 OF THE CITY CODE TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO UNDERTAKE CERTAIN MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES IN THE GRANDVIEW COMMERCIAL AREA AND ASSESS THE COST THEREOF TO BENEFITTED PROPERTIES THE ClN COUNCIL OF THE CIN OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 1215.01 of the City Code is amended as follows: “1215.01 Definitions. The following terms shall have the stated meanings: 50th and France Commercial Area. The area within the City included within the plan prepared by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, entitled, “50th and France Commercial Area Plan”, dated December 3, 1974. Grandview Commercial Area. The area within the City included within the plan prepared by the Page 10 MinutedEdina Citv CouncilDecember 19,1995 Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, entitled, "Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan", dated May 30,1984. Parking Facility. City owned lots, lanes, ramps, and accessories on the surface, above ground, and underground." Section 2. The third line of Subsection 1215.02 of the City Code is amended as follows: "work in the 50th and France Commercial Area and the Grandview Commercial Area pursuant to Chapter 59, State Laws of 1983:" Section 3. The fourth line of Subsection 1215.03 of the City Code is amended as follows: "or parcel of land within the 50th and France Commercial Area and the Grandview Commercial Area, in proportion to the benefits." Section 4. The third line of Subsection 1215.04 of the City Code is amended as follows: "within the 50th and France Commercial Area and the Grandview Commercial Area all costs of the work charged against the lot" Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and publication. Frederick Richards, Mayor ATTEST: Motion for adoption of the ordinance seconded by Member Maetzold. Debra Mangen, City Clerk Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. I BOY SCOUTS RECOGNIZED Mayor Richards invited two boy scouts attending the meeting to introduce themselves. Kevin Smith and Eric Anderson Troop 48 located at Calvary Lutheran Church said they are working on their Citizenship Merit Badge and needed to attend a City Council meeting. The Mayor thanked the boys for attending the meeting. *BID AWARDED FOR PURCHASE OF POLICE SQUAD EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT. Motion by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly awarding the bid for purchase of police squad emergency equipment to sole bidder, Streichers, Inc. in the amount of $17,815. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR STEEL BEAM STRUCTURAL WORK AT BRAEMAR. Motion by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly awarding the bid for the steel beam structural work at Braemar Golf Course to Minnetonka Iron Works in the amount of $8,250.00 Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. "TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW FOR DECEMBER 5,1995, APPROVED Motion by Member Smith, seconded by member Kelly approving the following action recommended in Section A of the Traffic Safety Staff Review of December 5, 1995: I) installation of a STOP sign controlling Cougar Court traffic at Malibu Drive; and to acknowledge Sections B and C. Page 11 I- .- MinuteslEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. e---* Mayor Richards left the Council meeting at 855 P.M. leaving Mayor Pro-Tem Kelly .a conduc of the meeting. Mayor Pro tern Kelly reconvened the meeting at 9:00 P.M. u the remainder L INFORMAL HEARING -RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAY 169 AND INTERSTATE 494 INTERCHANGE Engineer Hoffman informed the Council that an article had been placed in the Edina Sun-Current informing the public of the upcoming project MnDOT will be undertaking rebuilding the Highway 169 and Interstate 494 Interchange. He stated this is an informational presentation and no action is required of the Council since the project is entirely the State’s responsibility. Engineer Hoffman introduced Ron Rachelle of the Predesign Department of MnDOT. Mr. Rachelle explained the reconstruction planned for the spring of 1997 will be an interim design. MnDOTwill be rebuilding the Highway 169 bridge, the ramps, building some HIV lanes and improving the frontage roads. The area will not be completely shut down with at least two lanes in each direction always operating. The estimated cost of the project is $7 million and the life of the road is expected to be at least ten years. Council members indicated their disappointment with the cost of the project for an interim solution. Mr. Rachelle acknowledged the Council’s concerns. Susan Agrawal asked several questions regarding the location of the proposed reconstruction, the potential of toll roads being built and why the project is a temporary design to which Mr. Rachelle responded. PUBLIC HEARING HELD INCREASE IN BEER AND WINE LICENSE FEES FOR 1996 APPROVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, a public hearing was conducted to consider increasing the fees for beer and wine licenses in accordance with M.S. 340A.408~ Subd. 3A. Assistant Manager Hughes reported that a copy of the notice was mailed to all licensees on November 17, 1995. No comment or correspondence has been received from holders of beer or wine licenses. I Mayor Pro Tern Kelly called for public comments on the proposed license fee increase. No public comment or objection was heard. Motion by Member Smith approving the following beer and wine license fees effective January 1996, to be adopted by ordinance: OnSale Wine: Restaurants with 50 or fewer seats $750 50-1 00 seats, inclusive $820 101-150 seats, inclusive $890 Over 150 seats $945 Managers License $70 On Sale 3.2 Beer: Renewal $230 New $290 Renewal $230 New $290 Temporary 3.2 Beer License $50 Off-sale 3.2 Beer: Motion seconded by Member Maetzold Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET OF JANUARY 16,1996, FORVACATION OF UTILITYDRAINAGE EASEMENT ON Page 12 MinuteslEdina Citv CouncillDecember 19, 1995 LOT 7, BLOCK 1, KANE ADDITION (4809 WEST 66TH STREET) Motion by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly adopting the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota as follows: I. It is hereby found and determined after receipt of the petition of the owner of the land affected thereby that the following described easement for utility and drainage purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.851 and 160.29; A portion of an existing utility and drainage easement lying within the following described property. The north 46.5 feet of the South 60.0 feet lying west of the East 6.0 feet thereof on Lot 7, Block 1, Kane Addition. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of a said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun-Current, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 41 2.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street on August 7, 1995, at 7:OO P.M. for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed aerial/vertical vacation of the following part of the drainage and utility easement over Lot 7, Block I, KANE ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Also known as 4809 West 66th Street) described as follows: A portion of an existing utility and drainage easement lying within the following described property: the north 46.5 feet of the South 60.0 feet lying west of the East 6.0 feet thereof on Lot 7, Block 1, KANE ADDITION. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed easement vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed easement vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen, City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. TECHNOLOGY PLAN REVIEWED .Assistant Manager Hughes stated that in accordance with Council’s I a Page 13 MinuteslEdina City Council 12119/95 direction, staff established a Technology Committee comprised of representativea from all City departments, charged with developing a Technology Plan. The committee identified two objectives: the planning process and focus for developing a Long Term Plan; and development of an Interim Plan to guide purchasing decisions during the development of the long term plan.-Council briefly discussed the Interim Plan and gave a vote of confidence to the committee to proceed in the direction they were heading. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED RECOMMENDING SALE OF TAX FORFEIT LAND TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ONLY Motion by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly adopting the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County.of Hennepin a list of lands in said municipality which became the property of the State of Minnesota for non-payment of propertytaxes, which said list was dated November 20, 1995, Non-Conservation List 901-NC; and WHEREAS, the parcel in said list identified as PINS No. 19-028-24-22-0044 has heretofore be classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota, as non- conservation land the sale thereof and has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioner; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that there are no existing or pending special assessments on said parcel; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that said parcel need not be withheld from sale pursuant to M.S. 85.012; M.S. 92.461; M.S. 282.01, Subd. 8.; M.S. 282.018, Subd. 1; or M.S. 282.018, Subd. 2; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the said classification is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.04, Subd. 7a, it has determined that said parcel of land is not buildable according to the City's Zoning Ordinance and that sale of said parcel be lim-hd to the adjacent property (PINS No. 19-028-24- 22-0045) for attachment thereto. ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT Police Chief Bemhjelm told the Council that at their suggestion, he reviewed City practices for dealing with sicklinjured wildlife with staff. The goal was to learn if better, more cost effective and operationally feasible methods existed for treating and/or euthanizing the wildlife. The report did not include domestic pets that are usually easier to handle because of close human contact and the risk of rabies is greatly reduced because of vaccination. PARK BOARD REFERENDA INPUT Director Keprios presented an updated report on the Park Board Referenda containing community input from nine community meetings that have been completed. Due to weather, the Senior Citizen Center general membership meeting was postponed and rescheduled for January 5, 1996. Additionally, the Edina School District administrative staff will view the slide presentation January 9, 1996. Comments received, in general have been very positive, supportive and informative. Question asked most often were: 1) 2) 3) Why have we not kept up with maintaining and replacing our worn infrastructure? What is to prevent this from happening again in another twenty to thirty years? If the issue passes, when will construction begin, how long before construction will be completed and in what priority? Director Keprios noted the most significant request came from the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee to build a $2.5 million free standing inter-generational activities building serving seniors, youth and adults. The I I I Page 14 MinutedEdina Citv Council/December 19,1995 Committee made a formal proposal at the December 12,1995 Park Board meeting. The Park Board passed a motion requesting direction from the Council on the issue. The Park Board encouraged scheduling a joint meeting between the Board and the Council to review a variety of issues involving current and future funding of the park system and requested direction from the Council regarding the Senior Citizen Advisory Board’s proposal. Lila Larson, Chairperson of the Edina Senior Center Advisory and Charlotte Burrow gave an informal presentation of the Senior Citizen Advisory Board’s request for the construction of a free standing Senior Citizen Center. Some reasons cited for the request include: the current site’s space constraints, parking difficulty, transportation, and the current location’s third floor logistical difficulty for some seniors. Benefits could include improving the physical/emotional outlook of Edina senior citizens, utilizing the facility as an inter-generation gathering place and community outreach. Council discussed their concerns with: timing of the request, whether or not the schools had been approached relative to either parking or transportation, and the adequacy of the current senior center. Council directed staff to complete the neighborhood input meetings then to schedule a joint meeting with the Park Board. Also Council indicated that the final dollar amount of the upcoming referenda has not yet been determined and that a further update should be on the January 2, 1996 agenda. ORDINANCE NO. 1995-12 ADOPTED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 485 INCREASING CERTAIN FEES FOR 1996; WITH WAIVER OF SECOND READING Member Smith moved adoption of Ordinance No. 1995-12 as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: ORDINANCE NO. 1995-1 2 Section I. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: - SEC SUBSEC. 300 300.02, PURPOSE OF FEUCHARGE AMOUNT Redemption of Subd. 2 impounded animals $15.00 per day for feeding and care, any veterinarian services and impounding fee fee of: (a) If animal has not been impounded within one year prior to the date of 420 420.02 450 450.27 Excavation Permit impounding - $35.00 (b) If animal has been impounded once within the year prior to the date of impounding - $60.00 (c) If animal has been impounded twice or more within one year prior to the date of impounding - $1 10.00 $1 5.00 per 100 feet of longitudinal excavation Public or semi-public $340.00 per annum for each Page 15 FEE NO. 15 16 17 18 50 81 MinuteslEdina Cify Council 12119195 450 87 605 61 5 620 625 SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEUCHARGE AMOUNT Subd 4 swimming pool license 450.27 Public or semi-public Subd 4 whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool license 460.06 Sign variance fee Subd 6 605.07 Permits required by UFC Special hazard permit: 61 5.03 License to service fire extinguishers 620.04 Permit fee for cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation system 625.04 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of heads pool enclosed part or all -. of-the year $1 80.00 per annum for each outdoor pool $90.00 per annum for each bath or pool $1 25.00 for residential property $250.00 for commercial property Minimum Fee: $40.00 Class I: General Hazard and fire safety inspections requiring a special hazard permit - $40.00 Class 11: Special hazard inspection involving various hazardous materials andlor processes in occupancies or buildings less than 3000 s.f. in area - $60.00 Class 111: Special hazard inspection primarily directed at, but not limited to, buildings or occupancies 3000 s.f. or larger where any of the following are present - $135.00 A. Multiple hazards B. Storage handling, andlor processes involving C. Occupancies in which evaluation or high valuation presents unique circumstances $20.00 per annum per person to be licensed $60.00 for each permit 1-5 "$40.00 (minimum fee) 6 -10 "$65.00 11 - 20 "$90.00 21 - 30 "$1 15.00 Page 16 FEE NO. 82 I 83 87 88 95 96 97 98 I 100 105 I10 .' > -:. , .: . .- _. I -. * , MinuteslEdina City Councillkcember 19, 1995 - SEC SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEWCHARGE 31 - 40 "$1 37.00 41 - 50 "$1 59.00 51 - 60 "$181 .OO 61 - 70 "$1 95.00 I AMOUNT FEE NO. 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 -100 101 - 110 111 -120 121 -130 131 -140 141 -150 151 -160 161 -170 171 -180 181 - 190 I91 - 200 201 plus "$203.00 "$223.00 "$232.00 "$241 .OO '$249.00 "$257.00 *$265.00 "$273.00 "$280.00 "$287.00 "$294.00 "$301 .OO "$308.0 "$308.00 for first 200 plus $7.00 for each additional head *plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 168.70 625 625.03 I 635 635.02 716 716.02 720 720.04, Subd 3 Fire pump installation and associated hardware Standpipe installation Each additional standpipe False fire alarm Recycling service: Single family Double bungalow Apartmentslcondos (2-8 units) Food establishment license Day care, limited food establishment license Take-out food facility license Packaged food sales license Food warehouse license $85.00 $85.00 $1 0.00 $250.00 for the third andeachsubsequent response within one calendar year $6.96 per quarter 6.96 per quarter 5.70 per quarter $495.00 per annum, $445.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd. 3C of this Code, plus $1 30.00 per annum for each additional facility $155.00 per annum $330.00 per annum, $280.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd. 3C of this Code $1 50.00 per annum 118 119 120 125 131 'I 32 133 135 136 137 138 $80.00 139 Page 17 MinuteslEdina City Council 12Pf9195 - SEC 735 850 900 900 900 900 900 SUBSEC. 735.03 850.04 Subd IC 900.06, Subd. I 900.04, Subd. 2 900.16, Subd. 3 900.16, Subd. I PURPOSE OF FEUCHARGE Catering food Itinerant food establishment license Retail candy shop Potentially hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering food vehicle I i c e n s e Food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more , food vehicles license Pushcart license Hotel, lodging or boarding house license Variance fee AMOUNT FEE NO. $495.00 per annum, 140 $445.00 if establishment license certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd. 3C of this Code, plus $130.00 per annum for each additional facility $85.00 per event 141 $60.00 per annum, plus $10.00 per license annum for each additional facility $100.00 per annum 143 1 42 I $500.00 per annum I44 $180.00 per annum, plus 145 $35.00 per annum for each additional vehicle $1 00.00 per annum 146 $500.00 per annum 147 147a I $145.00 per annum Hotels - $250.00 for 1-50 rooms and $2.00 per each room over 50 155 Residential $125.00 19Q Commercial $250.00 191 Non-intoxicating malt liquor license: On-sale $230.00 per annum (renewal) Off-sale $230.00 per annum (renewal) $290.00 per annum (new) $290.00 per annum (new) Temporary on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license $50.00 On-sale wine license (per year): Restaurants with 50 or fewer seats 51 - I00 seats, inclusive $750.00 $820.00 101 - 150 seats, inclusive $890.00 Over 150 seats $945.00 900.17, Manager's license Subd. 6A $70.00 per year 207 208 209 21 1 212 213 214 21 5 I 21 6 Page 18 MinuteslEdina Citv CouncillDecember 19, 1995 SEC SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEElCHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO. 1020 1020.02 False automatic alarm $100.00 for the third and each 220 - subsequent response Based upon water usage during quarter (Three month period falling between November 1 and March 1) I100 1100.03, Sewer service charge: Subd. 2 Single family dwellings, town houses, two-family dwellings, apartment buildings containing four or less dwelling units: To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and over I I00 11 00.03, Sewer service charge: Subd. 2 Commercial and industrial buildings, including schools and churches I I00 11 00.03, Water service: Subd. 2 $26.72 quarter $1.67 per 100 cubic feet 235 236 $34.00 per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises, or $1.67 per I00 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater 1. $0.58 per 100 cubic feet for areas City, except areas described below in 2. 2. $1.34 per I00 cubic feet for Morningside area and for east side of Beard Av. from West 54th St. to Fuller St. and both sides of Abbott PI. from West 54th St. to Beard Av. 3. Excessive use charge $.19/100 cubic ft. 238 242 243 244 I I00 1 100.03, Meter charge: Up to 3/4 inch meter $7.06/quarter Subd. 2 I inch meter 9.56/quarter 1 1/4 inch meter 10.93/quarter I % inch meter 12.30/quarter 2 inch meter 19.8Wquarter 3 inch meter 75.14/quarter 4 inch meter 95.63/quarter 245 I 105 11 05.01, Service Availability Subd. 1 Charge (SAC) 1300 1300.02, Refuse or recycling Subd. 1 hauler license 1305 1305.03 Scavenger license $900.00 per SAC unit x number of SAC units computed pursuant to Subsection 1105.01, Subd. 1 of this Code $220.00 per annum for first vehicle, $60.00 for each additional vehicle 250 270 $170.00 for first license, $120.00 for each annual renewal thereof 275 Section 2. Schedule A to Section 185 is hereby amended by adding the following fees thereto: 435 435.07 Gas piping permit administrative license $25.00 61a Page 19 MinuteslEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 1 Section 3. Following publication, the effective date of this Ordinance shall Janu I Mayor &5 ATTEST: Motion for adoption of the ordinance seconded by Member Paulus City Clerk Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Ordinance adopted. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED APPROVING 1996 PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEEICHARGES, AMBULANCE FEES AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Member Paulus made a motion to approve and adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION SETTING 1996 PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES PARK & RECREATION Playground $1 0.00 Pee Wee Tennis $20.00 Coach Pitch $30.00 Team Tennis $55.00 Tennis Instruction $30.00 ATHLETIC ACCOUNT FEES Adult Summer Softball: Co-Rec & Mens Classic Leagues $ 330.00 Mens, Womens, 35 8 Over & Industrial Leagues $ 295.00 Non-Resident Fee (individual) $ 25.00 Non-Resident Fee (team) $ 150.00 Co-Rec Leagues $ 225.00 Non-Resident Fee (individual) $ 25.00 Non-Resident Fee (team) $ 150.00 Officiated Leagues $ 205.00 Fall Adult Softball: Mens Leagues $ 200.00 Adult Volleyball: Non-Officiated Leagues $ 100.00 Non-Resident (individual) $ 10.00 Adult Softball Post Season Tournament: Adult Basketball: Team Entry Fee $ 50.00 3-Man League $ 40.00 5-Man C League $ 375.00 5-Man B League $ 375.00 Adult Hockey: Adult Broomball: Adult Bandy: 4-Man League $ 100.00 Co-Rec League $ 450.00 A-Divisi on $1,550.00 B-Division $1,125.00 C-Division $ 625.00 ART CENTER Memberships Family $ 35.00 Page 20 I I I MinuteslEdina City CouncillDecember 19, 1995 Individual $ 25.00 Class Fees* (based on number of hours in class) (Members - 10% discount) Non-Members 25 hrs $3.58 24 hrs $4.08 21 hrs $4.35 14 hrs $4.64 12 hrs $4.92 8 hrs $5.25 5 hrs $5.65 4 hrs $6.15 *all clay and children's classes add $5 ParentlChild Workshops * (includes I child & I adult) Non-MemlMem 90 min $15113 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 5 hrs 6 hrs 7 hrs 8 hrs *all clay classes add $5 Hourly Rate (as of Sept., 1995) Open skating (Youth & Adult) Skate Rental Skate Sharpening Season Tickets (eff. 1011195) Resident Family: first 2 members each additional member maximum (7 persons) Resident Individual Non-Resident Family: first 2 members each additional member maximum (7 persons) Non-Resident Individual Classes Pistol % hour 25 rounds trap Buildinglhr Daily rental Firearm Safety Season Tickets Resident Family first 2 members $17115 $21119 $27125 $31128 $34131 $39135 $42/38 ARENA $1 10.00 $ 2.50 $ 1.50 $ 2.50 $ 52.00 $ 5.00 $ 77.00 $ 42.00 $ 67.00 $ 5.00 $ 92.00 $ 52.00 $ 60.00 GUN RANGE $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 50.00 $165.00 $ 6.00 AQUATIC CENTER $ 45.00 Page 21 ' '? , MinuteslEdina City Council 12/19/95 each additional member maximum (8 members) Resident Individual Non-Resident Family first 2 members each additional member maximum (8 members) Non-Resident Individual Daily Admission Admission after 6 p.m. Aquatic Instruction Green Fees 18 hole - non patron 'I 8 hole - patron 9 hole - non patron 9 hole - patron Group Fees - 18 holes Group Fees - 9 hole Patron Cards Individual Executive Course Resident Non-Resident Men's 72'' Men's 42" Ladies' 72" Club Storage Club Rental Pull Carts Golf Cars 18 holes 9 holes Computerized Handicaps Lockers $ 10.00 $ 105.00 $ 40.00 $ 65.00 $ 10.00 $ 125.00 $ 60.00 $ 5.00 $ 3.00 $ 40.00 GOLF COURSE - BRAEMAR $ 21.00 $ 17.00 $ 11.50 $ 9.50 $ 29.00 $ 15.00 $ 55.00 $ 25.00 $ 16.00 $ 21.00 $ 35.00 $ 25.00 $ 15.00 $ 35.00 $ 7.00 $ 2.25 $ 20.00 $ 12.00 18 holeslone person wldisability $ 10.00 Group Car Fees $ 30.00 Group Golf Lessons Adult $ 58.00 Junior $ 30.00 EXECUTIVE COURSE - BRAEMAR Adult - non-patron Adult - patron Junior - non patron Junior - patron Golf Cars - everyone Pull carts Group Fees Resident -wedding related Non-resident - wedding related $ 8.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.75 $ 11.00 $ 625.00 $ 675.00 BRAEMAR ROOM Page 22 MinuteslEdina Citv CouncilDecember 19, 1995 Other events $250-$675 Concession Fees (an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule) EXECUTIVE COURSE - NORMANDALE Adult - non-patron $ 9.00 Adult - patron $ 8.00 Junior - non-patron $ 6.00 Junior - patron $ 5.00 Pull Carts $ 1.75 Golf Cars - everyone $ 10.00 Group Fees $ 11.00 GOLF RANGE Large Bucket $ 5.00 Small Bucket $ 3.00 Warm-up Bucket $ 1.50 Large Bucket $ 5.50 Senior Bucket $ 5.25 Time Golf % hour $ 8.00 League $695.00 EDINBOROUGH Daily Passes $ 3.00 Season Passes Edina Family GOLF DOME Hourly field rental $ 100.00 first 2 members $ 195.00 each additional member $ 15.00 maximum (7 members) $ 270.00 Edina Individual $ 180.00 Non Edina Family first 2 members $ 215.00 each additional member $ 20.00 maximum (7 members) $ 315.00 Non Edina Individual $ 195.00 Towel Fee $ 0.75 Skate Rental $ 1.50 Building Rentals Commercial Use (Trade Shows) $2,500.00 Category #1 City of Edina & BoardslAssoc. Category #2 (per hour) Edina Civic & Edina Schools (M-Th) Great Hall $ 150.00 Theatre $ 75.00 Grotto $ 50.00 Great Hall $ 300.00 Grotto $ 75.00 Theatre $ 125.00 Friday Evening $1,500.00 May-Oct $l7/day+$l Uman setupldown Category #3-General Fees(per hour) Category #4-Exclusive Rentals Page 23 MinuteslEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 Saturday Evening banners use of rink area cover ice area Domestic Photo Shoot (hourly) any park area blocked off Grotto Theatre Great Hall Ice Rink any park area blocked off Grotto Theatre Great Hall Ice Rink Rental Amenities Commercial Photo Shoot (hourly) t" $1,500.00 $ 100.00 $ 125.00 $ 400.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 CENTENNIAL LAKES Rental Concession items Paddle Boats 2-person boat/% hr $ 3.00 4-person boat/ W hr $ 5.00 Winter sled/ W hr $ 3.00 Ice Skates $ 1.50 Monday - Thursday Building Rental W day - W room $ 125.00 K day - full room $ 250.00 full day - full room $ 400.00 full day - W room $ 200.00 % evening - W room $ 200.00 Friday Evening (6pm-I Opm) % evening -full room $ 400.00 Friday Evening $ 600.00 Saturday Evening $ 600.00 W rooml4hr increments after 2PM $ 200.00 full rooml4hr increments after 2PM $ 400.00 PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS commercial use (i.e. T.V.)lhour $ 50.00 Picnic Shelterlday - Cornelia $ 70.00 Snowmobilelday $ 700.00 Athletic Fields - residents only Weekend Rental Full Evening (6pm - lam) Sunday Rentals General Park Areas: commercial use with lightslhour $ 100.00 per fieldlday $ 100.00 per field/hour $ 35.00 per hourlfield with lights $ 55.00 per day; wlformal gardenslgazebo $ 125.00 per hour, first hour $ 50.00 Arneson Acres Terrace Room Page 24 each add'l hour up to 4 hrs $ per day $ per hour, first hour $ $ Tupa Park: Cahill School & Grange Hall each add'l hour, up to 4 hrs MinuteslEdina City CouncillDecember 19,1995 25.00 125.00 50.00 25.00 VanValkenburg & Courtney Fields - residents only Edina Athletic Associations Edina Hockey Association per fieldlday, includes building $ 150.00 field user feelparticipant $ 6.00 outdoor hockey rink/ feelparticipant $ 6.00 Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION SETTING AMBULANCE FEES FOR 1996 Member Maetzold made a motion to approve and adopt the resolution setting Ambulance Fees for 1996: AMBULANCE FEES Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment andlor transportation to a medical facility: Level I - ON SCENE TREATMENT $ 170.00 Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved Vital Signs Splinting Bandaging, etc. I.V. Cell EKG Monitoring Spine Immobilization Level 111 plus any: Medications Level II - MINOR CARE (BLS) $ 380.00 Level 111 - MODERATE CARE (ALS) $ 465.00 Level IV - MAJOR CARE $ 535.00 MAST (inflated) Additional Manpower Mechanical Extrication Level V - CARDIAC ARREST $ 655.00 Level IV plus any: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Defibrillation OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION $ 30.00 MILEAGE FROM SCENE TO HOSPITAL $ 8.00/mile Motion seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION SETTING MISCELLANEOUS FEES FOR 1996 Member Smith made a motion to approve and adopt the following resolution: HAZARDOUS MATERIALSlSPILLS RESPONSE ENGlNElFlRE COMPANY $180.00 per hourl2 hour minimum Page 25 * I. I MinutesEdina Citv Council 12/19/95 HAZMAT UNIT $360.00 per hour SPECIALIZED PERSONNEL Regular Pay RateR hour minimum SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT Cost + 15% administrative charge SUPPLIES DISPOSAL OTHER CITY RESOURCES Cost + 15% administrative charge PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER $50.00 Motion seconded by Member Maetzold. Cost + 15% administrative charge Cost + 15% administrative charge Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Resolution adopted. *CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS STATUS REPORT PRESENTED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Kelly acknowledging receipt of the status report on construction projects presented by Finance Director Wallin. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 15,1995, and consisting of 31 pages: General Fund $349,197.34; C.D.B.G. $1,713.00; Communications $8,091.22; Working Capital $10,482.42; Art Center $11,456.07; Swimming Pool Fund $244.82; Golf Course Fund $51,700.01; Ice Arena Fund $22,001.40; Gun Range Fund $466.59; EdinboroughlCentennial Lakes $29,837.99; Utility Fund $40,47529; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $23,897.98; Recycling Program $35,718.27; Liquor Dispensary Fund $70,837.41; Construction Fund $18,252.38; TOTAL $673,372.19; and for confirmation of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 7,1995, and consisting of 9 pages: General Fund $1 17,735.76; Golf Course Fund $404.65; Liquor Dispensary Fund $345,096.20; TOTAL $463,236.61. Motion seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion camed. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Pro Tern Kelly adjourned the meeting at 10:38 P.M. Page 26