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Email or Phone VS2- t, ( o RECEIVED AN 0 7 2019 RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. Address E.2-(0 y iDet- Name 3 Scortuk- ssico 5213 16fuccal-rAc 4. NO 'pi) Aqi."; 2 iivco c 261 Toioc A -7 a c. 5. Vri S Fin LA) 6. i,e4 e_ e `we 8. W11,4ini 9. 10. 6 4L--, 15 CtArVeA, -F61(C>tat 7-1 52.tiq Loch/0y ph 500 Is (reeex./Filyte.s-G1— cC7Yi 6 k'pt? wry Pi 9'12_ 64247044767 -2 3~ SSS 9-5Z - Z3q-ag gi 6147- c-S- S-23 2- Loc, r C(;1 (k4-,evf,c,40, C' w, SC 490 tAkOk,--e- (tit, 5-&( 5106i aler t5e4IG S-C1i RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to peiiiianently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. 4. Jfro 5. 6. kreara jnitRa 7. On r‘ sbncL16 cabevo 8. \)( 110g (V iqA(V1\9/4( 9.14 1/4 12. 13. 14. 15 Address Lodd) Rd, c)11)- Loontol pr. 6 24n La. otit Lest 772-v C221 00,0/214.0/0 (day 5201 LoCtnlet Dc) 5}os Dorf tiart6a: Email or Phone - cx,,,1:jeJ \ 6 t w - • C~rk PS PTV )61 ataintoioleirtd‘,. bar befcri—c (9 Cory\ VI /70X131e4 coo) cisi_-\--eiD (6/ 2,}Th 7/t7 —7 7 7 Address Email or Phone L-CXJ\ 1 /) , h ckkimeil (.41-et it? (2, V--i4 S-ZZ L-0C11- Lo-( 01,2 s-ren Y5D1, 16'. aLt(oLit c1.5-: 609 Li 6-2/ 52— ^ 22P s-r bevpiy 5z°1 p f'st \c2[ jv 7 3 ,c-P-0-7 10 /f5ji (01 C R .c-t6 6 co tP uolyt ?, c3 Loc" j'e tA 00 (P)3,ro ,r, cHr 52-563 kA-P0,96 , 4.S- 7 z7-04-2)/ yv_zi a/cq (9o)\-) i 8 L-Et1 Lodnio eSe', Name 1. 4. j RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. 2. 5 TT" /3 r s tt 3. -Pai 063,5* 8' 11601 I i30-0 CPO A~/-I~I~C'l~t Pti 15 Address Me AZ 5c 233 Ze-4 a Email or Phone 9S 9024 oi Name ea W1504 5-2,2.7- or-it leo! ) 3.r1n "5 1))M .5.641,5 6.oti 512 .2 V 4.(bMiblOOWQ- ee RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. Address Email or Phone 12271(4-4 51045 inkriff C:(r, 2. MA_vdpecthi f Rt./ k:in 564 Z .--1---qWetAgift Cut; tvtay,1,0 r wort 3. deArlier Ti'? key s&O Ot,Cha7 ~i r hea91-At044)7-7-)K5 Si\vcr \A-1-e-Aac,IvZ)1( \c) L\60Nv, Z,(517 6. ?v. IQ! 7. 9. bi,g ken IA 60 1-01 Name ;raj o haonyntaytiit 4. 15 atl-e' 104011A SO ip 1 I in-to,/ 14- rwpalee vetmete c--//t/L tarelz-Lie-c*N1 rti? (9 -4 ekif 66:-)-)-111111LOI2_ A-,)()g-f6-5-s nq m\naykr (61f9) -(A-Z3 16/L) i)-oz 1--711) 11)(1M. - klef 45-1-0 7,-tE /Apo, zo/Al-,5 5//3 /(1/ ,Tor Lakes Di-L )_ 5b0S A-(454rei suua 9. RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. Name Address Email or Phone 5/ zy so oi,e DR 44-iliZytTes j /kw, • (Y)) P cow erk V-a sv4kose 0110.4'.;:&(4- y°1 I1, 1%g Ott )Chut-il cak i rokkohl epirlei„s-bvt 41\rdl`b-r, ) e.4 00 kirtu vce,4 _lit-Eka\o--Zttd Obladl (r 1-1-1 =-rtfu-Ic,c,,k,Ln esavn 11. kl* 0 f 12. 114Z-L 41:c CO 51 10jci,ci 64)11 Maw Poi SIN ,CLk,hhei PvIA 5Dzo iiae. C:Je, 500% RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. Name 1. 2. OtOtAvec_SiCie 3. /12/1z, 5.tai MOUES 6. fllty kVA)) bU 7. CrAY4 tk to)covu 8. -604 5c::36) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 \roli 0 ACL, Z- Lev:1147 4( 11,5 5V1 Ptimo k r 'entries .1ov riled .(mt c(°[ Viz. S- to l Sli‹../ it Ar 1)( 5-11 3 FuDsscA ateT: Address S,Z7 6 (6 d Email or Phone -el.r yivE1/ cowl cw \iNe5e/a0 r-AD L'f\ RESTORATION OF HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY We, the undersigned residents and/or nearby residents of the Highland Park neighborhood of Edina, do hereby respectfully request that the City of Edina allocate the necessary resources to permanently rectify the flooding of the wild portion of Highland Park. Said flooding has made large portions of the park, including the walking paths, unusable for residents and has caused serious damage to nearby residential properties. We believe the City of Edina has a fiduciary duty to maintain this municipal asset in a manner that will restore and maintain the usefulness of all portions of Highland Park. Email or Phone ‘(/' Isfaio Oder 171.w4 ©Ceti-ur e 1 e, &wt.: pcL6ki- 6(A/116k-1440-k Name Address 4.14.1 Lingigeko, ,s-zU Dowasto— wvi-y 3. 444014- IVdt ' riyave 4 .?(AAA Oktitvut H-05044 9mDavia 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 7ak cefAitA. - \ r`c,42 777-e,-- s\i7 0, (zigiAla p\J-,A, iffew2,, 9, feq6.3(6-t, -7-Agfry dzt 7)1r K-I-N 9 Le 7 a a/ tz -6L ,cl rA4,4,t,„ q '64J- ztv-o ag-CtetQJ eee 4A-d-eg 41( P 94. 73ecda ("LAI „(,)-r,,Ja retqYzy a /5-77-ee -1-KA ;i4 -eqf cot, avR,( '66 Vid7 f24„e , /60-0-0-a6i, .69A_L 0-0- 06 3 -ate} a 40(1.en;_p r re-e2Le a-4 crneyst-N, 4314,) if-to, azLx_ez fhetrzait, A:„e..1„ei gA0 y741 '/(z 01/, a,64;41--p,h Met,x, v.a& .62 4__erti„."cia- 0 fit,ca 7-76e- L4,4_ at /1 e 7 Ski-en,x-i /t4pet-e2-, / 1 c-6 24" idie4 (I-ke ,L,I,J)-ertk Lr e-7-7 r, S-174 0 afrtc A /Q 2'(L -g' .0312; eirt (14, a 6 e9e1,,,a rz, fh")-Lett_Ai4 p4.< (91-tr,71(-1-Z-;-,P 61-1-0-e-eL A 6 ti,;;A2,-,d ta,rteue 4. icrAL4 , -,0-44^.0 CUP/C4-1-17-44,-Erl ) „ .e 66,_ r-r r bi,..(30,_ c..4t,th_." v,, 6:k , 0 , (Tv -q.; ,1,,,r.a..--i r ..."i-• -- / / & Al a"-17 'tIrd4evi CD4- ouiti ) Lee 67-‘, iLiti-trL4 i kte \ -e, ail alai° Of6 -MO "61:1, (l'aNj (--a-Ok(TYla",./vgA i eQ-ilL_gl ,x-14 -4 61-k -14,67d f,,,,4-6,7 „Li A-6 , - 0 2 AtA c,- A ,/ 4.-3 .4 tw,t, 1,5 6 , 0,.. r r. P/tyla-Letv ,ity-et-r,