HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960903_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 3,1996 - 7:OO P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Richards. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 7:04 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold adopting the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONSTITUTION WEEK PROCLAIMED Public Law 91 5 guarantees issuance of a proclamation by the President of the United States of America, designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week and urges all citizens to study the Constitution and reflect on the privilege of being an American with all the rights and responsibilities which that privilege involves. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19.1996. AND SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 26. 1996. APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 19,1996, and Special Meeting of August 26,1996. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. PRELIMINARY REZONING APPROVED - R-I SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO PRD-3, PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT (5120 AND 5124 FRANCE AVENUE) - HANS KUHLMAN Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen stated that the proponent has reviewed the Findings that Staff prepared at Council’s direction and would like to address the Council regarding a modified proposal he has submitted. I I Mayor Richards queried the Council of their wishes to review the proponents new plan. Consensus was to let Mr. Kuhlman present his modified plan. Proponent Proposal Hans Kuhlman, 51 04 Halifax Avenue South, presented the modified plan for seven townhouse units. Mr. Kuhlman presented a handout comparing the density of ten Multi-Family housing developments in the area with the proposed development. Mr. Kuhlman stated that his proposal is less dense than the ten properties against which he compared densities. Modifications to the plan submitted at the September 3, 1996 Council meeting are as follows: 0 The driveway is now ten feet from both the north and south property lines, no longer requiring a variance; The building no longer requires a variance being 22 feet from both the north and south property lines; Guest parking has been removed from the rear of the property to as originally presented in front of the townhouses on France Avenue side of property; The two upper level flats would access at grade garages from rear of building; Two lower level flats and three 2-story units would access underground garages Property would be regraded improving the overall drainage from existing 0 0 0 0 from France Avenue side of property; and drainage. Page 1 MinuteslEdina City CouncillSeptember 3.1996 Mr. Kuhlman concluded stating his proposal meets all of Edina Code requirements for a development of this type and he requested Council favorably consider his request. -. Public Comment Steve Marx, 5121 Gorgas Avenue, stated Hans Kuhlman has been very honest in dealing with neighbors and recommends approval ’of project. Hartley Johnson, 51 29 Gorgas Avenue, informed Council his previous problems with the development have been eliminated with the modified plan as presented to Council tonight. Bev Durkee, 5125 Gorgas Avenue, reported that Hans Kuhlman has addressed her previous concerns adequately. Ms. Durkee stated the “Community” has worked together on this project and she would heartily endorse its approval. Coralyn Dahlstrom, 51 16 France Avenue, informed Council she approved of the changes to the plan and is agreeable to its approval. Council Discussion/Action Council discussed the proposed plan as modified and presented. Mayor Richards stated his intent to not support the proposal. Member Maetzold indicated his support of the proposal as modified. Member Paulus stated her belief that the concerns raised at previous meetings have been addressed by the developer. Member Kelly noted the modified plan impressed her favorably. Member Kelly moved approval of First Reading of Ordinance No. 850 A-8 approving the rezoning of the property at 5120 and 5124 France Avenue, conditioned upon Final Rezoning as follows: I ORDINANCE NO. 850-A8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 850) BY REZONING PROPERTY TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (PRD-3) FROM SINGLE DWELLING DISTRICT (R-I) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section I. Subsection 850.06 of Section 850 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding the following thereto: “The extent of the Planned Residential District (PRDS) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: 5120 and 5124 France Avenue South The extent of the Single Dwelling District (R-I) is reduced by removing the property described above from the R-4 District.” Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith Nays: Richards First Reading granted. Motion seconded by Member Maetzold PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD: PRELIMINARY REZONING- R-1 SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO PRD-1. PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OLDE VERNON (SOUTH Page 2 MinutedEdina City Council/September 3.1996 OF VERNON AVENUE AND EAST OF OLINGER ROAD) - PHILIP STEPHEN COMPANY CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 7. 1996 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. I Presentation bv Planner Planner Larsen informed Council the subject property is an undeveloped tract of land measuring 9.1 acres in area. A development proposal has been submitted requesting rezoning the property from R-I , Single Dwelling District to PRD-1 Planned Residence District and allow a development of 34 townhouse dwellings. Planner Larsen stated that approximately 15 years ago the property owner submitted development plans for the property. Initially, the request illustrated 36 townhouse units, however, later it became 14 single dwelling lots and six double dwelling unit lots. Planner Larsen outlined the 1981 and 1982 reviews and decisions as follows: 0 0 0 Petition to rezone for 36 townhouse unit development submitted in May, 1981 Planning Commission and Council held hearings between June & October, 1981 Raised issues of land use, density, and traffic, including extension of Wycliffe Townhouse request withdrawn by developer, December of 1981 Property owner submitted new proposal, August 1982, requested six single 0 Planning Commission and Council held hearings between August and Approved Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat containing 14 single Developer did not return requesting final approval so preliminary approvals Road to Vernon Avenue 0 0 dwelling lots and 13 double dwelling lots December 1982 considering several development options dwelling lots and 6 double dwelling lots December 6, 1982 became null and void in December 6,1983 0 0 I Planner Larsen continued the new proposal requests a rezoning of the property to PRD-I allowing development with a 34 unit townhouse project. Also before Council is a request for preliminary plat approval of a 34 unit townhouse subdivision. Planner Larsen reviewed the proposal for compliance regarding: 0 Access - 31 of the units would be served by a loop road following the old road bed going through the property. Three units would access Olinger Road. No access to the neighborhood south of the development. Hennepin County has reviewed and given preliminary approval to the curb cuts. proposal provides 11,660 sq. ft. lot area per dwelling unit gross site basis or 10,507 sq. ft. lot area, net of water. The PRD-I district requires a total acreage of ten acres, therefore the proposal requires a .9 acre variance. proposal is at approximately 17 percent. and 25 feet rearyard. The proposal complies with setbacks with the exception of one two unit building along Vernon Avenue where the front yard setback is 20 feet due to the jog in the Vernon Avenue right-of-way. are two-units. Edina’s Zoning Ordinance allows up to eight units per building. basement or walkout level of the same size. Two story units would have a second floor of 1,325 sq. ft. Exterior materials would be stucco with brick accents . 0 Density - The PRD-1 district requires 10,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit. The 0 Lot coveraae - Lot coverage in the PRD-I District is limited to 25 percent. The Setbacks required in the PRD-1 district are: 30 feet front yard, 20 feet sideyards 0 0 Buildinus -Two buildings are proposed as three-unit buildings and the remaining Individual Units - Each unit would have a main floor of 1,525 sq. ft., and a 0 Page 3 MinuteslEdina City CouncillSeptember 3.1996 0 Conservation Restriction - The required I00 foot setback from Hawkes Lake is Comprehensive Plan - The site is illustrated as suitable for “Low Density Parkinq - An attached two car garage is provided for each unit as required by provided. A small gazebo is illustrated within the restriction area. The gazebo would require City approval. Residential”. This is the same designation the site carried in the 1981-82 hearings. Ordinance. Space for parking in front of the .garage is also provided. An additional 17 surface parking spaces are provided in three locations. The parking conforms to Ordinance requirements. rn rn Planner Larsen concluded that after reviewing the proposal the Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat conditioned upon: I. Final Rezoning approval, 2. Final Plat approval, 3. Developers Agreement, 4. Watershed District permit, 5. Subdivision Dedication, and 6. No Structure in the 100 foot Conservation Restriction area. Philip Dommer, introduced himself as the developer of the property representing Leo Evans, the owner. Mr. Dommer introduced Perry Bolin, master planner and architect of the project. Mr. Dommer reviewed what the developers believe to be key components of the proposal. Public Comment Rich Hector, 5816 Merold Drive, speaking for many of his neighbors, stated they support development, but the development must meet the zoning goals. Mr. Hector stated they have three concerns: 1) Density is too high;, 2) Physical setbacks from existing property; and 3) Lack of transitional buffers and/or berms to existing housing. Mr. Hector added Edina had always promoted and preserved single family homes. The “Olde Vernon” property would be more valuable as single family homes. He concluded the good of the community must come before an individual developer. I Georgia Kaiser, 5533 Dundee, stated she is totally in favor of the project. Many Edina residents wish to stay in one level townhomes, but there are few available. The new project will meet this need, and in addition, will enhance the surrounding area as a well maintained nicely landscaped area vs. the existing site. Lyndon Moquist, 5612 Heather Lane expressed grave concern about the project. Mr. Moquist stated he was born and raised in Edina and has sold real estate for the past seven years, however, his concern is that the City look to the best use of the property. Mr. Moquist believes there is a greater need for single family homes not townhomes. John Forney, 5821 Merold Drive, stated that previously after lengthy review this site was granted approval to develop, but only with 14 single family homes and 12 double homes. Mr. Forney believes this density should still be in effect. Roy Bums, 5708 Warden Avenue expressed concern over the environmental impact on Hawkes Lake. He stressed the importance of maintaining the natural condition easement, allowing no structure or changes within I00 feet of Hawkes Lake. Steve McCormick, 5613 Heather Lane voiced concem over the increase in traffic on Vernon Avenue. Mr. McCormick stated traffic is already a problem on Vernon and 34 townhouses will just make a bad Page 4 ' MinuteslEdina City CouncillSeptember 3.1996 situation worse. He also noted that a public access should be maintained to Hawkes Lake. Lynn Galla, 5932 Groves Street, expressed concern regarding density of the project, the lack of transition between the multi family and existing single family housing, increased traffic and potential I for decrease in property values to existing homes. Bobby Goldaris, 5701 Wycliffe Road, requested that Wycliffe Road remain closed from the new development. Mr. Goldaris voiced his concern with increasing traffic and stated Hawkes Lake already has an algae problem. Additional development will add to these existing situations. Mr. Goldaris concluded by reminding Council that trees are necessary to maintain air quality and to keep producing oxygen for the atmosphere. Mike Shelton, 5536 Mirror Lakes Drive added his concern with the density and lack of transition between the existing single family homes and proposed multi family townhomes. Mr. Shelton would support single family homes in the area. Daryl Seifert, 5901 Merold Drive commented that during the previous discussion of the France Avenue project, the developer had worked with neighbors. Mr. Seifert stated in his opinion the developers had not been working with the neighbors. He would like to see berms shielding the single family homes. Jacob Mirman, 5620 Wycliffe stated he moved in four years ago and called City Hall. Mr. Mirman recalled that City Hall told him the area would always be single family homes. Philip Dommer responding to the various concerns raised by the neighbors pointed out the following: the selected stormwater management elicits a density bonus under Edina's zoning code; proposed building setbacks exceed those required of single family home; this site is a transitional site according to the Edina Comprehensive Plan, and in the 80's projects were being built with a mix of single family and double home, however, that has ceased to happen. Mr. Dommer pointed out the differences between the present proposal and that of the 1980's. 0 0 Since 1982 the Comprehensive Plan has been proven; Single family regulations are different; Perception of Townhomes was different in 1982 1996 traffic count 10,000, vehicle trips/day vs. 1982 traffic count of 9,500 vehicle 82 single family proposal eliminated more trees than current proposal Neighborhood support is important, therefore eliminated Wycliffe connection, 0 Environmental regulations are different; 0 Market conditions are different; 0 0 tripdday, today's proposal would add 204 vehicle tripdday while the 1982 proposal would add 260 vehicle trips/day landscaping will be very high quality and berming will be reviewed. Council Discussion/Action Member Kelly questioned the safety relative to emergency response access. She expressed concern with the three unit buildings and would add to the Planning Commissions conditions of approval landscaping requirements. Member Smith observed he could not support the proposal and reminded the Comprehensive Plan is a guide. He believes that the best use of the site is single family dwellings. The proposal is too dense and the clusters are too close. In addition, there is not enough transition backing up to the existing single family dwellings. Member Maetzold indicated his support of the proposal. In his opinion, the proposal meets the Page 5 MinuteslEdina Citv CouncillSeptember 3,1996 Comprehensive Plan and is a good transition for the site. The density compares favorably to nearby single family and other multi-family projects. He expressed concern with what is intended for the conservation restriction when it be left in open space or natural conditions and suggested berming be addressed in the developers agreement if the project proceeds. Member Paulus submitted the Council strives to ascertain what is best for Edina when making decisions, also to define what neighborhood is, but also to respect the rights of proponents as well as residents. Remember the Comprehensive Plan is a guide for use by private individuals to see planned future uses of property as well as potential developers. (When a proposal meets Code requirements ground for denial are difficult.) She continued the current proposal asks for one density variance, that in staff's opinion is a hardship due to a shift in the Vernon Avenue right of way. Edina Code does not define one housing type as better or worse than another housing type. The existing neighborhood has known for fourteen years that whatever would be developed on the site would be massive whether single family or multi family. Member Paulus observed it appears the current proposal has met all Edina regulations. Mayor Richards commented he has never been a proponent of density maximizing development. He continued that he could conceptually support a single family attached proposal, however, this proposal is too dense. Thirty-four units are too many for the site. Mayor Richards believes the 1982 density is still valid and the proposal's density should be reduced and a greater separation should be added between the existing single family neighborhood to the south. Member Smith stated his greatest concem is density and the closeness of the development to existing neighborhood. He suggested he could look at a combination of single family and part attached housing in a different plan. Council briefly discussed their views on the site being a single family as opposed to planned residence low density. Consensus was the PRD-I was acceptable, but a different plan than currently proposed with Member Smith stating his first preference was for single family. I Member Smith moved to continue consideration of the preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat of Olde Vernon until October 7,1996, and grant a sixty day extension from action until November 14, 1996. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MA7TERS Motion of Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold setting September 16, 1996, as hearing date for planning matters as follows: Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Allowing funeral homes as a Conditional Use in the Planned Office District (71 IO France Avenue South) Final Development Plan - Braemar Oaks Apartments (7150 Cahill Road) (Doug and Harvey Hansen) I) 2) Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR DEFIBRILLATORIMONITORIPACEMAKER FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for Fire Department defibrillator/monitor/pacemaker to sole bidder Physio-Control Corporation at $8,100.00 ($5,000 funded by Foundation, $2,200 funded by donations and $900 from Fire Department budget). Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ABOUT TOWN PAPER SUPPLY Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for summer issue of About Town paper supply to sole Page 6 r , MinutedEdina City Council/September 3.1996 bidder, Unisource at $6,413.1 0. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR LUMBER FOR HOCKEY RINK CONSTRUCTION AT LEWIS AND NORMANDALE PARKS Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for lumber for hockey rink construction at Lewis and Normandale Parks to recommended low bidder, Knox Lumber Company at $9,407.91. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR UPGRADES TO EDINBOROUGH PARK. CENTENNIAL LAKES AND BRAEMAR ARENA FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMPLIANCE Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for upgrades to Edinborough Park, Centennial Lakes and Braemar Arena for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance to recommended low bidder, A-A Contracting at $91,400.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR PURCHASE/INSTALLATION OF POWER DOORS AT EDINBOROUGH PARK. CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK AND BRAEMAR ARENA FOR ADA COMPLIANCE Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for purchase/installation of power doors at Edinborough Park, Centennial Lakes Park and Braemar Arena for ADA compliance to recommended low bidder, Door Service Company at $37,194.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR STREET RECYCLING/MILLING - HILLDALE AREA IMPROVEMENT NO. A- 179 Motion of Member Smith seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for street recyclinglmilling - Hilldale area improvement No. A-179 to recommended low bidder, Hardrives, Inc., at $97,258.50. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR REMODEL OF WELL HOUSE NO. 8 - RIDGEVIEW Motion of Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for remodel of well house No. 8 - Ridgeview to recommended low bidder, Noonan Construction at $8,640.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. FAMILY SERVICES COLLABORATIVE PRESENTED Manager Rosland reminded Council one of SHeRPA's major goals was to look at family services in Edina as well as in Eden Prairie, Richfield and Bloomington. After a great deal of citizen and staff input during the past two years, the conclusion reached by everybody was to create a collaborative regarding human services. Funding has been received from the State and SHeRPA directed its energies toward the culmination of this project. The South Hennepin Family Services Collaborative is a major systems restructuring initiative in South Hennepin to create an integrated system of services and supports for families and children that is family focused and empowering, comprehensive and providing a continuum of services, focused on prevention and early intervention, built on strengths of families, community based, and culturally relevant. The Collaborative began in March, 1994 and is a formal partnership between the four South Hennepin cities, their school districts, Bloomington Public Health and Hennepin County. The broader partnership includes parents, private social service and health care providers, religious organizations, businesses and other community-based organizations. SHeRPA is the lead coordinating organization and provides staffing and governance for the project. The Family Support Network is a broad network of organizations providing support to families and individuals, including health, housing, educational, recreational, child welfare, public safety, human service and informal community supports. The foundations of the network are Community Resource Page 7 MinutedEdina City CounciVSeptember 3.1996 Centers, Memorandums of Understanding between Network members, a collaborative information system and ongoing training which are being developed by the Collaborative. Manager Rosland noted a request has been received for $3,000 of in-kind services from the City and $20,000 per year for the City’s share of funding a Resource Center. The School District is contributing $8,800 into in-kind services as well as the $20,000.00. Staff would recommend approval. I Manager Rosland introduced Alice Randall, Community Education Services with the Edina Public Schools, Liaison to the Collaborative and Ann Boerth, Implementation Coordinator of Local Resource Centers. Following a brief discussion, Member Smith made a motion approving funding of the Family Services Collaborative’s Community Resource Center in the amount of $3,000 for in-kind services and $20,000 for additional revenue. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *DATE SET OF NOVEMBER 6.1996. FOR CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS FOR GENERAL ELECTION Motion of Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold setting November 6, 1996, 5:OO P.M. for canvassing of election returns for the General Election. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes, *MnDOT “NO PARKING” RESOLUTION ADOPTED Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS I WHEREAS, the “City” has planned improvements as follows: A. CAHILL ROAD FROM WEST 70TH STREET TO WEST 78TH STREET (NO PARKING ANY TIME - EAST SIDE) B. WEST 78TH STREET FROM EAST BUSH LAKE ROAD TO GLEASON ROAD (NO PARKING ANY TIME - BOTH SIDES) C. WEST 70TH STREET FROM METRO BOULEVARD TO CAHILL ROAD (NO PARKING ANY TIME - SOUTH SIDE) D. WEST 70TH STREET FROM TH 100 TO METRO BOULEVARD (NO PARKING ANY TIME - BOTH SIDES) * E. GLEASON ROAD FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO DEWEY HILL ROAD (NO PARKING ANY F. WEST 70TH STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO XERXES AVENUE (NO PARKING ANY TIME - BOTH SIDES) and WHEREAS, the “City” will be spending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of said street; and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street. Approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the “City” shall ban the parking of motor vehicles as stated above at all times. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota this 3rd day of September, 1996. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. 1997 PROPOSED BUDGET ADOPTED AND 1997 TAX LEVY ESTABLISHED Mayor Richards reminded the Council that action must be taken to adopt a proposed budget and tax levy for 1997 for TIME -WEST SIDE) I Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. Page 8 MinutedEdina Citv Council/September 3.1996 certification to Hennepin County. RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1997, AND ESTABLISHING PROPOSED TAX LEVY THE 1997 PAYABLE IN 1997 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The Budget for the City of Edina for calendar year 1997, is hereby proposed as follows: Section 2. Estimated receipts other General Tax Levy, including HACA aid, are hereby proposed as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $4,548,435 Section 3. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amount as follows: Adopted this 3rd day of September, 1996 I TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1 7,079,679 FOR GENERAL FUND $12,531,244 Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE SET Manager Rosland reminded Council that the City is required to inform Hennepin County of its Truth in Taxation hearing dates. He pointed out available dates on the calendar to the Council. Following a brief Council discussion, Member Kelly made a motion setting Wednesday, December 4,1996,5:00 P.M. for Truth in Taxation initial hearing, December 16, 1996, at 7:OO P.M. for the continuation hearing date, and Thursday, December 26,1996, for the Budget Adoption hearing and the Year End Meeting at 300 P.M. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. I CLAIMS PAID Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated August 28, 1996, and consisting of 31 pages: General Fund $3,586,650.02; Communications $1 06.28; Working Capital $26,423.1 0; Art Center $7,667.57; Swimming Pool Fund $2,128.67; Golf Course Fund $22,589.55; Gun Range Fund $39.46; EdinboroughlCentennial Lakes $1 1,588.33; Utility Fund $322,885.38; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $6,287.85; Recycling Program $427.00; Liquor Dispensary Fund $1 65,438.66; Construction Fund $6,517.11; Park Bond Fund $8,652.82; IMP Bond Redemption #2 $994.25; TOTAL $4,168,396.05. Motion seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:32 P.M. 1 City Clerk Page 9