HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2014-068 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Residential Density For Mixes Use Areas, Bldg Hght FAR and Land Use RESOLUTION NO. 2014-68
Section 1. BACKGROUND.
1.01 The Metropolitan Council has requested that the City of Edina establish new residential
density ranges within the City's Comprehensive Plan to better align with the description of
the uses allowed within each District.Floor area ratio alone cannot be used to determine
densities within mixed use areas as suggested in the text of the Comprehensive Plan.
1.02 Lennar Corporation is proposing to tear down the existing retail building at 6725 York
Avenue, and single family homes at 6712,6708,6704,6700 and 6628 Xerxes Avenue,and build
a six-story,240 unit upscale apartment building with 11,000 square feet of retail on the first
level.To accommodate the request,three amendments to the Comprehensive Plan were
approved by the City Council:
1. Building Height-from 4 stories and 48 feet to 6 stories and 70 feet.
2. Floor Area Ratio-to exceed 1.0 in some instances.
3. Re-guiding the Land Use Plan for the five single-family homes on Xerxes from Low
Density Residential to Community Activity Center.
1.03 On June 11,2014,the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Comprehensive
Plan Amendment.Vote: 7 Ayes and 0 Nays.
Section 2. FINDINGS
2.01 The Edina Comprehensive Plan is a guide for development and redevelopment in the city that
establishes density ranges for the purposes of managing growth. Density in mixed use and
planned commercial districts are primarily regulated by Floor Area Ratio within the existing
Edina Zoning Ordinance.
2.02 Residential density ranges within the City's mixed use areas including CAC,Community
Activity Center;MXC,Mixed Use Center;OR,Office Residential;and NC,Neighborhood
Commercial District are between 1-2 and 2-3 units per acre,which are not feasible for the
intended mixed-use character or opportunity in these areas.The City's LDR,Low Density
Residential District allows up to 5 units per acre,which is a higher density than the above
mixed use districts. The RM,Regional Medical District does not have a residential density
range and senior housing is a permitted use.
2.03 By establishing new residential density ranges for these areas,the city would create the
feasibility for mixed use projects. Changes to these residential density ranges would be
accommodating growth that had already been anticipated and planned for in the City's future
population projections.
4801 West 50th Street•Edina,Minnesota 55424
www.EdinaMN.gov•952-927-8861 •Fax 952-826-0389
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2.04. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the Southdale area and the CAC as the most intense
district in terms of uses,height and coverage.The City allows a floor area ratio of up to 1.5 in
other parts of the City, such as 50th France.The floor area ratio maximum in the CAC is 1.0.
The suggested density of 2-3 units per acre would result in less density than the City's Low
Density Residential area;which allows up to 5 units per acre,would not encourage a mixture
of land uses. A density range of 12-75 units per acre in this area is reasonable given the
description of this area is the city's most intense district in terms of uses,height and coverage.
Floor area ratio would continue to impact densities based on the Zoning Ordinance
2.05. The OR,Office Residential District guides density at a range of 2-3 units per acre in the current
Comprehensive Plan. An OR density of 12-30 units per acre would be consistent with High
Density Residential District and reasonable to encourage mixed use development.
2.06. The MXC,Mixed Use Center district guides density at a range of 1-2 units per acre.These
areas include 50th&France,Grandview and Centennial Lakes/Greater Southdale area. A
Mixed Use Center density of 12-30 units would be consistent with High Density Residential
district and reasonable to encourage mixed use development.This density range is consistent
with existing densities in all three of these areas,including 50th and France Condos (23 units
per acre) and 71 France in the Centennial Lakes area (24 units per acre),and Grandview
Square (29 units per acre.)
2.07 The NC,Neighborhood Commercial District guides density at a range of 1-2 units per acre. A
density of 5-12 units would be consistent with Medium Density Residential district and
reasonable to encourage mixed use development.
2.08 The RM,Regional Medical District is an area that is proposed for senior housing,and does not
have a specific range for density.A Comprehensive Plan amendment was approved for the
senior housing project at 6500 France. Senior Housing creates a lesser impact on traffic;
therefore,higher densities can be supported in this area. Density for senior housing shall also
be based on proximity to hospitals,proximity to low density uses,utilities capacity,level of
transit service available,and impact on adjacent roads. Other desired items to allow greater
density would include: Below grade parking,provision of park or open space,affordable
housing,sustainable design principles,and provision of public art. A density range of 12-80
units per acre is reasonable to encourage that use in the district.
2.09. Establishing higher residential density ranges within mixed use areas,align with other
elements of the Comprehensive Plan,including growth that had been forecasted by the
Metropolitan Council.
2.10. The proposed densities using unit per acre are consistent with the existing descriptions of each
land use category in the Comprehensive Plan;are consistent with existing development in
Edina;and are consistent with the existing Edina Zoning Ordinance.
2.11. There is adequate roadway capacity and sewer capacity to support the proposed residential
density ranges proposed in these mixed use areas.
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2.12. The proposed land use change of the single family homes on Xerxes Avenue are consistent
with existing and proposed land uses in this area.The City of Richfield has guided the single
family homes on the east side of Xerxes as medium density residential,and the property to the
north west and south in Edina are guided CAC,Community Activity Center;therefore,the
long term vision of both Edina and Richfield in this area is for higher densities.
2.13. Podium height is proposed on both Xerxes and York as recommended in the Comprehensive
Plan. The six story portion of the building is stepped back into the site to minimize impact on
adjacent property.
2.14. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the Southdale area and the CAC as the most intense
district in terms of uses,height and coverage.The City allows a floor area ratio of up to 1.5 in
other parts of the City,such as 50th France;therefore,the floor area ratio of the proposed use
at 1.27,which is predominantly residential,is appropriate for the area.
2.15. The traffic and parking study done by WSB concludes that the existing roadways can support
the proposed project,and there would be adequate parking provided.
NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by City Council of the City of Edina,Minnesota as follows:
3.01 Resolution 2014-51 is rescinded.
3.02 The following Comprehensive Plan Amendments are approved subject to review by the
Metropolitan Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §473.864:
A. Future Land Use Categories. The categories in the table below apply to the Future
Land Use Plan. It is important to note that land use categories are not zoning districts -they
are broader and more long-term in scope. The land use plan and the zoning ordinance
should be consistent with one another,but are not identical. Each land use category may be
implemented through more than one zoning district, allowing for important differences in
building height, bulk and coverage in different areas of the city. Some revisions to existing
zoning districts or creation of new districts may ultimately be needed as part of the
implementation of the land use plan.
Land uses are characterized primarily by range of densities or intensities. For residential
uses, density is defined in terms of dwelling units per net acre (exclusive of road rights-of-
way and public lands). For nonresidential and mixed uses, intensity is typically defined in
terms of floor-to-area ratio, or FAR,which refers to the ratio of a building's floor area to the
size of its lot. A density unit per acre range is listed below, however, in practice FAR limits
the density in the Edina Zoning Ordinance based on site size. Thus, a maximum FAR of 1.0
could allow for a two-story building covering 50% of the lot; a 3-story building on one-third
of the lot, and so on. Building heights are not specified in the table,because height will vary
within and between categories,based on neighborhood context, infrastructure, and
community design goals. (See the discussion later in this section.)
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The "Development Guidelines" in the table below are intended to highlight important design
considerations for each land use category, but are not regulatory in nature. When residential
development is proposed in a mixed use district, the residential density range shall apply, in
addition to the FAR requirement. Residential development is not required in mixed use
Residential Description,Land Uses Development Density Range
Categories Guidelines
LDR Applies to largely single-family Massing standards
Low Density residential neighborhoods, (under development) 1-5 units/acre
Residential encompassing a variety of lot and impervious Floor to Area Ratio:per
sizes and street patterns(see coverage limitations current Zoning Code*
"Character Districts"for more would apply to ensure
detail). Typically includes small compatibility of infill
institutional uses such as schools, construction.
churches,neighborhood parks,
LDA Applies to two-family and Introduction of more
Low-Density attached dwellings of low contemporary housing 4-8 units/acre
Attached Residential densities and moderate heights. types,such as low- Floor to Area Ratio:per
This category recognizes the density townhouses, current Zoning Code*
historical role of these housing may be an appropriate
types as transitional districts replacement for two-
between single-family residential family dwellings in
areas and major thoroughfares or some locations,
commercial districts. May provided that
include single-family detached adequate transitions to
dwellings. and buffering of
adjacent dwellings can
be achieved.
MDR Applies to attached housing In new development
Medium-Density (townhouses,quads,etc.)and or redevelopment, 5-12 units acre
Residential multi-family complexes of improve integration of Floor to Area Ratio:per
moderate density. multi-family housing current Zoning Code*
May also include small into an interconnected
institutional uses,parks and open street network and
space work to create an
friendly street edge.
HDR Existing"high-rise" and other Provide incentives for 12-30 units/acre Density
High-Density concentrated multi-family updating older for senior housing may be
Residential residential,some of which may multifamily buildings. increased to over 30 units
contain a mixed use component. Work to create an per acre,based on
May also include limited office, attractive,pedestrian- proximity to hospitals,
service or institutional uses friendly street edge proximity to low density
primarily to serve residents' and provide uses,utilities capacity,
needs,parks and open space convenient access to level available,and impact on
transit service
and other community adjacent roads.Other
desired items to allow
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destinations. greater density for senior
housing would include:
Below grade parking,
provision of park or open
space,affordable housing,
sustainable design
principles,and provision
of public art.
Floor to Area Ratio:per
current Zoning Code*
Nonresidential and Description,Land Uses Development Density Guidelines
Mixed Use Guidelines
NC Small-to moderate-scale Building footprints 2----3 5-12 residential
Neighborhood commercial,serving primarily the generally less than dwelling units/acre
Commercial adjacent neighborhood(s). 20,000 sq.ft. (or less Floor to Area Ratio-Per
Current examples:
Generally a'node' rather than a for individual current Zoning Code:
• Morningside 'corridor.' Primary uses are retail storefronts).Parking is maximum of 1.0*
and services,offices,studios, less prominent than
commercial core institutional uses.Residential pedestrian features.
• Valley View and permitted.Wooddale uses p Encourage structured
• 7011&Cahill Existing and potential parking and open
neighborhood commercial space linkages where
districts are identified for further feasible;emphasize
study. enhancement of the
OR Transitional areas along major Upgrade existing 2---312-30 residential
Office-Residential thoroughfares or between higher- streetscape and dwelling units/acre
No current examples intensity districts and residential building appearance, Floor to Area Ratio-Per
in City. Potential districts. Many existing highway- improve pedestrian current Zoning Code:
examples include oriented commercial areas are and transit maximum of 0.5 to 1.0*
Pentagon Park area anticipated to transition to this environment.
and other I-494 more mixed-use character. Encourage structured
corridor locations Primary uses are offices,attached parking and open
or multifamily housing. space linkages where
Secondary uses:Limited retail feasible;emphasize
and service uses (not including the enhancement of
"big box"retail),limited the pedestrian
industrial(fully enclosed), environment.
institutional uses,parks and open
space.Vertical mixed use should
be encouraged,and may be
required on larger sites.
O This designation allows for Provide Floor to Area Ratio-Per
Office professional and business offices, buffer/transition to Zoning Code:
Current examples generally where retail services do adjacent residential Maximum of 0.5
include the office not occur within the development uses. Use high quality
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• Page 6
buildings on the west unless they are accessory uses permanent building
side of TH 100 that serve the needs of office materials and on-site
between 70th and 7711, building tenants. Vehicle access landscaping.
Streets. requirements for office uses are Encourage structured
high;however,traffic generation parking.
from office buildings is limited to
morning and evening peak hours
during weekdays. Office uses
should be located generally along
arterial and collector streets.
Nonresidential and Description,Land Uses Development Density Guidelines
Mixed Use Guidelines
MXC Established or emerging mixed Maintain existing,or 12 12-30 residential
Mixed-Use Center use districts serving areas larger create new,pedestrian dwelling units/acre
Current examples: than one neighborhood(and and streetscape Floor to Area Ratio-Per
• 50th and France beyond city boundaries). amenities;encourage current Zoning Code:
Primary uses: Retail,office, or require structured maximum of 1.5
• Grandview
service,multifamily residential, parking.Buildings
institutional uses,parks and open "step down' in height
space. from intersections.
Vertical mixed use should be 4 stories at 501h&
encouraged,and may be required France;3-6 stories at
on larger sites. Grandview
CAC The most intense district in terms Form-based design x-3312-75 residential
Community Activity of uses,height and coverage. standards for building dwelling units/acre
Center Primary uses:Retail, office, placement,massing Floor to Area Ratio-Per
Example: Greater lodging,entertainment and and street-level current Zoning Code:
Southdale area(not residential uses,combined or in treatment. maximum of 0.5 to 1.0*
including large multi- separate buildings. Buildings should be Floor to Area Ratio may
family residential Secondary uses: Institutional, placed in appropriate exceed 1.0 on a case by
neighborhoods such recreational uses. proximity to streets to case basis,subject to
as Centennial Lakes) Mixed use should be encouraged, create pedestrian proximity to utilities
scale. Buildings step capacity,level of transit
and may be required on larger down" at boundaries service available,and
with lower-density impact on adjacent roads.
districts and upper Other desired items to
stories"step back" allow greater density or
from street. density on the high end of
More stringent design the residential housing
standards for range above,would
buildings>5 stories. include:Below grade
Emphasize pedestrian parking,provision of
circulation;re- park or open space,
introduce finer- affordable housing,
grained circulation sustainable design
patterns where principles,provision of
feasible. public art,pedestrian
circulation,and podium
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1 Applies to existing Performance Floor to Area Ratio:Per
Industrial predominantly industrial areas standards to ensure Zoning Code:0.5*
within the City. Primary uses: compatibility with
industrial,manufacturing. adjacent uses;
Secondary uses: limited retail screening of outdoor
and service uses. activities.
Nonresidential and Description,Land Uses Development Density Guidelines
Mixed Use Guidelines
RM Hospitals,senior housing*, Form-based design 12-80 senior residential
Regional Medical medical and dental offices and standards for building dwelling units/acre
clinics,and laboratories for placement,massing Floor to Area Ratio-Per
performing medical or dental and street-level current Zoning Code:
research,diagnostic testing, treatment. maximum of 1.0 For
analytical or clinical work,having Pedestrian circulation medical office uses.
a direct relationship to the and open space
providing of health services. amenities should be Density for senior
General office uses are permitted. provided for larger housing shall be based on
sites. proximity to hospitals,
*Senior housing may include: proximity to low density
independent living,assisted living, uses,utilities capacity,
memory care,and skilled nursing. level of transit service
available,and impact on
adjacent roads.Other
desired items to allow
greater density would
include:Below grade
parking,provision of
park or open space,
affordable housing,
sustainable design
principles,and provision
of ublic art.
OSP Applies to major parks and Performance and N/A
Open Space and protected open space that is buffering standards
Parks publicly owned. May not include for intensive outdoor
all small parks,since some are recreation,parking.
included in residential land use
PSP Applies to schools,large Performance and To be determined-may
Public/Semi-Public institutional uses(churches, buffering standards require review of large-
cemeteries)and semi-public uses for intensive outdoor scale development or
such as country clubs. Some recreation,parking. institutional expansion
small uses of these types may be
integrated into other land use
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LAH Expressways and access ramps NA NA
Limited Access for two regional arterial
Highway highways(TH 62 and TH 100)
occupy land within the City to
serve local and regional travel
*Floor-to-area ratio, or FAR, refers to the ratio of a building's floor area to the size of its lot.
Thus, an FAR of 1.0 could mean a two-story building covering 50% of the lot; a 3-story
building on one-third of the lot, etc.
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B. Figure 4.3 is amended as follows:
Legend i 1 !139lh 31
HDR.Hi,hD-4—id— W-C— AdM C-1 M
M xC.xagwnmmd Camm.rdal M
a r
OR 4
• -EF
a I NO
-------- --- --
C1.5 IN
Figure 4.3
City of Edina Future Land Use Plan
2008 Comprehensive Plan Update
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C. Figure 4.6B is amended as follows:
LOR-Lm Density Residential OR-Once Residential RM-Regional M etical
LDAR-LM Density Attached Realdmfial 0-Office OSP-Open Spece and ParNs
MDR-Medium Density Residential MXC-MMedl Center PSP-PublclSen4 Public _
HDR-High Oenely Raailardiai ®CAC-Cgmmunty Acthly Center LAH-LinytecIA—as Hghvay
-NC-Naighbodgod Corcmercial Illll'I-Indfsbial
11i o
HDR W 64th 9l
4 .
w 66t b s 3-5 Rnt
4 [121 CAL
r 3-5
W 69th St 2
W 79th 91 3 Z
0- L
0 8 $
Height Limits 4 4
co 2 Stories:24' 2 2
3 Stories:36' ALlt(
4 Stories:48'
E 5 Stories:60'
m 8 Stories:95 2 2
9 Stories:108'
L 10 Stories:120' p•iA1•,w„A 4 HDR
12 Stories:144' 2 4
s I�Standard Height HDR 9 2
Podium Height 4 %1DR
o �
]12 4 OR
2 9 2
p \
-------._-_ W 77th 91
—_— —OR--
1111...4.or — 12
-EiI `0 ;oMII'Iq fiJri f --- -
�,L Future Land Use Plan with
®` Cit of Edina Building Heights
2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Southeast Quadrant
Figure 4.613
Data Source:URS
0 0.5 Miles
Height may be increased to six stories & 70 feet if podium height is utilized on York and
Xerxes subject to review and approval of the City Council.
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3.03 The City Planner is directed to forwaLisresolulion to e Metropolitan Council for review.
P--'Debra A. Mange ,City Jerk mes B.Hovland, ayor
1, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that
the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular
Meeting of June 17,2014,and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting.JAA
WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this J day of 2014.
City C erk
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