HomeMy WebLinkAbout19971215_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 15,1997 - 200 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold and Mayor Smith. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Faust to approve and adopt the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Agenda Item V.A, Tandem Asphalt Roller, Public Works and Item VI.D, Set Date for Council Annual Meeting with Boards, Commissions and Committees. Rollcalk Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1,1997, AND SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 1997, APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Faust approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1,1997, and Special Meeting of December 3,1997. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. FEASIBILITY REPORTS ORDERED, CONSULTANTS REPORT SANITARY AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM Mayor Smith noted the hearing would consist first of hearing the final conclusions and recommendations from each of the consultants, with a summarization from City staff. Following this presentation, he noted all members in the audience wishing to speak would have time before the council. Engineer Hoffman introduced Bob Obermeyer of Barr Engineering, the storm sewer consultant. Mr. Obermeyer noted that after the 1977 and 1987 rainfall events, the City constructed improvements to provide a level of protection from a 100-year frequency storm event for structures throughout the city. He stated after the rainfall events of 1997 his firm was directed to study the storm sewer system and provide recommendations for improvements. The following areas were studied: 0 Limerick Lane - Valley Lane Area 0 Backyard depression areas located in the: West 50th Street-Ashcroft Avenue Area Dewey Hill Road-Gleason Road Area Country Club - Arden Avenue Area Biscayne Boulevard - Deville Drive Intersection Limerick Lane depression south of Valley Lane Division and Rutledge Park Area Woodcrest Drive Area along Minnehaha Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Areas: West 63rd Street & Ashcroft Lane - immediately north of the Crosstown Edina Boulevard between Country Club Road and Bridge Road Mr. Obermeyer explained using graphic overheads how ground water can impact sanitary sewer. He stated the heavy clay soil in Edina does not allow ground water to percolate downward, but instead gathers around the backfilled areas of structures basements. Mr. Obermeyer listed the elements that can contribute to storm water getting into the sanitary sewer including: Cracks in the basement floor or walls allowing seepage through the walls Minutes /Edina City Cound/December 15,1997 0 Seepage beneath the basement floor not evident within the basement Floor drains connected to the sanitary sewer Sump pumps discharging into the sanitary sewer Interior and exterior foundation drains connected to the sanitary sewer. Mr. Obermeyer outlined possible improvements in each of the study areas with the associated costs: Area Limerick Lane-Valley Lane Area West 59th St & Ashcroft Ave Gleason Road-Dewey Hill Road County Club - Arden Avenue Area Biscayne Blvd-Deville Drive Limerick Lane low-point south of Division & Rutledge Park Area Woodcrest Drive Area along Minnehaha Creek - 33 homes Valley Lane Improvement cost Drainage Swale in back yards Replace or augment &€hg storm sewer Construct berm Raise the walk-out patio to higher elevation to Minnehaha Creek Install system Arden to Maple Rd & W 48* to Assist home owners to undertake on-site flood protection Install drainage swale $2,500 Install drainage swale $2,500 $15,000 Pumped Outlet $50,000 - $80,000 Install system along Arden to Country Club $875,000 - $2,250,000 $720,000 Creek Lower curb in specific area Develop flood protection plans for individual structures Maximum $100,000 $3,00O/structure Mr. Obermeyer concluded his firm will continue to work with the City to review the West 63rd Street and Ashcroft Lane immediate north of the Crosstown, the area along Edina Boulevard between Counfry Club Road and Bridge Road. They also will be assisting in preparing the local water management plan as required by the Metropolitan Surface Water Planning Rules. I Member Faust asked in the Philbrook and 58th Area had been reviewed. explained it was included with the 33 homes in the Woodcrest Drive Area along Minnehaha Creek. Engineer Hoffman Eningeer Hoffman introduced David Kirkwold, Engineer with Tolt, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, the sanitary sewer consultant, Mr. Kirkwold stated his firm was directed to investigate the reasons for sanitary sewer backups and surcharging occurring in Edina as a result of the heavy rains in July. He explained the configuration of the CityJs sanitary sewer system can be divided into three primary service areas that have been identified as A, B and C. Areas A, B and C are defined as follows: Area A provides service to the northeast area of the City Area B provides service across the middle of the City in a northwest to southeast general arrangement Area C services the southwest area of the City Mr. Kirkwold added that most of the complaints of sewer backups were included in three specific neighborhoods. These specific areas were studied in more detail and are identified as follows: Tower/Woodcrest, Area A, Basin 6 St. Johns/Ashcrost, Area B, Basin 10 Limerick, Area C, Basin 18 Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 He provided background information determined necessary to evaluate the sanitary sewer system and the problems associated with the July 22 rain: 0 Peak Wastewater Flows. Peak wastewater flowrates were estimated for each of three primary service areas. 0 Estimate of wastewater Source;;. An estimate was developed of the breakdown of the peak flow for each primary area between base flow, infiltration and inflow. I Mi. Kirkwold reported the analyses resulted in the following estimate of the component flow sources and resultant total flow for July 22. Flow Component Area A Area B Area C Total Base Flow 625 gpm 840 gpm 1,140 gpm 2,605 gpm Infiltration 1,070 gpm 1,220 gpm 1,060 gpm 3,350 gpm 3,395 mm 3,140 ppm 2,100 mm 8,635 mm Inflow Maximum Flow 5,090 gpm 5,200 gpm 4,300 gpm 14,590 gpm The peak flow generated form the City during this rainstorm was 14,590 gpm (21.0 MGD) which compares to the average flow for the year of 7.5 MGD. In addition to the analysis specific field surveys were conducted gathering information on the possible sources of clear water that found its way into the sanitary sewers during heavy rains. The surveys included a house sump pump survey of 500 homes, a manhole survey of 456 manholes, and a TV survey of 33,207 feet of sanitary sewer. The results of the survey indicated: 0 0 Approximately 7% of the homes survey has sump pumps connected to the sanitary sewer. City wide sump pumps connected to sanitary sewer estimated at 4% Approximately 85% of the City manholes have pickholes, a common practice when Edina sewers were constructed. Inflow from unsealed manholes covers during intense rainfalls can be sigruficant TV sanitary sewer survey indicated generally good conditions. Survey did indicated likely joint leakage during wet periods by presence of deposits at sewer joints. The observation of debris and partial obstructions is a reason to recommend a trunk line televising and cleaning program. 0 Excessive inflow of clear water in to the sanitary sewer system appeared to be the most signzficant reason for the problems experienced during the July 22 storm. The analysis of other periods of rain indicated a very intense rain approaching a 100-year event is necessary before inflow becomes a sigruficant portion of the sanitary sewer wastewater flow. The project inflow quantity for the entire City is estimated to be 8,635 gprn which is 59 percent of the peak flow of 14,590 gpm. Other reasons for specific problems areas include: 0 Tower/ Woodcrest 0 e 0 0 0 A partial blockage in the downstream sewer A limitation in sewer conveyance capacity and Basement elevations are close to the top of the sewer Basement elevations are close to the top of the sewer A limitation in sewer conveyance capacity 0 St. JoJms/Ashcroft Mi. Kirkwold outlined his recommendations, noting the estimated costs are preliminary and need verification by feasibility reports: Page 3 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 1) Develop an aggressive inflow reduction program that would include: e Public Education Program e e Establish an Inflow Reduction Goal - suggest 40% in three years 'Implement program to eliminate sump pumps connected to sanitary sewer system. Estimated costs $400,000 Estimated cost $500,000 e Develop plan to replace manhole covers and seal manhole tops. Selectively replace older brick manholes. Esiimated cost $100,000 e 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Add a plugging, televising, and cleaning program for large trunk sewer to existing cleaning Program Construct a relief seer for the Tower/ Woodcrest Area from St. Johns Avenue and Tower Street to the Minnehaha trunk. Estimated Cost $400,000 Construct a storage tank to shave peak flow rates for the Minnehaha trunk sewer near West 58th Street and Halifax. Estimated costs $500,000 Construct a relief sewer for the St. Johns/Ashcroft Area from the Crosstown frontage road and Ashcroft Lane to St. Johns Avenue and Garrison Lane. Estimated Cost $250,000 Evaluate alternative for increasing the conveyance capacity from the City by directing flow from Area a and/or Area B to the MCES Interceptor 1RF-490 in Richfield. Range of Estimated Cost $150,000 to $900,000 Mayor Smith stated he believed no citizens should need to worry about whether or not rain has caused flooding with sewage. He added the problems are viewed as a community issue and will be handled by the community. Member Hovland asked how far adoption of all recommendations would affect the City's ability to adequately protect area residents, asked how the 7/22 flow rates in Area A were arrived at because at the October 20 meeting Mr. Kirkwold indicated the pump was inundated, and how inflow was calculated. Mr. Kirkwold replied his analysis indicated the system would adequately handle peak flows without problem based on maximum flows as previously stated. He explained to calculate infiltration the highest daily flow is compared to the lowest daily flow for a dry day. The difference between the two is the amount of infiltration. To find the inflow you would then compare the highest daily flow to the lowest daily flow, while subtracting the already know amount of infiltration, on a wet day. The difference is the amount of inflow experienced at that meter. h4i. Kirkwold explained the Area A flow rates on July 22 was an estimate because the meter was calibrated to handle a pipe with 24 inch capacity. When the 24 inch point was reached the meter no longer recorded data, however, the pipe had a 33 inch capacity so in actuality it had more capacity than was being metered. Member Faust asked how it was determined the Limerick Lane area problems resulted from mainly inflow. Mi Kirkwold replied this was found through the survey of residents who reported inundation of surface water. Member Faust noted some confusion seems to exist whether the City's sanitary sewer and storm sewer are connected or if they are separate systems. Mr. Kirkwold explained the two systems are designed and built separately to the best of his knowledge. Page 4 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Member Maetzold asked how peak flows generated from manholes and sump pumps are broken down, whether or not the Tower/Woodcrest area problems could be quantified relative to the contribution from the downstream blockage. Mr. Kirkwold noted it was very difficult to determine the independent contributions of manholes and sump pump to inflow. He added the Tower/Woodcrest backup created a bottleneck in the system that possibly could be quantified. Member Kelly noted the total cost of sanitary sewer recommendations is about $3,000,000. He asked Mr. Kirkwold if the city enacted all the recommendations would the problems of 1997 be eliminated. Mr. Kirkwold responded that it would be very beneficial, however, you can never be 100% certain another problem will not happen. Member Kelly asked if diverting flow from Service Area A would eliminate the problems experienced in that area. Mr. Kirkwold replied it might alleviate the problem. Member Kelly asked why the 250,000 gallon amount was chosen in the recommendation for constructing the peak flow storage tank. Mr. Kirkwold stated a peak hydrograph was used to see how much capacity needed to be shaved off the peak flows. He continued explaining a storage tank could trigger an alarm system giving some advance warning in a situation where potential flooding is imminent. Member Kelly asked 1) if the construction of a relief sewer in the Tower/Woodcrest Area would solve the local area problem, 2) what the estimated cost of televising, cleaning and blocking the City’s Trunk Sewer would be, and 3) which would be the most effective way to reduce inflow. Mr. Kirkwold answered the relief sewer in the Tower/Woodcrest Area should eliminate the local problem, the cost of blocking, televising, and cleaning program would be about $4.00/foot of sewer, and that reducing the inflow really depends on a combination of solutions to be effective. Engineer Hoffman presented his summarization of recommendations the City should pursue to achieve the best outcome for the money expended as follows: I TKDA Recommendations Engineering Dept. Recommendations/Response 1. Inflow reduction program to include: Public education Use “About Town” magazine program. Establish inflow Very aggressive goal & measurable only if similar event reduction goal - suggest 40% reduction in 3 years. Implement program to eliminate basement sump pumps connected to to street. sanitary sewer system. city wide survey cost - $400,000. Develop plan to replace manhole covers & seal manhole tops - estimated Selectively replace older brick manholes susceptible to flooding - Adopt new ordinance. Initial survey & implementation is $400,000. Additional storm drain lines for sump discharge cost - $500,000. Replace low areas first & seal chimney of manhole if appropriate - start now & complete by fall of 1998. Replace or use coating system if appropriate - some located in very difficult places to access. Page 5 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 estimated cost - $100,000. 2. Add plugging, televising & cleaning program for large trunk sewer to existing cleaning program 3. Construct relief sewer for Tower/Woodcrest area fromSt. Johns Av. & Tower St. to the Minnehaha Tmnk - estimated cost - $400,000. 4. Construct storage tank to shave peak flow rates for Minnehaha trunk sewer near W. 58th St. & Halifax. Estimated cost - $500,000. 5. Construct relief sewer for the St. Johns/ Ashcroft area from the Crosstown frontage rd & Ashcroft La. to St. Johns Av. & Garrison La. estimated cost - $250,000. 6. Evaluate alternatives for increasing conveyance capacity from city by directing flow Area A and/or Area B to the MCFS interceptor lrf490 in Richfield. Range of estimated cost - $150,000 to $900,000. New program which would probably cost approximately $4.00 per lineal foot. Assists in idatdying unusual infiltration locations. Splits sub-area six into two areas with intersection main trunk along Mjnnehaha Creek - 1998 construction. I Provide tank to assist with potential high flows during abnormally wet conditions, similar to 1997. Construct in 1998-99. Provide split flow past St. Johns/Ashcroft area from upper drainage area of Area B. Construct in 1998. Provide potential reduction of drainage from Areas A and B by creating new capacity through MCES Interceptor in Richfield. Develop plan & project with Richfield & MCES. Date of construction unknown. I Engineer Hoffman noted the range of expenditures will be between $2,500,000 to $3,000,000. The funding for the improvements would be provided by the sale of bonds repaid by utility fund users over a twenty year period. Engineer Hoffman recommended the Council direct the preparation of feasibility reports on the recommendations. Mayor Smith noted that sanitary sewer bills are based upon residents water usage. He asked if the City's biU to the Metropolitan Waste Commission is based upon a meter. Public Comment Richard Naymark, 4517 Tower Street, asked for a review of the process the City Council wiU follow between now and when the proposed improvements are constructed. Manager Rosland replied the next step is to order Engineering Feasibility Reports. After the reports are reviewed the Council calls an improvement hearing and orders the projects. Then plans and specifications are written and the project is advertised for bids. The bid is awarded by Council and then work commences. Manager Rosland noted this is an aggressive schedule but is hopeful that the preliminary work can be completed during the winter of 1998 and construction will take place during the spring and summer. Mayor Smith added that neighborhood meetings will be held to involve the affected citizens early in the project. Page 6 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Joe Goldberg 5809 Brookview Avenue, asked, 1) if the proposed storm sewer improvements in the Brookview and Woodcrest area included the area south of 50th Street or only 58th Street north, 2) has anyone studied the last 30-40 years rkall, and 3) if the sewer pumping meter was maxed out on July 22,1997, then how much more water was flowing outside the sewer pipe. Engineer Hoffman responded noting Mr. Goldberg lives near 50th Street and is probably one of the 33 homes referred to by Mr. Obermeyer as being in the 100-year flood elevation. He added Mr. Goldberg‘s property is tied in with the potential storage tank and relief sewer. Engineer Hoffman continued stating that Mr. Goldberg‘s solution would probably come from individual flood proofing, and the construction of the proposed improvement. Bill Enderson, meteorologist, reviewed the twelve months with the greatest monthly rainfalls since modern records have been kept in 1891. Of those, twelve months, July 1987 was the wettest, followed by July 1997. However, the month ranked third was July 1892 and fourth was May 1906. Mr. Enderson stated his conclusion was you could not than extrapolate that during the last 30 to 40 years July has been wetter than in the past. He pointed out that during July of 1996 only one inch of rain fell. Dave Kirkwold responded to Mr. Goldberg‘s concern about how much water was surcharging at the meter location July 22,1997 when the graph showed a flat line after the maximum was reached. He explained the meter for the location was calibrated to a maximum of 24 inches, however, the pipe was a 33 inch pipe. Therefore, even if the maximum rate for the meter was reached the pipe still had another 9 inches of capacity for flow. Bob Bonstrom, 6328 Millers Lane, wondered if his area would be included in the “comunity” solution’’ previously mentioned. Engineer Hoffman noted Mr. Bonstrom’s area would be addressed by a combination of perhaps constructing a relief sewer and the potential increased capacity by directing flow from Area A and or Area B to the MCES Interceptor in Richfield. Ron Hoekstra, 7309 Gleason Road, expressed concern over the area located at Gleason and Dewey Hill Roads. Mr. Obermeyer stated his report had noted the depression at 7309 Gleason. He outlined the options available: replace the existing storm sewer and /or a companion system installed to provide additional outflow capacity, provide flood protection of the existing structure by constructing a berm between the structure and the storm sewer at an elevation that is above the 100- year frequency flood elevation and raise the walk-out patio door to an elevation above the surface overflow elevation from the back-yard area. Mr. Obermeyer noted his recommendation was that the homeowner consider using the city’s existing flood protection procedure in making modifications necessary to provide a ”level of protection” for the property. Peter Cochran, 4611 Arden Avenue, asked what alternative to tunneling under Arden Avenue at a cost exceeding $1,000,000 had been evaluated. For example had installing larger catch basins been reviewed. Mr. Obermeyer explained several improvement options were reviewed. His recommendation for the area because of cost has the city considering assisting the two home owners on Arden to undertake on-site flood protections providing a ”level of protection’’ greater than what currently exists, but less than the 100-year event. Homeowners may also buy flood insurance if they choose. Engineer Hoffman added the problems in this area may be helped by other improvements, but he recommended further study of the area. Corrine Mueller, 6405 Doron Lane, stated her home was flooded in 1987 and again in 1997 and as a widow she cannot afford another devastation. Engineer Hoffman noted in Ms. Mueller’s area a I Page 7 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 drainage swale is proposed to move the storm water out. The man holes in the area will also be reviewed and a review conducted of the area sump pumps. Greg Goodlund, 4520 Tower Street, noted that at the October 20,1997, meeting Mr. Kirkwold talked about a ten inch sewer line in his area. Mr. Goodlund asked if the ten inch pipe was going to be dug up and replaced with a larger pipe or just augmented with an additional pipe. Engineer Hoffman explained that there is no ten inch sanitary sewer pipe in the Tower Street Area. Additionally, the recommendation for the area is to add another pipe to function as a relief sewer for the area. I Rick Sheridan, 6332 Millers Lane, speaking for his mother, stated in 1987 he pumped six inches of sewage out of his mother's basement. Mr. Sheridan noted he had to pump six inches of sewage out again in 1997. His questions include: was how much of this "event" could have or should have been predicted and if the manholes are sealed where wiU this storm water flow. Mr. Sheridan reminded the Council these flooding events affect property values and should be evident in 1998 property values. Engineer Hoffrnan explained there is not a way to predict the kind of extraordinary weather events experienced in both 1987 and 1997. He added Mr. Obermeyer was still investigating the ramifications on the storm water system of sealing manhole covers to stop inflow into the sanitary system. Gordon Johnson, 6409 Doron Lane asked for a clarification of the proposed drainage swale in his area. Mr. Obermeyer explained the proposed swale would run on the rear property lines, reducing their elevation approximately 1 Yi feet. The curb and street would be lowered to act as a channel directing the flow onto City property then into Nine Mile Creek. Andy Finsness, 4536 Tower Street, asked if the probIem was being viewed as a "community" problem why then did the insurance company deny all claims. Manager Rosland replied the insurance company has made an independent judgment of liability. The City of Edina is under a contractual obligation with their insurance carriers and cannot direct or interfere with their decisions. Bob Winter, 4200 Philbrook Lane, offered his opinion that he was unsure whether the sewage in his basement was generated in Edina or Minneapolis. Engineer Hoffman noted there needs to be further study on the larger questions regarding the possibility of backups originating in other areas. Lisa Finsness, 4536 Tower Street commended the City Council for conducting the research reported on at the meeting. She urged that Council to remember keeping the value of homes in the affected areas intact is vitally important to homeowners. Ms. Finsness also asked if the proposed improvements to the storm and sanitary sewer systems have been reviewed jointly by the consultants for potential impact on the other system. Engineer Hoffman stated yes the proposed improvements have been reviewed together. Marcia Dreis, 6332 Limerick Lane voiced concern if manholes are sealed the water that would normally inflow into the sanitary sewer would have to flow somewhere. Mr. Obermeyer acknowledged that backyards may likely still be inundated, however, the flow will be moved out more quickly before it can negatively impact the structures via the proposed improvements to the systems. Joe Roach, 4608 Tower Street, asked if the original pipes and designs were reviewed and if yes what were the results of the review. Dave Kirkwold replied the original designs were reviewed and the sewers were of adequate design to provide capacity and met the parameters for specifications when they were built. Page 8 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Joe Goldberg, commented he has listened to aIl comments, reports and questions. h his opinion, its seems more prudent to spend additional money attenuating peak flow and holding capacity. Mayor Smith closed the hearing after noting all persons present had been allowed to speak. Member Kelly made a motion direction staff to review the information presented by Barr Engineering and Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Inc. and develop more detailed project implementation feasibility reports for each of the sub-area improvements proposed in the reports. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. i, I ~ ,:r . +’ t ’i I L I Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES 8TH ADDITION - LAUKKA TARVIS, INC. S-97-9 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Member Maetzold stated he would abstain from the discussion and vote on the final plat due to a possible conflict of interest. Planner Larsen said the proposed 10 unit building is located in the northesterly corner of the approved 98 unit townhouse development. The proposed building is consistent with the approved development plan. Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: FOR THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES 8TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled, ”THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES 8th ADDITION”, platted by Centennial Land Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, an undivided 91.43% interest, and John W. Hedberg, an undivided 8.57O/o interest, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on December 15,1997, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcalk Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Abstaining: Maetzold Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT ORDINANCE NO. 1997-18, ADOPTED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1305, SCAVENGERS AND SECTION 185, FEES AND CHARGES Manager Rosland reported while staff was preparing the annual renewals of scavengers’ licenses it was noted a change had occurred in Minnesota Statutes. The change preempts cities from requiring scavengers to obtain a city license. MS115.56, Subdivision 2 subparagraph (4)(g) states, “Local units of government may not require additional local licenses for individual sewage treatment system professionals.” Cities may continue to regulate the scavengers’ operations requiring permits to perform work as well as establishing standards. Member Maetzold moved adoption of Ordinance No. 1997-18 as follows: ORDINANCE NO 1997-18 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1305 SCAVENGERS BY ELIMINATING THE I Page 9 Minutes /Edina City Cound/December 15,1997 CITY LICENSING PROVISIONS The City Council of the City of Edina Ordains: subsection: I Section 1. Subsections 1305.02, License Required and 1305.03, License Procedures. Section 2. Section 3. Section4. Section 1305 of the City Code is hereby mended by repealing the following Subsections 1305.04,1305.05,1305.06,1305.07,1305.08, and 1305.09 are hereby Schedule A of Section 185 is hereby mended by deleting Fee No. 275. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in fulI force and effect after its renumbered subsections 1305.02,1305.03,1305.04,1305.05,1305,06 and 1305.07 respectively. adoption and publication according to law. Motion seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Ordinance adopted. BID AWARDED FOR TANDEM ASPHALT ROLLER (PUBLIC WORKS) Member Maetzold said he removed the award of bid for the Public Works tandem asphalt roller for additional information. Public Works Director Hoffman explained of the two bids received, the bid was awarded to the second high bidder because the lowest bidder did not meet specifications. Member Maetzold made a motion for award of bid for a tandem asphalt roller for public works to second high bidder, Ruff eridge Johnson at $29,031.90. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR TREE TRIMMING CONTRACT IMPROVEMENT TT-98 FOR SECTION - #1 Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Faust for award of bid for Section #1, the area bounded by France Avenue to the east, 54th Street to the south, Highway 100 to the west and the City limits within the boundaries to the north, for tree trimming contract improvement TT-98 to sole bidder, Precision Landscape & Tree, Inc., at $2.6qinch for trees 12 inches and under DBH and for $4.4yinch for trees over 12 inches DBH. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR &WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR WITH ATTACHMENTS AT 50m & FRANCE Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Faust for award of bid for a four wheel drive tractor with attachments to recommended low bidder, Land Care Equipment Co., Inc., at $18,264.75. Motion carried on rollcall vote -five ayes. *TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT OF DECEMBER 2,1997, APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Faust approving Traffic Safety Staff Review of December 2, 1997, as recommended in Section A 1. Installation of three new "STOP" signs on Ikola Way at Braemar Boulevard and the addition of "No Parking" signs along Ikola Way to provide for east access of emergency vehicles to the Braemar Arena; 2. Signs at the present time be highlighted and enforced by the Police Department with "Don't Block Intersections" at the intersection of Metro Boulevard and Edina Industrial Boulevard; and to acknowledge Section B and C. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. Page 10 &Utes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 RESOLUTION GRANTED APPROVING CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL FOR SPECIAL LEGISLATION FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING CENTER FACILITY Manager Rosland explained that construction of the South Metro Training Academy is anticipated to occur in summer 1998. Although the size and design of the Academy is pending funding through the 1998 Governor's Bonding Bill, recommendations will be presented in February when the legislature may revise the Bonding Bill. Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and Richfield are seeking 2.5 million in conjunction with other funds provided by the comunities to construct the Academy. Completion of the South Metro Training Academy business plan is expected in January. Manager Rosland noted the four communities participating in this venture introduced a bill in the 1997 legislative session seeking authority for each community to bond up to a million dollars in general obligation bonds without conducting a referendum for the Academy construction. The special legislation was approved and in order for it to be effective would need approval by the governing bodies prior to the upcoming legislative session. Edina does not intend to use bonding for the funds for the Academy but recommended to the other communities, whether they use bonding funds or not, the necessity exists to adopt the legislation. Submission of a Certificate of approval by the Edina City Council approving legislation and filing with the Secretary of State prior to the next legislative session is required by Statute 645.021 that requires legislation be approved by the governing bodies. Staff recommends Council approve this legislation which in no way commits the City of Edina. Member Maetzold introduced the following resolution and moved its approval: RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL LEGISLATION WHEREAS, the Cities of Bloomington, Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield are desirous of constructing a Public Safety Training Facility within the corporate limits of the City of Edina, and WHEREAS, the aforementioned cities did request the Minnesota legislature to grant them the authority to sell bonds to finance the proposed Public Safety Training Facility; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota legislature did enact special legislation via House File 1909 and Senate File 1720 granting the cities of Bloomington, Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Edina, and Richfield the authority to issue general obligation bonds of each city in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for its share of the cost of the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a public safety training facility to be jointly operated by a joint powers association consisting of two or more municipal or public corporations of which Edina is a member. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that the special legislation is hereby approved. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, this 15th day of December, 1997. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Resolution adopted. I RESOLUTION APPROVING SHeRPA TOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND FAMILY SERVICES COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT Manager Rosland reminded the Council that at the Page 11 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 earlier meeting with the Human Relations Commission, the SHeRPA Joint Powers Agreement and the Family Services Collaborative Agreement were discussed. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SOUTH HENNEPIN REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR RESEARCH, PLANNING AND COORDINATION OF HUMAN SERVICES WHEREAS, the member communities of SHeRPA along with €he School Districts of Blooming€on, Edina, Eden Prairie and Richfield are desirous of creating and managing a family services collaborative (FSC) In South Hennepin Counfy; and WHEREAS SHeRPA is willing to provide administrative and coordination services to the FSC. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina Cify Council approves the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency Joint and Cooperative Agreement for Research, Planning and Coordination of Human Services. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SOUTH HENNEPIN FAMILY SERVICES COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by that the Edina City Council approves the Family Services Collaborative Agreement for establishing and operating a family services collaborative, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 121.8355, to monitor and address human service needs and provide coordinated family services. Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcalk Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Resolutions adopted. MARCH 24, 1998, DATE SET FOR COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING WITH BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Manager Rosland noted the request to set a date for the Annual Council Meeting with Boards, Commissions and Committees was inadvertently placed on the consent agenda. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to gather the Boards, Commissions and Committees and to thank them for their hard work, welcome incoming commissioners and honor the retirees. Following a brief Council discussion, Member Maetzold made a motion setting March 24, 1998, at Braemar Clubhouse as the date and location of the Annual Meeting of the Council, the Boards, Commissions and Committees. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1997-16 ADOPTED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE SECTION 185 TO INCREASE CERTAIN FEES Member Faust moved adoption of Ordinance No 1997-16 as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following describedfees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1997-16 I SECTION 1 SUBSEC. I PURPOSE OF I AMOUNT I FEE Page 12 I I I €50 250 505 220.04 450.27 Subd 4 450.27 Subd 4 605.07 6, Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Machine or amusement device license i. z. , I , ' Public or semi- public swimming pool license Public or semi- public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool license Permits required by UFC Special hazard permit: Class 1: General hazard and fire safety inspections requiring a special hazard permit Class 11: Special hazard inspection involving various hazardous materials and/or processes in occupancies of buildings less than 3000 sf in area Class 111: Special hazard inspection primarily directed at, but not limited to, buildings or occupancies 3000 sf or larger where any of the following are present: A. Multiple hazards B. Storage handling, $45.00 ,annually per &taElishment, plus $7.00 per machine $370.00 per annum for each pool enclosed part or all of Year $200.00 per annum for each outdoor boo1 $10 0.0 0 Minimum fee: $75.00 $75.00 $125.00 $175.00 10 11 81 82 83 95 96 97 98 Page 13 mutes /Edina City Comcil/December 15,1997 ~ 615 620 625 625 635 716 615.03 620.04 625.04 625.03 635.02 716.02 and/or processes dangerous or toxic materials, substances and/or processes C. Occupancies in which evaluation or high valuation presents unique circumstances involving License to service fire extinguishers Permit fee for cleaning of commercial ventilation system SprinkIer permit fees: Number of heads: cooking 1-5 6-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-PIUS Fire pump installation and associated hardware Standpipe instal False lation Fire alarm Recycling Service: Single Family Dbl Bungalow Apt/Condo - (2-8 Units) $30.00 per annum per person to be licensed $75.00 for each permit $50.00 $75.00 $145.00 $190.00 $225.00 $255.00 $270.00 $290.00 $310.00 $330.00 $1.00 for each additional head $90.00 $90.00 $300.00 $6.69 $6.69 $5.43 100 105 110 118 119 125 131 132 133 Page 14 I 720 735 $20 720.04 Sub 3 735.03 320.01 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Food establishment license Day care, limited food establishment license Take-out food facility license Packaged food sales license Food warehouse license Catering food establishment license Retail candy shop license Potentially hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering food vehicle license Food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more food vehicles license Pushcart License Hotel, lodging or boarding house license Filing of application for $545.00 per annum, $495.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd 3C of this Code, plus $140.00 per annum for each additional facility $170.00 $365.00 per annum, $315.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd 3C of this Code $160.00 per annum $90.00 per annum $545.00 per annum, $495.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd 3C of this Code, plus $140.00 per annum for each add'l facility $70.00 per annum $110.00 per annum $550.00 per annum $200.00 per annum, plus $45.00 per annum for each add'l vehicle $110.00 $550.00 per annum $160.00 . Hotels - $270.00 for 1-50 rooms - $2.00/each room Lodging and boarding houses/$70.00 Per location $200.00 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 147a 155 156 170 Page 15 Minutes /Edina City Cound/December 15,1997 vacation of street, alley or easement Club on-sale 206 $675.00 900.06 Subd 1 900 900 900 liquor license Non-int oxicating malt liquor license: On-sale 900.06 Subd 1 207 208 209 210 $245.00 renewal $310.00 new $245.00 renewal $310.00 new $55.00 900.04 Subd 2 Off-sale 211 900 900.16 Subd 3 Temporary on- sale non- intoxicating malt liquor license On-sale wine license 212 213 214 215 900 900.16 Subd 1 Per year-Restaurants with 50 or fewer seats $805.00 51-100 seats inclusive $875.00 101-150seats inclusive $950.00 Over 150 seats $1015.00 $75.00 per yr 900 216 225 235 236 237 Manager's license 900.17 Subd 6A 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker Dermit $11.00 per permit 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service charge. To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with more than 4 dwelling units $28.00 quarter $1.75 per 100 cubic feet $25.00 for each unit over four, or $1.75 per 100 cubic ft of water used during quarter, whichever is greater $34.00 per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises, or $1.75 per 100 cubic ft of water used during quarter whichever is greater 1. $0.6y100 cubic ft for area of City, except areas described below in 2 2. $1.5y100 cubic ft for Morningside area and for east side of beard Av from West 54th St to Fuller St and both sides lloo 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service 238 242 243 charge: Com'l & Ind buildings, including schools & churches Water Service 1100.03 Subd 2 1100 Page 16 1230 1300 1325 Section 2. Following publication, 1230.07 1300.02 Subd 1 1325.03 * Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Meter Charge: Service Availability Charge (SAC) Sidewalk cafe permit Refuse or recycling hauler license Tobacco sale license of Abbott P1 from West 54th St to Beard Av 3. Excessive use charge $.20/100 cubic ft Up to 3/4 inch meter $7.48/qtr 1” meter $10.15/qtr 1 Y4” meter $11.60/qtr 1 1/2 ” meter $13.05/qtr 2 ” meter $21.OO/qtr 3” meter $79.71/9tr 4” meter $101.45/qtr $l,OOO,OO per SAC unit X number of SAC units computed as pursuant to Subsection 1105.01, Subd 1 of this Code $515.00 $240.00 per annum for first vehicle, $70.00 for each additional vehicle $265.00 244 245 250 261 270 280 he effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1,1998. r Mayor Attest: . &QW! City Clerk Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Ordinance adopted. RESOLUTION ADOPTED INCREASING PARK AND RECREATION GREEN FEES AT CITY GOLF COURSES Park Director Keprios explained at the December 1,1997, regular Council meeting, staff was directed to provide more background information on the Park Board’s proposed fees and charges for the golf courses’ green fees. John VaUiere, Manager at Braemar Golf course submitted a memo reporting green fees at Braemar are slightly above the average municipal course. He pointed out one of the primary factors influencing green fees at Braemar has been the philosophy that municipal golf in Edina should be competitively priced at an affordable level for residents and the community at large. Demand for golf is currently such that a further increase in green fees would not signrficantly lessen the amount of play on the facility, however, raising fees to simply create a larger revenue stream historically has not been the philosophy. The Edina Park Board and staff recommended that the 1998 greens fees for Braemar Golf Course and Fred Richards Golf course be approved: Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING 1998 PARK AND RECREATION FEES Page 17 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 18 hole non-patron 18 hole - Datron BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 1998 $24.00 $19.00 Park Ma 9 hole non-patron Group Fees - 18 holes 9 hole patron id Recreation Fees. GREEN FEES I BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE $13.50 $11.00 $33.00 GREEN FEES Adult patron Adult non-patron $9.00 $7.50 Junior non-patron Junior patron Group Fees $7.00 $5.50 $12.00 1998 CITY BUDGET AND PROPERTY TAX LEVY ADOPTED Mayor Smith commented the 1998 budget, as proposed at $17,913,763.00 is reasonable and affordable. GREEN FEES Adult patron Junior non-patron Junior patron Adult non-patron Mayor Smith asked for public comment, none was forthcoming. $10.00 $8.50 $7.00 $5.50 Member Maetzold introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1998, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 1998 PAYABLE IN 1998 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1998 is hereby adopted as after this set forth, and funds are hereby appropriated therefore: GENERAL FTJND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 66,056 Administration 727,649 Planning 294,287 Finance 427,063 Election 129,381 Assessing 446,437 Legal and Court Services 375,000 Page 18 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $2,465,873 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 146,178 Engineering 557,9P6 Streets 3,481,116 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $4,185,210 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $4,850,576 Civilian Defense 38,164 Animal Control 66,905 Fire 2,900,372 Public Health 428,371 Inspections 417,998 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 8,702,386 PARK DEPARTMENT Administration $ 523,102 Recreation 140,748 Maintenance 1,547,388 TOTAL PARK DEPARTMENT $ 2,211,238 NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies 75,000 Special Assessments on City Property 26,000 Fire Debt Service 84,000 Commissions & Special Projects 164,056 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 349,056 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $17,913,763 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than the General Tax Levy are proposed as hereinafter set forth GENERAL FUND HACA $ 872,635 Other Taxes (245,000) Licenses and Permits 1,067,000 Municipal Court Fines 430,000 Department Service Charges 1,507,080 Other 137,228 Transfer from Liquor Fund 400,000 Income on Investments 15,000 Aid - Other Agencies 310,680 Police Aid 320,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 4,814,623 Section 3. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth Adopted this 15th day of December, 1997. Member Faust seconded the motion. FOR GENERAL FUND $13,099,140 Page 19 Minutes /Edina City Council/December 15,1997 Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith I Resolution adopted. CLAIMS PAID Member Hovland made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 11, 1997, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $201,575.13; C.D.B.G. $9,467.51; Communications $6,936.05; Working Capital $17,574.11; Art Center $6,538.02; Golf Dome Fund $14,900.67; Swimming Pool Fund $1,316.37; Golf Course Fund $14,965.29; Ice Arena Fund $51,900.65; Gun Range fund $7.74; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $19,645.83; Utility Fund $53,862.58; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $6,282.84; Recycling Program $149.00; Liquor Dispensary Fund $260,092.25; Construction Fund $21,662.38; Park Bond Fund $76,872.37; TOTAL $763,748.79; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on Check Register dated December 2,1997, and consisting of 3 pages, General Fund $518,904.21; C.D.B.G. $7,657.00; Art Center $250.00; Golf Course Fund $140.30; Liquor Dispensary Fund $90,107.65; 1-494 Commission $5,208.60; TOTAL $622,267.76. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 10:48 P.M. Page 20