HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000404_regularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL APRIL 4,2000 200 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, and Mayor Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF MARCH 21,2000, APPROVED Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 21,2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. RESOLUTION 2000-37 ADOPTED VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND A PORTION OF WEST 78TH STREET (BRAEWOOD PARK PLAT) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation bv Engineer Engineer Hoffman explained the reason for the proposed vacation of public street right-of-way and the utility and drainage easements. He explained that the City owns the property and is in the process of selling it. The easements will be rededicated when the property is re-platted. Mr. Hoffman said that he recommended the easements and cul de sac be vacated, but that temporary right to the West 78th Street cul de sac be retained until after the new frontage road is built and the adjacent property owner's driveway can be moved. Currently the driveway runs through the West 78th Street right-of-way. U Member Hovland moved to close the public hearing, Member Johnson seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-37 EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC STREET E~IGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, a motion of the City Council, on the 6th day of March 2000, fixed a date for a public hearing on a proposed street vacation; aad WHEREAS, two weeks published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 4th day of April, 2000, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said public street and easement vacation be made; and I Page 1 MinutesEdha Citv CounciI/April4,2000 WHEREAS, the Council considered the extent the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, telephone or cable television poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following public street right-of-way, and utility and drainage easements are hereby vacated effective as of April 4,2000: All drainage and utility easements, created by the plat of Braewood Park, which are contained within the following: Lot 1, except the Easterly 175 feet thereof, Block 1, Braewood Park; Part of that certain drainage and utility easement, created by Document No. 1456628 of record in Hennepin County, Minnesota, being the West 10 feet of the East 185 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Braewood Park; All of 78th Street, as dedicated in Braewood Park, according to the plat thereof of record in Hennepin County, Minnesota, which lies northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Braewood Park; thence westerly along a southerly line of said Lot, and along a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 7489.44 feet, a central angle of 1 degree 19 minutes 29 seconds and a chord of 173.16 feet bearing South 87 degrees 30 minutes 47 seconds West, an arc distance of 173.16 feet to the intersection of said southerly line with the easterly line of said 78& Street, being the point of beginning of the line to be described; then South 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds West 150.00 feet to the intersection of the westerly line of said 78th Street with the southerly line of said Lot, and there terminating. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said vacation does not affect, and there are continued, reserved, and retained, by the said resolution ordering the vacation, the following existing easements and authority in, on and under the above vacated area: The authority of Northern States Power Company, US West Communications, Paragon Cable Minnesota, or Minnegasco to enter upon the above vacated area for the maintenance, replacement, repair and removal of and for otherwise attending to, underground conduit, manholes, cables, wires and poles required for utility service now in, on or under the above vacated area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Member Johnson seconded the motion. I Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. I RESOLUTION 2000-38 ADOPTED APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR NEED OF ENVIR0"TAL IMPACT STATEMENT; FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL BUILDING EXPANSION AND PARKING RAMP CONSTRUCTION (6401 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Page 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONTINUED UNTIL APRIL 18, 2000 - FAIRVIEW ' I ' MinutesEdha City CounciVApril4,2000 Presentation bv Planner Planner Larsen stated there were three items requiring action all related to the proposed expansion of the hospital, the added medical office space, and the parking ramp proposed west of France Avenue. At the first hearing for the hospital expansion, the comment period for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was still open so the hearing was continued. Mi. Larsen explained the EAW, was a study of the impact of the development, to ascertain whether a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would be needed. The hospital voluntarily completed the EAW, prepared by BRW, at the request of City staff. The EAW's 30 day comment period for the draft document ended on March 8,2000. All comments received on the EAW were sent to the Council. The Council was also sent a response to the comments, that lists some findings of fact, supporting a negative declaration, meaning that no EIS would be necessary. Mr. Larsen stated that if the Council decided to support the negative declaration, they would be able to act on the local zoning requests consisting of a Final Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit. The Final Development Plan would allow the expansion of the hospital on the east side of France Avenue. The Conditional Use Permit Wodd allow the hospital to construct a four-level parking structure on the west side of France Avenue cor@ested by a skyway to the hospital. Mr. Larsen noted that a major part of the EAW was a traffic study. He introduced Rick Nau of BRW who would review the traffic study, its findings, and BRW's recommendations. Proponent Comment Richard Nau, BRW, Traffic Consultant for Fairview Southdale reviewed the Fairview Southdale and Southdale Medical Office Building (MOB) Traffic Study. Mr. Nau said the traffic study included the following elements: 0 0 0 0 Determine needed roadway improvements Counts of 1999 existing traffic volumes Estimate background traffic growth beween 1999 and 2005 Estimate traffic generated by hospital and Southdale MOB expansions Analyze traffic operations with and without expansion traffic Member Faust asked which medical office buildirig Mr. Nau was referring to in his report; the proposed Fairview expansion or the office building owned by Northco. Mr. Nau said he was referring to the office building owned by Northco. The report included both the expansion of Fairview Hospital and the Southdale Medical Office Building (MOB) owned by Northco. Mr. Nau stated it was determined that the hospital expansion would generate an additional 330 trips per day or a 55% increase and the MOB expansion would generate 264 trips per day or a 45% increase in area traffic. Mr. Nau displayed a graphic illustration of the estimated traffic impact on area intersections after the expansions, showing increases ranging from 2% to 12% by the year 2005, with the intersection at West 65th Street and France Avenue receiving the largest increase at 12%. He explained that increases over 5% were sigtuficant. Mr. Nau noted that existing traffic operating deficiencies included close intersection spacing resulting in lack of stacking distance at ramp meters; and a lack of signalization that results in cross street traffic delays. These deficiencies will remain after the expansion and the additional traffic generated will warrant more signalization of the area. Proposed hospital related mitigation measures would include: Page 3 Minutes/Edina Cih CounciVApril4,2000 New guide signs on TH 62 directing westbound hospital traffic to exit at Xerxes Avenue I New guide signs on TH 62 directing eastbound hospital traffic to exit at Valley View Road Installation of a signal at the intersection of the Valley View ramp to TH 62 Installation of a signal and reconfiguration of intersection to allow through and left turn movement on all four approaches at Valley View and West 65th Street Widen Drew Avenue to 40 feet to accommodate three lanes. Mr. Nau added the intent of the proposed mitigation measures would be to bring traffic into the hospital and MOB through Xerxes Avenue and Valley View Road attempting to keep it off France Avenue. - Member Hovland asked about MnDOT’s comment over lack of a.m. traffic data in the study. Mr. Nau said this was discussed with MnDOT. He said the hospital is generating more traffic during the p.m. peak hour than during the a.m. peak hour. The traffic associated with the hospital does not actually coincide with the peak hours; that is, work shifts of 7-3. For this reason, a.m. traffic data was not collected. Mr. Nau reported that after 1-his review MnDOT was satisfied with the data provided. Member Hovland asked if there was any expectation that MnDOT would be resistant to the proposed new signage, or the curb cut and signalization at Valley View for the eastbound traffic. Mr. Nau replied that no significant resistance from MnDOT was anticipated relative to the proposed signage. He said that concern was expressed about the curb cut and will reserve judgement until a plan is submitted for their approval, however, in Mi. Nau’s opinion this is still a viable solution. I Member Hovland asked Mr. Nau if he had any traffic projections for volumes when the recommended mitigation measures were put into place. Mr. Nau replied that the volumes would change to some extent, but not a great deal because most of the percentage increases are relatively low. Member Hovland asked if there were other long range traffic measures that should be investigated in case of additional medical facility expansion in that quadrant Mr. Nau said he could not comment unless he had a proposal to analyze. Member Faust expressed concern that the traffic study did not include peak a.m. traffic counts. She also asked who would pay for the recommended traffic mitigation measures such as the signals, and if sidewalks were still proposed for installation on Drew Avenue. Member Faust asked if there would still be room to install sidewalks if Drew Avenue were widened to three lanes. Member Kelly asked if Mr. Nau could comment on proposed funding of all the recommended traffic mitigation improvements. Mi. Nau replied that he did believe that there would be room for sidewalks on Drew Avenue and he stated that his traffic study did not address the funding of any of the proposed mitigation measures. He stated his assumption that because the streets involved are state aid streets there should be some funding available, but that a portion of the costs would need to be paid for locally, and that determination would be the - I councjss. Member Kelly added that he shared the concerns expressed earlier about the lack of peak a.m. traffic data, especially since there are indications thai additional development may occur in the area. Secondly, funding of the needed improvements must be discussed. Member Kelly also Page 4 MinutesBdina Citv CounciVApril4,2800 noted his concern about storm water run off. He added the Council has dealt with storm water throughout his tenure. MnDOT said they were very concerned about run off, and he noted this was not mentioned in the response to comments, however, it was stated that the net impervious area would decrease. Would this decrease include the parking structure. Mr. HoKman explained that the run off from the west side of France would be directed to a new pipe directly down to the pond and would not go into any MnDOT pipes. In his experience in the France Avenue interchange, if a 12-inch rainfall occurs some flooding will happen, but otherwise it should not be a problem. I Member Johnson questioned how BRW could propose to install a signal at the eastbound ramp of TH 62 and West 65fh Street in light of the March 8,2000, MnDOT letter opposing the proposed eastbound signal at West 65th Street. Mr. Nau said that the plan has been reviewed by &DOT and will require their approval, which BRW believes will be granted. Mr. Nau said that providing a signal and cued detection device to prevent traffic backing up on TI3 62 would allay the MnDOT concern. Member Johnson asked if any consideration had been giving to providing direct access from TH 62 to the parking facility similar to downtown Minneapolis’s Target Center exits. Mr. Nau responded that this had not been considered. He added that the downtown facilities are public not private such as the proposed hospital ramp. Mr. Nau said that he believed a direct access would not be consistent with MnDOT’s policy relative to access to trd highways. Mayor Maetzold asked if the proposed widening of the exit ramp from TH 62 eastbound that link with Valley View Road would necessitate filling the holding pond on Valley View. Mr. Nau replied that at this time there has not been detailed engineering, but a cursory look at the air photos indicated that it could fit within the existing right-of-way. Mayor Maetzold continued asking if encroachment into the pond became necessary would that be considered a signzficant environmental event. Mr. Nau hesitated to give a definitive answer, but suggested that it would most likely be a minor incursion into a storm water holding pond. Member Faust asked if an additional lane off the eastbound TH 62 had been considered. Mr. Hoffman explained that this additional lane was already planned by the City’s consultant SRF to widen the ramp. He added this improvement would be done in conjunction with the improvement of Valley View Road by the pond. He added that the pond should not be impacted by any proposed improvements to the Valley View interchange. Mark Enger, Fairview Hospital Administrator, 6401 France Avenue South, said that as a result of discussions with City staff, the City Council, citizen input, and Fairview’s development staff, the hospital listened to and attempted to respond to most of the questions. Mr. Enger said that changes have occurred in how hospitals deliver service to patients. Reimbursements for charges have changed. Technologicd advances have greatly changed patient services. The focus has shifted from in-patient care to more ambulatory based services. He added that there are procedures being performed at Fairview Southdale that two years ago were not dreamed of. Patients ae being discharged on the day of service that five years ago would have spent seven days in the hospital after the procedure. One in three households in Edina has an elderly member. There has been a great increase in demand for cardiovascular care. Three years ago Fairview began planning in response to the health care needs. Mr. Enger stated that in 1998, expansion plans were begun looking at every vertical and horizontal possibility to fit expansion on a very tight hospital campus. Mr. Enger noted that the first option was to expand southerly, but the hospital could not come to terms with the other principal so they had to look at other options. He noted there are mgy medical office buildings on France Avenue and suggested that Page 5 Minutes/Edina Citv Council/April4,2000 9 the proposed medical office building expansion be viewed not as a MOB, but as a heart/vascular care center. This center will allow Edina to offer state-of-the-art care to its residents. Mr. Enger said the hospital is prepared to install sidewalks at Drew Avenue and West 65* Street. They have decided to build the parking ramp at the same time as the other Phase I expansion. Their contractor, Knutson, has arranged for workers’ parking off-site and not on city streets. Fairview has contracted 430 parking spots at Southdale by Key Cadillac for ten months and intends to shuttle hospital employees during construction. He concluded urging the Council to move forward. I Richard Dahl, BWBR Architects, Fairview Southdale’s architects took over the presentation. Mr. Dahl used graphics to demonstrate the design changes made in response to comments received earlier. The redesigned project has redistributed die green space on the east side of France, bringing it out as a well-landscaped edge to the campus. On the west side of France Avenue the ramp has been pushed north increasing the green space which will be bermed and landscaped to 40 feet The variance on West 65th Street was eliminated, however, there is a 0 lot line variance necessary on the north side bordering the Crosstown Highway. Mr. Dahl showed a sample of the textured concrete that will be the exterior material of the ramp. The ramp will also use glass and aluminum wall for a portion of its exterior. He presented the proposed design of the skyway over France Avenue. Member Kelly asked if any signage was proposed for the skyway. Mr. Ehger replied that the Skyway would not have any signage. Dr. Karen Porth, 6363 Fairview Physicians Office Building, Fairview Hospital Chief of Staff, urged the Council to approve the expansion plans. She reported an increased need for medical staff and technology to improve patient care. Dr. Porth said there has been a large increase in heart and vascular illness as our population ages. Technological advances also have increased the amount of procedures available to care for patients. Physicians and patients want this care available to them in an integrated facility and Fairview must expand to meet this need. Fairview has a wonderful group of physicians committed to serving patient needs, but to stay competitive and retain these physicians they must expand. I Mr. Enger concluded thanking the Council for the time and urged Council move the expansion plans forward as soon as possible. Public Comment Bruce Carlson, owner of Southdale Medical Building, stated he wanted to present their future plans. Currently Mk. Carlson said his building is at fifty percent capacity for the allowed floor area ratio (FAR) under Edina’s zoning code. Mr. Carlson indicated that he intends to expand up to sixty-nine percent of the allowed FAR. He said he supported the hospital‘s request for expansion. Mr. Carlson showed graphic boards depicting a conceptual potential expansion of his medical office building. It would include a 69,000 square foot office expansion with 75 underground parking spaces and a ?h half level ramp addition. The proposed three-story building would permit the Minnesota Heart Group to occupy the entire first floor. Mr. Carlson indicated that his building is presitly 95% occupied and he is not currently before the Council wi& an expansion request He added he supported the hospital‘s expansion, but wished that Fairview Southdale would allow the Southdale Medical Office Building to expand. I Page 6 ’ MinutesBdina City CounciVApril4,2000 Norbert Weninger, 6566 France Avenue South, Board Chair, Point of France, reviewed the points made in his letter to the Council. Mr. Weninger pointed out the ramp and expansion will increase traffic that is already a nightmare. He added the height of the ramp is of great concern to the fdty residents who have homes facing the ramp. Point of France residents’ other concern include the exterior surface of the parking ramp, surface water runoff, and the precedent set by allowing a skyway. I Elmer Johnson, 6566 France Avenue, Point of France resident, for twenty years asked if the hospital‘s ramp could be depressed into the ground. Bob Clinton, 6712 Rosemary Lane, asked if the proposed ramp will be free or a pay to park ramp. Mike Callas, 4930 West 77th Street, Edina Chamber of Commerce, stated he was representing Pat Tucker. Mr. Callas explained the Chamber understood the issues and concerns, however they still support the proposed expansion. He read the following Chamber resolution into the record: ”EDINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Fairview Southdale 2000-2002 Expansion Project WHEREAS, Fairview Southdale Hospital is the Twin Cities’ eighth largest hospital and has a reputation for outstanding patient care; and WHEREAS, Fairview Southdale Hospital, a non-profit organization, is Edina’s largest year-round employer at more than 2000 employees, a good steward of the Edina Community and committed to meeting the needs of its immediate service area; and WHEREAS, the demographics of the Edina area point to increased demands for cardiovascular services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Edina Chamber of Commerce does hereby support the Faircriew Southdale 2000-2002 Expansion Project to increase its capacity to serve patients, families and the community. Adopted by the Edina Chamber of Commerce the 15th day of March, 2000.” Hugh Thompson, 6301 Colony Way, stated he had two concerns. The first is traffic which is horrendous and secondly, what is the purpose of the surveying on Drew and 65th Street. Bill Bellows, 6566 France Avenue, asked about what type of greenery was planned for the parking structure’s roof. Mr. Bellows also expressed concern over reflection from the aluminum used in the skyway and glass wall design of the elevator and atrium. Laurel Thompson, 6301 Colony Way, added she was concerned about all the costs incurred by the proposed expansion. Ms. Thompson asked who would pay for the building. Mayor Maetzold explained the hospital was responsible for any building expansion. The only costs to be decided would be any needed public improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, etc. Iver ROSS, 7504 Colony Way, said that he has an office in the 4010 Building and many times now it takes 15 minutes to get home. Mr. Ross said the Corbny already has problems with outside cars on their private street. Council Discussion/ Action Member Hovland made a motion seconded by Member Johnson to close the public hearing. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Page 7 Minutes/Edina Citv CounciI/April4,2000 Mayor Maetzold asked if the hospital had considered building the parking structure underground and why if there are no plans to go higher is the ramp being oversized in the plans. Mr. Enger replied that it would have added over .$l,OOO,OOO to the cost of the ramp to build one level of the ramp underground. He added that while at this time the proposed expansion would serve the hospital for many years, they want to maintain the flexibjlity of further expansion if it becomes necessary in the future. I Member Faust asked if a variance would be required to add to the ramp in the future. Mr. Larsen said that any future expansion to the ramp would require conditional use permit approval in the future, even without any need for a variance. Member HovIand asked about the lighting proposed for the ramp. Mr. Dahl said that the lighting would be downcast and the fixtures would be cut off fixtures to keep the light confined withjn the ramp to avoid any glare at Point of France. He added the lights could be directed northward also. Member Faust asked if all levels of the ramp would have handicapped access, whether security issues have been looked at with such a parking ramp and if employees will be charged to park in the ramp. Mr. Dahl said that there will be handicapped parking stalls clustered on each level of the ramp near the elevator. He added that his firm has designed a number of parking ramps and a number of security measures are rolled into each design. He said that his firm follows guidance during the design stage from a Minneapolis ordinance developed to deal specifically with such security issues. Mr. Enger added that the hospital currenfly has 24-hour security and may need to add more resources when this expansion occurs. He informed the Council that hospital employees will be charged at a modest rate to park in the ramp. Mayor Maetzold asked how to ensure the Drew Avenue sidewalks are made a part of the project. Mr. Hughes answered that the sidewalk installation could be made a condition of the approval or Council could direct City staff to come back and hold a project hearing for the purpose of insfalling the improvement and assessing the cost to benefited property owners. Mayor Maetzold asked about the larger issue of requiring the hospital to pay a portion of the traffic improvements identified for the area. Mr. Hoffman explained that only portions of the improvements would be state aid eligible. He said that West 65th Street from Valley View is not a state aid street, so no gas tax funds could be used for that leg of the intersection improvements. He proposed that possible sources of funds would come from MnDOT for ramp improvements, gas tax on state aid street, special assessments to larger area, and a specified amount to be assigned to the ramp because of its location and impact on the surrounding area. Mr. Hughes explained that ibee legs of the intersection would be eligible for state aid funding and one would not. So one-fourth of the total cost must be funded locally as a special assessment to an area determined to be benefited from the improvement. Member Faust asked if the one-fourth share for the installation of the two stop lights would be around $100,000. Mr. Hoffman said that no feasibility has been done, but that could be a rough estimate. I Member Hovland asked about potential costs of signalizing Xerxes Avenue and 64th Street. Mr. Hoffman said that again a portion could be funded through state aid and the rest would be local funding. He added this signal also involves RichfieId. Member Hovland continued asking about the France Avenue bridge deck over the Crosstown Highway. Mr. Hoffman said this project currently is entirely funded by MnDOT, Hennepin County and the City. Page 8 f 1- "4 I MinutesEdina City Council/April4,2000 Member Faust asked how an assessment might be calculated for widening of Drew Avenue. Mr. Hoffman said that would be determined by the Council. An assessment could be either a front foot or an area assessment. I Mayor Maetzold asked if the Council should become involved in the exterior finish of the par-king ramp and landscaping in light of the Point of France residents' concerns. Mr. Hughes answered that Council could as part of the final development plan approval, speclfy building materials and to the extent that it pleases the Council to have said materials presented. He added that the City has typically not become involved in the colors, but has requested certain types of materials be used for exterior finishes. Mr. Hughes said that landscaping is also a part of final development plan approval. The Council may speclfy the type and or size of plantings they would like to see. He reminded the Council that developers must post landscaping bonds to ensure compliance with their approved plans. Member Hovland asked about Mr. Weninger's concern about storm water from the ramp flowing into Point of France's pond. Mr. Hoffman explained that would not happen, that the storm water would flow into a pipe directed further west along Valley View, leaving less water actually getting to the Point of France pond. Member Johnson asked if procedurally the Council should become involved in the details as raised this evening when either approving or denying such a request. He added that he still has concern about traffic issues and who is planning to pay for the improvements discussed this evening. Member Johnson indicated that he sapported the hospital's expansion project, but wants assurance that the details will be taken care when approval is given. Mayor Maetzold noted these are very legitimate concerns. He said that perhaps the expansion of the hospital will act as a catalyst starting some necessary improvements in the area. Mayor Maetzold added that he drives France Avenue daily and in his experience at 700 a.m., there is not a problem with traffic. However, from 230 p.m. and later, gridlock is a problem in the area. I Member Kelly stated he has a number of comments. He thanked the hospital for responding to concerns raised earlier. Elimination of the 65* Street variance and the addition of green space, changing the time of the ramp construction and providing additional ramp design were laudable. He stated he appreciated all the changes that indicate the hospital development team has listened and responded. Member Kelly also stated that he thinks everyone agrees that the hospital is a very important and valuable asset to the community; and expansion should go forward on this site. The question is what expansion should be approved and how should it look. Member Kelly voiced concern over the collateral impact of approving the expansion. He expressed grave concern over how all the pieces fit together and their impact on the entire area of the City. This has been Member Kelly's cokrcern all along. Are the traffic solutions proposed today, solutions that will address continued growth in the particular area and the development that is contemplated from the Crosstown to the Galleria. Member Kelly stated that the Council must be responsible and take a global look at development in that particular area because it has already seen one additional plan come fGrward. He added that Southdale has been kicking around various plans and he would be reluctant to pursue development in a piecemeal fashion, not considering the collateral effect of such development. Member Kelly said he was deeply concerned that the collateral effect of the development has not been studied. In particular, he said that no a.m. traffic counts had been done. He said that addressing developer costs in the assessment period would be akin to closing fie barn door after the horse is gone. In order to adequately address development, you must address how the costs are going to be covered in the Page 9 Minutesfidha Citv CounciI/April4,2000 non state aid areas. Everyone has differing views of what the hospital's fair share of the improvement would be and waiting until theissessment leaves the City open to legal challenges if the hospital determines they are being unduly burdened. However, if an agreement is reached while working out the conditional use permit, the City avoids any further potential disagreement down the line. Member Kelly said that an agreement is needed prior to granting approval, and more detail is also needed on the traffic counts prior to approval. Member Kelly said that he did not want his comments interpreted as meaning that he thought the proposed expansion was a poorly designed landscape plan, or that he does not favor expansion in the area. However, he stated that as discussed earlier; the Council should pause and study the area from the Galleria to the Crosstown, bowing that there will be expansion of medical and retail uses in the area. It should be found out how the pieces best fit together comprehensively. For this reason he would not support approval at this time, what he favors instead is taking some time to really study the area comprehensively. If, however, the Council decides to move forward he urged that they consider in the Conditional Use Permit the material and landscaping approval discussed, and make sure no signage be allowed on the skyway. I Member Faust stated her main concern is the parking ramp and the Point of France residents. She said she believed the plans, as presented, for the parking ramp are very preliminary. The Council has not seen a definitive ramp plan and that should be presented before any approval is granted. Member Faust said that looking at the overall development in the area should have been done twenty years ago. She agreed it will be hard to develop further in this area because of all the traffic issues, but changing development standards now seems counter-productive. I Member Hovland said he believes the core problem is traffic just like in many other parts of the City. However, the hospital is not the generator of most of the traffic. Hindsight says that better planning twenty years ago would leave us with more options. However, the City must do the best it can with what is available in a compressed area. Personally, Member Hovland thinks the hospital has come up with good ideas in a tight area. He likes the parking ramp on the west side of France Avenue with the skyway across to the hospital. He agrees with no signage being allowed on the skyway. Member Hovland stated that conditions should be inserted into the conditional use permit or developer's agreement covering: landscape plan being satisfactory to staff, making sure that lighting is appropriately downcast to protect neighbors, and that the exterior building materials and skyway design be incorporated into the an agreement with the hospital. He said that issues involving state aid, gas tax, or special assessments, could be dealt with subsequent in time to approving the project. Member Hovland asked staff if the entire area of the project could be defined and then the allocation of cost dealt with later, so as not to make it a condition of approving the final development plan or conditional use permit. Mr. Hughes said he thought that separating the improvements made sense because they are all off-site of the hospital campus. They are part of intersections the City controls and the issue later becomes allocation of the cost of the improvements. Mayor Maetzold asked if the cost allocation could be done based upon the number of employees. Mr. Hughes replied he had never heard of that formula, but a close corollary would be assessments levied based upon floor area instead of lot area. I Member Hovland acknowledged the concerns of Point of France and said they could be addressed. However, he questioned whether the City could regdate the structure of the parking ramp foundation. Member Hovland said he believed the Comprehensive Plan has already been put into place with one area of concern, Southdale. He said the quadrant where all the medical buildings are located may in the future become an even more expanded medical facility and maybe that entire expansion would be great news for the entire community. Member Hovland Page 10 MinutesEdina City CounciI/April4,2000 added that he thought the expansion of the hospital was fantastic, that perhaps Fairview would become a regional medical center. Member Hovland acknowledged traffic is a problem to be resolved. As future developments come forward the Councilrs job will be to review each’project He expressed concern over the Southdale shopping area. However, if the medical quadrant continues to grow, perhaps an extended stay hotel will develop or some additional shopping capabilities for Southdale. Perhaps the medical quadrant could even become a mini ”Mayo”. Member Hovland believes that conditions could be placed upon approvals proteckg Point of France, which the developer has indicated being amenable to, so he favored moving forward. I Mayor Maetzold agreed with Member Hovland. He also agreed with Member Kelly’s concern for France Avenue. Mayor Maetzold supported moving ahead with the hospital expansion at this time. He suggested that Member Kelly’s suggestion of more comprehensive plan of the area, however, be pursued with the City’s Vision 20/20 planning process. Member Johnson asked a procedural question about the action required. He wanted to know if a list of conditions could be attached to the approvals. Mayor Maetzold asked staff if the conditions could be contained under the final development plan and conditional use permit. Mr. Hughes responded that the Council should either approve or deny the resolution on the EAW, then conditions with respect to cost of surrounding street system would be best addressed with the final development plan, and any conditions dealing with the ramp should be part of the conditional use permit. Member Kelly asked for clarification from the City Attorney on the best method of handling the cost issues associated with the development. Attorney Boelter said that perhaps traffic issues should be attached to both the final development plan and the conditional I \ use permit. I Member Faust interjected that she wanted to see a parking ramp design, not just the potential materials. Motion by Member Hovland, seconded by Member Johnson introducing the following resolution and moving its approval: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-38 CITY OF EDINA A RESOLUTION APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARATION WHEREAS, Fairview Southdale Hospital is the proposer of the project consisting of a 174,000 square foot expansion to the west and north of the existing facility, a four-level, 970-vehicle parking ramp west of France Avenue, drid .. an easywest connection via a skyway, located in the city of Edina (the ”City”); and WHEREAS, the city of Edina is the Responsible Governmental Unit pursuant to Minnesota Rules Part 4410.0500; and WHEREAS, the EAW was prepared using the form approved by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board for EAW’s in accordance with Minnesota Rules 4410.1300; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Minnesota Rules 4410.1500, the EAW was completed and distributed on January 31, 2000 to all persons and agencies on the official Environmental Quality Board distribution list; and WHEREAS, the notification of the EAW was published in the Minnesota EQB Monitor on February 7,2000; and WHEREAS, the public review and comment period remained open until March 8,2000; and WHEREAS, the comments on the EAW were received and responded to; and WHEREAS, this decision is made in compliance with the time schedule provided in Minnesota Rules 4410.1700; and Page 11 I Minutes/Edina Citv Council/April4,2000 . WHEREAS, the record considered by the City Council for purposes of it decision herein consists of the EAW, related reports and analysis; the comments received thereon, and the responses to such comments, all of which are incorporated herein and made a part of this decision; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, acting with respect to the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Fairview Southdale Medical Campus Expansion, that it finds and concludes the following: 1. The EAW was prepared in compliance with the procedures of the Minnesota Policy Act and Minnesota Rules, Parts 4410.1000 to 4410.1700; and 2. The EAW satisfactorily addressed all of the issues for which existing information could have been reasonably obtained; and 3. The findings of fact contained in Exhibit A (attached) are made; and 4. Based on criteria established in Minnesota Rules 4410.1700, and the findings of fact, the Project does not have a potential for significant environmental effects; and 5. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required, and the City of Edina therefore makes a "Negative Declaration". Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Mknesota this 4th day of April, 2000. I Roll calk Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Maetzold Nay: Kelly Resolution adopted on a 41 vote. Member Hovland made a motion to approve the final development plan and conditional use permit. Mayor Maetzold seconded the motion. Motion died. Member Johnson suggested that conditions be attached to the approval, by either amendment or delay. He stated he wants to see the conditions and wants them well thought out. Member Hovland said that in the past the Council has crafted the conditions at the final hearing. Member Kelly stated he did not see how the cost issues can be addressed at this time and that he had previously pointed out the flaws of moving to a special assessment improvement Member Hovland asked Members Kelly and Johnson how they would suggest an agreement be reached with the hospital on the cost allocation. Member Kelly said that after the costs are known; a reasonable apportionment be mutually agreed upon with all concerned parties. I€ this is not done, during the assessment process the City is open to legal challenges. Member Hovland asked why not use the special assessment process to ascertain the allocation. He said he felt the approval should be moved forward and let the special assessment process take care of the allocation of the improvement costs. Otherwise, in his opinion there would be an unfair delay to the hospital. He stated that he felt it would be more fair to use the due process of a special assessment project Member Kelly disagreed, stating that taxpayers could be subjected to additional expenses of legal defense of an assessment Mayor Maetzold stated he agreed with Member Hovland that the special assessment process should be allowed to take care of the cost allocation. If approval is delayed two weeks there would still be others who should have a share of fie cost that would not be able to be brought into the mix. In Mayor Maetzold's opinion following a special assessment process would be the most equitable way to proceed. Member Kelly stated he was not advocating the hospital pay more than a fair share, just that the share be decided before any approval. Member Johnson noted that Mi. Enger had stated earlier he would be willing to work with the City in paying a fair portion of the needed improvements, He suggested that City staff work with the hospital to achieve an agreement for cost apportionment Member Johnson said that he would be prepared to vote on the expansion at the next Council Page 12 I MinutesBRina City CounciVApril4,ZOOO meeting if something can be agreed to between the City and the hospital. Member Faust asked that the Drew Avenue sidewalk be included in the discussion. Member Kelly made a motion continuing action until April 18,2000, on the final development plan and conditional use permit request of Fairview Southdale Hospital and directing staff: to negotiate a cost sharing agreement with respect to the improvements at Valley View Road and West 65th Street, and Drew Avenue; to provide additional details as to the ramp design; and to develop the conditions necessary for said approvals. Member Faust seconded the motion. .* f .t ‘+ I , 3, .. . <* I Member Johnson stated he would support the motion, however, he did not want to dictate materials, etc. to the hospital. Member Hovland noted that a month ago when he saw this plan he was very concerned about costs. His first impression was that the hospital should pay all the costs. However, upon further reflection, he decided using the special assessment method would be better. Mr. Enger asked that Southdale Medical Center be made a part of any cost sharing negotiation involving the proposed improvements. Mayor Maetzold told Mr. Enger that this would be decided upon by City staff. Ayes: Faust, Johnson, Kelly Nay: Hovland, Maetzold Motion carried on a 3-2 vote. “RESOLUTION NO. 2000-39 LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR 5000 AND 5004 KELSEY TERRACE (CARL HANSEN) Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: WHEREAS, the following described properties are at present single tracts of land RESOLUTION 2000-39 Lots 18 and 19, Block 2, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 24TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, situated in Hennepin Coynty, Minnesota. I WHEREAS, the owner has requested the subdivision as follows: PARCEL A That part of Lot 18, Block 2, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 24TH ADDITION, according to the A recorded plat thereof and situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying north of the south 10.59 feet thereof. PARCEL B: Lot 19, and the south 10.59 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 24TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof and situated in Hemepin County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under Code Section 810 and it has been determined that compliance with the Slibdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said newly created Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision hnd Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 810 and 850; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the above described tracts of land (PARCEL A and PARCEL B) as separate tracts of land are hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Code Sections 850 and 810 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but only to the extent permitted under Code Sections 810 and 850 Page 13 I Minutes/Edina Citv Councd/April4,2000 subject to the limitations set out in Code Section 850 and said Ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent Ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those Ordinances. Adopted this 4th day of April, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. TRANSFER OF CONTROL FOR TIME WARNER CABLE CO-D Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes explained that the City's franchisee, KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. has requested that the City approve a proposed transfer of control of the Franchisee resulting from the merger of to-be-formed subsidiaries of the existing parent corporation of the franchisee, Time Warner Inc. and h&ca Online, Inc. into a new company and ultimate parent of the franchisee called AOL Time Warner, Inc. Mr. Hughes introduced Brian Grogan, counsel for the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission. Mr. Grogan informed the Council that there was probably no legal or technical basis to deny the request to transfer the control, however, he suggested that action be delayed for thirty days to allow for the Southwest Cable Commission to work through some issues and concerns with the franchisee. The Council briefly discussed the Open Access considerations that are being reviewed. The consensus of the Council was to delay action until April 18 or May 2,2000. I Member Johnson made a motion, seconded by Member Kelly to close the public hearing and continue action on this item for thirty days. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR COMFORT STATION AT WOODDALE PARK Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for the Wooddale Park comfort station to recommended low bidder, K.A. Witt Construction, Inc., at $119,047.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for the July Fourth fireworks display to sole bidder, RES Specialty Pyrotechnics, at $11,000.00 Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR WATER METERS Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for water meters to sole bidder, Hydro Supply Company, and not to exceed $76,184.58. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AMM NOMINATIONS SOLICITED FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS VACANCIES Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland acknowledging receipt of a letter dated March 22, 2000, soliciting nominations for the Board of Directors of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMh4) by no later than April 10,2000. I Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. Page 14 MinutesEdina CiW Council/April4,2000 INC. APPROVED Assistant Manager Anderson explained that last September, Metricom approached the City requesting approval of a blanket right-of-way (ROW) permit and facility use agreement. Metricom is introducing a new wireless high speed internet service to the area early next year and will compete with USWest's ISDN and Megabit service and Time Warner's Roadrunner service. Metricom requires the ability to attach shoebox size radios to lightpoles, traffic signals or power poles. Under state statutes, Metricom can locate their equipment in the ROW but would need to apply on either a pole by pole or project by project basis for individual ROW permits. Metricom is requesting the City grant a blanket ROW permit as opposed to the multiple permit process. In return, the City would be reimbursed with a combination of pole fees, a percentage of gross revenues and free subscriptions in addition to our own ROW permit fees. BLANKET RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT AND FACILITY USE AGREEMENT FOR METRICQM, I The League of Minnesota Cities, the Suburban Rate Authority and attorney's for the City of Edina have reviewed the agreement. Following staff discussion, staff feels Metricom has complied with language changes in the agreement addressing concerns. Mr. Anderson noted that Metricom is seeking approval of the agreement in 75 communities and 7 counties in the area. To date, 34 communities and 2 counties have approved the agreement. Metricom is currently operating this service in a number of large cities with plans to expand to more metropolitan areas during the year. Following Council discussion, Member Kelly made a motion approving the right-of-way permit and facility use agreement for Metricom, Inc. subject to no obligation by the City of Edina to relocate Metricom radios if power lines are moved underground. Member Johnson seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. I "ELECTION EQUIPMENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY APPROVED Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the proposed agreement with Hennepin County authorizing the trade-in of Edina's existing optical scan equipment, the use of optical scan election equipment owned by Hennepin County, including the outlined maintenance costs. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. "RESOLUTION NO. 2000-40 PHASE I1 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-40 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PHASE I1 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Y399, LO20 AND LO21 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council a report has been prepared by the Edina sanitary sewer consultant, Tolt, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, TKDA, with reference to the sanitary sewer diversion project, reconstruction of the lift station at West 62nd Street and Pamela Park, and construction of a new lift station at Garrison Lane. This report was received by the Council on December 15,1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that Project Y399, the sanitary sewer diversion project; Project L020, reconstruction of the lift station at West 62nd I Page 15 Minutes/Edina City CouncZl/April4,2000 street and Pamela Park; and Project LO25 a new lift station at Garrison Lane are hereby ordered. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized to prepare plans and specifications and advertise for bids. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2000-41 APPROVED AUTHORIZING COUNTRY CLUB STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-41 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council, a report has been prepared by the Edina storm sewer consultant, Barr Engineering, with reference to the Country Club District, Storm Sewer Improvements. This report was received by the Council on December 15,1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that Project STS- 253, storm sewer project along Bridge Street in the center of the district and additional storm sewer at the Sunnyside and Arden/Grimes intersection. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized to prepare plans and specifications and advertise for bids. IN THE COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT, IMPROVEMENT NO. STS-253 Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2000-42 APPROVED AUTHORIZING BRAEMAR TRUNK HIGHWAY 169 FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-42 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BRAEMAR TRUNK HIGHWAY 169 FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT BA-317 AND RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON S.A.P. 120-176-01 WHEREAS, a report has been prepared by the Edina City Engineer with reference to Public Improvement No. BA-317, to Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has planned the construction of MSAS 176, to Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street; WHEREAS, the City of Edina will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the construction of this frontage road; and WHEREAS, this said frontage road wiIl not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Public Improvement No. BA-317, to Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street; and 1. Improvement No. BA-317, to Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street is hereby ordered as proposed; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council: . I I I Page 16 Minutesfidina City CounciVApril4,2000 2. The Edina City Engineer is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. The City Engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement; 3. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to advertise and take bids for Improvement No. BA-317 to Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street; and 4. That the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on both sides of MSAS 176 Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road from West 78fh Street to the south end of the Braemar Arena Parking Lot, at all times. 5. That the "City" shall ban parking on the west side of Braemar Trunk Highway 169 Frontage Road adjacent to the Braemar Arena parking lot area. Adopted this 4th day of April, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2000-43, APPROVED SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF MAY 2, 2000, FOR STREET REHABILITATION PROTECT IMPROVEMENT 8-189, SCHOOL ROAD, RUTH DRIVE AND WEST 59TH STREET Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland introducing the following resolution and moving its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-43 RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF MAY 2.2000, SCHOOL ROAD, RUTH DRIVE AND WEST 59TH STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL that the Council shall meet at EO0 P.M. on the 2nd day of May, 2000, in the Council Chambers of Edina City Hall, to consider improvement No. A-189, for street rehabilitation based on the condition of School Road, Ruth Drive and West 59th Street and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted this 4th day of April, 2000. FOR STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT A-189, Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. "RESOLUTION 2000-44 APPROVED AMENDING SOUTHWEST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-44 RESOLUTION APPROVING ADDITION OF CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS TO SOUTHWEST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City of Edina has previously approved and participated in a mutual aid agreement between the southwest suburban governmental agencies to provide cooperative use of fire personnel and equipment; WHEREAS, the agencies participgting in this agreement have been designated the Southwest Mutual Aid Association; WHEREAS, the existing agreement requires the parties of the agreement to approve by resolution a new "Exhibit A" to add a new member to the agreement; WHEREAS, the City of Minneapolis would like to join the Association and would add to the overall effectiveness; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the revised "Exhibit A" dated 2/16/00, which includes the City of Minneapolis is hereby I Page 17 Minutes/Edina Citv CounciVApril4,2000 e approved as the new official list of parties to the agreement establishing the Southwest Mutual Aid Association. The City Clerk is directed to transmit a certifiedscopy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Southwest Mutual Aid Association. Adopted this 4th day of April, 2000. I Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *2000-2001 LOCAL 49ER'S AGREEMENT (PUBLIC WORKS/pARK MAINTENANCE) APPROVED Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the Local 49er's Public Works and Park Maintenance 2000-2001 contract. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2000-45 AUTHORIZING RENOVATION OF DAKOTA TRAIL SEWER LIFT STATION Motion made by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Hovland approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-45 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DAKOTA TRAIL SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION RENOVATION NO. LS-21 WHEREAS, pursuant to the City of Edina's Capital Improvement Plan it has been NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that Project LS-21, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized to prepare determined that the Dakota Trail Lift Station requires renovation. sanitary sewer lift station renovation project along Dakota Trail is ordered. plans and specifications and advertise for bids. Adopted this 4th day of April, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Faust approving payment of the following 'claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 29, 2000, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $317,543.64; Communications $144.95; Working Capital $1,913.67; Art Center $15,899.79; Golf Dome Fund $1,687.62; Swimming Pool Fund $44.60; Golf Course Fund $55,116.45; Ice Arena Fund $5,203.87; EdinboroughjCentennial Lakes $11,521.12; Utilit~ Fund $29,815.26; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $355.51; Liquor Dispensary Fund $175,814.22; Construction Fund $90,467.56; Park Bond Fund $5,390.62; TOTAL $710,918.88; and for confirmation of payment of claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 29, 2000, and consisting of 6 pages: General Fund $452,848.38; Communications $3,746.81; Working Capital $41,141.20; Art Center $849.09; Golf Dome Fund $1,128.12; Swimming Pool Fund $378.66; Golf Course Fund $3,653.13; Ice Arena Fund $6,477.65; EdinboroughjCentennial Lakes $9,704.03; Utility Fund $254,317.04; Storm Sewer Fund $1,084.85; Liquor Dispensary Fund $69,553.44; TOTAL $844,882.40. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. I There being no further business on the CounciI Agenda, Mayor Maetzold adjourned the Council Meeting at 10:35 P.M. / &ty Clerk Page 18