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2013-01-17 Meeting Packet
AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS January 17, 2013 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of December 20, 2013 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Transportation Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS A. Traffic Safety Committee Report of January 2, 2013 B. Updates i. Student Member ii. Bike Edina Task Force — December 13, 2012 Minutes iii. Living Streets Working Group iv. Transportation Options Working Group a. Presentation on Senior Transportation Options for Edina —Courtney Whited and Hope Melton V. Communications Committee VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence relating to transportation issues. VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS A. Chair report on 2012 Accomplishments (handout at meeting) Agenda / Edina Transportation Commission January 17, 2013 Page 2 IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. 2011 Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey Results X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Thursday Jan 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday Feb 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Monday March 11 Annual Meeting with Boards & Commissions 5:00 PM BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE Thursday March 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday April 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday April 30 Volunteer Recognition Reception 5:00 PM BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE ursday May 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM oursday June 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday July 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM DECEMBER 20, 2012 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was members Bass, Braden, Franzen, lyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Schweiger, Sierks, and Thompson. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF NOV. 15, 2012 The following correction was made: Page 4, paragraph 4, delete entire paragraph and replace with 'Member Janovy said engineering's role in communications should be to provide the technical expertise to the communications department and let them know when projects are coming up so that a communications plan can be developed. She said communications department staff is the communications professionals. They should be developing the relationship with the engineering department to stay ahead of the issues, rather than react. She said in their committee discussion she asked, "What is the role of the communications department: how do they work to identify the communications needs of other departments ?" Director Houle said he believes they work on hot issues and residents' reaction to the bike lanes took everyone by surprise. He said the communications department does not work with other departments to anticipate upcoming issues.' Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Janovy to approve the amended minutes of Nov. 15, 2012. Aye: Bass, Braden, Franzen, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Schweiger, Sierks Abstain: Thompson Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT Mary Everett, 5600 Park Place, said she was in attendance to be more informed about things like the bike advisory lane on Wooddale Avenue and airport noise. Laura Hemler, 5601 Park Place, said she has actively opposed the bike lane on Wooddale Avenue and is in attendance to learn more about the process and how they were approved. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS 2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Work Plan Update Director Houle said this is on the agenda because member Janovy brought it to his attention that many of the items listed are transportation related. Member Janovy said she there are items listed such as the Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study that is not on the ETC's Work Plan. She asked for feedback from the ETC and also asked how the projects would be coordinated. Director Houle explained that all the projects in the CIP are staff initiated and that the ETC will become involved but that staff was taking the lead role. He said the Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study is planned because of ongoing redevelopment in the area and staff would like to create a master plan. Member Bass mentioned the Grandview Area Small Study process that studied land use and traffic and allowed for input. Director Houle said land use and transportation goes together and this study will involve the community development - planning department; however, it will not be a small area study like Grandview. Member Janovy said Southdale is important and expressed concerns that if the study is done in engineering without a global approach, they will not get what they need. Director Houle said it will not be done solely in engineering. He explained that the study will not include land use changes but instead will be focused on the roadway; for example, should a single lane become two lanes; should two lanes become four lanes, etc. Member Bass said she agreed with this but there are in -fills and the area is changing. Director Houle said he will be incorporating the Living Streets Policy and will be looking at all modes of transportation. Member Bass said she wanted to be sure that it is comprehensive and that input is solicited from area residents. Chair Nelson noted that the France Avenue Intersection Enhancements project will be going on at the same time as the Greater Southdale Study is underway. Director Houle said there are already some data available that they will be analyzing. While there isn't a defined boundary for Southdale, Director Houle anticipates the study boundary to be from York Avenue over to Valley View Road and from Crosstown down to about W. 76th Street. He said the process would include going out for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and the RFP would be developed by a group that could be a working group of the ETC. Chair Nelson said based on feedback tonight it would be good to have a working group involved. Other projects in the CIP that were discussed are: • Promenade Phase III —this is the unimproved sidewalk behind Byerly's that will be a bike lane and a water feature. • France Avenue & TH62 Reconstruction —this is a high crash area that Hennepin County studied for potential redesigning of the lanes to prevent T -bone accidents. There are no plans currently underway to reconstruct the entire intersection. • Pedestrian Bridge over TH62 — member lyer asked if input has been solicited from the schools. Director Houle explained that the projects in the CIP are 'place holders' and that plans are not yet drafted for them. He said when planning begins, all stakeholders will be included. Member lyer asked when would the ETC and other stakeholders become involved. Director Houle said it depends on the project but for a 2014 project, planning would begin in 2013 and for the bridge in particular, which will represent a brand in the community, he anticipates the ETC's involvement as well as others. Member lyer said he's always wondered when was the ideal time to seek input — at the beginning or after you already have some information; he said both are positive and negative. Continuing, member lyer said he liked the title but not the description. He suggested other connections (Westshore Drive, Virginia Avenue, Concord Avenue) that might work better than the current location when thinking of Safe Routes to School. Member Janovy asked if the suggestions could be communicated to the Safe Routes to School consultant for review as this study is currently underway. Member Janovy suggested revisiting this again in six months. Traffic Safety Committee Report of Dec. 12, 2012 Section B. I. 'Highland Road is classified as City street' should read 'Highland Road is classified as local street.' Member Janovy is concerned with the wording'MNMUTCD has standards in which a Yield sign should be placed at an intersection...' She said standards means something and in this case it is guidance 2 that is being provided. She suggested rewording as 'The MNMUTCD provides guidance on when a Yield sign should be placed at an intersection...' Chair Nelson said it is a little upsetting to see the mention of a lack of sidewalk when the ETC recommended a sidewalk when the neighborhood streets were reconstructed but it was not approved. Section B. 2. Member Janovy asked if the 6 -hr parking would be enforced and Director Houle said yes. Motion was made by member Franzen and seconded by member Braden to forward the Dec. 12 Traffic Safety Committee Report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting Schedule for 2013 The October meeting will be the 4t" Thursday of the month because of MEA weekend. Updates Student Members None. Bike Edina Task Force Received minutes of Nov. 8, 2012. Member Janovy said the City of Minneapolis did a presentation on their bike lanes and the presentation was forwarded to the ETC. She reported that the following bike and pedestrians counts were done: • 55th & Wooddale: Bike count, Thursday, August 16, 2012: 197 (approx. 21 hour video count -- missing 12:30 -3:30 p.m.) Bike count, Wednesday, October 3, 2012: 107 (24 hour video count) Ped count, August 16, 2012: 104 Ped count, October 3, 2012: 104 • 54th and Halifax: Bike count, Saturday, August 18, 2012: 106 (21 hour video count -- missing 1:00 -4:00 p.m.) Bike count, Monday, October 8, 2012: 16 (24 video count) Ped count, August 16, 2012: 129 Ped count, October 8, 2012: 314 Living Streets Working Group Member Thompson handed out the minutes from their last meeting which lists the progress they have made so far. He said if the requested budget was not approved, that they would do a 'watered down' version similar to that of the City of Maplewood. He said member Janovy did a draft 'watered down' policy using the policy from City of Maplewood, City of Los Angeles and the work that has been done by BARR and HR Green. He said staff would take the lead with implementation of the final policy with the ETC providing support. Member Thompson, city engineer for the City of Maplewood, said they wrote their policy internally after getting input from a taskforce and stakeholders. He said it was used in 2011 and 2012 when they did street reconstruction. Member Braden recalled that City of North St. Paul also developed a Living Street Policy the same time as City of Maplewood but they did not approve a component of their policy for implementation. Member Thompson said it could be a cultural difference and education between the two cities. Member Braden said they need to be aware of this so the same thing doesn't happen in Edina. Member Thompson said they had an internal taskforce and then they included boards and commissions. He asked for feedback on moving forward. Member Franzen asked if the next step is to put together the classification and member Thompson said it would be to form another working group to review the draft policy before it goes to staff. Member Thompson said a new category was created called 'local connector' —this is a local street that is a main artery into a neighborhood and it would have a sidewalk on at least one side but no sidewalk on streets with lower level traffic. He said Member Janovy have already identified some of the 'local connector' streets. He said they were not defined to give staff flexibility. Transportation Options Working Group Received minutes of Nov. 13, 2012. Communications Committee — Draft City of Edina Pedestrian and Bicycling Policy Statement Member LaForce said because of the committee's concern that City policies are scattered all over and residents might say they are making up things, they've created a new draft City of Edina Pedestrian and Bicycling Policy Statement to put everything in one place. Member Braden asked what was meant by 'prioritizing transportation right -of -way (ROW).' Member LaForce said they can use the ROW for anything; for example, Wooddale Avenue does not only have to be for parking. Member Janovy added that transportation ROW is for transportation but they run into challenges with things like landscaping in the ROW even though they are not allowed and this makes it difficult for putting in sidewalk. This is in policy already said member Janovy but it is all over the place. Feedback included the following: Member Franzen suggested citing where each policy came from and member Janovy said it was difficult to note where everything came from because they are all related. Member Thompson asked what difference another policy was going to make from all the other policies. Member Franzen said it looks like a different policy but it sounds like they are trying to summarize all policies and if so, this should be stated in the purpose. Regarding Policy Statement #5 where it talks about removing snow, member Braden asked if the City is going to remove snow for her. Director Houle said removing snow from sidewalk along county roads, state aid roads and around schools is common practice. Member Janovy thinks the City should remove snow from all sidewalks. This sentence will be reworded to reflect the current practice. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Nelson said most of the emails were talking about the bike lane on Wooddale Avenue. Member Janovy said one letter referenced Hibiscus Avenue and that she recommended sidewalk. She asked to have the minutes changed to reflect the actual conversation. Member Janovy motioned to change the Oct 25 minutes and the motion was seconded by member LaForce. Member LaForce motioned to change the Oct 25 minutes as follow: in the Lake Edina section delete 'Member Janovy recommended a sidewalk on 4 Normandale Road to Hibiscus Avenue to Kellogg Avenue because of speed and volume and to connect with the Nine Mile trail that is coming soon.' And replace with 'Member Janovy suggested that staff evaluate the feasibility of sidewalks on Normandale Road and Hibiscus Avenue.' The motion was seconded by member lyer. All voted aye. Motion carried. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member LaForce asked if any safety upgrades had been done at the top of the ramp at Benton Avenue and Normandale Road, coming from southbound TH100. He said cars coming up the ramp do not stop and he has experienced this at least once a month when biking. Director Houle said he will take a look at the area. Member Janovy said there was a ROW easement vacation on Benton Avenue and she thought City Council did not want to give up any ROW until they were inventoried. Also, there were two public comments on traffic: one about United Health in Minnetonka, and the other about Pizzeria Lola at Sunnyside Road and France Avenue. She said to expect these at the TSC. Member Bass asked if there is a policy or exception for disabled residents to remove snow. Director Houle said they are required to remove their snow and if they can't there are resources available. She asked if there were any feedback now that Tracy Avenue (Vernon to Benton) is opened and Director Houle said not directly (the Mayor passed on feedback that he heard while campaigning - residents like it!) Member lyer asked if there is a formal process to get feedback when projects are completed. Director Houle said no but recently, staff did a communications audit that led to changes in how engineering communicates with residents. He said a good indicator for him is how few residents attend the final assessment public hearing. Member lyer said he would like to know how effective the commission has been. He said they have been involved in major projects and would like to know if they are making the right decisions or how they are perceived by residents. Member Janovy said the City Council gave the ETC the Wooddale Avenue bike lane project and said to make something happen and as for the neighborhood reconstruction projects, they've only been involved for two years. Member lyer said he understands that the ETC does not make decisions but they do make recommendations and as a part of the process, he would like to know what people think about their recommendations. Chair Nelson said the PACS funding was approved by City Council. STAFF COMMENTS All of the neighborhood projects were approved by City Council on Dec. 11 and bids will be opened in February /March. Southwest LRT announced their preliminary engineers and they are Kimley Horn & Associates and AECOM. City Council approved the final development plans for 6500 France Avenue. At their expense, the developer will upgrade the intersection to match the intersections in the France Avenue Intersections Improvement project. Other developments around the Southdale area are: a new transit center by JCP is planned for next year; and enhanced crossing from the West End and Barnes and Noble across 69th Street which could also include a roundabout (to be determined when the Greater Southdale Transportation Study is done). 5 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. ATTENDANCE To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Byron Theis — Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: January 11, 2013 Subject: Traffic Safety Committee Report of January 2, 2013 A, • ,�CORPOR ATFO • � P-Y-, 0 IHHH Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action ❑X Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Review and recommend Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) Report of Wednesday January 2, 2013, be forwarded to City Council for approval. Information / Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the meeting regarding any of the attached issues. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) will be included in the staff report provided to Council for their February 19, 2013 meeting. Attachments: Traffic Safety Review for January 2, 2013. G: \Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Safety Committee \Staff Review Summaries \12 TSAC & Min \01- 01- 13.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on January 2. The Director of Engineering, Public Works Director, Police Traffic Supervisor, the Community Development Director, the Sign Coordinator, and Traffic Safety Coordinator were in attendance for this meeting. From these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the January 17, Edina Transportation Commission and the February 19 City Council agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the Committee recommends approval: At this time, there are no requests that are recommended for approval. SECTION B: Requests on which the Committee recommends denial: 1. This request was reviewed at the November 15th, 2012, ETC meeting. The ETC recommended the following: Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Bass for staff to evaluate moving the yield sign to 61st Street and to also evaluate installing stop signs since the basket weave is already in place and the stop sign would complete the weave. All voted aye. Motion carried. The request is to install stop signs at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and 61 st Street West; the intersection currently has yield signs on Kellogg Avenue. This was a second request to install stop signs at this location. The first request occurred in July of 2012, which the City Council concurred. A crash at this location in October prompted a second request to install stop signs at this location. 61st Street West and Kellogg Avenue are both classified as local streets, see map. Sight lines are very good for all four directions into the intersection, see photos. Two recorded accidents have occurred at this location since 2001; these accidents occurred in 2012, see attached 2012 Traffic and Crash Data for Kellogg and 61 st. Both accidents were caused by northbound vehicles that failed to yield to the east -west moving vehicles. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page I of 5 January 2, 2013 Map: 61st Street West and Kellogg Avenue Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 2 of 5 January 2, 2013 Photo 1: 61st Street looking eastbound. Photo 2: Kellogg Ave looking northbound Photo 3: Kellogg Ave looking southbound The City of Edina has stop sign warrant polices that are based off of the Minnesota Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devises (MNMUTCD); however, these policies have not been updated with the new MNMUTCD, therefore staff is using the new MNMUTCD for analysis of the intersection. The MNMUTCD describes guidance and standards that should be used for installation of regulatory signs such as stop signs. The MNMUTCD guidance states: At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs (see Sections 2B.8 and 2B.9). The use of STOP signs on the minor- street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day, Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 3 of 5 January 2, 2013 B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway, and /or C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12 -month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2 -year period. Such crashes include right -angle collisions involving road users on the minor - street approach failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. In many low volume situations with no unusual history of intersection crashes, no control at the intersections is a cost effective strategy. Research suggests that at most locations, increasing the level of intersection control will not improve safety (see FHWA -RD -81 -084 Stop, Yield and No Control at Intersections). Keep in mind that unwarranted placement of any sign can lead to negative consequences. Installing a stop sign without meeting the required warrants will reduce the effectiveness of all stop signs in the area. This reduced effectiveness is shown by an increase of vehicles, "rolling through" or entering the intersection at a higher rate of speed than the intersection is capable of handling. This increases the chance of crashes which will make the intersection more dangerous. Research has also shown that placing stop signs increases peak speed at the midblock of streets, because drivers will speed to regain lost time at stop signs. Yield signs have the benefit of assigning right -of -way only when needed. Stop signs will require vehicles to stop during non -peak times at the intersection. Other negative consequences include increased local pollution due to stopped vehicles, and an increase in noise due to vehicles accelerating after stopping. The total ADT entering the intersection equals 417 vehicles per day, which does not comply with the MNMUTCD. See attached traffic counts. Other warrants stated in the MNMUTCD for placing a Stop sign have also not been met. Staff also studied the turning movements of the intersection to see if the existing yield signs are placed on the correct street and also to be able to recommend which street a stop sign be placed if the ETC recommends to the City Council that stop signs be placed at this intersection, see attached turning movements. The turning movement conducted shows that a majority of afternoon peak travel traffic is travelling northbound and westbound at the intersection. This could indicate that traffic is using both streets as a cut - through to avoid other intersections in the area. Staff recommends denial of request for stop signs at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and 61 st Street West. However, based on the intersection turning movements staff recommends that the Yield signs be moved to 61 st Street West. If the ETC and the City Council wish to install stop signs at this location staff recommends that they be installed on 61st Street West. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others. At this time, there are no requests that require deferral to a later date. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 4 of 5 January 2, 2013 SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled. Call from a resident inquiring about the plowing schedule for Edina streets. Call was forwarded to Public Works, who manages the schedule for street plowing. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 5 of 5 January 2, 2013 2012 Traffic and Crash Data for Kellogg and 61st r(S yY Fatal HIncapacitating Injury Non - Incapacitating Injury Possible Injury Property Damage Q Prior to 2005 Year 0 2005 Q 2006 0 2007 ® 2008 8 2009 !♦ 2010 ® 2011 0 2012 Traffic Data Location Description Year ADT* ADT Entering Intersection 65th Speed, MPH ** 1 W. 61 st Street west of Kellogg 2012 Fall Recount 167 56 25.4 2012 Fall Count 106 12 23.6 2012 177 68 23.2 2 Kellogg Ave. north of W 61st Street 2012 Fall Count 261 106 29.7 2012 275 82 28.5 3 W. 61 st Street east of Kellogg 2012 Fall Count 146 84 23.5 2012 125 77 22.7 2001 2061 NA- 35.3 4 Kellogg Ave. south of 61st Street 2012 Fall Count 293 171 24.7 2012 352 205 25 2003 437 NA 27 * ADT is the Average Daily Traffic on a typical Monday - Friday ** 85th percentile spped is the speed at which 85% of vehicles measured are travelling at or below Crash Data Location Severity Year Month Time A Property Damage - No Apparent Injury 2008 Oct. 1605 B Prop rty Damage - No Apparent Injury 2008 Jan. 1505 Property Damage - No Apparent Injury 2001 Aug. 1800 .N W +E S } i !W11) Q z ,Z� fW i i i i i I Traffic Counts for Chowen Avenue 1 C9 j ( j r I I I r I iW �Q Z W N N I W E ! i, S Hur rb uie Average uauy r rarnc on a ryp(cai Ivlonaay- Frlaay ** 85 percentile speed is the speed at which 85% of vehicles measured are travelling at or below. I 0 ADT Over ADT Over 85th Percentile Location Description Year ADT 25 MPH 30 MPH Speed NB SB NB SB NB SB Chowen Avenue South of 1 58th Street 2012 241 60 61 15 11 29.3 28.6 West Shore Dr. North of Wilford Way 2010 313 67 74 16 20 29.0 29.6 Hur rb uie Average uauy r rarnc on a ryp(cai Ivlonaay- Frlaay ** 85 percentile speed is the speed at which 85% of vehicles measured are travelling at or below. I 0 • m City of Edina ~ U 0 2 Turning Counts Study - Field Sheet m it y r Request No.: NA L 0 9 Job No.: NA i ° f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: F 0 w County: Henn. Date: 12/19 -12/20 112/19-1 L Town: dina iecorder: 0 U Weather: tear rval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00- o u a :- n o ume HOURS 10:00 19:00 16:00 19:00 AM Peak Hour: 41 26 1 I 15 LEG 1 Kellogg Avenue Quadrant Total 2 R T L U 1 3 Quadrant Total �I 2 23 1 0 22 15 m m a y ~ U 0 2 L R m it y r 11 L 0 9 �— T i ° f F 0 w T� 6 p L 7 R 1 0 U 9 0 1 4 1 13 2 Quadrant Total 5 U l—] L—� T 1 R �. 2 Quadrant Total Kellogg Avenue LEG 2 24 1 I 19 43 PM Peak Hour: 109 25 1 1 84 LEG 1 Kellogg Avenue Quadrant Total 4 R __I T L U r 6 Quadrant Total 2 1 21 1 2 1 0 69 54 m m »� U 0 4 R m m' r 29 L 2 24 T i Q ° m n a m w T 9 1 L 15 R + 4 0 U 15 Quadrant Total 32 0 28 1 78 1 4 1� I L T I R Kellogg Avenue IEU 2 26 1 110 136 5 Quadrant Total 20 �9iNn, ,k'4 11 � e 1 /gyp Document Path: G:tEW...WVnMetrudurel5,r \T ftn"MFF MUESWIZTnek_C .md City of Edina Traffic Control `OQ S £Qy, p A N W +E s Engineering Dept January, 2013 BIKE EDIN/1 Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes December 13, 2012 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle- friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: BETF monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Peter Kelley, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Timothy Olson, SHIP contact Robyn Wiesman, and Mayor & City Council. Also Dianne Plunkett Latham to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission and Ned Nelson of the Hennepin County Bicycle Advisory Committee • Present: Peter Kelley, Brad Schaeppi, Lori Richman, Sally Dunn, Donald Eyeberg, Tom Randall, Rob Erickson, Larry Olson. • Absent: Alex Johnson, Marty Mathis, Alice Hulbert, Ellen Jones, Kirk Johnson, Jennifer Janovy, Carl Follstad • Guests: Nate Richman, Simon Blenski • Recorded by: Peter Kelley Presentation by Simon Blenski of Mpls Public Works Dept. Simon outlined bike signage currently being used and evaluated by the city of Minneapolis. He explained that Mpls has a bike advisory committee that is appointed by city council. It consists of citizens and members from city departments, also county and state officials. It has around 30 members, meets monthly meeting with two sub committees (policy and engineering). Minneapolis street markings -- They initially generated lots of confusion, but drivers and cyclists seem to be getting used to them. The public works department recently put together a bike marking document outlining what the city is currently using. Simon shared the document with the BETF (see second attachment). Below is an outline of what Simon presented: a. Bike lane —they are starting to use just bike symbol in the lane rather than bike with rider - phasing out older options. (arrow only on one way streets or with advisory lane) b. Bike lanes are dashed when they approach intersections - starting 70 to 100 feet from intersections, also dashed when lane occurs at bus stops. c. Buffered bike lanes, are a new option —with hatched out space(4 feet wide) in between bike lane and car traffic lane. d. They do parking traffic studies before starting a project —don't just ask, they do actual car counts. e. Neighbors often like the buffering due to traffic calming effects. f. Green "conflict" areas used at intersections or merge areas where traffic needs to cross bike lane with heavy traffic. g. Bike symbols are not paint —more expensive, but they last longer. h. Cycle track —moves bike lane inside parking lane. Gone through a number of iterations, First avenue is an example. L Traffic signals (lights)—experimental bike lights get a jump start on the traffic. j. Shared lane markings, sharrows -- bike with chevron intended to encourage bikers to ride away from parked cars. k. Enhanced shared lane - shorter sharrow with stripes on either side 1. City is still evaluating things, particularly with shared lane markings. m. Bike boxes at busy intersections, allow bikes a safe place to wait for signals to change n. Signage: trying to reduce number of signs— adding bike symbol to street name sign. Putting them on bike blvds and some bike lane streets, but trying not use them everywhere so as not to dilute the impact. o. Wayfinding, major destinations and with distances (similar to wooddale and 54th location sign) To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: January 17, 2013 Subject: Correspondence Relating to Transportation Issues Action Requested: No action requested. ,�91NA,r efl� Agenda Item M. VII. A. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Information I Background: Attached is correspondence from the latest City Council packets and other sources relating to transportation issues. Attachments: Correspondence G:\Engineering\lnfrostructure\Streets\TrafflcVRANSP COMM \Agendas \2013 R &R \20130117 \Item VII A. Correspondence.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Susan Howl From: Emilie Kastner on behalf of Edina Mail Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:56 AM To: Susan Howl Subject: FW: Lake Edina Neighborhood Sidewalk & Sound Wall Beautification- Proposed Improvement BA -398 Emilie Kastner, Communications Assistant I ' 952- 826 -0342 1 Fax 952- 826 -0389 ekastner(@EdinaMN.gov www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families &. Doing Business From: Brian Hedberg Lmai Ito: bhed berg (&readycreditcorp.coml Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:55 PM To: jhovland(&krausehovland.com; 'joshsprague @edinarealty.com'; jonibennettl2Pcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Edina Mail; swensonannlPgmaii.com; Scott Neal; Paul Nelson (.pnelson shawlundquist.com); Jennifer; Wayne Houle; Chad Millner Cc: Brian Hedberg Subject: Lake Edina Neighborhood Sidewalk & Sound Wall Beautification- Proposed Improvement BA -398 Dear Edina City Council, Administration, and Transportation Committee Members We would like to personally Thank each of you for your consideration and contributions to the discussion concerning placement of sidewalks within the Lake Edina Neighborhood. Although unable to attend the Dec 11th meeting, I was informed of the final recommendation and decisions taken at the meeting by a number of neighbors. Having a comprehensive plan for living roadways is a passionate objective of our community - and is shared by many of our neighbors. We are encouraged that this objective was able to remain intact while thoughtfully rationalizing how limited resources should be prioritized to benefit those areas of our community that have the greatest immediate need. Thank you for all that each of you do for our community! Sincerely, Brian and Lori Hedberg 4913 Trillium Lane Edina, MN 952.929.2647 bhedberg @comcast.net 1 Susan Howl Subject: request for stop sign at 61st and Kellogg - City Council meeting tomor row, 12/18 Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council members, We are unable to attend tomorrow's City Council meeting (not knowing what time the traffic study for our neighborhood will be discussed, we simply don't have time to wait for this section of the meeting during this extremely busy week). We therefore hope that you will review and read aloud this email during the appropriate part of the meeting. We would like to make an additional plea, which is seconded by many neighbors who are also extremely concerned about the dangerous intersection at 61 st and Kellogg. We have read the Traffic Study and disagree with the findings. Although the traffic volume (under 6000 vehicles per day) does not "warrant" a stop sign, we find it ludicrous that we would have to wait for a third accident to take place - knowing that two accidents have occurred in the past several months - in order to "warrant" a stop sign. We regularly witness drivers speeding down Kellogg Avenue northbound without even slowing at the yield sign. We have discussed with many neighbors the danger of this intersection. Many of us now come to a complete stop at the yield sign, knowing that someone may speed through on 61 st Street. We would like to make clear that placing stop signs on 61st Street would likely increase traffic and speed along Kellogg, where many people are already cutting through the neighborhood in order to bypass the congestion at Valley View and Wooddale. This area is highly populated with children and we have many pedestrians walking to the Neighborhood Ice Cream Shoppe, the Montessori School on Kellogg, and to and from Pamela Park. That is the reason we have requested stop signs on Kellog , not on 61st Street. Placing stop signs on Kellogg would have two positive results: 1) eliminating the dangerous intersection at 61st and Kellogg; and 2) slowing the speed of drivers on Kellogg. We appreciate the time that has been spent looking into this matter and respectfully and strongly request that stop signs be placed on Kellogg Avenue (in place of the current yield signs), per the neighborhood's multiple requests. I have copied our very active Pamela Park neighborhood group - neighbors who, overwhelmingly support the addition of these stop signs on Kellogg Avenue. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Constance and Eric Fantin 603' ) Kellogg Avenue Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno on behalf of Edina Mail Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 8:31 AM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: bike lanes Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 1 952- 927 -8861 1 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 ( k IbiunnoCcDEdinaMN.gov I www. Edina MN.00v ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families 6z. Doing Business From: Teri Whaley Imailto:teriwhaley(@me.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 12:05 AM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettl2(a)comcast.net; ioshsprague@edinarealty.com; Cc: Teri Whaley Subject: bike lanes Hello Mayor Hovland and Council Members, Mary Brindle; swensonannlPgmail.com I want you all to know that many neighbors are staying in contact and still strongly oppose the bike lanes that were imposed on us last summer. I know that you have been busy, desperately trying to have your voices heard regarding the airport flight patterns. That Edina was not represented on the committee or included in the process is incredibly frustrating and unfair. That is EXACTLY how the people of my neighborhood feel about these bike lanes!! We have not been apart of the process, we were not represented (just the bikers) and other people have made decisions based on their own interests and biases. I happen to know that none of you live on this new bike lane stretch. Your parking has not been done away with; huge, bright signs are not in your yards; your property values haven't diminished. You don't travel these roads as often as we do. Every other day I observe a near car accident! (or bikers and drivers screaming at each other) It's not just the elderly either. I had my whole family visiting over Thanksgiving and I kept directing people over to Kellogg to park, My older son's friends kept parking on 54th (like they've done forever) and don't understand why they can't park there anymore. Also, we have resented the artificial letters being sent to the Sun Current praising the project. Laura Hemsler has researched these "neighbors" and Bob Aderhold and Bob Fried are members of the Edina Bike Task Force and Transit for Livable Communities. They definitely have conflicts of interest and misrepresented themselves. I can only hope that some glimmers of common sense prevail and we make some changes. Thank You, Teri Whaley Teri Whaley teri(a-)-whaleymn.com teriwhaley(a me.com Wayne Houle rom: Paul Nelson <pnelson @shawlundquist.com> -jent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 8:03 PM To: Wayne Houle Subject: Fwd: property values and bike facilities Some interesting articles /studies that I'd like to share with the etc. perhaps include articles in next months packet? Paul Nelson Shaw Lundquist Phone 651- 234 -8885 Begin forwarded message: From: James Hovland <jhovlandkkrausehovland.com> Date: January 3, 2013, 4:15:14 PM CST To: Paul Nelson <pnelson(,shawlundquist.com> Subject: FW: property values and bike facilities Paul, fyi. James B. Hovland, Esquire KRAUSE & HOVLAND, Chartered 310 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 ihoviand[@krausehovland.com Phone: (612) 874 -8550 Fax: (612) 874 -9362 Cell: (612) 961 -6192 From: Steve Clark [ mailto :stevec(&ticminnesota.org] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 11:50 AM To: James Hovland Subject: property values and bike facilities Hi Jim, Hope your new year is off to a great start! I was reminded today that I promised to send you info about this issue. Please don't hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions. Steve Clark Walking and Bicycling Program Manager Transit for Livable Communities 651 - 789 -1419 www.bikewalktwinciti es. orZ Young buyers seek walkability: http: / /www. startribune .com/lifesiyle/homegarden/ 164822116.html ?refer =y Bikability increases urban property values hlip://www.bikesbelong.oli.us/Resources/Real estate.pdf Young home buyers seek' walkability' J StarTribune.com My accounts I Subscribe Digital -Home delivery I eEdition Page 1 of 2 Search # All content Business listingsilSearch `Y Site Index StarTribune1 home + garden News Local Sports Business Politics Opinion Lifestyle Entertainment obituaries Classifieds Autos Housing Jobs Taste Home +Garden Travel Health Style Relationships Steals Blogs + Columns ADVERTISEMENT Houle y Lifestyle y Home + Garden ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Young home buyers seek 'walkability' Article by: KIM PALMER , Star Tribune I Updated: September 21, 2012 - 12:53 PM Folks are willing to pay a premium for city living, with its nearby coffee shops, restaurants and stores. Q resize text Q print buy reprints Tweet = 1990s, are driving the shift, said Leinberger. "They don't want to live www.walkscore.com like'Leave it to Beaver.' They want to live like'Seinfeld' and 'Friends. "' Until the 1990s, suburban homes that were accessible only by car related content When Scott and Lacey Campbell went searching for their first home, garden city living was high on their list of must - haves. "We could have gotten a bigger, newer house in the suburbs for less money, but we didn't want that," said Scott. Honey, can you pass the Instead, they bought a house in Minneapolis, close to Mississippi § ` River walking trails, restaurants, coffee shops and the Riverview movie theater, Lacey, who is expecting, is pleased that her child will Hear the birds grow up with "access to great things, without being tethered to me or On the wing: Swans trumpet a car," she said. at Monticello The Campbells represent a major shift in what home buyers now Walking to the movie theater. want and are willing to pay a premium for, according to a recent study Carlos Gonzalez, Star by the Brookings Institution. They want "walkability ": high- density Tribune neighborhoods with nearby destinations, said Brookings senior fellow WHAT'S YOUR'WALK Christopher Leinberger, a professor at the George Washington SCORE'? University School of Business. "That was not the Case 20 years ago." To see the "walk score" of a For example, Leinberger compared housing data from Savage and particular address or The Millennials, those born between the late 1970s and the early neighborhood, go to 1990s, are driving the shift, said Leinberger. "They don't want to live www.walkscore.com like'Leave it to Beaver.' They want to live like'Seinfeld' and 'Friends. "' Until the 1990s, suburban homes that were accessible only by car more from home + cost more per square foot than other kinds of American housing, garden according to Leinberger. But that equation has flipped, he said. Today, the most valuable real estate is located in walkable locations. Honey, can you pass the To quantify the value that walkability adds, the Brookings study circular saw? analyzed housing data from Zillow.com, focusing on the Washington, D.C., area. Hear the birds The study did not include the Twin Cities, but after analyzing local On the wing: Swans trumpet data at the request of the Star Tribune, Leinberger said that at Monticello "Minneapolis fits the pattern." If the price premium Brookings discovered in D.C. is adjusted to get related content reflect Twin Cities housing prices, the value added is at least $35 per delivered to your inbox square foot greater, up to $175 per square foot greater, depending on the level of walkability, as measured by two indexes. manage my email subscriptions For example, Leinberger compared housing data from Savage and downtown Minneapolis' Warehouse District. In 1998, housing in Savage was relatively expensive, second only to Edina. But by 2007, the peak for the local housing market, values in Savage had risen 40 percent in real - dollar terms, while values in the Warehouse District had climbed 86 percent, he said. Values in both locations fell during the housing crash, but the Warehouse District dropped less. In 1998, Savage was 1 percent more expensive than the Warehouse District, but by 2012, the Warehouse District was 39 percent more expensive than Savage. http: / /www.startribune.com/ lifestyle /homegarden/164822116.html ?refer =y 1/10/2013 Young home buyers seek 'walkability' I StarTribune.com "The lines crossed in favor of the walkable urban places, as I have seen across the country," said Leinberger. But walkability isn't limited to the urban core; the most expensive location in the Twin Cities is now Wayzata, a suburb with a high - density, walkable downtown. New word, old idea Local real estate agents generally agreed that walkability adds value. "Walkability is an important thing," said David Abele, an agent with Lakes Sotheby's. "It's always been location, location, location, and that has always included walkability, but 20 years ago, nobody was using that word." Rising gas prices have boosted interest in walking and biking, but that's not the whole story, he said. "I strongly disagree that it's all the economy. People are wanting to be around people and be part of a community." Home buyers want to live near their peers, and for young professionals, that's the city, said Kelly O'Neil, the Edina Realty agent who sold the Campbells their home. "Closer to the city center is where most people want to work and be." And unlike previous generations of first -time buyers, who were likely to pack up and head for the suburbs when they bought a second home, today's buyers are more likely to stay in urban neighborhoods. "The people that are here [in the city], I'm placing and keeping here," said Dave Tonneson, an agent in the Lakes office of Coldwell Banker Burnet. Shannon Kehle- Forbes and her husband, Noah, recently signed a purchase agreement for their first house, in Minneapolis' Tangletown area. "We could have gotten a lot more for our money in the suburbs, but we wouldn't have had walkability," she said. "We wanted a corner, with stores and a coffee shop within four blocks. We knew we were going to pay a little more, but it's worth it." Kim Palmer • 612 - 673 -4784 Page 2 of 2 0 resize text Q print buy reprints Tweet .111.6t3ffirib ne Search the Star Tribun News Local Sports Business Politics Opinion Lifestyle Entertainment Obituaries Classifieds Autos Housing Jobs 425 Portland Av. S. Minneapolis, MN 55488 (612) 673 -4000 Company About the StarTribune Advertising Directory + Contacts Jobs at the StarTribune Newspaper in Education Vita.mn: Entertainment Business Listings Subscriber Services Website Newspaper Subscriptions Terms of Use Digital Access Privacy Policy eEdition Ad Choices Vacation Holds /Billing Site Index Newsletters Classifieds © 2013 StarTnbune. All rights reserved. .+ Newspaper Subscriptions +["j� eEdition ; ® RSS, Newsletters Buy Ads Store Connect with Us Online Ads Article Archives Contact Us Newspaper Ads Back copies Send a press release Classifieds Commercial Reprints Become a Fan Permissions Follow Us RSS StarTribune.com is powered by Limelight Networks http: / /www.startribune.com/ lifestyle /homegarden/164822116.htm1 ?refer =y 1/10/2013 e" Bikes Belon n FOUNDATION 9 How do bicycling investments affect real estate? • According to a study of the Little Miami Scenic Trail, for every foot closer a house is to the trail, its price increases by $7.05. Karadeniz, D., 2008, The Impact of the Little Miami Scenic Trail on Single Family Property Values University of Cincinnati Masters Thesis • Two- thirds of Omaha, Nebraska, residents who live near bike trails believe the trails would increase the selling price of their home. Greer, D. L., 2000, Omaha Recreational Trails: Their Effect on Property Values and Public Safety National Park Service. University of Nebraska at Omaha. June. 2000 • Houses located in areas with above - average levels of walkability [or bikeability] are worth up to $34,000 more than similar houses in areas with average walkability levels. Cortright, J., 2009, "Walking the Walk: How walkability raises home values in U.S. cities," CEOs for Cities • In a survey of recent transplants to Portland, OR, 62% said that the city's bike- friendliness was a factor in their decision to move there. City of Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2009, Portland Bicycle Maps and Information Survey, Transportation Options Division, reported via BikePortland.org • In Minneapolis -St. Paul, for every 400 meters closer a median - priced home is to an off- street bicycle facility, its value increases by $510. Krizek, K., 2006, Two approaches to valuing some of bicycle facilities' presumed benefits. Journal of the American Planning Association, 72. 309 -19 • Homes within a half -mile of Indiana's Monon Trail sell for an average of 11 percent more than identical homes further away. Lindsey et al., 2004, Property values, recreation values, and urban greenways. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 22, 69 -90 For more statistics on the benefits of investing in bicycling, visit bikesbelong.org /statistics or contact kate @bikesbelong.org Bikes Belong Foundation 1928 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO, 80302 www.bikesbelong.org Grand Rapids study's weight -loss tip could help you burn 25 pounds in 2013 1 MLive.com Page 1 of 4 U (htt : / /ad.doubleclick. net /click;h= v8/3d66/c/58/ %2a /r ;262788051;0- 0;0;87048290;3454- IN YOUR COMMUNI S T ATE RENaA C S1F EDS. OBITU. RIE S V N S PLACE AN AD rk_CO acs b854- 021445177f6c/click.ic? http o /u3a %2f%2fwww.childrensmn.org /flu) Sign inlJoin Michigan 39e Search D Set your local edition o 5 -day I Satellite NEWS BUSINESS SPORTS H.S.SPOR1S ENIIIICCAINNMW LOCAL Michigan News Crime Education Opinion Obituaries Lottery Weather Politics Politico eReplica Newsletters Grand Rapids study yIts weight -loss tip could help you `o=neOts burn 25 pounds in 2013 Tweet 57 Like Share, Email (http: / /connect.mlive.com /staff /mvandebunte /index.htmi) By Matt Vande Bunte I mvandebu @mlive.com (http: // connect. mlive. comistaff /mvandebunte /posts.html) on December 26, 2012 at 1:26 PM Print ( http :l /blog.mlive.com /grpress /news impact/print.html ?entry= /2012112/grand rapids studys weight - los.html) GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A health - impact assessment conducted as part of an ongoing Michigan Street Corridor (http: //beta.grcity.— /design - and- development- services/Planning- calculates that commuting downtown by bike from East Beltline A venue NE could burn A more pedestrian- friendly design to Michigan Street could improve 26 ear per oundS , and public health, a consultant says in a report that's part of an ongoing P P Y study of the corridor. walking from Fulton Heights to MLive. File work in the Medical Mile could trim 24 pounds annually. "But if I didn't drive my Hummer Downtown and have others subsidize my parking (http: / /www.mlive.com /news /grand- rapids/ index.ssf /2oi2 /ii/ merry _christmas--grand_rapids_6.html) people would think that I'm less of an America," wrote progressive advocate Michael Tuffelmire in the comment thread of a Facebook post ( http: / /www.facebook.com /AndGuy) on the assessment by Andy Guy, a member of the study's steering committee. The assessment conducted by Lansing -based Public Sector Consultants, Inc. considers Michigan Street from the perspective of the corridor's impact on public health. It concludes that "the final corridor plan should be designed around people first, and automobiles second." Specifically, the study recommends that Michigan Street become more pedestrian - friendly to combat obesity and asthma and reduce car- related injuries. "(Health impact) is one of the correlations that leads us to making different land -use decisions than we might otherwise make," said Suzanne Schulz, city planning director. Grand Rapids got several grants to fund the $t million study (http: / /www.mlive.com /news /grand- rapids/ index. ssf /2oi2 /o6/ four _ds_to_turn__grand_rapids_m.html) of Michigan Street, from the Grand River to the East Beltline. The study will continue into 2013, exploring land use as well as transportation, housing and other aspects of the corridor. http: / /Www.mlive.cominews /grand- rapids /index. ssf/ 2012/ 12/ grand_rapids_Studys_weight -1... 1/10/2013 Grand Rapids study's weight -loss tip could help you burn 25 pounds in 2013 1 MLive.com Page 2 of 4 The health- impact assessment recommends that the corridor "accommodate all modes Search U of transportation," but that walkability take precedence over bikeability on Michigan Street itself. Grand Rapids will try to work with private - property owners on making the corridor more walkable as land gets redeveloped, Schulz said. Among the suggestions from the consultant: mid -block road crossings, wide sidewalks, streetscape trees and planters, affordable housing and mixed -use buildings with windows at ground level. "We know we need to accommodate the car, but it's how do we also add in additional choices for people and additional ways for them to get to that same area," Schulz said. "Not everybody drives a car. "We're not going to road -diet (http: / /www.mlive.com /news /grand- rapids /index.SSf /2012 /o6 /plainfield_ avenue_ road_diet_bi.html)Michigan Street. We will be looking at how to make it better for everybody." While Grand Rapids is in the midst of an initiative to add loo miles of bike lanes (http: / /www.mlive.com /news /grand- rapids/ index. ssf /2o12/1o/ grand _rapids_bike_coalition_na.html) around the city, consultants recommend that Michigan Street instead be tailored to pedestrians. Transportation modes must be prioritized because "there's not enough room in the public right -of -way for everything," Schulz said. The corridor study also has conceived a "bike boulevard" parallel to Michigan Street along Lyon Street, where one lane of one -way motor traffic could be converted into two - way bike traffic. The boulevard could stretch from the river to Plymouth Avenue NE. Email Matt Vande Bunte (mailto:mvandebu @mlive.com), follow him on Twitter ( http : / /unvw.twitter.comlvandebum) or be his friend on Facebook ( http:// unvw,facebook .comlmlivematt.vandebunte). Sponsored Links Top 2013 Stock Pick Hot - Industry Play Predicted to Soar - -Free Info! www.OTCStockPick.com "2013's Skinny Pill" Sold Out in Stores, New Weight Loss Wonder Pill "Miracle in a Bottle" www.HealthierLifestylecentral.com Become a Travel Agent Study at home. Travel Agency Proficiency exam voucher included. www.PennFoster.edu 54- Year -Old Mom Looks 27 Follow this 1 weird tip and remove 20 years of wrinkles in 20 days. theSma rtCo ns u merLivi ng. co m [ Tweet, 2 Li kF 57 Share 1 C L1 (http: / /www.nilive.com /news /saginawY (http://www.ndive.com/news/grand- -year.htnll)Saginaw physician gives 2- rapids /index.ssf /2013 /01/grand_rapids_ year-old South African boy hope of Grand Rapids marijuana walking decriminalization case: City defense ( http : / /www.mHve.com/news /saginawi smells like Shakespeare, Kent County - year.html) Prosecutor Bill Forsyth says (bttp: / /www.mlive.com /news /grand- rapWs /indexssf/2013 /01/grand_rapids_ http: / /www.mlive.cominews /grand- rapidslindex.ssf /2012/ 12 lgrand_rapids_studys_weight -1... 1/10/2013 To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: January 17, 2013 Subject: 2011 Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey Results Action Requested: Review and provide feedback. &W-3 $ y Aa • `�CORPOTL. • lass Agenda Item M IX. A. Action ❑ Discussion Fx Information ❑ Information I Background: Several members have asked if staff conducts follow -up surveys at the end of our neighborhood reconstruction projects. In September, 2011, we did our first follow -up survey to residents in the 2010 neighborhood reconstruction project areas. A copy of the survey and survey tabulation for each neighborhood are attached. Staff will be updating the survey process and would like feedback from the ETC. Feedback could include revision to survey questions, best time to mail the survey, electronic survey i.e. survey monkey, how to use the data, etc. Your feedback will be forwarded to our communications department to assist in developing a survey that will be sent to residents at the end of each neighborhood project. Attachments: Survey Survey tabulation for: I. Interlachen Bluff & Circle Neighborhood Reconstruction 2. Parkwood Knolls Neighborhood Reconstruction 3. Pamela Park Neighborhood Reconstruction 4. Braemar Hills Neighborhood Reconstruction G:\ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas \2013 R &R \20130117 \Item IX.A. 2011 N'hood Recon Survey Results.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 PARKWOOD KNOLLS NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION FOLLOW -UP PROJECT SURVEY Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. Your input is invaluable to us. For your convenience, a postage paid envelope is enclosed for returning the survey. 1. Did you find the Open House meeting beneficial? If no, explain 0 Yes O No 2. At the informational meeting, was the roadway reconstruction process explained in a manner you could understand? 0 Yes O No If no, explain 3. Prior to construction, the following information was clear, concise and helpful. (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) Pre - Project Mailed Correspondence Neighborhood Meetings Edina Web Site Phone / Verbal Communication 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 4. How can we improve on communication prior to the start of the project? 5. Were there any conflicts for you in dealing with the project? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, explain 6. The project inspector and contractor were able to address my concerns in a quick, friendly manner. (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) 01 02 133 134 05 Explain 7. Please rate the effectiveness of the communication you received during the project. (1 strongly agree. 5 strongly disagree) Project Mailed / Delivered Correspondence City Extra Weekly Email Updates Edina Web Site Phone / Verbal Communication 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 8. How can we improve upon communication during the construction of the project? Explain 9. Were the crews effective in working to minimize your level of inconvenience during the project? M Yes O No If no, explain 10. What aspects of the process did you like? 11. What aspects of the process would you recommend be improved? 12. Were you satisfied with the end result and final product? 13. Please rate the effectiveness of the communication after the project was completed. 14. Would you utilize social media as an additional form of communication? O Yes 0 No Which one? O Facebook OTwitter ❑Other 15. Any other comments, input, or suggestions for city staff /city council? INTERLACHEN BLUFF AND CIRCLE NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION ENG 10 -6 FOLLOW -UP SURVEY SEPTEMBER 2011 Total Surveys Mailed: 26 2. At the Mtg was the 4. How can we 9. Were crews effective in 11. What aspects of process explained in a 3. Prior to construction, info clear, improve on comm 5. Were there any 6. Project Inspector and contractor 8. How can we improve o rking to minimize your process would you 13. Rate effectiveness 1. Did you find the Open House Mtg manner you could concise, helpful (1 strongly agree, 5 prior to start of conflicts for you addressed my concerns in quick, 7. Rate effectiveness of comm recd d comm during constr of level of inconvenicence 10. What aspect of recommend be 12. Were you satisfied with the end of comm after project P j 14. Would utilize social media as 15. Other comments, beneficial? understand? strongly disagree) 9 Y 9 1 project? P 1 dealing with project? friendly manner. during project. project? during the project? process did you like? improved? result and final product? was completed. you additional form of communication? input or suggestions? city Pre- Project Extra Project Edina Phonef Mailed/ Weekly Edina Phone/ Returned Mailed N'hood Web Verbal Delivered Email Web Verbal Survey Yes No Explain Yes No Explain Corr Mtgs Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain 1 2 3 4 5 Explain Corr Update Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain Explain Explain Explain Explain Yes No Facebook Twitter Other Explain The folks who replaced The email the pavers never left communications which enough sand to fill in I would send to all the after some rain storms, You can't -Aaron did neighbors or pool it for the sotl that was was those I know didn't replaced along was a great job- keeping have email \ntemet a shodtly job, it still I 1 1 1 1 2 us posted daily 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 service. looks bad yes 1 Good job of making sure road accessible in evenings. Good Gas company folks dug notification of when large holes and killed a Nice, helpful. and where to park tree (replaced it, but it Can't remember, but Both City related to road died too) and filled in I prefer getting email personnel and closings. Workers areas not flat in yard - 1 1 2 updates. 1 1 contractors 1 1 were nice. sloppy yard repair Road is great, yard suffered fine 1 A little yard repair after No- drainage is much worse in front of 3 1 1 2 the project - our driveway -water and dirt pools in our 1 2 2 2 1 no bid deal 1 2 2 1 section. 1 was unhappy with the sod replacement at the end of the upgrade - did not take well despite watering sod, then seed was put down in the fall and spring, which also was unsuccessful, finally I had to produce seeding Enjoyed the project material to even much of the area of manager very much and 4 1 1 5 4 concern. Also I question the "quality" felt he did a good job. 1 1 5 4 1 of the sod that was put down. 1 Bruce 5621 Intedachen # 7 For some reason I didn't get the first letter The friendliness of all and was not aware of it working as the project until my daughter and their quick showed it tome. Didn't response to inquiries, 5 1 really receive much both city and 1 4 5 4 Didn't use v.edste 1 1 2 4 4 updates 1 contruction works. No suggestions yes very gcod 1 Well done!! We enjoyed working with Aaron Kuzma. He made Project Things as easy as possible moved very in a difficult situation. We 6 Didn't attend 3 slowly 1 Citys decision that this Replacing the damaged always knew what was TOTAL 5 0 5 0 11 3 2 2 5 1 project was necessary lawn Won't know until next spring Satisfactory 1 1 going to be happening. 1 4 I 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 21 1 5 1 1 i 1 5 1 0 0 Total Surveys Mailed: 26 PARKWOOD KNOLLS NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION ENG 10 -5 FOLLOW -UP SURVEY SEPTEMBER 2011 Total Surveys Mailed: 84 2. At the Mtg was the 4. How can we process explained in a 3. Prior to construction, info clear, improve on Comm 6. Project Inspector and contractor 8. How can we improve 9. Were crews effective in working to minimize level 11. What aspens of process would 1T. Were satisfied 13. Rate effectiveness 1. Did you find the Open House manner you could concise, helpful (1 strongly agree, 5 prior to start of 5. Were there any conflicts for you addressed my concerns in quick, friendly 7. Rate effectiveness of comm recd comm during constr of your of inconvenicence during the 10. What aspects of you recommend be you with the end result and of comm after 15. Other Mig beneficial? understand? strongly disagree) project? dealing with project? manner. during project 14. Would you utilize social media as comments, project. project? project? process did you like? improvedl final product? was completed. additional form of communication? input or suggestions? city Pre- Project Extra 7No Project Phone/ Mailed/ Weekly Edina Phone I Returned Mailed Whood Edina Verbal Delivered Email Web Verbal Survey Expl ain Yes No Explain Corr Mtgs Web Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain 1 2 3 4 5 Explain Corr Update Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain Explain Explain Explain Explain Yes No Facebook Twitter Other Explain The in- ground sprinkler came out a lot. And shy shouldnt they? They got paid for showing up and 1 now must pay I don't know Communications was fine for them showing up. 20% of who these but you still did work we 1 1 the new rass is dead. 9 people were. didn't want! none 20% of grass is dead 1 We were the very last ones of season to sod, did not lake, cracks occurred and 2 1 3 5 2 2 landscaping died. t 2 1 3 1 3 Communication was find for me because Contractor crews and I was interested in es utility crews were process. Dept think good, Parkwood Rd Good communication There wasn't any until everyone else cared City inspector Pretty good notices, project utility construction with field supervisor- pre- invoice notice this 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 that much. 1 1 was good 3 3 3 1 updates were good 1 took too long Aaron nothing Yes fall 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Was great 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 all yes great 1 I did request that the sodded Yard restoration needs area be extended and it was, to preserve natural but not as much as I would have Project took much slope of lawn. In too many instances, lawns liked. I have a valley in my yard longer than have a valley or clear where the "old lawn" and "new anticipated, seemed 1 Communications 2 demarcation in slope lawn" intersect. Others have to b e a great deal of Outcome of street and where project ended City 5 1 1 4 4 1 1 similar outcome. i 4 4 Generally ok downtime. gutters and old lawn Street - yes Yard - No Wasn't much 1 Website Thought Not really- hated barrier communication was I curbs , always have - always 6 1 1 1 good The whole process was will Didn't have any Barrier curbs are real) y Didn't have any 1 1 1 1 fine choice fine 1 ugly! In retrospect I did not Your research was poorly think the presentation Explain why the City Dept, p p No. I believe that constructed, administered was honest. In truth, the "cake was baked" Conduct HONEST of Engineering gets a mark- a - curbs were not needed. b -The YOU DID NOT and analyzed. Unfortunately it appears long before we were The description research directed to up (mock -up ?) on the Honesty. Objectivity wrong style was chosen. C LISTEN! Thus your that this is intentional. 7 1 contacted. 1 was very good 3 Aaron was project. This is a conflicted Aaron and the with regards to the need Promised operational communication was William Donnoly 6209 3 2 4 property owners 1 1 terrific 4 4 2 4 situation. 7 contractors crews and alternatives. efficiencies were not true. only 50 %. 1 Parkwood Rd I like that the road was regraded so I no longer Dri veway curb had to be have a large puddle of redone because of faulty water at the base of my cement. First redo was driveway, which would poorly graded so it has to 1 1 2 2 2 freeze in winter, creating be redone again. Second Too much cost for too little 2 1 1 Agree 2 2 2 2 1 a safety hazard. redo was done property 1 benefit The sodding job (last Sept) left me with a lot Biggest frustration we had of seams that were Aaron Kuznia was length of time it took for open, had to be dirt was very Xcel to complete work on its filled and seeded. Not Yes- the new street and 9 1 1 2 No suggestions helpful and pipeline infrastructure. How city kept us the most impressive engineering that went into it R. Hames 6217 Parkwood 2 2 1 1 1 professional 1 2 1 2 2 Delayed things a great deal 1 appraised of progress work were a real improvement. Very good 1 Rd Repaving concrete on 10 -28 -11 Listen to the is too late in the season to allow No The open house was community on proper curing and avoid salt curbs -our curbs are informational but curbing rather than erosion with winter snow less all scuffed and gouged We watch this year to see if clearly the City is forcing them in a than 20 days. Will watch to see Abetter notice than the with plow damage after the new puddle at the end unwilling to listen to neighborhood who what impact this delayed repair evening (7 before 1 year. Our lawn was of driveway created by the 10 1 Edina residents. 1 i i 1 1 didn't want them has on our driveway pm) never damaged and our project. It is not so nice ice p l Y 1 1 7 1 1 concrete in poured 1 yard is meticuless. rink going to the mailbox. good Aaron Kuznia was vey helpful and friendly, great follow on't recall any through and # 7 Clarification Weekly y Aaron our main contact communication otter 11 Did not go to mtg 3 kept me u ates from Aaron, person for person except about the 3 3 1 1 informed 1 3 1 communication from Aaron 1 Yes looks great assessment 1 School bus service disrupted (Rest of survey not 12 4 4 4 4 1 without any notification 1 4 4 4 4 completed) We cannot afford this and will now try to sell our We were not able to Letting people veto the house because of it. Sure 13 1 attend, out of town 1 3 3 4 1 project, review hope you all like the Tell us how we can veto it! 1 affordability affordability Just lovely Expensive 1 curbs! 14 TOTAL 1 7 4 1 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Very effective process 2 10 5 5 0 1 0 9 1 1 10 0 0 0 Total Surveys Mailed: 84 PAMELA PARK NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION ENG 10 -2 FOLLOW -UP SURVEY SEPTEMBER 2011 fatal Surveys Mailed: 187 2. At the Mtg was the 9. Were crews effective in 11. What aspects of process explained in a 3. Prior to construction, info clear, 4. How can we improve on 6. Project Inspector and contractor 8. How can we improve working to minimize your process would you 13. Rate effectiveness 1. Did you find the Open House Mt beneficial? manner you could concise, helpful If strongly agree, 5 comm prior to start of S. Were there any conflicts for you addressed my concerns in quick, friendly 7. Rate effectiveness of comm recd comm during constr of level of incomerucence 10. What aspects of recommend be 12. Were you satisfied with the end result y of Comm after project P 1 14. Would utilize social media as 15. Other comments, 9 understand? strongly disagree) n9 Y 9 ) project? 1 dealing with project? manner. during project. project? during the project? process did you like? improved? and final product? was completed. you additional form of communication? input or suggestions? City Pre- Project Extra Project Edina Phone// Mailed/ Weekly Edina Phone/ Re —.. d Mailed N' hood Web erbal Delivered Email Web Verbal Survey Yes No Explain Yes No Explain Corr Mtgs Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain 1 2 3 4 5 Explain Corr Update Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain Explain Explain Explain Explain Yes No Facebook Twitter Other Explain They dug up the road in front of our house four times. I know I will never find out, but I would It looks like the plows are damaging the 1 love to know who paid for these Water down the dust center of the street due to the itch of the P 1 mistakes. 1 5 1 more often street x Special assessments during a time when many School bus stop was disrupted. in our neighborhood have We had workers camped out in been knocked flat b Y a the front of our house for far recession doesn't seem longer than they should have Our communication like a very good idea. The decision had You will do it the same way been. From start to delayed after the project has Then again, no one asked 2 1 already been made 1 2 2 3 regardless of what we write here 1 finish, h was wholly unpleasant 1 2 3 3 1 See #5 The finished product P Eve Everything else been limited to the invoice us if we wanted to chip in 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 $5,400 this project. 1 1 3 3 3 1 Yes, nice to have it done with 1 1 Glad lt's done Crew was helpful and easy to 1) front yard not releveled very well 2) 4 1 1 2 3 3 2 talk to Crew minimized Manhole cover could be more even wth 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 disruption well pavement 1 Chad Milner was a Crews were very Even though we carefully pleasure to work thoughtful and Not much, noisy, dirty, A little more notice on marked all our sprinkler with. He was v ery courteous except disruptive, but when the water will be heads the crew destroyed responsive and for the concrete everyone did the best turned off would have all but a couple. A little Think you had all the bases professional in dealing with any No crew who left job they could. And been nice, but realize Don't think more care might have 5 1 1 i 1 1 covered 1 had suggestions. Good their trash in the we really liked the this may not have been it's saved the City d us) 1 concerns we 1 1 1 job was done. 1 road. finished product possible. Yes! Very much so. We love having curbs It was fine 1 necessary some money. Use fresh sod- some of Nearly always could ours had to be replaced, I would have liked the driveway apron as 6 1 1 1 1 get in our driveway turned brown in spite of wide as before, it now is a very fight turn into 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i during day and night. watering. our driveway. Good 1 Thanks to all who answered my questions in a kind and limey manner. The project inspector The professional was outstanding, All went very smoothly undertaking and the desired outcome. Hats off 7 i I did not attend 1 1 I heard tl was great! 1 1 helpful and I was very happy It The crews were and I thought everyone I don't use to all! Colleen Anderson 8 1 1 1 was just perfect! 1 simply wonderful deserved kudos! N/A Perfect with a #101 1 any 6016 Oaklawn. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Absolutely 1 I do wish there were stop There were man times when it Y It was very hard to be The eart momin noise! y 9 signs at all 4 corners of 60th and Kellogg. It is so was difficult to get in and out of When I needed to surprised with a doorbell ringing at 7 a.m. on any Preparing for cars to move the night before. dangerous. I was told our driveway, with 3 Ida kids get in and out of my given day with 3 little kids. The mess and length of some cables would be placed there to test traffice and visiting grandparents. Our house during Several times with only a the project noise was last year and it hasn't 9 Didn't go Didn't go 2 3 As far as I lt fine bus stop was moved and that construction, they moments notice, 1 had to If I asked for help, My kids liked watching hard. My windows will happened, Women driving 3 2 can recall, was 1 was challenging. 1 could accommodate. 2 3 3 3 move our car in pj's. i they'd give h h never be the same. Yes,. So thankful Fine 1 1 to the park are the worst I didn't receive any communication after the 10 1 1 5 5 4 3 project. Ijust received 1 1 4 4 3 4 1 yes assessment. 1 1 would like to pay for 11 Didn't go Didn't go 2 3 5 2 Seemed ok He was very nice The crew was very the roads some other 1 and responsive 2 5 5 1 Seemed ok 1 good way yes Good 1 1 don't think I was told the street was going to be made over, very difficult for me to back out of my driveway (single car) esp if a car Cannot back out of driveway if a is parked across the street, then car is parked across the street, TOO NARROW. Blacktop and curb are add snow banks in the winter. snow banks make i[ almost nice. Not sure who planned the Valley View - 12 Bad decision to narrow street. impossible! 62nd- Oaklawn Ave converging but that is also a bad plan. It was a battle all summer, screw -up after screw -up. The road in front of my house was xcavated/rebased at least 5 If you care to et full g times due to error. Thankfully It was a daily Maybe by having more details, please call me our neighbor watched your occurance -quite Edina project mgrs on anytime, 612 - 840 -4711, contractor like a hawk, the frankly, they all got site to oversee the If you want My hunch is that will not project mgr was a disaster, very sick of us calling out contractor, not relying details, please hear from anyone from disapponiting- leads me to the errors and they solely on your hire call, 612-840 - icy all! guess r that wonder about the occassionall of y g engineering firm to watch 4711. I'll speak you don't want to hear how an 13 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 m mVca bilities at C Hall. 9 pa 4 1 confrontational. 4 4 4 4 the work being done. lime! disappointing the oversight 1 any of this project was. The lawns were in need but the crews made it better. It was sad the people weren't even Anybody but those who interested in the read the instructions about 14 1 1 i 1 1 Right on It was dirty but It was the street that had Iawnwork but you know the lawn work should know 1 1 1 1 1 It was done was cleaned up to be done yes how it tumed out. 1 better. A year previous I had planted a small garden on the hill east of my property. That area gets a lot of sun and grass is a challenge. I had spent about More watering of sod. $200 on lawn cloth and tulips, Chad was always Whenever I had a I'm not sure the sod will I had some apsha8 on the concrete that narcisus, filly and other flowers very helpful and did More fryers, door handle questions Chad Milner be healthy summer 2012 needed to be removed. The asphalt co did Give homeowners more time not knowing about the road his best to alleviate nofifications re: digging, always responded very due to extreme heat the best they could but I still have residual 15 1 1 3 3 3 2 ahead of the project 1 project 2010. These were lost 1 problems. 2 2 2 1 etc. 1 quickly. , 2011. asphalt on the concrete. Very good 1 Didn't go 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 yes i Just somewhat! The sod job was awful! Had 4 done twice, the second was worse than the first, was NOT done at same ( ?) specs, no rolling what so ever. End results are high/low spots, extremely hard to mow. We would have redone at our own expense in the spring. was not home on both days it Street was narrowed 3' , 17 i 1 5 3 5 5 Your sod crew needs was done, and the sod was just thrown in- makes it too narrow for TOTAL 9 3 9 1 1 1 5 3 5 5 1 attention unacceptable. 1 parking on both sides. 5 10 7 50 3 1 13 2 4 10 31 01 0 fatal Surveys Mailed: 187 BRAEMAR HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION ENG 1Od FOLLOW -UP SURVEY SEPTEMBER 2011 2. At the Mtg was the process 4. How can we improve on comm 8. How can we 9. Were crews effective in 11. What aspects of 12. Were you 13. Rate effectiveness of 1. Did you find the Open House explained in a manner you 3. Prior to construction, info clear, concise, prior to start of 5. 6. Project Inspector and contractor improve comm working o minimize 9 your level of process would you satisfied with the comm after Mtg beneficial? could understand? helpful (1 strongly agree, 5 strop disagree) strongly project? Were there an conflicts for you y y dealing "ect? addressed m y concerns in quick, friendly 7. Rate effectiveness of comm recd during constr of �nCO nvenicence during the 10. What aspects of recommend be end result and final project was 1 14. Would you utilize social media 15. Other comments, input or gree) with pro nner. Burin o "ect 1 project? 1 project? process did you like? improved? product? completed. additional form of communication? ? su gges bons? City Project Extra Returned Pre- Project N'hood Edina Phone / Verbal Mailed/ Weekly Phone/ Survey Yes No Explain Yes No Explain Mailed Corr Mtgs Web Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain Deliver Email Edina Verbal 1 2 3 5 Explain ed Corr Update Web Site Comm Explain I Yes No Explain Explain Explain Explain Explain Yes No facebook Twitter Other Explain Did not attend but sincerely appreciated all efforts to inform, Keeping roadways Resoding coultl be educate and share info 1 1 2 a ccessibla during project, minimized with aW'l Absolutely - WELL 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 relocation of fire hyd watering DONE 1 t This street needs to last a long time. Edina needs to do a better job of This project took way too monitoring contractors, snow removal long. A lot of the lighting operators, etc. from abusing the new wiring and cable work The synchronizing of all surtace. They seem to have little regard was completed after the aspects of the project. for the City's property (streets) as long as street, causing yards to Edina's communication, Teams compames need their loaderk bobcat can get the job done 1 1 1 1 1 be torn up again, etc. support to work together. yes Very good 1 ASAP. Thanks. Hydra et put in wrong place, had to redo and caused My dogs were ey all a lot of re airs for P summer. They loved the loved Took a long time, but 1 _ _ my irrigation and construction and the was finally completed Did not need 1 lawn- all ak now 3 4 1 workmen. on time yes communication i 2 Well done 1 1 2 t yes t - Id did et atiznd ct ac�r± 1 1 1 1 No Do h when I'm on problems 1 1 1 1 don't know t The end result vacation absolutely Excellent 1 For the amount of Gas leaks were money paid we detected at two different should certainly There are other streets in Edina that E 1 1 times. This was a major expect the best end should have been replaced before Mark _ 1 concern result Terrace Crews were excellent, respectful and efficient. - 1 1 Careful , took care with my 5 1 property yes 1 I They were friendly The street looks the Tell the truth, what you Twice we were blocked into but not quick same, no said was being done is the street without notice and Apologizing for improvement. The not sidewalks, no lights, no way to leave, once they forgetting to tell us Weekly updates. lights are bright enough to read by snot whas happened tore the road out in front of you are blocking us We were never No, somewhat. Most of with curtains closed What Bad options for and not what was asked for. You lied the driveway without notice, in is nice but not informed when the project wasn't awful The person in charge of the from across the communication? 1 I don't think any part of the completed 8 1 attending, poor times 1 1 t and charged us for d. each time h was 1 -10 him before leave. helpful when we plans or timelines being blocked in was a crew was friendly and Communication during street- Where are the 9 of one note and a bill prowith an ino 1 we could are trapped. 1 1 1 1 changed 1 serious issue. helpful, the crews were not. the project. sidewalks? bill. 1 breakdown or explaina[ oln. They were going to take up our paver driveway without informing us because they were having trouble locating the gas line. If I had not been home that day they would have proceeded. My husband asked them to push pipe underneath, but they wanted to take the easy way. They had to resod our lawn tvnce because they laid the first batch around the 4th of July (temps were 95) and it all died. Resoded finally the end of Oct. Most of the sod interior and many of us had to sod again at our expense. They dug many unnecessary holes in front yard while looking for the gas and water fine. One day they laid sotl and the next day the people who installed street lights dug h up and never replaced it. What a waste of all of our tax payers money. Poor communication between the sub contractors and project mgr. I would love a follow up Phone call from filling out this survey. It looks nice, but the stress and inconvenience for our neighborhod from The project manager Electrical sub- May to Oct were not worth it. It was a should return phone contractors were very None, there was very stressful experience. Howie and 1 5 calls. 1 The streets look much nicer, rude. Not interested in no Judy Tucker 6414 Hill -A -Way 952 -941- 2 1 street lights much improved, what we had to say no communication 1 0318 This project was over a The City Manager year ago, survey should have been don e last One of the contractors on the project (Jeff ?) did a great It 5 expensive but year. I cant remember wrecked our new concrete jab fixing the glad we are keeping 10 1 Did not attend n 2 communication details 1 driveway I problem from #5. 2 our streets in good Happy our City takes care of itself. 3 3 2 1 As best they could shape 1 Thank you' Answer our calls. Seem caring and More Let us know the damage Driveway destroyed. Front concerned and let us know how Not much, the new sewer The street is fine, but I concerned that will be done to the lawn torn up due to cable I would call, I never our property is caused problems with my water and my clothes Much better didn't care whether it was done or not. My and caring • • -- - property and account for running thru our driveway to got an answer or going to be became rusty 8 brown rusty communication and driveway is on I don 't remembe� people that Just for - -' 3 this - Braebum Cir 1 ignored 4 q q 5 affected. water. care for property Gleason Rd any are employed. reimburse us all the damage" - and they didn't no that!! Project mgr - believe his name was Jeff was really great. Knowledgable, ..s� disruptive with driving informative antl 1 1 4 3 3 4 and parking 1 proactive. 3 4 3 5 1 The cos:. 1 1 It was too crowded for I tried to reach the you to get into the project "head man' main room, although I to find out what the had arrived early. The cost would be. I displays answered tried monthly most of the questions, Once again, "conflict" starting about April, Cost to individual so I felt adequately same answers I'm not sure what a but he was NEVER The crews politeness and property owners 1 informed. 1 as #1. I felt itwaswell done 1 would be, unless you're talking about $$$ there, nor tlitl he willingness to keep us (esproperty should be 1 return my calls. 3 5 Not necessary 1 informetl. given out sooner. yes 1 BRAEMAR HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD RECONSTRUCTION ENG 10.4 FOLLOW -UP SURVEY SEPTEMBER 2011 None that weren't handled t5 Didn't attend Didn't attend i 2 2 well 1 2 2 2 2 1 End result FT MOCCASIN VALLEY ROAD 4. How can we - E Generally well dene 13. Rate Only major slips in communications between different crews on job sight 2. At the Mtg was the process 1 improve on comm 5 3 8. How can we 9. Were crews effective in 1 11. What aspects of 12. Were you effectiveness of Absolutely Good 1. Did you find the Open House explained in a manner you 3. Prior to construction, info clear. concise. prior to start of 6. Project Inspector and contractor improve comm working to minimize your level of process would you satisfied with the comm after - Mtg beneficial? could understand? helpful (1 strongly 5 disagree) 5. Were there any conflicts for you addressed my concerns in quick, friendly 7. Rate effectiveness of comm recd during constr of inconvenicence during the 10. What aspects of recommend be end result and final project was 14. Would you utilize social media as 15. Other comments, input or 1 agree, strongly project? dealing with project? manner. during project project? project? process did you like? Improvetl7 product? completed. additional form of communication? suggestions? City Did not like that a lot Project Extra of tar smudges were Phone / Mailed/ Weekly Phone/ Our street and driveway left on the new Returned Didn't get to one Pre- Project N'hood EdIno Verbal The high cost 1 2 2 Deliver Email Edina Verbal were shut down far less than we would have expected . Thank you concrete and the bottom of the driveway Just fair 1 Survey Yes No Explain Yes No Explain Mailed Corr Mtgs Web Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain 1 2 3 Corr Update 4 5 Explain ad Web Site Comm Explain Yes No Explain Explain Explain Explain Explain Yes No Facebook Twitter Other Explain 42S Sometimes it took well done. Jack Burnes 6929 Moccasin a few days re how Valley Rd TOTAL 7 6 8 3 0 37 26 34 33 0 7 9 0 1 7 0 43 29 going to fix 39 0 16 3 0 0 0 0 1 Cut the costs' If not 10 3 0 0 I did or at;enJ Sze ?' thought it was fine damaged street Getting the street and possible, why not tax end of driveway. 1 1 2 1 infrastructure upgraded deductible? yes 1 When the project is over and yard/sprinkler repair is going on trying harder??too ontact homeowners that are renting their property. Our neighbors were renters and the sprinkler was out of the ground beyond the date that the We had a few holes dug in our yard. I Don't we how you could We did not have Donl how City would pay for it. think they could have done a betterjob of - - 1 1 1 1 1 any concerns see The renters themselves repairing (level ground out) or adding 1 1 1 you could 1 That we were well informed did nothing. very Very good 1 seed if the area is too small for sod. None that weren't handled t5 Didn't attend Didn't attend i 2 2 well 1 2 2 2 2 1 End result FT MOCCASIN VALLEY ROAD Total Surveys Mailed:(107) Braemar: 91 -or Rd: 5 rccasin Valley Rd: 11 1 - E Generally well dene Only major slips in communications between different crews on job sight 1 5 3 i Generally good 1 Communication. Excellent follow -up when small part of driveway had to be relaid Absolutely Good - C Graduation party 1 6 4 3 5 1 Did not like that a lot of tar smudges were Our street and driveway left on the new Didn't get to one Didn't get to one The high cost 1 2 2 2 1 were shut down far less than we would have expected . Thank you concrete and the bottom of the driveway Just fair 1 I thought project was well managed and 2p 42S well done. Jack Burnes 6929 Moccasin Valley Rd TOTAL 7 6 8 3 0 37 26 34 33 0 7 9 0 1 7 0 43 29 28 39 0 16 3 0 0 0 0 1 4 10 3 0 0 Total Surveys Mailed:(107) Braemar: 91 -or Rd: 5 rccasin Valley Rd: 11 1/17/2013 (e 2010 Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Survey Results Neighborhoods Surveyed: Interlachen Bluff & Circle Parkwood Knolls Pamela Park Braemar Hills ■ No 4 w Edi-MN gcv • 1 1. Did you find the Open House meeting beneficial? 10 9 ............ ............... - _.__ 8 7 __..____. _. ------------ _ _______ .. _....... ----------------- _..__ .... N u 6 -- c n 5 — — ............. ■Yes ■ No 4 _— 0 2 Interlachen Bluff /Cir (26) Parkwood Knolls (94) Pamela Park (187) Braemar Hills (107) nv Eden MN. gcv CITY OF EDINA • 1 1/p .n 2. At the informational meeting, was the " roadway reconstruction process explained 3. Prior to construction, the following M in a manner you could understand? information was clear, concise and helpful. 10 6 5 4 0 Interlachen Bluff /Cir (26) Parkwood Knolls (84) Pamela Park (187) Braemar Hills (107) ■ Yes all No 1/17/2013 2 • 1 .n 3. Prior to construction, the following M information was clear, concise and helpful. (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) 5 _._ 4.5 . _ ---- --- ---------- 4 - - - - -- -- - -- 3.5 -- ._...... ■ Interlachen Bluff /Cir(26) 3 • Parkwood Knolls (84) a Pamela Park (187) 2.5 ■ Braemar Hills (107) 2 1.5 1 .- ...... .. ........ �...... -.. Pre - Project Mailed Corr Mhood Mtgs Website Phone /Verbal Comm wxv Edo.MN.g- 1/17/2013 2 CITY OF EDINA 5. Were there any conflicts for you in dealing with the project? Interlachen Bluff /Cir (26) Parkwood Knolls (84) Pamela Park (187) Braemar Hills (107) • Yes • No 1/17/2013 3 6. The project inspector and contractor were able to address my concerns in a quick, friendly manner. (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) 7 6 ..................... _... ... . ■ Interlachen Bluff /Cir (26) 4 ■ Parkwood Knolls (84) v Pamela Park (187) 3 - - -- - - —' —' -- ■ Braemar Hills (107) 2 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 Ed naMN yov 1/17/2013 3 MY OF EDINA 1/17/2013 0 w9'%�r4 7. Please rate the effectiveness of the �� \•!/ill/' communication you received during the project. (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 LS 1 Mailed & Delivered Corr City Extra Updates Edina Website Phone & Verbal Comm • Interlachen Bluff /Cir(26) • Parkwood Knolls (84) • Pamela Park (187) • Braemar Hills (107) 4 MWere oil o e Y > 9. the crews effective in working to minimize your level of inconvenience during the project? 18 16 14 — .....,... ....._.___.._._ .............................— ..................__........__. _ ...... __ .... .......... 12 10 ■ Yes 8 ■ N0 6 4 2 Interlachen Bluff /Cir (26) Parkwood Knolls (84) Pamela Park (187( Braemar Hills (107( wwry Ed naMN.gov 4 1 F,�NA �'L -ITY OF 42, �Y 14. Would you utilize social media as ` additional form of communication? (Facebook/Twitter /Other) IMerlachen Bluff /Cir(26) Parkwood Knolls (84) Pamela Park (187) Braemar Hills (107) ■Yes- Facebook ■ No 1/17/2013 5 1/17/2013 " I Edina Transportation Commission 2012 Accomplishments January 17, 2012 2� 1 7ETC 2012 Accomplishments {�N iving Streets - Created the Living Streets Policy Framework Living Streets Public Presentation ............ Feb 14 Living Streets Development Workshop..... Feb 15 ETC Meetings: Feb, March, April, July, August ETC 2012 Accomplishments • Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund - Help create ordinance for Franchise Fees and Policy for implementing fund • Safe Routes to Schools Comprehensive Plan - Initiated study to be completed in 2013 ETC 2012 Accomplishments • Review of Traffic Safety Committee Reports • ETC Bylaws • Formation of working group - Communications Committee 12 1/17/2013 2 ETC 2012 Accomplishments • Bike Projects - TLC Bike Boulevard Project Bikeway Projects • France Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Rescoping • Review of Capital Projects Tracy Avenue Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects Gallagher Drive and Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Improvements ETC 2012 Accomplishments • Review of Traffic Safety Committee Reports • ETC Bylaws • Formation of working group - Communications Committee 12 1/17/2013 2 LIVING STREETS WORKING GROUP MINUTES January 8, 2013 6:00 -8:15 PM Present: Michael Thompson, Jennifer Janovy, Paul Nelson The group went through the revised Living Streets Policy page by page making edits and notes for additional changes. Jennifer is going to incorporate all of the comment into an update draft of the Living Streets Policy. The consensus of the working group was that the Policy would be included in the packet for all ETC Members to review prior to the February 2013 meeting. At the February 2013 meeting the working group would be looking for detailed feedback on the Policy. At this point the working group, which was established in November 2011, feels it has fulfilled its purpose in looking at other policies and identifying major areas of focus that are important for Edina. The ETC should be thinking about the possibility of recommending that a Living Streets Committee be formed. It could be comprised of members from the ETC, other boards and commissions, city staff, and council representative, for example, to solicit feedback. The Committee could also coordinate meetings with the general public, school district, business community, etc... and serve as the vehicle to provide outreach and education on the proposed Policy. It would be desirable to get authorization from the City Council to form such as Committee and outline a clear objective and work plan schedule to solicit stakeholder feedback and finalize the Edina Living Street Policy. Goal would be to have a final Policy for City Council adoption by the end of 2013. Formal Review Summary of Transportation Options for Seniors in Edina by the Transportation Options Working Group Dated: January 17, 2013 Presenters: Courtney L.B. Whited & Hope Melton Transportation Options Working Group's Charge • To review current transportation options for Edina seniors aging in place, including volunteer driver services, public transportation, private commercial transportation, and non - motorized transportation, and identify the need for additional services as appropriate • Review and make recommendations for additional services and infrastructure improvements to meet the transportation needs of Edina seniors aging in place • To recommend partnerships and outside sources of funding to help meet the transportation needs of Edina seniors aging in place • To identify other populations who may also be served by these measures Senior Transportation Options Reviewed: • PRISM Express (People Responding in Social Ministry) • VEAP Transportation (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) *ITN (Independent Transportation Network) • Metro Transit public transit /BE Line •Streetcar (reviewed but not scored — listed as future wish, if we could secure the funding.) Minimum Guidelines used for Evaluation: (our working group jointly established these guidelines) *No eligibility guidelines •Rider can be transported to any destination in the stated service area for any reason. *Service parameters are at least Monday — Friday from 9am — 3pm, with the option of additional group trip(s) (recreational) bus service available upon request, i.e. once a month a bus takes riders to the Old Log Theater for an evening play or something similar. *Service area at a minimum covers Edina plus a few medical facilities outside Edina, i.e. Methodist Hospital and adjoining clinics in St. Louis Park, Tria Orthopedics in Bloomington, VA Hospital in Minneapolis, Univ. of MN Minneapolis Hospital and adjoining clinics and downtown Minneapolis clinics. •At a minimum the service provider has two, wheelchair lift- equipped vehicles. *The cost to ride is around $4.00 each way but they have a commitment to serve low income people who cannot afford to pay the full fare to ride. Minimum Guidelines used for Evaluation (cont.):, •The service operates with both paid drivers and volunteer drivers. Both are fully trained and have had background checks *The provider must have a willingness to grow with the needs of the riders AND to coordinate with other programs. This would include incorporating transfer points to connect with other transportation service providers. We scored each question on a scale of 1— 5. 1= not acceptable 2 = meets low expectations 3 = meets the minimum expectations 4 = meets a majority of the expectations 5 = meets all expectations Service sres,.Mo. Edna, too An serve Programs offering presentation to the group No tl° ibil' ga dehm� senior, disabled R dee- ay;/estieatioo, ally mows service hrs, it. Mon -i;ri, 9-3- option br sfier boars S xial 006W ins VA MetkodbOark Nkoihtrlin cs,'I'ria, ti of M & d own mpini,cGaces Any destination within current service area of M-F, 8 to 4, do accept special requests for Currently St. Louis Park, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, Golden Valley, Robbinsdale, group trip outings. Service is door to door, Robbinsdale, Crystal, New Hope, Brooklyn 60 plus, SLP arranged for any age, program can Crystal, New Hope, Brooklyn Center & driver will provide an arm for gentle asst. & Center & eastern Plymouth, VA, U of M PRISM Express be set up for any parameters upon request eastern Plymouth driver does carry up 3 bags. PCA ride for free. hos ital /dinics score 5 5 4 5 Age 55+ or certified disabled & must meet the income guidelines in order to ride. Take a Rides are for basic needs, hair appt., medical, person(s) total household income & deduct grocery, pharmacy & visit loved one in a what they're spending on nursing home & must be within service Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, South Mpls., housing &med. = income base. $1800 /month area.Currently looking to expand to serve 8to 3:30 M-F Service is curb to curb. Rider VA, Abbott NW, HCMC, Fairview Riverside, U for asingle person or $2450 /month for a other destinations Le.social visits, senior ctrs must be able to get in & out of a vehicle w/o of MN & nearby clinics, Methodist hospital VEAP transportation couple. Based on 200% of the poverty line. & general shopping such asTarget. asst. and SLP Park Nicollet clinics score 3 3 4 5 EligibilityTBD. Typically 60 plus or vision ITN (Independent impairment. Must be ambulatory(no TBD. not established yet. Program is in the Transportation Network ) wheelchairs ) No restrictions 24/7. infancy stage. score 1 41 51 5 NA Cost per Mt? One -wrty fire (le. $d ode - Programs offering presentation to the group Wbeel Clair erynipped vebieies? Wa#COmMtmem to .serve law Wome peapk hid +d Y#n &lar volunteer drivers - both ba ftrouad clrecisto ;Trdty trAirred coordirstite WD -oess to jWWvddderneeds & re +t/btberpnugrams , Sliding scale fee based on stated income. Fare ranges from $3.50 each way - $10.98 each Yes, 9 wheelchair equipped buses & 3 non- way. No one is denied a ride due to inability All paid drivers that have background checks PRISM Express wheelchair equipped vans to pay. &are fully trained. Currently 20 drivers. Yes. score 5 5 5 5 VEAP is moving to 96th & Lyndale & will become a Henn. Cty. Service hub. Is willing to coordinate w /other programs. Is working to Have 75 background checked & trained expand to serve additional ride destinations VEAP transportation none cars and mini -van only) Free but there is a $5.00suggested donation. volunteer drivers. On current service area. score 2.5 5 S ITN (Independent Transportation Network) lNone, private vehicles. Typically cars. $10.89 each way. Both paid &volunteer, not established yet. Just starting up. score 1 2.5 1 3 NA Notes on Metro Transit - public transit /BE Line: 917 bus lines reach Edina in addition to Transit Link & Metro Mobility. The BE Line is no longer called that. It is Metro Transit routes #'s 538 & 539. •No eligibility requirements for the 17 bus lines. Bus line destinations go to multiple locations inside /outside Edina. Transit Link is Metro Transit's curb to curb, dial a ride transportation program that serves the general public in the 7 county metro area and does not have eligibility requirements. Riders must walk 1/4 mile in the winter to meet the bus & a 1/2 mile in the summer to meet the bus. Metro Mobility is Metro Transit's ADA dial a ride door to door dial a ride transportation program that does have a 6 page application process that involves an interview and the rider's doctor's opinion & a 3 week waiting period. It serves the 7 county metro area. •Could add a FlexRoute if the City of Edina was willing to pay for it. Notes on Metro Transit - public transit /BE Line continued: • We did not score this option because we felt it would inaccurately tabulate a perfect score. Many seniors cannot overcome some of this option's service barriers i.e. transfer points are not accessible for a senior or seem unsafe, walking to connect with transit, waiting outside in the variable weather conditions, etc. • There is a growing population of seniors that are not comfortable for a variety of reasons, using the "big bus" and are not disabled enough to qualify for Metro Mobility. Additionally, Transit Link's walking to connect to /transfer points parameters are difficult for a person with normal aging issues, i.e. arthritis, low vision, etc. • See appendix for additional information on Transit Link. Metro Mobility and SW Transit. N 1 O r+ V) V) r+ r+ 0 Street Car Benefits for the Edina Community - Allows for "One Parking Stop Access" to almost all of Edina's commercial districts (Centennial Lakes /Southdale /44th /50th /Grandview). — "One Parking Stop Access" allows for less parking ramp land use and increases land space for business growth — Gives Business firm commitment that transportation will be present in Edina for the long -term no matter the situation at Southdale Shopping Mall — Decreases employee & customer spending on vehicle expenses allowing for greater personal spending on other items. — Gives Edina businesses & community access to the airport, Downtown Minneapolis & St. Paul, the St. Paul Train Depot and fast train service on to Duluth (NLX), Rochester (ZipRail) and Chicago (HSR /Amtrak). — Long -term potential decrease in travel expense for business (car rentals, airfares, employee mileage reimbursement, hotel stays etc) — Increase overall health in the community, decreases greenhouse emissions, increases public desire to walk & bike (bike racks inside street car). — Easier to understand route access for senior citizens /no steps needed to access street car (at curb grade). — Increases ability of city to handle major events such as the Edina Art Fair and /or Major Golf Tournaments at Interlachen Country Club without harming neighborhoods. — See appendix for additional information. 3 General recommendations /considerations to ETC: Group Discussion *We recommend a coordination of existing services model to serve the transportation needs of seniors in Edina. There is no set up fees or time needed. The programs are well established in the communities they currently serve. Additionally, potential funders embrace the fact that programs are coordinating and not duplicating services so that they are funding one entity for many needs vs. many entities for individual needs. • Together PRISM Express dial -a -ride and VEAP volunteer driver transportation can provide the affordable, social services style of transportation that Edina seniors desire. Note: PRISM Express can be set up to serve the general public in Edina and not just seniors. i.e. St. Louis Park *Recommendation that the City of Edina charge a "transportation fee" to housing developers, i.e. new housing being erected in SE Southdale parking lot / a $3.28 per residency fee, like what is recently being done on the Edina utility bills, to help subsidize the transportation options in Edina. Could also establish a "parking spot user fee." Work on a City TDM. The City does need to put a line item in its budget for funds to pay for this service. Riders will be charged a suggested donation fee to ride, based on their stated monthly income. General recommendations /considerations to ETC: Group Discussion continued • Concerns were discussed if Edina was to go with a brand new transit option, i.e. ITN, that this would add another layer to an already fragmented transportation system. Additionally, because of the relatively high cost per trip, the ITN option appears to be set up to serve the financially advantaged population and not for the general public. • Consider competition for funding dollars & volunteers if establishing a brand new program(s) vs. going with existing programs Appendix TransitSOLM'k, • Transit Link is the Twin Cues id al-a- tithe minibus or van service, that is wheelchair accessible, for the general public, where regular route transit service is not available. Trip origins & destinations must be more than /4 mile from regular transit in the winter and more than '! mile from regular transit in spring, summer & fail. • Transit Link is for trips that can't be accomplished on regular transit routes alone, and may combine regular route and Transit Link service. • Transit Link service is available throughout the 7- county metropolitan area;. • Call 651- 602 -LINK (5465) to reserve a ride. • Operates Monday — Friday Gam - 7pm. • Fares are basted on the distance traveled. A trip less than 10 miles is $2.26 each way, between 10 and 20 miles is $4.64 each way, and more them 20 miles is $6.75 each way. • This is a shared ride service. • Operates with a 30 minute pick -up window.. • This is a curb - to -curb service and you may request assistance from the driver. ADA- certified passengers may ask for doter -to -door assistance. Metro Mobility is a shared public transportation service, that is wheelchair accessible, for certified riders who are unable to use regular fixed -route buses due to a disability or health condition. Rides are provided for any purpose. Service is provided in areas Served by all day local fixed -route transit service and the area designated by the state Legislature known as the "Transit Taxing District.* In Carver county, only Chaska & Chanhassen. • Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines determine eligibility. People are generally eligible if they are physically unable to get to the regular fixed -route bus (OR) they are unable to navigate regular fixed- route bus system once they are on board (OR) they are unable to board and exit the bus at some locations. A completed ADA Paraitransit Application Form is needed to determine eligibility for service. Call 51-602 -1111 for additional information • Operates Monday — Friday yarn —1 Qpm, Saturday & Sunday Barn 4prn • Cost to ride is $3. 00 during non -rush hours and $4.00 during rush hours (Monday — Friday Sara — gam & 3prn — 6:30pm). • They operate with a 30 minute pick -up window. • This service is door-to-door. Southwest Metro Transit (S1M') Provides express and local bus service to residents of Chanhassen, Chaska, Eden Prairie and surrounding communities. Weekday shuttle -bus service toffrom Twins game is also available. • SWT has £0 buses and offers service to University of Minnesota, and Southdale, Arena and the Victoria Recreation Cente • S T operates 7 park and ride bats, inclui (Chanhassen) at the SE corner of Hwy. East Creek, (Chaska) Transit Station at tt 41 Clover Field Park and Rlde(Chaska) 1wntown :Minneapolis, the well as to the Waconia Ice ig the SouthWest Village SW comer of Hwy. 212 & Hwy. the NW corner of Walden Dr. & Mundertmark Rd. • Operates Monday _.. Friday Sarin — 6pm Cost to ride ranges from .75 - $3.00 depending on time of day and age. Vehicles are wheelchair accessible and this Is a shared ride service. • Visit m" wtraans or call 952-949-?287 for additional information, Including bus schedules. Street Car System Portland Ore System Size: 3.35 miles double track extension (6.7miles total) Total Spend: $148.27 million Federal Spend: $75 million Local Spend: $73 million from multiple local sources Realized Benefits for the City of Portland Ore: Link neighborhoods with a convenient and attractive transportation alternative. Fit the scale and traffic patterns of existing neighborhoods. Provide quality service to attract new transit ridership. Reduce short inner -city auto trips, parking demand, traffic congestion and air pollution. Encourage development of more housing and businesses in the Central City. 6 http: / /www.portlandstreetcar. org /node /11 Funding Possibilities for the Streetcar System Option • Portland Ore's spend for roughly the same area was $148M, with over half of that being covered by the Feds • Financing would have to be multi- faceted. The amount of dollars in value would follow in this order. • - Federal financing is still available under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act • -The State of MN would have to contribute through bonding dollars • - Hennepin County would be asked to contribute thru its Railroad Authority • -Edina would also be asked to contribute probably thru TIFF financing or through another taxable vehicle along with staff hours both administratively and in the field • Taxpayer benefit would include: A. No eventual need for a parking garage at 44th and France behind Brueggers (Tens of Millions) • B. Less costly replacement and smaller footprint garages at 50th and France behind Lunds and behind D'Amicos. Freeing up space for additional businesses. (Tens of Millions). • C. Ability to rehab the old Wickes site near Southdale and the old Best Buy site also near Southdale (Millions in added Property Tax value) • D. Ability to assist Southdale Hospital Complex with additional growth, without tying down land for parking garages. Park & Ride at Grandview connected by street car, along with better utilization of Southdale Parking thru street car system (Tens of Millions) • E. Better business connection to the airport would potentially generate interest in another hotel site at Southdale (Tens of Millions) • F. Less need for expansion on Hwy 62, (Tens of Millions)