HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-01 City Council Work Session Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Tuesday, October 1, 2019 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.2020 Commission Proposed Work Plans IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli%cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: October 1, 2019 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2020 Commission Proposed Work Plans Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Commission Chairs (or designee) will present their 2020 proposed work plans as recommended by the commission. The order of presentation are: 1. Planning Commission 2. Transportation Commission 3. Heritage Preservation Commission 4. Human Rights & Relations Commission 5. Parks & Recreation Commission 6. Energy & Environment Commission 7. Community Health Commission 8. Arts & Culture Commission The work plan timeline is as follows: October 1, 2019 Work Session: Commission Chairs present proposed work plans November 19, 2019 Work Session: Staff review of Commission proposals December 3, 2019 Council Meeting: City Council approves 2020 work plans January 1, 2020: Work plans officially start. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Transportation Commission Heritage Preservation Commission Human Rights & Relations Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Energy & Environment Commission Community Health Commission Arts & Culture Commission Planning 2020 DRAFT Planning Commission Work Plan Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing 2020 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds Available Staff Liaison None Required Staff spends 80% of their time in support of land use applciations Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q3 2020 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New 2020/21 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison Review and Recommend Planning Study of the Edina Business Park. (The office/industrial area between Highway 100, Cahill Road, 70th Street and Edina's southern boarder.) This Study would include recommendations from Chapter 10, Economic Competitiveness. Staff Liaison Comments: This is a Comp. Plan recommendation in both the 70th/Cahill SAP and Chapter 10, Economic Competitiveness. Staff has made a request of the City Council to provide funds in the 2020 Budget. City Manager Comments: Review and Recommend Staff Liaison Comments: Planning Staff spends the majority (over 80%) of its time in support of land use applications brought before the planning commission and city council. City Manager Comments: Progress Report: The Planning Commission is responsible to review all Land Use applications submitted to the City of Edina. Land Use applications include: Variances; Site Plan Review; Sketch Plan Review; Conditional Use Permits; Subdivision; Lot Line Adjustments; Rezoning; and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. All Progress Report: Review and Recommend Comprehensive Plan Follow-up. Make revisions as required by the Met Council. * Rezoning of 7101-7155 Amundson Avenue from Industrial use to Commercial/Mixed Use. * Increase Heights in the 70th and Cahill Area. Staff Liaison Comments: To bring Zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan as required by Met Council. City Manager Comments: Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q4 2020 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q4 2020 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Progress Report: Review and Recommend Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines - Consider codifying recommendations within the guidelines and creating a checklist to use for reviews of redevelopment proposals. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Zoning Ord. Amendments: Items to be considered for change to the Ordinance: drive-throughs; basement requirement; one-foot rule; two car garage; allow s.f. homes in R-2 District; allow secondary dwelling units; restaurant odor; tree ordinance; upgrade building material requirements; building height. Staff Liaison Comments: These are items to be considered for change to the Ordinance, it does not conclude that a change will be recommended. City Manager Comments: Transportation2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan TemplateInitiative #1Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueQ33 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds availableStaff Liaison, CTS (including video)Initiative #2Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueQ42 (review and comment)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonInitiative #3Initiative Type Completion DateNewQ43 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonCity Manager Comments:Progress Report:Staff Liaison Comments: Review and RecommendReview and evaluate performance of CloverRide circulator services (North and South) and make recommendations to Council for future service after contracts expire.Review and CommentReview and comment on traffic impact studies associated with proposed developments as requested by the Planning Commission. Serve on a cross-commission committee with the Planning Commission to discuss traffic impacts associated with development/redevelopment projects and evaluate implementation of Travel Demand Management policy/ordinance.Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments:Review and RecommendPrepare and recommend standards and best practices for traffic impact studies conducted for proposed development/redevelopment projects for the purpose of ensuring high-quality studies are performed for the City.Progress Report: Initiative #4Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueQ44 (review and decide)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff Liaison, CTS (including video)Initiative #5Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeOngoingQ42 (review and comment)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonInitiative #6Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeOngoingQ42 (review and comment)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonReview and CommentStaff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments:Progress Report:Review and comment on monthly Traffic Safety ReportsReview and CommentReview and comment on proposed Capital Improvement projects, including roadway reconstructions and projects funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) FundReview and DecideStaff Liaison Comments:City Manager Comments:Progress Report:City Manager Comments:Progress Report:Develop and coordinate educational activities to inform community members about transportation safety (which will include an annual community event).Staff Liaison Comments: Initiative #7Initiative Type Completion DateNewQ43 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonCity ForesterParking LotReview and RecommendDevelop and recommend a boulevard tree policy in conjuction with the Energy and Environment CommissionStaff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments:Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments:Progress Report:Progress Report: 2020 Commission Work Plan Instructions Commission work plans are developed by the commission. Not the staff liaison. Schedule September Meetings: Commission Approves proposed work plan. Plans due to MJ by September 25 October 1 Work Session: Chairs present proposecd work plan to Council. Chair must be present. November 19 Work Session: City Manager and staff liaison present proposed revisions. December 3 Council Meeting: Council feedback incorporated and City Council approves work plan. January 1: Commissioner officially starts implementing work plans. General Each section with a white background should be filled out. List initiatives in order of priority Parking Lot: These are items the commission considered but did not propose as part of the work plan. These items are not considered approved and would require a work plan amendment approved by Council to allow the commission to begin work. Initiative When writing initiatives, start with the action (council charge). Make sure the following points are addressed 1) What is the specific action/outcome 2) Describe what the commission will do 3) Describe what the outcome(s) will look like Examples: Review and recommend a building energy benchmarking policy. Study and report on possible city actions to reduce access and usage of vaping for youth. Initiative Type New Initiative – not on previous work plan and has completion date Continued Initiative – carried over from a previous work plan with a revised target completion date Ongoing Responsibility – annually on the work plan and may or may not have a target completion date Event – Events coordinated and implemented by the Commission, not the City. Completion Date Provide a target date for the initiaive to be completed by. If the date has passed, provide an update in the progress field Council Charge City Manager will propose council charge for Council consideration.If Council charge changes, initiative action will be updated. Budget - Staff Liaison Completes If funds are available, the staff liaison must provide the amount that will be used. If funds are NOT available, the staff liaison must explian the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support - Staff Liaison Completes Note additional staff support needed including the hours and responsitilities. Select all that are needed. Commission Initiative Type Select Commission Name New Arts & Culture Continue Heritage Preservation Ongoing Community Health Event Human Rights & Relations Planning Transportation Parks & Recreation Energy & Environment Council Charge Budget Staff Support 1 (study and report)Funds available Staff Liaison 2 (review and comment)Funds not available CTS (including video) 3 (review and recommend)Other 4 (review and decide) Initiative Start Start your initiative with an action Study and Report Review and Comment Review and Recommend Review and Decide Heritage Preservation 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Review and Decide Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. All Commission Progress Report: Review and Recommend Invite owners of determined elibigle properties to designate their properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and recommend to Planning Commission and City Council. All Commission Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Evaluate and recommend potential properties to be added to the Heritage Preservation eligible landmark list. All Commission Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Ongoing Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing May-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison ongoing Progress Report: Review and Decide Review and Decide R&E 18E. Serve on a cross-commission committee to ensure City facility artwork and décor reflects diversity of race and culture. Partners: Arts & Culture Commission, Human Rights and Relations Commission (LEAD) and HPC Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Award the 2020 Edina Heritage Award during National Preservation Month in May. Use different media outlets to help increase awareness during the nomination period to increase interest. All Commission Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Other GIS Support Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing May-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison ongoing Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison The HPC proposes applying for a Grant to fund this project Preservation Consultant- Robert Vogel Archeology in Edina. The HPC worked with Nienow Cultural Consultants in 2019 on a Phase Ia Archeology report that models areas of different degrees of potential archeological sites in Edina. The HPC proposes in 2020, to apply for a CLG grant (similar to the one in 2019) to test the archeolgocial model. See page 20 of the NCC Final Archeological report. All Commission Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Decide Create an interactive bike/ped map for a Historical Property tour. Use the map during events, school programs, etc. to help raise awareness. All Commission, Lead: Jane Lonnquist Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Study and Report Review and Decide Hold the May Heritage Preservation Commission meeting as a "Community Meeting." Invite the Public on a walking tour around the Edina Country Club golf course area to view Historic Properties and pieces of the Edina Mill. All Commission, Lead: Annie Schilling Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Progress Report: Review and Comment Continue the 2019 resurvey of the Country Club District. All Commission Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Review and Recommend Review the adminstrative process and Country Club Plan of Treatment to identify any recommendations for improvement. All Commission City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Staff Liaison Comments: Human Rights & Relations 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative #1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing April 2020 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available CTS (including video) Staff Liaison Initiative #2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing December 2020 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available CTS (including video) Staff Liaison Initiative #3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing October 2020 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available CTS (including video) Staff Liaison Progress Report: Review and Decide Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Decide 2020 Tom Oye Award Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Review and Decide Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Days of Remembrance Event Initiative #4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Initiative #5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Initiative #6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Review and Recommend R&E 18.E. Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) to ensure City facility artwork and décor reflects diversity of race and culture. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend R&E 20.B. Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Bias Offense Response Plan review to determine if the plan should be broadened to include offenses outside of the state statute’s definition of bias offense. (Review Racial Equity Recommendation 3. A.) Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Initiative #7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Initiative #8 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Event Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Review and Recommend Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to complete requirements for Edina to receive the AARP City Designation. -Complete Walk Audit Tool Kit provided by AARP -October Senior Expo & Designation Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Decide Celebrate 50th anniversity of HRRC in Edina Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Parking Lot Parks & Recreation 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison, Other In-kind 35-45 Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison In-Kind 15-25 Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison In-Kind Study and Report Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Assess existing conditions, quality and sustainability of parks and green spaces. Identify areas prone to risk and areas of opportunity for future improvements. Study and Report R&E 20.B. Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming. Staff Liaison Comments: Continued parntership with HRRC City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved members of the community. Staff Liaison Comments: Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison In-Kind 25-35 Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison 2017 Est. $2,200,000 TBD Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison 2017 Est. $13,700,000 TBD City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Prioritize park capital infrastructure needs, including playground equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Implement the Braemar Park master plan and pursue alternate funding opportunities for eligible components. Staff Liaison Comments: Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Implement the Fred Richards Park master plan and pursue alternate funding opportunities for eligible components. Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison, Other In-Kind 20-25 Parking Lot City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Review the commitment to and execution of the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land dedicated to parks and green spaces. Staff Liaison Comments: Energy & Environment 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative 1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison Funds not required EEC's role.Staff Liaison (40 hrs) Initiative 2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Event Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison, Other $200 for supplies and food Staff Liaison to post event (8hrs), Organics Coordinator (20hrs) and Recycling Coordinator (8 hrs) can advise and provide materials already created. Progress Report: Review and Decide on organics and recycling re-education at City events. Lanzas, Maynor Staff Liaison Comments: With the new curbside organics recycling and the need to keep contaminants low in recycling, the commission will table at City events to educate the community and answer questions. City Manager Comments: Review and Comment Staff Liaison Comments: EEC completed a Study and Report on parameters of a Climate Action Plan. EEC's role would be to give input throughout the process and comment on the final plan. City Manager Comments: Progress Report: on a Climate Action Plan. Jackson, Satterlee Initiative 3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison, CTS (including video) $250 for supplies Staff liaison to manage in take and acceptance process (40 hrs), CTS to support communication updates (16 hrs) Initiative 4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New December Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison, Other Forester and Assistant Director of Natural Resources (24 hrs) Initiative 5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Event July Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Review and Decide Review and Decide an event on Climate Change and Adaptation with the Human Rights and Relations Commission's (HRRC) "Sharing values. Sharing communities" on a Business Recognition Program outreach and review. Horan Staff Liaison Comments: The Commission will continue outreach and review of applications for the business recognition program launched in 2019. City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Recommend on an enhanced tree ordinance. EEC Lead - Manser\ Planning Commission support Staff Liaison Comments: Planning Commission also has this on their work plan and could jointly work together. City Manager Comments: Funds not available Staff Liaison Funds to come from HRRC Staff Liaison (8 hrs) Parking Lot Develop a program with realtors to give sellers the opportunity to showcase environmental imporvemtns to their homes (ex. Insulation) work plan initiative. Hussian, Martinez Advocating for street sweeping Education and engagement on water initiatives like Adopt a Drain To-go packaging ordinance Citywide waste collection day Staff Liaison Comments: Cross commission committee to plan and execute event. This committee would include individuals from the HRRC and EEC. City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Ensuring pollinator friendly policy citywide Community Health 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q3 2020 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support None No additional Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q1 2020 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support None No additional Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Q4 2020 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support None No additional Progress Report: Start your initiative with an action Start your initiative with an action Draft Advisory Communcation to City Council on regulating sale of flavored tobacco and tobacco-related products, including e-cigarettes. Greg Wright Staff Liaison Comments: None City Manager Comments: Start your initiative with an action Staff Liaison Comments: This initiative fits well with current Public Health initiatives regarding the connection between housing and mental well-being. City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Study and report regarding benefits of social connectedness, including examples of local government initiatives from around the country to reduce social isolation. Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) to evaluate process for Edina to receive AARP City Designation. Draft report to City Council regarding possible actions moving forward. Amanda Herr Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q3 2020 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support None No additional Parking Lot Edina Public Schools - lack of provision of feminine hygiene products in school restrooms City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Start your initiative with an action Staff Liaison Comments: Continued initiative from 2019. Process for becoming AARP designated city may be more resource intensive than initially thought, cross- commission committee may need to report on process and resources needed to work on designation, rather than working on designation immediately. Local opioid efforts, including Police-led take back programs - publicity campaign, how do people know this is available? Statement by City regarding firearm safety or gun violence Technology and health - social media, isolation, bullying Study and report possible smoke-free multi-unit property policies, possible ordinance language, and programs. Gather examples from other cities. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Arts & Culture 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative #1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing 1-Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison 15,000 20 hours Initiative #2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing 1-Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison 30 hours Progress Report: Review and Decide Public Art Year 1 • Implement plans as described in Public Art Plan (Years 1-3) • Key elements include survey, community feedback and Year 1 prototype programs, budget • Maintain close partnership with HRRC and institute partnerships with additional Commissions (Parks and Rec, Planning, Heritage) for strengthening Public Art throughout the community • Inform all activities with a focus on Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Community Building. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Next Generation Art Center • Present an assessment of program and capability needs that includes past analyses and reviews as well as updated community based insights • Present an assessment of the EAC physical facility • Recommend priority actions for both program facility needs Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Initiative #3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing 1-Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison $5,000 10 hours Initiative #4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing 1-Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison 10 hours Progress Report: Review and Recommend City of Edina Existing Art Collection • Conduct an inventory of the City of Edina art collection • Recommend maintenance work on high priority items Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Review and Recommend Provide leadership and advocacy to advance the role and value of art and culture activities in Edina • Ensure inclusive & accessible art is considered in decision-making. Partner with Planning Commission and Parks and Recs Commission to advance Arts and Culture to provide for an on-going role for Arts and Culture in all future developments and programs Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: