HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.16.19 HRRC_Minutes_Approved_Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/27/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room, July 16, 2019, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson, Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy and Meek. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator, and Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Absent: Commissioner Stringer Moore and Student Commissioners Moss-Keys and Waldron. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the July 16, 2019 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the June 18, 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Public Art Discussion with Arts & Culture Commission Members a. Chair Nelson introduced Arts & Culture Commissioners Hannah Klein and Michelle Morgan-Nelson, who will provide information about the survey and plan for public art in Edina. This item is on the 2019 HRRC Work Plan as Initiative #11. i. They presented the road map and survey 1. Want cross commission contributions 2. Would like it to be community driven, ensuring the entire community is involved in what public art is 3. Year one (Sept 2019-Aug 2020) a. Collaborate with designated commissions b. Better Together platform i. Get as much input as we can c. What bubbles to the top after receiving survey results d. Establish budget that we can use going forward e. Create a prototype—perhaps similar to Fall Into the Arts? f. Present to Council 4. Year Two Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/27/2019 a. Try something, seeing what works, modify it, make it work better b. Different ideas to try—bike ramps at schools for example 5. Year Three a. Continue rolling plan, keep changing and finding what works ii. Art ideas/themes (handout) 1. Edina Garden Council a. Arneson Acres, beautiful pollinator garden iii. Presenting to City Council in September 1. Want HRRC’s input now and then to support presentation iv. Survey 1. Online and available as hard copy 2. Should be in places people can access it—libraries, city facilities 3. Should have it translated into other languages a. Checking on budget for that piece 4. Want to use Better Together platform for survey 5. City could send it out to mailing lists 6. Find out if those methods work, or do we need a focus group or go into the Senior Center, etc. v. Possible to apply for a grant(s) for this? 1. Cross commission is looking into that a. Need to find someone willing to do that work on grant proposals vi. They would like feedback ASAP. 1. Send survey out to each member of HRRC VI. Community Comment—None VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2019 Commission Work Plan a. The Commission discussed the Work Plan. i. Discussed most of the Work Plan at the Work Session. Concluded no one had anything to add. VIII. Chair and Member Comments • Discussed City Manager Twitter posting. • Edina Garden Council tours is this weekend o Public and private gardens • Gave background on the Immortal Chaplain Award, which former founding HRRC member Tom Oye won IX. Staff Comments A. Staff Liaison Lee asked about an Edina High School student presenting information on Edina’s inclusionary and exclusionary history Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/27/2019 a. Student has already presented to the Heritage Preservation Commission b. Suggest a shortened version—15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions B. Draft of Communications Protocol and Process a. Sent out to everyone and need feedback b. Chair Nelson and Commissioner Arseneault are on the working group i. They will respond to Staff Liaison Lee ii. Commissioner Meek will join the working group C. Rick Ross will be joining the HRRC at the August meeting to replace Commissioner Ron Jones Motion by Arseneault to add replace Commissioner Jones with Commissioner Meek on the working group for Work Plan initiative #4, seconded by Epstein. Motion carries. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.