HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.27.19 HRRC_Minutes_Approved_Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/24/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room, Aug. 27, 2019, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson, Commissioners Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy, Meek, Ross, Stringer Moore and Student Commissioner Moss-Keys. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator, and Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant. Absent: Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer and Student Commissioner Waldron. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the Aug. 27, 2019 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Epstein. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the July 16, 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Meek. Motion carried. Commissioner Stringer Moore arrived at 7:05 p.m. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome to Commissioner Rick Ross a. Chair Nelson introduced new Commissioner Rick Ross. b. Commissioner Ross shared about his background and career with Commissioners. VI. Community Comment—None VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2019 Commission Work Plan a. The Commission discussed the Work Plan. i. Staff was directed to update Work Plan with initiatives Commissioner Ross would like to be on. ii. Initiative #1 was discussed, and Staff Liaison Lee shared the protocol and procedures document is in draft form. The Communications & Technology Services Department is looking for feedback from HRRC on the June 2019 draft. Commission requested the comments from the feedback group for review. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/24/2019 iii. The group discussed Initiative #2 and what was suggested at the Work Session with the City Council July 18. Commissioners will follow up for more info about the Yancey site and ask Parks & Rec Commission for another meeting. iv. Initiative #6 was discussed and Commissioners shared some frustration about how bias offenses are handled when there is no identified victim. Chair Nelson shared that he had a conversation with official from City of Eugene, Oregon, about their bias offense work. Group agreed the next step would be a meeting with staff about changes and suggestions. v. Changes to the plans for Initiative #10—Sharing Values, Sharing Community—were presented. In order not to conflict with the Twin Cities Marathon, the working group suggested moving the event to Oct. 13. The group has decided on the climate crisis for a topic. The working group shared that not a lot of conversation has been happening in the community around the topic, but there is a lot of passion from the youth in the community. It was suggested the working group talk to the Energy & Environment Commission about partnering for the event. Motion by Commissioner Epstein to approve topic and date for the 2019 Sharing Values, Sharing Community event, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Motion carries. B. Work Plan Initiative #3 Update a. Working group gave update on progress on this initiative around artwork in city facilities. They plan to start with City Hall entryway/atrium area and Mayor’s Conference Room, per guidance from Staff Liaison Lee. It was asked if the working group benchmarked with other peer cities. The answer was they have not. b. The working group talked about touring the City Hall entryway/atrium and Mayor’s Conference room, and how they want City Hall to feel more like a Visitor’s Center that represents Edina—past, present and future. c. Working group talked about issuing an RFP for art. i. A few key considerations discussed were being mindful of cultural appropriation, reflecting cross national art and how this would be funded. It was suggested they could approach a number of organizations for grants. We need to encourage people of color to submit artwork, not just put up artwork that shows diversity. d. Commission suggested this would be on the next year’s work plan as well. Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the Initiative #3 Notes and Recommendations Document, seconded by Commissioner Stringer Moore. Motion carries. C. Work Plan Initiative #4 Update a. Working group gave update on initiative and meeting with Parks & Recreation Commissioners. The group is suggesting a forum to have a focus group around this topic. Parks & Rec Commissioners were going to present to their Commission and the Parks & Recreation Director. After that, they would present to HRRC. Staff Liaison Lee shared discussions she’s had with the Parks & Rec Director around capturing data and using it to support work plan initiatives. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/24/2019 b. Commission discussed next steps as far as what information needs to be gathered from a forum and what will then be shared with Council. Commissioner Kennedy left at 7:58 p.m. D. 2020 Work Plan Development a. Staff Liaison Lee asked the Commission to discuss the 2020 Work Plan, and what items might carry over from the 2019 Work Plan to the next work plan. Initiatives #7, 9 and 10 were all automatic carry-overs, as yearly events. Other initiatives were discussed as possible carry- overs, including #3, 4, 6 and 8. Staff Liaison Lee asked everyone to be thinking about anything they might want to add to next year’s work plan. VIII. Chair and Member Comments A. Discussion about HRRC having a booth at the Open Streets event Sept. 22. There was interest from Commissioners, and decided that Commissioner Stringer Moore would follow up with Staff Liaison Lee. B. Commissioner Ross is excited to be part of the Commission and looking forward to working with everyone. IX. Staff Comments A. Staff Liaison Lee shared that there would be a student presentation at the September HRRC meeting and Mary Manderfeld from Edina School District will speak at the October meeting. B. New student commissioners start next month. Student Commissioner Waldron will be part of HRRC for another year. This was Commissioner Moss-Keys last meeting. Commissioners thanked Moss-Keys for her service to the Commission. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Epstein to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Meek. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.