HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-02/16_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 2, 1991 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL EDINA MASONIC LODGE PRESENTATION ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Commissioners as to HRA items and by the agenda items marked with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and will be separate discussion of such items unless requests, in which case the item will be - Adoption of Consent Agenda Items is made by the Council Members as to Council items. All and in bold print are Consent Agenda Items enacted by one motion. There will be no a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen removed from the Consent Agenda and considered , in its normal sequence on the Agenda. EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of November 18, 1991 * II. PAYMENT OF HRA CLAIMS III. ADJOURNMENT * * * * k I. II. EDINA CITY COUNCIL and so APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of November 4 and Special Meetings of November 21 and 23, 1991 INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT A. Tree Trimming Project TT-92/93 - An area bounded by Highway 100 on the East, Vernon Avenue on the South, Highway 169 on the West and the northern City boundary line on the North III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. B. Appeal of Board of Appeals Decision - Lot Coverage Variance, 6510 Gleason Ct Set Hearing Date (12/16/91) 1. Final Development Plan - Burnet Realty, 5036 France Avenue So 2. Preliminary Plat Approval - Peter Andrea 1st Addition - 6996 Valley View Rd IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. B. C. Tree Trimming (Continue to 12/16/91) Hearing Protection/Communication System Removal of Diseased Trees Agenda Edina City Council December 2, 1991 Page 2 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Stop Sign Request - West 54th from France Av to Zenith Av B. Public Health Nursing Contract - Bloomington * C. Community Health Services Agreement - Hennepin County * D. Joint Powers Agreement - South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency * E. Amendment of Council Minutes of 04/16/90 - Final Plat Resolution for Walker Methodist F. Park Board Recommendation - GAA G. Terms and Conditions - Public Dance Permit, 5125 Industrial Blvd VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. Set Year End Council Meeting Date (12/30/91 - 5:00 P.M.) * B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 12/01/91: Total $792,379.67 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Wed Dec 4 Continued Truth in Taxation Hearing and Adoption of 1992 Budget 7:00 P.M. Council Room Mon Dec 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room Tues Dec 24 CHRISTMAS EVE DAY - CITY HALL CLOSES AT NOON Wed Dec 25 CHRISTMAS DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Dec 31 NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY - CITY HALL CLOSES AT NOON Wed Jan 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jan 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room Mon Jan 20 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Jan 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past 14 years the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money to the Edina Fire Department; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Pancake Breakfast; and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $1,500.00 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of rescue equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that sincere appreciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well-being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be entered into the Minutes and that an appropriate copy be presented to the EDINA MASONIC LODGE as a token of gratitude of the Edina City Council and all the citizens of Edina. ADOPTED this 2nd day of December, 1991. Mayor MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOVEMBER 18, 1991 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and vas seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve HRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4. 1991. APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve HRA Minutes of November 4, 1991. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *CLAIMS PAID Motion vas made by Commissioner Smith and vas seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve payment of the claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated November 18, 1991, and consisting of one page totalling $1,968,006.08. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director In *� 3 U W 1 0 x W .1C ;)C 0 • x ¢ 0 a W 12-02-91 CHECK REGISTER EDINA HRA >- 1. M U Y: 0 x 11 n r n N. r ac CO 9c .-1 a( 0 x 0 - 000000 * N +c et lc N X . 4 W (n C r n 1•••• Is. n 1- 4( N. +( 1... +c CO i 0) S. CO 4( CO (0 (D (0 CO (0 ic.. CO x CD +c (O +c O) U" M ac:.-MM000000M <:IF M is CO '+c M +c r1 < M CC ':`: Cr) M Mt+7 Cr) CO ': i(` 0) * C,) +( (,) +I 0 a in co ccvvv 0-4 000 yC O) 0) 0) 0) 0) 07 MMMCI MM to ro co co co co } Z M ACCOUNT NO. 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Is. .-10(00)0)00v 0) Of 00 00 0 0 40 CD --v ONavv.-1 u71n 00 00 a VI' (0 (0 K100 0s •-4 .-4 .-4 M 0 0 0) 0) N N .-1 . .-1 40 CO .-1 .-1 In l- h l- (0 CO (0 00 00 v.4 N ' - N 1- .-/ .-1 LON •-1 M M 0) N (04O 070) •-4 •'1 Z- - - - - - i-1.-1 : N N .-1 .-1 ..1 .-i .H ..1 .- 1 rl .•i .•/ O) _: M 0) 0) 0Y0 O) 0) 0) 0) 0 u) u) in In Ln u7 Ln CO NNNNNN N N N .-1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 4, 1991 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. CHEMICAL HEALTH WEEK PROCLAIMED Mayor Richards presented the following proclamation which was unanimously adopted: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, alcohol and other drug abuse in the United States has reached epidemic stages, and the 15-24 year -old age group is dying at a faster rate than any other age group; and WHEREAS, red ribbons have been chosen as a symbol of individual and community efforts to reduce the demand for drugs in our communities; and WHEREAS, November 8-15, 1991, is Minnesota Chemical Health Week in Minnesota, and Governor Arne Carlson is the State Honorary Chairperson of Minnesota Chemical Health Week; and WHEREAS, business, government, law enforcement, schools, religious institutions, service organizations, communities, neighborhoods, youth, senior citizens and individuals will demonstrate their commitment to help reduce and prevent alcohol and other drug abuse by wearing and displaying red ribbons during Minnesota Chemical Health Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that November 8-15, 1991, be declared Minnesota Chemical Health Week throughout the City of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council Members of the City of Edina, in recognition of this event, support the activities sponsored by Minnesota Chemical Health Week and encourage community participation in drug awareness, education and prevention activities. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 21, 1991 APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the Council Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of October 21, 1991. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PRELIMINARY REZONING TO PRD-2 FOR PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDITION, OUTLOT B AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR PARKWOOD KNOLLS 23TH ADDITION; VACATION OF HARVEY LANE GRANTED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Preliminary rezoning for Parkwood Knolls 20th Addition, Outlot B, preliminary plat for Parkwood Knolls 23th addition and vacation of Harvey Lane affecting the same property, public hearings were conducted concurrently. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen said that the subject property, generally located in the northwestern portion of the City on the westerly side of platted right of way for Malibu Drive, is a vacant tract of land 2.84 acres in size. The overall master plan for Parkwood Knolls approved in 1978, illustrated the subject property for development as seven R-2, double bungalow lots. Adjacent land uses include the Lincoln apartments to the west, double bungalows to the south, vacant single family lots to the north, and undeveloped portions to the east. The subject property is designated "Low Density Attached Residential" by the Comprehensive Plan. The proponent, Harvey Hansen, is proposing to substitute a zero lot line single family development for the R-2 development contained in the master plan. The result would be a reduction in density from 14 units to 11 units. The lots would range in size from 11,552 square feet to 12,778 square feet of area. Lot width would approximate 78 feet for all except the most northerly lot, Lot 11, which would be approximately 100 feet wide. The 11 single family homes and would maintain a northerly zero setback on the north property line on all lots except Lot 11, which would maintain a 20 foot setback as required by the PRD-2 District. The proposed development would comply with all Zoning Ordinance requirements. The zero setback would allow the sideyard to be the focus of the outdoor living area instead of the typical rear yard. The individual units would not be identical but would be similar in size and scale and would utilize compatible exterior materials. Planner Larsen explained that the public hearing for Parkwood Knolls 23rd Addition was continued from the September 23, 1991, Council meeting to allow the required publication and mailing of notices for the proposed vacation of Harvey Lane. The vacation of the dedicated Harvey Lane right of way is required for the proposed subdivision. The dedicated right of way would provide access to Malibu Drive for a three acre parcel of land owned by Wallace Kenneth that is located west of the subject property. The parcel contains Mr. Kenneth's home and could be developed with doubles or a similar project in the future. It was noted that the parcel does front on Lincoln Drive and that vacation of the right of way would not landlock the parcel. The City Attorney has indicated that the street vacation should be decided prior to rezoning and preliminary plat approval since the vacation is required for subdivision. Engineer Hoffman has advised that Harvey Lane remains unimproved though the right of way has been dedicated to the City. The utility companies do not object to the proposed vacation and it would appear that Harvey Lane is not critical as public access to Mr. Kenneth's parcel as access is available along the full west side of the property. Staff would recommend rezoning and preliminary plat approval for the following reasons: 1) The Comprehensive Plan and the Parkwood Knolls master plan consider this site suitable for R-2 development and the proposal would comply with all Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2) By zoning the property PRD-2 a precedent would not be set for smaller single family lots in areas of Parkwood Knolls which remain undeveloped. 3) The development plan would result in a reduction in density. At its meeting of September 4, 1991, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed rezoning and preliminary plat subject to: 1) Final Rezoning, 2) Final Plat, and 3) Vacation of Harvey Lane. Public Comment Wallace Kenneth, 5101 Lincoln Drive, explained that Harvey Lane was developed and dedicated some time ago at his request because he wanted to enter his home from a single family street. He said his concern was that development other than single family could occur on the property directly north of his home and that he wished to have the option to access his home from Harvey Lane. Mr. Kenneth asked that the proposed vacation be tabled until development to the north has been determined. Also, if not vacated that it be moved 20 to 30 feet northerly so as to be directly adjacent to his home. Planner Larsen submitted that Outlot C (the area directly north of the Kenneth property) is zoned for three double dwelling units on Lincoln Drive and for two single family dwellings on Malibu Drive. Presentation by Proponent Harvey Hansen, proponent, explained that he did not think Mr. Kenneth would want access to his home via Harvey Lane since his home fronts on Lincoln Drive. Further, he said to do the zero lot line project of relatively small scale as proposed would be difficult with a street or even a driveway in the center. He pointed out that if developed as illustrated in the original master plan the result would be 14 units. If rezoned to PRD-2 as proposed eleven zero lot line units would be built. Council Comment/Action In response to Member Paulus, Planner Larsen clarified that the reason the Harvey Lane right of way exists was to provide another means of access for the property at 5101 Lincoln Drive owned by Wallace Kenneth. He stated that Mr. Kenneth's property would not be landlocked if Harvey Lane were vacated. In response to Member Rice, Mr. Kenneth affirmed that access to his home from Lincoln Drive has served him adequately during the some 20 years he has lived there. He added that although he enters from Lincoln Drive, his house is actually setback 200 to 300 feet. Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING HARVEY LANE WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 7th day of October, 1991, fixed a date for a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following described street: Harvey Lane, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County. WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 4th day of November, 1991, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said street vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, cable, or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such street/easement or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described street is hereby vacated effective as of November 5, 1991: Harvey Lane, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Smith introduced Ordinance No. 825-A39 for First Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 825-A39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT (PRD-2) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Residence District (Sub -District PRD-2) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Outlot B, Parkwood Knolls 20th Addition, Edina, Minnesota That part of Outlot C, Parkwood Knolls 20th Addition that lies southerly of a line which bears North 61 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds East from the Northeast corner of Outlot B, Interlachen Hills 3rd Addition, Edina, Minnesota Harvey Lane (to be vacated) westerly of the westerly right of way line of Malibu Drive, Parkwood Knolls 20th Addition, Edina, Minnesota." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards First Reading granted. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PARKWOOD KNOLLS 23RD ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Parkwood Knolls 23rd Addition" platted by Parkwood Knolls Construction Company and the estate of Carl M. Hansen, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of November 4, 1991, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ALLEY VACATION (BETWEEN 5411 ZENITH AV. SO. AND 5408 YORK AV. SO.) CONTINUED TO 11/18/91 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Engineer Engineer Hoffman presented the petition requesting the vacation of a portion of an unconstructed public alley located between 5411 Zenith Avenue South and 5408 York Avenue South in Seely's 1st Addition to Hawthorne Park. Staff would recommend vacation with reservation of a utility easement for both NSP and Minnegasco to maintain their equipment lines. Vacation of this portion of the alley would preclude any of the abutting properties from future petitioning for construction of a public alley to service the rear of their properties. From a City perspective, staff does not believe there is reason for a public alley as there have never been one in that location. The proposed alley vacation is not the only issue in the area as residents on York Avenue have contacted the City with concerns about the unimproved northerly portion of York Avenue. Presentation by Proponent Rebecca Speakes, 2254 Cleveland Street N.E., stated that she had owned all four properties, 5400, 5404 and 5408 York Avenue and 5411 Zenith, but had recently sold 5400 and 5404 York. The petition to vacate the alley right of way was made because the perspective buyers of 5411 Zenith requested that the subject alley segment become part of their property as it currently functions as part of the backyard. Public Comment Bob Christianson, Best and Flanagan, and representing M.J. Coyne, 5405 York Avenue, stated that Ms. Coyne opposes the proposed vacation at this time. He said he had hoped to present a petition to vacate a portion of York Avenue from 5405 York to 54th Street but that was not possible because of logistical problems. The purpose would be to call to the Council's attention the situation that currently exists with respect to that area. York Avenue from 5404 north to West 54th Street is an unimproved dirt track where residents randomly park cars, move earth around on the dedicated portion of the street, and the existing overall situation is an eyesore. Mr. Christianson said he felt it would be premature to vacate an area by bits and pieces. The City and those residents would be better served if the Engineer and Planner took a close look at the area to try to resolve the problem. He requested a continuance of the proposed vacation hearing so that an analysis could be made and an overall plan could be developed for that area. Council Comment/Action In response to Member Paulus, Engineer Hoffman said he would not support vacating the unimproved portion of the York Avenue right of way because it serves as access to some of those properties. He said he has had calls about that part of York Avenue but that the affected property owners might not support an improvement project as it would be an assessed project. Personally, he said he would like to see that portion improved with pavement and with curb and gutter. Member Smith commented that he would like to get the affected residents in to talk about the area. Member Kelly said she agreed and if there was to be a hearing there should be an estimate of improvements costs. Member Rice concurred that the area needs some planning and maybe some improvement. Mayor Richards commented he felt the property owners involved should be the petitioners if something were to be done and that the Council should not be the initiator for any upgrading or vacating. Member Smith said he would propose looking at the public issues, i.e. W. 54th Street, York Avenue and the subject alley, but not in the format of a public hearing and that the residents who are affected affected should be notified of this. Member Smith made a motion to: 1) Continue the public hearing on the proposed alley vacation to November 18, 1991, and 2) To notice all affected property owners/residents that the Council will look at all access options for the area of West 54th Street, York Avenue and the alley between York and Zenith. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. RESOLUTION ADOPTED: FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1122 RELATING TO 1991 CABLE TV RELIEF EXTENSION Manager Rosland recalled that at the August 5, 1991, meeting he had informed the Council of the request by Paragon Cable for extension of the relief agreement that had been previously approved by member cities in 1985 and extended in 1988. Following an in-depth study of the issues involved, the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (SWSCC) had recommended that the member cities approve Paragon's request. In summary, the modifications to the franchise ordinances are as follows and as presented previously: 1) Franchise Fee - Full 5% franchise fee would be paid to the cities beginning August 1, 1992. 2) Local Programming Funding - Current formula (1% match between the cities and cable company) would remain in effect until July 31, 1992. Some additional modification would take place. 3) Local Programming Services - Paragon would continue to meet the service levels described in the Performance and Facilities contracts now in force. 4) Continued Cooperation - It is intended that coordination and cooperation with Paragon would continue. At the August meeting, the Council approved the recommendation of SWSCC. Documents have been prepared, reviewed by attorneys for each city, and the member cities are now being asked to give formal approval as indicated in a letter date October 23, 1991, from Karen Anderson, Chair of SWSCC. Member Rice said he could not support this this relief extension would cover the full through December 31, 1999, and because the operations of the cable company. because it was his understanding that term of the franchise agreement City has very little control over the After further discussion, Member Smith moved First Reading of Ordinance No. 1122 as presented and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Motion was for First Reading was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Nays: Rice Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SETTLEMENT WITH THE GRANTEE UNDER THE CITY'S CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE ORDINANCE REGARDING REVISIONS TO AND EXTENSION OF CERTAIN TERMS OF THE CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE AS AMENDED, BASED UPON ENACTMENT OF THE LOCAL PROGRAMMING RESTRUCTURING ORDINANCE AND MODIFICATIONS TO OTHER RELATED AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina ("City") is the official governing body of City; and WHEREAS, City has awarded a cable communications franchise ("Franchise") which is held by KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. ("Grantee"); and WHEREAS, the City adopted Ordinance No. 1121 in 1985 ("CATV Relief Ordinance"), providing for modification of certain requirements of the Franchise; and WHEREAS, Grantee underwent a change of control in 1989 and in connection thereto requested that City and the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ("SWSCC"), a joint powers commission comprised of this City and the Cities of Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Richfield ("Member Cities") modify and extend the CATV Relief Ordinance as a part of the transfer of ownership; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Ordinance No. 1121-A1 providing modifications to the CATV Relief Ordinance in contemplation of a transfer of control of the City's Franchise ("CATV" Relief Ordinance Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the CATV Relief Ordinance, as amended by the CATV Relief Amendment ("collectively "Relief Ordinances"), provided that the relief would terminate as of March 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Relief Ordinances required Grantee to make any requests for extension of the relief prior to September 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, Grantee on August 27, 1990, notified City and the SWSCC of its desire to continue the provisions of the Relief Ordinances in effect after March 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC reviewed Grantee's request during a series of meetings of the SWSCC's operating committee and regularly scheduled commission meetings; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC, at a commission meeting, held on May 22, 1991, authorized its staff to enter into negotiations with Grantee to develop a SWSCC recommendation to City to continue in effect certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances on a modified basis; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC, at a meeting held on October 23, 1991, adopted a Resolution ("SWSCC Resolution") recommending that the City approve and accept the conditions upon which certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances and certain agreements entered into pursuant to the Relief Ordinances would be modified and extended, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the recommendation of the SWSCC and documents modifying and extending certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances as set forth in Ordinance No. 1122, ("Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance"), as well as modifying certain provisions of those agreements entered into pursuant to the Relief Ordinances, and based upon this review accepts the recommendation of the SWSCC and finds said documents to be reasonable and acceptable to the City; and WHEREAS, the City and Grantee agree that the provisions of the Relief Ordinances shall expire March 1, 1992, unless and until the necessary actions set forth in the SWSCC Resolution are taken by all Member Cities; NOW, THEREFORE, in a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Edina, the following is resolved: 1) The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of City, all documents necessary to evidence the repeal the Relief Ordinances and effectuate the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance. Such documents shall include, but shall not be limited to, those documents listed on Exhibit 2 attached hereto ("Documents"). 2) The terms of this Resolution are contingent upon adoption, approval, and/or execution of all necessary Documents by the City, other Member Cities of the SWSCC and the SWSCC. 3) This Resolution shall be null and void if a similar resolution is not approved by all Member Cities of the SWSCC within 90 days from the effective date of the enactment of the first such resolution by a Member City. 4) The terms of this Resolution shall be null and void unless the conditions precedent to the effective date of the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinances, as set forth in Section 9 thereof, have been satisfied. 5) The City Clerk is authorized to forward to the SWSCC Administrator four (4) executed and certified copies of all Documents and this Resolution, and the SWSCC is authorized to coordinate a closing to be held within 90 days of the adoption of the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance by the final Member City, at the office of the SWSCC Administrator. The Resolution is passed and adopted this 4th day of November, 1991. CITY OF EDINA By Mayor EXHIBIT 1 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SETTLEMENT WITH THE GRANTEE UNDER THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE ORDINANCE REGARDING REVISIONS TO AND EXTENSION OF CERTAIN TERMS OF THE CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE AS AMENDED, BASED UPON ENACTMENT OF THE LOCAL PROGRAMMING RESTRUCTURING ORDINANCE AND MODIFICATIONS TO OTHER RELATED AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ("SWSCC"), is a joint powers commission comprised of the Cities of Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Richfield ("Member Cities"); and WHEREAS, each of the Member Cities has awarded a cable communications franchise ("Franchise") which is held by KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. ("Grantee"); and WHEREAS, the Member Cities have delegated to the SWSCC the day-to-day regulation of Grantee; and WHEREAS, in 1985, at the recommendation of the SWSCC, the Member Cities adopted a CATV Relief Ordinance ("CATV Relief Ordinance"), providing for modification of certain requirements of the Franchise; and WHEREAS, Grantee underwent a change of control in 1989 and in connection therewith requested the SWSCC and the Member Cities to modify and extend the CATV Relief Ordinance; and WHEREAS, at the recommendation of the SWSCC, each Member City adopted an Ordinance providing modifications to the CATV Relief Ordinance in contemplation of a transfer of control of the City's cable communication franchise ("CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the CATV Relief Ordinance, as amended by the CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment (collectively "Relief Ordinances"), provided that the relief would terminate as of March 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Relief Ordinances required Grantee to make any requests for extension of the relief prior to September 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, Grantee on August 27, 1990, notified City and the SWSCC of its desire to continue the provisions of the Relief Ordinances in effect after March 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC reviewed Grantee's request during a series of meetings of the SWSCC's operating committee and regularly scheduled commission meetings; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC, at a commission meeting, held on May 22, 1991, authorized staff to enter into negotiations with Grantee to continue in effect certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances on a modified basis; and WHEREAS, Grantee and Commission staff reached agreement on terms for the extension and modification of certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances which were in turn approved by the SWSCC at the regularly scheduled Commission meeting of July 24, 1991, a summary of such terms being attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC authorized staff to negotiate with Grantee the necessary documents to effectuate the terms summarized in Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed the necessary documents modifying and extending certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances, as set forth in ordinances to be enacted by each Member City ("Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance"), as well as modifying certain provisions of certain agreements entered into pursuant to the Relief Ordinances, and finds them to be acceptable and recommends their adoption by the Member Cities; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting of October 23, 1991, that: 1) The Chairman and Administrator are directed to forward a copy of this Resolution and copies of the documents listed in Exhibit 2 to the Member Cities and further to provide additional assistance as necessary to the Member Cities in their deliberations. 2) The Chairman is hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of the SWSCC, all documents necessary to rescind the Relief Ordinances and to effectuate the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance. Such documents shall include, but shall not be limited to, those documents listed on Exhibit 2 (hereto "Documents"). 3) The terms of this Resolution are contingent upon adoption, approval, and/or execution of all necessary Documents by the Member Cities of the SWSCC. 4) This Resolution shall be null and void if similar resolutions are not approved by all other Member Cities of the SWSCC within 90 days from the effective date of the first such resolution, as passed by a Member City. 5) The terms of this Resolution shall be null and void unless the conditions precedent to the effective date of the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance, as set forth in Section 9 thereof, have been satisfied. This Resolution is passed and adopted this 23rd day of October, 1991. SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CABLE COMMISSION By Chairman EXHIBIT I to SWSCC RESOLUTION SUMMARY OF KEY ELEMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND RELIEF 7/24/91 Unless otherwise identified the changes begin August 1, 1992: 5% franchise fee to Cities Paragon Cable assumes full responsibility for "local programming" News show production beginning November 24, 1991 Annual budget $347,000, escalated by 5% each year and deducted from gross revenues prior to calculation of the franchise fee Beginning November, 1993, news show will continue or $100,000 of budget will be devoted to local origination Continued coordination of programming with Cities and Commission Retain service levels, equipment repair and replacement as defined in Performance Agreement and current contracts for local programming No itemization of cost for local programming on customer bills for at least 2 years (July 31, 1994) Cooperation and participation between Paragon Cable and Commission to create meaningful reporting requirements New agreement terminates upon sale or transfer EXHIBIT 2 to SWSCC Resolution LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. SWSCC Resolution. 2. Restated Performance Agreement. 3. Restated Contract for Local Programming Facilities. 4. Restated Contract for Public, Educational and Government Access Services. EXHIBIT 2 LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. City Resolution. 2. Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance. 3. Restated Performance Agreement. 4. Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Nays: Rice Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR 1992 PARK AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES CALENDAR Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for the 1992 Park and Recreation Activities Calendar to low bidder, Sexton Printing, at $9,299.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICIES ADOPTED Manager Rosland reported that the following Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) legislative policies have been changed or slightly modified since 1990 and are basically the position of the Council as summarized in the Council packet report: 1. Policy I-C Local Government Aid (LGA) 2. Policy I-F Sales Tax Dedication Guarantee 3. Policy III-B-3 Tax Increment Financing 4. Policy III-C Land Use Planning 5. Policy IV -I Water Supply in Metropolitan Area 6. Policy V-D Transportation (Highway and Transit) Funding Alternatives 7. Policy V-0 Airport Policy 8. Fiscal Disparities The rest of the AMM policies remain unchanged, have been reviewed by staff and also generally reflect the position of the Council. Member Kelly made a motion to accept and support the proposed AMM policies and legislative proposals for 1992 as recommended by the AMM Board of Directors for action at the membership meeting on November 7, 1991. Member Smith seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONTINUED TO 11/18/91 Mayor Richards advised there is an opening for a lay person on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee and asked that names of persons interested in serving be brought to the Council meeting of November 18, 1991. *1992 COUNCIL MEETING DATES APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the following Council Meeting schedule for 1992 for months when the regular meeting falls on a holiday: January - Monday, January 6 Tuesday, January 21 February - Monday, February 3 Tuesday, February 18 September - Tuesday, September 8 Monday, September 21 Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes FEASIBILITY REPORT PRESENTED; HEARING DATE OF 12/02/91 SET FOR TREE TRIMMING PROJECT Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON TREE TRIMMING/REMOVAL PROJECT 1. The Park and Recreation Director, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Tree Trimming/Removal Project described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, December 2, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvement. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MN 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TREE TRIMMING PROJECT NO. TT-92/93 AN AREA BOUNDED BY HIGHWAY 100 ON THE EAST, VERNON AVENUE ON THE SOUTH, HIGHWAY 169 ON THE WEST AND THE NORTHERN CITY BOUNDARY LINE ON THE NORTH. The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, December 2, 1991 at 7:00 p.m., to consider the proposed tree trimming project under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREA: Properties with trimmed trees in an area bounded by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, Highway 169 on the west and the northern City Boundary line on the north. ESTIMATED COST FOR PROJECT AREA: $77,900.00 The project would be funded by special assessment Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *PETITION FOR STREET LIGHTING (INTERSECTION OF SCHAEFER ROAD. KNOLL DRIVE AND SOUTH KNOLL DRIVE) REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to refer the petition for street lighting at the intersection of Schaefer Road, Knoll Drive and South Knoll Drive to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. LMC DRAFT RESOLUTION ON POSTPONEMENT OR REPEAL OF PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY DISCUSSED Manager Rosland reported that a letter had been received from the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), regarding a draft resolution calling on the legislature to repeal or postpone the scheduled 1992 Presidential Primary. LMC had asked that city councils consider supporting such action by adoption of the resolution. Because this is an additional cost to the City, staff would recommend support of such action. Member Kelly made a motion that the Edina City Council advise legislators that it does not support the 1992 Presidential Primary. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Brief discussion followed. Ayes: Kelly Nays: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion failed. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated November 4, 1991, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $387,962.87; Communications $720.68; Art Center $2,928.81; Capital Fund $106,386.50; Golf Course Fund $45,652.81; Recreation Center Fund $3,084.48; Gun Range Fund $394.30; Edinborough Park $14,330.54; Utility Fund $251,982.82; Storm Sewer Utility $1,365.00; Liquor Dispensary Fund $4,625.20; Construction Fund $671.33; TOTAL $820,105.34. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 21, 1991 A special meeting of the Edina City Council was held on November 21, 1991, at 5:00 P.M. for the purpose of considering suspension or revocation of a public dance permit for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, 5125 Industrial Boulevard. Minutes thereof are written in summary form. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. BACKGROUND INFORMATION PRESENTED Mayor Richards stated that he had called this special meeting on short notice, following a telephone call from Danny Stevens, to hear the circumstances and facts concerning the events of Saturday night, November 16, 1991 and the staff meeting with the restaurant owners on Wednesday, November 20, 1991. Mayor Richards asked if the principals were present. Mike Palm stated that he was one of three owners of Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe. He identified Danny Stevens, also an owner, as present and said that the third owner, Roger Moberg, was not able to attend. Mayor Richards said that he had requested the City Manager to compile a packet of background information relating to the subject public dance permit and events of Saturday night. Further, that a copy be provided to the permit applicant. TESTIMONY BY CITY Manager Rosland informed Council that Mike Palm had submitted an application for a public dance permit on September 30, 1991, together with a tentative schedule of dates, for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, 5125 Industrial Boulevard. On October 1, 1991, the owners were advised by certified mail that the permit had not yet been approved pending correction of certain health and fire code violations. Issuance was further conditioned upon payment of past due invoice for services provided by police officers working at dances held in June, 1991. 0n October 3, 1991, payment was received and on October 7, 1991, the City issued a public dance permit for the period from 10/07/91 to 09/30/92, to be reviewed for continuation quarterly. Chief Swanson stated that Deputy Chief Kleven had reached agreement with Mr. Palm verbally on certain permit requirements, i.e., off -duty police officers, hours, etc. Fire Inspector Landry stated that on first application in June, 1991, he did a thorough fire code inspection of the premises and orders for correction were reduced to writing prior to issuance of the first permit. TESTIMONY BY OWNER/APPLICANT Mr. Palm provided information in response to questions of the Council, summarized as follows. No written requirements with permit as to police officers and hours; by verbal agreement they started with four officers which was subsequently reduced to two officers. Dance hours were from 9:00 P.M. to 11:45 P.M. Music was stopped at 11:30 P.M. and the parking lot has been cleared by 12 midnight. He has attended every Saturday dance; Danny Stevens has been there every Saturday night since August and Finess Whittley has been their black belt bouncer for Friday and Saturday dances with the exception of Saturday, November 16. No formal carding process for determining age has been setup; those who appear younger than high school age are questioned. Has been involved with Young Life at Edina High School for nine years and interest is to develop a friendship with the kids and provide a place to keep them off the streets. Attendance started with about 20 kids and has grown to about 300 or more on Saturday night. Advertising has been by word of mouth and by distribution of flyers. Admission began at $5.00 and has been raised to $6.00 to limit numbers. Participants have come mainly from the southern suburbs and represent a diversity of life styles. Type of music played is Rap. Capacity of restaurant is posted at 265, but based on building construction, leaving back door open, etc. they had assumed maximum exit capacity to be 299. Capacity is regulated by ticket cutoff when capacity is reached; as some leave others are allowed in. Kids are not permitted to wear coats in the building so as not to conceal anything. Smoking issue has not been addressed. On Saturday night there were approximately 25-30 kids waiting outside to be admitted. Parking lot has been monitored by police officers and also by the dance managers. TESTIMONY BY OFFICERS The following testified as to events occurring on Saturday, November 16, 1991, and as reflected in police reports: Officer Eidem, Officer Nibbe, Officer Long and Sargent Clabo. Sargent Clabo stated his concern was that the entire night shift was tied up at the subject location and unable to respond to other parts of the City. Chief Swanson stated that on Monday, November 18, 1991, he heard a condensed version from the police officers. From testimony given at this meeting he had felt that by having police officers at the dance they become agents for the establishment. A cultural change has been occurring and a police presence does not do what it did 10 years ago. There is great potential for injury to police officers because of the introduction of gang activity. His conclusion was that things have gotten out of hand and that this has turned into a regional event. Based on the facts and issues relating to that event his recommendation was to suspend the dance permit. Fire Inspector Landry spoke to the recommendations he had submitted in his memorandum dated November 18, 1991, based on his observations at the event on Saturday, November 16. RESPONSE BY APPLICANT/OWNER Mr. Palm stated that he had seen no fists thrown at the event on Saturday, November 16, that the reports have been blown out of proportion, and questioned the charges of disorderly conduct. Further, he submitted that the animosity shown by some of the kids was created by the conduct of some of the police officers. He suggested that they would have cooperated if they had been treated with respect. Mr. Palm said they were doing everything they could to provide a positive environment for the kids. Finess Whittley explained his background and told of his involvement with the kids who attend the dances at Arnold's Hot Roxx Cafe. He indicated that there are a few bad apples but those will be weeded out. The problem was not the kids but police officers who deal out of fear and do not know how to work with black people. He said the dance should not be prejudged without giving it a chance. Also, that if he had been there the problem would have not occurred. Danny Stevens commented that most of the officers that have worked the dances have been superior. He criticized sending two female officers on Saturday, November 16 to deal with macho type males. Further, that the police do not want to deal with the situation because of the numbers of blacks coming to the dance. Jim Sandford stated that he was an attorney, a new resident of Edina and a friend of Mike Palm. He commented that these people are trying to make a commitment to kids and that cross-cultural involvement is a good thing. In reference to the previous Saturday dance, he said something got out of hand but that rather than revoking the permit some rules of conduct should be established. Good suggestions have been made and the focus should be on a way to work with the Police Department and the principals. Steve Richardson, committee chair for Young Life in south Minneapolis, said that the Hot Roxx dances were not endorsed by Young Life but spoke in support of the effort to reach out to kids. His concern was that if a decision is made to not permit the dances these 300 kids will go somewhere else that is less positive. He suggested that the Council help develop this as a positive place for kids. Jerry Sand, property manager for Northco Corporation, said that as landlord Lutheran Brotherhood was supportive because they encourage involvement with youth. He said the lease use clause does allow dances but non -conduction of dances would not affect the lease. OPINION OF CITY ATTORNEY Tom Erickson, City Attorney, stated that the Council has the following options/powers: 1. The statute though repealed, is still in effect as it relates to Ordinance No. 201 regarding public dance permits. Repealing, without further action by the City, does not repeal the City's ability to operate thereunder. Ordinance No. 201 states that the permit must be issued by the governing body of the City in accordance with M.S. 624.42 through 624.46. In this case the Council never acted on the permit as it was reviewed and signed by the City Manager; therefore the Council has never issued the permit. 2. The application, in accordance with the statute, must be accompanied by the affidavit of two residents that the applicant is a person of good moral character and reputation. No such affidavits were submitted. 3. The statute requires that the permit be issued to the owner of the premises or the manager of the dance. In this case the permit was issued to Arnold's Hot Roxx Cafe, which is neither the owner of the premises or manager of the dance. Based on the above and research that indicates that a permit not validly issued is void, Attorney Erickson opined that there is no valid permit for operation of the dances. This is true not withstanding the fact that they have been operating under what they call their permit for some time. Where the language is clear in the ordinance the permittee is charged with knowledge of the laws regulating the granting of the permit and any action taken is at permitte's own risk. Although the statute and ordinance gives no guidelines on how to revoke or suspend a permit, that power is implied. The power of the Council to grant also includes the power to suspend or revoke. The procedure to suspend or revoke must be essentially what the City is following, i.e. charges, a hearing and opportunity for the permittee to refute the charges and then a decision by the Council which must be based upon the public health, safety or morals of the City or must be based upon a violation of the ordinance or of conditions imposed on the permit. The statute also states that a license when issued can be conditioned by the issuing authority as it may determine necessary. The Council, if it wishes to consider further an application by the alleged permittee, could impose conditions. If conditions were imposed and made a part of the permit and were subsequently violated, the permit could be revoked. Council Comment/Action Mayor Richards commented that the only issue is the proper conduct by individuals as it relates to the safety and welfare of this community. At present the City does not have enough terms and conditions in place to properly regulate this activity to meet community standards for conduct. He suggested that the principals set out rules of conduct as the basis on which they would propose to hold the dances and then submit those to the City. Further, that the Council not allow the dance activity at the subject premises until a set of terms and conditions have been submitted, been reviewed by the Council and the Council will then decide whether or not to issue the permit. Discussion followed with Council Members stating their concerns about the events that had occurred and the standards of conduct they felt would be appropriate or not appropriate. These included, but were not limited to, age level of participants, drinking in the parking lot, smoking, noise level, only one person that could effectively control the crowd, use of police officers, limited police protection for other areas of City, and appropriateness of site/building for the activity. Member Paulus made a motion that this matter be held in suspension until the applicant submits terms and conditions relating to conduct as part of the application for a public dance permit for the premises at 5121 Industrial Boulevard. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith Richards Motion carried. Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 23, 1991 A special meeting of the Edina City Council was held on November 23, 1991, at 11:00 A.M. for the purpose of considering terms and conditions relating to application for a public dance permit for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, 5125 Industrial Boulevard. Present were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. Mike Palm, principal, and Jim Sandford, attorney were also present. BACKGROUND INFORMATION PRESENTED Mayor Richards said this meeting was held to accommodate the principals who had on November 22, 1991, submitted proposed terms and conditions to regulate conduct as part of the application for a public dance permit for premises at 5125 Industrial Boulevard, pursuant to action taken by the Council at the special meeting of November 21, 1991. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REVIEWED Attorney Erickson informed the Council that Chief Swanson and he had met with Mr. Palm and Mr. Sandford on Friday to review the draft document and that most of the conditions had been proposed by the applicant. He presented Exhibit A - Terms and Conditions to City of Edina License, attached hereto, and noted several additions or changes that Chief Swanson and he were recommending be incorporated into the document. COUNCIL COMMENT/ACTION Discussion followed on the terms and conditions as drafted and presented in Exhibit A with recommended changes. In addition, the Council by a 4-1 vote placed no limit on the type of music permitted. By a 3- 2 vote the Council imposed a smoke free environment in the building. Member Paulus made a motion instructing staff to prepare a final draft of Exhibit A - Terms and Conditions to City Edina License for review by the Council at the regular meeting of December 2, 1991, with copy to applicant. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:20 P.M. City Clerk Exhibit A to 11/23/91 Council Minutes EXHIBIT A TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO CITY OF EDINA LICENSE NO. TO The licensee ("Licensee") in the above entitled license (the "License") by acceptance and operating under the License hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions: A. The terms and conditions set out below shall be, and hereby are, incorporated into and made a part of the License. Licensee agrees that the use of the word "License" herein includes the word "Permit" as used in Ordinance No. 201. B. If Licensee should violate or be in default of any of the terms and conditions set out herein, or of any provision of any applicable ordinance of the City of Edina (the "City") or of any applicable statute of the State of Minnesota, including, without limitation, Minnesota, Statutes, Section 624.42 through 624.46 (even though such statutes are now repealed), then the City may act to remove the violation or default, or may suspend or revoke the License, ,pursuant to Section 16 or Section 17 of Ordinance No. 141 of the City, and also may prosecute such violation as a misdemeanor pursuant to Ordinance No. 175 of the City. Reference to said sections and ordinances of the City shall mean and include all amendments thereof, and any successor ordinances or codes of the City. C. Licensee agrees to comply with and fulfill all of the following conditions during the full term of the License: 1. SECURITY a. Three private security officers at each function (1) One private security officer to patrol the parking lot. (2) One private security officer to remain inside the dance facility. (3) One private security officer to "float" between monitoring the dance and the parking lot. b. Two Bouncers at each function (1) One Bouncer at the rear door (2) One Bouncer to monitor the dance Page Two 2. ADMISSION a. Admission beginning at 8:00 p.m., music slowed down by 11:15 p.m., event concluded and music shut off at 11:30 p.m. b. No admission to any individual under the age of fifteen (15) without a parental chaperon. No admission to any individual over the age of twenty (20). (1) Identification check by employee ! and, bouncer upon entry by. dFiving license or school identification. c. No exit and re-entry. d. Admission up to the posted fire limit (265). This limit will change based on fire inspections. (1) Numbered tickets (2) The total number of persons inside the building will not exceed the posted fire limits. [No additional ticket tales will be allowed once maximum is reached, even to replace those who have left.] (3) After the allowed persons in the building equals the posted fire limit ane a waiting line of approximately 3Q individuals has formed, exterior security officer will close the parking lot by barricades and additional arrivals will not be permitted. c. Three employees present at each function to monitor and trouble shoot. d. One Edina police officer will be in attendance during each dance only to monitor the conditions and enforce violations of the law. This monitoring will take place for the month of December; this monitoring will stop if the terms of these conditions are being met. Monitoring officers shall use their best efforts to advise Licensee of any observed violations of these conditions. _.: -z n ; Fizfr /i Page Three (4) Individuals turned away will be offered a pass that will guarantee entry to the next event if presented before 9:00 p.m. on the date of the event. (5) No waiting lines will be permitted after I-Gr:45 p.m, [once total ticket sales reaches the,max m-number o€-tiekets- are-soldl. e. Mandatory coat check. All coats must be left in the check room. f. No discrimination of entrants on the basis of sex, race, disability, color, creed or national origin. 3. GENERAL a. Safety and Rule Handout provided to entrants (attached). Also to be posted in a conspicuous place in the building. b. No alcohol or drugs on the person will be allowed if observed,* and no possession ofrconsumption n*' the premises or the parking lot will be allowed./ c. No entry to intoxicated individuals. d. No fighting or disorderly conduct will be allowed. e. Public address announcements to monitor crowd activity. f. Early event shut down if circumstances merit in the opinion of the staff. g. No smoking shall be allowed to -smoke on the premises kkr in the parking lot. h. No loitering will be permitted in the foyer of the building after 10:45 p.m: or the parking lot.. i. All employees and agents will participate in a training session regarding these rules and conditions. j. All ticket buyers must have readily visible and identifiable identification. Hans of be-complrant-with-thi&i'eqeirementt k. No visitors will be allowed for security personnel or entertainers. 4. ENFORCEMENT a. If during any function there are three or more 2. ;71/4-z- Page Four violations of these conditions that are not promptly remedied and that constitute criminal behavior (i.e, disorderly conduct, drugs or alcohol possession and consumption, or other crimes against persons), the Licensee agrees to stop the function and to disburse persons in attendance or allow City to do so. b. The rights of City in preceding paragraph are in addition to the rights of City in paragraph "B" above. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor Richards and City Council From: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation De Date: November 25, 1991 Subject: Tree Trimming Project Agenda item # zzA Consent j t • information Only Mgr . Recommends I ( To HRA To Council Action Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Testimony be taken from residents and Council set hearing date for December 16, 1991 to give final approval of December 2, 1991 informal hearing. Info/Background: 1. Letter sent to residents 2. Date of set hearing: 12/2/91 3. Notice of hearing not submitted for publication in Edina Sun Current as required by statute. 4. Testimony be taken from residents and Council set hearing date for second hearing December 16, 1991. The following information is attatched and will be reviewed, Monday, December 2 at the informal public hearing. 1. Map of District 2. Assessment area 3. Residents response ONEY AVI QO Edina Parks MINI -PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS COMMUNITY PLAY FIELDS COMMUNITY PARKS SPECIAL PURPOSE PARKS WATER 12" N CREEK VALLEY RD IMO MIMI MIN LACHLVD BENTON AVE ti I BIRCHCREST pR n CROSSTOWN C 66TH ST INDUSTRIAL BLVD W 66TH ST 60TH ST W 70TH ST 1 N m W 42ND Sli 62ND ST s sv W. 76TH ST W 56TH ST W 60TH ST W 66TH ST m W 66TH ST HAZELN.5p_, (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MN 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TREE TRIMMING PROJECT NO. TT-92/93 AN AREA BOUNDED BY HIGHWAY 100 ON THE EAST, VERNON AVENUE ON THE SOUTH, HIGHWAY 169 ON THE WEST AND THE NORTHERN CITY BOUNDARY LINE ON THE NORTH. The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, December 16, 1991 at 7:00 p.m., to consider the proposed tree trimming project under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREA: Properties with trimmed trees in an area bounded by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, Highway 169 on the west and the northern City boundary line on the north. ESTIMATED COST FOR PROJECT AREA: $77,900 The project would be funded by special assessment. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk PUBLISH IN THE EDINA SUN ON DECEMBER 4, AND 11, 1991 SEND TWO AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION. 1992-93 ASSESSMENT AREA STATISTICS 1. 2,323 trees inventoried 751 trees designated as don't trim. (pine, spruce, fruit or already trimmed) 27 trees will be trimmed by residents that called 1,545 trees to be trimmed 2. Two size divisions: 12" dbh and Under 618 over 12" dbh 927 3. 731 properties notified 4. Approximate cost analysis: Administrative $ 7,400 Forester $ 7,500 Tree Contractor $63,000 Total $77,900 5. Estimate cost per tree: Under 12" Over 12" $2.75 per diameter inch $3.25 per diameter inch DBH=Diameter inch is measured 4 1/2 feet up from the ground RESIDENT CALL LIST AS OF 11/27/91 Address Number of Trees 6517 Belmore Lane Boulevard 2 Resident hasltrimmed/will trim own trees 6515 Biscayne Boulevard 2 421 Blake Road 13 Il �� 5409 Chantrey Road 3 5509 Chantrey Road 1 II II 5804 Crescent Terrace 1 II Eden Prairie Road 3 It 409 Harrison 1 415 Harrison 2 II 6225 Knoll Drive 10 11 6505 Parkwood Road 1 ti 6624 Parkwood Road 3 " 5109 Ridge Road 2 " n 4820 Rolling Green Pkwy 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Edina City Council will meet at:City of Edina Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota Monday, December 2, 1991 7:00 p.m. The City will be conducting a public hearing under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 to determine the necessity of a tree trimming project in the Northwest section of Edina. Purpose To trim approximately 1600 boulevard trees. Prunning and trimming will consist of crown thinning, removal of dead wood, split or cracked limbs, raise branches to at least 13 feet above street and ground surfaces. Boulevard pine and spruce trees will not be included in the trimming project. Project time period December 1991 to April 1993. Trimming will be done during September, October, November, December and March. No trimming is done during the summer months. Boulevard trees are trimmed on an assessed basis about every six years. )cation \n area bounded by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, Highway 169 on the west and the Northern City boundary line on the north. Cost An estimate cost per tree trimmed is $90 depending on the size of the tree. Exact cost is figure by diameter inch of the trunk at 4 1/2 feet up from the ground (DBH) times the rate per DBH. There will be two rates, one for trees under 12 inches in diameter and one for trees over 12 inches in diameter. Only properties that have boulevard trees trimmed would be assessed for tree trimming. The cost would be assessed in the fall of 1993 with payment due in 1994. Contact Call the Edina Park and Recreation Department, if you would like to know how many trees the City is considering trimming on your boulevard; or if you have had the boulevard trees trimmed or are planning to trim them before April 1993, at 927-8861, ext. 237. Sincerely, ./L Bob Koj etin, Director t'dina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: o: From: Date: Subject: KENNETH ROSLAND CRAIG LARSEN DECEMBER 2, 1991 APPEAL OF A DECISION BY EDINA BOARD OF APPEALS FOR B-91-39 MR. AND MRS SENIOR, 6510 GLEASON COURT. Agenda Item #_ III. A. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends To HRA x To Councii Action x Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Affirm decision for denial of attached variance request. BACKGROUND/INFO At their November 21, 1991, meeting, the Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments heard Patricia and John Senior's request for a 1.4% lot coverage variance to allow the replacement of the existing patio with a screened porch. The Board had initially heard the request on October 17, 1991, however, tabled action on the application to give the proponents opportunity to identify a hardship that could allow exception from the ordinance. Upon review of the circumstances present on the site, the Board voted unanimously to deny the request in agreement with staff recommendation based on lack of demonstrated hardship. The proposal has been appealed to be heard by the Council for final decision. Enclosed for Council review are the following items: 1. Minutes of the November 21, 1991, Board of Appeals meeting. 2. A letter addressed to the Board of Appeals from the proponent indicating hardship ties to the property. 3. Minutes of the October 17, 1991, Board of Appeals and Adjustments. 4. Staff report. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM III.A 6510 b(A , &Al edi., 91191 55'436 November 26, 1991 Ms. Marce Dachen City Clerk Edina City Hall 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ms. Dachen: We wish to appeal the decision of November 21 by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments concerning our request for a screen porch. We would like to appeal the decision at the City Council meeting to be held December 2, 1991. Very truly yours, John L. Senior y/2 Patricia J. Senior I. OLD BUSINESS: B-91-39 Request: Mr. and Mrs. Senior 6510 Gleason Court A 1.4% Lot Coverage Variance Ms. Aaker reminded the Board at their last meeting they requested that this item be tabled to allow the proponents time to identify hardship. Mrs. Senior was present to answer questions. Mrs. Senior told the Board she believes because of the small size of their lot they are being penalized by the lot coverage regulation as it relates to double dwelling units. Mrs. Senior pointed out there are only three other lots within Gleason Court that are similar in size to their lot. She pointed out the concrete slab is already present so impact from the addition would be minimal. Mr. Lewis said that while he understands the request by Mr. and Mrs. Senior a precedent would be set within the immediate Gleason Court neighborhood. Mr. Lewis pointed out if the Board were to approve this variance request there would be no reason to prevent the other three properties from requesting the same and receiving approval. Mr. Lewis concluded that in this instance a hardship does not exist and he cannot support approval of the request as presented. Mrs. McClelland agreed with the statements from Mr. Lewis. She said that while it may appear unfair in the eyes of the proponents keeping building mass in proportion with greenspace is very important. Continuing, Mrs. McClelland said the City has been very careful about the over building of lots and excess massing. Mrs. McClelland concluded that lot coverage is strictly enforced by this Board, and we can't remedy a site that is already at capacity with lot coverage. Ms. Aaker interjected that the dwelling in question is already above the required lot coverage. Mr. Lewis moved to deny the request for a 1.4% lot coverage variance. Mr. Workinger seconded the motion. Ayes; Lewis, Workinger, McClelland. Mr. Gordon Johnson abstained from the vote. The motion for denial carried. Mrs. McClelland explained to Mrs. Senior that she has the right to appeal this decision to the City Council. November 8, 1991 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Whom it May Concern: At the meeting held on October 17, 1991, we asked for a variance so that we may enclose the area over an existing patio to provide a screen porch for our home. We recently purchased this property, wanting to make it an asset to the area of Gleason Court, as it had been vacant for over a year and a half. With an incorporation of a screen porch, we felt we would be very happy in our new home. We now find that the double home has one of the smaller lots on the court, but even more the rest of the twinhomes are more of equal size in foundation square footage. The owner of the other side of our twinhome was one of the first owners and was allowed by the developer to have an architect draw up plans to meet their needs. Unfortunately, their desires left very little foundation square footage for our side; whereas, the other twinhomes located on Gleason Court are approximately of equal foundation size. This situation has produced a hardship for us in our desire for a screened porch. This porch will be architecturally in keeping with the rest of the structure and not in the view of any adjacent property owners. The unusual consumption of foundation square footage by one side has made a most difficult situation for us. The difference being approximately 625 foundation square feet, which is well in excess of the 150 square feet needed for our porch. Our enclosure is only increasing land usage from 25% to 26.4%. We would deeply appreciate your thoughtful consideration in this matter. We made the decision to remain in Edina, as it has been our home for the past 25 years. We wish to continue to support this city as a place for all age groups to live together. Patricia J. Senior ( Johnl%L. Senior \N\ -7-\\0\\'\ B-91-39 John L. Senior 6510 Gleason Court Lot 7, Block 1, Gleason Court Zoning: R-1 Request• A 1.4% lot coverage variance to install a screened porch. Ms. Aaker informed the Board the site location is west of Gleason Road and north of Crosstown Highway. The subject property is a double dwelling unit located within the Gleason Court subdivision platted in December of 1981. The appl icants are requesting an exception to the 25% maximum lot coverage requirement to allow the addition of a screened porch in their rear yard area. The applicants are hoping to replace the existing 14' X 16' patio area with a screened porch. Ms. Aaker pointed out the Gleason Court development consists of 14 platted double dwelling unit lots. During the development stage all of the home designs for the plat were established nearly at, or exactly at the 25% maximum allowable lot coverage limit. Lot coverage varies between 22-26.4%, which leaves little if any opportunity for expansion for the majority of lots within the subdivision. The applicant has indicated that a few neighboring properties have since added decks or porches to their units. Building permit data indicates the units that have been added to were expanded within the maximum allowable lot coverage guidelines. No variances have been granted within the subdivision for lot coverage, and it is evident that approving a lot coverage variance as presented would set a precedent that could encourage similar requests to come forward. Ms. Aaker explained that the Board does not approve lot coverage variances as a practice and few if any have been granted since ordinance amendment in 1984. Ms. Aaker concluded based on lack of demonstrated hardship and the possible potential for setting a precedent within the subdivision, staff recommends denial of the request. Staff believes that given the similarity of the other 27 units along Gleason Court the variance would truly set a precedent. Mr. and Mrs. Senior the proponents were present. Mrs. McClelland questioned the proponents on what is present on the site. Mrs. Senior said a cement slab is present. Mrs. McClelland asked if staff calculated the average lot coverage for lots within Gleason Court. Ms. Aaker responded her calculations found the average lot coverage of Gleason Court is 24.75 percent. Mrs. Senior presented to Board Members graphics depicting units with decks, enclosed and unenclosed. Mrs. McClelland asked Ms. Aaker how close Mr. & Mrs. Senior are to maximizing their lot coverage. Ms. Aaker said the Senior property is at 25% lot coverage. Continuing, Ms. Aaker explained that decks are computed to obtain lot coverage, but an 150 square foot allowance is added. When a deck or patio is converted to living space the 150 square foot allowance is lost. Mrs. McClelland said in this instance she understand the stance taken by staff and their recommendation for denial. She pointed out massing is a concern within the City, adding the proposed addition may need to be constructed with more windows if approval were to be granted. Continuing, Mrs. McClelland said a hardship may be present because Mr. and Mrs. Senior have the smallest lot in the development and it appears to be irregular in shape. Concluding, Mrs. McClelland reiterated that if approval were to be granted the addition must be constructed primarily with glass. Mr. Patton pointed out at the end of the development there is a common area and questioned if that area is figured into the lot sizes. Mr. Patton also noted that that property contains a tennis court and questioned if tennis courts are figured in lot coverage. Ms. Aaker explained that the area in question is not a common area for Gleason Court. She added she believes that the tennis court area belongs to the property north of Gleason Court. Ms. Aaker noted that tennis courts, and swimming pools are not computed in lot coverage calculations. Mr. Patton stated in his opinion, tennis courts, and pools should be included in lot coverage. Ms. Aaker explained that our requirements are for the protection of open space and a tennis court and/or pool do provide open area. Mr. Workinger said that while he understands the plight of Mr. and Mrs. Senior and their desire to have the addition the Board has been very careful in granting lot coverage variances. Mr. Workinger said he cannot remember when a lot coverage variance has been granted. Mr. Lewis said he sympathizes with Mr. and Mrs. Senior but pointed out there is a larger picture to consider and that is the fact that if approved a precedent could be set for the entire Gleason Court development. He pointed out with the graphics presented by Mrs. Senior there are a number of properties that only have a patio and they could come in and request a variance to make their patio into living space. Mrs. Senior said that in reality there are very few properties with only a patio. She said she understands the Boards dilemma but pointed out in reality "nothing is being changed" the ground is already covered with a cement slab. Continuing, Mrs. Senior said that the addition will be screened by row of Cedars and other types of vegetation located along the rear. A discussion ensued with the Board in agreement that the issue at hand is very delicate. It was pointed out during discussion that precedent setting is a concern for Board members and unless a hardship can be determined approval cannot be granted. The Board noted that it may be possible to consider the Senior's relatively small lot as a hardship. The Board was in agreement that this item should be carried over to allow the proponent more time to provide facts that would support a hardship. Mr. Lewis moved to table variance B-91-39 until November 21, 1991. Mrs. Workinger seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. III. OLD BUSINESS: B-91-6 Request: Haymaker 5038 Bruce Avenue Lot 6, Block 12, Brucewood Four foot sideyard setback variance for living space, a four foot variance to allow a -deck within one foot of the west sideyard creek edge. Ms. Aaker reminded the Board that this issue was heard on February 21, and April 18, 1991. Ms. Aaker pointed out the Board VARIANCE NUMBER B-91-39 LOCATION 6510 Gleason Court REQUEST A 1 . 4 % lot coverage variance to install screened porch EDJNA PLANNING. DEPART B-91-39 EDINA BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 17, 1991 John L. Senior 6510 Gleason Court Lot 7, Block 1, Gleason Court Zoning: R-1 Request: A 1.4% lot coverage variance to install a screened porch. Background: The site location is west of Gleason Road and north of Crosstown Highway. The subject property is a double dwelling unit located within the Gleason Court subdivision platted in December of 1981. The applicants are requesting an exception to the 25% maximum lot coverage requirement to allow the addition of a screened porch in their rear yard area. The applicants are hoping to replace the existing 14' X 16' patio area with a screened porch. Issues/Analysis: The Gleason Court development consists of 14 platted double dwelling unit lots. During the development stage all of the home designs for the plat were established nearly at, or exactly at the 25% maximum allowable lot coverage limit. Lot coverage as illustrated on the original surveys varied between 22-26.4%, which leaves little if any opportunity for expansion for the majority of lots within the subdivision. The applicant has indicated that a few neighboring properties have since added decks or porches to their units. Building permit data indicates the units that have been added to were expanded within the maximum allowable lot coverage guidelines. No variances have been granted within the subdivision for lot coverage, and it is evident that approving a lot coverage variance as presented would set a precedent that could encourage similar requests to come forward. Conclusion: Based on lack of demonstrated hardship and the possible potential for setting a precedent within the subdivision, staff recommence denial of the request. Staff believes that given the similarity the other 27 units along Gleason Court the variance would truly het a precedent. C EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT'`.., Case Number`4",0�;' Date Fee Paid Application for: [ 1 LOT DIVISION [ 1 REZONING T4 VARIANCE [ ] PLAT Proposed Name 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTAY55424 (61 2) 927-8861 [ ] CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT'': [ ] FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ['` ] PLAN AMENDMENT f 4t APPLICANT: Name PROPERTY OWNER: (If Different from Above) Address John L. Senior 4 501 Golf Terrace Edina, MN Name Address Edina, MN John L. Senior Phone (612 .92'15-33:4•94. 6510 Gleason Ct. Legal Description of Property Phone ( Lot 7 - Block 1 Gleason Court Property Address Present Zoning Explanation of Request: 6510 Gleason Court Twin home see attached P . I . D . # 0611621210024 (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) ARCHITECT: Name Woodhaven Builders SURVEYOR: Name Property Owner's Signature Phone ) 9 .' -4112 Phone ( ) Applicant's Signature hY' October 2, 1991 Date Date 1/85 October 2, 1991 October 1, 1991 Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments 4801 West 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Gentlemen: We would like to request a variance on the Edina zoning ordinance which would enable us to cover an existing patio with a closed -in screen porch. Drawing of said porch is attached. The porch will be compatible with the existing structure, roof, color, windows and of like materials in the home. We have contacted the Homeowners Association and also the immediate neighbors. They have responded favorably to the addition of a porch to our home. Drawings have been submitted to Dr. Frank Stickel, President of the Homeowners Association. The home owners of the adjacent properties are: Mr. and Mrs. S. Leverentz 6114 Artic Way Edina, MN 55436 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johndreau 6517 Gleason Court Edina, MN 55436 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Boderman 6508 Gleason Court Edina, MN 55436 vctoDer 1, lyyl Page 2 A confirming letter has been written to them advising them of the date and time of the hearing on October 17th, 1991. If a permit is granted, we will only be covering 26.4% of the ground, versus the allowed 25%. This 14' x 16' area is presently covered by a patio. The backyard is screened from view by privacy fences along both sides, and a cedar tree hedge across the rear. We solicit your approval of a buliding permit so we may move forward with the building of our porch. Yours truly, John and Pat Senior October 2, 1991 Mr. and Mrs. S. Leverentz 6114 Artic Way Edina, MN 55436 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Leverentz: The Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments will meet on October 17th, 1991 at 5:30 P.M. at Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th St., Edina, Minnesota, to hear the request of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Senior to add an enclosed screen porch to their home on 6510 Gleason Court, Edina, Minnesota. This porch will cover an existing 14' x 16' patio. We wanted you to know what our plans are so that you will be well informed. We're looking forward to being part of the neighborhood. Sincerely, John and Pat Senior October 2, 1991 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Boderman 6508 Gleason Court Edina, MN 55436 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Boderman: The Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments will meet on October 17th, 1991 at 5:30 P.M. at Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th St., Edina, Minnesota, to hear the request of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Senior to add an enclosed screen porch to their home on 6510 Gleason Court, Edina, Minnesota. This porch will cover an existing 14' x 16' patio. We wanted you to know what our plans are so that you will be well informed. We're looking forward to being part of the neighborhood. Sincerely, John and Pat Senior October 2, 1991 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johndreau 6517 Gleason Court Edina, MN 55436 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johndreau: The Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments will meet on October 17th, 1991 at 5:30 P.M. at Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th St., Edina, Minnesota, to hear the request of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Senior to add an enclosed screen porch to their home on 6510 Gleason Court, Edina, Minnesota. This porch will cover an existing 14' x 16' patio. We wanted you to know what our plans are so that you will be well informed. We're looking forward to being part of the neighborhood. Sincerely, John and Pat Senior I ), rc Cc J OL rr N (p U 7 CD O (D CO V C17 A CJ w N(N 0 0 3 m g2' re- cn 0 CD N 0 w rr c Slug apul w O m w w 0 0 0 0 N• O 0 O 0 (n ( w N CO0 (� CD -r• „ (o (o 0 0 1 CO 0 aa a a a I O rr CT of c o CD w- S p u N a II © U) rr O (p rr 3 CD rr o 0 0 a II N j K << 0 a N N a CO C CJ (p 0 N (OD 0 00 T • rr 0 CD O w al cn m g c 0 w T (Da � 7 CD o ao CD co Co C o a (5-ri 0 -r I I 5)< O N < (p rw 0 Cr. rr II -r < w O m m-� O <-0 D w 0 rr r N Z u ; O m •< m � � N a 9. 3 o� ga 3 cn 7 >10018 `L 30-1 ,NO1IdI�JOS�0 'OD 1SN00 )Wti73 NOb ,camtierr v-vks rtn 2L cxlsov fsttzeis ry. , 5 V (- � J,) ib r },, 1 v 0 Q V\ s. 6• .Q f \t 4." .4 1 4 I 1 - j. r • -4 t 1 4 ! ! I ,t I, h t---1--4-t • , i I I • ; i • ; _ ; I lit I i• , • •1'' ; • --• ; • • • • 11 1•' , . 1 1 ! • ! November 8, 1991 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Whom it May Concern: At the meeting held on October 17, 1991, we asked for a variance so that we may enclose the area over an existing patio to provide a screen porch for our home. We recently purchased this property, wanting to make it an asset to the area of Gleason Court, as it had been vacant for over a year and a half. With an incorporation of a screen porch, we felt we would be very happy in our new home. We now find that the double home has one of the smaller lots on the court, but even more the rest of the twinhomes are more of equal size in foundation square footage. The owner of the other side of our twinhome was one of the first owners and was allowed by the developer to have an architect draw up plans to meet their needs. Unfortunately, their desires left very little foundation square footage for our side; whereas, the other twinhomes located on Gleason Court are approximately of equal foundation size. This situation has produced a hardship for us in our desire for a screened porch. This porch will be architecturally in keeping with the rest of the structure and not in the view of any adjacent property owners. The unusual consumption of foundation square footage by one side has made a most difficult situation for us. The difference being approximately 625 foundation square feet, which is well in excess of the 150 square feet needed for our porch. Our enclosure is only increasing land usage from 25% to 26.4%. We would deeply appreciate your thoughtful consideration in this matter. We made the decision to remain in Edina, as it has been our home for the past 25 years. We wish to continue to support this city as a place for all age groups to live together. Sincerely, Patricia J. Senior L. Senior November 8, 1991 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Whom it May Concern: At the meeting held on October 17, 1991, we asked for a variance so that we may enclose the area over an existing patio to provide a screen porch for our home. We recently purchased this property, wanting to make it an asset to the area of Gleason Court, as it had been vacant for over a year and a half. With an incorporation of a screen porch, we felt we would be very happy in our new home. We now find that the double home has one of the smaller lots on the court, but even more the rest of the twinhomes are more of equal size in foundation square footage. The owner of the other side of our twinhome was one of the first owners and was allowed by the developer to have an architect draw up plans to meet their needs. Unfortunately, their desires left very little foundation square footage for our side; whereas, the other twinhomes located on Gleason Court are approximately of equal foundation size. This situation has produced a hardship for us in our desire for a screened porch. This porch will be architecturally in keeping with the rest of the structure and not in the view of any adjacent property owners. The unusual consumption of foundation square footage by one side has made a most difficult situation for us. The difference being approximately 625 foundation square feet, which is well in excess of the 150 square feet needed for our porch. Our enclosure is only increasing land usage from 25% to 26.4%. We would deeply appreciate your thoughtful consideration in this matter. We made the decision to remain in Edina, as it has been our home for the past 25 years. We wish to continue to support this city as a place for all age groups to live together. Patricia J. Senior TO: FROM: VIA: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor and City Council Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE November 27, 1991 AGENDA ITEM v • B • ITEM DESCRIPTION: Hearing Protection/Couuuunication System Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dispatch Communications of Minnesota, Inc. 1. $10,280.00 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Dispatch Communications of Minnesota, Inc. $10,280.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This proposal is to retro-fit our existing fire equipment (aerial tower and pumpers) with a noise -reducing communications system. (See attachment) Signature The Recommended bid is within budget FIRE not within, bud Department Ilin, Finande Director Kenneth Rosland City Manager MEMORANDUM DATE: November 27, 1991 TO: Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief SUBJECT: HEARING PROTECTION/COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (REFER TO REQUEST FOR PURCHASE) The purpose of this project is to retro-fit our major fire equipment (3 pumpers, 1 tower) with a sound -limiting intercom system. This system, consisting of headsets equipped with speakers and microphones, will reduce noise levels (24 DBA) and provide clear communications by radio or intercom when responding. We have not been ordered by MOSHA to reduce the current sound levels, tested and estimated at 100 DBA. (See Attachment #1) However, in my opinion, this is an area where we should take corrective action. Hearing loss among firefighters has been well documented. (See Attachments Item No. 2) This approach is one of two accepted methods to reduce the sound levels. The alternative would involve sound -proofing the vehicle interiors. This approach is more costly and not as effective. Communication will also be improved during response because radios can be easily understood and communication between responders is enhanced. Presently we are using ear muffs when responding; this restricts communications. In our development and specification for this equipment, we intended to secure alternate quotes. However, the second supplier, "Fleet Tech Service Corporation", was not able to provide a complete proposal for the aerial tower. Funding for this project is Equipment Replacement Account and is within 1991 Budget. TRP/ras No 1 1500 12 FIRE I)I I':\R r\IF:\'1- ( (:Cl'I'All(>NAI SAI l I\ \I) I11C:\I ll I 1 'RO(:R:\\1 5 Life Safety Ropes, Harnesses, and Hardware. 5 1 All life safety ropes, harnesses, and hardware sed `6y fi e departments shall meet the requirements of ''FPA 1983, Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope, Harn ses, and Hardware. 5-5.1.1 Class 1 life safety harnesses shall only . e used for fire figh r attachment to ladders and aeria devices. 5-5.1.2 Mass II and Class III life safety ' arnesses shall be utilized or fall arrest and rappeling o.erations. 5-5.2 Rope sed to support the weigh of members other persons . urng rescue, fire figh ng, other emer gency operatio s, or during training : olutions shall be life safety rope. ife safety rope used or any other pur- pose shall be rem.ved from service . d destroyed. 5-5.3 Life safety ope used for re cue at fires or other emergency incident shall be previusly unused and shall be destroyed after su h use. 5-5.4 Life safety rop• used be designated as train' r spected before and after . c the manufacturers instru destroyed if subjected to weakness or wear are dete tained to record the use o training. 6 New and Existing \--rive Equipment. 5-6.1 All new protec ve clothing ment shall meet th- current edit Chapter 10 of this standard, of the specified in Section .-2, and in 5-3. this chapter. 4(.118_1:kazing2zatctiwy___ 5-8.1* Hearing protection shall be provided for and used by all members operating or riding on fire apparatus when subject to noise in excess of 90 dBA. 5-8.2* Hearing protection shall be provided for and used by all members when exposed to noise in excess of 90 dBA from power tools or equipment, except in situations where the use of such protective equipment would create 'n additional hazard to the user. for training evolutions shall ope and may be reused if in- h ch use in accordance with s. Training ropes shall be pact loading, or if signs of ed. Records shall be main- ch life safety rope used for rotecti e Clothing and Protec- nd protective equip - on, as specified in spective standards 2,\5-4.2, and 5-5 of 5-6.2 Existing p otective clothing and pr tective equip- ment shall have et the edition of the res ective NFPA standard that was current when the protect' clothing or protective equ .ment was purchased. 5-7 Eye an. Face Protection. 5-7.1* F. e and eye protection shall be provi ed for and used .y members engaged in fire suppressio and other op rations involving hazards to the eyes and fa a at all tim s when the face is not protected by the 11 facepi e of self-contained breathing apparatus. -8.3* The fire department shall engage in a hearing conservation program to identify and reduce or eliminate potentially harmful sources of noise in the work environ- ment. Where audiometric testing indicates a significant hearing loss for a member, the fire department shall ad- dress these conditions on an individual basis, as well as take steps to control potentially harmful noise exposure to any or all other members. Chapter 6 Emergency Operations 6-1 Organization. 6-1.1 Emergency operations and other si uations that present similar hazards, including trai •ng exercises, shall be conducted in a manner to recogn e hazards and to prevent accidents and injuries. 6-1.2 An incident command system all be established with written procedures applying to a members involved t emergency operations. All memb rs involved in emer- ge cy operations shall be familiar ith the system. 6-1. The incident command stem shall identify roles and esponsibilities relating to the safety of operations. Safet esponsibilities shall be . ssigned to supervisory per- sonnel , t each level of the o' anization. 6-1.4* he officer in co' mand of an emergency inci- dent shal be responsibl for the overall safety of all members a d all activit' s occurring at the scene. 6-1.5 The . ficer i dent shall esta . lish a visory personne o c members operat requirements are command of an emergency inci- organization with sufficient super- ntrol the position and function of all at the scene and to ensure that safety tisfied. 6-1.6* A stan.ard .ystem shall be used to identify and account for the assig ent of each member at the scene of an incident 6-1.7* At - cidents or s uations where special hazards exist, the officer in commd shall assign qualified per- sonnel wit - specific responsi i'lity to identify and evaluate hazards a d to provide directi. n with respect to the safety of opera ions. 6-2 I ident Safety Requiremen 6-2.1 The fire department shall ovide an adequate num er of personnel to safely condu emergency scene ope : tions. Operations shall be limited o those that can be afely performed by the personnel . vailable at the sce e. 6- .2 When unexperienced members are w. king at an i ident, direct supervision shall be provided b more ex- p - rienced officers or members. This requirem - t shall t reduce the training requirements contai -d in hapter 3 of this standard. 6-2.3 When members are operating at an emergen incident and their assignment places them in potentia conflict with motor vehicle traffic, they shall wear 1987 Edition AI'rt:xnix A terferenceyby any protective clothing or other equipmen A-5-4.1 It is recommended that PASS units be worn )n protective clothing and used at any time the memb r is involved in fire suppression or similar activities, w ther or not SCBA is worn. A-5-5 The purpose of this section is to ensu safety rope is used in compliance with the cttiteria under which it is designed, and to li roe for rescue purposes to life safety r wit NFPA 1983, Standard on Fire Ser Ropy Harnesses, and Hardware. NFP apply\to rope used for water rescue. S' proved anner to service test a rope ing its st \ength, the use of new rope quired. Rope is those that oc kinking, and can also dama sidered uncontro assure its safety fo such uncontrolled maged in use by ur in impact to xposure to c a rope. ed use futur e Training ropes are which impact load' would be observed inspected before between traini history of each uled for repl shows signs loaded sho g Rope nd after sessions. ope, and trai ement at regula f damage or wear, Id be destroyed imme that life rformance it the use of pe complying ce Life Safety 1983 does not ce there is no ap- ithout compromis- for rescue work is re- gh stresses, particularly ing situations. Abrasion, mical and other products tual use of the rope is con- d. since there is no means to use. it must be destroyed after ed under controlled conditions in nd other damaging situations used in this manner shculd be very use and carefully stored ecords should provide a ng ropes should be sched- intervals. Any rope that that has been impact ately. The • •struction of the rope means hat it must be re- moved rom service and altered in suc a manner that it could of be mistakenly used as a life s. ety rope. This could include disposal, or removal of lab • s and cutting into short lengths to be used for utility p poses. (See N PA 1983, Standard on Fire Service Life Sety Rope, arnesses, and Hardware.) A-5-7.1 Eye and face protection should comply with 29 CFR 1910.133. A-5-8.1 The use of personal protective equipment to limit noise exposure should be considered as an interim approach until the noise levels produced by vehicles. warning devices, and radios can be reduced. Protective ear muffs are recommended for fire fighters, due to the difficulties of proper fit and insertion of ear plugs. Studies in some iurisdictions have indicated that the most harmful nnise r_s.p �/' n rnmr from radios that are turned up loud enough to be heard over the noise of amines and warninesLevices. Ear muffs are available that provide effective sound attenuation and rapid donning. They should also be provided with built-in speakers and volume controls for radio and intercom communications. Ear muffs should be worn by operators of noisy equip- ment (in excess of 90 dBA) at the scene of incidents as well as during response. In some jurisdictions. traffic regulations might limit the use of hearing protection by drivers. 1500 1!) The specification for new fire apparatus should pro- vide maximum sound requirements that would allow members to ride in those vehicles without hearing protec- tive devices. A maximum limit of 85 dBA without audible warning devices and 90 dBA with warning devices in operation is recommended. Interior noise levels should be measured with the vehicle in motion at the speed that produces the highest noise level, up to 55 mph. All win- dows should be closed and the noise level should be measured in each passenger area. A-5-8.2 When operating in situations where other pro- tective clothing and equipment is necessary, such as in structural fire fighting, the interface between hearing protection and other necessary protection might not be adequately addressed by currently used devices. For ex- ample, ear muffs might not interface with helmets and foam plastic ear plugs could be dangerous in a fire en- vironment due to the potential for melting. In addition, a reduction in hearing capability in an emergency opera- tions setting could create additional hazards. Effective hearing protection should also be used during non - emergency activities such as equipment checks and engine warm-ups. Attention should be given to correcting the deficiencies through the advent of improved protec- tive devices and through the use of alternate or improved procedures that create less noise. A-5-8.3 An effective hearing conservation program should address the regular audiometric testing of members to identify hearing loss, the development and implementation of steps to prevent further hearing loss by members indicating such loss, and the ongoing identifica- tion and reduction or elimination of potentially harmful noise sources in the work environment. The standards for hearing conservation included in 29 CFR 1910.95 should be used as a basic minimum approach to this problem. Any approach to hearing conservation should address personal protective devices, audiometric testing. and the e ucuon o noise exposure that can be achieved by nO- ifying existing equipment or changing procedures. Examples of modifications would include moving siren speakers and air horns down onto front bumpers, re- sponding with windows closed, and installing sound - attenuating insulation in cabs of fire apparatus. The noise produced by audible warning devices should also be evaluated to determine the most effective balance be- tween warning value and harmful characteristics. Some studies indicate that high -low alternating tone sirens and lower pitch air horns could be more effective warning devices and less damaging to hearing. A longer -term approach to hearing conservation should deal with the purchase of apparatus and equip- ment that is less noisy by design, with noise standards in- cluded in the specifications. Droved radio a ui m t that erodes higher clarity of sound with less output_ volume should also�ie considered, A-6-1.4 sponsibility for t operating at an inci whose safety is affe many situa , the officer in c officer in command h safety of all ultimate re- epartment members or any and all other persons department operations. In mand must weigh the 1987 Edition • WHEREAS, City of Minneapolis and City of Edina have received citizen requests for traffic control on W. 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue; AND WHEREAS, the staff control plan supported AND WHEREAS, the Edina the traffic plan; from Minneapolis and Edina have developed a traffic by the citizens requesting traffic control; Traffic Safety Committee has reviewed and recommended NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Edina City Council approves control layout and requests that the City of Minneapolis concur plan. the traffic with the RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAFFIC CONTROL ON WEST 54TH STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO ZENITH AVENUE WITH MINNEAPOLIS WHEREAS, City of Minneapolis and City of Edina have received citizen requests for traffic control on W. 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue; AND WHEREAS, the staff from Minneapolis and Edina have developed a traffic control plan supported by the citizens requesting traffic control; AND WHEREAS, the Edina Traffic Safety Committee has reviewed and recommended the traffic plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Edina City Council approves the traffic control layout and requests that the City of Minneapolis concur with the plan. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 1991, and as recorded in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this December 3, 1991. City Clerk REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: November 25, 1991 AGENDA ITEM V . C ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tree removal, stump removal and trimming at various locations within the city of Edina. 1. Precision Landscape and Tree 2. Outside Services Inc. 3. Arps Tree Service 4. Total Tree RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID Precision Landscape and Tree removals over 30" $12.49/dbh inch removals under 30" $ 8.73/dbh inch trimming over 12" $ 2.62/dbh inch trimming 12" & under $ 1.11/dbh inch stump removals $ 1.69/dbh inch removals over 30" $ 9.00/dbh inch removals under 30" $12.50/dbh inch trimming over 12" $ 1.95/dbh inch trimming 12" & under $ 3.25/dbh inch stump removals $ 1.85/dbh inch removals over 30" $13.49/dbh inch removals under 30" $10.49/dbh inch trimming over 12" $ 3.50/dbh inch trimming 12" & under $ 2.50/dbh inch stump removals $ 2.23/dbh inch removals over 30" $16.00/dbh inch removals under 30" $15.00/dbh inch trimming over 12" $ 2.50/dbh inch trimming 12" & under $ 2.50/dbh inch GENERAL INFORMATION The price per inch is based on diameter inch of the tree four and one-half feet up from the ground. The above bids are for normal contract services for minor tree trimming and removal of diseased trees on boulevards. This service contract will last for 2 years from 1992 to 1993. Our Operating Budget during the year has $30,000 for minor trimming and boulevard tree removals and $10,000 for stump removals. Signature The Recommended bid is 47 Department' within budget not within budget Kenneth Rosland, City Manager REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman City Engineer 2 December, 1991 W. 54th Street From France Avenue To Zenith Avenue Agenda Item # VT A. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Recommendation: Approve layout and submit resolution to Minneapolis requesting with the plan be approved. Info/Background: that concurrence The attached letter was sent to Edina residents along W. 54th Street. The attached report to Council on 11/18/91 is also attached as the background to this meeting on 12/2/91. 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 City of Edina November 22, 1991 Dear Resident: The Edina City Council will discuss some traffic control changes on West 54th Street between France Avenue and Zenith Avenue. The City Council meeting is Monday, December 2, 1991 at 7:00 PM at 4801 West 50th Street (City Hall). The City of Edina and the City of Minneapolis have worked out a compromise for traffic control on this border street. The sketch on the back side of this letter indicates the proposed changes. 0n the Edina Side (south side), the changes would be: to add a northbound STOP sign at Abbott; remove the northbound Beard STOP sign but add an eastbound STOP sign on West 54th at Beard; and remove the northbound STOP sign on Drew but add an eastbound STOP sign on West 54th Street at Drew. The net effect of these proposed changes would be to create two STOPs on West 54th Street between France and Zenith. Also, all intersections become controlled by a STOP condition similar to the control patterns on Minneapolis streets (West 51st, West 52nd and West 53rd between France and Xerxes). At this writing, Minneapolis staff has indicated that the City of Minneapolis will approve of this layout subject to Edina City Council approval. If you have any comments, please send the comments to the Edina City Council prior to the meeting or submit your comments at the meeting. Sincerely, v / ,/ i 1 -/- / Francis J. offm0, .E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH/clf Enclosure City Hall (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 m v z r- ✓ France Ave. m m • Ewing Ave. �10 Drew Ave. 01• Chowen Ave. 0 Beard Ave. NOIS dOlS 03AOI41 03SOdOHd NOIS dOlS ONI1SIX3 NOIS dOlS M3N O3SOdOHd 0• m Abbott PI. 0 Abbott Ave. Zenith Ave, m o. s z r D to REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman / City Engineer 18 November, 1991 STOP Signs for W. 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue Agenda Item # VI•E. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action x To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Authorize STOP sign on northbound Abbott Place and move existing STOP signs from northbound Beard and Drew Avenues to eastbound West 54th Street subject to Minneapolis approval of these similar changes on Minneapolis side. Info/Background: This issue is a request by Edina residents to change traffic flow conditions on West 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue (see attached sketch). The City of Edina has conducted considerable study activity on the common border street between Edina and Minneapolis. The attached sketch is a compromise position between the engineering staffs of Edina and Minneapo- lis. This sketch depicts a STOP sign layout similar to the pattern of STOP signs that Minneapolis uses on West 51st, West 52nd and West 53rd Streets between France and Xerxes Avenues. The Edina Traffic Safety Committee does support the layout but questions whether the City should conduct a public hearing with notices on this issue. The Edina staff is unaware of a similar neighborhood request being processed thru the Minneapolis side of the sys- tem. As such, to move this issue to a final position, staff would recommend City Council take a position of support on this issue and move the process to the City of Minneapolis for consideration. Staff believes that the Abbott Place northbound STOP sign should be established to define right of way at that intersection if nothing else is approved by the joint actions of the City of Edina and the City of Minneapolis. RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAFFIC CONTROL ON WEST 54TH STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO ZENITH AVENUE WITH MINNEAPOLIS WHEREAS, City of Minneapolis and City of Edina have received citizen requests for traffic control on W. 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue; AND WHEREAS, the staff from Minneapolis and Edina have developed a traffic control plan supported by the citizens requesting traffic control; AND WHEREAS, the Edina Traffic Safety Committee has reviewed and recommended the traffic plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Edina City Council approves the traffic control layout and requests that the City of Minneapolis concur with the plan. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 1991, and as recorded in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this December 3, 1991. City Clerk REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: KENNETH ROSLAND DAVID A VELDE DECEMBER 2, 1991 1992 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING CONTRACT Agenda item # VI. B. Consent Information Oniy Mgr Recommends To HRA x To Council Action Motion Resolution _ Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entering into an agreement with the City of Bloomington for the delivery of Public Health Nursing Services to the residents of Edina for 1992 at a cost of $127,904.00. INFO/BACKGROUND The cost for the 1992 agreement with Bloomington for the delivery of Public Health Nursing Services is within the proposed 1992 Budget. The Edina Community Health Services Advisory Committee reviewed this proposal on November 21, 1991, and recommended approval of the agreement. Discussions have occurred with Fairview Southdale Hospital for the delivery of Public Health Nursing Services and the discussions will continue with the new administration. RERORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: KENNETH ROSLAND DAVID A VELDE DECEMBER 2, 1991 AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES FUNDING Agenda Item Consent Information Cniy Mgr. Recommends VT. C. X' To HRA x To Council Action _! Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Hennepin County for Community Health Services for calendar years 1992 and 1993. INFO/BACKGROUND The City of Edina will receive $113,165 annually in State subsidy for calendar years 1992 and 1993. This agreement will ensure that the State funds distributed to Hennepin County will be passed on to the City of Edina. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to execute Agreement No. A02402 between the County of Hennepin and the City of Edina, for the period of January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1993 for the purpose of providing Community Health Services in the City of Edina. ADOPTED this 2nd day of December, 1991. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 1991 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 3rd day of December, 1991. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members From: Ken Rosland Date: November 27, 1991 Subject: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT - S.HENNEPIN REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action VI.D. I 1 To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: That the City Council formally approve the attached Joint and Cooperative Agreement of the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency between the cities of Edina, Bloomington, Richfield and Eden Prairie. Info/Background: This Agreement replaces the former Joint Powers Agreement of the South Hennepin Human Services Council between the four cities, and it represents the Model and structure which you approved on August 5, 1991.' SOUTH HENNEPIN REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are governmental units of the State of Minnesota. This Agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 and supersedes all previous agreements between the parties relating to the organization created by this Agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement by all parties, the organization hereby created shall automatically assume all debts, assets and contractual rights and obligations of the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency created by joint powers agreement of the parties finally executed on October 21, 1986, which organization shall thereupon be terminated. Section 1. The general purpose of this Agreement is to provide an organization through which the parties may jointly and cooperatively coordinate the providing of human services, both publicly and privately, in the territory of the respective parties. Section 2. The organization formed by this Agreement, being governmental in nature, shall not be used or operated for the pecuniary gain, directly or indirectly, of any party of any member of its board. The organization shall not participate or intervene in a political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS Section 1. For the purpose of this Agreement, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. CONVERSION22739 RC160-d Section 2. "South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency," or "Agency," means the organization created pursuant to this Agreement, which is formally known as the "South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency." Section 3. "Board" means the board of directors of the Agency. Section 4. "City Council" means the governing body of a party. Section 5. "Party" means a governmental unit which enters into this agreement. Section 6. "Governmental unit" means a city, however organized. Section 7. "Human services" includes but is not limited to services and facilities to deal with and serve human needs. Section 8. "Regional Citizen Advisory Commission" means an advisory Commission which consists of two representatives from a local advisory group for each party, one City Council member from each party, and one human services staff person from each party. Section 9. "Local Advisory Group" means the commissions, committees or other organizations which advise individual parties on issues relating to human services. ARTICLE III. PARTIES Section 1. The initial parties to this Agreement are the following governmental units: City of Bloomington City of Eden Prairie City of Edina City of Richfield CONVERSZON22739 RC160-4 2 ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The Agency shall be managed by the board of directors. Each party is entitled to one director, who shall be the City Manager or the City Manager's designee, unless otherwise specified by resolution of the City Council. Appointees shall remain in office until such directors' successors are selected and qualified. The City Council may also, at its discretion, rescind such appointment. Section 2. A quorum of the Board consists of three directors. Section 3. of directors is filled by the Council of the city appointing the director. director whose position becomes vacant was Board shall fill the vacancy in that office. ARTICLE V. REGIONAL CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMISSION Section 1. There is hereby created an advisory body which shall be known as the Regional Citizen Advisory Commission (or "Commission"). The primary purpose of the Commission is to serve as the main communications link between the local advisory groups and the Regional Planning Agency and to advise the Board of Directors and the Agency staff on regional planning issues including the development and implementation of a citizen participation process. The Commission shall have such other duties as are delegated to it by the Board of Directors. The Commission shall review and comment on the annual work plan and budget submitted to it by the Board of Directors. Throughout the fiscal year, it shall review the progress made relative to the approved work plan. A vacancy in the office also In the event the an officer, the CONVERSION2 27 39 RC160-3 3 Section 2. The Commission shall consist of the following voting and advisory members: Two representatives from each party's Local Advisory Group (appointed by the City Council); one City Council representative from each party (appointed by the City Council); and one human services staff person from each party (advisory only, non- voting)(appointed by the City Manager). There is no proxy voting. Each voting Commission member shall have one vote. The City Council of Commission members for terms each party shall appoint its three of two years, who shall remain until such Commission members' successors are selected and qualified. The human services staff person from each city shall serve at the pleasure of the City Manager. No voting Commission member shall serve more than three terms. The City Council may also, at its discretion, rescind such appointment. In January of each year, each City Council shall make two regular appointments of members whose terms shall be for two years, commencing on the following February 1. The Council shall adjust terms upon initial appointments and shall adjust terms upon subsequent appointments from time to time, as necessary, so that terms shall be staggered to the extent possible. Section 3. A vacancy in the office of a Commission member is filled by the Council of the city appointing the Commission member. Section 4. In appointing the voting members of the Commission, each City Council will appoint one member from the City Council, and two members from the City's local advisory group(s). (In appointing the representatives from the local advisory group, consideration may be given to health professionals, administrative officials, senior citizens, young adults of voting age, persons C0NVERSION22739 RC160-4 4 engaged in law enforcement, members of the clergy, representatives of business and labor and others with special concerns related to human service activities so that the Commission may be a representative sampling of the population of all of the parties. The City Councils should endeavor to avoid having more than one- half of the Commission members from any one group, profession or interest.) The Commission shall advise the parties of the names and occupations of each of its members. The City Council of a party, however, shall have complete authority to appoint and to remove, at any time, a member appointed by it. Such appointments may be made by a City Council pursuant to such restrictions and requirements as the City Council may require. If the City Council does impose restrictions or requirements on its Commission members, the member must inform the Commission of those restrictions or requirements. Section 5. At the organizational meeting of the Commission, and in February of each year, the Commission shall elect from its members a chair, a vice -chair, and a secretary. Section 6. In February of each year, the Commission members shall formulate by- laws governing its procedures, including the time, place and frequency of its regular meetings and the manner of calling special meetings. Such rules and regulations must provide for a minimum of four meetings a year on a quarterly basis. The by-laws may be amended from time -to -time subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The by-laws of the Commission shall be submitted to the parties for approval by their respective City Councils. Section 7. The Commission may create an executive committee and other committees as it may deem necessary pursuant to its by- CONVERSION22 7 39 RC160-4 5 laws. The executive committee shall include at least one member from each of the parties and the Commission may authorize it to exercise specified powers of the Commission between Commission meetings, subject to the limitations imposed upon it by the Commission. ARTICLE VI. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS - ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1. At the organizational meeting of the Board, and in February of each year, the Board shall elect from its members a chair, a vice -chair, a secretary and a treasurer. More than one office may be held by a director. Section 2. In February of each year, the board of directors shall adopt or amend rules and regulations governing its procedures, including the time, place and frequency of its meetings and the manner of calling special meetings. Such rules and regulations may be amended from time -to -time subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Section 3. The Board may create an executive committee and other committees as it may deem necessary pursuant to its by-laws. The executive committee may be authorized to exercise specified powers of the board of directors between Board meetings, subject to the limitations imposed upon it by the Board. ARTICLE VII. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE AGENCY Section 1. The powers and duties of the Agency acting through the Board include the powers set forth in this section. Section 2. It may employ a person to act as senior planner. Section 3. It may make such contracts as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. CONVERS ION2 27 39 RC160-6 6 Section 4. It may employ such other persons as it deems necessary to accomplish its powers and responsibilities. Persons may be employed on a full-time, part-time or consulting basis, as the Board determines. Section 5. It may conduct research and investigation regarding existing and possible future human services facilities and programs and may develop a proposed plan for providing and coordinating of human services in any or all of the areas of (a) mental health, (b) mental retardation, (c) drug and alcohol abuse, (d) family counseling, and (e) other related or similar problems. Section 6. It may prepare an inventory of human service facilities, services and agencies, both public and private, available to persons residing in the cities. It may make a cost analysis of any existing or proposed human services programs, may call attention to human service needs and human services programs and may undertake to coordinate human service programs, public and private, within the territory of the cities. Section 7. It may apply for and receive financial support in the form of grants from any organization or agency in order to accomplish its purposes and may enter into the agreements necessary to obtain the support, upon approval by all city councils. Section 8. It may invest and reinvest funds not needed for current operating expenses, if any, in the manner applicable by law to statutory cities. The Agency may not incur obligations in excess of funds available to it. Section 9. It may contract for space, material and supplies. Section 10. It must make a financial accounting and report to the parties at least once each year. Its books and records shall CONVERSION22739 RC160-4 7 be available and open to examination to authorized representatives of the parties at all reasonable times. Section 11. It shall secure insurance to protect the Agency, the Board, the offices and employees of the Agency and the parties in such form and amount as are agreed by all parties. Section 12. It may conduct human service programs within the territory of the parties, provided that the undertaking of any such program shall first have been approved by the Council of all four of the parties, and provided that it transfers control and direction of the program to another entity within two years, unless otherwise authorized by the parties. Any such program may be submitted to the parties in conjunction with the annual budget of the organization, or it may be submitted between budgets at any time. Section 13. It may exercise any other power necessary and convenient to the implementation of its powers and duties under the provisions of this Agreement. Section 14. No director may on the basis of sex, race, creed, national origin, color, religion, age, or disability, be excluded from the participation on all decisions of the Board. Nor may a director be treated differently from the other directors. All directors shall have the same voice on the Board. ARTICLE VIII. FINANCIAL MATTERS Section 1. Agency funds may be expended by the Board in accordance with the procedures established by law for the expenditure of funds by statutory cities. Orders, checks and drafts shall be signed, and other legal instruments shall be executed on behalf of the Agency as provided in the by-laws. CONVERSION22739 RC160-d 8 Section 2. Contracts shall be let and purchases made in conformance with the legal requirements applicable to contracts and purchases of optional Plan B cities and for such purposes the senior planner, if any, shall be deemed to occupy a position equivalent to that of a city manager. Section 3. The Board (1) is strictly accountable for all funds received and for all funds expended by it, (2) must have an annual audit of its books, and (3) must make an annual report of all of its receipts and disbursements to each of the parties. Section 4. A proposed annual budget must be formulated by the Board of Directors, submitted to the Regional Citizens Advisory Commission for its review and comment, and submitted to the parties on or before August 1 for their approval. The budget shall be deemed approved by a party unless, prior to October 17 of the year involved, the party gives notice in writing to the Agency that it does not approve the budget. The budget shall be revised and resubmitted to the parties until it is approved. Final action adopting an annual budget year shall be taken by the Board on or before November 30. The parties shall be obligated to pay the amount specified as their contribution in the budget unless that party has withdrawn pursuant to Article IX. Section 5. Except as authorized by law, no member of the Board or other public officer of the organization who is authorized to take part in any manner in the making of any sale, lease or contract may voluntarily have a personal financial interest in such transaction or personally benefit financially therefrom. A director may not be employed to perform or be compensated for the performance of services for the Agency. CONVERSION2 2 7 39 RC160-4 9 year. the Section 6. The fiscal year of the Agency is the calendar ARTICLE IX. DURATION Section 1. The Agency shall continue from year to year unless number of parties is less than three. A party may withdraw from the Agency effective December 31 of any year by giving written notice of at the end withdrawal later than December 15 of such year. A withdrawing member shall of no be obligated to pay to the Agency, within 5 days after withdrawal, an amount equal to 25% of that party's annual contribution in the year in which notice of withdrawal is given; provided, however, that a party giving more than one year's notice of withdrawal shall not be obligated to make any contribution to the Agency after the effective date of such withdrawal. The withdrawing party shall continue to be a party to this Agreement until the effective date of such notice of withdrawal. The Agency may also be terminated by mutual agreement of all of the parties at any time. Section 2. If a party withdraws from the Agency before the termination of the Agency, the party has no claim to the assets of the Agency. If the Agency is terminated by mutual agreement of all of the parties to the Agreement, surplus monies of the Agency shall be returned to the parties in proportion to their respective contributions. If there have been no such contributions by such parties, surplus monies of the Agency shall, upon termination of the Agency, be returned to the parties in equal shares. ARTICLE X. EFFECTIVE DATE Section 1. This Agreement is effective on the date on which a fully executed copy of this Agreement, together with a certified CONVERS ION2 2 7 39 RC160-4 10 copy of a City Council resolution of each of the parties authorizing its execution, is filed with the City Clerk of each city. this Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which may be considered an original copy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers as of the date indicated after their respective executives. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON By Its Mayor DATED: By Its Manager CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE By Its Mayor DATED: By Its Manager CITY OF EDINA By DATED: By Its Mayor Its Manager CONVERSION22739 RC160-3 11 CITY OF RICHFIELD By Its Mayor DATED: By Its Manager CONVERSION22739 RC160-4 12 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: NOVEMBER 19, 1991 Subject: REVISION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - WALKER METHODIST Agenda Item # VI . E Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends To HRA To Council Action Motion Resolution 7 Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of revised resolution granting final plat approval for Walker Methodist. Info/Background: At the meeting of April 16, 1990, the Council granted final plat approval for Walker Methodist for property located in the northwest quadrant of Parklawn Avenue and York Avenue. The developers have now presented the plat for signing by the City so that it can be placed of record with Hennepin County. The plat name has been changed and also the names of the persons platting the property. The Council should adopt a revised resolution reflecting these changes which the developers will need in order to file the plat. The revision is attached along with the original resolution. 8 4/16/90 Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to the land exchange: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ELDER HOMESTEAD BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "ELDER HOMESTEAD", platted by Walker Methodist, Inc. and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of April 16, 1990, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby directs the City Attorney and staff to prepare preliminary documents calling for the sale and issuance of $6.8 million tax exempt 501(c)3 bonds for the Elder Homestead Project. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. REVISED RESOLUTION: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR WALKER AND AVERY ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "WALKER AND AVERY ADDITION", platted by Walker Assisted Living Corporation I, a Minnesota non-profit corporation and First Trust National Association, a national banking association and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 2, 1991, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR WALKER AND AVERY ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "WALKER AND AVERY ADDITION", platted by Walker Assisted Living Corporation I, a Minnesota non-profit corporation and First Trust National Association, a national banking association and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 2, 1991, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 2nd day of December, 1991. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 1991, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk "7 o ;1 • JNr'RR11M•• enr REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Mayor Richards and City Council Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Date: November 25, 1991 Subject: Charitable Gambling Athletic Associations - Special Park Board Meeting Agenda Item # VIF Consent ❑i Information Only Mgr . Recommends To HRA To Council Action x I Motion Resolution ( 1 Ordinance 7 Discussion RECOMMENDATION Jim Fee MOVED THAT EGAA BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROJECT THEY HAVE UNDERTAKEN WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE IS A 30 DAY CANCELLATION CLAUSE THAT THEY COULD GET OUT. AT THE SAME TIME ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED HERE WITH THE EGAA AND COPIES OF OUR DISCUSSIONS TONIGHT. AND TO ASK THEM FOR THEIR RECOMMENDATION TO THE PARK BOARD ON HOW TO PROCEED. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF SECONDED. Paul O'Connor MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD NOT SUPPORT CHARITABLE GAMBLING AS A FUND RAISER FOR ANY YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Pat Vagnoni SECONDED. Bill Lord MOVED TO AMEND MOTION TO ALLOW EGAA BE REIMBURSED THROUGH PARK FUNDS OR THROUGH PERSISTENCE IN THE PULL TAB OPERATION. Paul O'Connor will not accept as stated, Jim Fee SECONDED AMENDMENT. Bill Lord WITHDREW AMENDMENT. Jim Fee MOVED TO TABLE PAUL O'CONNOR'S MOTION UNTIL MORE INFORMATION IS RECEIVED AND REVIEWED. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF SECOND. Pat Vagnoni CALL FOR THE QUESTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 yeah, 1 nay, 1 abstain. Jim Fee MOVED TO STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT ALL EXPENSE INCURRED BY THE EGAA BE REIMBURSED. Jean Rydell SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. INFOBACKGROUND Minutes of Special Park Board Meeting, November 26, 1991 SPECIAL EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING CHARITABLE GAMBLING 7:30 p.m. November 25, 1991 CENTENNIAL LAKES CENTRUM BUILDING MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Christianson, Jim Fee, Beth Hall, Pat Vagnoni, Jean Rydell, Paul O'Connor, Bill Lord MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Jenkins, Mac Thayer, Andy Herring, Andy Montogomery STAFF PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Solvei Swenson GUESTS: Members from the Edina Girls Athletic Board: Nancy Dahlien, Tammy Halverson, Molly McShane, Trish Brown, Diane Safely. Guest: Jim Safely PARK BOARD BACKGROUND Bob Christianson gave background from the last Park Board meeting. During that meeting it was brought to the boards' attention that it was the intent of the Edina Girls Athletic Association (EGAA) to engage in pull -tabs at two sites, Ruperts and Gippers. The Park Board moved to not approve of charitable gambling for youth athletic associations. However, it later moved to reconsider the motion. The motion to reconsider was tabled and the EGAA would be invited to attend the next Park Board meeting. The Park and Recreation Department's staff was requested to share the boards uncomfortableness with this issue to the EGAA board. Mr. Christianson then spoke with Mayor Richards and found that the City Council would be talking about charitable gambling at the next City Council meeting, Monday, December 2, 1991. As a result, Mr. Christianson thought it would be best for the Park Board to hold this special meeting in order to relay its recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Christianson invited EGAA to present their information. EGAA BACKGROUND Nancy Dahlien, President of EGAA, thanked the Park Board for holding this meeting. The EGAA board was under the impression that they could make the decision without talking to anybody else in the City and that the decision to proceed with pull -tabs was a difficult decision. It took a lot of time and a lot of discussion. Last year, the EGAA program had the traveling basketball program split from their board and consequently took away the largest revenue producing program from the association which is the annual Girls Traveling Basketball Invitational Tournament. Also, there was an increase in scholarship requests and custodial charges levied from the schools that weren't last year. These factors influenced the pull -tab issue to be passed by the EGAA board. At this time, there is a lease with one establishment, the new Gipper's in Golden Valley. A second one is under consideration with Ruppert's. Ms. Dahlien then introduced Tammy Halverson. Tammy Halverson is an EGAA board member whom was selected by the EGAA Board to serve as Manager of the charitable gambling operation for EGAA. Last spring, she was involved in the sponsorship drive for girls fast pitch program (separate from EGAA). Through that program she found out how difficult fund raising can be. She did find out about the Hopkins' J.C.s and the Air Force Association which gave $1000 and $2500 to the EGAA traveling basketball program from their charitable gambling operations. Further research pointed her to the charitable gambling option. The process has taken the last five months to research and set-up. There have been permits and meetings to attend, along with a seminar. The charitable gambling is very regulated by the State of Minnesota. The State requires that a designated person be the gambling director, that it be cash only, monies deposited within three days, separate account and monies must be requested for use. The EGAA board is anxious to keep everybody working together and wanted to let the Park Board know what has gone on and where they are now. Having the children doing the fund raising is good. However, realistically, the parents do the fund raising, the children are not sent out door to door. An example of a program supported by charitable gambling is North Tartan where they have paid coaches for their basketball program. Gambling is the third largest employer in the state. The current lease with Gippers is written with a 30 day termination notice. It is a two year lease but 30 days must be given if things do not work out. The EGAA has invested approximately $3,000 in start up expenses. DISCUSSION Diane Safely, a member of EGAA board for the tennis program, stated that the EGAA programs are good, however she is opposed to the gambling issue. Three points she shared: 1. If EGAA is going to be primarily supported by pull -tabs that this policy should be established by elected officials of our community, 2. Relaying on pull -tab funds sends the wrong message to the children, 3. Gambling in a bar is hypocritical from Edina. If pull -tab gambling is permitted it should be done in Edina. 4. The associations are feeder programs for our varsity and jr. varsity having a pull -tab fund raiser obscures the values. Finally, Ms. Safely stated that their Park and Recreation advisor, after researching the issue, gave the EGAA encouragment too go forward with pull -tab gambling. As a result, she asks the Park Board to reconsider this decision. , Ms. Dahlien stated that the Park and Recreation program is currently funded by the liquor stores' funds each year. Bob Christianson clarified that the Park Board has not made a recommendation for or against charitable gambling at this time. There is a difference between the Edina Park Department Staff and the volunteer Park Board. Mr. Safely stated that he is a member of the Edina Swim Club board. He can appreciate the financial shortfall. But to go outside the community to take advantage of a pull -tab, seems wrong. The Park Board has a responsibility and appreciates the staffs desire to find a short cut, but the board has a responsibility to make a decision. Everyone is trying to find the right answer and feelings should be expressed. Ms. Halverson stated that the EGAA board vote was 18 to 3 for charitable gambling after reviewing the information. It is a legal method to raise funds outside of Edina, and it is not possible in Edina so they have to go outside the community to hold the pull -tab gambling. If the Park Board objects to pull -tab gambling, Ms. Halverson requested that the Park Board indicate where the funds could be obtained. There are the same people on the boards and mos"--, people work outside the home so finding volunteers is harder along with obtaining funds to run the program. Bob Christianson stated the board understands the different positions. He inquired where has the $3,000 been invested. Tammy Halverson replied that $600 has gone to a permit fee, a $10,000 bond on the gambling manager, $600 for an application to the city of Golden Valley, the CPA who has helped set-up charges $75/hour which has not been paid yet. The EGAA also had to update their incorporation with the state. Mr. Christianson asked who is the CPA. Ms. Halverson replied that Jim Dittmer has been involved with the Children's Heart Association and their charitable gambling. He is the one the EGAA has enlisted to facilitate starting their program. Mr. Dittmer will take care of hiring and firing site managers, managing the books, and filing tax returns. Mr. Christianson then asked how the pull -tab booth is labeled. Ms. Halverson indicated that by state law they have to display where the proceeds are going, so their is a sign that states EGAA. Paul O'Connor inquired about EGAA fees currently. Ms. Dahlien indicated that the fees are low. The fees range from $22 to $32. Basketball is $32 and flag football, tennis is $22, volleyball was $25. However, each year the request for scholarships increases so people are having trouble even with that fee. Molly McShane stated that families are having to choose programs. Most of the time the kids that really need the program don't get to participate. Ms. Dahlien stated that we could cut back, and raise fees, however, just the operating fees are increasing so simply maintaining the status quo is difficult. Jim Fee asked for staff comments. John Keprios stated that he regrets he didn't have the foresight and feels badly that they are at this point. Several years ago the Edina Hockey Association approached Mr. Keprios about doing a raffle and they were directed to attain a permit by the City of Edina to conduct the raffle. The Edina Hockey Association found that they made more money selling pizzas and went back to selling it. Now the EGAA asked if they could do pull -tabs and Mr. Keprios found out that it was legal for them to operate a pull -tab booth outside of Edina. As a staff, it was recommended for EGAA to go forward with whatever their Board decides. Jim Fee asked the EGAA board members how much the EGAA receives from the pull -tab sale. Ms. Halverson replied that the association receives everything above expenses. Bill Lord inquired if Gippers gets a percentage of the profits. Ms. Halverson stated that Gippers would not get a percentage only a rental fee of $500/month. The EGAA has to give 50% to the state. Beth Hall asked how many booths at Gippers. Ms. Halverson stated just one. Pat Vagnoni inquired how many organizations are doing pull -tabs in the state. Ms. Halverson stated that 200 high schools, 80 athletic associations, and 60% of all charitable gambling is done by churches. Bob Christianson stated , that there are ten statutory groups that can be in charitable gambling. Ms. Vagnoni then asked how often the gambling chair would be replaced. Nancy Dahlien indicated that the EGAA planned to have the chair coincide with the lease. Ms. Vagnoni asked Bob Kojetin about funds from the liquor store and if they support park programs. The liquor stores bring in money for the General funds and the Park and Recreation Department receives funds from the General fund. John Keprios indicated that associations are finding it is getting more and more difficult for them to acquire sponsorships. The same sponsors are asked every year. Jim Fee asked if scholarships are available in every association. Mr. Keprios replied that the request for scholarships is on the increase and that every association offers scholarships. Mr. Keprios stated that the Edina Foundation provides scholarship funds for the Park and Recreation sponsored activities and is administered by the Park and Recreation Department. Bob Christianson stated that this is a broader issue than just the EGAA's involvement with charitable gambling. The board is trying to come to grips with policy and these are some questions to deal with: 1. Do we have any policies regarding fund raising? 2. If we do, what are they? 3. If we do, does the action proposed by the EGAA fit within our existing policies? 4. If it does, should our policies be changed? 5. If we change our policy, what impact should the change have on the EGAA proposal? 6. If we do not have any policies regarding fund raising, should some be adopted (or recommended the City Council)? 7. Is fund raising by associations our concern? 8. What are fund raising efforts designed to accomplish? 9. Should fund raising efforts be coordinated between all of the associations? 10. Should funds raised be put in a common pool to be distributed by a joint committee? 11. Should we seek input from all associations and interested parties before adopting a policy? 12. Should we be concerned about what other communities are doing in this area? 13. Are there model policies recommended by State or National associations? 14. Will the adoption of fund raising policies have a negative impact on our recreation program? 15. What leverage do we have if an association chooses not to abide by our policies? 16. What problems have the other communities experienced in this area? 17. Is there any legal exposure? There are probably a lot of other questions. It was Mr. Christianson's hope that there would be enough time to invite other associations in before a decision was made. Mr. Christianson inquired if the associations, not just EGAA, are their own governing body. Mr. Kojetin stated that as long as the association was providing equal opportunity for all youngsters to participate that the Park and Recreation Department would recognize that association and support them. Jim Fee stated that the Charitable Gambling is a two fold problem: First this group worked on something they thought they had approval on and Second that this issue is broader than the EGAA. Because EGAA has done their home work and put money in he would have a hard time voting on this issue tonight. Bob Christianson agreed that the EGAA acted on good faith and if they could be afforded an opportunity to recoup their loses and not increase their exposure which would allow the Park Board and City Council time to look at this issue. Paul O'Connor recognizes the hard work the EGAA has done and the benefit it provides for the community. However, the Park Board has a responsibility to show leadership and not compromise. The School Board has recognized the ethical values of the students. It may mean more work in order to establish those values, but it would be communicated to the children. The message is wrong that this fund raiser provides. Bill Lord agrees with Mr. O'Connor, but how do we compensate the EGAA for the $3,000 spent. Mr. O'Connor would like to see the reimbursement from the City funds. Mr. Lord inquired how the City views charitable gambling. Mr. Kojetin indicated that the Administrative Department has been asked to investigate ordinances regulating gambling. Bob Kojetin stated that he has mixed feelings about charitable gambling. Other park departments have benefited from pull -tabs. The income has been distributed right into the capital fund for the park system. Spring Lake Park gives 10% back to the city in charitable gambling. Edina tries to be a leader and in this issue we are following. It is hard to define what is a good fund raiser. Mr. Kojetin feels the EGAA board made a good decision. Jim Fee inquired about Mr. Rosland's position. Mr. Kojetin indicated that Mr. Rosland. He hates to see EGAA receive gambling funds from another community. Mr. Christianson stated that the pull -tab issue may be headed for a vote from the residents in Edina. Then asked if EGAA was going to council. Tammy Halverson stated that they were waiting to see what the Park Board recommended before their group decided to go to council. They hope to recur their loses and have a decision before December 2. Jim Fee MOVED THAT EGAA BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROJECT THEY HAVE UNDERTAKEN WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE IS A 30 DAY CANCELLATION CLAUSE THAT THEY COULD GET OUT. AT THE SAME TIME ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED HERE WITH THE EGAA AND COPIES OF OUR DISCUSSIONS TONIGHT. AND TO ASK THEM FOR THEIR RECOMMENDATION TO THE PARK BOARD ON HOW TO PROCEED. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF SECONDED. Paul O'Connor MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD NOT SUPPORT CHARITABLE GAMBLING AS A FUND RAISER FOR ANY YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Pat Vagnoni seconded. Bill Lord MOVED TO AMEND MOTION TO ALLOW EGAA TO BE REIMBURSED THROUGH PARK FUNDS OR THROUGH PERSISTENCE IN THE PULL TAB OPERATION. Paul O'Connor will not accept as stated. Jim Fee SECONDED AMENDMENT. Mr. Fee asked what additional expense is EGAA anticipating. Ms. Halverson stated that if the EGAA went ahead and started the pull -tab operation they would need to invest at least $5,000 to continue. Starting it and then pulling out is not an option at this time. Jim Fee asked what is the amount currently spent. Ms. Halverson stated about $2800. Bill Lord WITHDREW AMENDMENT. Mr. Kojetin asked if the program could be sold to another group. Ms. Halverson stated no, the state does not allow it to be transferred. Ms. Halverson commented that investment in charitable gambling is usually recuperated in 2 to 3 months. Mr. Kojetin asked how much is estimated to be raised. Ms. Halverson said about $7,000 per month. Jim Fee MOVED TO TABLE PAUL O'CONNOR'S MOTION UNTIL MORE INFORMATION IS RECEIVED AND REVIEWED. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF SECOND. Pat Vagnoni CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. MOTION CARRIED. 4 yeah, 1 nay, 1 abstain. Jim Fee MOVED TO STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT ALL EXPENSE INCURRED BY THE EGAA BE REIMBURSED. Jean Rydell SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Bob Christianson suggests inviting the athletic associations to come up with a game plan while the Park Board works on a policy for future fund raisers. Jim Fee stated that direction should come from City Council. Bob Christianson stated that he hoped they would. Paul O'Connor stated that the board should come up with more options for athletic association fund raisers. Trish Brown agreed that we should teach our children some ethical values. However, this fall she felt very drained from all the money demands from the schools and the church. The elementary school had the children count the number of shoes in the house and pay a nickel for each shoe, Southview Jr. High has asked the parents to become a patron for $25. Because of the security for the children they can not go door to door. Ms. Brown felt she would be much happier sitting at home reading to her children or helping with the home work instead of becoming frustrated by spending time on the phone trying to get people to volunteer or raising more funds. Her children see her getting frustrated when they come home with a note that says they need more money for this or more money for this. Even with a budget in their household and the children raising their own money the demand is draining. Tammy Halverson stated that the retailers are hit every year to be sponsors or to contribute. Bob Christianson stated that fund raisers need to have some parameters. The board will look into the limits as it recognizes this as a problem. Tammy Halverson stated that the EGAA is trying to do something about raising funds and that should be recognized. Bob Christianson recognized the EGAA as proceeding in good faith. He urged the board to attend the council meeting Monday, December 2, 1991. Tammy Halverson thanked the Park Board for holding this meeting and appreciated being able to come. Nancy Dahlien stated that as a board, EGAA decided to go along with whatever the Park Board recommended. However, she requests that the Park Board draw up some guidelines for future use and that the EGAA would like to be compensated for their losses. John Keprios apologized for giving direction on pull -tab gambling to EGAA on what now appears to be a controversial issue. Jim Fee encouraged the EGAA not to give up. Tammy Halverson replied that they need to move on. This issue is not their battle to fight. Bill Lord stated there are many issues to be worked out and that a definition of charitable gambling needs to be drawn up. Meeting adjourned, 9:15 p.m. 11/26/91 12:48 %2612 340 7800 130 Pall Lusher 117 V Taal, Way Taal loose Wn us-oroo 1000 C01rw!3710177 avelrvs, 7i. V. V481IP61011. D• 0 IWO'S (BOW r91. 0100 3 OtLCRa1a1CV 1.33110111 BOOM oeS, s7<OLAID 44-/1 •sss-o30• 3e.to: Teoxflrr tame re.17/. Main 18-1-48•08-8110.80 4e, sus as !sirs 1-1840 1117ee11.1, 1=7.011711 DORSEY WHITNEY ••• CITY OF ED I NA COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM VI.G DORSEY & WHITNEY ►.rnseet► Isemw.se ►fe►ss•rw.1. Conw►...s.• . 200 FIRST BANS PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-1498 (818) 34o-eoo0 TLLZX 20-03CM 743 (eiv 340-r86e Honorable Members of the City Council and Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 T®DMIAd s. sucseoN (812) $166111110 November 26, 1991 Re: Permit Number 14031 Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe For Public Dance at 5125 Industrial Boulevard Dear Council Members and Mr. Rosland: �J 002 tat IItr, 4vrfas, S. V., S07T3 340 taDRZWT LII7R+110ta ! $ n7011 tes-aie1c woo nave 1MTss$TL71 Os1Rt1 IU.UIas. 1O31raxa yeas (4001 OM- non rOl toAvrT314081 e1i1LL1lp ODULt PLLii. Yoar4Ra 38401 uw) TeT-ciaoO MS :Let PION? STr R•T NI88OVL4, 130RTLRL Soeos (�Oe) 711•80t5 Attached are the Terms and Conditions to be considered by the Council in connection with the issuance of a public dance permit to Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe for the property at 5125 Industrial Boulevard. Chief Craig Swanson and I have prepared these Terms and Conditions consistent with our understanding of the Council's action on Saturday, November 23, 1991. If the Council finds these Terms and Conditions acceptable, and if it wishes to authorize the public dance permit at 5125 Industrial Boulevard, then I recommend it adopt a resolution stating: (i) that License Number 14031 issued to Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe on October 7, 1991 was improperly issued and is void, (ii) that the Council grants a new permit pursuant to Ordinance No. 201 to Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe on the Terms and Conditions reviewed and approved by the Council, subject to receipt by the City Clerk of the proper application and other documents required by Ordinance No. 201 for the issuance of a permit, and (iii) that the City Clerk is authorized to issue a new permit for a public dance at 5125 Industrial Boulevard, subject to the terms and conditions approved by the Council upon receipt by the Clerk of the proper 11/26/91 12 : 48 2612 340 7800 DORSEY WH I TNEY --- CITY OF ED I NA 003 DORSEY 8c WHITNEY Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of Edina Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland November 26, 1991 Page 2 application and other documents required by Ordinance No. 201 for the issuance of a permit. A copy of the Terms and Conditions have been forwarded to the attorney for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, and he was advised of the Council meeting on December 2 to consider this matter. Very truly yours, Thomas S. Erickson TSE:kks Attachment 11/26/91 12:48 $612 340 7800 DORSEY WH I TNEY --• CITY OF ED I NA 14004 I%0 1L21 Avtfltlt KDIr TDDIL, DID TODD 100114 REV 4440100 1330 COtt,r.OT[eu? AvDD V s.1• �• •4D17WOTO1, D. 0. 10034 MEOW 437.0700 3 Ov.otnuvlc1 syltlT L1RD01 203v OAT. s10L1ND 44-,1.4S*.3»+ 34.lbi Tlo1o711! 7M001 smug, F$A1102 33-1-40-II-th-4I 11. 1III Ds TILVts 2-1040 ilitillaimill,71111artlit 09•s•ral-7/•11 DORSEY & WHITNEY ►-.•v.n.v Isctn, . Pi1019 .....L Canino .,a.••. 2200 FIRST 7 &2YS PLACE PAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 33402-1498 (612) 340-2f100 TELLR 29-000$ FAX (OIV :o4o-2l8a Mr. James A. Sanford Yost, Stephenson & Sanford 2525 Centre Village 431 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55415 (333-29861 Dear Jim: THOMAS S. E SICEaON (832j 3404050 November 26, 1991 Re: Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe Dw 113;T Avlwtll,.. Ir.. stiff! 340 1001:slisi. ZLltlllOtA MMIO! •1 oi) !/!•miss itoO rum twTti$Ta?! c*X?1i I{LL110s, tipxTAtA awls !♦0011R/-10o POI DAYIDl01 i[I11DI710 mime PAL1 4. ■OW140A 30401 (4041 ?l?-0031 1YT t4IT TitAtT fTilmT i1tl0II7j, 1tOXTARA MOOS (40I vlu-eols DYJACSIMILE Enclosed are Terms and Conditions, based upon the City Council's action in its hearing on Saturday, November 23, 1991, which will be imposed on arty public dance permit issued for 5125 Industrial Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota. These are being given to the Council for review and further action at the Council meeting on December 2, 1991. If you have any questions please call me. Of course, you are welcome and invited to attend the Council meeting on December 2nd. Very truly yours, TSE:kks Enclosure cc Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland Chief Craig Swanson EXHIBIT A TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO CITY OF EDINA LICENSE NO. TO The licensee ("Licensee") in the above entitled license (the "License") by acceptance and operating under the License hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions: A. The terms and conditions set out below shall be, and hereby are, incorporated into and made a part of the License. Licensee agrees that the use of the word "License" herein includes the word "Permit" as used in Ordinance No. 201. B. If Licensee should violate or be in default of any of the terms and conditions set out herein, or of any provision of any applicable ordinance of the City of Edina (the "City") or of any applicable statute of the State of Minnesota, including, without limitation, Minnesota, Statutes, Section 624.42 through 624.46 (even though such statutes are now repealed), then the City may act to remove the violation or default, or may suspend or revoke the License, ,pursuant to Section 16 or Section 17 of Ordinance No. 141 of the City, and also may prosecute such violation as a misdemeanor pursuant to Ordinance No. 175 of the City. Reference to said sections and ordinances of the City shall mean and include all amendments thereof, and any successor ordinances or codes of the City. C. Licensee agrees to comply with and fulfill all of the following conditions during the full term of the License: 1: SECURITY a. Three private security officers at each function (1) One private security officer to patrol the parking lot. (2) One private security officer to remain inside the dance facility. (3) One private security officer to "float" between monitoring the dance and the parking lot. Page Two b. Two Bouncers at each function (1) One Bouncer at the rear door (2) One Bouncer to monitor the dance c. Three employees present at each function to monitor and trouble shoot. d. One Edina police officer will be in attendance during each dance only to monitor the conditions and enforce violations of the law. This monitoring will take place for the month of December; this monitoring will stop if the terms of these conditions are being met. Monitoring officers shall use their best efforts to advise Licensee of any observed violations of these conditions. e. A bouncer, employee, or security officer shall be stationed to watch the back door and bathrooms. 2. ADMISSION a. Admission beginning at 8:00 p.m., music slowed down by 11:15 p.m., event concluded and music shut off at 11:30 p.m. b. No admission to any individual under the age of fifteen (15) without a parental chaperon. No admission to any individual over the age of twenty (20). (1) Identification check by employee or bouncer upon entry by driver's license or school identification. c. No exit and re-entry. d. Admission of all persons including, without limitation, employees, entertainers and security personnel shall be allowed only up to the posted fire limit (265). This limit will change based on fire inspections. Page Three (1) Numbered tickets will be used. (2) The total number of persons inside the building will not exceed the posted fire limits. No additional ticket sales will be allowed once such maximum is reached, even to replace those who have left. (3) After the allowed persons in the building equals the posted fire limit, exterior security officer will close the parking lot by barricades and additional arrivals will not be permitted. (4) Individuals turned away will be offered a pass that will guarantee entry to the next event if presented before 9:00 p.m. on the date of the event. (5) No waiting lines will be permitted once total number of persons inside the building reaches the posted fire limit. e. Mandatory coat and hat check. All coats and hats must be left in the check room. f. No discrimination of entrants on the basis of sex, race, disability, color, creed or national origin. 3. GENERAL a. Safety and Rule Handout provided to entrants (attached). Also to be posted in a conspicuous place in the building. b. No alcohol or drugs will be allowed in the possession of any person in the building or in the parking lot, and no use or consumption of drugs or alcohol will be allowed in the building Page Four or in the parking lot. c. No entry to intoxicated individuals. d. No fighting or disorderly conduct will be allowed. e. Public address announcements to monitor crowd activity. f. Early event shut down if circumstances merit in the opinion of the staff of Licensee. g. No smoking shall be allowed in the building. h. No loitering will be permitted in the foyer of the building or the parking lot at any time. i. All employees and agents will participate in a training session regarding these rules and conditions. ,......- j. All ticket buyers must have readily visible and identifiable identification. k. No visitors will be allowed for security personnel or entertainers. 4. ENFORCEMENT a. If during any function there are three or more violations of these conditions that are not promptly remedied and that constitute criminal behavior (i.e, disorderly conduct, drugs or alcohol possession and consumption, or other crimes against persons), the Licensee agrees to stop the function and to disburse persons in attendance or allow City to do so. b. The rights of City in the preceding paragraph are in addition to the rights of City in paragraph 'B" above. c. City staff, Council members, and police officers `-- may enter the building and parking lot at any Page Five time to review the operations and conduct of the public dance. 5. DAYS AND TERMS OF OPERATION a This License shall allow public dances on Friday and Saturday nights only. 1• If the Licensee wants to operate a public dance on nights other than Friday and Saturday it may petition the Council for an amendment to this condition. Such petition shall be delivered to the City Manager and a report shall be prepared for the Council. The Council shall hold a hearing on the petition at its first Council meeting held after the end of two weeks from and after delivery of the petition to the City Manager. The Council shall act on the petition at that, or subsequent, meeting. b. This License shall expire on January 6, 1992. PARAGON CA B L E Cliff D. Williams, Executive Vice President and General Manager November 27, 1991 Mayor Fred Richards City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Fred: It is with mixed feelings that I write this letter to inform you that I have tendered my resignation to KBLCOM Incorporated and will be terminating my employment with Paragon Cable effective January 1992. The decision to step down as Vice President and General Manager for Paragon's Minnesota Region was difficult; however, I am confident that it is the right choice for both the company and me. I believe that new direction and leadership is required for this company to reach its long term goals and objectives. The last six years in Minnesota have been extremely rewarding for me and my family. This is due in large part to the tremendous support I have received from my employees. I also have appreciated the partnership I have had with you. As the business has matured, our relationships with the communities we serve have grown into productive partnerships. I appreciate the role you have played in this process. Our corporate and system senior management will be developing a plan to ensure a smooth transition following my departure. Debra Cottone will continue to represent us publicly and I know she will keep you informed in upcoming weeks. Thank you for your support and friendship. I wish you the very best throughout the balance of 1991 and into the new year. Very truly yours, Cliff D. Williams 801 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411 612/522-5200 FAX 612/521-7626 A KBLCOM incorporated company REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and Council From: John Wallin Finance Director Date: November 27, 1991 Subject: Year End Council Meeting Agenda Item # X.A. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Motion to set Monday, December 30, 1991, at 5:00 p.m. as the Year -End Council Meeting. Info/Background: The Year -End Council Meeting is primarily to approve payment of claims and transfer of funds to be included in the current year. Other business can be included on the agenda if action needs to be taken before the first regular meeting in January (01-06-92). Alternate dates for the year-end meeting are Thursday and Friday, December 26 and 27. •-� Yt tt 0) CO I n N 0 I O 0 N <D -1 *0 0 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA 0) 0) --1 Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 27-4288-664-66 0 w 0 M CC V) 60-1300-025-20 CONSTRUCTION EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 40-1130-000-00 10-4202-420-42 In It) 0 -1 n n n 10-4540-322-30 14564 10-4248-560-56 7871 10-4540-560-56 051798 7586 0 0 0 w CC Z I- I --I J M I- S < W W Z 0 Cl. w W 0 ►-I W I - CC 0 J CC N ARMIN DREISSIGER MIRIAM V LEE LIGHTING PLAST/MN TRANSPORT WHITEGMC ST PAUL STEEL SUP 10-4266-420-42 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE G RONALD MUNDALE Ow et a nn NM .-1 N NN WW et of 0000 vet WW 00 qtof 00 1 00 00 J 1•- O¢ Om >s W M Y ¢ 00 OW S � W W 00 Z Z W W UAL. 30-4224-781-78 DEMO 12/10/91 30-4201-781-78 PRO SERVICES 10-4250-644-64 20558 ELM BRUSH 10-4204-490-49 MEMBERSHIP 10-4204-490-49 REGISTRATION 10-4202-490-49 REGISTRATION 10-4901-650-64 031317 7289 CELLULAR PHONES 60-1300-013-20 CONSTRUCTION » w > 0 WW > Z 0 I-1- ZZ O » J 00 H \ 11 Z Z _ 3 3 S Z Y C.7 C7 0 1n 0 n 10-4248-646-64 8782 V) z M a w CC J SPANJERS CO INC 50-4504-862-86 24669 GENERAL SUPPLIES NORTHSTAR NEON « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « 00 00 MM 00 010 0)0) 00 NN 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 I[)In 00 NN MM 00 0O) 000 00 00 -1-4 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 OM M0 00 00 NN 00 aV 000 00 00 00m 00 00 U'fln 0000 00 nn rn 00 ^n 00 .-I.-i .ti.-1 IA in MM 000 NN 00 O)O) NN NN 00 O)0) NN 0000 0 I- NN 00 IA U) MM NN -(-i NN et*00 NN eta .-1-4 100 NN 0000 N Z - - -- 2 V of .4.-4 00 NN Q - 4 .-I .-I 4..4 .-1 .-1 .-1 --I --4 -i -1 .-I .-1 .-I .-I -1 --I .-1 .-1 .-1 O) 0) O) O) 0) O) 0) a) O) O) 0) 0) 0) O) O) 0) 0) 0) 0) O) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N W \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f- .•-4 .-4 .-1 --1 .-1 .-I .-1 .--I .-4.-.I .-1 .-I -" I -I .•-1 .-1 .-I .y .-I --1 ¢ •-1 .-I .-I --1 .-4 .4 .-4 .- 4 .-1 -I . l •-I .--1 .-1 .-4 -4 .1 .1 .••1 .y In CHECK NO. 0 •-I N M of U) (D n CO CO O) 0 •-1 N M st U•) (0 n 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n n n n Is. n n n n n n n n n n n n n n CO (D CO (0 CO CO (0 (D (D (D (D (D (D (O CO (D (D (O (0 CO M M M M M M M M M M C.) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MM M M M M M M M M (") (••) CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA 0) 0) .-1 # MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ce 0 0 z w 50-4632-862-86 WINE MAGAZINE WINE SPECTATOR 10-4206-140-14 0 z M 1- W W X 30-4504-784-78 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATRIUM CATERING .� 00 a) (O 0) (0 0 00 00 M) n -+ M 1` n f- 00 00 30-4540-784-78 29877 REPAIR PARTS NOVAKS GARAGE 30-4558-782-78 1052 OW on I ov OW 0r 1 1 O a7 a O M t(1 1 00 MM co 10-4202-640-64 WORKSHOP Z z W W W J J a 00 • WW W W 1••1 00 1 0 N WW W Z Z 0 Z Z Z f QQ = 11-4201-127-12 ABSTRACT SEARCH METRO LEGAL SERVICES 12-4201-434-43 PRO SERVICES JAY JAFFEE 10-4600-627-62 0 Z H a m a 6 N } 10-4504-100-10 1349 BOOKLETS MN TAXPAYERS ASSOC 10-4504-420-42 911031 7841 GENERAL SUPPLIES INTOXIMETERS INC 10-4202-420-42 23541 0 H Z 0 0 J a N W 0 M 0 10-4266-420-42 REIMBURSEMENT RONALD MUNDALE 10-3180-000-00 AMBULANCE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 AMBULANCE REFUND PETER OR DOLORES 10-3180-000-00 AMBULANCE REFUND MEDICA CHOICE K K K K K K K K K K K R K K K K K K 0 00 00 -1.-1 h.h 00 000 00 00 NN 0000 MM 00 00 MM 00 (0(O MM 0 tf)M) 00 NN (O(O MM 000 00 00 111` (+7M -4-1 00 00 t-t- 00 (G(D tflto 0) 1` 1- InIt) .1 of .-4 .-1 t- t. N 0 N MM MM h t - (0 (0 CNN 0111 MO 00 00 of .1 0) Ot .-1 •-1 0 MM r n 0) 0) 00 00 N O N Mr.If MM 00 00 OM ^I .-1 1�r 0) t0) N N 00 00 M M (O (O F N •-1-4 MM .401.7 h h N N -i -i N N -i .- I Z - 4M N N i Q CHECK NO. DATE .-1 -1 .--1 .-1 .-1 .-1 --1 .-1 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ 0 0 0 0 0 OW 0 N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ -i .-( .-1 .--1 .•-1 -1.-1 .-/ .-( -4 .-1 .-I .-1 .-I.-4 -1 0) 0 •--I N M C M) .-1 N N N N N N N 1` h N. t` n n 1v N. CO CO CO CO CO CO CD (D M M C-) M M C) CO M Cl M M M M MM CO - .-1 •-( ti '--1 •-( -1 -1 0▪ ) - 0) O) 0) 0) 0) Cr) 0) 0) 0) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CD n 00 0) K --I N M II1 lf) CO N N N N K M M M CO M M 1� 1- n K 1- h 0- 1� 1� Is• CD CO CO CO K (D CO CD CO CD (D M Cl M M K M Cl M M M M C) Cl M M K M M Cl M CO M CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA # MESSAGE 0 0 > Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 40-1130-000-00 0 Z 10-4204-420-42 MEMBERSHIP 10-4274-420-42 911015 EQUIP MAINT 10-4201-470-47 10672 PROF SERVICES 10-4202-140-14 0 W Z 0 0 10-4274-420-42 EQUIP MAINT F CO CO r- rn MO OW 00 MM NN NN I 1 1 I 00 00 NN NN e7 et v et 1 I 1 NN r- - NO 111 N NM vv vv I i I i 00 00 ^� 0) vv 0) (o toll) WW 40-4540-801-80 665 40-4208-806-80 w J 0 Q ¢ ZZ 1-J 00 Z a H 1--1 WW HI- WW W W 1--11"1 O C7 ZZ Md ►1 < =M HH > W if QO w H QQ W W V) f 00 ZZ H H 10-4512-440-44 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10-4504-510-51 6553 Om 0) w 1� t` Mtn M WO N WW 00 N H H > > WW 0 w 0 C l+- W -1 O ZZ S2 li W Q 0 0O 00 I•4 H C) OW WW WW H W O_ ZZ 1-1-- WW Z V) O QQ SS O 0 0 ZZ W 0 S H Y W SS 0 0 w W 00 0 3 N > I-I- O Z HH >->- Z Q (1) Q H I -1- I - I- f 2 J 0 J J (1) Z W > O O H W 0- HH C7 O J O W ZZ �� J Y Y N Q< V) 1"4 D W ¢ Z ix ZZ w (0 r- 00 (1) ¢ O f C7 O W W W H H WW Z W W O H H O 0 i 0 Q J S WON SS N J J fX 0. y 2 H 10-4290-510-51 00303 3RD CLASS BULK FEE 10-4266-420-42 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4202-440-44 CONFERENCE B it E N O 0 m 0)0) 00 00 00 00 00 C O O NON NN 00 CO 00 000 00 00 00 0 stet 00 00 00 CO MM 000 00000 •tet 11)1l) 00 00 000 00 MM 00 In NN 00 00 00 00 MM Ov)M NON U)11) (O(O 00 0)O) 000 MM (0(0 MM 0) r1711) .-4 -4 NN MM et et ..4.-4 a0 (:7 M M O 11) (O (0 .-0-4 et of ..4.-4 (11 11) O f--N MM CO .-4 f-- r n M et N I!) N NN .ti .-1 ..4.-4 N DO (0 tl') I!) --1 -i Z --- - - i.-/ 0.7 oO ,..I `+ N-(M Q w Q 0 CHECK NO. -1 .-1 .--I 1..1 .4 --1 -4-4 ..-I..4 .4 .y .--1 .4 .......1 .--1 .-.1 .-1 .-4 0) O) 0) O) O) O) MM MM O) O) O) O) MM 0) 0) O) O) \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0O NN N N N N NN N N U) u) N N N N N N NN NN N N N N NN N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ -4 ---1 -4 --( -.1 .-4 .-I.-4 .-I.-4 .-4 -1 -4 -4 .-4-4 -1 .-i .--1 .-1 -1 -y .-4 .--1 --1 .-4 .-( -4 .-4.-4 .4 ---1 ---I -4 .-4.-4 --4 .-4 ..-1 .-1 N. .II 0 -4 N M ct MM (o (D N. W O) 0 .-1 .d N M V U) M Y et At et et et ' of K of et et et V U) 11)(1) 11) (f) (1) (1) (D t (0 (O (O (0 (0 MM MM (0 (D (D (O MM (O (O (0 (O M Y C) M M M M MM MM M M M M MM M M M M M 44 m M M M M MM MM M M M M MM M M M ('7 w w 0 V) < N a W f -� * • 0) N 0 0 • ( a N N * z N CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA ..4 0) 0) .4 ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 z 10-4208-160-16 ANITA WESTPHAL 10-4201-260-26 PRO ENG SERV 0 0 0 CO 10-4504-600-60 04879 WEED PICTURES 10-4504-260-26 751036 J N lL RITZ CAMERA CTR 23-4214-611-61 ADVERTISING 10-4290-510-51 (N 0 a POSTMASTER 23-4214-611-61 ADVERTISING MN ARTS DIRECTORY 23-3625-000-00 AC WORK SOLD TOM STEWART 23-4201-611-61 AC INSTRUCTOR TARA CARMICHAEL 23-4214-611-61 ADVERTISING SUZIE KELM 23-4201-611-61 AC INSTRUCTOR MARILYN THORNE 23-4201-611-61 AC INSTRUCTOR ADAM TURMAN 10-4158-510-51 INSURANCE MBL GROUP INS 10-4504-510-51 REIMBURSEMENT EDWARD WILLEMS 0 00 n 29-4248-722-72 57491 REINKE WHL/MN 26-1300-001-00 CONSTRUCTION/POOL ASSOC POOL BLDERS 26-1300-001-00 CONSTRUCTION/POOL W W GOETSCH ASSOC 10-4201-420-42 7099 PROF SERVICES MPLS HEALTH DEPT K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 0 00 00 MM nr 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 NN Min 00 00 00 0 to 00 00 MMMM00 OM 00 00 00 OM 00 00 Wiln MMQ< 00 MM co M 00 NN MM •4.4 mul 00 00 OOm 00 00 00 00 00 (O(O NN 00 22 . .4 (D(O a.-1 a NN 10(O .Oa NN 00 0000 OO 1!1to (0 f0 NN (0 t0 SE f0 f0 ^� F .. MM NN NN NN NN ,,... .. �.0 NN M Z .. M n tr 'eta 4D 00 00 2 Q CHECK NO. DATE .4 .1 .4 .-1 .4 .4 .4 _4 r( M r( ri .4 —1 •4 M M M 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Q) 0) 0) 0) 0) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ U) U) U) U) U) U) 4) lf1 U) tl) U) to U) CO (D CO (O (0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M .••1 .-( •• i .-4 .4 .4 .-( M r( M .4 M .4 .4 .4 M .4 (D N. 00 0) 0 M N M V U) (D n CO 0) 0 •1 N K CD CO U) U) n co co co co (O to (D CO CO CO n f` n K t` CO (D (D CO • (D (D CO CO (D (D (D (D CO (D CO CO • CO K (0 C) 0 (") M M CO M M CO CO M M M M M M M K M M 01 M M M M C`, M M M M CO M M M M M K M CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA --1 0) rn MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 z W 10-4286-220-22 WORKHOUSE/JAIL HENN CTY SHERIFF 00 N N N 0 0 (O CO 02 n (o0) av MM NN 00 U)V) W W H 1-i J J MM 0. 0. __ 00 J J Q Q WW W W zz W W 00 U)V) Y Y aa 00 33 zz 00 ma FI H a¢ Y Y XX F- F- 30-4504-784-78 20122 GENERAL SUPPLIES SICO INC 30-4600-781-78 1631 TYPE MASTER GRAPHICS 30-4208-781-78 TOM SHIRLEY 30-4202-781-78 CONFERENCE REG BUSINESS ED SERV 30-4208-781-78 CINDY WAKNITZ 30-4504-784-78 113829 7899 GENERAL SUPPLIES H & W EQUIPMENT Cs- 0 0 00 23-4201-612-61 PRO SERVICES QUALITY PEST CONTROL 10-4290-510-51 POSTMASTER 28-3500-000-00 MIKE FROST 23-3500-000-00 26889 ART WORK SOLD THE BOOKMEN INC 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND SUSAN DOHM 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND CHERI EKBOM 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND BARBARA JOHNSON 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND AMY RUSS 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND KATIE EKSTEDT 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND LORRAINE MANSON 0 o)0) Ou10 00 00 nn 00 MM (()(() 00 00 00 torn 00 OO 00 OO 00 0 co 00 000 00 00 0000 00 0)0) vet 00 00 )00 nn 00 00 00 00 00 0 -( 00 000M NN (c)M nn LOM WW OM 00 00 00 MM 00 ata MM MM OM N .-( nn 0(OIf) C)M MM coo NN )f)U) Va OM 00 a.O O)O) nn 04.1 4(0 NN NN n I. .1 .I..4 M V 'V of .-4.-1 00 NN Z - _ = MM 0 F a CHECK NO. DATE -r .0 -1 -( 9-1 -( -r -.1 -r 1-4 -( -s -y --4 -d -.( .-( ..1 9-4 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) o) rn rn rn rn m rn o) 0) 0) M \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ CO CO (D (O fO (D CO CO CO CO • (0 (D (D (0 (0 CO • CO CO CO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N --( -+-, '-( • •-( •-( -( • -d -•1 • -( • -( -r -y -4 ...1 -y • -y ,..1 ,..( --1 .-(-( -y --1 -, .-4 -4 -.1 ..y -y ..y .-( .--I -.1 ...1 -y ,.y -, n W 00 0) 0 .-( N M V U) (D n 00 O) 0 .--1 N 41 et n n N. n 00 00 M 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) n n n N. N. N. n n N. N. n n n n n n n n n CO (0 (D CO CO CO CO (D (D (D (0 (D (D (D (D (D CO CO (0 C') MM M M M Cl C) M Cl M M M M M M M M Cl M MM M M C') Cl M M M M M M M M M M M M (0 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA # MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ce 0 0 Z > 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND MONICA DAY 23-3500-000-00 CLASS REFUND DEBORAH RONGLIEN 10-4608-281-28 REGISTRATION TC AREA LABOR 0o0000 r r r 1 1 1 MMM 00 00 00 r r r '4 et d d N N N N N N d d d 1 1 1 000 M M M MMM U)U)U) -4-4-4 N N N XXX 000 IL W IL W W W 000 zzz H H H Z z Z Z Z Z 000 J J J z z Z J J J 000 C W m QQ¢ 000 30-4224-781-78 PERFORM 11/29/91 JAMES TOENSING 27-4202-661-66 CONFERENCE JOHN NYLUND f0 (0 (0 N N N 000 00 00 00 000 elder ( 00 00 00(000 (0(04 (O(O(0 COMM 1 1 I (0(0(0 t0(O(0 t 1 detd 000 N N N d d d I I 4 r r N N N N 10-4201-600-60 Z Z Z 000 H H H aaa N H H H W D: CCa: 000 r-1 000 > m Z Z cc M = = NNN U) > > > W w W N N N m m m N V) N 333 zzz DEBORAH BARON 0 N N Y U U U 1 1 1 -X x x .1( x * -X x x W Isl.. N N N N N N N N N -1 U)In 000000000 0 dd In(fnm nU)U)U)U) 00 N N d d d d d d d.0d NM to In n n U) U) U) U) U) cow mmmmmmmmm d d N N N N N N N N N MM (04(0(0(0(0(0(0 (0(0 00 d d d d d d d d d (0(0 (ONdddddMO NN 04a7MMMMMetw 44 111111111 00 00dd0ddd--1 (0(0 (ONMMQMMMO NN 04•oidd(nddd00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 dd-4(0000000DDwww 00 004.4a7.444ddet t0(0 NNNNNNNNN stet daddadetetet 1 1 111111111 00 0 0 0 0 0 N N N 0 30-4288-782-78 SERVICE CONTRACT ADT SECURITY SYS. m1.-1 N Z 0 Y MCC H U Z 1-A0 W W W W W W W W W 0_H HHHHHHHHH Y HHHt--HI-F-Y-H Z0: =1==mi:emgetcm H H H H H M M H H al QQQQQQQQQ J J J J J J J J J QQQQQQQQQ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 000000000 000000000 H H H H H H H H H QQQQQQQQa 4 x x x x x 4 4 x x 1 1 0 00 00 00 0000 00 CD CO 00000000 0000 --1 .•-10-4 0000000000 0 00 00 00 0000 00 Wt.:" mmm0) 0000 rr oo U)M 4$10.1(n U)MU) U)U)OU) N U)U) NN 00 000000 00 00 mmmm (O(D U)U) 4r1440 WO(O(O04(D(O Net r .-1-r .-i-r 00 00 ( 0000 NN MMMM 0)m mm d.-I(O N Mr H .-4.-4 N N .-1.-4 00 00 .-4-4 .•.I -4 Z MQ 2 Q 0 CHECK NO. -, -i -, -4 -y -y -. -, -.I -/M -, ... OM M o) o) mmm m m mmm m m mm mmmmmmmmm \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\ (0 CO (0 (0 (O (0 (o co CO (Ow (0 (0 00 000000000 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\ .-1 .-1 .-1 M .-I .-1 M .-1 -4 M M -1 .-1 MM .-1 .-I --1 M .-1.•-1 .-1 m4 -I .-1 -y .-1 -4-4-4 .-1 -•I .-1 -1 -1 --I -y MM U) (0 r 000o00 m 0 -4-4-4 N x -4 x a) 0) 4 if 0) 0) m mmm 0) 0 000 0 x N x NN x MC)C)M C)M M(•7M x r r- t. rinr r 00 000000 00 x Q x QQ x QQQQQQQQQ x (0 (0 (0 (0(0 (0 (0 (0 (0(0(0 (O x co x COCO x (0 (0 (O (0 (0 (D (O (0 (O x M M M MMM M M MMM M x M x MM x MM M(M0M(MMM x M M M MMM M M MMM M x C./ x C)M x M MM 4') C) MM MM x 0 0 0 Y Y Y o O 0 1 1 K K K x K K K K K M n1w M .-i Yi O) M V N O M(01., 1 . 1 f` f..1• f` N 0 0 0) 1 a 0 OW N MOM M M ^1 * NMO 1`n NNW •-IV n 1` 1....4. CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA 0) M --1 ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION > Z VVi0 NN F-1 VVU) VV 1 1 1 11 000 00 V V m NN III 11 av0 vV 00V i 0 1) U) U) N U) vvv av 1 II 1 1 000 00 .y--( .H-4 12-4901-434-43 98988 00 0 W W W 1-4 1-4 I-1 J J J a 0- a 0- a. 1--M Z = ON F-1(1) a J J m I J a a W a C m m F- 0_ m 0 W W m H W > Z Z a M Z \ WWF- O'W > (7(70 WO 1- 000 J J J M M M } } mmm 00 WWW 0 0 m m m 00 m mmm F-F 00 000 S00 S Z aaa Ca w Z Z Z > m C m . . WWW MCC F. F.1-- W W JJJ M M aaa as ALPHA VIDEO/AUDIO 10-4256-510-51 TELEPHONE AMERICAN SHARECOM K K K N N Y 0 0 K x K K K K 0 1` (00 t` 1` NN 00) W n Qa OVNV<<.-100(0(0(0000Na(0 (0(0 .-I(0(0(0ONO ('5V l!)(n(G(O0(0(D(O(D1� t` 000000 00 10)W(D(D 1,1- 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..-1000([71f)NNN V N.NN.-(.1.-1 00 0N V N.NNM 0VNVV V•-400m0(OOWNVm mm .-(000ONO (•')vU)U)mmmmmmmr`f`000000 11)U) LC) CO(0(pr`1\00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0000000000000000 00 00(00(0m(0(0 MU11AMU)011)0MU)0MMU)M0 VN U)U)MU)U)MM N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LOW N N N N N N N V v V V V V V V V V v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 000000Mm1�1-r.000000 CO OI-.r, W0)0 ...... NNNNNNCIMM 11) •-4.-1 .-(NNNNNV 0 F- m a W W W W W W W M ZZZZZZZ WWWWWWWWWWWWWW LW 0000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1-10 MMMMM M m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Gi a1- W W W W W W W C m m C m m C m m C m m m m m m 0. 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DATE N000 We-(00 U)Nf- N N V NN F-F-F-1-F-F-F- aaaaaaa f�M(0.-I NO)00 (OO)V I -NM . .-1 .-1 .-y ..-1 .-1.y .-1 .-1 .-.1 .-4 .-1 .-1 .i .-1 .-i .-y .--4 0)0)M 0)0) 0) M MMMMMMMMMMM O)0)OO)O) O)0) MMMMMMM \\\ \\ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \\\\\\\ O N N 00 N CO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CO O O O M 0 0 0 N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N \\\ \\ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\ ..4.-4.-1 .y .-4 .-4 .-1 ..-1 •-4 ---1 ..-4 .-4 --( '--1 ..-1 .-4 .-1 .y -y -y .-.1 ..4 .-1 .--1 .-1 .-i -.y .4 .--1 .-0.-4.-1 ...4.-4 •-1 .-1 ...... .-4.-1.-1.-4..-1.-4.-4.-1.-4.-1 ..-1 ---1 .-/ --1 ..-1 -4 .-1 . -1 .--1 MMM K MU') K CO K M Cf V*V VV V VV VaV.0V V V K 00 K NNNNNNN MMM K VV K V K U) Ul U) U) U) U) U) U') U) U)M U) U) U) U) U)U') K 00M x 00000000000000 aaa K as K a x < aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa K as I( aaaaaaa 000 K 0(0 K (0 . 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ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 Z W > U) (N Y 0 0 I I K K K - K K 23-4201-611-61 AC INSTRUCTOR ADRIANE BRUMFIELD 10-4248-560-56 9635 000 vvv MO)N N00V nnn U)U)U) 000 M M 00 1 I 1 Q V M MMD 1 1 1 000000 N N N WOW vvv 1 1 I 000 W W N H H !-1 W M = U W U zMz W OWO Or 000 AUTOMOBILE SERV CTR 000 Z Z Z MNH M W CC > > > Q Q Q 29-4624-722-72 REIMBURSEMENT AXT-LYLE N N Y U 0 1 I K 000 MOW WWW nnn N O 00 V M o0 WW1) Q) O) W N N M (o (O (o V V V V V V 1 11 000 V V V V V V 1 11 V V V nnn MOW vvv 1 I I 000 (ezz QQQ W W W 33 W W W W W W W W W » > N F1M 4-1-4- 000 W W W 000 zWW aaa J J J Q Q Q 000 1-I-4M aaa 000 ZZZ 000 (n (n N Z Z Z W W W 4 00 4 30-4516-781-78 REIMBURSMENT BACH-BILL n 00 MN -1 M nn -1 (o OW MM OM V V WW 1 1 V V V V COW 1 1 00 (0 (O WO) VV 1 00 V) W W W W WW F- H 4 0 K K K 10-4201-260-26 927318 PRO ENG SERVICES BARR ENGINEERING 41) 0 K K (0(0 -1nnM 0 0o00 VNWM M COO n In n(o CO nn nn1 n N MN NVU)O O) (o N V -10 NN M N N W NN U)NIAV (O(O VVVV O) M -1.-1 ....1 -4 COW WWWW OM WWWW 1 1 11 1 1 00 0000 (O(O (O(O(O(0 WO WWWW 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 V 0 0 0 V V O V V V OM WWWW vv VVVV 1 1 1, 1 1 00 0000 .1.1 -4-4-4-4 N H 5 Q 0 J } } W 0 W W 1-1 JW 03J zI-Hd W Q X W Q Q W W UQ OMMW m 27-4630-663-66 (ntn Y Y 00 Mo Wz 1- F- C OL W W 00 MM SUPPLIES WWWW WWWW 0000 2 2 2 2 WWWW WWWW Q Q Q Q 3333 WWWW WWWW H H H H 1-1-f-1- QQQQ M m M M BEER WHOLESALERS K K K K K K K K K K V •00 00 0(n0U) NN ( WOW .-1-1 14OOM 00 00-10) IfNM00 0 00 00 00 O N U) n COW 00 00 00 M COW 00 M 00 OM O V V N oo V V M 0 N •-#-4 WW 1n(o41.... 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ITEM DESCRIPTION V) f/) N N N Y Y Y Y 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 x -K x x x x x x x x x x x x x MO VM WM WV MM VU1 1�VN(000.-1000MP.MM1. U) 00p) M M N (O M M M r\ .- I M.-•1.-I 0) .4 OW 111, U)NMO101n U')N..i U)M (ON ..C.4 V V U) P 00V U)01-VP. 1-. VN MO MM NNNN•-INNNNNNNNN OM .-1...t 1+1+ ,-1`r - .1+1�f`f\, . - . NN 00 Z NV(ON(O NV4 QNNNNNN.-1.-I.�V0(CO NW 00 M 0000000000 000000 MVVVVVVMOMMO^^ U)(O 0,1� 11 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 11 NNNNN NNN 000000000000.-/.-i OV VN (VV(ON(O NV(O VNNNNNN•ti•- MV00000 NW CO WWWWW 00 00 00 .-I V V V V V V U) U) U) U) (01U) (O f` 1� 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II 000NN (0(010 VVVVVVVVVVVVV(0 OV WV M M M M M NNN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0... 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DATE .-1 ..1 . 4.. 1 .- 1 ^I .-( .-4 .1.-1 .4 .y .-4 .-( MMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0)0) OM 0) M \\\..\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\ \ \ \\ \ \ 11OOMO 000 OON(0ON(0NMON11)00 O(0 NN (0 0 NNNNN NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NN N N \\\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ .-I .4 .-I .y -4 .-1 .-4 ...I . ..-( .--( 4444 .-1 .4 .y .-1 .-1 rl ..1 .y M ... .-1 .-.1 .--1 .--I .4 .-I _ .i .4 . 4 .4 ..I M NNNNN x r1-.0r x 00000000000000 x NN x MM x (p x M x NNNNN x N N N x M M M M M M M M M M M M M M x MM x MM x V x M x mmmmm x MOM x mmmmmmmmmmmmmm x MM x MM x m x m x 660(00 x (006 x 100(0(0(O(0106(0(0(0(0(00 x (0(0 x (0(0 x CO x (0 x M M M M M x M M M x M M M M M M M M M M M M M M x MM x MM x M x M 0 M M M M M x M M M 0 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 0 MM x MM 0 M x M x 0 .-1 . r a 0) N 0 0 1 0_ • • CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA .-1 0) 0) M Z 0(0 (0(0(0(0(0(0(O 1•1 0 CO CO CO CO (0 (O (0 (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-44-I014-10-(- Ps CO 0 (0 (O CO (OW (0 COCO 0 (0 CO (O CO CO CO CO CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 N 000O CO CO COS N 01010111,1111n111 (O (OOMir OVOVOO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Is Ps Is Ps fs Ps Is 01040104 N N N N N ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 10-4248-646-64 0) 0) V) N Y Y Y Y 0 U 0 0 1 1 1 1 x it x x x it it x x x x it •-1 O 1- N•-100) 00(O0 ' (000 0000 CO 0) 0) 0) 1 1 1 1 0 0) 0) 0) (O M .r •-1 041000 4' -1000 0000 010,0101 44 M.-0-1 1 1 1 1 0000 .i(O(O(O (/) 0 4100(00 WW 1-(WWWJ 00 J ► 1 (-I 1.1 0 4 1-1 d J J J N >>>> O.O.aa 0ocO:) W = 0.O.O_N WWWW U (/)»>CD NN(f(/) W NJNNN0 (/) 00700 pz CQWWW0 0: ZZZZ ZW 1-1O[000\ 1-1 WWWW OLt. NQW`-(MM$- < u..Z .ZU.4.4.N 0- 0000 W0MWW44.40 W CCCCCC0' 0)00=00000 0= 0.a0.O. W W W W W W W W W 000000000 0) OC 0: 0) 0: 0: 0: 0_ 0. 000000000 000000000 4-44. 4 J J J J J J J J J 0 000000000 O 000000000 0 Z D:CO.'0'0CQ'O Cece w QQQQQQQQQ • XXXXXXii W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q CCCCOCCCCCIX=CCCC 000)O7m07OJmm00 CHECK NO. DATE BRADLEY BENN 0000 W W W W 1-1-1-1- CC 0: C IX W W W W 4-1-1--1- Z Z Z Z 1-4/-4 M M Z Z Z Z Q Q Q Q 0: 0: C o: O7m0]0] 10-4504-260-26 085611 2458 GENERAL SUPPLIES BRUNSON INSTRUMENT 10-4202-100-10 MEETING EXP BRAEMAR PRO SHOP 000000 0 CO 00 00 00 e0 00 (0(0(000(O(O \[) rn 0) N.••INO a, u�Ooo(noo.-( 0)410M(OM NMOM N CO frl CO M M M M M n r- r- 000000 0 CO CO CO CI CO M M 1 1 1 1 1 1 000000000000 00 MMMMMPI C') 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 0000000D CO 0p CO CO CO CO CO CO Cl 111 141 In In 1 1 d vOOOO 1 1 r 1 1 1 000000 of Y Y U U x � x x x O M (O 0 M M 0 co 1• M 00 r O 0 (O O 0 M 10-4540-560-56 381776 7682 10-4504-540-54 GENERAL SUPPLIES •0 Z H U Z 000000 C M ZZZZZZ H • 0= 4-4 4-4 ( M N N • O_ J J J J J J Z JJJJJJ , O MM►HMMM '4 N 0 000000 00 J U 0Oc0_Oc0_0c 3-- • 0= 4- 0_ QQQQQQ CZ • Q Q 0 UUUUUU U ' U 0 U x it it it it it 00000)0)0)0)N0 00 00000 00 1001 0000)413(O(O(0(On 00 1-(n01-0 NN mm 000•-101O0001•-4 0141 •-4040011 4-4.-4 4,44.4 (n 00M-1••INNN(O r- 00 0101110101 In(n NN N 11,41 0100O31 Ps 1` •-1 K x -IC 0)CO0(0(O 0-1 • 00 0 Is. 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W E M00 —4 0) M .1 CO CO 1 ^ M L. N 0 0 t0 1 0 f0 N 00 ,-4 0 ( ) CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 Z 00 V NVW 1-1 Ps10 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 1 V t'•) N N N CO V NVW 1\ t0 00 00 00 1 I 1 1 1 0 00 000 V V M M M (0 N t0 t0 t0 V V V V V 1 1 11 1 0 0 000 M -1 U) U) U) REPAIR PARTS WEED SPRAY 10-4600-627-62 10-4208-480-48 *V VW 1 1 tot) V V V CO 11 00 00 1.11111 CNN V V 11 00 MM Z W I-1 0 1 Q CCz WWW Z W WW W W W M J I-1- mmm M X 33 QQ zz V S 1--11--1 0 W 00 tL' tr tL' 0 m J W W - Z W W W CHEMLAW 0. a mmm O U 00 CERT ►'"N� F- Q FF-- MMH H Q ►1M 000 0 W 00 41-4252-900-90 79034 LIGHT/POWER CITY OF RICHFIELD # # # # # # # # CO VV 00 0000 00 00W -VM VV V NN 00 0VVM 00 COM MWOO) MM M MM 0000 NMON MM MM O)001s. .-1.4 00 NN NN f'Vt000 tOt0 tOt0 1r N00 U)U) 1- M- t0 t0 .•-I N .-4 .-.I MM Z o= I a W 0 CHECK NO. V) (/) 0) 0 Y Y X Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 I # # # # # A # # NVW .-1-•1.1 00 00 00 U) U) to 1 1 1 1 1 1 NNN 000 NV(O MMM 00 00 00 U) to )o 1 1 1 III N N N MMM U)MU) t0t0t0 .1-1-i V V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 1 000 000 COMM MM-4 X X X M H M zx 000 zzz M M M J J J 000 mmm J J J 000 000 Q Q Q 000 000 000 O N P M V 001... M M N 4-i U)N-V14 NU)00tO H W W W 000 zzz QQQ WWW V)V)0 M H Z J J M 000 000 000 zzz H M H W W W W W IL M H M J J J 000 000 M 0 t0 10-4504-646-64 16269 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTR FASTENING SYS 30-4201-782-78 PRO SERVICES C WAYNE COURTNEY # # # 1 0000 00 00 .1-44-y 00 00 0000 -4-4 00 MMMM NN 0000 V V V V Mel ..-4 --4 _4.1 -.1 -4 -r -4-4 -•1 .1..-4..-1 - 4 .1 .-1 ....4 .-I CO M MMM M M MMM MMM MMM M M \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \ \ 0 0 000 0 t0 NN U) 000 (O(O(O N 0 N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \ \ M -4 .1 -4 .1 .1 -y .1 -4 .4 .-4... .-1 -4-4-4 .-1 .-4 ..1 .1 .-4 ..y -i .1 .-y .-4.--I .-4 .-4 .-.4 .-1 .-4 .-4 --1 -.I --1 # N # n # 000 -•1 N MM V . 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ITEM DESCRIPTION C 0 0 Z W N Y 0 iC CC 00 0)1,.M 0) O» 4 00 (0 (0 d (0 1,^n 10-4540-560-56 4674 REPAIR PARTS CUSTOM FIRE APP (0(0(0 ( 1 M I I 000 MOM 1 ( M 1 I 000 d d d ( ( 1 d d d 1 1 1 000 N V) N X 0 0 0 0 1 1 * : K K K 4 K K K K K 30-4262-782-78 N N N WWW Q Q Q aaa } M M M 0 Q Q Q Z aaa = W W W W W W 000 W W W MMM N N N 000 = = = WWW HFI- W W W 000 DIST LAUNDRY 23-4624-613-61 517276 7566 COST/GOODS SOLD DANIEL SMITH 00 d NCO 11 00 coet 0.1M I 1 N d 00 NM d d 1 I 00 N W M J a as x= WO (7J zQ 1-0 W I- W W Z W W X0 Y Y W W Y Y Z Z Q Q NO W W Z Z Q Q M M 00 d d 00 00 11 N N et.* 00 00 11 O N Men COW d d 11 00 1 1 w W 0 W z z Z QQQ wwW W O O O WX NNN W M Z Z Z MX MMM 00 Z Z M M H NO M M 00 Z Z 4.14J N N o0 > > a Q o0 J J J Q Q Q Z Z Z W W W 000 Q Q Q J J J W W W ono (/) N Y 0 0 K K K K K K 28-4224-701-70 PRO SERVICES DEDE HENSEL K K K K K K K K I 00 0N1.+M •+-I 00 MO•+ 000 0000 00 NN N.4M00 NN MO VOd NO0000 MM hP 0)d OM MM dd (OM-1 d00N dddd NN MM MdM)- MM 00 -IMM NNM ��^(� .-1.-1.,,( .,( ..y d (0 .-1.-1 N -1 M N N N N n^ ZNNNN WW ---- i Q CHECK NO. DATE .�(D-1-Id MMN ddddl-dtflf-- 00 N 00 00 1.- 00 00 1- 00 (0 00 (U) 00 O)11'1 00000000 1171f) 1!)NNNM1♦7 NNNNddd(0 0000000000000000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N N N N N N NNNNddd00 CO CO CO CO CO 0000W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N N N N N N M M M M M MCI M (0(0(0(0(0(0(00 d d d d d d d d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00000000 M 1 1 M M M M M X X X X X X X X MMMFdMMMM XXXXXX11 wwwwwwww Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z M M M M M M M M 33333333 W W W W W W W W 00000000 J J J J J J J J Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q W W W W W W W W M00MM00•40)d M dMMN1�dM d 00 d d -1(O 1 00 0)000M M1.--IN .-4 .-4.-1.-1 ..( .-1 .--1 .-4.-1 .-.1 • -1 -4 ~ M MMM M O) MM M0) M0)O) M MMMMMMMM \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\ 0 000 CO N (O(O 00 MMM N MOM(OOMMO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\ -4 .-/ ..-1 ..y ...1 .4 ..1 .-1 ...-1.-1 1 ..4 .-1 .-1 •-1 ..-1 -.4-4-4 .-I -1 .-1.-4 .-1.-1 .-4.-4.--1 .-1 K N MMM K .-4 K 0 K d V K MO) K 000 K 00 K K 0) MMM K O K N K NN K NN K MMM 0 N K K 0 000 K 0 K 0 K 00 K 00 K 000 K 0 K WWWWWWWW K (0 (0 (0 0 K (0 K (0 K (O (O K (O (0 K (0 (O (O K (O K (0 (0 (0 (O (O 0 (0 0 K M MMM K M K M K MM K MM K MMM K M K MMMMMMMM 0 M MMM K M K M K MM K MM K MMM K M K MMMMMMMM C7 a CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA * MESSAGE Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECK NO. DATE 50-4632-862-86 508839 10-4201-647-64 111375 8006 (o co co (/) 'i CA to - y co 1 t41 1 0 Co 1 1 1 I I I 'K a a( x x x it x x # it it x is ; A 'K [ x it x x [ if rn rnv '1 MN O 0) 0 00 ^ 00 NetcoNet(o 0000 000000000000 ^^ 11 1 1 1 1 It NNNNNN Net Net(ONet(D 0000 000WWWW GIs. I I I 1 1 I 11 000NNN 0000 MMMMMM 0000 0(O(O(C(O(D NN vvvetety va 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 000000 00 U) lf) I) U1 u) U) 00 10-4204-420-42 50-4632-862-86 45945 *TO -1 0 I I 00 *SO 1 I a0 00 NM et M 1 I OM .-IN 10-4248-520-52 3259 1-.1-- 00 QQ 1Yz 0 F- J Z Z 00 0-V) 00 r-4 N x Y W WOW W 00 WO M M 1-I W 3 V) X a cram » 0) m w W WWXXX a'= W X W WWF-I F-IM w~ N X ccmmmxXX 00 m x iQ 11.. x ANDERSON R 00 00 *Pet rn 0) CO N N WWWWWW 000000 .. QQQQQQ gX WWWWWW MM WWWWWW ...)J > > > > > > W W WWWWWW mmmmmm I-I- V)V) WWWWWW W W 00000o as 1-IMMM1-I I -I (o(o(o(o V)(o MO H F- f- /- F- F- J J WWWWWW 00 QQQQQQ 00 WWWWWW W W x U)OOu)000 1n fee)-+rn1.v (D(O.CtU)00Net 0000.-I0Nr-. I(1MO O 000 000 MOM 00 O 00 ECONOMIC PRESS NN MM ED PHILLIPS & SONS fi 00 00 W LL 00 ff Q Q xx 00 Q 4 Z Z MO-4 00 W W EAGLE ELEVATOR 10-4504-500-50 SUPPLIES EMPLOYEES CLUB 30-4288-782-78 63489 SERVICE CONTRACTS FACILITY SYSTEMS 00 000 00 00 MM NN 000 .clef 00 MM MM O (O (D Woo 00 (u (D MM 0O)O) NN 00 U)U) M 4(4 00 rnrnrn00rn rnrn 0) M MM o) 0) O) \\\.. \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ 000000 (0 00 0 Ln U)(D 0 0 0 N N N N N N NN N N NN N N N \\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ .-1.-1.-1. -4-4 .-I .y .-4.-I -.1 ..1 .y -4-4 -4 .-( .-4.-4 .•I -i .-4 -I 0 et .0 1-nn1`1�f.. x 00 • M x (O z MM 0 (O it U) is N c -i x -I .4 . N N +( N * N : MM it (O : r 0 0 (c W x W x WWWWWW x WW ✓t W is W x WW i( W it W : (L it (O x (O x WWWWWW x (O W 0 (0 x (D is (G CO * (D . (D is (D x M +( M x MMMMMM • MM i M K M ■ MM is M i( M a( M K M x M x MMMMMM K MM • M V M 0 MM x M V M t M 0 CHECK REGISTER * MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION C 0 Z 10-4540-520-52 110127 7703 MATERIALS FRED G ANDERSON cn V) N N Y Y Y 0 0 Y U 0 0 C.) C.)0 U U U U x x 1 4 4 * 4 x -X 4(1c 1t x 4( 4( x 1t 4( I( 1 -•I OO n CO 0 O) N • .A CO ID CO I 1 1 -i -iM CO CO CO I Oast N 0 N -i N CO V a at 1 1 M M M N N N CO 00 1- 40-4248-803-80 28878 28-4248-704-70 6411 0 - J XC0 0 0 V) Q I- 0 V) LJ D 0 000 I-1 F- 0 U) in LI_ V) 0 C C LL Z \ IN 1-1 O N I— Q Q v) a a 0 U 0 W W Q QC.) C C CONTRACTING INC - J 0 GARTNER REFRIG INC. 27-4630-663-66 BEER LINES GEM TAP SERV N CO 29-4248-722-72 25075 Vs C N 0 W C GENE SEARS SUPPLY 30-4201-781-78 PRO SERVICES PAT GREER 10-4318-280-28 SERVICES GOPHER STATE 1 CALL 30-4288-782-78 911107 SERVICE CONTRACT GLEN SIPE PIANO SERV 10-4504-560-56 441764 7578 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOPHER OIL CO. 1t /t it R 4 it K it is 1c WO) 000D1D 00 CO CD 00 00 CO CO 00 00 00 .1 ...I OOMM 00 CI, CO 00 et el' et et 10Ln 00 00 MM et 00) M NN 0000 MM CO CO n� I"- Is. 00 NN N N 0 0 N M .0.0 .•a .-I M CI .-1 • •I W CO M C) LC) LC) -i -•I 1- N N N (D CO 0) aQ I\ Is- Irr CV v0) it In N (O Is - CO N C1.0 000 Is. V9 M tt M N d IALO 1 0 0 Nit 111 I I 0 0 • et In LC) V I I O0 CA V) I- I- CCC ¢ aD_ C C M M Q as LIJ W C C 00 U0 0 N Fi C H H UU W W J J W W Q ¢ CC CO >- } Q¢ C (.7 0 (0 M CO CO ▪ 0) N h .-1 .-4 .-4 .-I -I r1 -I -•I ..y --I .••I .-4 .-I r1 0) O) CO a) 0) O) 0) 0) O) O) 0) 0) 0) C) Q \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ to O 0 (0 c0 N N N NN \ \ \ \\ .-1 -•I .i --I -1 Z 0 tf)Ill (O N N CO O 0 1-1 N N N N N N N N N 0 W \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ W I••- -.1 .i .-I .-1 --/ .-I --1 --I .-I Q..-I .-4 .-1 .-I .-1 .-I --1 .-1 --I u•• 0 r I— 0 - Y 0 1c M M M x CO 1c CO a Ln it 0 1t +c N it ■ n ■ CO CO U II) 4( Is. n n A 0 1c --1 1c —1 u N 1c N * CO 1t st is to a (O CO —I w Li 1t LI- Lc- L1_ K 0 R 0 1c 0 1t 0 « C 1t 0 x 0 * 0 • 0 0 0) 2 (0 1t CO (0 (D is (D is (0 x CO it CO it (D « (0 R (0 K ID 4 CO (D a) U M + M M M < (-) 1t C) 1c C) x co 1c CO x CO 1c CO x CO i CO CO .-I CO 4 CO CO CO a C) 1t CO 1t M 1t CO K C) is CO 1t CO x CO it 01 01 C N 0) 0) 0 t0 00 N O 0 0) N I O. 0o In N V� —1 se /ft.. M 0 M M 2 V 00 1-1 to 1 1 O N et CO O * 0 U100 a 0 0 ••1 M N W 1-1 J 0. 0. N Y Y Y Y Y Y• - Y Y V U U U U U 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 i 4 I * * * * * * * W Q * * * (7 N * 4( it .II < N ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION W 1- N M C7 0 0 W UCC U U 1-t ►-1 O CCCC La/ 1-1•- 2 0 0 U La)W CC J J O WW 0 Z OC C' W Q Q > 00 CO Q Q K cc 0 CITY OF EDINA 10-4156-510-51 INSURANCE GROUP HEALTH PLAN 40-1220-000-00 4074 WATER METERS HYDRO SUPPLY CO 10-4504-560-56 119242 ANTI -FREEZE N U1 .� to n 10-4620-560-56 2507 H&L MESABI N h In 0o N 1-. CO t0 .-1 t0in •et I 1 0 0 t0 at U1 sf 1 1 0o O N tn sf st 1 1 0 .-4 HARMON GLASS FIRST AID SUPPLIES HENN CTY MED CENTER 10-4504-301-30 41450 10-4504-440-44 641486 7188 H Z N W 0 f W J U 0 HEDBERG AGGREGATES HOFFERS INC 10-4504-140-14 128941 NAMEPLATES MARKING DEVICE 10-1145-000-00 HR ADVANCE (A- (1- 0 C S 2 x * x * * x * * * * 1 .4t0•Cr a* Q* in in 00 00 el in 00 co co ** .-II,0 NN *V 0)01 00 00 NN in in .•I.1 .4.1 .-I 1110) •(1 * 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 N N Co co n n CO 00 co co M IA N 00 CO N N 0 0 in Ul .M .-1 00 00 M M M C9 CO CO Z.4 M M st a CO CO N -1.- N .1 C.-f- c10 NN VQ i.-•1.••1 CHECK NO. DATE 10-4256-510-51 035231 7901 HANDSET CORD INTERIOR COM SYS * 0 0 0 at a .-i .4 CO N N .-• N N N N .-I.4 ..1 .y .-1 --I .-4 4.1 .-1 .-1 .y .-1 ti 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) CO 0) 0) Cr) 0) 0) 0) \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (0 t0 co 0 41 N N N 0 N N CO 0 NN N N N N N N N N N N N \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .-1 .y .y .-I .-1 .-1 .-I .-I .-I .y ..4 .-1 ..y ..I r{ ..-1 .-/ .-1 .--I .-1 4--1 ..-I .y .y .-4 .y co co * CO * C) * CO * (O AS .-I * (0 if CO * .-I N * (v) x CO CO * CO * 0 * ' .-I x N * M * M * (p Of 0 * cO * W * Lel 0 C7 * 0 * S * S * 2 * S * S * 2 * 2 2 * S * 1--I CO CO * CO * CO * (0 * (O * (D * co * t0 * co CO * (0 * (O Cr, M it C7 * C) * M * M * M it C) * C) * C) M * Cl * M M C) * C^) * ('') * CO * (`7 * CO * C) * M * M In * C') * M --1 Y <.Y _.Y 0 0 0 W 1 1 1 0 x x x W Q x x x U' 4) +( x x Q 0) M W f N -( • * 00 N 0 0 00 00 1 a -10) (y am -.1 a 00 0 M .-1-I REGISTER CITY OF EDINA > Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECK NO. DATE 0) V) Wee MM W W W a 00 W W 00 1111 00 tXa W W 00 W W Q Q 00 mce Z Z -4-4 00 .-I 0 CO 30-4504-784-78 35714 GENERAL SUPPLIES IDELLES INTER DESN x x x O N N N Y Y Y Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 I x x x x x x x x it x x x f�0 O(0 440 1+ 10 I+ I+ P 1+ 0,4 vv N-( .-4 (0 NN MN '1v (00000)NaN44(04(0(0(00000 v -4 .4 00 NMMMMav U)U)U)(01AU)(01+M0000 (0U) M00 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 0-4NI4000000(0-+t+N-+r+-+ -� 00 4ONNMNVNv(0 4(0(00000a N0M0Mva U)U)U)(0140(0I+M0000 (0(0 M00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 aaa.O.C1 Taa0.4.4, 00 WO00000000000.4000000 00 0Il'1U)U) If) U)0m1f)U) U)01[)1f) 1Amt{') U) (0(0 U)0 vavvvvaaavvvvvvvvv av vv 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 0000000000001+t+0000 MM 00 --1 .-1 -1 .-1 .-1 N N M v 40 NN 10-4604-646-64 18352 10-4508-420-42 00000000)0)00 0000(/)0 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W U.1 Y-IMMMMMMMMMM 1-INMh-I1-41-1 1"1 J J J J J J J J J J J --1-1-1-1-1-1 -.1 0-0.0-0-0-0-0-0.0.0-0-00-MMMaa a aaa0aaaaaaa►-aaaaaa a ______=====a=====_ 0 M 00 J J J J J J J J J J J -1-1-1-1-.1-1 ZZ --) a4aaQQaaQaa=aQQQQa MP-4 J4 a 0 2'a'a'======C==a'==== F-1- W0.' W 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Z Z ›W m 1.-- ZZZZZZZZZZZaZZZZZZ ►44-4 OZ X 0 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW = a N 143 a c7 C7 c7 c7 c7 c7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 a'c7 c7 C7 0 0 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W a QaaQaaaaaaaaaaaaa 333333333333333333 000000000000000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NV) V)(N00000000)000V)(N0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y M►�►)►)►)►)►)►-)►)I )1-)4-)I )17►7 ►7 r) 00 00 Z Z W W I-(N JJ 1-0- Qa Z Z 00 M N wre Mx ma 00 1- F- N0 Qa >- >- _ _ as Ym Ef WW ►-1N rj 1-) 1"),-) JUSTUS LUMBER JOANNA FOOTE 0 a0v 00 1\O)001f)O)N(-)-10)4Ul0Nv0000U)1+4 00000 h01+ NN 0 N 000(0 00 0aMO)-IC)U)M-10ataa Ml!)001+(0O) 0ml[) acDa 1fl1[) 00 (0 -10--1 0M I+tOM-INO)aaNVNa1+O)N00N--I OONO ONN it)U') U) -4 (r) 1n 00 4-4- M -4 -4-4 U) O 00 (-) O M 1- (-) -I 0 (-)1+ -'I 00 O) (+ eve.' -4 -4 N N -4 -I -i .-( 00 -� -I M N a l+ ..4*-4 •--1 .1.-4 --I -'1 .-( •--1 MM 0) O) O) O) O) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) O) 0) O) 0) 0) O) O) O) O MM MM 0) 0) \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ 00 (0 000000000000000000 0(0 NN 0 a) NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NN N N \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ -4 .-t .-4 . ..1.-1 .-4.-4 --4 --1 K ..-4.-4 it -1 x x 0111 it -1 --1 x v x 1+ x (0(0 x (+ x 4')C')M C)(` MM R)MMM(+) C')MMM(")M x MM x atv x 1+ x 0) x F-4 H x 1-4 x 1-) )-) ►) ►) 1') 1-)'7'') 4-) 47 f7 r) I-) 1.7 4-) r] 4- r) x 1-)'-) x 1n 1-) x ") x 1.7 x 00 (0 x (0 x W W CO M (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 t0 (0 (0 x (O (0 x (0 (0 x t0 x (0 x MM x M x M(')C)MC)MC)MMMMMMMMC)MM x MM x MM x M x M x MM x M x MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM x MM x MM x M x M .K 1 1 I 1 0 x K « -X a ME .N NMMO NONNMnNNU)N N M WN(01.--.7MOM N 000-N0) .-I0)NMCD1,nn71*-- M 00 -INS--1�-i.-IMON in M ' N f CD O) (O U) M n 00 N U)tM 00 U) (D (0 MNU) Ul U) M U) U) n 1 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n N O n n n n n n n n N 0 .NnNU) 00 Or- -4 c.J.-10)MI� O 1 a •1VM( MNa7tn MONK nNNNtn (D N MNM.7tn.0V.*1n.-IONIC-IN(D(Dti .0 O "4 ( WW,, 00(O(O ntOn it(D(On(Dnn(D (O 00 CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT NO. 0000.-4nn00000 oova0 0 o, O O O O M N N O O O O O O O O N N O 0 M Z NM a.0.0.0 OVs1vVd.-4WWWW00000 Ni!(D 00 000(D(D(D0000 e7 0-4 40.,:t (D(DCO(Oln(D(D(D(D(D(O(D(O(D4Dnnn4,00 000000 n MMMMIn(nnn .-1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 (OWWW0(O(OWWWNV.7‘7¢1NNNN.--1 NNN -1 OIn0000.0Q 0 NM a .7,4.0W.7.1Vetct►((D(O(D(000000 Nat(D 00 Mn(O(D(D(D0o00 .0 'lmt (D(O(DfDlntO(D(D(D(O(O(O(O(O(OnnnnW 000000 n MMU)U MOI.sn .-1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00(D V.0e7N000da.0.0.0aaae, 000 .-( .00.7000.0V --4 00 000Na0000000000000000 MMM O 000aa7N00 0 MN MMMMMMMW(D(OMMMMMMMMU)U) (O(O(O N MMMM $ (DU)tl) N Vet .7.4"7VdCetdaa.1efQVetdR�asf of.4et s1 s1•7.7a7VVelet .7 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 III I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ON 0000000000Mnnnno00000000 OOO 0 00000000 0 ."1 ."1 ."1 ......... 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M M .N ITEM DESCRIPTION >0 C Z W H F-- Y ¢¢ OM W W F- F- 0 88 0 W w z w > zz zz ¢ Q 00 000 V) N V) WWW W W W 1-41-41-4 H H 1•-( JJJ J J J aaa N Cr a a a aaa I- W a a a 000 ¢ 1 N V) V) OM 2 0000 J JJW J JWWWW J -J ¢¢¢Pik \CC¢HHHH-¢ CC0 Ji4 V)NNW WW JJ JJHHCMa' WW W a¢JJJm0]W aaaa00 W 0W ZZzaa00011ZaaaawWZWZ W WW2W00022W2=22CCWCW 0000CF-4-F-J10000W00000 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 00000000000000000000 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z xXX XXXXYYYYYYYYYYXXX x x I --10(O 00nnMO(OW.00000C)nnM.7(O(DOWWt-- F-U)0 MNMOOOMMMMMM.I•V VnNN.-1N00V) nN(O 0000 '07(OOo.0MnNMM00(0 U) 0)M N M ►iMN n04.-4.7N.N00MMNM M .N(O .N N N N z ^Y� C W M W W W W W W M O O SERVICES LINDA KOZAK NNN V)N WWW WW HNH H 1-I J J J J J aaa(nO as aa.F-f- as O O O C C 0 O V)V)V)¢¢ V)V) as J J J J J N ¢ ¢ ¢ C C ¢ ¢ W CCCHHNCC 0 WWW¢¢F-WW C ZZZaa0ZZ W W W W W¢ W W = 000WWMOO 0 V)V)V)NV)V)V)N F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 =======n 00000000 00000000 aaaaaaaa Z Z Z Z Z z Z z 00000000 N N N N N N N N M33333 - ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ J J J J J J J J x x x LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 0000 (D(O Mtn(000.-1.7N00n N Mill,CM NN 00VMM•ofU)U)(On N .--INO)M MU) 0)M0)0001M00n.0 .0 0M0000 U)In 0o(D.-1t1 n.M nMM 9-1 C.-1 -tin MM M a7V ►/.-/MNN M M(O M N .4 .--1 .-1 .-1.-N ...... -N ..... .-1 .-/ . 4 .--1 H ,N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 0) M M 0) 0) M M M M M M M M 0) Z 1--' NW 00NWWOOWDU)000U)ONNNNN 000 0 NNNNNNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 W \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\ \ W F- .-1 .-1 ...... .N .-1 .-1 .N - .-1 .-I - .N - .N 4 .-1 .-( . 4 . 4 .-1 .-/ .N .N . 1 .--4 .N .N .N -4 .-N Q .N -N ..... -1 ..... --1 -4 .N . 4 -.--1 .--I -4 .--( N..-ON .-i N -1 ...I.--1 -N -/ ..-1 .N .--I LL- 0 Y P- H 0 Y nn .( U1U)MU) U) U1M U) U)M U) U) U)(n U) U) U)Ln U)M * nnn is .-4 r 0000000000000000 4 N 0 .N MM . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM < Ln Ln(!l is 0 u NNNNNNNN « M W '-11--) i( YYYYYYYYYLYYYYYYYYYY * YYY u J . JJJ J JJ JJ u J M 2 LOCO is (O(O(O(D(O(OW(DLD(OW LD(D(O(D(0(D(D(D(D A (O(O(D x (D A (0(O(O(D(O(O(O0 A (0 M 0 M M A M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M x M M M x M 41 M M M M M M M M 41 M N M M +( M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M x M M M a( M * M M M M M M M M x M n 0 U 0 0 0 Hi W C7 W 0 0 < Yn 0- W i *A 40 0) N 0 0 I 0. • 0 > z M CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION i W F M 0 0 z W > 12-4206-434-43 9852 MEETING EXP LEAGUE OF MN CITIES N 0 N 0 U 0 1 1 I K K K .X K -X K K K 23-4201-612-61 PRO SERVICES LEEF BROS. U) CO (0 CO 10-4248-440-44 91113 N 0 0 X Y Y 0 0 0 1 I I ,X K 4 ,X K K K K K 0) I d0W 0 0 •1U)0 I\ M (01,4N- n r-- rn14 1+4•1 U) 0) r1 OW Up4-4W (DM door` MO 1`f`f` 0)0 MMM 4-4 N 4-4.-1.-4 10-4250-644-64 11859 .-i (0 (0(0(0 (0(0 U)U)U) 11 1 1 1 ..(.-I 000 .-1 (0 (0(0(0 WW 000 11 1 1 1 d 00 00 O O ..(0 ddd N U) N U) U) d d a d d I I I I 1 MIs. 000 N N ..( .-I .-I (N W 1--I OW VJ i—H Z0_ WW M 0_ Q Q 00 W M (n 1-4(/5 0 W p-. 1- =d'= M WO 0-(1M Q J WI- QQQ Cl.. >0 aa0_ LU Q 0= WWW C _ < 0- W W W LEAANNS SEW/DECO LINDENSELSER LANDFL 000 Q Q Q MIX= H H H 000 WWW 000 W W W W W W Y Y X U-11. QQQ 00 W1y JJJ Z Z Z Z Z MM 000 J J J J J (000 0)0) 00 00 000 Mr-.NN .-1M 0)0) 00 00 00N0 M00.-IM 0.0 0000 U)U) 00 (Od r( MNO(O NM NN NN (0(0 **MOO 0•-11 .M 4- 0 - N z Q= 2 Q CHECK NO. DATE P18986 7597 10-4540-560-56 REPAIR PARTS. MIDWEST MACHINERY 10-4534-310-30 76034 SWEEPER BROOM MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. 27-4516-661-66 311898 8027 OFFICE SUPPLIES METRO SALES INC NC CO NN Nd CO O 00303 CO CO 030300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N N N N N N Nd(ONNNd(0 0003000300030300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 000 N N N N N M M M M M M M M (O(O(0(0(0(000W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00000000 U ) U)1n4) U) U) U) U) W W W X X X X X WWWI-1MMMM COMM11111 0(0000000 W W W W W W W W J J J J J J J J Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 00000000 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M » » » » Y X X X Y Y Y Y ==WW=WWW K 1 00 00 00000U)000 00 00 d.-(rnU)UIU)Math 00 U)U) Mrs.00NNN0)M(0 0)0) 00 M(MU)N(•)N(•)0000 M M ••I .-( M d U) M M N C) .-I .-1 .-1 .-1 .-I .-1 .. 1 .-I .-1 .-1 .4 .4 —4-4-4-4-4-4 ..I .-I 0) O) 0) m 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) O) 0 0 0) 0) O 0) 01 0) \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\ 0 N (0 0 (0O O N N N 0 (D 00000000 N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\ .4 .-1 .•-1 .y .-1.4 .-1.4.-4 .-( .-( .( .•i .•-I .-I .-•I .4.-4 .-4 .-4 r( .-1 •-( "'I N K .0 K V K 0 (O(0 X (0(0(0 f 00 K N K (0 111rr A M K M K V K U) 00, K (0(0(0 K m i 0 +( 0 00000000 +I J K J K J K J JJ a JJJ K J « Z K f XXXXZX1f t (D K (0 K (0 K (O (O W . (0(0(0 K (0 i( (0 K (0 (0 (0 (D (D (O (0 (0 (0 X M K M K M K M M M ■ M M M K M K M K M M M M M M M M M t M K M K M K M M M K M M M * M K M K M M M M M M M M M X CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA -4 0) .-1 # MESSAGE z N ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 z W 10-3095-000-00 SAC CHARGES METRO WASTE CONTROL V) N 0 0 1 A x A * A x 0) 0 W V OW MO 00 0 W f` f\ 11 N N 0 W � n 11 00 COW (0 (0 V V 11 00 MM 10-4504-510-51 269202 7972 V(0(O(DO V U)00 W 11 1 1 1 0000.-1 V(0(D(D0 V0tf)tf)W 1 1 1 1 1 VV000 00 V N CO 000 (0 If) V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 00000 00 W W J J as V) mow a a N N Q a J J N N W Q Q K ♦-♦- W was-iNN Z Z W W W Q H J *EcrJ J W z z a cc0 0 W W W Q 0 a s 0 (D Q a. l- N z z oo M M N 0) W W o0 zz W W tY K Q Q 0 0 u u f 1 MCGARVEY COFFEE >- Y> J J J J J a a.D.aa a a a a a _ _ _ _ _ N N N N N 00000 1-H1-1-H = = _ _ _ QQaQQ W W W W W MI-(MMN = = O = = 00000 0000 0 XXXXX 0) N 0 0 i * * * * x * 10-4156-510-51 INSURANCE MED CTR HEALTH PLAN 0001,4, MVC)00 oonrWW V C)VWW N1-1,1,, Ntf)C)0V 0VVVV .-403ON.-4 W W W oo W .-i 0) 0 .i .-1 NNNNN 0WC)00) OWWW0 NNVV(O 1\ t` n f\ t` W W W W W 1 1 1 1 1 mil N V V N N N N N N N O WWW W N N V V W n r,1,4,4, WOO WWW 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 NVVNO N N N N N .-100,4V MMMMM 0001f11f) (O(0(D(0(O V V V V V V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W 0 0 0 0 00000 NMMMM 0U)0U)t) N N N N W I-iW W1•-4 J1-1MJ a a a a =aa=4- N== N a 000 N 00) Q WWW W 0 Oa I-1- 1- 1- ZJJZ 1-1•-h F- H Q Q H W W W W W ZWWZH WWW W Q W W Q Q Q Q Q W Z Z W a 0 0 0 X 0 JWWJW 1-40-sMM0-4 0000W ()ouzo J J J J J aaaaa aaaaa _____ 00000 h•1MIHNF-1 azaCCa W WWW W XXXXX zzzzz 00000 N N N N N 00000 z z z z z = = = _ = xxxxx Q Q Q Q Q xxxxx N V) CO Y Y Y U V 0 1 1 i * x * * * * * * * 40-4312-812-80 SEWER SERVICE METRO WASTE CONTROL 0) 0) 0 10-4524-314-30 6962 N a N MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. * * x x x x x * 00 MOM 00 041-V0(DC) 00 0)000)00) (DOVWO0 00 WW 00 V(00 (0(O ('C)tf)U)hV VV (000)NOW MOOWON 00 C)0) NN MM1, MM VNN•-11 M (O(0 VU)•-i1.,WW (D (f)1,. . . 00 0W NN .40)0 N.1, .-4(O0).-10W O)C) (OC)WN0(D NC)VM00 C)C) VV f- ^_1` W 1- N .•i.•i tf10 00 MMNM V NNMV(OC) (0(O 00 z - _ ^ ^ ^ M V C) C) •• 1 .-i co(D .i .-i ZZ1 °•i ~ N N Q N N W F 0 CHECK NO. .-1 --1 .-1 ..i .-i .1 .-1 .4 .-1 .-1 ..1 ..i -.1 .i .-4 .- .-1 .-1 H `--1 .i .--1 M C)0) M C)MM00 0) 0)0)00)0) 0)MO0)0) 0) 0) \ \ \ \ \\\.\\ \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \ \ 0 (0(0 N 00000 0 N(0000 00000 0 0 (V N N N N N N N N N NNNNN N N N N N N N \ \\ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \\\\\ \ \ .-1 ..i .-1 .-1 -i .i .•-1 .-i .y .-i .i .-( -i --( .-1 .-1 .-1 .i .-1 .i .--1 .•-1 .-4 . 4 --1 .-1 .-4 --1 .y .-i -4 N .- 1 .-i .-i .-i --1 .1 .-4 -.1 --1 --1 .y --1 0 * (OW * co MMMMM * V * r-r. r-'-r'- * NNNNN * 11) * N --1 x .-1 --1 * .-1 --I ..i .-1 .-1 .-i * (V * N N N N N * MMMMM * M * V f * Xf * X f1ff1 * E * f11ff * E1f1f * X * X (0 * COW * CO (O (O (0 W (0 * CO * (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 * (0 (O (0 (0 W * (0 * CO M * MM * M MMMMM * M it MMMMM * MMMMM * M * (.) M * MM it M MMMMM * M x MMMMM * MMMMM * M * 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 1 W 1 1 1 1 « 0 * « « « « W < * * « « * 0 N « * « « Q (n a W V V 1 W 0) 00 00 00 (0 0) 0 N V V 0) • ak 0 00 00 1 1+ N I N.N 00 N Ps1 N 0 0 -4 �+ 1 a (0 V V N N n .-1.-1 rn .-1.-1 (0 m CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA -4 0) 0) .1 f Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 z w SUPPLIES MIDWEST CHEM SUPPLY 69 (0(D 0 .y NV(0 VNNNNNNNVVO .4-/ COW (i (0 00 00 00 -4*'* a* Q < < V < _7 (0 (0 (D 11 1 I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 MM o0 ao NNN 0000000(0000 -IM 00 m V N'(0 VNNNNNNMVV0 •.1.-1 (0 (0 M (0 00 00 00 .-4 V V V V V V V V V 40 (0 (0 11 I I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 VV ••-I O NNN V4(0(0(0WWWWmW 00V NN O V MMM ONNNNNNNNN0 00N OO N (n (0(0(0 NNNNNNNNNNN OW V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 11 1 I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 NN O O 000 00000000000 NMM N NN ^I -•I 000 00 Q Q W W MM 00 00 00 Z Z M M X X aQ MM NN WW XX WEED CONTROL MIDWEST AQUA CARE REPAIR PARTS MIDWEST WIRE & STEEL X X X M M M XXX « « « « « nn 0(M 00 00 N00VV NN Is'N 00 0000 M0.40 NN 00.-4 0)0) -4-4 00V0000 00 (0 N -4-I (0(0 .-INN.-1 1- VV VV VOOMt0 Z 0 -r i Q CHECK NO. DATE 0 (1) J WO MO J a00 w u.1 ma z =0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 a W W W W W W W W W a H\ ZZZZZZZZZW (LF m000000000-I QN Q = _ _ = _ _ _ _ = W m 0 Qaaaaaaaa0-f- 00 (0 M N CO N N (n 0 O) (0 U) NO/COMM VVVVIA m VvvvO -4 MMMMW 10-4274-440-44 EXTING MAINT vvvv0 -4 -4 .-1 -4 1- 1 1 1 1 1 0000--I VVVVOO .-4 (.. 1 1 1 1 1 00000 NNNN(0 V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 00000 00000 33333 W W W W W Z Z Z Z Z W W W W W W W W W W W Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ~ H Z Z Z Z Z 00000000000 ww Q mmmmm ccww====wwwa 33 3 m==== QQQaQQQQQQQ 00 Z » »> J J J J J J J J J J J M M 0 m m m m m »»»»»> ix U m=»> JJJJJJJJJJJ \\ 0(n000 J J J J J J J J J J J U U W W W W W W W W W W W Q0 z Z Z Z Z z 00000000000 (O(00000o(O(V U)(!)--10 1001() 00 000NON I-r--U --00M0)Om(0M0) NON 00 NNOV000 IA1-.(0M(OO)(OOMNM-I COMM (0(0 .-1- 4-4tl)00) 0 .-10ONM V--40OO MOON MM NNMNOO) .-1 .-1 0) ...WI .-1 N COW ...4 .1.4 -1 -.4.1 -4 --I M -4 -4 _4 -4 .1 -4 -4--I 0) 0)0) 0) 0) 00)0) M0T00)0)0)00)MM MM M MMMMM \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \\\\\ N OW U) (0 000 0(0(0(0(0(0(0(0(0(00 NN N 00000 N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N NNN N \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \\\\\ .-1 .-1.-1 .-4 -4 .-(..q .-1 .-4.-4 .1 .-4 .1 .1 .-1 .-4 .-1 .-1.-1 -4 .-4 .-4.-1.-4 .-1.-1.-1.-4.-1 ..-4.-4..-I .1 .-1.-1 -4 V « 00(0 * 0 -4 « MMM « 0000000000000000000000 0)0) 0 * 00000 V * V V * I!) 0 * (0 (0 (0 « (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (O (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (1 « 00 00 00 ( 00 (0 * (0 (0 « CO (0 * (0 (0 (0 « (0(0 0 (0 0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 COW CO * (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 M « MM • M M « M M M « M M M M M M M M M M M MM M * MMMMM CO * MM * M M * MMM « MMMMMMMMMMM MM M « MMMMM N W 0 N Y Y U 1 1 R .X R # R R 0.-I.4.-1 O --I * - 0) 0 0) CO M In 1�1sn 0 1 nnn.h 1� N 0 0 V(OLA).. I M LnNNW 1�(D N N(O(ON VV .-1 * --I M C) V NN M M M M M M N N N N .-1 .--I CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA M M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION > Z H (DCOC000 COW 0 VNVV*-IWWW0CooOONV4 NW toNr 1-. W11 CO V11itoWWWWWh1�1.OoWWWW Copp I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 OVVV 00 M 000(DNNVI,.NNN-4M .--1 NN (OCOOopo (0(0 0 VNVV.•1(O(O(DOCOCo00Na(O NW 1$11.. Into op i1Ntn(D(O(DtD(Ont�hDOOOWWW Cop 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Ovvv vo 0 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV V000 OV V u)In1n111WW10W1Inv,u,lnt0M1111n .-I-, I111nLON 1n1n (O NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NN VVVV VV V a VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 0000 00 0 0000MP-- o0000000 00 -iMMM .4.-t V .-1.•1.1"1NNNNNMMV10f to to1n LAM Y Y Y Y U U U 0 1 I 1 I R R R R R R R R R -X R R 0(A(n 0 W W W W H H )-1 H JJ_f J M M O- 0-4-- 0=MM MIX .-1-1--1 J QaQ QW W W W W W Q WZZZ ZO. 0000 OW 0000 Z Z Z Z Y NHHH WM 0 0 0000 ZZ W 0000 as > 3 ZZZZ ZZ XXIX if WATER PURCHASED MPLS FINANCE DEPT. R R R V) (/) V) (AV) C/) V) V) W (/) V) V) V) 4) (n V) QQQQQQQQQQQQQQaQ 0000000000000000 00 ZZ H H 00 1-4H 1-1- d' W W 00 as 40-4252-801-80 POWER/LIGHT 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 QaQaQQQaaaaaaaaa 000(.700(7(7(.70(7(7(7000 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Y Y ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ as ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ NN d HHHF-1HHHHHHHHHHHH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ff z 10-4540-560-56 710904 7582 REPAIR PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS R R R 28-4624-703-70 COST/GOODS SOLD NEBCO DISTRIBUTING V03.•1/Dh 00300 tfV W0).-41(31, .-I U11�MV1V 1�MMM.-10) 000 00 NN 0 CO M V O) .•I t-. N O) 1..N (D h M (O M N OO N .-1.-1 M LO N W OO V O 00 00 40 .-1.-1 M M 0 (OMCOMM toNh 00 NVCoto to t�toVV000)tohoolA(O rnM (O(O MM lf) N(OMM .•4Vu) MM Wtn MOo(DOOMWMNh(OOOVNMW VVM NO,- 00 V 1-- -'I .-4 .-1 M M N (D M M N (O .-1 (fl M M (O .-(.-((O ..I'..1 M Z M Intl) M.-1 N N N LC)i .-1 a W H 0 CHECK NO. .-1 .-1.-1.y .- 1 .y .--1 .-1.-4 .-1 .-1 .-y MMMM O)0) 0) MM0MMMMO)00MMM0O)M 0)0) M M 0) \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \ N(D(O(O NN to to tll (n Mln111MIn111M ONtntotntn MX) 0 0 (y N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N \\\\ \\ \ \\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \ .-1 .-1 .- t --i ri .-i .--1 .-t .-1 .-1 ........ .-1.--t .-1 .- t .•1 .-.1 .--1 .-.1 "1 .-t .-1.-1.-.1.-4 .- t .1 .--t ....... .--I .-1 .4 .•1 .- 1 .-4 .l .•-t .-1 .--1 .--t .-i .•-1 .-I - 4 .•1 .-1 .-1 R 11U) R I-- m m M W CO M 0 pO 00 00 00 0 00 Op 00 W R M M R 40 R .-( R .-1 M0000 • 000 R M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM X .-4.-•4 is --4 R N R M =XX • ff R i XXXMMX=XXXXXXXM X ZZ R Z R Z R Z 0000 R 00 R (O 0000000000000000 R 00 R (O R (O R (0 M M M M R M M R M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M a< M M R M R M R M M M M M R M M R M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M x M M R M R M R M 1 N (n N 0 « W Q « c N + 0 0 M iR (O 0) h 1 1� N 0 0 0) 0 1 0_ N NW -1 * MM 0)O as CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA Z M ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 00 00 1.41` 1 I a V coca 1.44,4 41 a V 00 OM V V 11 00 MM N W M -J a a J i-a M d' Ow W Z CC W 00 0 0 Z Z Z CC W W W W SS 1- H CC M z z to O N lc 0 O) U 1 1 1 « 0 « .I( « « « « « 27-4540-666-66 406020 7720 REPAIR PARTS NO STAR TURF v) cn (n le U U 0 1 I 1 « « « « « it « « a .-InO N N(O(O 00 O 00 NO-4 V 00-4 M 000 O O O 0 a-.-1 Na(O (O(Oao .-1-4-4 00 00 00 M 0 1.. (O (O (O 111 111 111 N N N 00 V M M M N a W (O (O 00 4-4•-14-4 00 00 00 001, (O (0 (O 1 4 1 111 III NNN (O(OV VaV MMM -44-10 NNN (O (O (O (O (0 1n (O (O (O V a V a V V V a V 111 111 1 1 I 000 000 M M M In(0U•)--4--I01 NNN W W W 000 M M !-1 W W W 000 M M M =MCC Q Q a F-HH- (nU)O S S S WWW zzz (n w 000 M --1.-1.-1 J 000 M C/) 0 0 a M 000 0 000 000 J 000 a coca WWW 1-1-1- wwz (nwcn MMw 000 1-1-C7 UUU 000 000 W W W >-» CCOCC: JJJ MMM C.C.C. 1- ►-1- a 0 a DMM ZZZ ONO M CC C WWW 000 1-1-I- M M M W (n (n S S = www aaa z=2 w=c, zzz z z z --1 CO U•) CO 10-4226-301-30 PAGER RENTAL O M a MINN COMM 0•-1.4 r1 O(O(O(O 1 1 1 1 O ...IN -i 0 (O (O (O I 1 1 1 U)Va00 N0000 COLOWLO M V a V 1 1 1 1 MMM M N N N N WO W W MN V) 0 J J w J C.0.M Oa0J V)>>0- N N 0 Y � WJJ(n Oaa W WIi 1-zza CC W W Q_ <000 ZZZ Z 0000 U)(nV)V) Z Z Z Z SS= 0000 1-1MMM z z z f 0000 aaaa zzzz y Y Y 0 U I 1 « « « « « « 27-4504-660-66 153150 7806 GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PRODUCTS N N 00 n 10-4600-420-42 31956 PRINTING OFFSET PRINTING 1 0 WVM 00 0000 -IONM cohOa Mi'1 OMVVN. 00 0 0 MMM 00 00NN N00 W W 0000000 MM 00(ONO inln O 1n 1.•11nM 00-i(OO(O 0--1FW NNO0 Va .-ION1'-0 00 U) a 1-Om 00 N.-4am 441(0N0 M0)1n0o NN NV--410M MM 00 F- CO .-4 ma) 4-1 N M 1� (O W 1n -4 N -4 a V -i Z -- - - in -1-1 N M 2 Q W 4- 0 CHECK NO. ..-4.-1 --( -4-1-4 .-1 .1 . 1 .-4.-1.-1 . 4 -4-4-4-4 --1 -y MM W MMM W W 0) MMM 0) W W W W W 0) \\ \ \\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\\\ \ \ (O(O 0 000 NNW NNN 0 (O(O0(O (`) (O N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N \\ \ \\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\\\ \ \ -4-4 -4-4-4--4-1-4--4 -4. 1- 4 -.1-4-4--4.1 -4 --1 -i - 4 -4 -4-4 .-i -4-4-4 4-4-4-1 -i -4-4.-4-4 -4 -4 « (O(O « 00 « 000000 « NNN « NNN « (O « WWWO) « M M « V « (O (O (O «, 1- n (- « 00 00 00 « 0) is 0 W W 0) « ZZ « Z « ZZZ « ZZZ « ZZZ « Z « ZZZZ « (O (O « (O « (O (O (O « CO CO (O « (O (D (.0« (0 « (O (O U) (D « MM « M « COMM « MMM « MMM « M « MMMM « MM « M « MMM « MMM « MMM « M « MMMM « 1- « V « N « 0 « O « (O « (O « CO « M M « M W a N 0 0 0 y Y Y X X X U 0 V 0 0 1 t ) 1 1 x x * * * * * x x * * * * x x .-1 .';Oo 0) 0 V 0 O >tn N M - M M 00 1 .:.� 00 M 0 M0 N O N n h I...._.� 0 0 M1 a In 0 "N'( * NM MM 0 0 O It CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA .-1 0) Cr) .-1 ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION (N Y Y U U 1 1 it it * x x x Z 1••( .f0in VV0 0 0NV0 NV0 00000000000000 I I I (0 00 00 <: M .-100 00 0 00 00 00 f` 1., n 1. , 1,. /. III „V VD 0 ^^H I IIII III 111111111 .,.,,..� �7V VVO 0 0000 NNN .•1N.•1.-(NNV.-(.•i >. t0 --( (0 N V (0 N V (0 00 00 00 (0 00 00 00 00 00 l0 <n (0 (0 00 m ..-1.00 00 00 00 00 (0 1� i� t� 1� f� 1� 1� h� 1� I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N M° ..1 .•.00 0 (0(0(0(0 NNN 00NQVVVVWW -,7 V 0 0 V N .-(.•-I .r .-I M M M 0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 •-+ --( In I!') NNN (0 NNNN 100(0 NNyIIC)Ifltl')t!)tnO V V VVe V VVVV VVv vvvvvvvaa I I 111 1 I I I I III 111111111 o -I l0 000 0 0000 000 000000000 v -4 "'4 -4 ' M ^(1n u 1n M (n +n MMMMMMMMM BLACK DIRT 00000 WWWWW((N HHHHHWW O JJJJJHH aaaaaJJ )4= UUIr OM*2<<¢¢WW •rl H MMM ¢Oc=a'a'a'a'UU (d Q »Q 4- HHHH a Ca' WLLWWWWWHH 0000 XXX JI•-IZ ZZZZLLLL Q1 W WWW Q 0000 1-11-tF1 1••1 ZWWWWWLLtI t=e 0 (ON= 0. ¢¢¢Q XXX XM0000000 1- aaaaaaa »>=0aa ¢ OWWWN» a 00 0 00 WW0 WiJ JJJJ O .,-f ~I-1- 0000 U 0000000 000 ZZZ QJ 000 ZZZZ HHH a U00 HHHH JJJ QQQQQ¢QQQ O F( O WWW 1111 F-1-1- O:�.C�KC.. U a 0 aaa ► 00 ¢¢¢Q¢¢¢¢¢ M ¢¢¢ Y0YY 0000=z=zMMzzM G 0 000 0000 ¢¢Q¢Q¢QQQ O Q 'u W JJJ HHHH ¢¢ Q 000000000 O M •ri H 3CKC JJJ Z1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z .-i LL ONO 000 000000ZZZ W o ¢¢¢¢ 000 000000000 ZZZ > G Z HHH XIXX V)V)(NV)f/)V)lnff(/) HHH a'a'a'OCa'a' M O MYY al-F-1.NNN WWWWWWWWW WWW MIXtr W ¢Q¢Q aaa 1-1-F-1-I-4-I-1-H -' 0 0 aaa a WWWW WWW WWWWWWWWW 0-0-0.0. aaa 0.00.00-00.00 * * x * * * * 0 00 O X 0000 0000 00000 ('.0)O(0 Or...M nPM.-4NOtnN 0) 00 O 0 0 tntny,0 00 00000 MO0)M I' (-4V-+0(00NO N 0 00 • M • -(0000 -l.-1 00000 000tnV MMM.ti(D M0(ON••i 1- .-1 00 ON to VV01n 00 00000 HOODOO MMMNO)-4MM V Z MMs.sD M N('')0tn M('') 00000 -MN0 M (n •7 - - - M .•1 to N..-1. CHECK NO. DATE .--1 0) \ M 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) G) 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 00 N N 000 0 OUIMO 000 000000000 \ NNN N NNNN NNN NNNNNNNNN \.� \ \ M \ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\\\\ '~ M .-I .y .-1 M - ..y ..1*-4 ..y ..y .-I .y .-I .q ...... ..y .-I - .i .-4 ..y .-4 ..... .-t .y .-4 .y * N. *COW x 00000 x V x N.nNn x 000 * toIntototoInto1P)In x * *('-) M * 000 x -N x NNNN x MMM * MMMMMMMMM x * O *0 0 x aaa x a * 0a0a x 0-0_0- x 0a0aa0000 x ,p (0 * (c (0 0 x (0 * (0 60 0 (0 x 0 (0 (0 * (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (c 0 (D 0 * * (h(')M * M * MMMM * MMM * MMMMMMMMM * M *M M * MMM x M * MMMM x MMM * MMMMMMMMM k V U) fn -. _ N N fn N Y Y <...Y Y 10 U U U U i t 1 I . 0 0 ; a 0 N .( -X 0 ` O. MM NN O) 00 00 1 n n n N 0 0 NCO I a M 00 V U1 N NW 0)O) NN 00 00 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA Z ..• WM 00 1-1 M'f V n 00 11 11 0.1 00 Oo0 00 Vn 00 11 11 00 MM 00 MM VV ^1.-4 11 11 00 OM .-1 M [SIN ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 z W 1 INSURANCE MEDICA CHOICE 00 Z Z 1N M F- F Z Z MM MO- 00 Z 2 MM FF. Z Z H M W a 0_s as M H as W W 2 = 0 O' Q d J J MM 00 00 MCC W W XX Zf 00 as 28-4274-704-70 67374 SHARPENEING PRINTERS SERV INC 0 •( • •( •( 00n0)MO 000000(0V MMM-. < 0000)00 00000 MMMMM NON V(D 00 00 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 1 NNNN N N(DNV(0 0000000000 1 1 1 1 1 0000NNN N N M M M (O(0(O(O4 V V V V V 1 1 1 1 1 00000 M)I!)M1([IMl W W Z Z X X X M M M M M 3EIX rrrrr z Z z Z Z aQQaQ a aaaa X X X Z T 00000 00000 WWWW W ZzzzZ M M M M M 33333 00000 M M M M M aaaaa ZZZ 000 WOO J J J M22 QQd MMM W W W M M M J J J 000 XIM 0 0 X U U 1 1 x •( 00 -1 is. CO nM M V M CO .• CO CO CO CO 00 1 N N (O (O 00 00 I I NN M M COW V V 1 I 00 MM 10-4642-301-30 88 0)MN0.1 00 N 0) N n00n00 O 00 U1 0) Mn00O M1OVM 0000 V 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 O N V V V 00 00 00 Vn)�n 1 1 1 1 VVVV 0000 U1 M1(n M) V V V V 1 1 1 1 0000 .1MMM MOWN W W W W MM1-•M J J J J aaaa aaaa NOON Z- JJ W Q Q Q N 2 rem w w 0www XX 0 I-ZZZ M M S M W W W S X N Y 0 0 0 rr zz ad ags Ou U0 WW O MOWN Z Z S W W W W MM N MMMF-( 3 3 J J J J -- aaaa rr z aaaa F-H M D=M M M 3 NNN N J J Qd 0 ZEXX == W W W W W (o0 a 01:a-KO>: O 00 000 000 00 OOMIVVM MNOU) 0V0) 00 NOM14 0 00 Mn0 000 00 00000NN•1 Nn00) VV00 00 mofrnn 0 00 00 .-1 .-1 ('1 ((1 M1 O V V (O.1 M (!1 01 N M (O 00 n O) O 0) 00 N O 00 00 © DODO OP-.C... MMn 00 N0)(ONNM NM0•-1 NMM1 00 1.n0 0) H M 00 MNM .i•iN .•1.1 N N►1 V NN MVV Z - - 0 MM 0 NN i Q CHECK NO. .-1 r• .1 ..I .r ...1 O) MM OM O) 0 NW 00 N N NN NN N \ \\ \\ \ .-1 .1 .-1 .1 ..1 . 1 -1 --1 ..1 ..1 .-i .1 .( N .1 00 00 . V V x 00 R V i[ V V K COW .,C.- . a • Ma. x Ma. .( 0- . (0 •( (O (0 •( COCO K CO •( M o MM •1 MM .( 0 •( M x MM x MM •1 ('1 rnrn0)0)0 000000 N NNN N • NNNNN x 0000000000 A aaaaa • • MMMMM x MMMM M .1- .1 .. • .1 ..1.1 .-1 0)0)0) 0)0) 0) C)0)0)0) \\\ \\ \ \\\\ 1 1 1 (0 MO N N (0 (O (0 N N N NN N N N N N \\\ \\ \ \\\\ • 1•"1--( --1•-4 .y ..1.1-.1^1 .-1 .-1.1 .-1.--1 •-1--(.(..1 .--4 < 00 00 00 .( COW •( -1 NNN N i M0)0) 0 .-I -1 K N NNNN • aaa i 00 R 0= ixwcem • 4 (D (O x (D (D x (0 (0 4 (O (O x MMM ■ MM A M MMMM • MMM •( MM .( M MMMM In 0 0> 0 N N N Y Y Y Y Y w 0 U` C.)0 C.) 1 1 1 -.I O * * c s( c W Q X * * *. K < o . (1.1 Z - * 0) N 0 0 I O. N 00tn N M U) •M * M ,.,. M M N MOM _.. .1 (4 .-4(0 NNN 40 -4 Mwr M M M Z NNNV(ONNV(0 0 (O _.00 (00(0 00 0000 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M 0 w*^ 445 (1 U) , . 00 16...r. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I NNNNNNNNNI _ 0 0 ON 000 P.N.--MM NNNtr(O(401V(O 0 00 ..: wt0 (0(00O 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "M 0 '' Vt.. N I!) (5 00 1.1. IIIIIIIII 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 00000NNNN r4 0 VV NNN 00 .MM MMMMMMMMM - 0 N 00 .-I--4 00 00 04O0m(OWWWW 0) (O 1.00 (O(O(O MM NN 0 er v v er v v er a a er V er .0.0.0 m M Wt.* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 000000000 0 0 000 0 0 o 4'-1. 00 1.1510 1n In In to In 010 .-/ .M .-4 N .M .- M NN MM 0) 0) 00 n N =NM 000 N CO M ::0)M (003(0 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION (n W F-1 J O. 0 0- W = 0 0 M WWW WW (n> 0 J Z Z Z W W W M W Q M M M W W U W 4YWMWM 00 000 X= >y WWWWWXXXX Z 0 JZ (nu)(n 00 WO WWWWWMI-IMM sEW Q 00 sCOMMWM=XXX i-J nW 0aaa O W W W W W W W W W O 1-)-1-1-1-M-1-1-1- Z (n(n(n(nNNNN(n M M M M M M M M M 000000000 MACHINERY 0 X X X X X X X X X W W W W W W W W W 0 MWMIXWMIXMM * * * M 0004O1f0015u5 00 N OOMM00VW/ U)inlnN OO 4-4 0)O 00N.4Oo(0.yN 00 V I.VVMOMMo)I.00 00 4- V N00000 MNM 4-.n Z - - . = '-4 •' 00(0 0 NN iN CHECK NO. DATE ROAD RESCUE J J J J MM XX m M WM r- H W W COM 00 WM 000 000 J J J M M M 000 000 Z Z Z M M M J J J J J J 000 W M= as 00 00 J J W W 88 > > zz Q Q r> Z Z __ 4Z' 11' J J W W 00 MM W W (4)U) W W Z Z Z Z QQ XX 00 Wet 27-4540-662-66 784750 7817 REPAIR PARTS STERLING ELECTRIC * * * * * * 00 (0O0 VMO►• 000 000 (nu 00 NON V(OO)O) 000 000 ..i.M --4 V(00) 0)O1. 1. N000 (n(O.4 .M- .MM U)N1. V1',.0. 001.V N0)(V VV VV MOO.M.M N(O0) r4 N VM(OV M .-1 .-4 ...4.-4 ..4.-I.-4 .-0-4 ...4.-1 .y MMMMMMMMM 0) 0) 0)0) MOM 00) 00) M \\\\\\\\\ \ \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \ 001.11000000 N 0 NN 000 (0(0 (00 (0 N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N NN NN N \\\\\\\\\ \ \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \ .4 ..4 .-4 .•1 .-M .-4 .-1 .-4.-1 ..M .-4 .-4 .-I .-4 .-I.-4 .-1.-1,-1 .1.-1 ...4 .-4 ..,4 * MMMMMMMMM * (. * 0) it MM * 14)00 R .•.4 .M if 0000 * N * * MMMMMMMMM * V * V * Into * (O(O40 * ht. * 0)0) * 0 * * • :: : 0(000(0(0(00(0 * • (15 * (O * (O(O * (O(0(O * (D(0 * (0(0 * (0 * * MMMMMMMMM * M * M * MM * MMM * MM * MC) * ('5 * * MMMMMMMMM * M * M * MM * MMM * MM * MM * M * CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA # MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION cc 0 0 Z W N 0 N Y Y Y 0 0 U I I I x x x x x x x x x Is 0 NNNN .-4 0 O)NNN 00 0 Vnnn (0 W nnnn 10-4616-560-56 7724 N W CC H SUBURBAN TIRE & AUTO 10-4596-627-62 BAND MUSIC SCHMIDT MUSIC NV(O Ul MMNM .+ V UI I , MV(0(O (0(0MM 0000000 NVNV Mnnn 00000000 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 O N N N N N N N 00000000 N V N V Mnnn 00000000 1 I I I I I I; V V V V O O N N 0000 MMMM UlU)IIIU) (0t0(0t0 V V V V V V V V lull 11 I 1 0000 0000 .iM MM MMUIM NNNN W W W W H H M H J J J J aaaa aaaa 0000 J J J J Q Q Q Q WWWW W W W W ZZZZ W W W W 0000 Y CC W W X X W W H M COMIXX 0000 0000 W W W W • • • • ZZZZ WWWW aaaa ►-f-4.-►- a a a a 0000 0000 HMMH CCzzIX 0000 aaaa W W W W ZZZZ 0000 Q a Q Q H M M M MMMM V)V)V)N KCCYCC 22== ==»MMMM MDM= HHHH » » 0000 NNNN 0000 N V UI UI UI UI UI UI U) V 00)0)0)0)0)0)0) CO 00000000 n VVVVVVVV 27-4540-666-66 4578 REPAIR PARTS SCHARBER & SONS M ifON00) WU) 00)00)000000) M N M N M N N N N N N N N N N N 00000000 M M M M M M M M I I ill I I I 000000(0000000 M M M M M M M M till; I I I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 100M01001I0 V V V V V V V V IMP 1 1 1 I I 00000000 .�.-I-4.y.-...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z Z Z Z Z Z z Q Q Q Q Q < 00V)000 0 WWWWWW W W W W W W W W 00000000 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 00000040 00000000 00000000 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -4-4 M H M H H H 00000000 aaaaaaaa I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 aaaaaaaa V)NNV)V)V)V)N A x x x x R 0000 00 O4004 OO1U)O NN MMMWMN.Oan MM NN OOM 00)O VntO UIM nn I1OM(+lNnm00n NN t0(O ...mop..M0)C^l(O(+I MC•l n(OUI0000)OtOV nn .-1. NN.-1.-1r•1 n00MMM ^I^I 01.11•.4t0UlV000M ►- nn M V Mr••1•-1V ...INNN00N MM Z -- 0 .r .i .-1 .-4 .-I n 2 .-I N CHECK NO. DATE ..I .,4 ....I .,., .4.4..,.4 0) 0) 0)0)0)0) 0)0)0)0) 0 ▪ 0)0)0)0)0)M0)0) \ \ \\\\ \\\\ \ \\\\\\\\ N M 0000 0000 M U)0El)01(100U) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \\\\ \\\\ \ \\\\\\\\ .•I .-4 ..y .• i .-1 M .1 .••I .-4 ..I .-I .-1.-1.-1.-4 -4-4-4-4 .ti 0 .-I x .-I-4.-I.-I x CO CO CO CD x 0) 00000000 .-I .-I x MMMM x MMMM i( M VV¢tVVVVV 0 V) x NNNN x 0000 x (n 00000000 (0 (0 x (0 (0 (0 (0 x (O (0 (0 CD x (0 (0 CO (O (O (0 (O (0 (0 M M x MMMM x MMMM x M M M M MCI M M M M M x MMMM x MMMM K M M M M M M M M M 0 U) 0 Y Y 0 0 0 1 I I .K x x .4 x x x x x 10-4504-470-47 094106 GENERAL SUPPLIES PAUL BOOK H N 10-4201-504-50 112312 HUMAN SERVICES STORE FRONT 10-4572-420-42 268511 7786 AMMUNITION STREICHERS 10-4201-260-26 PRO ENG SERVICES STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSH COW 00 00 00 0000 00 00 VV 0)0) 10M MM 00 VV nn nn 4--n 00 NN 0000 MM •4•••I MM ..I 0) CO a) • 0) 0 (D CO U) N N N N ,.y .•y .-1 .-I .I •-I .-4 .-I x Ul x n x N M x V x CO x t- 4- x N x N x N N A CO x (0 x CO CD . 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W 0‹ JJJJ WWWWWZ =I-IM 0 0V K0=WW 00000X } Q,- )- ( ) 0) U) U) U) F DWM M M WWWW U) WWWWWZ OWW 3 u1Q ZZZZ WWWW O 00000W WM (0 0) MO 00000 M OOOOOF MX H-F-1- W W W JJ J 000 > > > W W W S S S 0 000 z aaa > MMM WW » > MMM 0 M0= 0- WOO U) t NOMIl1 M 00 (0 A 00000 F• ('14)1P M Z N 0 f CHECK NO. t M M O O 0) 0) M M > Y J J as 0.0- MM 0 U) XX W W 1- 4- 00 WO t 000 M O M 0) N -1 MAM M --i - -/ M r1 -i M O) 0) O) OM \\\ \ \\ (ONO N NN N N N N NN \\\ \ \\ t A A A t A A A t U)U)U) t (O(O(0 t M M M t MMM Hh-FI- W W W W 0000 WWWW aaa,- TERRY ANN SALES CO t t M--1VAIn MU) V.-1O0)O AA 00 O V 0) M 00 N N 00 N (0 WC* - 1 -1 2 2 SS S 2 ,-,-,-,-,-,- 3333WWWWWW 33 000000 = 2 = 11111E 000000 t 1 1 0000000 .-1 V .-(- .-(W O VVVVV00 O)0WWO)M00 A A A A A A -1 -4 -i .-1 -i 00)OM 0) 000000 \\\\ \ \\\\\\ 0000 (0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \\\\ \ \\\\\\ --1-y -y -i .-1 t NN t 00000000 it 0 t MMMMMM A +( 0)O) t 0000 t -i it MM-1.-1-i--/ U) it (n V) t 1- F-1- 4 - t - F- tF-)- (D t :.:: COCID t (O (0 (0 (0 t ;. 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I- =0 x 00 x = x 00 + 0=0=000=000 ■ WW c 10 (O A CO x COW . COW I( CO . COW 4 (0 (O (0 (0 W (0 (0 (O (0 (O (O 4 MM * MM . M . MM R MM .. M K MM . MMMMMMMMMMM • MM 4 MM 4 M 4 MM x MM . M I( MM * MMMMMMMMMMM 0 N N (R 0 0 (NI Y Y Y Y Y C) 0 c3 0 U W 1 1 1 1 1 0 x x x A x w < it it x x A.... 0 (N x x x x x < (n a w f CHECK REGISTER z ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 z > (N W M J a a N VAN PAPER CO. M • !0 e A 0 60-1300-020-20 CONSTRUCTION VANTAGE ELECTRIC I:D A 0 A V) C4 4 x .x x x x x .(D1(4 MM AA V 0 4 CO A M a M V .-IO0 00) M ;' M M M 0 0 000000 AA 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 IA (0 ONNN VV (o V N 000003 m(O (O O IAA AA 4O(O 0 0 0000 NN 1A M IA IA IA IA (0(O V V ***et V. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 0 0000 AA (V .-1 .-IMMM NN VERSATILE VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS VINCENT METALS CCOCW W W WW 0000 ZZZZ 1-4 I•4 111.4 aaaa CCCC* 0000 3333 3333 5S 1-1- Xf ZZ 00 00 00 00 33 co co A 10-4504-325-30 2864 GENERAL SUPPLIES. 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U.W.. La. U. U. LLLL CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 z H H } O Jd'Z CC H Q o < - N lL a oz 0 w z xz= -0 OowCH O w O Q C >- N 01-- ix = O] 1-r E 01- z J w o N 1-41-400Z Dr-F-1•10 w o N J 0 J J J J J Q Q Q Q Q Fr-HHH 00000 Hf-f-1-H 0 0 0 .••1 O o 0 mwrvulcC z w 0 0 0 0 0 J > zzzzz < 00000 4- wLL.www 0 CHECK NO. DATE AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 16, 1991 ROLLCALL RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - Jean Rifley ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - Adoption of Consent Agenda Items is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk (*) and in bold print are Consent Agenda Items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of December 2, 1991 II. PAYMENT OF HRA CLAIMS III. RESOLUTION - Authorizing HRA Officers to Sign Documents Relating to Lot Division South Edina Development Addition (Council Agenda Item III.E) III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Special Meetings of November 30 and December 4, 1991 and Regular Meeting of November 18, 1991 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS/ALLEY VACATION Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer and Park & Recreation Director. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass if improvement has been petitioned for; 4/5 favorable rollcall vote required if no petition. Alley Vacation - action by resolution; 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A Permanent Street Surfacing with Curb & Gutter Improvement No. BA-297 - York Avenue - W. 54th Street to W. 55th Street Permanent Street Surfacing with Curb & Gutter Improvement No. BA-297A - York Avenue - W. 54th Street to 200' south B. Vacation of Alley - Between 5411 Zenith and 5408 York (Contd from 11/18/91) C. Tree Trimming Project TT-92/93 - An area bounded by Highway 100 on the East, Vernon Avenue on the South, Highway 169 on the West and the northern City boundary line on the North III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Appeal of Board of Appeals Decision - Lot Coverage Variance, 6510 Gleason Court (Continued from 12/02/91) B. Final Development Plan - 5036 France Avenue So - Burnet Realty C. Preliminary Plat Approval - Peter Andrea 1st Addition - 6996 Valley View Rd D. Lot Division - R.L.S. Nos. 1171, 1366 and 1466 - Galleria E. Lot Division - South Edina Development Addition - 7401, 7433-99, 7501 and 7551 France Avenue So. Agenda Edina City Council December 16, 1991 Page 2 IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. Tree Trimming (Contd from 12/2/91) B. Removal of Diseased Trees (Contd from 12/2/91) C. Emergency Repair of Squad Car D. (2) 1/2 Ton Pickup Trucks - Street Dept E. (1) 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck - Utilities F. (1) 4-Wheel Drive Pickup Truck - Utilities G. (1) 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck - Park Dept VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 12/10/91 B. Edina Foundation Audit Report C. EGAA - Alternative Fund Raising D. Petition - Public Dance Permit - New Year's Eve E. Appointment to Community Health Services Advisory Committee (Turner vacancy) F. Set Date - I-494 EIS Report (02/03/92) G. Park and Recreation Fees H. Petition - Alley Lighting - 5900 Block between Zenith Av and Abbott Av I. Resolution - 1992 Recycling Funding From Hennepin County J. Election Judges - Special Primary and Special Election VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES A. 1991 Wetlands Conservation Act - Local Government Authority B. Metropolitan Council Water Management Policy C. Update - I-494 Corridor Commission TDM Ordinance VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 12/16/91: Total $1,724,343.30 and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 11/30/91: Total $459,806.33 Tues Dec 24 Wed Dec 25 Mon Dec 30 Tues Dec 31 Wed Jan 1 Mon Jan 6 Sat Jan 18 Mon Jan 20 Tues Jan 21 Sat Feb 1 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS CHRISTMAS EVE DAY - CITY HALL CLOSES AT NOON CHRISTMAS DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Year End Council Meeting NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY - CITY HALL CLOSES AT NOON NEW YEAR'S DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Regular Council Meeting Codification Work Session MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Regular Council Meeting Codification Work Session 5:00 P.M. Mgrs Conf Room 7:00 P.M. Council Roorr' 8:00 A.M. Arneson Acre_ 7:00 P.M. Council Room 8:00 A.M. Arneson Acres RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Jean Rifley has served the residents of the City of Edina as Board Member of South Hennepin Human Services Council since 1985; and WHEREAS, she has also served on the Human Services Coordinating Council, the Senior Community Services Board, the Edina Human Relations Commission; and WHEREAS, Jean Rifley was the original Board Member of Friends of H.O.M.E. (Household and Outside Maintenance for the Elderly); and WHEREAS, she has been particularly sensitive to the area of human services in Edina as evidenced by her activities in the various organizations in which she has been involved; and WHEREAS, Jean Rifley is held in high esteem by the residents of the City of Edina, as well as Members of the City Council and City staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council, the City staff and all the residents of Edina hereby express their thanks and appreciation to JEAN RIFLEY for her tireless efforts in and sincere dedication to making the City of Edina an outstanding community. ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1991. MAYOR MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DECEMBER 2, 1991 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the HRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1991, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve HRA Minutes of November 18, 1991. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve payment of the claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 2, 1991, and consisting of one page totalling $22,121.40. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: HRA GORDON L. HUGHES DECEMBER 16, 1991 Subject: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HRA OFFICERS TO SIGN DOCUMENTS RELATING TO LOT DIVISION - SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action HRA III. To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Authorize Resolution Info/Background: The common lot line separating Centennial Lakes Park and the Centennial Lakes Plaza Development, was platted prior to the final design of the Centennial Lakes Plaza Building. Following construction, it was determined that the building had encroached in several areas into the property owned by the HRA. These encroachments have been highlighted on the attached graphic. Our existing easement agreements and covenants agreements recognize and give approval to minor encroachments of this nature. However, the owner of the property wishes to formalize the encroachments through a replat in order to provide clear title for the property. In order to effect this replat, the HRA will have to join in several documents transferring the encroached property from the HRA to the property owner. It should be noted that the property owner has already reimbursed REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - HRA South Edina Development Addition December 16, 1991 Page two the HRA for the land cost associated with these encroachments in that they were determined prior to the issuance of the certificate of completion for the Centennial Lakes Plaza Building. Staff can see no adverse consequence to the HRA, relative to the requested transfer; we therefore recommend authorization of the necessary documents. 90'f5v 10.6 L.g9=9 • A6 //-- 5 .1 •5 fZ •pZ G�rO ,�P / i oa1 '9/: MS f/L /L MS aul ;o \1. / - Z/l 1503 aul to aml 1saM aN Puo •Z/L aaM au) 10 awl 3so3' z ss \ LZ'£0£ os•zsz=a .a£,L�.ss=v ' LC •00S 'b/t MS io aun 12o3 241 uU+ Ia!IOJod aun O E— O 0 O SEE DE TAIL A ri � I 7_ EN m N 6 i• 20 3.0S 49 E. �P N 69 YO0)T Zgo •n 6•( •62.8 c� '<o; W ' W N _P I _ m ` Z LN3Y135V3 I I -:-- - �Lnun 'r 3OVNwaa - M .SC.Bf.ZB N . I p - _ CZ let / - M .6S.531.6B S '3 m W u cn l 0 `i_ L. 00'Ott 1 1 l .1.i O =- M .6S.9L.68 S t oo'SC� 00'0LS e N 0 0 b o; ,gZ z gSg 99.661 `y 3. 8g:,SZesB ',9 S O� _ £s'Lti ��'sOO ---,:-P‘. • O• ON 1I \ V • O z O ' a n' -----1 N Z e N • O w n .r or) p I 1 V W m ^o I I mun W N cn y G I I arm I I ao C 1 1 z II II .00, r eoi o^ o r \ O • L. 1 _ 0 0 O rn t8173 3 .65.83.69 N 63'24)33• E\ 1N3M13SV3 J . ri kLnun A 30YNIVdC L 1 J . L 1 J / \ r— Z = `W V 0z < O Q W h W Jt'4 V = N F m 7 N W ZN F ao O 2 ' 0-& < Z o W a W 4 3 0 —_ W W i — W d O O WC co In /� 191140 0 a a. o 37-.5 a� l �� RL g.025$ N vz �= �e2 •._ z 8o doN 5 0\ 0 J oo'ott T T oo'St•t _ 1'J S l'8L 3 .SL,SSe6g S CHECK REGISTER CITY OF EDINA HRA # MESSAGE ACCOUNT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 Z W 01-4302-133-12 PARTNERS FOR SENIOR N N (/) Y Y Y O 0 0 1 1 « « « « « « « « « 01-4218-132-12 258278 DORSEY & WHITNEY if 01-1390-132-12 2476 PARK IMPROVEMENTS OLYMPIC POOLS FUND 01 TOTAL frr, CO CO 00 M CO CO O) O) 0) 0) In (D CO 1- N. ct 0) CO CO n n N N CO 1- ^1 ..1 0 0 u1 u•) 1.... Z _ _ _ _ 0 .cta 00 eT O.-1.-1 .-1 .•i N X CHECK NO. DATE -4 .-1 ..1 0) 0) 0) \ \ r'1 .-1 .y N N N O « (0 « (0 « O « M « CO « • « N. « N. « 0 « 0 « 0 « u) « In « In « « M « M « 24,769.53 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 30, 1991 A special meeting of the Edina City Council was held on November 30, 1991, at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of considering an application for a public dance permit for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, 5125 Industrial Boulevard. Minutes thereof are written in summary form. ROLLCALL Present were Members Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. Staff attending were Manager Rosland and Chief Swanson. Mile Palm, applicant, was also present. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REVIEWED Mayor Richards said this meeting was held in response to a new application for a public dance permit for Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe, 5125 Industrial Boulevard. A final draft of Exhibit A - Terms and Conditions to City of Edina License to be considered by the Council in connection with issuance of the permit has been prepared by staff, with a copy to the applicant, as directed by Council at the Special Meeting held on November 23, 1991. Manager Rosland and Chief Swanson affirmed that the document incorporates all terms and conditions necessary for orderly conduct of the dances upon issuance of the permit. Mike Palm, applicant, advised the Council that he has hired the required security officers who are familiar with this type of event. Because of concern about the previous disk jockey, another individual has been hired for that position. He spoke to the following terms and conditions listed in Exhibit A: 1. Item 2.e. - Mandatory coat and hat check. Hats were added on recommendation of a security officer and should be no issue. 2. Item 2.d.(5) - No waiting lines permitted once total number of persons inside reaches posted fire limit. Logistically, this may be difficult and suggested a buffer of four or five individuals. 3. Item 3.g. - No smoking shall be allowed in the building. This is understood as pertaining to the dance only, not to the restaurant operation. In reference to item 2. above, Chief Swanson said the intent of the Police Department would be to monitor the dances based on the condition that no waiting lines will be permitted as stated in Exhibit A. Member Rice commented that the conditions that have been negotiated and set out in Exhibit A is what he would be voting on for issuance of the permit. Further, that he would not hesitate to revoke the permit or grant a renewal if there are any further problems. He reiterated his concern that the building is not appropriate for the dances. Mayor Richards observed that he appreciated different lifestyles, environments, and attitudes. However, the Council has an obligation to set rules of conduct for events in the Edina community. Once set, those rules become the standard under which the activity must be conducted. Mr. Palm reiterated his intent and interest to develop a friendship with the youth and to keep them off the streets. However, he said he has been discouraged and aggravated by the lack of support and cooperation from City Hall and the Police Department. He recalled the events of early October which resulted in a permit not being issued for a dance on October 5, 1991, and subsequent loss of ticket sales. Loss of that income as well as not being able to have a dance on November 23, 1991, because of the change in rules is the responsibility of the City. Mayor Richards asked if the intent was to file a claim against the City. Mr. Palm responded that, at this point, he did not know because he was not sure of the procedure he would have to go through. He said he did appreciate the process and the efforts of the Council to meet at the three special meetings which allowed him the chance to be heard on all the issues. COUNCIL ACTION Mayor Richards moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that it finds that License No. 14031 issued to Arnold's Hot Rosa Music Cafe on October 7, 1991 was improperly issued and is void; RESOLVED FURTHER that the Edina City Council hereby grants a new permit pursuant to Ordinance No. 201 to Arnold's Hot Roxx Music Cafe on the Terms and Conditions reviewed and approved by the Council as stated in Exhibit A to be attached to such permit, subject to receipt by the City Clerk of the proper application and other documents required by Ordinance No. 201 for the issuance of a permit; RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Clerk is authorized to issue a new permit for a public dance at 5125 Industrial Boulevard, subject to those terms and conditions approved by the Council; RESOLVED FURTHER that a new subsection be added to item 5. of the Terms and Conditions as follows: c. Issuance of this License shall be subject to further review for modification as deemed necessary by the Edina City Council on December 2, 1991. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 A.M. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 4, 1991 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus and Mayor Richards. Members Rice and Smith were absent. TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING CONCLUDED: 1992 BUDGET ADOPTED Mayor Richards stated that this was a reconvened meeting of the Truth in Taxation hearing to solicit further public comment on the proposed property tax increase in the 1992 Budget for the City of Edina and to adopt the 1992 Budget. Public testimony had been given at the meeting held on November 18, 1991. It was noted that written comments had been received from Louise B. Paske, 4401 Valley View Road, Apt LL1; Betty W. Johnson, 4401 Valley View Road, Apt LL2; and James and Pam Aagaard, 5313 Halifax Avenue. No further public comment was heard. The proposed 1992 Budget included an increase in City funded health insurance benefits of $30.00 per month. As requested by the Council, Manager Rosland presented additional information relating to the proposed health care costs. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the benefit increase was reasonable based upon comparisons with other cities. Member Paulus introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1992, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1992 PAYABLE IN 1992 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1992 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth, and funds are hereby appropriated therefor. GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 60,250 Administration 579,141 Planning 218,431 Finance 344,727 Election 94,650 Assessing 376,898 Legal and Court Services 330,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 119,222 Engineering 426,009 Highways 2,687,422 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 2,004,097 $ 3,232,653 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police 3,608,682 Civilian Defense 27,761 Animal Control 57,482 Fire 2,119,869 Public Health 324,280 Inspection 265,819 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 6,403,893 PARK DEPARTMENT Administration 382,700 Recreation 116,750 Maintenance 1,216,324 TOTAL PARK DEPARTMENT $ 1,715,774 NON -DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies $ 60,000 Special Assessments on City Property 45,000 Capital Plan Appropriation 117,000 Commissions and Special Projects 239,528 TOTAL NON -DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES $ 461,528 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $13,817,945 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby proposed as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND Licenses and Permits $ 778,284 Municipal Court Fines 495,000 Department Service Charges 911,000 Other 213,800 Transfer from Liquor Fund 380,000 Income on Investments 80,000 Aid - Other Agencies 283,100 Police Aid 220,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 3,361,184 Section 3. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: FOR GENERAL FUND $10,456,761 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Richards Resolution adopted. Motion for adjournment was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Paulus. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 18, 1991 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Richards. GIRL SCOUTS INTRODUCED FROM CONCORD AND HIGHLAND SCHOOLS Mayor Richards introduced and welcomed Girl Scout Troop 877, from Concord and Highland Elementary Schools, who are working on their Junior Citizen Badges. TRUTH IN TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING HELD FOR THE 1992 BUDGET Pursuant to published notice given, a public hearing was conducted on the proposed property tax increase in the 1992 Budget for the City of Edina, as mandated by truth in taxation legislation. Mayor Richards stated that the focus of the hearing would be on two issues: 1) Proposed City Budget for 1992, and 2) Impact of Budget on levying of taxes to be collected in 1992 if adopted as proposed. He urged residents with questions about or objections to the market value of their homes to appear before the Board of Review which would meet on April 27, 1992. Mayor Richards then gave the following background information. Staff had established budget assumptions for 1992 totalling $13,817,945 that they felt would be applicable, which included capital expenditures, wages based upon inflation and central services. No new programs were proposed. The proposed General Fund total expenditures for 1992 represented a 1.77% increase over 1991. The Council then had reviewed each line item in the proposed Budget, made changes and tentatively accepted it for the purpose of holding this public hearing. If the proposed 1992 Budget is adopted, the proposed real estate tax levy would be $9,825,625. This would be a decrease of $185,282 or 1.85% from the tax levied and collected for 1991. Mayor Richards opened the hearing for public comment. The following residents spoke to the proposed 1992 Budget: Mr./Mrs. Dionysios Giannakakis, 5508 France Avenue (owners of homes at 3935/37 West 49 1/2 Street; Kathy Iverson, 5410 York Avenue; Ted Dean, owner of 3925/27 West 49th Street; Charlie Snyder, 5501 Wooddale; and Al Wendt, 7401 West Shore Drive. Comments or questions voiced included: staffing at Centennial Lakes Park, the minimal increase of the 1991 Budget should be commended, is City exploring all avenues to reduce expenditures, what pressure is put on the system to actually affect the reduction of expenditures, and how does Edina compare with surrounding communities on local government aid received. Robert Kojetin, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained that the Centennial Lakes/Edinborough Parks programs are managed by a combined staff, funding for which is provided by fees from the surrounding residential units all of which are part of that tax increment district. Additional funding comes from the interest on the developer's fund. Mayor Richards explained that the City of Edina does not institute new programs and is very traditional in delivery of services. He explained that one budget item yet to be resolved is a possible increase in employee health benefits. In recent years the City of Edina has received no local government aid. As to surrounding cities, Minnetonka, Richfield,and Eden Prairie receive very little. Some funds will be received from the Homestead Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA). The funds Edina has received has been used to keep taxes at the level proposed. It was noted that written comments were received from: Thomas 0. Moe, 5316 Dundee Road; Paul Gauro, 302 Harrison Av. S., Donald Geesaman, 4606 Drexel Av.; Griffin J. Baker, 6312 St. Johns Av.; and Muriel Erickson, 4401 Parklawn #101, opposing any increase in property taxes to fund the proposed budget. Bob Ryder, 5509 Grove St., commended Council for only a 2% tax increase. No further comment being heard, Mayor Richards announced that the hearing would be continued to December 4, 1991 at which time the 1992 Budget would be formally adopted. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN 5408 YORK AND 5411 ZENITH CONTINUED TO 12/16/91: HEARING DATE OF 12/16/91 SET FOR YORK AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Engineer Hoffman recalled that the request to vacate a portion of unconstructed alley behind 5408 York Avenue was continued from the meeting of November 4, 1991, so that all affected property owners/residents could be noticed that the Council will look at all access options for that area. Engineer Hoffman explained that all properties on the east side of York from West 55th to West 54th Street have an improved alley servicing their properties. York Avenue from West 55th Street north to the north property line of 5411 York has an improved street. The properties to the north of this point use an unimproved driveway on the York Avenue right of way to access their properties. West 54th Street until recently was a gravel roadway. This summer City crews took milled bituminous material from the 50th and France area and spread it on West 54th to somewhat improve the street. He showed a graphic outlining the flood plain boundary along Minnehaha Creek and pointed out that the property at 5411 Zenith is within the flood plain. If that house were to burn or be removed, it would be questionable whether a building permit for a new structure could be issued. Other issues in the neighborhood include non -conforming lot sizes, setback problems and a garage that is partially located off the property. An expenditure of approximately $40,000 to $70,000 would bring the street system up to public standards, resulting in a estimated assessment of $5,000 to $10,000 per lot, depending upon the extent of the improvement. If the alley were vacated as requested, the City should retain the right to maintain the City's sanitary sewer line and also the right of the public utility companies to maintain their service lines. Engineer Hoffman said given all the issues in the neighborhood, staff would recommend dealing with the vacation of the unconstructed alley west of York Avenue as one project, and to conduct public hearings on the public improvement issues as to York Avenue and West 54th Street if it so desired. Mayor Richards reiterated that the specific issue is the vacation of the alley between 5408 York and 5411 Zenith and opened the hearing to public comment. Public Comment Bob Christianson, attorney, representing M.J. Coyne of 5405 York Avenue, said there are more issues in the area than just the vacation of the subject alleyway. He suggested that a public hearing be scheduled to deal with the entire area. Tim and Cindy Mulnrennan, 5420 York Avenue, presented a petition signed by residents on the 5400 block of York Avenue stating that they opposed the possibility of making York Avenue a through street which would incur a substantial assessment on their properties. They would like the area cleaned up (i.e. randomly parked vehicles) and want it to remain a quiet neighborhood. Mike Menzel, 5410 York Avenue, also spoke to the petition in opposition to York Avenue becoming a through street. Further, that the problem of the randomly parked cars and/or abandoned car should be addressed. Chief Swanson responded that upon complaint questionable vehicles are investigated and the ordinance enforced if they are found to be inoperable. Council Comment/Action In response to Member Paulus, Attorney Erickson said that in order to vacate the alleyway, the City has to make an affirmative finding that it is no longer needed for a public purpose. The fact that the City has no foreseeable use for it does not mean it is abandoned. If the Council decides to open it, it could be used for a public street. It would maintain its legal status as a public easement even though it is not used. Member Paulus commented that she would not support vacating a small portion of the alley to serve an individual owner. It was noted that the proponent was not present to speak to the request. Mayor Richards called for a motion on the request to vacate the alley between 5408 York and 5411 Zenith. No motion was offered. Mayor Richards then asked for Council comment on scheduling a public hearing for the purpose of considering improving York Avenue from 55th Street to 54th Street. Member Smith commented that it is not Council's responsibility to identify areas that need improvement. If residents in the area want to petition for a hearing they should do so. Mayor Richards observed that he would support a public hearing to consider improvements to York Avenue from West 55th to West 54th Street because it would get the residents in to talk about the subject area. Member Smith made a motion to set a hearing date of December 16, 1991, to consider possible alternatives for York Avenue from West 55th to West 54th Street and to continue the hearing on the request for subject alley vacation to December 16, 1991. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1122 (REPEALING CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE AND RELIEF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT) ADOPTED ON SECOND READING Member Kelly moved Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1122 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1122 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 1121, AND CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, ORDINANCE NO. 1121-Al, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE CATV RELIEF ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, AND RESTRUCTURING THE MANNER IN WHICH LOCAL PROGRAMMING IS FUNDED. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the "Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance." Sec. 2 Background and Purpose. In 1984, Grantee requested that the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ("SWSCC") and Member Cities substantially restructure certain aspects of the Franchise in response to the serious financial difficulties experienced by the Grantee. The Member Cities enacted the CATV Relief Ordinance and the SWSCC and the Member Cities entered into the Performance Agreement in response to Grantee's request. The result was to reduce Grantee; Local Programming Obligations and Franchise Fee requirement, provide Grantee with an incentive to refinance its debt obligation and increase the involvement of the SWSCC and Member Cities in funding Local Programming Obligations and monitoring Grantee's performance. The CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment was enacted in 1988 as a part of the transfer of control of Grantee and resulted in the continuance of the CATV Relief Ordinance with some modification. In 1990, Grantee petitioned SWSCC to extend the provisions of the CATV Relief Ordinance and CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment (collectively "Relief Ordinances") through the term of the franchise. The SWSCC and Grantee reviewed the request through a series of meetings of the SWSCC operating committee and commission. The SWSCC, Member Cities and Grantee concur that the implementation of the Relief Ordinances has contributed to the achievement of the original goal of the SWSCC and its Member Cities: stabilizing and improving the financial condition of the Grantee. As a result, certain SWSCC oversight responsibilities and reporting requirements imposed by the Relief Ordinances and Performance Agreement are no longer necessary. The SWSCC and Grantee also concur that certain changes in the usage of channels on the cable system and the provision of access programming, community access programming and local origination programming (collectively "Local Programming") resulted in a channel line-up including more satellite programming services than originally proposed by Grantee, as well as focusing Local Programming channels so as to better serve the Member Cities. The resulting programming line-up provides diversity and appeal to CATV subscribers while maintaining a strong Local Programming component. It was agreed that the mix and level of satellite services and Local Programming should be continued. Finally, it was determined that since Grantee had improved and stabilized its financial condition, it should assume full responsibility for funding Local Programming as was contemplated at the time of the Franchise award. Since the SWSCC will no longer be a direct participant in the funding of Local Programming, it was determined that the role of the SWSCC in the oversight of Local Programming should be restructured. The SWSCC has adopted a resolution approving the modification and extension of certain provisions of the Relief Ordinances and related documents ("SWSCC Resolution"). Each of the Member Cities must also adopt a similar Resolution. This Ordinance will be effective only if the terms of the SWSCC Resolution are satisfied and Grantee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Ordinance through the execution of an Acceptance Agreement. Sec. 3. Relationship to Cable Communications Ordinance. This Ordinance does not permanently amend any provision of the Cable Communications Ordinance (the "Franchise") but provides that certain provisions of that ordinance are modified for a period of time as provided herein. Except as expressly modified in this Ordinance and related agreements entered into pursuant to this Ordinance, the provisions of the Franchise remain in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the Franchise or offering and any provision of this Ordinance, the Restated Performance Agreement or any other document entered into pursuant to this Ordinance, the provision of this Ordinance, the Restated Performance Agreement or said document entered into pursuant to this Ordinance shall be controlling so long as this ordinance remains in effect. Sec. 4. Definitions. Subd. 1. The definitions in the Franchise also apply to this Subd. 2. In addition, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given them: (1) "Franchise" means the Cable Communications Ordinance as now or hereafter amended. (2) "Local Programming" means access, community access and/or local origination programming as set forth in the Restated Performance Agreement. (3) "Local Programming Obligations" means Grantee's Ordinance. obligations under the Franchise and the Offering for cablecast access, community access and local origination programming. (4) "News Show" means that show produced by Grantee pursuant to an Agreement with the SWSCC dated January 23, 1991. (5) "Relief Ordinances" means the CATV Relief Ordinance as modified by the CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment. (6) "Restated Performance Agreement" means that contractual agreement between Grantee, City and SWSCC establishing the terms and conditions under which Grantee will be required to fund and otherwise fulfill its Local Programming requirements and establishing reporting standards and criteria for Franchise compliance in other areas. (7) "Restructured Local Programming Obligations" means Grantee's access, community access and local origination programming obligations as set forth in the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance and the Restated Performance Agreement. Compliance with the Restructured Local Programming Obligations shall supersede and be in complete satisfaction of the Local Programming Obligations. Sec. 5. Repeal of Relief Ordinances. This Ordinance hereby repeals the CATV Relief Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1121 and the CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment, Ordinance No. 1121-Al effective August 1, 1992. Through July 31, 1992, the provisions of the Relief Ordinances shall remain in effect unless specifically superseded by this Ordinance. Due to a typographical error, Section 6, Subdivision 1 of the CATV Relief Ordinance Amendment stated an Automatic Termination date of March 1, 1991. The correct date to be referred to is March 1, 1992. Sec. 6. Financial Terms. While this Ordinance is in effect the obligations of Grantee are modified to the extent provided in this section. Subd. 1. Franchise Fees - Percentage. The annual franchise fee shall be 5% of Gross Revenues payable as follows. An annual franchise fee of 4% shall be paid to City in equal quarterly payments on or before the first day of each of the months of November, February, May and August next following the end of Grantee's fiscal year. These payments are consistent with the payment arrangement contained in the Relief Ordinance. In addition and pursuant to the new local programming funding commitments set forth in Subdivision 4 herein, an annual franchise fee of 1% of Gross Revenues for the most recently completed quarter shall be paid to City in quarterly payments on or before the first day of each of the months of November, February, May and August on current year revenues beginning August 1, 1992. For purposes of calculating the annual franchise fee, all amounts spent to fund the Restructured Local Programming Obligations shall be deducted from Gross Revenues. Subd. 2. Letters of Credit. The City Council may by resolution reduce the required amount of the Letter of Credit below $50,000 if in its sole discretion it determines that a lesser amount is reasonable and adequate to protect the public. It may thereafter, by resolution, require the amount of the Letter of Credit to be increased or fully restored to the amount of $50,000. Grantee shall comply with this requirement within sixty days after written notice has been given by the City. Subd. 3. Performance Bond. The Grantee may dispense with the $300,000 performance bond required by the Franchise. The City Council may thereafter by resolution require that such bond, or similar bond in a lesser amount, be provided by Grantee. Grantee shall comply with this requirement within sixty days after written notice has been given by the City. Subd. 4. Restructured Local Programming Obligations. Beginning with the third weekly show of November, 1991, Grantee shall assume responsibility for funding the production of the News Show. The News Show shall continue to be produced in a manner which is generally consistent with the terms of the Agreement for Programming Services between Grantee and the SWSCC, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. However, the role of the SWSCC and the Member Cities shall be advisory in nature and neither the SWSCC or Member Cities shall be required to provide ongoing direct financial support for the News Show. Grantee shall be obligated to continue to fund and produce the News Show for a period of two (2) years through the second weekly show of November, 1993. Thereafter, Grantee shall be required to expend at least $100,000 annually of its total funding requirement under the Restructured Local Programming Obligations on local origination programming. Such funding shall be expended by Grantee in consultation with the SWSCC, as set forth in the Restated Performance Agreement. All provisions of the Relief Ordinances and Performance Agreement related to the funding of Local Programming shall remain in effect through July 31, 1992. Beginning August 1, 1992, Grantee shall assume full responsibility for funding the Restructured Local Programming Obligations. From August 1 through December 31, 1992, the budget for local programming shall be 5/12ths of $347,000; provided that Grantee shall be required to meet all Restructured Local Programming Obligations, including the production of the News Show, irrespective of the actual cost of meeting such obligations. Thereafter, the annual budget shall be escalated by an amount equal to five percent (5%) of such budget on an annualized basis as estimated in Exhibit 2 hereto. Throughout the term of this Ordinance, Grantee shall consult with the SWSCC concerning the provision of the Restructured Local Programming Obligations pursuant to the terms of the Restated Performance Agreement. The expenditures made pursuant to this subdivision shall be in complete satisfaction of Grantee's total Restructured Local Programming Obligations during the period of this ordinance and shall be deemed to satisfy Grantee's Local Programming Obligations as well. The amount of funding for the Restructured Local Programming Obligations shall not include any costs of operation, capital for access equipment replacement or administration not directly related to the provision of Local Programming. Grantee shall be responsible to maintain or replace, as necessary, the equipment listed in the Exhibit to the Contract for Local Programming Facilities, which is Exhibit 1 to the Performance Agreement, and shall not offset such expenditures against the funding for the Restructured Local Programming Obligations. Sec. 7. Automatic Termination. The provisions of this Ordinance, and the reduced financial terms contained herein may, at the option of City, cease to be effective, upon the occurrence of the earliest of any of the following events; Subd. 1. Failure of the Grantee to restore or replace the full required amount of the Letter of Credit as provided in Article VIII, Section 4, paragraph H of the Franchise. Subd. 2. Failure of the Grantee to restore, replace or increase either a Letter of Credit or bond within sixty days of written notice by the City, as provided in Section 6, Subdivisions 2 and 3 of this Ordinance. Subd. 3. A holding or determination by any court or agency that any term, condition or provision of this Ordinance is invalid or unenforceable, as a result of any action taken by Grantee or anyone acting on Grantee's behalf seeking such determination. Subd. 4. Sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the System to a person or entity other than a parent, subsidiary, related corporation, affiliated corporation, partner or joint venturer or Grantee or any parent of Grantee. Subd. 5. Termination of the Franchise. Sec. 8. Other Terminations. This Ordinance may also be terminated for cause, under the same procedures for termination as are contained in the Franchise, for the following reasons: Subd. 1. All grounds for termination provided in the Franchise and the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance, except to the extent that Grantee's performance obligations are modified in the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance. Subd. 2. Failure of the Grantee to comply with any of the material provisions of the Restated Performance Agreement. Sec. 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and adoption by City and upon satisfaction of all of the following conditions: (1) Publication of this Ordinance; (2) Passage and adoption by each of the Member Cities of the SVSCC of an Ordinance similar to this Ordinance within 90 days of the adoption of such Ordinance by the first Member City; (3) Execution by Grantee of all documents necessary to repeal the Relief Ordinances and effectuate the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance. Such documents shall include, but not be limited to, those documents listed on Exhibit 3 attached hereto ("Documents"). The executed Documents shall be delivered at a closing to be held at the office of the SVSCC administrator within 90 days of the passage of the Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance by the final Member City ("Closing"). (4) Conformance with the provisions of Article XIV of the Franchise including delivery to the City of the acceptance, opinion of legal counsel, guarantees, and other documents as required by said Article XIV, before or at Closing. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota this 18th day of November, 1991. By ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk EXHIBIT 1 TO ORDINANCE AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM SERVICES This AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission, a Joint Powers Commission organized pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "SWSCC", and Paragon Cable of Minnesota, hereinafter known as "Contractor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the SWSCC wishes to purchase the services of the Contractor to provide videotape programming for a news show to be known as "Southwest Community News"; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has the capability and personnel to provide the programming desired by the SWSCC; and WHEREAS, the Contractor understands and the SWSCC likewise understands that in order to provide the programming that is desired by the SWSCC, the cooperation of both the SWSCC and Contractor will be essential; and WHEREAS, the SWSCC has made available funding for the purchase of the services of Contractor; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, the SWSCC and the contractor agree as follows: I. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES A. Contractor Responsibilities: 1. Southwest Community News Show. Contractor will develop and produce fifty-two (52) weekly news shows covering events and issues both relevant and timely to the five Southwest Cities, members of the SWSCC. Contractor, in providing and developing the news show, will rely heavily on the cooperation and assistance of each of the five Southwest Cities. The story ideas and contacts will be provided by each of the Cities on a weekly basis. It is the understanding of the Contractor and the SWSCC that in the event any City does not provide information or assistance in a timely manner, it will result in uneven representation of the Cities and perhaps higher production costs. 2. Southwest Community News Show Format. The program will be a 30- minute news show with generally short (1-4 minutes) news items. The Contractor will explore with the SWSCC the option of including studio interviews or more indepth reporting of complex and/or controversial issues. Any change in the format brought about by specific requests of the SWSCC may require further costs. However, Contractor understands that any changes will not be initiated without first receiving the authority of the SWSCC. 3. Southwest Community News Scheduling. The show will be simulcast on Channel 34 (to the five Member Cities) a minimum of fourteen (14) times over a seven (7) day period with each show being first shown each Friday at 6:30 p.m. The show will also be shown during two (2) time slots each week on Channel 7, the Regional Channel. Additionally, each Member City has the option to request the contractor to schedule up to three (3) narrowcasts (to that City) each week. All such requests for narrowcasting shall be in writing every thirty (30) days and with not less than seven (7) days advance notice to contractor. All playback of the show will be within the regularly scheduled playback hours (as defined by the Access Rules). Contractor will experiment with other time slots in order to identify the most watched time slots; however, schedules will be published in advance and minimal changes will be made. 4. Southwest Community News Show Viewer Feedback. Contractor will have a dedicated phone line providing 24-hour feedback by subscribers to its cable system. The purpose of this will be to provide timely information to contractor, as well as the SWSCC, about the interest of the viewing public in the news show. 5. Promotion & Evaluation. a. The Contractor will cooperate with the Cities in providing information to enable the SWSCC to promote the program. Press releases and schedules will be prepared by the SWSCC on its letterhead. b. Contractor will assist in evaluation, providing information and counsel based on its experience and resources. 6. Cooperation. Contractor understands that its timely performance of the provisions of its responsibilities included herein are essential to bring about the best possible news show. Further, Contractor understands that it will need to assist and work with appropriate representatives designated by each of the five Southwest Member Cities. Contractor agrees that it will designate specific persons who will have the responsibility to ensure the production of the programming and to coordinate with representatives of the City. B. Responsibilities of SWSCC: 1. Cooperation in the Development of News Shows. Each of the Member Cities to the SWSCC will designate a contact person for the Contractor. It will be the responsibility of each person so designated by the City to coordinate with and work with the representatives of the Contractor to ensure the initiation of the story, ideas, and content of programming to be developed by the Contractor. 2. Facilities. The SWSCC will ensure that its Member Cities will provide reasonable access to their facilities for the Contractor to ensure that the Contractor is able to provide at the various Cities' facilities news shows in response to the request of the designated individuals of the City. 3. Promotion. The SWSCC will be responsible for promotion and marketing the show and for costs it incurs for such purposes. However, it is understood that it will have the assistance of Contractor and its expertise. Further, it is understood that Contractor will include a listing of the show in the Cable Guide. 4. Focus. The SWSCC may, at any time, with the assistance of Contractor, conduct a survey, focus group review, or incorporate other measures to evaluate the impact of the show and the subscriber acceptance of it. Costs for any such evaluation shall be the responsibility of the SWSCC, except the reasonable time and service of Contractor devoted to providing assistance. II. TERM AND TERMINATION A. Term: This Agreement shall be for a 12-month term consisting of fifty- two (52) weekly shows beginning November 17, 1990. B. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days written notice to the other. III. COST AND PAYMENT A. Cost: Each show will be produced at a cost not to exceed $1,962.50. B. Monthly Statements: Contractor will submit monthly billing statements to the SWSCC with payment due within 30 days of the date of the billing statement. IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall select the means, method, and manner of performing the services herein. Nothing is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto or as constituting the Contractor as the agent, representative, or employee of the SWSCC for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. The Contractor is to be and shall remain an independent Contractor with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. The Contractor represents that it has or will secure at its own expense all personnel required in performing services under this Agreement. Any and all personnel of the Contractor or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Contractor under this Agreement shall not have any contractual relationship with the SWWCC or its Member Cities; and shall not be considered employees of the SWSCC or its Member Cities. Any and all claims that may or might arise under the Unemployment Compensation Act or the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said personnel, arising out of employment or alleged employment, including, without limitation, claims of discrimination against Contractor, its officers, agents, contractors, or employees, shall in no way, be the responsibility of the SWSCC or its Member Cities., The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the SWSCC and its Member Cities and any of their officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any and all such claims irrespective of any determination of any pertinent, tribunal, agency, board, commission, or court. Such personnel or other persons shall neither require nor be entitled to any compensation, rights or benefits of any kind whatsoever from the SWSCC or its Member Cities, including, without limitation, tenure rights, medical and hospital care, sick and vacation leave, workers' compensation, unemployment insurance, disability, severance pay, and PERA. V. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE A. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the SWSCC, its officers, employees, and agents, harmless from any liability, claims, damages, costs, judgments, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission (including without limitation professional errors or omissions) of the Contractor, its agents, employees, or assignees in performance of the services provided by this Agreement and against all loss by reason of the failure of said Contractor to fully perform, in any respect, all obligations under this Agreement. B. In order to protect itself, as well as the SWSCC, under the indemnity provisions here and above set forth, the Contractor agrees at all times during the term of this Agreement to have and keep in force: 1. A single limit or combined limit or access umbrella professional liability insurance policy covering the activities of the Contractor while performing services for the SWSCC, through its Member Cities, in the following amounts: $1-million for personal injuries and/or damages, and $1-million for total personal injuries and/or damages arising from one occurrence. 2. A single limit or combined limit or access umbrella commercial general liability insurance policy of an amount of not less than $1-million for property damage arising from one occurrence, $1-million for total bodily injuries and/or damages arising from one occurrence, and $1-million for total personal injuries and/or damages arising from one occurrence. VI. DATA PRIVACY Contractor agrees to abide by all applicable state and federal laws and regulations concerning the handling and disclosure of private and confidential information concerning individuals and/or data including, but not limited to, information made nonpublic by such laws or regulations. VII. OWNERSHIP Contractor understands, and SWSCC agrees, that all programs produced by the Contractor shall be the property of the SWSCC and the SWSCC shall be responsible for the maintenance and storage of each program videotape. Further, the SWSCC shall have the responsibility to ensure that any applicable requirements with respect to the storage of these program tapes are accomplished by it. Contractor will retain the video tapes during the term of this Agreement. After the term of this Agreement, SWSCC will be responsible for the location and storage of the video tapes. VIII. NON -ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign, subcontract, transfer, or pledge this Agreement and/or the services to be performed tender, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the SWSCC. IX. MERGER AND MODIFICATION A. It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. B. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by the parties hereto. X. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION In order to coordinate the services of the Contractor with the activities of the SWSCC and its Member Cities so as to accomplish the purpose of this Agreement, Adrian Herbst, administrator for the SWSCC, shall manage this Agreement on behalf of the SWSCC and serve as liaison between the SWSCC, its Member Cities, and the Contractor. XI. NOTICES Any notice or demand which must be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or certified mail. Notices to the SWSCC shall be sent to the SWSCC administrator at 4800 Norwest Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Notices to the Contractor shall be sent to the attention of Debra Cottone, at 801 Plymouth Ave. No., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411. XII. LAW AND JURISDICTION This Agreement is entered into and may be the State of Minnesota and courts of applicable Minnesota. This foregoing Agreement has been entered 23rd day of January, 1991. Each of the parties understand it, and agree to be bound by it. PARAGON CABLE SWSCC YEAR 1992 1993 1994 1995 enforced pursuant to the laws of jurisdiction in Hennepin County, into between the parties this have read the Agreement, EXHIBIT 2 TO ORDINANCE SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL MINIMUM LOCAL PROGRAMMING EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED BUDGET ($000'S) $ 347* 364 383 402 1996 422 1997 443 1998 465 1999 488 * 1992 estimate based on 2% of gross revenues for 7 months (January - July) and 5/12ths of $347,000. 1992 Base will be escalated by 5% annually thereafter. EXHIBIT 3 LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. Restated Performance Agreement 2. Restated Contract for Local Programming Facilities 3. Restated Contract for Public, Educational and Government Access Services 4. Acceptance of Local Programming Restructuring Ordinance 5. Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance Motion was seconded by Member Smith Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. CITY EMPLOYEES COMMENDED FOR RESPONSE TO SNOW OF THE CENTURY Walter Sandison, 4612 West 8th Street, commended City crews (Police, Fire and Public Works) for their quick action in getting Edina back to normal after the snow of the century. A letter of commendation for the Public Works snowplowers was also noted from Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelsey, 5525 Hansen Road. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED REGARDING BLARE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS John Zwicke, 5020 Blake Road, spoke to his cover letter dated November 21, 1991 with an attached petition to not install a sidewalk or destroy the natural beauty of the roadway with excessive road widening on Blake Road, north of Pine Grove Road, to State collector road standards, including sidewalk. The petition signed by area residents asked that the City consider alternative courses of action for the section between Scriver Road and Interlachen Boulevard. Upgrading this section to collector road standards would involve major reconstruction and widening, would be difficult and costly and would destroy the scenic country look of the road. They felt the existing road is repairable and suggested it be simply repaired with overlay if necessary. Their concern is that widening the roadway will only attract more traffic and encourage higher speeds. Also, sidewalk north of Lake Ridge Road would serve very few residents. Following further discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that all alternatives should be considered before the project would be approved. Engineer Hoffman said he would ask for direction from the Council before staff gets further into the roadway design. *BID AWARDED FOR COLLECTION OF REFUSE FROM CITY PROPERTIES Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for collection of refuse from City properties to recommended low bidder, Aagard Environmental Services, at $5.83 per cubic yard. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR AIR TURNOVER HEATING SYSTEM Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for an air turnover heating system to recommended low bidder, E.A.H. Schmidt and Associates, at $14,691.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes 1992 PROPOSED FEES AND CHARGES APPROVED Manager Rosland presented the Schedule of Proposed 1992 Fees and Charges. He explained that staff examines the burden rate each year and proposes changes accordingly. In general, the proposed fees and charges are in line with those charged by other communities. Member Kelly moved approval of the Schedule of Proposed 1992 Fees and Charges, dated November 18, 1991, as presented and on file in the office of the Finance Director. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Member Kelly introduced Ordinance No. 171-A37 and moved its adoption as follows, with waiver of Second Reading: ORDINANCE NO. 171-A37 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO INCREASE CERTAIN FEES AND TO ADD/REPLACE CERTAIN FEE NUMBERS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fee numbers of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 are amended to read as follows: ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 411 2 Permit for moving of buildings 429 38 Oil burner installer's license, stoker installer's license, steam and hot water heating system installer's license, mechanical warm air heating & air conditioning system installer's license, refrigeration system installer's license 431 21 Gasfitting license 434 27(f) Public or semi-public swimming pool license 434 28(f) Public or semi-public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool license 451 6(b) Sign permit 451 6(g) Sign variance fee 731 5 Food establishment license 731A9 5 731 5 Day-care, limited food establishment Take-out facility license 731 5 Packaged food sales license 731 5 Food warehouse license 731 5 Catering food establishment license 731 5 Itinerant food establish- $200.00 $50.00 $50.00 $270.00 per annum for enclosed part or all $145.00 per annum for outdoor pool $65.00 per annum for or pool FEE NO. lla 12 13a each pool 17a of the year each 17b each bath 18 $60.00 19a $100.00 - residential property 19c $200.00 - commercial property 19d $375.00 per annum, $325.00 if 25a certified pursuant to Ord. No. 731-A7, plus $100.00 per annum for each additional facility $115.00 per annum 25aa $250.00 per annum, $200.00 if 25a1 certified pursuant to Ord. No. 731-A7 $120.00 per annum 25a2 $60.00 per annum 25a3 $375.00 per annum, $325.00 if 25a4 certified pursuant to Ord. No. 731-A7, plus $100.00 per annum for each additional facility $60.00 per event 25b 731 5 731 5 731 5 731 5 731 5 804 9(a) ment license Retail candy shop license Readily perishable food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more readily perishable food vehicles license Perishable food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more perishable food vehicles license Plat and subdivision filing fee 825 4(e) Variance Fee 825 4(e) Final Development Plan 902 16 Non -intoxicating malt liquor license On -sale Off -sale 902-Al 38(b)On-sale wine license: Per year - Restaurants with 51 - 100 seats, 101 - 150 seats, Over 150 seats 1101 3(a) Sewer Rental Charge: Single family dwellings, townhouses, two-family dwellings, apartment buildings containing four or less dwelling units: To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with more than four dwelling units 1102-Al Commercial and industrial buildings, including schools and churches Service Availability Charge (SAC) $45.00 per annum, plus $5.00 25c per annum for each additional facility $65.00 per annum 25d $325.00 per annum $65.00 per annum $325.00 per annum 25e 25h 25i For division of one or more lots 28a where no new buildable lots are created - $50.00 per lot divided For all other plats and 28b subdivisions - $350.00 plus $10.00 per lot Residential - $100.00 Commercial - $200.00 $400.00 $190.00 per $245.00 per $190.00 per $245.00 per annum annum annum annum 50 or fewer seats inclusive inclusive $23.20 per quarter (renewal) (new) (renewal) (new) 29a 29a-1 29g 36c 36c-1 36d 36d-1 $630.00 36g $680.00 $735.00 $785.00 $ 1.45 per 100 cubic feet 37a 37b $112.00 + $20.75 for each 37c unit over four, or $1.45 per hundred cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater $29.00 per water meter or 37d approved sewage metering device on premises, or $1.45 per hundred cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater $700.00 per SAC unit x number of 38f SAC units computed as set forth in Ord. No. 1102-Al 1111 3(a) Water service 1. $0.46 per 100 cubic feet for 39a areas of City except areas described in 2. and 3. (Fee Nos. 39b and 39c) 1111 3(b) Minimum charge of $7.36 per 39d quarter will be made where water consumption amounts to less than 1600 cubic feet 1301 6 Garbage hauler license $110.00 per annum for first 41 vehicle, $40.00 for each additional vehicle 1302 4 Scavenger License $30.00 for first license, $20.00 42a for each annual renewal Sec. 2. Fee No. 10 of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 is replaced with the following: 408 1 Building Code compliance Residential - $ 75.00 per hour with minimum of $75.00 10a Commercial - $125.00 per hour with minimum of $125.00 10b Sec. 3. Fee Nos. lld and lle of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 are replaced with the following: 421 4 Street Surface Repair Under 10 sq. ft. - $15/sq. ft. lld 10 - 25 sq. ft. - $10/sq. ft. lle Over 25 sq. ft. - $ 5/sq. ft. llf Sec. 4. Fee Nos. 14a through 14r, 14y, 14y-1, 14z, 14z-1, 14aa, 14ab, 14abl, 14ac, 14ad, 14ae, 14af are replaced with the following: 432A1 15 Plumbing permit, Minimum Fee - Residential $20.50 14.1a gas fitting permit Commercial 25.50 14.1b Fee calculated on total valuation of work as follows: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 13.75 + 2.75% > $ 500.00 14.1c 1,001.00 - 5,000.00 26.25 + 2.25% > 1,000.00 14.1d 5,001.00 - 10,000.00 116.25 + 2.00% > 5,000.00 14.1e 10,001.00 - 25,000.00 216.25 + 1.75% > 10,000.00 14.1f 25,001.00 - 50,000.00 478.75 + 1.50% > 25,000.00 14.1g 50,001.00 - and over 865.75 + 1.25% > 50,000.00 14.1h Sec. 5. Fee Nos. 15p-5, 15p-6, 15p-8 and 15p-13 are amended to read as follows and Fee No. 15P-7 is hereby deleted: 433 Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Mechanical, Fireplaces & Gas Piping Permit Minimum Fee - Residential $20.50 15p-5 - Commercial 25.50 15p-6 All fees for above permits based on contract price as follows: $ 0.00 - $ 1,000.00 $13.75 + 2.75% > $ 500.00 15p-8 50,001.00 - and over 865.75 + 1.25% > 50,000.00 15p-13 Sec. 6. Following publication, the effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 1992. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. Member Paulus introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING AMBULANCE FEES FOR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following ambulance service fees for 1992: AMBULANCE FEES Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment and/or transportation to a medical facility: Level I- 0n Scene Treatment Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved Level II - Minor Care (BLS) Vital Signs Splinting Bandaging, Etc. Level III - Moderate I.V. Setups EKG Monitoring Spine Immobilization Level IV - Major Care Level III plus any: Care (ALS) Medications MAST (inflated) Additional Manpower Mechanical Extrication Level V - Cardiac Arrest Level IV plus any: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Defibrillation Additional Charge for Transportation to "Downtown" Hospitals Abbott/Northwestern, Minneapolis Children's Medical Center, Metropolitan Mount Sinai, Fairview Riverside, Fairview Ridges Medical Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, University of Minnesota, North Memorial Medical Center, Veteran's Administration Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. $ 70.00 $300.00 $360.00 $415.00 $475.00 $ 70.00 Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING MISCELLANEOUS FEES FOR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following miscellaneous fees for 1992: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/SPILLS RESPONSE Engine/Fire Company $150.00 per hour/2 hour minimum HazMat Unit $300.00 per hour Specialized Personnel $ 50.00 per hour/2 hour minimum Specialized Equipment Cost + 10% administrative charge Supplies Cost + 10% administrative charge Disposal Cost + 10% administrative charge Other City Resources Cost + 10% administrative charge Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES AND CHARGES FOR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following Fees and Charges for the year 1992, as submitted by the Park Board, be approved: PARK & RECREATION Playground Aquatic Instruction Coach Pitch Tennis Instruction Pee Wee Tennis Team Tennis ART CENTER Memberships Family Individual Class Fees (based on number 24 21 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 6 hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs ARENA Single Hour Rate (as of Sept.) Open Skating (Youth & Adult) Skate Rental Skate Sharpening Season Tickets (Effective 10/1/92) Resident Family Resident Indiv. Non-Resi.Family Non-Resi.Indiv. Classes GUN RANGE Pistol 1/2 hour 25 rounds trap Building/hr Firearm Safety $10.00 $30.00 $22.00 $25.00 $15.00 $30.00 $35.00 $25.00 of hrs in class) 1992 Non-Mem/Mem $3.25 / 3.00 $3.50 / 3.25 $3.50 / 3.25 $3.50 / 3.25 $3.50 / 3.25 $3.75 / 3.50 $3.75 / 3.50 $3.75 / 3.50 $3.75 / 3.50 $3.75 / 3.50 $4.25 / 4.00 $95.00 $ 2.50 $ 1.25 $ 2.00 $60.00 $40.00 $75.00 $50.00 $50.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.50 $45.00 $ 6.00 POOL Season Tickets Resident Fam. $65.00 Resident Indiv. $50.00 Non-Resi.Fam. $75.00 Non-Resi.Indiv. $60.00 Daily Admission Adult & Youth $ 3.00 Waterslide $ 3.00 GOLF COURSE Patron Cards Individual $55.00 Additional Family Members $50.00 Computerized Handicaps Resident $13.00 Non -Resident $18.00 Lockers Men's 72" $35.00 Men's 42" $25.00 Ladies' 72" $15.00 Club Rental $ 5.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 Golf Cars 18 holes $19.00 9 holes $11.00 Golf Cars - Seniors 18 holes $18.00 9 holes $10.00 Group Golf Lessons Adult $50.00 Junior $25.00 Golf Range Large Bucket $ 4.00 Small Bucket $ 2.75 Warm-up Bucket $ 1.25 Green Fees 18 hole/non-pat. $15.50 18 hole/patron $12.50 9 hole/patron $ 9.25 9 hole/patron $ 7.75 Green Fees - Senior 18 hole/non-pat. $15.00 18 hole/patron $12.00 9 hole/non-pat. $ 8.75 9 hole/patron $ 7.25 Group Fees $21.00 Group Fees - 9 hole $12.00 Group Car Fees $25.00 Executive Course Adult/non-pat. $ 6.50 Adult/patron $ 5.50 Sr & Jr non -pat. $ 5.50 Sr & Jr patron $ 4.50 Golf Cars/all $ 8.00 Pull Carts $ 1.75 Group Fees $ 8.00 Braemar Room Night Rate/resi. $550.00 Night Rate/non-resi. $600.00 Day Rate/resi. Day Rate/non-resi. Concession Fees $250.00 $300.00 Variable prices (Concession is an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule) GOLF DOME Large Bucket $ 4.50 Sr./Jr. Bucket $ 4.25 Time Golf 1/2 hour $ 6.95 Soccer rental/hour $ 90.00 League $515.00 EDINBOROUGH Daily Passes $ 2.50 Season Passes Edina indiv. Edina family Non -Edina indiv. Non -Edina family Towel Fee Skate Rental Fee Box Lunch Program Domestic Photography by Professionals per hour Grotto $ 50.00 Theater $ 75.00 Great Hall $ 75.00 Ice Rink $100.00 Commercial Photography by Professional per hour Grotto $150.00 Theater $200.00 Great Hall $300.00 Ice Rink $300.00 Mixed Use $500.00 Table Rental to Corp. East & Park Plaza $ 5.00 Commercial Use (Trade Shows) $2,500.00 Building Rentals Category 1 City of Edina & Boards/ $150/day+$12/man Associations set-up/down Category 2 Edina Civic Organizations & Edina Schools(M-Th) Great Hall $125.00 Theatre $ 50.00 Grotto $ 25.00 Category 3 Edina Residents & Businesses (per hour) Great Hall $300.00 Grotto $ 75.00 Theatre $125.00 Category 4 Non -Edina Residents & Business (per hour) Great Hall $350.00 Grotto $125.00 $150.00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $ .50 $ 1.25 Range $6 - $10 Theatre Category 5 Exclusive Rentals Friday Nights Saturday Nights CENTENNIAL LAKES Rentals: Radio Control Paddle Boat Tot Stroller Winter Sled Ice Skate $2.50/half hr $2.50/half hr $2.50/hour $2.50/hour $1.25/per pair PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS General Park Areas: Picnic Shelters: Showmobile: Athletic Field Rental: Associations Residents/Non-Residents: Arneson Acres Terrace Room Tupa Park Cahill School Grange Hall Motion for adoption of the Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus Resolution adopted. $150.00 $1300.00 $1500.00 $ 50/hr - commercial use (i.e. TV Commercials) $100/hr with lights $ 70/group at Lake Cornelia Park $700/day (Baseball, Softball, Football, Soccer) Cost = Expenses (includes overhead) Per Day - $100/per field/per day plus expenses Per Hour - $35/per field/per hour $55/per field/per hour with lights $125/day ($50 1st hour minimum, $25/hr after) $125/day ($50 1st hour minimum, $25/hr after) resolution was seconded by Member Paulus. , Smith, Richards PURCHASING POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY ADOPTED Finance Director John Wallin presented a draft of the City of Edina Purchasing Policies and Requirements. He explained that these are a combination of current City policy and State Statute. Most of these are currently in use by the City. The policies include the addition of state requirements concerning non-discrimination, workers compensation insurance, withholding and prevailing wage rates to comply with provisions of state statute relating to requirements of contractors before final payments are made by the City. The provisions of paragraph 1.9e are contrary to the present practice of the City. The Council has these options: 1. Continue to operate against State Statute and have liquor checks issued prior to Council approval. 2. Pay the checks on the regular Council meeting and forego any discounts. 3. Have three members of Council a weekly basis. come to City Hall and approve these checks on A brief discussion followed with a consensus to continue to operate as in the past. Member Smith made a motion to approve and adopt the City of Edina Purchasing Policies and Requirements, dated October 31, 1991, as presented and on file in the office of the Director of Finance. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. APPOINTMENT MADE TO COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES BOARD Mayor Richards recommended that Jean Rydell be appointed to serve as the Park Board representative on the Community Education Services Board as suggested by the Edina Park Board. Member Smith made a motion to approve the appointment of Jean Rydell to serve on the Community Education Services Board as the Edina Park Board representative to fill an unexpired term through June 30, 1992. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. VACANCY EXISTS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Richards reminded Council of the vacancy existing on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee and asked for names to be submitted for possible appointment. STOP SIGNS REQUEST FOR W. 54TH STREET FROM FRANCE AV. TO ZENITH CONTINUED TO 12/2/91 Engineer Hoffman said the stop sign issue was the result of a request by Edina residents to change traffic flow conditions on West 54th Street from France Avenue to Zenith Avenue. The City of Edina has conducted considerable study activity on the common border street between Edina and Minneapolis. Engineer Hoffman said this is a compromise position between the engineering staffs of Edina and Minneapolis. He presented a graphic depicting a STOP sign layout similar to the pattern of STOP signs that Minneapolis uses on West 51st, West 52nd and West 53rd Streets between France and Xerxes Avenues. The Edina Traffic Safety Committee supports the layout but questioned whether the City should conduct a public hearing with notices on this issue. The Edina staff is unaware of a similar neighborhood request being processed through the Minneapolis side of the system. To move this issue to a final position, staff would recommend Council take a position of support on this issue and move the process to the City of Minneapolis for consideration. Staff believes that the Abbott Place northbound STOP sign should be established to define right of way at that intersection if nothing else is approved by the joint actions of the City of Edina and the City of Minneapolis. Residents speaking in favor of the proposal were Ken Gordon, 3701 W. 54th Street; John Falk, 3301 W. 54th Street; Jim Wilson, 3225 W. 54th Street; and Jeff Sather, 5407 Abbott Place. Marianne Falk, 3301 W. 54th St., said she would like east/west signs on Abbott Avenue installed also, as traffic gains momentum from Beard around Zenith. In response to Member Paulus, Engineer Hoffman pointed out that normally an issue such as this goes to the Traffic Safety Committee for a technical solution and possible compromise between two cities. Normally a public hearing would not be proposed. He said the City of Minneapolis would require a letter of recommendation by the first week in December. Member Paulus made a motion to hold a public hearing on December 2, 1991, on the STOP sign layout as presented, with notice to all residents on the Edina side. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BOARD OF REVIEW DATE SET FOR APRIL 27. 1992, 5:00 PM Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to set April 27, 1992 at 5:00 P.M. as the date for the Board of Review. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *ON -SALE WINE LICENSE AND ON -SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR PIZZERIA UNO Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the issuance of an On -Sale Wine License and On -Sale 3.2 Beer License to Pizzeria Uno, 6740 France Avenue South. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. CODIFICATION WORK PROGRAM SCHEDULE NOTED Manager Rosland presented a proposed work program schedule for codification of the City's ordinances. There was no objection to the schedule as presented. LETTER REGARDING DISH ANTENNA NOTED Manager Rosland explained a letter had been received from Earl P. Belschner, 6700 Hillside Lane, dated November 3, 1991, expressing his concern about a dish antenna that has been installed in the neighboring backyard. He pointed out that Edina is still under the moratorium on antennas. The matter was referred to Planner Larsen for investigation and compliance with ordinance requirements. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS BY CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS ON BEHALF OF FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES; RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING ISSUANCE Pursuant to due notice given, a public hearing was held to consider a proposal that the city of Minneapolis issue revenue bonds in order to refund bonds issued in 1985, that were issued to refund the 1981 bonds to finance the construction and improvement of facilities of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein located in the City of Minneapolis and the City of Edina (Fairview Southdale Hospital). Manager Rosland advised that he had met with Mark Enger, Vice President and Administrator of Fairview Southdale Hospital for the purpose of sharing concerns of Council and staff and to close existing communication gaps between the hospital and the City. Mark Enger informed Council that the request is the result of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which requires the host City to pass a resolution allowing Fairview to proceed with a refunding of bonds that were issued in 1985. The funding was through the City of Minneapolis and a portion of the bond issue proceeds was used for construction projects and equipment purchased for Fairview Southdale Hospital, thus obligating the resolution relating to the refinancing. No public comment or objections were heard on the proposed issuance of refunding bonds. Member Kelly introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS ON BEHALF OF FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals 1.1 The City has been advised by representatives of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services (Fairview), that in 1981 the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota (Minneapolis), issued revenue bonds (the 1981 Bonds) under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 (the Act) to finance the construction and improvement of facilities of Fairview and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein, and that in 1985 the Minneapolis Community Development Agency issued revenue bonds (the 1985 Bonds) under the Act to refund the 1981 Bonds. A portion of the facilities financed with the 1981 Bonds consisted of improvements to facilities of Fairview located in the City. Fairview has advised the City that it has requested Minneapolis to issue revenue bonds under the Act to refund the 1985 Bonds (the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds). 1.2 Since a portion of the facilities financed with the 1981 Bonds are located in the City, Section 1313(a) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and regulations promulgated thereunder, requires that prior to the issuance by Minneapolis of the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds, this Council approve the issuance of the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds after conducting a public hearing thereon, and such a public hearing has been held on the date hereof. SECTION 2 Approvals 2.1 The City hereby approves the issuance by Minneapolis of the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds to refund the 1985 Bonds. This approval is given with the understanding that the City shall not incur any liability with respect to the issuance of the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds nor any responsibility with respect thereto or for the repayment thereof and that the Minneapolis Refunding Bonds shall not in any manner constitute an indebtedness or obligation of the City. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina on this 18th day of November, 1991. Attest: Mayor Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated 11/18/91 and consisting of 26 pages: General Fund $2,106,144.90; Communications $30.07; Art Center $10,521.89; Capital Fund $6,604.14; Swimming Pool Fund $4,342.57; Golf Course Fund $21,136.70; Recreation Center Fund $12,475.97; Gun Range Fund $910.37; Edinborough Park $29,734.09; Utility Fund $54,532.56; Storm Sewer Utility $271.58; Liquor Dispensary Fund $5,818.08; Construction Fund $252,140.98; IMP Bond Redemption #2 $248,618.11, TOTAL $2,753,282.01; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated 10/31/91 and consisting of 18 pages: General Fund $128,336.44; Art Center $308.85; Capital Fund $4.67; Swimming Pool Fund $57.52; Golf Course Fund $8,633.16; Recreation Center Fund $658.86; Gun Range Fund $148.54; Edinborough Park $95.72; Utility Fund $2,192.62; Liquor Dispensary Fund $341,368.95; Construction Fund ($117.04); TOTAL $481,688.29. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. City Clerk REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman`, City Engineer 16 December, 1991 Public Hearing York Avenue from W. 54th Street to W. 55th Street Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action & B. To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: A. Review alternatives with neighbors during public hearing to determine if a project should be authorized in the overall best interests of the City. B. Continue alley vacation hearing to date certain or deny request. Info/Background: The City Council received comment during an alley vacation hearing west of York Avenue about the condition of York Avenue south of W. 54th Street. City Council directed that a public hearing be conducted to present and discuss the neighborhood issues as it relates to public access. Staff has sent the attached letters and sketches to all neighbors on York Avenue between 54th and 55th Streets. The three alternatives are: (1) construct develop a new to remove the to "improved" a typical road section comparable to current standards; (2) cul-de-sac from W. 54th Street to approximately 200 feet south issue of non-conformance to our City ordinances as it relates road frontage; (3) to leave the current access issue as it is. To date, all contacts with neighbors favor leaving the system as is. Report/Recommendation Public Hearing York Avenue from W. 54th St. to W. 55th St. 16 December, 1991 Page Two Additionally, City Council tabled the alley vacation request in November and staff has spoken to the owner and potential buyer of 5411 Zenith about the issue. Staff made it clear that either buyer or seller need to appear by City Council if they wish to continue the discussion on the alley hearing. Staff would recommend continuation of the alley hearing to a date certain or denial of the request at this time. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-297 YORK AVENUE - W. 54TH STREET TO W. 55TH STREET OR IMPROVEMENT BA-297A YORK AVENUE - W. 54TH STREET TO 200' SOUTH City of Edina The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, December 16, 1991 at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-297 York Ave. - W. 54th St. to W. 55th St. $ 117,498.03 OR IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-297A York Avenue - W. 54th St. to 200' South $ 33,039.96 The total estimated cost for proposed project BA-297 is $117,498.03 and properties are proposed to be assessed at an estimated cost of $112.97 per assessable foot. The total estimated cost for proposed project BA-297A is $33,039.96 and properties are proposed to be assessed at an estimated cost of $94.39 per assessable foot. The BA-297 project would be a reconstruction of the total street from W. 54th to W. 55th with curb and gutter. The second project, BA-297A, would be constructing a new street from W. 54th Street south to a point just below where the existing street ends in front of 5405 and 5410 York. The third option would be to make no changes, which obviously means no assessable cost to property owners. These proposed assessments would be divided over a ten year period with in- terest accumulating on the unpaid balance. This hearing has been called as a result of a request from some property owners and City Council requesting the area be evaluated for public improvements. The area proposed that may be assessed the cost of the proposed improvements includes: Lots 1 thru 15, Block 2, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorn and Lots 16 thru 30, Block 1, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorn. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 Notice of Public Hearing Permanent Street Surfacing With Curb and Gutter Improvement Nos. BA-297 & BA-297A Page Two Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be bene- fited by the improvement. The proposed project would be constructed in 1992. Any inquiries, comments and/or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire ad- ditional information, please call me at 927-8861 between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. The City Council could authorize either proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Larger scale drawings will be sent to you during the week of December 9th. Thank you. / _'i mot. Francis J. offn, P.E. Director of Pu.�lic Works and City Engineer FJH/clf Ion City of Edina December 10, 1991 Dear Resident: Attached are the three sketches mentioned in the public hearing notice. The sketches are sent to you to give you an idea of the three alternatives. Sketch 1 depicts reconstructing York Avenue from W. 55th to W. 54th Street. The street section shown is a typical city street design. The street is thirty feet wide with curb and gutter with the road starting to change grade in front of 5425 York. This grade change would allow the street to be lowered enough to meet the grades near W. 54th Street. The sketch also depicts retaining walls and new steps in front of properties between 5421 and 5405 York, also 5412 and 5410 York. Sketch 2 depicts constructing a new smaller cul-de-sac on the north end of York coming off of W. 54th Street. This sketch depicts saving as many of the larger trees as possible but providing for a new public street to service the properties on both sides of York. Finally, Sketch 3 simply shows the existing conditions with no proposed changes. City Council will review these alternatives on Monday evening, December 16th at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Sincerely, Francis J. ifoff ari; P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH/clf Enclosures City Hall (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 SKETCH 3 - Existing Conditions, No Proposed Changes 5411 I MINNEHAHA CHEEK GAR. 1-544 5406 5410 5412 J 3113 5405 54TH ST 6AA. 5411 5413 r- - 5417 5421 5425 5433 5437 5441 5445 5402 5400 F- I r 5406 — J 55TH ST W r-- 1 E Rif City of Edina J December 10, 1991 Dear Resident: Attached are the three sketches mentioned in the public hearing notice. The sketches are sent to you to give you an idea of the three alternatives. Sketch 1 depicts reconstructing York Avenue from W. 55th to W. 54th Street. The street section shown is a typical city street design. The street is thirty feet wide with curb and gutter with the road starting to change grade in front of 5425 York. This grade change would allow the street to be lowered enough to meet the grades near W. 54th Street. The sketch also depicts retaining walls and new steps in front of properties between 5421 and 5405 York, also 5412 and 5410 York. Sketch 2 depicts constructing a new smaller cul-de-sac on the north end of York coming off of W. 54th Street. This sketch depicts saving as many of the larger trees as possible but providing for a new public street to service the properties on both sides of York. Finally, Sketch 3 simply shows the existing conditions with no proposed changes. City Council will review these alternatives on Monday evening, December 16th at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Sincerely, Francis J. Koff than', P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH/clf Enclosures City Hall (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 SKETCH 3 - Existing Conditions, No Proposed Changes 541 4 5408 5410 5412 J W CZ CD MINNEHAHA CHEEK 54TH ST 3113 1- L 5405 541i 6AR 5413 5417 5421 5425 5433 5437 544i l 5445 i 1 5402 F r 5400 5406 — J 55TH ST W 1 — IA� ,a R \ MI '.0 Of .� ,•/ .6d. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Mayor Richards and City Council Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Debt. Information Only Date: December 12, 1991 Subject: Tree Trimming Project CONTINUED FROM THE DECEMBER 2, 19991 COUNCIL MEETING Mgr . Recommends Action Agenda Item # II . C . Consent To HRA x' I To Council X Motion Resolution Ordinance • Discussion Recommendation: Testimony be taken from residents and Council set hearing date for December 16, 1991 to give final approval of December 2, 1991 informal hearing. Info/Background: 1. Letter sent to residents 2. Date of set hearing: 12/2/91 3. Notice of hearing not submitted for publication in Edina Sun Current as required by statute. 4. Testimony be taken from residents and Council set hearing date for second hearing December 16, 1991. The following information is attatched and will be reviewed, Monday, December 2 at the informal public hearing. 1. Map of District 2. Assessment area 3. Residents response Edina Parks MINI -PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS COMMUNITY PLAY FIELDS COMMUNITY PARKS SPECIAL PURPOSE PARKS WATER CREEK VALLEY RD OEWEY MILL RD INDUSTRIAL BLVD W 66TM ST 7 L1 i o N Is 3111 14 35 39 60TM ST W 70TM ST W 42MD S7 50TM S T W. 76T11 ST W 56T14 ST W 60TM ST W 661•14 ST m W 66TM ST (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MN 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TREE TRIMMING PROJECT NO. TT-92/93 AN AREA BOUNDED BY HIGHWAY 100 ON THE EAST, VERNON AVENUE ON THE SOUTH, HIGHWAY 169 ON THE WEST AND THE NORTHERN CITY BOUNDARY LINE ON THE NORTH. The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, December 16, 1991 at 7:00 p.m., to consider the proposed tree trimming project under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREA: Properties with trimmed trees in an area bounded by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, Highway 169 on the west and the northern City boundary line on the north. ESTIMATED COST FOR PROJECT AREA: $77,900 The project would be funded by special assessment. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk PUBLISH IN THE EDINA SUN ON DECEMBER 4, AND 11, 1991 SEND TWO AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION. 1992-93 ASSESSMENT AREA STATISTICS 1. 2,323 trees inventoried 751 trees designated as don't trim. (pine, spruce, fruit or already trimmed) 27 trees will be trimmed by residents that called 1,545 trees to be trimmed 2. Two size divisions: 12" dbh and Under 618 over 12" dbh 927 3. 731 properties notified 4. Approximate cost analysis: Administrative $ 7,400 Forester $ 7,500 Tree Contractor $63,000 Total $77,900 5. Estimate cost per tree: Under 12" Over 12" $2.75 per diameter inch $3.25 per diameter inch DBH=Diameter inch is measured 4 1/2 feet up from the ground RESIDENT CALL LIST AS OF 11/27/91 Address Number of Trees 6517 Belmore Lane Boulevard 2 Resident has trimmed/will trim own trees 6515 Biscayne Boulevard 2 " 421 Blake Road 13 " 5409 Chantrey Road 3 " 5509 Chantrey Road 1 " 5804 Crescent Terrace 1 " 6116 Eden Prairie Road 3 " 409 Harrison 1 " 415 Harrison 2 " 6225 Knoll Drive 10 " 6505 Parkwood Road 1 " 6624 Parkwood Road 3 it 5109 Ridge Road 2 " 4820 Rolling Green Pkwy 8 " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • Notice is hereby given that the Edina City Council will meet at:Clty Of Edina Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota Monday, December 2, 1991 7:00 p.m. The City will be conducting a public hearing under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 to determine the necessity of a tree trimming project in the Northwest section of Edina. Purpose To trim approximately 1600 boulevard trees. Prunning and trimming will consist of crown thinning, removal of dead wood, split or cracked limbs, raise branches to at least 13 feet above street and ground surfaces. Boulevard pine and spruce trees will not be included in the trimming project. Project time period December 1991 to April 1993. Trimming will be done during September, October, November, December and March. No trimming is done during the summer months. Boulevard trees are trimmed on an assessed basis about every six years. An area bounded by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, Highway 169 on the west and the Northern City boundary line on the north. .ocation Cost An estimate cost per tree trimmed is $90 depending on the size of the tree. Exact cost is figure by diameter inch of the trunk at 4 1/2 feet up from the ground (DBH) times the rate per DBH. There will be two rates, one for trees under 12 inches in diameter and one for trees over 12 inches in diameter. Only properties that have boulevard trees trimmed would be assessed for tree trimming. The cost would be assessed in the fall of 1993 with payment due in 1994. Contact Call the Edina Park and Recreation Department, if you would like to know how many trees the City is considering trimming on your boulevard; or if you have had the boulevard trees trimmed or are planning to trim them before April 1993, at 927-8861, ext. 237. Sincerely, x/- Bob Kojeti'n, Director "ding Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424-1394 REFORT/REOOMMENDAT1ON To: KENNETH ROSLAND From: CRAIG LARSEN Date: DECEMBER 16, 1991 Subject: FINDINGS OF FACT FOR VARIANCE REQUEST B 91-39. Agenda Item # III. A. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends U To HRA To Council Action X Motion Resolution Ordinance n Discussion Recommendation: The attached findings of fact support approval of the requested variance. Info/Background At their December 2, 1991, meeting, the Edina City Council directed staff to prepare the attached Findings of Fact supporting approval of the lot coverage varaince requested by John and Pat Senior. City of Edina In The Matter of the Application FINDINGS, of John and Patricia Senior DECISIONS, for a .9% (146.57 square foot) Lot and Coverage Variance at 6510 Gleason Court REASONS (B-91-39) The above entitled matter was heard before the City Council, City of Edina, on December 2, 1991. John Senior and Patricia Senior (the "Proponents") were present. The City Council, having heard all of the facts and arguments presented by the Proponents and City Staff, and having heard and reviewed the evidence and law adduced by the Proponent and City Staff, and being fully advised, after due consideration, hereby makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The Proponents submitted an application dated October 2, 1991 for a variance from the 25% maximum lot coverage requirement, (Zoning Ordinance 825 Section 12, D.), to allow the replacement of a 14' x 16' uncovered patio area with a screened porch in the rear yard area of property located at 6510 Gleason Court (The "Subject Property"). The property is located within a double dwelling unit zoning district within the 14 lot, 28 unit Gleason Court subdivision. The legal description of the property is Lot 7, Block 1, Gleason Court. 2. The variance was initially identified as a 1.4% lot coverage variance based on a survey dated August 3, 1983 prepared by Carlisle Madson of Schoell & Madson, Inc. and submitted by the Proponents and based on the building plans that are on file in the Building Department of the City offices. The survey illustrated a 14' x 16' patio area to be converted into a screened porch. Total lot coverage of all structures on the site was calculated to be 26.4%. The calculated lot coverage included all of the existing patio area and the proposed screened porch area. 3. The Edina Board of Appeals and Adjustments ("the Board") first considered the proposed variance at its October 17, 1991 meeting. Notice of public hearing before the Board was mailed Friday, October 4, 1991, to property owners within 200 feet of the Subject Property. The Board reviewed the report of the Planning Department and considered testimony by the Proponents. No other persons appeared before the Board to testify. The Board voted to continue the request for variance to its November 21, 1991 meeting to give the Proponents opportunity to identify a hardship that would allow exception from ordinance requirements. 4. The request for variance was again before the Board at it's November 21, 1991 meeting. No new plans were submitted to the Planning Department prior to the Board meeting; however a letter from the Proponents dated November 8, 1991 addressed to the Board describing hardship was submitted. A copy of said letter is attached as Exhibit A. The Proponents indicated in that letter that the said Lot 7 is one of the smaller lots located within the subdivision and that the other side of the twin home on said Lot 7 is larger than their's and therefore benefits by having more of the permitted lot coverage. The Proponents appeared and testified as to the letter's contents. No others appeared to testify. Upon review of the facts and evidence presented, the Board denied the variance request because of the potential of setting a precedent. 5. The variance denial was appealed and scheduled for public hearing before the City Council of Edina on December 2, 1991. Notice of the public hearing was mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the Subject Property. The Proponent's submitted revised lot coverage calculations which reduced lot coverage to 25.9%. The plans continued to illustrate the same 14' x 16' screened porch considered by the Board of Appeals, however the Proponents had checked the as -built measurements of the twin home as compared with the building plans filed with the City and demonstrated that lot coverage would actually be .9% over the maximum allowed lot coverage of 25% instead of the 1.4% as originally calculated from building plans on file with the City. City Staff confirmed the recalculation and agreed that the variance was a .9% lot coverage variance. 6. Therefore, based upon the foregoing findings the City Council does hereby make the following Decision: The .9% lot coverage variance as presented to the Council December 2, 1991, is hereby approved. The above decision is made for the following Reasons: 1. The City has been committed to protecting and preserving open space in residential neighborhoods. It has been determined that the proposed 14' x 16' screened porch would have no perceivable impact on the open space provided by the Subject Property. 2. The said Lot 7 is one of the smaller lots within the subdivision. In addition, most of the other twin homes are more equal in size and foundation square footage whereas the Subject Property is smaller than its common wall neighbor. The Proponents therefore, do not enjoy the same proportion of allowable lot coverage as does the common wall neighbor and the majority of homes within the subdivision. 3. The variance is necessary to preserve the already existing non -conforming lot coverage of 25.9% of total lot area, regardless if the area in question is used for a patio or if it is enclosed and used for a screened porch. 4. The proposed screened porch has been approved by the Gleason Court subdivision association and has been designed to be architecturally in keeping with the rest of the existing structure and will not be visible from any adjacent property owners. 5. For all of the above stated reasons the Council hereby determines that strict enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the Subject Property and that granting of the variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. November 8, 1991 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Whom it May Concern: At the meeting held on October 17, 1991, we asked for a variance so that we may enclose the area over an existing patio to provide a screen porch for our home. We recently purchased this property, wanting to make it an asset to the area of Gleason Court, as it had been vacant for over a year and a half. With an incorporation of a screen porch, we felt we would be very happy in our new home. We now find that the double home has one of the smaller lots on the court, but even more the rest of the twinhomes are more of equal size in foundation square footage. The owner of the other side of our twinhome was one of the first owners and was allowed by the developer to have an architect draw up plans to meet their needs. Unfortunately, their desires left very little foundation square footage for our side; whereas, the other twinhomes located on Gleason Court are approximately of equal foundation size. This situation has produced a hardship for us in our desire for a screened porch. This porch will be architecturally in keeping with the rest of the structure and not in the view of any adjacent property owners. The unusual consumption of foundation square footage by one side has made a most difficult situation for us. The difference being approximately 625 foundation square feet, which is well in excess of the 150 square feet needed for our porch. Our enclosure is only increasing land usage from 25% to 26.4%. We would deeply appreciate your thoughtful consideration in this matter. We made the decision to remain in Edina, as it has been our home for the past 25 years. We wish to continue to support this city as a place for all age groups to live together. Sincerely, Patricia J. Senior REPORT/REOOMMENDAT!ON To: From: KENNETH ROSLAND CRAIG LARSEN Date: DECEMBER 16, 1991 Subject: P-91-2, FINAL DEVE- LOPMENT PLAN, 5036 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH, FRANK KRIESER FOR BURNET REALTY. Agenda Item # III .e. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA x To Council Action Motion x i Resolution 7 Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends Final Development Plan approval subject to a public parking assessment of $18,998.00. Info/Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes and Staff Report. L©CLAT MAP FINAL DEVELOPMENT NUMBER P___ PLAN LOCATION 5036 France Avenue South REQUEST Building Expansion EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT P-91-2 Request: Final Development Plan Burnet Realty, 5036 France Avenue South Building Addition in excess of 10% of existing floor area Mr. Larsen reported the subject property is zoned Planned Commercial District, PCD-2 and is developed with a one story office building with a total floor area of 3,275 square feet. The requested single story addition measures approximately 34 X 82 feet, and would have a gross floor area of 2,843 square feet. The addition would be constructed to the rear of the existing building in an area which presently provides parking for eight cars. The proposed addition would eliminate all private, on -site parking. Mr. Larsen explained the subject property is located within the 50th and France Tax Increment District. Since 1978 the City has followed a policy of allowing expansions up to a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.0 supported totally by public parking. Expansions beyond a FAR of 1.0 up to 1.5 (the maximum allowed in the PCD-2 District) are allowed only if supported by private parking. The proposed addition results in a FAR of 1.0 for the redeveloped site. Mr. Larsen said that although City policy is to allow expansion up to a FAR of 1.0 utilizing public parking, the Zoning Ordinance requires that a variance be granted. In this case a addition of 2,843 square feet would require 15 spaces. Thus, a 15 space parking quantity variance is requested. Mr. Larsen concluded the proposed addition is consistent with City policy for building expansions in the 50th and France District. The proposed expansion complies with all Zoning Ordinance requirements except for parking. The design and materials proposed are compatible with the existing building as well as adjacent buildings. Staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan including the parking variance subject to: 1. Payment of parking assessment based on an addition of 4,443 square feet, which would be due prior to release of a building permit. Mr. Bruce Smith was present representing Burnet Realty. Commissioner Ingwalson questioned if under our current ordinance standards,if a variance is required3can we say no to the variance. Mr. Larsen explained that in a sense this is not a traditional variance. What the City is looking for is compatible development, and the variance requirement allows the city to maintain a level of control. Mr. Larsen pointed out the Comprehensive Plan and the Redevelopment plan indicate the proposal is a compatible use. Mr. Larsen concluded staff would recommend denial of the request if the redevelopment of the site is not compatible. Commissioner Ingwalson asked if the existing building is brick, not embossed as indicated for the new addition. Mr. Larsen said the existing building is brick. He added the new building materials are blocks that mimic brick. Commissioner Hale questioned Mr. Larsen on the fee charge assessed for public parking. He also inquired if the fee charge is increased every year. Mr. Larsen explained the 4,443 is assessed at $2.15 per square foot, and the assessment is a "one time deal". Commissioners Hale asked who is responsible for the rest of the public parking costs. Mr. Larsen said the HRA is responsible for the bulk of the parking, but if a business requires more parking they must buy into it at the $2.15 rate per square foot rate. Commissioner Workinger noted that the use is compatible with what is stated in the Comprehensive Plan, but in his opinion the 50th and France Avenue area is mostly retail and adding more office space doesn't make sense. Mr. Larsen responded that while the 50th and France Avenue area is noted for retail space, office space has always played a role in this area. Continuing, Mr. Larsen added if this proposal does not go forward, this site will always remain office. Mr. Larsen acknowledged that the fee structure for public parking does not represent the true value of parking spaces, but pointed out this fee structure is historic within this district. Mr. Larsen added office use does not compete with retail parking spaces, and the only problems within the area concerning office space was with Edina Realty and that problem has been eliminated. Mr. Smith told members of the Commission that over the past ten years real estate offices have changed. He said the Burnet site with the expansion will provide larger office suites for the agents, and he asked the Commission to note that usually the agents are not in at the same time. Commissioner Workinger said in his opinion the parking fee charge is too low. He reported that parking is Minneapolis is much higher, and can be as high as $150.00 per month. Mr. Larsen said the City recognizes that the public parking fee is a "good deal". Commissioner McClelland said it appears that within this area we are filling in every square inch with development. Continuing, Commissioner McClelland said shops in the area bring a certain cohesiveness and the additional office space may not be wise. Commissioner Ingwalson pointed that the economics of retail seem to work well mixed with office. He added the office use is logical, and pointed out if more retail space were needed there would be a proposal for more retail space. Commissioner Hale moved to recommend Final Development Plan Approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Ingwalson seconded the motion. Ayes; Hale, Faust, Johnson, Runyan, Shaw, Ingwalson, Johnson. Nays; Workinger, McClelland. Motion carried; 7-2 vote. EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 4, 1991 P-91-2 Request: Final Development Plan Burnet Realty, 5036 France Avenue South Building Addition in excess of 10% of existing floor area The subject property is zoned Planned Commercial District, PCD-2 and is developed with a one story office building with a total floor area of 3,275 square feet. The requested single story addition measures approximately 34 X 82 feet, and would have a gross floor area of 2,843 square feet. The addition would be constructed to the rear of the existing building in an area which presently provides parking for eight cars. The proposed addition would eliminate all private, on -site parking. The subject property is located within the 50th and France Tax Increment District. Since 1978 the City has followed a policy of allowing expansions up to a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.0 supported totally by public parking. Expansions beyond a FAR of 1.0 up to 1.5 (the maximum allowed in the PCD-2 District) are allowed only if supported by private parking. The proposed addition results in a FAR of 1.0 for the redeveloped site. Although City policy is to allow expansion up to a FAR of 1.0 utilizing public parking, the Zoning Ordinance requires a variance be granted. In this case a addition of 2,843 square feet would require 15 spaces. Thus, a 15 space parking quantity variance is requested. The exterior of the proposed addition would be brick embossed block painted white to match the existing building. Landscaping materials are suggested along the southerly and westerly property lines. Property owners within the Tax Increment District were originally assessed for a portion of the cost of providing public parking. Property owners were assessed on the basis of their existing floor area and in some cases for additional floor area anticipated by the Redevelopment Plan. A credit was given for providing private parking. In this case the property owner was assessed for existing floor space minus the credit for eight parking spaces. Since the original assessment building expansions, and properties which eliminate private, on -site parking have been assessed at a rate of $2.15, plus interest, per square foot of increased floor. The assessment for the proposed expansion would be based on an increased floor area of 2,843 square feet plus an addition 1600 square feet for lost parking spaces. Recommendation: The proposed addition is consistent with City policy for building expansions in the 50th and France District. The proposed expansion complies with all Zoning Ordinance requirements except for parking. The design and materials proposed are compatible with the existing building as well as adjacent buildings. Staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan including the parking variance subject to: 1. Payment of parking assessment based on an addition of 4,443 square feet, which would be due prior to release of a building permit. SEP- 3-91 TUE 14:05 P, 02 4 U 111 1 i CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR 'RRNK KREI5ER Re( KS TR, r5 •o j�� - /50- z3 - r 11 LL1..LL /.�, LL./_1 / / / L.1. / E' 1 /. /. �1i1 "1 l 68,p• �/''' ,1Y.. .9opesed Rdd;ILro(+.1 ‘4,:ki-47- o 6e Goi✓sftrc d 6E3.0 (21 C f 30 DESCRIPTION That part_ of Lot 49, Audi tar: s„Subdivision .Nunber:172% Hennepin,Ccunty, Minnesota";;' described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of said Lot 49, distant 2 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof, thence South along the East Tine of - said' Lot 49' to a point therein distant 42,16 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot 49, thence Westerly to a point in the West line of the East 1/2 of said Lot 494istant.43.3 feet South of the North line of said Lot 49; thence North along said West line of the East 1/2 of said Lot 49 to a point 2 feet South of the North line of said Lot 49, thence• East to the point of beginning. +-11/Ift.W • `1 r , n.....4. tw•�o�rti ,04a�b. Mo. RC7�� uw sJ..erw I. P.CPCCIL . Y/.6 134.04.11. .{ nr+v«wn ..t s . 1.+w0.4 M na it. 1u. 30 30 SCALE IN FEET /Ism* rrti6. Met /A/s storey wax priparrd b)' m4, cr Weer my ditoct rtparr/sion, and the / -. a aid)' Rrprstrrd Lane .51rriyor undo the /aars o! IAAe,S7ooht at' Mini=`/. Rs, No, ZZ- Z- Jae do : 57977 FIELD BOCK' F 729 PAGE' L? . DAWN SY: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: KENNETH ROSLAND CRAIG LARSEN DECEMBER 16, 1991 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL PETER ANDREA 1ST ADDN. 6996 VALLEY VIEW RD. S-91-9. Agenda Item # TTT •C• Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Councii Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends Preliminary Plat approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval. 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Changes 4. Easements on Lot 3'to maintain 35 foot setback from northerly property line and 105 feet from the northeasterly corner of Lot 3. Info/Background: See Attached Planning Commission Minutes and Staff report. SUBDIVISION NUMBER S-91-9 LOCATION 6996 Valley View Road REQUEST Three Lot Subdivision EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1991, 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair, G. Johnson, R. Hale, N. Faust, L. Johnson, H. McClelland, D. Runyan G. Workinger V. Shaw and C. Ingwalson MEMBERS ABSENT: J. Palmer and D. Byron STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen Jackie Hoogenakker I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Commissioner Ingwalson moved approval of the minutes for the October 2, 1991, Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Runyan seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. II. OLD BUSINESS: III. NEW BUSINESS: 8-91-9 Preliminary Plat Approval Peter Andrea 1st Addition Lot 1, Block 1, Muir Woods 6996 Valley View Road Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is a developed single family lot with a lot area of approximately 4.6 acres. Improvements on the property include a house in the central portion of the property, a swimming pool directly south of the house, and a tennis court, further south and about 40 feet lower than the ground elevation adjacent to the house. Access to the existing house is gained from Shawnee Circle via a driveway over a 40 foot wide outlot. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed subdivision would contain three lots or would create two, new buildable lots. Lots 1 and 3 would front on and would have driveway access to the recently completed Bello Drive. Lot 2 would continue as it is today with driveway access to Shawnee Circle. Mr. Larsen noted that the proposed preliminary plat requires no variances from the median sizes and dimensions of lots within the 500 foot neighborhood. One lot, Lot 3, does not meet the minimum "lot width to perimeter ratio" of 0.10. Lot 3 has a lot width to perimeter ratio of 0.07. Thus, a variance from this standard is requested. Mr. Larsen concluded that all lot sizes and dimensions of lots in the proposed plat significantly exceed those found in lots within the 500 foot neighborhood. The smallest lot in the proposed preliminary plat is approximately the same size as the largest lot in Jyland-Whitney. One variance is requested, for lot width to perimeter ratio on Lot 3. This ratio was adopted to help prevent "neck lots." Lot 3 is not a neck lot. Minor adjustments of the lot line between Lots 2 and 3, which would remove the variance, would not result in an improved plat. Staff recommends preliminary plat approval subject to: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Connection Charges The proponent, Jim Deanovic, Peter Andrea, Inc. was present. Mr. Peter Knaeble, Ron Krueger and Associates was present representing the proponent. Interested neighbors were present. Chairman Johnson asked the Commission to note that he is abstaining from the vote. Commissioner McClelland observed that directly west of the subject site is a large lot with access off of Valley View Road. She questioned if the proponent considered constructing a driveway for the proposed Lot 3 off Valley View via the large piece of property to the west. Mr. Larsen responded in staff's opinion that is not a practical option. He acknowledged that the lot directly west is substantial is size, but pointed out the topography of that lot make it impossible to develop it without variance(s). Mr. Larsen said in staff's opinion that lot is suited for one house, one driveway. Concluding, Mr. Larsen stated he believes any driveway that would be constructed over this lot would be too steep. Mr. Deanovic agreed with Mr. Larsen's comments and interjected that in his opinion the topography of the lot in question is too steep to construct a navigable driveway to Lot 3. Continuing, Mr. Deanovic explained at present an "interested party" has indicated desire in purchasing Lots 2 and 3, and not developing Lot 3 at this time, but retaining that option for future development. Mr. Peter Knaeble reported to the Commission that he has spoken with neighbors to the north of the site and as a result of this conversation the developer has agreed to maintain a 35 foot setback along the north property line of Lot 1, and a 105 foot setback from the northeast corner of Lot 1. Mr. Knaeble said this affords those neighbors privacy and eases their concerns over drainage. Continuing, Mr. Knaeble explained that another reason for the two new lots accessing Bello Drive is because the utilities for the proposed new lots are in place. He pointed out if a driveway were constructed to access Lot 3 from the lot to the west utilities would have to be installed and that would cause considerable disturbance to the property. Mr. Knaeble also reported that neighbors expressed a concern that in the future Lot 2, because of its large size, could be subdivided. Mr. Knaeble concluded that he explained to the concerned neighbors that he believes that would not possible because if divided there would be no access to the new lot and the size of the lot would be inadequate. Commissioner McClelland agreed with Mr. Knaeble's observation that future subdivision of Lot 2 would be unlikely. She pointed out any action that would occur on that site would have to be approved by the Commission and Council and subdivision of an already subdivided parcel does not make good planning sense, and in viewing Lot 2 access would also be a problem. Mr. Larsen interjected that it was the intent of staff if subdivision of the Peper property occurred access to the new lots would be off the new public street, Bello Drive. Future subdivision of Lot 2 appears to be unlikely and staff would not support it. Mr. Biesi, 6506 Shawnee Circle, told the Commission that while he supports an individuals right to subdivide their property he would like certain assurances that this project is developed with sensitivity. He pointed out he has a concern that the proposed house for Lot 1 could come too close to his property line. He asked the Commission to formalize the developer's offer to establish larger setbacks for the future house on Lot 1. Mr. Biesi said another concern of his are the trees, and drainage. He requested that everything must be done to ensure that trees not lost as a direct result of house construction are protected, and erosion control measures are implemented to preserve the trees as well as control drainage. Mr. Biesi concluded that he has some anxiety that Lot 2, because of it very large size could be re - subdivided in the future. Chairman Johnson clarified for Mr. Biesi that future subdivision of Lot 2 would be impossible because the new lot would not have public street frontage. He pointed out the city zoning ordinance requires all new lots to have a minimum frontage on a public street of 30 feet. Chairman Johnson reminded Mr. Biesi that access for Lot 2 is off Shawnee Circle. Mr. Larsen responded to Mr. Biesi's concern informing him the City insists on the implementation of erosion control measures during development and construction. Mr. Larsen noted that the City Engineer reviews all drainage and erosion matters. Mr. George Borer, representing property owner Daniel Spiegal, of 7104 Valley View Road, told the Commission his client is very interested in preserving the character and integrity of the Muir Woods neighborhood. Mr. Borer said Mr. Spiegal has serious concerns over the removal of trees and dense vegetation, the creation of large retaining walls, the loss of wildlife, and the continuing disruption of the "Muir Woods" environment. Continuing, Mr. Borer said another issue of concern for Mr. Spiegal is that it appears when subdivision occurs a precedent is established that allows the continued splitting of the large lots within the original Muir Woods plat. Mr. Borer recommended if subdivision were to occur private covenants and purchase agreements outlining preservation measures and conservation buffers be recommended as part of this approval process. Concluding, Mr. Borer stated Mr. Spiegal has a legitimate concern because with creativity a house can be constructed "almost anywhere" regardless of the topography and vegetation, and Mr. Spiegal wants assurance that his property will not be negatively impacted as a result of continued subdivision. Commissioner Workinger explained to the residents present that in order for development to occur on the lot immediately west of the subject site that property owner would have to agree. Commissioner Workinger also pointed out that access from this lot to Lot 2 would create a nonconforming driveway which would not be allowed. Mr. Sid Rebers, 6916 Dakota Trail, told commission members he agrees with the offer from the developers increasing the setbacks for Lot 1. He added the increased setbacks should be formally documented. Continuing, Mr. Rebers pointed out the increased setbacks allow for adequate drainage, and less disruption of the land. Mr. Rebers concluded that he wants assurances from the commission and staff that everything possible will be implemented to control erosion and the loss of trees. He stated he has no objections to the subdivision as presented with the implementation of adequate erosion control and the increased setbacks on Lot 1. Mr. Rebers stressed this site should never be developed with more than three houses. Mr. J. Finch, 7025 Comanche Court noted he has concerns regarding drainage and house placement. He added he does not want to see a house built along the side of the hill. Commissioner Johnson clarified the offer from the developer that the setback for Lot 1, along the north property line is 35 feet, and at the northeast corner of Lot 1 the setback is 105 feet. Continuing, Commissioner Johnson said in his opinion those increased setbacks should be addressed in a developer's agreement, restrictive covenant, or part of our motion. Commissioner Johnson noted that the Commission recently has been asked to consider subdivision of land that in the past was deemed "not buildable". Commissioner Johnson suggested that the time may be at hand to consider implementing different standards for the development of lots that have slopes in excess of 25%. He added it may be wise to request actual footprints of proposed houses when the topography is so extreme and the impact to surrounding properties so dramatic. Mr. Larsen responded that at the building permit stage all house plans are reviewed by that department, the planning department for compliance with setbacks, and setback restrictions, and the engineering department, which reviews a number of issues including drainage, retaining walls, utility easements, etc. He added if the Commission feels the process is not adequate for this type of development further study may be needed. Commissioner Ingwalson said he understands the concerns expressed by the neighbors, noting they appear to support the proposal if it is developed with sensitivity. Commissioner Ingwalson said his concern centers around the fact that when these new lots are marketed the asking price is so high that the house eventually constructed is very large and usually appears out of character with the neighborhood. Commissioner Johnson reiterated that in his opinion the commission should look at the option of reviewing single family sites that contain steep slopes with the same intensity used to review multi -family housing sites. Commissioner McClelland agreed with Commissioner Johnson that his idea would be worth considering. She added she believes the increased setbacks will provide "better" building pads, but added the increased setbacks should be formally documented. Commissioner Johnson agreed adding a developers agreement should be implemented to cover all lots. Commissioner Hale echoed Commissioner McClelland and Johnson and requested that all retaining walls be included in a developers agreement, and that the setback for the retaining wall on Lot 3 should be 30 feet from the lot line. Mr. Deanovic said on Lot 3 the setback for the retaining wall is around 20 feet. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions and the additional conditions that a Developers Agreement be implemented to include all lots within the proposed plan. The Developers Agreement should include the review of all site plans with special attention given to the review of retaining walls by the Engineering and Planning Departments to minimize their impact. That Lot 3 maintains a 35 foot setback along the northern property boundary and that a 105 foot setback is maintained from the northeastern point of Lot 1. Commissioner Hale seconded the motion. Chairman G. Johnson abstained. Ayes; Hale, Faust, Johnson, McClelland, Runyan, Workinger, Shaw, Ingwalson. Nays; none. Motion carried. S-91-9 EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 4, 1991 Preliminary Plat Approval Peter Andrea 1st Addition Lot 1, Block 1, Muir Woods 6996 Valley View Road The subject property is a developed single family lot with a lot area of approximately 4.6 acres. Improvements on the property include a house in the central portion of the property, a swimming pool directly south of the house, and a tennis court, further south and about 40 feet lower than the ground elevation adjacent to the house. Access to the existing house is gained from Shawnee Circle via a driveway over a 40 foot wide outlot. The proposed subdivision would contain three lots or would create two, new buildable lots. Lots 1 and 3 would front on and would have driveway access to the recently completed Bello Drive. Lot 2 would continue as it is today with driveway access to Shawnee Circle. The 500 foot neighborhood yields the following median dimensions and areas. The neighborhood includes the five lot Jyland-Whitney Addition immediately east of the subject property. Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area 500 Foot Neighborhood Median Lot Width Median Lot Depth Median Lot Area 100 Feet 150 Feet 16,450 Square Feet Proposed Peter Andrea 1st Addition Lot 1 150 Feet 205 Feet 38,500 Sq.Ft. Lot 2 Lot 3 205 Feet 370 Feet 91,750 Sq.Ft. 120 Feet 410 Feet 71,830 Sq.Ft. The proposed preliminary plat requires no variances from the median sizes and dimensions of lots within the 500 foot neighborhood. One lot, Lot 3, does not meet the minimum "lot width to perimeter ratio" of 0.10. Lot 3 has a lot width to perimeter ratio of 0.07. Thus, a variance from this standard is requested. The proposed preliminary plat does not anticipate the construction of new public streets or other public utilities. Lots 1 and 3 have access on Bello Drive and will be served by sewer and water services in Bello Drive. Sewer and water are available in Shawnee Circle to serve Lot 2. The impact of development will be caused largely by driveway construction for Lots 1 and 3. It is anticipated that the existing house will be razed and a new home built at approximately the same location on Lot 2. Driveway access from Shawnee will not change. The proposed house on Lot 3 would be constructed on what is now a tennis court. The new driveway serving this lot would include grades of 10% or more and would require some retaining walls. The proposed pad in Lot 1 is cut into the hill with a retaining wall to provide a small rear yard. Although the driveway is considerably shorter than on Lot 3 it will be equally steep. Included as part of the proposed Preliminary plat is the Outlot of the Jyland-Whitney Addition. The Outlot has been deeded to the owner of the subject property. The outlot provides for frontage on Bello Drive. Providing frontage on Bello for the subject property was a condition of approval for Jyland-Whitney Addition. Recommendation: All lot sizes and dimensions of lots in the proposed plat significantly exceed those found in lots within the 500 foot neighborhood. The smallest lot in the proposed preliminary plat is approximately the same size as the largest lot in Jyland-Whitney. One variance is requested, for lot width to perimeter ratio on Lot 3. This ratio was adopted to help prevent "neck lots." Lot 3 is not a neck lot. Minor adjustments of the lot line between Lots 2 and 3, which would remove the variance, would not result in an improved plat. Staff recommends preliminary plat approval subject to: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Connection Charges A / r / es • a •F, - • tl Iv i • 11 a I a'I rREE INVENTORY PLAN 'k %' I '' =74=1.. •• MM.. 7 A 424 SI PETER ANDREA 1ST ADDITION .„• �..�00L+,/ so EDINA MINNEBOTA • a o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o•.•..o o o... o o o o o- • • 00000000000000000 o. 000000000000000 Ron Kreiger 6r Associates, Inc. ingineering u/r M .r.+N eoeo Mims AOW Ean Iwrr Wrror 66344 (612)104 242 Sidney Bernhard Rebers, Master Builder REBERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • 3525 WEBSTER AVE. • ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 • TELEPHONE 920-6996 December 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Attention: Craig Subject: Jyland Development - (Development To West) Valley View Road, Edina I have been informed that an additional development known as Phase One will be brought before the City. If this is Phase One, let the developer show what the next phase or phases are. There has been no signage visible to the neighbors as to this development. The access to the development area has been posted by Jyland: Private Property, No Trespassing. I respectfully request postponement until proper signage visible to the affected neighbors has been posted. The Planning Commission and Council should not be deceived by the developers regarding the removal of trees. In areas where trees are to be saved, cutting and filling directly under the drip line of matured trees should be prohibited. The majority of trees affected by cutting or filling will be dead within two years. Per Rick Carlson, 55 percent of all trees were to be saved in their development. The Planning Commission should establish building pads within the lot boundaries to take into consideration the terrain and trees. Page 2 Regarding Jyland, it is apparent that the Mayor and Councilman Smith were right on. Four lots would have had less impact on the area, the developers would have had less costs, and the lots would have been more marketable. SBR:mb cc Respectfully submitted, Rebers 691. ota Trail Edina, MN 55439 Mayor Richards and Council Dan Spiegel Bob Erickson Thomas M. Sweeney George F. Borer Paul T. Ostrow Douglas B. Meslow Patrick J. Sweeney Sweeney & Borer Professional Association Attorneys at Law Suite 1200 Capital Centre 386 North Wabasha Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 December 16, 1991 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members of the City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina MN RE: Preliminary Plat Approval Peter Andrea First Addition Dear Mayor and Council Members: Telephone (612) 222-2541 Facsimile (612) 223-5289 Our firm represents Mr. Daniel J. Spiegel relative to the proposed plat of Peter Andrea First Addition. Mr. Spiegel is a neighbor to this proposed plat and has several concerns regarding the development. As you are aware, the City Council previously approved a plat adjacent to this one named Jyland - Whitney Addition. This plat had a significant impact on the neighborhood because of the loss of trees and dramatic grading changes. My client would like to avoid a similar development which completely changes the character and symmetry of the neighborhood. Specifically, as required by Edina City Ordinance No. 804, we are requesting that the City enter into a development agreement with the developer of this plat. We are requesting the following items be included in such an agreement: 1. All retaining walls and driveways will be constructed with specific approval of the Edina City Engineer in order to minimize impact on neighbors. We would request that the width, grading, and location of the driveways all be approved in order to minimize such impact. The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members December 16, 1991 Page Two 2. All trees which are shown on developers plan for preservation shall be preserved and shall not be disturbed by the development. If the trees are disturbed, replacement trees of like kind and size and landscaping should be done to replace the disturbed area. 3. No other grading will be done to the property except as shown on the plans. Further, location of building pads will not change from the proposed plan without the prior approval of the City Council. As the City knows, Ordinance 804, Section 12(b)(3) indicates that the location of building pads must be shown in the plans. 4. There will be no further lot splits or subdivisions of the three lots to be created in the proposed plat. We believe that entering into this development agreement will help to minimize impact on the neighborhood and avoid disputes in the future. It would also appear reasonable to request these restrictions since the plat is going to be utilizing previously undevelopable land. Because of the topography and the general conditions of this neighborhood, specific conditions should be imposed to preserve its integrity. Thank you for your consideration to this matter. Very truly yours, SWE , EY & BORER Geo g GFB:vlp cc: Daniel J. Spiegel Sidney Bernhard Rebers, Master Builder REBERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • 3525 WEBSTER AVE. • ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 • TELEPHONE 920-6996 December 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Attention: Craig Subject: Jyland Development - (Development To West) Valley View Road, Edina I have been informed that an additional development known as Phase One will be brought before the City. If this is Phase One, let the developer show what the next phase or phases are. There has been no signage visible to the neighbors as to this development. The access to the development area has been posted by Jyland: Private Property, No Trespassing. I respectfully request postponement until proper signage visible to the affected neighbors has been posted. The Planning Commission and Council should not be deceived by the developers regarding the removal of trees. In areas where trees are to be saved, cutting and filling directly under the drip line of matured trees should be prohibited. The majority of trees affected by cutting or filling will be dead within two years. Per Rick Carlson, 55 percent of all trees were to be saved in their development. The Planning Commission should establish building pads within the lot boundaries to take into consideration the terrain and trees. Page 2 Regarding Jyland, it is apparent that the Mayor and Councilman Smith were right on. Four lots would have had less impact on the area, the developers would have had less costs, and the lots would have been more marketable. SBR:mb cc Respectfully submitted, S do Rebers 69 . s: ota Trail Edina, MN 55439 Mayor Richards and Council Dan Spiegel Bob Erickson LOCATION MAP III.D. CONSENT 114,1 NNW ^� J J G W. 69 1 U� TN. 70 TH LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD-91-7 LOCATION SOUT;HDALIt___ CIRCLF PUbLIC , LIBRARY • Registered Land Surveys 1171, 1366, and 1466. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT LD-91-7 Request: Galleria, Gabbert & Beck. Registered Land Surveys 1171, 1366, and 1466. Combine existing RLS tracts into new RLS with three tracts. Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is the Galleria block, which lies between 69th and 70th Streets and between France and York Avenues South. The existing legal description includes seven tracts within three separate Registered Land Survey's (RLS). The existing tracts do not relate to the recently completed Galleria and Gabberts buildings. The proposed new RLS will conform to the building arrangement of the new shopping center. Mr. Larsen pointed out the new RLS will have three tracts. One for the Gabberts store, one for the shopping center and one Tract (A) to provide right-of-way for a right turn lane on West 70th Street. Please note that the dashed lines indicate existing tracts and the solid lines indicate new tracts. �- Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the approved RLS. The purpose is to clarify legal descriptions and to reflect the conditions of the redeveloped site. Commissioner Hale moved to recommend lot division approval. Commissioner Ingwalson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 4, 1991 LD-91-7 Request: Galleria, Gabbert & Beck. Registered Land Surveys 1171, 1366, and 1466. Combine existing RLS tracts into new RLS with three tracts. The subject property is the Galleria block, which lies between 69th and 70th Streets and between France and York Avenues South. The existing legal description includes seven tracts within three separate Registered Land Survey's (RLS). The existing tracts do not relate to the recently completed Galleria and Gabberts buildings. The proposed new RLS will conform to the building arrangement of the new shopping center. The new RLS will have three tracts. One for the Gabberts store, one for the shopping center and one Tract (A) to provide right-of-way for a right turn lane on West 70th Street. Please note that the dashed lines indicate existing tracts and the solid lines indicate new tracts. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the approved RLS. The purpose is to clarify legal descriptions and to reflect the conditions of the redeveloped site. GALRLST.DWG 1048 A 01 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA • to too cn m, Z P.K. NNL-0 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH - )COUNT'i ROAD NO. 17) MATCH LINE ____- SEE SHEET 3OF 33 SHEETS S 0'16 1'03' E SEE DETAIL\ 55 .32 \ 244.00 1 278.85 Tract 8 ft1.S NO. 1:Hifi Jty ,,y4,0� 's44�t'12'w S 8�9'54'08' E 5—lb 1?,0 Tract A f?L1 No. 1366 TRACT C CHISELED 'X IN WALK 0 55.44 O S 0021'38' E Ai N 2 222.73 N 00.11'06' W N 0001'40' W TRACT B t` 3i0 1- \, R - 65.00 C BRC N 31.49'05' W ' A •• 89'43'54. C - 26.36 L - 101.89 : RIDHT OF WAY PER R - 25.00 0 1 DOC. NO. 1496134 A 63'36'11' T '01' NORTH L = 27.77 i i '4 1 165.76 } ( • N �120 60 • E NORTH T s''r .%' TRACT t A • 1� t r._2t.69 d 554.35 P.K. NAIL 80 DETAIL NO SCALE Tract A P.1.:i HD. 1171 S 00'11'03' E TRACT B 24.00 Y • S 0011'03' E ;,• 6. 8 TRACT w C al w In n 0 0 CO. NORTH FRAN.NCE AVEEr.flit: SOUTH (COUNTY ROAD NO. 17) 100 50 80 100 200 300 SCALE IN FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND o DENOTES 5/8 INCH X 18 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED BY MN. REG. NO. 18418. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE 50UT-I UNE OF WEST 89th STREET HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF N 89'48'54' E. SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS GALRLS3.DWG 1048 A P1 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA w w tn -1: w co , z 0 cs.r co cr, T. OM< AVE:i•liJEE SOUrri (COUNTY P.OAD NO. 311 SOUTH 5522o v.) m tO 1; Tract A F1LS NO. 11.611 4. CHISELED 'X' WALK tJ CO ti I— 7; Tract D RI_S NO. 1171 TRACT 1 B N ooTti.2.3Vf CHISEIM 'X' 244.04 IN CURBo t." TRACT tit 174 • t•-t I tr. " ,...dUNCH HOLE IN_WALX 244.00 —275.ET) 55 .32 i .............. 5 001103 E ---. ..-- .." ----- MATCH LINE ------ --"" SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS 100 50 130 t-- t.11 Ul CI: t— tll 80 --@sm4olirip 100 200 200 300 SCALE IN FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES 5/8 INCH X 18 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED BY MN. REG. NO. 18418. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH UNE OF WEST 89th S HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF N 8948'54. E. SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEE1S RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled " REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. ", and identified as the Galleria Block, platted by Gabbert and Gabbert, a Minnesota limited partnership, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 16, 1991, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final plat approval. ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1991. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular meeting of December 16, 1991, and as recorded in the minutes of said Regular Meeting. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk LOCATION MAP °IN`EE°' LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD-91-8 LOCATION 7401,7433-99, and 7551 France Avenue South EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT LD-91-8 Lots 1, and 2, Block 1, and Outlot D, South Edina Development Addition, Edina HRA and Gabbert and Beck, 7401,7433-99, 7501 and 7551 France Avenue South General Location: East of France Avenue and north of West 76th Street Mr. Larsen told the Commission the subject properties includes Centennial Lakes Plaza and the central portion of Centennial Lakes Park. The requested replat would adjust the common lot line between the shopping center and park. Mr. Larsen explained the construction of the shopping center resulted in several minor encroachments into the park. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend lot division approval. Commissioner Hale seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. LD-91-8 EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 4, 1991 Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Outlot D, South Edina Development Addition, Edina HRA and Gabbert and Beck, 7401,7433-99, 7501 and 7551 France Avenue South General Location: East of France Avenue and north of West 76th Street The subject properties includes Centennial Lakes Plaza and the central portion of Centennial Lakes Park. The requested replat would adjust the common lot line between the shopping center and park. The construction of the shopping center resulted in several minor encroachments into the park. This replat adjusts the common lot line to eliminate these encroachments. The total land area involved is 3,740 square feet. The shopping center owner paid for the exchanged land. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. The replatting is being processed at the request of Gabbert and Beck to clarify legal descriptions. Because of the extensive cross easements now in place this replat is not legally required. J 85 Z`4 050q•161, S 89°5 ' • `0°\gt • •_ .II '� z4. ZA \Lri 515 E A c - coo o" \ 78.15 _ \ ii RIN0 O S r, L'; (D \ i *-n y o i m D I z>r9 yyoo ;Pov oAl}S �cNZ gyppNA, Nm0NC_+0mV'm A'3 4 m D O = Z r=.I2 my 0 D A at g ,-z At .y D> 1- ZZ ..... r O P DO c it" \�i c n C ) r r1 Z D •` �' 1 ' I DRI s ) Z rr1 4/ U .- DRAINAGE & UT1UTY I I ', r Z EASEMENT ".; :. 3 •4£ y7„ 19,N r`* O ; . •s v 19t to 001 ,' N 8918159• E �__— o - t0 _ _ _ 1 1 330.00 -\— f c 0 I/' rn � � �3s.00 r / o o_� 1_1 510.00 / \ 1.c°! ioa .3 i 35.00 S 89.18' 59' w / o! o o_ -i T 1 ' m OO /pCo r m ,o o Z 0 • •�1, \''U, ra• P=66°11'38• R=262.50 303.27 T , 330.00 I '---t'i' t S 89.18'59• w N 82.48'35• w __._ DRAINAGE & UTILITY - _ I' EASEMENT z z a y V 4 ID - CO 1-. Mp m U. -, 0 rn m .W \_/ N c No Z •_/ I- :., f' N77.74r 0 Illi = > �� `__ { 00>N �xo m Ia �m OCUP� I 0m v aN m �y;C da N r,oc•)-•m Ca N pZo zmC r! oD D \:,, w'•m r•1 r a J g .,.-I ..ni N> o C S 2/ la 0 13f! KJ mr^n rE / \91� 1 �. c,i,, S z to c.. so S 85°25'SS';'E �9 y� ; �.w s• D..• Rz •• z `� ��o2 a 38?s , F�7S �\sys z tis'� B,�\� r sl 3 S8 / Fo \ v-9 :T N F • • • IIV130 33S 7 0 z lJ O N 2 Line Po with the East Nq� Line off SW 1/4, Sec. 32, w —�� /�-! cost Line in the West 1/2, r: rl ,V.r-''^e West Line of the East 1/2 I/i `2` N i of the SW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 32. Q�°oj� "•o. 28. Rge. 24 \\ ice/ .. g'V / — _ A=64'19' 0C, — 4:53.06 N N N z 0 V 0 O � A co O RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT SECOND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT SECOND ADDITION", platted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and CLP Partners, a Minnesota general partnership, and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 16, 1991, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1991. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular meeting of December 16, 1991, and as recorded in the minutes of said Regular Meeting. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation VIA: Kenneth Rostand City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE November 25, 1991 AGENDA ITEM V . A . ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tree trimming of boulevard trees 1. Precision Landscape and Tree 2. Outside Services, Inc. 3. Arps Tree Service 4. Total Tree trees under 12" trees over 12" trees under 12" trees over 12" trees under 12" trees over 12" trees under 12" RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: trees over 12" Precision Landscape and Tree GENERAL INFORMATION: The price per inch is based on diameter inch of the tree four and one-half feet up from the ground. in northwest section of Edina $1.11/dbh inch $2.62/dbh inch $1.75/dbh inch $2.95/dbh inch $1.99/dbh inch $2.64/dbh inch $2.50/dbh inch $2.60/dbh inch Cost of the tree trimming program for the Northwest quadrant of the city will be funded through spec assessment. al The Recommended bid is Dep x within budget not withi Kenneth Rostand City Manager! ce Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REOUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: December 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM V . B . , ITEM DESCRIPTION: Diseased tree removals, stump removals and tree trimming at various locations in the city of Edina. 1. Precision Landscape and Tree removals over 30" $12.49/dbh inch 2. Outside Services Inc. 3. Arps Tree Service 4. Total Tree RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID Precision Landscape and Tree removals under 30" $ 8.73/dbh inch trimming over 12" $ 2.62/dbh inch trimming 12" & under $ 1.11/dbh inch stump removals $ 1.69/dbh inch removals over 30" removals under 30" trimming over 12" trimming 12" & under stump removals removals over 30" removals under 30" trimming over 12" trimming 12" & under stump removals removals over 30" removals under 30" trimming over 12" trimming 12" & under $ 9.00/dbh inch $12.50/dbh inch $ 1.95/dbh inch $ 3.25/dbh inch $ 1.85/dbh inch $13.49/dbh inch $10.49/dbh inch $ 3.50/dbh inch $ 2.50/dbh inch $ 2.23/dbh inch $16.00/dbh inch $15.00/dbh inch $ 2.50/dbh inch $ 2.50/dbh inch GENERAL INFORMATION The price per inch is based on diameter inch of the tree four and one-half feet up from the ground. The above bids are for normal contract services for minor tree trimming and removal of diseased trees on boulevards. This service contract will last for 2 years from 1992 to 1993. Our Operating Budget during the year has $30,000 for minor trimming and boulevard tree removals and $10,000 for stump removals. The Recommended bid is X within budget not within bud Kenneth Rosland, ty Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE 16 December, 1991 AGENDA ITEM v . c . ITEM DESCRIPTION: Emergency Repair of Squad Car Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Suburban Chevrolet, Inc. 1. $ 6,667.62 2. Minnesota Auto Damage Appraisers, Inc. 2. $ 7,300.36 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Suburban Chevrolet, Inc. $ 6,667.62 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for the emergency repair of a police squad car which was damaged in an accident. The Recommended bid is Public Works - Equipment Operation Depart within budget not wft /. /Ai Ag en 1 th Rosland City ' _ nager finance Director s�VA. w�� Fi 1 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE :� TO: FROM: VIA: Mayor & City Council Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works Kenneth Rosiand City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE 16 December, 1991 AGENDA ITEM V.D. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Two 1/2 Ton Pickup Trucks Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. 2. 3. Superior Ford, Inc. 1. $22,152.00 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Superior Ford, Inc. $22,152.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for two 1/2 ton pickup trucks which will be replacing Vehicle Nos. 25-239 and 25-264. This puchase will be funded from the equipment replacement fund and is thru the Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Public Works - Streets Signature,% Department The Recommended bid is within budget not withi j= • et iin. Finance Director neth Rosiand C'' Manager TO: FROM: VIA: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE 16 December, 1991 AGENDA ITEM v • E • ITEM DESCRIPTION: One 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Company 1. Superior Ford 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Superior Ford GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid $11,291.00 $11,291.00 This purchase is for a 1/2 ton pickup truck which will be replacing Vehicle No. 25-208. This purchase is funded from the equipment replacement fund and is thru the Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. The Recommended bid is x Public Works - Utilities De • -.• e within budget not with; J. rIlin. Finance Director e eth Rosland C Manager `'7 ? REQUEST FOR PURCHAS E TO: FROM: VIA: Mayor & City Council Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE 16 December, 1991 AGENDA ITEM v V. F. ITEM DESCRIPTION: One 4-Wheel Drive Pickup Truck Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Superior Ford, Inc. 1. $13,732.00 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Superior Ford, Inc. $13,732.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for a 4-wheel drive pickup truck which replaces Vehicle No. 25-209. The purchase is funded from the equipment replacement fund is is thru the Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. The Recommended bid is X Public Works - Utilities within budget not with' -nt a 'n, Finance Director e " eth Rosland C r Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and Council Members FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: December 10, 1991 AGENDA ITEM v • G. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 1/2 Company 1. Superior Ford, Inc. Ton pick-up truck 1. 2. HENNEPIN COUNTY CONTRACT 1/2051A1 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. Amount or Quote or Bid $13,122.00 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Superior Ford, Inc. $13,122.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: Replacement truck for 1983 Ford 4 x 4 with plow (truck #47288) 1992 Equipment Replacement Budget The Recommended bid is Depart /' within budget not w Kenneth Ro and, City Manager nce Director MEMBERS PRESENT: MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 10, 1991 9:00 A.M. Fran Hoffman, Chairman Alison Fuhr Cordon Hughes Craig Swanson MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Sherman OTHERS PRESENT: SECTION A: VI (A) Mr. Dennis Eyler, Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch Deputy Chief Leonard Kleven, Edina P.D. Ms. Janet Borgeson, 6709 Tracy Avenue Mr. Todd Johnson, 6705 Tracy Avenue Ms. Jan Johnson, 6705 Tracy Avenue Mr. Tom Ceske, Ind. School District 273 Ms. Jill Dushinske, 6621 Tracy Avenue Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Request to install a "STOP" sign on Bello Drive at Valley View Road. Request received from City of Edina Engineering Department. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman requested that the Committee recommend the installation of a "STOP" sign on Bello Drive at Valley View Road. Mr. Hughes moved that the Committee recommend the installation of a "STOP" sign on Bello Drive at Valley View Road. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. December 11, 1991 Page 2 (2) Discuss traffic safety concerns at the Edina High School/Valley View Junior High School exit on to Valley View Road. Request received from Raymond Smyth, Edina School Superintendent. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman reported that Mr. Swanson had received a letter from Superintendent Smyth which addressed how people use the driveway when exiting the school, and Mr. Tom Geske was present representing the school about changing the signage at the parking bay in the front of the school. Regarding the first issue, Mr. Swanson stated that Mr. Smyth had asked that a police car be stationed at the school during peak morning and afternoon hours. Mr. Swanson said this issue had come before the Traffic Committee several times previously. He asked that the Committee go on record informing the school that they have a problem which is resolvable by various engineering aspects-, and that the City can do nothing more for them without their participation. Mrs. Fuhr said that one solution that had been discussed was to reconfigure the exit driveway to bring it further east and make the resulting intersection a four-way stop. Mr. Kleven was asked about accident statistics at the location and noted the following since 1988 (broken down into two categories): 1. 13 accidents were reported on Valley View Road in the vicinity of the school (10 written reports resulted): 7 - entrance/exit to school on Valley View Road 2 - intersection of Antrim Road and Valley View 1 - intersection of Valley View Road and Chapel Accidents were the result of: 5 - failure to yield 3 - following too close 2 - inattentive drivers 2. 15 accidents were reported within the lot (7 written reports resulted): Accidents were the result of: 3 - following too close 1 - failure to yield 1 - unsafe backing 2 - too fast for conditions Mr. Swanson moved that the Committee go on safety concerns at the entry/exit point to solvable via engineering solutions and the investigate those solutions. Second by Mrs. 4-0. Road Drive school parking record stating that the Edina High School are school should further Fuhr. Motion carried December 11, 1991 Page 3 Mr. Tom Geske, Supervisor of Transportation for Independent School District 273, appeared before the committee regarding changing the signage at the parking bay on Valley View Road immediately south of Valley View Junior High School. The district requested the current "NO PARKING THIS SIDE OF SIGN" and "NO PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS" signage be changed to read "NO PARKING 7:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. ON SCHOOL DAYS." Mr. Geske said that such a change in signage would allow the parking bay to be used as a pick-up/drop-off site for students. Mr. Kleven questioned use of the term "school days" and recommended the following signage instead: "NO PARKING 7:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY" with an additional advisory sign stating "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY." Mr. Hughes moved that the Committee recommend the installation of "NO PARKING 7:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY" and "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY" signs at the parking bay on Valley View Road immediately south of Valley View Junior High School. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. (3) Discuss traffic safety study on Tracy Avenue between Valley View Road and West 70th Street. Continued from October meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dennis Eyler, a consultant from Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch, appeared before the Committee. Mr. Eyler was hired, following Council approval in July, to provide an assessment of traffic concerns on Tracy Avenue and the surrounding neighborhood. He made a presentation to the Committee regarding the results of a computer modeling study of the area bounded to the south by West 70th Street, to the west by Antrim Road, to the northwest by Valley View Road, and to the north by the Tracy Avenue/Crosstown Highway interchange. The study sought to divert traffic out of the neighborhood through three basic methods: (1) physically break up the neighborhood through regulation or physical impairments; (2) make the desired path more attractive; and (3) reach some equilibrium so that no one particular area bears too big a burden. Various computer models were established to test the following options (see attached report): 1. Banning selected turns at various locations at various times of day 2. Installing multi -way stops along Tracy Avenue 3. Improving collector streets 4. Erecting traffic diverters 5. Street closures alternative December 10, 1991 Page 4 In Mr. Eyler's opinion, the most workable solution was "Traffic Diverters Pattern C," which uses three sets of diverters to break the neighborhood into two pieces. The resulting scenario would shift the traffic to West 70th Street/Antrim Road/Valley View Road, while maintaining a slight connection between the two halves of the split neighborhood. He suggested that such a pattern could be tested first with temporary barriers, to see if the traffic pattern along the outer roadway re-establishes itself. Several residents of the neighborhood voiced their concerns, including one individual who questioned what effects diverters would have on emergency vehicles responding into the area. Mr. Hughes asked whether installation of diverters would cause more diversion at Gleason Road, especially from those people traveling eastbound on the Crosstown Highway. Mr. Eyler stated that there would probably be an increase in diversion at Gleason. Mr. Hughes moved that the consultant's report be presented to the City Council at its next meeting, and that the Council consider a presentation by Mr. Eyler at a public hearing, in which residents in the affected area would be invited to attend. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. SECTION B: Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. (1) Request to review "STOP" sign at intersection of Larada Lane and Parkwood Road. Request received from Robert Kaatz of 6505 Parkwood Road. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman had been contacted by Mr. Kaatz, who asked for a review of the "STOP" sign at the intersection of Larada Lane and Parkwood Road. Mr. Kaatz believes that the sign, installed in 1988, is ineffective at its current location and should either be removed or relocated one block to the west. Mr. Kleven reported that 13 "STOP" sign violations had been cited at the location since 1988. Mr. Swanson moved that the Committee not take any action at this time on this request pending the receipt of further information submitted by the requestor. Second by Mr. Hughes. Motion carried 4-0. December 10, 1991 Page 5 SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Discuss traffic signal study on Gleason Road at Vernon Avenue. Request received from City of Edina Engineering Department. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman reported that he had received a letter from the Hennepin County Department of Public Works. A recent traffic study conducted by the County had identified a traffic signal warrant at the intersection of Gleason Road and Vernon Avenue, as the intersection meets peak hour volume during both the morning and afternoon peak periods. Mr. Hoffman reported that Gleason Road currently supports between 4,000 to 5,000 cars a day, and stated his belief that signalization would increase that number by at least 1,000 cars, with the destination being Opus in Minnetonka, as the street would then be easier to use. Mr. Hoffman said that 75-percent of the $70,000 installation costs would be borne by the City. Mr. Hoffman asked if accidents statistics were available for the intersection, and Mr. Kleven said that those statistics had not been researched, but that he recalled some specific serious accidents. Mrs. Fuhr moved that the Committee hold the issue until the January meeting pending receipt of accident information from the Police Department. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hughes. The motion passed 4-0. STRGAR-ROSCOS E-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION ■ CIVIL ■ STRUCTURAL ■ PARKING ■ LAND SURVEYORS SRF No. 0911592 December 6, 1991 Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. City Engineer CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: TRAFFIC STUDY TRACY AVENUE - WEST 66TH STREET TO WEST 70TH STREET Dear Mr. Hoffman: As you requested, we have completed a traffic study and analysis of the Tracy Avenue neighborhood, generally between West 66th Street and West 70th Street. Based on this traffic study and analysis we offer the following comments and recommendations for your consideration: INTRODUCTION This study was completed in response to neighborhood concerns for the amount of "through" traffic cutting through the neighborhood on Tracy Avenue between West 66th and West 70th Streets in the City of Edina. The study area is generally the neighborhood bounded on the north and east by Nine Mile Creek, on the south by West 70th Street, and on the west by Valley View Road and Antrim Road (see Figure 1). EXISTING CONDITIONS City staff has previously documented that there is a significant amount of "through" traffic using Tracy Avenue as a short cut through the subject neighborhood. The staff's conclusion that this "through" traffic is primarily travelling between the Crosstown Highway interchange with Tracy Avenue and the Edina Industrial Park, is reasonable. This "through" traffic is cutting through the neighborhood primarily due to the congestion and delay that exists on the Crosstown Highway and Highway 100. Suite 150, One Carlson Parkway North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447 612/475-0010 FAX 612/475-2429 Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. - 2 - December 6, 1991 Based on a cordon count of the neighborhood which was completed by the city in early October 1991, there are 5,770 vehicles entering or exiting the neighborhood daily (the counts were adjusted for daily and seasonal variations). The estimated 320 homes within the neighborhood would only generate about 3,200 daily vehicle trips, based on the I.T.E. average daily trip rate of 10 trips per household. The difference of 2,570 trips per day is a significant amount of "through" traffic cutting through the subject neighborhood. This "through" traffic is primarily cutting through the neighborhood on Tracy Avenue. However there is "through" traffic on other neighborhood streets such as Limerick and Hillside Lane and Galway and Brook Drive, as well (see Figure 2). STUDY ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY It was assumed that there are no improvements which could be easily implemented within the near future that would improve the operation of the Crosstown Highway or Highway 100 which would also help reduce the neighborhood "through" traffic. It was therefore also assumed that the "through" traffic would need to be diverted from the neighborhood streets to the collector streets serving the study area. These collector streets were assumed to be Valley View Road, Antrim Road and West 70th Street. It was also assumed that a significant increase in traffic volumes on these collector streets was acceptable to the city and it's residents. A computer model of the study area/neighborhood roadway system was developed using the CARS (Comprehensive Assignment and Routing System) micro -computer program. This computer model was used to test the identified alternative actions or neighborhood traffic management strategies. IDENTIFIED ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The identified alternative actions which were tested are listed as follows: o An alternating pattern of stop signs on streets with a significant amount of "through" traffic (see Figure 3). Poor stop sign compliance should be expected. o A series of multi -way stops along Tracy Avenue from West 66th Street to West 70th Street (see Figure 4). Poor stop sign compliance should be expected. Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. - 3 - December 6, 1991 o Improving the collector streets by changing the geometrics at the intersections of Valley View Road at Antrim Road and Antrim Road at West 70th Street (see Figure 5). o Installing various patterns of traffic diverters within the neighborhood (see Figures 6 through 9). o Closing Tracy Avenue between West 66th Street and Hillside Circle, and between Brook Drive and Mc Guire Road, and closing the intersection of Brook Drive and Hillside Lane (see Figure 10). Two identified alternative actions were not tested because they involved regulatory traffic restrictions that require a prohibitively high level of police enforcement to obtain acceptable levels of compliance. These alternative actions are listed as follows: o Turn prohibitions by time of day at the intersections of the high "through" traffic neighborhood streets and the study area collector streets. o Short one-way street segments on the high "through" traffic neighborhood streets. ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND FINDINGS Two of the identified alternative actions tested would be effective in diverting the "through" traffic from the neighborhood streets to the collector streets. Both of these actions involve installation of traffic diverters within the neighborhood (Traffic Diverter Pattern B - Figure 7, and Pattern D - Figure 9). Significant changes in the travel patterns of the neighborhood residents will result as well. Both of these traffic diverter patterns virtually cut the neighborhood in two. Pattern B cuts the neighborhood in half at West 68th Street and allows no movement between the north and south halves. Pattern D cuts the neighborhood in half diagonally form northeast to southwest and allows no movement between the southeast and northwest halves. Current neighborhood street planning principals would not provide the "through" streets that exist in the subject neighborhood. The installation of traffic diverters would retrofit the neighborhood to be consistent with current neighborhood street planning principals. Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. - 4 - December 6, 1991 The cost to construct permanent traffic diverters at the required intersections is roughly estimated at $10,000 per intersection, or $40,000 for Pattern B and $30,000 for Pattern D. The other identified alternative actions tested did not result in effectively diverting the "through" traffic to the collector streets. They either did nothing to change the existing pattern or only shifted the "through" traffic to another neighborhood street. RECOMMENDATIONS Should the City wish to implement a neighborhood traffic improvement project for the study area it is recommended that Traffic Diverter Pattern D (see Figure 9) be selected. Due to the significant change in the neighborhood residents travel patterns and the costs for the permanent traffic diverters it is recommended that the plan be implemented on a temporary/trail basis and then be monitored. The traffic diverters could be temporarily constructed using Type III barricades. It would be helpful to also install advance signing on the collector street approaches to the neighborhood advising the "through" motorists of the change in the street network. Experience shows that once the traffic diverters have been installed, and the "through" traffic problem is no longer present or visible to the neighborhood, all that remains are the traffic diverters which continue to be an inconvenience to the neighborhood. After time the neighborhood often requests to have the diverters removed. It is possible that the temporary traffic diverters left in place long enough could break the "through" traffic pattern. The temporary diverters could then be easily removed, returning the neighborhood street system to it's original condition. Another consideration is emergency response time will be increased for emergency vehicles responding to a call for assistance within the neighborhood. Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. - 5 - December 6, 1991 Should you have any questions or comments concerning this traffic study, please contact us. Sincerely, STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. dot Dennis R. Eyler, FY.E. Principal Jeffrey R. Bednar Senior Traffic Engineering Specialist Attachments SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA STUDY AM Vic11.11TY TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE 1 SRF NO. 0911542 3550 DR. f'1 0 C IZLA1✓IJ�% W AY 1 �7�I .LU►J�-i zvfOr .JIL4.1• o a >✓x15TIIJ(.x Ylt..n •-- XXX - >✓XI ST W Alec P LY_TQAf�IC.D. Vblu�t�. L6 ANE 1 C cc ERIN 'jf ctie 3600 dg s z a BROOK MCGUIRE C L E'1 WOO 0 6,1 z W N z Q R0. Q • o 0L) J ll� • WHIT�J li S\ 276 2td U_ (L IC/0 10 ( ST. Z50 4►0 ) 440 R0 (016 a CREEK-7 v �a � VIEW LA. •- ! 70th OR. 110ft: U1.19f,2U►-W }mkt Ct W.6 ALL b .5 fkot CC4dbla AMU. r--J = Wj t' cal o 9.�11 W 64TH A c SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA �X1STIIJG CC1DIT lbi1S FIGURE 2 SRF NO. 0911592 TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY n Col,� WAY .-�Xlbii LV4 iv-r S1l��l • =txlSTlucz Y�9 '�u. �- uXx m_aitrtycm MOM. I=OP•Y,4:A,51 D. AVIA._Vk11 Y_ i 1C_VdLL . .. •• s mI,Y "Tg% LI'+-Az - .. 3106 I) 3bSo • CHAPEL UR. ANE •- cc ERIN TER. LOIS L 140 SUSAN Q cc 1(00 u400 BROOK W 69TH(S . Zoo ` 190 \ MCGUIRE r r1 4CLE'( OR I LA. VAILEY S7So vILLAGE DR. \E� z W z Q RD. r—� ti WHITS 01° RIIICr,.. SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA A,ttaiius rartni 6trais FIGURE 3 SRF NO. 0911592 TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY • D. WAY ` X1b-111J4 /,TOP ��x►�T►1JCq��YG1�t.1�tn��Y7511�1JvfnA -{ )0( ° Com1vlt r.„ NtUVT.I� CC�4_CfAcol AVLT DAILY 1Wric ®= rbMou-LnW�%�Y'(IS''i%b�? S�l(aki LbCATIO14 -• O rK11.4 V(�. ` m l YI 'Kt.JPLJJ�}��Y-14 ��cL �I �� * a/lr+ VYir 11t - t.kC A.V+f"7 a eztL r / SO cr1 ,G' CE / £ D c..)i � TER. o /,LOIS�L•.k Q OR, % ro � f !Apo a1 66TH 3Sso CHAPEL DR ( lr z ERIN 4-FA _w1 2 '3030 a wE$T 3aoo 4050 • 4+11 D. _ I S(oa Il 70fh 440 J4-ZIO \E� 323 3O S'15o� VILLAGE DR. z 0 N 0 Z X td Q SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA 5&J3 Of }v18.11-WM sos TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE 4 SRF NO. 0911592 0 ` �,XI�ZIULr 41 51(5J VX15T11. Lx YI J S1LsLI Ca./f M Hoof... ner.AST AVG. VALY 1.0141C D. ,--- - _ L�l ebs.'jiJ1�ai 4P 11.4122��D 2b, l li'. -. : ��l ((h�, 11,,r��1'�11v'].�l �pM 1 Se.. JVYf'`!`Wf.. 3 3960 CHAPEL DR WAY Q cc 166ISO ?el u' W 66TH. a (g0 J4- 320 ISO �bD \,� 140 i SUSAN AVE, i _ 31p f490 � 230 v90Vl �W. 68TH �i 140 11 _ ST. J 3(op }�'0 1%0' 4° 440 c0 Z20 ' a o BROOK D 1 GOO 11 o J 3 W 69TH(ST. Z00 1570cc • ` R. Z;- \ MCGUIRE RD. %10 s a •CREEEX 440 F 3 o I10� I 70 sr VIEW LA. Z3 Qw— Lo 00 f oSo Q,. WEST 70th -} 3130� �^`• A E 66 VILL G r 0 rn c m K = 4CLE'( Z J q —to, 11.% \\......\,.....zi LOI S LA. SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA mI'tow COLLe-CT4C S1MTS TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE 5 SRF NO. 0911592 0 C WAY 1 t.:41 >.1L4 z7TOP M6711JCz YttJ 2 LI. XXX = C6Mf-fe-& Mo .t, rtrteAsT bVGD.. 911LY 1 1C 1/OU31 , 'kat 4450 �w 69TH 1C 10 3770 co. wEST (.01(56 Ro LOIS LA. SUSAN AVE2.80 68TH ko0 BROOK _ MCGUIRE 36,70 x t^ Z�4CLE'( Q J p� 4/ gL) J U cc LA. ALLEY R0 130 c CREEK- 9 .. VIEW LA. I"1ga 34b 70fh ;;i- 1 T5150 VILLAGE OR. Z 0 u) 0 2 SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS TrgfIC CITYOOF EDIINA FIGURE SRF NO. 0911592 TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY D. 0 t,X1111Jt4 z7rOP 51L11.1 >✓x15Tik x Yl n S1Lsl� •- XXX = C6MpuYf Mo .i. OKt T A11G. OMI,Y "Uff1C L�popcA�T J C>= Imigr. �p�� T• r •r S �: {t�`,��rY'z�1 sm �I�JGNxY�44 �I�L.)- t.. StaklV} �,_lh1Wl YH" �FA (0290 3960 WAY CplOO R0 C 770 70 GR .CE `IP ;f'SUSAN AVE. ZSo-7 68TH BROOK Or rW 69TH1 ST. eOJd -% cr 306 ERIN .C� r (o3O MCGUIRE m 6276 = a LLE( 2 J RCY 3 r -- WHIT&J /7P LAJ EE C Et- 330 -- VILLAGE DR. w SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA OfT4ff11AC MITM-FATIMI f FIGURE 7 SRF NO. 0911592 TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY 0 g �l�t✓Isb r_,Yl-11utr 4Tor 511.11.1 I✓x15T1k x Ylt2 51�s1,I 40-Xxx 051,4fait,k Most. RtteAST �MMRs./^9��1�,(X It IMle. \J\DLUIve. .+ ~• 1 g tWNi_T sTh L' 44' Imo/ott. = StCO.`4`{ _`_SI WY-1 - " ?.401t. 3a0-\ 39bb CHAPEL OR. ( ex - cc 44, ERIN 'k� cc W 69TH I 2 3200 Q . W T 3110 X a 2 Q Q -J WAY R O. Rob b BROOK MCGUIRE 1 za a cc cc V LEY LA. 4(�o 5� VILLAGE G DR. Z 0 0 Z i SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA P Txa,FFic maim -NM c TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE SRF NO. 0911592 g • 0 �1tV tiL 4 410f 51(11.1 txISTI►JLT Y1t2 51L11„ 41-xXX = (61.112 el. Mora t . ,ST D. �- N. DAILY +f161C UDl:U► , LLCAT161.1 CP 1'1;114Y diliraY-gt 51ia 3900 -� CHAPEL UQ ANE - ¢ ( O m ERIN '%% 4B< 2 • WAY (,100 BEY R D 5ZIO cc -710 ' 70 GR4CE TER R. ,, LOI S LA. �{ IC.� � �P�SUSAN AV BROOK \ MCGUIRE 666 TO t h Sobo z • _ •• z W z r RD. W 64TH • 0 c Et- DR 7- 430 So VIEW LA. Co70 NI 0-1— S7Sa VILLAGE DR. SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA TF 1 C n1vITT S- WI= dnN TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE 9 SRF NO. 0911592 n 0 1tL.At-taC • t-11b11114 z7TOr 51L11.1 t✓x15TI•Lr Y1 .17 SILsQ •-XXX_ = COMfa e C. MOM, 51.tr.Asi. D. VA1t,Y iAfY IC UDCUile. o- ,K cri 32)G0 LOCAT161J I1v1nb2 ,ki f . = Se .g2Ati _-tt• ga.v. "1 aa, WAY O cc Y OSO 1280 1250 390 J 310 9s0 0 41 �:G C E / ( J, H, 67.T�1 TER. IM o f S H a T Lois LA. y 17O J®-Z80 910 ZOO x �SUSAN AVE. �' _ Mk) t�0 I, a 290 a o a i, ks O 1160 W 0 68 T H 1 -. _ ST RD 1(00 BROOK 2 3oTEw I So WEST 3140 t S z a J RD_ • Low) } t 490 U l/ 0G0 Q 70th S0 /b 5?50 vtLLAGE DR. z z r RD. 0 z o ?' 0 41 z Q X t RCY wA 0 0 SRF STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF EDINA 51Tril GLOSS 1.T'ATIV1; TRACY AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE ID SRF NO. 0911592 RESORT/REC OMMENDAT1ON To: Mayor Richards and Council Members From: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Date: December 11, 1991 Subject: Suggested ways to refund the Edina Girls Athletic Association Agenda Item # vz C. Consent 7 Information Only 7 Mgr . Recommends To HRA 7 To Council Action 7 Motion 7 Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Staff's recommendation on ways of reimbursing the Edina Girls Athletic Association (EGAA) as directed from the motion made at the council meeting of December 2, 1991: 1. The EGAA will assist the American Bandy Association (ABA) with Securing the rights to operate a pull -tab booth at Rupperts and Gippers in Golden Valley. In exchange the ABA will pay the EGAA their investment incurred to date. 2. The EGAA would be exempt from the $5 per participant field maintenance fee, which averages around $700 per year. This exemption would continue until the EGAA has received full reimbursement. Info/Background Staff recommends that we proceed with these two, in the order listed. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager From: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police Date: 12/12/91 Subject: Public Dance Permit 5125 Edina Industrial Bv. December 31, 1991 Agenda Item #yI . D . Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action x To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Recommend approval. Info/Background Dances have been conducted on Saturday, November 30th, and Saturday, December 7th, pursuant to terms and conditions approved by the Council on November 30th. The dances have been generally orderly and uneventful. Approximately one-half the number of attendees have been attending as was recorded during mid -November. The environment of the dance has been substantially changed and the police have been removed as the focus. There is no reason to anticipate problems sufficient for denial of the petition if the same terms and conditions are adhered to. The petitioner is requesting two changes to the Terms & Conditions (i.e.: smoking areas and permitting the hat attire). I would not recommend these changes for a December 31st dance or any other dance at that location. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman City Engineer Date: 16 December, 1991 Subject: I-494 EIS Review and Publication Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action VI.F. To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion -- Recommendation: Set review date for February 3, 1992. Info/Background: The Environmental Impact Statement. Representatives of Mn/DOT and the consultant, BRW, are reviewing the draft EIS with each of the five city councils in the study area prior to the Public Hearing planned for mid -April. Staff would recommend the review be conducted during the February 3rd City Council meeting. The proposed schedule is listed below: I-494 Project Management Team is finishing the I-494 Draft Revised DEIS Available for Mn/DOT/FHWA Mn/DOT Approval of DEIS FHWA Approval of DEIS Availability Notice Federal Register Availability Notice EQB Monitor Public Hearing Published in Published in Review January 8, 1992 Late February Early March Mid -March Mid -March Mid -April REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Date: December 12, 1991 Mayor Richards and Council Members Sdblect: Corrections to the 1992 Fees and Charges for the Municipal Pool and Golf Course Agenda Item #vL G. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends To HRA x I To Council Acton X 1 Motion E Resolution 7 Ordinance E Discussion RECOMMENDATION: The following motions where made at the December 10, 1991 Park Board Minutes: Jim Fee MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE GENERAL ADMISSION POOL TICKET BE CHANGED FROM $3.00 TO $5.00, WHICH WOULD NOW INCLUDE THE WATER SLIDE. Mac Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. Paul O'Connor MOVED TO CORRECT THE SR. & JR. NON -PATRON RATE AT THE EXECUTIVE COURSE FROM $5.50 TO $6.00 AND THE SR. & JR. PATRON RATE FROM $4.50 TO $5.00. Bill Jenkins SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED INFO/BACKGROUND: The following is taken from the December 10, 1991 Park Board Minutes: The fee for single general admission to the Municipal pool is $3.00 with an additional fee of $3.00 for the waterslide. Mr. Kojetin noted that if they charged one fee of $5.00 for everything, money could be saved. Using wrist bands costs around $7,000 in expenditures. In checking with other community pool's operations, an additional staff member is needed to police the wrist bands. Mr. Kojetin also stated that there are about a dozen people who lap swim at Edinborough in the winter and swim at the outdoor pool in the summer. These people's season ticket or pass books would be honored in the summer time at the outdoor pool. The Golf Course increases in the Executive Course fees were inadvertently omitted. It was noted that the Sr. & Jr. non - patron card listed the price on some literature as $6.00 and others at $5.50. On the fees and charges that were approved the same occurred in the Sr. & Jr. patron card, which was $5.00 and was listed as $4.50 in the recommended fees and charges. DESCRIPTION PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1992 FEES & CHARGES Recmmnd changes 1992 1991 1990 INCREASE TO REVENUE POOL Resident Family $65.00 $46.00 $46.00 Resident Individual $50.00 $30.00 $30.00 Non -Resident Family $75.00 $54.00 $54.00 Non -Resident Individual $60.00 $36.00 $36.00 Daily Admission $5.00 Adult & Youth $3:88- $2.50 $2.50 Waterslide $3:88- GOLF COURSE Executive Course Adult - non -patron Adult - patron Sr. & Jr. - non -patron $6.00 Sr. & Jr. - patron $5.00 -- Golf Cars - everyone $8.00 Pull Carts Group Fees $8.00 Braemar Room Night Rate resident Night Rate - non-resident Day Rate - resident Day Rate - non-resident Concession Fees (Concession is an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule) $6.50 $5.50 $5.50 $4.50 $7.00 $1.75 $7.25 $550.00 $600.00 $250.00 $300.00 $6.25 $5.25 $5.25 $4.25 $7.00 $1.75 $7.00 $500.00 $550.00 $250.00 $300.00 Variable prices $200.00 $200.00 S8,000.00 EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. December 10, 1991 MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Christianson, Bill Jenkins, Bill Lord, Jean Rydell, Pat Vagnoni, Jim Fee, Mac Thayer, Andrew Montgomery, Andrew Herring, Paul O'Connor MEMBERS ABSENT: Beth Hall STAFF PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton I. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 12, 1991 MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 12, 1991 MINUTES. Mac Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. Bill Jenkins indicated that under section V he was the one who inquired about Van Valkenburg. MINUTES APPROVED. II. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 25, 1991 SPECIAL PARK BOARD MEETING Mr. Kojetin indicated there were some typographical errors on the minutes that have been changed. The corrected minutes were handed out. Mr. Christianson noted that action on these minutes will be deferred to the January Park Board meeting. The City Council has already received the original minutes. Mr. Christianson also stated that the City Council did catch the essence of what was held at the special Park Board meeting. Mr. Christianson apologized for such short notice for the special meeting. He stated that the meeting needed to be held before the December 2nd City Council meeting and November 25th seemed to be the best date. Mr. Herring suggested that next time there is a special meeting he would like a poll to be taken of all board members on a convenient time. He suggested having a few alternative dates to pick from. Mr. Christianson responded that they try to accommodate everyone the best they can. There was a quorum present at the meeting and Mr. Christianson appreciated Mr. Herring's thoughts. It was noted that the Motion carried with 4 yeah, 1 nay, and 2 abstain. It was explained to the City Council that not all board members could attend the meeting. III. FUND-RAISERS - ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS Mr. Christianson presented a report to the City Council on December 2nd. Mr. Christianson indicated how the topic of gambling came to the Park Board's attention. He set forth the scenario and explained that a special meeting was held with the Edina Girl's Athletic Association (EGAA) which lasted almost two hours. He indicated to the City Council that Tami Halvorson from EGAA agreed that they would abide by the Park Board's decision. Mr. Christianson did point out that the Park Board is only an advisory group. Mr. Christianson also noted that Tom Erickson, City Attorney, informed him that the City did not have any jurisdiction over the Athletic Associations. They are a separate non-profit entity. The motion that the Park Board passed was to recommend to the City Council that a way be made to reimburse EGAA for their expenses. Tom Erickson indicated that this would be an improper expenditure of public funds. The City Council asked many questions of Ms. Halvorson and then voted 5 to 0. While the City Council could not do anything to regulate EGAA they were not in favor of raising funds through the use of pull tab gambling. They recommended that the Park and Recreation staff help enable EGAA to receive their money back without spending public money. Also, the City Council noted that if EGAA continues with pull -tab gambling, they will not be permitted to use the city's facilities. The City Council also asked the Park Board to look into the question of fund raising in general and come back with a report on fundraising guidelines. Mr. Christianson stated that the issue is back in the Park Board's hands to investigate fund raising. The Park Board will then make a recommendation to the City Council on fund raising guidelines. Mr. Christianson noted that EGAA had no guidelines to follow. Mr. Kojetin handed out a list of what the staff put together on starting to establish guidelines for fund raising. Also enclosed is a section from the Jupiter and Beyond Report that refers to the Athletic Associations relationship with the Park Board and Park and Recreation Staff. Also handed out was a list of fund raisers that have been used in the past. Mr. Montgomery asked if there have ever been raffles? It was noted that the Hockey Association has had raffles. Ms. Vagnoni asked if Hockey Moms was an association. It was stated that they are more of a booster club. Mr. O'Connor asked if there has ever been any initiative for the kids to wash windows, rake yards or mow lawns. He noted that the high school kids have been very successful at this. Mr. Keprios indicated that athletic associations have typically tried to stay away from labor fundraisers and do more selling. Mr. Montgomery noted that Minnetonka does something with distributing directories that raises a lot of money. Mr. Kojetin stated that it is difficult to list all of the different opportunities there are available to raise money. Ms. Vagnoni asked if fund raising was basically to support scholarships? It was noted that this was not the only reason. Fund raising helps subsidize the organizations general operating procedures and assists in lowering the price of registration fees. Mr. MacHolda noted that not all associations do fund raisers. For instance, soccer overcharged last year so they gave money back to the city by donating $10,000 for sod. The Edina Hockey Association made over $20,000 last year and this helps to lower registration fees. The Edina Baseball Association makes approximately $9,000 from concessions and $5,000 from tournaments. Baseball relies on fund raisers. Mr. Christianson stated the Park Board needs to know what are the athletic associations' expenses. If soccer costs $35.00 and hockey costs $235, the Board needs to know why. A breakdown is needed. The Associations need to submit their financial figures. Also, the Park Board needs to know how much each association is allocating to scholarships. Mr. MacHolda noted that the Soccer Association just reviewed their budget and there was no line item for scholarship. They have always accepted each scholarship. It was also noted that hockey has approximately 30 - 35 people using the scholarship program. Ms. Vagnoni asked if the scholarships are complete or partial. Mr. Keprios indicated that it varied on what the people asked for. Mr. Keprios also pointed out that scholarships are looked at very carefully and are kept confidential. Mr. Fee stated that a lot of people are unaware that there is scholarship money available. He feels a lot more kids would be playing sports if they knew there was financial assistance. Mr. Christianson indicated it should be made known that there is scholarship money. It is too bad if a kid cannot play to his ability because of financial reasons. However, Mr. Christianson pointed out that we need to get all of the facts from the associations before we can get into the topic of scholarships. Mr. Kojetin indicated that the Edina Foundation has been donating $300.00 per year for scholarships for City activities. He also indicated that he has been working with the 17 ministerial associations in the city in trying to locate families that could use financial support for athletic activities. Mr. Keprios made a comment that people do not always know what the word scholarship means. He suggested the term be changed to grant -in -aide or financial assistance. It was noted that maybe the Associations should look more at cutting down on expenses and not raising registration fees. Mr. Jenkins felt that it is becoming unaffordable for a lot of kids to participate. Mr. MacHolda pointed out if you have several kids and they play a sport each season it gets very expensive. Mr. Lord felt strongly that we should not be getting into the associations business. Mr. Christianson noted that the intent is not to get into their business but to gather all the facts to be able to make a recommendation on fundraising guidelines to the City Council. The City Council does not want the Park Board to be involved in the day to day operations. However, as long as the City provides staff, facilities and support the City Council should adopt broad guidelines in the area of fundraising. Mr. Lord again questioned whether we should stick our nose in their business. Mr. Jenkins stated that we just need to look at the whole picture and get the raw facts. An idea was brought up that maybe there could be one group that does fundraising and the money could then be allocated out to the different associations. People are getting tired of buying various fundraiser items all of the time. Mr. Christianson stated that the staff's recommended guidelines (yellow sheet) looks like a good process. This situation will not be solved over night. It will probably take 4 to 5 months to complete. Mr. Kojetin noted that the City Council did not give any time frame for completion. Ms. Vagnoni asked if EGAA turns down pull -tab gambling, will someone else grab onto it. It was noted that the City Council does not encourage any group or association to use pull -tabs. All of the associations will be told this is not an acceptable means of fund raising. Mr. Kojetin stated this is a broad topic with many scenarios. Such as, do we accept money from the Hopkins Jaycees who get some of their money from pull -tabs, etc. The list goes on. Mr. Christianson noted that action should be taken outlining how to proceed with this matter. The Park Board requested the staff to contact the Athletic Associations to get information. This information will then be brought• back to the Park Board in the form of a written report. Mr. O'Connor suggested having the staff write a series of questions relative to what we are looking for. He also suggested it be a brief questionnaire. Mr. Christianson liked Mr. O'Connor's idea. At the next meeting the Board will go through the questionnaire and decide which questions to ask. After the next Board meeting, the staff will contact the associations. Mr. Christianson indicated to the Board to feel free to submit any questions to the staff. IV. RECREATION REPORT A. Edina Girls Athletic Association - Mr. Kojetin stated that he met with Mr. Rosland and Mr. Keprios to discuss how EGAA could be reimbursed for the money they have already spent to start the pull tab operation. One idea was that possibly the American Bandy Association could buy the rights from EGAA. Another thought is EGAA would be waived the field maintenance charge of $5.00 per participate, which is approximately $700.00 per year, until the bill is paid off. EGAA is looking into whether or not the American Bandy Association can buy their rights. The treasurer has been called to see what their cash flow is to date. It was suggested that possibly a non -interest bearing note could be used to pay back the loan, such as what was done for the Edina Soccer Association. Mr. Christianson also feels that EGAA could reduce some of their expenses. B. Warming Houses - The warming houses will hopefully be opened on December 21st, weather permitting. There are still three positions open for warming house attendants. If anyone knows someone who would be interested please contact Ed MacHolda. V. OTHER A. Municipal Pool - Mr. Kojetin informed the Park Board that the fee for single general admission to the Municipal pool is $3.00 with an additional fee of $3.00 for the waterslide. Mr. Kojetin noted that if they charge one fee of $5.00 for everything, money could be saved. Using wrist bands costs 4 around $7,000 in expenditures. In checking with other community pool's operations, an additional staff member is needed to police the wrist bands. Mr. Kojetin also stated that there are about a dozen people who lap swim at Edinborough in the winter and swim at the outdoor pool in the summer. These people's season ticket or pass books would be honored in the summer time at the outdoor pool. Jim Fee MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE GENERAL ADMISSION POOL TICKET BE CHANGED FROM $3.00 TO $5.00, WHICH WOULD NOW INCLUDE THE SLIDE. Mac Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. B. Golf Course - It was noted that the golf course increases in the Executive Course fees were inadvertently omitted. It was noted that the Sr. and Jr. non -patron card listed the price on some literature as $6.00 and others at $5.50. On the fees and charges that were approved the same occurred in the Sr. and Jr. patron card which was $5.00 and was listed as $4.50 in the recommended fees and charges. Paul O'Connor MOVED TO CORRECT THE SR. & JR. NON -PATRON RATE AT THE EXECUTIVE COURSE FROM $5.50 TO $6.00 AND THE SR. & JR. PATRON RATE FROM $4.50 TO $5.00. Bill Jenkins SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. It was asked if there was any progress from the Corps of Engineers for the golf course. Mr. Kojetin stated not at this time. There also has been no action on the Normandale Golf Course. Todd Anderson, Assistant Golf Course Manager, and his staff did a fantastic job in getting the golf dome up and running. C. Pool - The pool is behind schedule because of the snow. Some of the concrete has been poured and they are working on welding the gutter system. D. Arneson Acres - Construction at the Arneson Acres maintenance building is continuing. E. Historical Society - Mr. Kojetin indicated that everyone should try to see the wonderful display on the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor at the Edina Historical Museum. F. Centennial Lakes - Mr. Kojetin indicated that the snow on the ice has caused problems with making ice for our family skating center. Hopefully we will have cold weather and the ice will be in shape by the opening of our skating rinks. G. Senior Center - The center is coming along well, hopefully the air conditioning will be installed next week. H. Gym Times and Fees - Mr. Keprios stated that he met with Mr. O'Connor, Jim Hamann, of the school district, and representatives from EGAA and the Edina Basketball Association concerning the increasing costs to use the gyms. There were a lot of inconsistencies and this year some fees may be forgiven but next year it will be in effect. Costs are based on the custodians that receive time and a half on Saturdays and double time on Sundays. The associations also felt that adult sports have been taking too much gym time. Mr. Keprios indicated to them that is not the case. Adults use the gyms on primarily Wednesday evenings. There is only one adult basketball league (5-man basketball) that uses only one gym, the Edina Community Center small gym, on Mondays and Tuesdays three months a year. The reason for the increase in gym fees is primarily due to the decrease of gym time use by the school on Saturdays. VI. ADJOURNMENT Mac Thayer MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:50 P.M. Andy Montgomery SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 6 SUMMARY Cost EDINA MUNICIPAL POOL RENOVATION ANALYSIS Original Estimate Recommended $554,000 $605,000 PROJECTED 1992 OPERATING BUDGET Total Revenues Total Expenses Total Income (loss) $185,801 178,690 $195,801 184,590 $ 7,111 $ 1,211 DETAILED ANALYSIS OF PROJECTED 1991 OPRATING BUDGET REVENUES Season Tickets $104,985 $104,985 General Admissions 38,971 38,971 $6 x 8118 = 48,708 Waterslide Admissions 9,741 9,741 $5 x 8118 = 40.590 Concessions 23,811 23,811 ($8,118) Rentals 8,018 8,018 Other 275 275 Total Revenues EXPENSES $185,801 $185,801 Personal Services $ 90,280 $ 90,280 Contractual Services 17,891 17,891 Commodities 15,419 15,491 - $7,000 bands Central Services 2,000 2,000 125,590 $125,590 Debt Service 53,000 59,000 Total Expenses $178,590 $184,590 Total Income (loss) $ 7,111 $ 1,211 Note the only change is the debt service charge has gone from $53,000 to $59,000 RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES FOR FUND RAISING ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS The Park and Recreation Department recognizes the following athletic associations: BRAEMAR CITY OF LAKES FIGURE SKATING CLUB EDINA BASEBALL ASSOCIATION EDINA BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION EDINA FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION EDINA GIRLS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION -TENNIS -FLAG FOOTBALL -HOUSE BASKETBALL -Traveling Basketball -VOLLEYBALL EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION EDINA HOCKEY MOMS EDINA SOCCER ASSOCIATION EDINA SWIM CLUB EDINA WRESTLING ASSOCIATION EDINA YOUTH (SLOW PITCH) SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION -FAST PITCH SOFTBALL The following steps or guidelines: 1. Discuss procedure at Park Board. 2. Contact the Athletic Association Presidents or invite to Park Board meeting: A. Ask the associations what fund raising methods they currently use and what methods they have used. B. What fund raisers they are considering for the future. C. Any recommendations they may have 3. Invite Athletic Associations to attend Park Board meeting. Park Board and Athletic Association would review findings. 4. Park Board would formulate a policy for fund raisers. Park Board would make a policy recommendation to City Council. 5. City Council will set final policy. ARLE (ADAPTIVE RECREATION LEARNING EXCHANGE) ADVISORY COMMITTEE To advise, consult with or make recommendations to the ARLE supervisors on matters relating to the development, maintenance and evaluation of social/recreational, educational programs and related services designed for individiduals with disabilities for the communities of Edina, Bloomington, Richfield and Eden Prairie. Membership consists of 6 consumers or parents, 3 individuals from agencies who represent persons with disabilities, 3 professionals and 3 school personnel. EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS There are currently eleven Edina youth athletic associations. These are independently incorporated athletic associations that plan and implement youth sports programs for their particular sport. The November 8, 1977, Park Board Meeting minutes best explains the formal relationship between athletic associations and the Park Board, and Park and Recreation Staff. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF From the Minutes of the November 8, 1977, Park Board Meeting The Edina Park Board and the Edina Park and Recreation Department recognize the individual athletic associations in the City of Edina as the only governing body for each respective sport. The Edina Park Board, in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, will administer and help each individual association plan, provide facilities, and give professional direction regarding operation of their association, so as to maintain the basic philosophies. Also, the Edina Park and Recreation Department acts as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to help see that the associations are providing a well rounded and equal program for all participants. The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff recommend the following guidelines be followed: 1) That all boys and girls receive an equal opportunity to participate in any activity at whatever ability level they may play. 2) Have fun. 3) Build good sportsmanship and character. 4) Learn basic fundamentals of the sport they participate in. 5) Be a good team member. 6) Learn to accept discipline. Page-8 7) Have a reasonable amount of practice and games. 8) The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff should encourage the use of volunteers on the Board of Directors, as well as in the coaching, because we believe in the philosophy of citizen involvement. 9) Selection of members to serve on the Board of Directors and as coaches should be based on the prospective member having the understanding of the basic program for all ability levels and all ages. The continued devotion and support from dedicated volunteers who serve on athletic associations have a direct impact on the quality of service provided in youth athletics in Ffiina Judging from past experience, each youth athletic association will likely continue to provide a high standard and quality athletic program well into the future. The Edina volunteer citizen boards and associations play an important role in the delivery of a comprehensive recreation program. The countless hours of volunteer service have a significant financial impact on the city of Edina's quest to provide premier services while minimizing the burden on the Edina taxpayer. These boards and associations also contribute to Edina resident's quality of life and promote a sense of community within the city. Edina's volunteers are one of Edina's most valuable resources. 7. CONSISTENCY IN USER PARTICIPATION An important factor in planning future recreation programs is the projected future participation in the programs. The following is a breakdown of participation in a select sample of park and recreation programs from 1984 to 1989: ACTIVITY 1984 1985 1.986 1987 1988 1989 Swimming 837 912 912 897 795 747 Playgrounds 483 529 622 502 486 460 T-Ball/Coach Pitch 194 176 171 236 272 491 8-11 yr. old Tennis 152 182 158 215 256 289 12 & over Tennis 233 202 194 194 161 168 In summary, the participation totals in aquatics classes and playgounds have declined slightly in recent years while t-ball/coach pitch and tennis lesson participations have increased. Based on the longevity and success of existing recreation programs, we will assume future participation levels in recreation programs to be consistent with the past percentages of available youth and adult populations. User participations for each enterprise facility are assumed to remain consistant with most years attendances with the exception of Braemar Golf Course. Upon completion of holes 19-27, golf course participations are anticipated to increase to a full -capacity level immediately following project completion. Page-9 FUND-RAISING OPPORTUNITIES FOR EDINA YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS Selling Pizzas and a variety of foods, cookies, garlic breads, pies, etc. Selling Candy Selling Poinsettias Yard Bags Wreaths Car Wash Buttons Invitational Tournaments Advertisements Raise money through concessions Sponsorships - Local business and outside community Advertising in publications Donations through endowment funds Memorials Raffle Applied and received charitable gambling revenue from a pull tab organization Swim-a-thon Pancake Breakfast Memorabilia items - pins, pennants, clothing merchandise, etc. Plant Sales House Tours Garden Tours Art Fairs Bake Sales Silent Auctions REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK DECEMBER 16, 1991 PETITION FOR ALLEY LIGHTING BETWEEN ZENITH AND THE 5900 BLOCK OF ABBOTT Agenda Item # vI . x . Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Refer the petition for Alley Lighting between Zenith and the 5900 block of Abbott to the Engineering Department for processing. Info/Background: The attached petition for Alley Lighting dated November 14, 1991, was received from property owners on Zenith Avenue South, Abbott Avenue South and West 60th Street. Our normal procedure is to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Put City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 • (612) 927-8861 PETITION ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER DATE: //—i�-% ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING ® OTHER: 4//e i '7Ir tilt/5 To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. between _Zen / kit LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between between between ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS and /gbbo T7` ��-%00 d/cctJ ADDRESS and and and ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) /.["Orict d /dells,'CK 4di" r'Qn 0 /Od e rue y wa ci Mary a er, 7oil7s6t.a..5 This petition was circulated by: /7/ . (%4- — G.vrrc tic NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS ze/?, / 1, ?U2 S 3 j b het —Wye s. 331.2 u) 6o*St. J' ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE 7_ � There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. PHONE SEPTEMBER 1990 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Ken Rosland Janet Chandler Date: December 16, 1991 Subject: 1992 Application for Hennepin County Recycling Funding Agenda Item # yi I Consents Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action x X To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Resolution authorizing the 1992 grant application to Hennepin County for recycling funding. Info/Background: Hennepin County requires each city council to submit an annual resolution approving its application for recycling funding. Edina's application for 80% funding (maximum amount: $294,929) was submitted by the due date, December 1. Adoption of the enclosed resolution will complete the application process. Attached: Copy of 1992 Hennepin County Grant Application WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 115A.551, by December 31, 1993, each county in the metropolitan area will have as a goal to recycle a minimum of 35 percent (35%) by weight of total solid waste generation, and each county must develop and implement or require political subdivisions within the county to develop and implement programs, practices, or methods designed to meet its recycling goal; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 115A.552, counties shall ensure that residents have an opportunity to recycle; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County Ordinance 13 requires each city to implement a recycling program to enable the County to meet its recycling goals; and WHEREAS, the County has adopted a Hennepin County Funding Assistance Policy for Source Separated Recyclables on September 11, 1990, to distribute funds to cities for the development and implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs; and WHEREAS, to be eligible to receive these County funds, cities must meet the conditions set forth in the "funding policy;" and WHEREAS, the City of Edina desires to receive these County funds; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council authorizes the submittal of the 1992 Hennepin County Grant application for Municipal Source Separated Recyclables; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City will use such County funds only for the limited purpose of implementing the city's waste reduction and recycling program. 1992 HENNEPIN COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION Municipal Source -Separated Recyclables Program January 1 - December 31,1992 EDINA City (Please Type) L r*P11-- Please procide a brief description of your city's recycling program within the space below. Required Attachements: o Executed copies of contracts for collection, processing and marketing of recyclables collected curbside and at drop-off centers. o Itemized breakdown of any information presented in summary form on this application. o A passed resolution from your City Council approving submittal of this application. This application will not be considered complete without the documentation required above. The City of Edina Recycling Program consists of weekly recycling pickup for all single family through 8-plex dwellings and townhomes. Service is provided at the garage or house through a contract with Woodlake Sanitary Service, Inc. Newsprint, cardboard, glass, cans, plastic bottles and magazines are collected. The City also operated the Edina Recycling center where newsprint, glass, cans and office paper are accepted. These materials are marketed by the City. Currently 10 apartment and condominium buildings are using the drop-off center, in addition to other residents from ^dina or elsewhere. In January of 1991 all apartments and condominiums have been required to establish recycling programs for their residents. Garbage haulers are required to report recycling tonnage to the City. Edina Public Schools have established recycling programs, as have City Hall and Public Works. These recycling programs which have been mandated by City ordinance have made steady progress in the past two years. In the next year or two, most recycling growth may occur in the commercial sector. The City has encouraged, but not mandated, commercial recycling. We believe we have completed all necessary policy requirements to qualify for 80% funding by the County. Regarding required attachments: *A copy of Edina's current contract with Woodlake is on file with the County. As soon as the brief extension document is signed, a copy of this will be forwarded. *The City Council resolution will be submitted following the December 16 meeting. Mayor or City Manager Recycling Coorouiator Date Recycled Paper PAGE 1 A. Residential Source -Separated Collections Curbside `Drop -Off NEWSPAPER ALUMINUM CANS BI-METAL CANS non 288 ati 10 Multi -Housing (Optional) 63n 68 Total Tons 312E 366 GLASS CARDBOARD PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 816 R4 108 44 71- 0 163 16 21 1n23 100 129 OFFICE PAPER SCRAP METAL USED APPLIANCES OTHER (LIST) magazines 150 i 0 TotalsPart A. 3846, 180., 898 Total Tons PPS Waste nt4r1 B. Other Materials Collected- - TIRES OIL OTHER (LIST) Appl iances 80 Total Part B. A. Recycling Program Administration Position Title Recycling Coordinator Total Hours 1338 $ 20,000 Position Title Total Hours $ Position Title Total Hours 1338 $ 20,000 B. Apartment Recycling Program Administration Position Title Recycling Coordinator Total Hours Position Title Total Hours $ 6,000 Recycled Paper PAGE 2 C. Recyclables Collection (Municipal Crews) Position Title Total Hours Is Total Labor Expenses A. Vehicles & Trailers pickup triirle & trailiar & truck with encloc_ed hny_ l'ft gate c. Vehiie Descripaon Operating expenses & maintenance # of Vehicles 2 $ 2.300 Purchased El Leased • Vehicle Description Insurance on trucks -Purchased 1:1 Leased 0 # of Vehicles $ 1,110 TotaLEquipment Expenses. it: . W:';''.:::, ' . i:::"."-... - ."..-6. .."''i it. , . ' ' '''''''''',i''''''''''''..........' ..''''''' ''' Oi. x..,,hatkp;...A. 4=a-TVZi.:•:-:•::ft:::.-ffi.:.?itf:.i:g=fi.::::::•:4 " .....4,,i;:Mai;:m] ' ' -....-..3Mi:04:;::*:‘k,,,. tt . „., : ...WM: ...2'.:;i:` . • .. ..• • •:... 4t*V. '' NOTE: Please list all activities, brochures, video tapes and advertisements to be produced, distributed or printed, and submit three copies of all promotional materials (except video tapes) on a quarterly basis. item Oescnpaon Perriirtri in news_T_ettP,r, 4 X Esumateci Duaesty inn _non $ 4,nnn pagp city ./Par Item Descriptidh Flyer far residents Estimated Quantity 3 fmn $ cnn now Item Description Flyer, other recycling information (aPPliances. tires etc EsWrMed Quantity 3.000 $ 500 Item Description Estimated Quantity $ Item Description during the year for all residents, no cost to Two EstimideduwAtity city $ flyars (Required to be provided by contractor i, -... ]-:';':''. ::i':':'''''''''''''"""'",:::',1,:'''",,i":"..::.:::::•:.:-..'.•••••••••':. "": :1-0 at; romot onat!Expenses: . • A. Locations One block west of Highway 100 on Eden Ave. Name/Address Edina Recycling Center DAYS MON TUE ( WED ( THU / FRI ( SAT ,/ SUN ( HouaS 8_4. 4 Materials NEWS tei OCC U METAL CANS W GLASS Collected OTHER (specify): Arr.: rr., v t lice ApPr * PLASTIC BOTTLES • OIL U Name/Address • DAYS MON itx ( THU / FRI ( SAT( SUN / (wet) HOURS . I I ( Materials NEWS • OCC • METAL CANS NI GLASS II PLASTIC BOTTLES El OIL IN Collected OTHER (speacsty): B. Operating Costs of Drop -Off Centers - (list location and itemize expenses) Location !ahoy'. marketing R maintAnanco Of area Itemized Expense Garbage pickup 03151""eme Signs & plastic bags, brooms etc. 13,000 480 500 Total Drop -Off Center Expenses $ .:.13.g8Okom.,m Recycled Paper PAGE 3 A. Contract Payment Contractor Woodlake Sanitary Services, Inc. Contract Dates date tarm 'single & dbl Same Day Refuse & Rec. Collection Yes al No 3-8 uni Hshlds. Served varliSent 11,323 838 Collection Frequency weekly 372_871 6/19/89 extensions 11/27/90 in process 7/1/89-12/31/90 1/1/91-12/31/91 1/1/92-12/31/92 PRO:GRAM EXPENSE side Contract Expenses (Actual total paid by City $410,802) ........................ .............................. 'h2x .},}tx ....:.. ua}.cy::S::?s:::r::: `.:i::;;o:;•,•`:<:?r t:<;: a tongtr. art • Sale of Recyclables $ 2,600 Other (Describe) $ ...................................... ........................................ ..................................... tal'>Revenue> PROGRAM EXPENSES'"(Total: Expenses': Less' Total>Revenues} OUNTY SHARE ( "8a °/a As Shown ort Grant Application, No. Purchased No. HH's Receiving Cost/Container $ Total Cost 1$ CITY SHARE $ COUNTY SHARE $ TALREIMBURSEMENT: ............ ...... are Pro ontainers Recycled Paper PAGE 4 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: DECE2MBER 12, 1991 Subject:APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES - SPECIAL ELECTIONS Agenda Item # VI.J Consent X Information Only 7 Mgr . Recommends To HRA To Council Action Motion Resolution Ordinance ! Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the election judges on the attached lists be appointed for the Special Primary Election on December 21, 1991, and for the Special Election on January 4, 1992; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be deemed necessary. Info/Background: Pursuant to Minnesota Election Law 204B.21, election judges shall be appointed by the governing body of the municipality. SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUDGES DECEMBER 21, 1991 PRECINCT 1 - SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS CHURCH 1 Eugenia Williams - Chair 2 Barbara Anderson 3 Dorie Capetz 4. Phyllis Beadle PRECINCT 2 - EDINA CITY HALL 1. Joan Flumerfelt - Chair 2. Kathleen Tierney 3. Lorraine Purdy 4. Annette Horton PRECINCT 3 - EDINA COVENANT CHURCH 1. Patricia Dill - Chair 2. Patricia Schwartz 3. Carol Bucklin 4. Naomi Johnson PRECINCT 4 - MORNINGSIDE COMMUNITY BLDG. 1. Rachel Schoening - Chair 2. Marjory Brothers 3. Shirley Renslow 4. Elizabeth Genovese PRECINCT 5 - HIGHLANDS SCHOOL 1 Carol McPheeters - Chair 2 Barbara Martin 3 Marie Goblirsch 4. Mary E. Ryan PRECINCT 6 - COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL 1 Jane Bains - Chair 2. Catherine Swanson 3 Mary Cleaveland 4. Carol Ledder PRECINCT 7 - NORMANDALE CHURCH 1 Kathleen Engquist - Chair 2. Gertrude Snoeyenbos 3. Ellen Nein 4. Jackie Lindskoog PRECINCT 8 - SOUTHVIEW JUNIOR HIGH 1. Jane Moran - Chair 2. Jeanne Sedoff 3. Ordell O'Neill 4. Marian Cracraft PRECINCT 9 - CONCORD SCHOOL 1 Aileen Konhauser - Chair 2 Florence Boughton 3 Marie Robinson 4. Colleen Crew 500 S. BLAKE ROAD 6425 Mendelssohn La. (55343) 413 Arthur St. (55343) 6304 Waterman Av. (55343) 409 Blake Rd. (55343) 4801 W. 50TH STREET 5225 Division St. (36) 5016 Oxford Av. (36) 5040 Edinbrook Ln. (36) 6309 St. Johns Av. (24) 4201 4610 4508 4370 5140 W. 50TH STREET Edina Blvd. (24) W. 44th St. (24) Brookside Ct. #321 Bedford Av. (36) 4114 GRIMES AVENUE 4014 Monterey Av. (16) 4310 Eton P1. (24) 4323 France Ave. So. (16) 4012 Monterey Av. (16) 5005 DONCASTER WAY 5460 Butternut Cir. Mtka 343 5205 Mirror Lakes Dr. (36) 6200 Idylwood Dr. (36) 5508 Goya Ln. (36) 5701 6101 5804 6204 5409 BENTON AV. Tracy Av. (36) Merold Dr. (36) Crest Ln. (36) Chantrey Rd. (36) 6100 NORMANDALE ROAD 6212 Wyman Av. (36) 5125 Valley View Rd. (36) 5204 W.61st. St. (36) 6112 Kellogg Av. (24) 4725 SOUTHVIEW LANE 5429 Wooddale Av. (24) 4601 Concord Terrace (24) 5656 Wooddale Av. (24) 4227 Alden Dr. (16) 5900 CONCORD AVENUE 6313 Halifax Av. (24) 5921 Fairfax Av. (24) 5928 Halifax Av. (24) 6215 Halifax Av. (24) 938-5086 938-1160 935-5724 935-0096 929-2114 929-0948 929-1024 920-3617 922-4879 926-3841 922-2072 929-0975 922-5457 922-4914 927-9897 927-6416 939-0274 929-1808 933-8428 926-5139 929-9362 929-8387 929-5486 929-59204. 929-9497 929-5414 927-4765 920-6599 920-0558 927-5860 920-6361 922-6623 927-9401 920-0454 925-3419 925-1629 PRECINCT 10 - CREEK VALLEY SCHOOL 1. Barbara Erlandson - Chair 2. JoAnn Lonergan 3. Jeanine Westling 4. Jackie Silver-Wartnick PRECINCT 11 - CREEK VALLEY CHURCH 1. Betty Pollitt - Chair 2. Rita Acker 3. Muza Habeck 4. Carol Malichar PRECINCT 12 - CHRIST CHURCH 1 Marlys Hittner Chair 2 Patricia Bates 3 Delphine Duff 4. Patricia Murphy PRECINCT 13 - CORNELIA SCHOOL 1. Doris Peterson - Chair 2. Elaine Tollefsrud 3. Annadell Quantrell 4. Patricia Robbins PRECINCT 14 - ST. PETERS CHURCH 1. Esther Olson - Chair 2. Mary Strother 3. Joyce Hanson 4. Maxine Hatzung PRECINCT 15 - VALLEY VIEW JUNIOR HIGH 1. Carol Hanson - Chair 2. Florence Tretton 3. Alice Rice 4. Jean McDermid PRECINCT 16 - SOUTHDALE HENNEPIN 1. Donna Montgomery - Chair 2. Doris Blake 3. Lucille Ingram 4. Katherine Saunders 6401 GLEASON ROAD 6501 Nordic Dr. (39) 5713 W. 68th St. (39) 6620 Pawnee Rd. (39) 7128 Valley View Rd. (39) 6901 TRACY AVENUE 6412 Limerick Ln (39) 6401 Wilryan Av. (39) 5100 Duggan Plaza (39) 6901 4405 4808 6716 4307 7000 4120 7400 4380 4101 NORMANDALE ROAD Dunberry Ln. (35) Brook Dr. (39) Cahill Rd. (39) Eton Pl. (24) CORNELIA DRIVE Parklawn Av. (35) Oaklawn Av. (35) Parklawn Av. (35) Parklawn Av. (35) 5421 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH 5441 York Av. (10) 5917 Drew Av. (10) 5829 Drew Av. (10) 4360 Brookside Ct. #117 (36) 6750 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 5809 Chapel Dr. (39) 5145 Bedford Av. (36) 6008 Shane Dr. (39) 5116 Mirror Lakes Dr. LIBRARY 7001 YORK AVENUE SOUTH 6824 Oaklawn Av. (35) 6701 Southdale Rd. (16) PRECINCT 17 - LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE 1. Lorna Livingston Chair 2. Louise Jackson 3. Virginia Todd 4. Barbara Boyd PRECINCT 18 - EDINBOROUGH PARK 1. Myrtle Grette - Chair 2. Betty Lou Petersen 3. Virginia Stemm 4. Jo Anne Streed 6400 6304 MASTER 5920 6016 7240 7244 York Av. So. (16) York Av. So. (16) 7128 FRANCE AVENUE Wooddale Av. (24) Zenith Av. (10) York Av. (35) York Av. So. #216 (35) 7700 YORK AVENUE 5709 York Av. So. (35) 4313 Cornelia Dr. (35) 7606 York Av. (35) 7350 York Av. So. (35) 12/21/91 941-4011 944-7228 941-8511 941-7049 941-1073 941-9316 941-3959 927-9179 941-5295 944-3938 926-8704 835-7951 835-7710 897-1763 844-0647 926-1006 922-8579 926-8856 929-3289 944-2759 929-8082 941-8164 929-8859 920-9044 920-1470 920-0100 925-9750 926-5322 927-8279 893-0051 835-2795 926-6373 926-9523 835-1445 835-9019 PRECINCT 19 - CHAPEL HILLS CHURCH 1. Ardis Dorsey - Chair 2. Jean Liudahl 3. Anne Labovsky 4. Mary A. Ryan PRECINCT 20 - BROOKVIEW CHURCH 1. Patricia 0lander - Chair 2. Harriet Koch 3. Charlotte Burns 4. Catharine Abbott 6512 6624 6075 6075 6824 VERNON AVENUE Parkwood Rd. (36) Lincoln Dr. (36) Lincoln Dr. (36) Brook Dr. (39) 5015 WEST 70TH STREET 7001 Lee Valley Cir. (39) 5501 Dewey Hill Rd. (39) 5820 Dewey Hill Rd. (39) 6566 France Av. (35) 12/21/91 933-2649 938-4986 933-1477 941-9616 944-2185 944-0271 941-4108 927-8391 SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION JUDGES JANUARY 4, 1992 PRECINCT 1 - SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS CHURCH 1. Eugenia Williams - Chair 2. Lois Hallquist 3. Barbara Anderson 4. Dorie Capetz PRECINCT 2 - EDINA CITY HALL 1. Marjorie Ruedy - Chair 2. Joan Flumerfelt 3. Kathleen Tierney 4. Lorraine Purdy PRECINCT 3 - EDINA COVENANT CHURCH 1. Patricia Dill - Chair 2. Patricia Schwartz 3. Margaret Hagerty 4. Carol Bucklin PRECINCT 4 - MORNINGSIDE COMMUNITY BLDG. 1. Rachel Schoening - Chair 2. Lois Loomis 3. Shirley Renslow 4. Elizabeth Genovese PRECINCT 5 - HIGHLANDS SCHOOL 1. Carol McPheeters Chair 2. Marie Goblirsch 3. Carol Ledder 4. Mary E. Ryan PRECINCT 6 - COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL 1. Jane Bains - Chair 2. Catherine Swanson 3. Mary Cleaveland 4. Eleanor Westerberg PRECINCT 7 - NORMANDALE CHURCH 1. Helen Peterson - Chair 2. Kathleen Engquist 3. Gertrude Snoeyenbos 4. Ellen Nein PRECINCT 8 - SOUTHVIEW JUNIOR HIGH 1. Jane Moran - Chair 2. Myra Hykes 3. Ordell O'Neill 4. Barbara Martin PRECINCT 9 - CONCORD SCHOOL 1. Aileen Konhauser - Chair 2. Florence Boughton 3. Marie Robinson 4. Colleen Crew 500 S. BLAKE ROAD 6425 Mendelssohn La. (55343) 938-5086 305 Grove P1. (55343) 935-5886 413 Arthur St. (55343) 938-1160 6304 Waterman Av. (55343) 935-5724 4801 W. 50TH STREET 5048 Edinbrook Av. (36) 5225 Division St. (36) 5016 Oxford Av. (36) 5040 Edinbrook Ln. (36) 4201 W. 50TH STREET 4610 Edina Blvd. (24) 4508 W. 44th St. (24) 4515 Edina Blvd. (24) 4370 Brookside Ct. (36) 4114 4014 4500 4232 4012 GRIMES AVENUE Monterey Av. (16) W. 42nd St. (16) France Av. So. (16) Monterey Av. (16) 5005 DONCASTER WAY 5460 Butternut Cir. Mtka 343 6200 Idylewood Dr. (36) 5409 Chantrey Rd. (36) 5701 BENTON AV. 6101 Tracy Av. (36) 5804 Merold Dr. (36) 6204 Crest Ln. (36) 5816 Amy Dr. (36) 6100 NORMANDALE ROAD 6121 Code Av. (36) 6212 Wyman Av. (36) 5125 Valley View Rd. (36) 5204 W.61st. St. (36) 4725 SOUTHVIEW LANE 5429 Wooddale Av. (24) 4516 Woodland Rd. (24) 5656 Wooddale Av. (24) 5205 Mirror Lakes Dr. (36) 5900 CONCORD AVENUE 6313 Halifax Av. (24) 5921 Fairfax Av. (24) 5928 Halifax Av. (24) 6215 Halifax Av. (24) 922-2712 929-2114 929-0948 929-1024 922-4879 926-3841 927-5980 922-2072 922-5457 926-3543 927-9897 927-6416 939-0274 933-8428 929-5920 929-9362 929-8387 929-5486 926-7005 929-7067 929-9497 929-5414 927-4765 920-0558 929-7595 920-6361 929-1808 927-9401 920-0454 925-3419 925-1629 PRECINCT 10 - CREEK VALLEY SCHOOL 1. Barbara Erlandson - Chair 2. JoAnn Lonergan 3. Jeanine Westling 4. Jackie Silver-Wartnick PRECINCT 11 - CREEK VALLEY CHURCH 1. Betty Pollitt - Chair 2. Rita Acker 3. Muza Habeck 4. Patricia Bates PRECINCT 12 - CHRIST CHURCH 1. Ardis Wexler - Chair 2. Marlys Hittner 3. Shirley Bjerken 4. Patricia Bates PRECINCT 13 - CORNELIA SCHOOL 1. Doris Peterson - Chair 2. Elaine Tollefsrud 3. Annadell Quantrell 4. Patricia Robbins PRECINCT 14 - ST. PETERS CHURCH 1. Mary Jane Platt Chair 2. Lael Pederson 3. Joyce Hanson 4. Eva Bryan PRECINCT 15 - VALLEY VIEW JUNIOR HIGH 1 Carol Hanson - Chair 2. Joann Buie 3. Sharon Soderlund 4. Eleanor Amberg PRECINCT 16 - SOUTHDALE HENNEPIN LIBRARY 1. Nathalie Person - Chair 2. Doris Blake 3. Lucille Ingram 4. Donna Montgomery PRECINCT 17 - LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 1. Lorna Livingston - Chair 2. Jean McDermid 3. Louise Jackson 4. Virginia Todd PRECINCT 18 - EDINBOROUGH PARK 1. Jean Erdall - Chair 2. Betty Lou Petersen 3. Virginia Stemm 4. Myrtle Grette 6401 GLEASON ROAD 6501 Nordic Dr. (39) 5713 W. 68th St. (39) 6620 Pawnee Rd. (39) 7128 Valley View Rd. (39) 6901 TRACY AVENUE 6412 Limerick Ln (39) 6401 Wilryan Av. (39) 5100 Duggan Plaza (39) 5808 Brook Dr. (39) 6901 4913 4405 4405 5808 NORMANDALE ROAD Larkspur La. (35) Dunberry Ln. (35) Ellsworth Dr. (35) Brook Dr. (39) 7000 CORNELIA DRIVE 4120 Parklawn Av. (35) 8549 Irwin Rd #234 Blmgt(37) 4380 Parklawn Av. (35) 4101 Parklawn Av. (35) 5421 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH 5504 Beard Av. (10) 5411 Abbott P1. (10) 5829 Drew Av. (10) 5908 Drew Av. (10) 6750 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 5809 Chapel Dr. (39) 6224 Braeburn Cir. (39) 7108 Mark Terrace Dr. (39) 6504 Chapel Ln. (39) 7001 YORK AVENUE SOUTH 4520 Laguna Dr. (35) 6701 Southdale Rd. (16) 6400 York Av. So. (16) 6824 Oaklawn Av. (35) 7128 FRANCE AVENUE 5920 Wooddale Av. (24) 5116 Mirror Lakes Dr. (36) 6016 Zenith Av. (10) 7240 York Av. (35) 7700 YORK AVENUE 6101 Abbott Av. (10) 4313 Cornelia Dr. (35) 7606 York Av. (35) 5709 York Av. So. (35) 01/04/92 941-4011 944-7228 941-8511 941-7049 941-1073 941-9316 941-3959 941-5295 925-2097 927-9179 922-0406 941-5295 835-7951 835-7710 897-1763 844-0647 926-8447 927-5221 926-8856 927-9273 944-2759 941-7979 944-7449 941-4091 922-4547 920-1470 920-0100 920-9044 926-5322 929-8859 927-8279 893-0051 01/04/92 922-9202 926-9523 835-1445 926-6373 PRECINCT 19 - CHAPEL HILLS CHURCH 1. Kathleen Murphy - Chair 2. Sue Corson 3. Linda Anderson 4. Roe Ann Forbes PRECINCT 20 - BROOKVIEW CHURCH 1. Patricia Olander - Chair 2. Harriet Koch 3. Charlotte Burns 4. Anita Delegaard 6512 6143 5408 5717 6101 VERNON AVENUE Arctic Way (36) Stauder Cir. (36) Camelback Dr. (36) Saxony Rd. (36) 5015 WEST 70TH STREET 7001 Lee Valley Cir. (39) 5501 Dewey Hill Rd. (39) 5820 Dewey Hill Rd. (39) 7209 Lanham Ln. (39) 01/04/92 938-4287 938-3456 933-1765 938-7168 944-2185 944-0271 941-4108 941-5056 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor & City Council 1 Francis Hoffma r ) �t/ City Engineer 16 December, 1991 Metropolitan Area Water Supply: A Plan for Action Metropolitan Council' Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action VII.B. To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Consider adopting a resolution which does not support creation of fifth authority on the metro level and support the concerns raised by the AMM during the public hearing. Info/Background The Metropolitan Council has drafted a report to the Legislature on the issue of a Metropolitan Water Supply Plan. One of the primary objectives, initially, was to create a fifth authority for Metro Council similar to what occurs for sewers, airports, transportation and parks and open space. Staff did attend the public hearing on December 12th on this issue. Vern Peterson, Executive Director of the AMM did give testimony on the issue. His legislative alert is attached. He did provide a fairly accurate picture of what staff believes should be concerns of the cities in the metropolitan area. Staff has also attached the conclusions and recommendations of the Met Council report. Recommendation 3 of the report is probably the most important from the staff perspective on operating the system. Currently, DNR manages the water appropriation law and this recommendation suggests that permits be reviewed and potentially be revoked to appropriate water for the local system. Most systems are developed in a fashion so that all Report/Recommendation Metropolitan Area Water Supply: A Plan for Action Metropolitan Council 16 December, 1991 Page Two wells function as a total water system. Any act to simply remove our right to utilize a well by a permit revocation is inappropriate. We suspect the intent of the recommendation is to force cities to develop programs that may not be in the best interests of the local community. Additionally, staff does not believe that the counties need to be involved in the metro area as it relates to the water supply system. The main objective of the water supply plan should be to develop emergency contingency plans resulting from contamination and/or drought, and assist local communities in developing conservation policies for their water supply. Our response on this issue needs to be submitted to Met Council by December 27th. Finally, staff believes the plan is a positive attempt to review the overall water supply issues in the metro area. Many sub -items are consistent with local thoughts about conservation programs. City of Edina already has inplace things that Metro Council feels essential to preservation of the metro area water supply. as ociation of metropolitan municipalities December 2, 1991 TO: Mayors, Managers/Administrators and Legislative Contacts FROM: Vern Peterson, Executive Director RE: PUBLIC HEARING - METROPOLITAN AREA WATER SUPPLY PLAN - DECEMBER 12, 1991, 4:00 P.M. AT METROPOLITAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Your Help Is Needed! Several months ago, the AMM informed you that the staff at the Metropolitan Council was developing a regional water supply plan for this area. Our main concern at that point in time was that one of the options being explored by the Met Council Staff was making water supply a metropolitan system as defined in M.S. 473 (The Metropolitan Land Planning Act). That would have given the Met Council the same authority for water supply as it has for sewers, airports, transportation, and parks and open space. After a number of meetings and discussions between the AMM and Metropolitan Council members and staff, the Metropolitan Council decided to recommend that water supply not become the fifth metropolitan system. However, as delineated in the proposed draft `Metropolitan Area Water Supply: A Plan for Action'; there are a number of recommendations that are troublesome to AMM staff and should be reviewed carefully by your City. Many of these reco" ndationS would require legislative action. The recommendations are listed on pages 48-50 of the subject document. A copy of the proposed draft has been mailed to each city and additional copies may be obtained by calling the council's Data Center at 291-8140. Legislative Contact Alert The most troublesome recommendations are as follows: 1. Recommendation 3 (page 48) suggests that water appropriation law should be rewritten to require periodic review and reissuance of water appropriation permits. This could result in permits being revoked which could play havoc with local water supply systems. 2. Recommendation 6 (page 48)_ contains a number of suggested mandates including legislative involvement in local water pricing. 183 university avenue east, st paui, minnesota 55101 (612) 227-4008 3. Recommendation 9 b) (page 49) suggests that counties become involved in reviewing and commenting on the water supply element of local Comprehensive Plans. (Also see discussion in the last paragraph on page 35 regarding this concern). 4. Recommendation 9 d) (page 50) suggests the establishment of a 'Metropolitan Water Supply Fund'. The initial funding should be supplied by a $1,000,000 appropriation from the Legislature according to the recommendation. However, there are several other financing options listed in the discussion section on pages 40 and 41 including a municipal surcharge. Should there even be a Metropolitan Water Supply Fund is a major concern to many local officials. ACTION REQUESTED: Please review the draft proposal for `Metropolitan Area Water Supply: A Plan for Action' and make the Metropolitan Council aware of any concerns your city has with this proposed plan. Your concerns and comments may be presented at the Public Hearing on Thursday, December 12 at 4:00 P.M. in the Metropolitan Council Chambers. Written comments will be accepted by the Council until 4:30 P.M. on Friday, December 27, 1991. Please send a copy of any written comments to me at the AMM Office! (Vern Peterson, AMM Office, 183 University Ave., East, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101). THANK YOU! Distribution Note: This alert has been mailed directly to all member Mayors, Managers/Administrators and Legislative Contacts. CONCLUSIONS 1. A system of 112 municipal water utilities serve a population of approximately 2.1 million. The technical analyses done for the water plan, however, included only the 111 in existence during the study period; the Lakeland system began operation in the Fall of 1991. The remaining 250,000 residents of the region obtain their water from their own wells. 2. Of those served by municipal utilities, 860,000 receive water to some degree from the Mississippi River, while the remaining 1.2 million rely on ground water. The Minneapolis Water Works relies totally upon the river to serve itself and all or part of seven suburbs. The St. Paul Water Utility relies on the river for an average of 70% of its needs, supplemented by ground water and inflow into two lake chains, to serve itself and eight suburbs. 3. Approximately 950 million gallons of water is used per day in the seven -county region, with 72.5% of the water withdrawn from surface water and 27.5% from ground water sources. However, a marked reversal occurs when consumption is considered, with only 23% of the water consumed in the region coming from surface water and the remaining 77% from ground water. These figures are skewed substantially by the large volume of river water withdrawn for power plant cooling and returned at about 99% of the volume withdrawn. 4. Response to the drought of the late 1980s was as reactive as it was in 1976, leading the legislature to charge the Metropolitan Council with the preparation of a plan for action that addresses the problems and proposes solutions for them. In researching the preparedness of the region to water shortages, it became evident that we are also unprepared for source contamination. 5. The health and economic well-being of the Metropolitan Area depends a great deal upon the availability of an adequate supply of good quality water. However, there are no forward -looking processes in place in the region to address resource assessment, shortage preparedness, or alternative source development on a regional level, thus there is no assurance that we are adequately prepared to address the next shortage, which could occur at any time. 6. Water demand by the year 2010 will increase only 3.3% over use levels in 1988 (a drought year). This increase in demand results from an anticipated 17% increase in municipally supplied domestic and a 9% increase in municipally and self -supplied commercial/industrial use sectors; both sectors retlect growth in portions of the region relying on ground water as the sole source of supply. Surface water use will actually decrease by the year 2010. 7. Approximately three-quarters of the increase in water use in the region by the year 2010 is expected to occur in only 15 cities, all of which are supplied by ground water sources. Access to the Prairie du Chien -Jordan (PDCJ) Aquifer in some of these areas is limited or non-existent, leaving them with only the drift and Mt. Simon -Hinckley (MTSH) Aquifers as options for supply source. The drift should be locally able to meet demand, but in areas where coarse -grained sediments predominate, contaminants introduced at the surface or near surface can reach the water table rapdily, with little opportunity for attenuation. The MTSH Aquifer is much less capable of transmitting the volumes of water needed than the PDCJ and is stringently protected by DNR, which allows use only for domestic purposes only if other alternatives have been exhausted. 44 8. Generally decreasing ground water levels and the tendency to concentrate wells to more efficiently treat and distribute water lead to concerns that continuation of this approach might result in severe drawdowns in rapidly growing areas. The actual occurrence of this phenomenon and the local and regional impacts are not known, but should be studied because of the rapid growth currently being experienced in areas supplied by ground water. 9. Approximately 500-800 MGD is available from the ground water system, according to estimates by the USGS. By the year 2010, we will be using one-half of that volume. We cannot remain complacent knowing that one-half of the capacity remains because of the increased difficulty of removing the last half, the need to keep some ground water in reserve for emergencies, the possibility of impacting both surface water flow and the movement of contaminants further into the system with increased pumping, and the uncertainty that our inexact models have accurately shown the capacity, given the fluctuations that can occur during periods of drought, as well as seasonal stresses on the system. 10. Even during dry years, there appears to be over 2800 MGD excess water available from the Mississippi River on a long-term basis. However, the usable volume decreases to 1200 MGD during periods of drought. These numbers indicate that the Mississippi River could provide substantially more water than it now supplies. However, caution must be exercised not to rely on the river without a back-up source to call upon during extended periods of extreme drought when the above numbers can decrease to a point where critical flow is approached. Increased river use must also consider the water quality impacts of reducing flow in the stream. particularly when the 7Q10 flow is approached. 11. The municipal water suppiy systems in the region have risen to the recent challenges presented by droughts in the last two decades. However, a marked lack of overall regional planning and preparedness for water shortages exists. Institutional improvements are also needed for collection and analysis of data, problem/solution definition, and pursuit of alternative sources of water. 12. DNR's efforts to introduce conservation language into water appropriation permits could be enhanced by periodic routine review and reissuance of permits, and by increased staff to accomplish the increase in workload that the reissuance schedule would demand. This approach would free DNR from the need to individually identify permits that they would like to call in for review. 13. A water shortage contingency plan from every DNR permit holder would place the region in a much better state of preparedness for emergencies. The current practice of allowing surface water permit holder's to waive their responsibility for contingency plan preparation works against the establishment of total regional preparedness. 14. State policy on regulation of water during shortages could be dramatically clarified through the preparation of the DNR "Drought Plan" and "Conservation Program" in document form. DNR currently implements these mandates through rules and regulations, which are visible only to those few who work with rules frequently. 15. The need for communities to generate revenue to retire debt and operate the water utility works against the concept of water conservation. "Revenue neutral" pricing could be achieved through the initiation of increased block pricing wherein those responsible for increased system demand pay for it, and by seasonal pricing wherein users pay more for water used during peak summer periods than in low demand periods. 45 16. The responsibilities of large volume Mississippi River users during a drought are spelled out in a matrix prepared as part of the Council's short-term water supply plan. This matrix is a variation of one developed by the Governor's Drought Task Force in 1988. As currently constituted, there is no formal responsibility for any of the parties contained in the matrix to abide by it when called upon to do so. Formalization of the matrix responses into the state -issued permits of the matrix parties would clarify the expectations associated with the matrix. 17. The worst case scenario for affecting the largest number of water users in the region is an accidental spill on the Mississippi River. Approximately 860,000 people and a substantial commercial and industrial sector rely on the river as a source of water. Loss of this source even temporarily has a tremendous regional impact. The state has found that we are ill -prepared to respond to accidental spills on the river. An evaluation of the programs in place to identify spills and respond to them suggests that some comprehensive basin prevention, detection, and response action is needed, perhaps through a basinwide authority. 18. Although state agencies collect some useful information on the use of water, there are more specific data needs that are not met and analysis of collected data is often not done. Certainly, analysis of the data is not done on a regional basis other than for special studies. An on -going data compilation and analysis function for the Metropolitan Area is needed to keep abreast of water use and availability. 19. Preferred alternative sources of water for the region include conservation of available supplies, more efficient use of the ground and surface water system, use of water stored in abandoned Mesabi Iron Range pits, and additional storage in the Rice Creek and Minneapolis chains of lakes. Emergency alternatives can be obtained locally through interconnection to neighboring utilities. Emergency release of additional water from the Mississippi Headwaters Lakes system is an option that should be pursued only when use reduction efforts in the Metropolitan Area cannot yield sufficient reductions. Protection of currently used surface and ground water sources, although not an "alternative", is essential. 20. The level of conservation practiced by the 111 communities served by a water utility varies from none to quite comprehensive. A uniform set of conservation elements adopted by each community according to their needs is essential in furthering the region's efforts to use water more wisely and to establish equitable expectations across the region. 21. More efficient use of the regional ground water system is essential if we are to meet the expected demand resulting from population growth in portions of the region relying solely on ground water. The first step toward this efficient use is the development of a ground water model that can be used as a tool to help us direct users to the most productive area of their community or part of the region. 22. Analysis of available supplies shows that sufficient water exists to meet all of our needs. but the water resource does not exactly occur where it might be needed. "Optimization" of available supplies, or the distribution of available sources to the point of demand, is a concept that should be pursued to assure continued orderly growth in the region. Interconnection of municipal users should also be pursued through both small diameter emergency connections and larger connections to promote optimal source distribution. Both optimization and interconnection are long-term pursuits that might require major infrastructure changes, but evaluation of their feasibility should begin now. 46 23. Each day approximately 288 million gallons of treated wastewater effluent is discharged to the region's receiving waters. Reclamation of some of this effluent for nonpotable uses could eliminate the use of treated. potable quality water for such uses as irrigation. ground water replenishment and industrial non -contact cooling. 47 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. This water supply plan. addressing both availability and quality of water, should be adopted as the regional water supply plan, and routinely updated to reflect the changing water conditions of the Metropolitan Area. 2. A usable model of the Metropolitan Area ground water system should be developed and made available to water resource managers so that the capacity of the system, the potential impacts of withdrawal, and optimal withdrawal design schemes can be ascertained. 3. Water appropriation law should be rewritten to require periodic routine review and reissuance of permits, preparation of shortage contingency plans for all permit holders, and prohibition of the right to waive the preparation of a contingency plan. 4. DNR and MPCA should include the responsibilities contained in the short-term plan matrix for Mississippi River drought response as conditions of the permits issued to the matrix parties. 5. The state should formalize its emergency response program for the Mississippi River and should consider the establishment of a basinwide authority to identify and manage the potential for accidental spills, install a contaminant detection system, and implement any emergency response/cleanup efforts. 6. The legislature should require a conservation program with specified elements as part of the amended comprehensive plan process. At a minimum, the conservation program should address: - conservation goals - meter installation and routine reading - demand reduction scheme for reducing use during shortages or peak periods - supply reduction techniques supplier will use (such as leak detection and repair) - conservation or seasonal water pricing - public education initiatives, and - source protection (wellhead or surface water). 7. An amendment in the federal priority system should be pursued to recognize Metropolitan Area water supply and downstream water quality as eligible priorities in the operation of the Headwaters Lakes. We do not propose to supersede the existing priority system, merely recognize that consideration should be given to those who rely on the flow of the river to meet basic health and economic needs. 8. The Metropolitan Council should charge the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission with incorporating an evaluation of the use of reclaimed wastewater into their decentralization study and with examining immediate use of reclaimed wastewater at each of their facilities. 9. In response to the legislative mandate in Section 473.156, an implementation program as follows should is proposed for their consideration: a) The Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act (Section 473.851-.872) should be amended to include a public facilities section that contains the following required components: 48 - A description of the existing water supply system, including the source of water, well and treatment plant locations, and major supply lines; an inventory of commercial and industrial users; an indication of the community's intent for future changesiadditions to the system. including the projections for population and industrial and commercial use and the methods by which this growth will be served; - A statement of the community's objectives, policies and standards for operating the water supply system; - A conservation program that addresses at least emergency preparedness, demand and supply conservation techniques to be used, pricing methods that could be used to reduce demand, conditions under which actions would occur, a process for reducing nonessential uses according to the state priority system, and the nature of the public education program that will be used to inform the public of the need to conserve and methods available to achieve conservation; - An indication of the possibility for joint efforts with neighboring communities or other official entities for such efforts as sharing water sources and treatment, interconnecting for routine or emergency supply, pursuit of alternative supplies, and ground and surface water source protection; - A statement of water supply problems that the community experiences or expects to experience, and any proposed solutions, especially those that would impact other communities or the region; - For those communities served by ground water, a wellhead protection plan (or aquifer protection plan), prepared in accord with the MDH requirements that are scheduled for implementation in 1993; and - An implementation program that indicates the manner in which the community will carry forward its public facilities plan. b) Review of the amended local comprehensive pians should occur as outlined in the law, with the addition of review and comment by the county if the county has an adopted ground water plan under Section 103B.255, and review of DNR water appropriation permits for municipalities by the Metropolitan Council for conformity to amended local comprehensive plans, as outlined above. c) State water appropriation law appearing in Chapter 103G should be amended to require the following: - Examination of each appropriation permit within five years so that DNR can evaluate the permittees performance and incorporate provisions that promote wise use of the water resource; subsequent review periods for each permit or group of permits should be determined by DNR based on need, but not to exceed once every ten years; - Preparation of a water supply contingency plan by each permittee, identifying the actions that the permittee would take in the event of a water shortage or contamination event: the previous waiver provision for preparation of a contingency plan allowed surface water 49 permittees would be eliminated; - DNR and MDH should develop a formal mechanism for DNR review of ground water availability prior to the drilling of any permitted well; and - DNR should incorporate the short-term water supply plan's matrix for large water users on the Mississippi River (Table 3 of this report) into the permits it issues those parties. d) A Metropolitan Water Supply Fund should be established to provide the funds needed to plan and implement regional water supply improvements. The initial funds required to develop the database, modeling tools, conservation guidelines, refinement of alternatives and definition of future needs should be provided through a S1 million appropriation from the legislature. Suggestions for continuation of the Metropolitan Water Supply Fund beyond the first phase. and the method to fund this through benefitted parties within the region will be made in the report to the legislature on the effectiveness of the program (see following recommendation f). e) The Metropolitan Council should be charged by the legislature to continue the following efforts as part of its on -going work program: - Development of a water use and availability database for the Metropolitan Area, and continual analysis of that data: - Development of regional ground water, surface water and use projection models for resource evaluation; - Preparation of technical assistant information on water conservation; - Continual updating of the region water supply plan; - Evaluation of alternative water supplies and pursuit of those most promising, whether in the region or outside of it; and - Evaluation on a long-term basis of opportunities for source optimization and supplier interconnection. f) The Metropolitan Council should report back to the legislature after the items listed above have been implemented and evaluated for effectiveness in achieving solutions to the problems noted in this report; if the program as outlined does not address the problems, the Council should propose additional actions, including the formalization of water as a "metropolitan system", to achieve the desired result; the Council's report to the legislature should also contain a recommendation for further implementation of a Metropolitan Water supply Fund. g) Legislative consideration should be given to formalization of an organization of parties dealing with. and affected by, the Mississippi River within the state of Minnesota. This organization would not be another layer of government, rather it would be an attempt by existing parties to work together for the common good and be a focal point for action and communication. 50 12_ /r ee (f! dt . 5 RESOLUTION WHEREAS: The City of Edina has reviewed the report entitled "Metropolitan Water Supply: A Plan for Action"; WHEREAS: City of Edina representatives attended the public hearing on this issue; WHEREAS: The City of Edina has reviewed the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) concerns on the recommendations and concurs with the position of the AMM; WHEREAS: The City of Edina has had a local water conservation program in place for the past decade and supports the idea of water conservation: WHEREAS: The City of Edina is concerned about water supply contamination and the need for local contingency planning; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Edina does not support legislative action to create a metropolitan authority for a metropolitan water system similar to the sewer or airport systems. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 16, 1991, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of December, 1991. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman �I.- City Engineer 16 December, 1991 Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 Agenda Item # VII.A. Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Determine whether the City or Watershed District should be the local governmental unit administering the program during the interim period. Info/Background: The State of Minnesota has enacted legislation that takes effect on 1/1/92 as to conservation of wetland regulations. Staff has enclosed the first eight pages of the forty-eight page interim program of wetland regulation. One of the primary initial issues on this Act is who shall be the local government unit (LGU) handling the interim provisions of the Act. The possible local units could be cities, counties, soil and water conservation districts, and watershed or water management organizations. The permanent program results in only cities, townships and water management organizations administering the program in the Metro area. The interim period is from 1/1/92 to 7/1/93, when the permanent program is to take place. If no LGU takes responsibility, a prohibition of draining, filling, and burning of wetlands is effective January 1, 1992. It is staff's understanding that both Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District have filed a resolution with the Board of Water and Soil Resources, their desire to be the LGU in their geographic Report/Recommendation Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 16 December, 1991 Page Two area. The City of Bloomington and Minnetonka staff have indicated that the City desires to be the LGU in its geographic area. At this writing, we believe that the Board of Water and Soil Resources has not decided what happens if more than one LGU in a geographic area desires control of the program. With the above information, staff would suggest that the Council discuss the issue and determine if we are comfortable with the Watershed Districts administering the interim program as it relates to the Wetland Act. Introduction This document is the first draft of administrative guidelines for the interim program described in Article 7 of the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, Chapter 354. The text herein replaces material previously issued by the Board of Water and Soil Resources. Written comments to this draft are encouraged! Although comments will be accepted through December 18, those received by December 13 will be particularly helpful. After consideration by the Board on December 18, revised guidelines will be prepared. That version will be available in mid -January and will be the basis for information sessions to be held at a number of locations. [Local Certification Before Final Guidelines] An LGU need not wait for guidance from the board to certify the replacement of wetland area. Effective January 1, 1992 an LGU is authorized to issue certifications consistent with Article 7. Except as noted below in the text of Article 7, these guidelines are suggestions and are not mandated during the interim period, January 1, 1992 to July 1, 1993. [Article 7] Section 1. [103G.2369] [Interim] Subdivision 1. [Delineation] The "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands" (January 1989) must be used in identifying and delineating wetlands. Subdivision 2. [Prohibited Activities] (a) Except as provided in subdivision 3, until July 1, 1993, a person may not drain, burn, or fill a wetland. Although (b) specifically prohibits issuance of permits to drain, fill, or burn wetlands, the Board favors exempting those burning operations done for wildlife management or other purposes that enhance wetlands. An MPCA "Fact Sheet on Open Burning" issued September 1991 offers guidance on the legalities of open burning. (b) Except as provided in subdivision 3, until July 1, 1993, a state agency or LGU may not issue a permit for an activity prohibited in paragraph (a) or for an activity that would include an activity prohibited in paragraph (a). Subdivision 3. [Exemptions] The prohibitions in subdivision 2 do not apply to: (1) activities exempted under, and conducted in accordance with, (article 6, section 10) the exemptions on pages 20 to 43; (2) development projects and drainage system improvement projects that have received preliminary or final plat approval or for which infrastructure has been installed, or that have received site plan approval or a conditional use permit, within five years before (the effective date of this section) August 1, 1991; Item (2) is similar to exemption 24 on page 43. The above language replaces exemption 24 during the interim period. -2- (3) activities for which the local SWCD or other local permitting authority certifies that any loss of wetland area resulting from the activity will be replaced; and This is the crux of article 7; "draining, burning or filling non -exempted wetlands may be done IF the local soil and water conservation district or other local permitting authority certifies that any loss of wetland area resulting from the activity will be replaced." With the exception of a minimum 1:1 replacement ratio (Item I, page 14), terms and conditions of the replacement are at the discretion of the LGU issuing the certification. Nevertheless, these guidelines are strongly recommended for the following reasons: (1) to foster statewide uniformity in the implementation of the interim program; and (2) to make the interim program similar to the permanent program which will ease the transition to the permanent program after July 1, 1993. Each LGU should consider these recommendations when implementing the interim program. (4) a person who is enrolled or participation in a program listed in United States Code, title 16, section 3821, subsection (a), clauses (1) to (3) . Item (4) is similar to exemption 23 on page 42. The above language replaces exemption 23 during the interim period. Hence, the reference to easement participation in exemption 23 does not apply during the interim period. Subdivision 4. [Certification Fee] A SWCD or other local permitting authority may charge a fee of up to $75 for a certification under subdivision 3, clause (3) Subdivision 5. [Enforcement] This section must be enforced as provided (in article 6, section 18) on page 12. Section 2. [Effective Date] Section 1 is effective January 1, 1992, and is repealed July 1, 1993. -3- [Official Controls] It is the opinion of our counsel that official controls do not need to be adopted for the interim regulations to have the force and effect of law; the Act is sufficient. However, to ensure consistency with other local regulatory procedures an LGU might consider an official adoption of the interim regulations. [Local Certification Before Final Guidelines] An LGU need not wait for guidance from the board to certify the replacement of wetland area. Effective January 1, 1992 an LGU is authorized to issue certifications consistent with Article 7. [Forms and Other Administrative Documents] The next edition of this guideline will include suggested forms for certifying replacement of wetland area, certifying exemptions and others as recommended for enforcement. LGU's are encouraged to develop forms (and procedures) consistent with existing local programs. Suggested Chronology for Implementation Prior to January 1, 1992... • LGU's should decide which LGU will administer the interim provisions of the act. Although, as indicated earlier, SWCD's or any LGU with permitting authority can administer the interim provisions, the permanent program is more restrictive: only counties and cities can administer the permanent program in Greater Minnesota, and only cities, townships and water management organizations can administer the permanent program in the Metro Area. It seems logical to consider giving responsibility for the interim program to the LGU that will ultimately administer the permanent program. Board staff is available to facilitate this discussion. • The designated LGU should notify the board that they have accepted responsibility for administering the interim program. CAlthough one or more LGU's could administer `the interim program within a geographic area, one is preferred. The board will develop a data base of "who's in charge and where" to facilitate coordination and communication among LGU's and agencies. The board cannot legally assume local responsibility of the interim program. Hence, if no LGU takes responsibility, a prohibition of draining, filling, and burning is effective January 1, 1992. • The board will issue a press release in December, 1991 to inform the public of the interim regulations effective January 1, 1992. The public will be encouraged to watch their local press for specific information regarding local procedures and administering governmental units. -5- After January 1, 1992... • The BWSR will conduct information sessions concerning the interim program. The Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD) received a legislative appropriation for "education and training of local government officials relating to the implementation of this act." The MASWCD will facilitate the education and training in consultation with the board. A number of sessions are proposed at several locations during January and February. • Following completion of the training sessions, the board will issue a more detailed administrative manual. That manual will represent information and comments received through that time, including the training sessions. The administrative manual will be updated and additional training sessions conducted as needed. Proposed Interim Process A proposed interim process is suggested by the flow chart below. PROPOSED INTERIM PROCESS Landowner (I.o.)Any Wetland Activity LGU Contacted Exempt* Not Exempt Activity Certification of exemption issued to I.o. for specific site and activity. (Exemption cert. is filed by LGU if questions arise) Possible Replacement Options ,,_,„---'T/7 Future Replace NOW Defer to a Contribute Replacement acre for acre: local or other to wetland w/security type for type replacement plan bank 'unless the exemption to the Wetland Act is clear, the joint notice process to other permitters should be used i I.o. agrees to I.o. does not terms & LGU agree to terms certifies I.o. proceeds with activity I.o. prohibited from Commencing If Commenced, Enforcement Action Although the certification of exemption is not required, it would help the landowner quickly explain the wetlands status to enforcement officials. —7— "The joint notice process" refers to the regulatory simplification report required by Article 6, section 20 of the Act. Section 20 is reprinted below in its entirety. Section 20. [Regulatory Simplification Report] The BWSR and the commissioner of the DNR, in consultation with the appropriate federal agencies, shall jointly develop a plan to simplify and coordinate state and federal regulatory procedures related to wetland use and shall report on the plan to the legislature by January 1, 1992. This report currently in draft form, proposes a process whereby regulatory and other appropriate agencies submit a generic one page notice prepared by the applicant to other appropriate agencies. Although the applicant must still work directly with each agency subject to that agencies procedures and fees, this process achieves some measure of regulatory simplification as an applicant would be notifying all appropriate agencies by virtue of having contacted only one. The next edition of this guideline will include that process. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: CRAIG LARSEN Date: KENNETH ROSLAND DECEMBER 16, 1991 Subject- UPDATE - I-494 CORRIDOR COMMISSION TDM ORDINANCE Agenda Item # vI I . c . Consent Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance x I Discussion Recommendation: For Council Information. Info/Background: The JPO (Joint Powers Organization) has recently contracted with a consultant to prepare a draft TDM (Travel Demand Management) ordinance. We expect the draft to be complete in early 1992. The JPO will then attempt to agree upon a model ordinance or policy which could be considered for adoption by all five cities. The Ordinance approach suggests required or mandated measures whereas the policy would suggest voluntary measures. The goal of the JPO is a 32% reduction in trips during the peak hour for the year 2010. This means increasing the average auto occupancy rate from 1.1 to 1.6 persons per auto. Most TDM efforts are now concentrated in highly congested areas of the east and west coasts. The consultant has used the recently adopted San Diego Ordinance as an example of a mandatory program. In San Diego trip reduction targets are established but methods are not prescribed. Penalties are imposed for failing to meet trip OVER reduction targets. At this point the JPO is still considering a wide variety of TDM approaches and is trying to reach consensus on a number of key issues. * Should TDM be mandatory or voluntary. * Should TDM apply only to new development or to all development. * Can TDM succeed if limited only to 494 corridor or must it be imposed area wide. The JPO is considering a wide range of TDM measures which could be implemented in the 494 corridor. Most measures seek to promote car pooling and van pooling which are seen as the best and most economical means of reducing freeway congestion in the peak hours. Listed below are examples of measure currently being considered. * Providing subsidies to employees who participate in car pools or van pools. * Charging parking fees for single occupant vehicles. * Subsidies for public transit users. * Preferential parking for car pools and van pools. * Limit parking space available for single occupancy vehicles. * Guaranteed ride home for employees who rideshare. OTHER ACTIONS * Improved access to employment centers for bikers and walkers. * Provide on -site amenities like showers, day care, banking, and food. * Expand use of Flex -time by employer. The JPO is looking at TDM implementation in three phases. 1. Pre-494 reconstruction would involve site design requirements, reporting by employers and building owners, and public education. 2. 494-reconstruction would involve substantial trip reduction measures to relieve congestion during the construction phase. 3. Post reconstruction would try to maintain performance of reconstruction phase. CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: De tuber 6, 1991 TO: Gb on Hughes, Assistant City Manager FROM: 4 Kojetin, Director RE: date on the Control Deer Shoot in the South Metropolitan Areas There are three areas: 1. 35W East to Fort Snelling Along the River Bottoms. Open shooting with control permits. 47 deer killed to date. Goal is to thin the deer population out according to the number of deer that survive in a square mile area. 2. 35W West to the Bloomington Ferry Bridge Along the River Bottom. The Bloomington Police Department sharp shooters have killed 26 deer. Their goal is to shoot 100. Not as many deer killed because determining of the site areas were not located early enough in the season. 3. Hylands Park Reserve District There were 104 deer killed and the goal is 150. The deer are killed by sharp shooters. They use a 8 x 38 scope at night with a soft nose bullets with high impact. Hennepin Parks use an aerial count and last year there were 261. This year on the same date 251 were counted. Thirty-four percent of the deer are does and the rest are fawns and bucks. Does are shot first followed by fawns and then bucks. If the bucks are controlling the deer then they are shot first. If we would like to participate in an aerial count of Edina we could in conjunction with Hennepin Parks. The cost would be less than $500. Bow hunting is another option for open shooting and because of new equipment and technology, bow hunting is a very successful method of hunting. The DNR is contemplating letting property owners receive permits to shoot deer on their property instead of using a control permit system. Larry Gillette, the Wild Life Manager of Hennepin Parks, will be available to give a report to our committee at the end of the deer shoot this winter. His report might have valuable information for our committee. 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