HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-03/17_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AUGUST 3, 1987 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF HRA MINUTES OF JULY 20, 1987 II. AWARD OF BID - Phases 6 & 7 Edinborough Condominiums Public Improvements ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterick (*) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 20, 1987 and the Special Meeting of July 27, 1987 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Lot Divisions, Plats, Appeals: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of quorum required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Final Development Plan - Building Expansion - Cineplex Odeon Corporation - (Edina Theatre) - 3911 W. 50th Street (Contd from 7/6/87 - Continue to 9/14/87) B. Report on Comprehensive Plan C. Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County - CDBG Program D. Lot Division - Lot 2, Block 1, Conn Heights, Ken Wright, 6321 Waterman Av * E. Set Hearing Dates (8/17/87) 1. Preliminary Plat Approval - Rolling Green Parkway Addition - Generally located west of Rolling Green Parkway and south of Annaway Dr 2. Amendment to Final Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit - To Allow Retail Sales in Phase II Office Building - Edinborough 3. Final Development Plan - Building Expansion - Thexton Manufacturing Company - Generally located east of Parklawn Av and north of W. 77th * * * IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. Tree Removal B. 8" Pump with Diesel VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Flood Damage Report B. Set Hearing Date - Special Assessments (9/14/87) C. Set Budget Hearing Dates D. Hedberg Property Status Report E. Manager's Report Agenda Edina City Council - August 3, 1987 Page Two VII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL VIII. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS IX. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 8/3/87: General Fund $148,543.58, Art Center $1.630.36, Capital Fund $2,250.00, Swimming Pool Fund $2,849.44, Golf Course Fund $13,040.84, Recreation Center Fund $3,312.51, Gun Range Fund $439.75, Edinborough Park $4,136.16, Utility Fund $248,876.76, Liquor Dispensary Fund $4,839.71, Construction Fund $2,131.10, Total $432,050.21. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Mon Aug 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Sept 14 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Sept 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Coom HRA I. MINUTES EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JULY 20, 1987 Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Courtney. MINUTES of the Joint HRA/Council Meeting of July 6, 1987 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Smith. BID AWARDED FOR EDINBOROUGH CONDOMINIUMS PHASE 6 WATERPROOFING. Manager Rosland presented the bid of Waterproofing by Experts at $12,775.00 for the Edinborough Condominiums Phase 6 waterproofing as sole bidder. He advised that Waterproofing by Experts had bid all prior phases and that the Phase 6 price is less than prior phases. Motion of Commissioner Turner was seconded by Commissioner Smith for award of bid to recommended bidder, Waterproofing by Experts at $12,775.00 for waterproofing of the Edinborough Condominiums Phase 6. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney There being no further business on the HRA agenda, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Turner. Motion carried. Executive Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE HRA II. TO: FROM: VIA: HRA Gordon Hughes Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: July 31, 1987 -Material Description (General Specifications): Edinborough Condominiums Phase 6 & 7 Public Improvements Concrete & Masonry -Quotations/Bids: 1. 2. 3. Company Amount of Quote or Bid C. R. Brazier Lakeland Nursery Jesco, Inc. $124,390.00 $129,533.80 $159,892.00 Department Recommendation: C. R. Brazier Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid Cityanager's Endorsement: 1. Departmen is not within the amount budget for the purchase. " v,,, ( / John Wallin, Finan e Director L' I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 20, 1987 II. Consent Agenda Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Smith, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE JOINT HRA/COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 6, 1987; MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 1987 AND MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 13, 1987 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Joint HRA/Council Meeting of July 6, 1987, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1987 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 13, 1987. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. REPORT GIVEN ON COUNCIL REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Manager Rosland recalled that the Council had held a special meeting on July 13, 1987 to review the Land Use Element and the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. At that meeting the Council had considered the Plan's land use designation of various sites that were either undeveloped or were potential sites for redevelopment and had reached conclusions as to designations. The Council had asked that the staff provide additional information and alternatives for redevelopment of several of the parcels. The Council had also discussed the Lewis Engineering/Kunz Oil Warehouse site and the 44th and France commercial area. Staff would suggest these be discussed at a future meeting. With reference to the 44th and France area, Member Kelly asked that staff expand the 44th and France area and look into how the surrounding homes are being maintained. Planner Larsen then presented the follow- ing report: 1. Kunz Oil Service Station - Northwest corner of Vernon and Olinger. Presently shown as Medium Density Residential on Land Use Map. Consider changing density to Low Density Attached Residential. The property is triangular in shape and is only 13,000 square feet in area. Very difficult to redevelop for any use. May support a double bungalow but would require variances. Reducing the designation to Low Density Attached would more accurately reflect the site's potential as a residen- tial site. 2. Minneapolis Water Works Property - West of France Avenue and north of 41st Street. Shown as Medium Density Residential on Land Use Map. The total site area is 14.5 acres, 9.5 acres are in Edina. If developed as multi -family it could support 50 to 90 units. If platted as single family lots it would provide 25 to 30 new lots. A third alternative for this site would be Low Density Attached Residential along France Avenue and Single Family Residential for the remainder of the site. This would be consistent with other residential areas along France Avenue. Staff would recommend this designation. 3. McCauley Trail Property (Hume) - Presently shown as park. There are no available funds for this acquisition and it is no longer needed as a site for the Art Center. Staff would recommend changing the designation to Single Family Residential. As to procedure for amending the Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Larsen explained that changes in the Plan must be considered initially by the Community Development and Planning Commission at a published, public hearing. If the Council wishes, the proposed changes could be considered by the Commission at its September 2, 1987 meeting. Following the hearing by the Commission, the Council could conduct a public hearing on September 21, 1987. Proposed amendments to the Plan would then be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council, adjacent communities, school districts and the county for review and comment. After the review period has passed, the Council would adopt the amendments. Member Smith said he thought the Council would be going over the draft of the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan and that he felt that all potential changes (i.e. definitions, limits of density) should be identified before starting the process. Member Kelly commented that numbers from the most recent developments in the City have not been incorporated into the Plan as it goes from 1985 to the projections for 1990. Member Turner asked if staff would be ready to bring the requested information back to the Council on August 3, 1987. Mr. Larsen said that it would not be possible to have information ready on the 44th and France area, but that the Council could possibly look at the prior proposal for the Lewis Engineering/Kunz Oil Warehouse site and some other development options to give the Council some perspective on the type of use for that site. It was informally agreed that this be placed back on the agenda for the August 3rd Council Meeting for further consideration by the Coun- cil. Sr TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 7/14/87 APPROVED. In reference to the request to change parking restrictions on the north side of Olinger Boulevard, Engineer Hoffman explained that a neighborhood petition had been presented regarding concern for safety when crossing the street to the park due to lack of visibility when passing between parked vehicles; also, that vehicles were using driveways to turn around in as well as blocking driveways. At present, this boulevard is signed NO PARKING 7 AM - 1 PM SUNDAYS ONLY due to Colonial Church congestion. That signage would remain and additional signage would be posted. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner to approve the following recommended action listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of July 14, 1987: 1) Installation of "NO PARKING, 9 AM - 8 PM DAILY, MAY - OCT" signs along Olinger Boulevard from Tracy Avenue to Colonial Church and that a review with the resi- dents of the area be scheduled for the month of November to discuss the effective- ness of these signs, 2) Installation of "NO PARKING ANYTIME" signs on Minnesota Drive, and to acknowledge Sections B and C of the Minutes. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICES CONTRACT FOR 1988-89 APPROVED. Manager Rosland recalled that at its meeting of April 20, 1987 the Council accepted the recommen- dation of the Edina CHS Advisory Committee to negotiate with Bloomington for a two year public health Nursing Services Contract for 1988-89. The negotiations have been completed and a contract for 1988-89 has been drafted. The cost of the contract is $95,368.00 for 1988 and $99,183.00 for 1989. This is a 4% increase for each year of the contract which is within the guidelines established for negotiations. Mr. Rosland pointed out that the services provided by Bloomington will be the same as are presently available to residents of Edina. Home health, well child clinics, adult health clinics, immunization clinics, preventative health services and education are all included. Staff would recommend approval of this contract. Member Turner asked if the scope of services will be the same as presently provided. Mr. Velde said that the services will be the same unless there is a perceived change in the community as to level of services required That then will be accommodated by a shift in services and should not increase the cost. He added that home health care is the most expensive component of the services provided. Member Kelly moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute on behalf of the City the two year Public Health Nursing Services Contract for 1988 and 1989 with the City of Bloomington. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. DELEGATION OF POWER AGREEMENT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVED. Manager Rosland explained that in 1978 Edina signed an agreement with the Minneso- ta Department of Health (MDH) which gave Edina the authority to license and regulate food, beverages, and lodging establishments. The MDH has developed a new agreement which will replace the previous agreement. The new agreement specifies the role of the MDH and the responsibility of the local Environmental Health Agency (Edina Health Department) The agreement also contains an attachment which delegates specific duties to the local agency. The MDH has entered into delega- tion agreements with many local health agencies since 1978. However, not all of the agreements contain the same language and the MDH wishes to correct these inconsistencies. The proposed agreement contains the following changes: 1) Minimum academic qualifications for Environmental Health staff and Sanitarian registration within two years of employment, and 2) Evaluation of the Edina Health Department once every three years to determine the effectiveness of the Depart- ment's program and continued compliance with the agreement. The Edina Health Department is in compliance with the proposed agreement and staff would support the changes in the new agreement. Member Kelly moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute the Delegation of Power Agreement between the City and the Minnesota Department of Health as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. PLAN APPROVAL GRANTED FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO EAST BUSH LAKE/WEST 78TH STREET INTER- SECTION: RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BANNING PARKING ON W. 78TH STREET AND EDINA INDUSTRI- AL BOULEVARD. Engineer Hoffman recalled that in 1985 the Edina City Council passed a resolution requesting that the intersection of East Bush Lake Road and West 78th Street be improved with traffic signals and appropriate geometric improvements. Hennepin County is the controlling agency for the intersection because County Road 28 terminates at the intersection. Graphics were presented explaining the proposed improvement. He reminded the Council that at its meeting of September 15, 1986 he dad presented a preliminary plan for the improvements which had been drafted by Hennepin County. He had also informed the Council that Hennepin County would need to purchase some right of way for the signal from Western National Mutual Insurance Company, 5350 W. 78th Street. The County has completed negotiations for purchase of the right of way from Western National and have now submitted the plan for approval by Edina and Bloomington and have submitted the plan to MNDOT for State Aid approval. Cost for construction of the improvement would be funded by Hennepin County and municipal State Aid funds. Hennepin County will submit a construction cooperative agreement to both cities for approval later. The cooperative agreement will specify what financial partic- ipation each City will provide. Engineer Hoffman explained that, in addition to plan approval, no parking resolutions will be required for West 78th Street and Edina Industrial Boulevard. Staff would recommend plan approval and adoption of resolutions banning parking on these streets. Member Smith mo•-ed adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina hereby approves the plan for improvement and signalization of the intersection of East Bush Lake Road and West 78th Street submitted by Hennepin County and as presented at its meeting of July 20, 1987. RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTION S.A.P. 120-160-02 FROM EAST BUSH LAKE ROAD (C.S.A.H. 28) TO CAHILL ROAD IN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA THIS RESOLUTION, passed this 20th day of July, 1987 by the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has planned the improvement of M.S.A.S. 160 (West 78th Street) from C.S.A.H. 28 (East Bush Lake Road) to Cahill Road; WHEREAS, the City will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of this Street, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the City has been determined; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on both sides of M.S.A.S. 160 (West 78th Street) at all times. RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTION ON S.A.P. 120-136-06 FROM WEST 78TH STREET TO EAST BUSH LAKE ROAD THIS RESOLUTION, passed this 20th day of July 1987 by the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has planned the improvement of M.S.A.S 136 (Edina Industrial Boulevard) from West 78th Street to East Bush Lake Road; WHEREAS, the City will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of this Street, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the City has been determined; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on both sides of M.S.A.S. 136 (Edina Industrial Boulevard) at all times. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolutions adopted. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BANNING PARKING ON SOUTH SIDE OF OLINGER BOULEVARD. Engineer Hoffman recalled that the Council recently approved a sidewalk construction plan for the south side of Olinger Boulevard from Tracy Avenue to Bredesen Park. Parking restrictions exist on the south side except for the parking bay at Coun- tryside Park as reflected in a resolution of the City Council adopted March 15, 1971. In reviewing the sidewalk construction plan for Olinger Boule- vard, the parking restrictions referred to in that resolution were unclear to State Aid officials. It is recommended that a new parking resolution be adopted. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTION ON S.A.P. 120-147-09 FROM TRACY AVENUE TO JEFF PLACE THIS RESOLUTION, passed this 20th day of July, 1987 by the City of Edina in Hennepin County,, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City", WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the City has planned the improvement of M.S.A.S. 147 (Olinger Boulevard) from Tracy Avenue to Jeff Place; WHEREAS, the City will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of this Street, and g_ WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the City has been determined. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the south side of M.S.A.S 147 (Olinger Boulevard) from 600 feet west to Jeff Place at all times. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. CARROLL AND MC WETHY NOMINATED TO MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD. Manager Rosland referred to the letter from Michael R. Carroll in support of his nomination to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board as requested by the Council at the last meeting.He advised that the Council may nominate up to three individuals to the Board. He recalled that several years ago the Council had approved the nomination of Jim McWethy but that he was not appointed to the Board. Mr. Rosland said that Mr. Carroll is aware of the prior nomination. Member Turner moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Michael R. Carroll for reappointment and nominates Jim McWethy for appointment to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners urging them to consider these nominations. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. APPOINTMENTS MADE TO THE EDINA FOUNDATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD AND SHHSC. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for appointment of Warren Beck to The Edina Foundation Board of Directors for a three year term to June 1990, to succeed James Van Valkenburg. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Turner noted that for the new Community Services Board the Council should appoint 1) a Council Member, 2) a member from the Edina Park Board, and 3) a Member at Large. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner for appointment of Member Glenn Smith to the Community Services Board as the Council representative, term to be established by the Board. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Kelly for appointment of Bob Christianson to the Community Services Board as the Park Board representative, and that Marilyn Wooldridge be alternate choice, term to be established by the Board. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner for appointment of Elie Reid to the Community Services Board as the Member at Large, term to be estab- lished by the Board. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. The Council then considered the applicants who wish to be considered for appoint- ment to the South Hennepin Human Services Council and discussed the present composition of the Board. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Kelly for appointment of Paul A. liens to the South Hennepin Human Services Council to fill an unexpired term (Leslie Olson) to February 1, 1989. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL. Member Turner gave a brief report on the South Hennepin Human Council (SHHSC) regarding the following: 1) Joint Powers Agreement - When reviewed by the four cities about a year ago an added requirement was that SHHSC review and look to spinning off their direct service programs. Task forces have been set up to look at each program and the first report will be on the Energy Assistance Program on July 22, 1987. 2) Informational meetings - SHHSC has re-established what used to be called the Third Friday Series - a meeting for providers, policy makers and volunteers in the south Hennepin area for training or discussion on a particular issue. The first two meetings have been very successful. 3) Community Social Service Act Report - As part of their human services planning for the four cities, SHHSC each year prepares a Community Social Service Act Report. In preparation for this year's report, their research has included three surveys, two focus groups (one on teens and one on seniors) and town meetings in each city to discuss the human services needed. The results of this research is a Priority Listing of Human Services Needs in South Hennepin. This listing has been given to the Edina Human Relations Commission who screens for the Edina Council proposals for funding for human services prior to the budget hearings. Some discussion followed on the need and delivery of human services and its affect on local government. No formal action was taken. 1988 BUDGET PREVIEW PRESENTED TO COUNCIL. Manager Rosland recalled that last year the Council initiated a process whereby a preview of the coming year's budget was reviewed in order to establish a framework of expectations for the final budget before the actual budgeting process began. This year's budget preview is compli- cated by the effects of the 1987 tax bill which imposed a strict formula whereby the present levy cannot be increased by more than 3% over the previous year. Although growth in population or households can be taken into consideration prior to applying the 3% increase, most other exclusions available in past years have been eliminated. Staff has not received from the State the household growth figures or information concerning permissible appeals to the new levy limit law Mr. Rosland summarized the overall revenue assumptions for the 1988 budget as follows: Assessed Value - Expect at least a 3% increase. Property Tax Revenues - Based on present estimates staff believes that the levy anticipated by Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 is legally possible. Fees & Charges - Revenues increased by 3%. State and Federal Aid - Reduced by $225,000 due to loss of Federal Revenue Shar- ing. Liquor Transfer - Reduced to $350,000 to reflect earnings more closely. Overall expenditures assumptions: Payroll - Scenarios are based upon salary adjustments of 3 1/2, 4 and 4 1/2 percent, plus $40,000 in step increases and $45,000 in comparable worth adjustments (first of three phases). Contractual Services/Commodities - Increased by 3%, includes Central Services. Equipment Replacement - Increased 5% reflecting a 3% inflation increase, additions of new items purchased with 1987's operating budget and capital plan, and the effect of the new 6% excise tax on vehicles. Capital Plan Appropriation - Proposed to be funded at $180,000. Other Programs - New programs/projects/equipment are specifi- cally listed in scenarios. Three scenarios were presented summarized as follows: Scenario 1 - Total Budget $11,683,275, no new programs, 12.6 mills; Scenario 2 - Total Budget $11,805,796, new programs total $92,500, 12.8 mills; Scenario 3 - Total Budget $12,000,316, new programs total $257,000, 13.1 mills. Discussion followed with no formal action being taken. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR 1988-1995 PRESENTED. Manager Rosland presented the 1988-1995 Capital Improvement Plan for the Council's consideration. He stated that a major project anticipated for 1988 is the proposed addition to City Hall, details of which were presented to the Council earlier this year. The proposed Capital Improvement Plan anticipates an annual contribution from the City's budget of $180,000. Following some discussion, it was agreed that the Capital Improve- ment Plan be considered in the connection with the 1988 budget hearings. REPORT GIVEN ON I-494 CORRIDOR STUDY. Member Turner said that included in the Council packet were three memorandums received from the consultant and regional agency staff members: 1) Implementation Program Elements, 2) CSAH 18 Interchange Alternatives, and 3) Recommended Roadway Facilities Plan for the I-494 Corridor that they would like comment on for the upcoming final meetings of the project management team. Engineer Hoffman then identified three specific issues for discussion. Implementation Program Elements - "Amend City Comprehensive Plans to reflect the I-494 Corridor Transportation Plan". Proposed that the wording be change to "Amend City Comprehensive Plans to include timeframes for development which are consistent with the I-494 Corridor Transportation Plan". Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the City's position be maintained regarding land use/density and bearing the financial burden related thereto. CSAH 18 Interchange Alternatives - Extention of frontage road on W. 78th Street northerly along CSAH 18 to Valley View Road. Following discussion, it was agreed not to support the extension because it would affect park property. Recommended Roadway Facilities Plan for the I-494 Corridor - Add one lane in each direction to CSAH 62 between CSAH 18 and TH 77 and add one lane in each direction to CSAH 18 north of CSAH 62 and south of I-494. It was agreed to maintain the City's position oppos- ing any lane additions to CSAH 62. Member Turner then gave a schedule of upcoming meetings: July 22 - Executive Summary of all parts of the Report; August 12 - Draft Final Report of the Project Management Team; August 26 - Adopt Draft Final Report. The Draft Final Report could be reviewed by the Council at its meeting of August 3 or August 17. During the month of September public hearings will be held in each city to be conducted by the consultant; each city will be asked to approve the Report. Following those hearings, the representatives of the cities would like to have a joint meeting of the City Councils to hear each other's concerns and to talk about future action. No formal action was taken. STREET SURFACING IMPROVEMENT A-178 ORDERED UPON RECEIPT OF 100% PETITION. Engi- neer Hoffman reported that a petition for an improvement consisting of street surfacing between 3913 ani 4001 on West 48th Street had been received signed by owners of real property abutting on said street. Said petition also requested the Council to assess the entire cost, estimated at $1,429.48 per lot, against the property of such owners. Member Richards thereupon introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. A-178 UPON PETITION THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct a street surfacing improvement on West 48th Street between 3913 and 4001 and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property abutting on said street where said improvement is to be locates. 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said pe: ion is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3), (bession Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. A-178. The entire cost of said improvement is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on said street (3913 and 4001 West 48th Street) where said improvement is to be located. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. MEMBER TURNER TO SERVE AS LIAISON TO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. Member Kelly advised that when she agreed to serve as liaison to the Human Relations Commission she did not realize that the Commission's regular meeting date would conflict with on ongoing commitment she had made for the same evening. Member Turner said she would assume the duty of serving as liaison to the Commission. INTERVIEWING PROCESS FOR APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS/COMMISSIONS DISCUSSED. With regard to the interviewing process of candidates for appointment to advisory boards and commissions, Member Kelly suggested that candidates be asked to call for an interview on a specific date, that candidates not be asked back for a second interview, and that we should more clearly define the type of expertise we are looking for when there is a position to be filled. No action was taken. RESIDENTS EXPRESS THANKS FOR THE GOOSE CONTROL PROGRAM. Member Turner reported that she had received four calls from residents expressing their thanks for the goose control program which the Council had authorized. MANAGER'S REPORT TO BE DISCUSSED. Member Turner suggested that the matter of the Manager's Report which was video taped be placed on a upcoming Council Agenda for discussion. Manager Rosland said that a written copy will be provided and that it would be placed on the agenda. REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK ON GLEASON ROAD NOTED. Mayor Courtney stated that he had talked with Leonard Neidigh, 6228 Braeburn Circle, who is initiating support for the construction of sidewalk on Gleason Road from Dewey Hill Road to Valley View Road because of his concern for the safety of pedestrians. He said that Mr. Neidigh has contacted other members of the Council and that the Council can expect to hear more on the issue of sidewalk on Gleason Road in the future. No action was taken. REQUEST DENIED FOR REMOVAL OF TREES AT 4213-15 WEST 50TH STREET. Manager Rosland called to the Council's attention a request from the owner of a double bungalow at 4213-15 West Street. Paul E. Otness, the owner, requested that two large elm trees on his boulevard that are 15" above grade due to the root structure be removed and replaced by two smaller trees. He suggested that this tree removal be done in conjunction with the West 50th Street reconstruction project which is now reworking the south side of the street. Following a brief discussion, Member Turner moved to deny the request. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT UNIT REPORT FOR APRIL - JUNE NOTED. Manager Rosland noted that the quarterly report for the Traffic Enforcement Unit (April/June) had been given to the Council for their information. In summary, the report said that during the second quarter a higher number of citations were issued than expected. Conversely, fewer than expected "not guilty" pleas and "complaints" about cita- tions were received. There was no comment or action taken. UPCOMING BUDGET HEARINGS TO BE SCHEDULED. Manager Rosland said that, as in previous years, budget hearings would be held beginning September 8 or 9. The 1988 Budget must be formally adopted no later than October 1. He asked the Council to consider whether they wanted to meet at 4:00 or 4:30 p.m. or schedule the hearings in the evening at 7:00 p.m. Member Richards suggested that the Council Members bring their calendars to the August 3 meeting so that the budget hearings schedule can be determined. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 27, 1987 Council Members Present: Staff Present: Others Present: Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney Rosland, Hoffman, Smith and Daehn II. Consent Agenda Paul Berge, 4536 Tower Street; Peter Hodue, 4532 Tower Street; Ellen Schwandt, 4516 Tower Street REPORT GIVEN ON RECENT STORM DAMAGE. Manager Rosland explained that this special meeting was called to update the Council on the damage resulting from the storm and torrential rains on Thursday, July 23, 1987. He reported the following: - Approximately 200 basements were pumped out by City crews, some properties suffered an extreme amount of damage. - There is a Federal disaster team in the area to assess the damage and gather information to determine if Federal aid will be available. Residents have been told to monitor the news media for the decision. City staff has been recording names/addresses/phone numbers of those inquiring about Federal aid and when a decision has been reached they will be notified. The Federal disaster team is not only assessing homes but also commercial and retail properties. - Maps of the City of Edina were presented which showed properties in the flood plain and the location of damage to City properties. - Park facilities damage is estimated at $80,000 - Since the storm City crews have logged 1300 - 1400 hours of overtime which is estimated at $20,000 The crews have put in long hours and are in need of rest. - There are three main areas remaining which the City is pumping: 1) Mait Lane in Rolling Green, 2) Cornelia, and 3) Coventry Lane off Dewey Hill Road. - Public water system is safe but City is recommending that residents who have private wells should have their water tested. Manager Rosland said the City is now getting calls regarding disposal of water damaged household goods. He recommended the following action. The City has been able to secure two roll -off dumpsters which will be located in the parking lot immediately west of Braemar Arena starting Wednesday evening. Residents may bring their water damaged items to that location for no charge and the City will dispose of it. Persons bringing items to the dumpsters will be asked to present a driver's license as proof of residency. The cost to the City is roughly estimated as approximately $10,000.00 for landfill fees and $20,000.00 for labor for this emergency program. The question of curbside pickup for those residents who cannot take their damaged property to the Braemar Arena dumpsters was raised and discussed. Manager Rosland said that if City crews were to do curbside pickup it may take a week or ten days to complete, the reasons being that City crews are continuing the pumping and doing emergency road repairs. He said staff would have to determine how to handle the pickup program. The Council asked for a rough estimate of total storm damage cost to the City. Estimates given were: $80,000.00 Parks, $60,000.00 for pumping, pickup and dumping of water damaged goods, $200,000.00 for streets and retaining walls. Engineer Hoffman pointed out that underground damage may not be evident for awhile. Mayor Courtney asked for comments from the residents present. Paul Berge suggested that dumpsters be located at several locations where damage has been severe. He also questioned whether the storm sewer on Tower Street is of an adequate size and that he felt the drainage plain is too large for the present storm sewer to handle. Peter Hodue said that his concern was the backup of the sanitary sewer system. Ellen Schwandt presented a petition for City pickup of water damaged household items. Engineer Hoffman commented that residents who are concerned about storm sewers have been advised to petition the Council to review the storm sewer design in their areas. Following discussion, Member Smith moved approval of the emergency plan presented by the City Manager as follows: 1) Location of a dumpster at the Braemar Area parking lot beginning on Wednesday, July 29, and 2) Curbside pickup of water damaged household items to begin on Thursday, July 30 or Friday July 31. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. The meeting was declared adjourned by Mayor Courtney at 5:45 p.m. City Clerk MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Review DATE: July 30, 1987 Attached is information which may aid the Council in their discussion on the Comprehensive Plan. I have pro- vided our definitions of low density, medium density, and high density residential from the plan. Each designation is then related to the appropriate zoning district, for which density ranges are provided. Finally, I have listed projects and their actual density which have been approved since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Low Density Attached Residential 0-6 DU/Acre This designation is intended to include two family dwellings, townhouses, and other multi -family developments containing a maximum of four dwelling units per building or structure. Single Family dwellings may also be a compatible use in such areas. It is intended that this designation will provide a variety of housing types in relatively close proximity to single family residential areas and will represent a transitional use between single family areas and high volume roadways or more intense uses. Although a maximum of C DU/acre is noted, densities of such developments will be based upon surrounding single family densities, Zoning Ordinance District: PRD-2 Density: 6 DU/AC Medium Density Residential 6-12 DU/Acre This designation is intended to include townhouses, apartments, and condominiums which provide a variety of rental and ownership opportunities at moderate densities in predominantly residential settings, Such developments should have a maximum height of three stories and should be buffered from single family dwelling areas by natural features, linear open space corridors, lower density transitional uses, or extensive buffering, Zoning Ordinance District: PRD-3 DENSITY RANGE: LOW 10 DU/AC HIGH 15 DU/AC High Density Residential 12 + DU/Acre This designation is intended to include primarily apartment and condopment Close proximity to mass transportation, shopping and related service, large employment centers and/or access to collector or arterial roadways is necessary. Density and height should be based on proximity to low density uses and transportation capacities. Zoning Ordinance Districts: PRD-4, PSR-3 and 4 DENSITY RANGE: LOW hIGh PRD-4 15 DU/AC 31 DU/AC PSR-3 12 DU/AC 22 DU/AC PSR-4 17 DU/AC 44 DU/AC APARTMENT, CONDO AND TOWNHOUSE PROJECTS APPROVED SINCE 1980 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PRD-2 (Low Density) Manor Homes of Edina (Centex) Lincoln Drive north of Crosstown highway No. of Units per Units Acre 144 8.9 Vernon Court Townhomes (R. Hansen) 15 5 north of Crosstown and south of Vernon Avenue Vernon Townhomes (Pearson/Elmer) 5 6 Vernon Avenue north of Vernon Court Vernon Court (Kyllo) 5 7 Vernon Avenue south of Vernon Court PRD-3 (Medium Density) Cahill of Edina (Brutger) 44 8.5 Cahill Road south of Dewey Hill Road Edina Mills (Johnson Const) 7 6.2 4600 France Ave Lewis Ridge (Gittleman) 108 9.4 Cahill Road south of Dewey Hill Road Le Chataignier Condominium 33 10 7200 Cahill Road Interlachen Point Townhomes (Haymaker) 5 11 Summit Avenue at Interlachen Blvd. The Ponds (Klodt ,. Cahill Rd. at West 78th St. 89 12.5 Highpoint I Condominium (R. Clark) 16 14 Village Drive at Cahill Road No, of Units Per Units Acre PRD-4 (5) (High Density) Landico Condominium (Hornland) 8 23.5 4360 France Avenue So. Vernon Oaks (Bjornnes) 135 19.8 Vernon Avenue at Villa Way PSR-4 (Senior Citizen) South Haven Apartments 3400 Parklawn Avenue Summit Point Apartments Summit Avenue at Vernon Ave. Vernon Terrace (Grandview Dev.) 5250 Vernon Avenue Mixed Use Edinborough (Laukka/Hyatt) West 76th St. and York Ave. So. 100 31 29 43 152 43 596 23 CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612-927-8861 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute on behalf of the City the Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County to continue the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program for federal fiscal years 1988, 1989 and 1990. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1987. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of August 3rd, 1987 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 27th day of August, 1987. City Clerk MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Joint Cooperation Agreement DATE: July 30, 1987 The City of Edina and 42 other Hennepin County Communities jointly receive CDBG funds through Hennepin County. Our parti- cipation is made possible by a Joint Cooperation Agreement with the County. The term of the agreement is three years. A copy of the agreement and a cover letter from Bruce Kurtz, Deputy County Administrator, are attached for your review. Staff would recommend a resolution by the City Council authorizing execution of the new agreement by the Mayor and the Manager. OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR A-2300 Government Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487 July 17, 1987 The Honorable C. Wayne Courtney Mayor of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: The Joint Cooperation Agreement executed by and between Hennepin County and 43 communities to establish the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant program expires October 1, 1987. To continue the program which provided over 2.6 million dollars in federal funds for local community devel- opment activities this year and over 40 million since the program began in 1975, it is necessary to execute a new agreement to cover the next three years. Provided all 43 communities execute the new agreement and therefore remain in the program, it is expected that at least another 2.6 million dollars will be made available to share in 1988. Please bring the option of participating in the program before your governing body. To do so they should act by resolution to authorize the appropriate officials to execute the accompanying three copies of the Joint Cooperation Agreement and return them to me as provided in Article III., paragraph C., along with a copy of the authorizing resolution by August 28, 1987. The Agreement is for the next three-year period for which Hennepin County qualifies as an urban county. Action on the Agreement at this time will therefore be binding for three years. Electing to execute it will make your community a partner in the Urban Hennepin County CDBG program for federal fiscal years 1988, 1989 and 1990. Electing not to execute will preclude your community from participation for the same period. Other than some formatting, there are only a few changes from the Joint Cooperation Agreement in effect since 1984. One is the inclusion of the current administrative policy limiting the number of activities to three per community per year and each to a minimum of $7,500 (exceptions are joint activities and instances where the planning allocation is less than $7,500). The new agreement also includes a new provision for crediting program income back to the community from which it originates for reprogramming to eligible and fundable activities. HENNEPIN COUNTY an equal opportunity employer July 17, 1987 Page Two Should you have any questions please contact your Hennepin County planning representative or Bob Isaacson at 348-4544. Sincerely, Bruce Kurtz Deputy County Administrator enc. cc: CDBG Contact Contract No. 70467 JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and the CITY OF Frina , hereinafter referred to as "COOPERATING UNIT," said parties to this Agreement each being governmental units of the State of Minnesota, and is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59; WITNESSETH; COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY agree that it is desirable and in the interests of their citizens that COUNTY secure Community Development Block Grant funds as an Urban County within the provisions of the Act as herein defined and, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the parties mutually agree to the following terms and conditions. I. DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in 42 USC 5302 of the Act and 24 CFR Part 570.3 of the Regulations are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, and the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them: A. "The Act" means the Housing and Community Development Act of 1973, Title 1 of Public Law 93, 383, as amended by the Housing and Commu- nity Development Reconciliation Amendments of 1985, 42USC5301ET.SEQ. B. "Regulations" means the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Act, including but not limited to 24 CFR Part 570. C. "HUD" means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment. D. "Cooperating Unit" means any city or town in Hennepin County which has entered into a cooperation agreement which is identical to this Agreement, as well as Hennepin County which is a party to each Agreement. E. "Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" means the docu- ment bearing that title or similarly required statements or docu- ments submitted to HUD for authorization to expend the entitlement amount and which is developed by the COUNTY in conjunction with COOPERATING UNITS as part of the Community Development Block Grant Program. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize COUNTY and COOPERATING UNIT to cooperate in undertaking, or assisting in undertaking, community renewal and lower income housing activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing and authorizes COUNTY to carry out these and other eligible activities which will be funded from annual Community Development Block Grants from Fiscal Years 1988, 1989 and 1990. III. AGREEMENT A. The term of this Agreement is for a period commencing on the effective date of October 1, 1987, and terminating no sooner than the end of program year sixteen (XVI) covered by the Statement of Objectives and the Projected Use of Funds for the basic grant amount authorized by HUD subsequent to the effective date. B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agree- ment shall be terminated at the end of the three-year program period during which HUD withdraws its designation of COUNTY as an Urban County under the Act. C. This Agreement shall be executed by the appropriate officers of COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY pursuant to authority granted them by their respective governing bodies, and a copy of the authorizing resolution and executed Agreement shall be filed promptly by the COOPERATING UNIT in the office of the Hennepin County Administrator, and in no event shall the Agreement be filed later than August 28, 1987. IV. ACTIVITIES COOPERATING UNIT agrees that awarded grant funds will be used to under- take and carry out within the terms of this Agreement certain projects involving one or more of the essential activities eligible for funding under the Act. COUNTY agrees and will assist COOPERATING UNIT in the undertaking of such essential activities by providing the services specified in this Agreement. The parties mutually agree to comply with all applicable require- ments of the Act and the Regulations and other relevant Federal and/or Minnesota statutes or regulations in the use of basic grant amounts. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to lessen or abrogate COUNTY's responsi- bility to assume all obligations of an applicant under the Act, including the development of the Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds pursu- ant to 24 CFR 570.300 et.seq. A. COOPERATING UNIT further specifically agrees as follows: 1. COOPERATING UNIT will in accord with a COUNTY established schedule prepare and provide to COUNTY, in a prescribed form, an annual request for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds consistent with this Agreement, program regulations and the Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives. 2. COOPERATING UNIT shall use all funds received pursuant to the Agreement for each annual program within eighteen (18) months of the authorization by HUD of the basic grant amount. Expenditure period extensions may be requested in cases where the authorized activity has been initiated and/or subject of a contract. 3. COOPERATING UNIT shall use funds provided pursuant to Section V. of this Agreement to undertake no more than three (3) grant funded activities administered by the COOPERATING UNIT. Each activity shall have a budget of at least seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500), or the total amount of the planning allocation of COOPERATING UNIT if less than seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500). A COOPERATING UNIT may assign less than seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500) to an activity when the activity is one that is programmed by at least one other COOPERATING UNIT and administered by only one COOPERATING UNIT on behalf of the others, provided that the total activity budget is at least seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500). 4. COOPERATING UNIT will take actions necessary to accomplish the community development program and housing assistance goals as contained in the Urban Hennepin County Housing Assistance Plan. 5. COOPERATING UNIT shall ensure that all programs and/or activi- ties funded in part or in full by grant funds received pursuant to this Agreement shall be undertaken affirmatively with regard to fair housing, employment and business opportunities for minorities and women. It shall in implementing all programs and/or activities funded by the basic grant amount comply with all applicable federal and Minnesota Laws, statutes, rules and regulations with regard to civil rights, affirmative action and equal employment opportunities and Administrative Rule issued by the COUNTY. 6. COOPERATING UNIT shall participate in the citizen participation process as established in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. 7. COOPERATING UNITS shall comply with all of the administrative guidelines of the COUNTY now in effect or as hereafter promulgated. 8. COOPERATING UNITS shall prepare, execute, and cause to be filed all documents protecting the interests of the parties hereto or any other party of interest as may be designated by the COUNTY. B. COUNTY further specifically agrees as follows: 1. COUNTY shall prepare and submit to HUD and appropriate reviewing agencies on an annual basis all plans, statements and program documents necessary for receipt of a basic grant amount under the Act. 2. COUNTY shall provide, to the maximum extent feasible, technical assistance and coordinating services to COOPERATING UNIT in the preparation and submission of the request for funding. 3. COUNTY shall provide ongoing technical assistance to COOPERATING UNIT to aid COUNTY in fulfilling its responsibility to HUD for accomplishment of the community development program and housing assistance goals. 4. COUNTY shall upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT agree to administer local housing rehabilitation grant programs funded pursuant to the Agreement, provided that COUNTY shall receive ten percent (10%) of the allocation by COOPERATING UNIT to the activity as reimbursement for costs associated with its opera- tion. 5. COUNTY will, as necessary for clarification and coordination of program administration, develop and implement Administrative Rules consistent with the Act, Regulations and HUD administra- tive directives. V. ALLOCATION OF BASIC GRANT AMOUNTS Basic grant amounts received by the COUNTY under the Act shall be allo- cated as follows: A. COUNTY shall retain ten percent (10%) of the annual basic grant amount for the undertaking of eligible activities. B. The balance of the basic grant amount shall be apportioned by COUNTY to COOPERATING UNITS in accordance with the formula stated in part C of this section for the purpose of allowing the COOPERATING UNITS to make requests for the use of funds so aportioned. The allocation is for planning purposes only and is not a guarantee of funding. C. Each COOPERATING UNIT will use as a target for planning purposes an amount which bears the same ratio to the balance of the basic grant amount as the average of the ratios between: 1. The population of COOPERATING UNIT and the population of all COOPERATING UNITS. 2. The extent of poverty in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of poverty in all COOPERATING UNITS. - 3. The extent of overcrowded housing by units in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of overcrowded housing by units in all COOPERAT- ING UNITS. 4. In determining the average of the above ratios, the ratio involving the extent of poverty shall be counted twice. D. It is the intent of this section that said planning allocation utilize the same basic elements for allocation of funds as are set forth in 24 CFR 570.4. The COUNTY shall develop these ratios based upon data to be furnished by HUD. The COUNTY assumes no duty to gather such data independently and assumes no liability for any errors in the data furnished by HUD. VI. COUNTYWIDE DISCRETIONARY ACCOUNT A. In the event that any COOPERATING UNIT cannot commit, expend or does not request its planning allocation, or a portion thereof, pursuant to Section V of this Agreement, COUNTY will assign the unexpended or unallocated grant funds to the Countywide Discretionary Account. The assignment shall also include funds pursuant to Section IV paragraph A.2. of this Agreement. B. COUNTY will retain ten percent (10%) of all funds placed in the Countywide Discretionary Account to defray administrative expenses. C. COUNTY will, on or before March 1 of each year, inform each COOPER- ATING UNIT of the Countywide Discretionary Account balance and will provide each COOPERATING UNIT the opportunity to make a request for use of all or a portion of the funds. VII. FINANCIAL MATTERS A. Reimbursement to the COOPERATING UNIT for expenditures for the implementation of activities funded under the Act shall be made upon receipt by the COUNTY of Summary of Project Disbursement form and Hennepin County Warrant Request, and supporting documentation. B. All funds received by COUNTY under the Act as reimbursement for payment to COOPERATING UNITS for expenditure of local funds for activities funded under the Act shall be deposited in the County Treasury. C. COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY shall maintain financial and other records and accounts in accordance with requirements of the Act and Regulations. Such records and accounts will be in such form as to permit reports required of the County to be prepared therefrom and to permit the tracing of grant funds and program income to final expenditure. D. COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY agree to make available all records and accounts with respect to matters covered by this Agreement at all reasonable times to their respective personnel and duly authorized federal officials. Such records shall be retained as provided by law, but in no event for a period of less than three years from the last receipt of program income resulting from activity implementa- tion. COUNTY shall perform all audits of the basic grant amount and resulting program income as required under the Act and Regulations. E. COOPERATING UNIT shall return all program income derived from activities funded in total or part from the basic grant amount to COUNTY upon its generation, except as derived from activities with approved reolving accounts. 1. COUNTY will retain ten percent (10%) of all program income to defray administration expenses. 2. The remaining 90 percent (90%) of the program income shall be credited to the grant authority of the COOPERATING UNIT whose activity generated the income and be used for fundable and eli- gible Community Development Block Grant activities consistent with this Agreement. F. Should an approved activity be determined to represent an ineligible expenditure of grant funds, the COOPERATING UNIT responsible shall reimburse the COUNTY for such ineligible expense. 1. All reimbursements for ineligible expenditures shall be placed in the Countywide Discretionary Account, except as provided for in Section VII.F.2. of this Agreement. 2. When it is determined by the COUNTY that grant funds have been expended on an eligible activity and through no fault of the COOPERATING UNIT the project fails or is no longer eligible, the program reimbursement shall be treated as program income in Section VII.E. of this Agreement. VII. EXECUTION COOPERATING UNIT, having signed this Agreement, and the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners having duly approved this Agreement on 19 , and pursuant to such approval and the proper County official having signed this Agreement, the parties hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. Upon proper execution, this Agreement will be legally valid and binding. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, STATE OF MINNESOTA By: Chairman of its County Board And: Deputy/Associate County Administrator Assistant County Attorney Date: ATTEST: Deputy County Auditor APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: CITY OF:. Assistant County Attorney DATE: CITY MUST CHECK ONE: The City is organized pursuant to: Flan A Plan B Charter By: Its And: Its Ct)(c (Ltcy.1 f.j,t` TU JLJ. 1f. Consent Agenda ..1111111111unayma;i"JoIL_ MIK WM mum map LI gum raga wfaxava= InieL. , 3 r,i -........ , .. OAVIV=i- 11111M . ad III rei gri MATERNIAN A V 3 A N OP...1 T R V E vJ X 4110111 Anil. ::•:•:. 117 41- 111111 1414%, 110•0411 ,.„ „AC. W 1 64 MALONEY • • • • • • .0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N--114,.. • tes. aft. num 0 mg"vIT I NTERL AC • 11, • • • • _ • . • .• S C* . LOT DIVISION NUMBER LOCATION LD-87-11 6321 Waterman Avenue :e- EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT LD-87-11 Ken Wright 609 Blake Road 6321 Waterman Avenue Generally Located: South of Waterman Avenue and east of Blake Road Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property consists of two parcels which were platted in 1963. Parcel A is developed with a single family dwelling unit. Parcel B is vacant. A variance was granted for the substandard lot depth of Parcel B at the time of platting and the same variance was renewed in May of this year. Mr. Larsen added the proponent desires to add the northerly 4 feet of Parcel A to Parcel B. The 4 feet of additional lot depth will allow the proponent to realize a more flexible floor plan for a new dwelling within the required front yard and rear yard setback requirements. It was noted that a request for a front yard setback variance was denied earlier this year. The Board of Appeals suggested the proposed lot division as a way to eliminate the front setback variance. The proposed division would not alter the conforming status of Parcel A. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval as presented. Mrs. McClelland moved for approval. Mrs. Paulus seconded the motion. A11 were in favor. The motion carried. LD-87-11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 29, 1987 STAFF REPOT<T Ken Wright 609 Blake Road 6321 Waterman Avenue Generally Located: South of Waterman Avenue and east of Blake Road The subject property consists of two parcels which were platted in 1963. Parcel A is currently developed with a single family dwelling unit. Parcel B is currently vacant. A variance was granted for the substandard lot depth of Parcel B at the time of platting and the same variance was renewed in May of this year. The proponent desires to add the northerly 4 feet of Parcel A to Parcel B. The 4 feet of additional lot depth will allow the proponent to realize a more flexible floor plan for a new dwelling within the required front yard and rear yard setback requirements. It should be noted that a request for a front yard setback variance was denied earlier this year. The proposed division does not alter the conforming status of Parcel A. Staff recommends approval as presented. EXISTING CONDITIONS Nc -r �'•'�• 17$ !W ,4v -i MAi,/ .47 4e'/, . � Sf! e/FaS E/6'/,�Sl• • //ice .'llr� i / v' ,. i ivy.-o�.-.. 7Zeter %ir HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRFccNTATrnN nc TUC - - ��� • Nore.-rH c..14t: %.• moo' i Lt//4TE2 M Anl RESULTING CONDITIONS • Av.N vE /7s• o0 1. ::3 PARCEL B D q,NR6E .` liT�1-iry E/Ker+EN7 S 5' L aL ofSuer 'noN •:'+ 7-441 i ,44..•/ . f 1 a r / titreK � / !o 212614,97 l�•rw.wacill .. v4 "IA." . f/Mwr< <.Js/er//y •!c. /.i! •s•.4%4.'6421 .7•.•.✓. /�w,ta f•, / • �. / f r c il: -rt• / . �.• 1.: / •-c•n,.., f/./...Nrj 12 E1 / I a: ` M M' 0 0 B-87-14 Ken D. Wright 6321 Waterman Avenue Lot 2, Block 1 Conn Heights Addition Request: A 30 foot lot depth variance and a 3 foot front yard setback variance. Mr. Dommer informed the Board the subject property and the adjacent property to the south, 609 Blake Road, are separate platted lots currently under common ownership as one parcel. The proponent desires to build a new dwelling on the vacant lot which has a depth of 90 feet and frontage of 175 feet. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum depth of 120 feet. The Zoning Ordinance also requires a new dwelling to be behind a line drawn between the closest point of the adjacent dwellings. Mr. Dommer pointed out the lot to be built on was platted in 1963. A variance was granted for lot depth at that time as illustrated in the minutes of the meeting which are attached. The subject property conforms to all other requirements and has an area of 15750 square feet which is compatible with other lots in the area. Mr. Dommer added the front yard setback is conforming for the majority of the dwelling. Only a corner encroaches beyond the setback line. The proposed dwelling is at the same setback as the property to the east and of other properties in the area. Mr. Dommer concluded staff recommends approval of the lot depth variance as strict enforcement of the ordinance would prohibit the reasonable use of the property in a manner consistent with other properties in the area. Staff also recommends approval of the setback variance due to the unique lot depth situation and because it does not disrupt the character of the neighborhood. Staff would like to point out that the possibility of doing a lot division to gain more depth was investigated, however, only 4 feet could be added without making the property to the south also non-conformvng. The proponent, Mr. Wright was present. Mr. Gordon Johnson stated he felt very uncomfortable in granting a front yard setback variance. He suggested to Mr. Wright that he work out an arrangement with the neighbor to obtain the additional feet needed to comply with the ordinance. Elaine Mathiason, of 6308 Waterman Avenue explained the history of the lot to the Board adding that she does not object to Mr. Wright's proposal. Mr. Wright told the Board he would like to be able to retain a view of Mirror Lake. Mrs. McClelland moved to approve the lot depth variance due to the grandfather clause and the 1963 court action which upheld similar requests. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Wright withdrew his request for a 3 foot front yard setback variance. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Parcel A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Conn Heights, Lying easterly of the line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Conn Heights thence easterly to the southeast corner thereof, the actual point of beginning, thence deflecting right 135 00' to the southerly line of Lot 1, there terminating. and Parcel B: Lot 2, Block 1, Conn Heights WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Conn Heights, Lying easterly of the line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Conn Heights thence easterly to the southeast corner thereof, the actual point of beginning, thence deflecting right 135 00" to the southerly line of Lot 1, there terminating; except for all that part of the North 4 feet of Lot 1, lying between the Southerly extension of the East and West lines of said Lot 2, all in Block 1, Conn Heights. and Parcel B: Lot 2, and all that part of the north 4 feet of Lot 1, lying between the southerly extension of the east and west lines of said Lot 2, all in Block 1, Conn Heights. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1987. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE V. A Consent Agenda TO: FROM: Mayor and City Council Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Ken Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: Material Description (General Specifications): Contract boulevard tree removal 1,450 diameter inches Quotations/Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Tim's Tree Service $10.00/diameter inch 5612 Corvallis Ave. N. Crystal, MN 55429 2. K.C. Groves $10.50/diameter inch 3210 W. 49th St 3. Arps Tree Service $11.00/diameter inch 17845 Ward Lake Drive 4. Rainbow Treecare $13.00/diameter inch 4601 Excelsior Blvd #507 5. Davey Tree & Lawn Service $12.50/diameter inch 14100 B 21st Ave. N. $14,500 $15,225 $15,950 $18,850 $18,125 Department Recommendation: Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bi Cit anager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Department is not within the amo nt budget for the purchase. ee::::;67--)140.�— John Wallin, Finance Director , / Kenneth Rosland,/City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE V.B. Consent Agenda TO: FROM: Mayor and City Council Fran Hoffman, City Engineer By Gene Bartz VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: July 29, 1987 Material Description (General Specifications): One (1) G.P. 200-60 8" Pump with Diesel Quotations/Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Hayden Murphy Equipment 2. 3. $17,000.00 Department Recommendation: Emergency order from Hayden Murphy Equipment Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid This is an Emergency Order due City M nager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. ignature Public Works Department t within the amount budget for the purchase. e flood of the past week. John Wallin, Finance Director 2. I recommend as an alternative: VI.C. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland SUBJECT: 1988 BUDGET HEARING SCHEDULE DATE: July 30, 1987 The following is a recommended hearing schedule for the 1988 budget: Tuesday, September 8 4:30-6:30 PM 1) Budget Introduction 2) Human Relations Recommendation 3) Capital Improvement Budget Tuesday, September 15 4:30-6:30 PM 1) Central Services 2) Personnel and Salaries Thursday, September 17 4:30-6:30 PM 1) Overall Budget Preview 2) General Discussion Thursday, October 1 Last day to adopt the budget ADDITIONAL MEETINGS CAN BE ADDED IF NEEDED. KR/sw VI.D. TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM Housing & Redevelopment Authority Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: HEDBERG PROPERTY STATUS REPORT DATE: July 31, 1987 Since my last status report on July 2, 1987, City staff and legal counsel have conducted two meetings with the Hedberg project development team. The first meeting focused principally on revised cash flow pro- jections relative to the existing and proposed tax increment financing district. The second meeting focused on planning and zoning issues, as well as the public review and approval process. Members of the development team and City staff generally concurred that the developers should submit a petition for rezoning for Planning Commission consideration in September/October to be followed by Council hearings. Staff also met with representatives of BRW for the purpose of reviewing the feasibility of the proposed commuter strip between the Hedberg property and Southdale. We hope to obtain better estimates of the anticipated use of this commuter strip at full development. GH/sw VI.E. TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM Mayor Courtney & Council Members Ken Rosland SUBJECT: QUARTERLY REPORT DATE: July 31, 1987 Attached is my written Quarterly Report (Bi-Centennial Report) which you recently viewed on video. I will continue my reporting in this manner if you so desire. KR/sw Attachment CITY MANAGER'S QUARTERLY REPORT (BI-CENTENNIAL REPORT) Last year, when you were developing my management strategies for 1987, we talked about doing a six-month report. That's what I'm attempting to do today for you folks, and I appreciate the time that you will give to this tape, reviewing it and hopefully talk about this particular approach to reporting to you at a Council Meeting in the near future. This tape will be made public, and we may show it at a Council Meeting if you deem it necessary. Above and beyond that, we will definitely have the speech typed so that we can make it a matter of public record. There are basically six things which you asked me to look at in 1987. The first one was to meet the goals of strategic planning that you people are working on at the present time. As you know, July 13 will be the day when we will be discussing this; hopefully, we will be able to accomplish these things in 1987 and the early part of 1988. The employee handbook was the second issue. It was last revised in 1972, and time must be spent reviewing and updating this tool. Financial information is another goal, as well as the HRA plans and implementations, the liquor operations and other areas outside of Edina city government. 1) Strategic Planning - We will be working on this between July of 1987 through July of 1988. That seems to be the time frame most suitable. 2) Employee Handbook - We feel strongly that this has to be updated. The progress has been relatively slow; the draft is at the attorney's office at this time. He is going over it carefully, and if he is comfortable with it, we will then be able to present it to you. Along with the employee handbook will be a comparable worth study. As you know, we have to have that plan in place this fall and start funding in 1988. We think we are fairly close; we don't think our comparable worth will be as scary as it is in some communities, but we will be tying both of these together in our time frame which is the latter part of September or the first part of October. It will also be reflective in our budget. 3) Financial Information - In your packets are the new programs which you will be seeing regarding a management information system in financial information. Logis was giving us a typical accounting system, but I wanted a system which was more readable or understandable and could give everybody the information that is needed to make decisions. We were able to convince Logis to change the programs, and we now have them on line. We hope the information will be good and understandable. We will also be sending it out to the Park Board and the Art Center, so everyone will have financial statements. You will be getting the June statement the second week of July, so it appears to be working in a timely fashion. We are glad this chore is finally done! 4) HRA - You asked me to look at the plans and implementation for the two HRA projects --Grandview and Hedberg. The Grandview project is going relatively well; as you know, you just recently approved the realignment of how the roads would work. We axe presently in the process of negotiation for right- of-way with Superamerica. If we are successful in relatively easy nego- tiations, we hope to have some of the work started this fall. If we are -2- not successful in negotiations and they drag longer than we would hope, we probably will not have construction until next year. People are looking for that semaphore to be placed on their corner, and we hope that can be done this fall, but it doesn't look like it will be done until next summer. The ramp and the garage have made progress through an excellent contractor. Although it called for a November 1st completion date, we think we might beat that by maybe a month. We are pleased with that, and we should be able to be moved in and get our equipment squared away and under cover. This will truly help our total operation as well as the parking in the Grandview area. I won't have to delve into the Hedberg project too much in this report, because you already have an update in your packet with regard to the negotiations going on. We have been meeting every other week with a committee of about nine of us from various aspects of the private and public sector. We will try to give you an update once a month to keep you posted. You will have decisions that you will have to make along the line, and we will keep it moving for you and keep the process in front of you. 5) Liquor Operations - You asked me to look at this area to see if we should stay in business. I think this operation is proceeding quite well. Presently, we have an appraisal by Craig Johnson who looked at the property and its value as property alone in regard to the three liquor stores. We have been working with Sandy Graving of Adams Associates. She is a realtor who specializes in commercial properties, having handled a number of liquor stores sales. She is analyzing the situation to find outwhat this may be worth as liquor store operations. The audit now is just about complete, so we should have the up-to-date financial information about the liquor stores available soon. I have asked Tom Erickson to delve into all of the legal aspects of how we might sell the liquor stores, what our responsibilities are if we sell them, and can we restrict the number of licenses. These answers will help you in your decision as to whether or not to stay in the liquor business. I'm sure you will want to discuss the control you have on liquor operations if we stay in the business. We have taken the philosophy of not being a peddlar of liquor but rather that we will sell liquor and serve our customers. We are not out there to sell it in case lots and do a "dumping job" of liquor. We will have this information ready for you by early September or October. It will all be ready for you about the time we will be in the budget process. I assume that we will answer a lot of these things for you which are not necessarily budget related in the October -November time frame so that you can get some of your other meetings out of the way. 6) Areas Outside Edina - You have also asked me to be active in some areas of government to express Edina's feelings, and we are attempting to do that. I am now on the Channel 6 Board, the Regional Cable Board. I have already attended several meetings, and it looks like they are finally getting on line. It looks like Channel 6 may be available for viewing sometime this fall. One of the big discussions going on is whether Channel 6 will remain on Channel 6 or would move to another band, perhaps 35, 36 or 37. That is a key issue yet to be resolved. The cable companies are obviously looking for it to go higher; some people would like it to stay at a lower level. Also, I have just been recently appointed Vice -Chair of the Operating Committee of the Municipal Legislative Commission. As well, I have undertaken a project which encompasses looking into local government aids and various state -aid programs and how the state feeds the cities their money. I have taken strong -3- objections to that; I have made motions at various board meetings and AMM meetings. Lately, I have been getting seconds to my motions, whereas before they were not seeing it my way or our way --I hope I am representing it OUR way, because I believe it is our way. Lately, I have made some progress as of the past month and one-half. I am chairing the committee that will look at total legislation. We have a long-range program that you will be kept abreast of, and Mr. Richards and I will be representing you at the board meetings. Hopefully, we can get our voice heard stronger, and on February 9th when the session starts, we'll have some legislation there for those people to react to. It will represent our feelings on how comfortable we are with the state spending their money with the various cities; I hope this format for a report from me works. It may be more comfortable to sit back at home and relax while I have an opportunity to chat with you via this video. Please feel free to make your comments to me, either by phone or at a Council Meeting. We certainly want to see if this will work. If it does and you are comfortable with this format. I will try to do it on a quarterly basis or maybe every couple of months other than just the six months which was formally called for in my performance process. I think it should be done more often, and hopefully we can do that. With that, I bid you farewell, we'll see you at Monday evening's Council Meeting. 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 13, 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. 41 MESSAGE 3 e15861 074296.01 88.40 MOREA1.111 SANKEY TEXT BOOK 10."1202200'...20 4 88.40 * 6 7 215862 07/29/87 519.50 OSWALD FIRE HOSE EQUIP REPLACEMNT 10..-4901...440.-.44 8776 519.50 * 215864 07/29/87 324.03 CHEMSEARCH REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-802-80 16 324.03 * 11 20 21 22 23 24 125 26 27 29 215863 07/29/87e6.99_ ERIC ANDERSON MILEAGE 10-4208-133-12 26.99 * 15 215865 07/29/87 16 215865 07/29/87 17 215865 07/29/87 18 215865 07/29/87 9 215865 07/29/87 20 21 4.95- NATINAL INSTITUTE OF BOOKS 10+4502...4120:42 11.95- NATINAL INSTITUTE OF CORRECTION 10-4502-420-42 11.95 NATINAL INSTITUTE OF BOOKS 10-4502-420-42 11.95 NATINAL INSTITUTE OF BOOKS 10-4502-420-42 4.95 NATINAL INSTITUTE OF CORRECTION 10 "4502 -420 ..•.42 11.95 * 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3329 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 39 40 4, 42 215866 07/29/87 215866 07/29/87 55.25 U S WEST CELLULAR EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-420-42 66.05 U S WEST CELLULAR EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-420-42 121.30 * 148,543.58 2,849.44 148,382 01 FUND 10 TOTAL 1,630.36 FUND 23 TOTAL 2,250.00 FUND 25 TOTAL -27.6.6144 FUND 26 TOTAL 13,040.84 3,312.51 439.75 4,136.16 248,876.76 4,839.71 2,131.10 4-34-T-9e8-7-6* 432,050.21 43 4445 FUND 27 TOTAL FUND 28 TOTAL FUND 29 TOTAL FUND 30 TOTAL FUND 40 TOTAL FUND 50 TOTAL FUND 60 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ART CENTER CAPITAL FUND SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK UTILITY FUND LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND ***-CKS 311 33 33 134 35 !36 37 3 30 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND Computer checks #'s 79785 thru 11004U APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CHECK REGISTER DATED PACES THROUGH 46 47 48 49 CITY MANACtR LAM 03 51 52 3 54 55 61Nerl5n4111511---15"1""alw 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 33 54 55 56 57 58 50 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 770, 72 71 74 75 75 •1 1987 . OF EDINA CHECK ! aSTER 08-03-8( AGE 21 1. 2 5 8 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 215844 _ ____ 07/24/_87__.___ __. __.:358...75 358.75 * 215845 07/29/87 117.00 215845 07/29/87 117.00 FILMS___ FOR THE MPH INDUSTRIES MPH INDUSTRIES 10 12 _ALBUMS 10-2149-000-00 EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT 215846 07/29/87 15.00 EDINA PET HOSPITAL SERVICES 15.00 * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 215847 07/29/87 55.00 55.00 * VAUGHN COMMUNICATION CABLE TV 215848 07/29/87 215848 07/29/87 215848 07/29/87 215849 07/29/87 215849 07/29/87 21§850 07/29/87 10-4274-420-42 27045 10-4274-420-42 27044 10-4201-470-47. 10-2149-000-00 3080 86.25- KUSTOM ELECTRONIC CORRECTION 10-4901-420-42 86.26 KUSTOM ELECTRONIC PAYMENT 10-4901-420-42 86.25 KUSTOM ELECTRONIC PAYMENT 10-4901-420-42 86.26 158.01 LAJ AFETY SUPPLY SAFETY EQUIP 10-4642-301-30 503207 158.01 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY SAFETY EQUIP 40-4642-801-80 503207 316.02 * 183.00 183.00 * JOHN 2IITTEL 28 29 O 215851 07/29/87 40.00 40.00 * E H RENNER & SONS 31 32 33 215852 07/29/87 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-390-30 REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-801-80 20952 18.00 CABOT WOHLRABE SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 18.00 * 34 35 36 37 3e 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 215853 07/29/87 215854 07/29/87 215855 07/29/87 215856 07/29/87 18.00 18.00 * 18.00 18.00 * JOHN WEEKS GREG EISELSIN 24.00 24.00 * DAVID OLSON SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 10-4201-440-44 10-4201-440-44 24.00 24.00 DANIEL OLSON SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 `S7 215857 07/29/87 215858 07/29/87 215859 07/29/87 215860 07/29/87 29.00 29.00 * 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 * ANDY WILLIAM DAN WILLIAM SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 DAN STROUD SERVICES 10-4201-440-44 10.75 10.75 * MASS FIRE ALARMS OF HANDBOOK 1 0--4502-440-44 3 5 7 6 0 +z t3 +4 18 1e 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 V P > W N- O t J p N L W N>• O A W W �D V �' C U A W W WN - W p m C 50 __.... r T91 07f28f8T 15.30 LYNDALE HARDWARE GEN SUPPLY 30-4504-T82-78 C� 215791 07/28/87 76.51 LYNDALE HARDWARE GEN SUPPLY 30-4504-782-78 215786 07/29/87 107,34 ROLLIN B CHILD INC MISC 60.2040-265-04 214786 07/28/87 E61.42 ROLLINB CHILD INC CONT PAY 60-2040-265-04 73335 368.76 * - 215787 07/28/87 45.97 CUMMINS DIESEL SALES REPAIR PARTAS 10-4540-560-56 45.97 * 215788 07/29/87 153.00NELSON RADIO COMM EQUIP_MAINT 10-4274-420-42 215788 07/28/87 304.50 NELSON RADIO COMM PARTS 10-4620-560-56 14407 457.50 * 215789 07/28/87 30.00 RICHARD PELINKA LICENSES 40-4310-809-80 30.00 * 215790 07/28/87 415.80 AMSTAR INSULATION GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 14021 415.80 * 215783 07/27/87 75.00 CES CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 4891 75.00 r 215784 07/28/87 80.00 LOLA EDMAN SERVICES 27-4201-662-66 9179 80.00 * 215785 07/28/87 144.00 STANLEY R MANN GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 144.00 * 215778 07/27/87 206.50 GREEN TOUCH CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-643-64 12560 206.50 _11_ -- 215779 07/27/87 4,494.00 TIMS TREE SERVICE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4250-644-64 4,494.00 * Il > O m a a S P 0 0 a U 1 U W N� O �. A W N -�O O p� p U> W U U> A A> 4 A J Y>> W W W W W t W W N- O O m V C >- O O m V 0 A 4'. N� W W �'1 '.I V O U L O O W U N g O O V O Y p W.N - p O O V O U♦ W N -f /� a VNIQ3 J0 m n 0) 1 m m if- , ..D A W O A 0 A A D A W N A O W 4 v P G A WW — O N N0 N O 'a AN N NN —N N i— ; V — u — N— O 0 0 G A I. W N ff*fs* ***-CKS 215774 07/27/87 91.38 RUTH SCHMOLL PETTY CASH 10-4504-440-44 215772 07/27/87 35.00 MN CITY MANAGERS DUES 10-4204-140-14 35.00 * 215771 07/27/87 90.00 : EDINA CHAMBER OF DUES 10-4204-140-14 90.00 * 215769 07/27/87 156.00 TV FANFARE ADVERTISING 50-4214-820-82 215769 07/27/87 156.00 TV FANFARE ADVERTISING 50-4214-840-84 215769 07/27/87 156.00 TV FANFARE ADVERTISING xr; 50-4214-860-86 468.00 215770 07/27/87 255.00 FRIDEN ALCATEL EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-510-51 255.00 * 215768 07/27/87 16.00 SOLVEIG VESTB REFUND 10-1145-000-00 16.00 * 136.50 * 215762 07/23/87 25.00 PLUNKETTS INC SERVICES 28-4201-702-70 372965 25.00 215763 07/23/87169.32 VIKING REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 031596 169.32 * f*ffff f**-CKS 215755 07/23/87 17.25 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 215755 07/28/87 26.85 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 28-4624-703-70 44.10 * 215756 07/23/87 60.00 CAMPBELL SPORTS INC GEN SPLY 10-4504-621-62 10448 215756 _07/23/87 225,00___ __CAMPBELL SPORTS INC SAFETY EQUIP-._-.__..._ 26-4642-681-68 10048 285.00 * 215757 07/23/87 1,414.20 RED WING SHOE STORE UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4262-301-30 215757 07/23/87 319.80 RED WING SHOE STORE UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4262-560-56 215757 07/23/87 69.95 RED WING SHOE STORE UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4262-646-64 �1 215757 07/23/87 352.80__' RED WING SHOE STORE UN[FQRM ALLOW 40-4262-801-80 l 2,162.75 * • 215758 07/23/87 20,645.25 FRNAK B HALL INSURANCE 10-4260-510-51 20,645.25 * 215759 07/23/87 506.60 COUNTRY CABINETS OFFICE FURNITURE 27-1330-000-00 6067 4 U A w N J O 0 4 V 3 3 2 411 T. O 0 0 V P 0 L is N- 0 0 0 V AN it a .A.W N A 0 0 0 V m 0 z O 1 m 3 O C z 1 m z v O NOI1dIM3S30 W31I 'ON 1Nf1033V z s .11 0 s 3 m 0 w a CO 41 a m m VNI03 30 AJID L861 831SI93N N33HD L8-£0-80 a 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 20 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 11 P.O. * MESSAGE 2 3 5 6 8 9 195.00 * 3 _ i4 215827 07/28/87 28.20 FRANK J ZAMBONI & CO TOOLS 30-4580-782-78 2814 28.20 * 5 215828 07/28/87 92.61 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 23-4504-612-61 215828 07/28/87 29.99 TARGET. OFFICE SUPPLIES 23-'4516-611-61 1 13 14 15 1 ,o " 12 14 15 " ,e 11.9 20 21 215830 07/28/87 180.00 J THOMAS NELSON ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 180_,.40 * 1290 17 16 215831 07/28/87 180.00 LYLE HOOFNAGLE MAINTENANCE 23-4120-612-61 180.00 * 21 22 23 ' 24 ._ 215832 07/28/87 42.90 DIANA HEDGES SUPPLIES 23-4588-611-61 .: 42..1_90 * 25 26 27` 28 _.. _. _ ___ 215833 07/29/87 5,928.00 JOE GREUPNER LESSONS 27-4100-661-66 07/29/87 200.00 JOE GREUPNER SEMINAR 27-4202-661-66 32 22 23 24 2s 26 27 215833 - 6,128.00 33. * 34 80.00 KINKO'S PRINTING 27-4600-661-66 08001 36 215834 07/29/87 80.00 * 215835 07/29/87 35.91 LOWELL MCCARTHY MILEAGE 10-4208-600-60 37 39 39 40 28 29 3O 31 32 33 341 35 36 37 38 39215838 40 41 42 35.91 * : 41 42 41 07/29/87 218.00 MUSICRAFTERS ALBUMS 10-2149-000-00 44 21558836 218.00 * 4546 47 215837 07/29/87 2,000.00 PEAK CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 10-4201-646-64 48 21000.00 * 4 50 51 07/29/87 18.00 SHELLEY BROWN REFUND 10-3500-000-00 52 18.00 * 5.3 54 55 215839 07/29/87 36.00 PEGGY JOHNSON REFUND 10-3500-000-00 55 43 44 45 36.00 57 4 5.9 .59 215840 07/29/87 12.00 JOANN STROMBERG REFUND 10-3500-000-00' 60 12.00 * 6162 63 215841 07/29/87 17.93 GUY SPEAKER COMP REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-802-80 27241 64 46 47 48 49 50 51 _ _.. 17.93 * 65 65 67 07/29/87 85.62 WILLIAM J WALSH MEETING 10-4202-420-42 68 215842 _.__, E15B42 07/29/87 215.00 WILLIAM J WALSH CONFERENCE 10-4202-460-46 69 70 300.62 * 8 7' 72 52 53 54 `51 IIs6 \7 215843 07/29/87 2,026.04 HENNEPIN COUONTY ROOM & BOARD 10-4286-220-22 15014 73 2,026.04 * 74 75 29' 1987 1 OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE f 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 215810 07/28/87 CHECK ( :STER 08-03-8( AGE 19 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 11 P.O. M MESSAGE 75.00 * 75.00 75.00 * 215811 07/28/87 125.00 125.00 CLIFF SUCHY SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 STEVEN BECK SERVICES 10 12 13 14 15 215812 07/28/87 50.00 50.00 * RICH LEONE 215813 07/28/87 175.00 175.00 * MAURY'WASSERMAN 18 17 18 19 120 21 22 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 29 30 32 215814 07/28/87 120.00 120.00 * GERRY ABRAHAM 331._ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 J 41 42 43 SERVICES SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 30-4201-781-78 30-4201-781-.78 SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 215815 07/28/87 50.00- MARY BETH RUPP CORRECTION 30-4201-781-78 215815 07/28/87 250.00 MARY BETH RUPP SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 215815 07/28/8T 50.00 MARY BETH RUPP SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 250.00 * 215816 07/28/87 50.00 MARY KAHMAN SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 50.00 215817 07/28/87 40.00 LINNEA JOHNSON SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 40.00 * 215818 07/28/87 40.00 PAULA SHAW SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 40.00 215819 07/28/87 40.00 CHERYL MARKGRAF SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 40.00 * 215820 07/28/87 40.00 CYNTHIA BITTNER SERVICES 30.4201-781-78 215820 07/28/87 4.00 CYNTHIA BITTNER SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 215820 07/28/87 4.00- CYNTHIA BITTNER CORRECTION 30-4201-781-78 40 00 * 215821 07/28/87 200.00 DON CAVITT SERVICE 30-4201-781-78 200.00 * ,) 94 215822 45 215822 46 7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 \!..7 07/29/87 382.77 JIM HATCH SALES CO TOOLS r 10-4580-301-30 7409 07/28/87 203.43 JIM HATCH SALES CO TOOLS 10-.4580-646-64 7397 586.20 * 215823 07/28/87 102.90 SCHAFER EQUIP TOOLS 1°2.90:" 215824 07/28/87 350.00 NERMFLEX SERVICES 350.00 * 215825 07/28/87 46.20 ELSMORE AQUATIC SAFETY EQUIP 46.20 * 215826 07/28/87 195.00 LEFFLER PRINTING CO PRINTING 10-4580-301-30 133887 10-4200-160-16 26-4642-681-68 5863 304600-781-78 2526 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 10 12 13 14 15 1e 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2e, 3e 31' 34 95' 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 44 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 • 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 18 VENDOR N P.O. A MESSAGE bfLYn ITV . wow. .-...vv... _ -..---_.__. . _ _.. 2 215791 07/28/87 12.05 LYNDALE HARDWARE GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 3 103..86 * ' 2 4 a 5 215792 07/28/87 35.65 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 86030 6 215792 07/28/87 50.34 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-646-64 85542 a 6' 7 e 85.99 * e ° 215793 0T/28/87 � 4 ELAINL RO$$ REFUND 10-3500-000-00 6 to, tt 12 10 10.00 * 11 12. 215794 07/28/87 175.86 CITY OF RICHFIELD POWER 10-4252-345-30 13 14, 16 16 13 175.86 * _...._17 14 15 21_5795 07/28/87 6.67- MINNESOTA UC FUND CREDIT 10-4160-510-51 1e, 1° 20 16 215795 07/28/87 328.00 MINNESOTA UC FUND INSURANCE 10-4160-510-51 17 321.33 * to 21 zz, 23 24 '° 215796 07/28/87 351.50 KELLY SERVICES SERVICES 10-4201-490-49 20 351.50 * 21 25 22' ze 24 215797 07/28/87 25.00 D C HEY COMPANY INC SERVICE CONTRACT 30-4288-781-78 037211 23 25.00 * 24 31 3 23 215798 07/28/87 56.56 HAROLD SAND PHOT SUPPLIES 10-4508-120-12 26 56.5634, * +� 27 32 35 36 2e zv 30 215799 07/28/87 30.00 BOB QUASI REFUND 10-3500-000-00 30.00 * 37 se, 3° 40 215800 07/28/87 230.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLIES 10-4504-506-50 230.00 * ...._.____ ..__ .__.. a' 42, 43 44 31 32 33 *>e3>t*>R *s*-CKS 215802 07/28/87 150.00 ANTHONY HAUSER SERVICE 30-4201-781-78 45 46, 47 4e 35 35 36 150.00 * 215803 07/28/87 50.00 JOHN PHILLIPS SERVICE 30-4201-781-78 49 49 51 52 37 36 9 50.00 * 53 55 215804 07/28/87 200.00 JIM TORKELSON SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 16e 4o 41 a2 57 , 200.00 * . '5 5° 15805 07/28/87 30.00 BILL GILCHRIST SERVICES 30-4201-781-78' eo 3r 44 46 l'5 47 4e 30.00 * 61 62 63 215806 07/28/87 242.00 MAURY WASSERMAN SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 64 49 50 51 , 242.00 * '.. 65 66 67 215807 07/28/87 50.00 RICH LEONE SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 6e 50.00 * 69 71 215808 07/28/87 300.00 BERNIE EDSTROM SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 72 52 53 64 55 155 7 300.00 * ,3 74 215809 07f28/$7 T5.00 GARY MICHAELS SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 7 2 3 a 9 1987 d OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE _215740 07/2318L AMOUNT 477.34 477.74 * CHECK 1 STER 08-03-8i AGE 15 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE MIDWES IRE & STEEL CONST 60-1300-005-20 4240 215742 07/23/87 10 2 13 J la 15 16 J f7 18 9 20 21 215743 07/23/87 475.00 475 00 * DAVEY TREE EXPERT CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-644-64 ***-CKS 18.00 KAREN CASTO REFUND 18.00 * 10-3500-000-00 215744 07/23/87 490.00 ROGERS PAINTING SER 10-4201-642-64 215744 07L23/87 (980.00) 490.00 ROGERS_PAINTING' SERVICES 10-4201¢46-64 215194 07/23/87 24.80 GENERAL COMMUNICATION CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-440-44 79116 1,004.00 * 215745 07/23/87 5.50 POOLS INC 5.50 * 3 7 10 11 12 13 1a 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 • 24 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-646-64 28866 22 3 24 25 27 215746 07/23/87 215747 07/23/87 28 9 30 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 as 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 7 215753 215753 3,199.14 3,199.14 * KENNEDY BRUSH BROOMS 10-4534-310-30 011688 975.00 975.00 * MN PETRO SERV INC GASOLINE 215748 07/23/87 1,085.00 215748 07/23/87 440.00 1,525.00 * CYLINDER CITY CYLINDER CITY 25 26 27 28 10-4612-560-56 18947 CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 16173 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 16037 215749 07/23/87 2,250.00 SAYLORS SOFTWARE EQUIP 25-4906-440-44 034178 2,250.00 * 215750 07/23/87 18.00 BRUCE MAZO REFUND 10-3500-000-00 18.00 * 215751 07/23/87 2.45 MRS EDWARD KOCOUREK REFUND 10-3500-000-00 8,45 * 215752 07/23/87 215752 07/23/87 215752 07/27/87 215752 07/23/87 109.15 SYSTEM SUPPLY INC 91.17 SYSTEM SUPPLY INC 23.20 45.30 268.82 * SYSTEM SUPPLY INC SYSTEM SUPPLY INC 215753 07/28/87 133.05 BENSONS 215753 07/28/87 111.40 BENSONS 215753 07/23/87 191.80 BENSONS''. 215753 07/28/87 67.45 BENSONS 215753 07/23/87. 48.45BENSONS 07/28/87 84.05 07/28/87 49.95 686.15 * BENSONS BENSONS 215754 07/23/87 106.55 TC GARAGE DOOR' GEN SUPPLY GEN SPLY GEN SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES LAUNDRY LAUNDRY UNLIFORM ALLOWENCE 10-4262-301-30_ LAUNDRY 10-4262-560-56 UNLIFORM ALLOWENCE 10-4262-646-64 LAUNDRY 10-4262-646-64 LAUNDRY 40-4262-801-80 30 3, 34 35 • 36 37 3e 39• 40 41 42 43. 44 45 40 47 • 46 49 50 51 • 52 53 54 55 • 56 57 5e 59 • 60 10-4504-510-51 070501 10-4504-510-51 070590 10-4504-510-51 070847 10-4516-440-44 070417 10-4262-301-30 10-4262-301-30 27-4201-664-66 62215 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE 2 3 AMOUNT 145.24 * VENDOR 6 8 9 215724 215724 215724 215724 07/29/87 07/29/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 750.00 368.00 230.00 150.20 1,498.20 * ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 2 VERSATILE VEHICLE SERVICES VERSATILE VEHICLE SERVICES VERSATILE VEHICLE SERVICES VERSATILE VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10 12 215725 07/23/87 84.02 84.0E * 27-4201-665-66 27-4201-665-66 27-4201-665-66 27-4540-665-66 CASSIDY PRODUCTS INC GEN SUPP 13 14 15 215726 07/23/87 150.00 150.00 * 16 17 18 215727 07/23/87 25.00 25.00 * JOHN CAVANAUGH 9 20 21 215728 07/23/87 150.00 150.00 * 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 431 44 45 46 47 48 215729 215730 07/23/87 07/23/87 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 75.00 * 215731 215731 07/23/87 07/27/87 4.24 4.19 8.43 * 27-4504-662-66 8505 SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 30-4201-781-78 6 1• 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DEE GEE WALIS CRAIG CARLSON ALFRED HARRISON CAROL TIMM TWIGS TWIGS SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 30-4201-781-78 SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 30-4201-781-78 SERVICES EDINBOROUGH SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 30-4201-781-78 30-4201-781-78 GEN SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 215732 215733 07/23/87 07/23/87 570.53 570.53 * 45.00 45.00 * 215734 215735 215736 215736 215736 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 677.00 677.00 * 40.00 40.00 * 142,856.00- 142,856.00 14,286.00 14,286.00 * RAINBOW LEASING CO ENGINEERING CONT VIKING LAB INC BUSINES SEC PROD MARQUETTE BANK MPLS MARQUETTE BANK MPLS MARQUETTE BANK MPLS 49 50 51 52 53 54 215737 07/23/87 250.00 250.00 * 215738 07/23/87 30-4504-781-78 1059 30-4516-782-78 1065 CONT SERV ADVERTISING CHEMICALS 10-4200-507-50 10-4212-510-51 87716 26-4564-682-68 17331 CONT REPAIRS 30-4248-782-78 CORRECTION TRUST ACCT TRUST ACCT 10-2136-000-00 10-2136-000-00 10-2136-000-00 16 . 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 . 27' 28 28 30 . 31 32 133 34 35' 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 • 43 LANDSCAPE & TURF FERTILIZER,` 27-4558-664-66.2780 74.52 74.52 * 55 56 �57 215739 07/23/87 JEFFREY EICHHORST MILEAGE 10-4208-480-48 100.00 MICROAGE COMPUTER S 100.00 * GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-510-51 9971 45 46 47 48 49 50 • 51 52 63 54 - 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 1 63 64 85 86 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1987 C. OF EDINA CHECK k .STER 08-03-8r AGE 13 54 56 57 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 1- 16 17 18 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. k P.O. * MESSAGE 1,060.00 * 215710 07/22/87 29.99 BEST BUY EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-440-44 215710 07/22/87 496.00 BEST BUY TRAINING AIDS 10-4608-440-44 525.99 * 215711 07/22/87 240.00 PARAGON HOME FASHION CONT REPAIRS 23-4248-612-61 240 00 215712 07/22/87 215712 07/28/87 215712 07/28/87 215713 07/22/87 42.05 194.84 15.54- 221.35 * 12.00 12.00 * 19 21 215714 07/22/87 RUBENSTAIN d ZIFF RUBENSTAIN & ZIFF RUSENSTAIN & ZIFF SANDRA RIEDEL 1 2 3 14 5 7 59 COST OF COMM COST OF COMM COST OF COMM 23-4624-613-61 073683 23-4624-613-61 074465 23-4624-613-61 074 REFUND 10-3500-000-00 8.40 ED GLANDER MILEAGE 40-4208-806-80 8.40 * 22 215715 07/22/87 24.75 JOYCE REPYA LIC TABS 10-4310-560-56 23 24 215715 07/22/87 27.88 JOYCE REPYA BATTERY 10-4504-540-54 25 215715 07/22/87 1.46 JOYCE REPYA CONDENSER 10-4540-520-52 26 215715 07/22/87 1.05 JOYCE REPYA CONDENSER 10-4540-520-52 27 215715 07/22/87 29.52 JOYCE REPYA MAGNETS 10-4540-520-52 _ 16�35 JOYCE REPYA 20 _ _ 7 PLASTIC$ 40-4540-801-80 9 30 32 215716 07/22/87 101.01 * 102.60 MARINE RESCUE PROD CONCESSIONS 26-4642-681-68 102.60 33 215717 07/23/87 _54.50 34 215717 07/22/87 145.30 5 199.80 * 6 NEBCO DIST INC NEBCO DIST INC 215718 07/28/87 38 215718 07/22/87 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 215722 07/23/87 24.43 TROPICAL IND COATING PAINT 52 215722 07/23/87 359.90 TROPICAL -pp pgg COST OF COMM 53 (607 215722 07/23/87 .40) 247.50 TROPICAL go8F 4 CONCESSIONS 215719 07/22/87 143.50 43.50 AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RED CROSS CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 32733 26-4624-683-68 32834 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-625-62 GEN SUPLIES 10-4504-625-62 63.60 GARY KRUEGER REPLACEMENT 10-4504-621-62 63.60 * 215720 07/22/87 215120 07/22/87 215721 07/23/87 250.00 250,Q0 500.00 * 96.00 96.00 * DAKOTA COUNTY TECH DAKQXA_�OUNTY TECH AKONA CORP REGISTRATION REGISTRATION GEN SUPPLY 215723 07/23/87 .83 * JOHN SCHIRMANG 10 It L12 13 14 15 16 17 1e 19 20 10-4202-120-12 10-4202-140-14 10-4504-642-64 17354 10-4544-646-64 104009 26-4624-683-68 7620 26-4624-683-68 7618 10-4202-490-49 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ra 30 31` 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39" 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 • 46 49 50 51' 52 53 54 55 56 157 56 59 60 61 62 63 6a 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 12 AMOUNT NT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 2 5 6 1.V. 215578 215579 215579 .,.,,� 07/29/87 25.35 197:20 * —•--- WM.H.ZIEGLER CO INC — — TOOLS 10-4580-560-56 __ 4 5 5 7 6 07/29/87 07/28/87 151.93 39.16 WILLIAMS STEEL—HDWE WILLIAMS STEEL—HDWE GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-322-30 10-4504-646-64 7 6 9 215579 07/29/87 215.63 406.72 * WILLIAMS STEEL—HDWE TOOLS 40-4580-801-80 9 to 11 12 1 11 1 12 sssss* 215582 07/28/87 358.59 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE - 27-4612-664-66 1148 ***—CKS 13 14 15 16 13 14 15 215582 07/23/87 369.08 727.67 * GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27-4612-664-66 1144 17 18 10 20 16 17 18 215583 07/27/87 3,500.00 3,500.00 * UALDOR PUMP & EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-803-80 90170 21 2223 24 a 20 21 sssss* 215586 07/28/87 34.35 W W GRAINGER GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-662-66 ***—CKS 25 26 27 26 22 23 24 21`5587 07/29/87 34.35 154.56 * WEIGLE SUE MILEAGE 10-4208-600-60 m 31 32 25 26 154.56 * A ***—CKS 73 35 36 26 129 30 215613 07/23/87 1,464.79 1,464.79 * MCNEILUS STEEL GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 63812 3 7 40 32 33 ****** * MILLPORE CORPORATION 65894 ***—CKS 42 43 44 45 4647 48 34 35 36 215616 07/27/87 507.65 507.65 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-482-48 37 38 " sssss* 215618. 07/22/87 35.23 MIDWEST BADGE -.REPAIR PARTS 23-4540-613-61 91496 ***—CKS 49 50 51 52 40 41 a2 35.23 * ***—CKS 53 54 55 56 44 �50 45 215705 07/23/87 1,067.00 1 , 0.67..00 * LOWELL MCCARTHY SERVICES - SERVICES 10-4105-624-62 55 60 46 147 48 215706 07/23/87 1,055.00 1,055.00 * MN PLAYGROUND INC 10-4201-647-64 2948 6 1 62 e3 64 5O 215707 07/22/87 1,176.00 1 , 176 . 00 * W WOOD WHOLESALE CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-646-64 66 67 68 15, 52 /53 54 215708 07/22/87 990.00 990.00 * MPLS & SUB SEWER CONT REPAIRS 40-4248-803-80 20359 1 69 70 71 72 55 y56 215709'. 07/22/87 1,060.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC SERVICES 10-4201-358-30 7 74 75 J J 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 1987 OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 320.63 * CHECK 11 STER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. M MESSAGE 2 3 4 5 215531 07/23/87 79.00 AMMONIA HOUSE CONT REPAIRS 28-4248-704-70 014136 e 215531 07/23/87 AMMONIA HOUSE CONT REPAIRS 28-4248-704-70 014178 9 10 I 1 ,2 13 14 215551 07/27/87 1,632.50 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4266-420-42 100014 tor' 1,632.50 * 16 17 1,545.84 1,624.84 * 10 11 2 13 14 5• J 17 6 9 20 21 ****** 08-03-81r 4GE 11 215553 07/23/87 41.60 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 215553 07/23/87 37.16 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 215553 07/28/87 3,322.89 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 3,401.65 * 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4, 42 43 45 215569 07/23/87 128.46 128.46 * 215572 07/23/87 491.75 215572 07/23/87 335.40 215572 07/23/87 335.40- 215572 07/27/87 825.50- 215572 07/23/87 335.40 215572 07/27/87 828.50 215572 07/27/87 825.50 215572 07/27/87 1,151.10 215572 07/23/87 129.00 215572 07/27/87 812.40 218572 07/23/87 129.00 3,877.15 * 215573 07/23/87 266.13 266.13 * 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 215575 07/28/87 215575 07/28/87 215575 07/28/87 215578 07/29/87 55 56 215578 07/29/87 215578 07/28/87 71.70 87.60- 236.82 220.92 * 51.35 104.60 15.90 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO VOSS 10-4540-322-30 10-4540-520-52 40-4540-801-80 GASOLINE 28-4612-704-70 PAPER SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLY CORRECTION CORRECTION PAPER SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLY WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS PAPER SUPPLY PAPER SUPLY PAPER'$UPPLY ***—CKS ***—CKS 10-4514-520-52 59171 50-4514-820-82 58882 50-4514-820-82 58882 50-4514-822-82 58327 50-4514-822-82 58882 50-4514-822-82 58327 50-4514-822-82 58327 50-4514-842-84 58333 50-4514-842-84 58883 50-4514-862-86 58334 50-4514-862-86 58884 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-322-30 21039 REPAIR PARTS CRDIT REPAIR PARTS WM.H.ZIEGLER CO INC REPAIR PARTS WM.H.ZIEGLER CO INC REPAIR PARTS WM.H.ZIEGLER CO INC REPAIR PARTAS 40-4540-803-80 041981 40-4540-803-80 012092 40-4540-803-80 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56` ***—CKS ***—CKS *** CKS ***—CKS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 A***—CKS 36 37 38 39 40 4, 42 43 44 45 46 471 46 49 50 51' 52 53 54 55, 56 7 6 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 1 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 215490 5 6 6 9 10 ,2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 215492 215492 ''-15492 215492 215492 07/29/87 AMOUNT 54.56 44L14 * 07/29/87 07/28/87 07/28/87___ 07/28/87 07/28/87 215502 215502 215502 215502 07/29/87 07/29/87 07/29/87 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 215503 215503 215503 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR SHERWIN WILLIAMS ITEM DESCRIPTION PAINT 08-03-87 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. * MESSAGE 40-4544-801-80 4.41 SOUTHDALE FORD 6.92 SOUTHDALE FORD SOUTHDALE FORD 16.23 SOUTHDALE FORD 110.98 SOUTHDALE FORD 203.19 * 07/28/87 07/23/87 07/28/87 07/23/87 215505 ****** REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS ***-CKS 1 3 5 6 • 10-4540-560-56 151275 10-4540-560-56 150944 10-4540-560-56 148920 10-4540-560-56 150457 10-4540-560-56 150623 24.28 103.97 264.11 139.50 531.86 * 84.52 48.74 15.76 149.02 * SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONT REPAIRS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4540-560-56 75935 10-4540-560-56 75891 10-4540-560-56 9288 10-4540-560-56 75722 10-4540-646-64 26-4248-682-68 28-4504-702-70 ***-CKS 9 10 12 ,3 ,4 5 16 17 16 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 07/23/87 8.74 8.74 * SUN ADVERTISING 42 43 44 45 46 47 148 49 50 51 52 215508 215508 215508 215508 215508 215508 ****** 215512 07/29/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/22/87 07/23/87 07/28/87 07/29/87 18.60 .83 27.14 20.01 9.75 12.85 89.18 * 53.99 53.99 * ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK S T ROBB 10-4210-140-14 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SPLY GEN SUPPLIES REPAIR REPAIR PARTS GEN SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 10-4504-420-42 10-4504-440-44 10-4504-624-62 23-4504-611-61 27-4540-666-66 30-4504-781-78 6553 6664 5417 5414 5608 6894 10-4540-646-64 44157 215525 53 54 35 56 215526 215526 215526 07/29/87 07/29/87 07/29/87 07/29/87 215527 07/28/87 415.00 415.00 * 2,304.13 3,060.11 3,348.08 8,712.32 * 320.63 3 M CO SIGNS & POST 10-4542-325..30 TRACY OIL TRACY OIL TRACY OIL TAYLOR SALES GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE CONCESSIONS • • 30 31 3 ***-CKS ***-CKS 33 34 35 37 38 . 39 40 4, 42 • **s-CKS 44 43 46 • 47 48 42 30 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 56 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ss*-CKS 10-4612-560-56 10-4612-560-56 10-4612-560-56 467940 26--4624683-68 7; 73 7 2 3 1987 C` OF EDINA 08-03-8( AGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE .1 2 CHECK N STER 25.60 * 215443 07/27/87 14 16 7 6 215452 07/28/87 215457 07/23/87 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 ****** 124.80 POMMER MFG CO 124.80 12.85 12.85 * 79.41 79.41 * QUICK SERV BATTERY R.L.000LD & CO.INC. GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-623-62 011088 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 17498 REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 22973 21.5462 01/23/67 25,_60 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SUPPLIES 215462 07/23/87 113.34 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES CONT REPAIRS 215462 07/23/87 450.00 RENTAL EQUIP 6 SALES GEN SUPPLIES 215462 07/28/87 192.00 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES REPAIR PARTS 781.24 215475 07/28/87 110.37 110.37 * 215480 07/23/87 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON 10-4201-647-64 6225 10-4248-664-66 5794 10-4504-985-90 65205 40-4540-803-80 6166 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 47097 ***-CKS 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 1t ***-CKS 12 13 14 15' 16 '17 ***-CKS 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 ***-CKS 25 26 27 28 30 31` 32 33 34 A***-CKS 135 36 37 36 39 40 41 ***-CKS 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 50 51' '52 53 54 55 56 57 156 I59 t 75.00 75.00 * RTW INC INSURANCE 10-4260-510-51 215482 07/29/87 215484 07/27/87 50.00 SATELLITE INDUSTRIES CONT_KEPAIRS 27-4248-664-66 50.00 * 99.68 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 10-4256-510-51 99.68 * 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 215486 07/29/87 101.00 215490 215490 215490 101.00 * DON STREICHER GUNS PARTS ***-CKS ***-CKS 10-4620-560-56 43319 ***-CKS 07/27/87 07/27/87 07/28/87 22.19 SHERWIN WILLIAMS REPAIR PARTS 22.19 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 349.80 SHERWIN WILLIAMS REPAIR PARTS PAINT 10-4540-322-30 10-4540-322-30 28-4544-702-70 60 61 82 63 64 65 66 67 66 ***-CKS 69 70 71 17 b3 I74 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 3 ,4 3 f6 17 18 ,9 2U 2, 22 23 24 25 26 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 215358 07/29/87 215359 07/29/87 215359 07/29/87 215359 07/28/87 215359 07/29/87 215359 07/29/87 215359 07/29/87 215359 07/23/87 215359 07/23/87 215359 07/23/87 AMOUNT 157.39 398.96 * CHECK REGISTER NATL GUARDIAN SYST 233.99 14.16 8.34 14.22 8.80 62.66 94.85 31.50 53.55 522.07 * 215360 07/28/87 215360 07/28/87 21.00 7.50 28.50 * MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINNESOTA WANNER MINNESOTA WANNER 08-03-87 PAGE 8 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. I P.O. N MESSAGE ALARM SERV 50-4304-861-86 REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONT REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 669306 10-4540-560-56 669077 10-4540-560-56 667792 10-4540-560-56 668411 10-4540-560-56 669079 10-4540-560-56 669536 27-4540-664-66 668300 27-4540-664-66 667972 27-4540-664-66 667642 10-4248-560-56 066956 10-4540-560-56 066958 215381 07/23/87 s**-CKS 288.66 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 288.66 * 1_27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 215383 07/23/87 10-4212-510-51 15,103.92 MPLS COMP TREAS 15,103.92 * 215403 07/23/87 20.00 20.00 WATER PURCHASED 40-4640-803-80 N W SOUND CONT REPAIRS 30-4248-782-78 61325 s**-CKS *s*-CKS s**-CKS 215412 07/28/87 24.30 24.30 * NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23-4624-613-61 137854 42 43 44 45 46 47 215413 07/23/87 56.43 56.43 * NATIONWIDE PAPERS GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-663-66 070448 48 49 50 5, 52 53 54 35 57 215417 07/23/87 215421 07/28/87 215421 _P7/28/87 ****** 215434 07/23/87 182.15 182.15 * 48.18 39.20 187.38 * OFFSET PRINTING_ PRINTING 10-4600-510-51`28085 **•-CKS **s-CKS 6 . 7 6 9 10 11 ,2 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 . 43 44 145 46 47 48 149 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 50 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE TOOLS 10-4580-646-64 4077 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE TOOLS 10-4580-646-64 72186 PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIP MAINT 59 • 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 28-4274-704-70 15186 169 70 14 71 ***-CKS, 72 74 ,y 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 215346 07/27/87 5 6 e 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1987 C( OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK FI 3TER ITEM DESCRIPTION 21.53.08 0.7/23/87 909.80 PARK NIC MED CTR PHY EXAM 10-4212-510-51 909.80 * 215315 07/27/87 215315_ 07/27/87 4.01 ANCHOR PAPER 4766_.75 ANCHOR_EAPER 480.76 * 08-03-87( ,GE 7 ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O, * MESSAGE 4 5 6 7 ***—CKS 9 10 11 12 13 14 to PAPER SUPPLY 10-4514-520-52 PAPER SUPPLY 10-4514-520-52 215317 07/29/87 241.05 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 —_ 215317 07/28/87 385...8L LAWSON_ PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 215317 07/29/87 175.11 LAWSON PRODUCTS LUMBER 10-4604-260-26 215317 07/28/87 306.35 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 10-4620-560-56 (1108.32) 770.70 * 215318 07/22/87 22 23 24 25 26 27 215325 07/28/87 28 29 0 32 33 34 35 6 37 38 39 14.85 14 85 * LEEF BROS INC 15.18 15.18 * GEN SUPPLIES 23-4504-612-61 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 ***—CKS 215331 07/23/87 5,993.00 LAHASS CORPORATION EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10-4901-650-64 B39785 215331 07/23/87 5,993.00 LAHASS CORPORATION EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10-4904-650-64 B39785 215331 07/23/87 5,993.00— LAHASS CORPORATION CORRECTION 10-4904-650-64 5,993.00 * 215332 07/27/87 13,267.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES DUES 10-4204-140-14 13,267.00 * 40 215343 07/29/87 98.64 98.64 * MINNESOTA GLOVE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 14044 217,752.34 MET N WASTE C L_COMM SEWER SERVICE METRO 40-4312-812-80 4424 217,752.34 * 215355 07/28/87 19.79 19,79 * MINNSOTA BEARING CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS 1e 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27a 28 30 31 3 3.3 34 351 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 J49 50 518 52 53 54 55 56 57 5e 59 ‘. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1 55 56 215358 07/23/87 2t5358 07/29/87 100.15 NATL GUARDIAN SYST 41.42 NATL GUARDIAN SYST ***—CKS ALARM SERV ALARM SERV 28-4304-702-70 50-4304-821-82 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 4 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 6 2 3 4 6 7 6 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 215277 07/28/87 112.75 112.75 * CARLSON PRINTING GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-644-64 38881 10 11 12 13 1a 15 16 17 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 2 215279 07/23/87 26 215279 07/23/87 27 215279 07/23/87 28 215279 07/23/87 29 215279 07/23/87 30 215279 07/23/87 3i 215279 07/23/87 32 215279 07/23/87 331 215279 07/23/87 34 215279 07/23/87 J5 215279 07/23/87 J6 215279 07/23/87 3t 215279 07/23/87 J8 215279 07/23/87 30 __ 215279 07/23/87 4O 215279 07/23/87 41 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 117.45 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-133-12 12.96 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-301-30 32.61 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-322-30 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07 23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 215279 07/23/87 ***-CKS ***-CKS 29.01 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-325-30 19.18 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-390-30 'JS_. JERRYS OUN_OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 6.27 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-507-50 10.96 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 29.07 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 , 50 52 53 54 55 56 215304 07/29/87 215304 07/23/87 215304 07/23/87 215304 07/23/87 215304 07/28/87 215304 07/28/87 215304 07/28/87 215305 07/28/87 126.48 149.90 51.12 648.05 * 93.11 93.11 13.49 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 36.32 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-624-62 346.90 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-642-64 440.63 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 22.92 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-660-66 11.82 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CLEAN SPLY 10-4512-440-44 27.81 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CLEAN SPLY 10-4512-540-54 34.57 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 889._ JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-646-64 113.85 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE TOOLS 10-4580-646-64 10.35 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE LUMBER 10-4604-646-64 19.98 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 29.44 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES'' 27-4504-662-66 26.22 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-664-66 11.26 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE LUMBER 27-4544-662-66 71.56 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 30.74 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 56.21 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-803-80 1.55 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-804-80 24.42 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-807-80 29.97 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE LUMBER 40-4544-802-80 9.60 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CONST 1,686.38 * 4 5 6 7 6 9 0 12 3 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 124 25 26 27 28 29 ,ao 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 60-1300-005-20 42 . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56. *-CKS 57 58, 5^ 24.67 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-314-30 531547 60 87.30 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBSER 10-4604-646-64 531518 61 191.34 KNOX LUMBER CO CONT REPAIRS 26-4248-682-68 531206 63" 17.24 KNOX LUMBER CO CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-666-66 531393 KNOX LUMBER CO OFFICE FURNITURE 28-1330-000-00 506727 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 531293 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 531187 K 6 K SALES REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 99178 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7, 5 ***-CKS 72 74 6 75 • 4 5 6 7 a 9 . 1987 C OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 215188 215188 215188 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 07/27/87 07/27/87 07/27/87 AMOUNT 240.37 125.66 18.46 384.49 * CHECK ft STER VENDOR GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 377066 REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 377069 REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-661-66 875094 215194 07/29/87 36.05 215194 07/29/87 74.50 215194 07/29/87 130.00 215194 07/29157 17 66 215194 07/23/87 17.66 275.87 * 19 20 21 215195 07/28/87 27.2o 27.20 * 22 23 24 25 26 27 215202 215202 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS CONT REPAIRS GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO -SERVICE_ GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GEN SUPPLIES GENERAL_COMMUNICATN5 GEN SUPPLIES GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GEN SUPPLY GOLF CAR MIDWEST 07/27/87 07/27/87 313.00 125.00 438.00 * REPAIR PARTS 10-4248-440-44 79387 10-4294-560-56 79388 10-4504-440-44 79440 10-4504-440-44 79439 10-4504-440-44 78719 27-4540-664-66 10752 GOPHERS SHOOTERS GOPHERS SHOOTERS AMMUNITION AMMUNITION 29-4572-722-72 031985 29-4572-722-72 031986 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 i 38 39 215209 215209 215209 215218 215218 40 41 42 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/23/87 07/28/87 5.10 16.93 9.94 31.97 * GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS GENUINE PARTS GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS PARTS 10-4540-560-56 548501 10-4540-560-56 549321 10-4620-560-56 527196 48.00 149.05 197.05 * 43 44 45 215231 46 47 48 49 v 50 51 52 ****** 215248 53 54 55 156 57 215248 07/27/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 215256 07/29/87 215256 07/28/87 353.00 353.00 * 45.80 150.47 196.27 * 206.00 76.30 2822.30 * HALLMAN HALLMAN GEN SUPPLIES LUBRICANTS HOFFERS INC CEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 31588 10-4618-560-56 31714 08-03-87` AGE 5 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 2 3 a 5 7 9 0 t4 2 3 4 a" 6 r**—CKS ***—CKS 18 19 20 at 22 23' 24 25 26 271 28 *r*—CKS 30 31 8 rr*—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS 10-4504-642-64 36520 HARMON GLASS HARMON GLASS ICSI ICS1 CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 CONT REPAIRS EQUIP MAINT TELEPHONE *rr—CKS 10-4248-560-56 129050 10-4274-420-42 30-4256-782-78 ***—CKS 33 34 35' 36 37 30 394 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 82 53 54 551 56 57 58 59 1 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-03-87 PAGE 4 3 4 5 8 7 6 9 CHECK NO. DATE 215125 07/28/87 215125 07/28/87 215125 07/23/87 215125 07/23/87 215125 07/23/87 AMOUNT VENDOR 477.00 437 s_ 76.00 96.00 453.25 215125 07/28/87 241.45 2,427.20 * 12 MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE REPAIR PARTS PARTS_,__. CONT REPAIRS CLEANING SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 215126 07/29/87 378.00 215126 07/29/87 47.25 425.25 * DAVIS EUGENE DAVIS EUGENE SERVICES MILEAGE 10-4540-375-30 17075 10-4620-560-56 17097 27-4248-662-66 17088 27-4512-662-66 17096 30-4504-782-78 17087 30-4512-782-78 17159 10-4201-600-60 10-4208-600-60 13 14 ****** 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 215136 07/23/87 2,931.81 EARL F ANDERSON SERVIES 10-4201-647-64 215136 07/28/87 185.64 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-343-30 72263 215136 07/29/87 246.25 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-343-30 72125 3,363.70 * 215143 07/29/87 2151"43 07/23/87 144.98 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 142.52 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 287.50 * 215148 07/29/87 29.24 29.24 * 33 34 35 36 37 30 39 40 215158 07/22/87 3,069.41 3,069.41 * ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY FEED RITE CONTROL 1ST AID SUPPLY 10-4510-440-44 WATER SURLY 40-4622-805-80 88740 215159 07/27/87 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ,57 215162 07/29/87 2,215.89 2,215.89 * FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C REPAIR PARTS 47.66 FOWLER ELECTRIC 47.66 * 215181 07/23/87 215181 07/23/87 215181 07/23/87 215183 215183 80.40 318.00 10.00 408.40 * GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS 40-4540-810-80 1138 ***—CKS 2 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 2 13 14 15 16 117 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 {25 26 . 27 ***—CKS ze za 30 . 31 32 33 34. 35 ***—CKS 36 37 3P • 39 40 41 ***—CKS 424 43 44 '45 46 • REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 68320 GEN SUPPLIES LAUNDRY GEN SPLY ***—CKS 47 46 49 50 • 51 52 53 54 55 56 * * * 57 58 59 CKS co 10-4504-623-62 27850 26-4262-682-68 27866 26-4504-682-68 27865 07/28/87 07/23/87 108.00 4.73 112.73 * BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS REPAIR PARTS BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4540-520-52 74166 30-4504-.782-78 74303 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 70 71 72 ***—CKS J3 74 75 4 • 4 • • 5 6 6 9 1987 Ct OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT CHECK Rf. LTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 215082 07/29/87 44.75 CONWAY FIRESAFETY EQUIP MAINT 215082 07/29/87 83.S0_- CONWAY FIRE $AFETYI EQUIP MAINT 215082 07/23/87 129.25 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 215082 07/23/87 67.50 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 215082 07/29/87 16.00 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY GEN SUPPLIES 215082 07/29/87 5.25 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY GEN SUPPLY 215082 07/29/87 189.75 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY REPAIR' PARTS 21508E 07L29/87 1,_75 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY REPAIR PARTS 215082 07/29/87 202.50 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY 215082 07/23/87 3.50 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY 215082 07/28/87 117.25 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY 215082 07/27/87 1.75 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY 10 14 1! 16 17 16 19 20 21 PARTS SERICES SERVICES CONT REPAIRS 215082 07/29/87 64.75 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY GEN SUPPLIES 215082 07/28/87 00 _CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONT REPAIR__ 215082 07/28/87 10.50 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONT REPAIRS 215082 07/28/87 3.50 CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONT REPAIRS 1,013.50 * 22 23 24 25 2 6' 27 215087 215087 215087 07/22/87 07/22/87 07/22/87 205.96 287.4E 319.45 812.83 * CURTIN MATH SCI CURTIN MATH SCI CURTIN MATH SCI 28 29 30 31 32 33 4 35 36 37 se 39 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 215091 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5, 52 5 54 215092 215092 07/27/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/22/87 07/22/87 366.00 CITY OF EDINA 377.52 CITY OF EDINA 377.50- CITY OF EDINA 377.50 CITY OF EDINA 180.18 CITY OF EDINA 27.10 CITY OF EDINA 27.10 CITY OF EDINA 27.10 CITY OF EDINA 08-03-87( ,GE 3 ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 10-4274-420-42 20776 10-4274-420-42 20793 10-4274-440-44 20794 10-4274-440-44 20795 10-4504-480-48 20777 10-4504-520-52 20785 10-4540-540-54 20775 L0-4540-540-54 20792 10-4620-560-56.20779 26-4201-682-68 20783 28-4201-702-70 20796 29-4248-722-72 20780 40-4504-801-80 20778 50-4248-821-82 20786__ 50-4248-841-84 20788 50-4248-861-86 20787 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-482-48 10-4504-482-48 10-4504-482-48 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ie 19 20 21 22 23 24 ***-CKS 25 26 27 2 27.10- CITY OF EDINA 27.10 CITY OF EDINA 1.005.00 * 94.28 C 6 S DIST INC 263.72 C & S DIST INC 358.00 * 215099. 215099 215099 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 74.00 795.75 29.20 898.95 * CONT SERV WATER CORRECTION WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER CORRECTION WATER 10-4200-395-30 83 10-4258-520-52 10-4258-520-52 10-4258-520-52 10-4258-540-54 10-4258-646-64 50-4258-821-82 50-4258-851-82 50-4258-851-82 50-4258-861-86 ''***-CKS COST OF COMM COST OF COMM 23-4624-613-61 051747 23-4624-613-61 052372 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO CUSHMAN MOTOR CO CUSHMAN MOTOR CO REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 27556 27-4540-664-66 27-4540-664-66 31 3 3 35 36 37 se 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 4e 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ***-CKS 55 6 57 215125 07/29/87 215125 07/28/87 215125 07/28/87 59.00 134.00 453.25 MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES ***-CKS 10-4504-390-30 17124 10-4504-507-50 17079 10-4504-560-56 17066 6 57 56 59 60 1 62 63 64 65 e6 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 ;91 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION 08-03-87 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. M MESSAGE 215041 07/23/87 1.,778.68 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10-4524-301-30 215041 07/22/87 276.30 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10-4524-301-30 27190 215041 07/23/87 536.96 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10-4524-380-30 215041 07/22/87 2,160.24 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10-4524-803-80 27190 215041 07/23/87 326.64 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 40-4524-803-80 215041 07/29/87 480.00 BURY & CARLSON INC CONSTRUCTION 60-1300-004-20 27333 10' 11 i31 215046 t4 215046 15 16 17 I:e 07/27/87 235.49 07/29/87 224.12 459.61 * 215047 07/29/87 215047 07/23/87 19 20 2t 215048 07/23/87 2 215048 07/27/87 23 24 BLUMBERG PHOTO BLUMBERG PHOTO MISC CABLE TV 10-1139-000-00 865669 10-2149-000-00 865970 168.00 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO SUPPLIES 10-4508-420-42 713769 31.12 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 708274 19912 321.18 BRISSMAN KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLY 7.34 328.52 * 2.5 ****** 26 L7 215054 07/29/87 28 29 3l 38 30 40 41 42 43 44 215060 07/23/87 215060 07/23/87 215060 07/29/87 215061 07/23/87 215061 07/23/87 BRISSMAN KENNEDY INC CLEANING SPLY 10-4512-520-52 69605 10-4512-520-52 696051 193.52 BATTERY WAREHOUSE 193.52 * 102.00 398.80 402.16 902.96 * 15.88 10.90 26.78 * AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE "A" PLUS PRESORT "A" PLUS PRESORT REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 12677 CONCESSIONS' CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 215066 07/29/87 78.73 78.73 * CDP 26-4624-683-68 27-4624-663-66 27-4624-663-66 10-4290-510-51 4712 10-4290-510-51 4774 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-540-54 762702 215074 07/27/87 22,925.00 22,925.00 * 215082 215082 215082 215082 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 21.50 18.25 23.50 1.75 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CONT SERV 10-4200-480-48 4404 ***-CKS CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONWAY FIRE SAFETY CONWAY FIRE SAFETY SERVICES CONT REPAIRS CONT REPAIRTS CONT REPAIRTS 4 6 7 9 01 12 13 14 15 16 I17 16 19 20 21 25 26 127 ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS 10-4201-510-51 10-4248-646-64 20782 10-4248-646-64 20790 10-4248-446-64 20781 I.. 5c'. •I55 58! 5C� 6nl 61 62 63. 641 6^t 67 88 89 70 71 721 1 r 2 1987 C. OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 201482 07/27/87. AMOUNT 702.00 702.00 • CHECK 14 3TER VENDOR SATELLITE INDUSTRIES ITEM DESCRIPTION SERVICES 08-03-87( .GE 1 ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. 0 MESSAGE 10-4201-627-62 760205 10 12 215008 215008 215008 215008 07/23/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 07/28/87 19.65 36.08 5,44 9.93 71.10 * KAMAN BEARING 6 SPLY REPAIR PARTS KAMAN BEARING 6 SPLY REPAIR PARTS KAMAN BEARING 8 SPLYREPAIR PARTS KAMAN BEARING & SPLY REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 27-4540-664-66 40-4540-803-80 40-4540-803-80 13 14 15 76 17 18 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25 27 28 0 215013 215013 215013 215013 215013 215013 215013 07/28/87_ _11Q.SL ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 33.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 59.50 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 33.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 48.20 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 175.60 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 07/28/87 99.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 530.50 * REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS TOOLS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4580-560-56 40-4504-801-80 1.802 _. 1836 10196 1829 1361 1368 1365 215019 07/28/87 32 33 34 35 36 37 8 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 7 a8 215026 215026 07/22/87 07/27/87 175.00 175,00 * 232.87 354.21 587.08 * ACME WINDOW CLEANING BADGER METER INC BADGER METER INC 215031 215031 215031 215031 215031 07/23/87 07/23/87 O7/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 49 50 51 52 3 54 215031 215031 215031 215031 215033 215033 215033 07/28/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/23/87 07/29/87 07/29/87 07/29/87 84.48 52.70 121,10 203.50 84.48 11.96 155.50 6.80 52.00 1.78 781.30 * 170.20 233.00 209.10 612.30 * CONT REPAIR REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4248-390-30 2047 40-4540-801-80 496635 40-4540-807-80 495763 ***-CKS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS BERTELSON BROS INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC BERTELSON BROS INC BERTELSON BROS INC BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING GEN SPJLY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE SUPPLIES ,r OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 10-4504-624-62 306921 10-4516-510-51 306923 10-4516-510-51 306924 10-4516-510-51 10-4516-510-51 306921 10-4516-600-60 306923 28-1330-000-00 306970 30-4516-781-78 306925 30-4516-781-78 307012 30-4516-781-78 306926 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-862-86 55 56 ,57 ***-CKS ***-CKS _-1!' 1--- ***-CKS 0 2 3 16 17 16 10 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 90 31' 32 33 35 36 37 38 391 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 511 591' 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75r . ., following.described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 23; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 'e7 minutes 56 seconds West along the we. line of said Lot 23 a distance of 93.15 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 121.12 feet to the Eaet line of said Lot 23 and there terminating. Parcel A ` That part of Lot 22, Block 1, 1NTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, l.linueeota which Les North of the following described line: r Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed beating of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the Eaat line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Subject to an easenunt to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of tLe property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the went line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 02.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 62 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a dietance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 sisconds West a distance of 33.23 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconde East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning. by the property adjacent to the south and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. CORRECTIONS - A 2 Parcel B That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 eeconda East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.60 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 nunutee 38 seconds Eaat a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there Together with an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as: 7 terminating. Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds Eaat along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 eeconda East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutee 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds Eaat a distance of 6.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 second& West a distance of 33.23 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds E:.si to the point of beginning. by the property adjacent to the north and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G V.D. Loyd Description Source: IS2 We have surveyed the above described property which the client claims to own or appears to own from various government records. We make no representation that the client does its fact own the property nor that a search of the records has been made to determine the extent and nature of his holdings. If there is any doubt concerning the accuracy of the legal description, competent legal counsel should be retained to perform a title search to either verify or correct the description rind to reveal such other matters of record such as easements, covenants and ordinances which may affect the use and value of the property. Easements and Improvements: We show only those easements which the client informs us of or which we happen to become aware of through other sources and only and which we deem important. The survey doer not purport to show all easerents and �ter with An e,4se nt4o41104 the use, /ipair en c9la jr a x in, se,con tory welr'lin ' un t/ w ich ex exi r �! h�? p op ty✓ad aceitt to die n th de riiaed its ol]�ow / sG. Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet: thence South 78 degrees 07 miunutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning, WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unncessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinancq No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 3rd day of gem err 19SG, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF ED1NA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of Nce - ;—}gg6 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular 'Meeting. /l-.-7 3 (9f WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 1.7th day of , . City Clerk 'ITV of !E7INA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612-927-8861 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies North of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. ;�• o -se e.= o 'w. e .le a t- .e r=•.:1 f mod. } Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the ease- ment to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet: thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning? and Parcel B: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of -.the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Together with an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning, by the property adjacent to the north and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1987. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of August 3, 1987 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of August, 1987. City Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, and WHEREAS,_the owners have requested the subdivision and said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies North of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Subject to an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the ease- ment to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet;. thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning, by the property adjacent to the south and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. and Parcel B: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of. South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. following ;le/scribed line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 23; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees :7 minutes 56 seconds West along the west line of said Lot 23 a distance of 03.15 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 121.12 -feet to the Eust line of said Lot 23 and there terminating. CORRECTIONS Parcel A That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which hes North of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Subject to an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over cleat part of the property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.60 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 62 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.6t3 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.23 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning. by the property adjacent to the south and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. parcel B That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Together with an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an asaumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.70 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.23 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds Ease to the point of beginning. by the property adjacent to the north and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.0 V.D. Legal Description Source: We have surveyed the above described property which the client claims to own or appears to own from various government records. We make no representation that the client does in fact own the property nor that a search of the records has been made to determine the extent and nature of his holdings. If there is any doubt concerning the accuracy of the legal description, competent legal counsel should be retained to perform a title search to either verify or correct the description and to reveal euch other matters of record such as easements, covenants and ordinances which may affect the use and value of the property. Easements and Improvements: We show only those easements which the client informs ua of or which we happen to becoina aware of through other sources and only .... • _ . __..,ul., visible and which we deem important. The survey does not purport to show all easements and Together with an easement to allow the use, maintenance and repair of the existing second story dwelling unit which extends over that part of the property adjacent to the north described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet: thence South 78 degrees 07 miunutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet: thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unncessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinancq No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1986. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITE CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of November 17, 1986 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 17th day of November, 1986. City Clerk CITY OF !!EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612-927-8861 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies North of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Subject to an easement to allow the use, maintenance and repair of the existing second story dwelling unit by the property adjacent to the south over the following described part thereof: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the ease- ment to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet: thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning. and Parcel B: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of,the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Philip S. Dommer, Associate Planner:' SUBJECT: Amendment to Resolution LD-86-14 Lot 22, Block 1, Interlachen Hills 3rd Addn. DATE: August 3, 1987 On November 3, 1986 a resolution which accomplished a zero lot line division on Malibu Drive was adopted by the Edina City Council. To satisfy FHA underwriters, the proponent has asked that the resolution be amended to in- clude a statement which more clearly defines an easement mentioned in the legal description of the subject property. The existing resolution is attached as well as the corrected legal description of the parcels and easement in question. AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 17, 1987 7:00 P.M. ` ;OLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF HRA MINUTES OF AUGUST 3, 1987 II. AWARD OF BIDS - Phases 6 & 7 Residential Amenities - Edinborough Phase 2 Outdoor Park - Edinborough ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - Edina Salutes Very Special Arts Month I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk (*) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting and Special Meeting of August 3, 1987 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. B. C. D. Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Rolling Green Parkway Addition - Generally located Green Parkway and south of Annaway Dr Final Development Plan 1. Building Expansion - Thexton Manufacturing Company east of Parklawn Av and north of W. 77th St Amendment to Final Development Plan and Conditional Use 1. To Allow Retail Sales in Phase II Office Building - Comprehensive Plan Review IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. B. C. D. west of Rolling - Generally located Permit Edinborough Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 8/12/87 Reappointment - Mine Mile Creek Watershed Board Report on Proposed Ordinance Regulating Open House Parties Braemar Golf Course Policy on Leagues VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS A. B. C. D. E. Storm Sewer System - Arden Avenue/Maple Road Residents Storm/Sanitary Sewer System - John and Ardyce Norbeck, 5828 Halifax Av So Storm/Sanitary Sewer System - Mrs. Susan Ogilivie, 4601 Annaway Dr Sanitary Sewer System - Lowen and Shirley Grodnick, 7110 Bristol Blvd Storm Sewer System - Robert and Dorothy Pool, 6309 Hillside Rd Agenda Edina City Council - August 17, 1987 Page Two VII. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution for Federal Disaster Funds VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 8/17/87• General Fund $220 488 09 Art Center $6,099.56, Capital Fund $2,744.00, Swimming Pool Fund $7,991.79, Golf Course Fund $14,678.24, Recreation Center Fund $8,696.09, Gun Range Fund $371.87, Edinborough Park $25,878.71, Utility Fund $46,883.06, Liquor Dispensary Fund $102,334.38, Construction Fund $365,665.80, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $848.30, Total $802,679.89; and Confirmation of Payment of Claims dated 7/31/87: General Fund $819,596.16, Art Center $759.61, Swimming Pool Fund $3,231.59, Golf Course Fund $4,673.89, Recreation Center Fund $4,369.18, Gun Range Fund $252.97, Edinborough Park $732.68, Utility Fund $39,049.35, Liquor Dispensary Fund $189,299.43, Total $1,061,964.86. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Tues Sept 8 1988 Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Manager's Conf Rm Mon Sept 14 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Tues Sept 15 1988 Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Manager's Conf Rm Thurs Sept 17 1988 Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Manager's Conf Rm Mon Sept 21 Regular Council Meeting (Adopt 1988 Budget) 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Oct 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Oct 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Thurs Oct 29 Workshop on Strategic Leadership, 3-10 p.m. To be announced Accountability & Role of Governing Board '��, MINUTES EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AUGUST 3, 1987 Answering rollcall were Commissioners Richards, MINUTES of the HRA Meeting of July 20, 1987 were of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner and Courtney. Motion carried. Smith, Turner and Courtney. approved as submitted by motion Smith. BID AWARDED FOR PHASES 6 & 7 EDINBOROUGH CONDOMINIUMS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Manager Rosland presented bids for Phases 6 & 7 Edinborough Condominiums Public Improvements showing C. R. Brazier at $124,390.00, Lakeland Nursery at $129,533.80 and Jesco, Inc. at $159,892.00. Motion of Commissioner Smith was seconded by Commissioner Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, C. R. Brazier, at $124,390.00. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Turner. Motion carried. Executive Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE HRA II. -TO: HRA FROM: Gordon Hughes VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 17, 1987 -Material Description (General Specifications): Edinborough Condominiums Phase 6 & 7 Public Improvements Low Bidders: Item Low Bidder Irrigation Green Acres Sprinkler Landscape Noble Nursery Paving H. L. Johnson Carpentry Lakeland Nursery Courtyard Drains Wenzel Mechanical Amount of Quote or Bid $18,247.00 $101,079.50 $14,825,00 $16,020.00 $11,400.00 Department Recommendation: Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is not /(/e". Department within the amount budget for the purchase. John Wallin, Wallin, Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: � Kennth osl n�� City /Mager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE HRA II. TO: FROM: VIA: HRA Gordon Hughes Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 17, 1987 -Material Description (General Specifications): Edinborough Outdoor Park - Phase 2 -Quotations/Bids: Item Low Bidder Landscape Noble Nursery Concrete C. R. Brazier Electrical Electric Service Co. Amount of Quote or Bid $17,347.70 $23,700.00 $ 8,075.00 Department Recommendation: Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is not Department within the amount budget for the purchase. ohn Wallin, inance Director City ager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth Roslarld, City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 3, 1987 Answering rollcall were Members Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 20 AND THE SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 27, 1987 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 20 and the Special Meeting of July 27, 1987. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BUILDING EXPANSION - CINEPLEX ODEON CORPORATION (EDINA THEATRE) CONTINUED TO 9/14/87. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to continue the public hearing on Final Development Plan for Building Expansion of Cineplex Odeon Corporation (Edina Theatre) to the meeting of September 14, 1987. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. REPORT GIVEN ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Manager Rosland directed the Council's attention to information provided by Planner Craig Larsen to aid the Council in their review of the Comprehensive Plan. The report listed definitions of low density, medium density, and high density residential from the Plan. Each designation was then related to the appropriate Zoning District for which density ranges are provided. Also included were the multi -unit projects and their actual density which the Council has approved since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1980. Mayor Courtney commented that there seemed to be some inconsistencies between the allowed units per acre in the Comprehensive Plan and the allowed units per acre in the Zoning Ordinance. Assistant Manager Hughes responded that the projects approved since adoption of the Plan seem to be in the mid -range of the density allowances in the Zoning Ordinance. In some cases the proponents asked for the maximum units per acre but the approval granted was more in the middle range. He said that when the Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1984 we had to take into account many properties in the City that were already zoned and developed. The goal was to not make them non -conforming by adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and this resulted in the density ranges contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hughes added that the range of densities allowed in the Zoning Ordinance are firmed up by a schedule of allowances contained in the Ordinance (i.e. underground parking, reduced lot coverage, spacing, distance to freeway interchange). Under the present Zoning Ordinance a developer can earn increased density through better construction and locating structures as far as they can from other residential buildings. Member Smith referred to the Comprehensive Plan definition for medium density residential and suggested that similar language be drafted for the definition for high density residential and brought back for the Council's review and decision on changes to the definitions. The Council agreed that any changes in definitions should be sent to the Community Development and Planning Commission to be heard as the same time they consider the land use designation changes which the Council has suggested. No formal action was taken. CDBG PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY APPROVED. Manager Rosland advised that the City of Edina and 42 other Hennepin County communities jointly receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through Hennepin County. Edina's participation is made possible by a Joint Cooperation Agreement with the county. The existing agreement expires October 1, 1987. To continue the program which provides federal funds for local community development activities it is necessary to execute a new agreement to cover the next three years. Other than some formatting, there are only a few changes from the Joint Cooperation Agreement in effect since 1984. One is the inclusion of the current administrative policy limiting the number of activities to three per community per year and each to a minimum of $7,500 (exceptions are joint activities and instances where the planning allocation is less than $7,500). The new agreement also includes a new provision for crediting program income back to the community from which it originates for reprogramming to eligible and fundable activities. Staff would recommend execution of the agreement. Member Turner asked if the limit of three activities per community per year would affect any program the City is now running. Assistant Manager Hughes said staff did not feel it would eliminate any basic programs such as handicapped accessibility, housing rehabilitation and land acquisition programs. The H.O.M.E. program would still qualify as it is an existing multi -city program and would be exempt. He said his understanding was that Hennepin County for administrative purposes is using the three activity limit as a way to encourage cities to sponsor joint programs,like the H.O.M.E. program, instead of having each of the individual cities running small programs. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute on behalf of the City the Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County to continue the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program for federal fiscal years 1988, 1989 and 1990. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR LOT 2, BLOCK 1, CONN HEIGHTS. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Parcel A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Conn Heights, Lying easterly of the line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Conn Heights thence easterly to the southeast corner thereof, the actual point of beginning, thence deflecting right 135 00' to the southerly line of Lot 1, there terminating; and Parcel B; Lot 2, Block 1, Conn Heights; WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Conn Heights, Lying easterly of the line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Conn Heights thence easterly to the southeast corner thereof, the actual point of beginning, thence deflecting right 135 00' to the southerly line of Lot 1, there terminating; except for all that part of the North 4 feet of Lot 1, lying between the Southerly extension of the East and West lines of said Lot 2, all in Block 1, Conn Heights; and Parcel B: Lot 2, and all that part of the north 4 feet of Lot 1, lying between the southerly extension of the east and west lines of said Lot 2, all in Block 1, Conn Heights. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Resolution adopted on rollcall vote, four ayes. *HEARING DATE SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner setting August 17, 1987 as hearing date for the following Planning Matters: 1) Preliminary Plat Approval - Rolling Green Parkway Addition - Generally located west of Rolling Green Parkway and south of Annaway Dr 2) Amendment to Final Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit - To Allow Retail Sale in Phase II Office Building - Edinborough 3) Final Development Plan - Building Expansion - Thexton Manufacturing Company Generally located east of Parklawn Av and north of W. 77th Street Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS HEARD. Mayor Courtney asked residents to present their comments. Walt Sandison, 4612 W. 58th Street, congratulated the City's sewer and water departments for the terrific job they did on Friday following the flood on Thursday night. Jim Elving, 5601 Blake Road, also congratulated the water department who responded to a flooded condition at his home. He asked how to proceed in approaching the Council to determine if there is something that can be done to alleviate the flood potential in this area. He also asked if Blake Road was going to be improved. Engineer Hoffman said that he had been in some of the flooded homes on Leslie Lane and that the last time this had happened was in 1977. Because that was considered to be a 100 year occurrence, nothing was pursued by the residents. He explained that the procedure would be to file a petition through the City Clerk's office requesting the Council to have the City investigate making improvements to the storm sewer system. A public hearing would then be held so that the affected residents could determine if they felt it was a reasonable expenditure. With regard to Blake Road, Mr. Hoffman said it is a State Aid street and it could be rebuilt to State Aid standards (32 - 36 feet wide). He said that there may be some improvements that could be made to the storm sewer but that a storm of this magnitude could not be contained in pipes. An unidentified resident in the 6300 block of St. Johns Avenue commended the City crews for the pickup of flood damaged items. He asked why there is no sewer in the 6300 block of St. Johns Avenue and said that he had 4 feet of water in his basement which was from sewer backup. Engineer Hoffman explained that there were approximately 300 homes in Edina that had storm water or sanitary sewer backup problems. In some cases the sanitary sewer manhole covers were tilted off by individuals who thought they were letting water into the storm sewer. This caused homes downstream to flood with sewage backup. In other cases water entered through patio doors or windows into basements which then drained into the floor drain which is hooked up to the sanitary sewer. This also caused sanitary sewer backup in homes downstream which had no flooding from storm water. Mr. Hoffman said Tower Street was a good example of this happening. He said it was not a case of the sanitary sewer not being cleaned but of storm water entering the sanitary sewer system. Charles Sattler, 7101 Lynmar Lane, said that there is a park across the street that is a holding pond. The neighbor next door gets flooded out whenever there is a 3 or 4 inch rainfall. He said that during this last storm which was extremely heavy the pond completely overflowed and filled his neighbor's basement with 6 feet of water as well as his own basement. Mr. Sattler said that he felt the holding pond had inadequate capacity. He said that after a normal 2 or 3 inch rainfall the pond is a health hazard because of the debris that is left there. He asked that the City look to solving this problem. (Member Kelly entered the meeting at this point.) Gerry Nystrom, 508 View Lane, said that he had over 3 feet of sewage in his basement and that he felt the holding ponds were the real problem. He said the sewage backup started long before there was storm water flooding from the pond adjacent to his house. He felt the City should look at the holding ponds and the culverts in Nine Mile Creek and also consider if the construction that has been occurring has not created more problems that we realize. He said the cost to replace his appliances and furnace is estimated at $40,000 and that he would appreciate any attention the City could give to evaluating the holding pond system. Mayor Courtney said that the next item to be discussed on the agenda would be the Flood Damage Report. *BID AWARDED FOR TREE REMOVAL. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for tree removal to recommended low bidder, Tim's Tree Service, at $14,500. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR 8" PUMP WITH DIESEL. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for one 8" pump with diesel to Hayden Murphy Equipment at $17,000.00 as an emergency order. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. FLOOD DAMAGE REPORT GIVEN. Manager Rosland directed the Council's attention to a report to Hennepin County Emergency Preparedness from Craig G. Swanson, Director of Civil Defense for Edina. The report covered the night of July 23, 1987 when the City of Edina experienced torrential rains in excess of 10" when the storm centered over the metro area for approximately six hours. In summary, the report described the damage to private and public properties during this period from rainfall and runoff/erosion. Commercial and industrial locations with expansive roof systems were most vulnerable to rainfall damage and water entering these buildings caused damage to the structures and the contents. Runoff/erosion damage occurred primarily to roadways, parks, retaining walls, excavations, etc. Flooding created the greatest total damage within the city. Storm sewers and normal runoff were unable to handle the volume of water. All homes and other properties in or near the flood plain experienced flooding causing several feet of standing water in basements and encroaching on main floor living space in many homes. Most damage was done to wall, wall coverings, appliances, heating, plants and carpeting. Also, additional damage was done by a backup of sanitary sewers. Preliminary estimates indicate damage to 3,500 to 5,000 homes in the city which could easily exceed seven million dollars. Damage was also incurred by over 100 businesses within the city. Southdale Center was unable to open for business on Friday, July 24th. Public services, properties and facilities were also affected. Known damage, clean-up and reconstruction, coupled with services that were storm related, may exceed several hundred thousand dollars. Manager Rosland reported that staff has met with representatives of federal agencies regarding the storm damage to the City and to date we have not heard whether this will be declared as a federal disaster area and whether citizens of Edina will qualify for some type of assistance. He said that Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board has offered their assistance and that staff will be consulting with the watershed district engineers. Mr. Rosland gave these flood damage cost estimates: Pumping/Pickup Program $138,000 and Park properties in excess of $80,000. He pointed out that these estimates do not include any structural damage to public property but, as originally estimated, total damage to public property will approximate $350,000 to $400,000. With regard to residents on Woodcrest Avenue who had paid for flood insurance and cannot collect, he said he would be talking to Phil Cohen of Senator Durenberger's office to try to get some help from Washington, D.C. as to the interpretation of the flood insurance laws. Mr. Rosland said that residents of the city had been told to watch the news media to learn whether the area will be eligible for federal assistance. He said that City crews have covered the City twice to pickup flood damaged items and that they will be going on a call basis for remaining pickups. Mr. Rosland said that all properties have been completely pumped out and that water levels are down. Member Smith commented that he would hope the Council's position would be that they would ask staff to identify the problem areas where there were backups due to an inter -mix of storm water and sanitary sewer, try to determine the cause and see if there is something that can be done to prevent this happening in the future. He added that he hoped after staff had done some preliminary investigation that there could be some informational meetings to inform the residents and then they could petition the Council for storm sewer improvements. Member Smith said that he had heard nothing but complimentary reports about the City staff/crews in dealing with the storm emergency. No formal action was taken. *PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-35 BLACKTOP IMPROVEMENT NO. A-177 MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M-87 AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ-87 TREE REMOVAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TR-87 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TS-87 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NOS. L-27, L-28 BLACKTOP, CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA-261, BA-263, BA-269, BA-270, BA-271 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the Notice of Hearing form hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to assessed against the respective lots, places and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Notice of Hearings form hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments and the Clerk's action in publishing notice of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law is hereby approved. Notice being as follows: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR: SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-35 BLACKTOP IMPROVEMENT NO. A-177 MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M-87 AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ-87 TREE REMOVAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TR-87 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TS-87 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NOS. L-27, L-28 BLACKTOP, CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA-261, BA-263, BA-269, BA-270, BA-271 Notice is hereby given that the Edina City Council will meet at the City Hall at 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota on September 14, 1987, at 7:00 P.M. to hear, consider and pass upon all objections, both oral and written, to proposed special assessments for the following improvements: 1. MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M-87 50th Street and France Avenue Business District The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements is as follows: All parcels contained within the 50th Street and France Avenue Business District. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $42,366.30 2. AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ-87 Mill Pond and Indianhead Lake The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: All lots reparian to Indianhead Lake and Mill Pond. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $18,001.00 3. STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. L-27 Intersection of Chowen Avenue and Chowen Curve The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lots 15 thru 18, Block 2; Lots 5 thru 7, Block 3, EDINA BEL-AIR FIFTH ADDITION TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $818.30 4. STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. L-28 Between 4817 and 4821 West Sunnyslope Road The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lots 9, 10, Block 1; Lots 10, 11, Block 6, SUNNYSLOPE SECTION, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $409.40 5. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-35 West 44th Street, Park Place and Woodcrest Drive The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: That part of fractional Lot 9 also Lot 10 lying E of a line running from a point in the Northwesterly line of Lot 10 distance 10 feet Northeasterly from most Westerly corner thereof to the most Southerly corner of said lot; Fractional Lot 11 and that part of Easterly 10 feet of fractional Lot 12 and that part of fractional Lot 10 described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 10, then Northeasterly 10 feet along the Northwesterly line thereof, thence South to Southwesterly corner thereof, thence North to beginning; Fractional Lot 13 and that part of Lot 12 lying Westerly of the East 10 feet thereof; Fractional Lots 14 & 15, all in Block 11, BROWNDALE PARK ADDITION; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1; Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 5 thru 9, 11 thru 16, Block 3, COLONIAL GROVE 6TH ADDITION. That part of West 50 feet of Lot 80 lying South of the North 130 feet including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated; That part of Lot 81 lying South of the North 130 feet including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated; That part of Lot 83 lying South of North 174 feet thereof including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated; That part of Lot 84 lying South of the North 344 feet thereof including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated; That part of Lot 87 lying South of North 148 feet and East of the West 20 feet thereof including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated; That part of West 20 feet of Lot 87 and the East 30 feet of Lot 88 lying South of the North 148 feet thereof including 8 feet Main Street vacated; East 1/2 of Lot 89 including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; West 1/2 Lot 89 including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; West 50 feet of Lot 90 including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; East 50 feet of Lot 90 including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; West 1/2 Lot 91 including 8 feet Main Street vacated; That part of East 1/2 Lot 92 lying S of North 150 feet including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated, MORNINGSIDE ADDITION; Lots 14, 15 and 16, MELVIN GRIMES SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 8, 9, 10, GRIMES HOMESTEAD ADDITION; Northwest 1/2 of Southeast 200 feet of Lot 11 including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; Southwest 1/2 of Southeast 200 feet of Lot 11 except street including adjacent 8 feet Main Street vacated; Southeast 163.5 feet of Lot 12 and Southeast 163.5 feet of Northeast 15.5 feet of Lot 13 including adjacent 8 feet of West 44th Street vacated; Southeast 150 feet of Southwest 59.5 feet of Northeast 75 feet of Lot 13 including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated, GRIMES HOMESTEAD ADDITION; Lots 25 and 26 including adjacent 8 feet of Main Street vacated, RILEY'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 30 and 31, GRIMES HOMESTEAD ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $27,779.34 6. TREE REMOVAL ASSESSMENT NO. TR-87 The area proposed to be assessed for said assessment is as follows: East 165 feet of North 56 feet of South 322 feet of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 except road, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 028, RANGE 24; That part of West 215 feet of Lot 41 lying north of a line running East at right angles from a point in West line of said lot distance 98.89 feet South from center line of County Road No. 39, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 196; That part of Lot 1 lying West of East 120 feet thof except road, Block 4, CODES HIGHVIEW PARK ADDITION; Lot 10, Block 3, CREEK VALLEY ADDITION; Commencing at a point in West line of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 distance 531.82 feet North of Southwest corner thereof thence North 87 degrees East 406.15 feet thence South parallel with West line of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 to North line of Edina Highlands Lakeside Addition thence East and Northeasterly along the Northerly line of said addition to East line of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 thence North to Northeast corner thereof thence Westerly and Southwesterly along center line of old road to West line of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 thence South to beginning except road and Hwy, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 117, RANGE 21; Lot 3, Block except highway, EDINA RIDGE ADDITION; That part of Lot 8 lying Easterly of a line commencing at a point in the Southerly line of Lot 8 distance 32.09 feet Northeasterly from the Southwest corner of said lot and running Northerly through a point in the West line of Lot 8 distance 81.58 feet North from said Southwest corner, Block 2, HILLDALE ADDITION; Lot 23, Block 6, LA BUENA VISTA ADDITION; That part of Lot 2 lying Easterly of a line running from a point in North line of Lot 2 distance 100 feet East from Northwest corner thereof to a point in Southerly line of Lot 2 distance 100 feet Easterly from Southwest corner thereof, PROSPECT HILLS ADDITION; Lot 33, ROLLING GREEN ADDITION; Lots 1 and 5, Block 1, SMABY ADDITION; Lot 12, Block 10, SOUTH HARRIET PARK ADDITION; That part of Lot 22 lying West of the Southerly extension of a line running from a point in North line of Lot 28 distance 84 feet West from Northeast corner thereof to a point in South line of Lot 24 distance 63 feet West from Southeast corner thereof, Block 1, also Lot 38, Block 1, SOUTH HARRIET PARK 2ND ADDITION; Lot 2, THIELEN'S BROOKSIDE ADDITION; Lot 7 and that part of Lot 8 lying North of State Hwy 5, Block 4, TINGDALE BROTHERS BROOKSIDE ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 3, VALLEY ESTATES ADDITION; North 19 feet of Lot 22 and all of Lot 23 including adjacent 1/2 of alley vacated, Block 13, WEST MINNEAPOLIS HEIGHTS ADDITION; Lot 2, Block 1, WYMAN'S SOUTHVIEW 2ND ADDITION; South 50 feet of Lot 37, MORNINGSIDE ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $9,362.50 7. TRAFFIC SIGNAL ASSESSMENT NO. TS-87 The area proposed to be assessed for said assessment is as follows: Bounded on the West by West Shore Drive, on the North by West 66th Street, on the East by Valley View Road and Lynmar Lane, on the South by Gilford Drive. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS; $45,886.70 8. BLACKTOP STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-177 West 59th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for said assessment is as follows: Lots 12 thru 14, Block 3; Lots 12 and 13, Block 4; Lots 1 and 24, Block 13; Lots 1 and 24, Block 14, FAIRFAX ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $11,126.80 9. BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-261 Westridge Court from Valley View Road to cul-de-sac The area proposed to be assessed for said assessment is as follows: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, COLONIAL COURT ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $11,800.85 10. BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-263 Arthur Street in Mendelssohn 2nd Addition The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lots 1 and 2, 7 and 8, Block 1, MENDELSSOHN 2ND ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $20,777.68 11. BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-269 York Avenue from West 76th Street to I-494 Bridge The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lots 1 thru 11, Block 1, EDINBOROUGH ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 1, AL JOHNSON ADDITION; Commencing at a point on East line of Lot 1 distance 177.36 feet South from Northeast corner thereof thence North 89 deg. 52 min. 23 sec. West 193.87 feet to East line of Al JOHNSON ADDITION thence South to Southeast corner of said Addition thence West to Southwest corner thereof thence Southerly and Southeasterly along Westerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, PAUL KLODT 1ST ADDITION to most Southerly corner of said Lot 1 thence North along East line thereof to beg, Block 1, PAUL KLODT FIRST ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $83,554.96 12. BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-270 West 76th Street from Xerxes Avenue to Edinborough Way The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, EBENEZER SOCIETY 1ST ADDITION; Lots 1 thru 11, Block 1, EDINBOROUGH ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 1, AL JOHNSON ADDITION; That part of Lot 1 lying Northerly of following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 thence South along the East line thereof a distance of 177.36 feet to a point of beginning of line to be described thence North 89 deg. 52 min. 23 sec. West 193.87 feet to East line of AL JOHNSON ADDITION and there terminating, Block 1, PAUL KLODT FIRST ADDITION; Lot 5, LYNDALE BUILDERS ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 1, MEADOW LANE SECOND ADDITION; Lot 1, Block 1, YORKDALE TOWNHOMES OF EDINA. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $54,269.76 13. BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-271 Edinborough Way The area proposed to be assessed for said assessment is as follows: Lots 1 thru 11, EDINBOROUGH WAY ADDITION. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT IS: $280,909.42 These proposed assessment rolls are now on file in the office of the City Clerk and are open to public inspection. APPEAL Any owner may appeal the assessment to the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the District Court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. However, no appeal may be taken as to an assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk of the City of Edina prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. DEFERRAL ON HOMESTEADS OWNED BY PERSONS 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payment would be a hardship. To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information and application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. 1988 BUDGET HEARING DATES SET. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner setting the following date for 1988 Budget Hearings: Tuesday, September 8 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 15 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, September 17 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, September (Adopt budget) 7:00 p.m. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. STATUS REPORT GIVEN ON HEDBERG PROPERTY. Manager Rosland updated the Council Members on the status of the Hedberg property, advising that since the last report on July 2, 1987 City staff and legal counsel have conducted two meetings with the Hedberg project development team. The first meeting focused principally on revised cash flow projections relative to the existing and proposed tax increment financing district. The second meeting focused on planning and zoning issues, as well as the public review and approval process. Members of the development team and City staff generally concurred that the developers should submit a petition for rezoning for Community Development and Planning Commission consideration in September/October to be followed by Council hearings. Staff also met with representatives of BRW for the purpose of reviewing the feasibility of the proposed commuter strip between the Hedberg property and Southdale. Staff hopes to obtain better estimates of the anticipated use of this commuter strip at full development. Mr. Rosland said that staff and legal counsel has listed numerous questions for the development team to answer which staff feels are key issues. The questions and answers will be part of the staff report which will go to the Planning Commission and will also be in the documentation given to the Council. The Council Members discussed the preliminary approval process and expressed some concerns regarding the magnitude of the project, financial participation by the City and having adequate time to review the data before the Council hearing. No formal action was taken. MANAGER'S QUARTERLY REPORT DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland presented a written transcript of his quarterly report to the Council which he had given on video tape. He asked for comments from the Council as to format for future reports and content of the report. It was the consensus of the Council that the Manager's Report should be written and given to the Council prior to being presented orally at a regular Council Meeting when it then would be discussed. As to content, Member Turner said that she was pleased that the Employee Handbook is being updated and that the comparable worth study is progressing. She asked if the Employee Handbook update would involve some ordinance amendments. Manager Rosland said that it would and those would be brought to the Council after the budget hearings. The comparable worth report would be tied in with the 1988 Budget hearings. Member Turner added that she felt the financial information that is being given to the Council, which came out of the Management Audit Committee Report, is very helpful. In reference to the liquor store operations, Member Smith commented that he felt there should be some additional investigatory support for a decision on the liquor operations and suggested that a citizen group look at this area to give some reflection and advice. Regarding the HRA, Member Smith said he felt there should be some way of keeping the public informed as to HRA projects as they develop. He cited the Grandview area as one on which he has been asked a lot of questions. As to financial information, Member Smith said he felt there has been much progress in developing a management information system. Manager Rosland responded that with regard to the liquor operations that staff would complete the report giving all the facts which could be the starting point for the Council to appoint a citizens' committee. He added that the interviewing is nearing completion for the position of Director of Communications and that he will have a recommendation ready for the Council soon. The first challenge for that individual would be to look at all the ways we communicate to the public and this should help in keeping the citizens informed of HRA projects as proposed by Member Smith. No formal action was taken. INFORMATIONAL MEETING SUGGESTED ON STORM/SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS. Member Smith suggested that the staff recommend how to proceed to get information to the public (i.e. town meeting) on the storm sewer and sanitary sewer systems following the recent storm damage to properties in the City and the concerns that have been raised by citizens whose homes were flooded and/or had sewer backup. He asked that a recommendation be brought back to the Council for discussion within the next few weeks. Engineer Hoffman commented that staff tries to explain the storm/ sanitary sewer systems when residents come to City Hall with a flooding problem and tells them that improvements to the systems would be an assessed project in which they would be expected to participate. No action was taken. LETTER REGARDING INTERSECTION OF HERITAGE DR/XERXES AV REFERRED TO TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Member Kelly referred to a letter she had received from Charles Podas, 6400 Barrie Road, regarding his concern for traffic safety at the intersection of Heritage Drive and Xerxes Avenue. The letter was referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for recommendation and response. ORDINANCE DISCUSSED HOLDING PARENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR PARTIES HELD IN THEIR ABSENCE. Member Kelly said that she has learned that several communities in the state of Michigan have adopted ordinances which hold parents responsible for parties held in their home when the parents are not present. She suggested that the Human Relations Commission consider the matter and make a recommendation to the Council regarding adopting a similar ordinance. Member Turner said we should obtain copies of the Michigan ordinances so that Council could discuss it before giving it to the Commission or to legal counsel. WORKSHOP FOR OFFICIALS ON MANAGING TRANSPORTATION IN THE I-494 CORRIDOR SCHEDULED. Member Turner directed the Council's attention to a workshop for local and regional officials on Managing Transportation in the I-494 Corridor. Information will be presented on: 1) Travel demand management strategies, 2) Transportation management organization, 3) The role of private developers and employers, and 4) Community involvement. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, August 11, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at Bloomington City Hall. SEMINAR WITH SCHOOL BOARD TO BE HELD ON 10/29/87. Member Turner advised the Council Members that the date of October 29, 1987 from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m. has been confirmed for the Edina School Board/Edina City Council joint seminar on inter -relationships to be conducted by Dr. John Carver at a location yet to be determined. Key advisory boards/commissions would also be urged to attend. Manager Rosland added that the School District will expect the City to participate in funding the seminar. REPORT GIVEN ON I-494 CORRIDOR STUDY MEETING 8/3/87. Engineer Hoffman reported on the project management team meeting held August 3, 1987 on the I-494 Corridor Study. There were two basic issues discussed. First, several cities asked the Metropolitan Council staff members who were there what, if anything, the Metropolitan Council was going to do about the differences in the land use projections. It became obvious that the Council did not intend to do a lot about trying to manage land use. They would try to work with all the cities to get improvements done to satisfy everyone's wishes. The group as a whole then concluded that they had talked enough with the Council about this issue and would not discuss it anymore. Secondly, a discussion followed on trip generation issues. Minnetonka agreed very strongly with the policy the Edina City Council had agreed upon at the Special Meeting held earlier on August 3, 1987, i.e. that trip generation rather than land use should be the recommended method of controlling traffic on I-494 in the future. Richfield likewise expressed the same thinking. Eden Prairie's representative made comments that Bloomington would jam up the system so that people could not get from downtown Minneapolis to Eden Prairie. In conclusion it was agreed that staff members from each of the five cities would get together to draft some language and scenarios in terms of trip generation that the project management team might look at and that would identify the common elements that the cities have in mind and bring that back. He added that prior to this meeting not much frank discussion had occurred because prior meetings involved a larger group. At this smaller group meeting there was more serious talk about issues that had not really been addressed before. Member Turner commented that she attended the last half hour of the meeting, that it was extremely worthwhile, that the issue of land use was forced again and that the cities are proceeding with talking with one another. No action was taken. LETTER NOTED REGARDING LIQUOR STORE EMPLOYEE. Member Richards asked that the Manager respond to the letter from George J. Pratt regarding his treatment by a liquor store employee on July 25, 1987 when requesting empty boxes to salvage items in his flooded basement. Mr. Rosland said he would would follow-up on this matter. MAYOR COMMENDS EMPLOYEES AND DEPARTMENT HEADS FOR LONG HOURS FOLLOWING STORM; COUNCIL TO RECEIVE EMPLOYEE'S NEWSLETTER. Mayor Courtney commented that he had written a commendation and thank -you in the July City Employee's Newsletter to all employees who worked so hard to combat the storm on July 23, 1987 and for the clean-up efforts in the days following. He added that he felt that all the Council Members should have access to the Newsletter. Manager Rosland said that he would make sure that in the future the Council receives copies. LOT DIVISION RESOLUTION FOR LOT 22, BLOCK 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION AMENDED. Manager Rosland explained that a request was received late today regarding a resolution adopted by the City Council on November 3, 1986 which accomplished a zero lot line division for Lot 22, Block 1, Interlachen Hills 3rd Addition. To satisfy FHA underwriters, the proponent has asked that the resolution be amended to include a statement which more clearly defines an easement mentioned in the legal description of the subject property. Staff would recommend adoption of the amended resolution. Member Kelly thereupon moved adoption of the amended resolution as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, AND WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies North of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Subject to an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as. Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning, by the property adjacent to the south and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. and Parcel B: That part of Lot 22, Block 1, INTERLACHEN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 123.55 feet to the East line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Together with an easement to allow use, maintenance and repair over that part of the property which is described as: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence on an assumed bearing of South 10 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 22 a distance of 93.69 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 92.79 feet to a point which lies 30.76 feet westerly as measured along said line from the east line of said Lot 22 and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 18.50 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.90 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 5.66 feet; thence South 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 33.93 feet; thence South 11 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 12.84 feet; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East to the point of beginning, by the property adjacent to the north and which lies above an elevation of 890.32 N.G.V.D. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the amended resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. RETIREMENT RECEPTION FOR BOB BURESH NOTED. Manager Rosland reminded the Council Members of the retirement reception planned for Bob Buresh, retired Public Safety Director, on Wednesday, August 5, 1987 at Braemar Clubhouse from 5 to 7 p.m. LETTER OBJECTING TO EARLY POOL CLOSING NOTED. Manager Rosland referred to a letter from Phyllis Kohler, 4512 West 70th Street, objecting to the proposed early closing of the municipal pool on August 23. This has been discussed with Bob Kojetin, Director of Parks and Recreation, and it has been determined that the pool will be kept open until Labor Day unless the weather turns cold. ADDITION TO FAIRVIEW SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL PLANNED. Manager Rosland advised that Fairview Southdale Hospital has brought in plans for a 20,000 square addition to the hospital. He recalled that during the public hearings on the hospital's request for Final Development Plan approval to construct a medical office building the consultant had stated that Fairview Southdale Hospital presently had no plans to expand the hospital. Mr. Rosland said that this addition may not require a public hearing. Member Turner asked why it would not have to come to the Council for approval. Assistant Manager Hughes explained that the Zoning Ordinance provides that if the expansion increases the floor area by 10% or more it triggers a review of the Final Development Plan by the City Council. The proposed expansion of the hospital would be less than 10% of the floor area. Mr. Rosland said that the Planning Department has not yet had the chance to review the plans and determine all the facts to determine the procedure. No action was taken. *CLAIMS PAID. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to approve payment of the following claims as per pre -list dated 8/3/87: General Fund $148,543.58, Art Center $1,630.36, Capital Fund $2,250.00, Swimming Pool Fund $2,849.44, Golf Course Fund $13,040.84, Recreation Center Fund $3,312.51, Gun Range Fund $439.75, Edinborough Park $4,136.16, Utility Fund $248,876.76, Liquor Dispensary Fund $4,839.71, Construction Fund $2,131.10, Total $432,050.21. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, motion for adjournment was made by Member Smith, seconded by Member Kelly and carried unanimously. Adjournment at 8:58 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 3, 1987 Council Members Present: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Others Present: City Staff and City Attorney A Special Meeting of the Edina City Council was held on Monday, August 3, 1987 at 7:30 a.m. for the purpose of discussing 1-494 Corridor Study policy. To facilitate the discussion on a policy for controlling traffic volumes on the I-494 Corridor, Engineer Hoffman presented the following comparison: 1) square footage of floor area of existing development (actually in place plus developments not yet built but approved) within Edina, Eden Prairie and Bloomington, 2) square footage of floor area forecasts by the Metropolitan Council for the year 2010, and 3) square footage of floor area forecasts submitted by each of the cities for the year 2010. Following a lengthy discussion, the Council agreed that the City's policy should be based on trip generation rather than land use as the recommended method of controlling traffic on I-494 in the future. Member Turner and Mr. Hoffman, the City's representatives on the Project Management Team (PMT), were directed to communicate that to the other cities at the meeting of the PMT to be held at 1:30 p.m. August 3, 1987. No other business was discussed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 a.m. City Clerk C J ._Y TIO AP III. A. SUBDIVISION NUMBER LOCATION REQUEST S-87-7 Wesc of Rolling Green Parkway and south of Annaway Drive Create One Additional Lot EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987 AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Lewis, John Bailey, Helen McClelland, Del Johnson, Gordon Johnson, David Runyan, Virginia Shaw and Jane Paulus MEMBERS ABSENT: John Palmer, Lee Johnson and Phil Sked STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen, City Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Secretary I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Del Johnson moved for approval of the July 1, 1987 Community Development and Planning Commission Minutes. Mrs. McClelland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. II. OLD BUSINESS: S-87-7 Charles D. Luther 4800 Rolling Green Parkway Lot 29, Rolling Green Mr. Larsen reminded the Commission they requested tabling S-87-7 allowing the proponent time to comply with their request of revising the preliminary plat, to provide information on lot sizes in the area and to provide information on past subdivision's in Rolling Green. Mr. Larsen pointed out that 89 lots were researched with the average size of all lots being 58,415 square feet. He added if the Short property (8 Merilane) is excluded the average lot size is 49,942 square feet. He noted all lot sizes were calculated by the proponent's surveyor. City Staff compiled the list of approved and denied subdivisions. The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther were present. Residents of the Rolling Green Neighborhood were present. Connor Schmid, 4711 Meadow Road an attorney representing Rolling Green neighbors in opposition to Mr. Luther's proposal was also present. Mr. Schmid, explained to the Commission he was retained by Mr. and Mrs. Kip Knelman of 4812 Rolling Green Parkway and other members of the neighborhood to speak in opposition to this proposal. Mr. Schmid said Mr. and Mrs. Knelman reside on a lot containing approximately 70,500 square feet. He added this lot is adversely impacted by this proposal as is the whole neighborhood. Mr. Schmid pointed out the Rolling Green neighborhood is comprised of large, spacious and proportionately balanced established lots. He said in purchasing their home at 4812 Rolling Green Parkway Mr. and Mrs. Knelman did not anticipate future development capabilities in an established neighborhood. Mr. Schmid told the Commission there is overwhelming opposition to this proposal. Mr. Schmid said lot size is irrelevant, the real issue is retaining the character and symmetry of the neighborhood and preventing the possibility of setting a precedent if this request is approved. If this proposal is approved it could "open up a can of worms" enabling property owners in the area to also subdivide their property for profit. Mr. Schmid referred to a subdivision on Paddock Road and a letter sent to Chairman Lewis and the City Attorny regarding this subdivision which was rejected by the Court. Mr. Schmid pointed out that Judge Fossen then upheld the Rolling Green covenants and restrictions prohibiting the subdivision of Lot 10, Rolling Green. Mr. Schmid acknowledged the protective covenants have expired but this expiration does not change the fact that the principal developer proposed that each originally platted lot was to contain one home or residence. Mr. Schmid added during the early 1950's control was lost resulting in deviations from the original plat. The Edina City Council at that time indicated the area should be protected from future subdivisions and recommended that future subdivisions be reviewed and approved by the Rolling Green Association. Mr. Schmid noted the City is not bound by restrictive covenants but these covenants evidence a plan and establish the character of a neighborhood. Mr. Schmid stressed the uniqueness of the Rolling Green neighborhood comparing it to the unique neighborhood of Indian Hills. Mr. Schmid said this situation is not for averages, if a trend is set a beautiful and unique neighborhood in Edina could be made into an average neighborhood. This should not be allowed to happen, it is not good community planning. Mr. Schmid mentioned to the Commission the denial of a subdivision in the Indian Hills area in 1984, and denial of a subdivision proposal in the White Oaks neighborhood early in 1987. Both rejections by the City Council recognized that each property if subdivided would be contrary to the original platting of the neighborhood and the character and symmetry would be comprised. Mrs. Olson, 12 Merilane, explained to the Commission she and her husband looked for 7 years before purchasing their home in the Rolling Green neighborhood. The reason for the lengthy search was to find a house in an area which met certain requirements. These requirements were best met in the Rolling Green neighborhood. Mrs. Olson pointed out the uniqueness of the neighborhood and its' high quality. She added it is an area that offers a choice for those who want an open spacious neighborhood in the city. Mrs. Olson told the Commission her profession is real estate. She noted when individuals purchase a home many purchase it because of its' location and many times the dwelling �`- itself is secondary. The Rolling Green neighborhood is what is special, the open feeling and house placement are what is attractive to many people. Concluding, Mrs. Olson stressed the uniqueness of the neighborhood and the large open spacious feeling found there. This uniqueness may be compromised by constructing large homes thus reducing the openness. Mrs. Olson read for the Commission comments from a Mr. Jerry Gallagher, 4912 Merilane, who was unable to attend this meeting. Mr. Gallagher expressed his opposition to the proposal, questioning the irregular shape of the property. Mr. Carl Pohlad, 4812 Bywood West, informed the Commission he recently constructed a new home on Bywood West and thoroughly enjoys the neighborhood. He added in his opinion it is one of the best neighborhoods in the Twin Cities and it's uniqueness should be preserved. Mr. Bob Stein, 4729 Annaway, told the Commission he constructed his home 1 year ago. He added the reason for building a new home in Edina was because it is an established neighborhood with high quality schools and the amenities of a established city. He added subdividing the lot would create a windfall for the proponent and change the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Mr. Arthur Schulze, 14 Paddock Road, explained to the Commission the Rolling Green neighborhood is a neighborhood many people view as a "dream area". This neighborhood is a very special neighborhood and if it is divided, others may choose to divide their lots which would change Rolling Green's unique character. Mr. Schulze pointed out the previous denials and the recurring interest to subdivide property in Rolling Green. He stated past denials signify and re-emphasize Rolling Green's uniqueness and the decisions made to protect it. Mr. Paul Smith, resident, told the Commission he and his wife are strongly opposed to this subdivision. He added they purchased their home in Rolling Green for the uniqueness of the area, location and open setting. The house on the property was secondary to them. Mr. Smith said he foresees future subdivision requests if this request is approved. Mr. Luther, in response to comments from residents of Rolling Green, informed the Commission he grew up in the Rolling Green neighborhood and resided there for 19 years. He added he would not propose anything that would harm or change the character of this neighborhood. Mr. Luther pointed out that the lot after subdivision would be two 1+ acre lots which in his opinion are not out of character with the neighborhood. Mr. Luther pointed out the square footage of the proposed lots is very similar to the lots in the area. He pointed out on the block of Rolling Green Parkway the proposed lots would be the second largest and the sixth largest. Mr. Luther told the Commission the lot in question does not have restrictions placed on it. He added many lots in the Rolling Green neighborhood have had restrictions applied to them but not this lot. Continuing, Mr. Luther said he proposes to remove the current house, which many people in the neighborhood view as an eyesore. Mr. Luther commented not all residents in Rolling Green are opposed to the subdivision. Mr. Luther concluded that he felt his request was not unreasonable and stressed he would not propose anything that would be detrimental to the neighborhood of Rolling Green. He asked the Commission to hear this case individually on its merits. Mr. Kip Knelman, 4812 Rolling Green told the Commission the primary reason his family moved to the Rolling Green neighborhood was due to it's unique character. He added if the Planning Commission looks at an aerial of the entire City of Edina the neighborhood of Rolling Green would be easily identified due to the large open spaces and house placement. This area is distinct in the City of Edina. It would be a disaster to subdivide any property. He stressed any subdivision would change the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Knelman stated lot size is not an issue but the character, symmetry, and unique balance of the neighborhood are the important issues. Any change or alteration to this balance is detrimental to the neighborhood. Mr. Dave Olson, 12 Merilane, stated for the record he signed the petition opposing the subdivision to protect the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Olson said he would like to eliminate future subdivision potential in this neighborhood. Mrs. Schneider, 9 Merilane, informed the Commission her property is one of the largest parcels of land in the Rolling Green neighborhood, over 4 acres. She said her parcel could be easily subdivided but she would never dream of dividing the property for profit. The character of the whole Rolling Green area would be changed if this subdivision is approved. Mr. Runyan said he was involved in the previous subdivision request in 1977. He added this proposal is different from the previous proposal. He pointed out the previous proposal retained the home which created one lot that was quite small and undesirable. Mr. Runyan said in looking at the area pragmatically he visualizes only 4 pieces of property that have subdivision potential, one being 8 Merilane. He told the residents he understands their concern that in approving this subdivision the "floodgates" would open creating more subdivision requests. Continuing, he added in his opinion this request is reasonable and the result would not be detrimental to the neighborhood. Mrs. Susan Knelman, 4812 Rolling Green told the Commission she would prefer to view this proposal on the issues of subdivision, precedent setting and character and not lot size. She added since lot size seems important in this process the proposed lots are still smaller than the average lot size. The property in question is also on a curve which reduces the buildable space. Mrs. Knelman pointed out she resides in the home next to the proposed subdivision and large setbacks are established for her home. She noted if the character of the neighborhood is to be retained, the proponent must comply with established neighborhood setbacks. She wondered how the Commission could drawn a line on what is subdividable, why would a 1 acre lot be the magic size? Mrs. Knelman asked "How can a standard be set on what is subdividable?" Mr. Luther told the Commission by his calculations 79% of the lots in the Rolling Green area are below the average. Mr. Gordon Johnson pointed out the mean may be the most efficient way to calculate lot size due to the overly large #8 Merilane. Continuing, he said he has studied the area very carefully and in calculating lot sizes for potential subdivisions he found 3 properties with subdivision potential. He clarified that his determination of possible subdivisions does not mean these properties will be subdivided, or that he or the Commission feel they ought to be divided. Mr. Johnson added over the years 17 proposals to subdivide Rolling Green lots have been proposed. Thirteen requests have been approved, the majority approved immediately after the final plat of Rolling Green. Four times subdivision requests have been denied. Mr. Johnson said approval of a subdivision is not made strictly by looking at the numbers presented. All factors are reviewed, including character, maintaining symmetry , site lines and neighborhood impact. Mr. Johnson pointed out Edina is a community of continuing transition and change. Commissioners also look at proposals and see if they comply with the law. What requirements has the City of Edina placed on the Community. Mr. Johnson concluded he is of the opinion that Mr. Luther has complied with the requirements stipulated by the City. He believes the area will not be adversely impacted by this proposal if sensitivity is used in developing the lots. Mr. Raymond Clausen, 4820 Rolling Green Parkway asked the Commission to take into cqnsideration the shape of the lot. The lot size is more than 1 acre but the pie shape of the lot results in a smaller area for building pads. He added one home on this lot would be appropriate due to its' odd configuration. Mr. Clausen indicated he felt in the dark because he has not viewed any building plans, or seen building placement depicted on the plat. Mrs. Knelman, 4812 Rolling Green Parkway, said the configuration of the lot will make it difficult for the proponents to place a house that will comply with the established setbacks of the neighborhood. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked Mr. Luther if he has developed footprints for the proposed lots. Mr. Luther said he has a rendering of two homes of equal size but no footprints. Mrs. McClelland said a factor also considered in approving a subdivision is topography. Many times subdivisions have been denied due to the steep topography. She pointed out on this site topography does not play a large factor. Mrs. McClelland said this Commission looks at more than square footage, many factors are considered as Mr. Johnson has mentioned. Mrs. McClelland said she believes this subdivision can be accomplished without an adverse impact to the neighborhood. Mrs. McClelland pointed out the original platting of the block containing 4800 Rolling Green Parkway contained b lots, at this time there are 9 lots. Mrs. Knelman commented the majority of subdivisions in the area occurred during its' early development and since the early 1950's very little subdivision has taken place. She added the information put together by city staff includes properties not under the Rolling Green jurisdiction. Mr. Del Johnson asked if the Planning Commission as a body could put setback restrictions on an approval. Mr. Larsen said restrictions are not something normally recommended but can be attached to the approval. In this case sideyard or frontyard setbacks could be recommended to meet with the approval of city staff. A discussion ensued focusing on correctly wording a motion to include setback restrictions and requiring the proponent to develop a building pad. Mrs. Gordon Johnson moved to recommend approval of the subdivision with the restriction that the proponent must develop building pads as a contingency of approval and the structures must maintain sideyard setbacks that are compatible with the neighborhood regardless of the minimum requirements of the Ordinance. These conditions must meet with the approval of the City Planner and be subject to the appeal process, either by the City Council or the Board of Appeals. Mrs. Paulus commented that initially she felt the proposed subdivision mirrored the property to the rear but upon further study she does not agree. She added she feels the area has been chopped up and does not think that is reason to keep chopping. Mrs. Paulus pointed out her real concern is that the economic conditions will push the two proposed homes to the maximum footage. This would create very large home and reduce the spacious feeling of the neighborhood. Mrs. McClelland seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote: John Bailey Aye Helen McClelland Aye Del Johnson Aye Gordon Johnson Aye David Runyan Aye Virginia Shaw Aye Jane Paulus Nay William Lewis Aye The motion carried. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: S-87-7, Subdivision of Lot 29, Rolling Green DATE: July 17, 1987 Attached please find information on lot sizes and past sub- divisions in Rolling Green. Also attached is a revised preliminary plat for the property. There are 89 lots illustrated. The average size of all lots is 58,415 square feet. If the Short property (8 Merilane) is excluded the average lot size is 49,942 square feet. All lot sizes are as calculated by the proponents surveyor. 4€16 2 4603 \ 4602 3c1�460i o,7°° 460461, 6°0 :6 63, 30° 4700 49900 4708 :8 60.100 4712 49 647,000 4724 29,9pO 5808 oc Z6, MAIT 53 �00 5809 4 4 705 671 ZOO Q 4713 a Z 51,g00 2 50 64,go° 4800 ice 4812 �Z c0 4801 °° 53 3g,�co l2,gvo 7 3-`,/&° 23/7c' 5804 5800 LA 46„3Go 46,20o 5805 4700 9 6C 4612 Jr / coO 5 52 Po N o (67, 400) 4704 4,s°0 2 45,l00 4721 4725 36, 600 4r 5-00 ANNA WAY 4800 QE c z 0 4805 ,, 4l1 473cc 4820 62, 6" 4900 Aloo 41,2°c 5920 5924 ao 4811 4 4)4" 29 4812 3. 3 3U,0o c // 5804 4721 45; 4.'o 46,800 4820 o 2; Soo DR 4801 6Sdo° 4817 i'lq,op0 ' /i�4821 F. C: 33 55,700 , 5801 4!,700 4904 i \ 3 !ZINC ZI,€XG 36 ' `9' 6 \ 5904', 2 /v4,4ap 4908 4 (oz,epO 4909 53 0 4917 21 22 4608 3650° G-7'20 0 9 / 4805 o° 60r 23 6,000 4809 MER 19 IL 4604 4oI00 ANE h3,2°c ZQ, 43 0 4904 '4908 --� 3/,cc° 4912 30 S0° 4916 8 1 43, 4 p0 4905 4�2°0 4909 �o0 ll�'� 9 18 g° o r 4913 4c,soo ¢4,700 6 3 4904 4908 46,Su° 40,700 4912 4° 5/,006 4600 -IZ,7a0 10 4-0,L°° 4917 4 40,300 4916 g9, 1 0 5 52, 5 pO 101000 16 4tl5Qo ! 42;w° 17 i 5608 ROLLING GREEN LOT DIVISION STUDY - JULY 17, 1987 I. Plats A. August 1936 Rolling Green B. September 1944 Rolling Green Section Two C. June 1960 Carlson's Park II. Lot Divisions before 1950 (Metes and Bounds Division) Specific dates not available. A. Approved Lot 6, Rolling Green, one lot into two. Lot 7, Rolling Green, one lot into two. Lot 8, Rolling Green, one lot into two. Lot 16 & 17, Rolling Green, one lot into two. Lots 24, 25, 26, Rolling Green, three lots into five lots. Lots 27 & 28, Rolling Green, two lots into three lots. (Bush Replat included here) Lots 30, 31 & 32 Rolling Green, three lots into four lots. (Replat of part of Lot 31 included here) B. Not Approved rots 21, 22 & 23, Rolling Green, three lots into four lots. Lots 34 & 35, Rolling Green, two lots into three lots. III. Lot Divisions After 1950 Approved May 1954, Replat of Lot 30, Rolling Green, one lot into two. November 1955, Gunnar Johnson's Second, Rearrangement of Rolling Green, six lots in Rolling Green Section Two plus street car R-O-W divided into 12 lots. November 1955, Gunnar Johnson's Rearrangement of Rolling Green, one large lot into five lots and lagoon. July 1955, Gillwood Addition, two lots in Rolling Green and several unplatted parcels combined to form seven lots. November 1967, Wallings Addition First Replat, 1/2 of Rolling Green lot and street car R-O-W divided into three lots. November 1967, Beckstrom Addition, unplatted land divided into two lots. IV. Lot Divisions After 1950 Denied May 1978, Lot 10, Rolling Green (Sponsel), one lot into two, denied due to District Court action on deed restrictions. October 1977, Lot 29, Rolling Green (Lathaver), one lot divided into two, denied by City due to disproportionate lot size. 09 / os • 1 1 t 1 • • m ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • U It • 1 • ♦ • •G•vZ . ♦ • • • al V • ore ec, Jr .33 0 le to4126 T O o- .r 41 w 6` LPL Q NV • 14. v. se 6 i • • • • • • • oO • ♦ ♦ ♦ M. 4725 ding, "n7. 4.„/ C A, (Am/` 27,>. 4z/a/-' !-0 ¢ v� enne4i CI len6erg Drive 55456 .nnaway innesota 4y4%4uL ��O CARL R. POHLAD 4812 BYWOOD WEST EDINA,MINNESOTA 55436 July 1, 1987 Edina Planning Commission 7618 York Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 Attention: Mr. Craig Larson, City Planner Re: Subdivision Proposal for 4800 Rolling Green Parkway Dear Mr. Larson: We understand that the Edina Planning Commission is considering the proposal of Mr. Charles Luther to subdivide the lot at 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. Mrs. Pohlad and I reside at 4812 Bywood West, and are opposed to the subdivision proposal. We would like to express our sentiments to the Commission as it considers this proposal. We have resided in the Rolling Green neighborhood for approximately 15 years. Recently, we built a new home in this neighborhood after removing the existing house located on the lot. We were willing to undertake this extra effort and expense because of the aesthetics and beauty of the neighborhood. This neighborhood is unique because of its park -like atmosphere. We moved into this neighborhood and continue to reside here because the large lot sizes help create the attractive park -like atmosphere. We believe that it is the desire of the homeowners in this neighborhood to maintain the large lot sizes and well-groomed properties in order to preserve the beauty of the neighborhood. We do not believe that the proposed subdivided lots will be compatible with the atmosphere of the neighborhood. We therefore would like to register our opposition to the proposed sub- division. Edina Planning Commission July 1, 1987 Page two Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, A ,1. Eloise 0. Pohlad Carl R. Pohlad k11 JUNE 26. 19V MR. CRAIG LARSON. PL-NNE.- EDINA CITY HHLL 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA. MIuNESCTA 55424 DEAR MR. LARSON. WE ARE RESIDENTS OF THE ROLLING GREEN AREA OF EDINA AND ARE WRITING TO PROTEST THE PROPOSED HOUSING PLANS FOR THE LOT AT 4800 ROLLIwG GREEN PARKWAY. THE CHARM AND 8EAUT! OF THIS AREA IS DUE IN LARGE MEASURE TO THE BROAD EXPANSES OF BEAUTIFULLY MANICURED LAWNS. ABUNDANT TREES AND OPEN SPACES. IN FACT. THE PRIVACY THE LARGE YARDS PROVIDE WAS A MAJOR REASON FOR US BUYING IN THIS AREA. WE DO NOT WISH TO HAVE MORE HOMES ADDED TO THIS AREA. WE BELIEVE ALL THE LOTS AVAILABLE IN ROLLING GREEN HAVE NOW BEEN BUILT ON AND THIS CAN COMPLETE THE GROWTH OF THE AREA AS WAS ORIGINALLY PLANNED. WE FEAR THAT IF THIS SUBDIVISION IS APPROVED OTHERS WILL FOLLOW AND THE DESIREABILITY OF THIS AREA MAY SUFFER. SINCERELY, -)r74'� « CAROLYN AND DAVID LARSON 4715 ANNAWAY DRIVE EDINA, MINNE5OTA 55436 7///(Cs'T The attached petition, representing an overwhelming majority of the Rolling Green area residents strongly oppose the proposed subdivision of Lot 29, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The residents of Rolling Green are against this subdivision for the following reasons: • Ignores Rolling Green's historic significance as a unique option to Edinas's overall residential housing which through large land -to -building ratios emphasized a neighborhood offering privacy and natural landscape characteristics. The proposed subdivision, in itself as well as a precedent, would adversely affect the continuation of the original intent and standards of this Edina housing option. • Subdivision would reverse the precedent's set in the 1950-s and in 1977 by the Edina Planning Commission: quotes from Planning Commission Minutes of November 2, 1977 Commission member Samuel Hughes "stated that the Commission should continue a precedent of not dividing lots for the reasons noted for this division". Commission member Richard Kremer stated that "he was opposed to any subdivision in that it would substantially change the character of the neighborhood". He moved to deny the requested lot division. Mr. Sam Hughes seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. • Subdivision approval would set new precedent for land speculation, having long run legal, economic and aesthetic consequences unhealthy for an established Edina neighborhood. • Subdivision would unfairly favor land speculators and developers over home buyers in future sale of existing Rolling Green Homes. • Property owners of Rolling Green have purchased their homes with the understanding, set by earlier precedents of denial of subdivisions, that established lot sizes, and the associated privacy and beauty would be maintained. Owners have paid a market premium for these qualities and should not have rules of area development changed after initial investments are made. In summary, the overwhelming majority of the Rolling Green area residents are strongly against subdivision and would appreciate consideration by the Edina Planning Commission that reflects the interest of the neighborhood. The undersigned, all residents of the Rolling Green neighborhood strongly object to the proposed subdivision filed by Charles Luther, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The proposed subdivision dramatically alters the character of our neighborhood. Rolling Green is unique to Edina as the building to land ratios have always set the neighborhood apart from other areas. Market values of homes in our area reflect this premium for privacy. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistent with the traditional Rolling Green land use, the enjoyment of existing Rolling Green neighbors and property values of the area. Signature 1)T14,1,4_1(0049,_t /Ll 11,,;(1)ft, &-e,u20 Home Address j-ke ,11&, /4 • g/ia'i t64> -�� ©v f/GAAr/ .Zd/27&_ __b -y // L/ , ec. (a/o_ 6v- 7'70 f - 117o /1:,/, } %d J y1/47 t41. /D /_-fr, . , cam e!-?q4/L r Cc6-✓v•- E-e„✓/9 (3 eO //i.k1 6yee.d e tiro /e,k&v, 0 1 The undersigned, all residents of the Rolling Green neighborhood strongly object to the proposed subdivision filed by Charles Luther, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The proposed subdivision dramatically alters the character of our neighborhood. Rolling Green is unique to Edina as the building to land ratios have always set the neighborhood apart from other areas. Market values of homes in our area reflect this premium for privacy. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistent with the traditional Rolling Green land use, the enjoyment of existing Rolling Green neighbors and property values of the area. Signature Home Address ern Y Az (PE- '��l10 Y,?//,)r. (-"co) /3 4 4 it (.7) LA} c2,-‘1(t., ' kt• -3• tei _ � E 1: 1 i I' - -;�c- 1J 1` 1ift4� «vii L 1: _Jf. I _ �,�� Ci.►y^.CC.-�_� LC: _cam 1f(71/55J-1.i < t. 9 /f Gf�r /di • Z/ V7 m,wi 1Y9o? The undersigned, all residents of the Rolling Green neighborhood strongly object to the proposed subdivision filed by Charles Luther, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The proposed subdivision dramatically alters the character of our neighborhood. Rolling Green is unique to Edina as the building to land ratios have always set the neighborhood apart from other areas. Market values of homes in our area reflect this premium for privacy. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistent with the traditional Rolling Green land use, the enjoyment of existing Rolling Green neighbors and property values of the area. Signature Home Address LL60&' Y1 ` L ��QO l� �ci ANC 2 The undersigned, all residents of the Rolling Green neighborhood strongly object to the proposed subdivision filed by Charles Luther, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The proposed subdivision dramatically alters the character of our neighborhood. Rolling Green is unique to Edina as the building to land ratios have always set the neighborhood apart from other areas. Market values of homes in our area reflect this premium for privacy. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistent with the traditional Rolling Green land use, the enjoyment of existing Rolling Green neighbors and property values of the area. Signature Home Address .460 Z_ /7 /1 eui,(2;Zi Pa c9oC - e The undersigned, all residents of the Rolling Green neighborhood strongly object to the proposed subdivision filed by Charles Luther, 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. The proposed subdivision dramatically alters the character of our neighborhood. Rolling Green is unique to Edina as the building to land ratios have always set the neighborhood apart from other areas. Market values of homes in our area reflect this premium for privacy. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistent with the traditional Rolling Green land use, the enjoyment of existing Rolling Green neighbors and property values of the area. zoe,J501/4-0 qe- %1 >� vrCC,f L \ D € Home Address il/j4/1( 4 1 MPrit1r)2 4)-7/zei-z) 1� acidoctct ofcL__ Edina Planning Commission City of Edina Edina, Minnesota Re: Proposed Sub -division of the Luther property. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that we strongly object to the proposed sub -division of the Luther property located at 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. We are opposed to the proposed sub -division for the following reasons: 1. The sub -division of this property would result in lot sizes substantially smaller (roughly half the size) of surrounding properties. Property owners in this area purchased their homes with the understanding that current lot sizes would be maintained. Each and every deed on each and every lot in this area included a covenant which prohibit&lsub-division of property. Sub -division of the Luther property would violate the restrictions included in the deeds at the expense of adjacent property owners. 2. It is common practice in suburban areas to maintain minimum lot sizes. The purpose, of course, is to assure that property values remain uniformly consistent and so that no one owner will subsequently benefit at the expense of the others. Restricting sub -division also maintains the basic character of the neighborhood. 3. The property involved is located in one of the most attractive, low -density areas in all of Edina. As a result, there is very little turnover and most homes have had 1-3 owners during a 34-year period. Sub -division of the Luther property could set a precdent which would result in further sub -division and consequently change the entire character of the neighborhood. For all of the above reasons, we strongly urge the Planning Commission to recommend against division of this property. 11,a ofty4t 7/X44 4CA, /1-CL4f1A-- //� PadcLoGf. �r+� Peul C. Smith mos BYWOOO WEST • MINNEAPOLIS. ►UNNESOTA 56436 June 27, 1987 Dear Fellow Edinian: Please help us to defeat the proposed subdivision of 4800 Annaway Drive. My wife and I and three children live just a couple of houses away from this address, and we strongly oppose a sudivision. I would consider it a big personal favor if you would help to defeat it. I'm sorry, but I can't make it to the meeting when this is going to be discussed, so that is why I'm writing. If this subdivision is approved there will undoubtedly be many more, as how could one party be given permission to subdivide and the next one denied permission. The party then being denied permission could probably just go to the courts. With many more houses being squeezed into the big lots in Rolling Green, the outstanding character of this area would be lost forever. All of Edina would be loosers. Community leaders for many years in the future who would have chosen to live in the beautiful Rolling Green area might choose to live elsewhere. Maybe Minnetonka. Plus, many of those Edinians, who like my wife and I, invested their life savings in their home in Rolling Green, will feel cheated. How could the Edina city officials permit a few individuals to make a buck by subdividing, and in the process hurt the majority of Rolling Green residents who want the area to remain as it is? Please, please help us to defeat this proposed subdivision. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, 176,, c Paul C Smith 922-5694 (H) 546-7500 (W) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1987 AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS ATTENDING: Chairman William Lewis, John Bailey, Phil Sked, Helen McClelland, Del Johnson, Gordon Johnson, David Runyan, Virginia Shaw and Lee Johnson MEMBERS ABSENT: John Palmer and Jane Paulus STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen, City Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Secretary I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mr. Del Johnson moved for approval of the May 27, 1987 Community Development and Planning Commission meeting minutes. Mr. Gordon Johnson seconded the motion. A11 were in favor. The motion carried. II. NEW BUSINESS: S-87-7 Preliminary Plat for Rolling Green Parkway Addition by Charles D. Luther General Location: West of Rolling Green Parkway and south of Annaway Drive Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is a developed single family lot containing 97,953 square feet, or 2.25 acres. The proponent has submitted a request to subdivide the property in order to create one new buildable lot. Mr. Larsen added the existing dwelling would be removed. Mr. Larsen pointed out the new lots would be 48,977 square feet and 48,976 square feet in area. Both lots would have in excess of 280 feet of street frontage. Lot 1, would be approximately 280 feet in depth and lot 2 approximately 310 feet. Both lots are approximately 210 feet wide at the required front yard setback line. Mr. Larsen, using graphics, pointed out lot sizes for nine lots which most directly relate to the subject property. The lots vary in size from 39,000 square feet to 75,200 square feet, with an average size of 50,500 square feet. Mr. Larsen noted the block containing the subject property originally contained six lots. Presently there are nine lots in the block. While many divisions in the area occurred before houses were constructed, the Replat of Lot 30 and the Bush Replat were divisions of developed lots. Mr. Larsen told the Commission the subject property was proposed for subdivision in 1977. The major difference between that proposal and the current proposal is the status of the existing home. The 1977 proposal would have retained the home. As a consequence the new lot was significantly smaller than the new lot in the current proposal. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for the following reasons: 1. The proposed lots are generally comparable in size with existing lots in the vicinity. 2. The proposed street frontage and lot width at the building line are in keeping with other lots in the vicinity. 3. With lots widths in excess of 200 feet at the building line -it is possible to build even very large homes and still maintain large side yard setbacks. 4. The proposed subdivision will not adversely impact the character and symmetry of the area. The proponents Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Luther were present. Residents of the area were present. Mr. Luther told the Commission he concurred with staff's report. He added in his opinion the proposal to remove the existing home would be a great improvement for the area. Continuing, Mr. Luther said he felt the property is not undersized and the proposed subdivision is in keeping with the character of the Rolling Green neighborhood. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked Mr. Luther if footprint(s) have been developed for the proposed site(s). Mr. Luther said one footprint has been developed. Mr. Gordon Johnson and Mrs. McClelland questioned why the proposed center lot line jogs toward the rear of the property. Mr. Luther replied that the reason for the jog is to create a more private backyard for the prospective property owner. Mr. Gordon Johnson said in his opinion this proposed line creates a neck lot. Mrs. McClelland suggested that the property in question be divided equally siting as an example the division of the lot across the street. Mr. Luther indicated he is willing to re -align the lot lines to create equal lots. Mr. Kip Knelman, 4812 Rolling Green Parkway, submitted to the Commission a petition in opposition to the proposal. Mr. Knelman then spoke in opposition to the proposal. His reasons are summarized as follows: 1. The Rolling Green area represents very unique characteristics, the foremost characteristic is significant lot size per dwelling. 2. Approving this proposal would set a precedent. 3. Approval of this proposal would reverse the precedent of denial set in 1977. 4. Concern over residents who reside in the area on over- size lots that may wish to subdivide if this is approved. (Mr. Knelman mentioned those who did not sign the petition opposing the subdivision may want in the future to divide their lots). 5. Approval of this proposal would favor developers. 6. Want tradition to remain as is, a neighborhood of high character single family dwellings. 7. The majority of the residents are very much against any subdivision in the area. Mr. Raymond Clausen, 4820 Rolling Green Parkway said he strongly opposes any subdivision request, he said this proposal was denied in 1977 and it should be denied again. He pointed out the odd shape of the lot and feels subdividing this lot would create two terrible lots. Mrs. McClelland pointed out this proposal is very different from the previous proposal in 1977 adding it is very difficult to compare them. The previous subdivision if approved would have one lot with the total square footage of only 34,200 square feet. The proposed lots have in excess of 48,000 square feet. Mrs. Susan Knelman, 4812 Roiling Green Parkway stressed how important it is to residents of this neighborhood to maintain the characteristics of large lots per dwelling and large spacing between dwellings. She stated she is very opposed to this proposal because it would set a precedent. Mrs. Knelman asked the Commission to note her property lies directly southeast of the property in question and her home maintains a 94 foot front yard setback. She added she would want any proposed dwelling in line with her home. Mrs. Knelman commented the majority of subdivisions that have occurred in the Rolling Green area happened extremely early (1950's) and oftentimes when original house construction was occurring. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked Mr. Larsen if it would be possible to provide square footage for a majority of lots in the area. Mr. Larsen responded that it would be possible. Mr. Gordon Johnson said this information would help him make a educated decision regarding the proposal. Mr. K. Ellenberg of 4725 Annaway Drive stated he strongly opposes the proposal and feels profit is the reason for the proposed subdivision. He added it is not appropriate for the neighborhood. Mr. Arby Sumnstrom, representing Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pohlad of 4812 Bywood West stated Mr. and Mrs. Pohlad are very opposed to the proposed subdivision. Mr. Luther said he does not feel his request is unreasonable, he pointed out the lots, in his opinion are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Luther added he understood that each proposal brought before the Commission was looked at and considered individually. Mrs. Stephanie Keane, 4817 Bywood West said she purchased a home in the neighbhorhood that is a result of a subdivision and recommends denial of the proposal. She added the character of this neighborhood should be preserved. A brief discussion ensued between Commission Members regarding tabling S-87-7 until more data has been compiled by staff. Mr. Gordon Johnson moved to table S-87-7 requesting staff to prepare a comparison of lot sizes in the Rolling Green neighborhood, to prepare a memo listing subdivisions that have been approved or denied after the initial Rolling Green plat was finaled and the developer is to submit a revised plat adjusting the lot line to more equally divide the lot. Mr. Lee Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. LD-87--10 6506-6507 'GSeasart""Court.., a Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the proponent is requesting a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections are provided. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval. .Mrs. McClelland moved to recommend approval. Mr. Sked seconded the "motion.--- All- were in favor. The motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 1, 1987 S-87-7 Preliminary Plat for Rolling Green Parkway Addition by Charles D. Luther Legal Description: Lot 29, Rolling Green General Location: West of Rolling Green Parkway and south of Annaway Drive The subject property is a developed single family lot containing 97,953 square feet, or 2.25 acres. The proponent has submitted a request to subdivide the property in order to create one new buildable lot. The existing dwelling would be removed. The new lots would be 48,977 square feet and 48,976 square feet in area. Both lots would have in excess of 280 feet of street frontage. Lot 1, would be approximately 280 feet in depth and lot 2 approximately 310 feet. Both lots are approximately 210 feet wide at the required front yard setback line. (See attached figure 1). The attached neighborhood map, Figure 2, illustrates the configuration and size of existing lots in the immediate vicinity. Sizes are given for nine lots which most directly relate to the subject property. The lots vary in size from 39,000 square feet to 75,200 square feet, with an average size of 50,500 square feet. Also attached for your review is a copy of the original plat for Rolling Green. The block containing the subject property originally contained six lots. Presently there are nine lots in the block. While many divisions in the area occurred before houses were constructed, the Replat of Lot 30 and the Bush Replat were divisions of developed lots. The subject property was proposed for subdivision in 1977. The proposed division, staff report and Planning Commission minutes for that request are attached. The major difference between that proposal and the current proposal is the status of the existing home. The 1977 proposal would have retained the home. As a consequence the new lot was significantly smaller than the new lot in the current proposal. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for the following reasons: 1. The proposed lots are generally comparable in size with existing lots in the vicinity. 2. The proposed street frontage and lot width at the building line are in keeping with other lots in the vicinity. 3. With lot widths in excess of 200 feet at the building line it is possible to build even very large homes and still maintain large side yard setbacks. 4. The proposed subdivision will not adversely impact the character and symmetry of the area. 3 Z w d o N ro tu . • • • \' • iv w N 'o/% �0 n9 G,-- P �`e`3999Q-0.A�. C.a �•`o68`''R 6 �Co sti 74.63 N.43°38'14" F, -A general t. ,��o QP ti F` • • • • • • •.Q -O C �0 • • • • \ • REQuIRtr, MIN1M.:M CO to along .these ,l;ty easement of property lines as pepDoc. No width261 exists 2061g32 __ `---- 88.0* 32G,G0 Meas. 3Z&Co "Roll;n -N 64°CC'34"E. 9 Green, Hennepin County, Minn." i 5n • - ,,,,,-�.o Ces I V;:ace o :• Irercr<a E r LOc A77 ,v ti f �+ pV j .56 46 - SECTION 75, .0O ND - 2546.1 4es 44 " /° 7.4 .s..o s! ▪ * , �Y e� 47+10.40,I 71• y " • MAIT 75 161 Gs e•666 52 IS3 L rQUNNAR OUT LOT ` 5 36 REARRAIIGE} Y7 z z>o r�.., t. '� .a' 0 /ling Green 41,10 45696, s ?pet of Lai 24 'S. . I 444 Lr • t 3 GENERAL PLAN FOR. ARRANGEMENT OF RESIDENTIAL COLONY •ICPARCD t.0. MR.MERRILL HUTCHINSON MOO MOR[ll. nIC`S 0LINC - 1.AnDJCAPC n1�Mn Mt hnCAPOI$5 J .,�� R") l.3�r...� ! ut Mml c...,-.1 H s • fir,; !! �.t A[�. �.\�;Y) It usAUN !l,, 1 36 v _ r ti „1--2..._:;7754-- N CA OOM, W ND 1 MEADOW It LAND M11•t MEADOW LAND c 411 n• 1� east AlfnT •[l I r CITY OF HOPKINS GuNNAR(3i R . SECTION MAIT („-) OUTLOT I U) aka REARRANGEMENT, V;)2 TWO f� 5 (tip, Ro//inq • Green dal `p� v \� 5 ♦ .o 'Z 3 _•a' ... /� gfyNAWgY (�l eoza " < x � DR,• /, / �AC'O I �Oe (io) ( 1 `�y l) ex. OG 03,, / (14) /V / (II) °E ` c. f,.L % \ •t:°LkE i / 32 .... 3 c N (4) Z .;. 5(A) m li • SOrn n lli# ©ra tr►m ertn+nnNovamigvemri (i) 0/44 `'c f/� /RSTS 6P) I RFp 1 00 (11) ^:rt -.f Lc,* 7 IY i (p") 1 I I (9) rr' LOO qo I li (,8) ' 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 S-77-19 Subdivision of Lot 29, Rolling Green. Generally located southwest of Annaway Drive and southeast of Bywood West. Refer to: Attached preliminary plat and parkland dedication report. The Planning Commission will recall that this proposed subdivision was continued on September 8, 1977 until the November 2, 1977 meeting to allow the proponent an opportunity to refine his subdivision plans. On September 28, 1977, the Planning Commission requested the proponent to increase the size of the newly created lot and to provide a more defined rear lot line. The revised preliminary plat which is attached proposes a new lot measuring 34,200 square feet which is 5000 square feet larger than previously proposed. A defined rear lot line has also been provided. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the subdivision in that: 1) the size of the new lot has been increased to more closely conform with surrounding properties. 2) adequate access is available to the new lot. Approval is recommended with the following condition: 1) Parkland dedication per the attached report. GH:ks 10/26/77 Edina Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 28, 1977 2. ther R-2 developments. . Lot s are generally consistent with surrounding properties. s to all lots from the proposed cul-de-sac street is ble to avoid direct access to France Avenue. '4. The propo evelopment is consistent with the low density residential .cter of surrounding properties. as well as the following modi 'ons and conditions: 1. An acceptable develop_.-_-greement. 2. Parkland dedication. 3. Two curb cuts at France Avenue b.. ed and a berm constructed along France Avenue, an Mrs. M 4. The vacation of the alley on the southern site. of the Mrs. McDonald seconded the motion. •.. voti•. ' stained; Subdivision S-77-19 rman o ion Carried. Subdivision of Lot 29, Rolling Green. Generally located southwest of Annaway Drive and southeast of Bywood West. (continued from 9-7-77) Mr. G. Hughes stated that this matter had been continued from the previous meeting because the subdivision signs had not been erected. He noted that the plan presented at the September 7, 1977 meeting indicated that the new lot would have 39,000 square feet and the remaining lot with the existing house would have 61,000 square feet. However, since the last meeting, the lot line had been realigned and the proposal now showed that the newly created lot had approximately 29,000 square feet. Mr. Hughes noted that this lot was somewhat small in comparison with surrounding properties. He asked the proponent if the line could be moved to increase the square footage and also to give the new lot a more defined rear lot line. Mr. S. Hughes noted that the proposed lot is not consistent with other lots in the area. He asked that the proponent prepare a revised subdivision proposal. After some additional discussion, Mr. G. Johnson moved that the Commission table this request until the November meeting. Mr. Clifford Johnson seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, NOVE*IBER 2, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Staff. Present: I. David Runyan, Gordo Gordon H Planne hnson, ctor of Planning, Harold Sand, Assistant Sorensen, Secretary rova . ember 28, 1977 Planning Commission Minutes 1 Hughes moved for approval of the September II. OLD BUSINESS Subdivision Z-77-19 ,rtn nning meeting. Motion Carried. Subdivision of Lot 29, Rolling Green. Generally located southwest of Annaway Drive and southeast of Bywood West. (Continued from 9-7-77) Mr. Gordon Hughes reported that this subdivision was continued on September 28, 1977 until the November 2nd meeting to allow the proponent an opportunity to refine his subdivision plans. 0n September 28, 1977, the Planning Commission requested the proponent to increase the size of the newly created lot and to provide a more defined rear lot line. The revised preliminary plat proposed a new lot measuring 34,200 square feet, which is 5000 square feet larger than previously proposed. The remaining lot is 66,250 square feet. A defined rear lot line has been_ provided. The staff recommended approval for the following reasons: (1) the size of the new lot has been increased to more closely conform with surrounding properties; (2) adequate access is available to the new lot and approval_is recommended with the parkland dedication prior to final approval. Mr. Roscoe Ferber, 4805 Rolling Green Parkway, stated that he represents a group of neighbors in the area and he wanted to voice their objections to the change in planning for a number of reasons which are set forth in a petition which was submitted to the Commission. Mr. Ferber also noted that Mr. Connor F. Schmid had presented a letter to the Commission on behalf of his clients, residents of Rolling Green, objecting to the proposed subdivision. Mr. Ferber reported that the two groups were separate. Mr. Joe Lathaur, proponent told the Commission that this parcel is a unique piece of land and it is one of the largest lots in Edina. In his opinion, it is a poor example of land use as it is impractical to maintain. The lot has a large landscaping investment and it has become a private park. The buyer of the proposed lot intends to construct a $175,000 to $2C0.,000 home on the property. He further noted that it will not cause more traffic in the area and the lot division will not be a financial loss to the neighborhood. Edina Planning Commission Page 2 November 2, 1977 Mr. Runyan stated that if the lot had been divided in the middle, then - there would have been two lots of roughly 50,000 square feet with an aggregate frontage of about 250-260 feet. The land area from 3/4 of the way back is lost because it is all back yard. He felt that it will look strange if you look at the property with the house on it because of the shape of the lot and the shape of the house. Mr. Sam Hughes stated that he felt the division would be out of character with the area because of its shape. He stated that the Commission should continue a precedent of not dividing lots for the reasons noted for this division. Mr. George O'Brien, Annaway Drive, stated that the single most important thing that sold him on the Rolling Green area was the privacy and spaciousness of the area. Mr. Kremer stated that he was opposed to any subdivision in that it would substantially change the character of the neighborhood. He moved to deny the requested lot division. Mr. Sam Hughes seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. III. N.ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS A zoning ordinance amendment to allow laundries as a principal use in the C-1 Commercial/District. Mr. Gordon Hughes reported that the Edina Cleane and Launderers requested, some time ago, t expand its present dry cleaning and aundry into the rear portion of the Westgate T ater building. At that time, sta. f advised the proponent that (1) the exists g laundry site and theater a5e presently zoned C-1, (2) laundries are not an allowable use in the C-1 districts and thus the present laundry is a non-conf•rming use; (3) laundries are allowed in C-2 districts pro- vided that the rooms c. taining the laundering process do not exceed 2500 square feet. It was determine. that the existing laundry and dry cleaning establishment contains approximately 7,$00 square feet although the exact area devoted to laundering processes was net determined. The proposed expansion of the facility would add approximately 3061 square feet. Staff advised the proponent that to accomplish the expansion, the City would have to either rezone the property to C-2 or amend'thezoning ordina ce to allow laundries as a principle use in C-1 Districts. Staff has reservations rega ding the adoption of a proposed ordinance amendment. Mr. G. Hughes stated hi opinion with respect to laundries that it was and is the intent of the zoning ordinance that relatively small laundry "drop-off" stations should be located in C-1 area , but that the processing of such laundry is more appropriately located in other -eas of the City. In the C-2 districts, laundries should be limited in size (250sq. ft.) to avoid large industrial scale facilities. Staff also felt that it ,.y be difficult to deny future requests to allow C-2 uses in C-1 districts if the p .posed amendment is adopted. Mr. Mike Gair, Howard Dahlgren Associat-S, Inc. presented renderings of how the proposed expansion of the laundry/dry cleaning facility would look. He also reported that on September 22, a letter was"circulated to the surrounding businesses and homes in the area and those contacted supported the expansion of the cleaners. He also reported that there are 26 fuul time employees on an average five day week, and three trucks are used each day, however, the laundry does have five trucks that can be used. \ 0 t977 \ PROPOSAL A° 4 i l % / I �' 1 1 1 1 i 1 I CO✓NT ' ywy MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: S-87-7, Preliminary Plat Approval for Rolling Green Parkway Addition DATE: August 14, 1987 Attached please find correspondence on the subject proposal received since the Planning Commission Meeting of July 29, 1987. HAROLO G. CANT (1ea7-10,3) HENRY W. HAVCRSTOCK (IB91-IBTT) GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P. A. LAW OFFICES • FRANMLIN O. GRAY NOEL P. MULLER FRANK W. PLANT, JR. DANIEL R. SHULMAN JOHN W. MOOTY MICHAEL R. CUNNINGHAM MELVIN R. MOOTY EUGENE P. DALY SHEFFIELO WEST RICHARD A. MOORC,JR. RUSSCLL M. BENNETT BRUCE KRUGCR CLINTON A. SCHROEDER WILLIAM L.KILLION EDWARD J. CALLAHAH,JR. ELIZABETH NORTON FERGUSON JAMES S. SIMONSON JOHN E. BROWER RICHARD N. FLINT PAMELA N.MERKLE MICHAEL P. SULLIVAN THOMAS DARLING CURTIS O. FORSLUND JOHN M. NICHOLS BRUCE D.ORUSSINO MARTHA A. VAN DE VON C. STEVEN WILSON DAVID N. MOOTY JOHN S. CROUCH RICHARD A.HACKETT DAVID T. BENNETT WILLIAM O. KLEIN EDWIN C. CARPENTER SUSAN L. SEGAL LINDLEY S. BRANSON JOHN L. KRENN JOHN W. THIEL LYNNE E. STANLEY ALBERT ANDREWS, JR. DAVID M. COYNE 3400 CITY CENTER THIRTY-THREE SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 812.343-2800 TELECOPIER 812.333-0068 TWX 910-578-2778 DIRECT DIAL 343-2859 August 13, 1987 Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55435 STEPHEN R. EIDE JOHN D. OIUDICESSI, JR. MICHAEL C. FLOM DAVID C. SAHLS ELLEN W. McVEIGH JAMES F. CARROLL ROBERT E.HARDING LAURA J. HEIN PHILLIP BOHL MYRON L. FRANS CRIK T. SALVESON RICHARD G. BRAMAN DARRYL A. BURKE PENNY M. TIBKE NANCY A, OUATTLEBAUM ELEANOR M. DILKCS WILLIAM J. FISHER CINOY M.HAERLE VIRGINIA S. SCHUBERT GEORGE R. WOOD jHJELLE OLSEN EFFREY O. FICK LYNN B. NOLAND PETER T. ECKSTROM NADINE C. MANDEL TERI ELLEN BENTSON FRANMLIN C. JESSE,JR. MICMAEL A. OLSON P COUNBBL ROBERT L. HELLAND DANIEL B. VENTRES, JR. ROBERT A. STEIN JUDITH L. DOWDLE BETSY B. BAKER Re: Charles David Luther's Application for Plat Approval Dear Council Members: Charles David Luther has asked our firm to represent him in connection with his request for plat approval for Rolling Green Parkway Addition. In connection with this matter, we have reviewed the Community Development and Planning Commission Staff Report dated July 29, 1987, the City's Ordinance No. 801 relating to plats and subdivision of land, Section 11 of the zoning ordinances which sets forth the provisions relating to the single dwelling unit district (R-1), Edina's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and subdivision plats covering the Rolling Green neighborhood. From our review of the foregoing, it is our opinion that Mr. Luther's proposed plat complies with all of the City's applicable ordinances and the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This conclusion is based upon the fact that Mr. Luther's proposed plan meets all of the objective criteria pertaining to platting and subdivision as set forth in the City's applicable ordinances and upon the fact that the conclusion reached by the City Staff and by the Community Development and Planning Commission that Mr. Luther's subdivision plan is consistent with the character and symmetry of the Rolling Green neighborhood is not disputable on any rational basis. City Council August 13, 1987 Page 2 Mr. Luther appreciates the City's consideration of his request and hopes that the City Council will act favorably on the same so as to permit the early redevelopment of the property. Very truly yours, e-OCUCO m J IC . William L. Killion WLK:jmh 1411y August 11, 1987 Kenneth & Barbara Ellenberg 4725 Annaway Dr. Edina, MN 55436 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney 4313 Eton Place Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed subdivision by Charles Luther at 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. Even though our address is Annaway Drive, we live across the street directly to the north of the subject property. We would welcome a single new home there, however, if the pro- perty is subdivided, we believe we will definitely experience a reduction in the quality of the view from the south side of our home and adjacent property. We cannot be convinced that the character and symmetry of the neighborhood will be maintained if homes are built on the two resulting "pie" shaped lots. Further, we believe that this property was purchased by Mr. Luther for speculative profit. Almost immediately after he acquired it renters moved in and the subdivision sign went up. Should government be encouraging the kind of activity in a re- sidential neighborhood which benefits one individual at the ex- pense of all his neighbors? We don't think so. We hope the members of City Council will agree with our position. Yours Very Truly, Kenneth & Barbara Ellenberg cc: Craig Larson C u Lik o, c2510pt__c1 v i o i1 c o n 586 ittLnc. aOt- V 1 �b �� c� �- Flo I r1 l S Qficj hC�f cF hc) 6 tcu cri_rZ -+o ,d'sTh LAB ld V.G"..m_ ��cL SL4-)c--2 o -s J)d a,en_ IdLrya oL.1�� R A Y M O N D CLAUSE N Augurt 11, 1987 TO: Council Members City o 6 EctLna RE: August 17, 1987 Heating Pnopo4ed Repeat o6 Lot at 4800 Rotting Gneen Pa/Fzway (Cha terms D. Luther) The zptitting o6 this 2.3 actte tnia.ngutatc shaped .tot halo been approved by the Edina P1annLng Commis&ion, 44ub jec t to the 4a is6ac i.on og that Commis4ion with the placement o6 the homes to be cowstnuc ted on the 4 epaturte two pro petr tLez . The tot as it ztandL 4:4 on a wade curve o6 Rotting Gneen Pathway with ,its two other ztdez (4ome 320+ $t) convetcging to a 900 cornett at the hews to make the tAiang.te. The pnopoaat genetatty .Uo to divide the t7-Lang.te into two 4ma een ones meeting at the same cornet at roughly 45° ang-tez Got each. This gives adequate montage on Rotting Gneen PaAkway but a very minimum dimen4Lon Got any useijwt pwcpo4e at the back. The owner of the pnezent tot has appw ent.ty not engaged any atcchitectwta2 on other pro/Sezzionat zk-Uted heap -Ln devetop.ing a �s cte plan bon the neptat. S.ix. 4epauate neighbotct, wowed convetcge on on ctot4e to the teat ob the two £otz and chat.tenge the ptu.vacy ob art o6 them. It ,bs doubt6u-t that the motet talented atch.%tect could come up with a plan that wou.td do justice to the kind og homes and tot ts.ctez that ate typ-.cat o6 our neighborhood. It .c s a di66icu.tt pnopetty to divide and is bettetc £eg in my op -&ion az it -vs. 16 the new ownetc had avwnged a pro6ezzLonat study of the pnob.tem be6one his pwcchaze, he ! Jze.ty would have gotten this kind ob a necommendatjon. In the £a4st 4ew yea't there have been a number o6 .large expenzLve hometo bui t in Rotting Gneen (Lup ient, Stein, Gattaghen, bon examp-te) with poo! in some cases, tennis coverts and beawti.6ue tandtcap ing. This type o{y nezidence could vetr.y welt be attta.cted to the 4800 Rotting Gneen Pathway .tocaii.on and nepnezent a much mote ' aLtab.te w e Got the 2.3 ac,te .tot az it now exi tts . It is a .shame to ctceate the abetucation that wout.d nesu,tt ynom the pnopo4ed nep-tat and a dizzetwtice to the whole community. Ass a 25-yeatc te&Ldent at 4820 Rotting Green Pathway, 14o!Lc it your negative vote on the ptopo4ae. youm vent' t'WLy, Raymond Ctauzen 4820 Rotting Gneen Patc.Fzway Edina, MN 55436 M. PHILIP SNY DELI 4GOS ANNAWAY DRIVE EDINA, MINNESOTA SS438 Paul C. Smith 4808 BYW000 WEST • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55436 August 29, 1987 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is a response to the proposed subdivision of the lot owned by Charles D. Luther in Rolling Green. My family and I live across the street and one house away from Mr. Luther's lot. We strongly oppose this subdivision, and we would be most appreciative of your support in defeating it. When we bought our home here 9 years ago, the neighborhood was mature. We felt secure knowing that it would stay the way it looked. That is, one house on one lot. We believe that squeezing another house on Mr. Luther's lot would be detrimental to the area, and, as such should be prohibited. Even though the proposed new lots would be approximately one acre each, the houses to be built on these lots would be closer together that the average of the houses in the neighborhood. That's because the lots are pie shaped. We heard lots of testimony at the Planning Department public hearing. Everyone that spoke, except for Mr Luther, was against the subdivision. Everyone. We learned that a survey was taken recently, and that 5 out of 6 residents of Rolling Green also oppose this subdivision. We heard that the subdivision would not bring in increased taxes to the city, as it would probably just result in two medium sized houses being built on the property, instead of one large house. Mr. Luther purchased this lot knowing that the property was zoned for one house on one lot. So now he wants to change the zoning. That's not real suprising. I'd want to change the zoning to, if I owned that property. I could make a handsome profit by selling off the extra land, and that would help pay for the house I was going to build. But should he be permitted to do something not beneficial to the community, and something opposed to by the community? I suggest he should not be. Please help us by defeating this proposed subdivision. And, thanks for taking the time to read this letter. Yours truly, P4.,J a'''l Paul C Smith `- HAROLD S. ULVESTAD, JR. 6 MERILANE EDINA. MINNESOTA 55436 August 12, 1987 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney 4313 Eton Place Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: We are writing in regard to the proposed subdivision of 4800 Rolling Green Parkway. We understand this matter is on the agenda for the City Council's meeting on August 17th. We request most strongly that you vote to deny the proposed subdivision. We have been homeowners in Edina since 1973 and in Rolling Green since 1984. My wife has been a resident of Edina since 1952 and my family moved here in 1961. Over these many years we became familiar with Rolling Green and grew to appreciate its special character. Rolling Green has been a mature neighborhood for more than a quarter century. For many years we dreamed of having a home in Rolling Green to enjoy its maturity and the privacy afforded by large lots. To allow the proposed subdivision is to break a long standing precedent. This is not a one-time situation; there are other lots in Rolling Green which could be subdivided. The motive behind the subdivision request appears to be profit and not to enhance the long- standing character of Rolling Green. We appreciate your anticipated attention to our request. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Ulvestad, Jr. August 9, 1987 Edina City Council: Rolling Green is one of the most sucessful, if not the most successful development in Edina. Rolling Green was platted in 1936 as a reaction to the high density development of Country Club. It was promoted as having "large lots, open areas, and distant views". This is what gave it its character then and now. Preservation of this character should be of utmost concern to all Edina residents. The single most distinguishing feature of Rolling Green is its large lots. This is what provides the "distant views" and "open areas". The remaining large lots should be considered a valuable resource to be preserved, not an opportunity setting a new precedent that would allow developers to change the essence of Rolling Green. There has been no subdivision in Rolling Green in twenty years because planners could see that this would be harmful to its character. The original precedents were the covenants that dictated "one house/one lot". This precedent is the most important, not because it was the first one, but because it was one that determined the basic character of Rolling Green. It is reasonable to expect that a lot platted fifty years ago as an integral part of Rolling Green would remain that way. It becomes not only a repres- entation relied upon by all owners but a contributor to the basic character of Rolling Green. ,d 22 C. Mn' and Mrs. James L. Snyder 9 Merilane NUMBER LOCATION REQUEST E P E 7685 Parklawn Avenue Building Addition EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Thexton Manufacturing Company 7685 Parklawn Avenue General Location: East of Parklawn Avenue and north of West 77th Street Request: Building Addition Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is zoned Planned Industrial District, PID, and is developed with an office -warehouse building containing approximately 15,134 square feet. The proponents are requesting approval of a plan to add approximately 13,000 square feet to the rear of the building and 1,800 square feet to the southwest corner of the existing building. Mr. Larsen pointed out based on a break down of the parking requirement for the individual uses, the building would require a total of 57 parking stalls. 59 usable parking stalls are illustrated on site. The Zoning Ordinance, however, would require 80 spaces based on one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. There is room available on site to add up to 27 additional parking stalls if necessary. Since the parking demand is extremely low for the existing and planned uses, the proponents have suggested that the additional parking be added only if needed in the future. This could be accomplished by a proof -of -parking agreement. Mr. Larsen added staff has worked with the architect to eliminate a number of pre-existing non -conforming features and the plan generally complies with Ordinance requirements. A variance is necessary, however, for the parking area to the southeast of the building. The turn around area for the dead end drive aisle is setback 5 feet from the property line instead of the required 10 feet. Although dead end drive aisles are regulated against in the City, the proposed arrangement shown will be used by a relatively small number of regular employees and allows for additional greenspace. Mr. Larsen reported the proponents have submitted a landscape plan and schedule as required. The exterior materials of the addition will match the existing building. There will also be some upgrading of the exterior of the entire building. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan with the following conditions: 1. A proof of parking agreement 2. Staff approval of the landscaping plan and schedule. 3. That the screening wall at the dock area be moved to the street side of the dock. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked Mr. Larsen where the screening wall would be placed. Mr. Larsen responded the wall would be moved to the street side of the dock. A brief discussion ensued regarding the requested parking setback variance. The Commission was in agreement that if the proponent worked with city staff the variance would be eliminated. Mrs. McClelland moved to recommend approval subject to staff conditions and that materials match the existing building with the additional condition that the proponent work with city staff to eliminate the parking setback variance. Mrs. Paulus seconded the motion. A11 were in favor. The motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 29, 1987 P-87-5 General Location: Request: Thexton Manufacturing Company 7685 Parklawn Avenue East of Parklawn Avenue and north of West 77th Street Building Addition The subject property is zoned Planned Industrial District, PID, and is developed with an office -warehouse building containing approximqtely 15,134 square feet. The proponents are requesting approval of a plan to add approximately 13,000 square feet to the rear of the building and 1,800 square feet to the southwest corner of the existing building. Based on a break down of the parking requirement for the individual uses, the building would require a total of 57 parking stalls. 59 usable parking stalls are illustrated on site. The Zoning Ordinance, however, would require 80 spaces based on one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. There is room available on site to add up to 27 additional parking stalls if necessary. Since the parking demand is extremely low for the existing and planned uses, the proponents have suggested that the additional parking be added only if needed in the future. This could be accomplished by a proof -of -parking agreement. Staff has worked with the architect to eliminate a number of pre-existing non -conforming uses and the plan generally complies with Ordinance requirements. A variance is necessary, however, for the parking area to the southeast of the building. The turn around area for the dead end drive aisle is setback 5 feet from the property line instead of the required 10 feet. Although dead end drive aisles are regulated against in the City, the proposed arrangement shown will be used by a relatively small number of regular employees and allows for additional parking and greenspace. The turn around is a practical necessity for this arrangement. The proponents have submitted a landscape plan and schedule as required. The exterior materials of the addition will match the existing building. There will also be some upgrading of the exterior of the entire building. Staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan with the following conditions: l. A proof of parking agreement 2. S. Staff approval of the landscaping plan and schedule. That the screening wall at the dock area be moved to the street side of the dock. xzd tl !_____ --- , II -ti- r Y r y r r I 1 ., I 11 A f 6'•4.: 34. 11 s11.9N • ' 99/KE4 GY E•-6' .14. ...V _ u i 1 P. K1-.AwN AVe_r.�vE i T H E X r 1 z J111 L y E. z ■ 9141011n9 flrv1K1 O 1 -1 0 -v N T E. X T C N LpiwA MihnL�ioTA SSMS 1 7050 PARKLAWN AVE. EDINA MN x 0 DNRifll3Vdf1NVW NVId 3dVOSONV1 i [ — d0 ""-13142 E_ ' t 1m �m 0 m m z z 0 m 0 0 c 0 m 4 0 0 1 r t } ti i i eS:;, it.1.! -14 IFIf� � .: ti mtr fits t 1 R € ? i PO4- ti Y { ti J LIDCAT3 NAP u u a PAP LAWN AVE 76 } 0 cc 0 co w rAdAt � tpfiK J W74TN u r cc 0 T W 75 TH m w WIN let JAME 4 AMENDMENT F a NUMBER Z-80-3 C-86-1 EVELO PLAN LOCATION West of York Avenue and south of West 76th Street REQUEST Construct Phase II Office Building EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT z-80-3 Edinborough C-86-1 Conditional Use Permit to allow retail sales in Phase I Office Building Generally Located: West of York Avenue and south of West 76th Street Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the proponents have submitted plans in support of their request to construct phase II office building at Edinborough. As originally approved the office building contained a gross floor area of 102,000 square feet and was seven stories in height. The revised plans propose increasing the floor area to 159,470 square feet. The increase is accomplished by increasing the size of the footprint and by adding an eighth floor to the building. Mr. Larsen pointed out in the Mixed Development District non-residential floor area is awarded on the basis of housing production. The basic allowance is 500 square feet of floor area per housing unit. Edinborough's 596 housing units would allow 298,000 square feet of non-residential floor area. The revised proposal calls for approximately 269,000 square feet. In order to provide the additional parking needed for the larger building a one -level parking deck is provided. The original plan relied on surface parking. Overall parking is provided in conformance with Ordinance requirements. Mr. Larsen said the MD-5 District requires a minimum building setback of 50 feet from all property lines. The proposed building provides a 27 foot setback from Edinborough Way. Thus, a 23 foot setback variance is requested. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed plan illustrates a service drive entering the building directly from Edinborough Way. This curb cut is within 30 feet of the intersection of Edinborough Way and the future Minnesota Drive. Staff anticipates this will be a high volume signalized intersection. Traffic conflicts are likely. The proponents are requesting that their Conditional Use Permit be amended to allow retail commercial uses on the first floor of Phase II. Presently, retail uses are limited to the first floor of phase I office and the elderly high rise. This proposal is consistent with the approved concept. The proposed revisions are consistent with the overall development concept for Edinborough. The increased size of the building is well below the maximum floor area allowed. The setback variance requested will make a skyway connection to development west of Edinborough more feasible. The connection will be advantageous to park users and will provide access to the transit system planned for the Hedberg property. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the revised Final Development Plan subject to staff approval of a revised service drive. He added staff also recommends approval of the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit with the following condition. 1. Retail uses are limited to the first floor of Phase II office. Mr. Peter Jarvis, and Mr. Dennis Sutliff , BRW and Mr. Rick Martens, Winfield Development were present. Mr. Jarvis began his presentation by informing the Commission the new office building is slightly larger than what was proposed in the final development plan. Mr. Jarvis added the market response has been excellent on Phase I, leased space is at 55% and projections are 65% to 70% leased space in the near future. Mr. Jarvis pointed out the reason for a larger lower floor plate is to meet market demands. Mr. Jarvis commented on traffic movements through the park and said they anticipate no congestion problems. He said all loading, and trash hauling movements would be segregated. He pointed out the walkway on the southside will be shifted away from the building to avoid future constructions problems. The walkway will be 12 feet in width. The finger park between the office building and condominiums will be designed as greenspace for shirttail athletics. Mr. Dennis Sutliff pointed out this plan is a three core plan which is comprised of the elevator, lobby and restrooms centrally located and stairwells at either end with a step effect that graduates in size. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked if this building will connect with the park. Mr. Sutliff responded that it does connect with the park. Mr. Runyan asked Mr. Sutliff what is the distance between the housing and office building. Mr. Sutliff responded that from property line to property line the distance is 100 feet. Mrs. McClelland expressed some concern regarding the service entrance which in her opinion seemed tight. Mr. Runyan pointed out that in his opinion the queing space also seemed tight. Mr. Jarvis said it is 2 lanes wide with the stacking capability of 10 cars. Mrs. Paulus moved to recommend approval of the revised final development plan subject to staff conditions and staff approval of a revised service drive and that retail uses are limited to the first floor of the Phase II office building. Mrs. Shaw seconded the motion. A11 were in favor. The motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 29, 1987 Z-80-3 Edinborough C-86-1 Conditional Use Permit to allow retail sales in Phase IlOffice Building Generally Located: West of York Avenue and south of West 76th Street Zoning District: Mixed Development, MD-5 The proponents have submitted plans in support of their request to construct phase II office building at Edinborough. As originally approved the office building contained a gross floor area of 102,000 square feet and was seven stories in height. The revised plans propose increasing the floor area to 159,470 square feet. The increase is accomplished by increasing the size of the footprint and by adding an eighthfloor torthe building. In the Mixed Development District non-residential floor area is awarded on the basis of housing production. ,The basic allowance is 500 square feet of floor area per housing unit. Edinborough's 596 housing units would allow 298,000 square feet of non-residential floor area. The revised proposal calls for approximately 269,000 square feet. In order to provide the additional parking needed for the larger building a one -level parking deck is provided. The original plan relied on surface parking. Overall parking is provided in conformance with Ordinance requirements. The MD-5 District requires a minimum building setback of 50 feet from all property lines. The proposed building provides a 27 foot setback from Edinborough Way. Thus, a 23 foot setback variance is requested. The proposed plan illustrates a service drive entering the building directly from Edinborough Way. This curb cut is within 30 feet of the intersection of Edinborough Way and the future Minnesota Drive. Staff anticipates this will be a high volume signalized intersection. Traffic conflicts are likely. The proponents are requesting that their Conditional Use Permit be amended to allow retail commercial uses on the first floor of Phase II. Presently, retail uses are limited to the first floor of phase I office and the elderly high rise. This proposal is consistent with the approved concept. Recommendation The proposed revisions are consistent with the overall development concept for Edinborough. The increased size of the building is well below the maximum floor area allowed. The setback variance requested will make a skyway connection to development west of Edinborough more feasible. The connection will be advantageous to park users and will provide access to the transit system planned for the Hedberg property. Staff recommends approval of the revised Final Development Plan subject to staff approval of a revised service drive. Staff also recommends approval of the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit with the following condition. 1. Retail uses are limited to the first floor of Phase II office. 411441111111110111101110IIMenw iliMg111IM I 1161BM is lJMI AA Mr,LM VW,: I• S • f;r Myth • BM:I ■ Irmwmffsemoms ip$!' : et • I rxwt . • WW2, giall _ ■ •! um ■• 111111.111. a Lle01 • NW MI itp tea:.: t. 0 uk moo ' ■ Far ,,' i • AS �� . . Is • • o. rr�' I mi IJ. in mfg ; • 4— TON . i NW IN NW IN NW IN IN el° .upped aeang .iam. A 34' (Approx.) ; 6'; 40' (Approx.) rn 67 (Approx. 6 39' (Approx.) 34' (Approx.) (Approx.) 35 (Appox.) P/ C es, co (p 0 n n) g. ro cn to c ro Z MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Review DATE: August 13, 1987 At its August 3, 1987 meeting the Council asked staff to prepare language on buffering high density housing from single family neighborhoods. Staff would suggest the following addition to the high density residential de- signation (new language underlined). *High Density Residential (12+ DU/acre). This de- signation is intended to include primarily apartment and condominium developments. Close proximity to mass trans- portation, shopping and related service, large employment centers and/or access to collector or arterial roadways is necessary. Density and height should be based on proximity to low density uses and transportation capacities. Such developments should be buffered from single family dwelling areas by natural features, linear open space corridors, lower density transitional uses, or extensive buffering. V.A. MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AUGUST 12i 1987 1:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Alison Fuhr Lois Coon Gordon Hughes Craig Swanson MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: SECTION A Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dreher, 7305 Shannon Drive Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dankey, 7300 Shannon Drive Mr. David Hanson, 5636 Chowen Avenue Mr. James G. Smith, 5629 Chowen Avenue Mr. Michael Smith, 5712 Beard Avenue Ms. Kay Mrachek, 7301 Shannon Drive Joan Waterstreet, Edina Police Department Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. Discuss traffic safety concerns on Chowen Avenue, from Beard Avenue to West 57th Street. Continued from July Traffic Safety Committee Meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Fran Hoffman opened this agenda item stating that a traffic analysis had been completed for the above area and revealed that an average of under 600 vehicles per day were counted on this section of Chowen Avenue. He further stated that in analyzing a 5—hour rush hour period, 180 vehicles travelled this roadway, with 30 vehicles or approximately 17 to 18% of the vehicles continuing on to other destinations, and the others being local traffic flow. Chief Swanson commented that the accident history for the last five years showed only one accident at this location in 1984 which was a hit and run parked vehicle accident. He further stated that the Edina Traffic Enforce— ment Unit assigned to this area found speeds averaging only 24 m.p.h. No citations were issued and only two warnings were issued, those being for stop sign violations. Additional observations made by the Traffic Enforce— ment Unit were that the children playing in the street and the bicycle riders were felt to be a safety hazard. Chief Swanson suggested a safety TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 12, 1987 Page 2 presentation to the children and enforcement by the Department of the bike safety laws. Mr. Hoffman recommended that a curve sign with a 25 m.p.h advisory be positioned for northbound Chowen Avenue traffic between 57th Street and Beard Avenue, and also a "STOP SIGN AHEAD" sign for northbound traffic and "PLAYGROUND AHEAD" sign for southbound traffic be placed on Chowen Avenue. Mr. Hughes moved that the above signage be installed. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Request to review the intersection of Shannon Drive and Kemrich Drive. Request made by Robert Dankey, 7300 Shannon Drive. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dankey opened this agenda item by stating that one year ago they had approached the Committee with concerns regarding this intersection result— ing in a "STOP" sign being placed for southbound Shannon Drive traffic at the Kemrich intersection. However, since that time, the traffic has now changed it's pattern to Fleetwood Drive, southbound to Kemrich, westbound to Shannon Drive which has again made this a hazardous and confusing inter— section. Mr. Dankey distributed to the Committee a list of dangerous factors with recommended safety requests intended to correct the situation. The list states that the volume of traffic is very heavy, only one stop sign exists for southbound traffic, there are no speed limit or slow signs, no painting for lane separations, motorists are confused as to right—of—way when on westbound Kemrich Drive, the intersection encompasses three driveways and is at the bottom of two hills, and traffic on occasion has left the roadway and driven over private property at this intersection. The neighborhood requests include (1) add a "STOP" sign for westbound traffic on Kemrich Drive, (2) add a "STOP" sign for northbound traffic on Shannon Drive, (3) place speed limit signs and slow signs in area, (4) paint the intersection for proper lane identification, and (5) increase traffic enforcement for stop sign violators. Chief Swanson explained the law regarding right—of—way at "T" intersections. He said that right—of—way is granted to the longer leg on an uncontrolled intersection, but since the installation of the southbound "STOP" sign this is no longer an uncontrolled intersection. Ms. Mrachek reasoned that a "STOP" sign on southbound Fleetwood Drive at the intersection of Kemrich Drive might be the better position to break up traffic flow. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING August 12, 1987 Page 3 Mr. Swanson moved that (1) proper striping be applied to the roadway for lane designation, (2) a "KEMRICH DRIVE TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" sign be placed for southbound Shannon Drive traffic, (3) speed limit signs be posted, (4) the Traffic Enforcement Unit be assigned this area to cite speed and stop sign violators, and (5) the area be reviewed again at the October Traffic Safety Committee Meeting after further research is done on present traffic patterns and what effect school being in session might have on these patterns. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Discuss signing at Xerxes Avenue and West 70th Street...upgrade to a 4—way "STOP". Continued from July Traffic Safety Committee Meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman stated that further resolutions from the City of Richfield had not as yet been received. Mrs. Fuhr moved that a 4—way "STOP" be installed subject to the approval of the Richfield City Council for their affected area. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request for installation of "STOP" signs at the intersection of Cooper Avenue, Circle East and Spur Road. Petitions received from numerous area residents. ACTION TAKEN: Due to the last minute change in scheduling for the Traffic Safety Committee Meeting, the area residents were unable to attend and asked that the matter be deferred until September. Chief Swanson recommended that, in the interim, the Traffic Enforcement TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 12, 1987 Page 4 Mr. Hoffman moved that this agenda item be deferred until September. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, EDINA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE V.B. ma-v\a ic�r r-cLka ys-61 \Jo e)-k-k.\.S4 55 1k'Li} Det- \41/.; [A-ave Wla.. n .a_o rct-C er6r -Rive ka_s+' Three. e d_r 3 . e)X hove, (oe ceavvolt_tte sc-1 aikt)-0/te, te, VIA 4ee \ `-- -a-- WL NA.6 Q_4 +-® tke uoti([ L,t,A?vok \you, • i7 (Va-1\60,e4-c. .(--kc.)0(1/\; 11Y\A TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM Mayor Courtney & Council Members Kenneth Rosland, City Manager. ORDINANCE REGARDING THE REGULATION OF OPEN HOUSE PARTIES August 13, 1987 V .C. Attached are ordinances from the Michigan cities of Birmingham and Farmington Hills which pertain to the regulation of open house parties. Also attached is a memo from Dorsey & Whitney with questions, answers and discussion concerning liquor liability of parents. This should be reviewed prior to the Council Meeting on August 17th. KR/sw Attachment N v+ <O v v Q. C::).". o) n n cr b 0 - r0 73 b — — -.. (0 0. 7 'a C O. = r•. r) -.• _ -•- 0 -O - �- n - <(. - r+ a N $ n = b O 7 r0 - O r1 -•• 0 7 0 3 1 rD O 7 0 S rD 3 W 1 S r0 o A t0 > �. r+ O C r-s 3 0 3 3 -, = _ 1-0 n 7 rD 0. 3 Cr,0 a,. 7 rD n 7 C -•• 7 r0 -o V7 C rD r+ N rD -• n N 1 7 rD • < -• t0 r• n c l0 0 N d 7- 7 r+ -+• rD tc n S 0 7 CO-.N o - N -.. � S a 0 0 c 0 r0 r-. b �• 1 r-s ._. n = �. 0 0 n 3 n 1 + N .--. -.• 0- 1 r-. r+ N < 0 0 0 r0 e-s b N N S rD -•. rD 0 = - 0• 7 0 - r0 • 7 0 -.• n -•. 3 r-. rD 0 N O 7 -+t 0. 0 rD _. 0 - 1 d 7 = r+ 0 r0 rD b C . n3 3 - r 7 d V. r+ N r•. C rD d 50 N vs O.---i,00 n �- b N 7 - . -•• r0 7- _1 - tO 0. r+ r0 7' rD OrN 0 -.S CI 7 r0 r0 3 n C. r+ b rD rD 7 S 0 .-+ rD -3 co 1 7 N, rD rD O n o. • V. W 3 S 77 0 = N rD M r0 0 r0 • N S N 7 -• 7 - W b - 1 0. n 1 ID b• r+ C r+ C LA CP -• 1 rD 1 C d d 0' - ? rD r0 r0 0, 0, N 1 n Of • n o, <G -•• J r+ 1 0 7 O b N W 0 tO - << r-. F. N = n 7 n e•+ d ... Cp rD - 7 7 O 7 = S n = S r0 rD S rD rD S tO r0 Cr 0 C to e-s •r r+ rD r-. co ---• rD d 1 �. 0. 0 0. rD r'1 rD C -4• O 7- -S 3 V. 7 3 0• N =` 4 0 - tr.-n o. - . r0 r► 0 CT r) rD tO 7"0 0, b .•.. Cu0 0.'0 p 0 O -• rD O rD 0. r0 0. O 7 << 7 7 tO .-• 3 0 r0 OLS tr. b 17 1 N 1 -$.+ 7 trr,o. n)d rD - r0 0 • rD N REGULATION OF OPEN HOUSE PARTIES 96a31dVHO -0-•-•I u.n3 r•o. -1 rD S or 0 -•• 7 0 t0 r0 -.- 7 7 3 rs Cun N O O rD -•-O C 1 -1 7 n -• 1 -t ? o r+ t< 0 fD 5. 7• b 1 rD < N 7 b C'+ Q. �. �. LC VIr+ N n .4 O r0 0 rD O �• 7• CI. r+ 0 7 1 7 b 1 C rD 7 n r+ A II n N rD S 7- 3 b r+ • 0,-•• 1 b r-s rD O N N CD -. -•. O. -II N 7 0 n v 7 1 e-s 0 0 0. 6 Co CD 7• 7 N CD r•s N N 7 �. N C IV n Cs Co tO 3 N CD 7 n •••- N r0 N C-+ 0 rD 0. �• C O ••-c n ovv < N r1 0. 7 0 r0 1 7 7 r+00 o. �• Cr 7 tOc-• Os 7' rD V• v.n V. 0 N CD N 0 n C • 1 7' O 7' f0 N < o, 1 O 1 (0 Cu --• r+ 7 - Or b 10 r0 0 n 1 7 1 N O 0 ? -+• r+ r+ G 7 << 0 0 110 1 0. -• C 0 •O tO r+ rD 0 3 N 7- r. f0 '--• 7" b 7 .7 '< �- O r+ 1L) D.-1 rs O N S - O -, C rD << b N n •-• r+ 7• 0. Regulation of Open House Parites rn Title IX - Police Regulatoins AS ORDINANCE NO. C-27-85 CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS OAKLAND COUNTY, 11ICHIAN AMENDMENT TO THE PENAL CODE An Ordinance regulating the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs at open house parties; providing definitions, providing an exception, providing penalties, severability clause and effective date. PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Farmington Hills finds that the unregulated use of alcohol and drugs by minors creates social problems in many communities throughout the United States, including the City of Farmington Hills; and WHEREAS, the use of alcohol and drugs by minors can have devastat- ing effects on not only the minors but on the public at large, including, but not limited to, injuries caused by vehicles operated by persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Farmington Hills further finds that adults could significantly alleviate alcohol and drug problems by assuming the responsibility for open house parties which occur at their residences; therefore, THE CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 80, the Penal Code, is hereby amended in part to add a new section, Section 80.455, which section shall read as follows: Section 80.455. Regulating the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs at open house parties. (1) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows: (a) "Adult" means a person 17 years of age or older. (b) "Alcoholic Beverage" means any beverage containing more than 1/2 of 1% of alcohol by weight. The percentage of alcohol by weight shall be determined in accordance with the provisions'of Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 436.2, as the same may be amended from time to time. (c) "Minor" means a person not legally permitted by reason of age to possess alcoholic beverages pursuant to Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 436.33b, as the same may be amended from time to time. (f) "Residence" means a home, apartment, condominium or other dwelling unit and includes the curtilage of such dwelling unit. "Open House Party" means a social gathering of persons at a residence, other than the owner or those with rights of possession or their immediate family members. "Drug" means a controlled substance hereafter by the Public Acts of the Currently, such controlled substances No. 196 of the Public Acts of 1971, Sections 335.301 to 335.367 of the Laws. as defined now or State of Michigan. are defined by Act as amended, being Michigan Compiled "Control" means any form of regulation or dominio including a possessory right. rr (2) No adult having control of any residenc /st a alldw,an open hp, use party to take place at said r sid nce iLany alcoholic , everage or drug is possessed or/cons 'ned said residence by any minor where the adult kn w o:rreas3fiabl sho uld ou ld have known that an alcoholic"` everag or drug w s in the possession of or being consumed tly mi11dotiats residence, and where the adult failed tot reasonable steps to prevent the posses- sion or consumption o the alcoholic beverage or drug at said residence. (3) (g) Exception. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to legally protected religious observances or legally protected educational activities. (4) Penalties. The penalties for violation of this Section shall be as follows: (a) For the first violation, a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. (b) For subsequent violations, a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed 90 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 2. Repealer. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subdivision, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so invalidated. Section 4. Savings. All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities existing, acquired, or incurred at the time this amendatory Ordinance takes effect, are saved and may be consummated according to the law in force when they were commenced. Section S. Effective Date. The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby ordered to take effect twenty-one (21) days after enactment thereof. Section 6. Enactment. This Ordinance is hereby declared to have been enacted by the City Council of the City of Farmington Hills at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the 20th day of May, 198S, and ordered to be given publica- tion in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the City of Farmington Hills. Ayes: Alkateeb, Marks, Soronen, Williams and Wolf Nayes: Dudley Abstentions: None Absent: Dolan STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the Ordinance adopted by the City Council of Farmington Hills at a meeting held on the 20th day of May, 1985, the original of which is on file in my office. -3- CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. C-27-85, an amendment to the City Code, as amended, for the City at a regular meeting held on May 1985, and ordered publication of the following digest or summary of the ordinance in accordance with Section 4.04 of the City Charter. Printed copies of the full text of the Ordinance are available for inspection and distribution to the public at the office of the City Clerk. An Ordinance regulating the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs at open house parties, providing definitions, providing an exception, providing penalties, severability clause and effective date. Section 1. Chapter 80, Penal Code, is hereby amended in part to add new section, Section 80.455: Sec. 80.455. Regulating use of alcoholic beverages and drugs ac open house parties. (1) Definitions (a) "Adult" means a person 17 years of age or older. (b) "Alcoholic Beverage" means any beverage containing more than 1/2 of 1% of alcohol by weight. (c) "Minor" means a person not legally permitted by reason of age to possess alcoholic beverages pursuant to Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 436.33b. "Residence" means a home, -apartment, condominium or other dwelling unit. "Open House Part}' means social gathering of -persons at a residence. "Drug" means a controlled substance as defined now or hereafter by the Public Acts of the State of Michigan. dominion (d) (e) (f) (g) "Control" means any form of regulation or including a possessory right (2) No adult having control of any residence house party to take place ac said resider, beverage or drug is possessed or consumed any minor, and where adult failed to take prevent the possession or consumption of or drug. shall allow an open -e if any alcoholic at said residence by reasonable steps to +lcoholir beverage (3) Exception. The provisions or this Section legally protected religious observances or activities. (4) shall not apply to protected educational Penalties (a) For the virst violation, a fine nor exceeding S500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. (b) For subsequent violations, a fine nor exceeding S500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for :t term not to exceed 90 days or by both such f in•• .tnd irtnrist,nment. The above Ordinance was given publication in the Farmington Forum on the following date: May 23, 1985. Introduced: Enacted: Effective: Published: PHB/lis ord.penal May 13, 1985 May 20, 1985 June 10, 1985 May 23, 1985 • JOA REYNOLDS , Cl C. y of Farmington Hills -6- Favmii'ij7i Ili 115 MI ORDINANCE NO. C- 13-86 CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 80.455(1)(f) OF THE PENAL CODE. (OPEN HOUSE PARTIES) An Ordinance to amend Section 80.455(1)(f) of the Farmington Hills Penal Code to properly represent those sections of the Michigan Compiled Laws wherein controlled substances are defined. Section 1. Section 80.455(1)(f) of Chapter 80 of the Farmington Hills City Code is hereby amended in part to read as follows: 80.455(1) (f) "Drug" means a controlled substance as defined now or hereafter b_y the. Publis Acts of the State of Michigan. Currently, such controlled substances are defined by Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, as amended. being Sections 333.7101 to 333.7544 of the Michigan Comoiled Laws. section 2. Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed only to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect. Section 3. SeverabiLit_v. Should any section, subdivision, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or in part, shall not be affected other than the part invalidated. Section A. Savincs. All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities ex- isting, acquired or incurred at the time this Ordinance takes effect, are saved and may be consummated according to the law in force when they were commenced. Section 5. Effective Date. The provisions of this Ordinance are ordered to take effect twenty-one (21) days after enactment. �-- Section F. Enactment. This Ordinance is declared to have been enacted by the City Council of the City of Farmington Hills at a meeting duly called and held on the 21st day of April , 1986, and ordered to be given publication in the manner prescribed by law. Ayes: Alkateeb, Dolan, Dudley, Marks, Soronen, Sever and Wolf Nayes: None Abstentions: None Absent: None STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )ss COUNTY, OF OAKLAND ) I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, do certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Farmington Hills at a meeting held on the 21st day of April , 1986, the original of which is on file in my office Jo R of Farming C' Introduced: 4-14-86 Adopted: 4-21-86 Effective: 5-12-86 Published: 4-24-86 DWB/keh FH.Ord.Pen/4/2/86 EYNOLDS, �� rk t n Hills MEMORANDUM TO: City of Edina FROM: Dorsey & Whitney DATE: July 22, 1987 SUBJECT: Liability of parents serving intoxicating beverages to minors and duty of teachers or school officials to report an intoxicated minor. QUESTIONS PRESENTED 1. Whether parents are charged with any liability for serving liquor to minors? 2. Whether teachers or school officials have a duty to report an intoxicated minor? BRIEF ANSWERS 1. No. The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that parents will not be held liable for actions of minors to whom they served alcohol. 2. No. If the school district did not provide the alcohol, school officials have no duty to supervise intoxicated stu- dents and are not liable for their actions. DISCUSSION I. History of the Minnesota Dram Shop Law The Minnesota Dram Shop laws provide that: HORSEY 8C WHITNEY A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDINo PROFESSIONAL Co.PONATIONS It is unlawful for any person: (1)to sell, barter, furnish, or give al- coholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age, except that a parent or guardian of a person under the age of 21 years may give or furnish alcoholic beverages to that person solely for consumption in the household of the parent or guardian; (2) under the age of 21 years to purchase or attempt to purchase any alcoholic beverage; or (3) to induce a person under the age of 21 years to purchase or procure any alcoholic beverage. Minn. Stat. Ann. §340A.503 (West 1987). At common law, however, no cause of action existed against one who furnished liquor to a minor who subsequently was injured or caused injury to another. Liability has been imposed through the Civil Damages Act. The first version of this Act provided: Every. . .person, who shall be injured. . .by any intoxicated person, or by the intox- ication of any person, shall have a right of action. . .against any person, who shall by illegally selling, bartering, or giving intoxicating liquors, have caused the into- xication of such person. . . Act of April 18, 1911, c 175, 1911 Minn. Laws 221 (current ver- sion at Minn. Stat. §340A.801 (1986). In 1972, the Minnesota Supreme Court held that by virtue of the Civil Damages Act, the legislature intended to impose liability on a social host for damages occurring to a third person after a guest became intoxicated. See Ross v. Ross, 294 Minn. 115, 200 N.W2d 149 (1972). In 1977, however, the legislature deleted the words "or giving" from the statute. This rendered the Ross decision ineffective. - 2 - The current version of the Civil Damages Act provides: A spouse, child, parent, guardian, employer, or other person injured in person, property, or means of support by an intoxicated person or by the intoxication of another person, has a right of action in the person's own name for all damages sustained against a person who caused the intoxication of that person by illegally selling alcoholic beverages. All damages recovered by a minor under this section must be paid either to the minor or to the minor's parent, guardian, or next friend as the court directs. Minn. Stat. Ann. §340A.801 (West 1987). Because the statute only refers to the illegal sale of alcholic beverages and not to the giving of alcohol to minors, no liability can be imposed on the social host. As the Supreme Court has stated: The public policy reasons which underlay our decision in Ross are valid still. In the face of the pervasiveness of the legislative regulation of liquor, however, and the legislative actions in regard to social hosts, we cannot find that any commonlaw liability rests on the social host. Cole v. City of Spring Lake Park, 314 N.W.2d 826, 840 (Minn. 1982). II. Liability of Parents Providing Alcohol to Minors The Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals have established that parents will not be held liable for the actions of minors to whom they served alcohol. For example, in Holmquist v. Miller, 367 N.W.2d 468 (Minn. 1985), the parents of a minor allowed her to host a party where she served alcoholic beverages to her friends who were minors. Two of these guests, Barbie Jo Holmquist and Kevin Shimmer left the party intoxicated. Holmquist fell from the car sustaining injury and Shimmer failed to stop to assist her. Holmquist died as a result of the in- juries she suffered from the fall and her exposure to subfreezing temperatures. In holding that the host's parents could not be held liable for the death of Holmquist, the Supreme Court stated: [i]t is clear from the legislative and case history that the Civil Damages Act preempts a cause of action against a social host for negligently serving alcohol, whether it be to an adult or a minor who subsequently injures a third party, Minn Stat. §340.73 (now 340A.503 cited above) does not revive this dead issue. Holmquist, 367 N.W.2d at 471. Although the court acknowledged that public policy would urge a different result, the court found that given the legislature's pervasive regulation of intoxicating beverages, the court was not the proper branch of government to establish parental liability. See Id. at 472. Shortly after the Holmquist decision, the Minnesota Court of Appeals reached a similar conclusion in Stevens v. Thielen, 394 N.W.2d 834 (Minn. Ct. App. 1986). In that case, the parents of a 16 year old girl purchased two kegs of strong beer and allowed her to invite friends to a party held on the parent's property. The parents did not supervise the party. One of the guests, Craig Stevens, a minor, became intoxicated and was asked to leave the party. Stevens walked to the end of the driveway and onto the road where he was struck and killed by a car. Stevens' parents sued the parental hosts of the party for negligent supervision and failing to aid and protect a minor who became intoxicated after being furnished alcohol. The Court ruled that the Civil Damages Act provides the exclusive remedy for injuries resulting from the sale of alcohol and that social hosts cannot be held liable under the act. Although it was argued that adults should not be relieved from all liability when furnishing alcohol to minors, the court concluded that Stevens' claim was still based on an adult furnishing alcohol to a minor and the sole remedy for such an action is provided by the Civil Damages Act. The Court stated: The Supreme Court has made it clear that the Act preempts any common law negligence action against a social host which is even remotely related to negligent furnishing of alcohol. See Holmquist, 367, N.W.2d 471-72. Any changes in the law in this respect should come from the legislature. Stevens, 394 N.W.2d at 837. III. Duty of Teachers and School Officials to Alert Authorities of Intoxication of a Minor It appears as if teachers and school officials have no duty to alert officials if they know that a minor is intoxi- cated. Although this issue has not been addressed directly by Minnesota Courts, this conclusion can be gathered from the opinion of the Minnesota Court of Appeals in Beseke v. Garden Center, Inc., 401 N.W.2d 428 (Minn. Ct. App. 1987). In the Beseke Case, two minors attended a school event in an obviously intoxicated state. A teacher, Dennis Thompson, allegedly witnessed that the two boys were drunk and disorderly - 5 - and helped escort them from the function. Thompson later denied noticing that they were intoxicated. The two boys sustained injury in an automobile accident after leaving the party. The parents of the boys sued the school arguing that it had failed in its duty to supervise the students. The court held that because the school did not provide the alcohol, it did not negligently supervise the drunk students. The negligent supervision claim was based on the school district's allowing an intoxicated person to drink and arose out of injuries inflicted by an intoxicated person. The court ruled that because this claim was related to the negligent furnishing of_ alcohol, it was preempted by the Civil Damages Act. See Beseke, 401 N.W.2d at 431. As is discussed above, the Civil Damages Act will not hold a social host liable for any injuries that result from alcohol related accidents. Thus, no action existed for negligent supervision. CONCLUSION Although it is unlawful to give a minor alcoholic beverages,, parents who furnish such intoxicating liquor to minors will not be held liable for any injuries that result from subse- quent intoxication. Further, although the Minnesota Courts have not directly addressed the issue, it would appear that no duty can be imposed on a school district to notify officials of an intoxicated minor as the school district cannot be held liable for not supervising an intoxicated minor. V.D. TO: The Honorable C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor Glenn Smith, Councilmember Frederick S. Richards, Councilmember Peggy Kelly, Councilmember Leslie Turner, Councilmember RE: 13 August, 1987 Proposed recision of existing policy of allowing Braemar Golf Course League members to continue their current membership in not more than two organized leagues. I, along with about 20 others, attended the Park Board meeting of August 11, 1987. The audience was recognized by the Chair and voiced virtually unanimous opposition to the recommendation of the Golf Committee. Despite a request for a delay in action pending further examination of several aspects of the issue the Park Board chose to "accept" the recommendation of the Golf Committee and forward it to the City Council with Park Board endorsement. I believe that concurrence by the Council and adoption and implementation of the recommended action would be ill-advised. The following resolution is offered for your consideration as an alternative action: "Resolved: 1. That the current policy of allowing current League members who are Edina residents and Patron Card holders and are currently members of two (men's or women's) organized leagues to continue their participation in those leagues be continued until two years subsequent to the date that the following additional conditions obtain; a. Membership in all Braemar Golf organized leagues shall be restricted Residents as of the opening of the course This shall include Womens's, Men's, Couples, and Industrial leagues. b. The maximum membership roster in any existing league shall be equal to the current (August 1987) Edina Resident membership number. The number shall be rounded up to the nearest 10. Course to Edina in 1988. Singles, c. The Course management shall keep such records as it deems necessary during the 1988 and 1989 seasons in order to objectively measure whether or not adoption of this resolution has substantially alleviated the current perception that non-league Edina residents find it very difficult to obtain non-league play tee times. 2. That Braemar Course management report, in the Fall of 1989, to the City Council (through the normal channels of the Golf Committee and the Park Board) recommendations regarding changes in current league membership policies to be effected in 1990." It is my sincere belief that adoption of the above resolution would resolve, in large measure, concerns expressed by both current league members and non-league Edina residents. It ought to be tried before hastily rescinding earlier actions. I would be happy to discuss this matter with any of you individually or at a future Council meeting. In any event, I am hopeful that this resolution will be introduced and seconded by council members so that it can be adequately debated. This letter is sent to each of you for your careful consideration. You may be receiving additional copies signed by others. I am making copies available so that those who also feel as I do may -express their opinion to you. Sincerely, John S. Hoyt Jr. 4812 Dunberry Lane Edina, MN 55435 Braemar Men's Club Member 1987 Patron Card Number 24 Phone: 624-4763 7am-3pm, M-F 922-4418 4pm-llpm any day I endorse, the resolution proposed above: Date: Name: Phone: Address: Edina, MN August 7, 1987 VI.A. Marc Daehn City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Council Members: This letter comes to formally notify you of an ongoing problem of 40 plus years which has existed with the street sewer in front of 4608/4609 Arden Avenue. Frequent calls have been made to the public works department over the past two years since we and our neighbors have been in residence in this area. Though the storm sewer functions adequately when there is a moderate steady rain, it is consistently overwhelmed if there is a more significant rain. On numerous occasions in the past two years the storm drains have either become blocked with debris from the street and/or can not handle the volume of water being drained from the northerly and southerly directions of Arden. It seems that because there are only these two drains to evacuate water from a relatively large drainage area and because the storm sewer construction is inadequate, water instead backs up especially on to the front lawns of /607, 4609, 4611 and 4615 Arden. It is not at all unusual that several neighbors must clear the drains in the midst of heavy storms which are often accompanied by lightening, to prevent the water from rising to the point where it reaches our homes - - front doors: At these times the street itself is impassable to all vehicles resulting in several stalled and floating vehicles. Should it be necessary for the residents in at least five of the surrounding homes to leave for any reason it would be impossible. We believe it is past time for the city of Edina to remedy this problem and that it is a problem that needs immediate solution. We recognize that the storm of Thursday, July 23rd was an exceptional case and that we may have had some ground water seepage into our basement as most homes in this area experienced with that storm. However, we do not believe that the flooding through our basement windows would have occurred if this matter would have been addressed when we reported the malfunctioning drain several times in the past two years. On July 23, 1987 in addition to entering our basement, a two foot rushing river passed between 4609 and 4611 Arden to find its way to Maple Road where it could drain. Page - 2 - Three additional homes on Maple Road, 4802,4804 and 4808 also experienced basement flooding as it took this course. We have not previously had water in our basement probably due to our own diligent "Neighborhood Public Works Brigade" who clear the drain during each storm in addition to seeing that it is clear in dry weather. It is fortunate for the city that there have been no personal injuries to those attending to this problem. We request that this matter be addressed at its earliest opportunity at a city council meeting and await, with our neighbors, notification of that date. e J a/ahon '&ia Ad '7(.0(4 ytiLit <Fb 7 L,,t Caus6,1 WQ,ktikulL i;(-2.4 Sincerely, rY1c f No -LA. cu -- 9 27- 46I 1 Atg4.1EM Ave sc, (3_1(„zciAs �oT Ave 4-G1S likV4kx, Vvy,te, e- (c_pv 5tAfT24--t 1405 rAni,Lezyl 40.e_ 9vok ctAALo.A1 4.1 4nti L(6 l h fiirciteN ft"t VI.B. City Council of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota August 12, 1987 In view of our losses incurred during the storm on July 23, 1987, we feel the City of Edina has a very inadequate storm and sanitary sewer system. In calling the emergency number the night of the storm, we were informed that the sewer system had broken down and homeowners were suffering the consequences. The sanitary sewers and storm sewers are a city problem and should be a top priority item. During the storm, the sewer errupted through our basement toilet, bathroom sink, and laundry tubs. Before we were able to stop the flow from the toilet, the sewer had flooded our basement and was eighteen (18) inches deep. The sewer plus the ground water that entered the basement was two (2) feet deep the following morning. We were unable to rent pumps to clean up the mess and ended up buying the largest electric sump pump we could locate. We also had to purchase a gas -fired pump in order to reduce the water level to approximately four inches, and the remaining debris and silt receeded through the floor drains after a lengthy period of time. We also had to shovel debris and silt from various areas. We rented a 30-cubic yard dumpster which was parked on our driveway for six days in order to remove damaged materials. The charge for the dumpster was $240.00 for delivery and pick-up, plus $3.00 per day, and $3.00 per ton. As yet we have not received the final bill. We filled the dumpster with beloved belongings and the last items to be disposed of were the washer and dryer. The gas company serviceman placed a "warning" card on the water heater --it is dangerous because if the pilot light goes out again, the controls may not be working and the gas will not automatically be shut off. Our library was located in the basement and we lost everything that was in the lower cabinets. We also lost clothing, furniture, mattress and box spring, books, and irreplaceable items (including family pictures, senior high yearbooks, toys, etc.). Our paneling in both the amusement room and library suffered a great deal of damage and repairs will have to be made. We did attend the Sibley Neighborhood meeting which was held on Monday, August 3, 1987. The meeting was called to inform people about flood insurance although many in attendance suffered sewer backup and ground water damage which is not covered by flood insurance. Representatives from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) from Washington, D.C. were in attendance at the meeting and informed us the city is responsible for damage caused by sewer backup and should be paying for damages caused by inadequate drainage systems. We have lived in our home for over 33 years and Southdale was farmland at the time we purchased our home. We understand the overflow from Southdale runs into Pamela Lake, follows the channel, and enters Minnehaha Creek below 58th Street. We are all aware of how much our area has grown since the construction of Southdale and we are asking you what the City of Edina has done, or is planning to do, to protect homeowners' investment in property? We are willing to discuss our situation with the proper authorities as measures have to be taken to protect homeowners' property and welfare. Included with this letter is a petition signed by various homeowners, who suffered water damage and are concerned about the inadequate drainage system in our area. John and ArdycNorbeck 5828 Halifax Avenue South, Edina, MN 55424 Telephone Number: 922-8964 PETITION This is a neighborhood petition for the City of drainage system (covering sanitary sewers and living within the immediate area of 58th Street, Grimes Avenue, 60th Street, and France Avenue. Name _fa,1-1.(/ 4r 77701/i 'w1=4-e;Ig /` 1 v'V, Edina to provide an adequate storm sewers) for residents Halifax Avenue, Grimes Lane, Address . (Qd; -1'16�- c, ; . 1 Ii<,)? . -6-8/ p/aiiL,1c Cc t . Sc. S' Ativceel-e-t/ tu-e_ 5Vq a�-qa4, &A-e. - . SXO° 4Ae C SL _f9Y, / rc-?(9_5-- af(A/_g_ my \Ai_ 9/ 7 (J �/ s67/a t\co, ge s ATTENTION: ATTENTION: ATTENTION: ATTENTION: On Monday, August 3, 1987, some of our Representatives and Senators will be touring the flood stricken areas of the twin cities. They will be leaving the Capitol at 1 P.M. and visiting the worst areas. Maple Grove is one of the places they will go. At 6:00 P.M. they will have an, open hearing concerning the damages and the possibility of some kind of flood insurance option that could be made available to homeowners. This meeting will be held at the Sibley Neighborhood Center, E. 40th and 19th Ave. So., Mpls. The more people we have at this meeting, the more the chance we have of getting some legislation to change the insurance laws to better cover us in an emergency such as we had last week. Many of us had tremendous losses and no coverage. If you found this infuriating and frustrating, come and voice your opinion. without your help nothing will get done. Please pass this letter to your neighbors and friends. If you want your Representative to visit your area, give him a call and tell him where you live. (Mike Freeman--296-9307 Richfield Representatives --Don Store-----296-6238 Edina (Bill Belanger-296-5975 Bloomington THANK YOU VI.C. 2 August 1987 Edina, MN C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN - 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney, I feel as citizens of Edina we are due some offical statement about the damages to our home as well as hundreds of others. The Public Works employees' comments that, "The lift pumps didn't work," or "The sewer is clogged," seem rather simplistic considering our damages. We thought storm sewers were for storms, and lift pumps were installed to function. I can understand overflowing, but not draining at all seems to demand a Public statement as to why. Minnehaha Creek and the rivers were ridiculously low. There were places for the water to flow so why did it not drain off at all without the aid of pumps? Secondly, I have just learned about check or backflow valves on sewer lines which a plumber and contractor both said were "now code" in new homes. If they are so important now why has not the Public Works or some other department suggested such adjustments be made to older homes? For $500 to 800.00 I could have had one installed and had a damp basement now instead of a gutted and and the prospect of $10,000.00 of remodeling. All of our basement fixtures literally flowed with drain/sewer water until Monday morning when we could get a plumber to come and plug them up. I am amazed in retrospect that last year when we paid to conhect up with city water and inspectors were in and out fussing over antisiphon valves and connections that never a word was said about protecting ourselves from the city sewers. It would seem that when a home sells in Edina that it should be mandatory that a buyer be made aware that he should have a check valve installed so the sewer will not backup into his home. We spent the night of the storm trying to keep the rising water on the tenth fairway of the Meadowbrook Golf Course from coming in the door. The sewer in the fairway does not seem to be cic med by either Edina, Minneapolis, Hopkins or St. Louis Park, and it never drains. We managed to barracade the back door from the two feet of water it held back only to have all our basement fixtures erupt and flow. Our basement did NOT leak anywhere and our sump pumps worked fine, yet we were flooded, couldn't use our plumbing) and for two or more days couldn't even drive to our home as the water at the intersection of Annaway Dr. and Mait Ln. was so deep. I sense we were failed by some civil engineers, maintenance procedures and personnel and our civic leaders. I am certain there are no funds to ease the cost of motel, laundry, rugs, wallboard, bleach and remodeling. I feel the city's (or cities') sewer and storm drain system cheated us, as well as so many others, and a public letter of expalnantion along with a plan for future changes is essentt.a.l to assuage some of the anger and disappointment we feel with this city's Public Works department that is often so highly touted. I have sent a similar letter to Fran Hoffman, the director. Sincerely, Mrs. Susan Og. vie 4601 Annaway Dr. Edina, MN - 55436 VI.D. August 10, 1987 City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 West 50 Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Notice of Claim for Damages for Property at 7120 Bristol Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55435 Homeowners: Lowen and Shirley Grodnick Dear Gentlepersons: Please be informed that the undersigned intend to make a claim against the City of Edina as a result of damages suffered on July 23, 1987, at 7120 Bristol Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota. The damages resulted from a large amount of sewage backing up from the Edina sewer system into our basement causing damages in the approximate amount of $30,000.00. The undersigned, as owners of the property, claim the City of Edina was negligent in the erection, operation, and/or maintenance of the sewer system, which negligence was the direct or contributory cause of the damage to our property. Please contact the undersigned for any questions or if you wish to inspect the property. Yours tjuly, its-V Lowen and Shirley Grodnick Telephone No. f z7 - d 1/S' Received by the City of Edina this // day of (,,e"1, :?)=( , 1987. VI.E. July 29, 1987 Robert L. & Dorothy M. Pool 6309 Hillside Road Edina, MN 55436 City Council City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55436 Dear Members: Pursuant to law, we are hereby notifying you that it is our intention to --file a claim against the county of Hennepin and the city of Edina for damages to the structure and contents of our residence at 6309 Hillside Road, Edina, MN, which resulted from the following event:; During a heavy rainstorm occurring between 6:30 p.m. 2:00 a.m. July 24, 1987 and due to the inadequacy of sewer system connecting our area watershed with Nine and running under county Highway 62; rain water rose of approximately 20" above our front step, 15" above entry and 70" above our first floor. Sincerely, d) /4-e 461--uud-e-d-A. Robert L. Pool Dorothy M. Pool July 23 and the storm Mile Creek to a level our front VII.A. 350 PARE AVENUE NEW YORE, NEW YORE 10022 (212) 415-9200 340 FIRST NATIONAL BANE BUILDING P. O. BOX 848 ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55903 (507)288-3156 510 NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER 445 MINNESOTA STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227-8017 315 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 (612)475-0373 3 °RACECH URCH STREET LONDON EC3V OAT, ENGLAND 01-929-3334 Mr. Fran Hoffman City of Edina 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Fran: DORSEY & WHITNEY A PAarwea.n". Incwa[wo PPoRSstOXLL Coaroas7,ows 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340 - 2600 TELEX 29-0605 TELECOPIER ( 612 ) 340- 2868 THOMAS S. ERICRSON, P. A. (612) 340-2659 August 14, 1987 Re: Resolution for Federal Disaster Funds 1200 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER 401 NORTH 3157 STREET P. O. BOX 7188 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59103 (406)252-3800 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING 8 THIRD STREET NORTH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 59401 (406)727-3632 127 EAST FRONT STREET MISSOULA, MONTANA 59802 (406) 721- 6025 30 RUE LA BOETIE 75008 PARIS, FRANCE 0U-33(I)43-59.13 -65 OH-33(I)45-62-32-50 Attached is a draft of the resolution for Obtaining federal disaster funds. It varies from the form you were given by the FEMA agent, and is expanded beyond the provisions of that form. The variance is mainly to Change the language from a statement that the City cannot pay the storm costs to a statement that it cannot pay the costs with its own funds from its present budget. The expansion is to ratify the Notice of Interest, to authorize the City to file all necessary applications and to appoint you as the official representative. I understand you will be talking with the local FEMA representa- tive to gain approval of this resolution and to Obtain copies of the various statutes and circulars to which the City agrees to conform. Please call me if you or the FEMA agent have any questions. I did read the assurances which you gave me and which the City will have to make and see no difficulty with than except for reference to OMB Circulars and to "regulations, policies, guidelines, conditions and requirements" which are to be complied with but which have not been given to us for review. Very truly yours, Cif s S. Erickson TSE:jd enclosure cc: blr. Kenneth E. Rosland 1, Ms. Marcella Daehn RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on the 6th day of August, 1987, the President declared a "major disaster" in the State of Minnesota under the provisions of Public Law 288, 93rd Congress; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina is a public entity within said State. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the Federal Emergency Management Agency hereby is requested to pay to the City of Edina the costs it incurred or will incur due to the severe storms and flooding which occurred between July 20, 1987 and August 5, 1987. This body certifies that: (1) the City of Edina is unable to pay for the above costs with its own funds within its present budget, and (2) to the best of its knowledge and belief, the costs requested to be paid are eligible under Public Law 288, 93rd Congress. This body agrees to: (1) provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights -of -way necessary to accomplishment of the work for which the above costs have been or will be incurred; and (2) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the approved work or Federal funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the Police Chief and Director of Public Works of the City of Edina, in signing and delivering a Notice of Interest In Applying For Federal Disaster Assistance is hereby ratified and approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edina file all necessary applications and documents, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, for the obtaining of Federal funds to pay for the above referred to storm and flooding costs incurred and to be incurred by the City of Edina. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Francis Hoffman, the Director of Public Works of the City of Edina, is hereby appointed and identified as the official representative of the City of Edina, and he is directed and authorized to act, in connection with all applications for obtaining such Federal funds, and to provide such additional information as may be required to obtain such Federal funds. The City Council of the City of Edina assures its compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Pub. L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241 [42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4] and Section 311, Pub. L. 93-288. Passed and approved this day of 19 CERTIFICATION Resolution (Public Entity) (Date of Resolution) I, Marcella Daehn, the duly appointed and acting Clerk of the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Edina on the day of , 19 Date: City Clerk (Official Position) (Signature) 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 365,665.80 848.30 802,679.89 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR FUND 60 TOTAL FUND 66 TOTAL TOTAL 08-17-87 PAGE 25 ITEM DESCRIPTION -----ACCOUNT-NO.-- INV. -M P.O. N MESSAGE CONSTRUCTION FUND IMP BOND REDEMPTION #2 Computer checks 80049, 80322 Hand typed 79646 & 79647 CI7El;t: fviz/ig Tltf.: °.Ir!±.. _ ._al✓.. LI iti P"('.T CATE FINNtJt;F [ 1TMCTGR DATE 51, 71: 7'1' ;4: 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 24 229853 08/12/87 111.24 BRADY OFFICEWARE INC 111.24 * 229854 08/12/87 98.00 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS 98.00 * 229855 08/12/87 41.37 OLIN COOPERATION 41.37 * ITEM DESCRIPTION -------ACCOUNT --NO. -INV. M P.O. M MESSAGE GEN SUPPLY 10-4504-420-42 27908 CONF & SCHOLL 10-4202-420-42 SAFETY EQUIP 10-4642-420-42 70023 ****** 229857 08/12/87 313.18 SHERIFFS DEPT ROOM & BOADRD 10-4286-220-22 313.18 229858 08/12/87 29.50 THE POLICE MARKSMAN BOOKS 10-4502-420-42 18169 29.50 * 229859 08/12/87 236.00 WM BARRINGTON REVOLVER 10-4901-430-42 236.00 * 229860 08/12/87 36.45 EDINA PD PETTY CASH CABLE ACCT 10-2149-000-00 229860 08/122/87 44.51 EDINA PD PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10-4504-420-42 80.96 * 229861 08/12/87 72.00 LEONARD KLEVEN UNIFORM ALLOW ---- --- 10-4266-420-42 72.00 * ****** 251723 08/05/87 337.00 VIKING LAB INC CHEMICALS 26-4564-682-68 17491 337.00 ****** 299367 08/11/87 71.00 MCGARVEY COFFEE COFFEE 10-4206-140-14 71.00 * 229031 229031 08/05/87 08/05/87 6.79 123.32 130.11 * 220,488.09 6,099.56 2,744.00 7,991.79 14,678.24 8,696.09 371.87 25,878.71 46,883.06 102,334.38 ***-CKS ***-CKS - ***-CKS BERTELSON BROS OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-180-18 310074 BERTELSON BROS OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-510-51 FUND 10 TOTAL FUND 23 TOTAL FUND 25 TOTAL FUND 26 TOTAL FUND 27 TOTAL FUND 28 TOTAL FUND 29 TOTAL FUND 30 TOTAL FUND 40 TOTAL FUND 50 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ART CENTER CAPITAL FUND SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK ***-CKS ***-CKS UTILITY FUND LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 147,621.41 * 229836 08/12/87 46,934.42 46,934.42 * 229837 08/12/87 7,262.18 7,262.18 * 229838 08/12/87 33,874.62 33,874.62 * 229839 08/12/87 128,873.12 128,873.12 * 229840 08/12/87 23.70 23.70 * 229841 08/12/87 90.00 90.00 * 229842 08/12/87 540.00 540.00 * 229843 08/12/87 75.00 229843 08/12/87 25.72 100.72 * 229844 08/12/87 750.00 750.00 * 229845 08/12/87 14.02 14.02 * 229846 08/12/87 13.76 4 3 :-76 * 229847 08/12/87 48.00 48.00 * 229848 08/12/87 84.50 84.50 * 229850 08/12/87 102.00 102.00 * 229851 08/12/87 72.00 72.00 * 229852 08/12/87 18.50 229852 08/12/87 18.50 229852 08/12/87 18.50 229852 08/12/87 18.50 74.00 * VENDOR CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 23 ITEM DESCRIPTION ---- ACCOUNT—NO:—INV. M .— P.O* MESSAGE PIPECO CONTRACTING PAYMENT 60-2040-000-00 D L CONTRACTING GUDERSON BROTHERS CO HENNEPIN COUNTY PAT GREER EDINA ART CENTER LOIS HEIM BARBARA ZINN BARBARA ZINN VERSATILE VEHICLE C F ANDERSON CO L .I RUBBER STAMP CO RADIO INSTALLS INC DON WENDLING PAYMENT 60-20.40-000-00 PAYMENT 60-2040-000-00 CONSTRUCTION 60-1270-000-00 SUPPLIES 30-4516-781-78 X OF SALES 30-3501-000-00 PAINTING SOLD 30-3501-000-00 SERVICES 23-4201-611-61 SUPPLIES 23-4588-611-61 LEASE LINES 27-4276-665-66 CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-440-44 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-440-44 24575 EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-440-44 9150 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 0833 IND RUBBER & SUPPLY NELSON RADIO COMM AUTO SOUND ENTRONIX AUTO SOUND ENTRONIX AUTO SOUND ENTRONIX AUTO SOUND ENTRONIX CONT REPAIRS EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT 28-4248-704-70 17943 10-4274-420-42 14434 10-4274-420-42 4720 10-4274-420-42 4795 10-4274-420-42 4771 10-4274-420-42 4723 ***—CKS 2 3 4 le, s 10 111 '2 13 114 i10 to 17 18 10 27 121 22 23 24 25 2 f, 27 1.8 401 47 I46 02 163 164 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT -NO. --INV. * P.O. M. MESSAGE 27.30 * 229819 08/11/87 44.50 ROOT 0 MATIC SERVICES 26-4201-682-68 44.50 * 229820 08/11/87 229821 08/11/87 229821 08/11/87 229822 08/11/87 229823 08/11/87 229823 08/11/87 229824 08/11/87 ****** 229826 08/11/87 229827 08/11/87 229827 08/11/87 229827 08/11/87 229828 08/11/87 229829 08/11/87 229830 08/11/87 229831 08/11/87 229832 08/11/87 229832 08/11/87 229833 08/11/87 229834 08/12/87 229834 08/12/87 229835 08/12/87 134.72 DEBBIE LUCAS MILEAGE 26-4208-681-68 134.72 * 68.42 BENSONS LAUNDRY 10-4262-301-30 48.95 BENSONS LAUNDRY 40-4262-801-80 117.37 180.00 VANESSA HOLMES AMBULANCE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 180.00 106.25 LIEN INFEC CONTROL CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-662-66 19.50 LIEN INFEC CONTROL CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-664-66 125.75 * 80.00 80.00 * 39.95 39.95 * 36.31 30.08 19.68 86.07 * 20.00 20.00 * 70.00 70.00 * 53.56 53.56 * 338.00 338.00 * 2,592.00 4,189.76 6,781-.-76* 15.00 15.00---*--- 936.10 910.80 1,846.90 * 147,621.41 LOLA EDMAN RADIO SHACK BILL BACH PETTY CASH BILL BACH PETTY CASH BILL BACH PETTY CASH SERVICES 27-4201-662-66 9181 GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 085852 POSTAGE SUPPLIES FILM US WEST PAGING SERVICE CONTRACT DEVERNS INC CONT REPAIRS BAKER POOLS GEN SUPPLIES RUSSELL .7 MOORE PRO SERVICES NOAH WILLIAMS ASSOC MISC NOAH WILLIAMS ASSOC MISC NATIONAL RIFLE ASSN DUES 30-4290-781-78 30-4504-782-78 30-4516-781-78 30-4288-781-78 30-4248-781-78 30-4504-782-78 CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 22 x ***-CKS 2 5 e 7 9 10 11 113 14 ,15 15 17 15 111L 20 21 '. 2 '1 771 zz 211 27 4. 2n 29 3t� 132 34 3,1 37 204 10 4') 41 4z 41 3- 30-4224-781-78 ARPS TREE SERVICE TREES ARPS TREE SERVICE TREES BURY &-CARLSON 10-4946-520-52 14020 10-4946-520-52 14019 10-4560-644-64 10-4560-644-64 60-2040-000-00 �s 4n B 47 „� 172 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 22 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 27.30 * 229819 08/11/87 44.50 ROOT 0 MATIC SERVICES 26-4201-682-68 44.50 * 229820 08/11/87 134.72 DEBBIE LUCAS MILEAGE 26-4208-681-68 134.72 * 229821 08/11/87 68.42 BENSONS LAUNDRY 10-4262-301-30 229821 08/11/87 48.95 BENSONS LAUNDRY 40-4262-801-80 117.37 229822 08/11/87 180.00 VANESSA HOLMES AMBULANCE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 180.00 * 229823 08/11/87 106.25 LIEN INFEC CONTROL CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-662-66 229823 08/11/87 19.50 LIEN INFEC CONTROL CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-664-66 125.75 * 229824 08/11/87 80.00 LOLA EDMAN SERVICES 27-4201-662-66 9181 80.00 * 229826 08/11/87 39.95 RADIO SHACK GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 085852 39.95 229827 08/11/87 36.31 BILL BACH PETTY CASH POSTAGE 229827 08/11/87 30.08 BILL BACH PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 229827 08/11/87 19.68 BILL BACH PETTY CASH FILM 86.07 * 229828 08/11/87 20.00 US WEST PAGING SERVICE CONTRACT 20.00 * 229829 08/11/87 70.00 DEVERNS INC CONT REPAIRS 70.00 * 229830 08/11/87 53.56 BAKER POOLS GEN SUPPLIES 53.56 * 229831 08/11/87 338.00 RUSSELL 3 MgORE PRO SERVICES 338.00 229832 08/11/87 2,592.00 NOAH WILLIAMS ASSOC MISC 229832 08/11/87 4,189.76 NOAH WILLIAMS ASSOC MISC 6,781.74 * 229833 08/11/87 15.00 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSN DUES 15.00 30-4290-781-78 30-4504-782-78 30-4516-781-78 30-4288-781-78 30-4248-781-78 30-4504-782-78 30-4224-781-78 10-4946-520-52 14020 10-4946-520-52 14019 29-4204-721-72 229834 08/12/87 936.10 ARPS TREE SERVICE TREES 229834 08/12/87 910.80 ARPS TREE SERVICE TREES 1,846.90 * 229835 08/12/87 147,621.41 BURY -a CARLSON PAYMENT 10-4560-644-64 10-4560-644-64 60-2040-000-00 ***-CKS e iQ 13 •14 Ito ',P 11 7a 4 • 1987 ( ; OF EDINA CHECK( ,ISTER ' 08-17-8, PAGE 21 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO.-INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 229800 08/11/87 257.00 MARIAN ALSTAD INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 257.00 * 229801 08/11/87 90.00 NORMA HANLON INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 90.00 * 229802 08/11/87 116.00 PHYLLIS HAYWA INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 116.00 * 229803 08/11/87 132.00 BETSY BRYANT INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 132.00 * 229804 08/11/87 51.00 BETTY PEDDIE INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 51.00 * 229805 08/11/87 120.00 ART NORBY INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 120.00 * 229806 08/11/87 671.00 MONICA RUDOUIST INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 671.00 * 229807 08/11/87 330.00 KATHY GUSTAFSON INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 330.00 * 229808 08/11/87 124.00 KAY SCHLOSSER INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 124.00 * 229809 08/11/87 94.00 BILL DIETRICHSON INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 94.00 * 229810 08/11/87 434.00 JEAN GRAPP 434.00 * 229811 08/11/87 63.00 PAT WOLF 63.00 * 229812 08/11/87 350.00 MARGARET MCDOWELL 350.00 * 229813 08/11/87 120.00 SANDY CLARK 120.00 * 229814 08/11/87 106.40 BETTY BELL 106.40 * 229815 08/11/87 122.50 -- KRISTAL LEEBRICK 122.50 • 229816 08/11/87 315.00 SANDRA CLARK 315.00 * 229817 08/11/87 28.00 -----BARBARA LUNDGREN 28.00 229818 08/11/87 27.30 ROHNHILD BERGSTAOL INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 INST FEE ART CTR - 23-4201-611-61 INST FEE ART CTR INST FEE ART CTR ART WORK SOLD ART WORK SOLD--------- ART WORK SOLD---------- .229817 .229817- 23-4201-611-61 23-4201-611-61 23-3625-000-00 23-3625-000-00-- 23-3625-000-00 23-3625-000-00 23-3625-000-00 2.7 :24 26 :27 m 3, .12 33 11 -3 31 �6 i3u 1n 42 4• s 4- • !4, 4 31 ,53 l64 I°• 66 of bn 61 62 63 64 66 ]2 ]4 75 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 229783 08/11/87 24.90 229783 08/11/87 200.00 4,700.00 * 229784 08/10/87 7.60 7.60 * 229785 08/10/87 14.00 14.00 * 229786 08/11/87 236.50 236.50 * 229787 08/11/87 500.00 500.00 * 229788 08/11/87 65.00 65.00 * 229789 08/11/87 14.08 14.08 * 229790 08/11/87 695.00 695.00 * 229791 08/11/87 1,242.15 1,242.15 * 229792 08/11/87- 84.00 84.00 * 229793 08/11/87 17.00 17.00 * 229794 08/11/87 288.00 229794 08/11/87 72.00 360.00 * 229795 08/11/87 76.49 229795 08/11/87 91.92 168.41 * 229796 08/11/87 150.00 150.00 * 229797 08/11/87 6,156.00- 229797 08/11/87 6,156.00 229797 08/11/87 156.00 156.00 * 229798 08/11/87 25.00 25.00 * 229799 08/11/87 275.00 275.00 * PEAT MARWICK MAIN CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 20 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT--NO.-INV. N P.O. * MESSAGE EXAMINATION BOOKS 66-2490-000-00 PEAT MARWICK MAIN EXAMINATION OF BOOKS 66-2490-000-00 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 10-4600-628-62 SUSAN MICHAS REFUND 10-1145-000-00 TODD ANDERSON SERVICES 10-4201-630-62 HENNEPIN COUNTY RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4250-353-30 EDINA SWIM CLUB PRINTING 10-4600-627-62 LUCY ROSCHE DONUTS 10-4206-140-14 COLLEGE OF ST THOMAS- CONF & SCHOOL 10-4202-140-14 LABOR RELATIONS ASSO -----SERVICES 10-4201-140-14 DONAGHUE DOORS INC EQUIP MAINT 50-4274-821-82 09966 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF DUES 10-4204-140-14 J THOMAS NELSON INST FEE 23-4201-611-61 J THOMAS NELSON ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 MOLLIE PAULSON ART WORK SOLD 23-362S-000-00 MOLLIE PAULSON PERSONNEL SERV 23-4120-613-61 SUSAN HIBBS ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 MAUREEN BROCKWAY MAUREEN BROCKWAY MAUREEN BROCKWAY SUSAN HARDEN KRISTIN HALE CORRECTION P/T ART CENTER MAINTENANCE 23-4120-612-61 23-4120-612-61 23-4120-612-61 INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 INST ART CTR 23-4201-611-61 1987 (7.f OF EDINA 1 1, CHECK Its. ISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 19 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT--NO--INV--11 P.O. N MESSAGE - 229769 08/07/87 163.50 CELLULAR ONE DUES 10-4204-140-14 163.50 * 229770 08/07/87 -10.00 MN MAYORS ASSN DUES 10-4204-100-10 10.00 * 229771 08/07/87 749.51 IBM EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-510-51 749.51 * 229772 08/07/87 22.70 ICMA DUES 10-4204-140-14 22.70 * 229773 08/07/87 275.00 IMPRINTERS PRINTING 40-4600-800-80 275.00 * 229774 - 08/07/87--- 447.50 FACILITY SYSTEM INC EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10-4901-510-51 447.50 * 229775 08/07/87 12.50 VFW -- ADVERTISING 50-4214-820-82 229775 08/07/87 12.50 VFW ADVERTISING 50-4214-840-84 229775 08/07/87 12.50 VFW ADVERTISING 50-4214-860-86 37.50-►-- 229776 08/07/87 291.60 291.60 * 229777 08/07/87 568.25 568.25 * 229778 08/10/87 99.92 229778 08/10/87 41.04 140.96 * 229779 08/10/87 8,570.20 8,570.20 * 229780 08/10/87 27.20 27.20 * 229781 08/10/87 76.20 76.20 * 229782 08/10/87 500.00 500.00 * 229783--08/11/87 - 2,000.00 229783 08/11/87 400.00 229783 08/11/87 200.00 229783 08/11/87 300.00 229783 08/11/87 700.00 229783 08/11/87 300.00 229783 08/11/87 300.00 229783 08/11/87 300.00 229783 08/11/87 24.90- FRIDEN ALCADTEL SERVICE CONTRACTS 10-4288-510-51 WINFIELD DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY LEASE 10-4201-627-62 TC HOME JUICE COMP INVENTORY 50-4632-842-84 TC HOME JUICE COMP INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 JOHNSON BIGLER COMP CONCRETE 10-4528-314-30 PLUNKETTS INC -- GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 382967 THOMPSON LUMBER CO LUMBER 10-4604-646-64 71664 LAKELAND FLORIST CONTRACT 10-4200-180-18 PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN PEAT MARWICK MAIN EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS EXAMINATION BOOKS CORRECTION 10-4216-160-16 27-4216-661-66 28-4216-701-70 30-4216-781-78 40-4216-800-80 50-4216-820-82 50-4216-840-84 50-4216-860-86 66-2490-000-00 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 18 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT - VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT-NO.-INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 229753 08/10/87 18.00 DRIVER & VEHICLE LIC 10-4310-440-44 18.00 * 229754 08/07/87 1,220.00 TIMS TREE SERVICE TREE REMOVAL 10-1300-087-23 229754 08/12/87 4,917.50 TIMS TREE SERVICE CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-302-30 6,137.50 * 229755 08/07/87 225.00 JOHN SCHIRMANG CONVENTION 10-4202-490-49 225.00 * 229756 08/07/87 30.00 CONTRACT MOBILE COMM CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 03726 229756 08/07/87 45.00 CONTRACT MOBILE COMM CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 03725 229756 08/07/87 30.00 CONTRACT MOBILE COMM CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 03727 105.00 * 229757 08/07/87 77.42 VIKING ELECTRIC SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 031743 77.42 * 229758 08/07/87 162.50 TIM WALTON SERVICES 30-3511-000-00 162.50 * 229759 08/07/87 1,450.14 MPLS FINANCE DEPT POWER 10-4252-330-30 33906 229759 08/07/87 1,452.32 MPLS FINANCE DEPT POWER 10-4252-330-30 33000 2,902.46 * 229760 08/07/87 75.00 CHARLOTTE WEISS PERFORMANCE 30-4201-781-78 75.00 * 229761 08/07/87 150.00 IVORY GILES PERFORMANCE 30-4201-781-78 150.00 * 229762 08/07/87 40.00 BECKY BROMS PUPPETS PERFORMANCE 30-4201-781-78 40.00 * 229763 08/07/87 100.00 PAT GREER SERVICES 30-4224-781-78 100.00 * 229764 08/07/87 .75 JOISSU PRODUCTS NC CRAFT SUPPLIES 23-4588-611-61 .75 * 229765 08/07/87 499.00 PEAK CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 60-1300-007-20 499.00 * 229766 229766 229766 229767 08/07/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/07/87 ---- 08/07/87 293.00 487.00 612.00 1,392.00 * 20,645.25 20,645.25 * 1,314.60 648.30 1,962.90 NORTHSTAR ICE NORTHSTAR ICE NORTHSTAR ICE FRANK -B HALL & CO FIRST TRUST FIRST TRUST INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY INSURANCE DUE HRA UNAP SURPLUS 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-862-86 10-4260-510-51 10-1145-000 00 66-2490-000-00 17 ,4 20 rn 17 3 1987 CI,Y OF EDINA CHECK h.-ASTER r 08-17-8`, .'AGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE 229734 229734 08/05/87 08/05/87 229735 08/05/87 229735 08/07/87 229736 08/05/87 AMOUNT 2,950.91 375.91- 2,575.00 * 28.75 8.95 37.70 * 20.00 20.00 * 229740 08/07/87 9,640.00 9,640.00 * 229741 08/07/87 97.40 97.40 * 229742 08/07/87 24.50 24.50 * 229743 08/07/87 131.00 131.00 * 229744 08/07/87 37.62 37.62 * 229745 08/07/87 176.00 176.00 * 229746 08/07/87 80.00 80.00 * 229747 08/10/87 413.90 413.90 * 229748 08/10/87 229748 08/10/87 229748 08/10/87 229749 08/10/D7 RECREATIONAL WALL TO WALL CONST RAYLAUF & SON SHAW LUNDQUIST ASSO ROTO ROOTER SERVICE MAGNUSON SOD CO INC DARLYNE EDMAN -- - PACE LAB INC- VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. N P.O. M MESSAGE SPALDING RANGE BALLS 27-4636-666-66 SPALDING CREDIT 27-4636-666-66 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 13 WOODLAKE SANITARY RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4201-480-48 I14 It° 14 17 ,fl i c/ • 2n 21 :22 24 27 2« 27 - 2fl 'xv SERVICES -- REFUND REFUND WATER REFUND GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES SERVICES CONT REPAIRS 50.00 COUPON CONNECTION ADVERTISING 50.00 COUPON CONNECTION ADVERTISING 50.00 COUPON CONNECTION ADVERTISING 150.00 * -- 85.00 IAAO DUES 85.00 * 10-4201-647-64 10-3095-000-00 10 3095-000-00 10-3095-000-00 30-4504-782-78 32741 10-4504-646-64 27-4201-662-66 9180 40-4248-801-80 16750 50-4214-822-82 50-4214-842-84 50-4214-862-86 10-4204-200-20 229750 08/10/87 24.79 AMERICAN ARTIST BOOK DUES 23-4204-611-61 24.79 -* 229751 08/11/87 229751 08/10/87 229751 08/10/87 229752 08/10/87 234.03 -- 157.87 17.52 409.42 * 44.00 44.00 * RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF RUBENSTEIN 4 ZIFF RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF SUSAN FRAME CONT REPAIRS COST OF COMM CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS 23-4248-612-61 23-4624-613-61 076493 23-4624-613-61 23-4624-613-61 2650 ***-CKS 3• • 34 3A 30 • 4,, 41 S3• • 72 73 74 77 • 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT -NO:-- INV. -iF-P O. N MESSAGE 229718 08/05/87 276.90 DAVES FOOD WAGON CONCESSIONS 27-4624-666-66 276.90 * 229719 08/05/87 693.59 VERSATILE VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-665-66 STMT 693.59 * 229720 08/05/87 114.00 GRANDMAS CUPBOARD CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 114.00 * 229721 08/05/87 58.47 BALLOON MEN GEN SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 3704 58.47 * 229722 08/05/87 13.50 AMERICAN RED CROSS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-625-62 28224 13.50 * 229723 08/11/87 1,359.00 VIKING LAB INC CHEMICALS 26-4564-682-68 17730 1,359.00 * 229724 08/05/87 51.20 N WATER TREAT CO INC GEN SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 5444 51.20 * 229725 08/05/87 125.00 ERIC KLEINBERG PRINTING 10-4201-439-42 125.00 * 229726 08/05/87 312.50 VINCE BONGAARTS REIM 10-4201-439-42 312.50 * 229727 08/05/87 108.39 W A RIBAR INC REPAIR PARTS 28-4540-704-70 1853---- --- 108.39 * 229728 08/05/87 65.12 LITHOLINE MANUF REPAIR PARTS 28-4540-704-70 1287 65.12 * 84.80 NEBCO DIST INC CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 33365 166.75 NEBCO DIST INC CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 33151 251.55 * 264.00 TROPICAL SNOW OF MN CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 7681 396.00 TROPICAL SNOW OF MN CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 7684 660.00 229729 08/11/87 229729 08/05/87 229730 08/05/87 229730 08/10/87 229731 08/05/87 229731 08/05/87 229731 08/05/87 229732 08/05/87 229733 08/05/87 229733 08/07/87 229 539 08/05/87 178.50 1,785.20 1,785.20- 178.50 * 66.54 66.54 * 24.87 28.69 53.56 * 40.00 * CAMPBELL SPORTS CAMPBELL SPORTS CAMPBELL SPORTS C & H CNSTRUCTION POOLS INC POOLS INC TURF SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES correction 10-4504-621-62 10779 10-4504-621-62 10779 10-4504-621-62 10779 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-647-64 5574 GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-783-78 28952 GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-783-78 28938 GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-664-66 20133 1987 C_,f OF EDINA CHECK k,GISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 76.00 * 229702 08/05/87 1,450.00 1,450.00 * 229703 229703 229703 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 229704 08/05/87 229705 08/05/87 229706 08/05/87 720.00 575.00 1,900.00 3,195.00 * 590.00 590.00 * 360.00 360.00 * 86.80 86.80 * VENDOR OXLEY MARSHALL & CYLINDER CITY CYLINDER CITY CYLINDER CITY ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT--NO.---INV. Si P.O. R MESSAGE PRINTING 30-4600-781-78 REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 16279 10-4540-560-56 16280 10-4540-560-56 16249 8 6 8 WELDING CO CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 10561 MPLS & SUB SEWER CONT REPAIRS 40-4248-803-80 20367 MARCELLA DAEHN MILEAGE & PARKING 10-4208-140-14 229707 08/05/87 543.60 MILLER DUNWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION 229707 08/05/87 543.60- MILLER DUNWIDDIE CORRECTION 229707 08/05/87 543.60 MILLER DUNWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION 543.60 * 229708 08/05/87 57.96 JEFFREY EICHORST MILEAGE 57.96 * 229709 08/05/87 251.63 GARTHER REFRIDG CONT REPAIRS 251.63 *------ 229710 08/10/87 229710 08/10/87 229710 08/10/87 700.00 7.00 7.00- 700.00 * HARMON GLASS & GLAZE HARMON GLASS & GLAZE HARMON GLASS & GLAZE CONT REPAIRS CONT REPAIRS CORRECTION 10-1300-007-20 10-1300-007-30 10.1300-007-30 76301 10-4208-480-48 28-4248-704-70 10026 28-4248-702-70 28-4248-702-70 28-4248-702-70 229711 08/05/87 131.95 E Z SHARP GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 131.95 * 229712 08/05/87 103.44 ROGERS CABLE SYSTEM CONT REPAIRS 40-4248-803-80 103.44 * 229713 08/07/87 154.70 ADVON LAUNDRY 30-4262-782-78 876831 154.70 * 229714 08/05/87 100.00 CAROL MCCORMICK SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 100.00 * 229715 08/05/87 150.00 BETTE DARRELL SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 150.00 * 229716 08/05/87 150.00 SCOTT ANDERSON SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 150.00 * 229717 08/05/87 50.00 SHARON STROMME SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 50.00 * 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE <--- _-- AMOUNT 483.88 * VENDOR CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 14 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE -- --f 229541 08/12/87 84.00 TARGET EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10-4901-440-44 84.00 * 229542 08/10/87 11,990.40 THORPE DIST INVENTORY 50-4630-862-86 11,990.40 * 229553 08/11/87 111.83 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARATS 27-4540-664-66 229553 08/11/87 172.65 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 229553 08/10/87 1,626.40 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-801-80 1,910.88 * 229569 08/10/87 346.38 346.38 * 229582 08/11/87 279.07 229582 08/05/87 206.36 485.43 * 229586 08/05/87 49.88 229586 08/05/87 155.70 205.58 * 229590 08/07/87 100.00 100.00 * 229591 08/12/87 69.93 69.93 * ****** 229597 08/11/87 48.70 48.70 * 229618 08/11/87 97.50 97.50 * 229701 08/05/87 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL GORDON SMITH CO GORDON SMITH CO W W GRAINGER W W GRAINGER HENRY WROBLESKI CECELIA SMITH ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MIDWEST BADGE CONCRETE 28-4612-704-70 GASOLINE GASOLINE 27-4612-664-66 1168 27-4612-664-66 1157 CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-663-66 REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-666-66 POLICE SERVICE MILEAGE GEN SPLY GEN SUPPLIES 76.00 KELLY SERVICE INC SERVICES 10-4100-430-42 10-4208-140-14 28-4504-702-70 40-4504-806-80 91099 10-4201-490-49 ***-CKS ***-CKS .121 ]5 ***-CKS 12.. ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS 13, 00 30 • • 1987 ( 1 OF EDINA CHECK NO, DATE 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229502 229503 229505 229505 229508 229508 229508 229516 229516 229516 229516 229516 229516 229526 229526 229527 229527 229528 229528 229528 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/07/87 08/05/87 08/07/87 08/10/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/05/87 08/11/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 229537 08/05/87 AMOUNT 1.43 245.11 21.00 54.00 .87 5.12 25.52 10,570.79 10,570.79 20,237.22 41,917.85 * 35.28 35.28 * 41.52 2,142.76 2,184.28 * 37.62 15.56 129.48 182.66 * 724.21 72.42 724.21- 41.23- 41.23 41.23 113.65 * 6,552.18 2,321.95 8,874.13 * 104.88 131.23 236.11 * 55.95- 55.85 55.95 55.85 * 483.88 VENDOR SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN CHECK . ASTER CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUN SUN ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK ST PAUL BOOK SEARS ROEBUCK SEARS ROEBUCK SEARS ROEBUCK SEARS ROEBUCK SEARS ROEBUCK SEARS ROEBUCK TRACY OIL TRACY OIL TAYLOR SALES TAYLOR SALES TWIN CITY ELEVATOR TWIN CITY ELEVATOR TWIN CITY ELEVATOR ITEM DESCRIPTION REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS EQUIP REPLACE EQUIP REPLACE EQUIP REPLACEMNT REPAIR PARTS ADVERTISING PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES CORRECTION CORRECTION TOOLS TOOLS GASOLINE GASOLINE CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS CORRECTION CONT REPAIRS CONT REPAIRS TRI STATE DRILLING REPAIR PARTS 08-17-8r PAGE ACCOUNT —NO. INV. * P.O. * MESSAGE 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4901-440-44 10-4901-440-44 10-4901-650-64 10-4540-540-54 10-4210-140-14 30-4600-781-78 76499 76274 76149 76331 76476 76507 76524 52833 52834 52857 13 ***—CKS ***—CKS 23-4516-611-61 19473 27-4516-661-66 5808 -- 27-4516-661-66 50037 ***—CKS 28-4504-704-70 28-4504-704-70 28-4504-704-70 28-4580-702-70 28-4580-702-70 28-4580-702-70 ***—CKS 10-4612-560-56 10-4612-560-56 26-4624-683-68 26-4624-683-68 10-4248-520-52 10-4248-520-52 10-4248-520-52 10012 11 19 71 2,3 2, 122 • 2r,• 2n 17.11 40-4540-801-80 72415 ***—CKS • ♦ 74 75l • ♦ 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION --- ACCOUNT --NO. 3NV-# P.O. * MESSAGE 229434 08/11/87 51.20 51.20 * PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIP MAINT 28-4274-704-70 16199 ****** ***-CKS 229443 08/12/87 89.00 229443 08/10/87 260.00 349.00 * ****** 229460 08/10/87 116.30 229460 08/10/87 271.14 229460 08/10/87 255.63 643.07 * 229461 08/11/87 75.90 75.90 * 229465 08/05/87 35.20 229465 08/05/87 24.40 59.60 * ****** 229480 08/11/87 112.50 112.50 * POMMER MFG CO POMMER MFG CO ROYAL CROWN BEV ROYAL CROWN BEV ROYAL CROWN BEV REEDS SALES & SERV RICHFIELD PLUMB & CO RICHFIELD PLUMB & CO RTW INC GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 011180 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-623-66 INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-862-86 REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 173690 GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 3668 GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 3945 INSURANCE 10-4260-510-51 ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ****** ***-CKS 229485 08/07/87 1,181.27 229485 08/07/87 161.80 1,343.07 * 229492 08/10/87 229493 08/10/87 229493 08/10/87 229493 08/10/87 111.70 111.70 * 3,315.25 11,099.15 162.50 14,576.90 * 229500 08/07/87 100.00 100.00 * ****** 229502 08/10/87 STATE BLDG INSP STATE BLDG INSP BLDG PERMITS 10-3095-000-00 SUR CHG TAC 10-3113-000-00 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARATS SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC --- INVENTORY SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY HAROLD SWANSON ***-CKS 10-4540-560-56 151474 50-4630-822-82 50-4630-842-84 50-4630-862-86 POLICE SERVICE 10-4100-430-42 186.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 2032 ***-CKS ***-CKS n7• R ICI J 1987 l ( OF EDINA CHECK(. SISTER 08-17-81 PAGE 11 CHECK NO. DATE 229380 08/07/87 229380 08/07/87 229381 08/05/87 AMOUNT — VENDOR 550.00 11,276.41 11,826.41 * 326.48 326.48 * 229383 08/05/87 321.35 229383 08/05/87 321.35 .00 * ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT —NO: iNV. tt P.O. N MESSAGE THOMSEN NYBECK DUE HRA 10-1145-000-00 THOMSEN NYBECK SERVICES 10-4201-220-22 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10-4212-510-51 MPLS COMP TREAS MPLS COMP TREAS CORRECTION 10-4504-301-30 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-301-30 449383 229391 08/11/87 269.40 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 29-4252-722-72 229391 08/11/87 17,981.01 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 30-4252-782-78 229391 08/11/87 740.77 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 40-4252-801-80 18,991.18 * 229403 229403 229416 229416 229416 229416 08/05/87 08/11/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 250.00 N W SOUND 57.00 N W SOUND 307.00 * 22,549.00- 2,549.00 195.00 22,549.00 2,744.00 * 229420 08/11/87 266.25 266.25 * 229421 08/05/87 36.61 36.61 * OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE PRODUCTS OLD DUTCH FOODS OLSON CHAIN & CABLE GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 61695 GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 61878 CORRECTION OFFICE EQUIP OFFICE EQUIP OFFICE EQUIP 25-4906-510-51 026539 25-4906-510-51 026539 25-4906-510-51 026497 25-4906-510-51 026539 CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 -REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 4480 229429 08/11/87 287.50 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 26-4624-683-68 229429 08/11/87 1,438.94 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 229429 08/10/87 15.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 28-4624-703-70 229429 08/10/87 267.15 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50-4632-822-82 229429 08/10/87 481.05 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY — — 50-4632-842-84 229429 08/10/87 259.40— PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CORRECTION 50-4632-862-86 229429 08/10/87 359.40 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 229429 08/10/87 259.40 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50 4632-862 86 2,849.04 ****** ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS 114 1e ne •7 13 21 2_ 'zap 2.1 7 47 az tan 147 I47 ***—CKS gP ***—CKS a1 I. _ ^2 53 �S4 SP • ,tn I7AI 7,)\ *** CKS-- 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 229344 229344 229344 229346 229358 229358 229358 229358 229358 229359 229359 229359 229359 229359 229359 229359 229360 229360 229360 229362 229363 229363 229365 229378 229378 229378 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/07/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/11/87 08/05/87 08/11/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/1 0/87 -- 08/10/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/07/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 AMOUNT 103.20 37.20 32.33 172.73 * 2,598.75 2,598.75 * 133.71 414.00 60.00 100.15 207.95 915.81 * 7.94 58.46 201.40 9.67 141.80- 141.86 141.86 419.39 * 43.84 24.00 21.00 88.84 * 290.57 290.57 * 6.00 7.90 13.90 * 100.00 100.00 * 6,184.80 9,814.61 8,752.75 24, 752. 16 * CHECK REGISTER VENDOR MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP MED OXYGEN & EQUIP MED OXYGEN & EQUIP MET N WASTE C L COMM NATL GUARDIAN SYST NATL GUARDIAN SYST NATL GUARDIAN SYST NATL GUARDIAN SYST NATL GUARDIAN SYST MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC MINNESOTA WANNER MINNESOTA WANNER MINNESOTA WANNER MODEL STONE COMPANY MONARCH MARKING MONARCH MARKING- BURT MERFELD MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES ITEM DESCRIPTION EQUIP MAINT EQUIP MAINT 1ST AID SPLY BLDG PERMITS ALARM SERV ALARM SERV ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVV ALARM SERV REPAIR PARTAS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTAS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 08-17-87 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT-NO:--INV. * P.O. N MESSAGE 10-4274-440-44 10-4274-440-44 10-4510-440-44 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS CONCRETE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFF -ICE- SUPPLIES POLICE SERVICE INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 10-3095-000-00 23-4304-612-61 STMT 27-4304-662-66 STMT 27-4304-662-66 28-4304-702-70 50-4304-841-84 10-4540-560-56 670082 10-4540-560-56 669675 10-4540-560-56 671537 10-4540-560-56 670093 27-4540-664-66 672039 27-4540-664-66 672039 27-4540-664-66 672039 10-4504-646-64 067049 10-4504-646-64 067111 10-4540-560-56 067045 40-4528-803-80 50-4516-820-82 106289 50-4516-840-84 16567 10-4100-430-42 50-4630-822-82 50-4630-842-84 50-4630-862-86 ***-CKS 2 1 e 7 e 1 0 11 12 13 14 113 17 ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS *** CKS 2" 21 22 2:, 24 2, 26 27 211 20 31 3-' 3'. 37 37 38 an sec 70 71 72 74 L' 1987 i f OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 229304 08/05/87 ****** 229307 08/05/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 229311 08/10/87 ****** 229318 08/11/87 229318 08/12/87 229318 08/11/87 ****** 229323 229323 229324 229324 229324 229324 229324 229324 229324 229 366 229 366 229 366 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/10/87 CHECK ,._SISTER 08-17-81 PAGE 9 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT --NO. INV.— M P.O. * MESSAGE 13.04 188.78 * KNOX LUMBER CO 8,279.43 KOCH ASPHALT 8,279.43 * 2,042.45 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 9,315.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 7,254.70 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 267.15 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 267.15— EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 481.05 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 99.92— EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 481.05— EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 99.92 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 82.08— EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 359.40— EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 41.04 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 41.04 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 359.40 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 18,612.15 * GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 464803 2 4 3 4 I die ***-CKS is ROAD OIL 10-4526-314-30 j+01 ***—CKS ,4 5, 1/1 j2, •22 1,2,1 24 INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY CORRECTION INVENTORY CORRECTION CORRECTION INVENTORY INVENTORY CORRECTION CORRECTION INVENTORY INVENTORY 50-4630-822-82 50-4630-842-84 50-4630-862-86 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-862-86 50-4632-862-86 50-4632-862-86 50-4632-862-86 50-4632-862-86 99.48 --- LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 10-4262-440-44 14.85 LEEF BROS INC CONT REPAIRS 23-4248-612-61 38.50 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27-4262-664-66 152.83 w 44.94 10.00 54.94 * 2,355.79 2,263.69 2,363.05 2,131.68 295.35 295.34 295.34 10,000.24 * 167.82 543.41 350.91 LINHOFF LINHOFF LOGIS LOGIS LOGIS LOGIS LOGIS LOGIS LOGIS MINNESOTA BAR SUPPLY MINNESOTA BAR SUPPLY MINNESOTA BAR SUPPLY PHOTO SUPPLY 10-4508-440-44 121408 PHOTO SUPPLY 10-4508-440-44 121033 COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING COMPUTER BILLING INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 10-4233-160-16 10-4233-200-20 10-4233-420-42 40-4233-800-80 50-4233-820-82 50-4233-840-84 50-4233-860-86 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-862-86 ***—CKS ***-CKS 3„ 34, 3R j7 3,, 3n4 14o 4, 4.2 41 44 145 45. I474 4A ***—CKS 44 00 51 '„ 154 5, 57 on av !CO 11 1,062.14 * II5* ***—CKS ---17" 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 8 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. N P.O. M MESSAGE 229279 08/12/87 216.38 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE PAINT 10-4544-646-64 229279 08/12/87 14.38 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE LUMBER 10-4604-260-26 229279 08/12/87 11.34 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-663-66 229279 08/12/87 14.49 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CONT REPAIRS 27-4248-666-66 229279 08/12/87 10.78 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-663-66 229279 08/12/87 31.18 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-664-66 229279 08/12/87 18.68 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-666-66 229279 08/12/87 15.42 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 28-4504-702-70 229279 08/12/87 87.47 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CONT REPAIRS 29-4248-722-72 229279 08/12/87 6.38 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 229279 08/12/87 188.54 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 229279 08/12/87 29.71- JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CORRECTION 40-4540-302-30 229279 08/12/87 29.71 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARATS 40-4540-302-30 229279 08/12/87 10.40 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-801-80 229279 08/12/87 101.75 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-803-80 229279 08/12/87 14.58 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-807-80 1 , 735 .-07--* 229286 08/05/87 170.24 229286 08/05/87 148.86 319.10 -* ****** 229289 08/07/87 100.00 100.00 * ****** 229300 08/05/87 270.00 229300 08/07/87 165.90 229300 08/07/87 82.95 518.85 * 229302 229302 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 229304 08/10/87 08/10/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/11/87 4,929.70 9,234.30 14,164.00 * JUSTUS LUMBER JUSTUS LUMBER WALTER JOHNSON KOKESH ATHLETIC KOKESH ATHLETIC KOKESH ATHLETIC CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-646-64 9500 CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-646-64 8269 POLICE SERVICE 10-4100-430-42 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES KUETHER DIST CO KUETHER DIST CO INVENTORY INVENTORY 10-4504-621-62 10-4504-646-64 7169 10-4504-646-64 50-4630-822-82 50-4630-842-84 .40- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT 10-4504-301-30 504762 15.92 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-301-30 432045 1.95- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT -- 10-4504-301-30 439071 31.35 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-301-30 449383 2.09- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT 10-4504-301-30 439152 6.00- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT 10-4504-301-30 438918 .24- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT 10-4504-301-30 439037 28.80- KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT 10-4504-301-30 514670 3.44- KNOX LUMBER CO- -- CREDIT 10-4504-322-30 504780 164.39 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-520-52 502012 7.00 KNOX LUMBER CO PAINT 27-4544-662-66 431717 2 4 .10 12 11 14 1! ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ,7 1e 1113 21 '22 24 2n 27 20 zy, 131 3:. 34 7 I�^ 1987 . ( OF EDINA CHECK I. ISTER 08-17-8r PAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 229228 08/10/87 7.97 229228 08/10/87 96.04 229228 08/10/87 1,493.35 229228 08/10/87 95.64 229228 08/10/87 115.86 229228 08/10/87 170.94 229228 08/10/87 207.66 229228 08/10/87 196.46 2,383.92 * ****** 229231 08/10/87 ****** 229249 08/07/87 ****** 229254 08/05/87 229256 08/12/87 229256 08/12/87 ****** 229278 08/12/87 229278 08/12/87 229278 08/10/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 229279 08/12/87 176.50 176.50 * 100.00 100.00 * 160.00 160.00 * 378.50 438.70 817.20 * 34.55 16.03 77.95 128.53 * 9.06 319.86 5.98 42.55 54.68 24.11 11.55 18.26 366.64 17.63 6.38 6.38- 17.37 29-71 7.18 68.72 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY HOFFERS INC WM HOFFMAN RETAIL DATA SYST MN ICSI ICSI JERRYS FOODS JERRYS FOODS JERRYS FOODS JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT-NOT-INV. M P.O. * MESSAGE GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES REGULAR PARTS REGULAR PARTS GEN SUPPLIES PARTS REPAIR PARTS REGULAR PARTS 10-4504-440-44 10-4504-560-56 10-4540-560-56 10-4540-801-80 10-4580-560-56 10-4620-560-56 27-4540-664-66 40-4540-803-80 PAINT 10-4544-642-64 36687 POLICE SERVICE 10-4100-430-42 SERV CONTRACTS 30-4288-781-78 ***-CKS •**-CKS !14 ▪ 21 24I 2▪ 7 ,2111 s**-CKS 9 CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-440-44 18312 EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-420-42 18814 MEETING EXPENSES CLEANING SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES CORRECTION CLEANING SPLY REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4206-440-44 10-4512-440-44 23-4540-613-61 10-4504-260-26 10-4504-301-30 10-4504-325-30 10-4504-340-30 10-4504-420-42 10-4504-440-44 10-4504-520-52 10-4504-560-56 10-4504-646-64 10-4504-660-66 10-4504-782-78 10-4504-782-78 10-4512-440-44 10-4540-302-30 10-4540-322-30 10-4540-520-52 3] 'd JM 37 ***-CKS 1,t3 ao '41 42 qa ***-CKS 4� 147 4.0 ',l"16 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE 229150 08/07/87 ****** 229158 08/05/87 ****** 229179 08/07/87 ****** 229181 08/05/87 229181 08/05/87 229181 08/10/87 229181 08/10/87 229181 08/05/87 ****** 229188 08/07/87 229188 08/07/87 ****** 229194 08/10/87 229194 08/12/87 22%56 08/12/87 229194 08/10/87 229194 08/10/87 229194 08/10/87 229194 08/10/87 ****** 229206 08/07/87 229206 08/07/87 229206 08/07/87 229206 08/07/87 229206-----08/07/87 ****** 229218 08/05/87 ****** AMOUNT 107.80 107.80 * 2,244.01 2,244.01 * 111.44 111.44 * 90.00 250.75 105.00 52.50- 10.00 403.25 * 111.69 107.14 218.83 * 19.00 200.40 42.10* 84.90 47.60 24.80 266.25 605.05 * 642.95* 780.92 239.04 171.00 113.60 199.40 1,503.96 * VENDOR ELECTRONIC CENTER FEED RITE CONTROL GENERAL BINDING GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SPORTS GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GENERAL COMMUNICATNS SOUTHDALE SINCLAIR GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GENERAL COMMUNICATNS G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G 4 K SERVICES G & K SERVICES ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT ---NO.--- INV. -N-P.O.-N MESSAGE REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 171750 WATER SUPPLIES 40-4622-805-80 89673 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-510-51 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES UNIFORMS CREDIT GEN SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS EQUIP RENTAL EQUIP MAINT SERIVCE CONTRACT RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE RADIO LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 10-4504-621-62 27899 10-4504-623-62 27901 26-4262-682-68 27900 26-4262-682-68 26-4504-682-68 27902 10-4540-520-52 371690 10-4540-540-54 382909 10-4226-301-30 26291 10-4274-420-42 79441 10-4288-420-42 10-4294-560-56 79761 10-4294-560-56 79643 10-4294-560-56 79760 10-4294-560-56 26290 10-4262-301-30 10-4262-560-56 10-4262-646-64 10-4512-540-54 40-4262-801-80 1,645.13 1,645.13 * HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10-4618-560-56 31732 l' 2 . 6 6 7 ***—CKS _.o ***—CKS ***—CKS :a *a 16 16 n 16 . 131 ***—CKS ,,.• ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS ***—CKS 6711‘ 1987 r OF EDINA CHECK '. ISTER 08-17-87 .AGE 5 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT - VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO.-INV7-* P.O. N MESSAGE ****** 229100 08/11/87 1,449.00 CURTIS 1000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-510-51 21087 1,449.00 * ****** 229106 08/07/87 100.00 DAHL- MR HILDING POLICE SERVICE 10-4100-430-42 100.00 * ****** 229110 08/10/87 296.50 DAVIDSEN DIST INC INVENTORY 50-4630-842-84 296.50 * ****** 229125 08/12/87 144.56 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SPLY 10-4504-440-44 17148 229125 08/05/87 69.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPLIES 10-4504-646-64 17191 229125 08/07/87 2,145.00 MERIT SUPPLY WEED SPRAY 10-4566-643-64 17223 229125 08/05/87 107.40 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 26-4512-682-68 17186 229125 08/11/87 98.40 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-662-66 17206 229125 08/05/87 189.90 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 28-4512-702-70 17211 229125 08/05/87 222.15 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 17205 229125 08/11/87 313.22 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-782-78 17256 3,289.63 * 229126 08/12/87 504.00 DAVIS EUGENE WEED INSPECTION 10-4201-600-60 229126 08/12/87 46.41 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 10-4208-600-60 550.41 * ****** 229134 08/05/87 36.75 CITY WIDE SERVICES CONT REPAIRS 50-4248-841-84 36.75 * ****** 229136 08/10/87 389.55 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 72767 229136 08/10/87 216.88 EARL -f-ANDERSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 72093 606.43 * 229137 08/10/87 268.15- E KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIALS 10-4518-803-80 83106 229137 08/10/87 268.15 E KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIALS 10-4518-803-80 83106 229137 08/10/87 268.15 E KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIASL 40-4518-803-80 83106 268.15 * ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS 30 3s _40 41 142 43 ***-CKS ***-CKS-- 229143 08/05/87 82.15 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 229143 08/11/87 67.26 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-663-66 149.41 ***-CKS 5. 45 45 47 \ 40 49 5'] SI .3 51 53 34 55 \ 53 57 50 55 \ 70 71 72 74 ***—CKS 7573, 4 \ 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-17-87 PAGE 4 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO--INV. M . P.O* MESSAGE 229058 08/07/87 100.00 100.00 * ****** 229060 08/10/87 64.00 229060 08/11/87 64.00 229060 08/11/87 84.40 229060 08/05/87 319.22 531.62 * 229061 08/05/87 64.02 229061 08/12/87 58.88 122.90 * ****** 229073 08/10/87 254.56 229073 08/10/87 278.45 229073 08/10/87 249.35 782.36 * ****** 229075 08/07/87 14.63 229075 08/07/87 8.58 23.21 * 229078 229078 229078 08/11/87 08/10/87 08/11/87 243.75 733.55 992.76 1,970.06 * 229080 08/10/87 38.37 38.37 * WAYNE W BENNETT AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE "A" PLUS PRESORT "A" PLUS PRESORT CITY BEER CITY BEER CITY BEER CLANCY DRUG INC CLANCY DRUG INC COCA COLA BOTTLING COCA COLA BOTTLING COCA COLA BOTTLING POLICE SERVICE 10-4100-430-42 CONCESSINS CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 26-4624-683-68 26-4624-683-68 27-4624-663-66 27-4624-663-66 10-4290-510-51 4884 10-4290-510-51 4933 50-4630-822-82 50-4630-842-84 50-4630-862-86 GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-624-62 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30-4516-781-78 INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY CONT-MINN 229082 08/12/87 390.00 390.00 * 229095 08/11/87 229097 08/07/87 383.86 383.86 * 43.47 43.47 * CONWAY FIRE SAFETY COMMISSIONER REVENUE 50-4632-822-82 50-4632-842-84 50-4632-862-86 GEN SUPPLIES 26-4504-683-68 EQUIP REPLACEMENT ----- 10-4901-440-44 21075 GASOLINE 10-4612-560-56 ***-CKS ***-CKS 2 3 ;4 5 7 189 ,0 2 I,3 14 !,6 'Id !,v 20 21 122 122 124 _.6 126 '27 2e 25 .70 131 ' 32 3 )i ***-CKS 14 315 36 '37 3(➢ 39 4, ***-CKS 42 '4n ***-CKS ***-CKS COURTNEY C WAYNE MILEAGE 10-4208-100-10 ***-CKS '61 62 63 64 166 i67'. 469 69 70 1987 d OF EDINA CHECK .STER 08-17-81 AGE 3 CHECK NO. DATE 229031 229031 229031 229031 229031 229031 229031 229031 229031 229033 229033 229033 229033 229034 229037 229037 229038 229039 ****** 229041 229041 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/07/87 08/05/87 08/07/87 08/07/87 08/07/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/10/87 08/12/87 08/12/87 08/07/87 08/11/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 229046 08/12/87 229048 08/11/87 229053 08/07/87 AMOUNT 1.38 22.47 48.60 61.90 63.74 85.92 85.92 8.59 16.41 396.66 • 66.40 161.30 119.00 3.50 350.20 * 150.92 150.92 * 438.60 162.45 601.05 * 100.00 100.00 * 129.62 129.62 * 50.34 39.15 89.49 * 7,481.89 7,481.89 * 55.27 55.27 * 82.52 82.52 * VENDOR BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BERTELSON BROS BROS BROS BROS BROS BROS BROS BROS BROS INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING ITEM DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY SHORT BLOOMINGTON CHRY-PLY - REPAIR PARTS BRAUN ENG TESTING IN BRAUN ENG TESTING IN GEORGE BUTLER CONST CONST POLICE-SERV-10E-- BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC SOD BLACK DIRT BURY & CARLSON INC BURY & CARLSON INC BLUMBERG PHOTO BLACKTOP BLACKTOP CABLE TV ACCOUNT-NO:--INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 10-4516-440-44 309509 10-4516-440-44 309509 10-4516-440-44 309508 10-4516-510-51 310469 10-4516-510-51 310095 10-4516-510-51 10-4516-510-51 10-4516-540-54 30-4516-781-78 310095 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-862-86 50-4626-862-86 10-4540-560-56 37703 60-1300-265-04 6963 60-1300-265-04 6887 10-4100-430-42 10-4562-642-64 10-4524-301-30 27272 40-4524-803-80 27272 10-2149-000-00 BRISSMAN KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMVOAL 10-4512-520-52 70769 10-4250-628 62 ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS •6 ea ***-CKS ***-CKS •--�-tit-CK3 - lea M14 f.' M1M1 67 611 65 71' 71 77 73 74 75 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE 08-17-87 PAGE 2 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT --NO: INV-* P.O. M MESSAGE 229004 08/05/87 21.48 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10-4262-520-52 229004 08/05/87 97.96 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY - 10-4262-520-52 229004 08/10/87 11.40 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10-4262-628-62 229004 08/05/87 7.20 AMERICAN LINEN GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-482-48 229004 08/05/87 36.85 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY -- 30-4262-782-78 229004 08/05/87 34.31 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50-4262-821-82 229004 08/05/87 49.89 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50-4262-841-84 229004 08/05/87 43.32 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50-4262-861-86- 507.99 * 229005 08/11/87 40.23 -- AUDIO GROUP ADVERTISING 50-4214-822-82 229005 08/11/87 40.23 AUDIO GROUP ADVERTISING 50-4214-862-86 80.46 * ****** 229008 08/05/87 123.43 ---- KAMAN BEARING & SPLY REPAIR PARTS-27-4540-664-66 123.43 229015 08/11/87 89.29 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10-4256-510-51 229015 08/11/87 58.63 -- AT -& T-INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 23-4256-612-61 147.92 * ****** 229018 08/11/87 13.20 AT 6 T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10-4256-628-62 229018 08/11/87 6.75 -AT 4 T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE ------ 50-4256-821-82-- 19.95 * 229019 08/05/87 177.62 ACME WINDOW CLEANING CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-390-30 114.- 177.62 * 229026 08/10/87 80.00 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-807-80 497382 229026 08/10/87 80.00- BADGER METER INC CORRECTION - 40-4540-807-80 497382 229026 08/10/87 30.00 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-807-80 497382 229026 08/10/87 80.00- BADGER METER INC CORRECTION 40-4540-807-80 497382 229026 08/10/87 80.00 - BADGER METER INC -- - CORRECTION 40-4540-807-80 497382 -- 229026 08/05/87 313.08 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-807-80 498002 343.08 229028 229028 229028 229028 229031 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/10/87 08/11/87 08/07/87 1,243.30 BEER WHOLESALERS - ----- INVENTORY 27-4630-663-66 1,140.35 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50-4630-822-82 2,120.36 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50-4630-842-84 - 2,137.30 --BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50-4630-862-86 6,641.31 * 1.73 BERTELSON BROS INC ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS ***-CKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-260-26 ***-CKS .13 14 ,e 7, 7z • 1987 If: , OF EDINA CHECK h_<ISTER 08-17-87 WAGE 1 CHECK NO. DATE 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218354 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 218391 229002 229002 229002 * * * * * * 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 -- 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 08/11/87 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT —NO:-- INV. -N-P.O * MESSAGE 7.91 MINNEGASCO HEATING 10-1130-000-00 MANUAL 49.85 MINNEGASCO HEATING 10 4254-446-44 MANUAL 43.88 MINNEGASCO HEATING 10-4254-520-52 MANUAL 136.86 MINNEGASCO HEATING 10-4254-540-54 MANUAL 113.03 MINNEGASCO HEATING 10 4254-646-64 MANUAL 3.93 MINNEGASCO HEATING 23-4254-612-61 MANUAL 2,139.26 MINNEGASCO HEATING 26-4254-682-68 MANUAL 6.26 MINNEGASCO HEATING 27-4254-662-66 MANUAL 15.87 MINNEGASCO HEATING 27-4254-664-66 MANUAL 1,050.51 MINNEGASCO HEATING 28-4254-702-70 MANUAL 663.58 MINNEGASCO HEATING 30-4254-782-78 MANUAL 57.21 MINNEGASCO'` HEATING 40-4254-801-80 MANUAL 384.53 MINNEGASCO HEATING 40-4254-803-80 MANUAL 3.93 MINNEGASCO HEATING 50-4254-841-84 MANUAL 12.63 MINNEGASCO HEATING 50-4254-861-86 MANUAL 4,689.24 * ----442.13 NORTHERN STATES 829.29 NORTHERN STATES 12,492.44 NORTHERN STATES 10,218.09 NORTHERN STATES 2,397.38 NORTHERN STATES 87.87 NORTHERN STATES 79.07 NORTHERN STATES 2,011.24 NORTHERN STATES 917.04 NORTHERN STATES 41.31 NORTHERN STATES 1,910.37 NORTHERN STATES 1,378.65 NORTHERN STATES 5,486.59 NORTHERN STATES 507.58 NORTHERN STATES 1,451.60 NORTHERN STATES 3,388.03 NORTHERN STATES 220.90 NORTHERN STATES 4,869.29 NORTHERN STATES 2,152.60 NORTHERN STATES 33,179.86 NORTHERN STATES 231.25 NORTHERN STATES 747.68 NORTHERN STATES 1,261.45 NORTHERN STATES 539.32 NORTHERN STATES 86 , 841 .-03-., *--- ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC - ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC - ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ***—CKS 10-1130-000-00 MANUAL 10-4252-301-30 MANUAL 10-4252-321-30 MANUAL 10-4252-322-30 MANUAL 10-4252-330-30 MANUAL 10-4252-345-30 MANUAL 10-4252-358-30 MANUAL 10-4252-375-30 MANUAL 10-4252-440-44 MANUAL 10-4252-460-46 MANUAL 10-4252-520-52 MANUAL 10-4252-540-54 MANUAL 10-4252-646-64 MANUAL 23-4252-612-61 MANUAL 26-4252-682-68 MANUAL 27-4252-662-66 MANUAL 27-4252-664-66 MANUAL 28-4252-702-70 MANUAL 40-4252-801-80 MANUAL 40-4252-803-80 MANUAL 40-4252-804-80 MANUAL 50-4252-821-82 MANUAL 50-4252-841-84 MANUAL 50-4252-861-86 MANUAL 5.40 AT & T TELEPHONE 10-4256-510-51 .48 AT & T TELEPHONE 26-4256-682-68 23.07 AT--&-T TELEPHONE 30 4256-782-78 28.95 * ' 229004 08/05/87 205.58_, AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10-4262-440-44 ***—CKS "3 �na 3c 31' 32 "3 , h, ]f 72 ***—CKS -- ] ,a LJ ' 198( TY OF EDINA 1 2 3 6 7 0 9 2Ai 2pl 30i CHECK NO. DATE 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 160354 08/05/87 188067 188067 188067 188067 188067 * * * * * * 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 188135 ****** 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 AMOUNT VENDOR 4.78 MINNEGASCO 174.00 MINNEGASCO 78.40 MINNEGASCO 185.74 MINNEGASCO 235.07 MINNEGASCO 69.63 MINNEGASCO 1,997.50 MINNEGASCO 18.SS MINNEGASCO 934.16 MINNEGASCO 934.16— MINNEGASCO 934.16 MINNEGASCO 93.40 MINNEGASCO 489.54 MINNEGASCO 10.86— MINNEGASCO 10.86 MINNEGASCO 10.86 MLINNEGASCO 12.08 MINNEGASCO 45.74 MINNEGASCO 4,349.45 * CHECK REGISTER 4.50- 5.00 181.90 5.00 175.90 363.30 * 07/17/87 3.33- 08/06/87 28.61- 08/06/87 42.82- 08/06/87 1.07 08/06/87 1,430.71 08/06/87 53.64 08/06/87 2,001.00 08/06/87 53.64- 08/06/87 53.64- 07/17/87 166.40 07/17/87 139.78 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 3,610.56 * 1.38- 16.27 8.49- 1.38- 8.12- 5.05- 8.07- 26.86 1.38- 07-31-87 PAGE 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. R P.O. N MESSAGE HEATING 10-1130-000-00 MANUAL HEATING 10-4254-446-44 MANUAL HEATING 10-4254-520-52 MANUAL HEATING 10-4254-540-54 MANUAL HEATING 10-4254-646-64 MANUAL HEATING 23-4254-612-61 MANUAL HEATING 26-4254-682-68 MANUAL HEATING 27-4254-664-66 MANUAL HEATING 28-4254-702-70 MANUAL CORRECTIOON 28-4254-702-80 MANUAL HEATING 28-4254-702-80 MANUAL SEWER 40-4254-801-80 MANUAL HEATING 40-4254-803-80 MANUAL CORRECTION 50-4254-821-81 MANUAL HEATING 50-4254-821-81 MANUAL HEATING 50-4254-821-82 MANUAL HEATING 50-4254-841-84 MANUAL HEATING 50-4254-861-86 MANUAL CAPITAL• CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE. WINE DISCOUNT ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY INVENOTRY 2 21 ***—CKS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 31 3; 35. 4C * * * —C KS 41 42 50-3710-003-00 MANUAL a 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 431 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL �6` 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL _40,1 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL a) 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 53 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 52 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 53 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 54 55 50-4632-862-86 MANUAL 55 50-4632-862-86 MANUAL 5 30 50-3710-822-82 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-862-86 50-3710-862-86 50-3710-862-86 ***—CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 55 57 70 71 72 73 74 75 1987 CITY OF EDINA Th.ti CHECK NO. DATE 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188138 188190 188190 188190 188190 ,188190 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/17/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/17/87 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 188285 • 188285 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07-31-87 PAGE 2 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. *P.O —* MESSAGE 31.21- 138.00 424.44 138.00 201.61- 252.55 138.00 1,560.67 1,627.05 811.81 2,685.50 807.05 36.63 8,309.88 * CHECK REGISTER ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 23.16- 45.62- 1,157.99 2,281.15 149.65 3,520.01 * GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY INVENTORY 50-3710-862-86 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-862-86 50-4626-862-86_ 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-862-86 50-4628-862-86 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***—CKS 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 _ MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL 20.09— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 12.17— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 5.32— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 15.31— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 41.10— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 54.87— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 17.76— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 5.37— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 19.30— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 7.35 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 2,054.98 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 2,743.12JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 12.60 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 2,009.49 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 26.60 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 1,218.28 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 11.55 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 1,531.55 JOHNSON WINS 50-4628-842-84 14.70 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 34.30 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 532.62 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 10.50 _ JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 40.60 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 1,776.08 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 537.63 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 21.35 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 1,931.48 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 14,323.49 ***-CKS 2 4 7 e fl 10 111 12 13 14 MANUAL I37 MANUAL 30 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 'efl MANUAL MANUAL ***—CKS 13 74 754 1987 t_.Y OF EDINA CHECK 1._GISTER 07-31 -8'r PAGE 3 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. 41 MESSAGE 188368 07/17/87 2,562.96 MUTUAL BENEFIT 2,562.96 * ****** 188435 08/06/87 188435 08/06/87 188435 08/06/87 188435 08/06/87 188435 08/06/87 '188435 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188451 08/06/87 188703 188703 188703 1188703 189354 189354 189354 189354 189354 189354 ****** 50.49 15.06 13.20- 2,524.31 143.80- 753.19 3,054.95 * 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 .57- 4.00- 17.53- 1 4 . 82-_ 16.33- 16.92- 876.37 816.70 398.25 57.00 1,480.14 1,688.65 5,246.94 * 189396 07/17/87 189396 07/17/87 189396 07/17/87 189396 07/17/87 189396 07/17/87 189396 07/17/87 PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO DISABILITY PREMIUM10-4158-510-51 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 14 16 7 1r. 1fl '20 ***-CKS 21 122 23 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 24 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 25 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 2' 27 50-3710-842-84 _ MANUAL 12, 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL n' 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 31 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 32. 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 3 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL ;,. 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 137 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 2.33- 2.13- 155.22 142.12 292.88 * 33.00 3.00 7.13 3.00 15.12 15.12 15.12- -25.25 * 58.25 3.00 3.00- 3.00 ***-CKS BRW ENTERPRISES 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL BRW ENTERPRISES 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL BRW ENTERPRISES 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL BRW ENTERPRISES 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO NW BELL HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEATING HEAT CORRECTION 70-4254 520 52 10 1130 000 00 10-4254-646-64 MANUAL 28-4254-702-70 MANUAL 40-4254-803-80 MANUAL 40-4254-803-80 MANUAL 40-4254-803-80 MANUAL 247.65 30.00- 30.00 NW BELL NW BELL NW -BELL NW BELL NW BELL NW BELL ***-CKS ***-CKS CORRECTION 10-1130-000-00 MANUAL CORRECTION 10-1130-000-00 MANUAL 1b-1t3$-0-00-09r MANUAL 10-4201-622-66 MANUAL 10-4254-520-52 MANUAL 10-4254-520-52 MANUAL T EL€Pt4O TELEPHONE CORRECTION CORRECTION e2 1831 641 66 70' 711 721 73i 74 77j 76 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 4 CHECK NO. DATE 189396 07/17/87 30,00 .____ __.___NW_BELL_ . ___ 189396 07/17/87 7.85 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 3,305.85 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 108.04 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 30.81 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 197.79 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 66.69 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 321.12 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 300.04 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 46.55 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 732.68 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 15.12 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 15.12— NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 110.83 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 154.70 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 185.82 NW BELL 189396 07/17/87 130.38 NW BELL 5,946 90" 191174 191174 07/17/87 07/17/87 191462 07/17/87 191506 191506 07/17/87 07/17/87 194813 07/17/87 136,000.00 136,000.00— .00 * 1,569.00 1,569.00 * 11,030.39 755.14 11,785.53 * 1ST BANK SDALE 1ST BANK SD RENTAL EQUIP SW FIDELITY SW FIDELITY AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. 9 MESSAGE TELEPHONE 40 4254-520-52 TELEPHONE 10-4256-460-46 TELEPHONE 10-4256-510-51 TELEPHONE 10-4256-628-62 TELEPHONE 10-4256-646-64 TELEPHONE 23-4256-612-61 TELEPHONE 26-4256-682-68 TELEPHONE 27-4256-662-66 TELEPHONE 28-4256-702-70 TELEPHONE 29-4256-722-72 TELEPHONE 30-4256-782-78 TELEPHONE 40-4254-803-80 CORRECTION 40-4254-803-80 TELEPHONE 40-4256-801-80 TELEPHONE 50-4256-821-82 TELEPHONE 50-4256-841-84 TELEPHONE 50-4256-861-86 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***—CKS PAYROLL TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL PAYROLL TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL TOOLS ***—CKS 10-4580-644-64 MANUAL ***—CKS CITY PORTION FICE 10-4149-510-51 MANUAL CITY PORTION M/C 10-4162-510-51 MANUAL 122.76 TRAVELERS INS REFUND 122.76 * ***—CKS 10-3180-000-00 MANUAL ***—CKS ,195251 07/17/87 _150,000.00 EDINA HRA DUE HRA 10-1145-000-00 MANUAL 150,000.00 * 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 527.80 496.97 12,257.87 10,173.09 2,304.18 71.95 140.04 NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 10-1130-000-00 10-4252-301-30 10-4252-321-30 10-4252-322-30 10-4252-330-30 10-4252-345-30 10-4252-358-30 ***—CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 7 s 1190 '2 c 1987 Ci.1 OF EDINA CHECK R-..1STER 07-31-87 AGE 5 CHECK NO. DATE 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195391 195396 195396 195396 195396 195396 195396 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. M MESSAGE 1,842.93 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-375-30 MANUAL 898.13 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-440-44 _ MANUAL 41.31 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-460-46 MANUAL 1,708.36 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-520-52 MANUAL 1,154.40 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-540-54 MANUAL 4,600.77 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-646-64 MANUAL 477.17 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 23-4252-612-61 MANUAL 1,154.19 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 26-4252-682-68 MANUAL 2,968.64 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 27-4252-662-66 MANUAL 203.15 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 27-4252-664-66 MANUAL 2,966.01 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 28-4252-702-70 MANUAL 206.42 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 29-4252-722-72 MANUAL 2,454.73 NORTHERN STATES .. 40-4252-801-80 MANUAL 34,411.21 NORTHERN STATES �_. 40-4252-803-80 MANUAL 166.72 NORTHERN STATES 40-4252-804-80 MANUAL 166.72- NORTHERN STATES CORRECTION 40-4252-804-80 MANUAL 1,166.72 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40-4252-804-80 MANUAL 659.03 NORTHERN STATES .. 50-4252-821-82 MANUAL 1,313.36 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50-4252-841-84 MANUAL 503.19 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50-4252-861-86 MANUAL 84,701.62 * 584.12 108.04 42.41 15.02 46.97 307.80 1,104.36 * NW BELL NW BELL NW BELL NW BELL NW BELL NW BELL ***-CKS TELEPHONE 10-4256-510-51 MANUAL TELEPHONE 10-4256-628-62 MANUAL TELEPHONE 10-4256-646-64 MANUAL TELEPHONE 23-4256-612-61 MANUAL TELEPHONE 28-4256-702-70 MANUAL TELEPHONE 40-4256-803-80 MANUAL 195430 07/17/87 20,680.23 PUBLIC MMPLOYEE RET CITY CONT PERA 20,680.23 * 195814 07/17/87 300.00 300.00 * ****** 196067 08/06/87 387.50 r 196067 08/06/87 6.00 393.50 * 196129 08/06/87 * 196135 08/06/87 POSTMASTER POSTAGE DUE ***-CKS 10-4145-510-51 MANUAL 10-4290-510-51 2,628.83 2,628.83 * CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI BELLBOY 17.17- EAGLE WINE 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 ***-CKS MANUAL ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 7f1 72I 7 -1 l 741, 751 Try' 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 196135 196135 196135 196135 196135 196135 196135 196135 196135 ****** 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 196138 ****** 196190 196190 196190 196190 196190 196190 ****** 196285 196285 196285 196285 196285 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/17/87 07/17/87 12.05- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 15.06- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 1.49- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 858.46 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 602.27 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 74.28 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 752.95 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 42.97 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY 50-4632-822-82 MANUAL 33.12 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL 2,318.28 * 08/06/87 .20 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 4.13 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 17.47- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 14.46- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 8.86- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 2.45- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 3.75- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 24.79- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 8.17- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 34.94- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 3.71- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 722.99 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 187.68 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 1,239.43 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 1,747.03 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 19.75- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 206.82- ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 1,746.65 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 885.80 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 245.00 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 371.14 ED PHILLIPS 08/06/87 816.95 ED PHILLIPS 07/17/87 102.25 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 7,724.08 * 08/06/87 9.96- 08/06/87 1.31- 08/06/87 33.94- 08/06/87 497.85 08/06/87 65.73 08/06/87 1,696.84 2,215.21 * 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 6.63- 30.02- 4.51-✓ 16. 14-✓ 118.70 GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4630-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-862-86 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-862-86 ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 1987 C..( OF EDINA CHECK h�.,ISTER 07-31-87 rAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. * MESSAGE 196285 08/06/87 118.70 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 118.70- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 118.70- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 118.70- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 12.32- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 3.67- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 .18 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 .72- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 2.91- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 57.41- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 652.82 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 8.45 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25- JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 5,907.89 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 5,907.89 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 6,007.49- JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 5,907.89- JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 6,007.49 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25- JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 2,869.68 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 13.65 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 9.45 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 8.44 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 451.18 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 1,492.81 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 1,613.33 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 37.10 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 1,104.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 9.17- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 26.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 5.95 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 71.95 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 1.84- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 6.30 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 1.75 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 290.89 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 08/06/87 368.40 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 196285 07/17/87 99.60 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50-4630-842-84 MANUAL 14,802.53 * 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 196433 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 3.00 149.04 149.04- 149.04 149.04 3.00- 3.00- 3.00 3.00 149.04- PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 2 3 5 6 . 7 ***-CKS 6' MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 6 164 'less l66' 67 66 69 70 71 72 73 74' 75 �3 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 8 CHECK NO, DATE 196435 196435 196435 196435 196435 196435 196435 19643S 196435 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 196451 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/17/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 AMOUNT 152.04 * 20.85- 12.31 4.15- 1,042.61 615.70 7.99- 207.64 15.98- 34.25 1,838.92 * 13.52- 9.89- 9.96- 8.10- 16.64- 2.22- 3.10- 19.71- 16.18- 31.41- 7.62- 675.95 985.86 1,569.84 995.00 810.00 987.35 310.08 1,660.45 221.25 1,617.75 761.45 10,456.63 * VENDOR PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. M MESSAGE INVENTORY ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-822-82 MANUAL ***-CKS QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE SO-3710-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL ***-CKS 196895 07/17/87 46.00 STATE TREASURER INVENTORY 10-2242-000-00 MANUAL 46.00 * ****** ***-CKS 198700 07/17/87 890.00 ALICE J PARTEN REFUND 10-3150-000-00 MANUAL 890.00 ***-CKS 202055 07/29/87 64.00 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27-3470-000-00 MANUAL 202055 07/29/87 306.74 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27-4120-663-66 MANUAL 1 2 J eo ei ,e] 16.3 ie4 en !elk 74I �S �C 4 Y 1987 CIII OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 202055 07/29/87 20205S 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 202055 07/29/87 ****** AMOUNT 344.52 BRAEMAR GOLF 17.00 BRAEMAR GOLF 79.94 BRAEMAR GOLF 22.14 BRAEMAR GOLF 42.53 BRAEMAR GOLF 167.95 BRAEMAR GOLF 3.15 BRAEMAR GOLF 15.05 BRAEMAR GOLF 50.58 BRAEMAR GOLF 48.83 BRAEMAR GOLF 42.53- BRAEMAR GOLF 42.53 BRAEMAR GOLF 1,162.43 * 202067 08/06/87 202067 08/06/87 202067 08/06/87 202067 08/06/87 202067 07/29/87 202067 07/29/87 ****** 202129 08/06/87 , 202129 08/06/87 ****** 202135 202135 202135 202135 202135 202135 202135 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/29/87 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL. CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPTIAL CITY CAPITAL CITY BELLBOY BELLBOY 5.50 ------- - ------ 204.99 7.50 . 239.68 109.20 109.20 676.07 * 532.14 1,844.75 2,376.89 * 10.04- EAGLE WINE 16.30- EAGLE WINE 19.42- EAGLE WINE 502.22 EAGLE WINE 971.20 EAGLE WINE 814.84 EAGLE WINE 74.31 EAGLE 2,316.81 * f CHECK LSTER 07-31-87 AGE 9 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. it MESSAGE PETTY CASH 27-4120-666-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4248-662-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4262-663-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4290-661-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4504-662-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4504-662-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4504-664-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4512-662-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4512-663-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4620-663-66 MANUAL CORRECTION 27-4620-665-66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27-4620-665-66 MANUAL INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY ***-CKS 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4630-842-84 MANUAL 50-4630-862-86 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-822-82 MANUAL 202138 08/06/87 2.54 ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 5.14- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 11.01- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 7.64- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 28.36- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 6.47- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 1.27- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 5.15- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 41.11- ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 550.71 ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 1,417.84 ED PHILLIPS 202138 08/06/87 2,055.38 ED PHILLIPS ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE 202138 202138 202138 202138 202138 202138 202138 202190 202190 202190 202190 202190 '202190 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/29/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07-31-87 PAGE 10 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. * MESSAGE 513.78 253.65 764.25 647.05 127.30 515.15 23.76 6,760_.18 * 24.18- 40.54- 13.16- 1,208.96 2,027.19 657.81 3,816.08 * ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C INVENTORY 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL ***-CKS 202251 07/29/87 350,000.00 EDINA HRA. DUE HRA 10-1145-000-00 MANUAL 350,000.00 * ***-CKS 202285 08/06/87 3.30- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 1.36- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 17.74 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 17.74- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 202285 08/06/87 1.57- JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 17,74- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 3.62- JOHNSON WINE 202285 08/06/87 10.47- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 26.39- JOHNSON WINE _ 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 1.41- JOHNSON WINE 202285 08/06/87 ---.-----._---- 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 .99 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 3.84- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 2.97- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 8.32- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 3.50 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 889.73- JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 889.73 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 886.23 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 5.60 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 1,320.18 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 416.13 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 1.05 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 330.12 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 135.02 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 -..--' 2.80 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 157.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 2.80 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 2.80 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 202285 08/06/87 1,046.40 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER l ' 07-31-87 .,GE 11 CHECK NO. DATE 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 202285 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 202332 07/29/87 202435 202435 202435 202435 202435 202435 , 202435 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202451 202701 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/29/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 07/29/87 202702 07/29/87 AMOUNT VENDOR 361.81 JOHNSON WINE 24.50 JOHNSON WINE 3.85 JOHNSON WINE 17.34- JOHNSON WINE 3.15 JOHNSON WINE 3.15 JOHNSON WINE 382.56 JOHNSON WINE 8.40 JOHNSON WINE 141.65 JOHNSON WINE 297.95 JOHNSON WINE 99.44- JOHNSON WINE 5,340.12 * 20.00 20.00 * 7.90- 5.25- 7.24- 395.15 262.58 362.23 92.60 1,092.17 * ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL LEAGUE OF MN CITIES CONFERENCE PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE 13.68- QUALITY WINE 3.55- QUALITY WINE 14.06- QUALITY WINE 4.56- QUALITY WINE 8.09- QUALITY WINE 1.85- QUALITY WINE 7.08- QUALITY WINE 11.50- QUALITY WINE 683.56 QUALITY WINE 702.89 QUALITY WINE 574.64 QUALITY WINE 352.60 QUALITY WINE 807.70 QUALITY WINE 454.45 QUALITY WINE 707.45 QUALITY WINE 185.20 QUALITY WINE 4,404.12 * 100.00 100.00 * 95.00 DENNIS PLUTH POSTMASTER INVENTORY 10-4202-160-16 ***-CKS MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-862-86 50-4628-822-82 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-862-86 50-4632-842-84 DIVING PROG HOSP CITY PORTION 50-3710-822-82 50-3710-822-82 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-842-84 50-3710-862-86 50-3710-862-86 50-3710-862-86 50-4626-822-82 50-4626-842-84 50-4626-862-86 50-4628-822-82 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-862-86 50-4628-862-86 10-4105-627-62 10-4290-510-51 ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 12 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. II P.O. N MESSAGE 95.00 * ***-CKS 202704 08/06/87 87.95 SALUD AMERICA INC. 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 87.95 ****** ***-CKS 202741 07/29/87 119.00 T & N IRWIN MISC 28-1330-000-00 MANUAL 119.00 * ****** ***-CKS 204765 07/29/87 20.00 MGFOA MTG 10-4202-160-16 MANUAL 20.00 * ***-CKS 205203 07/29/87 36.21 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MTG EXPENSES 10-4202-200-20 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 12.17 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPLIES 10-4202-490-49 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 40.08 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MTG EXPENSE ADMIN 10-4206-140-14 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 5.85 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MILEAGE 10-4208-800-80 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 3.t7 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10-4504-480-48 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 1.17 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10-4504-510-51 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 21.50 JUDY LAUFENBURGER POSTAGE 10-4504-623-62 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 287.76 JUDY LAUFENBURGER PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES 10-4504-624-62 MANUAL 205203 07/29/87 13.21 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 26-4504-682-68 MANUAL 421.12 * 205430 07/29/87 20,563.98 PERA 20,563.98 * 205506 205506 07/29/87 07/29/87 10,846.14 785.71 11,633.85 * , 205766 07/29/87 182.70 182.70 * ****** 209067 08/06/87 188.75 209067 08/06/87 4.50 209067 08/06/87 142.40- 209067 08/06/87 142.40 209067 08/06/87 142.40 209067 08/06/87 4.80 209067 08/06/87 4.80 SW FIDELITY SW FIDELITY CITY PORTION ***-CKS 10-4145-510-51 MANUAL ***-CKS CITY PORTION 10-4149-510-51 MANUAL CITY PORTION 10-4162-510-51 MANUAL COMMERICAL LIFE LIFE INSURANCE 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI ***-CKS 1 0.-41.57-510-5.1 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 1e 1987 1 OF EDINA CHECK I._,ISTER 07-31-81rAGE 13 \. CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 209067 209067 209067 1 209067 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/05/87 4.80- 5.50 289.90 56.40 692.25 * VENDOR 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI 00135AL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY 209129 08/06/87 1,023.75 BELLBOY 209129 08/06/87 6.40- BELLBOY 209129 08/06/87 450.99 BELLBOY i 209129 08/06/87 192.85 BELLBOY 1,661.19 * 209135 08/06/87 22.54- EAGLE WINE 209135 08/06/87 21.76- EAGLE WINE 209135 08/06/87 13.16- EAGLE WINE 209135 08/06/87 1,127.04 EAGLE WINE 209135 08/06/87 1,087.88 EAGLE WINE 209135 08/06/87 657.96 EAGLE WINE , 209135 08/05/87 59.88 EAGLE WINE 209135 08/05/87 39.09 EAGLE WINE 2,914.39 * 209138 08/06/87 4.65- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 1.41- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 11.51- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 .85 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 6.31 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 6.31- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 .92- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 7.20- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 36.12- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 6.31- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 4.20- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 4.62- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 39.47- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 575.37 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 1,805.97 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 1,973.65 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 465.35 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 141.15 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 85.15- ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 92.00 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 631.27 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 631.37 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 631.37 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 719.60 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 420.25 ED PHILLIPS 209138 08/06/87 462.16 ED PHILLIPS 7,086.26 * ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. * P.O. N MESSAGE INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4630-822-82 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-822-82 MANUAL 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE ***-CKS 209174 07/29/87 16,000.00 1ST BANK SD P/R TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL 209174 07/29/87 160,000.00- 1ST BANK SD PAYROLL TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL 209174 07/29/87 160,000.00 1ST SD P/R TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL 209174 07/29/87 16,000.00- 1ST SD CORRECTION 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL .00 * ***-CKS 209190 08/06/87 8.95- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 209190 08/06/87 28.20- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 209190 08/06/87 27.69- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 209190 08/06/87 447.35 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 209190 08/06/87 1,409.97 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 209190 08/06/87 1,384.53 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 3,177.01 * 209198 07/29/87 6,786.60 GROUP HEALTH 6,786.60 * 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 209285 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 HOSP CITY PORTION ***-CKS 10-4156-510-51 MANUAL ***-CKS 10.89- JOHNSON WINE 50-3700-822-82 MANUAL 20.54- JOHNSON WINE 50-3700-862-86 MANUAL 2.83- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 1.14- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 3.81- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 26.82- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 5.57- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 47.80- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 7.94- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL .14- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 5.29- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 5.29- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 5.95- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 32.63- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 5.29 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL .70- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 5.25 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 1,340.54 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 12.95 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 2,390.40 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 6.65 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 1,631.31 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 2.10 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 381.81 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 283.75 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 3.50 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL .00 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 113.72 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 7.70 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 1987 Ci,Y OF EDINA CHECK k-.ISTER 07-31-8i r'AGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 209285 08/06/87 792.25 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 13.98 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 14.00 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 557.60 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 .35 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 8.40 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 1.40 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 5.29- JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 11.55 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 5.29 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 537.81- JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 596.14 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 531.55 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 5.25 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 537.81 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 .00 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/06/87 70.60 JOHNSON WINE 209285 08/05/87 50.35 V JOHNSON WINE 8,661.05 * 209415 07/29/87 8,891.25 8,891.25 * 209433 209433 209433 209433 209433 209433 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 209435 1 209435 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/05/87 183.48 3.00 8.80 793.32 553.66 9.60 1,551.86 * 3.46- 19.38- 9.91 9.91- 9.91- 172.80 969.06 495.59 495.59 495.59- 31.14 1,635.84 * MED CENTER ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE INVENTORY HOSP CITY PORTION 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL '50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4630-842-84 MANUAL ***-CKS 10-4156-510-51 MANUAL ***-CKS 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL INVENTORY ***-CKS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL 209442 07/29/87 11,984.85 11,984.85 * PHP HOSP CITY PORTION ***-CKS 10-4156-510-51 MANUAL * * * - CKS____17 1987 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-31-87 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. NP.O.N MESSAGE 209451 08/06/87 6.49- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 10.63- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 26.79- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 20.88- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 9.46- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 .34- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 42.90- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 1.15- QUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 531.68 QUALITY WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 1,339.94 QUALITY WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 2,144.40 QUALITY WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 646.60 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 2,086.20 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 33.90 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 114.75 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 209451 08/06/87 943.25 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 7,722.08 * ***-CKS 209767 07/29/87 2,000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10-4290-510-51 MANUAL 2,000.00 • ***-CKS 212251 08/05/87 75,000.00 EDINA HRA DUE HRA 10-1145-000-00 MANUAL 75,000.00 * ***-CKS 19 2C 21 22 21 24 f 212700 08/05/87 154.60 MET HEALTH PLAN HOSP PREM 10-4156-510-51 MANUAL 154.60 * 216067 216067 216067 216067 216067 216067 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 2.75- 00135AL CITY DISTRI 10.00 00135AL CITY DISTRI 2.36- 00135AL CITY DISTRI 305.10 00135AL CITY DISTRI 5.50 00135AL CITY DISTRI 176.60 00135AL CITY DISTRI 492.09 * ***-CKS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL ***-CKS .06 EAGLE WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 5.94- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 1.75- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 7.05- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 33.60- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 45.39- EAGLEWINE50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 297.03 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 6.31- EAGLE WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 87.67 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 1987 i OF EDINA CHECK ,. .ISTER 07-31-81 PAGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216135 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216138 216190 216190 216190 216190 216190 ,l 216190 216251 ****** 216285 216285 216285 216285 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/05/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/05/87 AMOUNT 352.61 1,680.24 5.66- 2,269.66 242.03 74.82 155.57 5,053.99 * 4.79- 9.00- 16.05- 7.18- 8.60- .86- 37. 01 - 15.60- 9.93- 68.31- 802.54 1,850.53 3,415.28 478.62 907.85 859.92 86.40 718.40 992.53 1,559.90 83.75 11,578.39 * 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/05/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 08/06/87 12.59- 15.75- 57.95- 629.37 787.73 2,897.40 4,228.21 * 100,000.00 100,000.00 24.26- 50.28- 38.30- 38.30- VENDOR EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED WINE WINE WINE WINE WINE WINE WINE PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS,_ PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS GRIGGS GRIGGS GRIGGS GRIGGS GRIGGS GRIGGS ITEM DESCRIPTION INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 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DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 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