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No. 1005 % — Certificate of Acknowledgment —By Corporation Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. estate of ... ............. OTA ............................. ........�. ............ . County of ....................... HENNEPIN ............................... On this ....2th....day o f ............ Ma z��...................., 19.? ........., before me, a ........... fttary.'... FAUP .............................. .........................within and for said County personally appeared ............R .BEN..F ERICKSON ..................................................... and ................. G .G. ICJ.. a...-I LDEN................ ............................... to me personally known, who, b6n f each by me duly sworn .. ............................did say that they are respectively the .............. MAYOR...................... .......................f1mialmd and the .................... Y. ILI. sA. GE ... C. LERK .............................................................. o of ........V ILLAGE.. OE... EDMo ............................................................. ............................... ............................the corporation named in the forefoinf instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was sifned and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Boarb of ................. DixentOrB ...........................and said ....... ..REPI F.r.. .1.090 . ... ....... and ER .................. ...GR:..�'CFEN S. Ah DEN .............. ........................acknou� ..... . led d s i'd/finstrument to be the free act dnd,.deed" said ........... corporation . ....................... `� /....::..,P . ............................... ., ........ .................. NotaryPu ..........Hennepin .... .....................County... . ..;:: My commission expires .................... ................ .........:.:,, 29. . 70 0 a. as A A N N �. «a O Q �i CO „ ., k � a oD ti 55�A �a co ab a O b �c �• �Q ti c+• Cp it 32 N AI g It co 4-ft M *K*V 300TQ, 0 0£=TT VB 996T •Q' V S'A 30 S'BP £Z 01(4 uo Psuo ®.z .10i P®TTa o. � � o ova Z p t� ♦r 1 'goy M daaao349 us 6q pa ;naaxe s) 3uawna4sui aq3 uage& asn aoj sis ,awx aaS„ pa )(jsu+ Saul[ Ilusiq aq y ° 3 L0K ...... sa.z?dxa uo ?ss?zutuoo rtjlr " tuz j `rt�zcno ..................... r�r i...............ont ruvIox i (DIox aas) . ........................................................ ............................... uv p as p ov aaz p ?' 1 .......... :.......... ..........xvq.................sv aluvs 9z11 (aloes aaS) pajnoaxa ......"..g. 4vz1J pa .VpgZazou�yov puv ........................................................................................................................ ............................... 'juaucnalsui yu ?0.8a.L0J azrq pajnoaxa oym puv 'u? paq ?.zosap ... uoscad ay7 aq o; w2oual ow of ................................... . ............................................................................................... . ................. . ............. I............................................ .................. ......................................................................................................................................................... ..t...................:......... -un Am pug AOPTA 'a '�- .auuag auT.zaRjvo sit mwtuf OSTV �tl+iAM .. "fiS ..................................... ............................... pa.zvad v 1pvuosca juno,� p?vs .�of puv ?�q2� .................... v TTQ �f ........ . 'a�au a.10 a ......9 .. .......... ............................... ........... o fiv .S,2yl u0 q 5 6r p ...... .........I....................� . .......... ............................... I ........... j0 rqunoo �r� � .S3 f 32 N AI g It co 4-ft M *K*V 300TQ, 0 0£=TT VB 996T •Q' V S'A 30 S'BP £Z 01(4 uo Psuo ®.z .10i P®TTa o. � � o ova Z p t� ♦r 1 'goy M daaao349 us 6q pa ;naaxe s) 3uawna4sui aq3 uage& asn aoj sis ,awx aaS„ pa )(jsu+ Saul[ Ilusiq aq y ° 3 L0K ...... sa.z?dxa uo ?ss?zutuoo rtjlr " tuz j `rt�zcno ..................... r�r i...............ont ruvIox i (DIox aas) . ........................................................ ............................... uv p as p ov aaz p ?' 1 .......... :.......... ..........xvq.................sv aluvs 9z11 (aloes aaS) pajnoaxa ......"..g. 4vz1J pa .VpgZazou�yov puv ........................................................................................................................ ............................... 'juaucnalsui yu ?0.8a.L0J azrq pajnoaxa oym puv 'u? paq ?.zosap ... uoscad ay7 aq o; w2oual ow of ................................... . ............................................................................................... . ................. . ............. I............................................ .................. ......................................................................................................................................................... ..t...................:......... -un Am pug AOPTA 'a '�- .auuag auT.zaRjvo sit mwtuf OSTV �tl+iAM .. "fiS ..................................... ............................... pa.zvad v 1pvuosca juno,� p?vs .�of puv ?�q2� .................... v TTQ �f ........ . 'a�au a.10 a ......9 .. .......... ............................... ........... o fiv .S,2yl u0 q 5 6r p ...... .........I....................� . .......... ............................... I ........... j0 rqunoo �r� � .S3 f Warranty Deed. Form No. 3-M. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Individual to Corporatl n. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1931). BOU0,�8+8, pacI Z)64 3008:187 bt'O Nbenture, Made this .............. ... ............................day of........,, .2VA. .. ............................... I9...56... between ...... KATHERINE ... B TTr..a18OJM W...as...Catherine...Beamtt.,6 . ahidow . .and..nm ....................., . j unmarried, of the County of. ...... $ elmVin ............................ ............................and State of ........................ Minnesota ........................................... part..y....... of the first part, and....... VILLAGE ... QF...EDINA,...a.. municipal. .............................. ..................... ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... ii corporation under the laws of the State of ...... Minnesota .................... ............................... party of the second part, WitnC924 j, That the said part .... y...... of the first part, in consideration of the sun of E10r= ... TE4US .., ?... YQ��- 44---------------------------------------- ... -.:DO L.�RS, to .............. h ....... .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do.010..... hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the. County of ........... He amw ..................... ............................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Lots Six (6) to Seventeen (17), inclusive, Block Wenty (20), Normandale Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on,file'and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. 190 *abe anb to 001b ttje Game, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever..4nd the said .... KATHERINE ... ZZMQMT.,p ... also ... Jmowa. .as ... Catherine ... Bemett,...a.. vidoc. .044... W.W ... ===:. ed ..................................................... ............................... ............................................................................... ............................... parlY............ of the first part, for ......... bar ............................... .........................heirs, executors and administrators, des........ covenant with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that ........ she ... is .........................well seized in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid, and hoe.......... good right to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free from all incumbrances, .find the above bargained and granted lands and prein.ises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, subject to incumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned, the said party ........ of the first part will Warrant and Defend. 3n Tveotimonp Mbereoi, The said party......... of the first part ha.s........ hereunto set...... I= .............. hand...... the day and year first above written. //,� l . In Presence o f .. �� ..... ....... �. . ......V..J..�1Q / .............. ............................... ... �.......-..`.2 %............ ................ ................ ................ ...... ................................................................................... ............................... ........................................................................................... ............................... R i J But should default be made in the payment of principal or interest due hereunder, or of any part thereof, to be by second part..Y........ paid, or should- It .........................fail to pay the taxes or assessments upon said land ,premiums upon said insurance, or to perform any or' either of the covenants, agreements, terms or conditions herein contained, to be by said second part ...y...... kept or performed,, the said part ...y...... of the first part may, at .... bex ............... option, by written notice declare this contract cancelled and terminated, and all rights, title and interest acquired thereunder by said second part ... y...... shall thereupon cease and terminate, and all improvements made upon the premises, and all payments made hereunder shall belong to-said party....... of the first parr as liquidated damages for breach of thi's contract by said second part....::.., said notice -to be in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided.- - Neither the extension of the time of payment of any sum or sums of money to be paid hereunder, nor any waiver by the part.y....... of the first part ..0:f - •her••.rightsto declare this contract forfeited by reason of any breach thereof, shall in any manner affect the right of said part._Y ...... to cancel this contract because of defaults subsequently maturing, and no extension of time shall be valid unless evidenced by duly signed instrument. Further, after service of notice and failure to remove, within the period allowed by law, the default therein specified, said part ... y .... 'of the second part hereby specifically agree.e..., upon demand of said part. --- ..... of the first part, quietly and peaceably to surrender to ... }14gr. .. ..... .............. posses- sion of said premises, and every part thereof, it being understood that until such default, said part. ....... of the second part ................. is................... to have possession of said premises. R is; Olutuallp fgreeb, By and between the parties hereto, that the time of payment shall be an essential part of this contract; and that all the covenants and agreements herein contained shall run with the land and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. At ffieOt(nwtrp Owered, The parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. In Pace of `lti 1, OF mr%lCjr BY Its _Ma•� r _. .. � OGK is erk Mate of �intti ota, ss. County of ...........................:. lxennep� .zz........................ Onthis .................. �,fh................... ...............I.- ...........da of ................ Max . ch............................. 19..6...... before me a ............... Notary ... Public ........................................................................ ...... within and for said County, personally appeared KATDERIM BEND TTY also known as Catherine Bennett, a widow and now unmarried, to me known to be the person...... described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowl- edged that ..S.he...... executed the same as .... ..........her.................. free ct and deed. .................. ... . �.�`•�r.... ...... ....... .""' ,,,. Sys. Notary Publ' Hennepin ' ....................... ............................... :..County; JYIi. . July commission expires ..... J:llIy.... ..... r+ ICI Q O T2 W c CO o� o� e t2 ed for record on the 31 Yom*' j.,.. 1 1 day of Mar A. D. 1956 at 11:50 o' clock .G * Me t1UtK O0 ?14�iE f Form No S4i esgreen er�t, Made and entered into this ................ 28:t,h .................... day of .................. Mar. ch.................... by and between..... A,' i;� ... 1 .,... 8o known as. Catherine. Bennett, a widow iid nowunmarried, ................ ..................... ......................... ............................... part y........ of the first part, and ............ VIJ. ... OF...l.,..s., muncpal.,.corporat3.on under the laws ..... ......... of the State of Minnesota., ...................I part... y...... of the second part; Wltnt0ttb, That the said party ......... of the first part in consideration of the covenants and agree- ments of said part.......... of the second part, hereinafter contained, hereby seLL.. &, and agree$.... to convey unto said part.y........ of the second part, its ... sueeessorand assigns, by a ......................................... klarroXlty............. Deed, accompanied by an abstract evidencing good title in party ....... of the first part at the date hereof, or by an owner's duplicate certificate of title, upon the prompt and full performance by said part..y........ of the second part, of.. ..... .it8 ...................part of this agreement, the tract...... of land, lying and beings in the County of ...................... Hennepin .. ........................ and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: LotsSix (6) to Seventeen (17), inclusive, Block Twenty (20), Normandale Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. ,find said part ... .y..... of the second part, in consideration of the premises, hereby agree..S., to pay said party......... of the first part, at ....... Minneapolia, ... Minnesota ., ........................................................................... ...:.:......................... as and for the purchase price of said premises, the sum of .... FTC;1 . ..THWSM.- AND- 1011QQ ... - ...- ... -... -. ................. OR ... nt ... ne ... I" ... r R ... R ... ns ... rr ... rr ... M ... rr ... w... we ... + r. ... V• ... r.... rt ... wR... .........w....' . ...($18.,.000.00.)....M...M...- Dollars, in manner and at times followings, to- wit :....................................................................................................................... ............................... $ 3,000.00 THREE THOUSAND AND N01100 DOLLARS, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the execution of this contract; 15,000.00 FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NOf100 0OLLARS, on or before May 31, 1956, at which time possession of the premises will be delivered to party of the second part. MOT BOOK 80 PAGE 577 Said party......... of the second part further covenant.. and agree-S. as follows: to pay, before penalty attaches thereto, all taxes due and payable in the year 19.7.. and in subsequent years, and all special assessments heretofore or hereafter levied, ....--••-----••-•---........-• ....................................................•-••--•-----._..._.__...----....---.............---............._...._.......---.....---...----...---....._... _......•..........-- •••-- -• -•-- also that any buildings and improvements now on said land, or which shall hereafter be erected, placed, or made thereon, shall not be removed therefrom, but shall be and remain the property of the part...:...... of the first part until this con- tract shall be fully performed by the party........ of the second part; and at ..... ita ..................own expense, to keep the build- ings on said premises at all times insured in some reliable insurance company or companies, to be approved by the part.y........ of the first part, against loss by fire ....................... ...................................................... ---....---....--••----••--- _..._...._....•- ---- .�3afiars- aml aitrsrlosa- b��vrntisttxrtrfor at least the sum of..I: BT--- THOt1SAN - AND --- Nol10D --- ............... T - -• - - -" - • -- ....r...- .... -...( QQ.�D Dollars, ,n )- payable to said part --- of the first part, ..hex...hejra ...... 1wke or assigns, and, in case of loss, should there be any sur- plus over and above the amount then owing said party ......... of the first part, ....... bar ................heirs, or assigns, the balance shall be paid over to the said part._.y ...... of the second part as ...... its. .......... ............................... interest shall appear, and to deposit with the party ......... of the first part policies of said insurance. But should the second part.y........ fail to pay any item to be paid by said party ......... under the terms hereof, same may be paid by first part ... y..... and shall be forthwith pay- able, with interest thereon, as an additional amount due first part.y ....... under this contract. AA� MEM . . . . . . . . . . A I MWI Ry Ml 107374 -377 act v f witit t�• i y F S, LAX30d, i ..3 R •1 y i 3 ... ,F *fry ,:k�. - -- may. �} E 5 �e R 1X �.� Y S a rt s � ,��y, y, .�y� 37 � iiS. 6 7 2 ` " t �� Y e n B �1$d it oT ABSTRACTS OF Ti rLE and `. REGISTEREII (TORRENS) PROPERTY = CERTIFICATES ON LANDS IN This certifies the within statement from HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Nos_ 72 to 78 --inclusive, tA INCLUDING SEARCHES FOR to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described in TAXES JUDGMENTS -IN FEDERAL AND No one therein-as appears of record in the STATE COURTS AND PROCEEDINGS office of the Register of Deeds in Hennepin County, IN BANKRUPTCY Minnesota, since July 10i 1950, 7 a. m. M TEM LUND Pm", TNC., MINZZFAMXIB includin g -` ! Taxes according to the general tax books oj ' said County. ri >� r� C, Dated Audi• 19 5,07m m. Title ce Company of Minnesota A3siswnt Secretary Deliver to A Thnrpe Bro Inca. g - Male Jourante (Con"a ip r of 01inne ,0Dta 125 South Fifth Street • Minneapolis 2 Minnesota 107374 -377 I r to i w K O H�► tst i No. 3- -8-49— IoM-- ForeM54 f � '37 0 6 "0'.!^" TITLE INSURANCE SERVICE abotrarct 'of t�� Real Estate Minnamft TO and Northwest States _ Leta 6 to 17 i ne3 usive, ESCROWS Block 20, Normandale Second Addition ABSTRACTS OF TITLE: and -, REGISTERED (TORRENS) PROPERTY" CERTIFICATES ON LANDS IN This certifies the within statement om HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Nos- 67 to '%l =nclusive, INCLUDING SEARCHES FOR to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described in TAXES, JUDGMENTS IN FEDERAL AND No one therein as appears of record in the STATE COURTS AND PROCEEDINGS office of the Register of Deeds in Hennepin County, IN BANKRUPTCY Minnesota, since June 21, !! 47 7 ' 00 A.M. rss LMM rwnr, rrra. 0"ma"Mm including Taxes according to the general tax books of said County: Dated July 10, 1912— , 7 a. M. 10 737 Title s ance Company of Minnesota Assistant Secretary Deliver to Thorpe Bros. Inc. -V A q � Title Nourante Companp of Int,nneocta 125 South Fifth Sheet Minneapolis 2, Minnesota �I T1� r , *tea �F 14 Q lk A y4�i `�}p� w�.• n� .yam �� ', � '� �,t '"� �' t"''► .'� g f ems„ � :mot � � �' 44 � `* �, ,�°" ... „ t CA i T 5' Jl L z �t t a , t T1� r , *tea �F 14 Q lk A y4�i `�}p� w�.• n� .yam �� ', � '� �,t '"� �' t"''► .'� g f ems„ � :mot � � �' 44 � `* �, ,�°" ... „ t CA i T 5' Jl Q t T1� r , *tea �F 14 Q lk A y4�i `�}p� w�.• n� .yam �� ', � '� �,t '"� �' t"''► .'� g f ems„ � :mot � � �' 44 � `* �, ,�°" ... „ CA T : v -Of � P "-X r j ;_ P-1 r a y s `G,4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � �a.. b ,.-,b, laz-Y•' 'a i,�. i� s #=z'' k � � r i r � •F ;�., 4- s � 3 , c "gam 'b iF :L;:4 L ,g� yW { & ; •Nil S u NZ yp xY c• S" I. x>�• s� 'fir r °�`•=.s; 3 �,y, �: .rs 'AAA Ml 3 "•��a � *•fit ��"�F'+C 'T �S" ,a�"i" ss�rt..�.,v.c� :iw ar.�aar:}.,;rr�a r+uac s ra,nr�v a" S®o©M. A+tENTS '' Ir.�f� .AND STA'T`E x � ' ...b.14�l��',.. Q.,.... :!�.... ... ..... COURTS AND PROCEEDINGS IN . m# .• .................... ............................... BANKRUPTCY ; .. ... ................................... ............................... .FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE a' This certifies the within statement from vos.... .:...:'.fie ..................... to ..... .......$.3........... inclusive, Title ajj i0 be a correct Abstract of Title to land described in its Branche$ I ....... ORO ........... therein as appears of record in the es of the Register of Deeds in Hennepin County, :mss LWW . :arc,vNS�roras Minnesota, since ..4aatx ,r ;; E N gi i ^ E � 3 f S k ms`s hr ' L Adaa y c , t „gyp„ r k,.�,'„Y ' tr �" +. 'F'� } ,'•'� j or is "s i t60 O = =` N ir 11 r t l { ' n � , . `,1 ,� � � �.�y,�.;m ,., fi° P� +ear.*Y�!",;'..��ka'4$".•'..�.y �"r�q _. �s� rt�� �'�''�";�;:: '��` �' _ t 4 , Qliu r s < Qr T Y sy x'. -�, Sias ! �`3 � :' /' - .. � � ••, fi r n F� r , { r -k ^ "4,�1' ^ r _ A Pr I. � �i� "/" x ,,.3�'�6 #� Vim, T+.'� r i; �, i � ? � •,, ' 7 �''i,,�p;�,� -!s I rig AI Wy. pg' It IM P ;9 " !77; iTW �A ............................ ..... ..................................... . ................... . .. This- certifies the within statement from to.. .......... 45i ............ . inclusive, to be a correct PI to land described in;Wo...'. tk—orwin as appears of record in the ojWce.'f the Ref jq.bids of Hennepin County, Minnesota, in as 'AW Dated ................. aT.une .. jAr ....... P ... 1941., 7 a. m. TW huance C n2p f Minnesota ... . ...... . .... A AP Al "ITZO . ............ .................................................. 3nouraw C O"M"n? lef noota. its &.th fqth &mvt 1V inn"P062 Minnesota 107374 1N Mo. WIG JUDGUOft IVq :WURn PR AM V B FURNIS ON-Skox 4, IN & Insurance i its Brancho P �P f. A Wy. pg' It IM P ;9 " !77; iTW �A ............................ ..... ..................................... . ................... . .. This- certifies the within statement from to.. .......... 45i ............ . inclusive, to be a correct PI to land described in;Wo...'. tk—orwin as appears of record in the ojWce.'f the Ref jq.bids of Hennepin County, Minnesota, in as 'AW Dated ................. aT.une .. jAr ....... P ... 1941., 7 a. m. TW huance C n2p f Minnesota ... . ...... . .... A AP Al "ITZO . ............ .................................................. 3nouraw C O"M"n? lef noota. its &.th fqth &mvt 1V inn"P062 Minnesota 107374 ABSTRACT OF TITLE 1 TO Lots 6 to 17 inclusive Block 20 NORMANDALE SECOND ADDITION. \ W ZF, � `a -V1 11 'o < V' Op 1p O � tv :v O th To O 86 2 VI sc V 1V W �- � N p Co DO V 41 H� p w N\ V 8i1 lry is w N L-0 N cr, O O o„ °�° „ � O � tv � w To O 86 2 VI sc V � b �- � N ►V � 0 � p lD Op V 8i1 lry is w N L-0 N cr, O W QD V Ch b w H 0 \ �s O o„ °�° „ � O � tv � w To O 86 2 VI sc V � b �- � N ►V � L5O � p lD Op V 8i1 lry is w N L-0 N cr, O W QD V Ch b w H 0 \ �s O S O o„ °�° „ � O � tv tv H � w Yo— O 86 2 VI sc V � b �- � N ►V � LO � p lD Op V 8i1 lry is w N L-0 N cr, O W QD V Ch b w H 0 \ �s O S O SO 1O O l9 • 94.6 O 90. -A w ev SO Sc °�° � � O � tv tv H � w 50 O 86 2 VI sc V � b �- � N ►V � LO � p lD Op V 8i1 lry is w N L-0 S cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s O S O - a k 0 °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. 0 O 86 2 VI 6� V � b �- � N ►V � cf � p Co Oo V 0� Cry A w N \ S cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s O S O SO 1O O l9 • 94.6 O 90. -A w ev O 0 °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. 0 O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf � p Co Oo V 0� Cry A w N \ S cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s O S O 50 °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. 50 O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� � e�0`ra+v,lawev\ b w tV \ a co Op V \ cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s O 50 °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. 50 O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� � e�0`ra+v,lawev\ b w tV \ a co Op V \ cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s S SO 1O O l9 • 94.6 O 90. -A w ev 0 t,� ; °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. v O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� � e�0`ra+v,lawev\ b w tV \ a co Op V SO\ cr, p l0 Oo \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s S �„ O l9 • 94.6 O 90. -A w ev so t,� ; °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. v O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� � e�0`ra+v,lawev\ b w tV \ a co Op V SO\ cr, qa w N \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s S t,� ; °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A .. v O 86 2 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� v 00 b w tV \ a co Op V 41 cr, qa w N \ H Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s w �„ O l9 • 94.6 O 90. t,� ; °�° � � O � tv tv H �, A ,�, v 0 904 v � O \ tv W i► cf a� v 00 b w i;� p to Oo v 61 is w tv \ a V Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s w �„ O l9 W 94.6 �\" °�° � � � � w -tea �' V1 ►v C1 :v ►v Op To ,v v � O \ tv W i► cf a� V 00 b O V Wes,. b w H 0 \ �s w �„ O l9 W V a1 ch -A w ev H .50 576 ®., � �>v „ SO v � O \ tv W i► cf a� V 00 1p O V Wes,. b s �* \ �s �„ �, co oe v o► ch -A w ev H 50 576 SO To � �>v N'ti � w � O �. 1V W i► cf a� V 00 1p O V Wes,. b O �* \ �s �„ �, co oe v o► ch -A w ev z 11tORMR11lI�ALE BOU. ..,fFV D XORTX rn � O �. 1V W i► cf a� ry N, 30 74 V oo b O �* \ �s �„ �, co oe v o► ch -A w ev 50 576 11tORMR11lI�ALE BOU. ..,fFV D XORTX rn ±k 10 11 12 13 14 t c UNITED STATES I Entry No. 441, August 22, 1855. Land Office Records, Page 23.' To Lots 1 and 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. WM. H. DAVISON. UNITED STATE'S Patent, September 15, 1866. Filed March 20, 1867, 4:30 p. m. To Book 15 Deeds, Page 64. WILLIAM HENRY DAVISON. Lots, l and 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. WM. HENRY DAVISON I Warranty Deed, August 28, 1855. To Book C Deeds, Page 433. Consideration, $1,000.00. HEZEKIAH FLETCHER. Lots 1 and 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. HENRY A. PARTRIDGE Mortgage, March 20, 1857. Filed March 28, 1857, 5:00 p. m.. To Book E Mortgages, Page 92. To secure $2,000.00. HEZEKIAH FLETCHER. Lots 1 and 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. HEZEKIAH FLETCHER, Mortgage, February 4, 1860. Filed February 1.1, 1860, 3:00 p. m. P. M. FLETCHER, Wife, Book N Mortgages, Page 324. To secure $140.0u. To Lot 2 and South % of Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. NELSON WEBSTER. NELSON WEBSTER, Power of Attorney. Dated May 19, 1863. ELIZA WEBSTER, Wife, Filed June 11, 1863, 10:30 a. m. To Book C Bonds, Page 162. HILARY B. HANCOCK. NELSON WEBSTER, by Satisfaction 'of Mortgage No. 6. Dated October 24, 1864. HILARY B. HANCOCK, On margin of record. His Attorney in Fact, To HEZEKIAH FLETCHER. • HEZEKIAH FLETCHER, Warranty Deed, October 17, 1868. Filed October 28, 1868, 4:00 p. m. LAURA W. FLETCHER, Wife, Book 20 Deeds, Page 73. Consideration, $1,000.00. To Lot 2 and South Y2 of Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. WILLIAM DUGAN. WILLIAM DUGAN Warranty Deed, October 19, 1871. To Filed November 24, 1871, 1:30 p. m. JOHN DUGAN. Book 31 Deeds, Page 21. Consideration, $1.00, etc. Lot 2 and South Y2 of Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. JOHN DOGOM, Quit Claim Deed, Acknowledged October 6, 1876. MARGARET DOGOM, Wife, Filed October 9, 1876, 9:00 a. m. To Book 51 Deeds, Page 551. Consideration, $50.00. HENNEPIN COUNTY. Right of way for highway along the East line of the South 1/2 of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. JOHN DUGAN, Mortgage, July 19, 1872. Filed July 29, 1872, 1:00 p. m. MARGARET, Wife, Book 21 Mortgages, Page 51. To secure $200.00. To Lot 2 and South % of Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. BRIDGET DORSEY. BRIDGET DORSEY Satisfaction of Mortgage No. 12. Dated January 24, 1873. To On margin of record. JOHN DUGAN. ARCHIBALD B. McKEE, Deed, October 1, 1878. Filed October 1, 1879, 2:30 p. m. JULIA A. McKEE, Wife, Book 80 Deeds, Page 145. Consideration, $700. To North 1/2 of Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21, except JAMES A. ROBERTS. the following: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 8, Section 33, Township 117, Range 21; thence South to where fence now stands, 21 rods more or less; thence Northeast to a point in the said South line of Lot 8, 30 rods East of the point of beginning; thence West along said South line 30 rods to point of commencement, containing about 36 acres. (Shown for reference with No. 15.) 15 16 17 IN 19 20 21 22 M 24 25 26 +.s. JAMES A. ROBERTS, MARY A. ROBERTS, Wife, Warranty Deed, September 13, 1887. Filed December 10, 1887, 1 :30 p. m. To Book 244 Deeds Page 181. Consideration, $1,000.00. LURA HOLMAN, East 10 acres of Government Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, No. 33628. Range 21, described as commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 4; thence West 561.19 feet; thence South 755.50 feet; thence East 561.19 feet; thence at right angles 778.14 feet to place of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. (Other instruments with descriptions located North of a line 778.14 feet South of the North line of said Lot 1, not shown.) Abstracter's Note: Government Lot 1, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21, is 1,562.88 feet wide north and south, and its north boundary line is 32.64 chains long, while its south boundary line is approximately 32.40 chains long. The South 1/2, by area, of said Lot, therefore, would extend North a trifle over 781.44 feet (half the north and south width of said Lot). The de- scription in deed at No. 15 allows 3.30 feet for this purpose. In the Matter of the Incorporation Petition, October 27, 1888. Filed December 17, 1888, 11:30 a. m. of the VILLAGE OF EDINA. Book 40 Miscellaneous, Page 106. See also File 504. JOHN DUGAN, MARGARET DUGAN, Wife, Warranty Deed, April 4, 1894. Filed May 4, 1894, 4 :15 p. m. To Book 397 Deeds Page 278. Consideration, $2,000.00. MARGARET M. KENNEDY, West 20.52 acres of Lot 2 and South 1 /z of Lot 1, Section 4, Town - No. 215363. ship 116, Range 21. MARGARET M. KENNEDY, JOHN KENNEDY, Husband, Mortgage, May 4, 1894. Filed May 4, 1894, 4:15 p. m. To Pook 412 Mortgages,& Page 230. THE TREASURER OF GERMAN To secure $500.00. 1 note, 5 years, 71/2 per cent. Premises as in No. 18. WALLACE COLLEGE, No. 215364. JOHN C. MARTING, As Treasurer of German Wallace Satisfaction of Mortgage No. 19. Dated April 25, 1899. College, Filed May 10, 1899, 3:00 p. m. To Book 493 Mortgages, Page 31. MARGARET M. KENNEDY and HUSBAND, • No. 292714. MARGARET M. KENNEDY, JOHN KENNEDY, Husband, Mortgage, May 6, 1899. .Filed May 10, 1899, 3 :00 p. m. " To Book 475 Mortgages, Page 314. To secure $500.00. JULIA E. CLARK. Due May 6, 1904, 6 per cent, semi - annually. Premises as in No. 18. JULIA E. CLARK, Unmarried, To Power of Attorney. Dated March 21, 1892. DAVID A. CLARK, Filed April 6, 1892. 11 :00 a. m. Book H Powers, Page 472, No. 171198. To •assign and satisfy Mortgages. See also Book K Powers, Page 63. JULIA E. CLARK, by DAVI1� A. CLARK. Her Atty. in Fact, Satisfaction of Mortgage No. 21. Dated November 25, 1901. To Filed December 4, 1901, 4:30 p. m. MARGARET M. KENNEDY and Book 523 Mortgages, Page 351. HUSBAND. MARGARET M. KENNEDY, Warranty Deed, November 26, 1901. JOHN KENNEDY, Husband, Filed December 4, 1901, 4:30 p. m. To WILLIAM RYAN. Book 547 Deeds, Page 568. Consideration, $1,500.00. Premises as In No. 18. JOHN DUGAN, MARGARET DUGAN, Wife, Bond for Deed, May 29, 1888. Filed May 31, 1888, 10:00 a. m. To Book H Bonds, Page 36. Penalty, $16,000.00. WILLIAM RYAN. East 83 acres of Lot 2 and South 1/2 of Lot 1, Section 4, Town - ship 116, Range 21. JOHN DUGAN, MARGARET DUGAN, Wife, Warranty Deed, December 12, 1894. To Filed December 13, 1.894, 2:45 p, m. WILLIAM RYAN. Book 412 Deeds, Page 339. Consideration, $1.00, etc. East 83 acres of equal width on North and South boundary line thereof of Lot 2 and South 1/2 of Lot 1. y'r 27 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WILLIAM T. RYAN, Unmarried, Warranty Deed, June 20, 1899. Filed November 6,1899,8:00 a. m. To Book 515 Deeds, Page 276. Consideration, $10.00. MARY RYAN, • Beginning at the Northeast corner of South 1/2 of Lot 1, Section No. 300808. 4, Township 116, Range 21; thence West at right angles a dis- tance of 40 rods; thence South at right angles a distance of 40 rods; thence East at right angles a distance of 40 rods; thence North at right angles a distance of 40 rods to point of beginning. JOHN E. RYAN Affidavit, July 5, 1917. Filed July 11, 1917, 10:25 a. m. To Book 171 Miscellaneous, Page 515. THE PUBLIC, That William Ryan to whom said premises described below No. 855010, were conveyed by Deed No. 26, is same person as William T. Ryan, grantor in Deed No. 27. East 83 acres of equal width on North and South boundary line of Lot 2 and South 1/2 of Lot 1, Section 4; Township 116, Range 21. WILLIAM RYAN, Unmarried, Mortgage December 4, 1901. To Filed December 4, 1901. 4:30 p. m. WILLIAM ROMA. Book 451 Mortgages, Page 614. To secure $1500.00. East 83 acres, of equal width on the North and South boundary line thereof, of Lot 2 and South %I Lot 1, Section 4- 116 -21. (Lot 2 and South 1/2 Lot I considered as one tract) excepting therefrom the following: Beginning at the Northeast corner of South 1/2 of said Lot 1; thence at right angles West 40 rods; thence at right angles South 40 rods; thence at right angles East 40 rods; thence at right angles North 40 rods to beginning. WILLIAM ROMA Satisfaction of Mortgage No. 29. To Dated May 1, 1905. On margin of record. WILLIAM RYAN, WILLIAM RYAN, Single, Mortgage, December 1, 1909. To Filed December 1, 1909, 12:45 p. m. F. E. MILLER, Hook 624 Mortgages, Page 416. To secure $1,000.00. No. 545582. Lot 2 excepting the West 20.52 acres thereof, and the South 1/2 of Lot 1 excepting 10 acres in the Southeast corner deeded to Mary Ryan in No. 27. All in Section 4, Township 116, Range 21, containing 72.71 acres. F. E. MILLER Satisfaction of Mortgage No. 31. To Dated October 12, 1912. Filed October 22, 1912, 11:30 a, m. WILLIAM RYAN, Single, Book 754 Mortgages, Page 591. No. 652812. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Dated December 10, 1912. Filed December 10, 1912, 4:30 p. m. Of Book 139 Miscellaneous, Page 599. ESTATESIMPROVEMENT COMPANY, No. 658466. ANDREW TINGDALE, Secretary of Certificate, April 18, 1917. Filed April 28, 1917, 12 m. Estates Improvement Company, Book 167 Miscellaneous, Page 407. To That all deeds, mortgages, leases and other conveyances shall THE PUBLIC, be signed in corporate name by President and have attached No. 845683. thereto the corporate seal. In absence of President the " Vice- President shall sign in his place. WILLIAM RYAN, Unmarried, To Warranty Deed, April 7, 1917. THE ESTATES IMPROVEMENT Filed April 9, 1917, 5 p. m. Book. 829 Deeds, Page 296. COMPANY, Consideration $1.00, etc. No. 842834. The South % of Lot 1 and all Lot 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21, excepting: Beginning at the Northeast corner of South % of Lot 1; thence at right angles West 40 rods; thence at right angles South 40 rods; thence at right angles East 40 rods; thence at right angles North 40 rods to be- ginning. (Lot 2 and South % of Lot 1 considered as one tract) containing 93.23 acres more or less, except roads. ESTATES IMPROVEMENT Mortgage, April 7, 1917. COMPANY Filed April 9, 1917, 8:45 a, m. Book 950 Mortgages, Page 275. To To secure $29,055.00 8 notes last one due on or before April WILLIAM RYAN, 15, 1924. 6% semi - annual. No. 842635. Premises as in No. 35. Agreement as to release of Lots that may be platted, also Mortgagee to join with Mortgagor in platting of said premises. 37 38 39 40 41 No. 25055. Verified by S. CERTIFICATE AS TO JUDGMENTS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien Docket in the following named Courts, viz: United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota; United States District Court, District of Minnesota; United States Circuit Court, Fourth Division, District of Minnesota; United States District Court, Fourth Division, District of Minnesota; District Court, Fourth Judicial District, in and for the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, and find no judgments docketed therein and unsatisfied of record against either of the following named persons between the dates set opposite their respective names; except as shown hereon. None. No search made as to parties the middle initial of whose name is other than stated herein. William Ryan or William T. Ryan ............... .........................August 30, 1907 April 10, 1917 Mary Ryan ..... ............................... .........................August 30, 1907 April 10, 1917 Estates Improvement Company ................. .........................August 30, 1907 August 31, 1917, 7 a. m. No bankruptcy proceedings by or against William Ryan or William T. Ryan, Mary Ryan, Estates Improvement Company. Dated at Minneapolis, this 31st day of August, 1917. Fee $1.00. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT COMPANY, By W. S. JENKINS, Secretary. MARY RYAN, Unmarried, Warranty Deed, April 7, 1917. Filed April 9, 1917, 5 p. m. To Book 829 Deeds, Page 297. Consideration, $1.00, etc. THE ESTATES IMPROVEMENT Beginning at the Northeast corner of the South 1/2 of Lot 1; COMPANY, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21; thence West at right No. 842835. angles a distance of 40 rods; thence South at right angles a distance of 40 rods; thence East at right angles a distance of 40 rods; thence North at right angles a distance of 40 rods to point of beginning. ESTATES IMPROVEMENT Mortgage, April 7, 1917. Filed April 9, 1917, 8:45 a. m. COMPANY Book 964 Mortgages, Page 137. To To secure $3,500.00. 3 notes $500.00 on or before August 10, MARY RYAN, 1917. $500.00 on or before February 10. 1918. $2,500.00 on No. 842634. or before April 10, 1922. 6 per cent semi- annually. Premises as in No. 37. Mortgagee to join with Mortgagor in platting said premises into Lots and Blocks. Mortgagee to reaeese any one of the Lots that Mortgagor may plat said premises into, the release price of any Lot shall be at the rate of $600.00 per acre. ESTATES IMPROVEMENT Plat of "Normandale Second Addition," April 14, 1917. COMPANY (Owners), Filed August 30, 1917, 11 :40 a. m. Book 88 Plats, Page 1. WILLIAM RYAN, Comprises Lots 1 to 30 in Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4; Lots 1 to 28 in MARY RYAN, Both Single (Mtgees.), Blocks 5 and 6; Lots 1 to 14 in Block 7; Lots 1 to 12 in Block To 8; Lots 1 to 24 in Blocks 9 to 20, and Lots 1 to 12 in Block THE PUBLIC, 21. No. 861213. Embraces the South 1/Z of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. Taxes for 1916 and prior years paid. See Judgment and Bankruptcy Search Attached. No. 25055. Verified by S. CERTIFICATE AS TO JUDGMENTS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien Docket in the following named Courts, viz: United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota; United States District Court, District of Minnesota; United States Circuit Court, Fourth Division, District of Minnesota; United States District Court, Fourth Division, District of Minnesota; District Court, Fourth Judicial District, in and for the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, and find no judgments docketed therein and unsatisfied of record against either of the following named persons between the dates set opposite their respective names; except as shown hereon. None. No search made as to parties the middle initial of whose name is other than stated herein. William Ryan or William T. Ryan ............... .........................August 30, 1907 April 10, 1917 Mary Ryan ..... ............................... .........................August 30, 1907 April 10, 1917 Estates Improvement Company ................. .........................August 30, 1907 August 31, 1917, 7 a. m. No bankruptcy proceedings by or against William Ryan or William T. Ryan, Mary Ryan, Estates Improvement Company. Dated at Minneapolis, this 31st day of August, 1917. Fee $1.00. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT COMPANY, By W. S. JENKINS, Secretary. The following certificates appear appended to the plat shown below, which plat was filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on April 30, 1932 42 at 8:30 o'clock A.M., as Document No. 16843869 and was recorded in Book of Govt. Survey Plate, page 2. "The above Map of Township No. 116' of the 5th Principal Meridian, Minnesota to the field notes of the survey thereof which have been examined and approved. Surveyor General's Office, Dubuque, May 16th 1855 Borth, Range No. 21 West is strictly conformable on file in this Office, Warner Lewis Surr.Genl." "2 hereby certify that the above map is a correct copy of the original Government Map of Township No, 116 North, Range No. 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian on file in this Office. (The Great Seal of the Mike Holm, Secly of State, State of Minnesota) St.Paul,Minn.Sept.3d 1931." AAC ar a _ _ r" .Z1 W 5t IV, Men a•�•�.• -may,. 1. William Ryan Assignment of Mortgage No. 36 43 To Dated Aug. 1, 1934 James T. Wood Filed Aug. 2, 1934, 12;10 p.m. Doc. No. 1762188 Book 1812 of Mtgs. , page 364 Consideration $1.00 etc. Regularly Witnessed (two witnesses) .Acknowledged August 1, 1934 by William Ryan before Hazel Quarnstrom, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Notarial Seal.). Commission expires November 6,1936. Estates Improvement .Amendment to Articles of Company Incorporation 44 To Dated January 3, 1917 Whom It Concerns Filed November 26, 1917, 1;45 p.m. Doc. No. 873,506 Book 177 of Misc., page 73 Economy Lumber & Wrecking Mechanic's Lien Company, Dated Dec. 22, 1925 45 To Filed Dec. 22, 1925, 4;30 p.m. Elwood Bennett. Book 144 of Liens, page 391 Doc. No. 1326731 Claim $23.00 Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 20, Edina Normandale Addition. James T. Wood Partial Release from Mortgage 46 To No. 36 Estates Improvement Company Dated June 8 1940 Doc. No. 2042576 Filed Jun 26, 19400 10:40 a.m. P Book if ' of Mtgs. page q{, Valuable Consideration Lots 6 to 17, both inclusive, nr —T;1oc R- -20, in Normandale Second Addition. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged June 8. 1940 by James T. Wood before Hazel Quarnstrom, Notary Public (Notarial Seal) Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires November 6, 1943. 47 For'JadgMent and Bankruptcy Search See Certificate Attached. t- James T. Wo6d Satisfaction of'Mortgage recorded in 48 To Book 950 of Mtgs °., page 275 (See X36) Estates Improvement Company Dated June 4, 1941 Doe. No. 2092334 Filed June 5, 1941 11:30 a.m. Book 2103 of Mtgs., page 83 Regularly witnessed (2 witnesses) Acknowledged June 4, 1941 by James T. Wood before Hazel Quarnstrom, Notary Public; Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commisa -lon expires November 6, 1943. Estates Improvement Company Warranty Deed (Minneso„ta Corporation) Dated June 19, 1940 49 Filed October 11, 1940 104,10 a.m. XsJoint W. Bennett and Book 1328 of Deeds, page 40. og Bennett, wife Consideration $1.00 etc. tenants Lots 6 to 17 both inclut" in Block 20 . 2058652 in Normandale Second Addition. Special Assessments. Revenue Stamps $1.00 Regularly witnessed (2 witnesses) Estates Improvement Company aigned adknowledged June 8, 1940 by Martin Tingdale and Rudolph T. Tingdale, President and Secretary respectively (Corporate Seal) by authority of its Board of Directiors and said officers before Jack F. Jenson, Jr., Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires September 11, 1940 50 In the matter of the Guardianship of Probate Court, Hennepin County, Margaret Brown Minnesota. Insane Dated May 24, 19E2, See Court Files Case No. 15773 Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, wife 51 To Margaret Brown Doc. No. 2058653 Mortgage Dated Oct. 10, 1940 Filed Oct. 11, 1940 10 :10 a.m. Book 2069 of Mtgs., page 97 To secure payment of 4600.00. Oct 10, 1945 6,% per annum. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 100 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 16, and 17, in Block 20, Normandale Second'.Addi t ion. Power of Sale Clause. Regularly witnessed (2 witnesses) Acknowledged October 10, 1940, by Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, wife before A. G. Hudson, Notary Public, Notary Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission. expires November 11, 1945. I Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, his wife 52 To Louisa Sprague — — Doe. No. 2194506 53 54 55 f- Mortgage Dated August 10, 1943 Filed August 12, 1943 3:50 p.m. Book 2091 of Mtgs., page 90 To securd payment of 81000.00 Due August 10, 1948 6% per annum. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 121, 13, 14,, 15, 16, and 17, in kbek 20 in Normandale Second Addition. Power of Sale Clause Regularly witnessed (2 witnesses) Acknowledged August 12, 1943 by Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, his wife before C. S. Deaver, Notary Public, Notarial seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires February 17, 1944. No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin Oounty, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named between the dates set opposite their respective names: Edward W. Bennett Dec. 31, 1939 Sept. 19, 1945 7a.m. Mrs. Edward W. Bennett Dec. 31, 1939 Sept. 19, 1945 7a.m. Katherine Bennett Dec. 31, 1939 Sept. 19, 1945 7a.m. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) Taxes 1916 and rio ear c s ve paid. id. Takes for 1917'0 144' n Assessed in the name of Bennett, Edina. For Judgment and Bankrupey Search see Certificate Attached. 4 IL Margaret Brown Satisfaction of 11ortgage 56. to Recorded in Book 2063 of htgs., Edward W. Bennett and wife. rage 97 See No. 51 Doc. No. 2313339 Dated Oct. 6, 1945 Filed Oct. 11 1945, 11:15 a.m. Book 2171 of Atgs., page 15 Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged Oct. 6, 1945 by Margaret Brown, before C. S. Beaver, rotary public, Notarial seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires 71Ia.r. 1, 1951. Louisa Sprague, single power of Attorney 57. to Dated Aug. 14, 1936 C. S. Deaver - -- riled Apr. 6, 1942, 11:30 a.m. Doc. No. 2136042 Book 16 of powers, page 261 rp I sell, assign and discharge of record either in full or in part, any notes, mortgages, judgments or Sheriff's Certificate of sale; and to issue certificate's of redemption by owner of Sheriff's Certificate of Pale, and to issue Notices of Intention to Redeem; also to sign and papers relative to insurance or proof of loss thereunder in which I am in anywise interested; and to endorse checks or drafts gilren to me; also to make in my name or otherwise any loan or investment forme secured upon such property or upon such terms as he may deem for my best interest; also to enter upon and keep possession of any and all lands, and hereditaments, or personal property that I now own or may hereafter have any right, title or interest in, situated in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, owa, Montana., North Dakota, south Dakota, and to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same and to make and deliver good and sufficient contracts, assignments of contracts options and deeds therefore with or without the usual covenants of title and warranty, upon such terms and for such prices as my said attorney may deem proper, and until such sale to demise and let the same; and to ask, demand sue for and collect any and all credits, rents, moneys, promissory notes and mortgages, real or chattel-, clue or to become due, or any interest due on said debts dae me that may now or hereafter be owing and due me, and to make and deliver full, sufficient and proper receipts, extension, releases, and satisfactions of mortgages securing the same, and give authority to foreclose any and all mortgages that may be in default in any of their conditions, and to exercise any and all powers and elections therein contained; Granting and giving unto said Attorney in Fact full authority and power to do and perform any and all other acts necessary or incident to the performance and execution of the powers herein expressly granted, with power to do and perform all acts authorized hereby, as fully to all intents and purposes as-the grantor might or could do tf personally present, with full pourer of substitution. Regularly witnessed (Two witnesses) Acknowledged Aug. 14, 1936, by Louisa, Sprague, single, before A. G•. Hudson, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Nov. 11, 1938. 1,10 1- larga.ret Brown 56. to Bdward W. Bennett a.nd wife Doc. No. 2313339 5atisfa.ction of 1'1ortgage Recorded in Book 206 of 141tgs. , iv p 51 ra.ge 97 ( See Dated Oct. 6) 1945 Filed Oct. 11 1945, 11:15 a.m. Book 2171 of ��lt1 -1 , , 1945 by Acknowledged Oct. 6, Public, Notarial Seal, Regularly witnessed two witnesses) Notary 1951. %iargaret Brown, before O. S. Denver, Hennepin county, 1'linnesota. �ommisaion expires Power of Attorney Louisa Sprague, single Dated Aug. 14, 1936 to Filed Apr. 6, 1942, 11.30 a.m. 57' C. S. Deaver - -- Book 16 of Powers, page 261 Doc. loo. 2136042 m assign and discharge of record F �o sell, any notes, either in full party Sale; and to issue mortgages, judgments or Sheriff's certificate pf Oertificate of Sale, and owner of Sheriff's certificates of redemption by Redeem• also to sign and papwiserelative to issue Notices of In to I a.m in anywise i5 *en to me; also to make in to insurance or proof of loss thereunder drafts gi- on such interested; and to endorsloaneorsinvestment f bestrinterest; also to my name or otherwise any deem for y and hereditsments, property or upon such terms as he May ri ht, title enter upon and keep possession of any and all ereafter have any that I now oti�tn or may Wisconsin, Iowa, or personal property States of Minnesota., or interest in, situated South the rant bargain, sell and convey North Dakota, South Dakota, and to g assignments Montana, good and sufficient contracts, races as my the same and ootipns and deedvetherefore with or without the usual of contracts p upon such terms and for such p covenants of title and warranty, P and all credits, rents, deem proper, and until such sale to demise and let the 60 said attorney may demand sue for and collect Y r clue or to become same, and to ask, real or chat to _, pro notes and mortgages, no`�r or hereafter moneys, p sufficient and proper due, or any interest due on make debts may securing be owing and due me, end to and satisfactions of mortgages , a es that may receipts, extension, releases, and all mortg g the same, a.nd give authority to foreclose any an of their. conditions and andrgivingnuntodsaid be in de a. cult in Y perform any and all powers and elections therein containe , r� cadent to the performance and execution acts he Attorney in. Fact full authority and power to do an P other acts necessary or in with power to do an perform grantor granted, urpo se s as the g rowers herein expressly to all intents and P as fully substitution. authorized hereby, resent, with full power of sus by Louis if personally p Acknowledged Aug. 14, 1936, might or could do Public, Notarial Seal, Regularly witnessed �A.�CT.PHuason, Notary 1938. Sprague, single, before Uommission expires Nov. 11, Hennepin count Y, Minnesota. Louisa Sprague, by Satisfaction of Mortgage C. S. Deaver, her attorney Recorded in Book 209 of Mtgs., 58. in fact to age 90 (See No. 52 Edward W. Bennett and wife ated Oct. 22, 1943 Doc. No. 2445186 Filed June 16, 1947, 11 a.m�l� Book ),t i:; of Mtgs. , page Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged Oct. 22, 1943 by C. S. Deaver, on behalf of Louisa Sprague -- before Beth Kusmaul, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. commission expires Aug. 28, 1946. Gervaise A. Kimm and Beatrice Kimm, husband and wife 59. to The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis, a cor -�orat ion Doc. Tyo . 2415421 rf. ort gag e Dated Dec. 10, 1946 Filed Dec. 16, 1946, 3 :10 p.m. . Book of Mtgs., page,V,, To secure payment of 02500. Last Payment Jan. 1 1959, - - -- Lots 8 and 9, allormandale Becond Addition ', to ether with streets and alleys a.djace t thereto, vacated or to be vacated. ssignment of Rents and Power of Sala clauses. Re ularly witnessed (two itnesses) Acknowledged Dec. 14 1946 by Gervaise -4. Kimm and Beatrice Ki m, husband and wife, before A. M. Commission Notary public, Notarial Sea , Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires May 10, 1953. . Gervaise A. Kimm and Beatrice Kimm, husband and wife 60. to The Farmers and tvlechani.cs Savings Bank of Minneapolis, a corporation loo. 2415954 Mortga e i Dated Dec. 10, 1946 Filed Dec. 18, 1946, 3 :20 p.m. Book ,7a ,3_� of Mtge . , age To secure payment of 2500.00 - Last Payment Jan. 1, 1959 - -- Lots 8 and 9, in Block 4, "Normandale Second � n�� �.. together with streets and alleys adjacent ""thereto, vacated or to be vacated. Assignment of Rent and Power of sale Clauses. Regularly witnessed ttwo witnesses Acknowledged Dec 14, 1946 by Gervaise A. Kimm and Beatrice Kimm, husband and wife, before A. . 14. La Fleur, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota: commission expires May 10, 1953. Reggularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged Dec. 18, 1946 byy Gervaise A. Kimm and Beatrice Kimm, husband and wife, before A. M, La Fleur, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires May 10, 1953. Re- recorded of Doc. #24P421 recorded in Book 2253 of Xtgs., page 482. (shown for reference) Edward W. Bennett and Mortgage Katherine Bennett, his wife Dated June 3, 1947 61. to Filed June 11 1947, 3 p.m Thorpe Bros. Inc. Book,;��"�of Atgs. , page (kinnesota Corporation) To secure,llpayment of $1500., Last Doc. No. 2444545 Payment July 1, 1957, - -- Lots 6 to 17, inclusive, Block 20, Normanda.le Second Addition, including wi ny part of any street or alley adjacent to said premises vacated or to be vacated. Assignmentof Rents and Power of Sale Clauses. kegularly witnessed 1 (two witnesses) Acknowledged June 10, 1947 by Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, his wife, before Vera. B. Elton, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Feb. 18, 1951. Thorpe Bros. Inc. Assignment of Mortgage (1111nnesota Corporation) Recorded as Doc. #2444545 62. to (See No. 61) William A. Ilendt and Esther Dated June 17, 1947 S. Wendt -- Filed. June 20, 1947, 2:40 p.m. Doc. No. 2446137 Book ��-7 of Yltgs. , page '7 Consi e a ion 1. etc. Regularly witnessed `two witnesses) Thorpe Bros. Inc. signed and Acknowledged June 17, 1947 by Norman L. Newh$11 and Roy A. Moberg, respectively President and Trensurer (corporate Sea11 by authority of its Board of Directors and said officers, before k. 14. Hogan, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Sept. 10, 1947. 63. No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named between the dates set opposite their respective names: Edward W. Bennett Sept. 18, 1945 June 21, 1947, 7 a.m. Mrs. Edward W. Bennett Sept. 18, 1945 June 21, 1947, 7 a.m. Katherine Bennett Sept. 18, 1945 June 21, 1947, 7 a.m. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search Is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) 64. Taxes for 1945 and 1946, paid. Assessed in Bennett, Edina. 65. Certifications by Title Insurance com any of Minnesota eover records in Register of Deeds' office of Federal Internal Revenue Llen notices, and Minnesota income and inheritance tax lien notices. 66. For Judgment and Bankruptcy search see Certificate attached. 41*1 i( 67. The Farmers and Mechanics Satisfaction of Mortgage Savings Bank of Minnea�olis Recored in Book 2253 of Mortgages, (Minnesota Corporation) Page 482 (See #59) To Re-recored in Book 2250 of Mortgages, Gervaise A. Kimm and wife Page 558 (See #60) Doc. No. 2624154 Dated April 11, 1950 names: Filed May 9, 1950, 11:10 AM. Book 2484 of Mortgages, page 614 Edward W. Bennett Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) 20, 1947 The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis signed and acknowledged April 11, 1950, by H. J. Arnott and L. S. Moore respectively Vice President and Assistant Treasurer (Corporate Seal) by authority of its Board of Trustees and said officers, before B. H. Carlson, Notary Public (Notarial Seal) Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Aug. 27, 1953- 1.0 No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota against the parties hereafter named, between the dates set opposite their opposite names: Edward W. Bennett June 20, 1947 July 10, 1950 7;00 AM. Mrs. Edward W. Bennett June 20, 1947 July 10, 1950 7:00 AM. Katherine Bennett June 20, 1947 JU-1Y 10, 1950 7:00 AM. (Note: 117here any name appears hereon oiith a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown her-on.) 69. Taxes for 1947 and 1948 aid. Taxes for 1949, amounts � .74 per lot on lots 6 to 12 inclusive. 11:46 per lot on lot-- 13-14-17, 7.34 on lot 15, $29.34 on lot 16. 1/2 paid and 1/2 not paid on all above amounts. Assessed in the name of Bennett, Edina. 70. Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cover records in Register of Deeds' office of Federal Internal Revenue Lien notices, and Minnesota income and inheritance tax lien notices. 71. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate attached. i William A. Wendt satisfaction of Mortgage recorded Esther S. Wendt in Book 229 of Mtgs. page 191 72. to (See No. 61) ; . Edward W.Bennett and wife Dated July 21, 1950 Doe. No. 2640992 Filed July 28, 1950, 3.30 p.m. Book,2 -.5`47 of Mtgs. , aged. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged July 27, 1950, by Esther S. Wendt before M. M. Hogan, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Commission expires Sept. 10, 1954. In the Presence of two witnesses. Acknowledged July 21, 1950, by William A. Wendt - -, before F. H. Troske, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, South Dakota, Commission expires June 15, 1954. Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett, his wife 73• to Thorpe Bros. Inc. (Minnesota Corporation) Doc. No. 2639362 Mortgage Dated July 13, 1950 Filed July 21, 1950, 3:10 p.m. Book-1,-'5-U1Jbf Mtgs. , page ),5- To seeureJ payment of 417Z Q .t0 last payment Aug. 1, 1960 Lots 6 to 17 inclusive Block 20, Normandale Second Addition, includipg any part of any street or alley adjacent to said premises, vacated or to be vacated. Assignment of rents and power of sale clauses. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged July 20, 1956 by Edward W. Bennett and Katherine Bennett his wife before Vera B. Elton Notary Public, Notarial Seal., Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Feb. 18, 1951. Tharpe'Bros. Inc. Assignment of Mortgage recorded (Minnesota Corporation) as Doc. No. 2639362 (See N ©.73) 74. to Dated July 28,' 1950 William A. Wendt and Filed Augg. 2, 1950, 3 p.m. Esther S. Wendt -- Books ;Mt �' of Mtgs. , page ;z. x Doe. No. 2641944 .5 Consideration 4 1.00 etc. Regulaxr,ty' witnessed (two witnesses) Thorpe Bros. Inc. signed and acknowledged July 28, 1950 by Norman L. Newhall and Ralph C. Knauss, respectively President and Assistant secretary (Corporate Seal) by authority of its Board of Directors and tixl& officers, before Vera B. Elton, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County,. X�nnesota. Commission expires Feb. 18, 1951. 4 fi 75. No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named between the dates set opposite their respective names: Edward W. Bennett July 9, 1950 Aug. 4, 1950, 7 a.m. Mrs. Edward W. Bennett July 9, 1950 Aug. 4, 1950, 7 a.m. Katherine Bennett July 9, 1959 Aug. 4, 1950, 7 ca•m• (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) 76. Taxes for 1949 amounts $.74 per Lot on Lots 6 to 12 inclusive 01.46 per lot on lots 13, 14, 17, 7.34'on Lot 15, $29.34 on Lot 16, 1/2 paid 1/2 not paid. Taxes assessed in Bennett, Edina. 77. Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cover reoords in Register of Deeds' office of Federal Internal Revenue Lien notices, and Minnesota income and inheritance tax lien notices. 78. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate fttached. 10 The Council of the Certified Copy of Amendment of Village of Edina the Ordinance of the Village of 79. To Edina, Hennepin bounty, Minnesota Whom It Concerns Dated April $, 1952 Doc. No. 2745385 Filed April '$ 1952, 3:45 p.m. Book 641 of Misc., page 45 The Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section III, paragraph (c) of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, passed by the council of said Village on the 25th day of May, 1931, and thereafter amended, is hereby further amended as follows: Section III (c). No land shall be platted or subdivided which, at the time of application for approval of the plat, is provided with public water and sewer connections or in which public water or sewer connections are contemplated unless such plat or subdivision meets all of the following minimum requirements: 1. Each lot shall have a frontage on a public street of not less than 75 feet. 2. The average minimum depth of all the lots in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not less than 120 feet. 3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not less than 8,250 square feet. No land shall be platted or subdivided which, at the time of application for approval of the plat, is not provided with public water and sewer connections and in which public water or sewer connections are not contemplated unless such plat or subdivision meets all of the following minimum requirements: 1. Each lot shall have a frontage on a public street of not less than 90 feet. 2. The average minimum depth of all the lots in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not less than 125 feet. 3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not less than 11,250 square feet. All lots contained in land hereafter platted or subdivided shall have side lines as nearly as practical at right angles to the street line. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption. Passed by the Village Council this 22 day of October, 1951. That the above ordinance was passed pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.26 et seq. and that with such regula- tions in force, by virtue of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.29. Subdivision 2, no conveyance of land in which the land conveyed is described by metes and bounds or by reference to a plat made after such regulations become effective which is not approved as provided by statute, shall be made or recorded if the parcel described in the conveyance is less than two and 1/2 acres in area an4 150 feet in width unless such parcel is a separate parcel of record at the time of the adoption of the above ordinance or unless an agreement to convey such smaller parcel has been entered into prior to such time and the instrument showing the agreement to convey is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds within one year thereafter. Any owner or agent of the owner of land in the Village of Edina who conveys a lot or parcel in violation of this statute shall forfeit and pay to the Village of Edina a penalty of not less than $100.00 for each lot or parcel so conveyed and such conveyance may be enjoined. 1 R. L. Davidson Affidavit 80. To Dated Mar. 10, 1954 Whom It Concerns Filed Mar. 29. 1954. 3:10 p.m. Doc. No. 2865953 Book 689 of Misc., page 77 R. L. Davidson., being duly sworn, deposes andstates that he is Vice President of The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis and that said Bank made a mortgage to Gervaise A. Kimm and Beatrice Kimm, his wife, dated December 10., 1946, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on December 16, 1946, in Book 2253 of Mortgages on page 482, covering Lots 8 and 9,"Normandale Second Addition". Deponent further states that said description was in error in that it did not show the Block number: said mortgage was corrected to cover Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, "Normandale Second Addition" and was re-recorded on December 18, 1946, in Book 2250 of Mortgages On page 558. Deponent further states that said Bank did not have a mortgage on Lots 8 and Q, in Said Addition in any other Block except Block 4. In the Matter of the Minnesota Department of Health 81. Death of Certified Copy of Edward W. Bennett Certificate of Death Doc. No. 2911406 Dated June 21 1954 Filed Nov. 24, 1954, 12:45 P•m• Book 706 of Misc., page 631 Residence: 6533 Warren Ave., Edina, Minnesota. Shows that he died June 11 1954. Color: White; Age: 72 years; Wife: Catherine; Occupation; Caretaker. Certified as to correct copy November 13, 1954, by Philip C. Schmidt, Clerk of District Court, by B. Arthur, Deputy, (under District Court Seal). Katherine Bennett Affidavit 820 To Dated Nov. 17, 1954 Whom It Concerns Filed Nov. 24, 1954, 12:45 P.M. Doc. No. 2911406 Book 706 of Misc., page 631 Estate of Edward W. Bennett, deceased. Katherine Bennett, also known as Catherine Bennett of Edina, Minnesota, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the surviving joint tenant of decedent named herein. That Edward W. Bennett died on the First day of June, 1954, at the age of 72 years at Edina, State of Minnesota, with residence at 6533 Warren Avenue, Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota. That a duly certified copy of the record of his death is hereto attached as a part hereof. That said decedent at and prior to death was the owner of an interest as joint tenant in the hereinafter described property in which the following named person(s) is - are - surviving joint tenant: Name Age Relationship to Decedent Residence Katherine Bennett 6 Widow 6533 Warren Avenue Edina,Minneapolis, Minnesota. That the respective interests of decedent and survivor(s) as joint tenants were created by an instrument or conveyance dated June 19th,1940, (Continued) ♦ 41 (Entry No.82, continued) and filed for record October 11, 1940, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, in Book 1328 of Deeds, page 40, in the following described property, to -wit: Lot 6 to 17, both inclusive,.. in Block 20, Normandale Second Addition, y,Tiririsota. That all of said property was and is the homestead of decedent and the surviving joint tenant and occupied by them, as such. That no part of the above property was the homestead of decedent un- less so specified in the description. That affiant has disclosed to the Commissioner of Taxation all transfers of property from the dece- dent to any beneficiary of which affiant has knowledge or information, (—,'-which transfers may be subject to Minnesota inheritance tax. The affiant makes this affidavit and files said certified copy of record of death as evidence of the death of said joint tenant - and the termination of said joint tenancy and all such estate, title interest and lien as was or is limited upon the life of said decedent. Commissioner of Taxation State of Minnesota, by Edward J. Moret, Inheritance and Gift Tax Division (Seal) 83. To Whom It Concerns Doc. No. 2911406 a of the State of Minnesota upon the lien for inheritance taxes that the upon the property herein described Certificate of No Inheritance Tax Dated Nov. 18, 1954 Filed Nov. 24, 1954, 12:45 p.m. Book 706 of Misc. , page 631 Upon the facts stated in the within affidavit and upon facts disclosed in the files and records of the Department of Taxation, I find that no inheri- tance tax is due under the laws transfers herein described. Any State of Minnesota may have had is hereby waived. 84. No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named, between the dates set opposite their respective names: Edward W. Bennett Mrs. Edward W. Bennett Katherine Bennett or Catherine Bennett Aug. 3, 1950 Aug. 3, 1950 Aug. 3, 1950 June 29 1954 May 1, 1955 May 1, 1955 (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) 85. Taxes for 1949 to 1954, inclusive, Paid. Taxes for 1955, Amounts 13.79, 13.79, $13.79, $13.79, $13.79, $13.79 $13.79, $59.44, $59.44, 866 .62, 104.1A, $59.44, not paid. Assessed in Bennett (Edina) 0 40� 86. Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, cover records in Register of Deeds' Office of Federal Internal Revenue Lien notices and Minnesota Income and Inheritance Tax Lien notices. 87. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search See Certificate Attached. l No. 9405 7 .......... Verified by ............................ CERTIFICATE AS TO JUDGMENTS AND AS TO BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the following named Courts, viz.: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings therein by or against the persons named hereon; and find no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens docketed therein against the persons named hereon, between the dates set opposite their respective names, except as shown hereon. No search made as to parties the middle initial of whose name is other than as stated herein. NAMES Estate Improvement Company Edward T. Bennett Katherine Bennett Mrs. Edward 7. Bennett DATES October 81 1930 October 9, 1940, 7AM October 8, 1930 October 9, 19409 7AM October 8, 1930 October 9, 1940, 7AM October 8, 1930 October 9, 19409 7AM Except as follows: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County,lMinnesota. State of Minnesota vs C. E. Bennett falter Grabowski vs C. A. Fenne tt Walter Grabowski vs C. A. Bennett Dated at Minneapolis, Minnesota, Personal Property Tax Judgment Dated December 12, 1939 Amount ;8.23 Case No. 330590 Dated October 24, 1933 Docketed October 24, 1933 Amount $54.50 Tantges, et al. Attorneys Case No. 330591 Dated October 24, 1933 Docketed October 4, 1933 Amount $1022.47 Tantges, et al, A torneys= is 9th day of October, 11940 at 7 A.M. Minne is Abstra t Corporation st Verified by_k_I_ CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES ^ :�.. ^.- ._�,�.._.._ DATES Edward W.. Bennett Mrs. Edward W. Bennett July 9, 1950 July 9, 1950 n Aug. 4, 1950,7AM Aug. 4, 1950t7AM rI t Dated at Minneapolis, is . —_day of August 19__5Q_ TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY O MINNESOTA Fee $ i.nn Form No. 8, L.P. 2.49 -30M By_ `_� .�J -�.2_�C� A ast. Secretary Ile, //� No 370005 Verified by__S__� CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES Edward W. Bennett Mrs. Edward W. Bennett Katherine Bennett June 20, 1947 June 20, 1947 June 20, 1947 Dated at Minneapolis, thin 10th day of July io 50 DATES July 10, 1950,7AM July 10, 195017AM JulY 10, 1950.7AM TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Fee $ .3.00 Fors, No. s, L.P. 2.49 -30M By "`� - 1 �'-= y- ���Asat. Secretary No 524054 Verified by CERTIFICATE AS AS TO NOTICES OF INTERNAL REVENUE TAX LIENS, DOCKETED IN UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA, THIRD DIVISION. THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Lien Dockets in the following named court: United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division. We find no Notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing undischarged therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. ( Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any nani s having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES I DATES ett W March 10, 1955 10 Dated at Minmagl 8 , the, 6th day of Mar( - h 19_26 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF M01NNESOTA ,g March Z�e-,'r- qr No 521154 Verified bye CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES DATES Edwa e3_W_ Bennett Aug, 0 June t 1 Mrs. Edward W Bennett Aug. 1950 March 6 1956s7AM Katherine Bennett or ) Catherine Bennett ) Aug. 3 1950 March 6 195617AM Dated at Minneapolis, this 6th day of March 19—iL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Fee g 4.50 `� � Form No. 8. ( B� "' rapt. Secretary No 304789 _ Verified by a CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES I DATES Edward W., Bennett _. Sept.. 18, _1946 Mrs. Edward W. Bennett _ UP V. -1$, . ,19 5__.... Xuna -214 ,1R47,_7AM.__ Katherine ,Bennett Sept. 18, 1945 ...-n.June-2.3.#.1947-�7AX— 7. _ F Dated at Minneapolis, this 21st - -day of —tune 19 -4 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Fee $— 3.00-- st. Secretary Form No. 8, L.P. 10.45 -24M No 261553 4. Verified by d- CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol- lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES Estates Improvement Company [ Oct. 8, 1940 Edward W. Bennett Oct. 8, 1940 Mrs. Edward W. Bennett Oct. 8, 1940 Katherine Bennett Oct. 8, 1940 Dated at Minneapolis, this_ __I 9th day of Sept ember 19 45— TITLE INSURANCE COUP -AXT- Fee s 4.0O_— Form No. 8, L.P. 4-45-12M DATES Oct. 12, 1940 Sept. 19, 1945,7AM Sept. 19, 1945, ?AM V 019, 1945, 7AM Secretary