HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-17 City Council Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 17, 2019 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V.A. COMMUNITY COMMENT: BODY-WORN CAMERA POLICY Manager Neal shared the public comment process required by Statute to implement body-worn camera systems that included public input on the proposed policy. He said the policy was also available online and would be implemented in 2020. No one appeared. V.B. COMMUNITY COMMENT Helen Tillous, 5805 Concord Avenue, addressed the Council. V.C. CITY MANAGER'S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to past Community Comments. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, approving the consent agenda as revised to remove Items VI.F. and VI.L., as follows: VI.A. Approve minutes of the December 3, 2019, Work Session and Regular Meeting VI.B. Approve payment claims for Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 12.05.19-12.12.19 TOTAL $2,146,202.27, Electronic Payment Register Dated 12.05.19-12.12.19 TOTAL $281,055.57, and Credit Card Transactions 09.26.2019-10.25.2019 TOTAL $48,802.56 VI.C. Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-19; Amending Chapter 10 of Edina City Code Concerning Rental Licensing VI.D. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-I 18; Authorizing Public Health Services Agreement with City of Bloomington VI.E. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Toyota Highlander Hybrid, Burnsville Toyota, $33,640.00 VI.F. Request to Purchase: BearCat Vehicle VI.G. Approve 2020-2021 Union Contract for IUOE Local 49 Public Works VI.H. Approve Change Order; Engineering Services for Browndale Storm Realignment, Bolton & Menk, Total Change Order No. I Amount $15,000 VI.I. Approve Encroachment Agreement for 3200 Southdale Circle VI.J. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-113; Supporting E Line Bus Rapid Transit Project Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 17. 2019 VI.K. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-115; Final Plat McQuarrie Addition, 6625 Mohawk Trail VI.L. Resolution No. 2019-117; Proposed Parks and Recreation Fees for 2020 VI.M. Approve 2019 Human Services Task Force Recommendation for 2020/2021 Funding VI.N. Approve Termination of Department of Employment and Economic Development Redevelopment Grant VI.O. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-114; Accepting Donations Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: VI.F. APPROVE REQUEST TO PURCHASE: BEARCAT VEHICLE — APPROVED The Council shared their thanks for the over $132,000 raised by the community for the Edina Crime Prevention Fund to purchase the new Bearcat vehicle for the Police Department. The Council was thankful the community could gather so quickly to raise funds. The Council spoke about the grant opportunity, the partnership with the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, and thanked them for their extraordinary support. Chief Nelson explained how the aging vehicle caused high maintenance costs and having the community raise half the funding needed was very humbling. Member Anderson made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to approve the request for purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Lenco Armored Vehicles, $261,041.00 Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VI.L. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-117; PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION FEES FOR 2020 — ADOPTED The Council asked about accommodations for evening youth golf through rate reductions and noted it did not want to increase rates too much for seniors who help pay for these assets. Parks and Recreation Director Vetter responded promotional rates were in place for buckets Monday through Thursday and Thursday evenings were less than half the than normal rate, and that staff was exploring options for high school teams. He explained senior rates were reduced weekday mornings and while at some point timed golf could be considered, staff would revisit with Council prior to any rate changes. Mayor Hovland introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-117 Proposed Parks and Recreation Fees for 2020. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VILA. 1-494; AIRPORT TO HIGHWAY 160 PROJECT UPDATE — PRESENTED Amber Blanchard and Andrew Lutaya with Minnesota Department of Transportation presented the current status of the proposed project along Interstate 494 between the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and Highway 169. They thanked the Council for participating in the project and study then spoke about the overall timeline, corridor history, screening processes, decisions for the PAC recommendation, and pending corridor vision decisions. They also spoke about Phase 2 remaining timeline, next steps, and the study in 2018 that reviewed the entire corridor, preliminary design in 2020, rescope of the project, turbine interchanges, and viable alternatives that included narrowing to be more manageable. They explained the environmental process for the corridor with MnPASS as a preferred alternative and reasons why the alternative performed best and would address travel time delays. They indicated the second decision point was reconfiguring access onto Lyndale and 24th to Portland Avenue to ensure arterials would not be negatively impacted and said they want concurrence on the main line solution for MnPASS and access reconfiguration that included full access at Portland Avenue. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 17, 2019 The Council asked if the typical MnPASS was proposed for buses and single occupant vehicles through a transponder and 2-or-more people in a vehicle, if all options eliminated the entrance and exit at Nicollet, and if one of the decisions pointed to put all at Portland Avenue. The Council spoke about the proposed Texas U-turn then commented how the 494 Corridor Commission was holding a legislative breakfast for funding requests as the project affected every city along the alignment and resulting traffic and economic impacts that would occur. The Council spoke about the project interface with 1-35W downtown and the BRT line at Best Buy. Ms. Blanchard shared the decision-making process and said a business listening session would be held in January with the third phase of the preliminary design and document work and a decision process, which included a vision layout completed by spring 2020 with first construction identification in February 2020 municipal consent if needed. Mr. Lutaya said the project was slated for completion fall 2021. VII.B. BRAEMAR NATURAL RESOURCES IMPROVEMENTS OUTCOMES — PRESENTED Engineering Director Millner introduced Deric Deuschle, Sr. Biologist with SEH Engineering, who presented the many positive outcomes to natural resources at the Braemar Golf Course that included improvements related to the Academy Nine, Driving Range and Golf Course Projects since 2016. He reviewed the natural resource features of flood storage, wetland buffers, native prairie, oak savanna, and wetland mitigation, goals to incorporate natural resources enhancements, direct flooding to non-course areas, and the education opportunities along the course. He said a lot had been achieved then reviewed wetland impacts and mitigation with two mitigation sites that exceeded requirements with the addition of plantings at the Academy, wetland accomplishments, managed natural areas, annual monitoring to track progress and guide maintenance, and regulatory requirements. Mr. Deuschle summarized how the accomplishments were good for the environment, added to a golfer's experience, provided demonstration and education opportunities, and was a source of pride. Drone footage of the course was shown. The Council inquired if the corrugated pipe would be permanent then asked if there were containers underground or was all wetland areas. Mr. Deuschle said he believed the pipe could be boundary markings but would confirm then stated all wetland areas were kept onsite with 30-40% of the entire course being contained in all-natural areas. The Council congratulated those who worked on this project and recognized the opportunity. VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD — Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-104, ORDERING NUISANCE ABATEMENT — ADOPTED Community Health Administrator Brown stated Edina Health Division staff issued nuisance orders at 4362 Vernon Avenue in June 2019 and attempted to work with property owner to correct violations and while some progress had been made at the property, nuisance conditions persisted. A public hearing must be conducted prior to Council orders for staff to proceed with cleanup and assessment of costs. He shared photos of the conditions, an estimate of costs, and history of enforcement that began in May. The Council spoke about the pending foreclosure and sheriff's sale in January and the process of redemption and asked if the City spent the money to abate, could it be assigned to property taxes. City Attorney Knutson confirmed the City would have priority over other potential debts. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:12 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 17, 2019 The Council said if the expenses were levied, the City would be in a primary position and suggested waiting for the sale first then work with the new owner on clean-up. Mr. Brown said this process had been done in the past and staff considered those factors. Member Fischer introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-104 Ordering Nuisance Abatement at 4362 Vernon Avenue. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. NEW ON-SALE ONTOXICATING AND SUNDAY SALE LIQUOR LICENSES FOR LTF CLUB OPERATIONS COMPANY, INC. — APPROVED Clerk Allison shared the Council was requested to approve two new On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses for LTF Club Operations Company, Inc. for two restaurants located at 250 Southdale Center, Suite 101 (RARE), and Suite 401 (Poolside Bistro), Edina. LTF Club Operations Company, Inc. applied for liquor licenses for the new Life Time Fitness at 250 Southdale Center. There were two restaurants where alcohol will be served, RARE on the 1st floor (Suite 101), and Poolside Bistro on the 4th floor (Suite 401). Two separate liquor licenses had to be issued because the spaces were not compact and contiguous as required by Statute. Staff reviewed the applications and found they comply with code requirements. A background investigation was completed by the police department and no concerns were found. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:17 p.m. Public Testimony Shawn Severson, Club General Manager, Life Time Fitness, 250 Southdale, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council complimented LTF, agreed LTF was a great addition to the community, welcomed them to Edina, and wished them all the best. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving two new On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses for LTF Club Operations Company, Inc. for two restaurants located at 250 Southdale Center, Suite 101 (RARE), and Suite 401 (Poolside Bistro). Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-116, ESTABLISH AMUNDSON AVENUE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND MODIFY THE SOUTHDALE 2 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN — ADOPTED Affordable Housing Development Manager Hawkinson stated this item pertained to the creation of a new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District to support the redevelopment of property at 7075-7079 Amundson Avenue, including the creation of approximately 62 units of affordable housing. This item also included a modification to the plan for the existing Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District to recognize the new TIF District and enable pooling necessary to provide financial support for affordable housing in Edina, including the acquisition of 4040 W. 70th Street. On December 12, 2019 the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approved Resolution 2019-10 to establish the Amundson Avenue Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District through adoption of a new Amundson Avenue Tax Increment Financing Plan, as well as Resolution 2019-12 that modified the Southdale 2 TIF District. The creation of the Amundson TIF District and the modification of the Southdale 2 TIF District were required in order to access Southdale 2 TIF pooled funds for the acquisition of both 7075-7079 Amundson Avenue and 4040 W. 70th St. The acquisition of these properties' aids in the creation of affordable workforce housing. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 17, 2019 The Council asked why 4040 W. 70th Street was being proposed as an age restricted property. Ms. Hawkinson responded two tax credit projects were approved this year for family and workforce housing and most requests were for senior housing. She explained this housing type did not require seniors to compete for housing and noted the site had seen its share of redevelopment challenges and would be less traffic, noise, and density which would be a good fit for senior housing. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:36 p.m. Public Testimony Helen Tillou, 5805 Concord Avenue, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council asked about building for disabled residents and future project consideration. Ms. Hawkinson agreed there was a massive need for affordable housing at 30% AMI and staff would explore different funding sources for mixing younger tenants with age-restricted tenants. Gary Gilligan, Edina Housing Foundation Board, said they viewed the need for senior housing as a good location and use for this site. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2019-116 establishing Amundson Avenue TIF District and modifying Southdale 2 TIF plan. Member Fischer seconded the motion. The Council spoke about the possibility that this project includes both seniors and those with disabilities. Roll call: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. IX. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS IX.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-119; SUPPORT OF REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA — ADOPTED Manager Neal said staff was requesting adoption of Resolution 2019- 119 that affirmed the City's support of resettlement of refugees in the City of Edina and that a copy of this resolution be provided to Hennepin County, the State of Minnesota, and the executive and legislative branches of the United States of America. He explained how on September 26, 2019, Executive Order #1388 "Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement" was signed by the President of the United States that indicated the Secretary of State and Secretary of Health and Human Services receive authorization from local and state authorities prior to conducting refugee resettlement processes. The Council suggested an amended version based on the Regional Council of Churches and resettlement issue with five resettlement agencies in Minnesota and language that included both county and local government had to approve. The Council said Commissioner Callison was contacted about the process and addressed missing component of the county. The Council commented about the historical value of refugees and their contributions to the State of Minnesota and while the resolution was longer it appropriately addressed legal requirements for County support. Mayor Hovland introduced and moved adoption of amended Resolution No. 2019-119, affirming the City's support of resettlement of refugees in the City of Edina and that a copy of this resolution be provided to Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, and the executive and legislative branches of the United States of America. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried Page 5 V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor H at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, declared the meeting adjourned , Mayor Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 7, 2020. -----------..--i Sharo II , City Clerk Minutes/Edina City Council/December 17, 2019 ►X.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-66, PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT, LOT DEPTH VARIANCE; PLATTING AN EXISTING OUTLOT, AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AT OAK LANE — CONTINUED TO JANUARY 7, 2020 Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to continue consideration of Resolution No. 2019-66, Preliminary and Final Plat, Lot Depth Variance; Platting an Existing Outlot, and Development Contract at Oak Lane to January 7, 2020. Ayes: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. X. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS X.A. CORRESPONDENCE - Received Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. X.B. MINUTES — Received I. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, OCTOBER 22, 2019 Informational; no action required. X C. ADVISORY COMMUNCATION — Received I. COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ON AARP CITY DESIGNATION 2. COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ON FLAVORED VAPING PRODUCTS Informational; no action required. XI. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE — Received XII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS — Received XIII. MANAGER'S COMMENTS — Received XIV. CITY COUNCIL UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS — eceived Video Copy of the December 17, 2019, meeting available. Page 6